
Atlanta University-Bell & Howell


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789 E. Eisenhower Parkway • P.O Box 1346 • Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 • USA •Tel: 734.461.4700 • Toll-free 800-521-0600 • www.proquest.com Copyright 1974 BY BELL & HOWELL

FIRST PRINTING, IN THREE VOLUMESo VOL . I AUTHORS January, 1974 VOL. II TITLES February, 1974 VOL. III SUBJECTS (projected-March, 1974

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Black Studies is an important subject for mankind, and yet only recently has it been given the attention it so richly deserves. Now, Bell & Howell's Micro Photo Division, with the cooperation of Dr. Richard A. Long, Director of The Center for African and African-American Studies, and Mrs. Gay­ nelle Barksdale,· Head Librarian of The Trevor-Arnett Library, Atlanta University, has compiled a Black Library in microform in order to further the scope and study of Black Culture among interested persons .. Sell & Howell is making available approximately 6,000 titles which comprise only a minuscule portion of the Negro Collection in The Trevor-Arnett Library at Atlanta Uni­ versity. And while these volumes have been selected with great care to present the most representative portions of that collection, I feel that with a thorough knowledge of the history of these materials-a knowledge of how and why they came to be part of the At­ lanta University Collection-one can fully appreciate the value of the works offered. The bulk of the materials listed here represent items selected from the Henry P. Slaughter Collection, which was acquired by Atlanta University in 1946. The Slaughter Collection consists of approximately I0,000 items including books, pamphlets, portraits, and letters by and about the Black Man in Africa, Europe, and the Americas. These items were collected over a forty-year period by the Black bibliophile Henry P. Slaugh­ ter. A graduate of Langston College and , Mr. Slaughter worked in the Government Printing Office in Washington, D. C. His real vocation-the one for which he was dispositionally so well suited and the one for which he will be remembered -was the acquisition of books related to the Black Man. The marvelous collection of his books represents the fruit of his labors. While he maintained the collection in his own possession, Mr. Slaughter housed it in his three story brown-stone home in Washington. It was only after the collection out­ grew these facilities, thus creating a fire hazard, that Mr. Slaughter was persuaded to sell his collection. After receiving offers from several universities, Mr. Slaughter finally determined to accept the bid made by Atlanta University. His decision to sell to Atlanta was not based so much upon monetary considerations, as it was upon his friendship with the Universi­ ty's President, Dr. Rufus E. Clement, and upon his belief that the materials would be well used and appreciated here. The Slaughter Collection became the nucleus for what is today known as the Negro Collection of Trevor-Arnett Library, Atlanta University. And it was through the estab­ lishment of the Negro Collection that this university became one of the major resources for the study of the Black Man. While it remained in the possession of Mr. Slaughter, only scholars recommended by the and Howard University were permitted to use the Collection. Since its acquisition by Atlanta University, the materials in the Slaughter Collection have been available to large numbers of students and scholars alike. Now. with the comple­ tion of the Bell & Howell microfilming project, items from the Collection are easily ac­ cessible to other institutions, as well as individuals. Atlanta University acquired the Slaughter Collection for $25,000, a price which seems ridiculously small to us today. However, the true value of such materials cannot be esti­ mated in monetary terms. The true value is to be determined by the use students and scholars make of them in their attempts to better understand and appreciate the complex history of the Black Man in America and throughout the world. · I · Lillian Miles Lewis Director, Special Collections

THE;~L~EGE OF WOOSTER Robert A. Jones Nancy L. Rhoades Editor Associate Editor

Margaret S. Powell · Assistant Editor and Cataloger Barbara L. ~ • ~ataloger John T. Lindgren ·· - Consultant Philip C. Wei ..· Consultant Walter R. Wilkins~-- Consultant Trisha L. DaYis ·-Cataloging Associate Mary Alice Barrett · Assistant to the Editor Susan M. Aµen ·Bibliographer James G. Br~jijer .·· Bibliographer Alan C. Chrriwa .:'.Bibliographer Patricia W. Earley · Bibliographer Sharon H. Alford · Assistant Mary E. Armstrong · Assistant Cynthia K. K Sharon A. Clark - Assistant Myra J. Lowe - Assistant Laura E. Petrie - Assistant Rebecca A. Viska · Assistant Pamela J. Wurtz · Assistant


Gaynelle W. Barksdale Lillian M. Lewis Librarian Director, Special Collections

Frederick Dorsey · Staff Assistant John Hindsman, Jr. · Staff Assistant Vincent Winbush Staff Assistant


Merilyn J. Drumm · Special Assistant for the production of the Black Culture Collection Catalog


The microfonn collection, though a boon to library resource development, is a new hazard to already burdened catalogers. Hard pressed as they are to cope with individual volumes, they boggle at the instant libraries that microforms make possible. Until the millenium of total bibliographic control arrives, the best response to the cataloging challenge posed by a microfonn collection - especially a coherent, static one - is the book catalog. A .Precataloged collection can;~°'·'into service the day it arrives. There are no catalog cards to produce, to type headings on, to arrange and file, and to buy additional catalog cases for. The book catalog can be provided in multiple copies, circulated, located wherever needed in a library, and even acquired by individual scholars.

The United States section of the Black Culture Collection includes not only Afro-American Studies resources but materials of wider application in Black Studies: the Tuttle Pamphlet Collection (which focuses on the antislavery movement in the United States and the British Commonwealth), pertinent Atlanta University master's theses, and Atlanta University's ~' Publications, and journal Phylon. Each title among these resources is fully cataloged. The author section of the catalog contains all main and added entries - such as authors, joint authors, editors, illustrators, and organizations - and titles used as main entries. Only the author section includes full infonnation about each item. In the title section each item is listed under its title; the main entry is transposed to the line below the imprint and subsequent infonnation omitted. The subject section omits the tracings {subject headings, etc.) nonnally found at the bottom of each entry. Cross references are made in the author and subject sections from the forms of names and subjects not used to those used. In addition, both sections include 'see also' references to guide the reader to related material.

The descriptive cataloging for the Black Culture Collection basically adheres to the ~ American Cataloging Rules, but established Library of Congress entries not in agreement with them are sometimes used. Items in the author and title sections are arranged according to the second edition of the ALA Rules for Filing Catalog Cards; in the subject section, according to the Filing Rules for the Dict.ionary Catalogs of the Library of Congress. The seventh edition and supplements of Subject Headings Used in the Dictionary Catalogs of the Library of Congress are the main source for the subject cataloging. Following cataloging practice at Atlanta University and elsewhere, the note, American Negro author (or editor, or compiler), is used wherever such authorship can be conclusively established. ideiitification is based on cataloging information from the Trevor Arnett Library at Atlanta University, the Dictionary Catalog of the Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature & History, The New Public Library, biographical sources, and internal evidence. Consistency is sought throughout this catalog but not always attained, as Library of Congress practice, the basis for much of the descriptive cataloging, has undergone many changes over the years. In some instances, spacing and indentions do not conform to customary typographical or cataloging practice, because of limitations imposed by the computerized typesetting system; most notably, this catalog does not use either a hanging indention for title main entries or a paragraph indention for multiple-line author main entries. Death dates for persons who appear as authors, added entries, or subjects are used only when readily available. Alternate titles or subtitles are customarily entered only when the main title is not distinctive. Monographic series are not entered, but institutions frequently are - especially when they are responsible for important series. Serials are generally cataloged to reflect only the holdings in the collection; for some serials, and for all sets, a 'library has' note is used. Standard library abbreviations are used; the principal ones are identified in a table.

Each item listed in this catalog has a multipartite serial number denoting the reel number and the position on the reel. Thus 380-9 indicates the ninth item on reel 380; 467-2,3, the second and third items on reel 467; 211-1-85, the eighty-fifth part of the first item on reel 211; and 376-1-20(1), the first subdivision of the twentieth part of the first item on reel 376. Items appearing twice on different reels bear two numbers separated by a semicolon (e.g., 242-8; 593-275); those continuing from one reel to another, the pertinent numbers separated by a dash or dashes (e.g., 233-11-234-1.2.3 .-and 575-576-577-578-579-580); and those located discontinuotisly on different reels, the" ·pertinent numbers separated by an ampersand (e.g., ..l&U & 520-1). Items from the Tuttle Pamphlet Collection are numbered in one sequence as they appear on reels 587 through 599; those pertaining to the British Commonwealth and other areas are on both reel 599 in the United States section of the Black Culture Collection and reel 633 in the West Indies and section. The serial number appears in the upper right-hand corner of the entry in all sections of the catalog. Robert A. Jones Librarian, The College of Wooster


b. born c (before date) copyright ca. circa comp. compiler corr. corrected d. died diagr(s). diagram(s) diss. dissertation ed. edition or editor engr. engraved en!. enlarged facsim(s). facsimile( s) fl. flourished front. frontispiece Govt. Print. Off. Government Printing Office Gt. Brit. Great Britain hrsg. herausgegeben illus. illustrations or illustrator impr. imprimerie introdu in trod. introduction no(s). number(s) p. page(s) photos. photographs pl. plate(s) port(s). portrait( s) pref. preface pseud. pseudonym pt(s). part(s) pub. publishing rev.q revised t.p. title page tr. translator U.S. United States v. or vol(s). volume(s)




The titles in this collection have been arranged by the categories listed below.


Slavery in the United States 182-214 in the Southern States 215-224 Slavery in the Northern States 225-226 Abolition 227-229 Abolition Movement 230-248 Abolition - Biographies 249-262 Abolition - Slave Narratives 263-266 Abolition - Pro-Slavery Discussions 267-268 Slavery and Politics 269-271 Slave Insurrections 272-275 The 276-279 Colonization - Africa 280-281 Civil War and Emancipation 282-325 Reconstruction Period 326-343 Negro 344-345 The Negro as a Soldier 346-349 The Negro and the Revolutionary and 1812 Wars 350 The Negro and the Civil War 351-352 The Negro and the Spanish American War 35"3 The Negro and the World War 354 The Negro Church and Religious Life 355 First Negro Churches and Noted Negro Preachers 356-359 Negro Religious Denominations 360-364 Religious Life and Training of the Negro 365 White Denominations and the Negro 366-367 Negro Secret Societies 368-369 Education of the Negro 370-371 Education - Before and After the Civil War 372 Education - General Discussions 373-375 Education - Boards and Foundations 376 Education - Elementary 377-378 Education - Secondary and Industrial 379-380 Education - Higher 381-384 Teachers and Teacher Training 385-386

Folklore of the Negro in the United States 387-388 Folk Music of the Negro 389-390 Collection of Negro Folk Songs 391-393 The Negro and Modern Music 394-395 The Negro and the Stage 396-399 The Negro and Modern Art 400 The Negro and Literature 401-413 Discussions of the Negro and Literature 414 Negro Poets and Their Poetry 415-422 Negro Fiction 423-454 Histories by Negroes 455-457 Biographies and Autobiographies of and by Negroes 458-470 Miscellaneous Essays, etc., by Negroes 471-472 Negro Population in the United States 473-476 Economic Conditions of the Negro 477-479 The Negro in Business 480-481 The Negro in Agriculture 482 The Negro in Industry 483-484 Negro Women 485-486 Health Problems of Negroes 487 Welfare Work Among Negroes 488 Negroes and Civil Rights 489-492 The Negro and Crime 493 The Negro and 494 Histories and Records of Lynching 495 Race Characteristics 496-497 Race Mixture 498-500 Race Problem in the United States 501-519 ***Not available for distribution*** 520 Discussions of Race Problems 521-522 Foreign Views of the Race Problem 523-524 Proposed Solutions of the Race Problem 525 Race Relations 526-529 Special Studies 530-531 Anatomical and Anthropological Studies 532-537 Economic Studies 538-539 Educational Studies 540 History and Political Studies 541-547 Negro Suffrage 548 General Social Conditions Studies 549-557 Bibliographies 558 Thesis - Atlanta University 559-572 Publications - Atlanta University 573 Bulletins - Atlanta University 574 Phylon - Atlanta University 575-580 N.A.A.C.P. - Proceedings 581-586 Tuttle Collection - Pamphlets 587-599


Black Culture Collectio;, United States Section Title Catalog

abolishing the American Anti-slaver~ Societ~ and 594-303 its auxiliaries. By a Tennessean. Ph1ladelph1a, J. The A.M. E. church review. v. 1- 1884- Sharp, 1838. Nashville, Tenn. [etc.] 247-1 The Abolitionist: or Record of the New E_ngland 247-5 Anti-slavery Society. Edited by a Committee. Abolition a sedition. By a northern man. v. l; Jan.-Dec. 1833. , Printed by , G.W. Donohue, 1839. Garrison and Knapp [1833] Colton, Calvin, 1789-1857. 241-5 241-3 The abolitionists; .together with personal The abolition crusade and its consequences, memories of the struggle for human rights, 1830- four periods of American history, by Hilary A. 1864, by John F. Hume. and , Herbert. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1912. G.P. Putnam's Sons, Hume, John Ferguson, 1830- Herbert, Hilary Abner, 1834-1919. 306-3 About the war. Plain words to plain people, by a 595-353 plain man. [Philadelphia] in Abolition of Negro slavery. Philadelphia, 1863. Review of pamphlets on slavery and Philadelphia. Union League. colonization. First published in the Quarterly Christian spectator, for March 1833. 2d sepa;ate 317-2 ed. New Haven, A.H. Maltby, 1833. . An Horatian ode. New York, Bacon, Leonard, 1802-1881. Bunce & Huntington [c1865] Stoddard, Richard Henry, 1825-1903. 319-1-71 Abolition of slavery. Speech of Hon. Thomas B. 211-1-85 Shannon, of California. Delivered in the House of Abraham Lincoln; his life and its lessons. A Representatives, First session, Thirty-eighth sermon preached on Sabbath, April 30, 1865, by Congress, Tuesday, June 14, 1864. [Washington, Joseph P. Thompson, pastor of the Broadway Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1864?] Tabernacle Church. New York, Loyal Publication Shannon, Thomas Bowles, 1827-1897. Society, 1865. Thompson, Joseph Parrish, 1819-1879. 597-451 The abolition of slavery in the District of 306-4 Columbia. Abraham Lincoln, man and statesman Speech of Hon. W.P. Fessenden, of Maine, on (abridged). [Talladega? Ala.] cl910. the abolition of slavery in the District of Colum­ Pickens, William, 1881-1954. bia. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, April l, 1862. [Washington, L. Towers and Co., 201-14 Printers, 1862?] Abstract of the argurnent on tile fugitive slave Fessenden, William Pitt, 1806-1869. law, mace by in Syracuse, Juoe, 1852, on the t:-ial of Henry W. Allen, U.S. Deputy 210-6 Marstial, for kidnap;>ing. Syracuse, Printed at the The abolition of slavery in the District of Daily Journal Office l 1852?1 • Columbia. Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. Speech of Mr. Hubbard, of New Hampshire, in 398-6 Senate, March 7, 1836. The memorial of the Accent on youth and White man; two plays. Society of Friends upon the subject of the abolition With a preface by John Anderson and an open of slavery in the District of Columbia, and the letter by Sarrett H. Clark. New York, Los question as to the proper mode of disposing of it, Angeles, S. French; London, S. French, 1935. being before the Senate. [Washington? 1836?] Raphaelson, Samson, 1896- Hubbard, Henry, 1784-1857. 511-2 242-5 According to law. The abolition of the siave trade, a poem in four Life's demands; or, According to law, by Sutton parts. Embellished with engravings by the first E. Griggs. Memphis, Tenn., National Public artists, from pictures painted by R. Smirke. Welfare League [cl916] London, Printed by T. Bensley for R. Bower, 1814. Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872- Montgomery, James, 1771-1854. 272-12 248-8 An account of some of the principal slave in­ exposed! Proving that the prin­ surrections, and others, whkh have occurred, or ciples of ~bolitionism are injurious to the slaves been attempted, in the United States and themselves, destructive to this nation, and con­ elsewhere, during the last two centuries. With trary to the express commands of God; with various remarks. Collected from various sources strong evidence that some of the principa I by Joshua Coffin. New York, The American Anti­ champions of abolitionism are inveterate enemies slavery Society, 1860. to this country, and are taking advantage of the Coffin, Joshua, 1792-1864. 'antislavery war-whoop' to dissever, and break up, the union. By W.W. Sleigh. Philadelphia, D. 274-2 Schneck, 1838. An account of the late intended insurrection Sleigh, William Willcocks, b. 1796. among a portion of the Blacks of this city. <2d ed.:> Pub!ished by the authority of the Cor- 230-2 611 Abolitionism exposed, corrected. By a physician, formerly resident of the South. With A plan for Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog poration of "Charleston. Charleston, Printed by 236-11 A. E. Miller, 1822. An address delivered before the Ladies' Anti­ Charleston, S.C. slavery Society of Philadelphia, on the evening of the 14th of April, 1836, by James Forten, Jr. 243-1 Philadelphia, Printed by Merrihew and Gunn, Acts of the anti-slavery apostles. Concord, N.H. 1836. [Clague, Wegman, Schlicht, Printers] 1883. Forten, James, 1766-1842. Pillsbury, Parker, 1809-1898. 278-11-2 533-3 An address delivered before the Moral Reform Adam vs. ape-man, and Ethiopia, by Edward A. Society, in Philadelphia, August . 8, 1836. Johnson. [New York, Printed by J.J. Little & Ives Philadelphia, Merrihew & Gunn, Printers, 1836. Co.] 1931. Watkins, William. Johnson, Edward Augustus, 1860-1944. 281-2 497-5 An address, delivered before the Tallmadge The Adamic race. Reply to "Ariel," Ors. Young Colonization Society, on the Fourth of July, 1833. and Blackie, on the Negro. "The Negro does not Ravenna [Ohio) Printed at the office of the Ohio belong to the Adamic species."-"He is not a Star, 1833. descendant of Adam and Eve."-"He is not the Whittlesey, Elisha, 1783-1863. offspring of Ham."-"He is not a beast; he is a human being." By M.S. New York, Russell Bros., 472-5 1868. The address of Abraham Johnstone, a black man, who was hanged at Woodbury, in the county 591-172 of Glocester, and state of New Jersey the 8th day Additional notes on the in of July last; to the people of colour. T~ which is . [1866] added his dying confession or declaration also, a Moore, George Henry, 1823-1892. copy of a letter to ~is wife! writt~ the. day previous to his execution. Ph1ladelph1a, Prmted 593-268 for the purchasers, 1797. Address before the Anti-slavery Society of Johnstone, Abraham, d. 1797. 5alem and the vicinity, in the South Meeting­ house, in 5alem, February 24, 1834. 5alem, 230-3 W.&S.B. Ives, Observer Press, 1834. Address of Dr. W.H. Goler, President of Grosvenor, Cyrus Pitt. Livingston College, N.C. at the 12oth anniversary of the Society for Promoting the 349-' Abolition of Slavery, the Relief of Free Negroes Address by Daniel Ullmann, before the Soldier's Unlawfully Held in Bondage and for Improving and sailor's Union of the State of New York, on the the Condition of the African Race. organization of colored troops and the [Philadelphia?] Fourth month [April] 16, 1895. regeneration of the South; delivered at Albany, Goler, W.H. February 5, 1868. Washington, Printed at the Great Republic Office, 1868. 285-1 Ullmann, Daniel, 1810-1892. Address of His Excellency John A. Andrew, to 471-7 the two branches of the legislature of [Address by , delivered in Massachusetts, January 6, 1865. Boston, Wright the , Washington, D.C., and Potter, 1865. April 16, 1883, on the twenty-first anniversary of Massachusetts. Governor, 1861-1866 (John A. emancipation in the Distrid of Columbia. Andrew) Washington, 1883] Douglass, Frederick, 1817-1895. 302-2 Address of Hon. C.G. Memminger, special 281-12 commissioner from the state of South Carolina, An address, delivered at Springfield, before the before the assembled authorities of the state of Hampden Colonization Society, July 4th, 1828. By , January 19, 1860. [Richmond, 1860] William 8.0. Peabody. Springfield, Printed by S. Memminger, Christopher Gustaws, 1803-1888. Bowles, 1828. . Peabody, William Bourn Oliver, 1799-1847. 281-5 Address of Joseph R. Ingersoll at the annual 493-12 meeting of the Pennsylvania Colonization Society, Address delivered at the Colored Department of Od. 25, 1838. Philadelphia, Printed by W. Stavely, the House of Refuge. By the Hon. William D. 1838. Kelley. On December 31st, 1849. This department Ingersoll, Joseph Reed, 1786-1868. of the institution having been opened for the reception of inmates on December 29th, 1849. 594-291 Philadelphia, T.K. and P.G. Collins, Printers, Address of Rev. George B. Cheever, before the 1850. American Missionary Association, Boston, May Kelley, William Darrah, 1814-1890. 27, 1858. The commission from God, of the missionary enterprise, against the sin of slavery; 587-13 ai::ad the responsibility on the church and ministry An address, delivered at the union celebration of for its fulfilment [1858] independence, at Sutton, Mass., July 5, 1824. By L. Cheever, George Barrell, 1807-1890. Ives Hoadly. Worcester, W. Manning, Printer [1824] Hoadly, Loammi Ives, 1790-1888. 612 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

280-11 594-284 [Address of the Albany Colonization Society: An address on Negro slavery to the Christian with an appendix containing a succinct account of churches in the United States of America. By the the proceedings of the American Colonization United Associate Synod. Edinburgh, M. Paterson, Society, and illustrating the importance, ad­ 1836. vantages, and practicability of colonizing the free United Secession ·Church, Scotland. United people of colour of the United States. Albany, Associate Synod [1820-1847] Printed by Packard & Van Benthuysen, 1824] Albany Colonization Society. 211-1-77 An address on secession. Delivered in South 593-260 Carolina in the year 1851. New York, Loyal Address of the American Convention for Publication Society, 1865. Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and Improving Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. the Condition of the African Race, assembled at Philadelphia, in January 1804, to the people of the 255-2 United States. Philadelphia, printed by Solomon An address on the life, character and services of W. Conrad, 1804. William Henry Seward. Delivered at the request American Convention for Promoting the Abolition of both houses of the Legislature of New York, at of Slavery and Improving the Condition of the Albany, April 18, 1873. Albany, Weed, Parsons, African Race. 1873. Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886. 182-6 Address of the Committee appointed by a public 211-1-12 meeting held at Faneuil Hall, September 24, 1846, An address to King Cotton. New York, Oct. 1863. for the purpose of considering the recent case of New York. W.C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. kidnapping from our soil, and of taking measures Pelletan, Eugene, 1813-1884. to prevent the recurrence of similar outrages. With an appendix. Boston, White & Potter, 589-101 Printers. 1846. An address to King Cotton. Translated by Leander Starr. New York, H. de Mareil, 1863. 281-3 Pelletan, Eugene, 1813-1884. Address of the Hon. , at the anniversary of the American Colonization Society, 592-209 Jan. 18, 1853. Washington City, 1853. An address to the anti-slavery Christians of the Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. United States. New York, Printed by J.A. Gray, 1852. 211-1-31 American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. Address of the Loyal Leagues of the State of New York to the people of the State of New York. 226-5 Convention assembled at Utica, Oct. 20, 1863. An address to the citizens of Philadelphia, on the [New York? 1863?] subject of slavery. Delivered on the 4th of 7th Loyal National League of the State of New York. month, (July) A.O. 1833. By Edwin P. Atlee. Philadelphia, Pub. by particular request; W.P. 593-273 Gibbons, Printer, 1833. Address of the New York Young Men's Anti­ Atlee, Edwin Pitt, 1799-1836. slavery Society, to their fellow citizens. New York, W.T. Coolidge, 1834. 593-261 New York Young Men's Anti-slavery Society. Address; to the citizens of the United States. I , 1828] 592-201 American Convention for Promoting the Abolition The address of the Southern and Western of Slavery and Improving the Condition of the Liberty Convention held at , June 11 & African Race. 12, 1845, to the people of the United States. With notes by a citizen of Pennsylvania. [Philadelphia, 182-7 Office of the American Citizen, 1845] An address to the inhabitants of Charleston, Southern and Western Liberty Convention, Cin­ South Carolina. Philadelphia, Printed by Kimber, cinnati. 1845. Conrad, & Co., 1805. Alexander, Ann Tuke, 1767-1849. 372-7 Address of the stockholders of Liberty Hall. 206-8 Philadelphia, Published by Rev. Elisha Weaver Address, to the members of the Methodist (1866] Episcopal Church [Philadelphia, 1838] Whipper, William. Wesleyan Anti-Slavery Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Philadelphia. 200-2 Address on American slavery, delivered before 591-187 the semi-annua1 meeting, of the Junior Anti­ An address to the members of the Religious slavery Society, of Philadelphia. July 4th, 1838. Society of Friends, on the duty of declining the use Philadelphia, Pub. by the Society, 1838. of the products of slave labour. By Charles Peterson, Henry. Marriott. New York, l.T. Hopper, 1835. Marriott, Charles.

613 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

218-3 596-394 An address to the people of , on Admission of Kansas. Speech of Hon. Abram B. the evils of slavery. By the friends of liberty and Olin, of New York. Delivered in the House of equality. William Swain, Printer. Greens­ Representatives, March 29, 1858. [Washington, borough, N.C. 1830. [New York, N. Muller, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1858] Printer, 1860] Olin, Abram Baldwin, 1808-1879. Society of North Carolina. 596-387 592-216 Admission of Kansas. Speech of Hon. Anthony Address to the people of the United States, Kennedy, of , in the Senate of the United together with the proceedings and resolutions of States, March 12, 1858. Assigning the reasons the Pro-slavery Convention of , held at which induce him to favor the admission of Lexington, July, 1855. St. Louis, Mo., Printed at Kansas info the Union as a state under the the Republican Office, 1855. Lecompton constitution. [Washington, Printed at Lexington, Mo. Pro-slavery Convention, 1855. the Congressional Globe Office, 1858] Kennedy, Anthony, 1811-1892. 221-7 Address to the people of West Virginia; shewing 596-397 that slavery is injurious to the public welfare, and Admission of Kansas. Speech of Hon. Eli S. that it may be gradually abolished, without Shorter, of , in the House of Represen­ detriment to the rights and interests of tatives, February 18, 1858, on the admission of slaveholders. By a slaveholder of West Virginia. Kansas as a state under the Lecompton con­ Lexington [Va.] Printed by R.C. Noel, 1847. stitution. [Washington, Printed at the Ruffner, Henry, 1789-1861. Congressional Globe, 1858?] Shorter, Eli Sims, 1823-1879. 230-5-4; 594-283 An address to the Presbyterians of , 596-393 proposing a plan for the instruction and eman­ Admission of Kansas. Speech of Hon. W. Por­ cipation of their slaves. By a committee of the cher Miles, of South Carolina, in the House of Synod of Kentucky. Newburyport [Mass.?] Representatives, March 31, 1858. [Washington, Charles Whipple, 1836. Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1858?] Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Synods. Miles, William Porcher, 1822-1899. Kentucky. 596-407 321-2 The admission of Kansas. Speech of William H. Addresses by His Excellency Governor John A. Seward, of New York, delivered in the Senate of Andrew, Hon. Edward Everett, Hon. B.F. the United States, Feb. 29, 1860. [New York, 1860] Thomas, and Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, delivered Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. at the mass meeting in aid of recruiting, held on the Common under the auspices of the Committee 596-371 of One Hundred and Fifty, on Wednesday, August The admission of Kansas under the Lecomp­ 27, 1862. Boston, J.E. Farwell, 1862. ton constitution. Speech of the Hon. H.C. Burnett, of Kentucky, in ~ favor of the admission of Kansas under •the Addresses delivered by the Rev. John A. Lecompton constitution. Delivered in the House of Mulligan of the A.M. E. Zion Church of America Representatives, Tuesday, March 23, 1858. and member of the Allegheny Annual Conference (1858?] of Pennsylvania. Bedford, Inquirer Printing Co., Burnett, , 1825-1866. 1889. Mulligan, John A. 596-392 The admission of Kansas under the Lecomp­ 281-10 ton Constitution. Addresses delivered in the hall of the House of Speech of Hon. H. Maynard, of Tenn., on the Representatives, Harrisburg, Pa., on Tuesday admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Con evening, Apr. 16, 1852, by William V. Pettit, and stitution. Delivered in the House of Represen Rev. John P. Durbin. Philadelphia, Printed by tatives of the U.S., March 20, 1858. Washington, W.F. Geddes, 1852. G.S. Gideon, Printer, 1858. Pennsylvania Colonization Society. Maynard, Horace, 1814-1882.

598-493 596-375 Admission of Georgia. Two speeches delivered Admission of Kansas under the Lecompton by Hon. Carl Schurz, of Missouri, in the United constitution. Speech at Tammany Hall, March 4 States Senate, March 18 and April 19, 1873. 1858. [1858?] I [Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Cochrane, John, 1813-1898. Office, 1870?] Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906. 596-405 _Ad'!'ission of Kansas under the Wyandot con­ 596-389 stitution. Speech of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, in Admission .Jf Kansas. reply to Mr. Seward and Mr. Trumbull. Delivered Speech of Hon. Paul Leidy, of Pennsylvania, on in the Senate of the United States, February 29 the admission of Kansas. Delivered in the House 1860. [Washington] Printed by Lemuel Tower~ of Representatives, March 30, 1858. [McGill, [1860] Print., 1858?] Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. Leidy, Paul, 1813-18n. 614 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

598-475 421-18 The admission of Tennessee. Africa: Verse and song. Atlanta, Ga., Union Speech of Hon. George S.. Boutwel I on the ad­ Pub. Co. [19_?] mission of Tennessee; delivered in the House of Heard, William Henry, Bp., 1850-1937. Representatives, July 20, 1866. Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1866. 516-2 Boutwell, George Sewall, 1818-1905. The African abroad, or, his evolution in western civilization, tracing his development under 375-1 Caucasian milieu, by William H. Ferris. New Adult education among Negroes, by Ira DeA. Haven, Conn., The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Reid. Washington, D.C., The Associates in Negro Press, 1913. Folk Education, 1936. Ferris, William Henry, 1873-1941. Reid, Ira DeAugustine, 1901- 280-13 462-3 African colonization. An address delivered at Adventures in black and white. Foreword by the fifty-second annual meeting of the American Deems Taylor. [1st ed.] New York, R. Speller & Colonization Society, held in Washington, D.C., Sons [1960] January 19, 1869, by Hon. Joseph J. Roberts. New Schuyler, Philippa Duke, 1932- York City, A branch office of the American Colonization Society [1869] 210-2 Roberts, Joseph Jenkin, Pres. of , 1809- The adventures of Congo in search of his 1876. master. By Eliza Farrar. · 2d American ed. Boston, Munroe & Francis [pref. 1846] 281-7 Farrar. Eliza Ware Rotch, 1791-1870. African colonization: an address delivered before the American Colonization Society, in 348-2 Washington, D.C., January 19, 1875. New York Affray at Brownsville, Tex. August 13 and 14, (1875?] 1906. Proceedings of a general court-martial Orcutt, John, 1807-1879. convened at headquarters Department of Texas, San Antonio, Tex., April 15, 1907, in the case of 280-12 Capt. Edgar A. Macklin, Twenty-fifth United African colonization. An address delivered States Infantry. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., before the American Colonization Society, 1908. January 21st, 1879, by Rt. Rev. M.A. De Wolfe Macklin, Edgar Augustus, defendant. Howe. Washington, city, Colonization Building, 1879. 349-4 Howe, Mark Antony De Wolfe, Bp., 1808-1895. Affray at Brownsville, Tex. August 13 and 14, 1906. Proceedings of a general court-martial 281-11 convened at Headquarters, Department of Texas, African colonization. Proceedings of the New San Antonio, Tex., February 4, 1907, in the case of York Colonization Society, on its first an­ Major Charles W. Penrose, Twenty-fifth United niversary; together with an address to the public, States Infantry. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., from the managers thereof. Albany, Printed by 1908. Websters and Skinners, 1830. Penrose, Charles Wilkinson, defendant. New York State Colonization Society.

347-1-348-1 595-343 Affray at Brownsville, Tex. Hearings before the African colonization and the Colony of Liberia Committee on Military Affairs, United States (from the North American Review) also, Senate, concerning the affray at Brownsville, Tex. statistics of Liberia. [Philadelphia, 1848?] on the night of August 13 and 14, 1906. Washington, Colonization Herald and General Register. Govt. Print. Off., 1908. U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Military 195-4 Affairs. The African observer. Ed. by Enoch Lewis. v. 1, no. 1-12; [Apr.] 1827-[Mar.] 1828. Philadelphia, I. 501-8 Ashmead, Printer [etc.] 1827-1828. Africa and America; addresses and discourses by Alex Crummell. Springfield, Mass., Willey & 445-2 Co., 1891. The African preacher. An authentic narrative. Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898. Philadelphia, Presbyterian Board of Publication [cl849] 531-4 White, William Spottswood, 1800-1873. Africa and the discovery of America. Philadelphia, Innes & Sons, 1920-22. 280-4 Wiener, Leo, 1862-1939. The African repository. v. 1-68, no. 1; Mar. 1825-Jan. 1892. 281-1 Washington, American Colonization Society. Africa given to Christ: a sermon preached before the Colonization Society, at 186-8 Montpelier, Oct. 20, 1830. Pub. by the Board of The African slave trade. A discourse delivered Directors. Burlington, C. Goodrich, 1830. in the city of New-Haven, September 9, 1790, Smith, Reuben, 1789-1860. before the Society for the Promotion of Freedom. New-Haven, Printed by T. and S. 615 Green, 1791. Dana, James, 1735-1812. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title catalog

244-2 392-1 The African slave-trade. 1st American, from 2d Afro-American folksongs; a study in racial and London ed., with an· appendix. Philadelphia, national music. 4th ed. New York, G. Schirmer Merrihew and Thompson Printers, 1839. [cl914] Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, barf., 1786-1845. Krehbiel, Henry Edward, 1854-1923.

205-4 i 595-342 481-1 African slave-trade. May 4, 1844. Read, and The Afro-American press and its editors, by I. laid upon the table. Report [of] the Committee on Garland Penn with contributions by Hon. Foreign Affairs, to whom was referred the Frederick Douglass, Hon. John R-. Lynch [etc.] petition of the American Colonization Society and Springfield, Mass., Willey & Co., 1891. others. [Washington, D.C., Blair & Rives, Print., Penn, Irvine Garland, 1867-1930. 1844] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign 506-4 Affairs. Afro-Americans and the race problem; a brief historical sketch of the colored people of the 587-11 United States, and a method of harmonious The African slave trade. The secret purpose of the solution of the race problem of the South. Kansas insurgents to revive it. No treaty stipulations City, Mo., Burton Pub. Co. [c1920] against the slave trade to be entered into with the Payne, William H., 1840 or 1-1926. European powers. Judah P. Benjamin's in­ tercepted instructions to L.Q.C. Lamar, styled 335-2 commissioner, etc. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, The aftermath of slavery; a study of the con­ Son & Co., Printers, 1863. dition and environment of the American Negro, by William A. Sinclair, with an introd. by Thomas 244-1 Wentworth Higginson. Boston, Small, Maynard & The African slave trade and its remedy. 2d ed. Co., 1905. London, J. Murray, 1840. Sinclair, William Albert, 1858- Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, bart., 1786-1845. 328-5 344-5 The aftermath of the civil war, in Arkansas, by The African's right to citizenship. Philadelphia, Powell Clayton. New York, The Neale Pub. Co., James S. Claxton, 1865. 1915. Clayton, Powell, 1833-1914. 547-4 Africa's gift to America; the Afro-American in 596-368 the making and saving of the United States. [1st Against the admission of Kansas. ed.] New York [1959] Speech of Hon. D.C. Broderick, of California, Rogers, Joel Augustus, 1880- against the admission of Kansas, under the Lecompton constitution. Delivered in the Senate 595-347 of the United States, March 22, 1858. Washington, Africa's redemption. A discourse on African Printed by L. Towers, 1858. colonization in its missionary aspects, and in its Broderick, David Colbreth, 1820-1859. relation to slavery and abolition. Preached on Sabbath morning, July 4th, 1852, in the Seventh 596-398 Presbyterian Church, Penn Square, Philadelphia. Against the admission of Kansas into the Philadelphia, William S. Martien, 1852. Union. Ruffner, William Henry, 1824-1908. Speech of Hon. R. Smith, of , against the admission of Kansas into the Union. Delivered in 280-3 the House of Representatives, March 20, 1858. Africa's redemption the salvation of our [Printed by Lemuel Towers, 1858?] country. By Rev. F. Freeman. New York, Smith, Robert, 1802-1867. Printed for the author by D. Fanshaw, 1852. Freeman, Frederick, 1799-1883. 588-65 Against the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. 404-4 Spe~ch of ~on. Thomas L. Clingman, of North Afrika singt, eine Auslese neuer afro­ ~arolina, against.the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and amerikanischer Lyrik, hrsg. von Anna Nussbaum. in fa_vor of American ascendency in the Gulf of Wien und Leipzig, F .G. Speidel [1929] Mexico and Central America. Delivered in the Nussbaum, Anna, ed. HousE'. of Re~resentatives, May 5, 1858. Wa~hington, Printed at the Congressional Globe 471-10 Office, 1858. Afro-American encyclopaedia; or, The Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812-1897. thoughts, doings, and sayings of the race, em­ bracing addresses, lectures, biographical sketch­ . 598-487 es, sermons, poems, names of universities, A ~~mst the passage o! the ~ill establishing colleges, seminaries, newspapers, books, and a m1htary governments m the msurrectionary history of denominations. Comp. and arr. by states. James T. Haley. Nashville, Tenn., Haley & S~eech of Hon. Willard Saulsbury, of Delaware, Florida, 1895. ag_a.mst the passage of the bill establishing Haley, James T., comp. military g?vernm~nts in the insurrectionar states; delivered in the Senate of the Unite~

616 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

States, F-ebruary 16, 1867. Dover, Delaware, 420-9 Printed by James Kirk, 1867. All around Brunswick; or, Uncle Alec's Saulsbury,, Willard, 1820-1897. philosophy. Illus. by Virginia Hilsman Blanton. Brunswick, Ga., Glover Bros. [c1922] 357-7 O'Conor, Annie. Against the tide; an autobiography, by A. Clayton Powell, Sr. New York, R.R. Smith, 1938. 517-1 Powell, Adam Clayton, 1865-1953. All colors, a study outline on woman's part in race relations. New York, The Woman's Press and 302-5 Association Press, 1926. The age of hate; and the radicals. New York, Coward-McCann, 1930. 474-3 Milton, George Fort, 1894- The all-Negro society in Oklahoma: (1947) Hill, Mozell Clarence, 1911- 482-3 Agricultural economics among American 498-6 Negroes. Report of a visit to the United States of All white America; a candid discussion of race America under the auspices of the Visitors' mixture and race prejudice in the United States, Grants Committee of the Carnegie Corporation of by T.T. McKinney. Boston, Meador Pub. Co., New York, Pretoria, South Africa, The Carnegie 1937. Corporation Visitors' Grants Committee, 1931. McKinney, Thomas Theodore, 1869- Huss, Bernard. 310-6 421-9 An alphabetical list of the battles of the war of The Alabama and other poems. (18_?] the rebellion, with dates. Comp. from official Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911. records by J.W. Wells and N.A. Strait. Rev. by N.A. Strait. With the addition of many incidents of 437-5 the war, including the number killed, wounded, Alabama sketches. , A.C. McClurg, and missing in each important battle; a list of 1902. battles fought since 1775; a chronological history Peck, Samuel Minturn, 1854- of the war with Mexico and a roster of all regimental surgeons in the late war, with their 290-2 service and last-known post-office address. Alabama's tragic decade; ten years of Comp. from official records, for use of U.S. Alabama, 1865-1874; edited by James K. Greer. Pension Office. Washington, N.A. Strait, 1882. Birmingham, Ala., Webb Book Co., 1940. Strait, Newton Allen, comp. DuBose, John Witherspoon, 1836-1918. 493-1 406-8 Alton trials: of Winthrop S. Gilman, who was Albion W. Tourgee. New York, Lemcke & indicted with Enoch Long, Amos 8. Roff, George Buechner, 1921. H. Walworth, George H. Witney, William Harned, Dibble, Roy Floyd, 1887- John S. Noble, James Morss, Jr., Henry Tanner, Royal Weller, Reuben Gerry, and Thaddeus 8. 459-6 Hurlbut; for the crime of riot, committed on"the Alexander Crummell, an apostle of Negro night of the 7th of November, 1837, while engaged culture. Washington, The Academy, 1920. in defending a printing press, from an attack Ferris, William Henry, 1873-1941. made on it at that time, by an armed mob. Written out from notes of the trial, taken at the 450-3 time, by a member of the bar of the Alton Alexander Gifford; or, Vi'let's boy. A story of Municipal Court. Also, the trial of John Solomon, Negro life. Salem, Mass., Press of Newcomb & Levi Palmer, Horace Beall, Josiah Nutter, Jacob Gauss, 1905. Smith, David Butler, William Carr, and James M. Merrill, Henry A. Rock, indicted with James Jennings, Solomon Morgan, and Frederick Bruchy; for a riot com­ 269-2 mited in Alton, on the night of the 7th of Novem­ Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart, 1807-1891; a ber, 1837, in unlawfully and forcibly entering the biography by Alexander F. Robertsol'l. Rich­ warehouse of Godfrey, Gilman & Co., and mond, Va., The William Byrd Press [cl925] breaking up and destroying a printing press. Robertson, Alexander Farish, 1853- Written from notes taken at the time of trial, by William S. Lincoln. New York, J.F. Trow, 1838. 562-17 Trow, John Fowler, 1810-1886, pub. Alexandre Dumas ~re and the Negro. Atlanta, 1941. 428-4 McDonald, Portia Hill. Amber satyr. [1st ed.] Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran, 1932. 529-4 Flannagan, Roy. Alien Americans; a study of race relations, by B. Schrieke. New York, Viking, 1936. 465-5 Schrieke, Bertram Johannes Otto, 1890- An ambitious slave. Buffalo, N.Y., The Peter Paul Book Co., 1897. Rowland, Reginald.

617 Black Culture Colledlon United States Section Title Catalog

589-112 597-460 Amend the Constitution-it is the way to unity America: past, present and future. London, and peace. - Fred Pitman, 1863. Speech of Hon. J.M. Ashley, of Ohio, delivered Cossham, Handel, 1824-1890. in the House of Representatives, on Friday, January 6, 1865, on the constitutional amendment 197-9 for the abolition of slavery. New York, W.C. America: the origin of her present conflict: her Bryant & Co., Printers, 1865. prospect for the slave, and her claim for anti­ Ashley, James Monroe, 1824-1896. slavery sympathy; illustrated by incidents of travel during a tour in the summer of 1863, 319-1-73 throughout the United States, from the eastern Amendment of the Constitution. Speech of Hon. boundaries of Maine to the Mississippi. London, J. J.F. Farnsworth, of Illinois, delivered in the Snow, 1864. House of Representatives, June 15, 1864. Massie, James William, 1799-1869. Washington, McGill '& Witherow, Printers, 1864. Farnsworth, John Franklin, 1820-1897. 388-10 American Aesop; Negro and other humor. 319-1-27 Boston, The Jordan & More Press, 1926. Amendment of the Constitution. Speech of Hon. Pickens, William, 1881-1954. Wm. Higby, of cal., delivered in the House of Representatives, June 14, 1864. [Washington, 213-1,2 McGill and Witherow Printers, 1864] The American anti-slavery almanac, for 1836-18 Higby, William, 1813-1887. · Boston, Webster & Southard [cl835-

211-1-83 593-255 Amendments of the Constitution, submitted to The American anti-slavery almanac, for 1841. the consideration of the American people. New Being the 65th year of American independence. York, 1865. Calculated for New York and the Middle States. Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. New York, S.W. Benedict, 1841. 502-4 301-2 The Amenia Conference, an historic Negro American Bastile. A history of tt-e arbitrary gathering. By W.E. Burghardt Du Bois. Amenia, arrests and imprisonment of American citizens in N.Y., Priv. print. at the Troutbeck Press, 1925. the northern and border states during the late Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. Civil War, together with a full report of the illegal trial and execution of Mrs. Mary E. Surratt, by a 280-9 military commission, and a review of the America and Africa. The annual discourse testimony showing her entire innocence. delivered at the seventy-first anniversary of the Philadelphia, T.W. Hartley & Co., 1885. American Colonization Society, in Washington, Marshall, John A. January 15, 1888, by Rev. J. Aspinwall Hodge. Washington City, Colonization Building, 450 597-469 Pennsylvania Avenue, 1888. The American Society and the South. Hodge, John Aspinwall, 1831-1901. [New York? 1865?] American Bible Society. 523-4 America and her problems, by Paul H.B. 594-296 d'Estournelles de Constant. New York, Mac­ The American Board and American slavery. millan, 1915. Speech of Theodore Tilton, in Plymouth Church, Estournelles de Constant, Paul Henri Benjamin, , January 28, 1860, reported by Wm. baron d'. 1852-1924. Henry Burr. [Brooklyn? 1860] Tilton, Theodore, 1835-1907. 416-13 America, and other poems. Chicago, R.R. 426-4 Donnelley, 1899. The American cavalryman; a Liberian Shadwell, Bertrand. romance. New York, Neale Pub. Co., 1917. Downing, Henry Francis, 1851- 294-6 America before Europe. Principles and in­ 250-4 terests. Tr. from advance sheets, by Mary L. American chivalry. Boston, W.B. Clarke, 1913. Booth. New York, C. Scribner. 1862. Wyman, Lillie Buffum Chace, 1847-1929. Gasparin, Agenor Etienne, comte de, 1810-1871. 267-3 211-1-80 The American churches, the bulwarks of America for free working men. Mechanics, American slavery. By an American. London, T farmers and laborers, read! How slavery injures Ward and Co., 1840. the free working man. The slave-labor system the Birney, James Gillespie, 1792-1857. free working-man's worst enemy. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1865. 550-1 Nordhoff, Charles, 1830-1901. -The American citizen: his rights and duties, according to the spirit of the Constitution of the United States. New York, Pudney & Russell, 1857. Hopkins, John Henry, Bp., 1792-1868. 618 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

490-11 587-43 American citizenship; address delivered before American hymn. the State University of Iowa at the Forty-third North & South, and slavery. By the Rev. M.D. Annual Commencement, June 17, 1903. Iowa City, Conway, of Virginia.

619 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

478-4 veagh, The Dial Press; Toronto, Longmans, The American Negro: What he was, what he is, Green & Co., 1928. and what he may become. A critical and practical Clemenceau, Georges Eugene Benjamin, 1841- rejoinder to William Hannibal Thomas. Cam­ 1929. bridgeport, Printed by J. Facey, 1901. Tice, S. Timothy. 188-10 American scenes and Christian slavery; a 414-3; 471-11 recent tour of four thousand miles in the United The American Negro writer and his ; States. London, J. Snow, 1849. selected papers. New York, American Society of Davies, Ebenezer, 1808-1882. African Culture, 1960. Conference of Negro Writers. 1st, New York, 1959. 193-11 The American slave code in theory. and prac­ 557-5 tice; its distinctive features shown by its statutes, American Negroes~ a handbook [by] Edwin R. judicial decisions, and illustra!ive fact~. New­ Embree. New York, The John Day Co. (1942] York, American and Foreign Anti-slavery Embree, Edwin Rogers, 1883-1950. Society, 1853. Goodell, William, 1792-1878. 477-3 The American Negro's dilemma; the Negro's 592-200 self-imposed predicament. New York, American slavery. A protest against American Philosophical Library [c1954_] slavery, by one hundred and seventy-three Davis, Robert E. Unitarian ministers. Boston, B.H. Greene, 1845. 293-3 186-6 American politics, a moral and political work, American slavery and colour, by William treating of the causes of the Civil War, the nature Chambers. London, W. & R. Chambers; New of government, and the necessity for reform. By York, Dix and Edwards, 1861. W.W. Handlin. , l.T. Hinton, 1864. Chambers, William, 1800-1883. Handlin, William Wallace, b. 1830. 320-3 212-8 American slavery and finances. London, W. The American question in its national aspect. Ridgway, 1864. Being also an incidental reply to Mr. H.R. Walker, Robert James, 1801-1869. Helper's "Compendium of the impending crisis of the South." New York, H.H. Lloyd, 1861. 262-1 Peissner, Elias. American slavery as it is: testimony of a thousand witnesses. New York, American Anti­ 507-2 slavery Society, 1839. The American race problem; a study of the American Anti-slavery Society. Negro. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell [c1927] Reuter, Edward Byron, 1880- 268-2 American slavery distinguished from the 517-13 slavery of English theorists, and justified by "the American race problems. 5th ed. [Winter Park, law of nature. By Rev. Samuel Seabury. New Fla.] Rollins College, Dept. of Sociology (193_] York, Mason Bros., 1861. Rollins College. Winter Park, Fla. Dept. of Seabury, Samuel, 1801-1872. Sociology. 592-202 292-1 American slavery, essentially sinful: A ser­ The American rebellion. Letters on the mon; by Rev. S.W. Streeter, pastor of the American rebellion. By Samuel A. Goddard, Congregational Church of Austinburgh, Ohio. Birmingham. 1860-1865 &c. London, Simpkin, Oberlin: J.M. Fitch, 1845. Marshall; Boston, Nichols and Noyes, 1870. Streeter, S.W. Goddard, Samuel Aspinwall. 202-3 282-3 The American slave-trade; an account of its American rebellion. Report of the speeches of origin, growth and suppression, by John R. the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, delivered at public Spears, illustrated by Walter Appleton Clark. meetings in Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1900. Liverpool, and London; and at the farewell break­ Spears, John Randolph, 1850-1936. fasts in London, Manchester, and Liverpool. Manchester, Union and Emancipation Society, 184-1 1864. American states, churches, and slavery. By the Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887. Rev. J.R. Balme. Edinburgh, W.P. Nimmo, 1862. Balme, Joshua Rhodes. 328-6 American reconstruction, 1865-1870, and the 406-9 impeachment of President Johnson; edited with American stuff; an anthology of prose & verse an introd. by Fernand Bladensperger; translated by members of the Federal Writers' Project with by Margaret MacVeagh. New York, L. Mac- sixteen prints by the Federal Art Project. ' New York, Viking Press, 1937. Federal Writers' Proiect. 620 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

313-5 568-9 The American ten years' war, 1855-1865. St. Amity Baptist Church; the natural history of a Louis, Sig!Tla Pub. Co. [c1906] church as an urban institution. Atlanta, 1951. Snider, Denton Jaques, 1841-1925. Campbell, Augustus Perry.

314-1 319-1-54 The American union; its effect on national Amnesty proclamation. Speech of Hon. Sem­ character and policy, with an inquiry into pronius H. Boyd, of Missouri, on the Amnesty secession as a constitutional right, and the causes proclamation. Delivered in the House of of the disruption. 4th and rev. ed. London, R. Representatives, March 5, 1864. ·[Washington? Bentley, 1862. 1864] Spence, James, b. 1816. · Boyd, Sempronius Hamilton, 1828-1894.

597-467 454-2 The American wa·r: facts and fallacies. [A Among the pines; or, South in secession-time. speech] Delivered at Broadmead rooms, Bristol By Edmund Kirke. New York, Carleton, 1864 [Eng.] February 12, 1864. London, Fred Pitman, [c1862] 1864. Gilmore, James Roberts, 1822-1903. Cossham, Handel, 1824-1890. 572-1 270-7 An analysis of some of the major works of E. Americanism contrasted with foreignism, Franklin Frazier. Atlanta, 1963. Romanism, and bogus democracy, in the light of Taylor, Ethel Williams. reason, history, and Scripture; in which certain demagogues in Tennessee, and elsewhere, are 565-8 shown up in their true colors. By William G. An analysis of the literature dealing with Brownlow. Nashville, Tenn., Pub. for the author, vandalism as indexed in Library literature, 1953- 1856. 1963. Atlanta, 1964. Brownlow, William Gannaway, 1805-1877. Green, Helen. 515-4 572-13 Americans all ... immigrants all. A handbook An analysis.pf the nonwhite market in selected for listeners by J. Morris Jones. For use of cities of the United States, 1940-1960. Atlanta, teachers, students, and listener groups with the 1963. recordings of the radio programs "Americans Yarborough, Lloyd. all-Immigrants all," broadcast from coast to coast under the auspices of the Office of Education 565-9 with cooperation of the Columbia Broadcasting An analysis of the social life and customs of System and the Service Bureau for lntercultural Africa found in African fiction written for young Education and with the assistance of the Works adults, published 1925-1951. Atlanta, 1953. Progress Administration. Published by the Green, Gladys Yvonne Moore. Federal Radio Education Committee in cooperation with the United States Office of 570-13 Education. Washington, D.C. [1939] An analytical study of Negroes listed in 1936- Jones, J. Morris. 1937 edition of Who's who in America. Atlanta, 1938. 508-5 Richardson, Kathryn Elyzabeth. America's greatest problem: the Negro, by R.W. Shufeldt. Philadelphia, F.A. Davis Co., 1915. 526-6 Shufeldt, Robert Wilson, 1850-1934. And who is my neighbor? An outline for the study of race relations in America. Part I. New 371-5 York, Association Press, 1924. America's obligation to its Negro citizens, an National Conference on the Christian Way of Life. address by Mark Ethridge. Atlanta, Ga., Con­ ference on Education and Race Relations [1937] 562-20 Ethridge, Mark Foster, 1896- Andre Gide and the Negro. Atlanta·; 1940. Spruell, Jeanette Frances. 517-2 America's race problems. Addresses at the 316-4 fifth annual meeting of the American Academy of Andrew Johnson; a study in courage. New Political and Social Science, April 12-13, 1901. York, Macmillan, 1929. Special annual meeting number. [Philadelphia] Stryker, Lloyd Paul, 1885- 1901. American Academy of Political and Social 338-6 Science, Philadelphia. Andrew Johnson, plebeian and patriot, by Robert W. Winston. New York, H. Holt [c1928] 543-1 Winston, Robert Watson, 1860- America's tenth man; a brief survey of the Negro's part in American history. Atlanta, 317-8 Commission on Interracial Cooperation [1933] -Anecdotes of the Civil War in the United States. Eleazer, Robert Burns, 1877- New York, D. Appleton, 1884 [1883] Townsend, Edward Davis, 1817-1893.

621 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

• 303-2 590-137 Anecdotes, poetry, and incidents of the war: Anniversary address delivered before the North and South. 1860-1865. New York, The Southern Central Agricultural Society, at Atlanta, Arundale Print, 1882 [c1865] Georgia, October 20, 1853. Pub. by order of the Moore, Frank, 1828-1904, ed. Society. Augusta, Ga., Steam Power Press of Chronicle & Sentinel, 1853. 465-3 Pierce, George Foster, Bp., 1811-1884. The angel in ebony, or The life and message of Sammy Morris. Upland, Ind., Taylor University 565-7 Press [c1928] An annotated bibliography of biographies and Masa, Jorge 0. autobiographies of Negroes, 1839-1961. Atlanta, 1962. 522-8 Fuller, Juanita Boykin. The Anglo-African magazine. v. 1-v. 2, no. 1-3; Jan. 1859-Mar. 1860. 565-11 New York, T. Hamilton. An annotated bibliography of biographies and autobiographies of Negroes, 1962-1966. Atlanta, 524-3 1967. Anglo-American relations, 1861-1865, by Hooker, Billie June Shaifer. Brougham Villiers and W.H. Chesson. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920. 565-4 Shaw, Frederick John, 1863- An annotated bibliography of books in the Trevor Arnett Library Negro collection related to 563-7 the Civil War. Atlanta, 1963. Anglo-Portuguese relations from 1898-1914; Calloway, Ina E. especially in reference to the Portuguese African colonies. Atlanta, 1937. 566-6 Cabaniss, Mamie Louise. An annotated cumulative index to Phylon quarterly from 1950 through 1959. Atlanta, 1961. 203-11 Pouncy, Mitchell Louis. Animated portrait of African servitude (From Mr. Swift's Oration on domestic slavery) 566-11 [Delivered at the North meeting house in Hart­ An annotated, cumulative index to the Journal ford, on the 12th day of May, A. D. 1791. At the of Negro history from January, 1916 through meeting of the Connecticut Society for the October, 1940. Atlanta, 1951. Promotion of Freedom, and Relief of Persons Yates, Ella Gaines. Unlawfully Holden in Bondage. Hartford, Printed and sold by Hudson and Goodwin, 1791 l 565-6 Swift, Zephaniah, 1759-1823. An annotated subject bibliography of the dated 246-11 manuscripts in the Memorial Ann Phillips, wife of , a Collection in the Trevor Arnett Library of Atlanta memorial sketch. Boston, Printed for private University. Atlanta, 1959. circulation, 1886. Evans, Lola Ann Blasingame. Garrison, Francis Jackson. 1848-1916. 272-7 380-7 & 520-1 The annals of Harper's Ferry, from the Annual catalog. establishment of the national armory in 1794 to the [1st]- 18 present time, 1869. With anecdotes of Harper's­ Hampton, Va., The Institute Press. Ferrians, by , Jr. Hagerstown, Md., Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. Dechert & Co., Printers, 1869. Barry, Joseph, 1828?-1905. 231-1,2,3; 593-254 Annual report. 1st-6th, [22d]-28th; 1834-39, 1855-61. 362-5 New York, American Anti-slavery Society. Annals of the first African church, in the United American Anti-slavery Society. States of America, now styled the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, Philadelphia, in 233-4 its connection with the early struggles of the Annual report. lst­ colored people to improve their condition, with the Philadelphia, 1865- co-operation of the Friends, and other philan­ Association of Friends for the Aid and Elevation of thropists; partly derived from the minutes of the the Freedmen, Philadelphia. aforesaid church. By ihe Rev. Wm. Douglass, rector. Philadelphia, King & Baird, Printers, 1862 233-11-234-1,2,3 [c18611 Annual report. 2d, 3d, 4th, 9th; 1835, 1836, 1837, Douglass, William. 1842. Boston. 309-2 Boston Female Anti-slavery Society. The annals of the war written by leading par­ 599-541 ticipants north and south. Originally pub. in the Annual report, 1st- 1840 Philadelphia weekly times. Philadelphia, The ·London. Times Pub. Co., 1879 [c1878] British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society, London. 452-2 Annancy stories. New York, R.H. Russell, 1899. Smith, Pamela Coleman. 622 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

376-7 593-253 Ann ua I report. Annual report, with addresses and resolutions. 1st. 1854/ 55- 1850/ 51; 1851/ 52. Cincinnati, A. Moore, Printer. New York. Cincinnati. Board of Directors for Colored American and Foreign Anti-slavery Society. Public Schools. 545-4 281-9 Ante~bellum South Carolina: a socia I and Annual report. 1st- cultural history, by Rosser H. Taylor. Chapel Hill, New York, 18 The University of North Carolina Press, 1942. Colonization Society of the City of New York. Taylor, Rosser Howard, 1891-

377-3 408-1-409-1--410-1 Annual report. Anthology of magazine verse for 1913-29 and 1st- 1896- yearbook of American poetry, edited by William New York. Stanley Braithwaite. New York, G. Sully [cl913]- Free Kindergarten Association for Colored 29. Children, New York. Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont, 1878- 1962, ed. 376-5 Annual report, 1944. New York. 404-9 General Education Board. Anthology of Massachusetts poets. Boston, Small, Maynard [cl922] 376-2 Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont, 1878- Annual Report, 1950-1951. Tuskegee Institute, 1962, ed. Ala. Foundation. 465-1 , a history. Boston, J.P. Jewett, 512-2; 520-1 1856. Annual report, Hampton Negro Conference. Stevens, Charles Emery, 1815-1893. No. 2-16; July 1898-1912. Hampton, Va., Press of the Hampton Normal 532-8 and Agricultural Institute. The anthropometry of the American Negro, by Hampton Negro Conference. Melville J. Herskovits. New York, Press, 1930. 238-2 Herskovits, Melville Jean, 1895- Annual report. 1st-21st, 1833-53. Boston, 1833-53. Massachusetts Anti-slavery Society. 201-3 An antidote, &c. [for a poisonous combination 277-10 recently prepared by a "citizen of New York", Annual report. 1st-2d; (1862/ 63-1863-64] alias Dr. Reese, entitled,"An appea I to the reason Boston, 1863-64. and religion of American Christians against the Freedmen's Aid Society. American Anti-slavery Society." Also David Meredith Reese's "Humbugs" dissected by David 248-3 Ruggles. New York, W. Stuart, 1838] Annual report. Ruggles, David, d. 1849. lst- Concord, 1835- 445-8 New-Hampshire Anti-slavery Society. Antifanaticism: a tale of the South. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo, and Co., 1853. 593-277 Butt, Martha Haines, 1834- Annual report. 13th, 1850. Philadelphia, Merrihew & Thompson, Printers. 513-4 Pennsylvania State Anti-slavery Society. Anti-Semitism and the struggle for democracy. New York, The National Council of Jewish 593-278 Communists (1939?] Annual report. 3d, 20th, 33d; 1837, 1854, 1867. Ford, James William, 1893- Philadelphia, Merrihew, Printer. Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. 234-5 Anti-slavery addresses of 1844 and 1845. By 281-4 Salmon Portland Chase and Charles Dexter Annual report of the Board of managers. Read Cleveland. London, S. Low, Son, and Marston; Feb. 27, 1837. Philadelphia, Printed by W. Philadelphia, J.S. Bancroft, 1867. Stavely, 1837. Cleveland, Charles Dexter, 1802-1869. Young Men's Colonization Society of Penn­ sylvania. 204-9 Anti-slavery and reform papers. By Henry D. 276-6 Thoreau. Selected and ed. by H.S. Salt. London, Annual report of the Superintendent of Negro Allen & Unwin, Ltd. (1890] Affairs in North Carolina, 1864, with an appendix Tl'loreau, Henry David, 1817-1862. containing the history and management of the freedmen in this department up to June 1st, 1865. Boston, W.F. Brown & Co. (1865?] James, Horace; 1818-1875. 623 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

233-5 218-4 Anti-slavery before Garrison; an address before The anti-slavery movement in Kentucky, prior the Connecticut Society of the Order of the to 1850. [Louisville, Ky.] The Standard Printing Founders and Patriots of America, New Haven, Co. of Louisville, 1918. September 19, 1902. Being a contribution toward Martin, Asa Earl, 1885- the hitherto unwritten life of the true . New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse & 236-3-1 Taylor Co., 1903. Anti-slavery opinions before the year 1800; Bacon, Leonard Woolsey, 1830-1907. [read before the Cincinnati Literary Club, November 16, 1872, by , to 187-8 which is appended a facsimile reprint of Dr. Anti-slavery catechism. By Mrs. Child. 2d ed. George Buchanan's Oration on the moral a~d Newburyport, C. Whipple, 1839. political evil of slavery, delivered at a public Child, Lydia Maria ~rancis, 1802-1880. meeting of the Maryland Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, Baltimore, July 4, 1791. 237-7 Cincinnati, R. Clarke & Co., 1873) The anti-slavery cause in America and its Poole, William Frederick, 1821-1894. . London, A.W. Bennett, 1863. Wigham, Eliza. 196-4 The antislavery papers of James Russell 242-1 Lowell. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin, The anti-slavery crusade; a chronicle of the 1902. gathering storm. New Haven, Yale University Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891. Press; [etc., etc.] 1919. Macy, Jesse, 1842-1919. 213-9 Anti-slavery poems; songs of labor and reform. 245-2 London, McMillan, 1889. Anti-slavery days; a sketch of the struggle Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892. which ended in the abolition of slavery in the United States. New York, R.Worthington, 1884 232-5 [cl883] Anti-slavery recollections: in a series of letters, Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888. addressed to Mrs. Beecher Stowe, written by Sir George Stephen, at her request. London, Thomas 230-8 Hatchard, 1854. The Anti-slavery examiner. New York, The Stephen, Sir George, 1794-1879. American Anti-slavery Society, 1836-1845. 233-1 393-2 The Anti-slavery record. The anti-slavery harp: a collection of songs for v. 1-3; Jan. 1835-Dec. 1837. New York, anti-slavery meetings. Compiled by William W. American Anti-slavery Society, 1835-38. Brown. 2d ed. Boston, B. Marsh, 1849. Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884, comp. 249-2 Anti-slavery reminiscences. Central Falls, R. I., 233-6 E.L. Freeman & Son, State Printers, 1891. • The anti-slavery impulse, 1830-1844. New York, Chace, Elizabeth Buffum, 1806-1899. London, D. Appleton-Century [cl933] Barnes, Gilbert Hobbs. 599-542 The Anti-slavery reporter. 196-1 The Anti-slavery reporter and aborigines' friend. Anti-slavery in America from the introduction Under the sanction of the Anti-slavery and of African slaves to the prohibition of the slave Aborigines' Protection Society. trade (1619-1808) Boston, Ginn & Co., 1901. v. 1- Jan. 15, 1840- Locke, Mary Stoughton. London.

590-152 599-542 Anti-slavery leaders of North Carolina. The Anti-slavery reporter and aborigines' friend. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1898. Under the sanction of the Anti-slavery and Bassett, John Spencer, 1867-1928. Aborigines' Protection Society. v. 1- Jan. 15, 1840- 203-8 London. Anti-slavery manual, containing a collection of facts and arguments on American slavery. New 393-1 York, Piercy & Reed, 1837. Anti-slavery songs; a selection from the best anti­ Sunderland, La Roy, 1802-1885. slavery authors. Salem, Ohio, Trescott, 1849.

590-150 197-10 The anti-slavery men of the South. Sept. 1873. The antislavery struggle and triumph in the Pollard, Edward Alfred, 1831-1872. Methodist Episcopal Church. lntrod. by D.D. 242-3 Whedon. New York, Phillips and Hunt; Cin­ The anti-slavery movement in Kentucky, prior cinnati, Walden and Stowe, 1881. to 1850. [Louisville, Ky.? The Standard Printing Matlack, Lucius C. Co. of Louisville? 1918?] Martin, Asa Earl, 1885- 624 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

233-2-1 505-4 Anti-slavery tracts. [New York, American Anti­ An appeal to conscience; America's code of slavery Society, 1855-56) caste a disgrace to democracy. With an introd. by . New York, Macmillan, 591-198 1919. The Anti-Texass Legion. Protest of some free Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. men, states and presses against the Texass rebellion, against the laws of nature and of 596-370 nations. Albany, Sold at the Patriot Office, 1844. An appeal to patriots against fraud and disunion. Speech of Hon. , of 195-3 Massachusetts. Delivered in the U.S. House of The anti-Texass[ ! J legion. Representatives, March 31, 1858. Washington, The legion of liberty! And force of truth, con­ Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1858. taining the thoughts, words, and deeds, of some Burlingame, Anson, 1820-1870. prominent apostles,· champions and martyrs; pictures and poetry. New York, American Anti­ 525-6 slavery Society, 1857. An appeal to Pharaoh; the Negro problem, and its radical solution. New York, Fords, Howard & 404-3 Hulbert, 1889. Antologla de la poesfa negra americana. McKinley, Carlyle E., 1847-1904. Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Ercilla, 1936. Pereda Valdes, Ildefonso, 1899- ed. 505-5 [An appeal to reason] An open letter to John 211-1-43 Temple Graves. [Washington, D.C.? 1906?] , Antwort der Herren Agenor de Gasparin, Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. Edouard Laboulaye, Henri Martin, Augustin Cochin und anderer Freunde Amerikas in 246-2 Frankreich an die Loyal National League zu New Appeal to the Christian women of the South, by York. [New York, )864?] A.E. Grimke'. [New York, American Anti-slavery Gasparin, Agenor Etienne, comte de, 1810-1871. Society, 1836) Grimke"; Angelina Emily, 1805-1879. 205-2 An appeal from the judgments of Great Britain 230-8-1 respecting the United States of America. Part Appeal to the Christian women of the South, by first, containing an historical outline of their A.E. Grimke'. Rev. and corr. [New York, 1836) merits and wrongs as colonies; and strictures Grimke·, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879. upon the calumnies of the British writers. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Mitchell, Ames, and White, 1819. 246-5 Walsh, Robert, 1784-1859. An appeal to the colored people, of the United States, including a letter defining the duties of the Church of Christ. Philadelphia, 1855. 187-7 Kelly, E. An appeal in favor of that class of Americans called Africans. By Mrs. Child. Boston, Allen and 5'7-27 Ticknor, 1833. An appeal to the conservative masses, North and Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. South, to end agitation for or against slavery, by decided action now. [Salisbury Township, Lan­ 546-4 caster County [Pa.] 1856) Appeal of forty thousand citizens, threatened with disfranchisement, to the people of Penn­ 511-4 sylvania. Philadelphia, Printed by Merrihew and An appeal to the Negroes of the United States. Gunn, 1838. Boston, Mass., W. Grandison, Printer, 1907. Purvis, Robert, 1810-1898. Scott, W.H.

210-3 599-546 The appea I of the Religious Society of Friends in An appea I to the religion, justice, and humanity Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware,· etc., to of the inhabitants of the British empire, in behalf their fellow-citizens of the United States on behalf of the Negro slaves in the West Indies. By Wm. of the coloured races. Philadelphia, Friend's Wilberforce. New ed. London, Printed for J. Book-store, 1858. Hatchard and Son, 1823. Friends, Society of. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Wilberforce, William, 1759-1833. 472-1 509-4 An appeal to the world; a statement on the An appeal to Caesar. By Albion W. Tourgee. denial of human rights to minorities in the case of New York, Fords, Howard, & Hulbert, 1884. citizens of Negro descent in the United States of Tourgee, Albion Winegar, 1838-1905. America and an appeal to the United Nations for redress. Prepared under the editorial supervision 193-9 of W.E. Burghardt Du Bois. [New York, 1947) An appeal to Christians, on the subject of National Association for the Advancement of slavery. 2d ed. Baltimore, Armstrong & Plaskitt, Colored People. 1833. Hersey, John, 1786-1862. 625 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

491-10 Nashville, Tenn., Printed at the Press & Times An ~ppeal to thoughtful and intelligent colored Job Office, 1867. Americans. Washington, The League [1912?] Wisener, William H., Sr. National Independent Political League, Washington, D.C. 182-5; 587-6 Argument of , before the 568-16 Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of An application of the concentric theory of the United States, appellants, vs. Cinque, and ecology to Atlanta. Atlanta, 1941. others, Africans, captured in the schooner Duffus, Celestine Osma. Amistad, by Lieut. Gedney, deliver-ed on the 24th of February and 1st of March, 1841. With a review 441-4 of the case of the Antelope, reported in the 1oth, Appointed. An American novel. By Sanda. 11th, and 12th volumes of Wheaton's. Reports. Detroit, Detroit Law. Print. Co., 1894. New York, S.W. Benedict, 1841. Stowers, Walter H., 1859- Adams, John Quincy, Pres. U.S., 1767-1848.

589-115 590-132 Apportionment of representation. Speech of Argument of Robert J. Walker, Esq., before the Hon. Lot M. Morrill, of Maine, in the Senate of the Supreme Court of the United States, on the United States, March 8, 1866. [Washington, Mississippi slave question, at January term, 1841. Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1866?] Involving the power of Congress and of the states Morrill, Lot Myrick, 1813-1883. to prohibit the inter-state slave-trade. Philadelphia, Printed by John C. Clarke, 1841. 589-96 Walker, Robert James, 1801-1869. Arbitrary arrests in Illinois. Letter of Judge A.O. Duff, of Franklin County, to the public of 581-7 South Illinois, relative to his arrest and im­ Argument of Roger S. Baldwin, of New Haven, prisonment by the abolition despotism. before the Supreme Court of the United States, in Springfield, State Register Steam Print., 1863. the case of the United States, appellants, vs. Duff, Andrew D. Cinque, and others, Africans of the Amistad. New York, S.W. Benedict, 1841. 422-9 Baldwin, , 1793-1863. The archer. The lion and The archer: poems [by Robert 197-11 Hayden and Myron O'Higgins. Nashville? An argument on the unconstitutionality of Hemphill Press? 1948?] slavery, embracing an abstract of the proceedings Hayden, Robert Earl, 1913- of the national and state conventions on this subject. By G.W.F. Mellen. Boston, Saxton & 432-2 Peirce, 1841. Archy Moore. Mellen, George W.F. The slave; or, Memoirs of Archy Moore. 5th ed. Boston, Jordan, Swift & Wiley, 1845. 211-1-35 Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. The arguments of secessionists. A letter to the Union meeting, held in New York, September 30, 448-3 1863. New York, Holman, Printer, 1863. Archy Moore. Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. The white slave: or, memoirs of a fugitive. A story of slave life in Virginia, etc. Ed. by R. 530-5 Hildreth. 1st English illus. ed. London, Ingram, Ariel's reply to the Rev. John A. Seiss of Cooke, 1852. Philadelphia; Also, his reply to the scientific Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. geologist and other learned men, in their attacks on the credibility of the Mosaic account of the 503-4 creation and of the flood. Nashville, "The Are the white people of the South the Negroes' American" Printing Co., 1876. best friends? Or, the only just human methods of Payne, Buckner H., 1799-1883. solving race problems. Philadelphia, A.M.E. Book Concern, 1903. · 336-1 Hayne, Joseph Elias, 1849- Arkansas in war and reconstruction 1861-1874 by David Y. Thomas. Little Rock, Arkansa~ . 596-404 Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy Are working-men "slaves?" Speech of Hon. 1926. , of Massachusetts, in reply to Hon. Thomas, David Yancey, 1872- J.H. Hammond, of S.C., in the Senate, March 20, 1858, on the bill to admit Kansas under the 349-9 Lecompton constitution. [1858?] Armed _Forces talk. no. 170, April 12, 1947. Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875. Washington [Govt. Print. Off., 1947?]

598-499 352-10 Argument in favor of the constitutionality of the Army life in a black regiment. Boston, Fields, franchise law before the Supreme Court of Ten­ Osgood & Co., 1870 [cl869] nessee, by William H. Wisener, Sr., of Shelbyville, Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911. in the case of Hon. Bromfield L. Ridley, plaintiff in error, vs. Freeman Sherbrook, defendant in error. 626 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

286-7 14th, 1860. New York, Loyal Publication Society, The Army of the Cumberland. New York, C. 1864. Scribner's. Sons, 1882. Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883. Cist, Henry Martyn, 1839-1902. 532-6 286-3 At the back of the black man's mind, or Notes on The Army of the Potomac. Behind the scenes. the kingly office in West Africa, by R.E. Dennett. A diary of unwritten history; from the London, New York, Macmillan, 1906. organization of the army, by General George B. Dennett, Richard Edward, 1857-1921. McClellan, to the close of the campaign in Virginia, about the first day of January, 1863. 476-7 Milwaukee, Strickland & Co., 1863. The Atlanta Negro, a collection of data on the Castleman, Alfred Lewis, 1809-1877. Negro population of Atlanta, Georgia,.by Joseph A. Pierce, assisted by Marion M. Hamilton. 565-3 Atlanta, Ga., American Youth Commission of the Arna Wendell Bontemps: a bio-bibliography. American Council on Education, Washington, in Atlanta, 1961. cooperation with the National Youth Bradley, David Etta. Administration for Georgia, 1940. Pierce, Joseph Alphonso, 1902- 422-12 The arrow of lightning. New York, H. Venal, 561-4 1926. The attitude in recent southern fiction toward Ravenel. Beatrice Witte, 1870- the Negro: Tennessee. Atlanta, 1945. Cunningham, Emma Rush. 423-7 The art of jazz; essays on the nature and 560-19 development of jazz. New York, Oxford The attitude of Georgia toward the education of University Press, 1959. Negroes. 1865-1935. Atlanta, 1935. Williams. Martin T., ed. Walker, Charles Hilliard.

407-8 560-4 The Arthur B. Spingarn collection of Negro The attitude of the Nationa I Education authors. Washington [1948] Association toward education of the Negro. Howard University, Washington, D.C. Library. Atlanta, 1936. Moorland Foundation. Bronseaux, Anne Dart.

498-1 548-4 As nature leads; an informal discussion of the The attitude of the southern white press toward reason why Negro and Caucasian are mixing in Negro suffrage, 1932-1940; edited by Rayford W. spite of opposition. By J.A. Rogers. [Chicago, Logan, with a foreword by Charles H. Wesley. Printed by M.A. Donohue & Co., cl919] Washington, The Foundation Publishers, 1940. Rogers, Joel Augustus, 1880- Logan, Rayford Whittingham, 1897- ed.

505-6 56S-16 As to The leopard's spots; an open letter to The attitude of Thomas Jefferson on the Negro. Thomas Dixon, Jr. Washington, D.C., K. Miller, Atlanta, 1938. cl905. Henderson, Emmette Leslie. Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. 564-4 431-4 The attitudes of certain British statesmen in As we see it. Washington, Press of C.F. Sud­ regard to the British Colonial policy in South warth, 1910. Africa, 1875-1895. Atlanta, 1936. Waring, Robert Lewis, 1863- Norris, Ellihu Q.

508-7 572-10 As victim to victims; an American Negro The attitudes of Negroes toward poor whites. laments with Jews. New York, Fortuny's [c1941] Atlanta, 1939. Stemons, James Samuel. Williams, Olga Louise.

193-7 561-8 [Aspects of slavery and expansion, 1848-60. By The attitudes of recent Mississippi novelists George D. Harmon. Bethlehem, Pa., Lehigh toward Negroes, 1920-1946. Atlanta, 1947. University, 1929] Henderson, Dora Moseley. Harmon, George Dewey, 1896- 564-14 559-8 Attitudes toward Negroes as reflected in the Aspects of the history of the Negro trade Atlanta constitution, 1908-1918. Atlanta, 1969. unionist in Atlanta, 1933-1942. Atlanta, 1942. Walker, Eugene Pierce. Westmoreland, Walter Drake. 436-6 211-1-56 Aunt Lindy; a story founded on real life; illus. The assertions of a secessionist. From the by Mary L. Payne. New York [Press of J.J. speech of A.H. Stephens, of Georgia, November Little] 1893. 627 Earle, Victoria. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

450-2 245-3 Aunt Phillis's cabin: or, Southern life as it is. Autobiography, memories and experiences of Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852. Moncure Daniel Conway, with two portraits. Eastman, Mary Henderson, 1818- London, Paris, New York and Melbourne, Cassell, 1904. 263-1 Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907. Aunt Sally; or, The cross the way to freedom. A narrative of the slave-life and purchase of the mother of Rev. Isaac Williams, of Detroit, 266-1 Michigan. Cincinnati, American Reform Tract Autobiography of a female slave. New York, and Book Society, 1863. Redfield, 1857. Browne, Martha Griffith, d. 1906. 429-2 Aunt Sara's wooden god. Boston, Christopher 265-9 Pub. House [c1938] · Autobiography of a fugitive Negro: his anti­ Gilbert, Mercedes. slavery labours in the United States, Canada, & England. London, J. Snow, 1855. 272-5 Ward, Samuel Ringgold, 1817-1867. Authentic and impartial narrative of the tragical scene which was witnessed in 459-4 Southampton County (Virginia) on Monday the The autobiography of an ex-colored man. 22d of August last, when fifty-five of its Boston, Sherman, French & Co., 1912. inhabitants (mostly women and children) were Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938. inhumanly massacred by the Blacks! Com­ municated by those who were eye witnesses of the 260-5 bloody scene, and confirmed by the confessions of Autobiography of seventy years, by George F. several of the Blacks while under sentence of Hoar. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1903. death. [New York] Printed for Warner & West, Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904. 1831. Warner, Samuel. 232-3 The autobiography of the Rev. E. Mathews, the 535-6 "Father Dickson," of Mrs. Stowe's "Dred"; Also Autobiographies d' Africa ins; onze a description of the influence of the slave-party autobiographies d'indigenes originaires de over the American presidents, and the rise and diverses regions de I' Afrique et representant des progress of the anti-slavery reform; with a metiers et des degres de culture differents. preface by Handel, Cossham. London, Houlston Traduction fran~aise de L. Homburger. Paris, and Wright [pref. 1866] Payot, 1943. Mathews, Edward, b. 1812. Westermann, Diedrich, 1875- ed. 458-2 295-1 Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays Autobiography. New York, Baker & Taylor, of Bishop L.H. Holsey. Atlanta, Ga., Franklin 1908. Print. and Pub. Co., 1898. Howard, Oliver Otis, 1830-1909. Holsey, Lucius Henry, Bp., 1842-

285-4 258-4 Autobiography and personal reminiscences of Autobiography. Sketch of life and labors of Miss Major-General Benj. F. Butler; Butler's book. A Catherine S. Lawrence, who in early life review of his legal, political, and military career. distinguished herself as a bitter opponent of Boston, A.M. Thayer & Co., 1892. slavery and intemperance. Rev. ed. Albany, Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 1818-1893. N.Y., J.B. Lyon, Printer, 1896. Lawrence, Catherine S. 357-3 Autobiography and work of Bishop M.F. 357-1 Jamison. Nashville, Tenn., Printed for the author An autobiography; the story of the Lord's [by] Smith & Lamar, 1912. dealings with Mrs. Amanda Smith, the colored Jamison, M. Frank, Bp., 1848- evangelist: containing an account of her work of faith, and her travels in America, England, 468-8 Ireland, Scotland, India and Africa, as an in­ An autobiography by Booker T. Washington; the dependent missionary. With an introd. by Bishop story of my life and work, introd. by Dr. J.L.M. Thoburn. Chicago, Meyer & Brother, 1893. Curry, 55th thousand; the original autobiography Smith, Amanda Berry, 1837-1915. brought up-to-date with over half a hundred full page photo and halftone engravings and drawings 244-6 by Frank Beard. Toronto, Ont., Naperville, Ill. Autographs for freedom. [2d series] New York, [etc.] J.L. Nichols & Co. [1901] James C. Derby, etc., 1854. Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. Griffiths, Julia, ed.

266-7 i 313-4 421-4 Autobiography, including also reminiscences of ·An autumn love cycle. New York, H. Vinal, slave life, recollections of the war, education of 1928. freedmen, causes of the exodus, etc. 2d ed. Johnson, Georgia Douglas Camp, 1886- Norwich [Conn.] Press of the Bulletin Co., 1882. Smith, James Lindsay. 628 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

416-2 319-1-67 Avenging the Maine. A drunken A.B., and other The bankrupt law. Speech of Thomas A. Jen­ poems. 3d rev. and enl. ed. Philadelphia, G.F. ckes, of Rhode Island. Delivered in the House of Lasher, Printer and Binder, 1901 [cl899] Representatives, June 1, 1864. Washington, McGirt, James Ephraim. McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864. Jenckes, Thomas Al len;\J.sUJ-1875.

463-7 Banneker, the Afro-American astronomer, from data collected by Will W. Allen; assisted by Daniel Murray. Washington, D.C., 1921. B Allen, Will W. 367-1 Baptist home missions in North America; in­ cluding a full report of the proceedings and ad­ dresses of the meeting, and a historical sketch of the American Baptist Home Mission 452-3 Society, historical tables, etc., 1832-1882. New The back door. [1st ed.] New York, Toronto, York, Baptist Home Mission Rooms, 1883. Longmans, Green, 1938. American Baptist Home Mission Society. Meade, Julian Rutherford, 1909-1940. 596-406 381-5 The barbarism of slavery. Speech of Hon. A background study of Negro college students. , on the bill for the admission of Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1933. Kansas as a free state, in the United States Caliver. Ambrose, 1894· Senate, June 4, 1860. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1860] 541-1-1 Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. Bacon's guide to American politics; or a complete view of the fundamental principles of the national 203-6 and state governments with the respective powers The barbar~sm of slavery; speech of Hon. of each. London, Sampson Low, Son & Co., 1863. Charles Sumner, on the bill for the admission of Kansas as a free state, in the United States 207-7 Senate, June 4, 1860. New ed.-with a dedication. The bad Friday: a sermon preached in the First New York, The Young Men's Republican Union, Church, West Roxbury, June 4, 1854; it being the 1863. Sunday after the return of Anthony Burns to Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. slavery. By E.B. Willson. Boston, Printed by J. Wilson & Son, 1854. 184-5 Willson, Edmund Burke, 1820-1895. The barbarities of the Rebels, as shown in their cruelty to the Federal wounded and prisoners; in 419-4 their outrages upon Union men; in the of A ballad of remembrance. [1st ed.] London, Negroes, and in their unmanly conduct throughout Paul Breman, 1962. the rebellion. By Colonel Percy Howard, late of Hayden, Robert Earl, 1913- · the Royal Horse Guards. Providence, R.I., Printed for the author, 1863. 271-3 Bartlett, , 1805-1886, comp. Ballot box and battle field. To voters under the United States government. By H.C. Wright. 562-9 Boston, Dow & Jackson's Press, 1842. Basic concepts in the poetry of Paul Laurence Wright, Henry Clarke, 1797-1870. Dunbar. Atlanta, 1950. Safford, Arthur J. 345-10 The ballotless victim of one-party governments. 505-7 Annual address by Archibald H. Grimke. The basis of ascendancy; a discussion of certain Washin;iton, The Academy, 1913. principles of public policy involved in the Grimke, Archibald Henry, 1849-1930. development of the Southern States. New York, Longmans, Green, 1909. 284-9 Murphy, Edgar Gardner, 1869-1913. Baltimore and the nineteenth of April, 1861; a study of the war. Baltimore, N. Murray, 1887. 511-9 Brown, George William, 1812-1891. The basis of racial adjustment. Boston, New York [etc.] Ginn and Co. [c1925] 420-12 Woofter, Thomas Jackson, 1893- Bands and rebels, seven stories in verse. New York, Coward McCann, 1929. 296-4 Wallis, Keene. Battle echoes, or Lessons from the war. By George B. Ide. Boston, Gould and Lincoln; New 479-5 York, Sheldon and Co., 1866. Banishing the ghost of unemployment. Boston, Ide, George Barton, 1804-1872. Meador Pub. Co., 1934. Hoover, Isaac James. 629 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

244-7 427-1 The battle of principles; a study of the heroism The best stories of Paul Laurence Dunbar. and eloquence of the anti-slavery conflict. New Selected and ed. by Benjamin Brawley. New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell Co. York, Dodd, Mead, 1938. [cl912] Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. Hillis, Newell Dwight, 1858-1929. 453-5 555-4 Bethany; a story of the old South. New York, D. Battling for social betterment; Southern Appleton, 1904. Sociological Congress, Memphis, Tennessee, May Watson, Thomas Edward, 1856-1922. 6-10, 1914; ed. by James McCulloch. [Nashville] Southern Sociological Congress, 1914. 451-2 Southern Sociological Congress. 3d, Memphis, The betrayal; a novel, by Walter Neale and 1914. Elizabeth H. Hancock. New York and Washington, Neale Pub. Co., 1910. 473-6 Neale, Walter, 1873-1933. Bea le street, where the blues began; foreword by W.C. Handy. New York, R.O. Ballou [cl934] 503-1 Lee, George Washington, 1894- Beyond the end. Wisdom's call, by Sutton E. Griggs. [2d ed.?] 569-13 Nashville, Tenn., The Orion Pub. Co., 1911. "Beat Eight." A sociologi_cal study of a rural Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872- community in Talladega County, Alabama. Atlanta. 1939. 230-8-4 Johnson. Harvey Elijah. The Bible against slavery. An inquiry into the patriarchal and Mosaic systems on the subje~t of 569-15 human rights. 4th ed., enl. New York, American The beauty shop and the beautician in an urban Anti-slavery Society, 1838. Negro community. Atlanta, 1950. Weld, Theodore Dwight, 1803-1895. Johnson. Mary Willie. 206-7 407-5 The Bible against slavery: or, An inquiry into Beto' de war; echoes in Negro dialect, by A.C. the genius of the Mosaic system, and the teachings Gordon and Thomas Nelson Page. New York, C. of the on the subject of human Scribner's Sons. 1893 [c1888] rights. By Theodore D. Weld. Pittsburgh, United Gordon, Armistead Churchill, 1855-1931. Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1864. Weld, Theodore Dwight, 1803-1895. 278-15 Behind the scenes. By . Or, 190-6 Thirty years a slave, and four years in the White : in which the Abrahamic House. New York, G.W. Carleton & Co., 1868. and Mosaic discipline is considered in connection Keckley, Elizabeth Hobbs, 1824-1907. with the most ancient forms of slavery; and the Pauline code on slavery as related to Roman 471-5 slavery and the discipline of the apostolic chur­ Behold the land. [Birmingham, Ala., Southern ches. Cincinnati, L. Swormstedt & A. Poe, 1857. Negro Youth Congress, 1946) Elliott, Charles, 1792-1869. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. 211-1-39 286-9 Bible view of slavery, by John H. Hopkins, A belle of the fifties; memoirs of Mrs. Clay, of Bishop of the Diocese of Vermont, examined by Alabama, covering social and political life in , part l. Bible view of slavery, Washington and the South, 1853-66, put into reconsidered. Letter to Rt. Rev. Bishop Hopkins narrative form by Ada Sterling. New York, by Louis C. Newman, part 2. New York, C.S. Doubleday, Page & Co., 1905. Westcott & Co., Printers, 1863. Clay-Clopton. Virginia, 1825-1915. Drisler, Henry, 1818-1897.

508-3 200-10 j 592-239 Bells. Chicago, Bells Pub. Co., 1926. Bible view of slavery. A discourse, delivered at Shonts, Eva Marshall, comp. the Jewish synagogue, "Bna.i Jeshurum," New York, on the day of the national fast, Jan. 4, 1861. 394-5 By the Rev. M.J. Raphall. New York, Rudd & Ben King's Southland melodies; illustrated with Carleton, 1861. photos. by Essie Coll ins Matthews and Leigh Raphall, Morris Jacob, 1798-1868. Richmond Miner. Chicago, Forbes and Co., 1911. King, Benjamin Franklin, 1857-1894. 211-1-39 Bible view of slavery, reconsidered. 382-6 Bible view of slavery, by John H. Hopkins, Berea College, Ky. An interesting history. Bishop of the Diocese of Vermont, examined by Approved by the Prudential Committee. 1875. Henry. Drisler, part 1. Bible view of slavery, Cincinnati, Elm Street Printing Co., 1875. reconsidered. Letter to Rt. Rev. Bishop Hopkins by Louis C. Newman, part 2. New York, C.S. Westcott & Co., Printers, 1863. Dr isl er, Henry, 1818-1897. 630 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

565-2 rendered by Miss Hallie Q. Brown, with an introd. A bibliography of works on Africa in the Negro and sketches by Faustin S. Delany. Xenia, Ohio, Collection .of the Trevor Arnett Library of Atlanta Chew, Pr. [1884?] University, published 1900-1925. Atlanta, 1964. Delany, Faustin S., ed. Bond, Julia Washington. 418-9 ·566-5 Black. Caldwell, Idaho, Caxton Printers, 1933. A bibliography of works on Africa in the Trevor Gardner, Benjamin Franklin, 1900- Arnett Library of Atlanta University, published before 1900. Atlanta, 1962. 506-1 Pinkett, Maude Moore. Black America. New York, The Vanguard Press, 1929. 394-1 Nearing, Scott, 1883- Big Bill blues; William Broonzy's story as told to Yannick Bruynogtie. With 9 pages of half-tone 528-4 illus. and 4 drawings by Paul Oliver. London, Black America: a study of the ex-slave and his Cassell [ 1955) late master. By W. Laird Clowes. Reprinted, with Broonzy, William, 1893- large additions, from "The Times." London [etc.] Cassell, 1891. 566-1 Clowes, Sir William Laird, 1856-1905. A bio-bibliography of Alain Leroy Locke. Atlanta, 1963. 523-5 Midgette, Lillian Avon. Black and white. A journal of a three months' tour in the United States. London, Macmillan; 558-10 Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1867. A bio-bibliography of Countee P. Cullen, 1903- Latham, Henry, 1794-1866. 1946. Washington, D.C., Catholic University, 1959. Perry, Margaret. 502-9 Black and white in the Southern States; a study 566-2 of the race problem in the United States from a A bio-bibliography of E. Franklin Frazier. South African point of view. London, New York Atlanta, 1962. [etc.] Longmans, Green and Co., 1915. Morris, Alverta Nevels. Evans, Maurice Smethurst, 1854-1920.

461-1 513-5 Biographical sketches and interesting anec­ Black and white: land, labor, and politics in the dotes of persons of color. To which is added, a South. New York, Fords, Howard, & Hulbert, selection of pieces of poetry. Compiled by A. Mott. 1884. New York, Printed by order of the trustees of the Fortune, Timothy Thomas, 1856-1928. residuary estate of Lindley Murray, 1850. Mott, Abigail Field, 1766-1851, comp. 536-1 The black apostle; ancient Biblical history of 360-9 the black or Negro race, proven by the Holy Bible, Biography of Rev. David Smith, of the A.M.E. by J. Justice [pseud.] [C. by T.R. Bartlett, Church, being a complete history, embracing over Glenmora, La., Bartlett & Co., 1946] sixty years' labor in the advancement of the Bartlett, T.R. redeemer's kingdom on earth. Including "The history of the origin and development of 422-6 Wilberforce University". Xenia, Ohio, Printed at Black Babylon. New York, Boni and Liveright the Xenia Gazette Office, 1881. [cl924] Smith, David, 1784- Dow, Dorothy.

509-3 346-14 a hyperbole, versus A The black battalion. Debate in the United States Negro's plea for fair play. Philadelphia, Wm. H. Senate, Thursday, December 6, 1906. Washington Watson, 1916. [Government Print. Off.] 1906. Thomas, Isaac Lemuel, 1860- U.S. Congress. Senate.

384-2 346-8 Birth of Berea College, a story of Providence. The black battalion. Speech of Hon. Joseph B. With an introd. by Hamilton Wright Mabie. Foraker of Ohio in the Senate of the United States, Philadelphia, H.T. Coates & Co., 1903. January 12, 1909. Washington [Government Print. Rogers, John Almanza Rowley, 1828-1906. Off.] 1909. Foraker, Joseph Benson, 1846-1917. 381-3 The Bison. 346-10 v. 1- 19 - The black battalion. Speeches of Hon. Joseph B. Washington, D.C. Foraker, of Ohio, in the Senate of the United States. January 3, 16, and 17, 1907. Washington 445-7 [Govt. Print. Off.] 1907. Bits and odds. A choice selection of recitations, Foraker, Joseph Benson, 1846-1917. for school, lyceum and parlor entertainments,

631 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

471-13 388-8 Black-belt diamonds; gems from the speeches, Black Herman's secrets of magic-mystery & addresses, and talks to studehts of Booker T. legerdermain [!] Four volumes in one. New Washington; selected and arr. by Victoria Earle York, Empire Pub. Co. [c1938] Matthews; introd. by T. Thomas Fortune. New Black Herman. York, Fortune and Scott, 1898. Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. 451-1 The black Homer of Jimtown. New York, 366-2 Grosset & Dunlap, 1900. The black bishop: Samuel Adjai Crowther, by Mott, Edward Harold, 1845-1920. Jesse Page. With preface by Eugene Stock. New York, Chicago, Fleming H. Revell [1909?] 442-6 Page, Jesse, 1805-1883. Black ice. New York, Fords, Howard& Hulbert, 1888. . 387-2 Tourgee, Albion Winegar, 1838-1905. The black border; Gullah stories of the carolina coast (with a glossary) by Ambrose E. Gonzales. Columbia, S.C., The State Co., 1922. 266-3 Gonzales, Ambrose Elliott, 1857-1926. "Black Jacob," a monument of grace. The life of Jacob Hodges, an African negro, who died in 447-4 Canandaigua, N.Y., February, 1842. The Black cat club; Negro humor & folk-lore; Philadelphia, American SLnday-School Union illus. by J.K. Bryans. New York, Funk & [1842] Wagnalls, 1902. Eddy, Ansel Doane, 1798-1875. Corrothers, James David, 1869- 492-1 221-4 Black justice. New York, American Civil Black diamonds gathered in the darkey homes Liberties Union, 1938. of the South. By Edward A. Pollard. New York, American Civil Liberties Union. Pudney & Russell, 1859. Pollard, Edward Alfred, 1831-1872. 415-4 Black labor chant, and other poems; illus. by 469-3 John Borican. [New York] The National Council ~lac~ dynamite, the in the on Religion in Higher Education [c1939] prize ring from 1782 to 1938; with numerous illus. Cannon, David Wadsworth, 1910-1938. By Nat Fleischer. [New York, Printed by C.J. 0' Brien, 1939, cl938] 490-2 Fleischer, Nathaniel S. The black laws! Speech of Hon. B. Arnett, of Greene County, in the Ohio House of Represen­ 442-4 tatives, March 10, 1886. Black echo, by Donald Grey. New York, Arnett, Benjamin William, Bp., 1838-1906. Pegasus Pub. Co. [cl932] Thomas, Eugene, 1894- 217-4 ~lac~ laws of Virginia; a summary of .the 530-7 legislative acts of Virginia concerning Negroes The black expatriates; a study of American from earliest times to the present. Richmond Negroes in exile. Edited and with an introd. by Va., W'.1ittet & Shepperson, 1936. ' Ernest Dunbar. New York, Dutton, 1968. Guild, June Purcell, 1887- Dunbar, Ernest, ed. 444-5 449-3 Black mammy; a southern romance. Illus. by Black fortune. New York, Brentano's, 1931. T~omas J. ~i~holl. Chicago, H.J. Smith, 1897. Means, Eldred Kurtz, 1878· V1sscher, William Lightfoot, 1842-1924.

388-6 . 458-4 Black Genesis; a chronicle, by Samuel Gaillard . The bl~ck man, his antecedents, his genius, and Stoney and Gertrude Mathews Shelby, ·illus. by his achievements. New York, T. Hamilton; Martha Bensley Bruere. New York, Macmillan, Boston, R.F. Wallcut, 1863. 1930. orown, William Wells, 1815-1884. Stoney, Samuel Gaillard, 1891- - 510-1 360-11 The black man m w~ite America, by John G. Black gods of the metropolis; Negro religious Van . Deusen. Washington, D.C., Associated cults of the urban North. Philadelphia, University Publishers, 1938. of Pennsylvania Press; London, H. Milford, Van Deusen, John George, 1890- , 1944. Fauset, Arthur Huff, 1899- 335-5 The black man of the South, and the Rebels. or 519-2 The characteristics of the former, and the re~ent Black heels on white necks; or A fight for o~trages of the latter. By Charles Stearns a supremacy. By Angus. Atlanta, C.P. Byrd, north17rn teacher, missionary, and planter, and' an Printer [pref. 1889) eye-witness of many of the scenes described New Williams, Ephie Augustus. York, For sale by American News Co.· B.oston N.E. News Co., 1872. ' ' 632 Stearns, Charles. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

422-8 413-7 A Black Man speaks of hate. Philadelphia, The blighted life of Methuselah. Nashville, Dorrance ~ Co. (1969] National Baptist Pub. Board, 1908. Gardner, Benjamin Franklin, 1900- Williams, Henry Roger, 1869-1929.

370-3 519-8 The black man's burden, by William H. Holtz­ Blind spots; experiments in the self-cure of race claw; with an introd. by Booker T. Washington. prejudice, by Henry Smith Leiper. New York, New York, The Neale Pub. Co., 1915. Friendship Press [c1929] Holtzclaw, William Henry, 1870?- Leiper, Henry Smith, 1891-

446-3 546-6 Black no more; being an account of the strange Blood is thicker than water: a few days among and wonderful worki!'lgs of science in the Land of our southern brethren. By Henry M. Field. New the Free, A.O. 1933-1940. [New York] New York, G. Munro, 1886. American Library [1969, c1931] Field, Henry Martyn, 1822-1907. Schuyler, George Samuel, 1895- 425-2 440-6 Blood will tell; the strange story of a son of The black shadow. New York, Moffat, Yard, Ham. Illus. by J.H. Donahey. Cleveland, Caxton 1923. Book Co., 1902. Webster, Frederick Annesley Michael, 1886- Davenport, Benjamin Rush.

384-6 282-1 The black side; a partia I history of the business, The blue and the gray: sketches of a portion of religious and educational side of the Negro in the unwritten history of the great American Civil Atlanta, Ga., by E.R. Carter. Atlanta, 1894. War, a truthful narrative of adventure, with Carter, Edward Randolph, 1858- thrilling reminiscences of the great struggle on land and sea. Atlanta, Ga., The Franklin Printing 354-7 and Pub. Co., 1899. The black soldier; or, The colored boys of the Austin, J.P. . (2d ed.) Washington, The Murray Brothers, 1918 [cl915] 399-7 Curtis, Mary, 1841?- Blue blood. A play. [New York, D. Appleton and Co., c1926] 397-7 Johnson, Georgia Douglas Camp, 1886- Black , a play in six scenes, with a foreword by John Haynes Holmes. New Bedford, 568-12 Mass., Reynolds Press [c1932] Bluff City; the social accomodation of an urban Meyer, Annie Nathan, 1867- Negro population. Atlanta, 1944. Clark, Willie E. 353-4 The black troopers; or, The daring heroism of 365-4 the Negro soldiers in the Spanish-American War. Boards for life's building, introd. by Rev. Thos. Jackson, Tenn., The M.V. Lynk Pub. House, 1899. W. Wallace. Cincinnati, Ohio, Printed for the Lynk, Miles Vandahurst, 1871- author, The Caxton Press [c1924] Clement, George Clinton, Bp., 1871-1934. 483-4 Black workers and the new unions, by Horace R. 423-5 Cayton and George S. Mitchell. Chapel Hill, "Bobbie," a story of the confederacy. University of North Carolina Press, 1939. Philadelphia, H. Altemus Co. [c1905] Cayton, Horace Roscoe, 1903- Bosher, Kate Lee Langley, 1865-1932.

553-5 435-2 Black yeomanry; life on St. Helena Island, by Bond and free: A tale of the South. By Grace T.J. Woofter, Jr. New York, H. Holt [c1930] Lintner. Indianapolis, C.B. Ingraham, 1882. Woofter, Thomas Jackson, 1893- · Ingraham, Ellen M.

569-7 266-4 "Blackjack"-a study in community Bond and free; a true tale of slave times. organization and disorganization. Atlanta, 1939. Harrisburg [Pa.] E.K. Meyers, Printer, 1886. Graham, Ruth Augusta. Howard, James H.W. 592-231 185-8 The blessings of abolition; a discourse delivered The Book and slavery irreconcilable. With in the First Congregational Unitarian Church, animadversions upon Dr. Smith's philosophy. Sunday, July 1, 1860. Philadelphia, C. Sherman, Philadelphia, Printed by J.M. Sanderson & Co., 1860. 1816. Furness, William Henry, 1802-1896. Bourne, George, 1780-1845.

411-1 The book of Elizabethan verse, chosen and ed., with notes, by William Stanley Braithwaite; with 633 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log an introd, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson. [2d supplement by Albon L. Holsey, the original ed.] Boston, Small, Maynard [cl906] autobiography brought up to date with a complete Braithwaite, William Stanley· Beaumont, 1878- account of Dr. Washington's sickness and death. 1962, comp. Containing the only photos. of the funeral and burial. The authentic ed. [Atlanta, Ga., 422-5 Naperville, Ill., J.L. Nichols & Co., cl915] Book of fifty poems; our brave heroes. [19_?] Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. Cason, P. Martin. 271-14 411-2 The border states: their power and duty in the The book of Georgian verse, chosen and ed., present disordered condition of the country. By with notes by William Stanley Braithwaite. New John P. Kennedy. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, York, Brentano's, 1909. 1861. Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont, 1878- Kennedy, John Pendleton, 1795-1870. 1962, comp. 311-2 401-3 The borderland in the Civil War. New York, The book of restoration verse; chosen and ed. Macmillan, 1927. with notes by William Stanley Braithwaite. New Smith, Edward Conrad, 1891- York, Brentano's, 1910. Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont, 1878- 597-438 1962, comp. report of the Union meeting in Faneuil Hall, Thursday, Dec. 8th, 1859. Speeches; 420-4 Resolutions adopted by the meeting; Letters; A book of six common sense poems. [New York, Names of signers to . <.Phonographic Gailliard Press, 19_?] report> Boston, Clark, Fellows & Co. [1859] Mills, Thelma. Boston. Union meeting, December 8, 1859.

418-5 272-10 A book of verses. New York, Cochrane Pub. Co., Boston slave riot, and trial of Anthony Burns. 1910. Containing the report of the Faneuil Hall meeting; Cunningham, Alice Hathaway. the murder of Batchelder; 's lesson for the day; speeches of counsel on both 459-2 sides, corrected by themselves; a verbatim report Booker T. Washington: A Christian philosopher. of Judge Loring's decision; and detailed account Founder's Day address delivered at Tuskegee of the embarkation. Boston, Fetridge and Co., Institute, April 5, 1925. Tuskegee, Alabama, 1854. Tuskegee Institute [1925) Dillard, James Hardy, 1856-1940. 514-9 The bottom rail; addresses and papers on the 558-8 Negro in the lowlands of Mississippi and on inter­ Booker T. Washington: a register of his papers racial relations in the South during twenty-five in the Library of Congress. Washington, 1958. years, by Laurence C. Jones with an introd. by U.S. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. Francis S. Harmon. New York [etc.] Fleming H. Revell [cl935) 464-6 Jones, Laurence Clifton, 1884- Booker T. Washington, folkeopdrager og menneskeven; med indledning om negerslaveriet, 417-5 frigillrelsen og negeropragelsen i de Nor­ 'Bout cullud folkses; poems. New York, H. damerikanske Fristater. Med 1 kort og 50 Harrison [cl935) billeder. Ved Udvalget for folkeoplysnings Turner, Lucy Mae. fremme. K~nhavn, I kommission hos G.E.C. Gad, 1905. 416-9 Knudsen, Johannes, 1872-1929. Bowles book of poems for all occasions. With welcome addresses and responses. Ed. by 459-3 Charles R. Saulter. Chicago, Ill., Bowles Music Booker T. Washington, the master mind of a House [19_?] child of slavery; an appealing life story rivaling in Bowles Music House. its picturesque simplicity and power those recounted about the lives of Washington and 525-13 Lincoln. A biographical tale destined to live in The Boxer book, or The race problem solved history and furnish an inspiration for present and By Wm. Roe. Chicago, Frank Finsterbach [19 ?1 future generations; a human interest story Roe, William. - depicting the life achievements of a great leader of a rising race. By Frederick E. Drinker, editor . . 487-10 and author. Splendidly illustrated with The ~oys m white: the experience of a hospita 1 photographic pictures. Memorial ed. agent m and around Washington. By Julia s. [Philadelphia, Printed by National Pub. Co., W_heelock. New York, Printed by Lange & cl915) Hillman, 1870. Drinker, Frederick E. Freeman, Julia Susan Wheelock, 1833-

464-4 Booker T. Washington's own story of his life and A boy's life of Booker T. Washington, by ~~~ work; including an authoritative sixty-four page Jackson. New York, Macmillan, 1922. 634 Jackson, Walter Clinton, 1879- Black Culture Collection United States Section Title catalog

287-1 243-4 The boys of '61: or, Four years of fighting; A brief review of the "First annual report of the personal observation with the army and navy, American Anti-slavery Society, with the speeches from the to the fall of Rich­ delivered at the anniversary meeting, May 6th, mond. New ed., rev. and enl. Boston, Dana Estes 1834"- Addressed to the people of the United & Co., 1901. States. New York, Howe & Bates, 1834. Coffin, Charles Carleton. Reese, David Meredith, 1800-1861.

' 397-5 358-6 Brass ankle, a play in three acts. New York, Brief sketch of the life and labors of Rev. Farrar & Rinehart [cl931] Alexander Bettis; also an account of the founding Heyward, Du Bose, 1885-1940. and development of the Bettis Academy, by Alfred W. Nicholson. Trenton, S.C., The author, 1913. 405-4 Nicholson, Alfred William, 1861- The breaking dawn·; or, How long may we live in the body? Being a survey of the doctrines of 191-10; 593-270 renewed youth and the perpetuation of life in A brief statement of the rise and progress of the physical embodiment. Orange, N.J., The testimony of the Religious Society of Friends, Chronicle Pub. Co., 1910. against slavery and the slave trade. Pub. by Patterson, John Andrew, 1875- direction of the Yearly Meeting, held in Philadelphia, in the fourth month, 1843. 405-2 Philadelphia, Printed by J. and W. Kite, 1843. Bricks without straw; a novel. New York, Friends, Society of. Philadelphia Yearly Fords, Howard, & Hulbert [cl880] Meeting. Tourgee. Albion Winegar, 1838-1905. 587-32 526-4 Brief statements and arguments. By "Bridging the racial chasms"; a brief survey of Christianus and others. No. IV, May, 1857. New inter-racial attitudes and relations, by T.0. York, Printed for the author, 1857. Fuller. Memphis, T.O. Fuller [cl937] Christianus, pseud. Fuller, Thomas Oscar, 1867-1942. 445-5 463-2 Bright and morning star. New York, Inter­ A brief biography of Booker Washington. national Publishers [c1938] [Hampton, Va.] Hampton Institute Press, 1936. Wright, Richard, 1908-1960. Stokes, Anson Phelps, 1874- 184-2 268-5 Bright days in the old plantation time. Illus. by A brief examination of Scripture testimony on James H. Moser. Boston, Lee and Shepard; New the institution of slavery, in an essay, first York, C.T. Dillingham, 1882. published in the Religious herald, and republished Banks, Mary Ross. by request: with remarks on a letter of Elder Galusha, of New York, to Dr. R. Fuller, of South 291-2 Carolina. Washington, Printed at the Bright skies and dark shadows. New York: C. Congressional Globe Office, 1850. Scribner's Sons, 1890. Stringfellow, Thornton. Field, Henry Martyn, 1822-1907.

360-3 487-11 A brief historical review of the First African Bristow Rogers, American Negro; a Baptist Church, containing other interesting in­ psychoanalytical case history [presented by] Else formation and the official Program of the Cen­ P. Hillpern, Edmund P. Hillpern [and] Irving A. tennial Anniversary Celebration October 31 to Spaulding. [1st ed.] New York, Hermitage House November 25, 1909. Philadelphia, Pa. [1909?] [cl949] Brooks, Charles H., 1861- Rogers, Bristow, pseud. 371-1 599-542 A brief historica I sketch of Negro edu·cation in The British and foreign anti-slavery reporter. Georgia, by Richard R. Wright. Savannah, Ga., The Anti-slavery reporter and aborigines' friend. Robinson Print. House, 1894. Under the sanction of the Anti-slavery and Wright, Richard Robert, 1855-1947. Aborigines' Protection Society. v. 1- Jan. 15, 1840- 376-1-2 London. A brief memoir of the life of John F. Slater, of 567-5 Norwich, Connecticut, 1815 to 1884, by Rev. S.H. British colonial policy and practice in Kenya. Howe. Baltimore, The Trustees, 1894. Atlanta, 1954. Howe, Samuel Henry, 1837- Jarrett, Muriel.

599-517 599-540 Brief remarks on the Slave registry bill; and upon British Guiana. Speech delivered at the anti­ a special report of the , sl~very meeting in Exeter Hall, on Wednesday, recommending that measure. London, Printed the 4th of April, 1838. The Marquis of Clanricarde, for J.M. Richardson, 1816. in the chair. London, Central Negro Eman­ cipation Committee, 1838. 635 Scoble, John. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

423-3 478-5 Brokenburne; a southern auntie's war tale. Bulletin. No. 35, 1901. With illus. by Wm. Henry Walker. New York, Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1901. E.R. Herrick & Co., 1897. U.S. Bureau of Labor. Boyle, Virginia Frazer, 1863-1938. 185-12 191-5 The burden of the South, in verse; or, Poems on The brotherhood of thieves; or, A true picture of slavery, grave, humorous, didactic, and satirical. the American church and clergy: a letter to By Sennoia Rubek. New York, E. Warner (1864] Nathaniel Barney, of . By Stephen S. Burke, John, d.1873. Foster. Concord, N.H., P. Pillsbury, 1884. Foster, Stephen Symonds, 1809-1881. 278-4; 279-14 Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and -Abandoned 307-3 Lands. Letter from the Secretary of War trans­ The brothers' war. Boston, Little, Brown, 1905. mitting to the House certain developments con­ Reed, John Calvin, 1836-1910. nected with the late Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. December 12, 502-8 1873-Referred to the Committee on Military Brown America; the story of a new race, by Affairs and ordered to be printed. [Washington? Edwin R. Embree. New York, The Viking Press, Govt. Print. Off.? 1873?] 1931. U.S. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Embree, Edwin Rogers, 1883-1950. Abandoned Lands.

530-9 400-2 "Brown Bomber", the story of Joe Louis. Bush Negro art; an African art in the Americas. Philadelphia, Dorrance and Co. (1942, c1940] London, A. Tiranti, 1954. Van Deusen, John George, 1890- Dark, Philip John Crosskey.

415-15 235-6 Brown chapel, a story in verse. [Baltimore?] Business & slavery; the New York merchants & 1905. the irrepressible conflict [by] Philip S. Foner. Ford, Robert Edgar. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1941. 421-1,2 Foner, Philip Sheldon, 1910- The Brown thrush, anthology of verse by Negro students. Bryn Athyn, Pa.; Claremont, Calif., 526-12 Lawson-Roberts Pub. Co. [c1932- The business girl looks at the , a study course. New York, The Womans Press, 346-2 1937. The Brownsville affair. Speech of William Williams, Frances Harriet. Edgar Borah of Idaho in the Senate of the United States, April 10, 1908. Washington, 1908. 415-14 Borah, William Edgar, 1865-1940. Buzzards, peacocks and nightingales. New York, London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1933. 513-7 Fitch, Hugh Richardson. The Brownsville affray and the race problem. Speech of Hon. James B. Frazier of Tenn. in the 434-1 Senate of the United States, Wednesday, January By sanction of law. Boston, B.J. Brimmer Co. 20, 1909. Washington, 1909. 1924. I Frazier, James Beriah, 1856- Jones, Joshua Henry, 1876-

389-4 Das Buch der Spirituals und Gospel Songs, von Hanns Lilje, Kurt Heinrich Hansen und Siegfried Schmidt-Joos. Hamburg, Furche-Verlag, 1961. Lilje, Hanns, 1899-

327-6 Buckley's history of the great reunion of the c North and the South and of the blue and the gray. An impartial, non-politica I account of the beginning of reconciliation and the end of sec­ tiona I strife in the United States. [Staunton, 483-6 McClure Co., Printers, c1923] . The CIO and the Negro worker; together for Buckley, William. victory. [Rev. ed.] Washington [1942] Congress of Industrial Organizations. 574 18 Bulletin. no. 1- .' 429-6 Atlanta, 18 .The cabin .and parlor; or, Slaves and masters. Atlanta University. By _J. Thornton Randolph. Illus., from original designs by Stephens, engr. by Beeler Philadelphia, T.B. Peterson [c1852] · Peterson, Charles Jacobs, 1819-1887. 636 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

391-9 442-3 Cabin and plantation songs .as sung by the Cane; with a foreword by Waldo Frank. New Hampton students. arranged by Thomas P. York, Boni and Liveright [1927, c1923] Fenner and Frederic G. Rathbun. Enl. ed. New Toomer. Jean, 1894- York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. Fenner, Thomas Putnam, 1829?-1912, comp. 274-9 Captain and Harper's Ferry, the 397-2 story of the raid and the old fire engine house Caleb, the degenerate, a play in four acts; a known as John Brown's fort. [2d ed.] Harper's study of the types, customs, and needs of the Ferry, W. Va., Storer College, 1930. American Negro, by Joseph S. Cotter. New York, Stutler, Boyd Blynn, 1889- Henry Harrison [ 1940] Cotter, Joseph Seamon, 1861- 272-6 The capture and execution of John Brown; a 555-2 tale of martyrdom, by Elijah Avey, eye witness. The call of the new South; addresses delivered with thirty illustrations. Elgin, Ill., Brethren Pub. at the Southern Sociological Congress, Nashville, House [c1906] · Tennessee, May 7 to 10, 1912. Ed. by James E. Avey, Elijah. McCulloch. Nashville, Southern Sociological Congress, 1912. 272-18 Southern Sociological Congress, Nashville, Tenn., The capture of John Brown. Reprinted from 1912. The North American Review [18-l Green, Israel. 596-401 The campaign in Illinois. Speech of Senator 291-6 Trumbull at Chicago, August 7, 1858. His private The capture, the prison pen, and the escape; opinion of Douglas publicly expressed. giving an account of prison life in the South, I Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1858] principally at Richmond, Danville, Macon, Trumbvll, Lyman, 1813-1896. Savannah, Charleston, Columbia, Millin, Salisbury, and Andersonville; embracing, also, 312-2 the adventures of an escape from Columbia, Campaigns of 1862 and 1863, illustrating the recapture. trial as spy, and final escape from principles of strategy. Philadelphia, J.B. Lip­ Sylvania, Georgia. By Captain Willard W. pincott, 1863. Glazier. Albany, J. Munsell, 1866. Schalk, Emil. 1834- Glazier, Willard, 1841-1905. 317-6 562-2 Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac; a Carlyle's attitude toward Negro slavery; a critical history of operations in Virginia, study of ideas and influence. Atlanta, 1948. Maryland and Pennsylvania, from the com­ Miller, Clarence Conrad. mencement to the close of the war. 1861-5. New York, C.B. Richardson, 1866. 389-6 Swinton, William, 1833-1892. The Carolina low-country, by Augustine T. Smythe, Herbert Ravenel Sass, Alfred Huger rand 298-3 others] Illus. by Anna Heyward Taylor, Camp-fire and cotton-field: southern adventure Augustine T.S. Stoney, Alice R. Huger Smith [and in time of war. Life with the Union armies, and others] New York, Macmillan, 1931. residence on a plantation. New York, Society for the Preservation of Spirituals. Blelock and Co., 1865. Knox, Thomas Wallace, 1835-1896. 338-1 Carpet bag rule in Florida. The inside workings 230-8-7 of the reconstruction of civil government in Can abolitionists vote or take office under the Florida after the close of the Civil War. United States Constitution? New York, American Jacksonville, Fla., Da Costa Printing and Anti-slavery Society, 1845. Publishing House, 1888; Kennesaw, Ga., Con­ Phillips, Wendell. 1811-1884. tinental Book Co., 1959. Wallace, John. 344-10 Can the South solve the Negro problem? [New 207-6 York, 1903] Case of . Report of the Schurz. Carl, 1829-1906. proceedings on the writ of habeas corpus, issued by the Hon. John K. Kane, Judge of the District 494-6 Court of the United States for the Eastern District Can the states stop lynching? New York, The of Pennsylvania, in the case of the United States of Association [ 1937? l America ex rel. John H. Wheeler vs. Passmore The National Association for the Advancement of Williamson, including the several opinions Colored People. delivered; and the arguments of counsel, reported by Arthur Cannon. Philadelphia, U. Hunt & Sons. 415-7 1856. Candle-lightin' time. illus. with photos. by the Williamson, Passmore, respondent. Hampton Institute Camera Club and decorations by Margaret Armstrong. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1901. Dunbar, Paul Laurence. 1872-1906. 637 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

522-4 324-10 The case of the Negro [by Booker T. The causes and remedies of impending national Washingto!1. Alabama, Tuskegee Institute Press, calamities. An address. Cincinnati, O_, J.B. 1902] Elliot, 1860. Washington, Booker Taliaferro,. 1859?-1915. Wilson, Samuel R. 183-7 303-S Case of the slave-child, Med. Report of the The causes of the . A letter arguments of counsel, and of the opinion of the to the London Times. New York, J.G. Gregory, court, in the case of Commonwealth vs. Aves; 1861. tried and determined in the Supreme Judicial Motley, John Lothrop, 1814-1877. Court of Massachusetts. Boston, I. Knapp, 1836. Aves, Thomas, defendant. . 319-1-142 Causes of the war. Speech of Hon. George Bliss, 200-7 of Ohio, delivered in the House of Represen­ Caste: a story of republican equality by Sydney tatives, March 12, 1864. Washington, Printed at A. Story, Jr. Boston, Phillips, Sampson and Co., Constitutional Union Office, 1864. 1856. Bliss, George, 1813-1868. Pike, Mary Hayden Green, 1825-1908. 304-4 569-14 Celebration by the Colored People's The caste-class hypothesis; its legal and color Educational Monument Association in memory of applications in the South with special references Abraham Lincoln on the Fourth of July, 1865, in to Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, 1947. the presidential grounds, Washington, D.C. Johnson, Kathryn Louise. Washington, McGill and Witherow, Printers, 1865. National Lincoln Monument Association. 355-3 The and the American Negro; 186-1 being an investigation of the past and present The census and slavery; a Thanksgiving activities of the Catholic Church in behalf of the discourse, delivered in the chapel at Clifton 12,000,000 Negroes in the United States, with an Springs, N. Y ., November 29, 1860. Hartford, L. E. examination of the difficulties which affect the Hunt, 1860. work of the colored missions. By John T. Gillard, Bushnell, Horace, 1802-1876. S.S.J. Baltimore, St. Joseph's Society Press, 1929 [i.e. 1930] 482-10 Gillard, John Thomas, 1900-1942. Census of agriculture. Fifteenth census of the United States: 1930. 366-7 Census of agriculture. The Negro farmer in the catholic Negro bishops; a brief survey of the United States. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1933. present and past. [Bay Saint Louis, Miss., Divine U.S. Bureau of the Census. Word Publications, 1958] Lewis, Carlos A. 591-157 Census of slaves, 1755. 540-4 O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey, 1797-1880, comp. catholic Negro education in the United States, by Margaret A. Diggs. [Washington, Margaret A. 242-7; 593-276 Diggs, 1936] Centennia I anniversary of the Pennsylvania Diggs, Margaret Agneta. Society, for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in 367-2 Bondage; and for Improving the Condition of the The Catholic story of Liberia. New York, D.X. African Race. Philadelphia, Grant, Faires & McMullen Co., 1950. Rodgers, Printers, 1876. Bane, Martin J. Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery. 497-6 The cause of color among races, and the 598-497 evolution of physical beauty. New ed., ·rev. and A centennial Fourth of July Democratic enl. New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1881. celebration. The massacre of six colored citizens Sharpe, William, M.D. of the United States at Hamburgh, S.C., July 4, 1876. Debate on the Hamburgh massacre, in the 211-1-17 U.S. House of Representatives, July 15th and 18th, The cause of the War: who brought it on; and 1876. [Washington? 1876?] for what purpose? Speech of Col. Charles U.S. 44th Congress, 1st session, 1875-1876. House. Anderson. New York, W.C. Bryant & Co., Print­ ers, 1863. 361-11 Anderson, Charles, 1814-1895. Centennial historical souvenir of "Mother" Bethel A.M.E. Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Also 597-437 places of interest and churches of all causes and consequences of the affair at denominations, (Colored) with introd. by Dr. R.R. Harper's Ferry. A sermon preached at Boston, Wright, Jr. Philadelphia, Pa., Published by The U.S. on Sunday morning, Nov. 6, 1859. London, W. Historical Society [lntrod. 1916) Tweedie, 1859. African Methodist Episcopal Church. Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888. 638 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

363-4 496-5 Centennial retrospect history of the African Characteristics of the southern Negro, by E.H. Methodist Episcopal Church. By John T. Jenifer. Randle. New York and Washington, The Neale Nashville, Sunday School Union Print. [1916?] Pub. Co., 1910. Jenifer, John Thomas, 1834-1919. Randle, Edwin Henderson,. 1830- 558-1 450-6 A century of fiction by American Negroes, 1853- Charcoal and chalk; character drawings by 1952; a descriptive bibliography. Philadelphia, May Baker. Norfolk, Va., Atlantic Coast Pub. Co., 1955. 1926. Whiteman, Maxwell. McCormick, Virginia Taylor, 1873-

476-6 222-6-5 A century of population growth from the first Charles Campbell, Virginia's "Old Mortality" census of the United States to the twelfth, 1790- by Edwarc1 A. Wyatt, IV. Charlottesville, Va., The 1900. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1909. Historical Pub. Co., 1935. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Wyatt, Edward Avery, 1910- 345-7 241-8 The challenge of the disfranchised: a plea for Charles Osborn in the anti-slavery movement. the enforcement of the 15th amendment, by John Columbus, 0., Ohio State Archaeological and w. Cromwell. Washington, The Academy, 1924. Historical Society, 1937. Cromwell, John Wesley, 1846-1927. Ketring, Ruth Anna.

495-2 250-3 The challenge of the Klan. Indianapolis, Bobbs­ Charles Sumner. Boston and New York, Merrill [c1924] Houghton, Mifflin [c1900] Frost, Stanley, 1881- Storey, Moorfield, 1845-1929.

288-4 251~252~25~254 Chancellorsville and G:ittysburg. New York, C. Charles Sumner; his complete works, with Scribner's Sons, 1882. introd. by Hon. . Boston, Lee Doubleday, Abner, 1819-1893. & Shepard, 1900 [c1899] Sumner, Charles, 1811·1874. 494-1 The changing character of lynching; review of 256-5 lynching, 1931-1941, with a discussion of recent Charles Sumner, the idealist, statesman and developments in this field, by , scholar. An address delivered on Public day, June executive director, Association of Southern 29, 1874, at the request of the Faculty of the Women for the Prevention of Lynching. Atlanta, University of South Carolina, by Richard Ga .. Commission on Interracial Cooperation, 1942. Theodore Greener. Columbia, S.C., Republican Ames, Jessie Daniel, 1883- Printing Co., Printers [1874?] Greener, Richard Theodore, 1844- 199-3-2 A chapter of American history. Five years 256-6 progress of the ; a series of pape~s Charles Sumner, the scholar in politics, by first published in the Boston "Commonwealth," m Archibald H. Grimke. New York [etc.] Funk & July, August, and September, 1851. Wagnalls [1892] Boston: B.B. Mussey and Co., 1852. Grimke, Archibald Henry, 1849-1930. 592-238 318-4 The character and influence of abolitionism. A Charles W. Quantrell; a true history of his sermon preached in the First Presbyterian guerrilla warfare on the Missouri and Kansas Church, Brooklyn, on Sabbath evening, December border during the Civil War of 1861-1865, by John 9th, 1860. By Rev. Henry J. Van Dyk~. New York, P. Burch, as told by Captain Harrison Trow. D. Appleton, 1860. [Vega, Texas, J.P. Burch, 1923] Van Dyke, Henry Jackson, 1822-1891. Trow, Harrison, 1843- 211-1-7 458-8 Character and results of the War. How to Charles Waddell Chesnutt, pioneer of the color prosecute and how to end it. A thrilling and line. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina eloquent speech by Maj.-Gen. B.F. Butler. Press [1952] Reported by A.F. Warburton. [New York, Wm. C. Chesnutt, Helen Maria, 1880- Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863] Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 1818-1893. 428-5 Charming stories for young and old. (Formerly 569-6 Floyd's Flowers). Greatly rev. and enl. with Characteristics of Negro male transients ap­ A.B.C.'s supplement by Mrs. Alice H. Howard. plying to the Federal Relief Administration, New enl. ed. Washington, A. Jenkins & Co. [c1925] Atlanta, Georgia, 1933-1934. Atlanta, 1935. Floyd, Silas Xavier, 1869-1923. Gambrell, Lula Jane.

639 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

auspices of the Presbyterian Board of Missions for 482-2 Freedmen [cl914] Cheap cotton by free labor: by a cotton Flickinger, Robert Elliot, "1846- manufacturer. Boston, A. Williams & Co., 1861. Atkinson, Edward, 1827-1905. 418-11 Chords and discords. Washington, Murray 235-2 Bros. Press, 1909. Cheerful yesterdays. Boston and New York, Hawkins, Walter Everette, 1883- Houghton, Mifflin, 1898. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911. 422-15 Chrismus' comin', Honey and other rhymes. 539-3 [2d ed.] Louisville, J.P. Morton & Co. [c1922] Chicago Regional Community Leaders' Con­ White, Clarence Adam. ference, May 22, 1964, Chicago, Illinois. Spon­ sored by President's Committee on Equal 599-536 Employment Opportunity. [Washington, Christ victorious. A sermon preached at the President's Committee on Equal Employment Independent Chapel, _Scarborou~~, to CO!fl· Opportunity, 1964] memorate the extinction of British colonial Chicago Regional Community Leaders' Con­ slavery, on Thursday evening, July 31st, 1834. ference, Chicago, 1964. Beverley, Printed and pub. by W.B. Johnson [1834] 500-2 Beverley, Robert Mackenzie, 1796?-1868. Children in Black and families. [Chicago?] 1933. 268-8 Frazier, Edward Franklin, 1894-1962. The Christian doctrine.of slavery. By Geo. D. Armstrong, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of 554-1 Norfolk, Va. New York, C. Scribner, 1857. Children of bondage; the personality Armstrong, George Dodd, 1813-1899. development of Negro youth in the urban South, by Allison Davis and John Dollard, prepared for 329-3 the American Youth Commission. Washington, Christian reconstruction in the South, by H. American Council on Education, 1940. Paul Douglass. Boston, New York [etc.] The Davis, Allison, 1902- Pilgrim Press [cl909] Douglass, Harlan Paul, 1871- 502-2 Children of the slaves. London, Macmillan, 490-10-13 1920. A Christian view on segregation. Reprint of an Graham, Stephen, 1884- address made before the Synod of Mississippi of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. November 4, 526-8 1954. [Greenwood, Miss., Association of Citizens' Children's perceptions of the social roles of Councils of Mississippi, Educational Fund, 1954?] Negroes and whites. By Marian J. Radke and Gillespie, Guy T. Helen G. Trager. Provincetown, Mass., The Journal Press, 1949. 272-9 Yarrow, Marian Jeannette Radke, 1918- The and the treason trials of 1851; an historical sketch, by W.U. Hensel, with 388-11 some account of the commemoration of these "Chips," by Broad-Axe. [Pittsburgh, Pa., events, September 9, 1911. 2d and rev. ed. Lan­ c1889] caster, Pa., Press of the New Era Printing Co., Smith, Thomas Jefferson, 1838- 1911. Hensel, William Uhler, 1851-1915. 329-2 The Chisolm massacre: a picture of "home 592-248 rule" in Mississippi. By James M. Wells. 3d ed. and emancipation; or, the Washington, Chisolm Monument Association, 1878 teachings and the influence of the Bible against [cl877] slavery. By Joseph P. Thompson. New York, Wells, James Monroe, 1838- A. D. F. Randolph, 1863. Thompson, Joseph Parrish, 1819-1879. 185-13 Chivalry, slavery and Young America. By 508-6 Sennoia Rubek. New York, F.A. Brady, 1866. Christianity and the race problem. New York, Burke, John, d.1873. Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell [cl922] Smith, Robert Edwin. 279-10 The Choctaw freedmen and the story of Oak Hill 210-10 Industrial Academy, Valliant, McCurtain County, Christianity and the slave trade. By Saladin Oklahoma, now called the Alice. Lee Elliot [pseud.] London, W. Stewart & Co., 188-? Memoria I: including the early history of the Five Ross, William Stewart~ 1844-1906. Civilized Tribes of Indian Territory, the Presbytery of Kiamichi, Synod of Canadian, _and 594-281 the Bible in the free schools of the American Christianity versus treason and slavery. Religion Colonies, but suppressed in France, previous to rebuking sedition. [Philadelphia, H.B. Ashmead] the American and French revolutions. Illustrated by 100 engravings. Pittsburgh, Pa., Under the 640 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

508-2 421-11 Christianizing race relations as a Negro sees it. Cities burning. Detroit, Broadside Press [1969) [Los AngeJes, Wetzel Pub. Co., 1928) 1968. Shaw, Alexander Preston, 1879- Randall, Dudley, 1914-

305-1 490-10-9 Chronicles from the diary of a war prisoner in The Citizens' Council. [Greenwood, Miss., Andersonville and other military prisons of the Association of Citizens' Councils of Mississippi, South in 1864. An appendix containing statement 1954?] of a Confederate physician and officer relative to Patterson, R.B. prison condition and management. Wichita, Kan., The author, 1904. 328-4 Northrop, John Worrell. The civil record of Major-General Winfield S. Hancock, during his administration in Louisiana 367-4 and Texas. [New Orleans?] 1871. Chronicles of St. Mark's Parish, Santee circuit, and Williamsburg Township, South Carolina. 490-3 1731-1885. Columbia, S.C., C.A. Calvo, Jr., Civil rights; speech of Hon. Hiram P. Bell of Printer, 1888. Georgia, in the House of Representatives, Jan. 7, Burgess, James M. 1874. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1874. Bell, Hiram Parks, 1827-1907. 320-6 Chronicles of the great rebellion against the 491-11 United States of America. Being a concise record Civil rights. Speech of Hon. James T. Rapier, of and digest of the events connected with the Alabama, in the House of Representatives, June 9, struggle-civil, political, military and navat­ 1874. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1874. with the dates, victories, tosses and results­ Rapier, James Thomas, 1837-1883. embracing the period between April 23, 1860, and October 31, 1865. Philadelphia, A. Winch [c1867] 490-8 Westcott, Thompson, 1820-1888. "Civil rights." Speech of Hon. Robert B. Elliot, of South Carolina, in the House of Represen­ 295-3 tatives, January 6, 1874. [Washington? Beardsley A chronological history of the Civil War in & Snodgrass, 1874?] America. Complete to date. New York, Johnson Elliot, Robert Brown, 1842-1884. & Ward, 1863. Fisher, Richard Swainson. 491-4 Civil rights & liberties handbook: pleadings & 556-6 practice. [Editor: Ann Fagan Ginger] Berkeley, Chums and brothers; an interpretation of a Calif., Civil Rights Handbook, 1963- social group of our American citizenry who are in National Guild. Committee to Assist the first and last analysis "just folks," by Edgar Southern Lawyers. H. Webster. Boston, R.G. Badger [c1920] Webster, Edgar H. 375-3 Civil rights U.S.A.: public schools, cities in"the 184-3 North and West, 1962; staff reports. [Washington, The church and slavery. [2d ed.] Philadelphia, For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Parry & McMillan, 1857 [c1856] U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1962) Barnes, Albert, 1798-1870. U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

594-297 375-4 The Church and the slave power. A sermon Civil rights U.S.A.: public schools, Southern preached before the students of the Methodist States, 1962; staff reports. [Washington, For sale Biblical Institute, Concord, N.H., February 23, by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govt. 1860. By Rev. S.M. Vail. 2d ed. Concord, N.H., Print. Off., 1962) Pub. by the students, Fogg, Hadley & Co., Print­ U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. ers, 1860. Vail, Stephen Montford, 1818-1880. 563-12 The civil status of the Negro in Georgia prior to 356-4 the Civil War. Atlanta, 1936. The church in relation to the Negro problem. By Cunningham, Ruth Rebecca. Booker T. Washington. [19_] Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. 330-1 Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama, by 356-2 Walter L. Fleming. New York, The Columbia Churches and voluntary associations in the University Press, 1905. Chicago Negro community. Report of Official Fleming, Watter Lynwood, 1874-1932. project 465-54-3-386 conducted under the auspices of the Work Projects Administration, Horace R. 329-1 Cayton, Superintendent. [Chicago] 1940. The Civil War and Reconstruction in Florida. Drake, St. Clair. New York, Columbia University [etc., etc.] 1913. Davis, William Watson, 1884-

641 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

321-3 211-1-66 The Civil War and the Constitution, 1859-1865. Coercion completed, or Treason triumphant. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1903 [c1901] Remarks by John C. Hamilton, September, 1864. Burgess, John William, 1844-1931. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. Hamilton, John Church, 1792-1882. 298-8 The Civil War in America: an address read at 539-4 the last meeting of the Manchester Union and _The collapse of cotton tenancy. Summary of Emancipation Society. London, Simpkin, Mar­ Field studies & statistical surveys, 1933-35, by shall & Co., 1866. Charles S. Johnson, Edwin R. Embr.ee [and] W.W. Smith, Goldwin, 1823-1910. Alexander. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1935. 286-6 Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 1893-1956 .• The Civil War in America: or, The slaveholders' 480-5 conspiracy. An addr~ss. Liverpool, W. Vaughan; London, G. Vickers [1861] The collapse of the National Benefit Life Channing, William Henry, 1810-1884. Insurance Company; a study in high finance among Negroes. Washington, Graduate School 304-8 for the Division of the Social Sciences, Howard The Civil War: its nature and end. Cincinnati, University, 1939. Office of the Danville Review, 1861. Mitchell, James B. Breckinridge. Robert Jefferson, 1800-1871. 389-1 284-7 A collection of revival hymns and plantation The Civil War on the border. New York, Lon­ melodies, by Marshall W. Taylor. Musical don. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1891-1904. composition by Miss Josephine Robinson. Copied Britton, Wiley. by Miss Amelia C. and Hettie G. Taylor. Cin­ cinnati, M.W. Taylor and W.C. Echols, 1883. 282-6 Taylor, Marshall William, 1846-1887, comp. Civil War stories; comp. from official records­ Union and Confederate, by John T. Bell. San 591-190 Francisco. The Whitaker and Ray Co., 1903. A collection of valuable documents, being Bir­ Bell, John Thomas. 1842· ney's vindication of abolitionists-Protest of the American A.S. Society-To the people of the 407-2 United States, or, To such Americans as value The clansman; an historical romance of the Ku their rights-Letter from the executive committee Klux Klan. Illus. with scenes from the photo-play, of the N.Y.A.S. Society, to the exec. com. of the "The Birth of a Nation." New York, Grosset & Ohio State A.S.S. at Cincinnati-Outrage upon Dunlap [c1905] southern rights. Boston, I. Knapp, 1836. Dixon, Thomas, 1864-1946. 573-15 372-3 The college-bred Negro American; report of a Classification, rules, &c., of the Institute for social study made by Atlanta University under the Colored Youth. Philadelphia, T.K. & P.G. Collins, patronage of the Trustees of the John F. Slilter 1856. Fund; with the Proceedings of the 15th annual Institute for Colored Youth, Cheyney, Pa. Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University, on Tuesday, May 24th, 531-2 1910. Edited by W.E. Burghardt Du Bois and A classified directory of Memphis and Shelby Augustus Granville Dill. Atlanta, Atlanta County (1941). Memphis, Negro Chamber of University Press, 1910. Commerce [1941?] Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, Memphis. Negro Chamber of Commerce. ed.

571-1 573-5 A classified sociological source bibliography of The college-bred Negro; report of a social study periodicals and manuscript materials on the made unde~ the direction of Atlanta University; Negro in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, 1948. together with the Proceedings of the fifth Con­ Scott,. Olivia Barbara. ference for the Study of the Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University, May 29-30, 1900. Edited by 222-6-7 W.E. Burghardt Du Bois. Atlanta, Atlanta Claudius Crozet: soldier-scholar-educator­ University Press, 1900. engineer ( 1789-1864). Charlottesville, Va., The Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, Historical Pub. Co., 1936. ed. Couper, William, 1884- 222-6-2 434-2 Colonel Heros von Borcke, a famous Prussian The climbers; a story of sun-kissed volunteer in the . sweethearts. Chicago, Ill., Glad Tidings Pub. Co. Charlottesville, Va., The Historical Pub. Co., 1935. [cl912] Hume, Edgar Erskine, 1889- Jones, Yorke, 1860- 222-6-6 478-2 Colonel Theodore O'Hara, author of The bivouac Climbing the economic ladder. [Atlanta, c1948] of the dead. Charlottesville, Va., The Historical Whiting, Helen Adele Johnson, 1885- Pub. Co., 1936. 642 Hume, Edgar Erskine, 1889- Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

233-2-4 350-1 Colonization. By Rev. O.B. Frothingham. [New The colored American a soldier in York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1855] every war of U.S.A. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, 1822-1895. Peter Salem, colored American soldier of the American Revolution, for the National Equal 595-348 Rights League on request of the Boston Branch, in Colonization. The present scheme of the interest of an annual Race Day. [Boston? colonization wrong, delusive, and retards 1925?] emancipation. By John G.Fee. [Cincinnati, Feurtado, Lillian Lewis. American Reform Tract and Book Society, 1853?] Fee, John G. 276-1 The colored American from slavery to 595-341 honorable citizenship, by J.W. Gibsori and W.H. Colonization and missions. A historical Crogman. Special features: National Negro examination of the ·state of society in western Business League and introd. by Booker T. Africa, as formed by paganism and Muham­ Washington; Club movement among Negro medanism, slavery, the slave trade and piracy, women by Fannie Barrier Williams. Atlanta, Ga., and of the remedial influence of colonization and Hertel, Jenkins & Co., 1905; [cl902 by J.L. Nichols missions. By Joseph Tracy, secretary of the & Co.] Massachusetts Colonization Society, Pub. by the Gibson, John William, 1841- Board of Managers. Boston, Press of T.R. Marvin, 1844. 370-5 Tracy, Joseph, 1793?-1874. "The colored American working man of the new time." An address delivered before the State 475-3 Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Color and human nature; Negro personality Colored Race, at Greensboro, N.C., May 26, 1898, development in a northern city, by W. Lloyd by Rev. A.O. Mayo. Hampton, Va., Press of Warner. Buford H. Junker, Walter A. Adams; Hampton Institute, 1898. prepared for the American Youth Commission. Mayo, Amory Dwight, 1823-1907. Washington, American Council on Education, 1941. 366-4 Warner, William Lloyd, 1898- Colored Catholics in the United States, an in­ vestigation of Catholic activity in behalf of the 504-8 Negroes in the United States and a survey of the Color at home and abroad. Boston, The present condition of the colored missions. Christopher Pub. House [cl929] Baltimore, The Josephite Press, 1941. Mallison, George, d. 1940. Gillard, John Thomas, 1900-1942.

551-7 485-8 Color, class, and personality, by Robert L. The colored girl beautiful. Kansas City, Mo., Sutherland. Prepared for the American Youth Burton Pub. Co. [cl916] Commission. Washington, American Council on Hackley, Emma Azalia Smith, 1867-1922. Education, 1942. Sutherland, Robert Lee. 366-6 The colored man in the Methodist Episcopal 496-6 Church. By the Rev. L.M. Hagood. Cincinnati, The color line; a brief in behalf of the unborn. Cranston & Stowe; New York, Hunt & Eaton, 1890. New York, McClure, Phillips & Co., 1905. Hagood, Lewis Marshall, 1853-1936. Smith, William Benjamin, 1850-1934. 456-1 373-8 A colored man round the world. By a quadroon. The color line in our public schools. A study of [Cleveland?] Printed for the author, 1858. the distribution of school funds between Negroes Dorr, David F. and whites in the District of Columbia. Written by Harlan E. Glazier. Washington, D.C., The 472-13 Interracial Committee of the District of Columbia, A colored man's remm1scences of James 19_? Madison. Brooklyn, G.C. Beadle, 1865. Inter-racial Committee of the District of Jennings, Paul, b. 1799. Columbia. 350-6 509-2 The colored patriots of the American The color question in the two Americas. Revolution, with sketches of several distinguished Translated by John Crosby Gordon. New York, colored persons: to which is added a brief survey The Hunt Pub. Co., 1922. of the condition and prospects of colored Ruiz Suarez, Bernardo. Americans. By William C. Nell. With an introd. by . Boston, R.F. Wallcut, 501-1 1855. Color: unfinished business of democracy. Part Nell, William Cooper, 1816-1874. I: Negroes, U.S.A., 1942. Part II: The challenge of color. [New York, Survey Associates, Inc., 353-6 1942] The colored regulars in the United States Army, Survey Graphic. with a sketch of the history of the colored American, and an account of his services in the 643 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog wars of ·the country, from the period of the the 16th annual Conference for the Study of the Revolutionary War to 1899. Introductory letter Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University, on from Lieutenant-General Nelson A. Miles. By Tuesday, May 3oth, 1911. Edited by W.E. Chaplain T.G. Steward. Philadelphia, A.M.E. Burghardt Du Bois and Augustus Granville Dill. Book Concern, 1904. Atlanta, Atlanta University Press, 1911. Steward, Theophilus Gould, 1843-1924. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, ed. 345-12 Colored Republicans to the rescue. 371-6 Republican greeting to 25,000 free and loyal Common sense in the home. Cincinnati, Press colored voters of the State of New York. 1887-88. of Jennings & Pye [cl902] Republican nominations-platform-what the Johnson, William Noel. leaders say and how colored Democrats look when the calcium light is turned on. [1887?] 591-169 Republican Party. New York (State} Communications from the governor in answer to a resolution relative to the abduction or en­ 378-1 slavement of citizens of this state. Colored school children in New York, by New York (State} Governor, 1857-1859 (John A. Frances Blascoer. Edited by Eleanor Hope King} Johnson. [New York] Public Education Association of the City of New York, 1915. 564-11 Blascoer, Frances. A comparative analytical study of the Black Code and the slave code of Georgia. Atlanta, 1934. 552-5 Stewart, Marjorie Alexander. The colored situation; a book of vocational and civic guidance for the Negro youth, by Faye Philip 572-12 Everett. Rev. Boston, Meador Pub. Co., 1938 A comparative political study of presidential [cl936] elections, 1860-1932. Atlanta, 1934. Everett, Faye Philip, ed. Wright, Arnold Wood.

354-5 560-15 Colored soldiers. Macon, Ga., The J.W. Burke A comparative study of language growth and Co., 1923. usage of Head Start and non-Head Start students. Macintyre, William Irwin, 1882- Atlanta, 1968. Mi11on, Octavia W. 428-1 Comedy, American style. New York, F.A. 560-6 Stokes Co. [ 1934] 1933. A comparative study of Negro and non-Negro Fauset, Jessie Redmon, 1884?-196 l. dropouts in two selected high schools in Fulton County, Georgia, 1967-1968. Atlanta, 1968. 593-259 Chatman, Robert G. Commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the American Anti-slavery 355-5 Society, in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, T.S. A comparative study of religious cult beha9ior Dando, 1884. among Negroes, with specia I reference to American Anti-slavery Society. emotional group conditioning factors, by Raymond Julius Jones. Washington, Pub. by the 484-6 Graduate School for the Division of the Social Commentary of Donald R. Richberg on S. 984, Sciences, Howard University, 1939. October 10, 1947 to the Senate Committee on Labor Jones, Raymond Julius, 1910- and Public Welfai:e. [Washington? 1947?] Richberg, Donald Randall, 1881- 562-18 A comparative study of the first and definiti'7e 284-1 editions of Batouala. Atlanta, 1941. Comments on the policy inaugurated by the Peoples, Gladys Howse. President, in a letter and two speeches. New York, Hall, Clayton & Medole, Printers; 1863. 497-3 Blair,· Montgomery, 1813-1883. A comparative study of the incidence of insanity among Negroes and whites. Athens, Ga., 1938. 319-1-11 Jacob, Joseph Simeon. The commercial relations between the United States and the British North American provinces 560-11 and possessions. Speech of Hon. Elijah Ward, of A comparison of participants and non­ New York. Delivered in the House of participants in Project Head Start. Atlanta, 1966. Representatives, May 18, 1864. Washington, Hurley, Thelma F Printed by L. Towers, 1864. Ward, Elijah, 1816-1882. 476-2-12 A comparison of the intelligence and 573-16 achievement of twelve-year old Negro children in The common school and the Negro American's the rural schools of Clarke County, Georgia. report of a social study made by Atlanta [Athens, Ga., 1933] University under the patronage of the Trustees of Thurmond, . the John F. Slater Fund with the Proceedings of 644 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

193-8 287-2 Compendium of the impending cr1s1s of the Confederate leaders in the Forty-fourth Congress. South. New York, A.B. Burdick, 1860 [cl859] Who they are-their aims and opinions. A Helper, Hinton Rowan, 1829-1909. Democratic counter rebellion. Conquering the Union they failed to destroy. [1876?] 307-4 A compilation of the messages and papers of the 376-3 Confederacy, including the diplomatic Conference of the General Education Board of correspondence, 1861-1865; pub. by permission of the Rockefeller Foundation on "Negro Congress by James D. Richardson. Nashville, Education", Nov. 29, 1915. United States Pub. Co., 1906 [cl904] General Education Board. Confederate States of America. President. 319-1-65 315-1 Confiscated . Speech of Hon. F. E. A complete history of the great American Woodbridge, in the House of Representatives, rebellion, embracing its causes, events and Feb. 4, 1864, on the joint resolution to amend the consequences, with biographical sketches and act to suppress insurrection, to punish reason [i.e. portraits of its principal actors. Auburn, N.Y., treason] and rebellion, to seize and confiscate The Auburn Pub. Co. [cl863-65] property of rebels, and for other purposes. Starke, Elliot G., 1811-1879 or 1880. Washington, H. Polkinhorn, Printer, 1864. Woodbridge, Frederick Enoch, 1819-1888. . 595-320 The Compromise measures. Speech of Hon. 319-1-165 H.S. Foote, of Mississippi, in the Senate of the Confiscated property. Speech of Hon. F. Ker­ United States, Dec. 18 and 19, 1851. On the nan, of New York, delivered in the House of resolution reaffirming the compromise measures. Representatives, February 4, 1864. [Washington, [Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe 1864] Office, 1851?] Kernan, Francis, 1816-1892. Foote, Henry Stuart, 1804-1880. 319-1-87 588-79 Confiscated property. Speech of Hon. J.V.L. Concessions and compromises. Philadelphia, C. Pruyn, of New York, delivered in the House of Sherman & Son, Printers, 1860. Representatives, February 5, 1864. [Washington? Fisher, Joshua Francis, 1807-1873. 1864] Pruyn, John VanSchaik Lansing, 1811-1877. 595-339 A concise history of the commencement, 319-1-109 progress and present condition of the American Confiscated property. Speech of Hon. L.D.M. colonies in Liberia. Washington, Printed at the Sweat, of Maine, delivered in the House of Madisonian Office, 1839. Representatives, First session, Thirty-eighth Wilkeson, Samuel, 1781-1848. Congress, January 20, 1864. [Washington, Gibson Bros., Printers, 1864] 373-2 Sweat, Lorenzo De Medici, 1818-1898. [Condensed report of the Proceedings] of the Conference on Educationa I Needs and Oppor­ 319-1-114 tunities in the Southern States. October 31- Confiscation. Speech of , November 2, 1935, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, delivered in the House of Representatives, D.C. [1935] January 26, 1864. Washington, Printed at "Con­ Conference on Educational Needs stitutional Union" Office, 1864. and Opportunities in the Southern States, Wood, Fernando, 1812-1881. Washington, D.C., 1935. 319-1-167 319-1-128 Confiscation. Speech of Hon. Jos. K. Edgerton, The condition of the country and the duty of its of Ind., delivered in the House of Representatives, citizens. Speech of Hon. Chas. H. Winfield, of January 28, 1864. [Washington? 1864] N. Y ., delivered in the House of Representatives, Edgerton, Joseph Ketchum, 1818-1893. April 12, 1864. [Washington? 1864] Winfield, Charles Hardenburg, 1829-1898. 597-458 Confiscation of property. 319-1-57 Speech of Hon. J.M. Howard, of Michigan on the Condition of the . Speech of Hon. confiscation of property. Delivered in the Senate Hiram Price, of Iowa, delivered in the House of of the United States, April 18, 1862. [Washington, Representatives, March 1, 1864. [Washington, L. Towers & Co., Printers, 1862] McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864] Howard, Jacob Merritt, 1805-1871. Price, Hiram, 1814-1901. 597-466 211-1-25 Confiscation of rebel property. Speech of The conditions of Reconstruction; in a letter Francis P. Blair, Jr., of Missouri, delivered in the from Robert Dale Owen to the Secretary of State. House of Representatives, February 5, 1864. Letter from Hon. S. P. Chase to the Loyal National Washington, D.C., Printed at "Constitutional League. New York, W.C. Bryant & Co., Printers, Union" Office, 1864. 1863. Blair, , 1821-1875. Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877. 645 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

319-1-88 Washington, D.C. Greenwood, Miss., Association Confiscation of rebel property. Speech of of Citizens' Councils of Mississippi, Educational Francis P. Blair, Jr., of Missouri, delivered in the Fund [ 1957?] House of ·Representatives, February 5, 1864. Washington, Printed at "Constitutional Union" 595-330 Office, 1864. Congressional legislation as to the rights Blair, Francis Preston, 1821-1875. of property in the territories. Speech of Hon. Thomas L. Clingman, of North 319-1-110 Carolina on the subject of congressional Confiscation of rebel property. Speech of Hon. legislation as to the rights of property in the Andrew J. Rogers, of New Jersey, delivered in the territories, delivered in the Senate of the United House of Representatives, January 21, 1864. States, May 7 & 8, 1860. Washington, Printed by L. [Washington, McGill & Witherow, 1864] Towers, 1860. Rogers, Andrew Jac_kson, 1828-1900. Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812-1897.

319-1-108 428-3 Confiscation of rebel property. Speech of Hon. The conjure-man dies; a mystery tale of dark George S. Boutwell, of Massachusetts, delivered . New York, Covici, Friede [cl932] in the House of Representatives, January 19, 1864. Fisher, Rudolph, 1897-1934. [Washington, McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864] Boutwell, George Sewall, 1818-1905. 468-3 The conquest; the story of a Negro pioneer, by 319-1-94 the pioneer. Lincoln, Nebr., The Woodruff Press, Confiscation of rebel property. Speech of Hon. 1913. Jas. F. Wilson, of Iowa. The House having under Micheaux, Oscar, 1884- consideration the Joint Resolution (No. 18) to amend a Joint Resolution explanatory of "an act 203-5; 592-206 to supress insurrection, to punish treason and Conscience and the Constitution with remarks rebellion, to seize and confiscate the property of on the recent speech of the Hon. in rebels, and for other purposes," approved July 17, the Senate of the United States on the subject of 1862. (Washington, H. Polkinhorn, Printer, 1864) slavery. By M. Stuart. Boston, Crocker and Wilson, James Falconer, 1828-1895. Brewster, 1850. Stuart, , 1780-1852. 319-1-112 Confiscation of rebel property. Speech of Hon. 597-462 Rufus P. Spalding, of Ohio, delivered in the House The . Also speeches of Hon. W.D. of Representatives, January 22, 1864. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, in the House of [Washington, McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864] Representatives, on the conscription; the way to Spalding, Rufus Paine, 1798-1886. attain and secure peace; and on arming the Negroes. With a letter from Secretary Chase. 515-8 Philadelphia, Printed for gratuitous distribution, The conflict and commingling of the races; a 1863. plea not for the heathens by a heathen to them that Kelley, William Darrah, 1814-1890. are not heathens. By Caesar A.A.P. Taylor. New York, Broadway Pub. Co., 1913. 211-1-40 Taylor, Caesar Andrew Augustus Powhatan. The Conscription act: a series of articles by George B. Butler. New York, Dec., 1863. New 274-5 York, W.C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. The conflict in America. A funeral discourse Butler, George Bernand, 1809-1886. occasioned by the death of John Brown of Ossawattomie, who entered into rest, from the 303-1 gallows, at Charlestown, Virginia, Dec. 2, 1859. Conscription and conflict in the Confederacy. Preached at the Warren St. M. E. Church, Rox­ New York, Macmillan, 1924. bury, Dec. 4, by Rev. Fales Henry Newhall, Moore, Albert Burton, 1887- pastor. Boston, J.M. Hewes, 1859. Newhall, Fales Henry, 1827-1883. 209-5 Considerations on the keeping of Negroes; 228-5-2 Recommended to the Professors of Christianity, The conflict with slavery: politics and reform: of every Denomination. Philadelphia: Published the inner life: criticism. Riverside ed. Boston and by T.E. Chapman, 1839. New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1893. Woolman, John, 1720-1772. Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892. 296-2 490-10-3 The conspiracy unveiled. The South sacrificed; Conflicting views on segregation, reprints of a o~, "':he horrors of secession. Philadelphia, J.B. series of letters between D.M. Nelson, President Lippincott, 1863. of Mississippi College, Clinton, Miss. and an un­ Hunnicutt, James W., 1814- named alumnus. Greenwood, Miss. [Association of Citizens' Councils of Mississippi, 1954?) . , 405-1 Nelson, Dotson McGinnis. <:onstelac1on Negra; antologia de la literature Negroamericana. Traducci6n del ingles, selec­ 490-10-8 ci6n y p6rtico de Julio G6mez de la Serna. (l. ed.] Congressional committee report on what hap­ Barcelona, Ediciones Ayma, S.L. (1942] pened when schools were integrated in 646 G6mez de la Serna, Julio, ed. and tr. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

267-2 Constitution, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, the The Constitution a pro-slavery compact; or, Act of 1820, the Fugitive Extracts from the Madison papers, etc. selected Slave Law of 1850, and the Nebraska and Kansas by Wendeil Phillips. 3d ed., enl. New York, Bill, carefully compiled. Rochester, Pub. by D.M. American Anti-slavery Society, 1856. Dewey [1854?] Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884, ed. 595-326 231-5 The Constitution of the United States with the Constitution, adopted on the 11th day of acts of Congress, relating to slavery, embracing, December, 1818, to take effect on the 5th day of the Constitution, the Fugitive slave -act of 1793, the October, 1819. Philadelphia, Printed for the Missouri compromise act of 1820, the Fugitive Convention, 1819. slave law of 1850, and the Nebraska and Kansas American Convention for Promoting the Abolition bill, carefully compiled. Rochester, D.M. Dewey of Slavery and Improving the Condition of the [1857] African Race. U.S. Laws, statutes, etc. 485-6 Constitution and by-laws. Philadelphia, G.P. 211-1-50 Henry, 1836. The Constitution vindicated. Nationality, Female Macedonia Society of the City and County secession, slavery. By James A. Hamilton. [New of Philadelphia. York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864] Hamilton, James Alexander, 1788-1878. 368-8 Constitution and laws of the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias, State of Georgia. And Minutes 491-5 of the Organization Session, held at savannah, A constitutional defense of the Negro, delivered Ga., December 15, 1890. Macon, Ga., Evening at a mass meeting of citizens in the Metropolitan News Steam Print, 1891. A.M.E. Church, Washington, D.C., December 15, Knights of Pythias. Georgia. Grand Lodge. 1901. [Washington?] The author, c1901. Crapsey, Algernon Sidney, 1847-1927. 368-6 The constitution and statutes of the Most 202-2 Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Constitutional government against treason. Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Two sermons for the times. Obedience to the Masons of the State of New York (Prince Hall civil authority; and Constitutional government Constitution). Adopted by the Grand Lodge, June against treason. Preached in the South Presb. 6, 1879. Rev. by the Grand Lodge, June 6, 1917. Church of Brooklyn, by the pastor, Rev. Samuel T. Adopted by the Grand Lodge, June 5, 1919. New Spear, April 28th and May 5th, 1861. New York, York, A.V. Bernier, Printer, 1919. Nathan Lane & Co., 1861. Freemasons. New York (State) Grand Lodge. Spear, Samuel Thayer, 1812-1891.

230-5-1 589-92 The constitution of the American Anti-slavery Constitutional law: with reference to the Society: with the Declaration of the National present condition of the United States. Cambrtdge Anti-slavery Convention at Philadelphia, [Mass.] Welch, Bigelow, and Co., 1862. December, 1833, and the Address to the public Parker, Joel, 1795-1875. issued by the executive committee of the society, in September, 1835. New York, American Anti­ 588-78 slavery Society, 1838. The constitutional rights of the states. Speech of American Anti-slavery Society. J.L.M. Curry, of Alabama, in the House of Representatives, March 14, 1860. [Washington] T. 593-267 McGill, Print. [1860) Constitution of the Anti-slavery Society of 5a lem Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe, 1825-1903. and Vicinity. The society organized January 27, A.O. 1834.-Salem, Mass. Salem, Printed by W. & 314-3 S. B. Ives, 1834. A constitutiona I view of the late war between the Anti-slavery Society of Salem and -Vicinity, states; its causes, character, conduct and results Salem, Mass. presented in a series of colloquies at Liberty Hall. Philadelphia, Pa., Chicago, The National Pub. Co. 225-6 [cl868-70] Constitution of the Free Produce Society of Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Printed on the Vertical Press by D. & S. Neall. [1828?] 597-459 Free Produce Society of Pennsylvania. The constitutionality and expediency of con­ fiscation vindicated. Speech of , 244-9 of Illinois, on the Bill to confiscate the property Constitution of the New England Anti-slavery and free the slaves of rebels; delivered in the Society: with an address to the public. Boston, . Senate of the United States, April 7, 1862. Printed by Garrison and Knapp, 1832. Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Massachusetts Anti-slavery Society. Office, 1862. Trumbull, Lyman, 1813-1896. 188-6; 587-31 The Constitution of the United States, with the acts of Congress, relating to slave!"y, embracing the 647 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

403-6 589-102 Contemporaries. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1900 [cl899} Coppe!head conspiracy in the Northwest. An I I Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911. expose of the treasonable Order of the "Sons of Liberty." Vallandigham, supreme commander. [Washington?] Printed by the Union 422-11 C~ntemporary poetry of the Negro. [Hampton, Congressional Committee [ 1864] Va.: Press of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute? 1921?] 274-6 Kerlin, Robert Thomas, 1866- A correct history of the John Brown invasion at Harper's Ferry, West Va., Oct. l7, 1859. Compiled by the late Capt. John H. Zittle who was an eye­ 565-12 A content analysis and cumulative index, an­ witness to many of the occurrences, and edited notated, of Phylon quarterly, 1940-1949. Atlanta, and published by his widow. Hagerstown, Md., 1951. Mail Pub. Co., 1905. Jordan, Casper LeRoy. Zittle, John Henry, 1830-1901. 597-435 591-168 The contest and . Correspondence between and The dangers of extending slavery, and The Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason of Virginia. Boston, contest and the crisis. Two speeches of William H. The American Anti-slavery Society, 1860. Seward. [Washington, Buell and Blanchard Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. Printers, 1856] ' Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. 597-430 Correspondence between Mr. Webster and Lord Ashburton: 1. on McLeod's case; 2. on the Creole 319-1-37 Contraband camps-discrimination in favor of case; 3. on the subject of impressment. Negro soldiers. Debate in the House of [Washington, 1842?] Representatives, April 30, 1864. Remarks of Mr. U.S. Dept. of State. Holman and Mr. Clay. [Washington? 1864] Holman, William Steele, 1822-1897. 592-203 Correspondence between and 454-3 John G. Palfrey intended as a supplement to Mr. Contradance; a Puritan's progress in New Palfrey's pamphlet on the slave power. Boston, Orleans. [ lst ed.] Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Eastburn's Press, 1846. fc1930l Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881. Whitman, Willson. 230-8-6 587-14 Correspondence between the Hon. F.H. Elmore, Controversy between Caius Gracchus and one of the South Carolina delegation in Congress, Opimius [pseud.] in reference to the American and James G. Birney, one of the secretaries of the Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of American Anti-slavery Society, 1838. the United States. Georgetown, D. C., J.C. , Birney, James Giilespie, 1792-1857. 1827. Caius Gracchus, pseud. 143-8 Correspondence of Thomas Ebenezer Thomas, 237-2 mainly relating to the anti-slavery conflict in Controversy between New York tribune and Ohio, especially in the Presbyterian church. Pub. Gerrit Smith. New York, Printed by J.A. Gray, by his son [Alfred A. Thomas, Dayton? Ohio] 1855. 1909. Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. Thomas, Thomas Ebenezer, 1812-1875.

243-5 494-4 The controversy over the distribution of "The cost of the mob." abolition literature, 1830-1860. [Washington, D.C.] "Let 'er burn down; the taxpayers will put 'er The Association for the Study of Negro Life and back!" Sermon: "The cost of the mob." History, Inc., 1938. [Atlanta, Ga., Commission on Interracial Co­ Savage, William Sherman, 1890- operation, 1933?] Edmonds, Henry Morris, 1878- 525-2 Co-operation the solution of the so-called Negro 482-9 problem. Ben P. Fowlkes, author. Birmingham, Cotto~ Copperhead Catechism. For the instrudion . . 216-2 of such politicians as are of tender years. Co~on 1s king_: or, The culture of cotton, and its Carefully compiled by divers learned and relation to agriculture, manufactures and com­ designing men. Authorized and with admonitions merce; to the free colored people; and to those by Fernando the Gothamite, high priest of the who ~old tha! s~avery is in itself sinful; by an Order of Copperheads. New York, Pub. for the American. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach, Keys & compilers by Sinclair Tousey, 1864. Co., 1855. Christy, David, b. 1802. 648 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

218-7 of the United States, May 19, 1856. New York, The cotton kingdom: a traveller's observations Greeley & McElrath, 1856. on cotton . and slavery in the American slave Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. states. Based upon three former volumes of journeys and investigations. New York, Mason 587-44 Bros., 1861. The crisis. New York, D. Appleton, 1863. Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903. 286-2 Crisis thoughts. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 413-4 1878. The Countee Cullen Memorial Collection of Carrington, Henry Beebee, 1824-1912. Atlanta University. [New York? 1947] Jackson, Wallace Van, 1900- 562-15 A critical study of the roman paysan in Haiti. 376-1-14 Atlanta, 1963. County teacher training schools for Negroes. Dillard, Morris J. [New Orleans? Press?] 1913. John F. Slater Fund, New York. 501-4 The crucial race question; or, Where and how 379-11 shall the color line be drawn. 2d ed. Little Rock, County training schools and public secondary Ark., The Arkansas Churchman's Pub. Co., 1907. education for Negroes in the. South. Washington, Brown, William Montgomery, Bp., 1855-1937. The John F. Slater Fund, 1935. Redcay, Edward Edgeworth, 1902·· 590-138 Cuba and Louisiana. Letter to Samuel J. 570-5 Peters. New Orleans, Picayune Print, 1854. The coverage of the Negro under the Old-age Thrasher, John S., 1817-1879. Titles of the Social Security Act. Atlanta, 1939. Martin, Annie Mae. 417-9 Cullings from Zion's poets. [Mobile? Ala., 211-1-68 cl907] The cowards' convention. New York, Loyal Wheeler, Benjamin Franklin, 1854-1919, comp. Publication Society, 1864. Bristed, Charles Astor, 1820-1874. 319-1-134 The currency-Its expansion-The public 279-5 debt-The new national banks. Speech of Hon. The cradle of freedom; a history of the Negro in James Brooks, of New York, delivered in the Rochester, western New York and Canada. House of Representatives, March 24, 1864. Sketches and illustrations by Claude Paul, [Washington, McGill & Witherow, 1864] engravings by Photo-cast, Inc., Rochester, New Brooks, James, 1810-1873. York. Rochester, N.Y., Oxford Press, 1941- Coles, Howard W. 434-7 The curse of caste. New York, Walker-Ellerson 562-13 Pub. Co. (1903] • The Creole and French of Lafayette, Louisiana; Le Cato, Nathaniel James Walter, 1835- a comparative study. Atlanta, 1945. Broussard, Mamie Joyce. 324-8 The curse of Meroz: or, The curse of the neutra I 499-5 or hostile toward the complete extirpation of the The Creoles of Louisiana, by George W. Cable. great American rebellion, together with slavery, New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1884. which is its cause and its source, or eighteen Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925. hundred and sixty-one and sixty-two. A sermon preached on the National Fast Day, Sep. 26, 1861 in 245-7 the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Garrison The crime against Kansas. The apologies for Creek, Indiana. Cincinnati, Printed by Frankland the crime. The true remedy. Speech of Hon. and Tidball, 1862. Charles Sumner, in the Senate of the United Wilson, William. States, 19th and 2oth May, 1856. Boston, J.P. Jewett; New York, Sheldon, Blademan, 1856. 505-11 Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. The curse of race prejudice. By James F Morton, Jr. New York, The author (1906?] 596-359 Morton, James Ferdinand, 1870-1941. The crime against Kansas. The apologies for the crime. The true remedy. Speech of Hon. 587-48 Charles Sumner. In the Senate of the United The curse of slavery. States, 19th & 20th May, 1856. Washington, Buell & Slavery and freedom. [Lecture] (delivered to Blanchard, Printers, 1856. the adult scholars of the Middle Ward Relief Sumner, Charles, 1811-187 4. School, at the Oddfellows Hall, Stockport, Oct. 3, 1863) London, Fred. Pitman, Printed by J. Ward 596-358 [le64] The crime against Kansas. Speech of Hon. Redfern, Councillor. Charles Sumner of Massachusetts. In the Senate

649 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

362-3 256-4 Cyclopedia of African . Baltimore, David Wilmot, free-soiler; a biography of the Methodist ·Episcopal Book Depository, 1882. great advocate of the . New York, Wayman, Alexander Walker, Bp., 1821-1895. London, D. Appleton, 1924. Going, Charles Buxton, 1863- 186-4 De l'esclavage dans ses rapports av~c l'~nion americaine, par Auguste Carlier. · Paris, Michel D Levy tr~res, 1862. Carlier, Auguste, 1803-1890. 345-13 440-5 Dangers and duties. Reconstruction and suf­ The dead go overside. New York, Greystone frag~. Speech of Hon. George W. Julian, deliv~red Press [c1938] in tfie hall of the House of Representatives, Smith, Arthur Douglas Howden, 1887- Indianapolis, Ind., November 17, 1865 in_re~pons_e to an invitation from that body. Cincinnati, 421-19 Gazette Steam Print, 1865. Dear lovely death. Amenia, N. Y ., Priv. print. at Julian, George Washington, 1817-1899. the Troutbeck Press, 1931. Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967. 598-478 The dangers and duties of the hour. An address 570-17 delivered at Concert Hall, Philadelphia, March 15, Death and burial customs among American 1866, by Hon. William D. Kelley. Washington, plantation Negroes. Atlanta, 1941. Chronicle Book and Job Print, 1866. Rogers, Marguerite Serena. Kelley, William Darrah, 1814-1890. 211-1-28(1) 591-168 The death of slavery. Letter from Peter Cooper The dangers of extending slavery, an_d The to Governor Seymour. [New York, 1863) contest and the crisis. Two speeches of Wilham H. Cooper, Peter, 1791-1883. Seward. [Washington, Buell and Blanchard, Printers, 1856) 267-4 Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. A debate on slavery: held in the city of Cin­ cinnati, on the first, second, third, and sixth days 461-9 of October, 1845, upon the question: is slave­ Dark companion. [1st ed.] New York, R.M. holding in itself sinful, and th~ relatio!I betvyeen McBride & Co. [1947) master and slave, a sinful relation? Aff1rmat1ve: Robinson, Bradley. Rev. J. Blanchard. Negative: N.L. Rice. Cin­ cinnati, W.H. Moore & Co.; New York, M.H. 356-8 Newman, 1846. Dark glory, a picture of the church among Blanchard, Jonathan, 1811-1892. Negroes in the rural South. New York, ~ub. for Home Missions Council of North America and 211-8 i 589-97 Phelps-Stokes Fund by Friendship Press [1947) Debt and resources of the United States: and the Richardson, Harry Van Buren. effect of secession upon the trade and industry of the loyal states. Philadelphia, June, 1863. 418-16 Philadelphia, Ringwalt & Brown, Printers, 1863. Dark harvest. With an introd. by Joseph V. Elder, William, 1806-1885. Baker. Philadelphia [1936?] Stanford, Theodore Anthony. 376-1-26 A decade of Negro self-expression, compiled by 434-3 Alain Locke, with a foreword by Howard W. Dark metropolis, by John Arthur. Boston, Odum. [Charlottesville, Va., Michie Co., Prin­ Meador Pub. Co., 1936. ters] 1928. Joseph, Arthur, 1886- Locke, Alain Le Roy, 1886-1954, comp. 532-4-1 230-4 Dark rapture; the sex-life of the African Negro, The declaration of sentiments and constitution by Felix Bryk, English ve~sion by. Dr. Arthur J. of the American Anti-slavery Society: with the Norton; with an introduction, Critique of sexual address to the public, by the executive com­ anthropology, by J.D. Unwin. New York, Walden mittee; the Constitution of the United States and Publication, 1939. also of the different states which are supposed to Bryk, Felix, 1882- have any relation to slavery. New York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1837. 551-8 American Anti-slavery Society. Darker phases of the South. New York & London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1924. 593-279 Tannenbaum, Frank, 1893- · Defence of abolition principles. [Providence? 1834?] 313-7 Providence Anti-Slavery Society. David G. Farragut. Philadelphia, G.W. Jacobs & Co. [1905] Spears, John Randolph, 1850-1936. 650 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

267-5 369-2 A defenc:;e of Negro slavery, as it exists in the Degree book of the Independent Order of Good United States. Montgomery, Press of the Templars under the jurisdiction of the Right "Alabama Journal", 1846. Worthy Grand Lodge of the World. 1876. Estes, Matthew. International Order of Good Templars. International Supreme Lodge. 599-521 A defence of the bill for the registration of 365-11 slaves; in letters to William Wilberforce. Letter The demand and the supply ot increased ef­ the first. London, Printed for J. Butterworth and ficiency in the Negro ministry. Washington, The Son, and J. Hatchard, 1816. Academy, 1909. Stephen, James, 1758-1832. Moorland, Jesse Edward, 1863-1940.

599-522 517-3 A defence of the bill for the registration of Democracy a misnomer, by Horace E. Barnett. slaves; in letters to William Wilberforce. Letter Richmond, The Saint Luke Press, 1924. the second. London, Printed for J. Butterworth Barnett, Horace Edward, 1854- and Son, and J. Hatchard, 1816. Stephen, James, 1758-1832. 505-1 Democracy and race friction; a study in socia I 507-7 ethics. New York, Macmillan, 1914. A defence of the colored race; a reply to "The Mecklin, John Moffatt, 1871- mullatto [!],"by Prof. H.E. Jordan, James K. Vardaman, et al., published in "The popular 555-5 science monthly" for June, 1913. Published under Democracy in earnest. Southern Sociological auspices of"The ." [Washington, Congress, 1916-1918; ed. by James E. McCulloch. O.C., 1913?] Washington, Southern Sociological Congress, 1918. Richardson, George H. Southern Sociological Congress.

588-76 589-126 Defence of the national democracy against the Democrat and Republican. Slavery and attack of Judge Douglas-constitutional rights of freedom. Past and present crises. An historical the states. Speech of Hon. J.P. Benjamin, of La. address in beha If of the veteran founders of the Delivered in the Senate of the United States, May Republican Party upon the pending dangers of 22, 1860. Washington, National Democratic political corruption, anarchical disorganization, Executive Committee, 1860. and increasing intemperance of the present day. Benjamin, Judah Philip, 1811-1884. By Hon. Stephen M. Allen, Duxbury, June 17, 1888. Boston, A.C. Getchell, Printer, 1888. 588-63 Allen, Stephen Merrill, 1819-1894. Defence of the Republican Party. Speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, on the 570-14 President's message. In the Senate of the United A demographic analysis of the Negro population States, December 19, 1856. Washington, Buell & of Atlanta: 1940-1960. Atlanta, 1961. • Blanchard, Printers, 1857. Roberts, Sylvester. Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875. 530-1 199-3-4 Demographic trends of the Negro in Oklahoma, A defense for fugitive slaves, against the acts of by Mozell C. Hill and Eugene S. Richards. [1946] Congress of February 12, 1793, and September 18, Hill, Mozell Clarence, 1911· 1850. Boston, B. Marsh, 1850. Spooner, Lysander, 1808-1887. 417-13 Desert sands, a volume of verse touching 491-8 various topics. London, A.H. Stockwell [1933] Defense of the constitutiona I rights of the Negro. Wilkinson, Henry Bertram, 1889- Speech of Hon. Martin B. Madden of Illinois in the House of Representatives, April 24,· 1916. 193-10 Washi-ngton, Govt. Print. Off., 1916. Despotism in America: an inquiry into the Madden, Martin Barnaby, 1855-1928. nature, results, and legal basis of the slave­ holding system in the United States. Boston, J.P. 319-1-119 Jewett; Cleveland, Ohio, Jewett, Proctor, and Defense of the Missouri militia. Speech of Hon. Worthington; [etc.] 1854. Austin A. King, of Missouri, delivered in the House Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. of Representatives, February 24, 1864. [Washington? 1864] 187-5 i 591-183 King, Austin Augustus, 1802-1870. The despotism of freedom; or, The tyranny and cruelty of American republican slave-masters, 271-10 shown to be the worst in the world; in a speech, Defense of the Negro race-charges answered. delivered at the first anniversary of the New Speech of Hon. George H. White, of North England Anti-slavery Society, 1833. By David L. Carolina, in the House of Representatives, Child. Boston, Boston Young Men's Anti-slavery January 29, 1901. Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] Association, 1833. 1901. Child, David Lee, 1794-1874. White, George Henry, 1852-1918. 661 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

592-226 Surgeons by W. Lawrence. London, Benbow, 1822. The destiny of the races of this continent. An Lawrence, Sir William, bart., 1785-1867. address delivered before the Mercantile Library Association of Boston, Massachusetts. On the 26th of January, 1859. By Frank P. Blair, Jr., of Missouri. Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1859. 376-1-5 Blair, Francis Preston, 1821-1875. Difficulties, complications and limitations connected with the education of the Negro, by 595-327 J.L.M. Curry. Baltimore, The Trustees, 1895. Desultory remarks on the question of extending Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe, 1825-1903. slavery into Missouri: as enunciated during the first session of the sixteenth Congress, by the 365-12 representative from· Chester County, State of Digest of Christian theology, designed for the Pennsylvania. Extracted from the American use of beginners, in the study of theological Republican Newspaper of 1819-20. West Chester, science. By Rev. J.C. Embry, Philadelphia, Pa., Lewis Marshall, Printer, 1858. A.M.E. Book Concern, 1890. Edwards, Samuel, 1785-1850. Embry, James Crawford, Bp., 1834-1897.

373-5 385-3 The development and present status of Negro A directory of Negro graduates of accredited education in east Texas, by William R. Davis. library schools, 1900-1936, compiled by the , Teachers College, Columbia Columbia Civic Library Association, in com­ University, 1934. memoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Davis, William Riley, 1886- founding of the first library school. Washington, The Columbia Civic Library Association, 1937. 355-4 Columbia Civic Library Association, Washington, The development of Negro religion. New York, D.C. Philosophical Library (1954] Johnston, Ruby Funchess. 553-4 Directory of opportunities for Negro youth in 569-8 Florida (a summary of community resources, The development of racial theories in the United organizations, and services for youth) 1936. States as reflected in the writings of certain Compiled by Edward R. Rodriguez, ad­ sociologists. Atlanta, 1938. ministrative assistant in charge of Negro ac­ Harris, Mae Thelma. tivities, assisted by C. Lowell Turner and T.V. Thomas. 1st ed. Jacksonville, National Youth 345-15 Administration [1936] The development of sentiment on Negro suf­ U.S. National Youth Administration. Florida. frage to 1806. [Madison, Wis.] The University of Wisconsin, 1912. 594-304 Olbrich, Emil, d. 1906. Directory of the twenty-third quadrennial session of the Genera I Conference. To be held in 277-2 St. John's A.M. E. Church, Bute Street, Norfolk, The development of state legislation concerning Va. Beginning Monday, May 4th, 1908. Norfolk the free Negro. New York, 1918. [Va.] Guide Press (1908] Johnson, Franklin, 1875- African Methodist Episcopal Church. General Conferences. 562-3 The development of the Negro novelist. Atlanta, 482-8 1941. Disadvantaging factors in the life of rural Myers, Randolph Louis. Virginia Negroes, by Harry W. Roberts. With the editorial assistance of William E. Garnett. 321-5 Ettrick, Va., Virginia State College for Negroes Diary. Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1862-66. (1945] Gurowski, Adam, hrabia, 1805-1866. Roberts, Harry Walter.

398-3 571-2 Did Adam sin? And other stories of Negro life in Disipline in Negro secondary schools. Atlanta, comedy-drama and sketches. Los Angeles, Calif., 1934. Lew Payton [cl937] Shell, William Henry, 1910- Payton, Lew, 1873- . 188-9 451-5 A _d_1scourse a~dr~ssed to the New Hampshire Diddie, Dumps, and Tot; or, Plantation child­ Aux1hary Colonization Society, at their first an­ life. New York, Harper & Bros. [cl882] nual meeting, Concord, June 2, 1825. Published by Pyrnelle, Louise Clarke, 1852- request of the Society. Concord [N.H.] Printed by Shepard and Bannister, 1825. 533-6 Dana, Daniel, 1771-1859. Differences in moral and intellectual qualities. . 595-337 Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural A _d1s~ourse . before the Young Men's history of man, delivered at the Royal College of Colonization ~c1ety of Pennsylvania, delivered Oct. 24, 1834, in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. 652 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

By J.R. Tyson. With a notice of the proceedings of the Society, and of their first expedition of 491-7 coloured 7migra~ts to _found a colony at Bassa The disfranchisement of Negroes. [New York, Cove. Ph1ladelph1a, Printed for the Society, 1834. National Association for the Advancement of Tyson, Job Roberts, 1803-1858. Colored People, 192-?] Holmes, John Haynes, 1879- 242-6 A disc.ourse, delivered at the African meeting­ 271-6 house, in Boston, July 14, 1808, in grateful The disfranchisement of the Negro. celebration of the abolition of the African slave­ Washington, The American Negro Academy, 1899. trade, by the governments of the United States Love, John L. Great Britain and Denmark. 2d ed. Boston' Printed by Lincoln & Edmands, 1808. ' 482-1 Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. The disinherited speak; letters from sharecroppers. [New York, Workers Defense 472-10 League, 1936?] A discourse, delivered on the death of Capt. Workers Defense League. Paul Cuffe, before the New-York African Institution, in the African Methodist Episcopal 474-2 Zion Church, October 21, 1817. New York· York Dispatches of Spanish officials bearing on the Eng., Reprinted for W. Alexander, 1818. ' ' free Negro settlement of Gracia Real de Santa Williams, Peter, 1780?-1840. Teresa de Mose, Florida. [Washington, 1924?] Wright, Irene Aloha, 1879· . 209-10 A ~1scourse, on the moral, legal and domestic 201-8 cond1t1ons of our colored population, preached A dissertation on servitude: embracing an before the Vermont Colonization Society at examination of the Scripture doctrines on the Montpelier, October 17, 1832. By J.K. Conv~rse, subject, and an inquiry into the character and Burlington [Vt.] Edward Smith, 1832. relations of slavery. By Leicester A. Sawyer. Converse, John Kendrick, 1801-1880. New Haven, Durrie & Peck, 1837. Sawyer, Leicester Ambrose, 1807-1898. . ~N A_ d1scou~~· on the occasion of forming the 591-163 Afrr_can M1ss1~n School Society, delivered in 1:he District of Columbia; to the people of the Chr1~t Church 1n Hartford, Connecticut on Sunday United States; or, to such Americans as value evening, Aug. 10, 1828. Hartford, H. & F .J. their rights, and dare to maintain them. [New Huntington, 1828. York] American Anti-slavery Society [1836?] Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew, Bp., 1792-1854. American Anti-slavery Society.

. 199-4 591-199 The discussion between Rev. Joel Parker, and Disunion. Address of the American Anti- .Rev. A. Rood, on the question "What are the evils slavery Society and F. Jackson's letter on the pro­ inseparable from slavery," which was referred to slavery character of the Constitution. New York by Mrs. Stowe, in "'s cabin 11 American Anti-slavery Society, 1845. - ' Reprinted from the Philadelphia Christian· ob­ American Anti-slavery Society. server of 1846. New York, S.W. Benedict; Philadelphia, H. Hooker, 1852. 588-81 Parker, Joel, 1799-1873. Disunion and slavery. A series of letters to Hon. W.L. Yancey, of Alabama, by Henry J. Raymond, 204-5 of New York. [New York? 1861?] Discussion on American slavery, between Raymond, Henry Jarvis, 1820-1869. George Thompson, agent of the British and Foreign Society for the Abolition of Slavery 319-1-149 throughout the World, and Rev. Robert J. The disunion of the administration. Speech of Breckinridge, delegate from the General Hon. Anson Herrick, made in the House of Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the Representatives, March 26, 1864. Washington, United States to the Congregationa I Union of Printed at Constitutional Union Office, 1864. England and Wales: holden in the Rev. Dr. Herrick, Anson, 1812-1868. Ward law's chapel, Glasgow, Scotland; on the evenings of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th of June 233-2-11 1836. With an appendix. Boston, I. Knapp, 1836. Disunion our wisdom and our duty. By Rev. Thompson, George, 1804-1878. Charles E. Hodges. [New York, American Anti­ slavery Society, 1855] 267-1; 587-33 Hodges, Charles Edward, 1824-1870. A discussion on slaveholding. Three letters to a c~ns~ryative, by George D. Armstrong, of 355-2 V1rgm1a. And three conservative replies, by c. Divine white right: a study of race segregation Van Rensselaer, of New Jersey. I. On the and interracial cooperation in religious Scriptural doctrine of slaveholding. II. On organizations and institutions in the United emancipation and the church. Ill. On the States; with a section on "The church and hi:;torical ar~ument for slaveholding. Together education for Negroes," by Ira DeA. Reid. New with two re101nders, on slaveholding, schemes of York and London, Pub. for the Institute of Social emancipation, colonization, etc. Philadelphia and Religious Research by Harper & Brothers J.M. Wilson, 1858. ' [c1934] Bowen, Trevor. Armstrong, George Dodd, 1813-1899. 653 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

430-5 201-15 Dixiana, novelized by Winnie Brandon, the story Does the Bible sanction American slavery? from The radio picture; adaptation, continuity C~mbridge, Sever and Francis, 1863. and direction by Luther Reed, books and lyrics by Smith, Goldwin, 1823-1910. Ann Caldwell, musical numbers in the photoplay by Harry Tierney. New York, A.L. Burt Co. 230-5-3 [c1930] Does the Bible sanction slavery? [183_?] Brandon, Winnie. 305-2 554-8 The domestic and foreign relations of the United Dixie; or, Southern scenes and sketches. New States. Cambridge [Mass.] Welch, Bigelow, 1862. York, Harper, 1896. Parker, Joel, 1795-1875. Ralph, Julian, 1853-1903. 453-3 542-7 Don Cosme; a romance of the South. New York, Dixie demagogues, by Allan A. Michie and G.W. Dillingham Co., 1899. Frank Ryhlick. New York, The Vanguard Press Tyndale, Troilus Hilgard. [c1939] Michie, Allan Andrew, 1915- 220-5-4 The doom of slavery in the Union: its safety out 394-7 of it. Charleston, Evans & Cogswell, 1860. Dizzy Gillespie. New York, Barnes [1961, c1959] Townsend, John. James, Michael. 403-3 426-3 Dorian's Plan. Doctor Huguet; a novel, by Edmund Unfettered; a novel. Nashville, Tenn., Orion Boisgilbert. Chicago, F.J. Schulte & Co. [c1891] Pub. Co., 1902. Donnelly, Ignatius, 1831-1901. Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872-

362-1 193-7 The doctrine and discipline of the A.M. E. Douglas and the Compromise of 1850. Church. Published by order of the Genera I [Aspects of slavery and expansion, 1848-60. By Conference held in Kansas City, Mo., May 1912. George D. Harmon. Bethlehem, Pa., Lehigh By Rev. J.I. Lowe. Compiled by Evans Tyree University, 1929] [and others] 25th rev. ed. Philadelphia, Pa., Harmon, George Dewey, 1896- A.M.E. Book Concern, 1912. African Methodist Episcopal Church. 291-4 Down in Tennessee, and back by way of Rich­ 360-2 mond. By Edmund Kirke. New York, Carleton, The doctrines and disciplines of the A.M.E. 1865. Church; published by order of the Genera I Con­ Gilmore, James Roberts, 1822-1903. ference held in No'rfolk, Va., May, 1908, by Rev. J.H. Collett. Compiled by B.F. Lee, C.T. Shaffer 415-16 [and others] 24 rev. ed. Philadelphia, Pa., Dreams of life. Miscellaneous poems. New A.M.E. Book Concern, 1908. York, 1905; Miami, Fla., Mnemosyne Pub. Co. African Methodist Episcopal Church. [1969] Fortune, Timothy Thomas, 1856-1928. 330-2 Documentary history of reconstruction, 441-1 political, military, social, religious, educational & Dred; a tale of the great Dismal Swamp, industrial, 1865 to the present time, by Walter L. together with Anti-slavery tales and papers, and Fleming, with facsimiles. Cleveland, Ohio, The Life in Florida after the war. Boston and New A.H. Clark Co., 1906-07. York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1896. Fleming, Walter Lynwood, 1874-1932, ed. Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, 1811-1896.

189-1 185-5 Documents illustrative of the history of the , (a colored man) vs. John F.A. slave trade to America [by] Elizabeth Donnan. Sandford. Argument of Montgomery Blair, of Washington, D.C., Carnegie Institution of counsel for the plaintiff in error. Washington, Washington, 1930-35. D.C., Gideon, Printer [1856?] Donnan, Elizabeth, ed. Blair, Montgomery, 1813-1883.

376-1-1 597-454 Documents relating to the origin and work of the Thedriftofthewar. [Boston, A. Williams & Co., Slater Trustees, 1882-1894. Baltimore, The 1861] Trustees, 1894. Buck, Edward, of Boston. John F. Slater Fund, New York. . , ,. . . 395-2 233-2-5 ·Duke Ellington, etude serree, su1v1e des com- Does slavery Christianize the Negro? By Rev. mentaires techniques de Jacques Bureau et d'une T.W. Higginson. [New York, American Anti­ tentative d'essai en v.ue d'un premier manifeste slavery Society, 1855] d'une ecole de Creteil suggere par Michel Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911. 654 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

Philippot; avec le portrait de Duke Ellington et delivered in the House of Representatives March celui de Kay Davis vus de prl}s par Max Bucaille. 5, 1864. Washington, Printed by W.H. Moore Paris, Messager Boiteux [1950] [18641 Arnaud, Neel. Grinnell, Josiah Bushnell, 1821-1891.

309-3 376-1-22 Duplicate copy of the souvenir from the Afro­ Early effort for industrial education, by Ben­ American League of Tennessee to Hon. James M. jamin Brawley [Charlottesville, Va.?] 1923. Ashley of Ohio. Ed. by Benjamin W. Arnett. [The Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939. Library ed. of the J.M. Ashley souvenir] Philadelphia, Publishing House of the A.M.E. 414-2 Church, 1894. Early Negro American writers; selections with Ashley, James Monroe, 1824-1896. biographical and critical introductions. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1935. 376-1-15 Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939, ed. Duplication of schools for Negro youth, by W.T.B. Williams. [Lynchburg, Va.?, J.P. Bell 463-1 Co., Printers?] 1914. Early recollections and life of Dr. James Still. Williams, William Taylor Burwell, 1866(ca.)-1941. [Philadelphia] Printed for the author by J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1877. 465-2 Still, James, b. 1812. Dust tracks on a road, an autobiography. Philadelphia, London [etc.] J.B. Lippincott, 1942. 397-1 Hurston, Zora Neale, 1901-1960. Earth; a play in seven scenes, by Em Jo Basshe. With an introd. by Eric Walrond; a New 594-285 Playwrights' Theatre production. New York, Duty of abolitionists to pro-slavery ministers Macaulay Co. [c1927] and churches. [Concord, N.H., Printed by J.R. Basshe, Emanuel Jo, 1899- French, 1841] Wright, Henry Clarke, 1797-1870. 418-10 Earth songs. Boston, R.G. Badg~r, 1910. 592-207 Smith, Mary Chapin. "The Duty of Anti-Slavery voters." [1851] 440-1 591-195 Earth-born, a novel of the plantation. New The duty of the Free States, or remarks York, London, Century Co. [cl929] suggested by the case of the Creole. Boston, Snyder, Howard. William Crosby, 1842. Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842. 599-556 East India slavery. 2d ed. London, C. Tilt, 1829. 213-10 Sa i ntsbury, George. The dying Negro·, a poem. By the late Thomas Day and John Bicknell, esquires. To which is 406-7 added, a Fragment of a letter on the slavery of the Ebony and topaz, a collectanea, ed. by Charles Negroes. London, J. Stockdale, 1793. S. Johnson. New York, Opportunity, National Day, Thomas, 1748-1789. Urban League [c1927] Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 1893-1956, ed.

211-1-2 The echo from the Army. What our soldiers say about the Copperheads. New· York, Loyai E Publication Society, 1865. 437-2 Echo of drums, a novel. [1st ed.] New York, Sovereign House [c1938] . 449-4 Pendleton, Louis Beauregard, 1861-1939. E.K. Means. Is this a title? It is not. It is the name of a writer of Negro stories, who has made 460-5 himself so completely· the writer of Negro stories Echoes from a pioneer life. Atlanta, Ga., A.B. that his book needs no title. Illus. by Kemble. Caldwell Pub. Co., 1922. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons Arter, Jared Maurice. [c1918] Means, Eldred Kurtz, 1878- 310-1 Echoes from the battlefield; or, Southern life 198-1 during the war. Atlanta, Ga., Franklin Print. and Early American views on Negro slavery, from Pub. Co., 1902. the letters and papers of the founders cf the Williams, Noble Calhoun, 1854- Republic. Boston, Meador Pub. Co., 1934. Mellon, Matthew Taylor, 1897- 412-3 Echoes from the cabin ~nd elsewhere. Chicago, 319-1-138 [Donohue & Henneberry, Printers] 1895. Early and modern democracy reviewed. Campbell, James Edwin. Speech of Hon. Josiah B. Grinnell, of Iowa, 655 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

270-10 559-11 Echoes from the cabinet; comprising the Con­ The economic development of West Africa: stitution of the United States; Declaration of in­ some basic problems. Atlanta, 1960. dependence; Fugitive slave bills of 1793 & 1850; Kofa, James K. Missouri compromise; The Kansas and Nebraska bill of 1854. Also, the facsimile autograph names 538-2 of the signers of the Declaration of independence. Economic history of the South, by Emory Q. New York, Dayton and Wentworth, 1855. Hawk; foreword by Tipton R. Snavely. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1934. 291-1 Hawk, Emory Quinter. Echoes from the South. Comprising the most important speeches, proclamations, and public - 539-5 acts emanating from the South during the late The economic status of Negroes; summary and war. New York, E.B. Treat & Co. [1866] analysis of the materials presented at the Con­ ference on the Economic Status of the Negro, held 274-8 in Washington, D.C., May 11-13, 1933, under the Echoes of Harper's Ferry. Boston, Thayer and sponsorship of the Julius Rosenwald Fund. Eldridge, 1860. Report prepared for the Committee on Findings Redpath, James, 1833-1891, ed. by Charles S. Johnson. [Nashville] Press, 1933. 569-10 Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 1893-1956. The ecological distribution of the Negro population in Atlanta in 1939. Atlanta, 1940. 473-9-4; 47 6-2-7 Haynes, Laroy Howard Milton. An economic study of Negro farmers as owners, tenants, and croppers. [Athens, Ga., 1923] 538-3 Scarborough, Donald Dewey. The economic and political essays of the ante­ bellum South, by Ulrich B. Phillips. Richmond, 572-4 The Southern Publication Society, 1909. The editoria I policy of the Atlanta constitution Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell. 1877-1934. on the Negro, 1931-1940. Atlanta, 1942. Thorpe, Naomi. 564-7 Economic and social status of the Negro in 562-8 Fulton County, 185S-186S. Atlanta, 1966. The editorial policy of . Phillips, Shirley M. Atlanta, 1946. Porter, Bessie Louise. 482-5 Economic aspects of the farm situation of Negro 383-7 farmers in Macon County, Alabama, 1931. Education and its promise for the future. [Tuskegee, Ala.] Tuskegee Institute Press, 1933. Proceedings of the 27th annual conference, Otis, J. R. March 25, 26, 27, 1953. Theme: "Education and its promise for the future." Baltimore, Morgan State 573-12 College [ 1953?] - Economic co-operation among Negro National Association of Collegiate Deans and Americans; report of a social study made by Registrars in Negro Schools. Atlanta University under the patronage of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C., together 471-6 with the Proceedings of the 12th Conference for Education and work. Washington, Howard the Study of the Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University, 1931. University, on Tuesday, May the 28th, 1907. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. Edited by W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. Atlanta, Atlanta University Press, 1907. 372-9 Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, Education as an element in the reconstruction of ed. the Union. A lecture delivered before the National Teachers' Association, at Harrisburg, Pa., Aug. 573-19 18, 1865. Boston, Press of Geo. C. Rand & Avery Economic co-operation among the Negroes of 1865. I Georgia, report of a social study made by Atlanta Wickersham, James Pyle, 1825-1893. University with the Proceedings of the twenty­ second annual Conference for the Study of the ,~.. . - ,. 374-9 Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University, on L .... ucahon des negres aux Etats-Unis, par Monday, May the 28th, 1917. Edited by Thomas I. Kate Brousseau. Paris, F. Akan, 1904. Brown. Atlanta, Atlanta University Press, 1917. Brousseau, Kate, 1862- Brown, Thomas Isaacs, 1881- ed. . 379-15 538-4 E~ucahon f!>r life; the story of Hampton An economic detour; a history of insurance in 1i:ist1tute, told m connection with the fiftieth an­ the lives of American Negroes, by M.S. Stuart. n~versary of the foundation of the school. Garden New York, W. Malliet and Co., 1940. City, New York,_ Doubleday, Page, 1918. Stuart, Merah Steven, 1878- Peabody, Francis Greenwood, 1847-1936.

. 365-6 T~e education of Negro ministers, by W.A. Daniel; based upon a survey of theological schools 656 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

for Negroes in the United States made by Robert 573-14 L. Kelly and W.A. Daniel. New York, George H. Efforts for social betterment among Negro Doran [c1925] Americans; report of a social study made by Daniel, William Andrew, 1895- Atlanta University under the patronage of the Trustees of the John. F. Slater Fund; together with 558-3 the Proceedings of the 14th annual Conference for Education of Negroes: a 5-year bibliography, the Study of the Negro Problems, held at Atlanta 1931-1935, by Ambrose Ca liver, senior specialist in University on Tuesday, May the 24th, 1909. Edited the education of Negroes and Ethel G. Greene, by W.E. Burghardt Du Bois. Atlanta, Atlanta Office of Education. United States Department of University Press, 1909. the Interior, Harold L. Ickes, Secretary. Office of Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, Education, J.W. Studebaker, Commissioner. ed. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1937. Caliver, Ambrose, 1894- comp. 287-5 Eight years in Congress, from 1857 to 1865. 372-2 Memoir and speeches. New York, D. Appleton, The education of the Negro prior to 1861: a 1865. history of the education of the colored people of Cox, Samuel Sullivan, 1824-1889. the United States from the beginning of slavery to the Civil War, by C.G. Woodson. New York and 353-2 London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1915. The "Eighth Illinois," by Corporal W.T. Goode, Woodson, Carter Godwin, 1875-1950. Company F, Eighth Illinois Volunteer Regiment, United States Volunteers. Chicago, The Blakely 376-1-3 Print. Co., 1899. Education of the Negroes since 1860, by J.L.M. Goode, W.T. Curry. Baltimore, The. Trustees, 1894. Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe, 1825-1903. 211-1-19 Einheit und Freiheit. New York, June 1863. 490-10-10 New York, New-Yorker Abend-zeitung Print, 1863. Greenwood, Miss. [Association of Citizens' Raster, Hermann, 1827-1891. Councils of Mississippi, 1956?] The Educational Fund of the Citizens' Councils. 211-1-15 Elements of discord in Secessia, &c., &c. New 372-6 York, Oct., 1863. New York, W.C. Bryant & Co., Educational progress of the Negro. Delivered Printers, 1863. before the Baptist Negro Ministers' Institute, Alexander, Wi 1liam, 1808-1875. Hopkinsville, Ky., March 11, 1896. McRidley, W.H. 258-1 as a Christian. With 385-11 appendix as to the Lovejoy Monument, etc. Educators of the first half century of public Rochester, N.Y., Scrantom, Wetmore & Co. schools of the District of Columbia. [ 1910?] Wormley, G. Smith. Jameson, Melvin.

471-14 459-8 Edwin R. Embree memorial lectures. Elleanor's second book. Providence, B.T. [v. ll- 1952/ 53- Albro, Printer, 1839. New Orleans, . McDougall, Frances Harriet Whipple Greene, 1805-1878. 599-557 Eenige opmerkingen omtrent het op den 2den mei · 1860 voorgestelde ontwerp van wet ter af­ 286-5 schaffing der slavernij in Suriname, voornamelijk Emancipation. Philadelphia, Eastern Penn­ in betrekking tot het staatstoezigt over de sylvania A.S. Society, Merrihew and Thompson, vrijgemaakte slaven. Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon, Printers, 1861. 1860. Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842. Wolbers, Julien. 592-243 559-6 Emancipation and its results. [New York, 1863] The effect of labor legislation upon Negro in­ dustry in Georgia from 1860-1900. Atlanta, 1934. 400-4 Pertee, Adrian Perry. Emancipation and the freed in American sculpture; a study in interpretation. lntrod. by 482-6 John Wesley Cromwell. Washington, D.C., The Effects of farm ownership on rural family life. author, 1916. [ 1945?] Murray, Freeman Henry Morris. Roberts, Harry Walter. 230-8-5 i 599-549 206-5 Emancipation in the West Indies. A six months' Effects of slavery on morals and industry. tour in Antigua, Barbadoes, and Jamaica, in the Hartford [Conn.] Printed by Hudson and Good­ year 1837. By Jas. A. Thome, and J. Horace win, 1793. Kimball. New York, The American Anti-slavery Webster, Noah, 1758-1843. Society, 1838. Thome, James A. 657 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

599-553 312-1 Emancipation in the West Indies. By F.B. England, the United States, and the southern Sanborn. Concord, Mass., 1862. Confederacy. 2d ed. rev. and amended. London, Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, 1831-1917. Hamilton, Adams, 1864. Sargent, Fitzwilliam, 1820- 211-1-22 Emancipation is peace. [New York, 1863) 357-8 Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877. The English language, in Liberia. The annual address before the citizens of Maryland County, 597-445 Cape Palmas, Liberia, July 26, 1860, being the day The emancipation proclamation and arbitrary of national independence. By the Rev. Alex. arrests!! Speech of Hon. Gilbert Dean, of New Crummell. New York, Bunce & Co.,.1861. York, on the governor's annual message, Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898. delivered in the House of Assembly of the State of New York, February 12, 1863. Albany, Atlas & 211-1-84 Argus Print., 1863. An Englishman's thoughts on crimes of the Dean, Gilbert, 1819-1870. South, and the recompense of the North. By W.W. Broom. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 235-3 1865. The Emancipator (complete) published by Elihu Broom, Walter William. Embree, Jonesborough, Tennessee, 1820; a reprint of the Emancipator, to which are added a 190-9 biographical sketch of Elihu Embree, author and The enormity of the slave-trade; and the duty of publisher of the Emancipator, and two hitherto seeking the moral and spiritual elevation of the unpublished anti-slavery memorials bearing the colored race. Speeches of Wilberforce, and other signature of Elihu Embree. Nashville, Tenn .. documents and records. New York, American B.H. Murphy, 1932. Tract Society [1846?] American Tract Society, New York. 570-6 Employment of women in domestic and per­ 319-1-168 sonal service-with special reference to Negro The enrollment act, Pennsylvania election, etc. women in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, 1939. Speech of Hon. John D. Stiles, of Penn., delivered May, Agnes Elizabeth. in the House of Representatives, February 3, 1864. [n.p., 1864) 321-1 Stiles, John Dodson, 1822-1896. The end of an era. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1900. 319-1-86 Wise, John Sergeant, 1846-1913. Enrollment act. Speech of Hon. Thomas Williams, of Pennsylvania, on the enrollment act. 592-250 Delivered in the House of Representatives, The end to the slavery controversy. February 3, 1864. [Washington, W.H. Moore, Philadelphia, C. Sherman, Son & Co., Printers, Printer, 1864] 1864. Williams, Thomas, 1806-1872. Shanafelt, J.R. 319-1-163 204-4 Enrollment of citizen soldiers. Speech of Hon. The enemies of the Constitution discovered, or, J.W. Chanler, of N.Y., delivered in the House of An inquiry into the origin and tendency of popular Representatives, February 2, 1864. [Washington? violence. Containing a complete and cir­ 1864] cumstantia I account of the unlawful proceedings Chanler, John Winthrop, 1826-18Z7. at the city of Utica, October 21st, 1835; the dispersion of the state anti-slavery convention by 214-5 a democratic press, and of the causes which led Enslaved and a fugitive, a quadroon's ex­ thereto. Together with a concise treatise on the perience in ante-bellum days. practice of the court of His Honor Judge Lynch. Sheffield, J. F. Accompanied with numerous highly interesting and important documents. By Defensor. New 378-6 York, Leavitt, Lord, & Co.; Utica, G. Tracy, 1835 Environmental factors in Negro elementary [cl836) education. New York, W.W. Norton, 1932. Thomas, William, d. 1836? Foreman, Clark, 1902-

344-12 417-1 Enfranchisement and citizenship. Addresses The epic of Columbus' bell and other poems. and papers, by Edward L. Pierce. Edited by A.W. Reading, Pa., Press of Reading Eagle, 1900. Stevens. Boston, Roberts Bros., 1896. Temple, George Hannibal. Pierce, Edward Lillie, 1829-1897. 236-13 599-530 An epistle to the clergy of the southern states. England enslaved by her own slave colonies. An [New York? 1836?] address to the electors and people of the United Grimke, Sarah Moore, 1792-1873. Kingdom. London, Printed by R. Taylor, for Hatchard and Son. and J. and A. Arch, 1826. 363-2 Stephen, James, 1758-1832. The epoch of Negro Baptists and the Foreign Mission Board, National Baptist Convention, 658 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

U.S.A. Kansas City, Kansas, The Central 205-11 Seminary Press, 1953. Essays on slavery; re-published from the Freeman, Edward A., 1914- Boston Recorder & telegraph, for 1825. By Vigornius, and others. Amherst, Mass., M.H. 479-12 Newman, 1826. Equal economic opportunity; a report. Vigornius. Washington, 1953. U.S. President's Committee on Government 329-4 Contract Compliance. Essays on the civil war and reconstruction and related topics. New York, London, Macmillan, 332-4 1898 [cl897] The equality of all men before the law claimed Dunning, William Archibald, 1857-1922. and defended; in speeches by Hon. William D. Kelley, Wendell Phillips, and Frederick Douglass, 196-6-2 and letters from Elizur Wright and Wm. Heighton. Essays, philanthropic and moral. Principally Boston, Press of G.C. Rand & Avery, 1865. relating to the abolition of slavery in America. Kelley, William Darrah, 1814-1890. Philadelphia, T.E. Chapman; New York, Baker, Crane & Day, 1845. 491-6 Chandler, Elizabeth Margaret, 1807-1834. Equality of rights for all citizens, black and white, alike. A discourse delivered in the Fif­ 388-12 teenth Street Presbyterian Church, Washington, Essentials. Definitions and aphorisms. Private D.C., Sunday, March 7th, 1909. [Washington, ed. Chicago [The Lakeside Press] 1931. 1909] Toomer, Jean, 1894- Grimke, Francis James. 1850-1937. 569-2 279-13 An ethnographic survey of the lbibio of An era of progress and promise, 1863-1910; the southeast Nigeria. Atlanta, 1969. religious, moral, and educational development of Ekpo, Monday Udowah. the American Negro since his emancipation. W.N. Hartshorn. ed.; George W. Penniman, 294-3 associate ed. Boston. Mass .. The Priscilla Pub. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln pronounced at the Co., 1910. City Hall, Springfield, Mass., April 19, 1865. By Hartshorn, William Newton, 1843-1920, ed. J.G. Holland. Springfield, L.J. Powers, 1865. Holland, Josiah Gilbert, 1819-1881. 594-286 Errors of the times. A charge delivered to the 378-4 clergy of the Diocese of Connecticut, at the annual Every tenth pupil: The story of Negro schools in convention, holden in Christ Church, in the city of the South. [1934?] Hartford, June 13, 1843. By the Rt. Rev. Thomas Embree, Edwin Rogers, 1883-1950. C. Brownell, Hartford, Case, Tiffany, 1843. Brownell, Thomas Church, Bp., 1779-1865. 549-5 Evidences of progress among colored people. 185-6 By G.F. Richings. 11th ed. Philadelphia, G.S. An essay on liberty and slavery. By Albert Ferguson, 1904. Taylor Bledsoe. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, Richings, G. F 1860 [c1856] Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 1809-1877. 591-189 The evils of slavery,.and the cure of slavery. 231-8 The first proved by the opinions of southerners An essay on the slavery and commerce of the themselves, the last shown by historical evidence. human species, particularly the African. In three By Mrs. Child. Newburyport, C. Whipple, 1836. parts. Translated from a dissertation, Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. which was honored with the first prize in the University of Cambridge, for the year 1785, with 561-3 additions. By the Rev. Thomas Clarkson. The evolution of Faulkner's attitude toward the Philadelphia, Nathaniel Wiley, J.W. Scott, Negro: a study of his major fiction. Atlanta, 1968. Printer, 1804. Cherry, Joyce L. Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846. 528-2 591-196 The evolution of the Afric-American, by Samuel Essays, being inductions drawn from the J. Barrows. New York, D. Appleton, 1892. Baconian philosophy proving the truth of the Bible Barrows, Samuel June, 1845-1909. and justice and benevolence of the decree dooming to be servant of servants: and 507-4 answering the question of Voltaire: "On demande Evolution or racial development. New York, quel droit des etrangers tels que les Juifs avaient J.S. Ogilvie Pub. Co., 1901. sur le pays de Canaan?" In a series of letters to Riley, Jerome R. the Rev. William Winans, by Samuel A. Cart­ wright. Vidalia [la.] 1843. 280-1 Cartwright, Samuel Adolphus, 1793-1863. Examination of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of Strader, Gorman and Armstrong vs. Christopher Graham, 659 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog delivered at its December term, 1850: concluding 264-7 with an address to the free colored people, ad­ Experience and personal narrative of Uncle vising them to remove to Liberia. By James G. Tom Jones; who was for forty years a slave. Also Birney. Cincinnati, Truman & Spofford, 1852. the surprising adventures of Wild Tom, of the Birney, James Gillespie, 1792-1857. island retreat, a fugitive Negro from South Carolina. Boston, H.B. Skinner. 592-215 Jones, Thomas H., Negro slave. An examination of the Mosaic laws of servitude. New York, M.W. Dodd, 1854. 229-2 Jay, William, 1789-1858. The experience of Thomas H. Jones, who was a slave for forty-three years. Written by a friend, as 515-3 related to him by Brother Jones. Boston, Printed Excerpts from a Thanksgiving sermon by by Bazin & Chandler, 1862. Francis J. Grimke. Delivered November 26, 1914, Jones, Thomas H., Negro slave. and Two letters addressed to Hon. . [Washington, Printed by R.L. Pendleton, 231-7 1914] Exposition of the object and plans of the Grimke, Francis James, 1850-1937. American Union for the Relief and Improvement of the Colored Race. Boston, Press of Light & 191-2 Horton, 1835. Excursion through the slave states, from American Union for the Relief and Improvement Washington on the Potomac, to the frontier of of the Colored Race. Mexico; with sketches of popular manners and geological notices. New York, Harper, 1844. 599-544 Featherstonhaugh, George William, 1780-1866. An exposure of some of the numerous mistatements [sic] and misrepresentations 597-447 contained in a pamphlet commonly known by the Executive power. [1862?] name of Mr. Marryatt's [sic] pamphlet, entitled Curtis, Benjamin Robbins, 1809-1874. "Thoughts on the abolition of the slave trade and the civilization of Africa," with "Remarks on the 346-6 African Institution," and an "Examination of the Exercises at the dedication of the monument to report of their committee recommending a Colonel Robert Gould Shaw and the Fifty-fourth general registry of slaves in the British West­ Regiment of Massachusetts Infantry, May 31, India islands." London, Printed by Ellerton and 1897. Boston, Municipal Print. Off., 1897. Henderson, for J. Hatchard, 1816.

233-9 319-1-122 Exercises at the dedication of the statue of Expulsion of Hon. Alexander Long. Speech of Wendell Phillips, July 5, 1915. City of Boston, Hon. Fernando Wood, delivered in the House of Printing Dept., 1916. Representatives, Monday, April 11, 1864. Boston. City Cour:icil. [Washington, Printed at "Constitutional Union" Office, 1864] 594-299 Wood, Fernando, 1812-1881. An exhortation and caution to Friends con­ cerning buying or keeping Negroes. 522-11 Keith, George, 1639?-1716. Ex-slave pension frauds. By Walter L. Fleming. Baton Rouge, Ortlieb's Printing House, 1910. 210-4 Fleming, Walter Lynwood, 1874-1932. The exiles of Florida: or, The crimes committed by our government against the maroons, who fled 371-9 from South Carolina and other slave states, Extracts from letters of teachers and seeking protection under Spanish laws. By Joshua superintendents of the New-England Educational R. Giddings. Columbus, 0., Follett, Foster and Commission for Freedmen. 4th ser. Boston, Co., 1858. David Clapp, Printer, 1864. Giddings, Joshua Reed, 1795-1864. New-England Freedmen's Aid Society. 326-2 The existing conflict between republican government and southern oligarchy, by Green B. Raum. [New York, Printed by the Charles M. F Green Printing Co.] 1884. Raum, Green Berry, 1829-1909. 479-9 FEP_C, how it operates. [Washington] The 281-8 Comm1:tee, Division of Review and Analysis, The exodus: its effect upon the people of the Executive Office of the President, Office for South. Colored labor not indispensable. An ad­ Emergency Management [1944] dress delivered before the Board of directors of U.S. Committee on Fair Employment Practice the American Colonization Society, Jan. 21, 1880, ( 1943-1946) by Rev. C.K. Marshall. Washington City, Colonization Rooms, 1880. 412-2 Marshall, Charles K. Fact and fiction; a collection of stories. New York, C.S. Francis & Co.; Boston, J.H. Francis 1M6. ' Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. 660 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

264-2 479-7 Fact stranger than fiction. Seventy-five years Father-son occupations among Negroes in of a busy life with reminiscences of many great Atlanta, Georgia. A supplementary study of and good men and women. Cleveland, Ohio, Riehl occupational characteristics of white collar and Printing Co., 1920. skilled Negro workers in five cities of Georgia. Green, John Pugh, 1845- Administrative project number 165-34-6069. 1937. Supervised by Ruth Dixon Smith. Sponsored by 504-7 the Georgia State Department of Public Welfare. Facts about "The birth of a new nation," by G. [Atlanta, 1937] Walter Lytle. [Pittsburgh, City Mission Pub. Co.] U.S. Work Projects Administration. Georgia. 1919. Lytle, George Walter. 538-8 Federal programs to promote employment and 279-7 development in rural communities. [Atlanta, Ga., Facts concerning the freedmen. Their capacity Southern Regional Council, 1963?] and their destiny. Collected and published by the Mizell, M. Hayes. Emancipation League. Boston, Press of Com­ mercial Printing House, 1863. 588-80 Emancipation League. Federalism unmasked; or, The rights of the states, the Congress, the executive, and the people 364-2 vindicated against the encroachments of for Baptist churches. Collected, arranged judiciary, prompted by the modern apostate and reviewed by A.T. Foss and E. Mathews. democracy. Being a compilation from the Utica. American Baptist Free Mission Society, writings and speeches of the leaders of the old 1850. Jeffersonian Republican party. By Daniel R. Foss, Andrew T., 1803- Goodloe. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, 1860?] Goodloe, Daniel Reaves, 1814-1902. 332-11 The facts of reconstruction, by John R. Lynch. 592-211 New York, The Neale Pub. Co., 1914 [cl913) Fellowship with slavery; republished from the Lynch, John Roy, 1847-1936. minutes of the Evangelical Consociation, Rhode Island. [Cincinnati, American Reform Tract and 527-7 Book Society, 1853?] Facts you should know about Negroes. Congregational Churches in Rhode Island. l Washington. Eaton Publications, 1942?] Evangelical Consociation. Eaton, James Youman. 489-3 542-5 Fettered freedom; civi I liberties and the Fair play to all. An address to voters of New slavery controversy, 1830-1860. East Lansing, Jersey by Alfred B. Cosey of Newark, N.J. Michigan State College Press, 1949. [Newark, N.J., Ordered and paid for by Alfred Nye, Russel Blaine, 1913- Cosey, 1914?] Cosey, Alfred Bonito, 1863- 324-9 A few acts and actors in the tragedy of the Civil 324-5; 544-6 War in the United States. Philadelphia, By the The fallacy of neutrality. An address to the author, 1892 [cl889] people of Kentucky, delivered at Louisville, July Wilson, William Bender, 1839-1919. 13, 1861; also His letter to J.F. Speed. New York, J.G. Gregory, 1861. 595-351 Holt, Joseph, 1807-1894. A few facts respecting the American Colonization Society, and the colony at Liberia. 270-5 Washington, Pub. by the American Colonization False claims of Kansas historians truthfully Society, Printed by Way and Gideon, 1830. corrected. By Geo. W. Brown. Rockford, Ill., The American Colonization Society. author, 1902. Brown, George Washington, 1820-1915. 421-15 A few original thoughts. Atlantic City, N.J. 206-11 ; 592-225 I The author? 1918?] The family relation, as affected by slavery. By Land, John Weaver. Charles K. Whipple. [Cincinnati, American Reform Tract and Book Society, 1858] 204-3 Whipple, , 1808-1900. A few suggestions upon the personal liberty law and "secession" (so called). In a letter to a 427-2 friend. Boston, Printed by J. Wilson and Son, 1861. The fanatics. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1901. Thomas, Benjamin Franklin, 1813-1878. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. 211-1-10 463-4 A few words in beha If of the loya I women of the The fastest bicycle rider in the world, the story United States, by one of themselves. New York, of a colored boy's indomitable courage and suc­ Wm. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. cess against great odds; an autobiography by Marshall W. "Major" Taylor. Worcester, Mass., Wormley Pub. Co. [cl928] Taylor, Marshall W., 1878- 661 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

317-7 211-1-45 The fiery epoch, 1830-1877. [1st ed.] Finances & resources of the United States. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [c1931] Speech of the Hon. Henry G. Stebbins, in the Thompson, Charles Willis, 1871- House of Representatives, March 3, 1864. New York, April, 1864. New York, Loyal Publication 482-10 Society, 1864. Fifteenth census of the United States: 1930. Stebbins, Henry George, 1811-1881. Census of agriculture. The Negro farmer in the United States. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1933. 479-6 U.S. Bureau of the Census. The finances of the state of South Carolina. Columbia, S.C., Printed at Daily Union-Herald, 422-10 1873. Fifty years & other poems, with an introd. by Cardozo, Francis Louis. Brander Matthews. 'Boston, Cornhill Co. [cl917] Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938. 589-122 The financia I management of the Republican 263-2 administration of South Carolina, speech at the Fifty years in chains; or, The life of an mass meeting in Chester, S.C., August 19, 1870. American slave. New York, H. Dayton, 1858. I Charleston, S.C., Republican Book & Job Office, Ball, Charles, Negro slave. 1870?1 Chamberlain, Daniel Henry, 1835-1907. 361-4 Fifty years in the Lombard Street Central 371-3 Presbyterian Church, by Elder Robert Jones. Financing schools in the South; some data Philadelphia [Pub. by order of Session and regarding sources, amounts, and distribution of Trustees] 1894. public school revenue in the Southern States, 1930, Jones, Robert. by Fred McCuistion. [Nashville, Tenn., 1930) McCuistion, Fred, 1893- 527-11 Fifty years of freedom, with matters of vital 592-221 importance to both the white and colored people of The fire and hammer of God's word against the the United States. By Rev. Francis J. Grimke. sin of slavery. Speech of George B. Cheever, at Delivered before the Presbyterian Council in the the anniversary of the American Abolition Madison Street Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, Society, May 1858. New York, American Abolition Maryland, October 17, 1913, and before the Fif­ Society, 1858. teenth Street Presbyterian Church, Washington, Cheever, George Barrell, 1807-1890. D.C.. October 26, 1913. [Washington, 1913] Grimk~ Francis James, 1850-1937. 445-4 The fire in the flint. New York, A.A. Knopf, 296-6 1925. The fight for the republic; a narrative of the White, Walter Francis, 1893-1955. more noteworthy events in the war of secession, presenting the great contest in its dramatic 2117-11 aspects. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's The first annual report of the New York com­ Sons, 1917. mittee of vigilance, for the year 1837, together Johnson, Rossiter, 1840-1931. with important facts relative to their proceedings. Pub. by direction of the Committee. New York, 458-3 Piercy & Reed, Printers, 1837. Fighters for freedom. Rochester, N. Y., 1933. New York Committee of Vigilance. Curtis, Clara K. 587-38 443-1 First celebration of the anniversary of the Figs and thistles; a romance of the Western settlement at Jamestown, Va. on the 13th of May, Reserve. New York, Fords, Howard & Hulbert 1607. Hon. George W. Summers, orator. New fcl879] York, Pudney & Russell, Printers, 1860. Tourgee, Albion Winegar, 1838-1905. Old Dominion Society of the City of New York.

211-1-89 549-4 Final report and address of the president. First days amongst the contrabands. Boston, Report of proceedings at the third annual Lee and Shepard, 1893 [c1892] meeting, 1866. New York, Loyal Publication Botume, Elizabeth Hyde. Society, 1866. Loyal Publication Society. 421-20 A first harvest; a book of verse. Cleveland, 319-1-61 Central High School [1932?] Finance, currency, and debt. Speech of Hon. Johnson, Helen A. Reuben E. Fenton, of New York, on the joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the 511-7 Treasury to sell any surplus gold in the treasury. First Mohonk Conference on the Negro Delivered in the House of Representatives, March Question, held at Lake Mohonk, Ulster County, 3, 1864. [Washington, McGill and Witherow, New York, June 4, 5, 6, 1890. Reported and edited Printers, 1864) by Isabel C. Barrows. Boston, G.H. Ellis, Printer, Fenton, Reuben Eaton, 1819-1885. 1890. Mohonk Conference on the Negro Question. 1st, 662 1890. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

367-3 428-5 The first Negro priest on southern soil, by the Floyd's flowers. Rev. George F. Bragg. Baltimore, The Church Charming stories for young and old. (Formerly Advocate Print, 1909. Floyd's Flowers). Greatly rev. and enl. with Bragg, George Freeman, 1863-1940. A.B.C.'s supplement by Mrs. Alice H. Howard. New enl. ed. Washington, A. Jenkins & Co. [cl925] 346-7 Floyd, Silas Xavier, 1869-1923. First organization of colored troops in the State of New York, to aid in suppressing the 377-4 slaveholders' rebellion. Statements concerning Floyd's flowers: or, Duty and beauty for colored the origin, difficulties & success of the movement. children; being one hundred short stories gleaned Collated for the "New York Association for from the storehouse of human knowledge and Colored Volunteers" by Henry O'Rielly, experience. Illustrated by John . Secretary, March, 1864. [New York? 1864?] [Atlanta, Chicago [etc.] Hertel, Jenkins & Co. New York Association for Colored Volunteers. cl905] Floyd, Silas Xavier, 1869-1923. 573-21 The First Phylon Institute and twenty-fifth 387-5 Atlanta University Conference, held in Atlanta, Folk beliefs of the southern Negro. Chapel Hill, April 17-19, 1941. Preliminary call. Atlanta, April The University of North Carolina Press; London, l, 1941. H. Milford, 1926. 594-299 Puckett, Newbell Niles, 1897- The first printed protest against slavery in America. 427-3 An exhortation and caution to Friends con­ Folks from Dixie, with illus. by E.W. Kemble. cerning buying or keeping Negroes. London, J. Bowden [19_?] Keith, George, 1639?-1716. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906.

479-2 516-1 First report, July, 1943 to December, 1944. Following the color line; an account of Negro Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1945. citizenship in the American democracy. New U.S. Committee on Fair Employment Practice York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1908. ( 1943-1946) Baker, Ray Stannard, 1870-1946.

281-6 443-2 The first report of the board of managers of the A fool's errand, by one of the fools; By Albion W. Pennsylvania Colonization Society, read at the Tourgee. New York, Fords, Howard, & Hulbert, annual meeting, held April 9th, 1827, with an 1880. appendix. Philadelphia, T. Town, Printer, 1827. Tourgee, Albion Winegar, 1838-1905. Pennsylvania Colonization Society. 546-9 306-6 For the highest good. Chicago, The Favqrite The first year of the war in America. Reprinted magazine [cl920] from the last corr. and rev. Richmond ed. Lon­ Johnson, Fenton, 1888- don, G. Philip & Sons, 1863. Pollard, Edward Alfred, 1831-1872. 587-8 The foreign slave trade, the sourc~ of_ politi.cal power-of materia I progress, of soc1a I integrity, 233-3 Five hundred thousand strokes for freedom. A and of social emancipation to the South. series of anti-slavery tracts, of which half a Charleston, Press of Walker, Evans & Co., 1858. Spratt, L.W. million are now first issued by the friends of the Negro. London, W. F. Cash [etc.] 1853. & 210-8 Armistead, Wilson, 1819?-1868, comp. A forensic dispute on the legality of enslaving the Africans, held at the public commencement in . 376-1-24 Cambridge, New-England, July 21st, 1773, by t"'."o Five letters of the University Commission on candidates for the bachelor's degree; viz, Southern Race Questions. [Charlottesville, Va., Theodore Parsons and Eliphalet Pearson. Boston, Michie Co., Printers] 1927. Printed by J. Boyle for T. Leverett, 1773. University Commission on Southern Race Parsons, Theodore. Question.s. 597-456 385-6 The forfeiture and confiscation of rebel property Five North Carolina Negro educators; prepared in the Confederate States. Speech of Hon. Edgar under the direction of N.C. Newbold. Chapel Hill, Cowan, of Pennsylvania, in the Senate of the The University of North Carolina Press, 1939. United States, Tuesday, March 4, 1862. Newbold, Nathan Carter, 1871- Washington, Scrammel & Co., Printers, 1862. Cowan, Edgar, 1815-1885. 445-3 Flight. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1926. White, Walter Francis, 1893-1955. 214-3 A forgotten slavery of colonial days. Jernegan, Marcus Wilson, 1872-

663 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

318-8 460-3 [Fort Pillow massacre; inquiry and testimony] Frederick Douglass the orator. Containin_g an In the Senate of the United States. May 5, 1864.- account of his life; his eminent public services; 0rdered to be printed. [Washington, 1864] his brilliant career as orator; selections from his U.S. Congress. Joint Committee on the Conduct speeches and writings. By James M. Gregory. of the War. With an introd. by W.S. Scarborough. Springfield, Mass., Willey & Co., 1893. 390-2 Gregory, James Monroe, 1849-1915. Forty Negro spirituals compiled and arranged for solo voice with pianoforte accompaniment. 493-11 Philadelphia, Theodore Presser Co., 1927. Free Angelo Herndon. [New York, Youth White, Clarence Cameron, 1880-1960, comp. Publishers, 1934] White, Charles. 352-5 The Forty-third Regiment, United States 349-8 Colored Troops. Gettysburg, J.E. Wible, Printer, Free colored seamen-majority and minority 1866. reports. January 20, 1843. Report [of] the Mickley, Marion. Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the memorial of Benjamin Rich and others. 381-8 [Washington, D.C., 1843] The founding of Howard University. U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Com­ Washington, Howard University Press, 1921. merce. Dyson, Walter, 1882- 319-1-80 421-16 Free commerce between the states. Speech of Four Negro poets. [Ed. by Alain Locke] New Hon. James A. Garfield, of Ohio, delivered in the York, Simon & Schuster [cl927] House of Representatives, March 24th and 31st, Locke, Alain Le Roy, 1886-1954, ed. 1864, the House having under consideration the bill to declare the Raritan and Atlantic Railroad, a 284-10 legal structure for commerce between New York Four years in Secessia: adventures within and and Philadelphia. New York, 1864. beyond the Union lines: embracing a great Garfield, James Abram, Pres. U.S., 1831-1881. variety of facts, incidents, and romance of the war. Hartford, O.D. Case and Company; Chicago, 319-1-117 G. & C.W. Sherwood, 1865. A free constitution. Speech of Hon. James F. Browne, Junius Henri, 1833-1902. Wilson, of Iowa. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 19, 1864. [Washington, 351-4 W.H. Moore, Printer, 1864] The Fourteenth Regiment Rhode Island Heavy Wilson, James Falconer, 1828-1895. Artillery (Colored) in the war to preserve the Union, 1861-1865. Providence, Snow & Farnham, 319-1-121 1898. Free debate in Congress threatened-abolition Chenery, William H. leaders and their revolutionary schemes • un­ masked. Speech of Hon. Samuel S. Cox, of Ohio, 281-15 delivered in the House of Representatives, April 6, Fourth annual report of the Board of managers 1864. [Washington? 1864) of the Massachusetts Colonization Society. Cox, Samuel Sullivan, 1824-1889. Presented May 28, 1845. Boston, Press of T.R. Marvin, 1845. 352-8 Massachusetts Colonization Society. Free Military school for applicants for com­ mands of colored troops, no. 1210 Chestnut Street, 438-1 Philadelphia. Established by Supervisory The fourth physician; a Christmas story; illus. Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments. by Gordon Stevenson. Chicago, A.C. McClurg, John H. Taggart, late colonel 12th Regiment, 1911. Pennsylvania Reserves, preceptor. Philadelphia, Pickett, Montgomery B. King & Baird, Printer, 1863. Philadelphia. Supervisory Committee for 468-1 Recruiting Colored Regiments. Frederick Douglass, by Booker T. Washington. Philadelphia and London, G.W. Jacobs & Co. 279-11 [ 1907] The free Negro family; a study of family origins Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. before the Civil War, by E. Franklin Frazier. Nashville, Tenn., Fisk University Press, 1932. 458-6 Frazier, Edward Franklin, 1894-1962. Frederick Douglass, by Charles W. Chesnutt. Boston, Small, Maynard & Co., 1899. 279-9 Chesnutt, Charles Waddell, 1858-1932. The free Negro in ante-bellum Georgia, by Ralph B. Flanders. 469-4 Flanders, Ralph Betts. Frederic Douglass: the colored orator. New York [etc.] Funk & Wagnalls, 1891. 564-9 Holland, Frederic May, 1836-1908. The free Negro in Florida, 1565-1863. Atlanta, 1946. Rooks, Milton Perry. 664 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

278-8 279-4 The free Negro in Maryland, 1634-1860, by The freedmen's book. By L. Maria Child. James M: Wright. New York, Columbia Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1865. University; [etc., etc.] 1921. Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. Wright, James Martin, 1879- 598-476 277-1-1 Freedmen's Bureau-restoration of the rebel The Free Negro in North Carolina. states. Speech of Hon. James A. Garfield, of Ohio, Taylor, Rosser Howard, 1891- in the House of Representatives, February 1, 1866. [Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe 327-3 Office, 1866?] The free Negro in North Carolina, 1790-1860. Garfield, James Abram, Pres. U.S., 1831-1881. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1943. · 278-1-1 Franklin, John Hope, 1915- Freedmen's Bureau. Speech of Hon. L. Trumbull in the Senate of the United States, 279-12 January 19, 1866. [Washington, H. Polkinhorn & The . An address delivered Son, Printers, 1866] before the free people of color in Philadelphia, Trumbull, Lyman, 1813-1896. New-York, and other cities during the month of June, 1831. Boston, Published by request, 1831. 277-6 Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879. Freedmen's labor contracts. Brooks Co., Georgia, 1866-67. 191-8 Brooks Co., Ga. Free Produce Association of Friends, of New York Yearly Meeting. 271-5 RePort of Board of Managers, 1855. Freedom and citizenship. Selected lectures and addresses of Hon. John Mercer Langston. With an 372-10 introductory sketch by Rev. J.E. Rankin. The freedman's children at school, by Prof. Washington, R.H. Darby, 1883. Horace Bumstead, of Atlanta University, Atlanta, Langston, John Mercer, 1829-1897. Ga., 1885? Bumstead. Horace. 1841-1919. 344-7 Freedom and progress, and [oth]er choice 479-4 addresses on practical, scientific, educational, The Freedman's Savings Bank; a chapter in the philosophic, historic and religious subjects, by economic history of the Negro race. Chapel Hill, Professor Daniel B. Williams, with an in­ University of North Carolina Press; London, H. troductory sketch of the author, by John Mitchell, Milford. Oxford University Press, 1927. Jr. Petersburg, Va., D.B. Williams, 1890. Fleming, Walter Lynwood, i874-1932. Williams, Daniel Barclay, 1861-

278-5 282-4 Freedmen. Letter from the President of the Freedom and war. Discourses on topics United States transmitting a communication from suggested by the times. Boston, Ticknor and the Secretary of War in reference to the Fields, 1863. operations of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, Beecher,Henry Ward, 1813-1887. and Abandoned Lands. May 31, 1866-Referred to the Select Committee on Freedmen's Affairs and 567-9 ordered to be printed. [Washington? 1866?] The Freedom Democratic Party and the U.S. War Dept. changing political status of the Negro in Mississippi. Atlanta, 1965. 337-3 Mclemore, Leslie Burl. Freedmen. Message from the President of the United States in answer to a resolution of the 588-70 House of 27th ultimo, relative to the provisions in Freedom in Kansas. Speech of William H. the constitutions of severa I Southern States Seward, in the Senate of the United States, March relative to the freedmen. Washington [Govt. 3, 1858. Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, Print. Off.] 1866. 1858. U.S. President, 1865-1869 (Johnson) Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872.

277-12 203-7 The freedmen at Port Royal. Freedom national; slavery sectional. Speech of Pierce, Edward Lillie, 1829-1897. Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, on his motion to repeal the Fugitive slave bill, in the 277-11 Senate of the United States, August 26, 1852. The freedmen of South Carolina: some account Boston. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852. of their appearance, character, condition, and Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. peculiar customs. New York, C.T. Evans, 1863. Nordhoff, Charles, 1830-1901. 319-1-43 Freedom of debate-A speech delivered on the 277-13 motion to expel Mr. Long. Speech of Hon. D.W. The freedmen of the South. Cincinnati, Elm Street Printing Co., 1869. Slaughter, Linda Warfel, 1850- 666 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

Voorhees, of Ind., delivered in the House of 503-6 Representatives, April 11, 1864. [Washington? From darkness to light; the story of Negro 1864] progress, by Mary Helm. [2d ed.] New York, Voorhees, Daniel Wolsey, 1827-1897. Chicago, F.H. Revell [cl909] Helm, Mary, 1845-1913. 319-1-29 Freedom of speech. Speech of Hon. James S. 241-7 Rollins, of Missouri, in the House of Represen­ From Dixie to Canada; romances and realities tatives, April 12, 1864, on the resolution offered by of the , by H.U. Johnson. Mr. Colfax, proposing to expel Mr. Long. Vol. I. 2d ed. Orwell, Ohio, H.U. Johnson, 1896 I Washington, Printed by L. Towers, 1864] [cl894] Rollins, James Sidney, 1812-1888. Johnson, Homer Uri.

232-4 354-4 The freedom speech of Wendell Phillips. From Harlem to the Rhine; the story of New Faneuil Hall, December 8, 1837, with descriptive York's Colored Volunteers, by Arthur W. Little. letters from eye witnesses. Boston, Wendell New York, Covici, Friede (1936] Phillips Hall Association, 1891. Little, Arthur West, 1873-1943. Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. 358-8 591-192 From log cabin to the pulpit; or Fifteen years in Freedom's defence: or, A candid examination slavery. (1903?] of Mr. Calhoun's report on the freedom of the Robinson, William H., 1848- press, made to the Senate of the United States, Feb. 4, 1836. By Cincinnatus. Worcester [Mass.] 374-3 Dorr. Howland, 1836. From servitude to service; being the Old South Plumer, William, 1759-1850. lectures on the history and work of southern in­ stitutions for the education of the Negro. Boston, 206-3 American Unitarian Association, 1905. Freedom's gift: or, Sentiments of the free. Hartford, S.S. Cowles, 1840. 266-6 From slave cabin to the pulpit; the autobiography of Rev. Peter Randolph: the 417-6 Freedom's soldier and other poems. With a southern question illustrated and sketches of slave foreword by Lawrence D. Reddick. [1st ed.] New life. Boston, J.H. Earle, 1893. York, W. Malliet and Co., 1947. Randolph, Peter, 1825(ca.)-1897. Weeks, Ricardo. 505-2 381-4 From slave to citizen, by Charles M. Melden. Freshman year English. New York, Noble and New York, Cincinnati, The Methodist Book Noble [ c1929l . Concern [c1921] Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939. Melden, Charles Manly, 1853-

242-4 461-3 Friends of the slaves: and other philanthropists. From slave to college president; being the life London, Charles H. Kelly [18_?] story of Booker T. Washington, by G. Holden Pike. Maunder, George. London, T.F Unwin, 1902. Pike, Godfrey Holden, 1836- 377-1 From a New England woman's diary in Dixie in 213-3 1865. Springfield [The Plimpton Press] 1906. From slaver~ to a bishopric, or the life of Bishop Ames, Mary, 1831- Walter Hawkins of the British Methodist Episcopal Church, Canada. London, J. Kensit, 375-2 1891. From a plow to a doctorate, so what? [By] B. Edwards, S.J. Celestine. Alfred Turner. Hampton, Va., The author, 1945. Turner. Bridges Alfred, 1908- 358-2 From slavery to the bishopric in the A.M.E. 458-7 Church; an autobiography. [Philadelphia, The From town to Jerusalem. [1945?] A.M.E. Book Concern] 1924. Cullen, Frederick Asbury. Heard, William Henry, Bp., 1850-1937.

288-2 461-6 From Bull Run to Chancellorsville; the story of From slavery to wealth, the life of Scott Bond· the Sixteenth New York Infantry together with the rewards of honesty, industry, economy and personal reminiscences. New York & London, P':f"Severance, by Dan A. Rudd and Theo. Bond; G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1906. with pref. by Hon. J.C. Napier. Madison Ark Curtis, Newton Martin, 1835-1910. The Journal Printing Co., 1917. ' ., Rudd, Daniel Arthur, 1854- 463-8 From captivity to fame; or, The life of George 507-5 Washington Carver, by Raleigh H. Merritt. From superman to man, by J.A. Rogers. Boston, Meador Pub. Co. [cl929] [Chicago, M.A. Donohue & Co., Printers, cl917] Rogers, Joel Augustus, 1880- Merritt, Raleigh Howard. 666 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

390-3 212-7 From the heart of a folk; a.book of songs. With Fugitive slaves ( 1619-1865) Prepared under an introd. by James Holly Hanford. Boston, The the direction of Albert Bushnell Hart. New York, Cornhill Co. [cl918] Bergman Publishers [1967] Carmichael, Waverly.Turner. McDougall, Marion Gleason.

460-9 225-1 From the Virginia plantation to the National Fugitives from the escritoire of a retired editor. Capitol; or, The first and only Negro Represen­ Boston, Crocker and Brewster, 1864. tative in Congress from the Old Dominion. Clarke, Dorus, 1797-1884. Hartford, Conn., American Pub. Co., 1894. Langston, John Mercer, 1829-1897. 272-16 A full and authentic report of the famous case of 421-3 the people, upon the relation of John Brown, Frustration; a Negro poet looks at America. praying for a writ of habeas corpus, to release his [Puebla, Mexico, El Grupo Literario of the from the custody of Lucifer Diavolo, "United Nations" School, 1960?] respondent. Anderson, Charles Louis, 1938- 374-11 264-8 Fundamentals in the education of Negroes, The fugitive blacksmith; or, Events in the compiled and edited by Ambrose Caliver, Senior history of James W.C. Pennington, formerly a Specialist in the Education of Negroes. slave in the state of Maryland, United States. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1935. London, C. Gilpin, 1849. National Conference on Fundamental Problems in Pennington, James W.C. the Education of Negroes. Washington, D.C., 1934. 183-1 328-8 The Fugitive slave bill: its history and un­ Funeral sermon for General U.S. Grant, constitutionality; with an account of the seizure preached August 8th, for the Col. David L. Mon­ and enslavement of James Hamlet, and his tgomery Post, No. 264 G.A.R., in the Presbyterian subsequent restoration to liberty. New York, W. Church, at Montgomery Station, Lycoming Co., Harned, 1850. Pa. By Rev. H.A. Dietterich. York, Pa., P. American and Foreign Anti-slavery Society. Anstadt & Sons. 1892. Dietterich, Henry Alonzo, 1838- 188-5 The Fugitive slave bill; or, God's laws 211-1-72 paramount to the laws of men. A sermon, Fi.ir die Freiheit aller! Fi.ir die Einheit des preached on Sunday, October 20, 1850, by Rev. Vaterlandes! Reden von Friedrich Schutz und Nathaniel Colver, pastor of the Tremont St. Weil von Gernsbach. Gehalten in der deutschen Church. Pub. by request of the church. Boston, Massenversammlung in Philadelphia. [New J.M. Hewes & Co., 1850. York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864] Colver, Nathaniel, 1794-1870. Schutz, Friedrich. 268-4 449-5 Fugitive slave law. The religious duty of Further E.K. Means. Is this a title? It is not. It obedience to law: a sermon preached in the is the name of a writer of Negro stories, who has Second Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, Nov. 24, made himself so completely the writer of Negro 1850. New York, M.W. Dodd, 1850. stories that this third book, like the first and Spencer, Ichabod Smith, 1798-1854. second, needs no title.. Illus. by Kemble. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons [cl920] 233-2-17 Means, Eldred Kurtz, 1878- The fugitive slave law, and its victims.[New York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1856] 472-7 May, Samuel, 1810-1899. The future of the American Negro. Boston, Small, Maynard & Co., 1899. 597-432 Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. The fugitive slave laws and compromise measures of 1850. 487-5 Speech of Hon. J.R. Tyson, of Pennsylvania, on The future of the colored race in the United the fugitive slave laws and compromise measures States from an ethnic and medical standpoint by of 1850; delivered in the House of Representatives, Eugene R. Corson; a lecture delivered before the February 28, 1857. Washington, Printed at the Georgia Historical Society, June 6, 1887. [New Office of the Congressional Globe, 1857. York, G.W. Rodgers & Co., Printers, 1887] Tyson, Job Roberts, 1803-1858. Corson, Eugene Rollin, 1855- 197-7 374-4 Fugitive slaves: a sermon, preached in the The future of the Negro; some chapters in the North Congregationa I Church, Winchendon, on the development of a race, by Brig.-Gen. Sir Gordon day of the annual fast, April 11, 1850. By A.P. Guggisberg and A.G. Fraser. London, Student Marvin. Published by request. Boston, J.P. Christian Movement Press [1929) Jewett, 1850. Guggisberg, Sir Frederick Gordon, 1869-1930. Marvin, Abijah Perkins.

667 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

211-1-1; 598-470 369-3 The future of the North-west. New York, E.O. General laws now in force for the government ~f Jenkins, Printer, 1863. the Grand United Order of Odd-Fellows in Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877. America. Enacted by the annual and biennial meetings held in America from the year 18~5-1910, inclusive, together with footnotes and a digest of all decisions rendered by the S.C. of M. from January, 1902, to January, 1911, inclusive .. G Compiled and annotated by Edward H .. Morns under the direction of the Sub-committee of Management, Philadelphia, 1911. . . 418-14 Odd-Fellows, Grand United Order of, in America. Garden of memories. Cincinnati, Eaton Pub. Co., cl932. 368-10 Clark, Mazie Earhart. Genera I laws now in force for the government of the Grand United Order of Odd-fellows in America 417-2 and Jurisdiction. Enacted by the annual and A garland of poems. Boston, Christopher Pub. biennial meetings held in America from the year House fcl926] 1845 to 1943, inclusive, together with footnotes of Thompson, Clara Ann. all decisions rendered by the C. of M. from Jan., 1902, to July, 1943, inclusive. Compiled, rev. and 244-4 edited by Jesse L. Nicholas and Henry P. Garrison centenary, December 10, 1905. Slaughter. Philadelphia, Printed by author:1ty of [Philadelphia. Press of E.A. Wright, 1905?] the Committee of Management, America. Garrison. William Lloyd, 1805-1879. Philadelphia, 1943. . . Odd-fellows, Grand United Order of, in America. 256-2 Garrison, the non-resistant, by Ernest Crosby. 211-5 Chicago, The Public Pub. Co. [cl905] General Washington and General Jackson, on Crosby. Ernest Howard, 1856-1907. Negro soldiers. Philadelphia, H.C. Baird, 1863. Baird, Henry Carey, 1825-1912. 418-17 Gathered treasures. 4th ed. Washington, 537-6 Murray Bros. Print. Co., 1915. Genesis, or The principia to be compared with Todd, Walter E. the theory of evolution. New York [The author] 1914. 271-1 Johnson, W.D. Geary and Kansas. Governor Geary's ad­ ministration in Kansas. With a complete history 288-1 of the territory. Until June 1857. Embracing a full The genesis of the Civil War; the story of account of its discovery, geography, soil, rivers, Sumter, 1860-1861. New York, C.L. Webster & Co., climate, products ;.its organization as a territory. 1887. All fully authenticated. By John H. . Crawford, Samuel Wylie, 1829-1892. Philadelphia, J.H.C. Whiting, 1857. Gihon, John H. 364-7 The genius and theory of Methodist polity; or, 305-3 The machinery of Methodism. Practically General Butler in New Orleans. History of the illustrated through a series of questions and an­ administration of the Department of the Gulf in swers. Approved by the General Conference of the year 1862: with an account of the capture of the A.M.E. Church. Philadelphia, Publication New Orleans, and a sketch of the previous career Dept., A.M.E. Church [c1885] of the general, civil and military. 5th ed. New Turner, Henry McNeal, Bp., 1834-1915. York, Mason Bros., Boston. Mason & Hamlin, 1864. 436-3 Parton, James, 1822-1891. A gentleman in a black skin. New York, Faro. 1932. 547-2 McKay, Donna. A genera I digest of the acts of the legislatures of the late territory of Orleans and of the state of 222-6-10 Louisiana, and the ordinances of the governor George Fitzhugh, conservative of the Old South. under the territorial government: preceded by Charlottesville, Va., Green Bookman, 1938. the treaty of cession, the Constitution of the United Wish, Harvey. States, and of the state, with the acts of Congress, relating to the government of the country and the 402-4 land claims therein. By Frans;ois-Xavier Martin. George W. Cable; his life and letters, by his Published under a resolve of the legislature. New­ daughter. New York, London, C. Scribner's Sons, Orleans, Printed by Peter K. Wagner, 1816. 1928. Orleans (Ter.) Laws, statutes, etc. Bikle, Lucy Leffingwell Cable, 1875- 331-2 463-3 General Grant's letters to a friend, 1861-1880. George Washington Carver, man of God. [2d With introd. and notes by . ed.] Middletown, Ohio, Perry Printing Co., 1961. New York & Boston, T.Y. Crowell, 1897. Smith, Alvin D. Grant, Ulysses Simpson, Pres. U.S., 1822-1885. 668 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

281-14 187-3 Georgia. Report adopted by the legislature of God against slavery: and the freedom and duty Georgia on African colonization. Washington, of the pulpit to rebuke it, as a sin against God. By Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1828. George B. Cheever. New York, J.H. Ladd, 1857. Georgia. General Assembly. Cheever, George Barrell, 1807-1890.

262-4 592-205 Gerrit Smith: a biography. 2d ed. New York, God and our country. A discourse delivered in G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1879. the First Congregational Church in Roxbury, on Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, 1822-1895. Fast day, April 8, 1847. Boston, W. Crosby and H.P. Nichols, 1847. 237-3 Putnam, George, 1807-1878. Gerrit Smith and the Vigilant Association of the city of New York. New York, John A. Gray, 1860. 533-2 Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. God and the Negro, synopsis of God and the Negro; or, The Biblica I record of the race of Ham. 211-1-63 Nashville, Tenn., National Baptist Publishing Gerrit Smith on McClellan's nomination and Board [cl937] acceptance. New York, Loyal Publication Holly, Alonzo Potter Burgess, 1865- Society, 1864. Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. 360-6 God in a Rolls Royce; the rise of , 429-1 madman, menace, or messiah. New York, The ghost of the Belle-Alliance plantation and Hillman-Curl, 1936. other stories. [Baltimore, Friedenwald Co.? Hoshor, John. c1901] Giffen, Lilian. 233-2-16 The God of the Bible against slavery. [New 513-10 York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1855) Gideon bands for work within the race and for Beecher, Charles, 1815-1900. work without the race, a message to the colored people of the United States; a discourse delivered 537-3 in the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church, God wills the Negro; an anthropological and Washington, D.C., Sunday, March 2, 1913, by the geographical restoration of the lost history of the pastor Rev. Francis J. Grimke. [Washington, American Negro people, being in part a R.L. Pendleton, 1913?] theological interpretation of Egyptian ~nd Grimke, Francis James, 1850-1937. Ethiopian backgrounds. Compiled from ancient and modern sources, with a special chapter of 455-1 eight Negro spirituals. Chicago, The The gift of black folk; the Negroes in the making Geographical Institute Press, 1939. of America; introd. by Edward F Mcsweeney. Ford, Theodore P. Boston, Stratford Co., 1924. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. 504-11 God's dealings with the Negro, by R. Mayers. 379-6 Boston, R.G. Badger [cl919] Gilbert Academy and Agricultural College, Mayers, Richard. Winsted, Louisiana: sketches and incidents; selections from journal. New York, Printed by 466-1 Hunt & Eaton, 1893. God's image in ebony: being a series of Gedman, William Davis, 1829-1908. biographical sketches, facts, anecdotes, etc., demonstrative of the mental powers and in­ 444-3 tellectual capacities of the Negro race. Edited by Gilbert; or, Then and now. A thrilling story of H.G. Adams; with a brief sketch of the Anti­ the life and achievements of a Virginia Negro. slavery movement in America, by F.W. Chesson; Philadelphia, H.D. Shaiffer [c1902] and a concluding chapter by Wilson Armistead. Underwood, J. Cabaniss. London Partridge and Oakey, 1854. Adams, Henry Gardiner, 1811 or 12-1881, ed. 515-7 The Gilgal of the colored race. A baccala~reate discourse, by President Wm. W. Patton, delivered 419-10 in the chapel of Howard University, Washington, God's trombones; seven Negro sermons in D.C., May 30, 1880. Washington, National verse, drawings by Aaron Douglas, lettering by Republican Print. House, 1880. C.B. Falls. New York, Viking Press, 1927 [cl929] Patton, William Weston, 1821-1889. Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938.

357-9 364-3 Go down, Moses; a study of 21 successful Negro Golden jubilee of the General Association of rural pastors. [Madison, N.J., Dept. of the Rural Colored Baptists in Kentucky, the story of fifty Church, Drew Theological Seminary, 1952) years work from 1865-1915. Edited by Rev. C.H. Felton, Ralph Almon, 1882- Parrish. Louisville, Ky., Mayers Print. Co., 1915. Baptists. Kentucky. General Association of 399-2 Colored Baptists. Goat alley; a tragedy of Negro life. Cincinnati, Stewart Kidd Co. [c1922] Culbertson, Ernest Howard. 669 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

406-5 211-1-75 The golden treasury of magazine verse, ed. by The great issue. An address. New York, Loyal William Stanley Braithwaite. Boston, Small, Publication Society, 1864. Maynard [ cl918] Jay, John, 1817-1894. Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont, 1878- 1962, ed. 596-422 The great issue now before the _people, with 407-9 remarks upon its merits, and cla1!"1s upon the Goober peas. Boston, Christopher Pub. House serious consideration of the well-wishers of our [cl932] country. Philadelphia, 1856. Merriweather, Claybron William. 271-7 204-2; 592-251 The great issue to be decided in ~ovember next! The gospel of slavery: a primer of freedom. By Shall the Constitution and the Union stand or fall, Iron Gray. New York, T.W. Strong [cl864] shall sectionalism triumph? Lincoln and his Thomas, Abel Charles, 1807-1880. supporters. (Washington, National Democratic Executive Committee, 1860?] 474-5 Gouldtown, a very remarkable settlement of 324-4 ancient date; studies of some sturdy examples of The great issues now before the country. An the simple life, together with sketches of early oration. Delivered at the New York Academy of colonial history of Cumberland County and Music, July 4, 1861. New York, J .G. Gregory, 1861. southern New Jersey and some early genealogical Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. records, by William Steward and Rev. Theophilus G. Steward. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1913. 211-1-3 Steward, William, 1840· The great mass i:neeting o_f loyal citizens, at Cooper Institute, Friday evening, March 6, 1863. 432-4 New York, W.C. Bryant & Co., 1863. A gourd fiddle; illus. by E. Lynn Mudge and New York. Citizens. E.B. Miles. Philadelphia, H. Altemus [cl904] Cooke, Grace MacGowan, 1863· 300-3 The great parliamentary battle and farewell 319-1-106 addresses of the southern senators on the eve of Government finances. Speech of Fernando the Civil War. New York and Washington, The Wood, on the bill to provide internal revenue, Neale Pub. Co., 1905. delivered in the House of Representatives, April Martin, Thomas Ricaud. 19, 1864. [Washington, McGill & Witherow, 1864] Wood, Fernando, 1812-1881. 588-88 The great questions _of ~he tim~s, exempl_ified in 319-1-19 the antagonistic principle~ involved I'! t_he The grade of Lieutenant General. Speech of slaveholders' rebellion against democratic in­ Hon. E.B. Washburne, of Illinois, on reviving the stitutions as well as against the nationa I Union; as grade of Lieutenant General in the United S~ates set forth in the speech of the Hon. Lorenzo Sher­ Army; delivered in the House of Representatives, wood. Delivered at Champlain, in northern N.Y., February 1, 1864. [Washington, Gibson Brothers, Oct. 1862; and also in the 1. Resolutions of the Printers, 1864] Democratic League; 2. In an economic view of the Washburne, Elihu Benjamin, 1816-1887. present contest, by S. Dewitt Bloodgood; 3. I!" the views of the loyal press of the North; 4. And in an 207-4 incipient chapter of the rebellion, concerning "t~e The grand issue: an ethico-political tract. Texas secessionists, versus, Lorenzo Sherwood in Boston, J.P. Jewett & Co., 1851. 1856." Arranged for publication by Henry Willard, Samuel, 1776-1859. O'Rielly. New York, C.S. Westcott & Co., Prin­ ters, 1862. 398-9 O'Rielly, Henry, 1806-1866, ed. Granny Maumee, The rider of dreams, Simon the Cyrenian; plays for a Negro t~eater, by 294-1 Ridgely Torrence. New York, Macmillan, 1917. The great rebellion; a history of the Civil War in Torrence, Frederick Ridgely, 1875- the United States. By J.T. Headley. Hartford, Conn., Hurlbut, Williams; Chicago, Ill., E.B. & 290-6 R.C. Treat, 1863-66. Grant, Lincoln and the freedmen; Headley, Joel Tyler, 1813-1897. reminiscences of the Civil War with special reference to the work for the contrabands and freedmen of the Mississippi valley; in 284-4 The great rebellion: its secret history, rise, collaboration with Ethel Osgood Mason. New progress, and disastrous failure. The political life York, Longmans, Green, 1907. of the author vindicated. New York, Harper, 1866. Eaton, John, 1829-1906. Botts, John Minor, 1802-1869. 194-11 193-12 The great future of America and Africa; an The great republic judged, but not destroyed; essay showing our whole duty to the black man, or, The beginning and end of slavery, and the consistent with our own safety and glory. justice of God displayed in the doom of Philadelphia, Printed for the author by H. Orr, slaveholders. By Rev. S.A. Hodgman. 2d ed. New 1854. York, R. Craighead, Printer, 1865 [cl864] Dewees, Jacob. 670 Hodgman, Stephen Alexander. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

519-6 395-8 The gre;:it riots of New York, 1712 to 1873. Guide to jazz, by Hugues Panassie and Including a full and complete account of the four Madeleine Gautier. Translated by Desmond days' draft riot of 1863. By Hon. J.T. Headley. Flower; edited by A.A. Gurwitch. lntrod. by New York, E.B. Treat, 1873. Louis Armstrong. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1956. Headley, Joel Tyler, 1813-1897. Panassie, Hugues.

589-117 380-6 Great speech of General Howell Cobb, delivered Guide to life-related teaching in the Negro high in Atlanta, Ga., July 23, 1868. Augusta, Ga., The schools of Georgia. Georgia Program for the "Chronicle and sentinel" [1868?] Improvement of Instruction in the Public Schools. Cobb, Howell, 1815-1868. Division of Negro Education, State Dept. of Education. Atlanta, Ga., The Textbook Division, 320-1 1938. Great speech of the Hon. C.L. Vallandigham, Georgia. Dept. of Education. Division of Negro upon the war, lately delivered in the House of Education. Representatives. [Washington, 1863] Vallandigham, Clement Laird, 1820-1871. 479-8 A guide to Negro marketing information. 257-4 [Washington] U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Business The greatest American woman, , and Defense Services Administration, 1966. by Lloyd C.M. Hare. New York, The American Lancaster, Emmer Martin. Historical Society, inc., 1937. Hare, Lloyd Custer Mayhew, 1893- 544-5 A guide to the study of the Negro in American 359-1 history, by Merl R. Eppse. [Rev. & enl.] Nash­ The greatness of Christ, and other sermons; by ville, National Educational Pub. Co. [cl943] Alex. Crummell. New York, T. Whittaker, 1882. Eppse, Merl Raymond, 1893- Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898. 472-16 399-1 Guide-lights. Lectures. Princeton Press, 1887. The green pastures; a fable suggested by Roark Ayler, Junius Crowley, 1865- Bradford's southern sketches, "01' Man Adam an' his chillun," by Marc Connelly. New York, 187-4 Farrar & Rinehart [cl929] The guilt of slavery and the crime of Connelly, Marcus Cook, 1890- slaveholding, demonstrated from the Hebrew and Greek scriptures. By George B. Cheever. New 387-1 York [Stereotyped by Smith & McDougal] 1860. The green pastures, a fable, suggested by Roark Cheever, George Barrell, 1807-1890. Bradford's southern sketches, "01' man Adam an' his chillun," by Marc Connelly; with illus. by Robert Edmond Jones. New York, Farrar & Rinehart, 1930. Connelly, Marcus Cook, 1890- H

391-2 562-14 The Green pastures spirituals, arranged for The Haitian peasant as depicted in con­ voice and piano. New York, Farrar & Rinehart, temporary Haitian novels, 1931-1939. Atlanta, 1930. 1942. Johnson, Hall, 1888- Cater, Mary-Elizabeth.

233-7 -237-5 The Grimke sisters. Sarah and Angelina Haifa century. By Jane Grey Swisshelm. 2d ed. Grimke, the first American women advocates of Chicago, Jansen, McClurg, 1880. abolition and woman's rights. Boston, Lee and Swisshelm, Jane Grey Cannon, 1815-1884. Shepard; New York, C.T. Dillingham, 1885. Birney, Catherine H. 360-4 Half a century of Lutheranism among our 423-4 colored people, a jubilee book by Christopher F Gritny people, design & decoration by Edward Drewes, 1877-1927. St. Louis, Mo., Concordia Pub. Larocque Tinker. New York, Dodd Mead, 1927. House Print, 1927. Kennedy, Robert Emmet, 1877- Drewes, Christopher F ., 1870-

555-1 473-7 Growing up in the black belt; Negro youth in the Ha If a man; the status of the Negro in New rural South, by Charles S. Johnson; prepared for York; with a foreword by Dr. Franz Boas. New the American Youth Commission. Washington, York, Longmans, Green, 1911. American Council on Education, 1941. Ovington, Mary White, 1865-1951. Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 1893-1956. 498-3 211-1-57 Half-caste. With a preface on prejudices by Growler's income tax. By T.S. Arthur. [New Lancelot Hogben. London, M. Secker and War­ York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864] burg, 1937. Arthur, Timothy Shay, 1809-1885. Dover, Cedric. 671 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

277-3 520-1 A ha If century of freedom of the Negro in Ohio. The Hampton bulletin. Compiled and arr. by W.A. Joiner. Xenia, Ohio, Negro Farmers' Conference: Announcement and Press of Smith Adv. Co. [1915) premium list. Joiner, William A., 1869- f1st]- 19 - Hampton, Va., The Institute Press. 222-1 Ham and Dixie. A just, simple and original 393-3 discussion of the southern problem; by J.B. Hampton series Negro folk-songs, recorded by Sevelli-Capponi. St. Augustine, Fla. [1895) Natalie Curtis Burlin. New York, Boston, G. Capponi, Joseph Burritt Sevelli. Schirmer [c1918] Burlin, Natalie Curtis, d. 1921. 338-5 Hampton and his Red shirts; South carolina's 396-6 deliverance in 1876, by Alfred B. Williams. The hand of fate; or, Fifty years after; a Charleston, S.C., Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co. powerful race drama in four acts. [Nashville, [ cl935l Tenn., A.M.E. Union, 1913] Williams, Alfred Brockenbrough, 1856-1930. Gale, Beresford.

371-11 592-249 Hampton and its students. By two of its The hand of God in our national conflict. A teachers, Mrs. M.F Armstrong and Helen W. discourse delivered before the citizens of Bran­ Ludlow. With fifty cabin and plantation songs, don, on the occasion of the state fast, April 9, 1863. arranged by Thomas P. Fenner. New York, G.P. By A. Witherspoon. Rutland [Vt.], Tuttle & Gay, Putnam's Sons, 1874. Printers, 1863. Armstrong, Mary Frances Morgan, d. 1903. Witherspoon, A.

338-3 531-3 Hampton and reconstruction, by Edward L. Handbook. [Jackson, Miss., State Dept. of Wells. Columbia, S.C., The State Co., 1907. Public Welfare] 1952. Wells, Edward Laight, 1839- Mississippi. Dept. of Public Welfare.

380-7 & 520-1 365-1 The Hampton bulletin. Handbook. A.M.E. Church. 1909. Nashville, Annual catalog. Tenn., African Methodist Episcopal Church [1st]- 18 Sunday School Union, 1910. Hampton, Va., The Institute Press. African Methodist Episcopal Church. Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. 482-4 380-7 & 520-1 Handbook of suggestions for the improvement The Hampton bulletin. of rural living. Baton Rouge, La., 1946. 1st- Sept. 1905- Louisiana. Southern University and Agricultural Hampton, Va., The Institute Press. and Mechanical College, Scotlandville. - Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. 214-2 380-7 & 383-6 & 520-1 The harp of freedom. By Geo. W. Clark. New The Hampton bulletin. York: Miller, Orton, & Mulligan, 1856. Report of the president. Clark, George W., comp. [1st]- [18 Hampton, Va., The Institute Press. 272-17 Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. The Harpers Ferry insurrection: being an account of the late outbreak in Virginia, and of the 380-7 & 520-1 trial and execution of Captain John Brown, its The Hampton bulletin. hero. By J. Ewing Glasgow. Edinburgh, M. Report of the treasurer. Macphail; [etc., etc.] 1860. [1stl- (18 Glasgow, J. Ewing. Hampton, Va., The Institute Press. Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. 460-6 Harriet Beecher Stowe; an appreciation. 380-7 & 520-1 Washington, D.C., Murray Bros. Press, 1911. The Hampton bulletin. Terrell, Mary Church, 1863-1954. Summer session for teachers. [1st]- . %M Hampton, Va. Harriet, the Moses of her people, by Sarah H. Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. Bradford. New York, George R. Lockwood & Son 1886. I 512-2 i 520-1 Bradford, Sarah Elizabeth Hopkins, b. 1818. The Hampton bulletin. Annual report, Hampton Negro Conference. 471-1 No. 2-16; July 1898-1912. Has the Negro's freedom paid? Emancipation Hampton, Va., Press of the Hampton Normal proclamation address d71ivered at Ardmore, Pa., and Agricultural Institute. January 1, 1925. Philadelphia, A.M.E. Book Hampton Negro Conference. Concern Printers [ 1925?] Baxter, Daniel Minort, 1872- 672 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

589-113 324-6 Hasty recognition of rebel belligerency, and our The heart of Lincoln, an intimate lifestory of right to complain of it. Boston, A. Williams & Co. Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, Winston [c1923] [1865] Whipple, Wayne, 1856· Bemis, George, 1816-1878. 244-5 183-5 i 445-6 Helen Eliza Garrison. A memorial. Cam­ Hatchie, the guardian slave; or, The heiress of bridge, Printed at the Riverside Press, 1876. Bellevue, a tale of the Mississippi and the South­ Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879, comp. west. Boston, B.B. Mussey and Co., 1853. Ashton, Warren T. 209-3 Helper's Impending crisis dissected, By Sarni. 319-1-70 M. Wolfe, Virginia. Philadelphia, J.T. Lloyd, 1860. Have faith in God·and the people. Speech of Wolfe, Samuel M. Hon. Wm. D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania. Delivered in the House of Representatives, June 15, 1864. 483-1 [Washington, L. Towers, Printer, 1864?] Henry Ford and the Negro people. Issued by the Kelley, William Darrah, 1814-1890. National Negro Congress and the Michigan Negro Congress. [Washington? 1940] 493-4 Alston, Christopher C. He leadeth me. [New Orleans, Louisiana Printing Co., cl913] 255-1 Gaudet, Frances Joseph, 1861· Henry Ward Beecher: a sketch of his career: with analyses of his power as a preacher, lecturer, 560-13 orator and journalist, and incidents and The Head Start program as reported in the reminiscences of his life. By Lyman Abbott literature of 1964-1967. Atlanta, 1967. assisted by Rev. S.B. Halliday. Characterizations Lewis, Stella Smith. and personal reminiscences, contributed by thirty-nine eminent writers. Also Mr. Beecher's 573-11 life as sketched by himself shortly before his The hea Ith and physique of the Negro death. Hartford, Conn., American Pub. Co., 1887. American; report of a social study made under Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922. the direction of Atlanta University; together with the Proceedings of the eleventh Conference for the 415-1 Study of the Negro Problems, held at Atlanta Heralding dawn; an anthology of verse, by [ ! ] University, on May the 29th, 1906. Edited by W.E. selected and edited, with a historical summary on Burghardt Du Bois. Atlanta, Atlanta University the Texas Tegroes' [ ! ] versemaking, by J. Mason Press, 1906. Brewer, and with a pref. by Henry Smith. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, [Dallas, Tex., J. Thomason, Printing, cl936] ed. Brewer, John Mason, 1896- ed.

487-13 346-9 Health studies of Negro children. Washington, Hero tales of the American soldier and sailOf" as Govt. Print. Off., 1927-28. told by the heroes themselves and their U.S. Public Health Service. comrades; the unwritten history of American chivalry. Hero Pub. Co. [cl899] 220-3 Hear the South! The state of the country: an 303-3 article republished from the Southern Heroes and martyrs: notable men of the time. Presbyterian review, by J.H. Thornwell. New Biographical sketches of the military and naval York, D. Appleton, 1861. heroes, statesmen and orators, distinguished in Thornwell, James Henley, 1812-1862. the American crisis of 1861-62. Edited by Frank Moore. New York, G.P. Putnam [cl861] 489-8 Moore, Frank, 1828-1904, ed. Hearing before the United States Commission on Civil Rights; hearing held in Cleveland, Ohio, 367-5 April .1-7, 1966. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., A heroine of the cross; sketches of the life and 1966. work of Miss Joanna P. Moore for fifty-three U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. years a missionary among the Negro people, written by Grace M. Eaton and others. [1934?] 421-13 Eaton, Grace May, 1866- The heart of a woman, and other poems, with an introd. by William Stanley Braithwaite. Boston, 211-1-55 Cornhill Co., 1918. Das Herrenthum und seine Fruchte: der Johnson, Georgia Douglas Camp, 1886· emancipirte Sklave und sein friiherer Herr. Ein Erganzungsbericht an den Ehrenw. Edwin M. 427-4 Stanton, Kriegsminister von James McKaye, The heart of Happy Hollow, illus. by E.W. Spezialkommissar. New York, Gedruckt bei H. Kemble. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1904. Ludwig, 1864. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. U.S. War Dept.

193-13 The higher law, in its relations to civil govern­ ment: with particular reference to slavery, and 673 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

the fugitive slave law. Auburn [N.Y.J Derby & Massachusetts Historical Society, August 14, 1862. Miller, 1852. 4th ed. Boston, A. Williams and Co., 1863. Hosmer, William. Livermore, George, 1809-1865.

429-5 513-6 The hindered hand; or, The reign of the Historical romance of the American Negro. repressionist. 3d ed., rev. Nashville, The Orion Baltimore, Press of Thomas & Evans, 1902. Pub. Co., 1905. Fowler, Charles Henry. Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872- 591-173 222-6-1 An historical sketch of the early movement in Hinton Rowan Helper, advocate of a "white Illinois for the legalization of slavery, read at the America". Charlottesville, Va., The Historical annual meeting of the Chicago Historical Society, Pub. Co., 1935. December 5th, 1864: by Hon. William H. Brown. Lefler, Hugh Talmage, 1901- Chicago, Fergus Printing Co., 1876. Brown, William H., 1796-1867. 402-1 The hireling and the slave, Chicora and other 474-9 poems. Charleston, S.C., Mccarter, 1856. The historical status of the Negro in Con­ Grayson, William John, 1788-1863. necticut. A paper read before the New Haven Colony Historical Society. Copied from the 185-4 Historical magazine and notes and queries con­ Historical and legal examination of that part of cerning the antiquities, history and biography of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United America. Vols. XXlll-XXIV, 1874-1875. And some States in the Dred Scott case, which declares the brief remarks on the address of the Hon. Charles unconstitutionality of the Missouri compromise Francis Adams, pronounced on the occasion of the act and the self-extension of the Constitution to dedication of a new library building for the use of territories, carrying slavery along with it. With the "State Historical Society of Wisconsin." an appendix, containing: I. The debates in the Published in Year book of City of Charleston for Senate in March, 1849, between Mr. Webster and 1900 A.O. Charleston, S.C., Walker, Evans & Mr. Calhoun, on the legislative extension of the Cogswell Co., 1901-. Constitution to territories, as contained in vol. 11. Fowler, William Chauncey, 1793-1881. ch. CLXXXll.ofthe"Thirtyyears'view." II. The inside view of the Wilmot proviso, as seen in Vol. 560-8 II. Ch. CLXVll I. of the "Thirty year's view." 111. A historica I study of some selected aspects of Review of President Pierce's annual message to secondary education in Ethiopia since 1908. Congress of December, 1856, so far as it relates to Atlanta, 1967. the abrogation of the Missouri compromise act Doanes, James R. and the classification of parties. By the author of the "Thirty years' view." New York, D. Appleton 559-4 and Co., 1857. A history and appraisal of the economic con­ Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858. sequences of Negro trade boycotts. Atlanta, 1940. Jones, William. 560-14 An historical investigation of the Negro public 569-3 school teacher in Atlanta, Georgia, 1872-1900. History and development of the Department of Atlanta, 1968. Sociology at Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, McClendon, W. Oliver. from 1935-1965. Atlanta, 1966. Fernandez, Lilia Valentina. 242-8; 593-275 An historical memoir of the Pennsylvania 369-1 Society, for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery; A history and manual of the Grand United Order the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in of Odd Fellows in America. By M.V.P., Chas. H. Bondage, and for Improving the Condition of the Brooks. Philadelphia, 1893. African Race. Comp. from the minutes of the Brooks, Charles H. Society and other official documents, by. Edward Needles, and pub. by authority of the Society. 323-1 Philadelphia, Merrihew and Thompson, Printers, The history, ~ivil, political and military, of the 1848. southern rebellion, from its incipient stages to its Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition close. Comprehending, also, all important state of Slavery. papers, _ordinances of secession, proclamations, proceedings of Congress, official reports of 350-5 commanders, etc., etc. New York, J.D. Torrey Historica I notes on the employment of Negroes [cl861-68?J in the American Army of the Revolution. By Victor, Orville James, 1827-1910. George H. Moore. New York, C.T. Evans, 1862. Moore, George Henry, 1823-1892. 183-4 The history of Abraham Lincoln, and the 350-4 ov.erthrow of slavery. By Isaac N. Arnold. An historical research respecting the opinions of Chicago, Clarke, 1866. the founders of the republic on Negroes as slaves, Arnold, Isaac Newton, 1815-1884. as citizens, and as soldiers. Read before the

674 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog·

541-2 189-5 History of Alabama, for use in schools and for compromise and sla~ery i~ general reading. By John W. Beverly. Published American politics; a true history of the Missouri by .the author, 1901. compromise and its repeal, and of African slavery Beverly, John William. as a factor in American politics, by Mrs. Archibald Dixon. 2d ed. Cincinnati, The R. 560-10 Clarke, 1903 [cl898] A history of Albany State College. Atlanta, 1950. Dixon, Susan Bullitt, 1829-1907. Harper, Hoyt Howard. 383-2 384-4 History of Morehouse College, written on the The history of Alpha phi alpha; a development authority of the Board of Trustees. Atlanta, in Negro college life. Washington, Howard Morehouse College, 1917. University Press, 1929. Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939. Wesley, Charles Harris, 1891- 357-4 381-1 The history of my life and work. Autobiography A history of Atlanta University. Atlanta, Ga., by Rev. M.L. Latta. lntrod. by Rev. _George The Atlanta University Press, 1930. Daniel, illustrations by the Tucker Engraving Co. Adams, Myron Winslow, 1860-1939. Raleigh, Montreal [etc.] M.L. Latta [1903] Latta, Morgan London, 1853- 361-5 History of Bethel A.M.E. Church, Chicago, 361-7 U.S.A. Chicago, Fraternal Press [1915?] The history of Negro Baptists in Mississippi. Moore. Richard E. Jackson, Miss., R.W. Bailey Print. Co., 1898. Thompson, Patrick Henry, 1866· 595-343 A history of colonization on the 375-5 western coast of Africa. History of Negro education in the United States. African colonization and the Colony of Liberia Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1917. (from the North American Review) also, U.S. Office of Education. statistics of Liberia. [Philadelphia, 1848?] Colonization Herald and General Register. 273-6 A history of Negro revolt, by C.L.R. James. 374-6 [London, Fact, 1938?] History of education from the Greeks to the James, Cyril Lionel Robert, 1901- present time, by John H. Jackson. 2d ed. Denver, Western Newspaper Union, 1905. 225-8 Jackson, John Henry, 1850- The history of Negro servitude in Illinois, and of the slavery agitation in that state, 1719-1864, by N. 368-4 Dwight Harris. Chicago, A.C. McClurg & Co., A history of freemasonry among Negroes in 1904. America. [Cleveland? 1946] Harris, Norman Dwight, 1870- Davis, Harry Edward, 1882- 353-3 384-3 History of Negro soldiers in the Spanish­ The history of Lincoln University. Published American War, and other items of interest. By under the direction of Lincoln University. Jef­ Edward A. Johnson. Raleigh, N.C., Capital Print. ferson City, Mo. [cl939] Co., 1899. . Savage, William Sherman, 1890- Johnson, Edward Augustus, 1860-1944.

361-3 548-11 History of Louisiana Negro Baptists from 1804 to The history of Negro .suffrage in the South, by 1914.· With a biographical introd. by Bp. W.B. Stephen B. Weeks. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1894. Purvis. Nashville, Tenn., National Baptist Pub. Weeks, Stephen Beauregard, 1865-1918. Board [1914?] Hicks, William, 1869- 571-3 The history of organized social work among 310-2 Atlanta Negroes, 1890-1935. Atlanta, 1936. A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War. Shivery, Louie Delphia Davis. Boston, E.P. Dutton, 1868-71. Schouler, William, 1814-1872. 225-12 History of Pennsylvania Hall, which was 367-6 destroyed by a mob, on the 17th of May, 1838. A history of Methodism: comprising a view of Philadelphia, Printed by Merrihew and Gunn, the rise of this revival of spiritual religion in the 1838. first half of the eighteenth century, and of the Pennsylvania Hall Association, Philadelphia. principal agents by whom it was promoted in Europe and America; with some account of the 212-2 doctrine and polity of Episcopal Methodism in the The history of slavery and the slave trade, United States, and the means and manner of its ancient and modern. The forms of slavery that extension down to A.O. 1884. By Holland N. prevailed in ancient nations, particularly in McTyeire. Nashville, Tenn., Southern Methodist Greece and Rome. The African slave trade and Pub. House, 1884. McTyeire, Holland Nimmons, Bp., 1824-1889. 675 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log the political history of slavery in the United 325-2 States. Cpmpiled from authentic materials by The history of the Civil War in America; W.0. Blake. Columbus, Ohio, H. Miller, 1860 comprising a full and impartial account of. the rcl857] origin and progress of the rebellion, of the vano~s Blake, William 0. naval and military , of the heroic deeds performed by armies and individuals, and 591-175 of touching scenes in the field, the camp, the History of slavery in Connecticut, by Bernard C. hospital, and the cabin. Illustrated with maps, Steiner. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1893. diagrams, and numerous steel engravings of Steiner, Bernard Christian, 1867-1926. battle scenes, from original designs by Darley, and other eminent artists, and portraits of 358-5 distinguished men. New York, H. Bill, 1863-1866. History of the A.M. E. Zion Church in America; Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, 1805-1877. founded in 1796, in the city of New York. Compiled and published by John Jamison Moore. York, Pa., 308-4 Teachers' Journal Office, 1884. A history of the Civil War in the United States; Moore, John Jamison, Bp., 1818- comp. with a preliminary view of its causes, and biographical sketches of its heroes. Philadelphia, 363-8 J.W. Bradley, 1863. History of the African Methodist Episcopal Schmucker, Samuel Mosheim, 1823-1863. Church, by Daniel A. Payne. Edited by Rev. C.S. Smith. Nashville, Tenn., Publishing House of the 182-8 A.M.E. Sunday-school Union, 1891. History of the colored race in America .. Co~­ Payne, Daniel Alexander, Bp., 1811-1893. taining also their ancient and modern hfe m Africa, the origin and development of slavery, the 363-5 Civil War, Emancipation. Prepared and arr. by History of the African Methodist Episcopa I Wm. T. Alexander. 2d rev. ed. Kansas City, Mo .. Church in Alabama, with biographical sketches. Palmetto Pub. Co., 1887. By W.H. Mixon. With introd. by Henry McNeal Alexander, William T. Turner. Nashville, Tenn., A.M.E. Church Sunday School Union, 1902. 374-5 Mixon, Wanfield Henri, 1859- A history of the colored schools, of Nashville, Tennessee. Compiled by G.W. Hubbard, Nash­ 362-2 ville, Tenn., Wheeler, Marshall & Bruce, Printers. History of the Afro-American group of the 1874. Episcopal Church, by George F. Bragg. Hubbard, George Whipple, 1841-1924, comp. Baltimore, Md., Church Advocate Press, 1922. Bragg, George Freeman, 1863-1940. 370-4 The history of the education of girls in New York 595-335 and in New England, 1800-1870. Washington, History of the American colony in Liberia, from Howard University Press, 1926. December, 1821to1823. Comp. from the authentic Mac Lear, Martha. records of the colony. Washington City, Printed by Way & Gideon, 1826. 346-11 Ashmun, Jehudi, 1794-1828. History of the Eighth Illinois United States Volunteers, by Harry Stanton McCard and Henry 492-7 Turnley. Chicago, E.F Harman & Co., 1899. History of the anti-separate coach movement of Mccard, Harry Stanton. Kentucky. Containing biographical sketches of some of the most active workers against the 351-6 separate coach law. The case in full of W.H. History of the Fifty-fourth Regiment of Anderson vs. L. and N. Railroad Company. Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1863-1865. By Published under the auspices of the State Central Luis F. Emilio. 2d ed., rev. and corr., with ap­ and Executive Committees of Kentucky. Edited pendix upon treatment of colored prisoners of by S.E. Smith. Evansville, Ind., Pub. by the war. Boston, The Boston Book Co., 1894. National Afro-American Journal and Directory Emilio, Luis Fenollosa, b. 1844. Pub. Co. [1894?] Smith, S.E., 1859- ed. 358-4 History of the First African Baptist Church, 237-8 from its organization, January 20th, 1788, to July The history of the anti-slavery cause in state 1st, 1888. Including the centennial celebration, and nation. Portland, Me., B. Thurston [etc.] addresses, sermons, etc. By Rev. E. K. Love. 1886. Savannah, Ga., The Morning news Print., 1888. Willey, Austin, 1806-1896. Love, Emanuel King, 1850-1900.

207-8 297-2 Hisfory of the antislavery measures of the History of the great rebellion, from its com­ Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth United States mencement to its close, giving an account of its Congresses, 1861-64. Boston, Walker, Wise, and origin, the secession of the southern states, and Co., 1864. the formation of the Confederate government, the Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875. concentration of the military and financial resources of the Federa I government, together with sketches of the lives of all the eminent statesmen and military and naval commanders, 676 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

with a full and complete index. From official introd. by W.W. Landrum. Richmond, Va., J.W. sources. By Thomas P. Kettell. Hartford, Conn., Randolph Co., 1895. L. Stebbins; Cincinnati, Ohio, F.A. Howe, 1865. Corey, Charles Henry, 1834-1899. Kettell, Thomas Prentice. 208-1 204-1 History of the rise and fall of the slave power in A history of the Kansas crusade, its friends and America. 7th ed. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, its foes. lntrod. by Rev. Edward Everett Hale. [ 1872· 1877] New York, Harper and Bros., 1889. Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875. Thayer, Eli, 1819-1899. 192-8 368-2 A history of the struggle for slavery extension or History of the Mosaic Templars of America-its restriction in the United States, from the founders and officials, ed. by A.E. Bush and P.L. Declaration of independence to the present day. Dorman. Little Rock, Central Printing Co., 1924. Mainly compiled and condensed from the journals Bush, Aldridge Edward, 1894- ed. of Congress and other official records, and showing the vote by yeas and nays on the most 361-10 important divisions in either House. New York, A history of the Negro Baptists of North Dix, Edwards, 1856. Carolina. Raleigh, Edwards & Broughton Print. Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872. Co .. 1908. Whitted. J.A. 327-2 History of the Thirty-ninth Congress of the 363-3 _United States. By William H. Barnes. New York, History of the Negro Baptists of Tennessee, by Harper & Bros., 1868. T.O. Fuller [Memphis, Tenn., Haskins Print, Barnes, William Horatio. c1936l Fuller. Thomas Oscar. 1867-1942. 273-3 A history of the trial of castner Hanway and 207-5 others, for treason, at Philadelphia in November, History of the Negro race in America from 1619 1851. With an introd. upon the history of the slave to 1880. Negroes as slaves, as soldiers, and as question. By a member of the Philadelphia bar. citizens; together with a preliminary con­ Philadelphia, U. Hunt & Sons, 1852. sideration of the unity of the human family, an historical sketch of Africa, and an account of the 247-3 Negro governments of and Liberia. History of the Underground Railroad as it was By George W. Williams. New York, G.P. Put­ conducted by the Anti-slavery League; including nam's sons. 1883. many thrilling encounters between those aiding Williams. George Washington, 1849-1891. the slaves to escape and those trying to recapture them, by Col. William M. Cockrum. Oakland City, 372-1 Ind., Press of J.W. Cockrum Printing Co. [cl915] The history of . the New-York African free­ Cockrum. William Munroe, 1837· schools, from their establishment in 1787, to the present time: embracing a period of more than 368-7 forty years: also a brief account of the successful History of the United Brothers of Friendship labors, of the New-York Manumission Society: and Sisters of the Mysterious Ten. In two parts. A with an appendix. By Charles C. Andrews. New Negro order. Organized August 1, 1861, in the city York, Printed by M. Day, 1830. of Louisville, Ky. Containing photos, sketches, Andrews, Charles C. and narratives of the_ lives of its founders and organizers. By W.H. Gibson, Sr. Louisville, Ky., 201-11 Printed by the Bradley & Gilbert Co. [cl897] History of the Oberlin-Wellington rescue. With Gibson, William H., Sr. an introd. by Prof. Henry E. Peck and Hon. Ralph Plumb. Boston, J.P. Jewett and Co.; New York, 296-1 Sheldon and Co., 1859. A history of the war of secession, 1861-1865. 5th Shipherd, Jacob R., comp. ed., rev. and enl. New York, Wessels & Bissell Co., 1910. 368-1 Johnson, Rossiter, 1840-1931. The history of the Order of the Eastern Star among colored people, by Mrs. S. Joe Brown. Des 362-6 Moines, la. [The Bystander Press) 1925. History of the Woman's Missionary Society in Brown, Sue M. Wilson, 1877- the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, com­ prising its founders, organizations, pathfinders, 290-4 subsequent developments and present status. By History of the plots and crimes of the great Mrs. L.D. McAfee. [Phenix City, Ala., Phenix conspiracy to overthrow liberty in America. New City Herald, 1945] York, The author, 1866. McAfee. Sara Jane Regulus, 1879· Dye, John Smith. 517-9 381-7 Holm's race assimilation: or, The fading A history of the Richmond Theological leopard's spots; a complete scientific exposition Seminary, with reminiscences of thirty years' of the most tremendous question that has ever work among colored people of the South. With an

6'17 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

confronted two races in the world's history. and other distinguished members of British Naperville, Ill., Atlanta, Ga., J.L. Nichols & Co. Parliament. Part II. Containing extracts, chiefly [cl910] · American, comp. from authentic sources: Holm, John James. demonstrating that slavery is impolitic, anti­ republican, unchristian, and highly criminal: and 552-3 proposing measures for its complete abolition Homes of the freed, by Rossa B. Cooley, with an through the United States. Cambridge [Mass. 1: introduction by J.H. Dillard, and four wood cuts Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf, 1817. by J.J. Lankes. New York, New Republic, 1926. Kenrick, John, 1755-1833. Cooley, Rossa Belle, 1873- 405-3 485-3 Hot plowshares, a novel. New York, Fords, Homespun heroines and other women of Howard, & Hulbert, 1883. distinction, compiled and edited by Hallie Q. Tourgee, Albion Winegar, 1838-1905. Brown, foreword by Josephine Turpin Washington. [Xenia, Ohio, Aldine Publishing Co., 413-2 c1926] Hot spots, U.S.A. [New York? 1945?] Brown, Hallie Quinn, 1859-1949, comp. Dodson, Owen, 1914-

319-1-14 416-5 Homesteads for soldiers and sailors in the The hour has struck (A war poem) and other rebellious states. Speech of Hon. William B. poems. [2d ed.] New York, E.C. Lewis Co., 1915. Allison, of Iowa, delivered in the House of Morgan, Angela. Representatives, First session, Thirty-eighth Congress, Wednesday, May 4, 1864. [Washington, 424-3 Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1864) The house behind the cedars. Boston and New Allison, William Boyd, 1829-1908. York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1900. Chesnutt, Charles Waddell, 1858-1932. 319-1-46 Homesteads for soldiers on the lands of rebels. 422-3 Speech of Hon. Geo. W. Julian, of Indiana. The house of falling leaves, with other poems. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March Boston, J.W. Luce and Co., 1908. 18, 1864. [Washington, L. Towers, Printer, 1864] Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont, 1878- Julian, George Washington, 1817-1899. 1962.

319-1-15 550-4 Homesteads for soldiers-Who are their The housing of Negroes in Washington, D.C.: a friends? Speech of Hon. George W. Julian, of study in human ecology. Washington, Howard Indiana, in the House of Representatives, May 12, University Press, 1929. 1864. [Washington, Printed by L. Towers, 1864) Jones, William Henry, 1896- Julian, George Washington, 1817-1899. 211-1-13 403-5 How a free people conduct a long war. • By Hope's highway, a novel. New York, Neale Pub. Charles J. Stille. New York, Nov. 1863. New York, Co., 1918. A.D.F Randolph [1863?] Fleming, Sarah Lee Brown. Stille, Charles Janeway, 1819-1899".

249-3 233-2-13 Horace Greeley decently dissected, in a letter "How can I help to abolish slavery?" or, on Horace Greeley, addressed by A. Oakey Hall to Counsels to the newly converted. [New York, Joseph Hoxie, esq., republished (with an alphabet American Anti-slavery Society, 1855) of notes) by popular request. New York, Ross & Chapman, Maria Weston, 1806-1885. Tousey, 1862. Hall, Abraham Oakey, 1826-1898. 319-1-53 How Massachusetts reigns and has reigned. 261-3 Speech of Hon. James Brooks, of N.Y., delivered Horace Greeley, the editor. New York, Funk & in the House of Representatives, February 19, Wagnalls, 1890. 1864. Washington, Printed at the office of "the Zabriskie, Francis Nicoll, 1832-1891. Constitutional Union," 1864. Brooks, James, 1810-1873. 197-4; 595-318 's letters on the extension of 211-9 slavery into talifornia and New Mexico; and on How our national debt can be paid. The wealth, the duty of Congress to provide the trial by jury resources, and power of the people of the United for alleged fugitive slaves. {Republished with States. Issued by Jay Cooke. Philadelphia, notes) [Washington] Buell & Blanchard, Printers Sherman & Co., Printers, 1865. (1850) Elder, William, 1806-1885. Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. 211-10 194-9 How our national debt may be a national Horrors of slavery. In two parts. Part I. blessing. The debt is public wealth, political Containing observations, facts, and arguments, union, protection of industry, secure basis for extracted from the speeches of Wilberforce, national currency, the orphans and widows' Grenville, Pitt, Burke, Fox, Martin, Whitehead, 678 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog savings fund. Philadelphia, M'Laughlin Bros., 591-162 Printers, 1865. Human beings, not property. Speech of Hon. Wilkeson, Samuel, 1817-1889. of Illinois. Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 17, 1858. 528-7 [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1858] How Peary reached the Pole; the personal story Lovejoy, Owen, 1811-1864. of his assistant, Donald B. MacMillan with illustrations chiefly from photos. taken by the 537-1 author on this expedition. Boston and New York, Human origins, by S. Laing. London, Chapman Houghton Mifflin, 1934. and Hall, 1895. MacMillan, Donald Baxter, 1874- Laing, Samuel, 1812-1897. 443-5 506-5 How sleeps the beast. New York, M.S. Mill Co. Human side of a people and the right name. By [ cl938] Raphael P. Powell. New York, The Philemon Co. Tracy, Don, 1905- [cl937] Powell, Raphael Philemon. 211-1-37 How the South rejected compromise in the 518-1 Peace Conference of 1861. Speech of Mr. Chase of The human way. Addresses on race problems at Ohio. New York, Dec., 1863. New York, W.C. the Southern Sociological Congress, Atlanta, 1913. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863: Edited by James E. McCulloch. Nashville, Chase, Salmon Portland, 1808-1873. Southern Sociological Congress, 1913. Southern Sociological Congress. 2d, Atlanta, 211-1-46 1913. How the war was commenced. An appeal to the documents. Southern documents especially 393-4 quoted. {From the Cincinnati daily commercial) "Hymns of freedom." Music from the old Negro New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. spiritual "0 Ride on, !" (Sung on St. Helena Island, S.C.) New York and Boston, Words 211-11 copyrighted, 1918, by Natalie Curtis Burlin, Music How the western states can become the imperial published by G. Schirmer [1918?] power in the Union. Philadelphia, Ringwalt & Burlin, Natalie Curtis, d. 1921. Brown. Printers. June, 1865. Elder. William, 1806-1885.

490-1 How to conduct a community self-survey of civil rights, by Margot Haas Wormser and Claire I Selltiz; with a foreword by Gordon W. Allport. New York, Association Press, 1951. 417-11 American Jewish Congress. An idyl of the South; an epic poem in two parts. Commission on Community Interrelations. New York, Metaphysical Pub. Co., 1901. • Whitman, Albery Allson, 1851-1901. 525-5 How to solve the race problem. The proceedings 415-2 of the Washington Conference on the Race Idylls of the Bible. Philadelphia [The author] Problem in the United States under the auspices of 1901. the National Sociological Society, held at the Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911. Lincoln Temple Congregational Church; at the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church and at the Metropolitan A.M.E. Church, Washington, D.C., 556-4 The ills of the South; or, Related causes hostile November 9, 10, 11, and 12, 1903. Addresses, to the general prosperity of the southern people. resolutions and debates by eminent men of both By Charles H. Otken. New York, London, G.P. races and in every walk of life. Washington, Putnam's Sons, 1894. Beresford, Printer, 1904. Otken, Charles Henry, 1839- Washington Conference on the Race Problem in the United States, Washington, D.C., 1903. 592-242 Immediate emancipation: the only wise and 592-227 good mode. New York, 1861. How we are governed. [Washington, Buell & Tappan, Lewis, 1788-1873. Blanchard, Printers, 1859] Republican Association, Washington, D.C. 547-3 487-6 Immense meeting in favor of the Union. Philadelphia [Printed at the office of "The Howard University Medical Dept., Washington, National Guard," 1862] D.C. A historical, biographical and statistical Philadelphia. Union League. souvenir, compiled and edited for and by authority of the Medical Faculty of Howard University by Daniel Smith Lamb. Washington, - ~~ Printed by R. Beresford, 1900. The '!11P~ct of European institutions and ideas on the indigenous culture of the Kenya region. Howard University, Washington, D.C. School of Atlanta, 1958. Medicine. Karanja, Josphat Niuauna. 679 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

567-7 390-5 The impact of the Mau Mau on Kenya politics. In old Alabama; being the chronicles of Miss Atlanta, 1965. Mouse, the little black merchant, illustrated by Lolchoki. Jonathan Kariuki Ole. Carol McPherson. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1903. 439-1 Hobson, Anne. Impatient Griselda. New York, Grosset and Dunlap [c19271 450·1 Scarborough, Dorothy, 1878-1935. In old plantation days. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1903. 363· 10; 594-293 Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. The impending crisis of 1860; or the present connection of the Methodist Episcopal Church 394-2 with slavery, and out duty in regard to it. By H. In person, Lena Horne: as told to Helen Arstein Mattison, of the Black River Conference. [4th ed., and Carlton Moss. [New York] Greenberg [1950] rev. l New York, Mason Brothers, 1859. Horne, Lena, 1917- Mattison, Hiram, 1811-1868. 598-512 432-6 In the Court of Appeals of Maryland. October An imperative duty. A novel. New York, term, 1949. No. 139. Esther Mccready, minor by Harper, 1892. Elizabeth Mccready, her next friend and parent, Howells, William Dean, 1837~ 1920. appellant, vs. Harry C. Byrd, President, et al., appellees. Appeal from the Baltimore City Court 448-5 (Smith, C.J.) Brief and appendix of appellant. lmperium in lmperio. Cincinnati, The Editor Charles H. Houston, [and Pub. Co., 1899. others] attorneys for appellant. Baltimore, Daily Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872- Record [1949?] Mccready, Esther, 1931- 551-3 In a minor key; Negro youth in story and fact, 546-7 by Ira DeA. Reid; prepared for the American In the Fifty-fifth Congress. Contested election Youth Commission. Washington, American case of George W. Murray vs. William Elliott Council on Education, 1940. from the First [Congressional] District of South Reid, Ira DeAugustine, 1901- Carolina. Contestant's brief. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 18971 502-5 Murray, George Washington, 1853- contestant. In battle for peace; the story of my 83rd birthday, by W.E.B. Du Bois, with comment by 598-507 Shirley Graham. [New York] Masses & Main­ In the Supreme Court of the state of Oklahoma. stream, 1952. Ada Lois Sipuel, plaintiff-in-error, vs. Board of Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. Regents of the University of Oklahoma, George L. Cross, Maurice H. Merrill, George Wadsack and 514-1 Roy Gittinger, defendants-in-error. Appeal from In black and white; an interpretation of the District Court of Cleveland County, southern life, by L.H. Hammond. With an introd. Oklahoma; Hon. Ben. T. Williams, Judge. Brief by James H. Dillard. New York, Chicago [etc.] for the plaintiff-in-error. Amos T. Hall, Thurgood Fleming H. Revell [cl914] Marshall, Robert L. Carter, attorneys for Hammond, Lily Hardy, 1859-1925. plaintiff-in-error. (Action in mandamus) New York, Lawyers Press [1946?] 595-316 Sipuel. Ada Lois, 192_?- plaintiff.in-error. In defence of the South against the aggressive movement of the North. .598-505 Speech of T.L. Clingman, of North Carolina, in In the Supreme Court of the United States. defence of the South against the aggressive October term, 1946. No._. Orsel McGhee and movement of the North. Delivered in the House of Minnie S. McGhee, his wife, petitioners, v. Ben­ Representatives, January 22, 1850. [Washington, jamin J. Sipes and Anna C. Sipes, James A. Coon D.C., .Gideon & Co., Printers, 1850] and Addie A. Coon, et al., respondents. Petition Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812-1897. and brief in support of petition for writ of cer­ tiorari to the Supreme Court of Michigan. 473-2 Frances Dent, Willis M. Graves, Thurgood In freedom's birthplace; a study of the Boston Marshall, attorneys for petitioners. New York, Negroes. Boston and New York, Houghton Mif­ Lawyers Press [1946?] flin, 1914. McGhee, OrseL petitioner. Daniels, John, 1881- 598-506 241-1 tn the Supreme Court of the United States. In memory. Angelina Grimke Weld. Born in October term, 1947. No. 87. Orsel McGhee and Charleston, South Carolina, February 20, 1805. Minnie S. McGhee, his wife, petitioners, v. Ben­ Died Hyde Park, Massachusetts, October 26, 1879. jamin J. Sipes and Anna C. Sipes, James A. Coon Printed only for private circulation. Boston, and Addie A. Coon, et al., respondents. Brief for George H. Ellis, 1880. petitioners. Thurgood Marshall [and others] counsel for petitioners. William H. Hastie [and others] of counsel. [New York, Lawyers Press, 1947?] 680 McGhee, Orsel, petitioner. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

598-508 566-7 In the supreme Court of the United States. An index to the Bulletin of Atlanta University October term, 1947. No. 369. Ada Lois Sipuel, for the period January, 1904 through December, petitioner, v. Board of Regents of the University of 1907. Atlanta, 1963. Oklahoma, George L. Cross, Maurice H: Merrill, Simmons, Rosemary Tyson. George Wadsack and Roy Gittinger, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the 565-1 State of Oklahoma. Brief for petitioner. Thurgood An index to the Spelman messenger for the Marshall, Amos T. Hall, counsel for petition. period March, 1885 through June, ·1891. Atlanta, [1947?] 1963. Sipuel, Ada Lois, 192_?- petitioner. Adair, Margaret Smith.

598-511 565-5 In the Supreme Court of the United States. An index to the Spelman messenger, November, October term, 1949. No. 44. Heman Marion 1891 through June, 1898. Atlanta, 1963. Sweatt, petitioner v. Theophilus Shickel Painter, Day, Marie Dansby. et al., on a writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the state of Texas. Brief of the states of 225-5 Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Indiana; a redemption from slavery, by J.P. Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Dunn, Jr. Boston and New York, Houghton, Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, amici curiae in Mifflin, 1888. support of respondents. [Raleigh, N.C., Graphic Dunn, Jacob Piatt, 1855-1924. Press, 1949?] Arkansas. Attorney-general, amicus curiae. 316-1 Indiana's roll of honor. Indianapolis, Pub. by 590-140 the author, 1864. Inaugural address of Governor Robert C. Stevenson, David. Wickliffe. Delivered January 28, 1856. Baton Rouge, Advocate Steam Power Press Print., 1856. 497-4 Louisiana. Governor, 1856-1860 (Robert C. Indigenous races of the earth; or, New chapters Wickliffe) of ethnological inquiry; including monographs on special departments contributed by Alfred 320-2 Maury, Francis Pulszky, and J. Aitken Meigs. Incidents and anecdotes of the war; together Presenting fresh investigations, documents, and with life sketches of eminent leaders, and materials; by J.C. Nott and Geo. R. Glidden. narratives of the most memorable battles for the Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1857. Union. Edited by Orville J. Victor. New York, Nott, Josiah Clark, 1804-1873, ed. J.D. Torrey [cl862] Victor, Orville James, 1827-1910, ed. 379-13 Industrial education, the hope of the Southern 546-1 Negro. Address by Hon. William H. Taft, Incidents in American history; being a selection delivered at Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, under of the most important and interesting events the auspices of the Armstrong Association in" the which have transpired since the discovery of interests of Hampton Institute, Monday, March America, to the present time. Comp. from the 16, 1908. Columbus, Ohio [Allied Printing, 1908?] most approved authorities, by J. W. Barber. 3d Taft, William Howard, Pres. U.S., 1857-1930. ed. New York, G.F. Cooledge & Brother [cl847] Barber, John Warner, 1798-1885. 484-7 The industrial history of the Negro race of the 264-5 United States [by] Giles B. Jackson and D. Incidents in the life of a slave girl. Written by Webster Davis. Richmond, Va., The Virginia herself. Edited by L. Maria Child. Boston, Pub. Press [ cl908] tor the author, 1861 [cl860] Jackson, Giles B. Jacobs, Harriet Brent, 1818-1896. 483-13 565-10 Industrial village churches. New York, An index to the Bulletin of Atlanta University Institute of Social and Religious Research [c1930] for the period June, 1883 through December, 1891. Brunner, Edmund de Schweinitz, 1889- Atlanta, 1962. Harris, Sylvia. 452-7 Infants of the spring. New York, Macaulay 565-14 [ cl932] An index to the Bulletin of Atlanta University Thurman, Wallace, 1902- for the period January, 1897 through December, 1900. Atlanta, 1962. 193-3 Laws, Melzetta P. The iniquity: a sermon in the First Church, Dorchester, on Sunday Dec. 11, 1859. Boston, 566-8 Printed by J. Wilson & Son, 1859. An index to the Bulletin of Atlanta University Hall, Nathaniel, 1805-1875. for the period January, 1901 through December, 1903. Atlanta, 1963. 591-185 Ward, Ruth LeFlore. The injustice and impolicy of the slave trade, and of the slavery of the Africans: illustrated in a sermon preached before the Connecticut Society 681 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log for the Promotion of Freedom, and for the Relief 199-9 of Persons Unlawfully Holden in Bondage, at their Inside view of slavery: or, A tour among the annual meeting in New-Haven, September 15, planters. With an introductory note by Mrs. H.B. 1791. 3d ed. New Haven, New Haven Anti-slavery Stowe. Boston, J.P. Jewett; Cleveland, 0., Society, 1833. Jewett, Proctor and Worthington, 1855. Edwards, Jonathan, 1745-1801. Parsons, Charles Grandison, 1807-1864.

203-12 22i-6 An inquiry into scriptural and ancient servitude, Inside views of slavery on southern plantations. in which it is shown that neither was chattel With an introd. by Nathan Brown. New York, slavery; with the remedy for American slavery. John A. Gray & Green, 1864. Mansfield, 0., Pub. by the author at the Western Roles, John. Branch Book Concern of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection of Amerka, 1852. 278-1-2 Smith, E., of Mansfield, 0. Insurgent relations and insurgent animus. A speech by Mr. Deming of Connecticut, on the 241-6 President's message, delivered in Committee of An inquiry into the character and tendency of the Whole on the State of the Union, January 19, the American Colonization, and American Anti­ 1866. [Washington, J.L. Pearson, Printer, 1866] slavery Societies. 4th ed. New York, R.G. Deming, Henry Champion, 1815-1872. Williams, for the American Anti-slavery Society, 1837. 349-3 Jay, William, 1789-1858. Integration of the Negro in the U.S. Armed Forces [by] Richard J. Stillman, 11. New York, 194-1 Praeger [1968] An inquiry into the condition and prospects of the Stillman, Richard Joseph, 1943- African race in the United States: and the means of bettering its fortunes. By an American. 346-13 Philadelphia, Haswell, Barrington, and Haswell, The integration of the Negro into the United 1839. States Navy, 1776-1947, with a brief historical introduction. [Washington] 1948. 268-6 Nelson, Dennis Denmark, 1907- An inquiry into the history of slavery; its in­ troduction into the United States; causes of its 487-13 continuance; and remarks upon the abolition Intelligence studies of Negro children in tracts of William E. Channing. By Rev. T.C. Atlanta, Ga. Thornton. Washington, W.M. Morrison, 1841. Health studies of Negro children. Washington, Thornton, Thomas C., 1794-1860. Govt. Print. Off., 1927-28. U.S. Public Health Service. 188-4 An inquiry into the law of Negro slavery in the 220-5-3 United States of America. To which is prefixed, The interest in slavery of the southern non­ an historical sketch of slavery. By Thomas R.R. slaveholder. The right of peaceful secession. Cobb, of Georgia. Vol. I. Philadelphia, T. & J.W. Slavery in the Bible. Charleston, Presses of Johnson & Co.; Savannah, W.T. Williams, 1858. Evans & Cogswell, 1860. Cobb, Thomas Read Rootes, 1823-1862. De Bow, James Dunwoody Brownson, 1820-1867.

595-354 590-143 An inquiry into the merits of the American Interesting and important correspondence Colonization Society: and a reply to the charges between opposition members of the Legislature of brought against it. With an account of the British Virginia and the Hon. John M. Botts, January 17, African Colonization Society. London, J. & A. 1860. Richmond, Printed by Lem. Towers [1860?] Arch, 1838. Botts, John Minor, 1802-1869. Hodgkin, Thomas, 1798-1866. 194-2 599-555 Interesting memoirs and documents relating to An inquiry into the right and duty of compelling American slavery, and the glorious struggle now Spain to relinquish her slave trade in northern making for complete emancipation. London, Africa. London, Printed for J. Butterworth, 1816. Chapman, Brothers, 1846.

184-4 599-518 An inquiry into the scriptural views of slavery. The interference of the British legislature, in the Philadelphia, Perkins & Purves; Boston, B. internal concerns of the West India islands, Perkins, 1846. respecting their slaves, deprecated. By a zealous Barnes, Albert, 1798-1870. advocate for the abolition of the slave trade. London, Printed for J. Mawman, 1816. 487-8 Insanity among the coloured population of the 558-S free states. Philadelphia, T.K. & P.G. Collins, Inter-group relations !>ibliography; a selected Printer, 1844. list of books, periodicals, and resource agencies in Jarvis, Edward, 1803-1884. intergroup relations, including a special section devoted to Connecticut studies. Comp. by Henry G. Stetler, Research Associate, Hartford, 1947. Connecticut. Inter-racial Commission. 682 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

499-4 591-170 Intermarriage: or. The mode in which, and the The irrespressible conflict. A speech by causes why, beauty, health and intellect, result William H. Seward, delivered at Rochester, from certain unions, and deformity, disease and Monday, Oct. 25, 1858. [New York] For sale at the insanity, from others. New York, J. & H.G. office of the New York tribune [1860] Langley, 1839. Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. Walker, Alexander, physiologist. 194-3 498-7 Is slavery a blessing? A reply to Prof. Bledsoe's Intermarriage of whites and Negroes in the essay on liberty and slavery: with remarks on District of Columbia and separate ac­ slavery as it is. By a citizen of the South. Boston, commodations in street cars for whites and J.P. Jewett, 1857. Negroes in the District of Columbia. Hearing Shaw, Charles B. before the Committee on the District of Columbia, House of Representatives, Sixty-fourth Congress, 592-229 first session on H.R. 12, H.R. 13, H.R. 274, H.R. Is slavery sanctioned by the Bible? A premium 326, H.R.618, H.R.715,and H.R. 748. February 11, tract. By Isaac Allen. Boston, American Tract 1916. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1916. Society [ 1860] U.S. Congress. House. Committee on the Allen, Isaac. District of Columbia. 499-2 452-5 Is the Negro a beast? A reply to Chas. Carroll's The interne, by and A.L. book entitled "The Negro a beast". Proving that Furman. New York, Macaulay [c1932] the Negro is human from Biblical, scientific, and Thurman, Wallace, 1902- historical standpoints. By Wm. G. Schell. Moundsville, W. Va., Gospel Trumpet Pub. Co., 490-10-14 1901. Interposition, the barrier against tyranny. Schell, William Gallio. Speech of John Bell Williams in the United States House of Representatives, January 25, 1956. 522-7 Greenwood, Miss. [Association of Citizens' Is the Negro having a fair chance? [Tuskegee, Councils of Mississippi, 1956?] Ala., Tuskegee Institute Press, 1912] Williams, John Bell, 1918- Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915.

526-3 & 527-2,3 504-6 The interracial front. Is the Negro making good? or, Have fifty years Report. of history vindicated the wisdom of Abraham 1st- 19 Lincoln in issuing the Emancipation Atlanta, 19 proclamation? Cincinnati, Printed for the author Commission on Interracial Cooperation, Inc. by the Methodist Book Concern [c1913] Locke, Charles Edward, Bp., 1858-1910. 233-2-6 The inter-state slave trade. By John G. Palfrey. 598-477 [New York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1855) Is the South ready for restoration? [1866?] Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881. 212-3 202-5 Isaac ·T. Hopper: a true life. By L. Maria Child. Introduction of the Negro into the United States; A new ed. New York, Dodd, Mead [cl881] Florida, not Virginia, the first to receive him. Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. [Reprinted from Magazine of American History, November, 1891.) 567-4 Stakely, Charles Averett, 1859- The issue of segregation before the Supreme Court, 1896 through 1954. Atlanta, 1957. 561-11 Brown, Fannye Hopkins. An introduction to the autobiography of Gustavus Vassa. Atlanta, 1936. 183-9 Johnson, Augusta Juanita. The issue, presented in a series of letters on slavery. By Rev. Rufus Wm. Bailey, of South 597-428 Carolina. New York, J.S. Taylor, 1837. Invasion of states. Speech of Hon. Robert Bailey, Rufus William, 1793-1863. Toombs, of Ga., delivered in the Senate of the U.S., January 24, 1860. Washington, G.S. Gideon, Printer [ 1860?] Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. 430-4 J Iola Leroy; or, Shadows uplifted. 3d ed. Boston, J.H. Earle [c1892] Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911. 506-7 J.W. thinks black, volume number two in the 183-6 John Wesley, Jr., series, by Jay S. Stowell. New The iron furnace: or, Slavery and secession. By York, Cincinnati, The Methodist Book Concern Rev. John H. Aughey, a refugee from Mississippi. [cl922] Philadelphia, W.S. & A. Martien, 1863. Stowell, Jay Samuel, 1883- Aughey, John Hill, 1828- 683 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

319-1-135 the Sewanee review for October, 1908. Baton The Jacobins of Missouri and Maryland. Speech Rouge, La., Department of History, Louisiana of Hon. F.P. Blair, of Missouri, delivered in the State University [1908) House of Representatives, February 27, '64. Fleming, Walter Lynwood, 1874-1932. [Washington? 1864] Blair, Francis Preston, 1821-1875. 440-4 Jess Edwards rides again. Boston, Christopher 530-2 Pub. House [cl934) Jack Johnson-in the ring-and out. With in­ Smith, Alice Ward. troductory articles by "Tad", Ed. W. Smith, Damon Runyon and Mrs. Jack Johnson; special 427-5 drawings by Edwin William Krauter. Chicago, The jest of fate; a story of Negro life. London, National Sports Pub!ishing Co., 1927. Jarrold & Sons, 1903. Johnson, Jack, 1878-1946. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906.

396-2 297-1 "The Jackie Robinson story." (Revised Jewels of memory. Washington, D.C., Gibson screenplay) [194 ?] Bros., 1895. Joyce, John Alexander, 1842- 257·3 James and Lucretia Mott. Life and letters. Ed. 490-10-4 by their granddaughter, Anna Davis Hallowell. A Jewish view on segregation, by a Jewish With portraits. Boston, New York, Houghton, southerner. [Greenwood, Miss., Association of Mifflin, 1884. Citizens' Councils of Mississippi, 1956?] Hallowell, Anna Davis, 1838- ed. A Jewish southerner.

222-6-3 346-12 James Dunwoody Brownson De Bow, by W.D. Jim Crow in national defense. [Los Angeles, Weatherford. Charlottesville, Va., The Historical National Negro Congress, 1940?] Pub. Co., 1935. National Negro Congress. Los Angeles Council. Weatherford, Willis Duke, 1875- 501-6 258-6 The Jim Crow Negro. By J.W. Cromwell. James Freeman Clarke: autobiography, diary Washington, D.C., Press of R. L. Pendleton, 1904. and correspondence, edited by Edward Everett Cromwell, John Wesley, 1846-1927. Hale. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1892 [ 1891) 539-9 Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888. Job opportunities for Negro youth in Columbus. By Chester J. Gray, State Supervisor of Negro 249-1 Activities for the Division of Vocational Guidance. James G. Birney and his times; the genesis of Columbus, Ohio, June, 1938. the Republican Party with some account of U.S. National Youth Administration. Ohio. abolition movements in the South before 1828. New York, D. Appleton, 1890 [cl889] 530-4 Birney, William, 1819-1907. Joe Louis: American. New York, Current Books, Inc., A.A. Wyn [1945] 395-4 Miller, Margery. Jazz cavalcade, the inside story of jazz, by Dave Dexter, Jr., with a foreword by Orson Welles. 464-1 New York, Criterion, 1946. Joe Louis, man and super-fighter. New York, Dexter, Dave. Frederick A. Stokes, 1936. Van Every, Edward. 395-3 Jazz, eine musika lische Zeitfrage. Mit 415-8 Notenbeigaben. Mi.inchen, Delphin-Verlag [1927) _Joggin' er~ong, illus. with photos. by Leigh Bernhard, Paul, 1878- Richmond Miner and decorations by John Rae. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1906. 395-7 Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. Jazz parody (anthology of jazz fiction) edited by Chas. Harvey. London, Spearman Publishers, 185-1 Ltd. in conjunction with the American Jazz John and Mary; or, the fugitive slaves, a tale of Society [ 1948) sout~-easte~n . Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa., Harvey, Charles, ed. lnciu1rer Printing and Publishing Co., 1873. Griest, Ellwood, 1824-1900. 395-6 The jazz record book, by Charles Edward 273-4 Smith, with Frederic Ramsey, Jr., Charles Payne John Brown. By Dr. Hermann von Holst Rogers and William Russell. New York, Smith & Edited by Frank Preston Stearns. Boston, Cup. Durrell, 1942. pies and Hurd, 1889 [cl888) Smith, Charles Edward. Holst, Hermann Eduard von, 1841-1904.

502-10 274-1 , the Negroes and the Negro John Brown. [Ridgewood, N.J.] Alwil Shop, problem, by Walter L. Fleming. Reprinted from 1902. 684 Hugo, Victor Marie, comte, 1802-1885. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

227-1 385-7 John Brown; a play in three acts. , John Chavis, 1763-1838, a remarkable Negro who Kan., The Kansas magazine, Kansas State College conducted a school in North carolina for white [cl939] boys and girts, by G.C. Shaw. [Binghamton, N.Y., Mechem, Kirke, 1889- Printed by the Vail-Ballou Press, cl93l] Shaw, George Clayton, 1863- 273-2 John Brown and his men; with some account of 443-3 the roads they traveled to reach Harper's Ferry, John Eax and Mameton; or, The· South without by Richard J. Hinton. (Printed in the United the shadow. New York, Fords, Howards, & States) New York [etc.] Funk & Wagnalls, 1894. HulberJ [cl882] Hinton, Richard Josiah, 1830-1901. Tourgee, Albion Winegar, 1838-1905.

275-3 333-3 John Brown, 1800-1859; a biography fifty years John F.W. Ware and his work for the freedmen. after. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin, An address in the African Methodist Church, 1910. Charles Street, Boston, April 11, 1881. With in­ Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949. troductory remarks by Hon. John D. Long. Boston, Press of G.H. Ellis, 1881. 273-7 Matthews, William E. John Brown in Bronze, 1850-1859, containing program and addresses of the dedicatory 248-4 ceremony and unveiling of the monument of John John Greenleaf Whittier. A plea for political Brown May 9, 1935, at the farm bearing his name equality, centennial oration delivered by Reverdy at Lake Placid, N. Y. in the town of North Elba on C. Ransom in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass., the 135th anniversary of his birth. Lake Placid, December 17, 1907. [Boston, Guardian Press, N.Y., John Brown Memorial Association, 1935. 1901] John Brown Memorial Association. Ransom, Reverdy Cassius, Bp., 1861-

272-14 390-6 The John Brown invasion; an authentic history John Henry; tracking down a Negro legend. of the Harper's Ferry tragedy, with full detai Is of Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina the capture, trial, and execution of the invaders, Press, 1929. and of all the incidents coMected therewith. With Johnson, Guy Benton, 1901- a lithographic portrait of Capt. John Brown, from a photograph by Whipple. Boston, J. Campbell, 229-3 1860. John Hepburn and his book against slavery, Drew, Thomas, comp. 1715. By Henry J. Cadbury. Worcester, Mass., American Antiquarian Society, 1949. 275-4 Hepburn, John, writer against slavery. John Brown, liberator of Kansas and martyr of Virginia; life and letters, edited by F. B. Sanborn. 357-2 4th ed. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, The Torch Press, John Jasper, the unmatched Negro philosopher 1910. and preacher, by William E. Hatcher. New York, Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, 1831-1917, ed. Chicago [etc.] F .H. Revell [cl908] Hatcher, William Eldridge, 1834-1912. 273-8 John Brown, terrible 'saint,' illustrated with 470-1 four pen drawings by Esther Eberson Karsner John Merrick, a biographical sketch, by R. and from contemporary pictures. New York, Mccants Andrews. [Durham, N.C., Press of the Dodd, Mead, 1934. Seeman Printery, cl920] Karsner, David, 1889- Andrews, Robert McCants. 274-13 370-1 John Brown, the hero; personal reminiscences, John Miller Dickey: his life and times, by by J.W. Winkley. With an introd. by Frank B. George B. Carr. Revised and edited by William P. Sanborn. Boston, James H. West Co. [1905] Finney. Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, Winkley, Jonathan Wingate, 1833-1912. 1929. Carr, George Bogue. 272-4 John Brown; the making of a martyr. New 471-2 York, Payson & Clarke, 1929. Johnson's gems, consisting of brief essays and Warren, Robert Penn, 1905- dissertations on literary, ethical, religious and current topics. [Philadelphia, 1901) 274-7 Johnson, Henry Theodore, 1857- John Brown's expedition reviewed in a letter from Rev. Theodore Parker, at Rome, to Francis 531-5 Jackson, Boston. Boston, The Fraternity, 1860. Joining the Navy; or, Abroad with Uncle Sam. Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. By Jno. H. Paynter. 2d ed. Washington, Press of the Sudwarth Co., 1911 [c1895] Paynter, John Henry, 1862-1947.

685 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

433-1 an introd. by William P. Trent. New York, Lon­ Jonah's gourd vine; with an introd. by Fanny don, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. Hurst. London, Duckworth [c1934] 01 msted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903. Hurston, Zora Neale, 1901-1960. 219-1 224-2 A journey in the seaboard slave states, with Jottings of a year's sojourn in the South; or, remarks on their economy. New York, Dix & First impressions of the country and its people; Edwards; London, S. Low, 1856. with a glimpse at school-teaching in that southern Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903. land, and reminiscences of distinguished men. Battle Creek, Mich. [Review and Herald, Print.] 219-3 1859. A journey through Texas; or, A saddle-trip on Van Buren, A. De Puy. the southwestern frontier; with a statistical ap­ pendix. New York, Dix, Edwards; London, S. 182-2 Low, 1857. Journal of a residence and tour in the United Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903. States of North America, from April, 1833, to October, 1834. By E.S. Abdy. London, J. Murray, 413-6 1835. Juan Latino, slave and humanist. New York, Abdy, Edward Strutt, 1791-1846. Spinner Press, 1938. Spratlin, Valaurez Burwell. 217-9 Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation 393-9 in 1838-1839. New York, Harper & Bros., 1863. The Jubilee Singers, and their campaign for Kemble, Frances Anne, 1809-1893. twenty thousand dollars. By G.D. Pike. Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, Lee, Shepard and 594-301 Dillingham, 1873. Journal of proceedings of the annual session of Pike, Gustavus D. the annual conference. lst, 2d, 8th, 38th; Jan. 31st­ Feb. 5th, 1883, Nov. 28-Dec. 3, 1883, 1889, 1919. 392-7 Nashville, Tenn. [etc.] Jubilee songs: as sung by the Jubilee Singers of African Methodist Episcopal Church. Fisk University. Under the auspices of the Conferences. Macon (Ga.) American Missionary Association. New York, Biglow & Main [cl872] 594-300 Journal of proceedings of the annual session of 494-10 the Georgia annual conference. 18th, 34th, 44th, Judge Lynch, his first hundred years. New [54th?] 57th; 1884, 1899, 1909, 1919, 1924. York, I. Washburn [cl938] Nashville, Tenn., A.M.E. Sunday School Union Shay, Frank, 1888- [etc.] African Methodist Episcopal Church. 186-5 Conferences. Georgia. Judicia I cases concerning American slavery and the Negro, edited by Helen Tunnicliff Cat­ 594-305 terall (Mrs. Ralph C.H. Catterall) Washington, Journal of proceedings of the annual session of D.C., Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1926-37. theSouthwest Georgia annual conference. 19th, Catterall, Helen Honor Tunnicliff, 1870-1933, ed. 1915. Nashville, Tenn., Sunday School Union Print. 435-3 African Methodist Episcopal Church. The juju-man, by Armstrong Livingston and Conferences. Southwest Georgia. Thomas H. Griffiths. New York, Siebel Pub. Corp., 1926. 556-9, 10 Livingston, Armstrong. Journa I of social science, containing the proceedings of the American Association. Nos. 1- 490-5 46; June 1869-Dec. 1909. Boston [etc.] American Justice and jurisprudence: an inquiry con­ Social Science Association. cerning the constitutional limitations of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments. 361-2 Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1889. Journal of the Fifty-fourth annual session. Held The Brotherhood of Liberty. with the First African Baptist Church, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Nov. 23-25, 1921. [1921?] Colored Baptist State Convention. Alabama. 378-8 Journal of the rural school exploration. no. 1- 1934?- K Chicago, Julius Rosenwald Fund, 1935- 219-2 A journey in the seaboard slave states in the 444-2 years 1853-1854, with remarks on their economy. The K.K.K. New York, London, Abbey Press Originally issued in 1856. With a biographical [cl902] sketch by Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., and with Tyler, Charles Waller, 1841-

686 Black Culture Coliection United States Section Title Catalog

326-3 596-386 K.K.K. sketches, humorous and didactic, Kansas-Lecompton constitution. Speech of treating the more important events of the Ku­ Hon. William A. Howard, of Michigan, in the Klux-klan movement in the South. With a House of Representatives, March 23, 1858. discussion of the causes which gave rise to it, and [Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe the social and political issues emanating from it. Office, 1858) Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, Howard, William Alanson, 1830-1880. 1877 [cl876] Beard, James Melville. 596-363 Kansas-Lecompton convention. Speech of 596-366 Senator Douglas, of Illinois, on the President's Kansas bill. Speech of Hon. J.P. Benjamin, of message, delivered in the Senate of the United La .. delivered in Senate of United States on States, December 9, 1857. Washington, Printed by Thursday, March 11,· 1858. Slavery protected by Lemuel Towers, 1857. the common law of the new world. Guarantied by Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. Constitution. Vindication of the Supreme Court of the U.S. Washington, G.S. Gideon, Printer, 1858. 596-408 Benjamin, Judah Philip, 1811-1884. The Kansas question. Speech of Hon. Francis P Blair, Jr.. of 596-381 Missouri, on the Kansas question; delivered in the The Kansas conference bill. Speech of Hon. J.J. House of Representatives, March 23, 1858. Crittenden, of Kentucky. Delivered in the Senate Washington, Congressional Globe Office, 1858. of the United States, April 27, 1858. [Washington, Blair, Francis Preston, 1821-1875. Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1858) Crittenden, John Jordan, 1787-1863. 596-421 The Kansas question. 596-357 Speech of Hon. J.P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, on Kansas contested election. Speech of Hon. S. the Kansas question. Delivered in the Senate, Galloway, of Ohio, in the House of Represen­ May 2, 1856. Washington, Printed at the Union tatives, March 17, 1856, on the resolution reported Office, 1856. by the Committee of Elections in the contested Benjamin, Judah Philip, 1811-1884. election case from the Territory of Kansas. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1856) 596-360 Galloway, Samuel, 1811-1872. The Kansas question. Senator Sumner's speech, reviewing the action of the federal administration 596-356 upon the subject of slavery in Kansas; delivered Kansas contested election. Speech of Hon. W.S. in the Senate of the United States, May 19th and Damrell, of Massachusetts, in the House of 20th, 1856. Including the debate which followed; Representatives, March 18, 1856, on the resolution remarks of Senators Douglas, Cass, and Mason; reported from the Committee of Elections, in the and Mr. Sumner's reply. Cincinnati, Geo. S. contested election case from the Territory of Blanchard, 1856. Kansas. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. Printers, 1856?] Damrell, William Shapleigh, 1809-1860. 596-383 The Kansas question. Speech of Hon. William 323-2 H. English, of Indiana, in the House of Kansas in the sixties. Chicago, A.C. McClurg, Representatives, March 9, 1858. [Washington, 1911. Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1858) Crawford, Samuel Johnson, 1835-1913. English, William Hayden, 1822-1896.

596-382 596-373 The Kansas issue. Remarks of Hon. James F. Kansas-the law of slavery. Speech of Hon. Dowdell, of Alabama, in the House of Daniel Clark, of New Hampshire. Delivered in the Representatives, March 10, 1858, advocating the Senate of the United States, March 15, 1858. necessity of additional guarantees for the [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1858) protection of southern rights. [Washington, Clark, Daniel, 1809-1891. Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1858) Dowdell, James Ferguson, 1818-1871. 596-379 Kansas-the Lecompton constitution. Popular 596-391 sovereignty, theoretical and practical. Speech of Kansas-Lecompton constitution-Proscription Hon. Jno. Covode, of Pennsylvania. Delivered in of Democrats-Assault upon Illinois, and her the House of Representatives, March 25, 1858. Democracy repelled. Speech of Hon. S.S. Mar­ [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1858) shall of Illinois, on the admission of Kansas as a Covode, John, 1808-1871. state. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 31, 1858. [Washington? 1858?] 596-380 Marshall, Samuel Scott, 1824-1890. Kansas-the Lecompton constitution. Speech of Hon. John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, in the 588-68 Senate of the United States, March 17, 1858. Kansas-Lecompton constitution. Speech by (Corrected by himself.) Washington [C.W. Hon. , of Maine, in the Senate of Fenton, Printer?] 1858. the United States, March 9 and 10, 1858. Crittenden, John Jordan, 1787-1863. [Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1858] Hamlin, Hannibal, 1809-1891. 687 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

596-400 Boston, J.P. Jewett & Co.; Cleveland, Jewett, KansaS-:-The Lecompton constitution. Speech Proctor & Worthington, 1853. of Hon. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, in the Senate Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, 1811-1896. of the United States, March 17, 1858. Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1858. 266-5 Trumbull, Lyman, 1813-1896. The kidnapped and the ransomed. Bei!"g t!'e personal recollections of and his wife 596-376 "Vina," after forty years of slavery. With ~n Kansas-the Lecompton constitution. Speech of introd. by Rev. Samuel J. May; and an appendix, Hon. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, in the House of by William H. Furness. Syracuse, .w.T. Representatives, March 20, 1858. Washington, Hamilton; New York, Miller, Orton and Mulligan, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1858. 1856. Colfax, Schuyler, 1823-1885. Pickard, Kate E.R. 226-1 599-559 Kansas; the prelude to the war for the union. Kidnapping in the South Seas. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin [1885) Spring, Leverett Wilson, 1840- 495-7 The Klan unmasked. [2d ed.] Atlanta, Ga., 354-6 W.E. Thompson Pub. Co. [c1924] Kelly Miller's history of the World War for Simmons, William Joseph, 1880-1945. human rights. An intensely human and brilliant account of the World War; why America entered 523-3 the conflict; what the allies fought for; and a Know this of race. London, Secker & Warburg, thrilling account of the important part taken by 1939. the Negro in the tragic defeat of Germany; the Dover, Cedric. downfall of autocracy, and complete victory for the cause of righteousness and freedom. 536-2 Including a wonderful array of striking pictures Koloniale Volkerkunde. In Zusammenarbeit made from recent official photographs, mit der Kolonialwissenschaftlichen Abteilung des illustrating and describing the new and awful Reichsforschungsrates in der deutschen For­ devices used in the horrible methods of modern schungsgemeinschaft hrsg. von Hermann warfare, together with remarkable pictures of the Baumann, Horn, N.D., F. Berger [1944- Negro in action in both army and navy. Also Baumann, Hermann, 1902- ed. important contributions by John J. Pershing, Frederick Drinker, and E.A. Allen. [c. by A. 495-6 Jenkins; by 0. Keller, 1919] The : a study of the American Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. mind. New York, Harcourt, Brace [c1924] Mecklin, John Moffatt, 1871- 545-2 Kentucky, a pioneer commonwealth, by N.S. 495-5 Shaler. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1885. The Ku Klux Klan in Pennsylvania; a study in Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, 1841-1906. nativism. New York, Harrisburg, Pa., ·The Telegraph Press, 1936. 319-1-82 Loucks, Emerson Hunsberger, 1900- Kentucky contested election. Speech of John H. McHenry, Jr., of Kentucky, upon the contested 332-8 election case from second district of Kentucky. Ku Klux Klan; its origin, growth and disband­ Delivered in the House of Representatives, May ment. By J.C. Lester and D.L. Wilson. With 27, 1864. Washington, W.H. Moore, Printer, 1864. appendices containing the prescripts of the Ku McHenry, John H[ardin] Jr. Klux Klan, specimen orders and warnings. With introd. and notes by Walter L. Fleming. New 525-9 York and Washington, Neale Pub. Co., 1905. The key; a tangible solution of the Negro Lester, John C. problem. New York, The Neale Pub. Co., 1916. Stemons, James Samuel. 335-1 The Ku-Klux Klan, yesterday, today and 599-537 forever. By William Joseph Simmons, Imperial A key to Sterne's exposure of Jamaica justice, Wizard. [1916?] or a brief account of the author's individual Simmons, William Joseph, 1880-1945. wrongs. [London, J. Chappell, Printer, 1837?] Sterne, Henry, b. 1801. 525-4 Key to the problem, or Tale of a Sable City. Philadelphia, A.M.E. Book Concern, [19_?] L Johnson, Henry Theodore, 1857-

414-1 242-2 A key to Uncle Tom's cabin; presenting the Labor: free and slave; workingmen and the original facts and documents upon which the story anti-slavery movement in the United States. [lst is founded. Together with corroborative ed.] New York, Associated Authors [1955) statement~ verifying the truth of the work. Mandel, Bernard, 1920- 688 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

483-11 596-403 Labor's stake in abolishing the poll tax. Detroit, The Lecompton Constitution. In the House of UAW-CIO. Education Dept., 1943. Representatives, March 10, 1858. [Washington?] lnternationa.l Union, United Automobile, Aircraft 1858. and Agriculture Implement Workers of America. U.S. 35th Congress, ~st session, 1857-1858. House. Select Committee of Fifteen, appointed February 588-73 8th, 1858. Lands for the landless. [Washington, 1859] Republican Association, Washington, D.C. 596-374 The Lecompton constitution. Speech of Hon. 468-6 Clark B. Cochrane of New York. Delivered in the un chant nouveau. lntrod. par U.S. House of Representatives, January 26, 1858. Arna Bontemps..:. Port-au-Prince, Haiti, [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, 1858] lmprimerie de l'Etat [lntrod., 1940] Cochrane, Clark Betton, 1815-1867. Piquion, Rene. 596-375 312-8 Lecompton views on free labor. The last of the war governors; a biographical Admission of Kansas under the Lecompton appreciation of Colonel William Sprague, constitution. Speech at Tammany Hall, March 4, governor of Rhode Island, 1860-1863, with specia I 1858. [ 1858?] reference to his participation in the Loyal War Cochrane, John, 1813-1898. Governors' Conference at Alfoona, Pennsylvania, September, 1862. Altoona, Pa., Altoona Tribune 595-344 Pub. Co .• 1916. A lecture on African colonization. Including a Shoemaker, Henry Wharton, 1880- brief outline of the slave trade, emancipation, relation of the Republic of Liberia to England, &c. 356-1 Delivered in the Hall of the House of Represen­ Launching beyond the color line. Chicago, tatives of the State of Ohio. By David Christy. Published and for sale by the National Purity Cincinnati, Printed by J.A. & U.P. James, 1849. Association, 1905. Christy, David, b. 1802. Brown, Sarah D. 478-1 399-6 Lecture on the North and South. "Lawd, does yo' undahstan'?" [Atlanta, The South and the North. Being a reply to a Georgia. Association of Southern Women for the lecture on the North and the South, by Ellwood Prevention of Lynching, 1936] Fisher, delivered before the Young Men's Mer­ Seymour, Ann. cantile Library Association of Cincinnati, January 16, 1849. By a Carolinian. Washington, Buell & 201-9 Blanchard, 1849. Laws against liberty. By George C. Scarlett. Goodloe, Daniel Reaves, 1814-1902. New York [Cosmos Printing Co., cl937] Scarlett, George Chandler, 1880- 599-550 A lecture on the present relations of free labar to 213-6 slave labor, in tropical and semi-tropical coun­ Lincoln. Boston & New York, Houghton tries: presenting an outline of the commercial Mifflin, 1936. failure of West India emancipation, and its effects Woldman, Albert A. upon slavery and the slave trade, together with its final effect upon colonization to Africa. Addressed 380-3 to the Constitutiona I Cpnvention of the State of A leader of freemen; the life story of Samuel Ohio, 1850. By David Christy. Cincinnati, Printed Chapman Armstrong, brevet brigadier-general, by J.A. and U.P. James, 1850. U.S.A., by Everett T. and Paul G. Tomlinson. Christy, David, b. 1802. Army and navy ed. Philadelphia, American Sunday-school Union [cl917] 190-2 Tomlinson, Everett Titsworth, 1859-1931. Lectures on American slavery. Delivered at Corinthian Hall, Rochester, N.Y. Buffalo [N.Y.] 349-7 G. Reese & Co.'s Power Press, 1851. Leadership and the Negro soldier. Washington, Douglass, Frederick, 1817-1895. U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1944. U.S. A;·my Service Forces. 535-5 Lectures on man: his place in creation, and in 196-7 the history of the earth. By Dr. Carl Vogt. Ed. by Leaven for doughfaces, or threescore and ten James Hunt. London, Pub. for the Anthro­ parables touching slavery. By a former resident pological Society, by Longman, Green, Longman, of the South. Cincinnati, Bangs and Co., and Roberts, 1864. Cleveland, L.E. Barnard & Co., 1856. Vogt, Karl Christoph, 1817-1895. Lyman, Darius, 1821?-1892. 533-6 507-8 . Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural Leaving it to the South. [New York, 1912?] history of man, delivered at the Royal College of Russell, Charles Edward, 1860- Surgeons by W. Lawrence. London, Benbow, 1822. Lawrence, Sir William, bart., 1785-1867.

689 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

200-3 198-9 Lectures on slavery, and its remedy. Boston, Lemmon slave case. New-England Anti-slavery Society, 1834. Report of the Lemmon slave case, containing Phelps, Amos Augustus, 1805-1847. points and arguments of counsel on both sides, and opinions of all the judges. New York, H. Greeley & 594-295 Co., 1861. Lectures on slavery: delivered in the North New York (State) Court of Appeals. Presbyterian Church, Chicago. By N.L. Rice. Chicago, Daily Democrat Print, 1860. 448-2 Rice, Nathan Lewis, 1807-1877. The leopard's spots; a romance of the white man's burden-1865-1900, illus. by C.D. Williams. 201-16 New York, Doubleday, Page, 1902. Lectures on the philosophy and practice of Dixon, Thomas, 1864-1946. slavery, as exhibited'in the institution of domestic slavery in the United States: with the duties of 494-4 masters and slaves. By William A. Smith. Ed. by "Let 'er burn down; the taxpayers will put 'er Thomas 0. Summers. Nashville, Tenn., back!" Sermon: "The cost of the mob." Stevenson and Evans, 1856. [Atlanta, Ga., Commission on Interracial Co­ Smith, William Andrew, 1802-1870. operation, 1933?] Edmonds, Henry Morris, 1878· 591-165 A legal argument before the Supreme Court of 446-4 the State of New Jersey, at the May term, 1845, at "Let my people go." [Philadelphia, A.M.E. Trenton, for the deliverance of four thousand Book Concern, 19_?] persons from bondage. New York, Finch & Weed, Wood, Lillian E. 1845. Stewart, Alvan, 1790-1849. 424-1 Let the band play Dixie and other stories. [1st 490-12 ed.] New York and London, Harper, 1934. Legal aspects of the Negro problem, by James Bradford, Roark, 1896-1948. Weldon Johnson and Herbert J. Seligmann [1928?] Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938. 597-441 Let us remain one people! An appeal to the 563-15 North. Speech of Horace Maynard, of Tennessee, The legal control of the Negro in Georgia during in the House of Representatives, February 6, 1861. the Civil War. Atlanta, 1952. [Washington? 1861?] Furlow, Henry James. Maynard, Horace, 1814-1882.

544-1 516-4 Legal status of the Negro in Arkansas Let's be honest about democracy. New York, before the Civil War. National Association for the Advancement of Publications. v: 1-4. Fayetteville, Ark. [etc.] Colored People [ 1939] 1906-17. National Association for the Advancemen• of Arkansas Historical Association. (Founded 1903) Colored People.

591-198 211-1-21 The legion of liberty. Letter addressed to the Opera House meeting, The Anti-Texass Legion. Protest of some free Cincinnati, by Col. Charles Anderson. New York, men, states and presses against the Texass W.C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. rebellion, against the laws of nature and of Anderson, Charles, 1814-1895. nations. Albany, Sold at the Patriot Office, 1844. 272-8 195-3 Letter from Genera I C. F. Henningsen in reply to The legion of liberty! And force of truth, con­ the letter of Victor Hugo on the Harper's Ferry taining the thoughts, words, and deeds, of some invasion; with an extract from the letter of the prominent apostles, champions and martyrs; Rev. Nathan Lord and an article from the London pictures and poetry. New York, American Anti­ "Times" on slavery. New York, Davies & Kent, slavery Society, 1857. Printers, 1860. Henningsen, Charles Frederick, 1815-1877. 195-3 The legion of liberty. Remonstrance of some 211-1-28(2) free men. A letter from Peter Cooper. To His Excellency The legion of liberty! And force of truth, con­ Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. taining the thoughts, words, and deeds, of some (In His: The death of slavery. [New York, 1863] prominent apostles, champions and martyrs; p. [9]-12) pictures and poetry. New York, American Anti­ Cooper, Peter, 1791-1883. slavery Society, 1857. 217-3 572-7 . Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury to the Leisure time activities of Negro boys in the first ~hair'!'an of the Committee of Ways and Means, ward of Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, 1934. mclosmg abstracts made to the said Secretary Wardlaw, James Tapley. from the Commissioners to make the valuations of lands and dwelling-houses and the enumeration of

690 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

slaves in the State of South Carolina. [Columbia, 300-5 South Carolina] 1804. Letter of the Secretary of War, transmitting U.S. Treasury Dept. report on the organization of the Army of the Potomac, and of its campaigns in Virginia and 587-2 Maryland, under the command of Maj. Gen. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, George B. McClellan, from July 26, 1861, to transmitting, in obedience to a resolution of the , 1862. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., House of Representatives, of the 31st ultimo, in­ 1864. formation in relation to the illicit introduction of McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885. slaves into the United States: with a statement of the measures which have been taken to prevent 209-8 the same. January 13, 1820. Read, and ordered to Letter of William E. Channing to. James G. lie on the table. Washington, Printed by Gales & Birney. Boston, James Monroe and Co., 1837. Seaton, 1820. · Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842. U.S. Treasury Dept. 595-336 594-289 Letter on colonization, addressed to the Rev. Letter of an adopted Catholic, addressed to the Thornton J. Mills, corresponding secretary of the president of the Kentucky Democratic Association Kentucky Colonization Society. By James G. of Washington City on temporal allegiance to the Birney, late vice-president of the Kentucky Pope and the relations of the Catholic church and Colonization Society. New York, Office of the Catholics, both native and adopted, to the system Anti-slavery Reporter, 1834. of domestic slavery and its agitation in the United Birney, James Gillespie, 1792-1857. States. The speech of Hon. W.R. Smith, of Alabama, delivered in the House of Represen­ 588-87 tatives January 15, 1855, "On the American party Letter on the present crisis; addressed to Hon. and its mission," reviewed. Washington, 1856. Gilman Marston, member of Congress from New Hampshire, by Nathaniel G. Upham, February 20, 211-1-26 1861. Concord, McFarland & Jenks, 1861. Letter of Gen. A.J. Hamilton, of Texas, to the Upham, Nathaniel Gookin, 1801-1869. President of the United States. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1865. 308-3 Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, 1815-1875. Letter on the rebellion, to a citizen of Washington from a citizen of Philadelphia. 230-8-2 Philadelphia, J. Campbell, 1862. Letter of Gerrit Smith to Rev. James Smylie, of Rush, Benjamin, 1811-1877. the State of Mississippi. New York, Pub. by R.G. Williams, for the American Anti-slavery Society, 592-210 1837. A letter on "Uncle Tom's cabin". By the author Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. of "Friends in council", &c. Cambridge [Eng.] John Bartlett, 1852. 590-144 Helps, Sir Arthur, 1813-1875. Letter of Hon. Howell Cobb to the people of Georgia, on the present condition of the country. 589-91 Washington, M'Gill & Witherow, Printers, 1860. A letter to a friend in a slave state. By a citizen Cobb, Howell, 1815-1868. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1862. Ingersoll, Charles, 1805-1882. 594-288 A letter of inquiry to ministers of the gospel of all 587-42 denominations on slavery. By a northern A letter to a friend in a slave state. By a citizen Presbyter. Boston, Fetridge, 1854. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, John Campbell, Bookseller, 1862. 595-340 Ingersoll, Charles, 1805-1882. A letter of John McDonogh, on African colonization: addressed to the editors of the New 274-4 Orleans commercial bulletin. New ·Orleans, Letter to a member of the General Assembly of printed at the Tropic Office, 1842. Virginia, on the subject of the late conspiracy of McDonogh, John, 1779-1850. the slaves; with a proposal for their colonization. Baltimore, Printed by Bonsal & Niles, 1801. 211-1-23 Letter of Peter Cooper on slave emancipation. 313-3 New York, Oct., 1863. New York, W.C. Bryant & A letter to a Whig member of the Southern Co., Printers, 1863. Independence Association. Boston, Ticknor and Cooper, Peter, 1791-1883. Fields, 1864. Smith, Goldwin, 1823-1910. 205-6 Letter of the Secretary of War, communicating 324-7 in compliance with a resolution of the 11th instant, Letter to an English friend on the rebellion in a copy of the report of ':'on. Tho'!'a~ Hood and the United States, and on British policy. Boston, Hon. S.W. Bostwick, special comm1ss1oners upon Ticknor & Fields, 1860-1862. the condition and treatment of colored refugees in Willard, Joseph, 1798-1865. Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama. [Washington? 1865?1 U.S. War Dept. 691 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

205-3 280-8 Letter to Frederick Douglass, with his reply. Letter to the Hon. Henry Clay, president of the [Doncaster [Eng.]? 1846?] American Colonization Society, and Sir Thomas Wright, Henry Clarke, 1797-1870. Fowell Buxton, chairman of the general com­ mittee of the African Civilization Society, on the 599-514 colonization and civilization of Africa. With other A letter to His Excellency the Prince of documents on the same subject. By R.R. Gurley. Talleyrand Perigord, on the subject of the slave London, Wiley and Putnam, 1841. trade. London, Printed for J. Hatchard, Pic­ Gurley, Ralph Randolph, 1797-1872. cadilly; Caddell and Davies, Strand, 1814. Wilberforce, William, 1759-1833. 195-2 A letter to the Hon. Whitemarsh B. Seabrook, of 211-1-79 St. John's, Colleton; in explanation and defence of A letter to Hon. E.D. Morgan on the amendment "An act to amend the law in relation to slaves and of the Constitution abolishing slavery. free persons of color." By Edward R. Laurens. Resolutions, passed by the New York Union Charleston, Observer Office Press, 1835. League Club, concerning conditions of peace with Laurens, Edward R. the insurgents. New York, 1865. Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. 211-1-25 Letter to the Loyal National League. 599-524 The conditions of Reconstruction; in a letter A letter to M. Jean-Baptiste Say, on the com­ from Robert Dale Owen to the Secretary of State. parative expense of free and slave labour. Letter from Hon. S. P. Chase to the Loyal National Liverpool, Printed by J. Smith, 1823. League. New York, W.C. Bryant & Co., Printers, Hodgson. Adam. 1863. Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877. 599-525 A letter to M. Jean-Baptiste Say, on the com­ 599-545 parative expense of free and slave labour. 2d ed. A letter to the members of the Imperial Liverpool. Pub. by Hatchard and Son, and J. and Parliament, referring to the evidence contained in A. Arch; Printed by J. Smith, 1823. the proceedings of the House of Assembly of Hodgson. Adam. Jamaica, and shewing the injurious and un­ constitutional tendency of the proposed Slave 211-4 registry bill. By a colonist. London, Printed for [Letter J To my friends of the lega I profession J.M. Richardson, 1816. throughout the state, who adhere to the Democratic Party. [Boston? 1863?] 199-7 Hooker, John, 1816-1901. A letter to the people of the United States touching the matter of slavery. Boston, J. 598-472 Munroe, 1848. A letter to Peter Cooper, on "The treatment to Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. be extended to the ·rebels individually", and "The mode of restoring the rebel states to the Union." 599-516 With an appendix containing a reprint of the A letter to William Wilberforce, containing review of Judge Curtis' paper on the Eman­ remarks on the reports of the Sierra Leone cipation proclamation, with a letter from Company, and African Institution: with hints President Lincoln. New York, A.D.F. Randolf, respecting the means by which an universal 1865. abolition of the slave trade might be carried into Kirkland, Charles Pinckney, 1830-1904. effect. London, Printed for E.C. and J. Rivington, 1815. 188-2 Thorpe, Robert. Letter to such professing Christians in the northern states of America, as have had no 204-6 practical concern with slave holding, and have Letters and addresses during his mission in the never sanctioned it by defending it; and to such, United States, from Oct. 1st, 1834, to Nov. 27, 1835. also, as have never visited the southern states. Boston, I. Knapp, 1837. London, Alexander Macintosh, 1844. Thompson, George, 1804-1878. Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846. 551-4 212-6-1 Letters and diary of Laura M. Towne; written Letter to the Edinburgh reviewers: by "An from the Sea Islands of South Carolina, 1862-1884; American." First published in the National in­ ed._ by Rupert ~argent Holland. Cambridge, telligencer of November 16, 1819. [1819?] Printed at the Riverside Press, 1912. Towne, Laura Matilda, 1825-1901. 597-448 A letter to the Hon. Benjamin R. Curtis, late 312-9 Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, Letters and recollections of John Murray in review of his recently published pamphlet on Forbes; edited by his daughter Sarah Forbes the "Emancipation Proclamation" of the Hughes. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mif­ President. By Charles P. Kirkland. New York, flin, 1899. Latimer Bros. & Seymour, 1862. Forbes, John Murray, 1813-1898. Kirkland, Charles Pinckney, 1830-1904.

692 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

228-2 404-7 Letters, 1853-1868 [of] Gen'I. Wm. J. Palmer, Letters of Phillis Wheatley, the Negro-slave compiled by Isaac H. Clothier. Philadelphia poet of Boston. Boston, privately printed, 1864. f Ketterlinus] 1906. Wheatley, Phillis, 1753?-1784. Palmer, William Jackson, 1836-1909. 200-9 211-1-70 Letters on American slavery, addressed to Mr. Letters from Europe touching the American Thomas Rankin, merchant at Middlebrook, contest, and acknowledging the receipt, from Augusta Co., Va. 2d ed. Newburyport [Mass.] citizens of New York, of presentation sets of the Pub. by Charles Whipple, 1836. "Rebellion record", and "Loyal Publication Rankin, John, 1793-1886. Society" publications. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. 587-36 Putnam, George Palmer, 1814-1872, ed. Letters on Am~rican slavery from Victor Hugo, de Tocqueville, Emile de Girardin, Carnot, Passy, 305-4 Mazzini, Humboldt, 0. Lafayette &c. Boston, Letters from Port Royal written at the time of American Anti-slavery Society, 1860. the Civil War, ed. by Elizabeth Ware Pearson. Boston, W.B. Clarke, 1906. 211-1-38 Pearson, Elizabeth Ware, ed. Letters on our national struggle, by Brig.-Gen. Thos. Francis Meagher. Addressed to the editors 223-3 of the Dublin "Irishman" and "Citizen." [New Letters from the slave states. London, J.W. York, 1863] Parker and Son, 1857. Meagher, Thomas Francis, 1823-1867. Stirling. James, 1805-1883. 199-12 554-2 Letters on slavery; addressed to the Cum­ Letters from the South, on the social, in­ berland congregation, Virginia. By J.D. Paxton, tellectual, and moral condition of the colored their former pastor. Lexington, Ky., A.T. people. By Miss E.B. Emery. Boston, Beacon Skillman, 1833. Press, 1880. Paxton, John D., 1784-1868. Emery, E.B. 227-3 279-1 Letters on slavery, addressed to the pro-slavery Letters from the South, relating to the condition men of America; showing its illegality in all ages of freedmen, addressed to Major General 0.0. and nations: its destructive war upon society and Howard, Commissioner Bureau R., F., and A. L., government, morals and religion. By O.S. by J.W. Alvord, Gen. Sup't Education, Bureau R., Freeman. Boston, B. Marsh, 1855. F .. & A.L. Washington, Howard University Press, Rogers, Edward Coit. 1870. Alvord, John Watson, 1807-1880. 595-352 Letters on the Colonization Society, and on its 379-9 probable results; under the following heads: ·the Letters from Tuskegee; being the confessions of origin of the society; increase of the coloured a Yankee. Birmingham, Ala., Printed for the population; manumission of slaves in this coun­ author, by Roberts & Son, 1905. try; declarations of legislatures, and ~ther Von Grabill, Stanton Becker. assembled bodies, in favour of the Society; situation of the colonists at Monrovia, and other 379-5 towns. Addressed to the Hon. C.F. Mercer. By M. Letters from Tuskegee; being the confessions of Carey. 5th ed., greatly enl. and improved. a Yankee (with notes) 2d ed. Tuskegee, Ala., S. Philadelphia, Stereotyped by L. Johnson, 1832. Becker Von Grabill [cl905] Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839. Von Grabill, Stanton Becker. 235-4 211-1-64 Letters to Catherine E. Beecher, in reply to an Letters of loyal soldiers. [New York, 1864) essay on slavery and abolitionism, address~d to Stevens, John Austin, 1827-1910. A.E. Grimke. Rev. by the author. Boston, Printed by I. Knapp, 1838. 258-5 Grimke, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879. Letters of Lydia Maria Child, with a biographical introd. by John G. Whittier and an 592-233 appendix by Wendell Phillips. Boston, New York, Letters to Chas. O'Conor. The destruction of the Houghton, Mifflin, 1883. Union is emancipation. Philadelphia, John Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. Campbell, 1862. Macon, Nathaniel. 328-3 Letters of Mr. William E. Chandler relative to 248-5 the so-called southern policy of President Hayes, Letters to the Hon. William Jay, being a reply to together with a letter to Mr. Chandler of Mr. his "Inquiry into the American colonization and William Lloyd Garrison. Concord, N.H., Monitor American anti-slavery societies." By David M. and Statesman Office; Washington, Gibson Bros., Reese. New York, Leavitt, Lord & Co.; Boston, 1878. Crocker & Brewster, 1835. Chandler, William Eaton, 1835-1917. Reese, David Meredith, 1800-1861.

693 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

319-1-152 263-10 The liberation and restoration of the South. Life and adventures of Robert, the hermit of Speech of Hon. J.M. Ashley, of Ohio, in the House Massachusetts, who has lived 14 years in a cave, of Representatives of the United States on the 3oth secluded from human society. Comprising, an day of March, 1864. [Washington, H. Polkinhorn, account of his birth, parentage, sufferings, and Printer, 1864] providential escape from unjust and cruel bond­ Ashley, J~mes Monroe, 1824-1896. age in early life-and his reasons for becoming a recluse. Taken from his own mouth, and 595-349 published for his benefit. Providence, Printed for Liberian Colonization: or, Reasons why the Free H. Trumbull, 1829. Colored People should remove to Liberia. By an Trumbull, Henry. Abolitionist and Colonizationist. New York, John A. Gray, Printer, 18~7. 265-4 The life and adventures of Zamba, an African 195-5 Negro king; and his experience of slavery in South "Liberty" [New York, American Anti-slavery Carolina. Written by himself, corrected and arr. Society] 1837. by Peter Neilson. London, Smith, Elder, 1847. Ames, Julius Rubens, 1801-1850. Neilson, Peter, 1795-1861.

545-3 359-5 The Liberty and Free Soil. parties in the Life and correspondence of Theodore Parker, Northwest. Toppan prize essay of 1896. New York of the Twenty-eighth Congregational [etc.] Longmans, Green, and Co., 1897. Society, Boston. New York: D. Appleton & Smith, Theodore Clarke, 1870- Company, 1864 [c1863] Weiss, John, 1818-1879. 304-5 Liberty and union, one and inseparable. 297-4 Speeches delivered at the Republican Union Life and death in Rebel prisons: giving a Festival, in commemoration of the birth of complete history of the inhuman and barbarous Washington; held at Irving Hall, Feb. 22, 1862, treatment of our brave soldiers by Rebel under the auspices of the Republican central authorities principally at Andersonville, Ga., and committees, of the city and county of New York. Florence, S.C. Prepared from his [the author's] New York, G.P. Putnam, 1862. daily journal. Hartford, Conn., L. Stebbins, 1866. New York. Republican Union Festival, 1862. Kellogg, Robert H.

324-3 220-7 Liberty and union. Our country: its pride and Life and experience of a northern governess in its peril; a discourse delivered in Harvard Street the sunny South. Baptist Church, Boston, Aug. 11, 1861, on the Not" A fool's errand." Life and experience of a return of the pastor from Syria. Boston, J.M. northern governess in the Sunny South. By Rev. Hewes, 1861. J.H. Ingraham. New York, G.W. Carleton & Co., Eddy, Daniel Clarke, 1823-1896. 1880. Ingraham, Joseph Holt, 1809-1860. 195-6 The liberty bell. By friends of freedom. 358-9 Boston, Massachusetts Anti-slavery Fair, 1839- Life and influence of the Rev. Benjamin Ran­ 46; National Anti-slavery Bazaar, 1847-58. dall, founder of the Free Baptist denomination. By Rev. Frederick L. Wiley. Philadelphia, Boston 246-6 [etc.] American Baptist Publication Society Liberty chimes. [Providence, Ladies' Anti- [cl915] slavery Society, 1845] Wiley, Frederick Levi, 1836-

195-7 275-5 Liberty or slavery; the great national question. The life and letters of Capt. John Brown who Three prize essays on American slavery. Boston, was executed at Charlestown, Virginia, Dec. 2, Congregational Board of Publication, 1857. 18_59, for _an armed attack upon American slavery; with !1ot1ces of some of his confederates. Edited 265-10 by Richard D. Webb. London, Smith, Elder and Life and adventures of James Williams, a Co., 1861. fugitive slave with a full description of the Webb, Richard Davis. Underground Railroad. 5th ed. Philadelphia, A.H. Sickler & Co., 1893. . 246-3 Williams, James, b. 1825. Life a~d letters of ~lizabeth L. Comstock, comp. by her sister, Caroline Hare. London Headley· 196-3 Philadelphia, J.C. Winston, 1895. ' ' Life and adventures of Nat Love, better known Comstock, Elizabeth L. Rous, 1815-1891. in the cattle country as "Deadwood Dick," by himself; a true history of slavery days, life on the "f 403-4 great cattle ranges, based on facts and personal L •. e a~d letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe, ed. by experiences of the author. Los Angeles, Calif., A~nr~ Fields. Boston and New York, Houghton 1907. M1fflm, 1897. ' Love, Nat, 1854- Fields, Annie Adams, 1834-1915.

694 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

259-1 414-4 Life and public services of Charles Sumner. By The life and works of Paul Laurence Dunbar; C. Edwards Lester. 5th ed. New York, United containing his complete poetical works, his best States Pub. Co., 1874. short stories, numerous anecdotes and a complete Lester, Charles Edwards, 1815-1890. biography of the famous poet. By Lida Keck Wiggins, and an introd. by William Dean Howells. 250-1 Profusely illustrated with over half a hundred full The life and public services of George Luther page photo and half-tone engravings. Naperville, Stearns. Philadelphia & London, J.B. Lippincott, Ill., Memphis, Tenn., J.L. Nichols & Co. [cl907] 1907. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. Stearns, Frank Preston, 1846-1917. . 420-14 304-3 Life and works of Phillis Wheatley. Containing The life and public services of Henry Wilson, her complete poetical works, numerous letters, late vice-president of the United States. By Rev. and a complete biography of this famous poet of a Elias Nason and Hon. Thomas Russell. Boston, century and a half ago. By G. Herbert Renfro. B. B. Russell; Philadelphia, Quaker City Also a sketch of the life of Mr. Renfro by Leila Publishing House, 1876 (1875] Amos Pendleton. Washington [Robert L. Pen­ Nason, Elias, 1811-1887. dleton] 1916. Wheatley, Phillis, 1753?-1784. 461-7 The life and times of Booker T. Washington, by 222-5 B.F. Riley. lntrod. by Edgar Y. Mullins. New Life at the South: or, "Uncle Tom's cabin" as it York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell Co. is. Being narratives, scenes, and incidents in the [cl916] real "Life of the lowly." By W.L.G. Smith. Riley, Benjamin Franklin, 1849-1925. Buffalo, G.H. Derby and Co., 1852. Smith, William L.G., 1814-1878. 259-2 The life and times of Charles Sumner. His 236-2 boyhood, education, and public career. Boston, A life for liberty; anti-slavery and other letters B.B. Russell; Philadelphia, Quaker-city Pub. of Sallie Holley; edited with introductory chapters House, 1874. by John White Chadwick. New York & London, Nason, Elias, 1811-1887. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. Holley, Sallie, 1818-1893. 465-8 Life and times of Frederick Douglass, written 207-3 by himself. His early life as a slave, his escape Life in the South; a companion to Uncle Tom's from bondage, and his complete history to the cabin. By C.H. Wiley. Embellished with fourteen present time, including his connection with the beautiful illustrations. From original designs anti-slavery movement. With an introd. by Mr. drawn expressly for this work, by Darley, and George L. Ruffin. Hartford, Conn., Park Pub. Co., engraved by Leslie & Travers. Philadelphia, T.B. 1883 [cl881] · Peterson (1852) Douglass, Frederick, 1817-1895. Wiley, Calvin Henderson, 1819-1887.

357-6 358-3 Life and times of Henry M. Turner; the an­ The life, labors, and travels of Elder Charles tecedent and preliminary history of the life and Bowles, of the Free Will Baptist Denomination. times of Bishop H.M. Turner. His boyhood, Together with an essay on the character and education and !)Ublic career. And his relation to condition of the African Race by the same. Also his associates, colleagues and contemporaries. an essay on the fugitive law of the U.S. Congress of By M.M. Ponton. Atlanta, Ga., A.B. Caldwell 1850, by Rev. Authur Dearing. Watertown, Ingalls Pub. Co.; 1917. & Stowell's Steam Press, 1852. Ponton, Mungo Melanchthon, 1860- Lewis, John W.

298-5 263-3 The life and times of Samuel J. Kirkwood, The life of a Negro slave. Re-edited by Mrs. Iowa's war governor. By H.W. Lathrop. Iowa Alfred Barnard. Norwich, C. Muskett; London, City, The author [Chicago, Press of Regan Print. Hamilton, Adams, 1846. Housel 1893. Ball, Charles, Negro slave. Lathrop, Henry Warren, 1819- 528-6 258-3 The life of Abraham Lincoln, its significance to Life and work of Henry Ward Beecher, an Negroes and Jews; an address delivered before authentic, impartial and complete history of his Gad Lodge, no. 11, Free sons of Israel, February public career and private life from the cradle to 15, 1939, by James H. Hubert. With an introd. by the grave. By Thomas W. Knox. Superbly Dr. William Heard Kilpatrick, and an extract illustrated with a steel-plate portrait of Mr. from the presidential address on the test of Beecher, and numerous full-page engravings American democracy delivered before the sixty­ from .original designs. Philadelphia, Inter­ fifth annual session of the National Conference of national Pub. Co., 1887. Social Work, by Dr. Solomon Lowenstein. New Knox, Thomas Wallace, 1835-1896. York, W. Malliet and Co., 1939. Hubert, , 1885-

695 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

484-4 264-11 Life of Albert R. Parsons, with brief history of Life of James Mars, a slave; born and sold in the labor movement in America. 2d ed. Chicago, Connecticut. Written by himself. Hartford, Press 1903 [cl889] of Case Lockwood & Co., 1866. Parsons, Lucy Eldine Gonzalez. Mars, James, b. 1790. 260-3 461-4 The life of . New York, Hurd and The life of James Williams, better known as Houghton, 1870. Professer Jim, for ha If a century janitor of Trinity Tappan, Lewis, 1788-1873. College. By C.H. Proctor. Hartford, Case, Lock­ wood and Brainard, Printers, 1873. 249-7 Proctor, Charles Hayden, 1848?-1890. • The life of Benjamin F. Wade. Cleveland, 0., W.W. Williams, 1886: 265-8 Riddle, Albert Gallatin, 1816-1902. The life of John Thompson, a fugitive slave; containing his history of 25 ye~rs in bond~ge, and 256-1 his providential escape. Written by himself. The life of cassius Marcellus Clay. Memoirs, Worcester, J. Thompson, 1856. writings, and speeches, showing his conduct _in the Thompson, John, b. 1812. overthrow of American slavery, the salvation of the Union, and the restoration of the autonomy of 264-3 the states. In two volumes, written and compiled The life of , formerly a slave, now by himself, and illustrated with engravings on an inhabitant of canada, as narrated by himself. steel. Vol. I. Cincinnati, 0., J.F Brennan & Co., Boston, A.O. Phelps, 1849. 1886. Henson, Josiah, 1789-1881. Clay, Cassius Marcellus, 1810-1903. 358-7 227-7 The life of Rev. John Jasper, pastor of Sixth Mt. The life of Charles A. Dana. New York and Zion Baptist Church, Richmond, Va.; from his London, Harper & Bros., 1907. birth to the present time, with his theory on _the Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925. rotation of . By E.A. Randolph. Rich­ mond, Va., R.T. Hill & Co., 1884. 255-4 Randolph, Edwin Archer, 1854- The life of Charles Sumner. By Jeremiah Chaplin and J.D. Chaplin. With an introd. by Hon. 261-1 . Boston, D. Lothrop Co. [1874) The life of ; a study in Cha pl in, Jeremiah, 1813-1886. American political history, especially in_ the period of the Civil War and Reconstruction. 257-5 Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [c1913] The life of Charles Sumner; with choice Woodburn, James Albert, 1856- specimens of his eloquence, ~ delineation of his oratorical character, and his great speech on 358-1 Kansas. By D.A. Harsha. New York, H. Dayton; The life of the Rev. Dandridge F. Davis, of the Indianapolis, Ind., Dayton & Asher, 1859 [cl856] African Methodist E. Church. With a brief ac­ Harsha, David Addison, 1827-1895. count of his conversion and ministerial labors, from August 1834, till March 1847. Also, a brief 359-2 sketch of the life of the Rev. David Conyou, of the Life of Charles T. Walker, ("The black A.M.E.C. and his ministerial labors. To which is Spurgeon") pastor Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, annexed the funeral discourse delivered at the New York City. By Silas Xavier Floyd. With an Ohio Conference, in Zanesville, on the decease of introd. by Robert Stuart MacArthur. Nashville, the Rev. D.F. Davis, by the author. Published by Tenn., National Baptist Publishing Board, 1902. order of the Ohio Conference. By Rev. A.R. Floyd, Silas Xavier, 1869-1923. Green. < 2d ed.> [Pittsburgh, Printed at the Herald Office, B.F. Peterson, Printer] 1853. 249-4 Green, Augustus R. The life of Clinton Bowen Fisk. With a brief sketch of John A. Brooks. By Alphonso A. Hopkins. New York, Funk & Wagnalls, 1888. 255-3 The life of William H. Seward with selections Hopkins, Alphonso Alva, 1843-1918. from his works, edited by George E. Baker. New York, Redfield, 1855 [c1854] 260-1 Baker, George E., ed. The life of Horace Greeley, editor of the New York tribune. By J. Parton. New York, Mason 196-5 Bros., 1855. The life, travels and op1mons of Benjamin Parton, James, 1822-1891. Lundy, including his journeys to Texas and Mexico, with a sketch of contemporary events, 264-12 and a notice of the revolution of Hayti. Compiled Life of Isaac Mason as a slave. Worcester, under the direction and on behalf of his children. Mass., 1893. Philadelphia, W.D. Parrish, 1847. Mason, Isaac, 1822- Lundy, Benjamin, 1789-1839.

272-11 The life, trial and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "old Brown of Ossawatomie," 696 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

with a full account of the attempted insurrection 381-10 at Harper's Ferry. Compiled from official and Lincoln University; or, The nation's first pledge authentic sources. Including Cooke's confession, of emancipation. Philadelphia, For the author, and all the incidents of the execution. New York, 1867. R.M. De Witt [cl859] Johnson, William D.. Brown, John, 1800-1859, defendant. 415-5 511-2 Links of friendship. Louisville, Bradley & Life's demands; or, According to law, by Sutton Gilbert, 1898. E. Griggs. Memphis, Tenn., National Public Cotter, Joseph Seamon, 1861- Welfare League [cl916] Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872- . 422-9 The lion and The archer: poems [by Robert 514-6 Hayden and Myron O'Higgins. Nashville? Light ahead for the Negro, by E.A.Johnson. Hemphill Press? 1948?] New York, The Grafton Press [1904) Hayden, Robert Earl, 1913- Johnson, Edward Augustus, 1860-1944. 419-15 195-8 Lira negra (selecciones espanolas y afro­ The light and truth of slavery. Aaron's history. americanas) [Madrid, M. Aguilar, 1945) [Worcester, Mass., 184_?] Sanz y Diaz, Jose, 1907- ed.

415-9 399-3 Li'I' gal; illus. with photos. by Leigh Richmond A list of Negro plays. [New York] National Miner, decorations by Margaret Armstrong. New Service Bureau [ 1938) York, Dodd, Mead, 1904. . Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. 562-6 439-2 The literary career of Langston Hughes. Lillian Simmons; or, The conflict of sections; a Atlanta, 1943. story; illus. by William Hamilton.· 2d ed. Kansas Pinkston, Annette Earline. City, Mo., R.M. Rigby Print. Co. [cl915] Shackelford, Otis M., 1871· 385-8 Literature for the South African Bantu, a 271-8 comparative study of Negro achievement. Lincoln, labor and slavery; a chapter from the Report of a visit to the United States of America social history of America, by Hermann Schluter. under the auspices of the Visitors' Grants Com­ New York, Socialist Literature Co., 1913. mittee of the Carnegie Corporation. By R.H.W. Schluter, Hermann. Shepherd. Pretoria, S. Africa, The Carnegie Corporation Visitors' Grants Committee, 1936. 313-2 Shepherd, Robert Henry Wishart, 1888- Lincoln, Lee, Grant, and other biographical addresses. New York and Washington, Neale 413-3 Pub. Co., 1909. A little book of Central Verse, with an introd. by Speer, Emory, 1848-1918. Langston Hughes, who also contributes two early poems. Cleveland, Central High School, 1928. 211-1-59 Lincoln oder McClellan? Aufruf an die Deut­ 421-21 schen in Amerika, von Franz Lieber. [New York, A little dreaming. Chicago, Peterson Gedruckt bei H. Ludwig, 1864] Linotyping Co., 1913. Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. Johnson, Fenton, 1888- 211-1-71 437-6 Lincoln of McClellan? Oproep aan die Little Jeemes Henry. New York, T. Nelson and Hollanders in Amerika. [New York, Loyal Sons [cl936] Publication Society, 1865] Credle, Ellis, 1902- Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. 417-4 211-1-67 A little sunshine. [cl917l Lincoln or McClellan. Appeal to the Germans in Todd, Walter E. America. By Francis Lieber. Tr. from the German by T.C. [New York, 1864] 537-5 Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. The living races of mankind, a popular illustrated account of the customs, habits, pur­ 300-7 suits, feasts & ceremonies of the races of mankind Lincoln, the Emancipator. [Presidential ad­ throughout the world. By eminent specialists dress delivered before the Pacific Coast Branch of including Sir Harry Johnston [and others. 2d ed.?] the American Historical Association at Santa Hutchison & Co. [190_ ?] Barbara, California, December 27, 1935] Hutchinson, Henry Neville, 1856-1927, ed. McMahon, Edward. 382-4 Lo these many years; an autobiographical sketch. Columbia, S.C., The State Co., 1941. Starks, John Jacob, 1876- 697 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

519-3 545-1 A local study of the race problem; race relations Louisiana under the rule of Spain, France, and in the eastern Piedmont region of Georgia, by the United States, 1785-1807; social, economic, and R.P. Brooks. Boston, Ginn, 1911. political conditions of the territory represented in Brooks, Robert Preston, 1881- the Louisiana purchase, as portrayed in hitherto unpublished contemporary accounts by Dr. Paul 286-1 Alliot and various Spanish, French, English, and Logic of history. Five hundred political texts: American officials; translated or transcribed being concentrated extracts of abolitionism; also, from the original manuscripts, ed., annotated, results of slavery agitation and emancipation; and with bibliography and index by James together with sundry chapters on despotism, Alexander Robertson; with special map of the usurpations and frauds. 2d ed. Madison, Wis., territory and other early maps and plans. 1864. Cleveland, 0., The Arthur H. Clark Co., 1911. Carpenter, Stephen D. Robertson, James Alexander, 1873- ed. and tr.

436-5 568-8 A long way from home. New York, L. Furnam The Louisville Flood in 1937 with special [cl937] reference to the Negro population. Atlanta, 1939. McKay, Claude, 1890-1948. Calloway, Alberta Mae.

431-2 453-2 Look away, Dixieland, by Leon F. Harris and Love and liberty; a romance of anti-slavery Frank L. Beals. [1st ed.] New York, R. Speller days. New York, London, Abbey Press [cl901] Pub. Corp. [cl937] Townsend, William Capron. Harris, Leon F. 453-4 434-8 Love fetish. New York, Macaulay [c1932] Look up; sunshine treatment for shadowed Wall, Evans. lives. New York, J.A. McCann, 1919. Lewis, Randolph. 447-8 The love of Landry. New York, Dodd, Mead 357-5 [cl900] The looking-glass: being a true report and Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. narrative of the life, travels and labors of the Rev. Daniel H. Peterson, a colored clergyman; em­ 327-4 bracing a period of time from the year 1812 to 1854, The lower South in American history. New and including his visit to Western Africa. With York, London, Macmillan, 1902. engravings. New York, Wright, Printer, 1854. Brown, William Garrott, 1868-1913. Peterson, Daniel H. 299-1 440-7 Loyal meeting of the people of New-York, to A lost hero, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward support the government, prosecute the war, and and Herbert D. Ward; illus. by Frank T. Merrill. maintain the Union, held at Cooper Institute, Boston, Roberts Bros., l 891. Friday evening, March 6, 1863. New-York, G.F. Nesbitt & Co., Printers, 1863. 391-7 Lost spirituals. With thirty-six illustrations by 598-489 Kenneth K. Pointer, and forty-one plates of Loyal supremacy. All rights to all men! musical compositions as composed by Negroes Equality of white men! Speech of Hon. Aaron H. and set down in music by the author. New York, Cragin, in the , January 30, W. Neale, 1928. 1868, on the reconstruction acts. Pub. by the Cohen, Lily Young. Union Republican Congressional Executive Committee [ 1868] 332-1 Cragin, Aaron Harrison, 1821-1898. Louisiana affairs. Speech of Hon. Thomas C. Mccreery, of Kentucky, in the United States 350-2 Senate, January 26, 1874. Washington, Govern­ The loyalty and devotion of colored Americans ment Print. Off., 1874. in the Revolution and . Boston, R. F. Mccreery, Thomas Clay, 1816-1890. Wallcut, 1861. Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879. 544-4 Louisiana election and southern election 466-3 outrages. Speech of Hon. William E. Chandler in ; or, Another helper from North the United States Senate, August 23 and 24, 1888. Carolina. By the Rev. William G. Hawkins. Washington, 1888. Boston, Crosby & Nichols, 1863. Chandler, William Eaton, 1835-1917. Hawkins, William George, 1823-1909. 483-5 Louisiana review. v.1- 19 Baton Rouge, Louisiana State Federation of Labor, 19

698 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

494-2 416-10 Lynching and the law. Chapel Hill, University Mammy's cracklin' bread, and other poems. of North Carolina Press, 1933. [Philadelphia, Press of l.W. Klopp, cl916] Chadbourn, James Harmon. Shackelford, Theodore Henry, 1881-

494-7 388-9 Lynching Negro children in southern courts. Mammy's reminiscences, and other sketches; (The Scottsboro case) New York, International by Martha S. Gielow. New York, A.S. Barnes, Labor Defense [1931?] 1898. North, Joseph, 1904- Gielow, Martha Sawyer, 1854?-1933.

494-11 438-4 and what they mean; general fin­ Mammy's white folks. Frontispiece by Irwin dings. Atlanta, Ga.,· The Commission [1931] Myers. New York, Grosset & Dunlap [1920, cl919] Southern Commission on the Study of Lynching. Sampson, Emma Speed, 1868-

495-1 528-2 Lynch-law; an investigation into the history of Man and the state. lynching in the United States. London, Longmans, The evolution of the Afric-American, by , 1905. J. Barrows. New York, D. Appleton, 1892. Cutler, James Elbert, 1876- Barrows, Samuel June, 1845-1909.

422-13 456-2 Lyric moods and tenses. Philadelphia, J.B. The man farthest down; a record of observation Lippincott, 1910. and study in Europe, by Booker T. Washington, Struthers, William. with the collaboration of Robert E. Park. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Page, 1912. 300-2 Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. Lyrics for freedom; and other poems. Under the auspices of the Continental Club. New York, 514-5 Carleton, 1862. The man next door. Philadelphia, Neaula Pub. Co. [cl919l 419-13 Jackson, Algernon Brashear, 1878- Lyrics from cotton land, drawings by A.B. Frost, E.W. Kemble, and photos. by Mrs. W.O. 193-3 Kibble. Charlotte, N.C., Stone Pub. Co. [c1922] The man,-the deed,-the event. McNeil!, John Charles, 1874-1907. The iniquity: a sermon in the First Church, Dorchester, on Sunday Dec. 11, 1859. Boston, 418-13 Printed by J. Wilson & Son, 1859. Lyrics of an humble birth. Washington, Murray Hall, Nathaniel, 1805-1875. Bros. Print. Co., 1914. Adams, Wellington Alexander, 1879- 593-256 The 'manifest destiny' of the American Unron. 418-1 New York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1857. Lyrics of life and love. Boston, H.B. Turner & Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876. Co., 1904. Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont, 1878- 522-9 i 527-10 1962. Mansfield, Texas: a report of the crisis situation resulting from efforts to desegregate the school system, by John Howard Griffin [and] M Theodore Freedman. [New York] Anti­ defamation League of B'nai-B'rith [1957?] 486-3 Griffin, John Howard, 1920- Maggie L. Walker and the 1.0. of Saint Luke; the woman and her work. Cincinnati, Dabney 285-5 Pub. Co. [cl927] Manual of the Civil War and key to the Grand Dabney, Wendell Phillips, 1865- Army of the Republic and societies. Rev. ed. Washington, U.S. Army and Navy Historical 211-1-81 Association, 1899. Major-General McClellan and the campaign on Carnahan, J. Worth. the Yorktown Peninsula. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1865. 368-5 Edge, Frederick Milnes. Manual of the International Order of Twelve of Knights and Daughters of Tabor, containing 415-11 general laws, regulations, ceremonies, drill, and a Majors and minors: poems. [Toledo, 0., Hadley Taborian lexicon; by Rev. Moses Dickson. St. & Hadley, Printers and Binders, cl895] Louis, Mo., A.R. Fleming & Co., Printers, 1891. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. International Order of Twelve of Knights and Daughters of Tabor. 430-2 Mam' Linda; a novel, illus. by F.B. Masters. 361-9 New York and London, Harper, 1907. Manual, or guide book for the administration of Harben, William Nathaniel, 1858-1919. the discipline of the African M. E. Church, by Alex 699 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log w. Wayman. Dedicated to the bishops and testimonials of mus1c1ans and savans, and ministers of the African M.E. Church, by the opinions of the American and English press, of author. Philadelphia, A.M.E. Book Rooms, 1886. "Blind Tom." Baltimore, The Sun Book and Job Wayman, Alexander Walker, Bp., 1821-1895. Printing Establishment [1868?]

552-1 293-2 Manuel Pereira; or, The sovereign rule of South The Maryland line in the Confederate States Carolina. With views of southern laws, life, Army. By W.W. Goldsborough. Baltimore, Kelly, hospitality. By F.C. Adams. Washington, Buell & Piet & Co., 1869. Blanchard, 1853. Goldsborough, William Worthington, 1831-1901. Adams, Francis Colburn. 207-10 464-2 The Maryland scheme of expatriation , a portrait. New York, examined. By a friend of liberty. Boston, London, Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill Book Co. Garrison & Knapp, 1834. [cl941] Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879. Vehanen, Kosti, 1887· 421-17 ,,. 184-7 Masonic and other poems. The author, c1908. Marie; ou, L'esclavage aux Etats-Unis, tableau Gilmore, F Grant. de moeurs americaines; par Gustave de Beaumont. Paris, C. Gosselin, 1835. 369-6 Beaumont de la Bonniniere, Gustave Auguste de, Masonry among colored men in Massachusetts. 1802-1866. To the Right Worshipful J.G. Findel, Honorary Grand Master of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, 552-4 and General Representative thereof to the lodges and divorce: a sermon, preached in upon the continent of Europe. Boston, L. Hayden, St. Luke's Church, Washington, D.C., on Sunday, 1871. March 23, 1881, by Alex. Crummell. Published by Hayden, Lewis, 1815-1889. request. Washington, C.W. Brown, Printer, 1881. Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898. 337-4 The massacre of six colored citizens of the U.S. 447-2 at Hamburgh, S.C., on July 4, 1876. Debate in the The marrow of tradition. Boston and New York, U.S. House of Representatives, July 15th and 18th, Houghton, Mifflin, 1901. 1876. [Washington? 1876?] Chesnutt, Charles Waddell, 1858-1932. U.S. 44th Congress, 1st session, 1875-1876. House.

214-6 416-15 "Marse Henry"; an autobiography. New York, Massaruma. [18_?] George H. Doran Co. [c1919] Steele, Elihu Hill. Watterson, Henry, 1840-1921. 563-5 246-7 Massive resistance to the 1954 Supreme Court The martyr age of the United States of America, decision in Virginia from 1954-1965. Atlanta, 1967. with an appeal on behalf of the Oberlin Institute in Bunch, Clarence Emmel. aid of the abolition of slavery. Re-published from the London and Westminster review, by the 472-2 Newcastle upon Tyne Emancipation and Masterpieces of Negro eloquence; the best Aborigines Protection Society. Newcastle upon speeches delivered by the Negro from the days of Tyne, Finlay and Charlton, 1840. slavery to the present time, edited by Alice Moore Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876. Dunbar. New York, Bookery Pub. Co. [cl914] Nelson, Alice Ruth Moore Dunbar, 1875-1930, ed. 248-9 The martyrdom of Lovejoy. An account of the 211-1-58 life, trials, and perils of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, The mastership and its fruits: the emancipated who was killed by a pro-slavery mob at Alton, Ill., slave face to face with his old master. A sup­ on the night of November 7, 1837. By an eyewit­ plemental report to Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, ness. Chicago, Fergus Printing Co., 1881 [cl880] Secretary of War, by James McKaye, Special Tanner, Henry. Commissioner. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. 200-8 U.S. War Dept. The martyrs and the fugitive; or, A narrative of the captivity, sufferings, and death of an African 277-5 family, and the slavery and escape of their son. The mastership and its fruits: The emancipated By the Rev. S.H. Platt. Pub. for the benefit of the slave face to face with his old master. A sup­ fugitive. New York, Printed by D. Fanshaw, 1859. plemental report to Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Platt, Smith H. Secretary of War, by James McKaye, Special Commissioner. New York, Wm. C. Bryant & Co., 459-10 1864. The marvelous musical prodigy, Blind Tom, the U.S. War Dept. Negro boy pianist, whose performances at the great St. James and Egyptian Halls, London, and 552-9 Salle Hertz, Paris, have created such a profound The master-word; a story of the South to-day, by sensation. Anecdotes, songs, sketches of the life, L.H. Hammond. New York, Macmillan, 1905. 700 Hammond, Lily Hardy, 1859-1925. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

510-4 420-15 The material out of which great races are built. Memoir and poems of Phillis Wheatley, a native f A lecture along racial lines. Quindaro, Kansas, African and a slave. Dedicated to the friends of Industrial Students Printers, Western University, the Africans. 2d ed. Boston, Light & Horton, 1835. 1909] Wheatley, Phillis, 1753?-1784. Vaughan, Edward R., 1862- 470-3 487-4 Memoir of Captain Paul Cuffee, a man of Medical care and the plight of the Negro, by W. colour; to which is subjoined the Epistle of the Montague Cobb. New York, National Association Society of Sierra Leone in Africa, &c. [by Wm.· for the Advancement of Colored People, 1947. Alexander] York [Eng.] Printed by C. Peacock Cobb, William Montague, 1904- for W. Alexander, 1812. Cuffee, Paul, 1759-1817. 570-12 Medical folk beliefs in a southern rural com­ 213-4 munity. Atlanta, 1954. Memoir of David Hale, late editor of the Journal Randall, James Calvin. of commerce. With selections from his miscellaneous writings. By Joseph P. Thompson. 363-9 2d ed. Hartford, Conn., E. Hunt, 1850 [c1849] Meditations from the pen of Mrs. Maria W. Hale, David, 1791-1849. Stewart, (widow of the late James W. Stewart,) now matron of the Freedman's Hospital, and 286-4 presented in 1832 to the First African Baptist Memoir of Governor Andrew, with personal Church and Society of Boston, Mass. First pub. by reminiscences. To which are added two hitherto W. Lloyd Garrison & Knap [ ! ] Washington, 1879. unpublished literary discourses, and the Stewart, Maria W. Miller, 1803· Valedictory address. Boston, Roberts Bros., 1880. Chandler, Peleg Whitman, 1816-1889. 506-8 Meet your relatives. Text by Gene Weltfish. 264-9 Dramatization by Alice B. Nirenberg. Lyrics by Memoir of , born a slave in St. Don Karlin. Illus. by A.D.F. Reinhardt. [New Domingo. By the author of "Three experiments in York, Public Affairs Committee, Inc., 1944?] living" etc. 3d ed. Boston, Crosby, Nichols, and Weltfish, Gene, 1902· Co., 1854 [cl853] Lee, Hannah Farnham Sawyer, 1780-1865. 487-3 Meharry Medical College, a history. Nashville, 241-4 Tenn., Sunday School Publishing Board of the Memoir of Rev. Charles T. Torrey who died in National Baptist Convention, 1934. the penitentiary of Maryland, where he was Roman, Charles Victor, 1864- confined for showing mercy to the poor. Boston, J.P Jewett, 1847. 419-14 Lovejoy, Joseph Cammet, 1805-1871. Meine dunklen Hande; moderne Negerlyrik in Original und Nachdichtung. [Mi.inchen] Nym­ 2'"49-6 phenburger Verlagshandlung [1953] Memoir of . Boston, Roberts Brothers, 1873. 437-3 Mumford, , 1826-1877, ed. Melindy. New York, Moffat, Yard and Co., 1912. Perry, Stella George Stern, 1877- 290-5 A memoir of the last year of the war for in­ 420-7 dependence, in the Confederate States of MeHow musings. With an introd. by Thomas America, containing an account of the operations L.G. Oxley. Boston, Mass., The Colored Poetic of his commands in the years 1864 and 1865. [2d League of the World, 1926. ed.] Lynchburg, C.W. Button, 1867. Whitney, Salem Tutt, 1879?-1934. Early, Jubal Anderson. 1816-1894.

393-11 595-334 Mellows, a chronicle of unknown singers, by R. A memoir presented to the American Con­ Emmet Kennedy; decorations by Simmons vention for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, Persons. New York, A. and C. Boni [c1925] and Improving the Condition of the African Race, Kennedy, Robert Emmet, 1877- December 11, 1918; containing some remarks upon the civil dissentions of the hitherto afflicted 362-4 people of Hayti as the inhabitants of that island Membership in Zion Methodism; the meaning of may be connected with plans for the emigration of membership in the A.M. E. Zion Church, by the such free persons of colour as may be disposed to Rev. W.H. Davenport. Charlotte, N.C., A.M.E. remove to it, in case its reunion, pacification and Zion Pub. House [c1935] independence should be established. Together Davenport, William Henry, 1868- with some account of the origin and progress of the efforts for effecting the abolition of slavery in 240-1 Pennsylvania and its neighbourhood, and Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner. By throughout the world. Philadelphia, printed by Edward L. Pierce. Boston, Roberts Bros., 1877-93. Dennis Heartt, 1818. Pierce, Edward Lillie, 1829-1897. Saunders, Prince, 1807-1840.

701 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

432-2 227-5 Memoirs of a fugitive. Memorial addresses on the life and character of The slave; or, Memoirs of Archy Moore. 5th ed. Thaddeus Stevens, delivered in the House of Boston, Jordan, Swift & Wiley, 1845. Representatives, Washington, December 17, 1868. Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1869. U.S. 40th Congress, 3d session, 1868-1869. House. 448-3 Memoirs of a fugitive. 294-5 The white slave; or, memoirs of a fugitive. A Memorial addresses on the life and charact~r of story of slave life in Virginia, etc. Ed. by R. William Pitt Fessenden, (a Senator from Mame), Hildreth. 1st English illus. ed. London, Ingram, delivered in the Senate and House of Represen­ Cooke, 1852. tatives, 41st Congress, 2d session, December 14, Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. 1869. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1870. U.S. 4lst Congress, 2d session, 1869-1870. 432-2 Memoirs of Archy Moore. 298-7 The slave; or, Memoirs of Archy Moore. 5th ed. A memoria I discourse; delivered in the ha 11 of Boston, Jordan, Swift & Wiley, 1845. the House of Representatives, Washington City, Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. D.C., on Sabbath, February 12, 1865. With ~n introd. by James McCune Smith. Philadelphia, 448-3 J.M. Wilson, 1865. Memoirs of Archy Moore. Garnet, Henry Highland, 1815-1882. The white slave: or, memoirs of a fugitive. A story of slave life in Virginia, etc. Ed. by R. 246-8 Hildreth. 1st English illus. ed. London, Ingram, A memorial of Charles Sumner. Boston, Cooke, 1852. [Wright & Potters, Printers to the state] 1874. Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. Massachusetts. General Court. Joint Special Committee on Sumner Memorial. 469-2 Memoirs of Elleanor Eldridge. Providence 547-6 [R.I.?] B.T. Albro, Printer, 1838. A memorial of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Eldridge, Elleanor, b. 1785. Maverick, James Caldwell, 5amuel Gray, and Patrick Carr, from the city of Boston. Boston, 273-9 Printed by order of the City Council, 1889. Memoirs of John Brown, written for Rev. Boston. City Council. Samuel Orcutt's History of Torrington, Ct., by F.B. Sanborn, with memorial verses by William 280-5 Ellery Channing. Concord, Mass. [Albany, Memorial of the semi-centennial anniversary of Printed by J. Munsell] 1878. the American Colonization Society, celebrated at Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, 1831-1917. Washington, January 15, 1867. With docum.ents concerning Liberia. Washington, The Society, 464-8 1867. Memoirs of Mrs. Rebecca Steward, containing: American Colonization Society. a full sketch of her life, with various selections from her writings and letters, by Rev. T.G. 233-8 Steward. Philadelphia, Publication Department A memorial of Wendell Phillips from the city of of the A.M.E. Church, 1877. Boston. Boston, Printed by order of the City Steward, Theophilus Gould, 1843-1924. Council, 1884. Boston. City Council. 249-5 Memoirs of Samuel M. Janney, late of Lincoln, 233-10 Loudoun County, Va., written by himself. 3d ed. A memorial of William Lloyd Garrison from the Philadelphia, Friends' Book Association, 1882 city of Boston. Boston, Printed by order of the [cl881] City Council, 1886. Janney, Samuel Macpherson, 1801-1880. Boston. City Council.

298-6 211-1-88 Memorial addresses delivered before the two Memorial service for three hundred thousand houses of Congress on the life and character of Union soldiers, with the commemorative Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William discourse. New York, Loyal Publication Society, McKinley. Prepared in accordance with con­ 1866. current resolution of Congress, and under Thompson, Joseph Parrish, 1819-1879. direction of Joint Committee on Printing, by Charles Rowley Cushman. Washington, Govt. 262-2 Print. Off., 1903. Memoria I services upon the seventy-fourth U.S. Congress. birthday of Wendell Phillips, held at the residence of William Sumner Crosby, South Boston, Nov. 376-1-17 29th, 1885. Boston, Printed by J. Cooper, 1886. Memoria I addresses in honor of Dr. Booker T. Washington. Lynchburg, Va., J.P. Bell Co., 595-312 Printers, 1916. A memoria I to the Congress of the United States Tuskegee Institute. on the subject of restraining the increase of slavery in new states to be admitted into the 702 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

Union. Prepared in pursuance of a vote of the troductory sketch of the author by Rev. Henry M. inhabitants of Boston and its vicinity, assembled Turner. Cleveland, Ohio, G.M. Rewell & Co., 1887 .. at the State House, on the third of December, 1819. Simmons, William Johnson, 1849-1890. Boston, S. Phelps, Printer, 1819. 460-2 222·4 Men of Maryland, by Rev. George F. Bragg. Memorials of a southern planter. Baltimore, Baltimore, Md., Church Advocate Press, 1925. Cushings & Bailey, 1887. Bragg, George Freeman, 1863-1940. Smedes, Susan Dabney, 1840- 250-2 352-3 Men of our times; or, Leading patroits of the Memorials of Lieut. George H. Walcott, late of day. Being narratives of the lives and deeds of the 30th U.S. Colored Troops. By C.M. Tyler. With statesmen, generals, and orators. Including an introd. by Hon. Henry Wilson. Written for the biographical sketches and anecdotes of Lincoln, Massachusetts Sabbath-school Society, and ap­ Grant, Garrison, Sumner, Chase, Wilson, Greeley, proved by the Committee of Publication. Boston, Farragut, Andrew, Colfax, Stanton, Douglas, Massachusetts Sabbath-school Society [1865] Buckingham, Sherman, Sheridan, Howard, Tyler, Charles Mellen, 1832-1918. Phillips and Beecher. Hartford, Conn., Hartford Pub. Co.; New York, J.D. Denison; [etc.] 1868. 242·9 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, 1811-1896. Memorials presented to the Congress of the United States of America, by the different 497-2 societies instituted for promoting the abolition of The mental capacity of the American Negro, by slavery, &c. &c- in the states of Rhode-Island, Marion J. Mayo. New York, 1913. Connecticut, New-York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Mayo, Marion Jacob, 1871- and Virginia. Published by order of "The Penn­ sylvania Society tor Promoting the Abolition of 487-12 Slavery. and the Relief of Free Negroes The menta I hea Ith of the Negro; a study of first Unlawfully Held in Bondage, and tor Improving admissions to hospitals for mental disease in New the Condition of the African Race." Philadelphia: York State, 1949-1951. Albany, N.Y., Research Printed by Francis Bailey, no. 116, High-street, Foundation for Mental Hygiene, 1962 [cl963] 1792. Malzberg, Benjamin, 1893- Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery. 588-51 Message from the President of the United 307-1 States, communicating certain information in Memories of my youth, 1844-1865. New York and reply to a resolution of the Senate of the 22d May, London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1914. 1844. June 1, 1844. Read, and ordered, that the Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930. message and documents be printed, that the in· junction of secrecy be removed from the same, 381-2 and that 20,000 copies be furnished for the use of Memories of old Hampton. Pub. by the Arm­ the Senate. [Washington? 1844?] strong League of Hampton Workers. Hampton, U.S. President, 1841-1845 (Tyler) Va .. The Institute Press, 1909. 597-429 312-7 Message from the President of the United Memories of the war. Toledo, 0., H.J. Chit­ States, communicating (in compliance with a tenden Co., 1923. resolution of the Senate) correspondence in Sherwood, Isaac R., 1835-1925. relation to the tenth article of the Treaty of Washington, providing for the reciprocal 275-2 surrender of fugitive criminals. February 21, Memphis riots and massacres. Report. July 25, 1844. Read, and ordered to be printed. 1866-ordered to be printed. [Washington? 1866?] [Washington, 1844] U.S. Congress. House. Select Committee on U.S. President, 1841-1845 (Tyler) the Memphis riots. 590-145 235-5 Message of Governor Robinson, to the Genera I Men and events of forty years. Assembly of Kentucky, at the adjourned session, Autobiographical reminiscences of an active January, 1863. Frankfort [Ky.] Printed at the career from 1850 to 1890, by the late Josiah Busnell Commonwealth Office, 1863. [ ! j Grinnell. With introd. by Henry W. Parker. Kentucky. Governor, 1862-1863 (J.F. Robinson) Boston, D. Lothrop [cl891] Grinnell, Josiah Bushnell, 1821-1891. 598-474 Message of the President of the United States 462-1 communicating, in compliance with a resolution Men of mark: eminent, progressive and rising. of the Senate of the 12th instant, information in By Rev. William J. Simmons. With an in­ relation to the states of the Union lately in troductory sketch of the author by Rev. Henry M. rebellion, accompanied by a report of Carl Schurz Turner. Cleveland, Ohio, G.M. Rewell & Co., 1887. on the states of South Carolina, Georgia, Simmons, William Johnson, 1849-1890. Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana; also a report of Lieutenant General Grant, on the same 470-5 subject. [Washington, Govt. Printing Off., 1865] Men of mark: eminent, progressive and rising. U.S. President, 1865-1869 (Johnson) By Rev. William J. Simmons. With an in- 703 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

403-2 596-402 Mingo, and other sketches in black and white. Message of the President of the Uni!ed . States transmitting to Congress the Constitution of Boston, J.R. Osgood and Co., 1884. Kansas. February 2, 1858. Washington, William Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908. A. Harris, Printer, 1858. 355-6 U.S. President, 1857-1861 (Buchanan) The ministry, the field for the talented \enth. 404-2 Washington, Murray Brothers Press [1911. l Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. The message of the trees; an antholo~~ of leaves and branches, with a foreword by William 587-9 Stanley Braithwaite. Boston, The Cornhill Co. [c1918] Minority report, relative to the re~al of the Hare, Maud Cuney, 1874-1936, ed. laws of the United States against the African ~lave trade. Baton Rouge: J.M. Taylor, State Printer, 587-4 1859. Message transmitting a report from the Louisiana. Legislature. House of Represen­ Secretary of the Navy, showing the expense an­ tatives. Committee on Federal Relations. nually incurred in carrying into effect the act of March 2, 1819 for prohibiting the slave trade. Dec. 278-11-1 6, 1827. Washington, D. Green, 1827. Minutes and proceedings. 1st-5th. U.S. President, 1825-1829 (Adams) Philadelphia, 1831-1835. American Society of Free Persons of Colour. 317-5 The Methodist Episcopal Church and the Civil 278-11-4 War. Cincinnati, Methodist Book Concern Press The minutes and proceedings of the first an!1ual [1912] meeting of the American Moral Reform Society, Sweet, William Warren, 1881- held at Philadelphia, from the 14th to the 19!h of August, 1837. Philadelphia, Printed by Merrihew 277-7 & Gunn, 1837. Michigan manual of freedmen's progress; American Moral Reform Society. comp. by Francis H. Warren, Secretary of Freedmen's Progress Commission. Authorized 365-3 by Act 47, Public acts 1915. Detroit, Mich., 1915. Minutes of proceedings. June 4th-9th, 1838. Michigan. Freedmen's Progress Commission. Philadelphia, Merrihew and Gunn, 1838. Philadelphia Association for the Moral and 211-1-20 Mental Improvement of the People of Color. Military despotism! Suspension of the habeas Council. corpus! Curses coming home to roost! New York, Oct. 1863. New York, W.C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 371-8 1863. Minutes of the annual convention. 1st-9th; 1927- 1935. 598-494 Nashville, Tenn. [etc.] Military despotism to supersede the Con­ National Congress of Colored Parents .and stitution. Speech of Hon. James B. Beck, of Teachers. Kentucky, delivered in the House of Represen­ tatives, March 30, 1871. Washington, F. & J. Rives 594-306 & Geo. A. Bailey, 1871. Minutes of the annual session of the Alabama Beck, James Burnie, 1822-1890. conference. 3d, 1869. Mobile, Ala. 589-106 African Methodist Episcopal Church. Military interference with elections. Speech of Conferences. Alabama. Hon. L.W. Powell, of Kentucky, delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 3 and 4, 1864. 594-309 On the bill to prevent officers of the army and Minutes of the annual session of the North navy, and other persons engaged in the milita.ry Georgia conference. 56th, 1928. and naval service of the United States, from in­ Nashville, Tenn., A.M.E. Sunday School Union. terfering in elections in the states .. Washington, African Methodist Episcopal Church. Printed at Constitutional Union Office, 1864. Conferences. North Georgia. Powell, Lazarus Whitehead, 1812-1867. 594-310 499-7 Minutes of the [annual] session, of the West Minden Arma is, the man of the new race. With Kentucky annual conference. 4th, 1884. Atlanta, Ga. a preface and postface on the estab~ishment of the marital relation between the white and black African Methodist Episcopal Church. races in the former slave states. By Charles S. Conferences. West Kentucky. Keyser. And an appendix containing the views of Bishop Dudley, Archbishop Ireland [and others] 277-9 on its adv.:ntages to the nation. Philadelphia, Minutes of the National Convention of Colored 1892. Citizens held at Buffalo on the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th Keyser, Charles Shearer, 1825-1904. and 19th of August, 1843, for the purpose of con­ sidering their moral and political condition as American citizens. New York, Piercy and Reed, Printers, 1843. Nationa~ Convention of Colored Citizens, Buffalo, 704 1843. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

231-6; 593-262; 593-263 349-10 Minutes of the proceedings. Missing pages in American history, revealing Minutes of the session. 1794-1837. the services of Negroes in the early wars in the Philadelphia [etc.] United States of America, 1641-1815, by Laura E. American Convention for Promoting the Abolition Wilkes. [Washington? Press of R.L. Pendleton? of Slavery and Improving the Condition of the cl919?] African Race. Wilkes, Laura Eliza, 1871-

231-6; 593-262; 593-263 280-7 Minutes of the session. 1794-1837. Mission to England in behalf of the American Philadelphia [etc.] Colonization Society. By Rev. R.R. Gurley. American Convention for Promoting the Abolition Washington, W.W. Morrison, 1841. of Slavery and Improving the Condition of the Gurley, Ralph Randolph, 1797-1872. African Race. 359-3 594-308 The missionary pioneer; or, A brief memoir of Minutes of the session. 2d, 3d; 1880, 1881. Terre the life, labours, and death of John Stewart, (man Haute, Ind. of colour,) founder, under God, of the mission African Methodist Episcopal Church. among the Wyandotts, at Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Conferences. Indian Territory. Pub. by Joseph Mitchell. New-York, Printed by J.C. Totten, 1827. Mitchell, Joseph. 594-307 Minutes of the session of the Atlanta, Ga. annua I 345-5 conference. 10th, 1909. The Mississippi election. Speech of Hon. Nashville, Tenn., A.M.E. Sunday School Union Blanche K. Bruce, of Mississippi, in the United Print. · States Senate, March 31, 1876. Washington, 1876. African Methodist Episcopal Church. Bruce, Blanche Kelso, 1841-1898. Conferences. Atlanta (Ga.) 527-12 A Mississippi view of race relations in the South. 594-302 Read before the Alumni Association of the Minutes of the session, conference convention. University of Mississippi, June 3rd, 1902. 15th, 1919. Jackson, Miss., Harmon Pub. Co., printers, 1903. [Macon, Ga.?] Rowland, Dunbar, 1864- African Methodist Episcopal Church. Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 378-5 Conferences. [Georgia?] Mississippi's Negro rural schools, suggestions for their improvement, by P.H. Easom, E.P. 522-10 Littlejohn. [and] Florence 0. Alexander. Minutes of the University Commission on f Jackson, Miss.] J.M. Tubb, State superintendent Southern Race Questions. [Lexington? Va. 191_] of education, 1946. University Commission on Southern Race Easom, Percy Harris. Questions. 319-1-38 446-5 The Missouri contested election case. Speech of Mis' Beauty; illus. by the author. New York, A. Hon. Benjamin G. Harris, of Md., delivered in the Harriman Co., 1911. House of Representatives, May 9, 1864. Woodruff, Helen Smith, 1888-1924. [Washington? 1864] Harris, Benjamin Gwinn, 1805-1895. 319-1-13 Miscegenation-A question of veracity settled. 319-1-40 [Washington, Printed by L. Towers, 1864?] Upson, of Missouri, delivere~ in the. Hou~e of Mallory, Robert, 1815-1885. Representatives, First session, Th1rty-e1ghth Congress, Friday, May 6, 1864, on the contested 319-1-92 election case of Bruce vs. Loan, from the Seventh Miscegenation or amalgamation. Fate of the Congressional District of Missouri. Washington, freedman. Speech delivered in the House of Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1864. Representatives, February 17, 1864. Washington, Upson, Charles, 1821-1885. Printed at the office of "the Constitutional Union," 1864. 319-1-156 Cox, Samuel Sullivan, 1824-1889. Missouri Home Guards. Speech of Hon. Joseph W. McClurg, of Missouri, delivered in the House of 194-5 Representatives, Dec. 22, 1863. [Washington, Miscellaneous writings on slavery. Boston, J.P. McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864] Jewett & Co.; Cleveland, 0., .Jewett, Proctor, and McClurg, Joseph Washington, 1818-1900. Worthington [etc. l 1853. Jay, William, 1789-1858. 587-19 Mr. Allen's report of a declaration of sentiments 517-10 on slavery, Dec. 5, 1837. 2d ed. Worcester [Mass. l The misnomer "Negro" and the abomination of Printed by H.J. Howland, 1838. raceism [!] Tacoma, Washington [Paragon, Allen, George, 1792-1883. 195_?] Livingfree, Daniel. 705 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

220-5-2 211-1-34 Mr. Douglas and the doctrine of coercion, The Monroe doctrine. Paper by Edward together with letters from Hon. Herschel V. Everett. Letter of John Quincy Adams. Extract Johnson, of Georgia, and Hon. J.K. Paulding, from speech of Geo. Canning. New York, Oct., former Sec. of Navy. [Evans & Cogswell? 1860] 1863. New York. W.C. Bryant & Co., Printers, Porter, William Dennison, 1810-1883. 1863. Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. 435-6 Mister Fish Kelley; a novel. New York, D. 198-6 Appleton, 1924. The Monthly offering. By John A. Collins. v. 1; McBlair, Robert. July 1840-Dec. 1841. Boston, Anti-slavery Office, 1841. 306-1 Mr. Powell's defense. Speech of Hon. L.W. 452-1 Powell, of Kentucky, in the Senate of the United Moonshine; a story of the reconstruction period. States, March 14, 1862. [Washington, Printed at Boston, Cupples, Upham and Co., 1884. the office of the Congressional Globe, 1862] Tupper, Frederick Allison, 1858- Powell, Lazarus Whitehead, 1812-1867. 592-212 189-4 Moral benefits of slavery. [1853) Mitigation of slavery. In two parts. Part I: Price, William S. Letters and papers of the late Hon. Joshua Steele, describing the steps by which, to his own great 260-2 profit, he raised the oppressed slaves, on his sugar The moral crusader, William Lloyd Garrison; a plantations, nearly to the condition of hired ser­ biographical essay founded on "The story of vants; his observations on the slave-laws, etc. Garrison's life told by his children." New York Part 11: Letters to Thomas Clarkson, proving that and London, Funk & Wagnalls, 1892. bought slaves, who keep not up their numbers by Smith, Goldwin, 1823-1910. births, do not nearly refund their purchase­ money, and that the planter's true resource is to 587-30 rear his slaves; the great success of the plough, in The moral results of slavery. [1853] raising the sugar-cane, &c. London, Hurst, Rees, Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-191 l. Orme, and Brown, 1814. Dickson, William, ed. 573-18 Morals and manners among Negro Americans; 587-15 report of a social study made by Atlanta Mob, under pretense of law, or, the arrest and University under the patronage of the Trustees of trial of Rev. George Storrs at Northfield, N.H. the John F. Slater Fund; with the Proceedings of with the circumstances connected with that affair the 18th annual Conference for the Study of the and remarks thereon. Concord, Elbridge G. Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University, on Chase, Printer, 1835. Monday, May 26th, 1913. Edited by W.E. Storrs, George, 1796-1879? Burghardt Du Bois and Augustus Granville Dill. Atlanta, Atlanta University Press, 1914. 538-7 Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, The mobility of the Negro; a study in the ed. American labor supply, by Edward E. Lewis. New York, Columbia University Press; London, 449-6 P.S. King & Son, 1931. More E.K. Means. Is this a title? It is not. It is Lewis, Edward Erwin, 1900- the name of a writer of Negro stories, who has made himself so completely the writer of Negro 325-5 stories that this second book, like the first, needs Modern agitators: or, Pen portraits of living no title. Illus. by Kemble. New York and London, American reformers. By David W. [ ! ] Bartlett. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1919. New York, Auburn [N.Y.] Miller, Orton & Means, Eldred Kurtz, 1878- Mulligan, 1855. Bartlett, David Vandewater Golden, 1828-1912. 363-6 Morgan's history of the New Jersey Conference 495-3 of the A.M.E. Church, from 1872-1887 and of the The modern Ku Klux Klan. Boston, Small, several churches, with biographical sketches. Maynard & Co. [c1922] Camden, N.J., S. Chew, Printers, 1887. Fry, Henry Peck, 1881- Morgan, Joseph H.

203-4 418-12 Modern reform examined; or, The union of Morning glories. Philadelphia, Penna., March North and South on the subject of slavery. By 17, 1890-1901. 2d ed. Atlanta, Ga., The Franklin Joseph C. Stiles. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, Print. and Pub. Co., 1901 [c1890] 1858 [cl857) Heard, Josephine D. Henderson, 1861- Stiles, Joseph Clay, 1795-1875. 573-1 498-5 Mortality among Negroes in cities; proceedings Mongrel Virginians; the Win tribe, by Arthur H. of the Conference for Investigation of City Estabrook and Ivan E. Mc Dougie. Baltimore, The Problems, held at Atlanta University, May 26-27, Williams & Wilkins Co., 1926. Estabrook, Arthur Howard, 1885- 706 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

1896. Atlanta, Atlanta University Press, 1896. 420-3 Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems. My deeply solemn thoughts. [cl939] lst, Atlanta University, 1896. Handy, Olive Lewis.

421-10 306-7 Moses: A story of the Nile. 2d ed. Philadelphia, My diary North and South. Boston: T.0.H.P. 1893. Burnham; New York: O.S. Felt. 1863. Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911. Russell, Sir William Howard, 1820-1907.

228-1 468-7 : his life and services. A sketch, My larger education; being chapters from my read before the Rhode Island Historical Society, experience, by Booker T. Washington, illustrated October 18, 1892. Providence, The Rhode Island from photos. Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Printing Co., 1892. · Page, 1911. Jones, Augustine, 1835- Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915.

433-2 265-6 Moses, man of the mountain. [1st ed.] My life as a slave. [1884] Philadelphia, New York, J.B. Lippincott [cl939] Stewart, Charles, Negro slave. Hurston, Zora Neale, 1901-1960. 265-7 418-8 My life in the South. By Jacob Strayer. New Mother of mine, ode to the Negro woman. New and enl. [4th] ed., Salem, Mass., Newcomb & York, A.V. Bernier, Printer [1923] Gauss, 1898. Fulton, David Bryant, 1863- Strayer, Jacob, 1849-

560-9 361-8 The motives and situational factors that in­ My recollections of African M.E. ministers, or, fluence disadvantaged adults to engage in a basic Forty years' experience in the African Methodist adult education program. Atlanta, 1968. Episcopal Church. By Rev. A.W. Wayman. With Few, Betty Bogan. an introd. by Rev. B.T. Tanner, Philadelphia, A.M.E. Book Rooms, 1881. 191-11 Wayman, Alexander Walker, Bp., 1821-1895. The moving power. A discourse delivered in the First Congregational Unitarian Church in 331-4 Philadelphia, Sunday morning, Feb. 9, 1851, after My school days; reconstruction experiences in the occurrence of a fugitive slave case. By W.H. the South, by Wade H. Harris. New York, The Furness. Philadelphia, Merrihew and Thompson, Neale Pub. Co., 1914. Printers, 1851. Harris, Wade Hampton, 1858-1935. Furness, William Henry, 1802-1896. 215-5 534-2 My southern home: or, The South and its people. The mulatto in the United States; including a By Wm. Wells Brown. Boston, A.G. Brown & to., study of the r81e of mixed-blood races throughout 1880. the world. Boston, R.G. Badger [cl918] Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884. Reuter, Edward Byron, 1880-1946. 299-4 469-1 My story of the war: a woman's narrative of Multum in parvo. An authenticated history of four years personal experience as nurse in the progressive Negroes. By Crawford & Thompson. , and in relief work at home, in 2d ed. Jackson, Miss. [Consumers Printing Co.] hospitals, camps, and at the front, during the war 1912. of the rebellion. With anecdotes, pathetic in­ Crawford, Isaiah Wadsworth, 1872- cidents, and thrilling reminiscences portraying the lights and shadows of hospital life and the 394-3 sanitary service of the war. Hartford, Conn., A. D. Music and some highly musical people: con­ Worthington and Co., 1892. taining brief chapters on I. A description of music. Livermore, Mary Ashton Rice, 1820-1905. 11. The music of nature. Ill. A glance at the history of music. IV. The power, beauty, and uses 476-3 of music. Following which are given sketches of My tour of the North and East. My observations the lives of remarkable musicians of the colored of conditions. The migrated Negro in the North race. With portraits, and an appendix containing and East. [Atlanta, Ga.? Holmes Institute? copies of music composed by colored men. 1915?] Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, C.T. Holmes, B.R. Dillingham, 1878. Trotter, James M. 416-11 N My country, and other poems, illus. by the author, introd. by Charles Hastings Dodd. [Philadelphia, Press of l.W. Klopp Co., cl918] 568-2 Shackelford, Theodore Henry, 1881- The NAACP: an institutional analysis. Atlanta, 1953. Allen, Willie Edward. 707 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

490-10-5 492-8 The NAACP legislative scoreboard; the civil Narrative of riots at Alton: in connection with rights crisis and the 84th Congress. [Greenwood, thedeath of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. Alton [Ill.] G. Miss., Association of Citizens' Councils of Holton, 1838. Mississippi, 1956?] Beecher, Edward, 1803-1895.

486-4 466-6 Nannie Burroughs and the school of the three Narrative of ; a bonds-woman B's. New York, 1921. of olden time, emancipated by the New York Pickens, William, 1881-1954. Legislature in the early part of the present cen­ tury; with a history of her labors and 441-3 correspondence drawn from her "Book of life." Napoleon Jackson, the gentleman of the plush Battle Creek, Mich., For the author, 1881 [cl875] rocker; with pictures by Edward Potthast. New Gilbert, Olive. York, Century Co., 1902. Stuart, Ruth McEnery, 1856-1917. 191-9 A narrative of some of the proceedings of North 212-5; 230-5-5 Carolina Yearly Meeting on the subject of slavery The narrative of Amos Dresser, with Stone's within its limits. Published by order of the letters from Natchez,-an obituary notice of the Meeting for Sufferings of North Carolina Yearly writer, and two letters from Tallahassee, relating Meeting. Greensborough, N.C., 1848. to the treatment of slaves. New York, American Friends, Society of. North Carolina Yearly Anti-slavery Society, 1836. Meeting. Dresser. Amos. 265-3 314-2 A narrative of the adventures and escape of A narrative of Andersonville, drawn from the , from American slavery; with a evidence elicited on the trial of Henry Wirz, the pref. by the Rev. T. Price. 3d ed. London, Harvey jailer. With the argument of Col. N.P. Chipman, and Darton, 1839. Judge Advocate. New York, Harper, 1866. Roper, Moses, Negro slave. Spencer, Ambrose. 244-10 266-9 Narrative of the late riotous proceedings The narrative of , a slave against the liberty of the press, in Cincinnati. woman. 2d ed. Worcester, Mass. [Press of A.P. With remarks and historical notices, relating to Bicknell] 1890. emancipation. Addressed to the people of Ohio, by Veney, Bethany, Negro slave. the Executive Committee of the Ohio Anti-slavery Society. Cincinnati, 1836. 265-1 Ohio Anti-slavery Society. Narrative of Dimmock Charlton, a British subject, taken from the brig "Peacock" by the 263-4 U.S. sloop "Hornet," enslaved while a prisoner of Narrative of the life and adventures of Henry war, and retained forty-five years in bondage. Bibb, an American slave, written by himself. [Philadelphia? 1859) With an introd. by Lucius C. Matlack. 3d Cox, Mary L., ed. stereotypeed. New York, Theauthor, 1850 [c1849] Bibb, Henry, b. 1815. 265-11 Narrative of James Williams; an American 466-7 slave; who was for several years a driver on a Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an cotton plantation in Alabama. New York, The American slave. Written by himself. 3d English American Anti-slavery Society, 1838. ed. Wortley, near Leeds, Joseph Barker, Printer, Williams, James, b. 1805. 1846. Douglass, Frederick, 1817-1895. 318-6 Narrative of privations and sufferings of United 263-5 States officers and soldiers while prisoners of war Narrative of the life of in the hands of the Rebel authorities. Being a written by himself. 1st English ed. Manchester, report of a Commission of Inquiry, appointed by Printed by lee and Glynn, 1851. the United States Sanitary Commission. With an Brown, Henry Box, b. 1815. appendix, containing the testimony. Philadelphia, Printed for the U.S. Sanitary 264-1 Commission by King and Baird, 1864. Narrative of the life of ; late a United States Sanitary Commission. slave in the United States of America. 2d American from the last London ed. Boston, O. 211-1-76 Johnson, 1844. Narrative of privations and sufferings of United Grandy, Moses, b. 1786? States officers and soldiers while prisoners of war in the hands of the Rebel authorities. Being the 465-7 report of a Commission of Inquiry, appointed by A narrative of the life of Rev. Noah Davis, a the United States Sanitary Commission. With an colored man. Written by himself, at the age of appendix containing the testimony. Boston, Office fifty-four. Baltimore, John F. Weishampel of "Littell's living Age" [1864] [c1859J United States Sanitary Commission. Davis, Noah, b. 1804. 708 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

263-6 546-3 Narrative of the life of William W. Brown, an The national election laws, their repeal by the American slave, written by himself. London, Democratic Party. Speech of Senator Chandler in Charles Gilpin, 1850. the United States Senate, February 5, 1894. Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884. [Concord, N.H., 1894] Chandler, William Eaton, 1835-1917. 225-9 A narrative of the proceedings of the black 545-6 people, during the late awful calamity in The national hand-book of facts and figures, Philadelphia, in the year 1793: and a refutation of historical, statistical, documentary, political, some censures, thrown upon them in some late from the formation of the government to the publications. By A.J. and R.A. Philadelphia: present time. With a full chronology of the Printed for the authors, by William W. Woodward, rebellion. New York, E.B. Treat & Co.; Chicago, at Franklin's head, rio. 41, Chesnut-street. 1794. R.C. Treat & C.W. Lilley; [etc., etc.] 1868. Jones, Absalom. 244-11 468-4 National prosperity the reward of national Narratives of colored Americans. Printed by equity. Philadelphia, The Society, 1838. order of the Trustees of the residuary estate of Tract Association of Friends, Philadelphia. Lindley Murray. New York, W. Wood & Co., 1875. Mott, Abigail Field, 1766-1851, comp. 365-7 Nationa I reformer. 216-3 v. 1- Sept. 1838- Narratives of the sufferings of Lewis and Milton Philadelphia, Board of Managers of the Clarke, sons of a soldier of the Revolution, during American Moral Reform Society. a captivity of more than twenty years among the slaveholders of Kentucky, one of the so called 277-14 Christian states of North America. Dictated by The national security and the national faith. themselves. Boston, B. Marsh, 1846. Guaranties for the national freedman and the Clark, Lewis Garrard. 1812-1897. national creditor. Speech of Hon. Charles Sum­ ner, at the Republican State Convention, in 598-495 Worcester, September 14, 1865. Boston, Press of The nation, and Louisiana. Speech of Hon. G.C. Rand & Avery, 1865. of New York, in the Senate of the Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. United States, January 28 and 29, 1875. Washington, Govt. Print Off .. 1875. 293-5 Conkling, Roscoe. 1829-1888. National sermons. Sermons, speeches and letters on slavery and its war: from the passage of 505-10 the Fugitive Slave Bill to the election of President The nation and the Negro [Washington, D.C.? Grant. Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1869. 1891?] Haven, Gilbert, Bp., 1821-1880. Morris, Charles S. 386-1 362-9 National survey of the education of teachers. The national Baptist hymnal, arranged for use United States Department of the Interior. Office in churches, Sunday schools and young people's of Education. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., societies. R.H. Boyd, editor. Wm. Rosborough, 1932-35. musical director. 5th ed. rev. Nashville, Tenn., U.S. Office of Education. National Survey of National Baptist Pub. Board, 1904 [cl903] the Education of Teachers. Boyd, Richard Henry, 1843-1922, ed. 483-3 211-2 Nationality, color, and economic opportunity in National celebration of Union victories, March 6, the city of Buffalo, by Niles Carpenter and 1865, New York City. New York, George F. associates. Published under the direction of the Nesbitt & Co., Printers, 1865. Committee on Publications, on the Roswell Park Publication Fund of the University of Buffalo, in 319-1-120 cooperation with the Inquiry. New York [c1927] National currency. Speech of Hon. John B. Carpenter, Niles, 1891- Steele, of New York. Delivered in the House of Representatives, April 5, 1864. [Washington, 589-90 Printed by L. Towers, 1864] The nation's blessing in the trial: A sermon Steele, John Benedict, 1814-1866. preached at the South Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, November 27, 1862. Brooklyn, New 545-5 York, Wm. W. Rose, Printer, 1862. The national election law. A sober, calm can­ Spear, Samuel Thayer, 1812-1891. did, and moderate argument in favor of the right of the whites of the South to elect 40 represen­ 514-7 tatives in Congress for the colored population, and The nations from a new point of view. Nash­ to exclude from voting the semibarbarous blacks. ville, Tenn., National Baptist Pub. Board, 1903. (From the Louisville courier journal, of July 4th, Johnson, Harvey, 1843- 1890) Watterson, Henry, 1840-1921. 319-1-101 The nation's hope in the democracy-historic lessons for civil war. Speech of Hon. S.S. Cox, of_ 709 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

Ohio, on the bill of Hon. Henry William Davis, "to 595-322 guarantee to certain states, whose governments Nebraska and Kansas. Speech of Hon. Charles are usurped or overthrown, a republican form of W. Upham, of Mass., in the J:louse of Represen­ government." Delivered in the House of tatives, May 10, 1854. [Washington, 1854) Representatives, May 4, 1864. [Washington, Upham, Charles Wentworth, 1802-1875. Printed by L. Towers, 1864) Cox, Samuel Sullivan, 1824-1889. 596-411 Nebraska and Kansas. Speech of Mr. Cass, of 236-1 Michigan, on the pow~rs of t~e gov~rnment over The nation's sin and punishment; or, the hand of slavery in the territories; delivered in the _Senate God visible in the overthrow of slavery. By a of the United States, Feb. 20, 1854. Wa~hington, chaplain of the U.S. Army, who has been, thirty Printed at the Congressional Globe Offrce, 1854. years, a resident of the slave states. New York, Cass, Lewis, 1782-1886. American News Co.; 1864. Hodgman, Stephen Alexander. 596-412 Nebraska and Kansas. Speech of Mr. Cling'!1an, 284-5 of N. Carolina, in the House of Representatives, The nation's success and gratitude. The sub­ April 4, 1854. [Washington, 1854] stance of a discourse delivered in Danville, Ky., Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812-1897. on the 26th of November, 1863, the day of national thanksgiving and prayer. Cincinnati, Gazette 596-414 Steam Printing, 1863. Nebraska and Kansas. Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson, 1800-1871. Speech of Hon. S.A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the United States Senate, March 3, 1854. On Nebraska 285-3 and Kansas. Washington, Printed at the Sentinel, The nation's tria I: the proclamation: dormant 1854. powers of the government: the Constitution a Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. charter of freedom, and not "A with hell". Death to slavery-life to the republic. New 596-418 York, C.B. Richardson; Albany, W.C. Little, 1863. Nebraska and Kansas. Bullard, Edward Fritch, b.1821. Speech of the Hon. A.H. Stephens, of Georgia, in the House of Representatives. February 17, 1854, 376-1-25 on Nebraska and Kansas. Washington: Printed Native African races and culture. [Charlot­ at the Sentinel Office, 1854. tesville, Va., Michie Co., Printers] 1927. Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883. Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938. 596-413 292-2 Nebraska and Kansas bill. The natura I history of secession; or, Despotism Speech of Hon. Wm. Cullom of Tennessee, on the and democracy at necessary, eternal, ex­ Nebraska and Kansas bill, in the House of terminating war. New York, J. Bradburn; Representatives, April 11, 1854. Washington, Cincinnati, Rickey & Carroll, 1864. Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, ]854. Goodwin, Thomas Shepard. Cullom, William, 1810-1896.

500-3 595-321 Nature knows no color-line; research into the Nebraska and Kansas bill. Negro ancestry in the white race. [1st ed.] New Speech of Hon. A.H. Colquitt of Georgia York (1952] delivered in the House of Representatives, May Rogers, Joel Augustus, 1880- 10, 1854, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill. Washington, Printed at The Congressional Globe 319-1-51 Office, 1854. Navy appropriation bill. Speech of Hon. Jno. R. Colquitt, Alfred Holt, 1824-1894. McBride, of Oregon, on the Navy appropriation bill, delivered in the House of Representatives, 596-420 Feb. 19, 1864. Washington, Printed by W.H. Moore Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill. (1864] Speech of Hon. S.H. Walley, of Massachusetts, McBride, John Rogers, 1832-1904. on the Nebraska & Kansas territorial bill, delivered in the House of Representatives, May 9, 596-419 1854. Washington: Printed by J. T. & L. Towers, Nebraska and Kansas. 1854. Speech of the Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, Walley, Samuel Hurd, 1805-1877. in the United States Senate, February 23, 1854. On Nebraska and Kansas. Washington, Printed at the Sentinel Office, 1854. 596-416 The Nebraska question; compromising speeches Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. in the United States Senate by Mr. Douglas, Mr. Chase, Mr. Smith, Mr. Everett, Mr. Wade, Mr. 596-410 Badger, Mr. Seward and Mr. Sumner, together Nebraska and Kansas. Speech of Hon. A.P. with the history of the Missouri Compromise; Butler, of S.C. in the United States Senate, Daniel Webster's memorial in regard to it­ February 24 and 25, 1854. [Washington? 1854) History of the annexation of Texas-The Butler, Andrew Pickens, 1796-1857. organization of Oregon territory-and The compromises of 1850. New York, Redfield, 1854.

710 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog 557-2 488-2 The Negro: an American asset. A study [by] The need and education of Negro social S.J. Fisher. Last edition. Pittsburgh, Board of workers. [Lancaster, Pa.] 1935. Missions for Freedmen of the Presbyterian Washington, Forrester Blanchard, 1887- Church in the U.S.A. (1918?] Fisher, Samuel Jackson, 1847-1928. 480-8 515-6 The need for better records in Negro business; The Negro and defense, a test of democracy. an opportunity for Negro accountants, by Jesse New York, Council for Democracy [c1941l Bee Slayton. Atlanta, Colored Division of the Council for Democracy. National Youth Administration of Georgia, 1939. U.S. National Youth Administration. Georgia. 480-6 The Negro and employment opportunities in the ' . . •' 195-1 South: Atlanta. A report based on a survey by the Negres et negriers. Paris, Editions des Por­ Greater Atlanta Council on Human Relations and tiques [ c1933] the Atlanta Council for Cooperative Action; earl La Ronciere, Charles Germain Marie Bourel de, Holman, research coordinator. [Atlanta, 1962] 1870- Southern Regional Council.

517-4 394-6 The Negro, by W.E. Burghardt Du Bois. New The Negro and his music, by Alain Locke. York, H. Holt, [c1915] Washington, The Associates in Negro Folk Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. Education, 1936. Locke, Alain Le Roy, 1886-1954. 508-4 The Negro a menace to American civilization, 390-7 by R.W. Shufeldt. Boston, R.G. Badger, 1907. The Negro and his songs; a study of typical Shufeldt, Robert Wilson, 1850-1934. Negro songs in the South, by Howard W. Odum and Guy B. Johnson. Chapel Hill, N.C., The 558-6 University of North Carolina Press; London, The Negro; a selected list for school libraries of Oxford University Press, 1925. books by or about the Negro in Africa and Odum, Howard Washington, 1884- America, compiled by the Division of School libraries. Rev. and reprinted through courtesy of 376-1-7 the Julius Rosenwald Fund. Nashville, State The Negro and the Atlanta Exposition, by Miss Department of Education, 1941. Alice M. Bacon. Baltimore, The Trustees, 1896. Tennessee. Dept. of Education. Division of Bacon, Alice Mabel, 1858-1918. School Libraries. 548-8 366-5 The Negro and the ballot in the South. Atlanta, The Negro American; a mission investigation. Southern Regional Council, 1959. Rev. by the Josephite Fathers. 4th ed. [Cin­ Price, Margaret Walzem. cinnati] Catholic Students' Mission Crusade [19481 ~98-3 Gillard, John Thomas, 1900-1942. The Negro and the nation; a history of American slavery and enfranchisement. New 573-17 York, H. Holt (1906] The Negro American artisan; report of a social Merriam, George Spring, 1843-1914. study made by the Atlanta University under the patronage of the Trustees of the John F. Slater 511-6 Fund; with the Proceedings of the 17th annual The Negro and the National Youth Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, Administration in Georgia, by William H. Shell, held at Atlanta University, on Monday, May 27th, Supervisor, Colored Division, National Youth 1912. Edited by W.E. Burghardt Du Bois and Administration in Georgia. Prepared for the Augustus Granville Dill. Atlanta, Atlanta National Conference on the Problems of the Negro University Press, 1912. and Negro Youth held under the auspices of the Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, National Youth Administration, Washington, ed.' D.C., January 12, 13, 14, 1939. [Atlanta, Colored Division] National Youth Administration, 1939. 573-13 U.S. National Youth Administration. Georgia. The Negro American family; report of a racial study made principally by the college classes of 564-8 1909 and 1910 of Atlanta University, under the The Negro and the Populist movement in patronage of the Trustees of the John F. Slater Georgia. Atlanta, 1937. Fund; together with the Proceedings of the 13th Reddick, Jamie Lawson. annual Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University on Tuesday, 563-9 May the 26th, 1908. Edited by W.E. Burghardt Du The Negro and the Populist movement in North Bois. Atlanta, Atlanta University Press, 1908. Carolina. Atlanta, 1947. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, Campbell, Leroy. ed. 516-5 The Negro and the "Solid South." Being comments on "Th~ basis of ascendancy," by 711 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

Edgar Gardner Murphy. Cheyney, Pa., Com­ 352-4 mittee of Twelve for the Advancement of the The Negro as a soldier; written by Christian A. Interests of the Negro Race [191-?] Fleetwood, late sergeant-major 4th U.S. Colored Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. Troops, for the Negro Congress, at the Cotton States and International Exposition, Atlanta, Ga., 501-7 November 11 to November 23, 1895. Published by The Negro and the sunny South. A lecture. Prof. Geo. Wm. Cook. Washington, Howard Martinsburg, W. Va., S.C. Cross, 1899. University Print, 1895. Cross, Samuel Creed, 1871- Fleetwood, Christian A.

354-2 563-6 The Negro and the war for democracy. The Negro as reflected in some writings of Ellis, George Washington, 1875-1919. Ralph McGill. Atlanta, 1965. Burks, Altonette Tarver. 527-9 The Negro and the white man. By Bishop W.J. 564-5 Gaines. Philadelphia, A.M.E. Publishing House, The Negro as reflected in the Atlanta con­ 1897. stitution, Atlanta intelligencer, and Atlanta daily Gaines, Wesley John, Bp., 1830- new era from 1868-1880. Atlanta, 1963. Perdue, Robert E. 413-1 Negro anthology, made by Nancy Cunard, 1931- 479-11 1933. London, Published by Nancy Cunard at The Negro at work during the World War and Wishart & Co., 1934. during Reconstruction; statistics, problems, and Cunard, Nancy, 1896-1965, comp. policies relating to the greater inclusion of Negro wage earners in American industry and 573-7 agriculture. Division of Negro Economics, The Negro artisan. Report of a social study George E. Haynes, director. Second study on made under the direction of Atlanta University; Negro labor. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1921. together with the Proceedings of the seventh U.S. Dept. of Labor. Division of Negro Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, Economics. held at Atlanta University, on May 27th, 1902. Edited by W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. Atlanta, 483-8 Atlanta University Press, 1902. The Negro at work in New York City; a study in Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, economic progress. New York, Columbia ed. University, 1912. Haynes. George Edmund, 1880- 400-1 The Negro artist comes of age; a national 561-12 survey of contemporary American artists. Negro attitudes in Negro novels. Atlanta, 1938. Albany Institute of History and Art, January 3d King, Velma Norine. through February 11th, 1945. [Albany, 1945] Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany. 480-7 344-9 Negro banks. George W. Hines, collaborator. The Negro as a political and social factor. By George Wm. Cook, dean of the Commercial Frank G. Ruffin. Richmond, Va., J.W. Randolph College. Washington, Howard University Press, & English, 1888. 1914. Ruffin, Francis Gildart. Howard University, Washington, D.C. Com­ mercial College. 564-6 The Negro as a political factor in Georgia, 1896- 473-12 1912. Atlanta, 1947. Negro banks of Mississippi. Perry, Geraldine Jiggitts. Negro progress in a Mississippi town, being a study of conditions in Jackson, Mississippi, by 563-13 D.W. Woodard [and] Negro banks of Mississippi, The Negro as a political factor in North Carolina by Charles Banks. Cheyney, Pa., Committee of during the Reconstruction. Atlanta, 1947. Twelve for the Advancement of the Interests of Davidson, John Q., Jr. the Negro Race [ 1909?] Woodard, Dudley W. 346-3 The Negro as a soldier, by Brigadier General 364-1 Andrew S. Burt, U.S.A. (Retired) [New York, Negro Baptist history, U.S.A., 1750, 1930, by Nationa I Association for the Advancement of Rev. Lewis G. Jordan. Nashville, Tenn., The Colored People, 191 _ l Sunday School Pub. Board, N.B.C. [1930] Burt, Andrew Sheridan, 1839-1915. Jordan, Lewis Garnett, 1854?-

360-1 Negro Baptists and foreign m1ss1ons; C.C. Adams and Marshall A. Talley, authors. Philadelphia, Pa., The Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A. [cl914] Adams, C.C.

712 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

560-7 383-3 Negro biographies in the social studies as a Negro education; a study of the private and means of developing a self image. Atlanta, 1967. higher schools for Colored people in the United Dennis, Luther William. States. Prepared in cooperation with the Phelps. Stokes Fund under the direction of Thomas Jesse 573-24 Jones, specialist in the education of racial groups. Negro business and business education, their Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1917. present and prospective development. New York, U.S. Office of Education. Harper [c1947l Pierce, Joseph Alphonso, 1902- 377-2 Negro education in Kentucky; a comparative 480-3 study of white and Negro education on the The Negro business directory and commercial elementary and secondary school levels. guide of Atlanta. Lexington, Ky., University of Kentucky [1938] v. 1- 1911- Meece, Leonard Ephraim, 1891- Atlanta, Negro Business Directory and Advertising Agency. 373-4 Negro education in Texas, 1934-1935. L.A. 559-9 Woods, State Superintendent of Public Instruc­ The Negro business woman in Atlanta, Georgia. tion. Division of Education for Negroes, Gordon Atlanta, 1967. Worley, Director. D. B. Taylor, Supervisor. Conyers. Jean Louise. Austin, Tex., 1935. Texas. Dept. of Education. 461-7 The Negro character in novels about the Civil 371-7 War and Reconstruction periods: 1936-1944. Negro education not a failure. Address by Atlanta, 1946. Booker T. Washington in the concert hall of Franklin, Frances Mason. Madison Square Garden, New York, Lincoln's Birthday, February 12, 1904. [Alabama] 573-8 Tuskegee Institute Steam Print. [1904?] The Negro church; report of a socia I study Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. made under the direction of Atlanta University; together with the Proceedings of the eighth 468-5 Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, The Negro equalled by few Europeans. Tran­ held at Atlanta University, May 26, 1903. Edited slated from the French. To which are added, by W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. Atlanta, Atlanta Poems on various subjects, moral and en­ University Press, 1903. tertaining; by Phillis Wheatley, Negro servant to Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New England. ed. Philadelphia, W.W. Woodward, 1801. Lavallee, Joseph, marquis de Bois-Robert, 1747- 223-6 1816. Negro civilization in the South; educational, social and religious advancement of the colored 459-9 people. Nashville, Tenn., Printed by Wheeler A Negro explorer at the1North Pole, by Matthew Bros. for the author, 1880. A. Henson with a foreword by Robert E. Peary Robert, Charles Edwin. and an introd. by Booker T. Washington; with illus. from photos. New York, Frederick A. Stokes 381-9 [ 19121 The Negro college graduate. College Park, Md., Henson, Matthew Alexander, 1866-1955. McGrath Pub. Co. [1969, cl938] Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 1893-1956. 482-10 The Negro farmer. 383-4 Fifteenth census of the United States: 1930. Negro colleges. 1932. Census of agriculture. The Negro farmer in the Davis, Jackson, 1882-1947. United States. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1933. U.S. Bureau of the Census. 354-3 Negro combat troops in the World War; the 520-1 story of the 371st Infantry by Chester D. Heywood. Negro Farmers' Conference: Announcement and With maps, photos and illustrations; pen and ink premium list. drawings by D. Lester Dickson. Worcester, [lstl- 19 Mass., Commonwealth Press [c1928] Hampton, Va., The Institute Press. Heywood, Chester Dodd, 1887- 529-7 573-6 The Negro from Africa to America, by W.D. The Negro common school; report of a social Weatherford, with an introd. by James H. Dillard. study made under the direction of Atlanta New York, George H. Doran Co. [cl924] University; together with the Proceedings of the Weatherford, Willis Duke, 1875- sixth Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems. Edited by W.E. Burghardt Du Bois. 537-7 Atlanta, [Atlanta] University Press, 1901. The Negro: his origin and prophetic destiny. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, Atlanta, Jas. P. Harrison & Co., State Printers ed. and Publishers, 1879. Taylor, J.T. 713 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

513-11 502-1 The Negro: his rights and wrongs, the forces for The Negro in American life. Student's ed. New him and against him. By Rev. Francis J. Grimke. York, London, The Century Co. [cl926] [Washington, 1898?] Dowd, Jerome, 1864- Grimke, Francis James, 1850-1937. 514-4 476-4 The Negro in American life; an elective course Negro housing in certain Virginia cities. Rich­ for young people on Christian race relationships. mond, Va., The William Byrd Press, 1927. New York, Cincinnati, The Methodist Bcok Knight, Charles Louis, 1900- Concern [cl926] King, Willis Jefferson, 1866- 551-2 Negro housing; report of the Committee on 492-10 Negro Housing, Nannie H. Burroughs, chairman: The Negro in American life and thought: the prepared for the committee by Charles S. John­ nadir, 1877-1901. New York, Dia I Press, 1954. son: edited by John M. Gries and James Ford. Logan, Rayford Whittingham, 1897- Washington, The President's Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership [cl932] 543-6 President's Conference on Home Building and The Negro in American national politics, by Home Ownership, Washington, D.C., 1931. William F. Nowlin. Boston, The Stratford Co. [cl931] 278-12 Nowlin, William Felbert, 1897- Negro ideals; [by] A.O. Stafford. [Hampton, Va., 19011 400-3 Stafford, Alphonso Orenzo, 1871-1941. The Negro in art; a pictoria I record of the Negro artist and of the Negro theme in art; edited and 556-5 annotated by Alain Locke. Washington, D.C., Negro illegitimacy in New York City, by Ruth Associates in Negro Folk Education, 1940. Reed. New York, Columbia University Press, Locke, Alain Le Roy, 1886-1954, ed. 1926. Reed, Ruth, 1898- 559-10 The Negro in banking, 1865-1945. Atlanta, 1948. 509-6 King, Annie Beatrice Jackson. The Negro in Africa and America. New York, For the American Economic Association by the 481-3 Macmillan Co., 1902. The Negro in business. Boston, Chicago, Hertel, Tillinghast, Joseph Alexander. Jenkins & Co. [cl907] Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. 558-9 The Negro in America, by Alain Locke. 573-4 Chicago, American Library Association, 1933. The Negro in business; report of a social study Locke, Alain Le Roy, 1886-1954. made under the direction of Atlanta University; together with the Proceedings of the fol.Jrth 518-5 Conference for the Study\Of the Negro Problems, The Negro in America; an address delivered held at Atlanta University, May 30-31, 1899. before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh, Edited by W.E. Burghardt Du Bois. Atlanta 16th October, 1907. [Philadelphia, Press of E.A. [Atlanta University] 1899. Wright Bank Note Co., 1907?] Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919. ed.

529-2 564-2 The Negro in America, and the ideal American The Negro in colonial Georgia, 1735-1805, republic; by T.J. Morgan. Philadelphia, Atlanta, 1938. American Baptist Publication Society [1898) Jones, Rubye Mae. Morgan, Thomas Jefferson, 1839-1902. 335-3 482-11 The Negro in Congress, 1870-1901. Chapel Hill, The Negro in American agriculture. The University of North Carolina Press, 1940. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1940) Smith, Samuel Denny. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. 414-5 396-3 The Negro in contemporary American The Negro in American drama (bibliography of literature, an outline for individual and group contemporary Negro drama) Urbana, Ill., 1939. study. Chapel Hill, The University of North Lawson, Hilda Josephine, 1914- Carolina Press, 1928. Green, Elizabeth Atkinson Lay, 1897- 406-3 The Negro in American fiction. Washington, . 5624 The Associates in Negro Folk Education, 1937. The Negro in Georgia fiction, 1920-1940. Atlanta, Brown, Sterling Allen, 1901- 1940. Nelson, Sophia Phillips.

714 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

230-1 351-2 The Negro in his own defense. By Rev. A.R. The Negro in the American rebellion, his Abbott. Kosciusko, Miss., Preacher-Safeguard heroism and his fidelity. New ed. Boston, A.G. Print., 1902. Brown and Co., 1880 [cl866] Abbott, A.R., 1856- Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884.

406-1 349-2 The Negro in literature and art in the United The Negro in the armed forces, his value and States. New York, Duffield & Co., 1918. status, past, present, and potential. Washington, Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939. The Associated Publishers, 1945. Schoenfeld, Seymour J., 1913- 553-2 The Negro in New Jersey; report of a survey by 473-1 the Interracial Committee of the New Jersey The Negro in the cities of the North. New York, Conference of Social Work in cooperation with the The Charity Organization Society, c1905. state Department of Institutions and Agencies. The Survey. [Newark] 1932. New Jersey Conference of Social Work. In­ 354-1 terracial Committee. The Negro in the new reconstruction. Washington, Howard University (1919?] 344-2 Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. The Negro in North Carolina politics since Reconstruction. Durham, N.C., Duke University 549-1 Press. 1940. Tlie Negro in the new South, by Will W. Mabry, William Alexander, 1906- Alexander. [ 19281 Alexander, Will Winton, 1884- 539-10 The Negro in Pennsylvania; a study in 562-19 economic history. By Richard R. Wright, Jr. The Negro in the novels of Rene Maran. I Philadelphia. A.M.E. Book Concern, Printers, Atlanta, 1940. 19121 Speight, Marian Mae. Wright. Richard Robert, 1878- 344-1 226-2 The Negro in the political classics of the The Negro in Pennsylvania, slavery- American government. Washington, D.C. [cl937] servitude-freedom, 1639-1861. Washington, The Smith, Arthur J. American Historical Association, 1911. Turner, Edward Raymond, 1881-1929. 564-10 The Negro in the political reconstruction of 328-2 Georgia, 1865-1872. Atlanta, 1947. The Negro in politics. Review of recent Sanford, Paul Laurence. legislation for his protection.-Defence of the colored man against all accusers. Address of Gen. 564-13 Butler in North Russell Street Church, Boston, The Negro in the Populist movement in Monday evening, May 8th, 1871. Lowell, Marden Alabama, 1890-1896. Atlanta, 1957. & Rowell, Printers, 1871. Tucker, Mary Louise. Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 1818-1893. 478-6 544-7 The Negro in the South, his economic progress The Negro in revelation, in history_ an~ in in relation to his moral and religious develop­ citizenship. What the race has done and 1s doing; ment; being the William Levi Bull lectures for the by Rev. J.J. Pipkin, with introd. by Gen. John B. year 1907, by Booker T. Washington and W.E. Gordon. [St. Louis, New York etc., N.D. Thomp­ Burghardt Du Bois. Philadelphia, G.W. Jacobs & son Pub. Co., cl902] Co. [ 19071 Pipkin, James Jefferson, 1861- Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915.

473-10 558-7 The Negro in Richmond, Virginia; the report of The Negro in the United States: a bibliography. the Negro Welfare Su~vey Co!"'mittee.. [Rich­ A select reference and minimum college library mond] Richmond Council of Social Agencies, 1929. resources list, by Paul B. Foreman and Mozell C. ·Richmond Council of Social Agencies. Negro Hill. Stillwater [1947) Welfare Survey Committee. Foreman, Paul Breck, 1911-

597-444 499-6 The Negro in slavery, war and peace, by Bishop The Negro in Washington; a study in race H.M. Turner, Dr. Charles W. Eliot [and] Rev. W. amalgamation, by A. H. Shannon. New York, W. Spencer Carpenter. Philadelphia, A.M.E. Book Neale, 1930. Concern, 1913. Shannon, Alexander Harvey, 1869- Turner, Henry McNeal, Bp., 1834-1915. 488-3 482-12 The Negro in West Virginia. Report of T . .The Negro in southern agriculture. New York, Edward Hill, director, Bureau of Negro Welfare International Publishers [c1953] and Statistics of the State of West Virginia to Perlo, Victor. 715 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

Governor Ephraim F. Morgan. 1921-1922. Accepted Masons for the State of Ohio and its I Charleston, Tribune Print. Co., 1922) Jurisdiction, for the purpose of placing before the West Virginia. Bureau of Negro Welfare and world the historical facts upon which th~ _Negro Statistics. · mason in America bases his claim to legitimacy and consequent rights. [Louisville, Ky? Rogers & 513-1 Tuley, Printers?] 1866. The Negro is a man; a reply to Professor Clark, Samuel W. Charles Carroll's book "The Negro is a beast; or, In the image of God." Tifton, Ga., Armistead & 369-9 Vickers, 1903. Negro masonry; being a critical examination of Armistead, W.S. objections to the legitimacy of the n:iasonry existing among the Negroes of America, by 539-1 William H. Upton. Cambridge, Mass., The M.W. Negro labor in the United States, 1850-1925; a Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, 1902. study in American economic history, by Charles Upton, William Henry, 1854-1906. H. Wesley. New York, Vanguard Press, 1927. Wesley, Charles Harris, 1891- 369-4 Negro masonry in the United States. New York 267-11 City, H. Emmerson, 1940. The Negro labor question. By a New York mer­ Voorhis, Harold Van Buren, 1894- chant. New York, John A. Gray, Printer, 1858. 484-3 470-4 Negro membership in American labor unions, Negro leaders; a study of educationa I and socia I by the Department of Research and background factors of prominent Negroes whose Investigations of the , Ira life sketches are carried in national directories, DeA. Reid, director. New York, Alexander Press, by Harry W. Greene. Institute, W. Va., West 1930. Virginia State College, 1936. National Urban League (for Social Service Among Greene, , 1896- Negroes)

345-4 476-2-9 Negro legislators of Texas and their descen­ Negro migration; a study of the exodus of the dants: a history of the Negro in Texas politics Negroes between 1920 and 1925 from middle from Reconstruction to disfranchisement, by J. Georgia counties as that exodus was influenced or Mason Brewer, with an introd. by Herbert P. determined by existing economic conditions. Gambrell. Dallas, Tex., Mathis Pub. Co. [c1935] [Athens, Ga., 1930] Brewer, John Mason, 1896- Fanning, John 'William, 1905-

510-7 474-6 Negro liberation, by James S. Allen. New York, Negro migration in 1916-17. Reports by R.H. International pamphlets [1938?] Leavell, T.R. Snavely, T.J. Woofter, Jr., W.T.B. Allen, James Stewart, 1906- Williams and Francis 0. Tyson. With an introd. by J.H. Dillard. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 553-7 1919. I Negro life in the South, present conditions and U.S. Dept. of Labor. Division of Negro needs, by W.D. Weatherford. Rev. ed. New York, Economics. Association Press, 1911. Weatherford, Willis Duke, 1875- 440-2 Negro mystic lore. Chicago, To-morrow Press, 349-11 1907. A Negro looks at war. [New York, Workers Sims, Mamie Hunt. Library Publishers, 1940] Williams, John Henry. 387-6 Negro myths from the Georgia coast told in the 511-1 vernacular, by Charles C. Jones. Columbia, S.C., Negro-mania: being an examination of the The State Co., 1925. falsely assumed equality of the various races of Jones, Charles Colcock, 1831-1893. men; demonstrated by the investigations of Champollion, Wilkinson, Rosellini, Van-Amringe, 503-8 Gliddon, Young, Morton, Knox, Lawrence, Gen. Negro; national asset or liability? New York, J.H. Hammond, Murray, Smith, W. Gilmore Literary Associates [ cl930] Simms, English, Conrad, Elder, Prichard, Hill, John Louis, 1872- Blumenbach, Cuvier, Brown, Le Vaillant, Carlyle, Cardinal Wiseman, Burckhardt, and Jefferson. 558-12 Together with a concluding chapter, presenting a Negro newspapers and periodicals in the United comparative statement of the condition of the States, 1937. [Prepared by the Negro Affairs Negroes in the West Indies before and since Division I Washington, 1938. emancipation. Philadelphia, Campbell & Powers, U.S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com­ 1851. merce. Campbell, John, bookseller, Philadelphia. 598-511 369-7 The Negro, North and South. The Negro mason in equity: a public address In the Supreme Court of the United States. authorized by the M.W. Grand Lodge of Free and October term, 1949. No. 44. Heman Marion 716 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

Sweatt, petitioner v. Theophilus Shickel Painter, 502-7 et al., on a writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court The Negro problem. Madison, Wis., 1908. of the state of Texas. Brief of the states of Edwards, Richard Henry, 1877- ed. Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South 515-10 Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, amici curiae in The Negro problem; a series of articles by support of respondents. [Raleigh, N.C., Graphic representative American Negroes of today; Press, 1949?] contributions by Booker T. Washington, W. E. Arkansas. Attorney-general, amicus curiae. Burghardt Du Bois, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Charles W. Chesnutt, and others. New York, J. 406-4 Pott & Co., 1903. The Negro novel in America. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1958. 525-7 Bone, Robert A. · The Negro problem; Abraham Lincoln's solution, by William P. Pickett. New York and 407-1 London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. Negro number. [Chapel Hill, N.C., University Pickett, William Passmore, 1855-1936. of North Carolina] 1927. The Carolina magazine. 518-10 The Negro problem. An essay on the industrial, 554-5 political and moral aspects of the Negro race in Negro participation in the Texas Centennial the Southern States as presented under the late Exposition, Boston, The Christopher Pub. House amendments to the federal constitution. Atlanta, [c1938] Ga., J.P. Harrison & Co., Printers, 1877. Thomas, Jesse 0., 1883- Ralls, J.R.

506-6 515-5 The Negro, past, present, and future. New York "The Negro problem" as seen and discussed by and Washington, The Neale Pub. Co., 1907. southern white men in conference, at Mont­ Price, John Ambrose. gomery, Alabama; with criticisms by the nor­ thern press. Prepared and compiled for the 355-8 National Afro-American Council by Geo. Allen The "Negro Pew": being an inquiry concerning Mebane of North Carolina. New York, The the propriety of distinctions in the house of God, on Alliance Pub. Co., 1900. account of color. Boston, I. Knapp, 1937. Mebane, George Allen. Newcomb, Harvey, 1803-1863, supposed author. 522-2 401-1 The Negro problem presented in a new light by Negro poems, melodies, plantation pieces, Wm. A. Crosthwait. Nashville, Tenn., National camp meeting songs, etc. Boston, R.G. Badger Baptist Publishing Board, 1898. [c1921l Crosthwait, William A. Blades, William C. 5:!5-10 396-1 Negro problem. There is no Negro problem. Negro poetry and drama, by Sterling A. Brown. Get out of his path. Let him swim or let him sink. Washington, The Associates in Negro Folk [Baltimore, 1899] Education, 1937. Sutton, Edward H. Brown, Sterling Allen, 1901- 473-12 476-5 Negro progress in a Mississippi town, being a The Negro population in Minneapolis; a study of study of conditions in Jackson, Mississippi, by race relations. [Minneapolis] Minneapolis Urban D. W. Woodard [and] Negro banks of Mississippi, League and Phyllis Wheatley Settlement House by Charles Banks. Cheyney, Pa., Committee of [19-1 Twelve for the Advancement of the Interests of Harris, Abram Lincoln, 1899- the Negro Race [ 1909?] Woodard, Dudley W. 475-5 Negro population 1790-1915. Washington, Govt. 517-8 Print. Off., 1918. The Negro question; an essay. [Baltimore?] U.S. Bureau of the Census. Printed for the author [cl908] Hayen, Eberhard. 563-3 The Negro press-southern style militancy: 477-1 The and , The Negro question in the United States. New 1904-1928. Atlanta, 1963. York, International Publishers [cl936] Autrey, William Robert. Allen, James Stewart, 1906-

518-7 516-3 The Negro problem. The Negro race. Altoona, Pa., Art Printery of The question of race. A reply to W. Cabell H. & W.H. Slep, 1896. Bruce. Baltimore, Printing Office of J. F. Kennedy, Ethelbert Sheldron, 1875- Weishampel, 1891. Johnson, Harvey, 1843- 717 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

373-3 201-5 Negro school attendance in Delaware, by Negro slavery; or, Crime of the clergy; a Richard Watson Cooper and Hermann Cooper; a treatise on chattel and , presenting_ a report to the State Board of Education of brief historica I discussion of the Negro problem in Delaware. Bureau of Education, Service Citizens America. Chicago, Ill., Modern School of of Delaware. Newark, Del., University of Pedagogy, 1923. Delaware Press, 1923. Russo, Pasquale. Cooper, Richard Watson, 1866- 587-12 374-7 Negro slavery unjustifiable. A discourse. New Negro schools in the Southern States, by Lance York, Printed by T. & F. Swords, 1802. · G.E. Jones. Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1928. M'Leod, Alexander, 1774-1833. Jones, Lance George Edward. 563-1 492-5 Negro social life as reflected by the lives of the Negro segregation, a measure to assassinate a students of Atlanta University, 1870-1900. Atlanta, race in St. Louis, Mo. {Fall of 1915) A statement of 1968. principles. A review of race relations and a Adams, Eva Doris. protest. St. Louis, Antioch Baptist Association, 1915. 393-10 Stevens, George E. Negro songs of protest, collected by Lawrence Gellert, arr. for voice and piano by Elie 364-5 Siegmeister. Foreword by Wallingford Riegger. Negro segregation in the Methodist Church. Illus. by Hugo Gellert. New York, American New Haven, Yale University Press, 1953. Music League [1936) Culver, Dwight W. Gellert, Lawrence, comp.

189-3 564-1 Negro servitude in the United States. [By) T.R. Negro suffrage in Florida from 1865 to present. Davis. Atlanta, 1948. Davis, Thomas Russell. 1887- Jones, Allen Quinn, Jr.

389-8 345-3; 476-2-11 The Negro sings a new heaven. Chapel Hill, The Negro suffrage in Georgia, 1867-1930 [by] Ralph University of North Carolina Press, 1930. Wardlaw. [Athens, Ga., 1932) Grissom, Mary Allen. Wardlaw, Ralph Wilkinson.

225-2 344-3 Negro slavery in Wisconsin. Milwaukee? 1896. Negro suffrage is not a failure. An address Davidson, John Nelson. before the New England Suffrage Conference March 30, 1903. Boston, Geo. H. Ellis Co., 1903. 591-176 Storey, Moorfield, 1845-1929. Negro slavery in Wisconsin. [Milwaukee, Wis., 1896) 345-14 Davidson, John Nelson. Negro suffrage. Should the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments be repealed? Speech of 591-177 Hon. Edward De Morrell, of Pennsylvania, in the Negro slavery in Wisconsin and the House of Representatives, Monday, April 4, 1904. Underground Railroad. [Milwaukee, Wis.) Washington, 1904. Printed for the Parkman Club by E. Keogh [1897) Morrell, Edward De Veaux, 1862- Davidson, John Nelson. 507-1 225-3 The Negro; the hope or the despair of Negro slavery in Wisconsin and the Christianity, by Bishop Reverdy C. Ransom. Underground Railroad. [Milwaukee, Wis.) Boston, Ruth Hill, Publisher [c1935] Printed for the Parkman Club by E. Keogh [1897) Ransom, Reverdy Cassius, Bp., 1861- Davidson, John Nelson. 506-3 591-170 The Negro: the southerner's problem. New Negro slavery not unjust. York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1904. The irrespressible conflict. A speech by Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922. William H. Seward, delivered at Rochester, Monday, Oct. 25, 1858. [New York] For sale at the 191-1 office of the New York tribune [1860] The Negro, too, in American history. Nash vi lie, Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. National Publication Co., 1943. Eppse, Merl Raymond, 1893- 196-8 Negro slavery; or, A view of some of the more 547-1 prominent features of that state of_ society,_ as it The Negro trail blazers of California; a com­ exists in the United States of America and m the pilation of records from the talifornia archives in colonies of the West Indies, especially in Jamaica. the Bancroft Library at the University of London, Printed by R. Taylor, 1823. California, in Berkeley; and from the diaries, old Macaulay, Zachary, 1768-1838. papers and conversations of old pioneers in the 718 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

state of ca lifornia. It is a true record of facts, as 384-5 they pertain to the history of the pioneer and Negro year book, an annual encyclopedia of the present day Negroes of california, by Delilah L. Negro [for] 1918-1919. Beasley. Los Angeles, Calif. [Times Mirror Tuskegee Institute, Ala., Negro Year Book Pub. Printing and Binding House] 1919. Co. Beasley, Delilah Leontium, 1871- 535-2 532-4-2 Negroes and Negro "slavery": the first an Negro types of the dark continent. Sixty-five inferior race: the latter its normal condition. photographs with an introd. by M. Gehrts [By] J.H. Van Evrie. New York: Van Evrie, Schomburgk. New York, Walden Publications, Horton and Co., 1861. 1939. Van Evrie, John H., 1814-1896. Schomburgk, Meg Gehrts. 492-6 567-6 Negroes and the law in the race's battle for The Negro vote in the 1960 presidential election liberty, equality and justice under the Constitution in Fulton County, Georgia. Atlanta, 1969. of the United States: with causes celebres. King, Hoyt Alexander. Boston, Christopher Publishing House [c1937] Styles, Fitzhugh Lee, 1899- 548-1 The Negro votes. San Francisco, Chandler Pub. 554-7 Co. [ 1962] The Negroes at Port Royal; report of E.L. Aikin, Charles, 1901- ed. Pierce, government agent to the Hon. Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury. Boston, R.!=. 499-1 Wallcut, 1862. The Negro: what is his ethnological status? Is U.S. Treasury Dept. he the progeny of Ham? Is he a descendant of Adam and Eve? What is his relation to the white 503-7 race? Enl., with a review of his reviewers, The Negroes in Negroland; the Negroes in exhibiting the learning of "the learned." By Ariel America; and Negroes generally. Also, the [pseud.] Cincinnati, Pub. for the proprietor, 1872. several races of white men, considered as the Payne. Buckner H .• 1799-1883. involuntary and predestined supplanters of the black races. New York, G.W. Carleton, 1868. 526-1 Helper, Hinton Rowan, 1829-1909, comp. Negro-white adjustment; an investigation and analysis of methods in the interraciai movement 476-2-1 in the United States; the history, philosophy, The Negroes of Athens, Georgia. [Athens, Ga.] program, and techniques of ten national in­ 1913. terracia I agencies. Methods discovered through a Woofter, Thomas Jackson, 1893- study of cases, situations, and projects in race relations, by Paul E. Baker. New York, 473-9-2; 476-2-5 Association Press. 1934. The Negroes of Clarke County, Georgia, during Baker, Paul Earnest, 1893- the Great War. [Athens, Ga.] 1919. • Long, Francis Taylor. 570-3 The Negro woman worker. Atlanta, 1945. 519-4 Lee, La Verne Lillian. The Negroes of Columbia, Missouri; a concrete study of the race problem. With a preface by 561-6 Charles A. Ellwood. [Columbia, Mo.] Dept. of Negro women in poetry from Phillis Wheatley to Sociology, University of Missouri, 1904. . Atlanta, 1947. Elwang, William Wilson. Durden, Frances Callier. 556-8 473-9-3; 476-2-6 The Negroes of Nebraska, written and compiled The Negro women of Gainesville, Georgia. by workers of the Writers' Program, Work f Athens, Ga., 1920] Projects Administration in the state of Nebraska. Reed, Ruth, 1898- Sponsored by the O~aha Urban Le_ague Co~­ munity Center. Drawings by Paul Gibson. Lin­ 568-3 coln, Neb., Woodruff Printing Co., 1940. Negro women prisoners in At~anta, Geor~i~, a Writers' Program. Nebraska. study of arrest and detention m the municipal prison, 1937. Atlanta, 1938. 539-7 Bailey, Lottie Louise. Negroes on the road. A survey of the Negro transient in New Jersey. January-June, 1934. 392-4 Nelson C. Jackson. January, 1935. [Trenton, Negro workaday songs, by Howard W. Odum 1935] and Guy B. Johnson. Chapel Hill, The University New Jersey. State Emergency Relief Administra­ of North Carolina Press; London, Oxford tion. University Press, 1926. Odum, Howard Washington, 1884- 509-7 Negrolana, by Doctor Frank (pseud.) Boston, The Christopher Pub. House [c1924] Triplett, Henry Franklin, 1854- 719 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

356-3 353-5 The Negro's church, by Benjamin Elijah Mays A new Negro for a new century; an accurate and and Joseph William Nicholson. New York, up-to-date record of the upward struggles of the Institute of Social and Religious Research [cl933] Negro race. The Spanish-American War, causes Mays, Benjamin Elijah, 1895- of it; vivid descriptions of fierce battles; superb heroism and daring deeds of the Negro soldier. 390-8 Education, industrial schools, colleges, univer­ The Negro's contribution to music in America. sities and their relationship to the race problem, By Rose K. Nelson and Dorothy L. Cole. Rev. ed. by Prof. Booker T. Washington. Reconstruction New York, Service Bureau for lntercultural and industrial advancement by N.B. Wood. The Education, 1941. colored woman and her part in race regeneration, Nelson, Rose K. by Fannie Barrier Williams. Chicago, American Pub'. House [c. by John E. MacBrady, 1900] 414-9 The Negro's God as reflected in his literature. 472-14 Lithographs by James L. Wells. Boston, Chap­ The new Negro, his political, civil and mental man & Grimes [cl938] status, and related essays. New York, Neale Pub. Mays, Benjamin Elijah, 1895- Co., 1916. Pickens, William, 1881-1954. 267-10 The Negro's place in nature: a paper read 478-3 before the London Anthropologica I Society. New The new Philadelphia story, a report on the York, Van Evrie, Horton & Co., 1864. characteristics of the Philadelphia Negro market, Hunt, James, 1833-1869. its buying habits and brand preferences in 1945. From a survey by the Research Company of 489-5 America, N.Y.; analyzed and projected by the The Negro's right to jury representation. Harry Hayden Company, N.Y.; compiled and Cheyney, Pa., Committee of Twelve for the published by the Philadelphia Afro-American. Advancement of the Interests of the Negro Race Philadelphia, c1946. [ 191 _] Philadelphia Afro-American. Smith, Wilford H. 541-5 366-8 The new politics, and other papers, by William The Negro's view of organic union, introd. by Garrott Brown. Boston and New York, Houghton George A. Owens. New York, Cincinnati. The Mifflin Co., 1914. Methodist Book Concern [cl915] Brown, William Garrott, 1868-1913. Lyon, Ernest, 1860-1938. 592-232 399-4 The new "reign of terror" in the slaveholding Neighbor Jackwood. A domestic drama. In five states, for 1859-1860. New York, American Anti­ acts. By J.T. Trowbridge. New York, S. French & slavery Society, 1860. Son; London, S. French [187_?] Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879. Trowbridge, John Townsend, 1827-1916. 552-8 535-3 The new South. By Henry W. Grady, with a The neighbor; the natural history of human character sketch of Henry W. Grady by Oliver contacts, by N.S. Shaler. Boston and New York, Dyer. New York, R. Bonner's Sons, 1890. Houghton, Mifflin, 1904. Grady, Henry Woodfin, 1851-1889. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, 1841-1906. 557-1 596-409 The new South. Philadelphia, American The New England Emigrant Aid Company, and Academy of Political and Social Science, 1910. its influence, through the Kansas contest, upon American Academy of Political and Social national history. Worcester, Mass., F .P. Rice, Science, Philadelphia. 1887. Thayer, Eli, 1819-1899. 526-10 The new South, an inside view; an address 471-3 delivered before the Congregationa I Club, New era declamations; edited by Benjamin Kingsley Hall, Boston, March the twenty-third, Brawley. Together with a brief talk on public 1908. Montgomery, Ala., The Paragon Press, 1908. speaking. Sewannee, Tenn., University Press, Thomas, William Holcombe, 1867- 1918. Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939, ed. 223-4 The new South investigated. By D. Augustus 388-2 Straker. Detroit, Mich., Ferguson Printing Co., The new gospel of peace according to St. Ben­ 1888. jamin. New York, The American News Co. Straker, David Augustus, d. 1908. [186_ White, Richard Grant, 1821-1885. 401-2 A new survey of English literature; a text book 266-2 for colleges. New York, F .S. Crofts, 1936 [c1925] The new man. Twenty-nine years a slave. Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939. Twenty-nine years a free man. Recollections. York, Pa., P. Anstadt & Sons, 1895. Bruce, Henry Clay, 1836-1902. 720 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

506-2 The new voice in race adjustments; addresses 490-10-11 and reports presented at the Negro Christian 1956 Mixed schools and mixed blood. [Green­ Student Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 14-18, wood, Miss., Association of Citizens' Councils, 1914. A.M. Trawick, ed. Pub. by order of the Educational Fund, 1956?] executive committee of the conference. New Sass, Herbert Ravenel, 1884- York, Student Volunteer Movement [1914] Negro Christian Student Conference. Atlanta, 319-1-41 1914. No compromise with treason. Remarks of Mr. Schenck, of Ohio, in reply to Mr. Fernando Wood, 396-7 of New York, in the debate on the resolution to New world a-coming; an original pageant of expel Mr. Long. Delivered in the House of hope. [194_] Representatives, April 11, 1864. [Washington, Dodson, Owen, 1914- Printed by L. Towers, 1864] Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890. 413-2 New world a'coming. 211-1-11 Hot spots, U.S.A. [New York? 1945?] No failure for the North. New York, Jan., 1864. Dodson, Owen, 1914- New York, Wm. C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1864.

275-1 300-4 The New York conspiracy, or A history of the No-history versus no-war; or, The great tootle Negro plot, with the journal of the proceedings rebellion exposed, by Michael Magaul. New York, against the conspirators at New York in the years E.R. McCall, 1886. 1741-2. [2d ed.] New York, Printed and published McCall, Eli Robinson. by Southwick & Pelsue, 1810. Horsmanden, Daniel. 1691-1778. 421-5 No middle ground. Philadelphia, Philadelphia 548-2 Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, Nicholas Blood, candidate. New York, Oliver Writer's Division [cl952] Dodd [189_?] Smith, Lucy. Henry, Arthur, 1867- 596-415 486-2 "No more slavery extension into territory now A nickel and a prayer. [Elli Kani Pub. Co., free." Speech of Charles Hughes, of New York, against the repeal of the Missouri prohibition of cl940] slavery. In Congress, April 27, 1854. Washington, Hunter, Jane Edna Harris, 1882- Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1854. Hughes, Charles, 1822-1887. 398-1 "The nigger," an American play in three acts. 444-6 New York, Macmillan, 1910. The no-nation girl. New York, London, Century Sheldon, Edward Brewster, 1886- Co. [cl929] Wall, Evans. 444-4 Niggerhimlen. Oversatt av Helge Krog. Oslo, 211-1-16 Forlagt av H. Aschehoug & Co., 1933. No party now, but all for our country. New Van Vechten, Carl, 1880- York, May, 1863. Rev. ed. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. 213-5 Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. The night of freedom: an appeal, in verse, against the great crime of our country, human 211-1-51 bondage! Boston, S. Chism, 1857. No property in man. Speech of Hon. Charles Hebbard, William Wallace. Sumner, on the proposed amendment of the Constitution abolishing slavery through the 415-14 United States. In the Senate of the United States, Nightingales. April 8th, 1864. New York, Loyal Publication Buzzards, peacocks and nightingales. New Society, 1864. York, London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1933. Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. Fitch, Hugh Richardson. 592-237 387-4 No rights, no duties: or, Slaveholders, as such, Nights with Uncle Remus. Myths and legends of have no rights; slaves, as such, owe no duties. An the old plantation. Boston and New York, answer to a letter from Hon. Henry Wilson, Houghton Mifflin [c1883] touching resistance to slaveholders being the right Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908. and duty of the slaves, and the people and states of the north. By Henry C. Wright. Boston, Printed 475-4 for the author, 1860. 1927 lntercollegian wonder book; or, 1779-The Wright, Henry Clarke, 1797-1870. Negro in Chicago-1927. Survey of the Negro's educational, athletic, civic and commercial life 596-417 from 1779 to 1927. History, who's who in Chicago, No slavery in Nebraska: no slavery in the directory, facts and figures about the Negro for nation: slavery an outlaw. Speech of Gerrit 8000 years. Chicago, 1922! [cl927l Smith, on the Nebraska bill. In Congress, April 6, Washington Intercollegiate Club of Chicago. 721 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

1854. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, marks in the life of a wanderer, etc. Philadelphia, 1854?1 Crissy & Markley, 1852. Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. Rush, Caroline E.

204-8 279-3 No slavery in Nebraska. The voice of God The North and the South: being a statistical against national crime. By Joseph P. Thompson. view of the condition of the free and slave states, Pub. by request. New York, lvison & Phinney, by Henry Chase and C.H. Sanborn. Compiled 1854. from official documents. Cleveland, Henry P.B. Thompson, Joseph Parrish, 1819-1879. Jewett, 1857 [cl856] Chase, Henry. 594-298 Noah's curse. A lecture delivered in Tabernacle 493-10 Chapel, Beterverwagting, August, 1864. 2d ed. The North Carolina chain gang; a study of Georgetown, Printed by L. M'Dermott, 1864. county convict road work, by Jesse F. Steiner and M'Arthur, James. Roy M. Brown. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press; London, H. Milford, Oxford 346-5 University Press, 1927. "Nobody knows •.. " by Gabriel DeAngelis. Steiner, Jesse Frederick, 1880- Illustrations [by] Bernard Seaman and Bill Mauldin. Foreword by Al Capp. Edited by 430-3 Margaret Halsey. [New York, Committee Northern Georgia sketches. Chicago, A.C. Against Jim Crow in Military Service and McClurg, 1900. Training, cl949] Harben, William Nathaniel, 1858-1919. DeAngelis, Gabriel. 597-464 533-4 Northern interests and southern independence: Le noir d' Afrique; anthropo-biologie et a plea for united action. By Charles J. Stille. raciologie; avec 32 figures, 8 cartes et 2 Philadelphia, William S. & Alfred A. Martien, photographies [par] G. Lefrou. Pr~faces du dr. 1863. Blanchard et de H. V. Vallois. Paris, Payot, 1943. Stille': Charles Janeway, 1819-1899. Lefrou, Gustave Pierre. 211-6; 317-1 514-3 Northern interests and southern independence: Nojoque;a question for a continent. New York, a plea for united action. Philadelphia, W.S. & A. G.W. Carleton & Co.; [etc., etc.] 1867. Martien, 1863. Helper, Hinton Rowan, 1829-1909. Stille, Charles Janeway, 1819-1899.

206-12; 592-236 324-1 The non-resistance principle: with particular Northern rebellion and southern secession. application to the help of slaves by abolitionists. Richmond, Va., J.L. Hill Co., 1904. By Charles K. Whipple. Boston, R. F. Wall cut, Ewing, Elbert William Robinson, 1867- 1860. Whipple, Charles King, 1808-1900. 211-1-6 Northern true men and southern traitors. Address 568-10 and resolutions of the Connecticut soldiers. The nonwhite and white labor force charac­ Extracts from Richmond journals. New York, teristics: Atlanta, 1950 and 1960. Atlanta, 1963. L<'val Publication Society, 1863. Cannon, John Henry, Jr. 191-4 568-5 A North-side view of slavery. A sermon on the The non-white population of Atlanta, Georgia, crime against freedom, in Kansas and 1940-1950. Atlanta, 1961. Washington. Preached at Henniker, N.H., August Benjamin, Rommel. 31, 1856, by Eden B. Foster. Concord [N.H.] Jones & Cogswell, Printers, 1856. 460-4 Foster, Eden Burroughs, 1813-1882. Norris Wright Cuney; a tribune of the black people, by his daughter, Maud Cuney Hare; with 225-4 an introd. by James S. Clarkson. New York, The A north-side view of slavery. The refugee: or, Crisis Pub. Co., 1913. The narratives of fugitive slaves in Canada. Hare, Maud Cuney, 1874-1936. Related by themselves, with an account of the history and condition of the colored population of 587-43 Upper Canada. Boston, J.P. Jewett and Co.; New North & South, and slavery. By the Rev. M.D. York, Sheldon, Lamport and Blakeman; [etc., Conway, of Virginia.

722 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

486-5 190-1 Noted Negro women, their triumphs and ac- Objections to the act of Congress, commonly tivities. Chicago, Donohue & Henneberry, called the Fugitive slave law answered, in a letter Printers [cl893] to Hon. . By James A. Dorr. Majors, Monroe Alphus, 1864· New York, 1850. Dorr, James Augustus. 371-4 Notes and documents. Slater Fund beginnings: 319-1-78 Letters from General Agent Atticus G. Haygood to Objects of the war. Speech of Hon. James S. Rutherford B. Hayes. Edited by Curtis W. Rollins, of Missouri, in the House of Represen­ Garrison. tatives, May 30, 1864, on his resolution declaratory Garrison, Curtis Wiswell. 1901- ed. of the objects of the war. [Washington, Printed by L. Towers, 1864) 226-7 Rollins, James Sidney, 1812-1888. Notes on the history of slavery in Massachusetts, by George H. Moore. New York, 370-8 D. Appleton, 1866. The Oblates' hundred and one years. New York, Moore, George Henry, 1823-1892. Macmillan, 1931. Sherwood, Grace Hausmann, 1873- 590-154 Notes on the proposed abolition of slavery in 599-523 Virginia in 1785. Cambridge [Mass.] John Wilson Observations on the bill introduced last session by and Son, 1903. Mr. Wilberforce, for the more effectually Matthews, Albert, 1860- preventing the unlawful importation of slaves, and the holding free persons in slavery in the 202-9 British colonies. London, Printed for J.M. Notes on Uncle Tom's cabin: being a logical Richardson, 1816. answer to its allegations and inferences against slavery as an institution. With a supplementary 226-6 note on the key, and an appendix of authorities. Observations on the Rev. Dr. Gannett's sermon, By the Rev. E.J. Stearns. Philadelphia, Lip­ entitled "Relation of the North to slavery". pincott, Grambo & Co., 1853. Republished from the editorial columns of the Stearns, Edward Josiah, 1810-1890. Boston courier, of June 28th and 30th, and July 6th, 1854. Boston, Redding and Co., 1854. 591-158 Curtis, George Ticknor, 1812-1894. Notices of Negro slavery, as connected with Pennsylvania. Read before the Historical Society 188-7 of Pennsylvania, Bth mo., 7th, 1826. [Philadelphia, Observations upon Negro slavery. A new ed. 1864?] Philadelphia, E. Oswald, 1790. Bettle, Edward, 1803-1832. Crawford, Charles, b. 1752.

432-1 376-1-( 1;28) A novel about a white man and a black man in Occasional papers. the deep South. New York, Farrar & Rinehart Nos. 1- 1894-1932. [c1936] Baltimore. Childers, James Saxon, 1899- John F. Slater Fund, New York.

211-1-27 539-8-1 Nullification and compromise; a retrospective Occupational status of Negro college graduates view_ New York, Francis & Loutrel, Printers, in Georgia-1937, by Walter R. Chivers. National 1863. Youth Administration of Georgia, Colored Williams, John Mason, 1780-1868. Division, Department of Vocational Guidance. [Atlanta, 1938] 487-7 U.S. National Youth Administration. Georgia. A nutrition investigation of Negro tenants in the Yazoo- Mississippi delta. [1939?] 376-1-6 Dickins, Dorothy, 1898- Occupations of the Negroes, by Henry Gannett. Baltimore, The Trustees, 1895. Gannett, Henry, 1846-1914.

449-2 0 Octavia, . New York, London, Abbey Press [c1900] 187-9 Lee, J. F. The oasis. Ed. by Mrs. Child. Boston, B.C. Bacon, 1834_ 440-8 Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880, ed. Oddities in southern life and character; ed. by Henry Watterson. With illus. by W.L. Sheppard 247-10 and F.S. Church. Boston and New York, Oberlin: the colony and the college. 1833-1883. Houghton, Mifflin [c1910] By James H. Fairchild. Oberlin, Ohio, E.J. Watterson, Henry, 1840-1921. Goodrich, 1883. Fairchild, James Harris, 1817-1902. 723 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title catalog

423-2 352-6 An ode to Bogle. July 16, 1829. Philadelphia, Ohio Negroes in the Civil War. [Columbus] Ohio Priv. print. for F.J. Dreer, 1865. State University Press for the Ohio Historical Biddle, Nicholas, 1786-1844. Society [1962) Wesley, Charles Harris, 1891- 225-7 Oeuvres de W.E. Channing. De l'eSclavage 424-2 precede d'une preface et d'une etude sur 01' King David an' the Philistine boys, with l'esclavage aux etats-unis. Par M. ~douard drawings by A.B. Walker. [lsted.] New York and Laboulaye. Paris, Au Bureau du dictionnaire des London, Harper, 1930. arts et manufactures, 1855. Bradford, Roark, 1896-1948. Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842. 269-3 512-4 The old and new Republican parties; their Of one blood, a short study of the race problem, origin, similitude and progress from the ad­ by Robert E. Speer. New York, Council of Women ministration of Washington to that of Rutherford for Home Missions and Missionary Education B. Hayes. By Stephen M. Allen. Boston, Lee and Movement of the United States and Canada Shepard, 1880. [cl924] Allen, Stephen Merrill, 1819-1894. Speer, Robert Elliott, 1867-1947. 407-7 369-8 The Old Dominion; or, The Southampton An officia I history of the Most Worshipful Grand massacre. A novel. New York, Harper, 1856. Lodge Free and Accepted Masons for the State of James, George Payne Rainsford, 1801?-1860. Ohio, compiled by William Hartwell Parham; collated by Jeremiah Arthur Brown. 1906. 215-4 Freemasons. Ohio. Grand Lodge. Old massa's people; the old slaves tell their story. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill Co. 369-5 [c1931] The official manual and history of the Grand Armstrong, Orland Kay, 1893- United Order of Odd-Fellows in America. Authorized by the third B.M.C. and approved and 550·3 published by the Sub-committee of Management. The old Negro and the new Negro, by T. Le Roy Prepared by Charles B. Wilson. Philadelphia, Jefferson. Boston, Meador Pub. Co., 1937. George F. Lasher, Printers, 1894. Jefferson, Thomas Le Roy, 1867- Odd-Fellows, Grand United Order of, in America. 391-3 546-8 Old plantation hymns; a collection of hitherto Official proceedings of the National Democratic unpublished melodies of the slave and the Convention held in Cincinnati, June 2-6, 1856. freedman, with historical and descriptive notes, Published by order of the Convention. Cincinnati, by William E. Barton. Boston, Lamson, Wolffe Enquirer Co., Steam Printing Establishment, and Co., 1899. 1856. Barton, William Eleazar, 1861-1930. Democratic Party. National Convention, Cin­ cinnati, 1856. 228-5-1 Old portraits and modern sketches: personal 334-3 sketches and tributes: historical papers. Official proceedings of the National Republican Riverside ed. Boston and New York, Houghton, Conventions of 1868, 1872, 1876 and 1880. Min­ Mifflin, 1889. neapolis, C.W. Johnson, 1903. Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892. Republican Party. National Convention. [4th] 5th [6th-7th]. Chicago, Philadelphia, etc. 391-5 Old songs hymnal; words and melodies from the 544-2 state of Georgia, collected by Dorothy G. Bolton; Official proceedings of the twelfth Republican music arr. by Harry T. Burleigh. New York, national convention, held in Philadelphia, June 19, London, The Century Co. [cl929] 20 and 21, 1900. Reported by M.W. Blumenberg. Bolton, Dorothy G., ed. Philadelphia, Dunlap Print. Co. [1900) Republican Party. National Convention. 12th, 538-6 Philadelphia, 1900. The old South and the new. A series of letters by Hon. William D. Kelley. New York and London, 396-4 G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1888 [cl887] The Official theatrical world of colored artists, Kelley, William Darrah, 1814-1890. "national directory and guide"; authentic in­ formation of musicians, concert artists, actors, 221-1 actresses, performers and all others allied with The old South; essays social and political, by the professions. Thomas Nelson Page. New York, C. Scribner's v. l, no. 1- 1928- Sons, 1893 [cl892] New York, N.Y., The Theatrical World Pub. Co. Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922. (1928· 216-5 :r~e old South; struggles for democracy, by William E. Dodd. New York, Macmillan 1937 Dodd, William Edward, 1869-1940. ' · 724 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

423-1 596-384 Old Squire; the romance of a black Virginian. On the admission of Kansas. New York, London, Macmillan, 1903. Speech of Hon. J.F. Farnsworth, of Illinois, on Benson, Blackwood Ketcham, 1845- the admission of Kansas. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 20, 1858. T. McGill, 551-6 Printer [1858?] The old types pass; Gullah sketches of the Farnsworth, John Franklin, 1820-1897. Carolina Sea Islands, by Marcellus S. Whaley. Illustrated by Edna Reed Whaley. Boston, The 596-395 Christopher Pub. House [cl925] On the admission of Kansas. Whaley, Marcellus Seabrook, 1885- Speech of Hon. T. Polk, of Missouri, on the admission of Kansas. Delivered in the Senate of 433-6 the United States, March 11, 1858. [Washington] Ole Mammy's torment, illus. by Mary G. Printed by Lemuel Towers [1858] Johnston and Amy M. Sacker. Boston, L.C. Page Polk, Trusten, 1811-1876. and Co., 1897. Johnston, Annie Fellows, 1863-1931. 596-365 On the admission of Kansas under the 447-7 Lecompton constitution. Ole Mistis, and other songs and stories from Speech of Hon. John Bell, of Tenn., on the ad­ Tennessee; illus. by Howard Weeden and Robert mission of Kansas under the Lecompton Con­ Dickey. Philadelphia, Chicago, J.C. Winston Co. stitution. Delivered in the Senate of the United (c1909] States, March 18, 1858. [Washington, Geo. S. Moore, John Trotwood, 1858-1929. Gideon, Print., 1858?] Bell, John, 1797-1869. 431-3 Ollie Miss, a novel; blocks by Lowell Leroy 595-314 Balcolm. New York, F.A. Stokes Co., 1935. On the admission of Missouri. Henderson, George Wylie, 1904- Speech of Mr. Mclane, of Delaware, on the admission of Missouri. Delivered in the House of 553-6 Representatives, Dec. 12, 1820. [Washington, On horseback. A tour in Virginia, North 1820] Carolina and Tennessee. With notes of travel in Mclane, Louis, 1786-1857. Mexico and California. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1888. 596-390 Warner, Charles Dudley, 1829-1900. On the admission of the state of Kansas. Speech of Hon. S.R. Mallory, of Florida, on the 588-56 admission of the state of Kansas. Delivered in the On presidential candidates and party Senate of the United States, March 16, 1858. organizations. [Washington] Printed by Lemuel Towers (1858] Speech of Hon. M.P Gentry of Tenn., on Mallory, Stephen Russell, 1848-1907. presidential candidates and party organizations delivered in the House of Representatives, June 599-519 14, 1852. Washington, Gideon & Co. Printers, 1852. On the amelioration of slavery. London, 1816. Gentry, Meredith Poindexter, 1809-1866. Koster, Henry.

588-83 594-289 On in territories. On the American party and its mission. Speech of Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, on Letter of an adopted Catholic, addressed to the property in territories. Delivered in the Senate of president of the Kentucky Democratic Association the United States, May 21, 1860. Washington, of Washington City on temporal allegiance to the National Democratic Executive Committee, 1860. Pope and the relations of the Catholic church and Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. Catholics, both native and adopted, to the system of domestic slavery and its agitation in the United 199-2 States. The speech of Hon. W.R. Smith, of On slavery. (Cincinnati, American Reform Tract Alabama, delivered in the House of Represen­ and Book Society, 185_?] tatives January 15, 1855, "On the American party and its mission," reviewed. Washington, 1856. 590-127 On the abolition of slavery. 560-2 The speech of Henry Berry, (of Jefferson) in the On the application of elementary matrices and House of Delegates of Virginia, on the abolition of determinants to the solution of systems of linear slavery. [Richmond, 1832] equations. Atlanta, 1959. Berry, Henry. Bowie, Dorothy Ross.

200-6; 590-131 598-492 On the abolition question. On the bill for the admission Speech of Mr. Pickens, of South Carolina, in the of Georgia. House of Representatives, January 21, 1836, on the Speech of Hon. 0.P. Morton, of Indiana, on the abolition question. Pub. from the notes of Henry bill for the admission of Georgia, delivered in the Godfrey Wheeler, rev. and corr. by the author. Senate of the United States, April 14, 1870. Washington, Printed by Gales and Seaton, 1836. Washington, Chronicle Print, 1870. Pickens, Francis Wilkinson, 1805-1869. Morton, Oliver Perry, 1823-1877. 725 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

596-371 588-53 On the Kansas question. On the bill to admit the states of Speech of Hon. J. Collamer, of Vermont, on the Iowa and Florida into the Union. Kansas question; delivered in the Senate. of the Speech of Samuel F. Vinton, of Ohio on the bill to United States, March 1 and 2, 1858. yviashmgton, admit the states of Iowa and Florida into the Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe, Union; delivered in the House of Representatives, 1858. U.S., February 11, 1845. Washington, Printed by Colla mer, Jacob, 1791-1865. J. and G.S. Gideon, 1845. Vinton, Samuel Finley, 1792-1862. 597-443 On the new conspiracy. 597-446 Speech of Hon. Sidney Edger!on, of Ohio, on the On the bill to confiscate the property and free new conspiracy; delivered m the House of the slaves of rebeJs. Representatives of the United States, May 28, Speech of Hon. J. Collamer, of Vermont, in the 1862. Washington, Printed by L Towers & Co., United States Senate, April 24, 1862, on the bill to 1862. confiscate the property and free the slaves of Edgerton, Sidney, 1818-1900. Rebels. [Washington, 1862) Collamer, Jacob, 1791-1865. 496-2 On the phenomena of hybridity in the genus 596-367 homo. By Dr. Paul Broca. Edited with the per­ On the conference bill for the admission of mission of the author, by C. Carter Blake. Lon­ Kansas. don, Pub. for the Anthropological Society, by Speech of Hon. John A. Bingham, of Ohio, on the Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts, 1864. conference bill for the admission of Kansas; Broca, Paul, 1824-1880. delivered in the House of Representatives, April 28, 1858. Washington, Printed at the 209-1 ; 588-54 Congressional Globe Office, 1858. On the political influence of slavery. Bingham, John Armor, 1815-1900. Speech of Mr. Jas. Wilson, of N. Hampshire on the political influence of slave_ry, and t~e i:x­ 319-1-164 pediency of permitting slavery in t~e tern~ones On the Confiscation bill. recently acquired from Mexico: delivered in the Speech of Hon. W.H. Wadsworth, of Kentucky, House of Representatives of the United States, on the Confiscation bill. Delivered in the House of February 16, 1849. Washington: Printed by J. & Representatives, Feb. 3, 1864. [Washington, G.S. Gideon, 1849. Printed by L. Towers & Co., 1864) Wilson, James, 1797-1881. Wadsworth, William Henry, 1821-1893. 595-325 597-468 On the power of Congress to exclude slavery On the Confiscation bill. from the territories. Speech of Hon. W.H. Wadsworth, of Kentucky, Speech of Hon. Benjamin Stanton, of Ohio, in the on the Confiscation bill. Delivered in the House of House of Representatives, April 23, 1856, on the Representatives, Feb. 3, 1864. [Washington, power of Congress to exclude slavery from· the Printed by L. Towers & Co., 1864) territories. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Wadsworth, William Henry, 1821-1893. Printers, 1856?] Stanton, Benjamin, 1809-1872. 589-116 On the Freedmen's Bureau-Veto message. 588-59 Speech of Hon. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, on On the present position of the the Freedmen's Bureau-veto message; Democratic party. delivered in the Senate of the United States, Speech of Mr. Townshend of Ohio, on the present February 20, 1866. Washington, Chronicle Book position of the Democratic. party. Delivered in the and Job Print, 1866. House of Representatives, June 23, 1852. Trumbull, Lyman, 1813-1896. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1852?] Townshend, Norton Strange, 1815-1895. 358-3 On the fugitive law of the U.S. Congress 203-2 of 1850. On the presidential question, and the The life, labors, and travels of Elder Charles slavery issue. Bowles, of the Free Will Baptist Denomination. Speech of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens of Penn., on Together with an essay on the character and the presidential question, and the slavery issue. condition of the African Race by the same. Also Delivered in the House of Representatives, August an essay on the fugitive law of the U.S. Congress of 12, 1852. Washington, Congressional Globe Office, 1850, by Rev. Authur Dearing. Watertown, Ingalls 1852. & Stowell's Steam Press, 1852. Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792-1868. Lewis, John W. 588-72 199-10 On the principles and policy of the On the inhumanity of the slave-trade, and the black Republican Party. importance of correcting it. A sermon, delivered Speech of Hon. Roger A. Pryor of Virginia, on in the Second Congregational Church, Newport, the principles and policy of the Black Republican Rhode-Island, August 12, 1792. Printed at party; delivered in the House of Representatives, Providence, by J. Carter, 1793. December 29, 1859. Washington, Printed at the Patten, William, 1763-1839. Congressional Globe Office, 1859. 726 Pryor, Roger Atkinson, 1828-1919. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

589-105 587-23 On the proposed rule of the Senate On the right of petition. requiring a test oath of senators. Speech of Mr. Stiles, of Georgia, on the right of Speech of Hon. Thos. A. Hendricks of Ind., on petition. [Washington, 1844?1 the proposed rule of the Senate requiring a test Stiles, William Henry, 1808-1865. oat_h of senators. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 20, 1864. [Washington? 588-57 18641 . On the slave question, and the position of Hendricks, Thomas Andrews, 1819-1885. parties. Speech of Hon. M. Schoonmaker, of N. York, on . 304-9 the slave question, and the position of parties. On the question of the validity of the fourteenth Delivered in the House of Representatives, August amendment to the_ ~n~tit~t.ion. Speech of Hon. 17, 1852. Washington, Printed at the H.D. Money_ of M1ss1ss1pp1 m the United States Congressional Globe Office, 1852. Senate, April 19, 1910. Washington, 1910. Schoonmaker, Marius, 1811-1894. Money, Hernando De Soto, 1839- 588-86 319-1-103 On the State of the Union. On the reconstruction of the rebel states Speech of Hon. Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, Speech_ of Hon. John M. Broomall, of Pen°n• on the State of the Union; delivered in the Senate sv1:van1a, ~elivered_ in the House of Represen­ of the United States, February 5 and 6, 1861. tatives, First s~ss1on, Thirty-eighth Congress, Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Wednesday, April 20, 1864. [Washington? 1864) Office, 1861. Broomall, John Martin, 1816-1894. Johnson, Andrew, Pres. U.S., 1808-1875.

598-484 392-6 On the reconstruction of the Union. On the trail of Negro folk-songs, by Dorothy Spee~h of Hon. Thomas Williams of Penn­ Scarborough, assisted by Ola Lee Gulledge. sylvania on the reconstruction of the Union; Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1925. delivered in the House of Representatives Scarborough, Dorothy, 1878-1935. February 10. 1866. Washington, Printed at th~ Congressional Globe Office, 1866. 319-1-146 Williams, Thomas. 1806-1872. On the war and restoration of the Union. Speech of Hon. A.W. Hubbard, of Iowa, delivered in the 597-431 House of Representatives, First session, Thirty­ On the removal of E.G. Loring. eighth Congress, March 5, 1864. [Washington, Speech of John L. Swift, of Boston, on the Gibson Bros., Printers, 1864] Removal of E.G. Loring, from the office of Judge Hubbard, Asahel Wheeler, 1819-1879. of Probate, for the County of Suffolk, delivered in the Massach~setts House of Representatives, 561-9 Tuesday, April 10th, 1855. Boston, William White O'Neill's realism; with special reference to his Printer to the State, 1855. ' treatment of the Negro. Atlanta, 1949. Swift, John Lindsay, 1828-1895? Howell, Clishie Pettigrew.

596-378 338-7 On the report of the Kansas Conference The only salvation, equality of rights. Speech of Committee. Hon. Richard Yates, of Illinois, in the Senate of the Speech of Hon. Jacob Collamer, of Vermont, on United States, February 19, 1866. [Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1866) the report of the Kansas Conference Committee·1 delivered in the Senate of the United States, ApriI Yates, Richard, 1818-1873. 27, 1858. Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1858. 205-8 Collamer, Jacob, 1791-1865. Opinions of , Vice President of the United States, upon the powers and duties of 319-1-100 Congress, in reference to the abolition of slavery On the ~eso_lution to e~pel Mr. Long. Speech of either in the slave-holding states or in the District ~on. Ben1am1n G. Harns, of Maryland, delivered of Columbia. Washington, Blair & Rives, Prin­ m the House of Representatives of the United ters, 1836. States, April 19, 1864. Washington, Printed at the Van Buren, Martin, Pres. U.S., 1782-1862. Constitutional Union Office, 1864. Harris, Benjamin Gwinn, 1805-1895. 211-1-18 Opinions of the early Presidents, and of the 319-1-129 Fathers of the Republic, upon slavery, and upon On th~ ~esolution_ to expel Mr. Long. Speech of Negroes as men and soldiers. New York, W.C. Hon. Wilham E. Fmck, of Ohio, delivered in the Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. House of Representatives of the United States April 11, 1864. Washington, Printed at the Con'. 553-4 stitutional Union Office, 1864. Opportunities for Negro youth in Florida. Finck, William Edward, 1822-1901. Directory of opportunities for Negro youth in Florida (a summary of community resources, organizations, and services for youth) 1936. Compiled by Edward R. Rodriguez. ad­ ministrative assistant in charge of Negro ac-

727 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log tivities, assisted by C. Lowell Turner and T.V. 595-355 Thomas. 1st ed. Jacksonville, National Youth An oration pronounced at Boston before the Administration [1936] Colonization Society of Massachusetts, on the U.S. National Youth Administration. Florida. anniversary of American independence, July 4, 1833. Boston, Lyceum Press-G.W. Light & Co., 381-12 1833. The opportunity and obligation of the educated Cushing, Caleb, 1800-1879. class of the colored race in the southern states. An address delivered before the Agricultural and 236-3-2 Me cha nica I College for Negroes, at Norma I, An oration upon the moral and political evil of Alabama, May 29, 1899, by Rev. A.D. Mayo. slavery. Delivered at a public meeting of the I Normal? 1899] Maryland Society for Promoting the Abolition of Mayo, Amory Dwight, 1823-1907. Slavery, and the Relief of Free Negroes, and Others Unlawfully Held in Bondage. Baltimore, 471-4 July 4, 1791. Baltimore, Printed by Philip Oration by James Crobsy, (a colored man> Edwards, 1793. delivered at New Lebanon Springs, Columbia Buchanan, George, 1763-1808. County, New York, on the Fourth of July, 1867, to a large audience of ladies and gentlemen at 471-9 Columbia Hall, assembled to celebrate the 91st Orations delivered on the first of August, 1849, anniversary of American independence. New before the colored citizens of Columbus, Ohio, by York, J.J. Zuille, Printer, 1867. J.I. Gaines. Columbus, 1849. Crosby James. Gaines, John I.

471-8 317-4 Oration, delivered in Corinthian Hall, The ordinance of 1787 and the war of 1861. An Rochester, by Frederick Douglass, July 5th, 1852. address delivered before the New York Com­ Rochester, Printed by Lee, Mann & Co., 1852. mandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Douglass, Frederick, 1817-1895. Legion. New York, Printed by C.G. Burgoyne [1892] 244-3 Swayne, Wager, 1834-1902. Oration on Charles Sumner, addressed to colored people. Albany, Weed, Parsons, Printers, 312-4 1874. The organization and administration of the Evangeline. Union Army, 1861-1865. Cleveland, Arthur H. Clark Co., 1928. 203-11 Shannon, Fred Albert, 1898- Oration on domestic slavery. Animated portrait of African servitude (From 540-1 Mr. Swift's Oration on domestic slavery) Organization of the Trustees of the John F. [Delivered at the North meeting house in Hart­ Slater Fund for the Education of Freedmen, 1882. ford, on the 12th day of May, A.D. 1791. At the Baltimore, J. Murphy & Co., 1882. meeting of the Connecticut Society for the John F. Slater Fund, New York. Promotion of Freedom, and Relief of Persons Unlawfully Holden in Bondage. Hartford, Printed 540-3 and sold by Hudson and Goodwin, 1791] The organized educationa I activities of Negro Swift, Zephaniah, 1759-1823. literary societies, 1828-1846. Reprinted from the Journal of Negro education, October, 1936. 238-1 Porter, Dorothy Burnett, 1905- An oration on the abolition of the slave trade; delivered in the African Church, in the city of New 537-2 York, January 1; 1808. By Peter Williams, Jun., a Origin, history, and fortunes of the Negro race descendant of Africa. New York, Printed by as ~educed from history, both sacred and profane, Samuel Wood, 1808. their. natural relations-moral, mental, and Williams, Peter, 1780?-1840. physical-to the other rc:ces of mankind, com­ pare~ and illustrated-their future destiny 587-1 predicted, etc. 7th stereotyped ed. Louisville, An oration on the abolition of the slave trade. Ky., 1871. Delivered on the first of January, 1814, at the Priest, Josiah, 1788-1851. African Church of St. Thomas. Philadelphia, printed for the different societies, by Thomas T. 535-1 Stiles, 1814. The origin of the black man, by John W. Tyn. Parrott, Russell. dall. [2~. ed., rev.& enl.] St. Louis, Mich., Metropollt1an Correspondence Bible College 247-6 [c1927] Oration on the life and character of Henry Tyndall, John William, 1877- Winter Davis, by Hon. John A.J. Creswell. Delivered in the hall of the House of Represen­ . . 300-1 tatives, February 22, 1866. Washington, Govt. Th. e ~mgm of the late war: traced from the Print. Off., 1866. begmnmg of the Constitution to the revolt of the Creswell, John Angel James, 1828-1891. Southern States. New York, D. Appleton, 1866. Lunt, George, 1803-1885.

728 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

415-3 517-5 Original poems. Pub. by the Sunday School of "Our father's house," and family, past, present the church in connection with the fiftieth an­ and future, by James C. Embry. Philadelphia, niversary of his service as pastor. Washington, The A.M.E. Book Concern [1893] Nineteenth Street Baptist Church Sunday School, Embry, James Crawford, Bp., 1834-1897. 1932. Brooks, Walter Henderson, 1851- 406-6 Our Lady's choir, a contemporary anthology of 429-4 verse by catholic sisters, edited by William Other fools and their doings, or, Life among the Stanley Braithwaite; with a foreword by the Rev. freedmen. By one who has seen it. New York, J.S. Hugh Francis Blunt and an introd. by Ralph Ogilvie & Co. [cl880] Adams Cram. Boston, B. Humphries, 1931. Goff, Harriet Newell Kneeland, 1828· Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont, 1878- 1962, ed. 214-1 Ought American slavery to be perpetuated? A 592-244 debate between Rev. W.G. Brownlow and Rev. A. Our mercies of re-occupation. A Thanksgiving Pryne. Held at Philadelphia, September, 1858. sermon, preached at the Church of the Holy Philadelphia, Pub. for the authors by J.B. Lip­ Trinity, Philadelphia, November 26, 1863. pincott & Co. l 1858] Philadelphia, W.S. & A. Martien, 1863. Brownlow, William Gannaway, 1805-1877. Brooks, Phillips, Bp., 1835-1893.

360-8 367-7 Our Baptist ministers and schools. With an Our Negro neighbors; a world friendship unit introd. by C.L. Purce. Springfield, Mass., Willey for primary children. Nashville, Tenn., & Co., 1892. Cokesbury Press [c1936] Pegues, Albert Weitherspoon, 1859- Kent, Juanita Ray. 276-2 474-4 Our brother in black; his freedom and his Our negro population; a sociological study of future. By Atticus G. Haygood. New York, Negroes of Kansas City, Missouri; with a preface Phillips & Hunt, 1881. by L.A. Halbert. Kansas City, Mo., Hudson Pub. Haygood, Atticus Greene, Bp., 1839-1896. Co. [cl913] Martin, Asa Earl, 1885- 211-1-54 Our burden and our strength, or, A com­ 346-1 prehensive and popular examination of the debt Our Negro veterans, by Charl17s G. ~olte and and resources of our country, present and Louis Harris. [New York, Public Affairs Com­ prospective. By David A. Wells. New York, Loyal mittee, 1947] Publication Society, 1864. Bolte', Charles Guy, 1920- Wells, David Ames, 1828-1898. 27.8-13 596-364 ; or, Sketches from the life of a f~ee Our Central American relations, and the black 1 in a two-story white house, North. Showing admission of Kansas into the Union. that slavery's shadows fall even there. By "Our Speech of Hon. William T. Avery, of Tennessee, Nig" Boston, Printed by Geo C. Rand & Avery, on our Central American relations and the ad­ 1859. mission of Kansas into the Union. Delivered in the Wilson, Mrs. H.E. House of Representatives, January 27, 1858. Washington, Printed by Lemuel Towers, 1858. 510-2 Avery, William Tecumseh, 1819-1880. Our racial and national minorities; their history, contributions, and present problems, 365-2 edited by Francis J. Brown and Joseph Slabey Our church schools for Negroes under the Roucek. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1937. supervision of the American Church Institute for Brown, Francis James, 1894- ed. Negroes. New York, Church Missions House [1922?] 595-332 American Church Institute for Negroes. Our territorial policy. Speech of Hon. Alfred l_verson,_ of Georgia, on 592-218 our territorial policy; delivered in the Se~ate of Our country's troubles. A sermon preached in the United States, January 9, 1860. Washington, the Church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia, June Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1860. 29, 1856, by Dudley A. Tyng, Rector. Boston, J.P. Iverson, Alfred, 1798-1873. Jewett. Tyng, Dudley Atkins, 1825-1858. 510-5 Our testing time; will the white race win 447-3 through? By J.W. Curle. New York, George H. Our darktown press, by Inez Lopez Cohen (Mrs. Doran Co. [cl926] Octavus Roy Cohen) foreword by Octavus Roy Curle, James Herbert, 1870- Cohen; decorations by Margaret Freeman. New York, London, D. Appleton, 1932. 599-554 Cohen, Inez Lopez. Our West Indian colonies. [1898?] Carrington, George, 1844?- 729 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

352-2 the ~ongress executive, by G. Spiller, hon. Out of the briars; an autobiography and sketch organiser of the congress. London, P.S. King & of the Twenty-ninth Regiment, Connecticut Son; Boston, U.S.A., The World's Peace Foun­ Volunteers, by A.H. Newton with introd. by Rev. dation, 1911. J.P. Sampson. [Philadelphia, The A.M.E. Book Universal Races Congress. 1st, London, 1911. Concern, cl910] I Newton, Alexander Herritage, 1837- 199-3-1 Papers on the slave power, first published in the 422-2 "Boston Whig." Boston, Merrill, Cobb & Co. [1846] Out of the depths. New York, Avondale Press [cl928] Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881. Bradley, Henry T. 595-311 263-9 Papers relative to the restriction of slavery. Out of the ditch; a true story of an ex-slave, by Speeches of Mr. King, in the Senate, and of J. Vance Lewis. Houston, Tex., Rein & Sons, Co., Messrs. Taylor & Talmadge, in the House of Printers, 1910. Representatives, of the United States, on the bill Lewis, Joseph Vance. for authorizing the people of the Territory of Missouri to form a constitution and state govern­ 304-7 ment, and for the admission of the state into the The outbreak of rebellion. New York, C. Union. In the session of 1818-19. With a report of a Scribner's Sons, 1914 [cl909] committee of the Abolition Society of Delaware. Nicolay, John George, 1832-1901. Philadelphia, Printed by Hall and Atkinson, 1819. King, Rufus, 1755-1827. 362-8 An outline of Baptist history: a splendid 501-3 reference work for busy workers: a record of the Paramount facts in race development, by T.S. struggles and triumphs of Baptist pioneers and Boone. Chicago, Hume Quick Print [cl921 J builders. Nashville, Tenn., National Baptist Pub. Boone, Theodore Sylvester, 1896- Board, 1911. Pius, N.H. 564-15 The participation of Negroes in the government 361-6 of Alabama, 1867-1874. Atlanta, 1946. An outline of our history and government for Williams, Arthur. African Methodist churchmen. Ministerial and Lay. In catechetical form. Two parts with ap­ 563-11 pendix. By B.T. Tanner. lntrod. by B.F Lee. Participation of Negroes in the government of Philadelphia, Grant, Faires and Rodgers, 1884. Georgia, 1867-1870. Atlanta, 1932. Tanner, Benjamin Tucker, Bp., 1835-1923. Christler, Ethel Maude.

447-5 563-14 Owned and disowned; or, The chattel child. Participation of Negroes in the government of Tale of southern life. New York, H. Dayton, 1860. Mississippi, 1865-1870. Atlanta, 1937. Denslow, Van Buren. 1834-1902. Dawson, Freda Turner. 271-9 p Parties and slavery, 1850-1859. New York and London, Harper & Bros. [1906] Smith, Theodore Clarke, 1870- 443-4 Pactolus Prime. New York, Cassell p b c . 434-5 [c1890] u · o. Passing. New York & London, A.A. Knopf, 1929. Tourgee, Albion Winegar, 1838-1905. Larsen, Nella.

471.-15 514-8 A pageant in seven decades, 1868-1938 Atlanta, Past and future of the Negro race in America. Georgia, 1938. · [By] Rev. W.D. Johnson. Everett, Mass. [cl897] Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. Johnson, W.D.

. 359-4 513-9 Palestine and saints in Caesar's household, by T~e past and the present condition, and the ~ ;1ayton Powell, Sr. New York, R.R. Smith, destiny, o~ the colored race: a discourse delivered 9 at the fifteenth anniversary of the Female Powell, Adam Clayton, 1865-1953. Benevolent Society, of Troy, N.Y., Feb. 14, 1848. Troy, N.Y., Steam Press of J.C. Kneeland and Co 211-1-( 1-89) 1848. ., Pamphlets. Nos. 1-89; Feb. 1863-Feb. 27, 1866. Garnet, Henry Highland, 1815-1882. New York. Loyal Publication Society. 590-143 The past, the present, and the future of our country. 512-1 Papers on inter-racial problems, communicated Interesting . C!nd important correspondence to the first Universal Races Congress, held at the b~tw_e~n oppos1t1on members of the Legislature of University of London, July 26-29, 1911, edited, for V1rgin1~ and the Hon. John M. Botts, January 17, 730 1860. Richmond, Printed by Lem. Towers [1860?) Botts, John Minor, 1802-1869. · Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

487-2 humiliation, June 1, 1865. By Henry A. Boardman. Pathfinders, a history of the progress of colored Philadelphia, J.S. Claxton, successor to W.S. & A. graduate nurses. With biographies of many Martien, 1865. prominent nurses. [New York, Printed at Kay Boardman, Henry Augustus, 1808-1880. Printing House, 1929] Thoms, Adah B., comp. 298-2 The peacemakers of 1864. New York, Mac­ 187-10 millan, 1927. The patriarchal institution, as described by Kirkland, Edward Chase. members of its own family. Comp. by L. Maria Child. New York, American Anti-slavery Society, 415-14 1860. Peacocks. Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880, comp. Buzzards, peacocks and nightingales. New York, London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1933. 282-5 Fitch, Hugh Richardson. Patriotic addresses in America and England, from 1850 to 1885, on slavery, the Civil War, and 416-12 the development of civil liberty in the United Pearls in prose and poetry. Nashville, Tenn., States. Ed., with a review of Mr. Beecher's National Baptist Pub. Board, 1907. personality and influence in public affairs, by Shackleford, William Henry, 1878- John R. Howard. New York, Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1887. 438-5 Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887. Peculiar; a tale of the great transition. New York, Carleton, 1864. 211-1-24 Sargent, Epes, 1813-1880. Patriotism, a Christian virtue. A sermon preached by Rev. Joseph Fransioli, at St. Peter's 459-1 Catholic Church, Brooklyn, July 26th, 1863. [New The Pedro Gori no; the adventures of a Negro York, 1863] sea-captain in Africa and on the seven seas in his Fransioli, Joseph, 1817-1890. attempts to found an Ethiopian empire; an autobiographical narrative by Captain Harry 597-465 Dean, with the assistance of Sterling North. Patriotism without partyism, or An obscure Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1929. man's efforts to redeem his country; consisting of Dean, Harry, 1864- thoughts and reflections suggested from time to time by our national troubles; and addressed to 492-9 the American people. St. Louis, Hogan & Vivian, Peekskill: USA; a personal experience. [New Printers, 1863. York] Civil Rights Congress, 1951. Webb, T.U. Fast, Howard Melvin, 1914-

462-4 414-8 Paul Cuffe, by Henry N. Sherwood. Pegasus-1960; a magazine of creative arts; Washington, D. C., The Association for the Study of poetry, stories, art. Atlanta, Ga., Writers Club of Negro Life and History, 1923. Morehouse College, 1960. Sherwood, Henry Noble, 1882- 384-1 467-4 Pen pictures of pioneers of Wilberforce, com­ Paul Laurence Dunbar, poet of his people. Port piled and edited by Hallie Q. Brown. Illustrated Washington, N.Y., Kennikat Press [1967, c1936] from photos. from widely different sources. Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939. [Xenia, Ohio? The Aldine Pub. Co.? cl937?] Brown, Hallie Quinn, 1859-1949, ed. 461-8 , Negro. New York and London, 589-123 Harper & Bros., 1930. The people coming to power! Speech of Wendell Robeson, Eslanda Goode, 1896- Phillips, at the Salisbury Beach gathering, Sep­ tember 13, 1871. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1871. 319-1-93 Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. "Peace hath its victories, renowned as war." Speech of Hon. Chilton A. White, of Ohio, delivered 192-7 in the House of Representatives, February 19, The peril of our ship of state: a sermon on the 1864. [Washington? 1864] day of fasting and prayer, January 4th, 1861. The White, Chilton Allen, 1826-1900. folly of our speculations: a New-Year's sermon, January 6, 1861. Strictures on a recent sermon by 211-1-60; 318-1 Rev. H.J. Van Dyke. By W.R. Gordon. New-York, Peace through victory. Sermon by Rev. J.P. J.A. Gray, Printer, 1861. Thompson. New-York, Loyal Publication Society, Gordon, William Robert, 1811-1897. 1864. Thompson, Joseph Parrish, 1819-1879. 319-1-139 The perpetuity of the Union. Speech of Hon. 284-2 J.K. Moorhead, of Pennsylvania. Delivered in the The peace we need, and how to secure it. A House of Representatives, March 26, 1864. sermon preached in the Tenth Presbyterian Washington, McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864. Church, Philadelphia, on the day of national Moorhead, James Kennedy, 1806-1884.

731 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

352-9 47 6-4; 538-9; 546-2 Personal experience as a staff officer at Mine Phelps-Stokes Fellowship papers. Run and Albemarle County Raid, and as com­ No. 1- 1915- mander of the 43d Regiment U.S. Colored Troops, Charlottesville, Va. through the Wilderness campaign, and at the mine Virginia. University. before Petersburg, Virginia. From November 7, 1863, to July 30, 1864. A paper prepared and read 345-3; 473-9( 1-5); 476-2( 1-13); 497-3; 551-5 before the Kansas Commandery of the Military Phelps-Stokes Fellowship studies. Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. No. 1- 1913· October 3, 1894. By Companion H. Seymour Hall, Athens, Ga. LLeavenworth? Kan., 1894?] Georgia. University. Hall, Henry Seymour. 311-3 199-5; 595-333 Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865. Personal liberty laws, (Statutes of [Philadelphia] The City, 1913. Massachusetts) and slavery in the territories, Taylor, Frank Hamilton, b. 1846. (case of Dred Scott) By Joel Parker. Boston, Wright & Potter, Printers, 1861. 475-1 Parker, Joel, 1795-1875. The Philadelphia Negro; a social study by W.E. Burghardt Du Bois. Together with a special 256-3 report on domestic service by Isabel Eaton. Personal memoir of Daniel Drayton, for four Philadelphia, Pub. for the University, 1899. years and four months a prisoner (for charity's Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. sake) in Washington jail. Including a narrative of the voyage and capture of the schooner Pearl. 284-8 Boston, B. Marsh; New York, American and The philanthropic results of the war in America. Foreign Anti-slavery Society, 1853. Collected from official and other authentic Drayton, Daniel, b. 1802. sources, by an American citizen. Dedicated by permission to the United States Sanitary Com­ 312-6 mission. New York, Sheldon & Co., 1864. Personal memoirs. New York, C.L. Webster & Brockett, Linus Pierpont, 1820-1893. Co., 1888. Sheridan, Philip Henry, 1831-1888. 398-2 Phillis Wheatley. [New York, The Schulte 291-5 Press, cl932] Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln and Ovington, Mary White, 1865-1951. the Civil War. Boston, L.C. Page, 1898. Gilmore, James Roberts, 1822-1903. 528-5 Philosophy and opinions of Marcus Garvey, or 270-8 Africa for the Africans. Comp. by Amy Jacques­ Personal recollections of Pardee Butler, with Garvey. New York, The Universal Pub. House, reminiscences by his daughter, Mrs. Rosetta B. 1923-25. Hastings, and additional chapters by Eld. John Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940. Boggs and Eld. J.B. Mccleery. Cincinnati, Standard Pub. Co., 1889. 344-8 Butler, Pardee, 1816-1888. The philosophy of Negro suffrage. Hartford, Conn., American Pub. Co., 1895. 243-2 Riley, Jerome R. Personal reminiscences of the anti-slavery and other reforms and reformers. Plainfield, N.J., 57S--576--577~578--579~580 A.R. Powell; New York, Caulon Press, 1899. Phy Ion; the Atlanta University review of race and Powell, Aaron Macy, 1832-1899. culture. v. 1- ; first quarter, 1940- 222-6-4 [Atlanta, Atlanta University] Peter Johnston, Junior, Virginia soldier and jurist. Charlottesville, Va., The Historical Pub. Co., 1935. 532-2 Hume, Edgar Erskine, 1889- Physical anthros)ology of the American Negro. Philadelphia, Press of the Wistar Institute of 350-1 Anatomy and Biology, 1942. Peter Salem, colored American soldier of the Cobb, William Montague, 1904- American Revolution, for the National Equal Rights League on request of the Boston Branch, in 221-3; 592-246 the interest of an annual Race Day. [Boston? A picture of slavery, drawn from the decisions of 1925?] Southern courts. [Philadelphia, Crissey & Feurtado, Lillian Lewis. Markey, 1863?]

559-5 The petroleum industry of Nigeria. Atlanta, 229-1 1967. Picture of slavery in the United States of Ojimba, Cornelius Okorie. America. Middletown, Conn., E. Hunt, 1834. Bourne, George, 1780-1845.

732 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

504-10 393-12 A picture of Woonsocket; or, The truth in its Plantation songs for my lady's banjo, and other nudity; to which are added translations from the Negro lyrics & monologues, by EI i Shepperd; with best French, Spanish and Italian writers. Printed pictures from life by J.W. Otts. New York, R.H. for the author, 1835. Russel I, 1901. Man, Thomas. Young, Martha, 1868-

195-9 538-10 Pictures of slavery in church and state; in­ The plantation South, 1934-1937, by William C. cluding personal reminiscences, biographical Holley, Ellen Winston [and] T.J. Woofter, Jr. sketches, anecdotes, etc., etc. with an appendix Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1940. containing the views of John Wesley and Richard Holley, William C. Watson on slavery. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Pub. by the author, 1857. · 551-9 Long, John Dixon, 1817-1894. The planter: or, thirteen years in the South. By a northern man. Philadelphia, H. Hooker, 1853. 379-7 Piney Woods and its story. With an introd. by 231-4 S.S. McClure. New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming Platform of the American Anti-slavery Society H. Revell [cl922] and its auxiliaries. New York, American Anti­ Jones, Laurence Clifton, 1884- slavery Society, 1853. American Anti-slavery Society. 355.7 Pioneer colored Christians. Clarksville, Tenn., 593-257 W.P. Titus, 1911. Platform of the American Anti-slavery Society Miller, Harriet Parks. and its auxiliaries. New York, American Anti­ slavery Society, 1860. 356-9 American Anti-slavery Society. Pioneers in Congo. lntrod. by Rev. S.H. Chester. Louisville, Ky., Pentecostal Pub. Co. 571-5 [192_?] Playing the numbers; a study in social Sheppard, William Henry, 1865- behavior. Atlanta, 1937. Smythe, Hugh Heyne, 1913- 570-7 "Pittsburg." A sociological study of a "natural 397-6 area." Atlanta, 1951. Plays of Negro life; a source-book of native Mccombs, McClure Person. American drama, selected and edited by Alain Locke and Montgomery Gregory. Decorations 279-8 and illus. by Aaron Douglas. New York and The place of the Negro in American history, by London, Harper & Bros., 1927. Rev. R.W. Fickland and Rev. A.L. Murray. Locke. Alain Le Roy, 1886-1954, ed. [Philadelphia, The A.M. E. Publishing House, 19051 1-93-1 Fickland, R. William. A plea for Africa. A sermon preached October 26, 1817, in the First Presbyterian Church in the 589-119 city of New-York, before the Synod of New-York A plain statement addressed to all honest and New-Jersey, at the request of the board of Democrats. Boston, Geo. C. Rand & Avery, directors of the African school established by the Printers, 1868. synod. By Edward D. Griffin. Pub. by request of Moody, Loring. the board. New-York, Gould, Printer, 1817. Griffin, Edward Dorr, 1770-1837. 478-7 Plantation and frontier documents: 1649-1863, 191-7 illustrative of industrial history in the colonial & A plea for Africa, being familiar conversation ante-bellum South; collected from mss. and other on the subject of slavery and colonization, rare sources and ed. by Ulrich B. Phillips. originally published under the title "Yaradee." Cleveland, A.H. Clark, 1909. Rev. and enl. By F. Freeman. 3d ed. Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, 1877-1934, ed. Philadelphia, W. Stavely, 1838. Freeman, Frederick, 1799-1883. 392-5 Plantation melodies. [Chicago, Philadelphia, 485-7 The Rodeheaver Co., cl918] A plea for social justice for the Negro woman. Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan, 1880- Issued by the Negro Society for Historical Research, Yonkers, N.Y. [New York] Lincoln 393.5 Press Ass'n., 1912. Plantation melodies. [18_ ?] Fulton, David Bryant, 1863- Crawford, D.D. 417-10 220-2 Plea of the Negro soldier, and a hundred other Plantation slavery in Georgia. Cos Cob, Con­ poems. Easthampton, Mass., Press of Enterprise necticut, John E. Edwards, 1967. Print. Co. [cl908] Flanders, Ralph Betts. White, Charles Frederick, 1876-

733 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title catalog

370-2 418-6 Pleas for progress, by Atticus G. Haygood. Poems of cabin and field. Illustrated with Nashville, Tenn., Printed for the author. Pub. photos by the Hampton Institute Camera Club and House of the M.E. Church, South, 1889. decorations by Alice Morse. New York, Dodd, Haygood, Atticus Greene, Bp., 1839-1896. Mead, 1908 [c1899J Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. 446-6 Plum bun. New York, F .A. Stokes Co. [1929?] 422-7 Fauset, Jessie Redmon, 1884?-1961. The poems of Phillis Wheatley [as they w~re originally published in London, 1773. Phila­ 399-8 delphia, Pa., Republished by R.R. and C.C. Plumes. A play in one act. New York, S. French Wright, 1909?] rc1927] Wheatley, Phillis, 1753?-1784. Johnson, Georgia Douglas Camp, 1886- 419-11 439-5 Poems of the four seas. Boston, Cornhill Pub. Po'buckra [by] Gertrude Mathews Shelby Co. [c1921J [and] Samuel Gaillard Stoney. New York, Jones, Joshua Henry, 1876- Macmillan, 1930. Shelby, Gertrude Mathews, 1881-1936. 304-2 Poems of the war. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 310-5 1864. Poem, Abraham Lincoln, by "Jack Thorne". Boker, George Henry, 1823-1890. Written at the request of the Colored Citizens' Lincoln Centenary Committee and read before 421-6 two thousand five hundred people at the Baptist Poetic facts and philosophy of Al Ethelred Temple, Brooklyn, N.Y., February 12, 1909. Blakeley. New York, A.E. Blakeley, c1936. [Brooklyn? 1909] Blake, Alfred Egbert, 1906- Fulton, David Bryant, 1863· 417-15 420-10 The poetic year for 1916, a critical anthology. Poem book number ten of every day life poetry. Boston, Small, Maynard [c1917] Chicago, c1943. Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont, 1878- Walker, William. 1962. 210-9 196-6-1 A poem on the fugitive slave law. By Rev. E.P. The poetical works of _Elizabeth ~rgaret Rogers. Newark, New Jersey, A. Stephen Chandler: with a memoir of her hfe and Holbrook, Printer, 1855. character. By Benjamin Lundy. Philadelphia, Rogers, Ebenezer Platt, 1817-1881. T.E. Chapman; New York, Baker, Crane & Day, 1845. 422-1 Chandler, Elizabeth Margaret, 1807-1834. Poems. Boston, Mass.", The Monthly Review Press, 1895. 416-16 Bibb, Eloise A. The poetical works of James Madison Bell. Lansing, Mich., Press of Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, 420-6 Crawford [ cl901] Poems. New York, Grafton Press, 1910. Bell, James Madison, 1826-1902. Ray, Henriette Cordelia, d. 1916. 407-6 419-1 Pointing the way. Nashville, Tenn., Orion Pub. Poems. Philadelphia, 1898 [c1895] Co., 1908. Harper, Francis Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911. Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872-

406-2 444-1 Poems. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1867. Poketown people; or, Parables in black. With Gage, Frances Dana Barker, 1808-1884. illus. by Frank Verbeck and Beulah S. Moore. Philadelphia & London, J.B. Lippincott, 1904. 404-8 Tybout, Ella Middleton. Poems. Philadelphia, J. Healy; Boston, Weeks, Jordan & Co., 1838. 217-6 Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892. The police control of the slave in South tarolina, by H.M. Henry. Emory, Va., 1914. 417-8 Henry, Howell Meadoes, 1879- Poems and letters. Ed. by Chas. Fred. Heart. man; with an appreciation by Arthur A. 559-3 Schomburg. 1st collected ed. New York, C.F. The policies of organized labor in relation to Heartman [ 1915] Negro workers in Atlanta, 1869-1937. Atlanta, Wheatley, Phillis, 1753?-1784. 1937. James, Leonard Hammock. 417-3 Poems and writings; arr. and pub. by Mrs. J.C. Tindley. [Philadelphia, c1934] Tindley, Charles Albert. 734 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

591-197 November 6, 1860, to July 4, 1864; including a Political abolition. By Junius. New York, classified summary of the legislation of the second Greeley & McElrath, 1843. session of the Thirty-sixth Congress, the three Colton, Calvin, 1789-1857. sessions of the Thirty-seventh Congress, the first session of the Thirty-eighth Congress, with the 548-5 votes thereon, and the important executive, The political capacity of the Negro. judicial, and politico-military facts of that Washington, Murray Bros. Press, 1910. eventfu I period; together with the organization, Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. legislation, and general proceedings of the rebel administration. Washington, Philp & Solomons; 325-3 1864. The political conspiracies preceding the McPherson, Edward, 1830-1895. rebellion; or, The true stories of Sumter and Pickens. New York; G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1882. 333-2 Anderson, Thomas McArthur, 1836-1917. The political history of the United States of America during the period of reconstruction, 270-3 (from April 15, 1865, to July 15, 1870,) including a Politica I discussions, legislative, diplomatic, classified summary of the legislation of the and popular, 1856-1886, by James G. Blaine. Thirty-ninth, Fortieth, and Forty-first Norwich, Conn., The Henry Bill Pub. Co., 1887. Congresses. With the votes thereon; together with Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893. the action, congressional and state, on the four­ teenth and fifteenth amendments to the Con­ 201-2 stitution of the United States, and the other im­ The political economy of slavery; or, The in­ portant executive, legislative, politico-military, stitution considered in regard to its influence on and judicial facts of that period. By Hon. Edward public wealth and the general welfare. McPherson. Washington, Philp & Solomons, 1871. I Washington) Printed by L. Towers [1857?] McPherson, Edward, 1830-1895. Ruffin, Edmund. 1794-1865. 329-5 299-7 The politica I during the Political essays. Boston and New York, reconstruction. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Houghton, Mifflin [c1890) Press, 1904. Lowell. James Russell, 1819-1891. Eckenrode, Hamilton James, 1881-

567-10 531-1 A political history of Nigeria under British Political issues and outlooks; speeches administration. Atlanta, 1949. delivered between August, 1908, and February, Okoro, Kanu C. 1909, by William H. Taft. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1910. 542-1 Taft, William Howard, Pres. U.S., 1857-1930. Political history of seccession, to the beginning of the American Civil War. New York and Lon­ 335-7 don, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1914. Political oratory of Emery A. Storrs. Ftom Howe, Daniel Wait, 1839-1920. Lincoln to Garfield. By Isaac E. Adams. Chicago, New York [etc.] Belford, Clarke & Co., 1888. 202-1 Storrs, Emery Alexander, 1833-1885. A political history of slavery; being an account of the slavery controversy from the earliest 588-82 agitations in the eighteenth century to the close of Political record of Stephen A. Douglas on the the reconstruction period in America. With an slavery question. A tract issued by the Illinois introd. by Whitelaw Reid. New York and London, Republican State Central Committee. [1860] G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1903. Republican Party. Illinois. State Central Smith, William Henry, 1833-1896. Committee.

192-1 210-11 The political history of slavery in the United The political significance of slave represen­ States, by James Z. George, with a foreword and tation, 1787-1821, by Albert F. Simpson. Private with a sketch of the author's life by William Hayne ed., distributed by the Joint University Libraries, Leavell, and with a preface, somewhat in the Nashville, Tenn. [1941] nature of a personal tribute, by John Bassett Simpson, Albert Franklin, 1904- Moore; read carefully in proof by Dr. Austin Baxter Keep. New York, The Neale Publishing 334-1 Co., 1915. The political situtation, by Geo. L. Prentiss. George, James Zachariah, 1826-1897. New York, F. Somers, 1866. Prentiss, George Lewis, 1816-1903. 567-1 A political history of the Negro in Atlanta, 1908- 345-9 1953. Atlanta, 1955. The political situation in a nut-shell, some un­ Adair, Augustus Alven. colored truths for colored voters, by Dr. J. Milton Waldron and Lieutenant J.D. Harkless. Issued by 301-1 the National Independent Political League, The political history of the United States of Washington, D.C. Washington, Trades Allied America, during the great rebellion, from Printing Council [1912] Waldron, J. Milton. 735 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

589-121 the interior traffic in slaves, and on kidnapping. The political situation, resulting from the late 2d ed. Ballston Spa, Published by the author, 1818. state election.

736 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

477-5 245-4 Preface to peasantry; a tale of two black belt The present state and condition of the free counties. Chapel Hill, University of North people of color, of the city of Philadelphia and Carolina Press, 1936. adjoining districts, as exhibited by the re_POrt of a Raper, Arthur Franklin, 1899- committee of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, &c. Read first 526-5 month {Jan.) Sth, 1838. Philadelphia, The Society, A preface to racial understanding. By Charles 1838. S. Johnson. New York, Friendship Press [cl936] Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 1893-1956. of Slavery.

418-4 211-1-14 Prejudice unveiled, and other poems. Boston, The preservation of the Union, a national Roxburgh Pub. Co., 1907. economic necessity. New York, W.C. Bryant & Moorer, Lizelia Augusta Jenkins. Co., Printers, 1863.

510-3 193-7 Prejudiced-how do people get that way? [New President James Buchanan's betrayal York, Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, of Governor J. Walker of Kansas. 1958?] [Aspects of slavery and expansion, 1848-60. By Van Til, William. George D. Harmon. Bethlehem, Pa., Lehigh University, 1929] 530-8 Harmon, George Dewey, 1896- Preliminary report on the Eighth Census, 1860. By Joseph C.G. Kennedy, Superintendent. 295-4 Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1862. The presidential campaign of 1860. New York, U.S. Census Office. 8th Census, 1860. Macmillan, 1911. Fite, Emerson David, 1874- 199-8 i 592-224 The present aspect of slavery in America and 589-107 the immediate duty of the North: a speech Presidential election, 1864. Proceedings of the delivered in the hall of the State House, before the National Union Convention held in Baltimore, Massachusetts Anti-slavery Convention, on Md., June 7th and 8th, 1864. Reported by D.F. Friday night, January 29, 1858. Boston, B. Marsh, Murphy. New York, Baker & Godwin, Printers, 1858. 1864. Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. Republican Party. National Convention. 3d, Baltimore, 1864. 319-1-127 The present condition and future prospects of 319-1-141 the country. Speech of Hon. Alexander Long, of President's Emancipation proclamation. Ohio, delivered in the House of Representatives, Speech of Hon. Calvin T. Hulburd, of New York. April 8, 1864. [Washington? 1864] Delivered in the House of Representatives, March Long, Alexander, 1816-1886. 12, 1864. [Washington] L. Towers, Printers [T864] Hulburd, Calvin Tilden, 1809-1897. 587-37 The present crisis: with a reply and appeal to 596-361 European advisers, from the sixth edition of The President's Kansas message. Slavery and the remedy. Boston, Crocker & Speech of the Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, Brewster, 1860. on the President's Kansas message. Delivered in Nott, Samuel, 1788-1869. the Senate, February 28, 1856. [Washington? 1856?] 529-1 Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. Present forces in Negro progress. New York, London, Association Press, 1912. 596-369 Weatherford, Willis Duke, 1875- The President's Kansas message. Speech of Hon. Albert G. Brown, of Mississippi, 598-471 on the President's Kansas message. Delivered in The present position of the seceded states, and the Senate of the United States, February 3d & 4th, the rights and duties of the general government in 1858. Washington, Printed by Lemuel Towers, respect to them. An address to the Phi Beta 1858. Kappa Society of Dartmouth College, July 19, Brown, Albert Gallatin, 1813-1880. 1865. Boston, Press of Geo. C. Rand & Avery, 1865. Crosby, Alpheus, 1810-1874. 596-385 The President's message-Kansas. 319-1-58 Speech of Hon. Graham N. Fitch, of Indiana, on The present radical war policy of the ad­ the constitution of Kansas; delivered in the Senate ministration, and the best means of restoring a of the United States. December 22, 1857. speedy peace to the country. Speech of Hon. Washington, Printed at the Office of the James F. McDowell, of Ind., delivered in the Congressional Globe, 1857. House of Representatives, February 23, 1864. Fitch, Graham Newell, 1809-1892. [Washington? 1864] McDowell, James Foster, 1825-1887.

7'.r'/ Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

596-372 385-9 The President's special message. Speech of Problems in practice teaching,_ by student­ Hon. Charles Case, of Indiana. Delivered in the teachers in the Division of Education, Tuskegee U.S. House of Representatives, March 11, 1858. Normal and Industrial Institute, Alabama. [2d [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1858) ed. Tuskegee, 1924] Case, Charles, 1817-1883. Tuskegee Institute. 368-3 503-10 Prince Hall and his followers; being a Problems of civilization, by Ellsworth Hun­ monograph on the legitimacy of Negro masonry, tington, Whiting Williams, [and by George W. Crawford. New York, The Crisis others] New York, D. Van Nostrand [c1929] [ cl914] Crawford, George Williamson, 1877- 346-4 Problems of demobilization and rehabilitation 449-1 of the Negro soldier after World Wars I and 11. The Prince of Washington Square; an up-to-the­ Clement, Rufus E. minute story. New York, F.A. Stokes Co., 1925. Liscomb, Harry F. 567-3 The problems of national integration in Ghana 589-118 and Nigeria, 1952-1965: a study. Atlanta, 1969. Principles of the Democratic Party. Speech of Boateng, Agyenim. Hon. John A. Logan, of Illinois. In the House of Representatives, July 16, 1868. [Washington? 554-6 1868?] Problems of the present South; a discussion of Logan, John Alexander, 1826-1886. certain of the educational, industrial and political issues in the Southern States, by Edgar Gardner 204-7 Murphy. New York, Grosset & Dunlap [c1904] Prison life and reflections; or, A narrative of the Murphy, Edgar Gardner, 1869-1913. arrest, trial, conviction, imprisonment, treat­ ment, observations, reflections, and deliverance 573-( 1-23) of Work, Burr, and Thompson, who suffered an Proceedings. 1st- 1896- unjust and cruel imprisonment in Missouri Atlanta, Atlanta University. penitentiary for attempting to aid some slaves to Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, liberty. By George Thompson, one of the Atlanta University. prisoners. 5th ed. Hartford, A. Work, 1850. Thompson. George, d. 1893. 473-14 Proceedings. Washington, R.H. Darby, 1879. 325-1 National Conference of Colored Men of the United Prison life in the South: at Richmond, Macon, States, Nashville, Tenn., 1879. Savannah, Charleston, Columbia, Charlotte, Raleigh, Goldsborough, and Andersonville, during 480-4 the years 1864 and 1865. New York, Harper, 1866. Proceedings. 1st, 1900. Abbott, Allen 0. Nashville, Tenn., cl901- National Negro Business League. 301-4 The prisoner of state. New-York, Carleton, 1863. 581-1 Mahony, Dennis A. Proceedings. lst-[2d?] 1909-[1910?] New York. 307-2 National Negro Conference. A prisoner of war in Virginia 1864-5, by George Haven Putnam, Adjt. and Bvt.-Major 176th N.Y.S. 474-8 Vols. Reprinted, with additions, from the report Proceedings. [New York, 1909) of an address presented to the N.Y. Commandery National Negro Conference. 1st, New York, 1909. of the U.S. Loyal Legion, December 7, 1910. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1912. 540-1,2 Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930. Proceedings and reports. 1st-87th (?); 1882-1936/ 37. 407-4 New York. "The problem," a military novel. [Rochester, John F. Slater Fund, New York. N.Y., Press of H. Conolly Co., cl915] Gilmore, F. Grant. . 211-1-44 Proceedings at the first anniversary meeting of 422-4 the Loyal Publication Society, February 13, 1864, The problem, and other poems. Atlanta, Ga., with the annual reports, prepared by order of the Atlanta Baptist College Print [c1905] Society, by the secretary CJ.A. Stevens, Jr.] New Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939. York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. Loyal Publication Society. 592-213 The Problem of the age: or, the Abolition of 243-3 American slavery considered in a physical and Proceedings at the public breakfast held in honour moral aspect. Dedicated to Mrs. Harriet Beecher of William Lloyd Garrison of Boston Stowe. London, Houlston & Stoneman, 1853. Massachusetts, in St. James's Hall, London, o~ ~turdav, June 29th, 1867. Rev. by the speakers; with an mtrod. by F.W. Chesson, and opinions of 738 the press. London, W. Tweedie, 1868. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title cata log

1865, with the annual reports, prepared by order of 198-10 the Society, by the secretary [J.A. Stevens, Jr.] Proceedings of the citizens of the Borough of New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1865. Norfolk, on the Boston outrage, in the case of the Loyal Publication Society. runaway slave George Latimer. Norfolk, T.G. Broughton & Son, Printers, 1843. 276-3 Norfolk, Va. Citizens. Proceedings, findings, and opinion of the Court of Inquiry convened under the act of Congress of 283-3 February 13, 1874, by special orders no. 35, War Proceedings of the city council of Providence on Department, Adjutant-General's Office, of the death of Abraham Lincoln: with the oration February 16, 1874, in the case of Brig. Gen. Oliver delivered before the municipal authorities and O. Howard, United States Army. Gen. William T. citizens, June 1, 1865, by William Binney. Sherman, United States Army, president of the Providence, R. I., Knowles, Anthony & Co., Court. Maj. Asa Bird Gardner, Judge-Advocate Printers, 1865. United States Army, Judge Advocate. Providence. City Council. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1874. Howard, Oliver Otis, 1830-1909. 593-269 Proceedings of the Convention which met at 227-2 Worcester, Mass., March 1, 1859. New York, J.F. Proceedings for the year 1911-1912, v. 5. Cedar Trow, Printer, 1859. Rapids, la .. Torch Press, 1912. Church Anti-Slavery Society. Mississippi Valley Historical Association. 489-7 336-2 Proceedings of the first state session, 1919. Proceedings in the case of the United States [Nashville, Clarion] 1919. against Duncan G. McRae, William J. Tolar, Tennessee Equal Rights League. David Watkins, Samuel Phillips and Thomas Powers, for the murder of Archibald Beebee at 271-11 Fayetteville, North carolina, on the 11th day of Proceedings of the first three Republican February, 1867, together with the argument of Ed. national conventions of 1856, 1860 and 1864, in­ Graham Haywood, Special Judge Advocate. cluding proceedings of the antecedent national Reported by Chas. Flowers and Chas. P. Young. convention held at Pittsburg, in February, 1856, as Raleigh, N.C., Published for R. Avery, 1867. reported by Horace Greeley. Minneapolis, Minn., Tolar, William J .• defendant. C.W. Johnson [1893] Republican Party. National Convention. 337-1 Proceedings in the Ku Klux trials, at Columbia, 385-12 S.C. in the United States Circuit Court, November Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annua I Con­ term, 1871. Printed from government copy. ference of the Association of Socia I Science Columbia, S.C., Republican Printing Co., State Teachers, April 29 and 30, 1949. Charlotte, N.C .. Printers, 1872. Johnson C. Smith University, 1949. U.S. Circuit Court (4th circuit) Association of Social Science Teachers.

593-252 230-7 Proceedings of the American and Foreign Anti­ Proceedings of the fourth New England Anti­ slavery Society, at its anniversary, May 7, 1850; slavery Convention, held in Boston May 30, 31 and with the abstract of the annual report and June 1 and 2, 1837. Boston, Printed by Isaac resolutions. New York, American and Foreign Knapp, 1837. Anti-slavery Society [ 1850?] Anti-slavery Convention. 4th, New England, American and Foreign Anti-slavery Society. 1833.

593-258 244-8 Proceedings of the American Anti-slavery Proceedings of the General Anti-slavery Con­ Society, at its third decade, held in the city of vention, called by the Committee of the British Philadelphia, Dec. 3d and 4th, 1864 [i.e. 1863] and Foreign Anti-slavery Society. [1st-2d] 1840- Phonographic report by Henry M. Parkhurst, 1843. London, 1841-(43] New York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1864. General Anti-slavery Convention, 1st, 2d, London, American Anti-slavery Society. 1840, 1843.

593-264 198-2 Proceedings of the Anti-slavery Convention of Proceedings of the merchants' great American Women, held in Philadelphia, May 15th, Democratic meeting at the New York Exchange, 16th, 17th, and 18th, 1838. Philadelphia, Printed by on Thursday, 2d October, 1856; correspondence of Merrihew and Gunn, 1838. the committees, and speech of Governor Floyd, of Anti-slavery Convention of American Women. 2d, Virginia. New York, J.F. Trow [1856] Philadelphia, 1838. New York. Merchants.

230-6 210-7; 593-272 Proceedings of the Anti-slavery Convention of Proceedings of the New York Anti-slavery American Women, held in the City of New York, Convention, held at Utica, October 21, and New May 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th, 1837. New York, York Anti-slavery State Society, held at Peter­ Printed by William S. Dorr, 1837. boro', October 22, 1835. Utica, N. Y ., Printed at the Anti-slavery Convention of American Women. 1st, Standard & Democratic Office, 1835. New York, 1837. New York State Anti-slavery Society. 739 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

211-1-78 461-5 Proceedings at the second anniversary meeting "Prof. Charley." A sketch of Charles Thompson of the Loyal Publication Society, February 11, by A.E.L. With an introd. by Joseph Osgood Thompson. Boston, D.C. Heath & Co., 1902. 593-274 Lee, Abigail Eloise Stearns. Proceedings of the Ohio Anti-slavery Con­ vention. Held at Putnam, on the twenty-second, 379-10; 472-15 twenty-third, and twenty-fourth of April, 1835. Programme and addresses in connectior:i with I Cincinnati?] Beaumont and Wallace, Printers unveiling exercises of the Booker T. Washington [ 1835] Memorial, held at Tuskegee Institute, Ala., April Ohio Anti-slavery Convention, Putnam, 1835. 5, 1922. Tuskegee, Ala., 1922. Tuskegee Institute. 236-8 Proceedings of the Pennsylvania convention, 530-6 assembled to organize a state anti-slavery Progress and achievements of the colored society, at Harrisburg, on the 31st of January and people; containing the story of the wonderful 1st, 2d and 3d of February 1837. Philadelphia, advancement of the colored Americans. A hand­ Printed by Merrihew and Gunn, 1837. book for self-improvement which leads to greater Pennsylvania State Anti-slavery Society. success [by] Kelly Miller and Joseph R. Gay. Washington, A. Jenkins Co. [c1917] 414-6 Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. Proceedings of the regular session [and the] executive committee session. Nashville, Tenn., 553-9 National Baptist Pub. Board, 1916- Progress and achievements of the colored National Negro Press Association. people: containing the story of the wonderful advancement of the colored Americans, the most 234-7; 593-280 marvelous in the history of nations, their past Proceedings of the Rhode-Island Anti-slavery accomplishments, together with their present-day Convention, held in Providence, on the 2d, 3d, and opportunities and a glimpse into the future for 4th of February, 1836. Providence, H.H. Brown, further developments, the dawn of a triumphant Printer, 1836. era; a handbook for self-improvement which Rhode Island State Anti-slavery Convention, leads to greater success. Philadelphia, National Providence, 1836. Pub. Co. [c1913] Gay, Joseph R. 507-9 Proceedings of the second National Conference 513-3 on the Problems of the Negro and Negro Youth The progress and development of the colored held in the Departmental Auditorium, Depart­ people of our nation; an address delivered before ment of Labor, Washington, D.C., January 12, 13 the American Missionary Association, Wednesday and 14, 1939. [Washington, D.C., 1939) evening, October 21, 1908, at Galesburg, Illinois. National Conference on the Problems of the Negro By Rev. Francis J. Grimke. [Washington? 1909?] and Negro Youth. 2d, Washington, D.C., 1939. Grimke, Francis James, 1850-1937. 212-9 588-50 Progress and intelligence of Americans, Proceedings of the Senate and documents whether in the northern, central, or southern relative to Texas, from which the injunction of portion of the continent, founded upon the normal secrecy has been removed. [Washington? 1844?] and absolute servitude of inferior animates to U.S. 28th Congress, 1st session, 1843-1844. Senate. mankind, as indicated by the order of nature and by the acts of creation, as laid down in the Bible: 593-266 progress of that servitude south and southwest, as Proceedings of the third Anti-slavery Con­ new territory may be acquired, either by pur­ vention of American Women, held in Philadelphia, chase, or by the national immergence of Mexico May 1st, 2d and 3d, 1839. Philadelphia, Printed by and Central America into the United States, Merrihew and Thompson, 1839. through the vindication of the Monroe doctrine in Anti-slavery Convention of American Women. 3d, becoming their protectorate. Advantages Philadelphia, 1839. enumerated and explained. By Alonzo Alvarez fpseud.] Translated and pub. by the author, 1865. 383-7 Wheat, Marvin T. Proceedings of the 27th annual conference, March 25, 26, 27, 1953. Theme: "Education and its 526-3 & 527-2,3 promise for the future." Baltimore, Morgan State Progress in race relations. College [1953?] Report. National Association of Collegiate Deans and 1st- 19 Registrars in Negro Schools. Atlanta, 19 Commission on Interracial Cooperation, Inc. 227-6 Proceedings of the United States Senate, on the 554-4 Fugitive Slave Bill,-the abolition of the slave­ Progress of a race; or, The remarkable ad­ trade in the District of Columbia,-and the im­ vancement of the colored American. From the prisonment of free colored seamen in the southern bondage of slavery, ignorance and poverty to the ports: with the speeches of Messrs. Davis, freedom of citizenship, intelligence, affluence, Winthrop and others. [Washington, Press of T.R. honor and trust. Rev. and enl.; by J.W. Gibson Marvin, 1850) and W.H. Crogman. Special features: National U.S. 31st Congress, 1st session, 1849-1850. Senate. 740 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

Negro Business League, and introduction, by 548-3 Booker T. Washington. Club movement among Protest against the robbery of the colored race Negro women, by Fannie Barrier Williams. by the proposed amendment of the Constitution. Naperville, Ill., J.L. Nichols & Co. (1912] By Rev. George B. Cheever. New York, R.J. Gibson, John William, 1841- Johnston, Printer, 1866. Cheever, George Barrell, 1807-1890. 504-3 Progress of a race; or, The remarkable ad­ 595-319 vancement of the American Negro from the Protest of southern senators against the passage bondage of slavery, ignorance, and poverty to the of the California bill, in Senate, August 15, 1850, freedom of citizenship, intelligence, affluence, with remarks of Messrs. Clemens, Hunter and honor and trust. Rev. and enl. by J. L. Nichols and Davis, thereon. Washington City: Office of "The William H. Crogman. With special articles by Southern Press," 1850. • well known authorities: Mrs. Booker T. Washington, Charles M. Melden, M.W. Dogan, 381-6 Albon L. Holsey, and an introd. by Robert R. Psychology in Negro institutions. Institute, W. Moton. Naperville, Ill., J.L. Nichols & Co. [cl925] Va., West Virginia State College [1939] Kletzing, Henry F ., 1850- Canady, Herman George, 1901-

206-9 259-4 The progress of slavery in the United States. By The public life of Capt. John Brown, with an George M. Weston. Washington, The author, 1857. auto-biography of his childhood and youth. Weston, George Melville, 1816-1887. Boston, Thayer and Eldridge, 1860. Redpath, James, 1833-1891. 561-2 The proletariat of the in 563-10 American fiction, 1865-1900. Atlanta, 1934. Public opinion and the ltalo-Ethiopian dispute Burton, Lula Fairley. from the Wal Wal incident to the battle of Amba Aradam. Atlanta, 1939. 435-4 Chisholm, Lelia Eugenia. The promised land. Boston, Christopher Pub. House [cl930] 376-1-28 Lubin, Gilbert. Public secondary schools for Negroes in the Southern States of the United States; a complete 211-1-36 list of all public schools for Negroes in the Prophecy and fulfillment. Part I. Speech of Southern States of the United States that offer any A.H. Stephens, of Georgia, (Vice President of the instruction at all on the secondary level, as of so-called Confederate States,) in opposition to October 1, 1933. [Washington, D.C.?] 1935. secession in 1860. Part II. Address of E.W. Gantt Redcay, Edward Edgeworth, 1902- comp. of Arkansas, (Brigadier-General in the Con­ federate Army,) in favor of reunion in 1863. New 374-2 York, 1865. Public taxation and Negro schools; paper read Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883. before the twelfth annual Conference • for Education in the South held at Atlanta, Georgia 522-3 April 14, 15, and 16, 1909, by Charles L. Coon. Prophetic voices concerning America. A Cheyney, Pa., Committee of Twelve for the monograph. Boston, Leeand Shepard; New York, Advancement of the Interests of the Negro Race Lee, Shepard, and Dillingham, 1874. [1909] Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. Coon, Charles Lee, 1868-1927.

516-6 544-1 The proposed legislative death knell of private Publications. v. 1-4. Fayetteville, Ark. [etc.] discriminatory employment practices. [New 1906-17. York, 1945] Arkansas Historical Association. (Founded 1903) Wilson, Abraham. 573-( 1-24) 268-1 Publications. The pro-slavery argument; as maintained by the no. 1-24; 1896-[cl947] most distinguished writers of the Southern States, [New York, Harper] containing the several essays on the subject, of Atlanta University. Chancellor Harper, Governor Hammond, Dr. Simms, and Professor Dew. Charleston, S.C., 558-2 Walker, Richards & Co., 1852. Publications of the Faculties of the Atlanta University Center, 1950-1960. Atlanta, Atlanta 479-1 University, 1960. The prosperity of the South dependent upon the Atlanta University. Library. elevation of the Negro. Richmond, Va., Everett Waddey, cl889. 188-1 Blair, Lewis Harvie, 1834- Pulpit politics: or, Ecclesiastical legislation on slavery, in its disturbing influences on the 333-5 American union. 3d ed. Cincinnati, Faran & The prostrate state; South Carolina under McLean, 1862. Negro government; introd. by Henry Steele Christy, David, b. 1802. Commager. New York, Loring & Mussey [cl935] Pike, James Shepherd, 1811-1882. 741 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

313-6 518-7 The punishment of treason. A discourse The question of race. A reply ~o W. cabell preached April 23d, 1865, in the South Bruce. Baltimore, Printing Office of J.F. Presbyterian Church, of Brooklyn. Brooklyn, Weishampel, 1891. "The Union" Steam Presses, 1865. Johnson, Harvey, 1843- Spear, Samuel Thayer, 1812-1891. 472-4 594-294 Quotations of Booker T. Washington, compiled Put up thy sw.ord. A discourse delivered before by E. Davidson Washington. [Tuskegee, Ala., Theodore Parker's society, at the Music Hall, Tuskegee Institute Press, 1940, c1938] Boston, Sunday, March 11, 1860. By W.H. Fur­ Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. ness. Boston, R. F. Wallcut, 1860. Furness, William Henry, 1802-1896.

472-11 Putting the most into life. New York, T.Y. Crowell & Co. [1906] R Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915.

532-7 Race and civilization, by Friedrich Hertz, Q translated by A.S. Levetus and W. Entz. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.; New York, Macmillan, 1928. 232· 1 Hertz, Friedrich Otto, 1878- Quarterly anti-slavery magazine. Ed. by Elizur Wright. Jun. v. 1-2; Oct. 1835-July 1837. New York, 525-3 The American Anti-slavery Society, 1836-37. Race and race relations. [New York, The American Missionary Association, pref. 1943] 436-2 Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 1893-1956. Quartier noir (Home to Harlem>- Traduit du Negre Americain, par Louis Guilloux. Ed. 512-5 originale. Paris. Rieder. 1932. Race and race relations; a Christian view of McKay. Claude. 1890-1948. human contacts, by Robert E. Speer. New York, Chicago, Fleming H. Revell [cl924] 220-8 Speer, Robert Elliott, 1867-1947. Queen New Orleans, city by the river. New York, W. Morrow, 1949. 558-11 Kane, Harnett Thomas, 1910- Race and region. A descriptive bibliography compiled with special reference to the relations 529-3 between whites and Negroes in the United States, The quest for understanding; extracts from by Edgar T. Thompson and Alma Macy Thomp­ reports of Peabody Conference on Education and son. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Race Relations. [4th ed., rev.] Atlanta, Executive Press, 1949. Committee of the Conference [1933) Thompson, Edgar Tristram, 1900- Conference on Education and Race Relations. 504-4 196-2 The race conflict; a study of conditions in La question Americaine. Paris, Librairie America, by W.P Livingstone. London, Sampson Achille Faure, 1865. Low, Marston & Co., 191 l. Lothian, William Schomberg Robert Kerr, 8th Livingstone, William Pringle. marquess of, 1832-1870. 528-3 198-5 Race consciousness and the American Negro; a The question before Congress, a consideration study of the correlation between the group ex­ of the debates and final action by Congress upon perience and the fiction of 1900-1930. Copenhagen, various phases of the race question in the United A. Busck, 1934. States. Philadelphia, Pa., The A.M.E. Book Barton, Rebecca Chalmers, 1905- Concern [c1918] Mitchell, George Washington, 1865- 548-9 Race distinctions in American law. New York, 597.457 Association Press, 1911 [cl910] The question before us. Boston, Printed by John Stephenson, Gilbert Thomas, 1884- Wilson and Son, 1862. Guild, Samuel Eliot, 1819-1862. 570-10 Race distinctions in the acts of the Georgia 334-5 Assembly, 1765-1939. Atlanta, 1941. La question des Negres et la reconstruction du Page, Eugene Turner, Jr. Sud aux E:tats-Unis, par J.H. Serment; meeting du 29 mars 1866, et rapport du Comite genevois en 503-3 faveurdesesclavesaffranchis. Geneve. lmpr. de Race grit; adventures on the border-land of J.G. Fick, 1866. liberty, by Coe Hayne. Edited by the Department Serment, Jacques Henri, 1825- of Missionary Education, Board of Education of 742 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

the Northern Baptist Convention. Philadelphia, 529-6 Boston [etc.] The Judson Press [cl922] Race relations, a selected list of readings on Hayne, Coe Smith, 1875- racial and cultural minorities in the United States, with special emphasis on Negroes, by Julia 552-2 Waxman. Chicago, Julius Rosenwald Fund, 1945. Race improvement in the United States. Waxman, Julia. Philadelphia, The American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1909. 526-11 American Academy of Political and Social Race relations: adjustment of whites and Science, Philadelphia. Negroes in the United States, by Willis D. Weatherford and Charles S. Johnson. Boston, 498-2 New York [etc.] D.C. Heath [cl934] Race or mongrel: a brief history of the rise and Weatherford, Willis Duke, 1875- fa II of the ancient races of earth: a theory that the fall of nations is due to intermarriage with alien 509-5 stocks: a demonstration that a nation's strength Race relations and the race problem, a is due to racia I purity: a prophecy that America definition and an analysis. Edgar T. Thompson, will sink to early decay unless immigration is editor; contributors: Robert E. Park, Edward B. rigorously restricted. By Alfred P. Schultz. Reuter, S.J. Holmes and others. Durham, N.C., Boston, L.C. Page & Co., 1908. Duke University Press, 1939. Schultz, Alfred Paul Karl Eduard, 1878- Thompson, Edgar Tristram, 1900- ed.

501-2 526-7 Race orthodoxy in the South, and other aspects Race relations at close range; watching the of the Negro question. New York, The Neale Pub. Negro problem settle itself, by Lawrence W. Neff. Co., 1914. Emory University [Atlanta] Banner Press [c1931] Bailey, Thomas Pearce, 1867- Neff, Lawrence Wilson.

533-1 563-4 Race prejudice. Translated by Florence Wade­ Race relations in Atlanta, as seen in a critical Evans. New York, E.P. Dutton and Co., 1907. analysis of the City Counci I proceedings and other F inot, Jean, 1858-1922. related works, 1865-1877. Atlanta, 1966. Benson, Alexa Wynelle. 522-5 Race prejudice a form of group prejudice. 564-12 [192_?] Race relations in Atlanta from 1877 through Kershner, J. Hayden. 1890, as seen in a critical analysis of the Atlanta City Council proceedings and other related works. 517-7 Atlanta, 1966. The race problem: A lecture. Chicago, Geo. L. Thomas, Bettye Collier. Shuman & Co., c1900. Grady, Henry Woodfin, 1851-1889. 527-1 Race relations; the interaction of ethnic ·and 518-8 racial groups. Boston, Houghton Mifflin [1951) The race problem and peace. Presented to the Berry, Brewton. VI International Summer School of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 494-5 Chicago, May 1924. New York, Reprinted for the Race rights in America. Washington, D.C. [The Nationa I Association for the Advancement of author, 1918?] Colored People [ 1924?] Hewlett, J. Henry. Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938. 570-15 519-7 The race riot; a form of race conflict. Atlanta, The race problem in the South. New York, D. 1940. Appleton and Co., 1892. Robinson, Bernard Frederick. Le Conte, Joseph, 1823-1901. 532-3 518-9 The races of man: an outline of anthropology Race problems of the South; report of the and ethnography, by J. Deniker. With 176 illus. proceedings of the first annual conference held and 2 maps. London, W. Scott; New York, C. under the auspices of the Southern Society for the Scribner's Sons, 1900. Promotion of the Study of Race Conditions and Deniker, Joseph, 1852-1918. Problems in the South, at Montgomery, Alabama, May 8, 9, 10, 1900. Richmond, Va., B.F. Johnson 532-1 Pub. Co. [c1900] The races of man; differentiation and dispersal Southern Society for the Promotion of the Study of of man. New York, The University Society [cl935] Race Conditions and Problems in the South. Bean, Robert Bennett, 1874-

502-6 537-4 The race question in a new light. By Sutton E. The races of men: a philosophical enquiry into Griggs. Nashville, Tenn., The Orion Pub. Co., the influence of race over the destinies of nations. 1909. [2d ed?] with supplementary chapters. London, Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872- H. Renshaw [1862) Knox, Robert, 1791-1862. 743 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

397-3 213-8 Rachel, a play in three acts [by] Angelina W. Racial problems, adjustments and disturbances Grimke. Boston, The Cornhill Co. [cl920] in the ante-bellum South, by Ulrich B. Phillips. Grimke, Angelina Weld, 1880- Richmond, Va., The Southern Publication Society, 1909. 364-6 Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, 1877-1934. Racial adjustments in the Methodist Episcopal Church, by John H. Reed with an introd. by Adna 504-2 B. Leonard. New York, The Neale Pub. Co., 1914. Racial problems discussed. Let's keep the Reed, John Hamilton. United States white. A study of the races that have developed civilization: their ac­ 569-1 complishments and rank compared. Sandersville, The racial attitudes of one hundred Negro Ga. [1945?] college students. Atlanta, 1938. Irwin, John R. Earl, Charlotte Alma. 527-13 491-13 Racia I relations and the Christian idea I; a Racial equality, address delivered at the discussion course for college students. N [ew J Twenty-third Annual Conference of the National Y [ ork] Young Women's Christian Association, Association for the Advancement of Colored etc. [cl923] People, held at Washington, D.C., May 17, 1932. New York, National Association for the Advan­ 274-3 cement of Colored People [1932?] The raid of John Brown at Harper's Ferry as I Spingarn, Joel Elias, 1875-1939. saw it. Washington, The author, 1909. Leech, Samuel Vanderlip, 1837-1916. 513-2 The racial factor in Y.M.C.A.'s; a report on 319-1-153 Negro-white relationships in twenty-four cities, Railroads to New York. Speech of Hon. John M. prepared from 249 original interviews conducted Broomall, of Pennsylvania, delivered in the House and reported by Dr. J. Howell Atwood as sum­ of Representatives, March 24, 1864. [Washington, marized by Arthur W. Hardy and Owen E. Pence. McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864) Foreword by Shelby M. Harrison. Published Broomall, John Martin, 1816-1894. under the auspices of the Bureau of Records, Studies and Trends, National Board of 390-4 Y .M.C.A.'s, New York, N.Y. New York, Rainbow in the morning. Hatboro, Pa., Folklore Association Press, 1946. Associates, 1965 [cl926] Atwood, Jesse Howell. Dobie, James Frank, 1888-1964, ed.

569-9 397-4 Racial factors attending the functioning of the A raisin in the sun; a drama in three acts. New New Deal in the South. Atlanta, 1936. York, Random House [1959] Harrison, Bonita Golda. Hansberry, Lorraine, 1930-1965.

496-3 202-7 Racial factors in democracy. Boston, Marshall Random recollections, by Henry B. Stanton. Jones Co., 1918. New York, Harper & Bros., 1887. Means, Philip Ainsworth, 1892- Stanton, Henry Brewster, 1805-1887.

382-1 414-7 Racia I integrity; a plea for the establishment of A readership study of the Baltimore Afro. a chair of Negro history in our schools and American, established 1892, member, Audit colleges, etc. Read before the Teachers' summer Bureau of Circulations, oldest in America's class at Cheyney Institute, July 1913. [New largest chain of Negro newspapers. Conducted by York?] A.V. Bernier [1913?] Charles L. Allen, Medill School of Journalism, Schomburg, Arthur Alfonso, 1874-1938. Northwestern University. [Baltimore? Afro­ American Newspapers? 1953] 508-1 Allen, Charles Laurel, 1902- Racial integrity and other features of the Negro problem, by A.H. Shannon. Nashville, Tenn., 381-11 Dallas, Tex., Printed for the author, Publishing The reading interests and needs of Negro House of the M.E. Church, South, 1907. college freshmen regarding social science Shannon, Alexander Harvey, 1869- materials. New York, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1942. 552-6 Daniel, Walter Green, 1905- Racial possibilities as indicated by the Negroes of Arkansas. By D.B. Gaines. Little Rock, Ark., 394-4 Printing Department of Philander Smith College, The real jazz. Rev. and enl. ed. New York, 1898. Barnes [ 1960] Gaines, David Blueford, 1863- Panassie, Hugues.

589-103 The real motives of the rebellion. The slaveholder's conspiracy, depicted by southern loyalists in its treason against Democratic 744 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

principles, as well as against the nationa I Union: 198-7 showing a contest of slavery and nobility versus Rebellion record; a diary of American events, free government. Address of the Democratic with documents, narratives, illustrative incidents, League to the "loyal leagues" and loyal men poetry, etc. Ed. by Frank Moore. New York, G.P. throughout the land. [New York, 1864] Putnam, 1861-63; D. Van Nostrand, 1864-68. Democratic League, New York. 211-1-52 598-482 Rebellion, slavery and peace. By Hon. N.G. The rea I question before the country. What the Upham. [New York? Loyal Publication Society? President proclaims!! What Congress has ac­ 1864?] tually done. New York, John F. Trow & Co., 1866. Upham, Nathaniel Gookin, 1801-1869. U.S. Congress. Joint Committee on Recon­ struction. 589-109 Rebellion-slavery-peace. An address. 595-315 Delivered at Concord, N.H., March 2, 1864. The re-annexation of Texas: its influence on the Published by request. Concord, E.C. Eastman, duration of slavery. Philadelphia, Printed at the 1864. office of the Pennsylvanian [184_?] Upham, Nathaniel Gookin, 1801-1869.

599-515 319-1-76 Reasons for establishing a registry of slaves in Rebellious states. Speech of Hon. the British colonies: being a report of a committee Perry, of New Jersey, delivered in the House of of the African Institution. Pub. by order of that Representatives, First session, Thirty-eighth society. London, Printed by Ellerton and Hen­ Congress, May 3, 1864. [Washington, Gibson derson, sold by J. Hatchard, 1815. Brothers, Printers, 1864] African Institution, London. Perry, Nehemiah, 1816-1881.

211-1-30 590-149 Rebel conditions of peace and the mechanics of Rebellious states. Speech of Nehemiah Perry of the South. [New York, 1863] New Jersey, delivered in the House of Representatives, First Session, Thirty-eighth 319-1-147 Congress, Tuesday, May 3, 1864. [Washington? The rebellion. Speech of Hon. Ephraim R. 1864?] Eckley, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Perry, Nehemiah, 1816-1881. March 26, 1864. [Washington, Gibson Bros., Printers, 1864] 319-1-79 Eckley, Ephraim Ralph, 1811-1908. The rebellious states. Speech of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, of Pennsylvania, delivered in the House 319-1-98 of Representatives, May 2, 1864. [Washington, The rebellion and its sympathizers. Speech of McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864] Hon. Jesse 0. Norton, of Illinois. Delivered in the Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792-1868. House of Representatives, April 20, 1864. [Washington, Printed by L. Towers, 1864] '!13-1 Norton, Jesse Olds, 1812-1875. The rebuilding of old commonwealths, being essays towards the training of the forgotten man 589-98 in the Southern States by Walter H. Page. New Rebellion and recognition. Slavery, York, Doubleday, Page, 1905. sovereignty, secession and recognition con­ Page, Walter Hines, 1855-1918. sidered. Manchester [Eng.] The Union and Emancipation Society, 1863. 590-147 Estcourt, J.H. The rebuke of secession doctrines. By southern statesmen. Philadelphia, Printed for gratuitous 309-4 distribution, 1863. The rebellion-its causes and consequences. A speech delivered at College Hall in the city of 280-10 Toledo, Tuesday evening, Nov. 26, 1861. Toledo, Recaptured Africans. Letter from the Pelton and Waggoner, Printers, 1861. Secretary of the Navy, transmitting the in­ Ashley, James Monroe, 1824-1896. formation required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 5th instant, in relation to 304-10 the present condition and probable annual ex­ The rebellion: its consequences, and the pense of the United States' Agency for Recaptured congressional committee, denominated the Africans on the coast of Africa, &c. &c., March 12, reconstruction committee, with their action. By 1828. Referred to Committee of Ways and Means. Investigator. New Orleans, Commercial Print, Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1828. 1866. U.S. Navy Dept. Barker, Jacob, 1779-1871. 247-4 597-455 Recent speeches and addresses [ 1851-1856] The rebellion:-its origin and main-spring. An Boston, Higgins and Bradley, 1856. oration delivered by Hon. Charles Sumner, under Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. the auspices of the Young Men's Republican Union of New York, November 27, 1861. New York, Printed for the Young Men's Republican Union, 1861. Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. 745 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

527-8 319-1-143 Recent trends in race relations, by R. B. Reconstruction. Speech of F.C. Beaman, of Eleazer. 4th ed. rev. Atlanta, Commission on Michigan, in the House of Representative_s, March I nterracia I Cooperation, 1935. 22, 1864, on the Bill to guarantee to certain states, Eleazer, Robert Burns, 1877- whose governments have been usurped or over­ thrown, a republican form of government. 319-1-75 Washington, H. Polkinhorn, Printer, 1864. Reciprocity treaty. Speech of Hon. F.W. Beaman, Fernando Cortez, 1814-1882. Kellogg, of Michigan, in the House of Represen­ tatives, May 25, 1864. [Washington, L. Towers, 319-1-42 Printer, 1864?] Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. A.C. Baldwin, Kellogg, Francis William, 1810-1879. of Mich., delivered in the House of Represen­ tatives, April 29, 1864. [Washington? 1864] 187-2 Baldwin, Augustus Carpenter, 1817-1903. Reclamation of fugitives from service. An argument for the defendant, submitted to the 319-1-140 Supreme Court of the United States, at the Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. A.C. Wilder, of December term, 1846, in the case of Wharton Kansas, delivered in the House of Represen­ Jones vs. John Vanzandt. By S.P Chase. Cin­ tatives, March 19, 1864. Washington, McGill & cinnati, Printed by R.P. Donogh & Co., 1847. Witherow, Printers, 1864. Chase, Salmon Portland, 1808-1873. Wilder, Abel Carter, 1828-1875.

493-3 319-1-21 Recollections of a police magistrate, by Colonel Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. Charles George T. Denison. With an introd. by Dr. A.H.U. Denison, of Pennsylvania, delivered in the House Colquhoun. Toronto. The Musson Book Co. [1920] of Representatives, May 2, 1864, upon the Denison, George Taylor, 1839-1925. reconstruction of states, whose authority has been usurped or overthrown. [Washington? 1864] 465-6 Denison, Charles, 1818-1867. Recollections of a sleeping car porter. By Jack Thorne. Jersey City, Doan & Pilson, Printers, 598-479 1892. Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. Daniel Morris, Fulton, David Bryant. 1863- of New York, in the House of Representatives, May 19, 1866. [Washington, Printed at the 311-1 Congressional Globe Office, 1866?] Recollections of forty years in the House, Senate Morris, Daniel, 1812-1889. and Cabinet. An autobiography. Chicago, New York, 1895. 319-1-20 Sherman, John, 1823-1900. Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. Geo. H. Pen­ dleton, of Ohio, delivered in the House of 237-1 Representatives, May 4, 1864. [Washington? Recollections of seventy years, by F .B. San­ 1864] born, of Concord. Boston, R.G. Badger, 1909. Pendleton, George Hunt, 1825-1889. Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, 1831-1917. 598-485 389-7 Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. J.A. Logan, of Re-composed and select spiritual songs, by Rev. Illinois, in the House of Representatives, July 11 L.C. Carter, pastor of the A.M.E. Church, [i.e. 12] 1867, on the supplementary reconstruction Covington, La. [18_?] bill, and in reply to Hon. William E. Robinson of Carter, L.C. New York. [Washington, Printed at the Great Republic Office, 1867] 598-486 Logan, John Alexander, 1826-1886. Reconstructed Tennessee. Speech of Hon. Horace Maynard, of Tennessee, in the House of 319-1-31 Representatives, December 12, 1867. Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. J.W. Longyear, [Washington? 1867?] of Michigan, on the reconstruction of the Union. Maynard, Horace, 1814-1882. Delivered in the House of Representatives, April 30, 1864. [Washington, L. Towers, Printer, 1864] 211-1-87 Longyear, John Wesley, 1820-1875. Reconstruction. A letter to President Johnson, by Count A. de Gasparin. Tr. by Mary L. Booth. 319-1-32 2d ed. New York, J865. Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. James A. Gasparin, Agenor Etienne, comte de, 1810-1871. Cravens, of Ind., delivered in the House of Representatives, May 2, 1864. [Washington? 1864] 332-10 Cravens, James Addison, 1818-1893. Reconstruction. Claims of the inhabitants of the states engaged in the rebellion to restoration of 598-490 political rights and privileges under the Con­ Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. O.P. Morton, in stitution. By Charles G. Loring. Boston, Little, the U.S. Senate, January 24, 1868, on the con­ Brown, 1866. stitutionality of the reconstruction acts. Loring, Charles Greely, 1794-1867. [Washington, Chronicle Print, 1868] Morton, Oliver Perry, 1823-1877.

746 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

. 335-6 598-491 Reconstruction.. Speech of Hon. Thaddeus Reconstruction of Georgia. Speech of Hon. Stevens, of Pennsylvania delivered in the House of Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana, delivered in the Representatives of the United States, December House of Representatives, December 21, 1869. 18, 1865. [Washington, H. Polkinhorn & Son, Washington, F. & J. Rives & Geo. A. Bailey, 1869. 1865?] .. Voorhees, Daniel Wolsey, 1829-1897. Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792-1868. 598-473 319-1-145 Reconstruction of rebel states. Reconstruction. Speech of William S. Holman, Speech of Hon. M. Russell Thayer of Penn­ of Indiana, delivered in the House of Represen­ sylvania, in the House of Representatives of the tatives, Feb. 11, 1864. Washington, McGill & United States, April 30, 1864, on the bill to Witherow, Printers, 1864. guarantee to certain states whose governments Holman, William Steele, 1822-1897. have been overthrown, a republican form of government. Washington, McGill & Witherow, 328-1 Printers, 1865. Reconstruction and the Constitution, 1866-1876, Thayer. Martin Russell, 1819-1906. by John W. Burgess. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1902. 312-5 Burgess, John William, 1844-1931. The reconstruction of the American union; or, Confederation of North American republics. 331-5 [New York?] 1863. Reconstruction and union, 1865-1912. New York, Sharp, Pindar B. H. Holt [etc., etc., cl912] Haworth, Paul Leland, 1876- 237-6 The record of Hon. C.L. Vallandigham on 334-4 abolition, the Union, and the Civil War. 3d ed. Reconstruction during the Civil War in the Columbus, O.J. Walter & Co., 1863. United States of America. Boston and New York, Vallandigham, Clement Laird, 1820-1871. Houghton. Mifflin, 1895. Scott, Eben Greenough. 1836-1919. 542-6 The record of the Democratic Party, 1860-1865. 332-6 [New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1865] Reconstruction in America. By a member of the New York bar. New York, W.I. Pooley, 1865. 302-1 Kingsley, Vine Wright. Record of the service of the Fifty-fifth regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Printed for 333-1 the Regimental Association. Cambridge [Mass.] Reconstruction in Louisiana after 1868. New Press of J. Wilson and Son, 1868. York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1918. Fox, Charles Barnard, 1833-1895. Lonn, Ella, 1879- 351-3 331-1 Record of the services of the Seventh Regiment, Reconstruction in Mississippi. New York, U.S. Colored troops, from September, 1863, to London, Macmillan, 1901. November, 1866, by an officer of the regiment. Garner, James Wilford, 1871-1938. Providence, E.L. Freeman & Co., Printers to the State, 1878. 331-3 Califf, Joseph Mark, 1843-1914. Reconstruction in North Carolina, by J.G. de Roulhac Hamilton. New York, Columbia 473-5 University; [etc., etc. J 1914. Recreation and amusement among Negroes in Hamilton, Joseph Gregoire de Roulhac, 1878- Washington, D.C.; a sociological analysis of the Negro in an urban environment. Washington, 598-488 D.C., Howard University Press, 1927. Reconstruction in Virginia. Memorial of Union Jones, William Henry, 1896- citizens of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Eastern Virginia, praying that Congress will givt:; to 376-1-20(2) Virginia a government based upon republican Reference list of private and denominational principles and tried loyalty. January 31, 1867. schools; southern colored schools. 3d ed. Referred to the Committee on Reconstruction and Charlottesville, Va., Surber-Arundale Co., 1925. ordered to be printed. [Washington? 1867?] John F. Slater Fund, New York. U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Recon­ struction. 376-1-20(3) Reference list of private and denominational 319-1-47 southern colored high schools and colleges. 4th Reconstruction: liberty the cornerstone, and ed. [Charlottesville, Va.] 1929. Lincoln the architect. Speech of Hon. Isaac N. John F Slater Fund, New York. Arnold, of Illinois. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 19, 1864. Washington, 376-1-20( l) Printed by L. Towers, 1864. Reference list of southern colored schools. 2d Arnold, Isaac Newton, 1815-1884. ed. Lynchburg, Va., J.P. Bell Co., Printers, 1921. John F. Slater Fund, New York.

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509-1 197-2 Re-forging America; the story of our Religion and slavery; a vindication ~f !he nationhood, by Lothrop Stoddard. New York, Southern churches. Nashville, Tenn., Publishing London, C. Scribner's Sons, 1927. House of the M.E. Church, South, 1911. Stoddard, Theodore Lothrop, 1883- McNeilly, James Hugh, 1838-1922.

212-6-2 371-2 A refutation of the sophisms, gross Religion in higher education among Negroes. misrepresentations, and erroneous quotations New Haven, Yale University Press; London, contained in "An American's" "Letter to the Oxford University Press, 1945. Edinburgh reviewers"; or Slavery inimical to the McKinney, Richard Ishmael, 1906- character of the great Father of all, unsupported by divine revelation, a violation of natural justice, 357-10 and hostile to the "fundamental principles of Religious experience and journa I of Mrs. Jarena American independence. Washington, Printed for Lee, giving an account of her call to preach the the author, 1820. gospel. Rev. and corr. from the original Wright, John (of Washington) manuscript, written by herself. Philadelphia, Pub. for the author, 1849 [cl836] 287-4 Lee, Jarena, b. 1783. The rejected stone; or, Insurrection vs. resurrection in America. By a native of Virginia. 393-8 Boston, Walker, Wise, and Co., 1861. Religious folk songs of the Negro. Arranged in Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907. 1909 by the musical directors of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute from the 365-5 original ed. by Thomas P. Fenner. Hampton, Va., The relation of baptized children to the church. The Institute Press, 1924. By L.J. Coppin. Philadelphia, A.M.E. Publication Fenner, Thomas Putnam, 1829?-1912. Department [1890?] Coppin, Levi Jenkins, Bp., 1848-1924. 391-8 Religious folk-songs of the Negro as sung at 207-1 Hampton Institute, edited by R. Nathaniel Dett. Relation of the American Board of Com­ Hampton, Va., Hampton Institute Press, 1927. missioners for Foreign Missions to Slavery. By Dett, Robert Nathaniel, 1882-1943, ed. Charles K. Whipple. Boston, R.F Wallcut, 1861. Whipple, Charles King, 1808-1900. 365-10 The religious instruction of the Negroes. A 279-6 sermon, delivered before associations of planters The relations and duties of free colored men in in Liberty and M'lntosh counties, Georgia. 4th ed. America to Africa. A letter to Charles B. Dunbar Princeton, N.J., Printed by D'Hart and Connolly, by the Rev. Alex. Crummell. Hartford, Press of 1832. Case, Lockwood and Co., 1861. Jones, Charles Colcock, 1804-1863. Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898. 319-1-7 209-2 Remarks of Hon. William D. Kelley, of Penn­ Relations and duties of servants and masters. sylvania, in support of the bill equalizing the pay, Cincinnati, Isaac Hefley & Co., 1839. rations, clothing, and arming of our soldiers. Wilson, J.L. Delivered in the House of Representatives, April 30, 1864. [Washington, Printed by L. Towers, 233-2-18 1864?] Relations of anti-slavery to religion. By Charles Kelley, William Darrah, 1814-1890. K. Whipple. [New York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1856) 597-463 Whipple, Charles King, 1808-1900. Remarks of Messrs. 0. Lovejoy and W.M. Dunn, on the Bill to authorize the President to enlist 571-4 soldiers of African descent. Delivered in the Relationships of father-son occupations in House of Representatives, January 29, 1863. Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, 1937. Washington, L. Towers and Co., Printers [1863?] Smith, Ruth Dixon. Lovejoy, Owen, 1811-1844.

349-1 587-20 The relative status of the Negro in the American Remarks of Mr. Hubbard and Mr. Calhoun on Armed Forces. [1953?] the right of petition, in the Senate of the United Reddick, Lawrence Dunbar, 1910- States, Thursday, February 13, 1840. Washington, Printed at the Globe Office, 1840. 211-1-73 Hubbard, Henry, 1784-1857. Relief for East Tennessee. Meeting at Cooper Institute, Thursday evening, March 10, 1864. 319-1-2 Address of Hon. N.G. Taylor; reported by A.F. Remarks of Mr. Lovejoy in the House of Washburton. New York, W.C. Bryant & Co., Representatives, January 19th and February 15th, Printers, 1864. 1864, on the taxing and retaxing of liquors. New York. Citizens. [Washington? 1864] Lovejoy, Owen, 1811-1864.

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319-1-89 270-4 . Remarks of Mr. Lucian Anderson, of Kentucky, Reminiscences of Gov. R.J. Walker; with the m the House of Representatives, on the 2d of true story of the rescue of Kansas from slavery. February, 1864, who, by permission of the House, By Geo. W. Brown. Rockford, Ill., The author, made a personal explanation. [Washington, H. 1902. Polkinhorn, Printer, 1864] Brown, George Washington, 1820-1915. Anderson, Lucian, 1824-1898. 235-1 597-452 Reminiscences of , the reputed Remarks of Mr. Thomas, of Massachusetts, on president of the Underground Railroad; being a The relation of the "Seceded States" (so called) to brief history of the labors of a lifetime in behalf of the Union, and the confiscation of property and the slave, with the stories of numerous fugitives, emancipation of slaves in such states, in the House who gained their freedom through his in­ of Representatives, April 10, 1862. Washington, strumentality, and many other incidents. Cin­ Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1862. cinnati, Western Tract Society (1876] Thomas, Benjamin Franklin, 1813-1878. Coffin, Levi, 1798-1877.

591-160 352-7 Remarks on Dr. Channing's Slavery. By a Reminiscences of my life in camp with the 33d citizen of Massachusetts. 2d ed. Boston, Russell, United States Colored Troops, late 1st. S.C. Shattuck and Co., and J.H. Eastburn, 1835. Volunteers. Boston, The author, 1904. Austin, James Trecothick, 1784-1870. Taylor, Susie King, b. 1848.

595-345 334-2 Remarks on the colonization of the western coast Reminiscences of peace and war, by Mrs. Roger of Africa, by the free Negroes of the United States, A. Pryor. Rev. and enl. ed. New York, Grosset & and the consequent civilization of Africa and Dunlap [c1905] suppression of the slave trade. New York, W.L. Pryor, Sara Agnes Rice, 1830-1912. Burroughs, Steam Power Press, 1850. 385-2 213-7 Reminiscences of school life, and hints on Remarks on the slavery of the black people; teaching. By Fanny Jackson-Coppin. Phila­ addressed to the citizens of the United States, delphia [A.M.E. Book Concern, cl913] particularly to those who are in legislative or Coppin, Frances Jackson, 1837-1913. executive stations in the general or state govern­ ments; and also to such individuals as hold them 561-10 in bondage. Philadelphia, Printed for the author, The renascence of Negro literature, 1922-1929. by Kimber, Conrad, & Co., 1806. Atlanta, 1936. Parrish, John, 1729-1807. Jackson, Augusta Victoria.

186-7 589-111 Remarks on the slavery question, in a letter to Reorganization of Virginia, and admission of Jonathan Phillips. By William E. Channing. West Virginia. Speech of the Hon. P.G. 'Van Boston, James Munroe, 1839. Winkle, of West Virginia, delivered in the Senate Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842. of the United States, first session, Thirty-eighth Congress, Thursday, April 21, 1864. [Washington, 591-193 Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1864?] Remarks upon slavery and the slave-trade, ad­ Van Wink le, Peter Godwin, 1808-1872. dressed to the Hon. Henry Clay, 1839. 200-11 236-9 The repea I of the Missouri compromise, its Reminiscences by Lucy N. Colman. Buffalo, origin and authorship, by P. Orman Ray. N.Y., H.L. Green, 1891. Cleveland, 0., The Arthur H. Clark Co., 1909. Colman, Lucy Newhall Danforth, 1817-1906. Ray, Perley Orman, 1875- 237-4 592-214 Reminiscences of early anti-slavery days. Repeal on the fugitive slave law. Remarks of [Cambridge, Mass., The Riverside press] Priv. Mr. Butler, of South Carolina, in reply to remarks print., 1893. of Mr. Sumner, of Massachusetts, delivered in the Southwick, Sarah H., 1821- Senate of the United States, June 28, 1854. [Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe 288-5 Office, 1854?] Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in Butler, Andrew Pickens, 1796-1857. 1860-61. New York, Harper, 1876. Doubleday, Abner, 1819-1893. 588-75 Reply of Hon. Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, to 184-6 the speech of Senator Douglas, in the U.S. Senate, Reminiscences of fugitive-slave law days in May 16 and 17, 1860. Washington City, National Boston. Boston, Printed by W. Richardson, 1880. Democratic Executive Committee, 1860. Bearse, Austin. Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889.

,211-1-42 Reply of Messrs. Agenor de Gasparin, Edouard Laboulaye, Henri Martin, Augustin Cochin, to the 749 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

Loya I Nationa I League of New York, together with 581-2-586 the address of the League, adopted at the mass Report. 1st- 1911- inaugural meeting, in Union Square, April 11, New York. 1863. New York, W.C. Bryant & Co., Printers, Nationa I Association for the Advancement of 1864. , Colored People. Gasparin, Agenor Etienne, comte de, 1810-1871. 484-8 589-93 Report. 40th, 1912/ 1913. Harrisburg, Pa., W.S. A reply to Mr. Charles Ingersoll's "Letter to a Ray, 1914. friend in a slave state." Philadelphia, C. Sherman Pennsylvania. Bureau of Industrial Statistics. & Son, Printers, 1862. Thayer, Martin Russell, 1819-1906. 205-5 Report. (to accompany bill S. no. 14) 277-4 [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1864) A reply to "The political plea" [or Bishop U.S. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on Cleland K. Nelson and Bishop Thomas F. Gailor at Slavery and the Treatment of Freedmen. the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in the city of New York, Sunday evening, October 19, 1913. A 245-1 sermon by Rev. George Frazier Miller. Sunday Report. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1822) morning, October 26, 1913. Brooklyn, The U.S. 17th Congress, 1st session, 1821-1822. House. lnterboro Press, 1913?] Committee on the Suppression of the Slave Trade. Miller, George Frazier. 597-424 515-9 Report. Submitted Thursday, Nov. 18, 1858. Reply to William Hannibal Thomas (author of Montpelier, E.P. Walton, Printer 1858. the American Negro::> the 20fh century slanderer Vermont. General · Assembly. House of of the Negro race. An address by C.T. Walker. Representatives. Select Committee on Slavery, New York [1901?] The Dred Scott decision, and the action of the Walker, Charles Thomas, 1858-1921. Federal government thereon.

211-1-41 595-324 Reponse de Mm. de Gasparin, Laboulaye, Report. [Burlington, Vt? 1855?] Martinet Cochin a la Ligue Loyaleet Nationalede Vermont. General Assembly. Senate. Select New York. New York, lmpr. de W.C. Bryant & Committee on So Much of the Governor's Message Co., 1864. as Relates to the Extension of Slavery and the Gasparin, Agenor Etienne, comte de, 1810-1871. Right of a Slave to his Freedom When Brought Into a Free State by His Master. 385-1 Report. [lst [19- 383-8 Montgomery. Report and recommendations of the Com­ Alabama. Dept. of Education. State Supervisor mission to Study Public Schools and Colleges for Teacher-training and Rosenwald Building Agent Colored People in North Carolina. Authorized by for Alabama. the General Assembly in Resolution no. 28, March 10, 1937, and appointed by Governor Clyde R. 526-3 & 527-2,3 Hoey. Raleigh, N.C., State Capitol [1938?] Report. North Carolina. Commission to Study Public lst- 19 Schools and Colleges for Colored People. Atlanta, 19 Commission on Interracial Cooperation, Inc. 372-4-1 Report C of the trial of Miss Prudence Crandall, 573-22, 23 before the County Court for Windham County, Report. lst-2d; 1943-44. August term, 1833. On an information charging Atlanta, Ga. her with teaching colored persons not inhabitants Conference of Negro Land-Grant Colleges for of this state. Brooklyn, Unionist Press, C. Web­ Coordinating a Program of Social Studies, Atlanta ber, Printer, 1833. University. Philleo, Prudence Crandall, 1803-1890, defendant.

527-5; 527-6 376-1-9 Report. A report concerning the colored women of the [lst]- 1944(?}- South, by Mrs. E.C. Hobson and Mrs. C.E. Detroit. Hopkins. Baltimore, The Trustees, 1896. Detroit. Mayor's Interracial Committee. Hobson, Elizabeth Christophers Kimball, 1831- 1912. 376-4 Report. 191-8 lst- 1874/ 75- Report of Board of Managers, 1855. Washington City, M'Gill & Witherow, Printers, Free Produce Association of Friends, of New York [etc. J 1876- Yearly Meeting. District of Columbia. Board of Trustees of Public Schools. 292-3 Re~rt of committee on school histories. [Reprinted from the Journal of the thirty-first

750 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

national encampment, Grand Army of the 183-2 Republic. 1897] Report of the Committee on Anti-slavery Grand Army of the Republic. National Memorials, September, 1845. With a historical Encampment, 31st, Buffalo, 1897. statement of previous proceedings. Boston, Press of T.R. Marvin, 1845. 471-12 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Report of debate conducted by the Chicago Missions. Forum: "Shall the Negro be encouraged to seek cultural equality?" Affirmative: W.E. 209-9 Burghardt Du Bois; negative: Lothrop Stoddard; Report of the Committee on Slavery, to the March 17, 1929. [Chicago, Chicago Forum Convention of Congregationa I Ministers of Council, 1929] Massachusetts. Presented May 30, 1849. Boston, Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. Press of T.R. Marvin, 1849. Convention of Congregational Ministers of 599-534 Massachusetts. Report of the Agency Committee of the Anti­ slavery Society, established in June, 1831, for the 205-7 purpose of disseminating information by lectures A report of the decision of the Supreme Court of on colonial slavery. London, Printed by S. the United States, and the opinions of the judges Bagster, 1832. thereof, in the case of Dred Scott versus John F.A. Anti-slavery Society, London. Sandford. December term, 1856. By Benjamin C. Howard. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1857. 372-4-2 U.S. Supreme Court. Report of the arguments of counsel, in the case .of Prudence Crandall, plff. in error, vs. State of 597-426 Connecticut, before the Supreme Court of Errors, Report of the decision of the Supreme Court of at their session at Brooklyn, July term, 1834. By a the United States, and the opinions of the judges member of the bar. Boston, Garrison & Knapp, thereof in the case of Dred Scott versus John F.A. 1834. Sandford. December term, 1856. By Benjamin C. Philleo, Prudence Crandall, 1803-1890, plaintiff-in­ Howard, from the nineteenth volume of Howard's error. Reports. Washington, C. Wendell, Printer, 1857. 278-3 U.S. Supreme Court. Report of the Board of Education for Freedmen, Department of the Gulf, for the year 1864. New 591-191 Orleans, Printed at the office of the True Delta, Report of the discussion on American slavery, 1865. in Dr. Wardlaw's chapel, between Mr. George U.S. Army. Dept. of the Gulf. Board of Thompson, and the Rev. R.J. Breckinridge, of Education for Freedmen. Baltimore, United States, on the evenings of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th June, 1836. Glasgow, 372-12; 374-12 Printed by D. Prentice and Co., 1836. Report of the Board of Trustees and Superin­ Thompson, George, 1804-1878. tendent of Colored Schools of Washington and Georgetown. 361-1 -1873/ 74. Report of the eighth quadrennial session, Washington, National Job Office Print. August 3-8, 1935. Convened in Jones Tabernacle District of Columbia. Board of Trustees of Schools A.M.E. Zion Church, Indianapolis, Indiana. for Colored Children in the Cities of Washington Charlotte, N .C., A.M.E. Zion Pub. House (1935?] and Georgetown. African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 200-1 Report of the case of Edward Prigg against the 376-1-8 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Argued and Report of the fifth Tuskegee Negro Conference, adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United 1896, by John Quincy Johnson. Baltimore, The States, at January term, 1842. In which it was Trustees, 1896. decided that all the laws relative to fugitive slaves Tuskegee Negro Conference. 5th, 1896. are unconstitutional and void; and that Congress have the exclusive power of legislation on the 543-4 subject of fugitive slaves escaping into other Report of the Joint Committee of the General states. By Richard Peters, reporter of the Assembly of Louisiana on the conduct of the late decisions of the· Supreme Court of the United elections, and the condition of peace and order in States. Philadelphia, Stereotyped by L. Johnson, the state. New Orleans, A.L. Lee, State Printer, 1842. 1868. Prigg, Edward, plaintiff-in-error. Louisiana. Legislature. Joint Committee on Conduct of Elections. 276-5 Report of the commissioners of the Freedman's 274-12 Savings and Trust Company. Letter from the Report of the Joint Committee [of the General commissioners of the Freedman's Savings and Assembly of Virginia] on the Harpers Ferry Trust Company, transmitting, in compliance with outrages. January 26, 1860. [Richmond?] 1860. the resolution of December 11, 1874, their report. Virginia. General Assembly. Joint Committee [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1874] on Harpers Ferry Outrages. U.S. 43d Congress, 2d session, 1874-1875. House.

751 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

598-483 380-7 & 383-6 & 520-1 Report of the Joint Committee on Recon­ Report of the president. struction. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1866] [1st]. [18 U.S. Congress. Joint Committee on Recon­ Hampton, Va., The Institute Press. struction. Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va.

337-2 278-6 Report of the Joint Committee on Recon­ Report of the Secretary of War, communicating, struction, at the first session, Thirty-ninth in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of Congress. Washington, Govt. Print. Ott., 1866. the 26th of May, a copy of the preliminary report, U.S. Congress. Joint Committee on Recon­ and also of the final report of the American struction. Freedmen's Inquiry Commission. June 22, 1864.­ Referred to the Select Committee on Slavery and 339-1-343-1 Freedmen. June 23, 1864.-0rdered to be printed. Report of the Joint Select Committee [ap­ [Washington? 1864?] pointed] to inquire into the conditions of affairs in U.S. American Freedmen's Inquiry Com- the late insurrectionary states, [so far as regards mission. the execution of the laws, and the safety of the lives and property of the citizens of the United 274-11 States and Testimony taken] Made to the two Report [of] the Select Committee of the Senate houses of Congress, February 19, 1872. appointed to inquire into the late invasion and Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1872. seizure of the public property at Harper's Ferry. U.S. Congress. Joint Select Committee on [Washington, 1860] Condition of Affairs in the Late lnsurrectionary U.S. 36th Congress, lst session, 1859-1860. Senate. States. Select Committee on the Harper's Ferry Invasion.

321-4 226-3 Report of the Ladies' Union Association, of Report of the Select Committee of the Senate on Philadelphia, formed July 2oth, 1863, for the Slavery and the Affairs of Kansas, submitted purpose of administering exclusively to the wants November 6, 1857. Montpelier, E.P. Walton, of the sick and wounded colored soldiers. Printer, 1857. Philadelphia, G.T. Stockdale, 1867. Vermont. General Assembly. Senate. Select Ladies' Union Association, Philadelphia. Committee of the Senate on Slavery and the Affairs of Kansas. 198-9 Report of the Lemmon slave case, containing 337-6; 497-436 points and arguments of counsel on both sides, and Report of the Select Committee on the New opinions ofall the judges. New York, H. Greeley & Orleans Riots. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., Co., 1861. 1867. New York (State) Court of Appeals. U.S. Congress. House. Select Committee on New Orleans Riots. 212-4 Report of the minority of the Committee on 591-427 Military Affairs, on the petition of the legal Report of the Select Committee on the Petition representatives of Antonio Pacheco, praying to Prevent Slave Hunting in the State of New compensation for a slave. [Washington, 1848] York. Transmitted to the Legislature, February U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Military 11, 1860. Albany, Printed by C. Van Benthuysen, Affairs. 1860. New York (State) Legislature. Assembly. Select 594-282 Committee on the Petition Relative to Slave Report of the missionary to the Negroes. Hunting in the State of New York. 1st- 1831· Charleston, Observer Office. 351-5 Association for the Religious Instruction of the Report of the services rendered by the freed Negroes. Liberty County, Ga. people to the United States Army, in North Carolina, in the spring of 1862, after the battle of 595-346 Newbern. New York, V. Colyer, 1864. Report of the naval committee of the House of Colyer, Vincent, 1825· 1888. Representatives, August, 1850, in favor of the establishment of a line of mail steamships to the 376-1-12 western coast of Africa, and thence via the Report of the Society of the Southern Industrial Mediterranean to London; designed to promote Classes, Norfolk, Virginia, to the Trustees of the the emigration of free persons of color from the John F. Slater Fund and the General Education United States to Liberia: also to increase the Board [11th] 1907. Hampton, Va., Hampton steam navy, and to extend the commerce of the Institute Press, 1907. United States. With an appendix added by the Southern Industrial Classes, Norfolk, Va. American Colonization Society. Washington, Printed by Gideon and Co., 1850. 224-1 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Re~rt of the Special Committee Appointed to Affairs. Investigate the Troubles in Kansas, with the views of the minority of said committee. Washington, C Wendell, Printer, 1856. · U.S. Congress. House. Committee to Investigate the Troubles in Kansas. 752 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

218-1 278-9 Report of the Special Committee to which was A report on the condition of the freedmen of the referred a bill to grant the authority to the State of Mississippi, presented to the Western Sanitary Louisiana for the importation of free black Commission, December 17th, 1863. Saint Louis, laborers within the state. [New Orleans, General Western Sanitary Commission Rooms, 1864. Assembly. 1858?] Yeatman, James E., 1818-1901. Louisiana. Legislature. Senate. Special Committee to Grant Authority for Importation of 225-11 Free Black Laborers. Report on the condition of the people of color in the State of Ohio. From the Proceedings of the 480-2 Ohio Anti-slavery Convention, held at Putnam, on Report of the survey of Negro business con­ the 22d, 23d and 24th of April, 1835 •. [Putnam? ducted by the Nationa I Negro Business League, 1835) 1928, containing an introd. by Paul T. Cherington. Ohio Anti-slavery Convention, Putnam, 1835. [Tuskegee? Ala., The League, 1929] National Negro Business League. 591-164 Report on the petition of S.P. Sanford and 380-7 & 520-1 others, concerning distinctions of color. [Boston, Report of the treasurer. 1839] [lst]- (18 Massachusetts. General Court. House of Hampton, Va., The Institute Press. Representatives. Committee on Petition of S.P. Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. Sanford and Son.

193-5 220-4 Report of the trial of Castner Hanway for Report on the subject of slavery, presented to treason, in the resistance of the execution of the the Synod of South Carolina, at their sessions in Fugitive slave law of September 1850. Before Winnsborough, November 6, 1851; adopted by Judges Grier and Kane, in Court of the them and published by their order. By Rev. J.H. United States, for the eastern district of Penn­ Thornwell. Columbia, S.C., Press of A.S. John­ sylvania. Held in Philadelphia in November and ston, 1852. December, 1851. To which is added an Appendix, Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Synods. containing the laws of the United States on the South Carolina. subject of fugitives from labor, the charges of Judge Kane to the Grand Juries in relation 590-142 thereto; and a statement of the points of law Report; to the state of Louisiana, on the bill decided by the court during the trial. By James entitled "An act to authorize the people of Robbins, of the Philadelphia Bar, from the notes Louisiana to import Negro slaves." Baton Rouge, of Arthur Cannon and Samuel Dalrymple, J.M. Taylor, State Printer, 1859. phonographic reporters appointed by the Court for Louisiana. Legislature. Senate. Committee this case. Philadelphia, King & Baird, 1852 on Federal Relations. [cl851] U.S. Circuit Court (3d circuit) 197-8 Report with recommendations of ·The 376-1-21 Interracial Commission of Maryland to the Report on Negro universities and colleges, by governor and General Assembly of Maryland. W.T.B. Williams. [Baltimore?] 1922. [Baltimore, Printed by J.B. Clarke] 1928. Williams, William Taylor Burwell, 1866(ca.)-194l. Maryland. Inter-racial Commission.

376-1-13 597-434 Report on Negro universities in the South, by Report, with Senate bill no. 122. The Select W.T.B. Williams, field agent of the John F. Slater Committee to whom was referred that portion of Fund. [New Orleans? Tulane University Press?] the President's message which related to the 1913. attempts to circulate, through the mail, in­ Williams, William Taylor Burwell, 1866(ca.)-194l. flammatory appeals, to excite the slaves to in­ surrection, submit the following report. 492-3 [Washington] Gales & Seaton, Print. [1836] Report on sundry petitions respecting distinc­ U.S. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on tions of color. [Boston, 1839) Circulation of Abolition Literature. Massachusetts. General Court. House of Representatives. Committee on the Judiciary. 596-362 Reports. Burlington [Vt.] Free Press Print., 493-7 1856. Report on the causes of crime. Vermont. General Assembly. Senate. Select Work and law observance; an experimental Committee on Slavery and the Condition of inquiry into the influence of unemployment and Kansas; and on the Outrage of the Freedom of occupational conditions upon crime, for the Debate in Congress. National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement, by Mary Van Kleeck, Emma A. 595-323 Winslow, and Ira DeA. Reid. [Washington, Govt. Reports and resolutions on slavery, and the Print. Off., 1931] repea I of the Missouri compromise. Montpelier Van Kleeck, Mary, 1883- [Vt.] E.P. Walton, Jr., Printer, 1854. Vermont. General Assembly. House of Representatives. Select Committee on That Part of the Governor's Message Which Relates to the 753 Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

318-9 595-329 Reports of the naval engagements on the Resistance to black republican domination. , resulting in the capture of Speech of Otho R. Singleton, of Mississippi, on Forts Jackson and St. Philip and the city of New resistance to black republican domination; Orleans, and the destruction of the rebel naval delivered in the House of Representatives, Dec. flotilla. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 186_ 19, 1859. Washington, Printed at the Congressional U.S. Navy Dept. Globe Office, 1859. Singleton, Otho Robards, 1814-1889. 207-2 A reproof of the American church. By the 592-204 Bishop of Oxford. Extracted from a "History of Resistance to slavery every man's duty. A the Protestant Episcopal Church in America". report on American slavery, read to the Wor­ With an introd. by an.American churchman. New cester Central Association, March 2, 1847. Boston, York, W. Harned, 1846. Wm. Crosby & H.P. Nichols, 1847. Wilberforce, Samuel, successively Bp. of Oxford Allen, George, 1792-1883. and of Winchester, 1805-1873. 319-1-99 589-120 The resolution to expel Mr. Long, of Ohio. The Republican and Democratic parties: what Remarks of Hon. Francis Kernan, of N.Y., they have done-what they propose to do. Speech delivered in the House of Representatives, April of the Hon. Henry Wilson, delivered at Bangor, 11, 1864. [Washington? 1864] Maine, August 27, 1868. Boston, Wright & Potter, Kernan, Francis, 1816-1892. Printers [ 1868] Wi Ison, Henry, 1812-1875. 319-1-131 The resolution to expel Mr. Long, of Ohio. 345-12 Speech of Hon. Chas. A. Eldridge, of Wis., Republican greeting to 25,000 free and loyal delivered in the House of Representatives, April colored voters of the State of New York. 1887-88. 12, 1864. [Washington? 1864] Republican nominations-platform-what the Eldredge, Charles Augustus, 1821-1896. leaders say and how colored Democrats look when the calcium light is turned on. [1887?] 319-1-95 Republican Party. New York (State) The resolution to expel Mr. Long, of Ohio. Speech of Hon. Geo. H. Pendleton, of Ohio, 222-6-9 delivered in the House of Representatives, April Republican newspapers of South Carolina. 11, 1864. [Washington? 1864) Charlottesville, Va., The Historical Pub. Co., 193"6. Pendleton, George Hunt, 1825-1889. Woody, Robert Hilliard. 211-1-48 588-74 Resources of the United States. Report to the The Republican party. Speech of Mr. Washburn International Statistical Congress at Berlin, by of Maine. Delivered in the House of Represen­ Samuel B. Ruggles, delegate from the United tatives, January 10, 1859. States of America: with the accompanying Washburn, Israel, 1813-1883. communication to the State Department, Sep­ tember 14th, 1863. New York, Loyal Publication 543-8 Society, 1864. The Republican Party; a history of its fifty Ruggles, Samuel Bulkley, 1800-1881. years' existence and a record of its measures and leaders, 1854-1904, by Francis Curtis. With a 485-1 foreword by President Roosevelt, and in­ The responsibility and opportunity of the troductions by William P. Frye and J.G. Cannon. twentieth century woman. [African Methodist New York [etc.] G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. Episcopal Church. Women's Home and Foreign Curtis, Francis, 1858- Missionary Society? 1916?] Blackwell, Mrs. A.W. 541-6 The Republican Party and its presidential 591-167 candidates. With biographical sketches and The responsibility of the North in relation to portraits of Fremont and Dayton. By Benjamin F. slavery. Cambridge [Mass.] Printed by Allen Hall. New York and Auburn, Miller, Orton & and Farnham, 1856. Mulligan, 1856. Batchelder, Samuel, 1784-1879. Hall, Benjamin Franklin, 1844-1891. 319-1-159 345-1 Restoration of civil authority. Speech of Hon. The Republican party and the Afro-American. G.H. Yeaman, of Kentucky, upon his joint (1908] resolutions concerning the restoration of the civil Adams, Cyrus Field. authority of the United States, and of certain states, within regions once or now under the 345-6 control of the existing rebellion. Delivered in the A Republican text-book for colored voters. House of Representatives, First session, Thirty [ 1900] eighth Congress, January 13, 1864. [Washington Clarke, Thomas Henry Reginald, 1874- ed. Gibson Bros., Printers, 1864] ' Yeaman, George Helm, 1829-1908.

754 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

211-1-47 terference in behalf of the Negro slaves, with a Results of the serf emancipation in Russia. New statement of opinions which have been expressed York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. on that subject by many of our most distinguished Lang, J. statesmen, including Earl Grey, Earl of Liver­ pool, Lord Grenville [and others] London, 209-7 Printed by Ellerton and Henderson; sold by J. A retrospect of forty years, 1825-1865. Ed. by his Hatchard and Son, 1823. daughter, Harriet Allen Butler. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1911. 595-350 Butler, William Allen, 1825-1902. A review of the cause and the tendency of the issues between the two sections of the country, 589-110 with a plan to consolidate the views of the people The return of rebellious states to the union. A of the United States in favor of emigration to letter from the Hon: Wm. Whiting to the Union Liberia, as the initiative to the efforts to trans­ League of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, C. Sher­ form the present system of labor in the southern man, Son & Co., Printers, 1864. states into a free agricultural tenantry, by the Whiting, William, 1813-1873. respective legislatures, with the support of Congress to make it a natural measure. Albany, 236-10 N.Y., Weed, Parsons & Company, Printers, 1859. Rev. Calvin Fairbank during slavery times. Putnam, Lewis H. How he "fought the good fight" to prepare "the way". Ed. from his manuscript. Chicago, 192-3 Patriotic Pub. Co., 1890. A review of the Rev. Horace Bushnell's Fairbank, Calvin, 1816-1898. Discourse on the slavery question, delivered in the North Church, Hartford, January 10, 1839. Hart­ 264-10 ford, S.S. Cowles, 1839. The Rev. J.W. Loguen, as a slave and as a Gillette, Francis, 1807-1879. freeman. Anarrativeofreal life. Syracuse, N.Y., J.G.K. Truair & Co., Printers, 1859. 590-130 Loguen, Jermain Wesley, 1814-1872. Review of the slave question, extracted from the American quarterly review, Dec. 1832; based on 267-6 the speech of Th: Marshall, of Fauquier: showing Review of "An address" respecting slavery, that slavery is the essential hindrance to the issued by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held at prosperity of the slave-holding states; with Lombard Street, Baltimore, 11th Month, 1842. particular references to Virginia. Though ap­ [ 1842?] plicable to other states where slavery exists. By a Friends, Society of. Baltimore Yearly Meeting. Virginian. Richmond, Printed by T.W. White, 1833. 490-10-12 Harrison, Jesse Burton, 1805-1841. A review of Black Monday. In an address made to the Indianola Citizens' Council, October 28, 200·5 1954. Greenwood, Miss. [Association of Citizens' Review of Webster's speech on slavery. Boston, Councils of Mississippi, 1954?] American A.S. Society, 1850. Brady, Tom P., 1903- Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. 592-240 599-520 Review of Henry J. Van Dyke's discourse on The reviewer reviewed; or some cursory ob­ "The character and influence of abolitionism," a servations upon an article in the Christian ob­ sermon preached in the Third Reformed server, for January, 1816, respecting the Slave Presbyterian Church, Twenty-third Street, New registry bill, by Thomas Venables. In a letter to a York, on Sabbath evening, December 23, 1860, by member of Parliament. London, Printed for J.M. Rev. J.R.W. Sloane. Also, by special request, in Richardson, and J. Ridgeway, 1816. the Church of the Puritans (Rev. Dr. Cheever's) Venables, Thomas [pseud.?) on Sabbath evening, January 6, 1861. New York, William Erving, 1861. 598-480 Sloane, James Renwick Wilson, 1823-1886. Revolution and reconstruction. Two lectures delivered in the Law school of Harvard College, in 199-3·5; 202-4-2 January, 1865, and January, 1866. New York, Review of 's Essay on the Hurd and Houghton, 1866. unconstitutionality of slavery. Reprinted from the Parker, Joel, 1795-1875. "Anti-slavery standard", with additions. Boston, Printed by Andrews & Prentiss, 1847. 313-1 Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. The revolution of 1860: a speech delivered in the House of Representatives, January 16th, 1861. 595-353 [Washington, McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1861) Review of pamphlets on slavery and Sickles, Daniel Edgar, 1819-1914. colonization. First published in the Quarterly Christian spectator, for March 1833. 2d separate 233-2-8 ed. New Haven, A.H. Maltby, 1833. Revolution the only remedy for slavery. [New Bacon, Leonard, 1802-1881. York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1855)

599-526 597-449 A review of some of the arguments which are "Revolutions never go backward"; Speech. commonly advanced against parliamentary in- [Washington) 1864. Brown, Benjamin Gratz, 1826-1885. 755 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

405-5 204-10 Rhymes & sketches from the cabin fireside. The rights and the duties of masters. A sermon [Camden, Ala., cl931] preached at the dedication of a church erected in Wilson, William Green, 1867- Charleston, S.C., for the benefit and instruction of the coloured population. By Rev. J.H. Thornwell. 416-14 Charleston, S.C., Walker & James, 1850. Rhymes of puppy love and others, including Thornwell, James Henley, 1812-1862. Negro dialect. Boston, Christopher Pub. House [cl935] 472-12 Simpkins, Thomas V. The rights and duties of the Negro. An address delivered by Booker T. Washington, of Tuskegee, 209-4 Alabama, before the National Afro-American Richard Henry Dana, Jr.; speeches in stirring Council in McCauley's Theatre, Louisville, Ky., times and letters to a son, ed., with introductory Thursday evening, July 2, 1903. Louisville, Ky.? sketch and notes by Richard H. Dana (3d. > 1903? Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1910. Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. Dana, Richard Henry, 1815-1882. .187-6 233-2-19 Rights and duties of the United States relative to A ride through Kansas. [New York, American slavery under the laws of war. No military power Anti-slavery Society, 1856?] to return any slave. "Contraband of war" inap­ Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911. plicable between the United States and their in­ surgent enemies. (Republished, with notes, from 398-9 "The Liberator.") Boston, R.F. Wallcut, 1861. The rider of dreams. Child, David Lee, 1794-1874. Granny Maumee, The rider of dreams, Simon the Cyrenian; plays for a Negro theater, by 489-4 Ridgely Torrence. New York, Macmillan, 1917. The rights of an American citizen; with a Torrence, Frederick Ridgely, 1875- commentary on state rights, and on the Con­ stitution and policy of the United States. Boston, 591-194 Marsh, Capen & Lyon, 1832. Right and wrong amongst the abolitionists of the Oliver, Benjamin Lynde, 1788-1843. United States. With an introductory letter by Harriet Martineau, and an appendix by John A. 491-9 Collins. 2d ed. Glasgow, Geo. Gallie, 1841. The rights of citizens under democratic Collins, John A. government in view of their taxation and allegiance. Special application to public school 23-3-1.1-234-1,2,3 privileges for children. [Philadelphia? 191_] Right and wrong in Boston. Mitchell, George Washington, 1865- Annual report. 2d, 3d, 4th, 9th; 1835, 1836, 1837, 1842. Boston. 489-1 Boston Female Anti-slavery Society. Rights of colored men to suffrage, citizenship and tria I by jury; being a book of facts, arguments 372-4-3 and authorities, historical notices and sketches of The right of colored people to education, vin­ debates-with notes. Philadelphia, Printed by dicated. Letters to Andrew T. Judson, and others Merrihew and Gunn, 1838. in canterbury, remonstrating with them on their Yates, William, 1767-1857. unjust and unjustifiable procedure relative to Miss Crandall and her school for colored females. 548-6 By Samuel J. May. Brooklyn, Advertiser Press, Rights of the coloured race to citizenship and 1833. representation; and the guilt and consequences of May, Samuel Joseph, 1797-1871. legislation against them. A discourse delivered in the Ha II of Representatives of the United States, in 594-292 Washington, D.C., May 29, 1864, by Rev. George B. The right of property in man. A discourse Cheever. New York, Francis & Loutrel, Printers, delivered in the First Congregational Unitarian 1864. Church, Sunday, July 3, 1859. By W.H. Furness. Cheever, George Barrell, 1807-1890. Philadelphia, C. Sherman and Son, Printers, 1859. Furness, William Henry, 1802-1896. 596-388 The rights of the people of Kansas. Speech of 599-552 Preston King, of New York, in the Senate of the The right way the safe way, proved by eman­ United States, March 16th, 1858, on the frauds cipation in the British West Indies, and elsewhere. usurpation, and purpose, in which the slav~ By L. Maria Child. New York, 1860. .constitution of the Lecompton convention had its Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. origin. [Washington, D.C., Buell & Blanchard Printers, 1858) ' 187-11 King, Preston, 1806-1865. The right way the safe way, proved by eman­ cipation in the British West Indies and elsewhere. 289-1 By L. Maria Child. New York, 1862. The rise and fall of the Confederate govern­ Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. ment. New York, D. Appleton, 1881. Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889.

756 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

572-2 525-12 The rise of a religious cult. The social history of The role of the races in our future civilization. the All National Spiritualist Church of God, Proceedings of the Conference of the League for Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, 1944. Industrial Democracy, held at the Hotel Thompson, Daniel Calbert. Roosevelt, New York City, May 8-9, 1942. Edited by Harry W. Laidler. [New York, League for 457-1 Industrial Democracy, 1942) The rising son; or, The antecedents and ad­ Laidler, Harry Wellington, 1884- ed. vancement of the colored race. Boston, A.G. Brown, 1876 [c1873] 551-1 Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884. Roll, Jordan, roll; the text by Julia Peterkin; the photographic studies by Doris Ulmann. New 526-9 York, Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1933. The rising tide of· color against white world­ Peterkin, Julia Mood, 1880- supremacy, by Lothrop Stoddard. With an introd. by Madison Grant. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 412-1 1920. A romance of the republic. Boston, Ticknor and Stoddard, Theodore Lothrop, 1883· Fields, 1867. Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. 363-1 Ritua I and stratification in Chicago Negro 505-8 churches. Roosevelt and the Negro. [Washington, D.C., Daniel, Vattel Elbert, 1890- Hayworth Pub. House, cl907] Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. 396-8 The rival lovers. A Negro farce. In one act and 571-7 one scene. (19_?] The root doctor in Atlanta. Atlanta, 1945. White, C. Stokes, Lillian Frances. 442-1 494-9 The river's children, an idyl of the Mississippi, Rope & faggot; a biography of Judge Lynch, by with pictures by Harry C. Edwards. New York, Walter White. New York & London, Knopf, 1929. Century Co., 1904. White, Walter Francis, 1893-1955. Stuart, Ruth McEnery, 1856-1917. 378-9 420-13 [Rosenwald schools in Alabama erected under The road is rocky; a collection of poems. New the various budget years. Nashville, Tenn., 1936] York, New Christian Books [1951?] Julius Rosenwald Fund. West, Don, 1907- 221-5 490-13 The roving editor: or, Talks with slaves in the The road to justice; three major statements on southern states. New York, A.B. Burdick, 1859. civil rights by President Lyndon B. Johnson: The Redpath, James, 1833-1891. American promise, March 15, 1965; To fulfill these rights, June 4, 1965; The doors open, August 6, 453-1 1965. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off.] 1965. A royal gentleman; and 'Zouri's Christmas. Johnson, Lyndon Baines, Pres. U.S., 1908-1973. New York, Fords, Howard, and Hulbert [c1881] Tourgee, Albion Winegar, 1838-1905. 421·7 The road to Mount McKeithan. Atlanta, Ga., 233-2-7 Independent Pub. Corp., 1927. The "ruin" of Jamaica. By R. Hildreth. [New Flanagan, Thomas Jefferson, 1890- York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1855) Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. 543-3 The road to Negro liberation; the tasks of the 479-10 Communist Party in winning working class Rules and regulations concerning commercial leadership of the Negro liberation struggles, and intercourse with and in states and parts of states the fight against reactionary nationalist-reformist declared in insurrection, the collection, receipt, movements among the Negro people. Report to and disposition of captured, abandoned, and the Eighth Convention of the Communist Party of confiscable property, and the employment and the U.S.A., Cleveland, April 2-8, 1934. New York, general welfare of freedmen. Prescribed by the Workers Library Publishers, 1934. Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of Haywood, Harry, 1898- the President, in pursuance of the several acts of Congress in relation to those subjects, and ap. 392-5 pended hereto. Washington, July 29. 1864. Rodeheaver's plantation melodies. U.S. Treasury Dept. Plantation melodies. [Chicago, Philadelphia, The Rodeheaver Co., cl918] 454-1 Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan, 1880- Run masked. [1st ed.] New York, London, A.A. Knopf, 1938. 504-5 White, Robb, 1909- Le role du Negre dans la culture des Ameriques, co.11ferences. Port-au-Prince, Haiti, lmpr. de l'Etat, 1943. Locke, Alain Le Roy, 1886-1954. 757 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

378-2 319-1-130 Rural elementary education among Negroes Sale of surplus gold. Speech of Hon. Henry G. under Jeanes supervising teachers. By Ambrose Stebbins, of New York, delivered in the House of Caliver, Senior Specialist in the Education of Representatives, March 4, 1864. [Washington, Negroes, U.S. Office of Education. United States McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864] Department of the Interior, Harold L. Ickes, Stebbins, Henry George, 1811-1881. Secretary. Office of Education, William John Cooper, Commissioner. Washington, U.S. Govt. 432-3 Print. Off., 1933. Samantha among the colored folks. "My ideas Caliver, Ambrose, 1894- on the race problem" by Josiah Allen's wife; illus. by E.W. Kemble. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1898 385-9 [c1894] Rura I experience in practice teaching. Holley, Marietta, 1836-1926. Problems in practice teaching, by student­ teachers in the Division of Education, Tuskegee 432-3 Normal and Industrial Institute, Alabama. [2d Samantha on the race problem. ed. Tuskegee, 1924] Samantha among the colored folks. "My ideas Tuskegee Institute. on the race problem" by Josiah Allen's wife; illus. by E.W. Kemble. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1898 487-1 [c1894] Rura I Negro hea Ith; a report on a five-year Holley, Marietta, 1836-1926. experiment in health education in Tennessee, by Michael J. Bent and EI len F. Greene, for the Joint 196-9 Health Education Committee. Nashville, Tenn., Sambo, ex-slave of today. Julius Rosenwald Fund, 1937. Sambo, the slave of long ago. Macon, Ga., J.W_ Joint Health Education Committee, Nashville. Burke Co .• 1924 [cl923] MacDonell, Orrie M. 482-13 Rural poverty among whites in South Africa and 196-9 the South of the United States. Pretoria, South Sambo, the slave of long ago. Macon, Ga., J.W. Africa, Carnegie Corporation Visitors' Grants Burke Co., 1924 [cl923] Committee [1935] MacDonell, Orrie M. Wilcocks, Raymond William, 1892· 380-1 476-2-2; 551-5 Samuel Chapman Armstrong; a biographical Rural survey of Clarke County, Georgia, with study. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1904. special reference to the Negroes. [Athens, Ga.] Talbot, Edith Armstrong. 1915. Hill, Walter Barnard, 1851-1905. 462-2 Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, musician; his life and letters, by W.C. Berwick Sayers. London, New s York [etc.] Cassell and Co., 1915. Sayers, William Charles Berwick, 1881-

560-12 461-2 SCLC and its impact on local, state and federal Samuel Osborne, janitor. Boston, L. Phillips governments. 1960-1965. Atlanta, 1969. [cl913] King, Joyce Black. Padelford, Frederick Morgan.

215-1 452-6 The sable cloud: a southern tale, with northern Sanctum sanctorum; or, Proof-sheets from an comments.. By the author "A south-side view of editor's table. New York, Sheldon & Co., 1870. slavery." Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1861. Tilton, Theodore, 1835-1907. Adams. Nehemiah, 1806-1878. 525-1 389-2 A sane approach to the race problem. Justice & Saint Helena Island spirituals, recorded and goodwill between the races through conference & transcribed at Penn Normal, Industrial and cooperation. New York, The Stabilization Fund of Agricultural School, St. Helena Island. Beaufort the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, 1930. County, South Carolina. [New York, G. Schirmer, Commission on Interracial Cooperation, Inc. c1925] Ballanta, Nicholas George Julius. 473-9-1; 476-2-4 Sanitary conditions among the Negroes of 421-12 Athens, Georgia. [Athens, Ga.] 1918. Saint Peter relates an incident, selected poems. Brooks, Robert Preston, 1881- New York, Viking Press, 1935. Johnson. James Weldon, 1871-1938. 404-5 The Saturday evening quill; being the annual of 229-4 the Saturday Evening Quill Club of Boston. Saints, sinners and Beechers_ Indianapolis, no. 1- June, 1928- Bobbs-Merrill [c1934] Cambridge, Mass. [1928- Stowe, Lyman Beecher, 1880- 589-100 A savoury dish for loyal men. Philadelphia [H.B. 758 Ashmead] 1863. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

466-5 W.H. Seaton. New York, The Carnegie Cor­ Scenes in the life of . By Sarah poration Visitors' Grants Committee, Pretoria, H. Bradford. Auburn [N.Y.] W.J. Moses, Printer, South Africa, 1932. 1869. Seaton, William Hope, 1893- Bradford, Sarah Elizabeth Hopkins, b.1818. 385-10 216-4 Science, art, and methods of teaching; con­ Scenes in the South, and other miscellaneous taining lectures on the science, art, and methods pieces, by the late Col. James R. Creecy. of education. With an introductory sketch by Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1860 [cl859] Robert W. Whiting. Petersburg, Va., Fenn & Creecy, James R. Owen, Printers [cl887] Williams, Daniel Barclay, 1861- 474-7 A schedule of the ancient colored inhabitants of 412-4 Charlestown, Mass., on record prior to 1800. Science in story. Sammy Tubbs, the boy doctor, [Charlestown, Mass.? 1870?] and "Sponsie," the troublesome monkey. New York, Murray Hill Pub. Co., 1885 [cl874] 378-3 Foote, Edward Bliss, 1829-1906. School acres, an adventure in rural education, by Rossa B. Cooley. Illustrated with crayons from 354-8 life by Winold Reiss, with an introd. by Paul U. Scott's officia I history of the American Negro in Kellogg. New Haven, Yale University Press; the World War, by Emmett J. Scott. A complete London, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, and authentic narration, from official sources, of 1930. the participation of American soldiers of the Cooley, Rossa Belle, 1873- Negro race in the World War for democracy; a full account of the war work organizations of colored 540-5 men and women and other civilian activities, School books and racial antagonism, a study of including the Red Cross, the Y.M.C.A., the omissions and inclusions that make for misun­ Y.W.C.A. and the War Camp Community Service, derstanding, by R.B. Eleazer. [Jd ed.] Atlanta, with official summary of treaty of peace and Executive Committee. Conference on Education League of Nations Covenant. Prefaced with and Race Relations I 1937] highest tributes to the American Negro by Hon. Eleazer, Robert Burns. 1877· Newton D. Baker, Gen. John J. Pershing, and the late Col. . [Chicago, 476-2-3 Homewood Press? cl919] School conditions in Clarke County, Georgia Scott, Emmett Jay, 1873-1957. with special references to Negroes. [Athens, Ga., 1916] 493-6 Johnson, Miley Kimball. The Scottsboro case. Opinion of Judge James E. Horton of the Alabama Circuit Court granting a 370-6 motion for a new tria I in the Scottsboro case on the School days at Wilberforce. [Springfield, Ohio, ground that the conviction was against the wejght New Era Co., 18_?] of the evidence. New York, Reprinted by the Ransom, Reverdy Cassius, Bp., 1861- Scottsboro Defense Committee, 1936. Horton, James E. 560-18 School desegregation and racial fears in a 515-2 southern community. Atlanta, 1968. Scottsboro, the firebrand of Communism, by Napier, Lonnie L. Files Crenshaw, Jr. and Kenneth A. Miller. Montgomery, Ala., Brown Print. Co., 1936. 547-5 Patterson, Haywood, 1913 or 14- defendant. A school history of the Negro race in America from 1619 to 1890, combined with the history of the 360-7 Negro soldiers in the Spanish-American War, also The scourging of a race, and other sermons and a short sketch of Liberia. By Edward A. Johnson. addresses by W. Bishop Johnson. Washington, Rev. ed., 1911. New York, I. Goldmann Co., Beresford, Printer, 1904. Printers fcl897] Johnson, William Bishop, 1858- Johnson, Edward Augustus, 1860-1944. 268-7 376-6 Scriptural and statistical views in favor of School money in black and white. [Chicago, slavery. 4th ed., with additions. Richmond, J.W. Julius Rosenwald Fund, 1934?] Randolph, 1856. National Conference on Fundamental Problems in Stringfellow, Thornton. the Education of Negroes, Washington, D.C., 1934. Finance Committee. 267-8 A scriptural, ecclesiastical, and historical view 378-10 of slavery, from the days of the patriarch Schools in travail, a short study of the one­ Abraham, to the nineteenth century. Addressed to teacher Negro rural school of the Southern States, the Right Rev. Alonzo Potter. New York, W.I. with some applications to African conditions; Pooley & Co. [1864] report of a visit to the United States of America, Hopkins, John Henry, Bp., 1792-1868. under the auspices of the Visitors' Grants Com­ mittee of Carnegie Corporation of New York, by

759 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

267-7 379-2 Scriptural researches on the licitness of the Secondary education for Negroes. Washington, slave-trade, shewing its conformity with the U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1933. principles of natural and revealed religion, Caliver, Ambrose, 1894- delineated in the sacred writings of the Word of God. Liverpool, Printed by H. Hodgson, 1788. 379-4 Harris, Raymund. The secretarial field as a career for Negro girls and boys. By C. Janet Clark. [Atlanta, National 363-7 Youth Administration. Colored Division, 1938] A scripture catechism from Bible scholars and U.S. National Youth Administration. Georgia. Sunday Schools for the A.M. E. Zion Church. Also with the principles of Methodism as a religious 319-1-102 sect-catechistically arranged. Also an appendix Secretary Chase scheming for the presidency­ containing an epitome of the origin and progress his intrigues and official abuses. Speech of Hon. of the A.M.E. Zion Church. Salisbury, N.C., F.P. Blair, of Missouri. Delivered in the House of Livingstone College Print. [18_?] Representatives, April 23, 1864. [Washington, Moore, John Jamison, Bp., 1818- Printed by L. Towers, 1864] Blair, Francis Preston, 1821-1875. 379-14 The scroll. 324-2 v. 1. Dec. 14, 1895- Secrets of the late rebellion, now revealed for Atlanta, Atlanta University. the first time. Philadelphia, Crombargar & Co., 1882. 562-12 Freese, Jacob R., 1826-1885. The search for identity in the works of James Baldwin. Atlanta, 1967. 310-4 Young, Eliza Marcella. The sectional controversy; or, Passages in the political history of the United States, including the 319-1-105 causes of the war between the sections. New Secession and reconstruction. Speech of Hon. York, C. Scribner, 1863. Daniel W. Gooch, of Mass., delivered in the House Fowler, William Chauncey, 1793-1881. of Representatives, May 3, 1864. [Washington, McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864] 336-3 Gooch, Daniel Wheelwright, 1820-1891. Sectionalism unmasked, comp. by Henry Edwin Tremain. New York, Bonnell, Silver & Co., 1907. 327-1 Tremain, Henry Edwin, 1841-1910. The secession and reconstruction of Tennessee. Chicago, The Press, 1898. 439-3 Fertig, James Walter. Seeking the best; illus. by Grant Tayes. 9th ed. Kansas City, Mo., R.M. Rigby Print. Co., 1918 270-2 [c1909] Secession and slavery: or the Constitutiona I Shackelford, Otis M., 1871- duty of Congress to give the elective franchise and freedom to all loyal persons, in response to the Act 519-1 of secession. 2d ed. Boston, A. Williams, 1866 Segregation in Baltimore and Washington: an [cl864] address delivered before the Baltimore branch of Bishop, Joel Prentiss, 1814-1901. the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, October 20th, 1913. [New York? 222-2 1913?] The secession movement in Virginia, 1847-1861, Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949. by Henry T. Shanks. Richmond, Garrett and Massie [c1934] 492-4 Shanks, Henry Thomas. Segregation, the caste system and the Civil Service. Washington [Murray Bros., Printers, 488-4 1914?] Second Annual entertainment and dance, Miller, Kelly, 1863-1939. Thursday night, May 21st, 1936, Renaissance Casino. New York, 1936. 573-10 Business and Professiona I Men's Forum, Harlem, A select bibliography of the Negro American. A N.Y. compilation made under the direction of Atlanta University; together with the Proceedings of the 517-12 tenth Conference for the Study of the Negro Second Mohonk Conference on the Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University, on May 30, Question, held at Lake Mohonk, Ulster County, 1905. Edited by W.E. Burghardt Du Bois. Atlanta, New York, June 3, 4,5, 1891. Reported and edited Atlanta University Press, 1905. by Isabel C. Barrows. Boston, G.H. Ellis, Printer, Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, 1891. ed. Mohonk Conference on the Negro Question. 2d, 1891. 573-20 Select discussions of race problems; a collection 379-1 of papers of especial. use in study of Negro Secondary and higher education in the South for American problems; with the Proceedings of the whites and Negroes. [New York, 1910) twentieth a nnua I Conference for the Study of Bumstead, Horace, 1841-1919. Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University, ~y 760 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

24, 1915. Edited by J.A. Bigham. Atlanta, Atlanta 372-8 University Press, 1916. Semi-annual report on schools for freedom. Bigham, John Alvin, 1881- ed. [ lst]-lOth; January 1866-July 1870. By J.W. Alvord. 415-10 Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1866-70. Selected gems of poetry, comedy and drama. U.S. Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Boston, Christopher Pub. House [c1931] Abandoned Lands. Gilbert, Mercedes. 362-7 558-4 The semi-centenary and the retrospection of the Selected pamphlets and periodicals, prepared African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United for the Annual Institute of Race Relations [and States of America. Baltimore, Printed by Sher­ supplement] Nashville, Tenn., Fisk University, wood & Co., 1866. American Missionary Association, Race Payne, Daniel Alexander, Bp., 1811-1893. Relations Department [195_] American Missionary Association. 491-1 Race Relations Department. The separate or "Jim Crow" car laws or legislative enactments of fourteen southern 376-1-27 states, together with report and order of the Selected writings of James Hardy Dillard, with Interstate Commerce Commission to segregate a foreword by B.C. Caldwell. [Charlottesville, Negro or "colored" passengers on railroad trains Va.?] 1932. and in railroad stations. In compliance with a Dillard, James Hardy, 1856-1940. resolution of the National Baptist Convention, September 19, 1908, at Lexington, Ky. 1st ed. 232-2 Nashville, Tenn., National Baptist Publishing A selection of anti-slavery hymns, for the use of Board [cl909] the friends of emancipation. [Preface by William Boyd, Richard Henry, 1843-1922, comp. Lloyd Garrison, comp.] Boston, Garrison & Knapp, 1834. 366-3 Separation or continuity, which? Or a colored 246-1 man's reply to Bishop Foster's book, "Union of Selections from the writings and speeches of Episcopal Methodisms." Baltimore, Md., H.H. William Lloyd Garrison. With an appendix. Smith [cl893] Boston, R.F. Wallcut. 1852. Thomas, Isaac Lemuel, 1860- Garrison. William Lloyd, 1805-1879. , 211-1-8 374-1 Separation: war without end, by M. Edouard The self-education of the Negro. By Pres. Jos. Laboulaye. New York, Loyal Publication Society, A. Booker. Little Rock, Arkansas Baptist College 1864. , , [ 1903?] Laboulaye, Edouard Rene Lefebvre de, 1811-1883. Booker, Joseph A. 198-4 373-7 A serious expostulation with the members oJ the Self-educator for a rising race; a practical House of Representatives of the United States. manual of self-help for the future development of Philadelphia, printed: Poughkeepsie, Dutchess ambitious colored Americans. Being a collection County, Re-printed by Nicholas Power, and sold at of inspiring essays on the great opportunities of a his printing-office, near the Court-house, 1794. noble people. Nashville, Tenn., Southwestern Co. Mifflin, Warner, 1745-1798. [cl913] Gay, Joseph R. 193-14 A sermon delivered before the Vermont 332-9 Colonization Society, at Montpeleir [sic] October Self-government in Louisiana. Speech of Hon. 18, 1826. Published by request of the Society. John A. Logan, of Illinois, in the Senate of the Montpelier [Vt.] E. P. Walton, 1826. United States. January 13 and 14, 1875. Hough, John. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1875. Logan, John Alexander, 1826-1886. 368-9 A sermon preached on the 24th day of June 1789 375-8 [i.e. 1784] being the festival of St. John the Baptist Self-help in Negro education, by R.R. Wright, at the request of the Right Worshipful the Grand Jr. Cheyney, Pa., Committee of Twelve for the Master Prince Hall and the rest of the brethern of Advancement of the Interests of the Negro Race the African Lodge of the Honorable Society of [1909] Free and Accepted Masons in Boston. By the Rev. Wright, Richard Robert, 1878- brother Marrant, Chaplain. Boston, Printed and sold at the Bible and Heart. [New York, 192 _ ?] 483-10 Marrant, John, b. 1755. The self-survey of the Packinghouse Union; a technique for effecting change. [New York, 350-7 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Services of colored Americans in the Wars of Issues] 1953. 1776 and 1812. Reprinted from Canada ed. Hope, John, 1909- Philadelphia, A.M.E. Publishing House, 1894. Nell, William Cooper, 1816-1874.

761 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

437-1 398-10 The set-up. New York, Covici, Friede, 1928. The sharecropper; a play in one act. Fort March, Joseph Moncure. Valley, Georgia, 1932. Towns, George A. 278-7 Seven years among the freedmen. 3d ed., rev. 482-7 and enl. [By] M. Waterbury. Chicago, T.B. Sharecroppers all [by] Arthur F. Raper and Ira Arnold, 1893. DeA. Reid. Chapel Hill, University of North Waterbury, Maria. Carolina Press, 1941. Raper, Arthur Franklin, 1899- 500-1 Sex and race; Negro-Caucasian mixing in all 211-1-61 ages and all lands, by J.A. Rogers. New York, Sherman vs. Hood-"a low tart, inclined to be J .A. Rogers Publications [1940-44] sweet"-something for Douglas Democrats to Rogers, Joel Augustus, 1880- remember-an appeal to history-where Governor Seymour got his "lessons"--on the 493-9 Chicago surrender. [New York, 1864] Sexual crimes among the southern Negroes. By Stevens, John Austin, 1827-1910. Hunter McGuire and G. Frank Lydston. Louisville, Ky., Renz & Henry [1893] 474-1 McGuire, Hunter Holmes, 1835-1900. Sherman's directory and ready reference of t~e colored population in the Di~trict of Columbia 433-5 1913. Washington, Sherman Directory Co. [c1913] The shack by the river. Boston, The Christopher Pub. House [c1938] 380-4 Johnson, Edward Woodward, 1876- Shop and class at Tuskegee; a definitive story of the Tuskegee correlation technique, 1910-1930. 460-1 Boston, Chapman & Grimes [c1940] Shadow and light; an autobiography with Whiting, Joseph Livingston, 1877- reminiscences of the last and present century. With an introcl. by Booker T. Washington. 470-2 Washington, D.C., 1902. Short biographical sketches of emii:ient Negro Gibbs, Mifflin Wistar. men and women in Europe and the United States, with brief extracts from their writings and public 443-6 utterances. Comp. and arr. by John Edward Shadows on the wall. New York, M. Stolz & Co. Bruce. [v. 1- Yonkers, N.Y. [Gazette Press] (1898) 1910- Weeden, Miss Howard, 1847-1905. Bruce, John Edward, 1856- comp.

417-14 360-5 Shady-rest. New York, F .H. Hitchcock [cl928] A short history of the Baptist denomination, by Wilkinson, Henry Bertram, 1889- Miles Mark Fisher. Nashville, Tenn., Sunday School Pub. Board [1933] • 197-1 Fisher, Miles Mark, 1899- Shahmah in pursuit of freedom; or, The branded hand. Tr. from the original Showiah, and 404-1 ed. by an American citizen. New York, Thatcher A short history of the English drama. New & Hutchinson, 1858. York, Harcourt, Brace [1921] McDougall, Frances Harriet Whipple Greene, Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939. 1805-1878. 547-7 319-1-123 A short narrative of the horrid massacre in Sha II sympathizers with treason hold seats in Boston, perpetrated in the evening of the fifth day Congress? Speech of Hon. Godlove S. Orth, of of March, 1770, by soldiers of the 29th regiment, Ind. on the resolution to expel Mr. Long. which with the 14th regiment were then quartered Deli~ered in the House of Representatives, April there; with some observations on the state of 14, 1864. [Washington? 1864) things prior to that catastrophe. Printed by order Orth, Godlove Stoner, 1817-1882. of the town of Boston, and sold by Edes & Gill, in Queen Street, and T. & J. Fleet, in Cornhill, 1770. 319-1-161 New York, J. Doggett, Jr., 1849. Shall the Constitution be repealed? Confiscation Boston. or conciliation? Speech of Hon. S.S. Cox, of Ohio, on the joint resolution explanatory of the Con­ 597-425 fiscation Act. Delivered in the House of Short notes on the Dred Scott case. By J.T. Representatives, January 14, 1864. [Washington, Brooke. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., Gibson Bros., Printers, 1864] Printers, 1861. Cox, Samuel Sullivan, 1824-1889. Brooke, John T., 319-1-52 541-4 Shall the republic be divided? Speech of Hon. Short studies in party politics. New York, C. Glenni W. Scofield, of Pennsylvania. Washington, Scribner's Sons, 1895. Printed by W.H. Moore, 1864. Brooks, Noah, 1830-1903. Scofield, Glenni William, 1817-1891.

762 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

354-9 American citizens in regard to slavery. Edited by Sidelights on Negro soldiers, by Charles H. B.F. Tefft. Cincinnati, L. Swormstedt & J.H. Williams. With an introd. by Benjamin Brawley. Power, 1850. Boston, B.J. Brimmer Co., 1923. Elliott, Charles, 1792-1869. Williams, Charles Halston, 1886· 415-13 435-5 Singers in the dawn, a brief anthology of A sign for Cain. New York, L. Furman [c1935J American Negro poetry, comp. by Robert B. Lumpkin, Grace. Eleazer. [3d ed.] Atlanta, Ga., Conference on Education and Race Relations (1936] 528-1 Eleazer, Robert Burns, 1877- comp. The significance of leaders in Afro-American progress; a book dealing with the principles un­ 392-8 derlying permanent and successful leadership in The singing campaign for ten thousand pounds; the progress of the Afro-Americans, by the Rev. or, The Jubilee Singers in Great Britain. With an Samuel Barrett. Newburgh, N.Y., The News Co., appendix containing slave songs. Rev. ed. New Printers [c1909] York, American Missionary Association, 1875. Barrett, Samuel. Pike, Gustavus 0.

592-219 392-3 Significance of the struggle between liberty and Singing soldiers, by John J. Niles; illustrated by slavery in America. A discourse by Rev. Margaret Thorniley Williamson. New York, Frederick Frothingham, at Portland, Maine, on London, C. Scribner's Sons, 1927. Fast Day, April 16th, 1857. New York, American Niles, John Jacob, 1892- Anti-slavery Society, 1857. Frothingham, Frederick, 1825-1891. 431-1 Sister Jane, her friends and acquaintances; a 279-2 narrative of certain events and episodes tran­ The silent South, together with The freedman's scribed from the papers of the late William case in equity and The convict lease system, by Wornum, by Joel Chandler Harris. Boston and George W. Cable. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1896. 1885. Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908. Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925. 440-3 419-7 The sisters of Orleans: a tale of race and social The silver chord. Poems. Philadelphia (19_?] conflict. New York, G.P. Putnam & Sons, 1871. Johnson, Adolphus. 492-2 481-2 Sit ins; the students report. [Compiled and Simms' blue book and national Negro business edited by Jim Peck. New York, 1960] and professional directory. Congress of Racial Equality. Chicago, J.N. Simms, 1923- 221-2 398-9 Six years in a Georgia prison. Narrative of Simon the Cyrenian. Lewis W. Paine, who suffered imprisonment six Granny Maumee, The rider of dreams, Simon years in Georgia, for the crime of aiding the the Cyrenian; plays for a Negro t~eater, by escape of a fellow-man from that state, after he Ridgely Torrence. New York, Macmillan, 1917. had fled from slavery. Written by himself. New Torrence, Frederick Ridgely, 1875- York, Printed for the author, 1851. Paine, Lewis W., b. 1819. 591-186 The sin of slavery, and its remedy; containing 299-5 some reflections on the mora I influence of African The 16th decisive battle of the world- colonization. By Elizur Wright, Jr. New York, Gettysburg. [Gettysburg, Pa.] Gettysburg Printed for The author, 1835. Compiler Print [cl911] Wright, Elizur, 1804-1885. Long, James Thomas, 1843-

592-222 376-1-16 The sin of slavery, the guilt of the Church, and Sketch of Bishop Attic us G. Haygood, by Rev. the duty of the ministry. An address delivered G.B. Winton. Lynchburg, Va., J.P. Bell Co., before the Abolition Society at New York, on Printers, 1915. anniversary week, 1858. By Rev. George B. Winton, George Beverly, 1861-1938. Cheever. Boston, J.B. Jewett, 1858. Cheever, George Barrell, 1807-1890. 226-4 Sketch of Edward Coles, second governor of 190-7 Illinois, and of the slavery struggle of 1823-4. Sinfulness of American slavery: proved from Prepared for the Chicago Historical Society, by its evil sources; its injustice; its wrongs; its E.B. Washburne. Chicago, Jansen, McClurg & contrariety to many Scriptural comm_an~s, Co., 1882 [cl881] prohibitions, and ~rinci~les, and to the Chr1sh_an Washburne, Elihu Benjamin, 1816-1887. spirit; and from its e~1I ~ffects; together_ with observations on emancipation, and the duties of

763 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

541-1-3 419-6 A sketch of the laws relating to slavery in the Sketches of southern life. Philadelphia, several states of the United States of America. Ferguson Bros., 1888. With some alterations and additions. Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911. Philadelphia, 1856. Stroud, George McDowell, 1795-1875. 473-11 Sketches of the higher classes of colored society 207-12 in Philadelphia. By a southerner. Philadelphia, A sketch of the laws relating to slavery in the Merrihew and Thompson, Printers, 1841. several states of the United States of America. Wilson, William D. With some alterations and considerable additions. By George M. Stroud. 2d ed. Philadelphia, H. 285-2 Longstreth, 1856. . Sketches of the rise, progress, and decline of Stroud, George McDowell, 1795-1875. secession; with a narrative of personal ad­ ventures among the rebels. Philadelphia, G.W. 349-5 Childs; Cincinnati, Applegate & Co., 1862. Sketch of the life and death of Col. Robert Gould Brownlow, William Gannaway, 1805-1877. Shaw. Boston, Mass., Grandison & Son, Printers, 1904. 448-3 Teamoh, Robert T. The slave. The white slave: or, memoirs of a fugitive. A 464-7 story of slave life in Virginia, etc. Ed. by R. A sketch of the life of Benjamin Banneker; from Hildreth. 1st English illus. ed. London, Ingram, notes taken in 1836. Read by J. Saurin Norris, Cooke, 1852. before the Maryland Historical Society, October Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. 5th, 1854. Printed for the Society, by John D. Toy [ 1854?] 432-2 Norris, John Saurin, 1813-1882. The slave; or, Memoirs of Archy Moore. 5th ed. Boston, Jordan, Swift & Wiley, 1845. 327-5 Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. Sketch of the official life of John A. Andrew, as Governor of Massachusetts, to which is added the 572-11 valedictory address of Governor Andrew, Slave holidays and festivities in the United delivered upon retiring from office, January 5, States. Atlanta, 1941. 1866, on the subject of reconstruction of the states Winfield, Arthur Anison, Jr. recently in rebellion. New York, Hurd and Houghton, 1868. 186-2 Browne, Albert Gallatin, 1835-1891. The slave power: its character, career, and probable designs: being an attempt to explain the 442-2 real issues involved in the American contest, by Sketches in ebony and gold. New York, London, J.E. Cairnes. [American ed.] New York, Broadway Pub. Co. [cl902] Carleton, 1862. Thurman, Mary Cochran. Cairnes, John Elliot, 1823-1875.

201-1 211-1-74 Sketches in North America; with some account The slave power: its heresies and injuries to the of Congress and of the slavery question. By H. American people. A speech, by John C. Hamilton, Reid. London, Longman, Green, Longman, & November, 1864. [New York, 1864?] Roberts, 1861. Hamilton, John Church, 1792-1882. Reid, Hugo, 1809-1872. 185-7 242-10 Slave representation. By Boreas. Awake! 0 Sketches in the history of the Underground spirit of the North. [New Haven?] 1812. Railroad, comprising many thrilling incidents of Boreas. the escape of fugitives from slavery, and the perils of those who aided them. By Eber M. Pettit, 587-3 for many years a conductor on the U.G.R.R. line Slave ships in Alabama; a message trans­ from slavery to freedom. With introd. by W. mitting the Proceedings of the Court and Marshal McKinstry. Fredonia, N.Y., W. McKinstry & Son, of the U. States, for the District of Alabama, in 1879. . relation to the charges of certain slave ships, &c. Pettit, Eber M., b. 1801. March 8, 1826. Read, and laid upon the table. Washington, Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1826. 542-2 U.S. President, 1825-1829 (Adams) Sketches of Alabama history. Philadelphia, Eldredge & Bro., 1901. 391-1 Du Bose, Joel Campbell, 1855- Slave songs of the United States, by William Francis Allen, Charles Pickard Ware [and] Lucy 265-2 McKim Garrison. New York, P. Smith, 1929. Sketches of slave life: or, Illustrations of the Allen, William Francis, 1830-1889, comp. 'peculiar institution.' By Peter Randolph, an emancipated slave. 2d ed. enl. Boston, Pub. for 216-1 the author, 1855. The slave states of America. By J.S. Randolph, Peter, 1825(ca.)-1897. Buckingham. London, Paris, Fisher, Son & Co. [ 1842] 764 Buckingham, James Silk, 1786-1855. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

185-3 587-10 Slavery and its results. [Macon, Ga., The J.W. . The slave trade. [Washington, Buell & Blan­ chard, Printers, 1859) Burke Co., cl923] Benners, Alfred H. Republican Association, Washington, D.C. 594-287 186-3 The slave trade, domestic and foreign; why it Slavery and law in the light of Christiani_ty. A exists, and how it may be extinguished. By H.C. discourse delivered before the congregation of Carey. Philadelphia, H.C. Baird, 1867. Unitarian Christians of Nashville, Tenn. on Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879. Sunday evening, June 22d, 1851. By Rev. Charles M. Taggart. Nashville, J.T.S. Fall, 1851. Taggart, Charles Manson, 1821-1853. 194-7 The slave trade; slavery and color, by Theodore D. Jervey. Columbia, S.C., The State Co., 1925. 190-8 Jervey, Theodore Dehon, 1859- Slavery and secession in America, historical and economical. London, S. Low, Son & Co. [pref. 1861] 217-8 A slaveholder's daughter. 7th ed. New York, Ellison, Thomas, 1833-1904. The Abbey Press [cl900] Kearney, Belle, 1863- 587-41 Slavery and considered. Boston, T.R. Marvin & Son, 1861. 319-1-85 The slaveholders' rebellion and modern 215-6 democracy. Speech of Hon. Sidney Perham, of Slavery and servitude in the colony. of North Maine. in the House of Representatives, May 3, Carolina. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1864. (Washington, Printed by L. Towers, 1864) Perham. Sidney, 1819-1907. 1896. Bassett, John Spencer, 1867-1928.

185-10 302-4 Slaveholding examined in the light of the Holy Bible. N[ew] Y(ork] The Am. and For. Anti­ Slavery and the American War; a lecture. [Manchester, Printed by William Bremmer and slavery Society [ 1849) Co., 18_] Brisbane. William Henry, ca. 1803-1878. Miller, Marmaduke. 267-9 541-1-2 Slaveholding not sinful. Slavery, the punish­ Slavery and the American war, speech of Hon. ment of man's sin, its remedy, the gospel of Charles Sumner before the New York Young Christ. An argument before the General Synod of Men's Republican Union, at the Cooper Institute, the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, October, New York, November 5th, 1864. London, Bacon & 1855. By Samuel B. How. 2d ed. New-Brunswick, Co., 1865. N.J .• J. Terhune; New-York, R. & R. Brinkeroff, Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. 1856. How, Samuel Blanchard, 1790-1868. 199-3-3 Slavery and the Constitution. Boston, R.F. 186-8 Wallcut, 1849. Slavery. By William E. Channing. 4th ed., rev. Bowditch, William Ingersoll, 1819-1909. Boston, James Munroe, 1836 [cl835] Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842. 185-9 Slavery and the Constitution. Both sides of the 192-4 question. Philadelphia, 1850. Slavery and anti-slavery; a history of the great Brewster, Francis E. struggle in both hemispheres; with a view of the slavery question in the United States. 3d ed. New 587-5 York, W. Goodell, 1855 [cl852) Slavery and the , in the Goodell, William, 1792-1878. United States. By the committee appointed by t~e late Yearly Meeting ~f Frie!"ds ~eld m 297-3 Philadelphia, in 1839. Ph1ladelph1a, Printed by Slavery and four years of war; a politica I Merrihew and Thompson, 1841. history of slavery in the United States, together Friends, Society of. Philadelphia Yearly with a narrative of the campaigns and battles of Meeting. the Civil War in which the author took part: 1861- 1865. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 183-3 1900. Slavery and the domestic slave-trade in the Keifer, Joseph Warren, 1836-1932. United States. In a series of letters a~dressed_ to the Executive Committee of the American Union 587-48 tor the Relief and Improvement of the C~lored Slavery and freedom. [Lecture] (delivered to Race. By Prof. E.A. Andrews. Boston, Light & the adult scholars of the Middle Ward Relief Stearns, 1836. School, at the Oddfellows Hall, Stockport, Oct. 3, Andrews, Ethan Allen, 1787-1858. 1863) London, Fred. Pitman, Printed by J. Ward [1864] 222-3 Redfern, Councillor. Slavery in the southern states by a Carolinian. 2d ed. Cambridge, John Bartlett, 1852. 765 Pringle, Edward J. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

185-11 190-5 Slavery and the internal slave trade in the Slavery doomed: or, The contest between free United States of North America; being replies to and slave labor in the United States. London, questions transmitted by the committee of the Smith, Elder and Co., 1860. British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society, for the Edge, Frederick Milnes. abolition of slavery and the slave trade throughout the world. Presented to the general Anti-slavery 590-133 Convention, held in London, June, 1840. By the Slavery in America. (184_?] executive committee of the American Anti­ slavery Society. London, T. Ward, 1841. 590-155 British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society, London. Slavery in Auburn, Alabama. ~ de~crip~ion of the institution of Negro slavery as 1t existed m and 233-2-10 near Auburn from 1850 to 1860. Auburn, Ala., 1907. Slavery and the North. By Charles C. Burleigh. Harvey, Meriwether. [New York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1855] Burleigh, Charles Calistus, 1810-1878. 191-6; 588-55 Slavery in California and New Mexico. ~peech 217-1 of Mr. , of Massachusetts, 1n the Slavery and the race problem in the South. With House of Representatives, March 11, 1850. special reference to the state of Georgia. Address (Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1850?] of Hon. Wm. H. Fleming, before the Alumni Fowler, Orin, 1791·1852. Society of the State University, Athens, June 19, 1906. Boston, D. Estes & Co. (1906] 590-151 Fleming, William Henry, 1856-1944. Slavery in early Texas. Boston, Ginn, 1898. Bugbee, Lester Gladstone, 1869-1902. 587-37 Slavery and the remedy. 599-560 The present crisis: with a reply and appeal to Slavery in Europe; a letter to neutral govern­ European advisers, from the sixth edition of ments from the Anti-slavery Society. London, Slavery and the remedy. Boston, Crocker & New York [etc.] Hodder & Stoughton, 1917. Brewster, 1860. Anti.slavery Society, London. Nott, Samuel, 1788-1869. 218-2 199-1 Slavery in Kentucky, 1792-1865, by Ivan E. Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and McDougle. [Lancaster, Pa., Press of the New Era suggestions for a remedial code. 5th ed.; with a Printing Co., 1918] review of the decisions of the Supreme Court in the McDougle, Ivan Eugene. case of Dred Scott. New York, D. Appleton; Boston, Crocker and Brewster, 1857. 590-134 Nott, Samuel, 1788-1869. Slavery in Maryland, briefly considered. Baltimore, J. Murphy, 1845. 597-461 Carey, John L. Slavery and the war; a historical essay. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1863. 223-5 Darling, Henry, 1823-1891. Slavery in Mississippi. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press (1966, cl959] 267-12 Sydnor, Charles Sackett, 1898- Slavery, as it relates to the Negro, or African race, examined in the light of circumstances, 590-156 history and the Holy Scriptures; with an account Slavery in Missouri, 1804-1865. Baltimore, The of the origin of the black man's color, causes of his Johns Hopkins Press, 1914. state of servitude and traces of his character as Trexler, Harrison Anthony, 1883- well in ancient as in modern times: with strictures on abolitionism. Albany, Printed by C. van 225-10; 591-178 Benthuysen and Co., 1843. Slavery in New York. [New York, London, G.P. Priest, Josiah, 1788-1851. Putnam's Sons, cl898] Morgan, Edwin Vernon, 1865-1934. 206-2 The slavery atmosphere of Lincoln's youth, by Louis Warren. 1st ed. Fort Wayne, Ind., 226-8; 591-179 A. Slavery in New York, a historical sketch; by ex­ Lincolniana Publishers, 1933. Judge A. Judd Northrup. Albany, University of Warren, Louis Austin, 1885- the State of New York, 1900. Northrup, Ansel Judd, 1833-1919. 183-8 Slavery discussed in occasional essays, from 1833 to 1846. New York, Baker and Scribner, 1846. 217-2 Slavery in South Carolina and the ex-slaves; or, Bacon, Leonard, 1802-1881. The Port Royal mission. New York, W.M. French, 1862. 591-159 French, Austa Malinda, 1810-1880. Slavery-Dist. Columbia. January 29, 1829. Report [Washington, Gales & Seaton, Printers to House of Rep., 1829] 591-161 Slavery in the District of Columbia. U.S. Congress. House. Committee on the [Washington?] Blair & Rives, Printers, 1836. District of Columbia. U.S. 24th Congress, lst session, 1835-1836. House. 766 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title catalog

590-153 11, 1859, by Rev. Nathaniel Colver. Published by Slavery in the state of North Carolina. request of the congregation. Cincinnati, Printed Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1899. at the office of the "Christian luminary", 1860. Bassett, John Spencer, 1867-1928. Colver, Nathaniel, 1794-1870.

595-328 211-1-29 Slavery in the territories. Speech of Hon. John Slavery, plantations and the yeomanry. [New S. Millson of Virginia, in the House of York? 1863?] Representatives, February 24, 1858. [Washington, Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1858?] Millson, John Singleton, 1808-1874. 587-35 The slavery question. Speech of Hon. W.R.W. 199-11 Cobb, of Ala., in the House of Repr~sentatives, Slavery in the United States. New-York, Harper May 19, 1860. [Washington, T. McGill, Printer, & Brothers, 1836. 1860) Paulding, James Kirke, 1778-1860. Cobb, Williamson Robert Winfield, 1807-1864.

201-6 597-450 Slavery in the United States. A letter to the Hon. Slavery, secession and the Constitution. An Daniel Webster. By M.B. Sampson. New York, appeal to our country's loyalty, by Rev. Charles Wiley and Putnam, 1844. E. Lord. Boston, 1864. Sampson, Marmaduke Blake, d. 1876. Lord, Charles Eliphalet, 1817-1902.

266-10 587-46 Slavery in the United States: a narrative of the Slavery the mere pretext for the rebellion; not life and adventures of Charles Ball, a black man, its cause. Andrew Jackson's prophecy in 1833. who lived forty years in Maryland, South tarolina His last will and testament in 1843. Bequests of his and Georgia, as a slave. New York, J.S. Taylor, three swords. Picture of the conspiracy. Drawn 1837. in 1863, by a southern man. Philadelphia, C. Ball, Charles, Negro slave. Sherman, Son & Co., Printers, 1863. Kennedy, John Pendleton, 1795-1870. 201-10 Slavery in the United States of America; its 219-4 national recognition and relations, from the Slavery times in Kentucky, by J. Winston establishment of the confederacy, to the present Coleman, Jr. Chapel Hill. The University of North time. A word to the North and the South. Hart­ Carolina Press, 1940. ford, J.0. Hurlburt, 1858. Coleman, John Winston, 1898- Sherman, Henry, 1808-1879. 204-14 587-49 Slavery unmasked: being a truthful narrative The slavery issue in federal politics, by Ulrich of a three years' residence and journeying in B. Phillips. Richmond, Va., The Southern eleven southern states: to which is added the Publication Society, 1909. invasion of Kansas, including the last chapter of Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, 1'877-1934. her wrongs. Rochester, E. Darrow & Bro., 1856. Tower, Philo. 592-245 Slavery. Its origin, influence, and destiny. 597-453 Boston, W. Carter and Brother, 1863. Slaves and slavery: How affected by the War. Parsons, Theophilus, 1797-1882. Remarks of , of Ohio, in the Senate of the United States, April 2, 1862. Washington, 587-40 Scammell & Co., Printers, 1862. Slavery: its origin, nature and history. Its Sherman, John, 1823-1900. relations to society, to government, and to true religion, to human happiness and divine glory, 419-5 considered in the light of Bible teachings, moral The smile bringer, and other bits of cheer, illus. justice, and political wisdom. Alexandria [Va.] with photos. by Paul Shideler. Indianapolis, Printed at the Virginia Sentinel Office, 1860. Bobbs-Merrill [c1919] Stringfellow, Thornton. Herschell. William, 1873· 194-8 293-1 Slavery: its sin, moral effects, and certain The smoked Yank. 2d ed. illus. Chicago, Regan death. Also, The language of nature, compared Print. Co., 1891. with divine revelation, in prose and verse. With Grigsby, Melvin, 1845· extracts from eminent authors. Baltimore, J. Keefer [1864) 572-5 Keefer, . Social activities of the Negro church in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, 1934. 272-13 Torrence, Louise Elizabeth. "Slavery or freedom must die." The Harper's Ferry tragedy: A symptom of a disease in the 217-5 heart of the nation; or the power of slavery to Social and economic aspects of slavery in the destroy the liberties of the nation, from which Transmontane prior to 1850. Nashville, Tenn., there is no escape but in the destruction of slavery George Peabody College for Teachers, 1927. itself. A sermon, preached on Sunday December Hedrick, Charles Embury. 767 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

538-1 569-4 Social and industrial conditions in the North The social philosophy of Frederick Douglass in during the Civil War. New York, Macmillan, 1910. the light of contemporary Negro thought. Atlanta, Fite, Emerson David, 1874- 1938. Freeman, Marie Gertrude. 556-2 Social and industrial condition of the Negro in 483-2 Massachusetts.

459-5 573-9 Sojourner Truth, God's faithful pilgrim [by] Some notes on Negro crime, particularly in Arthur Huff Fauset. Chapel Hill, The University Georgia; report of a socia I study made under the of North Carolina Press [cl938] direction of Atlanta University; together with the Fauset, Arthur Huff, 1899- Proceedings of the ninth Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, held at Atlanta Univer­ 211-1-49 sity, May 24, 1904. Edited by W.E. Burghardt Du Soldiers' and sailors' patriotic songs. New Bois. Atlanta, Atlanta University Press, 1904. York, May, 1864_ New York, Loyal Publication Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, Society, 1864- ed. Putnam, George Palmer, 1814-1872, comp. 473-3 525-8 Some notes on the Negroes in New York City, A solution of the race problem in the South. (An compiled from the reports of the United States essay.) Raleigh, N.C., Presses of Edwards & Census and other sources. Atlanta, Ga., Atlanta Broughton, 1898. University Press, 1903. Simmons, Enoch Spencer. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, ed. 498-4 Solve the race problem by amalgamation. 505-3 Boston, The New England Pub. Co., c1910. Some phases of the Negro question, by Charles Druelle, Dell. W. Melick. Mt. Ranier, Md. and Washington, D.C., D.H. Deloe, 1908. 247-2 Melick, Charles Wesley, 1877- Some account of the trade in slaves from Africa as connected with Europe and America; from the 375-6 introduction of the trade into modern Europe, Some present aspects of the Negro problem. down to the present time; especially with r1907?1 reference to the efforts made by the British Welsh, Herbert, 1851-1941. government for its extinction. London, Longman, Brown, and Co., 1842. 211-1-86 Bandinel, James, 1783-1849. Some reasons for the immediate establishment of a national system of education for the United 560-16 States. New York, 1865. Some aspects of African mathematics before Brooks, Charles, 1795-1872. the rise of Western civilization. Atlanta, 1964. Montgomery, Robert L. 236-5 Some recollections of our anti-slavery conflict. 559-2 By Samuel J. May. Boston, Fields, Osgood, & Co., Some aspects of women in American labor with 1869. emphasis on Negro women in the South, 1940-1950. May, Samuel Joseph, 1797-1871. Atlanta, 1955. Denard, Jessie L. Lanier. 416-3 Some simple songs, and a few more ambitious 277-1-2 attempts. Philadelphia, G. F. Lasher, Printer and Some colonial history of Craven County. Binder [cl901] Cooper, Francis Hodges. McGirt, James Ephraim.

390-1 570-9 Some current folk-songs of the Negro. Read Some social aspects of the Reed Street Baptist before the Folk-lore Society of Texas, 1912. Church. Atlanta, 1937. Cleveland, The Arthur H. Clark Co., published by Montgomery, Callie Mae. the Folk-lore Society of Texas [1912?] Thomas, W.H. 419-3 Song of the night child. [Wilmington, N.C., The 504-14; 573-3 author, 1916?] Some efforts of American Negroes for their own Hawkins, Walter Everette, 1883- social betterment. Report of an investigation under the direction of Atlanta University; 450-5 together with the Proceedings of the third Con­ Songs and stories from Tennessee. Illus. by ference for the Study of the Negro problems, held Howard Weeden and Robert Dickey. at Atlanta University, May 25-26, 1898. Edited by Philadelphia, J.C. Winston Co. [cl902] W.E. Burghardt Du Bois. Atlanta, Atlanta Moore, John Trotwood, 1858-1929. University Press, 1898. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963, 420-11 ed. Songs of the months. New York, Broadway Pub. Co. [cl904] 504-9 Waller, Effie. Some essentials of race leadership. Xenia, Ohio, The Aldine Pub. House, 1924. 228-4 Maloney, Arnold Hamilton. Sonnets to the memory of Frederick Douglass. Paris, Brentano's, 1895. Tilton, Theodore, 1835-1907. 769 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

370-9 Rev. Bishop Charles B. Galloway. New York, The The sons of Allen. Together with a sketch of the Trustees, 1904. rise and progress of Wilberforce University, Galloway, Charles Betts, Bp., 1849-1909. Wilberforce, Ohio. Xenia, 0., The Aldine Press, 1906. 478-1 Talbert, Horace, 1853- The South and the North. Being a reply to a lecture on the North and the South, by Ellwood 435-1 Fisher, delivered before the Young Men's Mer­ Sons of strength; Kansas. New York, cantile Library Association of Cincinnati, January Doubleday, Page, 1906 [cl899] 16, 1849. By a Carolinian. Washington, Buell & Lighton, William Rheem, 1866- Blanchard, 1849. Goodloe, Daniel Reaves, 1814-1902. 403-1 The souls of black.folk; essays and sketches. 529-5 New York, Blue Heron Press, 1953. South Carolinians speak; a moderate approach to Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. race relations. Compiled by Ralph E. Cousins [and others. Dillon? S.C., 1957) 562-7 Sources of Booker T. Washington's ef­ 592-234 fectiveness as a public speaker. Atlanta, 1937. The South: her peril, and her duty. A discourse, Pipes, William Harrison, 1912- delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, New Orleans, on Thursday, November 29, 1860. New 562-5 Orleans, printed at the Office of the True Witness Sources of pathos and humor in Paul Laurence and Sentinel, 1860. Dunbar. Atlanta, 1941. Palmer, Benjamin Morgan, 1818-1902. Nix, William Morris. 550-5 598-498 The South looks at its past, by Benjamin Burks The South. The political situation. Speech of Kendrick and Alex Mathews Arnett. Chapel Hill, Senator Morton on Louisiana affairs. [187_?] The University of North Carolina Press, 1935. Morton, Oliver Perry, 1823-1877. Kendrick, Benjamin Burks, 1884-

590-139 555-3 The South: a letter from a friend in the North. The South mobi Ii zing for socia I service; ad­ With specia I reference to the effects of disunion dresses delivered at the Southern Sociological upon slavery. Philadelphia, Printed for the Congress, Atlanta, Georgia, April 25-29, 1913; ed. author, by C. Sherman & Son, 1856. by James E. McCulloch. Nashville, Southern Colwell, Stephen, 1800-1871. Sociological Congress, 1913. Southern Sociological Congress. 2d, Atlanta, 336-4 1913. The South: a tour of its battlefields and ruined cities, a journey through the desolated states, and 326-1 talks with the people: being a description of the The South since the war, as shown by fourteen present state of the country-its agriculture­ weeks of travel and observation in Georgia and railroads-business and finances. By J.T. the Carolinas. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1866. Trowbridge. Hartford, Conn., L. Stebbins, 1866. Andrews, Sidney. Trowbridge, John Townsend, 1827-1916. 479-3 220-5-1 The South to-day. New York, Missionary The South a lone should govern the South. And Education Movement of the United States and African slavery should be controlled by those Canada, 1916. only, who are friendly to it. [Charleston, Printed Moore, John Monroe, Bp., 1867-1948. by Evans & Cogswell, 1860) Townsend, John. 268-3 The South vindicated from the treason and 182-1 fanaticism of the northern abolitionists. South and North; or, Impressions received Philadelphia, H. Manly, 1836. during a trip to Cuba and the South. By John S.C. Abbott. New York, Abbey & Abbot, 1860. 272-15 Abbott, ·John Stevens Cabot, 1805-1877. The Southampton insurrection. Washington, The Neale Co., 1900. 517-6 Drewry, William Sidney, 1870- The South and the Negro; an address delivered at the seventh annua I Conference for Education in 480-1 the South, Birmingham, Ala., April 26th, 1904. By Th~ southern c~okboo.k; a manual of cooking the Rev. Bishop Charles B. Galloway. New York, and hst of menus, mcludmg recipes used by noted The Southern Education Board, 1904. colored cooks and prominent caterers. Hampton, Galloway, Charles Betts, Bp. 1849-1909. Va., Press of the Hampton Institute 1912. Bivins, S. Thomas. ' 376-1-11 The South and the Negro. An address delivered 451-6 at the seventh Annual Conference for Education in Southern echoes. Boston, Eastern Pub. Co., the South, Birmingham, Ala., April 26, 1904, by the 1900. Pike, Louise. 770 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

304-1 Council. Chapel Hill, The University of North The southern empire, with other papers. Boston Carolina Press [1937, cl936] and New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1892. Odum, Howard Washington, 1884- Morton, Oliver Throck, 1860- 589-94 553-1 The "Southern rights" and "Union" parties in Southern exposure. Chapel Hill, The University Maryland contrasted. Baltimore, Printed by of North Carolina Press, 1927. W.M. Innes, 1863. Wilson, Peter Mitchel. 1848-1939. Fulton, John, 1834-1907.

598-481 592-247 The Southern Loyalists Convention. Call for a Southern slavery and the Christian religion. convention of southern Unionists, to meet at Communication from Judge Stroud. [Phi la- Independence Hall, 'Philadelphia, on Mon., the delphia? 1863?] third day of September, 1866. [Philadelphia? Stroud, George McDowell, 1795-1875. 1866] Southern Loyalists Convention, Philadelphia, 223-1 Sept. 3-7, 1866. Southern slavery considered on general prin­ ciples; or, A grapple with abstractionists. By a 567-2 North Carolinian. New York, D. Murphy's Son The southern Negro and voter registration, 1954- Printer, 1861. 1964. Atlanta, 1965. Barnette, Earnestine Omega. 192-6 Southern slavery in its present aspects: con­ 511-3 taining a reply to a late work of the Bishop of The southern Negro as he is. By G.R.S., Boston. Vermont on slavery. By Daniel R. Goodwin. Boston, Press of G.H. Ellis, 1877. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1864. Stetson, George Rochford, 1833- Goodwin, Daniel Raynes, 1811-1890.

511-5 335-4 The southern oligarchy; an appeal in behalf of The Southern States since the war. 1870-1. the silent masses of our country against the London & New York, Macmillan, 1871. despotic rule of the few. By William H. Skaggs. Somers, Robert, 1822-1891. New York, The Devin-Adair Co., 1924. Skaggs, William Henry, 1861- 490-6 The southern struggle for pure government. An 210-5; 592-223 address. Delivered before the Massachusetts The Southern platform: or, Manual of Southern Club, Boston, on Washington's birthday, 1890. sentiment on the subject of slavery. Boston, John Boston, Press of S. Usher, 1890. P Jewett & Co., 1858. Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925. Goodloe, Daniel Reaves, 1814-1902. 416-6 543-5 Southern sunbeams; a book of poems. Rich­ The southern press considers the Constitution; mond, Va., The Saint Luke Press, 1926. edited by Francis P. Miller. Chapel Hill, The Harrison, James Minnis, 1873- University of North Carolina Press, 1936. Miller, Francis Pickens, 1895- ed. 477-4 The southern urban Negro as a consumer. New 206-6 York, Prentice-Hall, 1932. Southern and slavery: a study in in­ Edwards, Paul Kenneth, 1898- stitutional history, by Stephen B. Weeks. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1896. 392-2 Weeks, Stephen Beauregard, 1865-1918. Southern war songs. Camp-fire, patriotic and sentimental, collected and arr. by W.L. Fagan. 332-5 New York, M.T. Richardson, 1892 [c1889] Southern question-Reply to Mr. Lamar. Fagan, William Long, 1838- Speech of Hon. John R. Lynch of Mississippi in the House of Representatives, August 12, 1876. 376-1-19 Washington, 1876. Southern women and racial adjustment, by L.H. Lynch, John Roy, 1847-1939. Hammond. Lynchburg, Va .• J.P. Bell Co., Printers, 1917. 332-3 Hammond, Lily Hardy, 1859-1925. The southern question. Speech of Hon. John R. Lynch, of Mississippi, in the House of 486-1 Representatives, June 13, 1876. [Washington, Southern women and racial adjustment. 2d ed. Govt. Print. Off., 1876] [Charlottesville, Va., Surber-Arundel Co., Lynch, John Roy, 1847-1939. Printers] 1920. Hammond, Lily Hardy, 1859-1925. 557-4 Southern regions of the United States, by 407-3 Howard W. Odum for the Southern Regional The southerner; a romance of the real Lincoln. Committee of the Social Science Research Illus. by J.N. Marchand. New York, Grosset & Dunlap [c1913] Dixon, Thomas, 1864-1946. 771 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

374-10 Committee of the British and Foreign Anti­ The South's Negro teaching force (a brief study) slavery Society [1867] March, 1931 [by] Fred McCuistion. Nashville, Anti-slavery Conference, Paris, 1867. Tenn., Julius Rosenwald Fund, Southern Office [1931?] 189-2 McCuistion, Fred, 1893- Speech at Concert Hall, Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1863. [Philadelphia? 1863? J 215-2 Davis, Henry Winter, 1817-1865. A south-side view of slavery; or, Three months at the South in 1854. Boston, T.R. Marvin, 1854. 319-1-116 Adams, Nehemiah, 1806-1878. Speech by Justin S. Morrill, of Vt., in favor of terminating the reciprocity treaty with Great 355-1 Britain, delivered in the House of Represen­ Souvenir. A.M.E. Sesqui Week. Presenting tatives, January 27, 1864. Washington, McGill & "Liberty." Pageant of progress of the Negro race Witherow, Printers, 1864. in America and the A.M.E. Church. Academy of Morrill, Justin Smith, 1810-1898. Music, September 30, 1926. Philadelphia, A.M.E. Book Concern, 1926. 588-62 African Methodist Episcopal Church. Speech delivered in Faneuil Hall,-Boston, October 27, 1857. Also speech delivered in City 352-1 Hall,-Newburyport, October 31, 1857. [Boston] Souvenir hand book and guide. Complimentary Printed at the office of , 1857. to the colored veterans, Grand Army [of the] Cushing, Caleb, 1800-1879. Republic, 33d National Encampment and reunion; Philadelphia, Sept. 4-9, 1899. [Philadelphia] Pub. 587-39 by the Committee [1899?] Speech of Carl Schurz, delivered at Verandah Philadelphia. Committee on U.S. Colored Troops. Hall, St. Louis, August 1, 1860. [Printed at the Missouri Democrat Book and Job Office, 1860?] 248-1 Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906. Souvenir of the Frederick Douglass Memorial Association of Chicago, Ill. Containing the 590-129 orations of the Hon. Luther Laflin Mills and the The speech of Charles Jas. Faulkner (of Hon. E.H. Morris. Delivered at the Annual Berkeley) in the House of Delegates of Virginia, Memorial Services May 27, 1895. [Chicago?] on the policy of the state with respect to her slave Gordon·& Reilly, 1895. population. Delivered January 20, 1832. Rich­ Frederick Douglass Memorial Association, mond, T.W. White, Printer, 1832. Chicago. Faulkner, Charles James, 1806-1884.

380-8 599-533 Sowing and reaping. Boston, LC. Page & Co., Speech of Dr. Lushington, delivered at a genera I 1900. meeting of the Society for the Abolition of Slavery, Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. throughout the British Dominions, held at Exeter Hall, London, April 23, 1831. [London, S. Bagster, 503-2 Jun., Printer, 1831] Sparkling gems of race knowledge worth Lushi ngton, Stephen, 1782-1873. reading. A compendium of valuable information and wise suggestions that will inspire noble effort 595-317 at the hands of every race-loving man, woman, Speech of General Cass, of Michigan, in reply to and child. Compiled and arr. by James T. Haley. Governor Jones, of Tennessee; also letter from Nashville, Tenn., J.T. Haley & Co., 1897. Jefferson Davis, and explanation of Gen. Cass. Haley, James T., comp. [Washington] Towers, Printer [1851?] Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866. 418-7 Speakin' o' Christmas, and other Christmas and 591-171 special poems. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1914. Speech of George W. Woodward at the great Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. Union meeting, held December 13, 1860, in Independence Square, Philadelphia. Printed by 416-7 Ringwalt and Brown, 1860. Special laughter; poems. With an introd. by Woodward, George Washington, 1809-1875. . Prairie City, Ill., Press of J.A. Decker [c1940] 590-127 Nutt, Howard, 1909- The speech of Henry Berry, (of Jefferson) in the House of Delegates of Virginia, on the abolition of 375-7 slavery. [Richmond, 1832] Special problems of Negro education, by Doxey Berry, Henry. A. Wilkerson. Prepared for the Advisory Com­ mittee on Education. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1939. 319-1-25 Speech of Henry Champion Deming, of Con­ Wilkerson, Doxey Alphonso, 1905- necticut, on the President's plan for state renovation, delivered February 27th, 1864. 234-4 Washington, Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1864. Special report of the Anti-slavery Conference, Deming, Henry Champion, 1815-1872. held in Paris in the Salle Herz, on the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh August, 1867. London, n2 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

319-1-69 to transport passengers and merchandise across Speech of Hon. A.H. Coffroth, of Penna., the state from New York to Philadelphia, in delivered in the House of Representatives, June violation of the laws of the state and the decision of 14, 1864. [Washington? 1864) her courts. Delivered in the House of Coffroth, Alexander Hamilton, 1828-1906. Representatives, March 22, 1864. Washington, Printed at Constitutional Union Office, 1864. 595-321 Rogers, Andrew Jackson, 1828-1900. S_peech _of Hon. A.H. Colquitt of Georgia dehvered m the House of Representatives, May 588-86 10, 1854, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill. Speech of Hon. Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, Washington, Printed at The Congressional Globe on the State of the Union; delivered in the Senate Office, 1854. of the United States, February 5 and 6, 1861. Colquitt, Alfred Holt, 1824-1894. Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1861. 319-1-55 Johnson, Andrew, Pres. U.S., 1808-1875. Speech of Hon. A. Harding, of Ky., on the restoration of the Union, and the President's 319-1-22 Amnesty proclamation. Delivered in the House of Speech of Hon. Benjamin F. Loan, delivered in Representatives February 27, 1864. [Washington, the House of Representatives of the United States McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864) on the 10th day of May, 1864, in the contested Harding, Aaron, 1805-1875. election case of Bruce vs. Loan. [Washington, H. Polkinhorn, Printer, 1864) 319-1-49 Loan, Benjamin Franklin, 1819-1881. Speech of Hon. A.L. Knapp, of Illinois, on Freedmen's affairs. Delivered in the House of 595-325 Representatives, March 1, 1864. [Washington, L. Speech of Hon. Benjamin Stanton, of Ohio, in the Towers, Printers, 1864) House of Representatives, April 23, 1856, on the Knapp, Anthony Lausett, 1828-1881. power of Congress to exclude slavery from the territories. [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, 319-1-118 Printers, 1856?] Speech of Hon. Aaron Harding, of Kentucky, in Stanton, Benjamin, 1809-1872. which President Lincoln and his administration are arraigned and tried, on their own testimony, 319-1-64 and by their own acts. Delivered in the House of Speech of Hon. Cornelius Cole, of California, on Representatives, March 26, 1864. Washington, arming the slaves. Delivered in the House of Printed at the Constitutional Union Office, 1864. Representatives, February 18, 1864. Washington, Harding, Aaron, 1805-1875. McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864. Cole, Cornelius, 1822-1924. 596-369 Speech of Hon. Albert G. Brown, of Mississippi, 596-368 on the President's Kansas message. Delivered in Speech of Hon. D.C. Broderick, of California, the Senate of the United States, February 3d & 4th, against the admission of Kansas, under the 1858. Washington, Printed by Lemuel Towers, Lecompton constitution. Delivered in the Senate 1858. of the United States, March 22, 1858. Washington, Brown, Albert Gallatin, 1813-1880. Printed by L. Towers, 1858. Broderick, David Colbreth, 1820-1859. 595-332 Speech of Hon. Alfred Iverson, of Georgia, on 319-1-45 our territorial policy; delivered in the Senate of Speech of Hon. D.W. Voorhees, of Indiana, the United States, January 9, 1860. Washington, delivered in the House of Representatives, March Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1860. 9, 1864. Washington, Printed at the Constitutional Iverson, Alfred, 1798-1873. Union Office, 1864. Voorhees, Daniel Wolsey, 1827-1897. 319-1-90 Speech of Hon. Amos Myers, of Pennsylvania, 319-1-28 delivered in the House of Representatives, Speech of Hon. Daniel Marcy, of N.H., delivered February Jd, 1864, on the constitutionality and in the House of Representatives, June 14, 1864. necessity of a draft. Washington, H.Polkinhorn, [Washington? 1864) Printer [ 1864] Marcy, Daniel, 1809-1893. Myers, Amos, 1824-1893. 319-1-111 319-1-133 Speech of Hon. Daniel Morris, of N.Y., on the Speech of Hon. Andrew J. Rogers, of N.J., Confiscation bill. Delivered in the House of delivered in the House of Representatives, April Representatives, Jan. 21, 1864. [Washington, L. 12, 1864, on the resolution to expel Hon. Alexander Towers, Printers, 1864) Long, of Ohio, for words spoken in debate. Morris, Daniel, 1812-1889. [Washington? 1864) Rogers, Andrew Jackson, 1828-1900. 319-1-5 Speech of Hon. Daniel Morris of New York on 319-1-151 the amendment of the Constitution of the United Speech of Hon. Andrew J. Rogers, of New States of America. Delivered in the House of Jersey, on a bi II to authorize the Camden and Representatives, May 31st, 1864. Alexandria Atlantic and the Raritan and Delaware Bay [Va.] D. Turner, Printer, 1864. Railroad Companies, of the state of New Jersey, Morris, Daniel, 1812-1889. 773 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

319-1-72 Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Speech of Hon. E.C. Ingersoll, on the joint Office, 1858. resolution to amend the Constitution abolishing Pugh, George Ellis, 1822-1876. slavery. Delivered in the House of Represen­ tatives, June 15, 1864. [Washington, Printed by L. 319-1-83 Towers, 1864?] Speech of Hon. George S. Boutwell, of Ingersoll, Colin Macrae, 1819-1903. Massachusetts, upon the "bill to guarantee to certain states whose governments have been 319-1-17 usurped or overthrown, a republican form of Speech of Hon. F .A. Pike, of Maine, on the government," delivered in the House of Reciprocity treaty. Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 4, 1864. [Washington, Representatives, May 19, 1864. [Washington? Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1864] 1864?] Boutwell, George Sewall, 1818-1905. Pike, Frederick Augustus, 1817-1896. 598-475 592-230 Speech of Hon. George S. Boutwell on the ad­ Speech of Hon. F.M. Bristow, of Kentucky, on mission of Tennessee; delivered in the House of the election of speaker. Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 20, 1866. Washington, Representatives, January 25, 1860. [Washington] Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1866. Printed by Lemuel Towers [1860?] Boutwell, George Sewall, 1818-1905. Bristow, Francis Marion, 1804-1864. 319-1-36 319-1-81 Speech of Hon. Glenni W. Scofield, of Penn­ Speech of Hon. F. W. Kellogg, of Michigan, on sylvania, on the bill of H. Winter Davis, "to the amendment to the Constitution of the United guarantee to certain states, whose governments States. Delivered in the House of Represen­ are usurped or overthrown, a republican form of tatives, June 15, 1864. [Washington, Printed by L. government." Delivered in the House of Towers, 1864) Representatives, April 29, 1864. [Washington, Kellogg, Francis William. 1810-1879. Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1864?] Scofield, Glenni William, 1817-1891. 596-408 Speech of Hon. Francis P. Blair, Jr., of 596-385 Missouri, on the Kansas question; delivered in the Speech of Hon. Graham N. Fitch, of Indiana, on House of Representatives, March 23, 1858. the constitution of Kansas; delivered in the Senate Washington. Congressional Globe Office, 1858. of the United States. December 22, 1857. Blair, Francis Preston, 1821-1875. Washington, Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe, 1857. 207·9 Fitch, Graham Newell, 1809-1892. Speech of Hon. Frank P. Blair, Jr., of Missouri, on the acquisition of territory in Central and South 319-1-125 America, to be colonized with free blacks, and Speech of Hon. Green Clay Smith, of Kentucky, held as a dependency by the United States. on the resolution to expel Mr. Long of Ohio. Delivered in the House of Representatives, on the Delivered in the House of Representatives, .April 14th day of January, 1858. With an appendix. 12, 1864. [Washington? 1864) Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1858. Smith, Green Clay, 1826-1895. Blair, Francis Preston, 1821-1875. 319-1-60 319-1-166 Speech of Hon. H.G. Stebbins, of New York, Speech of Hon. G. Clay Smith, of Ky., on the delivered in the House of Representatives, March Confiscation bill. Delivered in the House of 3, 1864; upon the resources of the country and its Representatives, Feb. 5, 1864. [Washington? present system of finance. [Washington, McGill 1864) and Witherow, 1864) Smith, Green Clay, 1826-1895. Stebbins, Henry George, 1811-1881.

299-6 596-392 Speech of Hon. George B. Loring, president of Speech of Hon. H. Maynard, of Tenn., on the the , on the question of admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Con­ rescinding the resolve of Dec. 18, 1872, relating to stitution. Delivered in the House of Represen­ Hon. Charles Sumner's proposition with regard to tatives of the U.S., March 20, 1858. Washington, the army register and regimental colors. January G.S. Gideon, Printer, 1858. 30, 1874. Boston, Wright & Potter, Printers, 1874. Maynard, Horace, 1814-1882. Loring, George Bailey, 1817-1891. 319-1-160 319-1-107 Speech of Hon. H. Winter Davis, of Maryland, on Speech of Hon. George Bliss, of Ohio, on con­ confiscation of rebel property. Delivered in the fiscation. Delivered in the House of Represen­ House of Representatives, January 14, 1864. tatives, Jan. 19, 1864. [Washington, L. Towers, [Washington, L. Towers, Printer, 1864] Printer, 1864] Davis, Henry Winter, 1817-1865. Bliss. George, 1813-1868. 319-1-136 596-396 Speech of Hon. H. Winter Davis, of Maryland, on Speech of Hon. George E. Pugh, of Ohio, on the the bill to guarantee republican governments in Kansas Lecompton constitution, delivered in the certain states. Delivered in the House of Senate of the United States, March 16, 1858. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

Representatives, March 22, 1864. [Washington, 587-34 Printed by L. Towers, 1864] Speech of Hon. J.F. Farnsworth, of Illinois, Davis, Henry Winter, 1817-1865. delivered in the House of Representatives, December 23, 1859. [Washington, Buell & Blan­ 319-1-63 chard Printers, 1859] Speech of Hon. H. Winter Davis, of Maryland, on Farnsworth, John Franklin, 1820-1897. the President's colonization and compensation scheme. Delivered in the House of Represen­ 596-384 tatives, Feb. 25, 1864. [Washington, L. Towers, Speech of Hon. J.F. Farnsworth, of Illinois, on 18641 the admission of Kansas. Delivered in the House Davis, Henry Winter, 1817-1865. of Representatives, March 20, 1858. T. McGill, Printer [1858?] 319-1-124 Farnsworth, John Franklin, 1820-1897. Speech of Hon. H. Winter Davis, of Maryland, on the resolution by Mr. Colfax proposing the ex­ 589-112 pulsion of Mr. Long. Delivered in the House of Speech of Hon. J.M. Ashley, of Ohio, delivered Representatives, April 11, 1864. [Washington, in the House of Representatives, on Friday, Printed by L. Towers, 1864] January 6, 1865, on the constitutional amendment Davis, Henry Winter, 1817-1865. for the abolition of slavery. New York, W.C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1865. 319-1-16 Ashley, James Monroe, 1824-1896. Speech of Hon. Henry G. Stebbins, of New York, on the tax bill. Delivered in the House of 597-458 Representatives, April 19, 1864. Washington, W.H. Speech of Hon. J.M. Howard, of Michigan on the Moore, Printer, 1864. confiscation of property. Delivered in the Senate Stebbins, Henry George, 1811-1881. of the United States, April 18, 1862. [Washington, L. Towers & Co., Printers, 1862] 319-1-26 Howard, Jacob Merritt, 1805-1871. Speech of Hon. Henry Grider, of Ky., on the present policy of the administration. Delivered in 596-421 the House of Representatives, June 2, 1864. Speech of Hon. J.P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, on [Washington, L. Towers, Printer, 1864] the Kansas question. Delivered in the Senate, Grider, Henry, 1796-1866. May 2, 1856. Washington, Printed at the Union Office, 1856. 319-1-66 Benjamin, Judah Philip, 1811-1884. Speech of Hon. Henry T. Blow, of Mo., in reply to the charges of Hon. F.P. Blair and the Postmaster 597-432 Genera I. Delivered in the House of Represen- Speech of Hon. J.R. Tyson, of Pennsylvania, on tatives, Tuesday, February 23, 1864. the fugitive slave laws and compromise measures [Washington, McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864?] of 1850; delivered in the House of Representatives, Blow, Henry Taylor, 1817-1875. February 28, 1857. Washington, Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe, 1857. 319-1-50 Tyson, Job Roberts, 1803-1858. Speech of Hon. Ignatius Donnelly, of Minnesota, on immigration; delivered in the House of 319-1-144 Representatives, First session, Thirty-eighth Speech of Hon. J.W. McClurg, of Missouri, Congress, February 27, 1864. Washington, Gibson delivered in the House of Representatives, March Brothers, Printers, 1864. 9th, 1864, in reply to the personalities of his Donnelly, Ignatius, 1831-1901. colleagues, Blair and King. [Washington? 1864] McClurg, Joseph Washington, 1818-1900. 319-1-1 Speech of Hon. Ignatius Donnelly, of Minnesota, 319-1-39 on the reconstruction of the Union delivered in the Speech of Honorable J.W. Patterson, of New House of Representatives, May 2, 1864. Hampshire, on a change in the consular system [Washington, W.H. Moore, Printer, 1864?] establishing consular pupils, delivered in the Donnelly, Ignatius, 1831-1901. House of Representatives, First session, Thirty­ eighth Congress, Wednesday, May 11, 1864. 597-446 Washington, Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1864. Speech of Hon. J. Collamer, of Vermont, in the Patterson, James Willis, 1823-1893. United States Senate, April 24, 1862, on the bill to confiscate the property and free the slaves of 596-378 Rebels. [Washington, 1862] Speech of Hon. Jacob Colla mer, of Vermont, on Collamer, Jacob, 1791-1865. the report of the Kansas Conference Committee; delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 596-377 27, 1858. Washington, Printed at the Speech of Hon. J. Colla mer, of Vermont, on the Congressional Globe Office, 1858. Kansas question; delivered in the Senate of the Collamer, Jacob, 1791-1865. United States, March 1 and 2, 1858. Washington, Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe, 319-1-18 1858. Speech of Hon. James A. Garfield, of Ohio, on Collamer, Jacob, 1791-1865. the confiscation of property of rebels. Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 28, 1864. [Washington? 1864?] Garfield, James Abram, Pres. U.S., 1831-1881. 775 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

319-1-8 319-1-162 Speech of Hon. Jas. Brooks, of New York, Speech of Hon. John M. Broomall, of Penn­ delivered in the House of Representatives, April sylvania, on confiscation of rebel proper_ty. 19, 1864. [Washington? 1864] Delivered in the House of Representatives, Brooks, James, 1810-1873. February 2, 1864. [Washington, W.H. Moore, Printer, 1864] 319-1-33 Broomall, John Martin, 1816-1894. Speech of Hon. Jas. C. Allen, of Illinois, delivered in the House of Representatives, April 588-60 19, 1864, against the bill reported by the "Com­ Speech of Hon. John M. Read, in favor of free mittee on the rebellious states." [Washington? Kansas, free white labor, and of Fremont and 1864] Dayton, at the Eighth Ward mass meeting, hel~ in Allen, , 1822-1912. the Assembly Buildings, on Tuesday evening, September 30, 1856. Philadelphia, 1856. 588-66 Read, John Meredith, 1797-1864. Speech of Hon. James Dixon, of Connecticut. Delivered in the Senate of the United States. 319-1-56 February 9, 1858. [Washington, Buell & Blan­ Speech of Hon. John R. Eden, of llli!1ois, chard, Printers, 1858) delivered in the House of Representatives, Dixon, James, 1814-1873. February 27, 1864. Washington, Printed at Con­ stitutional Union Office, 1864. 588-69 Eden, John Rice, 1826-1909. Speech of Hon. James H. Hammond, of South Carolina, on the admission of Kansas, under the 588-84 Lecompton constitution. Delivered in the Senate, Speech of Hon. John W.H. Underwood, of of the United States, March 4, 1858. Washington, Georgia, on the organization of the Hou:;e. Printed by Lemuel Towers, 1858. Delivered in the House of Representatives, Hammond, James Henry, 1807-1864. January 16, 1860. Printed by Lemuel Towers (1860?] 596-367 Underwood, John William Henderson, 1816-1888. Speech of Hon. John A. Bingham, of Ohio, on the conference bill for the admission of Kansas; 319-1-4 delivered in the House of Representatives, April Speech of Hon. Joseph K. Edgerton, of Indiana, 28, 1858. Washington, Printed at the delivered in the House of Representatives, June Congressional Globe Office, 1858. 15, 1864. [Washington? 1864] Bingham, John Armor, 1815-1900 Edgerton, Joseph Ketchum, 1818-1893. 596-365 319-1-150 Speech of Hon. John Bell, of Tenn., on the ad­ Speech of Hon. Joseph W. McClurg, of Missouri. mission of Kansas under the Lecompton Con­ Delivered in the House of Representatives, March stitution. Delivered in the Senate of the United 23, 1864, to refute the charge of his colleague (Mr. States, March 18, 1858. [Washington, Geo. S. Blair) of forgery alleged by him (Mr. Blair) Gideon, Print., 1858?] against B.R. Bonner, treasury agent at St. Lduis, Bell, John, 1797-1869. Mo. Washington, Gibson Bros., Printers, 1863. McClurg, Joseph Washington, 1818-1900. 319-1-62 Speech of Hon. John F. Kinney, of Utah, in reply 319-1-155 to Hon. Fernando Wood, of New York. Delivered Speech of Hon. L.D.M. Sweat, of Maine, in the House of Representatives, January 27, 1864. delivered in the House of Representatives, First [Washington, H. Polkinhorn, Printer, 1864) session, Thirty-eighth Congress, Saturday, April Kinney, John Fitch, 1816-1902. 2, 1864. [Washington, Gibson Bros., Printers, 1864) 319-1-137 Sweat, Lorenzo De Medici, 1818-1898. Speech of Hon. John F. Kinney, of Utah, upon the territories and the settlement of Utah. 319-1-74 Delivered in the House of Representatives, March Speech of Hon. Lewis W. Ross, of Ill., delivered 17, 1864. Washington, H. Polkinhorn, Printer, in the House of Representatives, June 15, 1864. 1864. [Washington? 1864] Kinney, John Fitch, 1816-1902. Ross, Lewis Winans, 1812-1895.

588-71 319-1-34 Speech of Hon. John J. McRae, of Mississippi on Speech of Hon. Lorenzo D.M. Sweat, of Maine, the organization of the House; delivered in the delivered in the House of Representatives, First House of Representatives, December 13 and 14, session, Thirty-eighth Congress, April 18, 1864, on 1859. Washington, Printed at the Congressional the bill "Granting public lands to the People's Globe Office, 1859. Pacific Railroad Company, to aid in the con­ McRae, John Jones, 1815-1868. struction of a railroad and telegraph line to the Pacific coast by the northern route." 319-1-24 [Washington, Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1864] Speech of Hon. John L. Dawson, of Penn­ Sweat, Lorenzo De Medici, 1818-1898. sylvania, on the state of the Union. Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 24, 1864. 319-1-154 Washington, L. Towers, Printers, 1864. Speech of Hon. Lucian Anderson, of Kentucky, Dawson, John Littleton, 1813-1870. on the democracy of Kentucky and their allies in 776 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog the North. Delivered in the House of Represen­ 319-1-6 tatives March 5, 1864. [Washington, W.H. Moore, Speech of Hon. N.B. Smithers, of Del., on the bill Printers, 1864] to guaranty to certain states a republican form of Anderson, Lucian, 1824-1898. government. Delivered in the House of Representatives, April 19, 1864. [Washington, 491-3 Printed by L. Towers, 1864] Speech of Hon. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, on Smithers. Nathaniel Barratt, 1818-1896. the civil rights-veto message delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 4, 1866. 319-1-115 Washington, Chronicle Book and Job Print., 1866. Speech of Hon. Nathaniel B. Smithers, of Trumbull, Lyman, 1813-1896. Delaware, on the confiscation bill. Delivered in the House of Representatives, Jan. 28, 1864. 589-116 [Washington, L. Towers, Printers, 1864] Speech of Hon. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, on Smithers, Nathaniel Barratt, 1818-1896. the Freedmen's Bureau-veto message; delivered in the Senate of the United States, 598-492 February 20, 1866. Washington, Chronicle Book Speech of Hon. O.P. Morton, of Indiana, on the and Job Print, 1866. bill for the admission of Georgia, delivered in the Trumbull, Lyman, 1813-1896. Senate of the United States, April 14, 1870. Washington, Chronicle Print, 1870. 278-2 Morton, Oliver Perry, 1823-1877. Speech of Hon. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, on the Freedmen's Bureau-veto message; 319-1-68 delivered in the Senate of the United States, Speech of Hon. Orlando Kellogg, of N.Y., on the February 20, 1866. Washington, Printed at the measures necessary to put down the rebellion and Congressional Globe Office, 1866. restore the Union. Delivered in the House of Trumbull, Lyman, 1813-1896. Representatives, May 31, 1864. [Washington, L. Towers, 1864] 588-56 Kellogg, Orlando, 1809-1865. Speech of Hon. M.P. Gentry of Tenn., on presidential candidates and party organizations 596-389 delivered in the House of Representatives, June Speech of Hon. Paul Leidy, of Pennsylvania, on 14, 1852. Washington, Gideon & Co. Printers, 1852. the admission of Kansas. Delivered in the House Gentry. Meredith Poindexter, 1809-1866. of Representatives, March 30, 1858. [McGill, Print., 1858?] 319-1-84 Leidy, Paul. 1813-1877. Speech of Hon. M. Russell Thayer, of Penn­ sylvania, in the House of Representatives of the 596-398 United States, April 30, 1864, on the bill to Speech of Hon. R. Smith, of Illinois, against the guarantee to certain states whose governments admission of Kansas into the Union. Delivered in have been overthrown, a republican form of the House of Representatives, March 20, 1858. government. Washington, McGill & Witherow, [Printed by Lemuel Towers, 1858?] Printers, 1864. Smith, Robert, 1802-1867. Thayer, Martin Russell, 1819-1906. 332-2 598-473 Speech of Hon. Reverdy Johnson of Maryland on Speech of Hon. M. Russell Ttiayer of Penn.~­ organization of provisional governments within sylvania, in the House of Representatives of the. the states whose people were lately in rebellion United States, April 30, 1864, on the bill to' against the United States; delivered in the Senate guarantee to certain states whose governments. of the United States, January 11, 1866. have been overthrown, a republican form of Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe government. Washington, McGill & Witherow, Office, 1866. Printers, 1865. Johnson, Reverdy, 1796-1876. Thayer, Martin Russell, 1819-1906. 588-83 588-57 Speech of Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, on Speech of Hon. M. Schoonmaker, of N. York, on property in territories. Delivered in the Senate of the slave question, and the position of parties. the United States, May 21, 1860. Washington, Delivered in the House of Representatives, August National Democratic Executive Committee, 1860. 17, 1852. Washington, Printed at the Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. Congressional Globe Office, 1852. Schoonmaker, Marius, 1811-1894. 588-58 Speech of Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, 319-1-10 touching the approaching presidential election. Speech of Hon. Myer Strouse, of Penna., Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 3, delivered in the House of Representatives, May 2, 1852. [Washington?, Congressional Globe Office, 1864, on the bill "to guarantee to certain states, 1852?] whose governments are usurped or overthrown, a Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. republican form of government," known as the "Reconstruction bill." [Washington, 1864] 588-72 Strouse, Myer, 1825-1878. Speech of Hon. Roger A. Pryor of Virginia, on the principles and policy of the Black Republican party; delivered in the House of Representatives,

777 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title catalog

December 29, 1859. Washington, Printed at the 319-1-44 Congressional Globe Office, 1859. Speech of Hon. T.T. Davis, of N.Y., on military Pryor, Roger Atkinson, 1828-1919. and post roads. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 23, 1864. [Washington, 596-414 Printed by L. Towers, 1864] Speech of Hon. S.A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the Davis, Thomas Treadwell, 1810-1872. United States Senate, March 3, 1854. On Nebraska and Kansas. Washington, Printed at the Sentinel, 319-1-113 1854. Speech of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, of Penn­ Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. sylvania, on the confiscation bill. Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 22, 1864. 319-1-30 [Washington, L. Towers, Printers, 1864] Speech of Hon. S.F. Miller, of New York, on the Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792-1868. bill to secure to persons in the military or naval service of the United States, homesteads on 203-2 confiscated or forfeited estates in insurrectionary Speech of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens of Penn., on dis~ricts. Delivered in the House of Represen­ the presidential question, and the slavery issue. tatives, May 4, 1864. [Washington, L. Towers, Delivered in the House of Representatives, August Printer, 1864] 12, 1852. Washington, Congressional Globe Office, Miller, Samuel Franklin, 1827-1892. 1852. Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792-1868. 596-420 Speech of Hon. S.H. Walley, of Massachusetts, 589-105 on the Nebraska & Kansas territorial bill, Speech of Hon. Thos. A. Hendricks of Ind., on delivered in the House of Representatives, May 9, the proposed rule of the Senate requiring a test 1854. Washington: Printed by J.T. & L. Towers, oath of senators. Delivered in the Senate of the 1854. United States, January 20, 1864. [Washington? Walley, Samuel Hurd, 1805-1877. 1864] Hendricks, Thomas Andrews, 1819-1885. 596-390 Speech of Hon. S.R. Mallory, of Florida, on the 333-4 admission of the state of Kansas. Delivered in the Speech of Hon. Thos. E. Miller of South Senate of the United States, March 16, 1858. Carolina, in the House of Representatives, [Washington] Printed by Lemuel Towers [1858] February 14, 1891. Washington, 1891. Mallory, Stephen Russell, 1848-1907. Miller, Thomas Ezekiel, 1849-

277-8 588-65 Speech of Hon. S.W. Moulton, of Illinois, in the Speech of Hon. Thomas L. Clingman, of North House of Representatives, February 3, 1866. Carolina, against the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and [Washington, H. Polkinhorn & Son, Printers] in favor of American ascendency in the Gulf of 1866. Mexico and Central America. Delivered in the Moulton, Samuel Wheeler, 1821-1905. House of Representatives, May 5, 1858. Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe 319-1-97 Office, 1858. Speech of Hon. , of Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812-1897. Massachusetts, on the necessity of regulating the currency of the country. Delivered in the House of 595-330 Representatives, April 6, 1864. Washington, L. Speech of Hon. Thomas L. Clingman, of North Towers, Printers, 1864. Carolina on the subject of congressional Hooper, Samuel, 1808-1875. legislation as to the rights of property in the territories, delivered in the Senate of the United 319-1-3 States, May 7 & 8, 1860. Washington, Printed by L. Speech of Hon. Samuel J. Randall, of Pa., Towers, 1860. delivered in the House of Representatives, June Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812-1897. 15, 1864. [Washington? 1864] Randall, Samuel Jackson, 1828-1890. 598-484 Speech of Hon. Thomas Williams of Penn­ 597-443 sylvania on the reconstruction of the Union· Speech of Hon. Sidney Edgerton, of Ohio, on the delivered in the House of Representatives: new conspiracy; delivered in the House of February 10, 1866. Washington, Printed at the Representatives of the United States, May 28, Congressional Globe Office, 1866. 1862. Washington, Printed by L. Towers & Co., Williams, Thomas, 1806-1872. 1862. Edgerton, Sidney, 1818-1900. 319-1-35 Speech of Hon. Thomas Williams, of Penn­ 596-395 sylvania, on the restoration of the Union Speech of Hon. T. Polk, of Missouri, on the Delivered in th~ House of Representatives, Ap~il admission of Kansas. Delivered in the Senate of 28~ 1~64. [Washington, W.H. Moore, Printer, 1864] the United States, March 11, 1858. [Washington] Williams, Thomas, 1806-1872. Printed by Lemuel Towers [1858] Polk, Trusten, 1811-1876. 319-1-164 Speech o~ Ho~. w.~. Wadsworth, of Kentucky I on the Conf1scataon bill. Delivered in the House of

778 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

Representatives, Feb. 3, 1864. [Washington, L. 319-1-77 Towers, Printers, 1864] Speech of James H. Birch in his contested Wadsworth, William Henry, 1821-1893. election case with Austin A. King, delivered in the House of Representatives, June 1, 1864. 597-468 [Washington, McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1864] Speech of Hon. W.H. Wadsworth, of Kentucky, Birch, James H., 1804-1878. on the Confiscation bill. Delivered in the House of Representatives, Feb. 3, 1864. [Washington, 590-128 Printed by L. Towers & Co., 1864] The speech of John A. Chandler, (of Norfolk Wadsworth, William Henry, 1821-1893. County,) in the House of Delegates of Virginia, on the policy of the state with respect to her slave 597-451 population. Delivered January 17, 1832. Rich­ Speech of Hon. W.P. Fessenden, of Maine, on mond, T.W. White, Printer, 1832. the abolition of slavery in the District of Colum­ Chandler, John A. bia. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 1, 1862. [Washington, L. Towers and Co., 597-431 Printers, 1862?] Speech of John L. Swift, of Boston, on the Fessenden, William Pitt, 1806-1869. Removal of E.G. Loring, from the office of Judge of Probate, for the County of Suffolk, delivered in 598-487 the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Speech of Hon. Willard Saulsbury, of Delaware, Tuesday, April 10th, 1855. Boston, William White, against the passage of the bill establishing Printer to the State, 1855. military governments in the insurrectionary Swift, John Lindsay, 1828-1895? states; delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 16, 1867. Dover, Delaware, 270-1 Printed by James Kirk, 1867. Speech of John Quincy Adams, of Saulsbury, Willard, 1820-1897. Massachusetts, upon the right of the people, men and women, to petition; on the freedom of speech 596-413 and of debate in the House of Representatives of Speech of Hon. Wm. Cullom of Tennessee, on the the United States; on the resolutions of seven state Nebraska and Kansas bill, in the House of legislatures, and the petitions of more than one Representatives, April 11, 1854. Washington, hundred thousand petitioners, relating to the Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1854. annexation of Texas to this union. Delivered in the Cullom, William, 1810-1896. House of Representatives of the United States, in fragments of the morning hour from 16th of June 319-1-59 to the 7th of July, 1838, inclusive. Washington, Speech of Hon. Wm. D. Kelley, of Pa., on Printed by Gales and Seaton, 1838. Freedmen's affairs. Delivered in the House of Adams, John Quincy, Pres. U.S., 1767-1848. Representatives, Feb. 23, 1864. [Washington? 1864] 597-442 Kelley, William Darrah, 1814-1890. Speech of John S. Millson, of Virginia, on the State of the Union. Delivered in the House of 319-1-169 Representatives, January 21, 1861. Washington, Speech of Hon. William E. Finck, of Ohio, on the Printed by Lemuel Towers [1861?] joint resolution relating to the Confiscation act. Millson, John Singleton, 1808-1874. Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 28, 1864. Washington, Gibson Bros., 320-4 Printers, 1864. Speech of Maj. Gen'I. C.C. Washburn at the Finck, William Edward, 1822-1901. Gayoso house, on the occasion of his reception. By the citizens of Memphis, on his resuming com­ 319-1-23 mand. March 8th, 1865. [Memphis] Argus Steam Speech of Hon. William J. Allen, of Illinois, upon Book and Job Print, 1865. the President's message, delivered in the House of Washburn, Cadwallader Colden, 1818-1882. Representatives, January 27, 1864. Washington, Printed at the Office of "The Constitutional 205-9-2 Union," 1864. Speech of Martin Grover, of New York, on the Allen, William Joshua, 1828-1901. Wilmot Proviso. Delivered in the House of Representatives. Thursday, January 7, 1847. 596-364 Washington, Blair and Rives, Printers, 1847. Speech of Hon. William T. Avery, of Tennessee, Grover, Martin, d. 1875. on our Central American relations and the ad­ mission of Kansas into the Union. Delivered in the 188-3 House of Representatives, January 27, 1858. Speech of Mr. Clay of Kentucky, in support of Washington, Printed by Lemuel Towers, 1858. his propositions to compromise on the slavery Avery, William Tecumseh, 1819-1880. question. Rev. ed. In the Senate of the United States, February 5, 1850. [Washington] Printed 598-500 by Towers (1850] Speech of James F. Wi Ison, of Iowa, on Suffrage Clay, Henry, 1777-1852. in the District of Columbia; delivered in the House of Representatives, January 10, 1866. 597-433 Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Speech of Mr. Giddings, of Ohio, upon the Office, 1866. proposition of Mr. Thompson of South Carolina, to Wilson, James Falconer, 1828-1895. appropriate "one hundred thousand dollars for the

779 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log removal. subsistence, and benefit, of such of the 243-6 Seminole chiefs and warriors as may surrender Speech of Mr. Slade, of Vermont, on the subject for emigration." Delivered in the House of of the abolition of slavery and the slave trade Representatives, February 9, 1841. Washington, within the District of Columbia. Delivered in the Printed at the Intelligencer Office, 1841. House of Representatives, December 23, 1835. Giddings, Joshua Reed, 1795-1864. [Washington] National Intelligencer Office, 1836. Slade, William, 1786-1859. 587-17 Speech of Mr. Hill, of New Hampshire, on the 587-23 motion of Mr. Calhoun that the Senate refuse to Speech of Mr. Stiles, of Georgia, on the right of receive a petition from the Society of Friends, in petition. [Washington, 1844?] the state of Pennsylvania, to abolish slavery in the Stiles, William Henry, 1808-1865. District of Columbia, February 12, 1836. l Washington, 1836] 588-59 Hill, Isaac, 1788-1851. Speech of Mr. Townshend of Ohio, on the present position of the Democratic party. Delivered in the 210-6 House of Representatives, June 23, 1852. Speech of Mr. Hubbard, of New Hampshire, in [Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1852?] Senate, March 7, 1836. The memorial of the Townshend, Norton Strange, 1815-1895. Society of Friends upon the subject of the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and the 595-329 question as to the proper mode of disposing of it, Speech of Otho R. Singleton,_ of Mississ!ppi~ on being before the Senate. [Washington? 1836?] resistance to black republican domination; Hubbard, Henry, 1784-1857. delivered in the House of Representatives, Dec. 19, 1859. Washington, Printed at the 595-313 Congressional Globe Office, 1859. Speech of Mr. J. Barbour, of Virginia, on the Singleton, Otho Robards, 1814-1889. restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 31, 1820. 599-551 [Washington. 1820) Speech of Rev. Henry Bleby, missionary from Barbour, James, 1775-1842. Barbadoes, on the results of emancipation in the British W.I. colonies, delivered at the celebration 209-1 ; 588-54 of the Massachusetts Anti-slavery Society, held at Speech of Mr. Jas. Wilson, of N. Hampshire on Island Grove, Abington, July 31st, 1858. Boston, the political influence of slavery, and the ex­ R.F. Wallcut, 1858. pediency of permitting slavery in the territories Bleby, Henry, 1809-1882. recently acquired from Mexico: delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, 588-85 February 16, 1849. Washington: Printed by J. & Speech of S. Teackle Wallis, as delivered at the G.S. Gideon, 1849. Maryland Institute, on Friday evening, February Wilson, James, 1797-1881. 1, 1861. Corr. from the Report for the Daily ex­ change. Baltimore, Murphy & Co. [1861] 205-9-1 Wallis, Severn Teackle, 1816-1894. Speech of Mr. John Van Dyke, of New Jersey, delivered in the House of Representatives of the 588-53 U. States, March 4, 1850, on the subject of slavery, Speech of Samuel F. Vinton, of Ohio on the bill to and in vindication of the North from the charges admit the states of Iowa and Florida into the brought against it by the South. Washington, Union; delivered in the House of Representatives, Gideon and Co., Printers, 1850. U.S., February 11, 1845. Washington, Printed by Van Dyke, John, 1807-1878. J. and G.S. Gideon, 1845. Vinton, Samuel Finley, 1792-1862. 587-18 Speech of Mr. King, of Georgia, on the memorial 319-1-126 of the Society of Friends, of Lancaster County, Speech of Schuyler Colfax, of Ind., on his Pennsylvania, praying for the abolition of slavery resolution declaring Mr. Long, of Ohio, an un­ in the District of Columbia, was taken up as the worthy member of the House. Delivered in the order of the day. In Senate, February 29, 1836. House of Representatives, April 14, 1864. The Question being on the reception of the l Washington? 1864] petition-[Washington, 1836?] Colfax, Schuyler, 1823-1885. King, John Pendleton, 1799-1888. 599-538 595-314 Speech of Sir George Grey, Bart., Under Speech of Mr. Mclane, of Delaware, on the Secretary for the Colonies, in the House of admission of Missouri. Delivered in the House of Commons, on Thursday, March 29, 1838, on Sir G. Representatives, Dec. 12, 1820. [Washington, Strickland's motion for the immediate abolition of 1820] Negro apprenticeship. London, J. Ridgway and Mclane, Louis, 1786-1857. Sons, 1838. Grey, Sir George, 2d bart., 1799-1882. 200-6; 590-131 Speech of Mr. Pickens, of South Carolina, in the 595-316 House of Representatives, January 21, 1836, on the Speech of T.L. Clingman, of North Carolina, in abolition question. Pub. from the notes of Henry defence of the South against the aggressive Godfrey Wheeler, rev. and corr. by the author. movement of the North. Delivered in the House of Washington, Printed by Gales and Seaton, 1836. Pickens, Francis Wilkinson, 1805-1869. 780 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

Representatives, January 22, 1850. [Washington, 236-12; 278-11-3 D.C., Gideon & Co., Printers, 1850] Speech of the Rev. Charles W. Gardner (a Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812-1897. Presbyterian clergyman of Philadelphia) at the fourth anniversary of the American Anti-slavery 596-418 Society, May 9th, 1837 [Philadelphia, Merrihew & Speech of the Hon. A.H. Stephens, of Georgia, in Gunn, 1837?] the House of Representatives. February 17, 1854, Gardner, Charles W. on Nebraska and Kansas. Washington: Printed at the Sentinel Office, 1854. 592-228 Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883. Speech of the Rev. 0.B. Frothingham, before the American Anti-slavery Society, in New York, 589-108 May 8th, 1856. New York, American Anti-slavery Speech of the Hon. Glenni W. Scofield, of Penn­ Society, 1856. sylvania, on the bill of H. Winter Davis, "to Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, 1822-1895. guarantee to certain states, whose governments are usurped or overthrown, a republican form of 193-6 government." Delivered in the House of Speech of the Right Hon. Gathorne Hardy, in the Representatives, April 29, 1864. [Washington House of Commons, on Mr. Whitbread's resolution Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1864] respecting fugitive slaves, 22nd February, 1876. Scofield, Glenni William, 1817-1891. [London, Joseph Causton & Sons, Printers, 1876?] Cranbrook, Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st earl of, 596-371 1814-1906. Speech of the Hon. H.C. Burnett, of Kentucky, in favor of the admission of Kansas under the 599-529 Lecompton constitution. Delivered in the House of The speech of the Right Hon. George Canning, in Representatives, Tuesday, March 23, 1858. the House of Commons, March 16, 1824, on laying r 1858?1 before the House the "Papers in exp la nation of the Burnett, Henry Clay, 1825-1866. measures adopted by his Majesty's government, for the amelioration of the condition of the slave 372-11 population in His Majesty's dominions in the West Speech of the Hon. Hiram P. Bell, of Georgia lndies:•[London, Maurice & Co., Printers, 1830?] delivered in the House of Representatives, Canning, George, 1770-1827. January 23, 1879, in support of the bill reported by Mr. Goode from the Committee on Education and 599-539 Labor: to set apart the proceeds of the public land Speech of the Right Hon. Viscount Howick, in for the education of the people. Washington the House of Commons, on Friday, March JO, 1838, !Govt. Print. Off.] 1879. on Sir G. Strickland's motion for the abolition of Bell, Hiram Parks, 1827-1907. Negro apprenticeship. London, J. Ridgway and Sons, 1838. 319-1-9 Grey, Charles Grey, 2d earl, 1764-1845. Speech of the Hon. Joseph W. Mcclurg, of Missouri, delivered in the House of Represen­ 319-1-91 tatives, April 29, 1864, on motion to print the Speech of Thomas D. Eliot, of Massachusetts, evidence and report of the investigating com­ delivered in the House of Representatives mittee, in the case of the alleged charge against February 10, 1864, on the bill for the establishment Hon. F.P. Blair, for violating the laws in a "liquor of a Bureau of Freedmen's Affairs. [Washington, speculation," and of the truth or falsity of an H. Polkinhorn, Printer, 1864] alleged "order;" and the remarks on the same Eliot, Thomas Dawes, 1808-1870. occasion, of the Hon. William Higby, of California, chairman of the investigation committee. 197-6 Washington, Gibson Brothers, Printers, 1864. The speech of Thomas Marshall, (of Fauquier) McClurg, Joseph Washington, 1818-1900. in the House of Delegates of Virginia, on the policy of the state in relation to her colored population: 596-419 delivered Saturday, January 14, 1832. Richmond, Speech of the Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, Thomas W. White, 1832. in the United States Senate, February 23, 1854. On Marshall, Thomas. Nebraska and Kansas. Washington, Printed at the Sentinel Office, 1854. 598-501 Toombs.' Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. Speech of W.T. Willey, of West Virginia, on Suffrage in the District of Columbia; delivered in 596-361 the Senate of the United States, June 27, 1866. Speech of the Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe on the President's Kansas message. Delivered in Office, 1866. the Senate, February 28, 1856. [Washington? Willey, Waitman Thomas, 1811-1907. 1856?] Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. 499-3 Speech of Walter B. Vincent in the House of 588-64 Representatives of Rhode Island, March 10, 1881, Speech of the Hon. Wm. D. Bishop, of Con­ on the repeal of the law prohibiting the in­ necticut, on the admission of Kansas under the termarriage of blacks and whites. Providence, Lecompton constitution. [Washington? 1858?] E.L. Freeman & Co., Printers, 1881. Bishop, William Darius, 1827-1904. Vincent, Walter Borodell, 1845-1931.

781 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

592-220 242-11 Speech of Wendell Phillips, at the Worcester Speeches, lectures, and letters. Boston, James Disunion Convention, January 15, 1857. [Boston, Redpath, 1863. Printed for the American Anti.slavery Society, Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. 1857?] Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. 243-7 Speeches of Gerrit Smith in Congress [1853- 587-21 1854) New York, Mason, 1856. Speech of , of Maryland, Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. on the subject of the rejection of petitions for the abolition of slavery; with supplemental remarks, 271-2 in reply to certain charges against General Speeches of Hon. Joseph Holt, recently Harrison. Delivered in the House of Represen­ delivered in the cities of Boston and New York, on tatives, January 25, i.7, and 28, 1840. Washington, the present crisis in the affairs of the republic. Printed by Gales and Seaton, 1840. Washington, H. Polkinhorn, 1861. Johnson, William Cost, 1806-1860. Holt, Joseph, 1807-1894.

587-47 272-3 Speech of Wm. D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, on Speeches of John A. Andrew at Hingham and Freedmen's affairs. Delivered in the House of Boston, together with his testimony before the Representatives, February 23, 1864. Harper's Ferry Committee of the Senate, in [Washington? 1864?] relation to John Brown. Also, the Republican Kelley, William Darrah, 1814-1890. Platform and other matters. [Boston, 1860?] Andrew, John Albion, 1818-1867. 312-3 Speech on emancipation in the District of 284-6 Columbia. Delivered in the Senate of the United Speeches of John Bright, on the American States, September 11, 1850. Washington, Printed question. With an introd. by Frank Moore. and for sale by Buell & Blanchard, 1850. Boston, Little, Brown, 1865. Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. Bright, John, 1811-1889.

203-3; 591-166 215-7 Speech on the slavery resolutions, delivered in The speeches of Philip A. Bolling, (of the General Assembly which met in Detroit in Buckingham,) in the House of delegates of May last, by Joseph C. Stiles. Washington, Jno. T. Virginia, on the policy of the state in relation to Towers, 1850. her colored population: delivered on the 11th and Stiles, Joseph Clay, 1795-1875. 25th of January, 1832. Richmond, Printed by T.W. White, 1832. 319-1 (1-169) Bolling, Philip A. [Speeches] U.S. 38th Congress, 1st session, 1863-1864. House. 271-4 Speeches on politica I questions [ 1850-1871] With 296-5 an introd. by L. Maria Child. New York, Hurd-and Speeches. With a biographical introd. by Frank Houghton, 1872 [cl871] Moore. Boston, Little, Brown, 1866. Julian, George Washington, 1817-1899. Johnson, Andrew, Pres. U.S., 1808-1875. 270-6 288-3 Spencer Kellogg Brown, his life in Kansas and Speeches and addresses delivered in the his death as a spy, 1842-1863, as disclosed in his Congress of the United States, and on several diary, ed. by George Gardner Smith. New York, public occasions [ 1856-1865] Preceded by a D. Appleton, 1903. sketch of his life, public services, and character, Brown, Spencer Kellogg, 1842-1863. being an oration by the Hon. J.A.J. Cresswell[!)' With notes, introductory and explanatory. New 472-9 York, Harper, 1867. The spirit of freedom and justice; orations and Davis, Henry Winter, 1817-1865. speeches. Nashvi lie, A.M. E. Sunday School Union, 1926. 472-8 Ransom, Reverdy Cassius, Bp., 1861- Speeches and letters. Correspondence between Robert · Purvis and Bayard Taylor. Afro- 379-8 American League [186_?] The spirit of Piney Woods, introd. by George Purvis, Robert, 1810-1898. Foster Peabody. New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell [cl931] 318-7 Jones, Laurence Clifton, 1884- Speeches and occasional addresses. New York, D. Appleton, 1864. 198-7 Dix, John Adams, 1798-1879. Spirit of the pulpit. Rebellion record; a diary of American events 192-2 with documents, narratives, illustrative incidents'. Speeches in Congress [1841-1852) By Joshua R. poetry, etc. Ed. by Frank Moore. New York, G.P. Giddings. Boston, J.P. Jewett; Cleveland, 0., Putnam, 1861-63; D. Van Nostrand, 1864-68. Jewett, Proctor and Worthington; [etc.] 1853. Giddings, Joshua Reed, 1795-1864. 782 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

294-4 319-1-48 The spirit of the South towards northern freemen State sovereignty and treason. Speech of Hon. and soldiers defending the American flag against John D. Baldwin, of Massachusetts, delivered in traitors of the deepest dye. Boston, R.F. Wallcut, the House of Representatives, Washington, March 1861. 5, 1864, the House being in committee of the whole on the state of the Union. [Washington, H. 391-10 Polkinhorn, Printer, 1864] Spiritual folk-songs of early America; two Baldwin, John Denison, 1809-1883. hundred and fifty tunes and texts, with an introd. and notes, collected and edited by George Pullen 276-4 Jackson. New York City, J.J. Augustin [1937) Statement of Br. Maj. Gen. 0.0. Howard, before Jackson, George Pullen, 1874- ed. the Committee of Education and Labor, in defense against the charges presented by Hon. Fernando 393-13 Wood, and argument of Edgar Ketchum, of Spirituals triumphant old and new, edited and counsel for Gen. Howard in summing up the case arr. by Edward Boatner. Assisted by Mrs. Willa upon the testimony before the Committee. New A. Townsend. Nashville, Tenn., Sunday School York, Bradstreet Press, 1870. Publishing Board, National Baptist Convention, Howard, Oliver Otis, 1830-1909. U.S.A., c1927. Boatner, Edward H., ed. 301-3 Statesmen and soldiers of the Civil War; a study 437-7 of the conduct of war. Boston, Little, Brown, 1926. The sport of the gods. New York, Dodd, Mead, Maurice, Sir Frederick Barton, 1871- 1902. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. 271-13 Statesmen of the old South; or From radicalism 416-4 to conservative revolt, by William E. Dodd. New Spring in New Hampshire and poems. London, York, Macmillan, 1911. Richards, 1920. Dodd, Wi I liam Edward, 1869-1940. McKay, Claude, 1890-1948. 370-10 433-4 The statewide public forum project, an ex­ The spy of Osawatomie; or, The mysterious periment in civic education among Negroes in companions of old John Brown. St. Louis, W.S. Georgia. By Nathaniel P. Tillman, Supervisor of Bryan, 1881. Forums, Division of Negro Affairs. Atlanta, Jackson, Mary E. National Youth Administration of Georgia, 1939. U.S. National Youth Administration. Georgia. 306-5 The spy of the rebellion; being a true history of 477-2 the spy system of the United States Army during Statistica I atlas of southern counties; listing and the late rebellion. Revealing many secrets of the analysis of socio-economic indices of 1104 war hitherto not made public. Comp. from official southern counties, by Charles S. Johnson .and reports prepared for President Lincoln, General associates: Lewis W. Jones, Buford H. Junker McClellan and the provost-marshal-general. New [and others] Chapel Hill, The University of North York, G.W. Dillingham, 1888 [cl883] Carolina Press, 1941. Pinkerton, Allan, 1819-1884. Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 1893-1956. 488-1 572-3 Standards of relief: an analysis of one hundred Statistical indices of Negro economic ad­ family case records. Philadelphia, 1938. justment in heavily populated rural counties of Johnson, Anna Roselle, 1901- Georgia, 1910-1935. Atlanta, 1939. Thompson, Josephine Fawcett. 202-8 Star of emancipation. Boston, For the Fair of the 473-13 Massachusetts Female Emancipation Society, A statistical inquiry into the condition of the 1841. people of colour, of the city and districts of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Printed by Kite & 395-1 Walton, 1849. Stars [of] swing. London, British Yearbook, 1946. 559-7 Allen, Stuart. A statistical study of occupations of native whites, foreign-born whites and Negroes from 597-439 1890-1930. Atlanta, 1936. The state of the country: an article republished Thompson, Robert Albert, Jr. from the Southern Presbyterian review. By J.H. Thornwell. Columbia, S.C., Southern Guardian 473-8 Steam-power Press, 1861. Statistics of the colored people of Philadelphia. Thornwell, James Henley, 1812-1862. Taken by Benjamin C. Bacon. Philadelphia, T.E. Chapman, 1856. 222-6-8 Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition State socialism in the Confederate States of of Slavery. Board of Education. America, by Louise B. Hill. Charlottesville, Va., The Historical Pub. Co., 1936. Hill, Louise Biles, 1891- 783 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

376-1-4; 554-3 423-6 Statistics of the Negroes in the United States. The story of jazz. New York, Oxford University Baltimore, The Trustees, 1894. Press, 1956. Gannett, Henry, 1846-1914. Stearns, Marshall Winslow.

491-2 455-2 The status of American Negro citizenship. An The story of the American Negro. New York, interesting lecture delivered before the Negro 1936. Historical Society of Philadelphia, Tuesday Brown, Ina Corinne, 1896- evening, Jan. 9th, 1912. [Philadelphia? 1912] Bryan, Lela Walker. 493-2 The story of the East St. Louis riof, by 559-1 Christina Moody. [cl917] Statutory enactmehts and extralegal metho~s Briggs, Christina Moody. employed to condition the Negro's economic status in Georgia, prior to 1939. Atlanta, 1940. 304-6 Christophe. Cleveland Alridge. The story of the great march. From the diary of a staff officer. [16th ed.] New York, Harper, 1865. 426-2 Nichols, George Ward, 1837-1885. Stephen Kent. New York, Hartney Press, 1935. Dickerman, Hallie Ferron. 393-6 The story of the Jubilee Singers; with their 398-4 songs. By J.B.T. Marsh. Rev. ed. Boston, Stevedore, a play in three acts, by Paul Peters & Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1881. George Sklar. New York, Covici, Friede [c1934] Marsh, J.B.T. Peters, Paul. 266-8 590-148 The story of the life of John Anderson, the Still more truth. No compromise with traitors. fugitive slave. Ed. by Harper Twelv~trees, Speech of Horace Maynard, of Tennessee, in the chairman of the John Anderson Committee. U.S. House of Representatives, January 31, 1863. London, W. Tweedie, 1863. [Washington? 1863?] Twelvetrees, Harper, 1823-1881, ed. Maynard, Horace, 1814-1882. 352-11 377-5 The story of the marches, battles and incidents Stories of black folk for little folk. Atlanta, Ga., of the Third United States Colored Cavalry, a A.B. Caldwell Pub. Co., 1923. fighting regiment in the War of the Rebellion, Landrum, Bessie. 1861-5. With official orders and reports relating thereto, compiled from the Rebellion records. By 542-8 Ed. M. Main, late major, New Orleans, Louisiana. Stories of Georgia. New York, Chicago, Cin­ Louisville, Ky., The Globe Print. Co., 1908. cinnati, American Book Co., 1896. Main, Edwin M., 1837- Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908. 457-2 442-5 The story of the Negro, the rise of the race from Stories of the Cherokee hills. Boston and New slavery. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1909. York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1898. Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. Thompson, Maurice, 1844-1901.

247-8 505-12 [Story of the riot, pub. by the Citizens' Stories of the Underground Railroad, by Anna Protective League. New York, 1900] L. Curtis; foreword [by] Rufus M. Jones, illus. by Citizens' Protective League, New York. William Brooks. New York, The Island Workshop Press Co-op., inc., 1941. 591-180 Curtis, Anna Louise, 1882- Story of the slave; paper read before the Monmouth County Historical Association on 325-4 October 30th, 1902, wherein is given some account The story of a border city during the Civil War. of slavery and servitude in New Jersey, with notes Boston, Little, Brown, 1908. concerning slaves and in other Anderson, Galusha, 1832-1918. states, by Alfred M. Heston. Camden, N.J., S. Chew & Sons Co., 1903. 263-7 Heston, Alfred Miller, 1854- The story of Archer Alexander; from slavery to freedom, March 30, 1863; by William G. Eliot. 447-1 Boston, Cupples, Upham and Co., 1885. Strange true stories of Louisiana. New York, C. Eliot, William Greenleaf, 1811-1887. Scribner's Sons, 1890. Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925. 468-2 The story of George Washington Carver, 454-4 illustrated by Harper Johnson. New York, Stray sweepin's. Louisville, Ky., J.P. Morton & Grosset & Dunlap [1954) Co., 1923. Bontemps, Arna Wendell, 1902- White, Clarence Adam.

784 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

448-1 570-16 The strength of Gideon, and other stories; with A study of discriminations in race and color illus. by E.W. Kemble. New York, Dodd, Mead, current in the city of Atlanta. Atlanta, 1934. 1903 [c1901] Rodriguez, Edward Rudolph. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. 568-15 591-184 A study of fifty delinquent Negro girls in the city Strictures on African slavery. Published by the of Atlanta. Atlanta, 1933. Abolition Society of Paint Valley. Rossville, Diggs, Ellen Irene. Butler Co .• Ohio, Printed by Taylor Webster, 1833. Crothers, Samuel, 1783-1856. 473-9-5; 47 6-2-8 A study of ideals, intelligence and achievements 527-4 of Negroes and whites. [Athens, Ga .• 1925) Strong plea for the manhood rights of the Negro. Patrick, James Ruey. Cambridge, Mass., R.L. Campbell [190-.] Derrick, William Benjamin, Bp., 1843-1913. 491-12 Study of minority group employment in the 567-8 Federal Government. [Washington, U.S. Govt. The struggle for home rule in Washington, D.C. Print. Off.) 1965. Atlanta, 1969. U.S. Civil Service Commission. Lomax, Benjamin. 572-8 300-6 A study of Negro males' attitudes toward work The struggle for Missouri. Washington, The and economic role. Atlanta, 1965. National Tribune Co., 1909. Wells, Deola Hall. McElroy, John, 1846-1929. 560-1 429-3 A study of the development of Tuskegee Stubborn roots. New York, Macmillan, 1936. Institute under the administration of Washington, Godchaux, Elma. Moton and Patterson. Atlanta, 1950. Bell, Sallie M. Brown. 424-5 Studies in black and white; a novel in which are 563-8 exemplified the lights and shades in the friendship A study of the development of William Edward and trust between black and white-master and Burghardt Du Bois' pan-African ideas. Atlanta, slave-in their intercourse with each other in 1969. antebellum days. New York and Washington, Caldwell, Joe Louis. Neale Pub. Co., 1906. Bruce, Jerome D., 1836- 568-14 A study of the impact of participation in civil 544-3 rights demonstrations on Negro college students Studies in southern history and politics; inscribed of the Atlanta University Center. Atlanta, 1966. to William Archibald Dunning, Lieber Professor Cowan, Frank, Jr. • of History and Political Philosophy in Columbia University, by his former pupils, the authors. 565-15 New York, Columbia University Press, 1914. A study of the Negro Collection in the Trevor Arnett Library at Atlanta University. Atlanta, 518-11 1951. Studies in the American race problem, with an Leonard, Katherine Estelle. introd. and three papers by Walter F. Willcox. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1908. 566-3 Stone, Alfred Holt, 1870- A study of the pictures in the biography and picture file in the Negro Collection of the Trevor 191-3 Arnett Library of Atlanta University. Atlanta, Studies on slavery, in easy lessons. Compiled 1957. into eight studies, and subdivided into short Nascimento, Thelma Ananias do. lessons for the convenience of readers. Natchez, J. Warner, 1852 [c1851] 568-11 Fletcher, John. A study of the social role of the Negro Protestant minister in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, 1967. 376-1-10 Charles, Obbie Alphonsia. A study in black and white; an address at the opening of the Armstrong-Slater Trade School 488-5 Building, November 18, 1896, by Daniel C. Gilman. A study of the social welfare of the Negroes in Baltimore, The Trustees, 1897. Houston, Texas. [Houston, Tex., Webster- Gilman, Daniel Coit, 1831-1908. Richardson Pub. Co.] 1929. Thomas, Jesse 0., 1883- 376-1-23 A study of county training schools for Negroes in 566-4 the South. Charlottesville, Va., 1923. A study of the subjects treated in Ebony Favrot, Leo Mortimer, 1874- magazine, 1955-1960. Atlanta, 1963. Parker, Louise Miller.

785 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

565-13 598-500 A study of the treatment of the Negro in four Suffrage in the District of Columbia. selected encyclopedias. Atlanta, 1968. Speech of James F. Wi Ison, of Iowa, on Suffrage Larkin, Louise Hembree. in the District of Columbia; delivered in the House of Representatives, January 10, 1866. 190-4 Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Study outline of the American Negro people, Office, 1866. 1619-1918. [New York, Workers Book Shop, 1939) Wilson, James Falconer, 1828-1895. Lawson, Elizabeth, 1904· 598-501 571-6 Suffrage in the District of Columbia. A study to determine the relationship between a Speech of W.T. Willey, of West Virginia, on pupil's intelligence and his popularity with his Suffrage in the District of Columbia; delivered in peers. Atlanta, 1952. the Senate of the United States, June 27, 1866. Stokes, Cora Louise. Washington, Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1866. 317-3 Willey, Waitman Thomas, 1811-1907. Subdued southern nobility: a southern ideal. By one of the nobility. New York, Sharps Pub. 548-7; 598·504 Co. [c1882) Suffrage of loyal black men, both a duty and necessity. Speech of Hon. Daniel Clark (of New 211-1-65 Hampshire,") in the Senate of the United States, The submissionists and their record. [New Wednesday, February 14, 1866. Washington, H. York, Francis Loutrel, Printers, 1864] Polkinhorn & Son, 1866. Stevens, John Austin, 1827-1910. Clark, Daniel, 1809-1891.

588-77 345-2 Substance of a speech by Hon. John C. Suffrage the armor of liberty. Speech of Breckinridge delivered in the hall of the House of General C.C. Andrews, of Minnesota at St. Paul, Representatives, at Frankfort, Kentucky, October 26, 1865, as originally reported in the St. December 21, 1859. Washington. National Paul Press. [St. Paul? Printed at the Office of the Democratic Executive Committee. 1860. Great Republic, 1865?] Breckinridge, John Cabell. 1821-1875. Andrews, Christopher Columbus, 1829-1922.

281-13 376-1-18 Substance of an address delivered before the A suggested course of study for county training Middletown Colonization Society, at their annual schools for Negroes in the South. Lynchburg, Va., meeting, July 4, 1835. Pub. by the society. Mid­ J.P. Bell Co., Printers, 1917. dletown [Conn.] Printed by G.F. Olmsted, 1835. John F Slater Fund, New York. Fisk, Wilbur, 1792-1839. 569-11 599-532 A suggested plan for the development of rural Substance of the speech delivered at the life among Negroes in the cotton-raising sectien of meeting of the Edinburgh Society for the Abolition Georgia. Atlanta, 1933. of Slavery, on October 19, 1830. By Andrew Hubbard, Samuel. Thomson. Edinburgh, William Whyte, 1830. Thomson, Andrew Mitchell, 1779-1831. 599-535 Suggestions occasioned by the clause of the act 599·528 of 3 & 4 William IV. Chap. LXlll. Respecting the Substance of the speech of the Right Hon. apprenticeship of Negro children. [By order of George Canning, in the debate in the House of the Anti-slavery Committee, Thomas Pringle, Commons, on the 19th May, 1826, upon Mr. secretary. London, S. Bagster, Jun., Printer, Brougham's motion "for taking into consideration 18331 early in the next session of Parliament such Anti-slavery Society, London. measures as may appear to be necessary for giving effect to the resolution of the House of 278-10 Commons of the 25th May, 1823, touching the Suggestions of a plan of organization for freed condition of slaves." London, Printed by J. labor, and the leasing of plantations along the Moyes, 1826. Mississippi River, under a bureau or commission Canning, George, 1770-1827. to be appointed by the government. St. Louis, Western Sanitary Commission Rooms, 1864. 345-11 Yeatman, James E., 1818-1901. Suffrage a right. New York, North American Review Pub. Co. [1906) 380-7 & 520-1 Harper, Ida Husted. Summer session for teachers. [lst]- 345-8 Hampton, Va. Suffrage and representation. Speech of Hon. Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. E.D. Crumpacker, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, February 24, 1905. Washington 365-8 [Govt. Printing Office] 1905. The Sunday school scholar's treasury of Crumpacker, Edgar Dean, 1851-1920. practical, helpful, and interesting biblical and historica I information. Compiled by Reverend 786 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog 598-509 A.M. Goodwin. Morristown, Tenn. [The author, Supreme Court of the United States. October 18 __ ?] term, 1947. No. 374. Bob-Lo Excursion Company, Goodwin, A.M. appellant, vs. the people of the state of Michigan, appellee. Appeal from the Supreme Court of 220-7 Michigan. Motion and brief for the National The Sunny South; or, The Southerner at home. Association for Advancement of Colored People, Not /1 A fool's errand. /1 Life and experience of a· American Civil Liberties Union, and National northern governess in the Sunny South. By Rev. Lawyers Guild as amici curiae. Thurgood J.H. Ingraham. New York, G.W. Carleton & Co., Marshall, Osmond Fraenkel, 0. John Rogge, 1880. counsel for amici curiae. [New York, Lawyers Ingraham, Joseph Holt, 1809-1860. Press, 1947?] National Association for the Advancement of 344-6 Colored People. Supplementary Republican text-book. Congres­ sional campaign, 1906. The Republican Party and 598-503 the colored man. Washington, Republican Inter­ Supreme Court of the United States. No. 51- state League, 1906. 0ctober term, 1943. Lonnie E. Smith, petitioner Republican Inter-state League. vs. S. E. Allwright, election judge, and James E. Liuzza, associate election judge, 48th precinct of 296-3 Harris County, Texas. On writ of certiorari to the The supplies for the Confederate army, how United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the they were obtained in Europe and how paid for. Fifth circuit. (April 3, 1944) Mr. Justice Reed Personal reminiscences and unpublished history. delivered the opinion of the court. [1944] Boston, Press of T.R. Marvin & Son, 1904. U.S. Supreme Court. Huse. Caleb, 1831-1905. 484-5 599-527 Survey abstract: the status of the Negro in The support of slavery investigated. Liverpool, industry and occupational opportunities in Cin­ Pub. by Hatchard & Son; Printed by G. Smith, cinnati; conducted by Cincinnati Chamber of 1824. Commerce and the Department of Public Welfare, Cropper, James, 1773-1840. Theodore M. Berry, investigator. Cincinnati, 1930. 203-10 Cincinnati. Chamber of Commerce. The suppressed book about slavery! Prepared for publication in 1857 ,-never published until the 382-2 present time. New York, Carleton, 1864. Survey of Negro colleges and universities, prepared in the Divison of Higher Education. 190-3 Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1928. The suppression of the African slave-trade to U.S. Office of Education. the United States of America, 1638-1870, by W.E. Burghardt Du Bois. New York, Social Science 553-8 Press, 1954. A survey of the Negro boy in Nashville, Ten­ Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. nessee, edited by W.D. Weatherford; directed by J. Paul McConnell with the collaboration of the 490-9 following members of the staff of the Y .M. C.A. The Supreme Court and civil liberties. How far Graduate School: Vernon F. Hernlund, J.J. Ray, has the Court protected the Bill of Rights? New Walter L. Stone [and] D.F. Folger. New York, York, American Civil Liberties Union, 1949. Association Press [cl952] Fraenkel, Osmond Kessler, 1888- Young Men's Christian Associations. Association Colleges, Nashville. 490-10-6 "The Supreme Court must be curbed." 481-4 [Greenwood, Miss., Association of Citizens' Survey of white collar and skilled Negro workers. Councils of Mississippi, 1956?) Work histories. [1936?] Byrnes, James Francis, 1879- 421-14 220-1 The sylvan cabin; a centenary ode on the birth The Supreme Court of North Carolina and of Lincoln, and other verse, with introd. by slavery. By Bryce R. Holt. [Durham, N.C., Duke William Stanley Braithwaite. Boston, Sherman, University Press, 1927] French & Co., 1911. Holt, Bryce Roswell, 1901- Jones, Edward Smyth, 1881- 598-510 282-2 Supreme Court of the state of New York, County Synopsis of the American war. London, of New York. Joseph Dorsey, Monroe Dowling Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1865. and Calvin Harper, suing on behalf of themselves Balme, Joshua Rhodes. and all others similarly situated, plaintiffs, against Stuyvesant Town Corporation and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, defen­ dants. Before Hon. Felix C. Benvenga, Justice. T Brief of plaintiffs in support of motion for tem­ porary injunction. Charles Abrams, attorney for plaintiffs. Will Maslow, Thurgood Marshall [and others] of counsel. [New York? 1947] Dorsey, Joseph, plaintiff. 787 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

533-5 530-3 Taboo and genetics; a study of the biological, Ten-and out! The complete story of the prize sociological and psychological foundation of the ring in America; with a foreword by Gene Tun­ family, by M.M. Knight, Iva Lowther Peters, ney. New York, I. Washburn, 1928. [andl Phyllis Blanchard. New York, Moffat, Johnston, Alexander, 1879- Yard and Co., 1921. Knight, Melvin Moses, 1887- 560-5 Ten great Negro educators. Atlanta, 1936. 404-6 Brown, Thelma Barrett. A tale of a walled town, and other verses, by B. 8266, Penitentiary; with an introd. by 233-11-234-1,2,3 William Stanley Braithwaite. Philadelphia and Ten years of experience. London, J.B. Lippinc;:ott, 1921. Annual report. 2d, 3d, 4th, 9th; 1835, 1836, 1837, 1842. Boston. 501-5 Boston Female Anti-slavery Society. Talks for the times; by W.H. Crogman. 2d ed. Cincinnati, Printed for the author by Jennings & 531-6 Pye [1896] The tenth youth. The National Youth Crogman, William Henry, 1841-1931. Administration. [Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1940] 379-3 U.S. National Youth Administration. The Talladega manual of vocational guidance (The red book) [Talladega, Ala.] Pub. under the 595-331 auspices and official sponsorship of the Board of Territorial policy. Speech of Hon. James S. Trustees of Talladega College [cl937] Green, of Missouri, in the Senate of the United Crawford, George Williamson, 187i- States, January 10 and 11, 1860. [Washington, Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe, 396-5 1860] Tambo and bones; a history of the American Green, James Stephen, 1817-1870. minstrel stage. Durham, N.C., Duke University Press, 1930. 284-3 Wittke, Carl Frederick, 1892- The testimony of a refugee from East Ten- nessee. Philadelphia, Printed for gratuitous 587-28 distribution, 1863. The Tariff of conscience. Free trade in slave Bokum, Hermann. produce considered and condemned. A dialogue. [London, Charles Gilpin, 18_?] 203-9 The testimony of God against slavery: a 319-1-132 collection of passages from the Bible, which show Tax bill. Speech of Hon. Justin S. Morrill, of the sin of holding and treating the human species Vermont, delivered in the House of Represen­ as property. With notes. To which is added the tatives, April 19, 1864. [Washington, McGill & testimony of the civilized world against slavery. Witherow, Printers, 1864] 2d ed. Boston, I. Knapp, 1836 [c1835] • Morrill, Justin Smith, 1810-1898. Sunderland, La Roy, 1802-1885.

546-2 535-4 The taxation of Negroes in Virginia. The testing of Negro intelligence. [By] Audrey [Charlottesville, Va., The Michie Co., Printers, M. Shuey. Lynchburg, Va., J.P. Bell Co. [1958] pref. 1916] Shuey, Audrey Mary, 1900- Snavely, Tipton Ray, 1890- 199-13 187-1 A text book of the origin and history, &c. &c. of Teachings of patriots and statesmen; or, The the colored people. Hartford, L. Skinner, printer, "founders of the republic" on slavery. 1841. Philadelphia, J.W. Bradley, 1861 [cl860] Pennington, James W.C. Chase, Ezra B. 261-2 594-290 Thaddeus Stevens. Harrisburg, Pa., The Teachings of the on slavery. By Telegraph Press, 1934. Joseph P. Thompson. New York, J.H. Ladd, 1856. Woodley, Thomas Frederick, 1894- Thompson, Joseph Parrish, 1819-1879. 259-3 472-3 Thaddeus Stevens, by Samuel W. McCall. Team work, Dr. Booker T. Washington's last Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin [1899] Sunday evening talk to the teachers and students, McCall, Samuel Walker, 1851-1923. Institute Chapel, October 17, 1915. [Tuskegee, Ala., Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, 262-3 1915] Thaddeus Stevens: commoner. By E.B. Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. Callender. Boston, A. Williams, 1882. Callender, Edward Belcher, 1851-1917.

788 Black Culture Collection Ul)ited States Section Title Catalog

283-2 notes and illustrations, and some notices of . Thanksgiving in the times of civil war: being a eminent deceased cotemporaries: by a senator of discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian thirty years. New York [etc.] D. Appleton, 1854- Church, Troy, New York, Nov. 28th, 1861. By 1856. N.S.S. Beman. Troy, N.Y., A.W. Scribner & Co., Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858. Printers, 1861. Beman, Nathan Sidney Smith, 1785-1871. 490-7 This bird must fly. Washington, Unity Press 416-1 and Pamphlet Service, cl944. That which concerneth me; sonnets and other Robertson, Julius Winfield. poems. Roanoke, Va., The Magic City Press, 1934. Baxter, Joseph Harvey Lowell. 422-14 This race of mine. Chicago, The author, cl938. 433-3 Walker, William. Their eyes were watching God; a novel. Philadelphia, London, J.B. Lippincott [c1937] 210-12 Hurston, Zora Neale, 1901-1960. Thoreau: philosopher of freedom ; writings on liberty by Henry David Thoreau, selected, with an 389-5 introd. by James MacKaye. New York, The The theology of the plantation songs; an address Vanguard Press, 1930. delivered at the annual meeting of the American Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862. Missionary Association at Cleveland, Ohio, October, 1891. New York, American Missionary 542-4 Association, Bible House, 1891? Thoughts for a new era. An address delivered Ryder. Charles Jackson, 1848- by Sutton E. Griggs. Memphis, Issued by the National Baptist Educational Board (191_?] 428-2 Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872- There is confusion. New York, Boni and Liveright. 1924. 451-3 Fauset. Jessie Redmon, 1884?-1961. Thoughts I met on the highway. Boston, Mass., Everett Press, 1905. 557-3 Norman, Henry. These are our lives, as told by the people and written by members of the Federa I Writers' 419-2 Project of the Works Progress Administration in Thoughts in poetry. [New York, Press, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia. Chapel cl911l Hill. The University of North Carolina Press, 1939. Hart, Estelle Pugsley. Federal Writers' Project. 416-8 399-5 Thoughts in verse. A volume of poems. They shall not die. A play. New York, A.A. Charleston, S.C., Kahrs, Stolze & Welch, Printers, Knopf, 1934. 1887. Wexley, John. Rowe, George Clinton, 1853-1903.

425-5 417-7 Things is goin as usule, ed. by Jane Baldwin Thoughts of idle hours. Illus. by Lorenzo Harris. Cotton. illus. by Frederic J. Cotton. Boston, M. Nashville, National Baptist Pub. Board, 1915. Jones Co. [cl928] Wilds, Myra Viola. Cotton, Jane Baldwin, ed. 194-10 316-2 Thoughts of the Fugitive slave law and Thirteen months in the Rebel army: being a Nebraska bill. New-York, Printed for the author, narrative of persona I adventures in the infantry, 1855. ordnance, cavalry, courier,and hospital services. Kingsbury, Harmon, d. 1868- By an impressed New Yorker. London, Sampson, Low, 1862. 280-6 Stevenson, William G. Thoughts on African colonization: or, An im­ partial exhibition of the doctrines, principles and 264-4 purposes of the American Colonization Society. Thirty years a slave. From bondage to Together with the resolutions, addresses and freedom. The institution of slavery as seen on the remonstrances of the free people of color. By Wm. plantation and in the home of the planter. Lloyd Garrison. Boston, Printed and pub. by Autobiography of Louis Hughes. Milwaukee, Garrison and Knapp, 1832. South Side Printing Co., 1897 [cl896] Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879. Hughes, Louis, 1832- 204-11 269-1 Thoughts on American slavery, and its proposed Thirty years' view; or, A history of the working remedies. By a northerner. Hartford, H. Benton, of the American government for thirty years, 1838. from 1820 to 1850. Chiefly taken from the Congress debates, the private papers of General Jackson 484-1 and the speeches of ex-Senator Benton, with his Thoughts on labor in the South, past, present actual view of men and affairs: with historical and future. New Orleans, Blelock & Co., 1865. McCoy, A.O., b. 1813. 789 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

204-12; 587-26 211-3 Thoughts on slavery. Lowell [Mass.] D. Bixby The "Times" review of McClellan: his military and Co., 1848. career reviewed and exposed. New York, Published by the N.Y. 230-5-2 Times, 1864. Thoughts upon slavery. [1838) Swinton, William, 1833-1892. Wesley, John, 1703-1791. 395-5 458-5 Tin pan alley; a chronicle of the American Three generations; the story of a colored family popular music racket. New York, John Day, 1930. of eastern Tennessee. [Kingsport, Tenn.] Priv. Goldberg, Isaac, 1887-1938. print. [Kingsport Press] 1939. Cansler, Charles W., 1871- 420-5 A tiny spark. Washington, Murray Bros. Press, 596-399 1910. The three Kansas bills. [1858?] Moody, Christina.

589-124 413-5 Three secession movements in the United To make a poet black. Chapel Hill, The States. Samuel J. Tilden, the Democratic can­ University of North Carolina Press, 1939. didate for the presidency; The advisor, aider and Redding, Jay Saunders, 1906- abettor of the great secession movements of 1860, and one of the authors of the infamous resolution 233-2-9 of 1864. His claims as a statesman and reformer To mothers in the free states. By Mrs. E.L. considered. Boston, John Wilson and Son, 1876. Follen. [New York, American Anti-slavery Tilden, Samuel Jones, 1814-1886. Society, 1855) Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot, 1787-1860. 211-1-4 The three voices: the soldier, farmer, and poet, to 434-4 the Copperheads. New York, W.C. Bryant & Co., To save their souls. Boston, Christopher Pub. Printers, 1863. House [c1939] Lewis, Bessie. 263-8 Three years in Europe: or, Places I have seen 592-217 and people I have met. By W. Wells Brown, a To the citizens of the United States. A plea for fugitive slave. With a memoir of the author, by the gospel scheme for the abolition of slavery. William Farmer. London, C. Gilpin; [etc.] 1852. [Chester County, Pa., 1856] Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884. Randolph, Samuel.

524-1 591-188 Through Afro-America, an English reading of To the public. [Concord, N.H., 1835] the race problem. New York, E.P. Dutton, 1910. New Hampshire Anti-slavery Society. Archer, William, 1856-1924. 299-3 To the soldiers of our Civil War. [Minneapolis, 216-6; 546-5 Hall, Black & Co., Printers, 1900] Through some eventful years, by Susan Bradford Eppes (Mrs. Nicholas Ware Eppes). Lincoln Republican League. Macon, Ga., Press of the J.W. Burke Co., 1926. Eppes, Susan Bradford, 1845 or 6-1942. 419-9 The toiler's life; poems, with an introd. by L.S. Crandall. Philadelphia, The Jenson Press, 1907. 549-3 Thus be their destiny; the personality Harleston, Edward Nathaniel, 1869- development of Negro youth in three com­ munities, by J. Howell Atwood, Donald W. Wyatt, 387-3 Vincent J. Davis [and] Ira D. Walker; prepared Told by Uncle Remus. New stories of the old for the American Youth Commission. Wash­ plantation. Illustrated by A.B. Frost, J.M. Conde ington, American Council on Education, 1941. and Frank Uerbeck. New York, Grosset & Dunlap (1905] Atwood, Jesse Howell. Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908. 334-6 The Tillman movement in South Carolina. 451-4 Durham, N.C., Duke University Press, 1926. Toleration; a novel. Boston, R.G. Badger, 1909. Simkins, Francis Butler, 1898- Nygaard, Andreas Christian, 1854-

448-6 450-4 Time and chance; a romance and a history: Tom's last forage. Nashville, Tenn., Cokesbury being a story of the life of a man. [Rev. ed.] New Press [c1939] York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Moore, John .Trotwood, 1858-1929. Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915. 448-4 589-104 Too-Loo Byrd. The story of a little Negro waif. The Times. [1864?] Vlacon, Ga., J.W. Burke Co., 1924. Democratic Party. =u11er, Grace.

790 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log

472-6 588-89 "The tortured Negro" or "The Cry for justice". Train's Union speeches. "Second Series." [Los Angeles, Printers, 1919?] Delivered in England during the present Michel, Louis. American war. Philadelphia, T.B. Peterson & Brothers; London, J.A. Knight, 1862. 483-7 Train, George Francis, 1829-1904. Toward democracy in employment the Cam­ bridge way. A report of the Institute for Cam­ 402-3 bridge Employers on the Employment of Minority The traitor; a story of the fall of the invisible Groups. Cambridge, Mass., 1949. empire. Illustrated by C.D. Williams. New York, Civic Unity Committee, Cambridge, Mass. Grosset & Dunlap [1907] Dixon, Thomas, 1864-1946. 518-2 Toward the elimination of American racism, by 273-1 Fred L. Brownlee and Ruth A. Morton. [New Travellers and outlaws; episodes in American York, The Association? 1942?] history. Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, American Missionary Association. C.T. Dillingham, 1889 [cl888] Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911. 593-265 The Tract Society and slavery. Speeches of 319-1-158 Chief Justice Williams, Judge Parsons, and ex­ Treason and its punishment. Speech of Hon. Governor Ellsworth: delivered in the Center Godlove S. Orth, of Indiana. Delivered in the Church, Hartford, Conn., at the anniversary of the House of Representatives, January 18, 1864. Hartford Branch of the American Tract Society. [Washington, L. Towers, Printers, 1864] January 9th, 1859. 2d ed. Hartford, Steam Press Orth, Godlove Stoner, 1817-1882. of E. Greer, 1859. Williams, Thomas Scott, 1777-1861. 319-1-96 Treason in Congress. Speech of Hon. James A. 398-5 Garfield, of Ohio, in reply to the speech of Hon. Tragedy of errors. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, Alexander Long in favor of abandoning the war 1862. and recognizing the Southern Confederacy, Putnam, Mary Lowell, 1810-1898. delivered in the House of Representatives, April 8, 1864. [Washington, Printed by L. Towers, 1864] 494-8 Garfield, James Abram, Pres. U.S., 1831-1888. The ·tragedy of lynching. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1933. 391-6 Raper, Arthur Franklin, 1899- The treasury of Negro spirituals. London, Blandford Press [ 1953] 202-6 Chambers, Herbert Arthur, 1880- ed. The tragedy of the Negro in America. A con­ densed history of the enslavement, sufferings, 371-10 emancipation, present condition and progress of A. treatise on domestic education, by Rev. the Negro race in the United States of America, Daniel A. Payne. Cincinnati, Printed by Cran~ton prepared at the special request of the philan­ & Stowe for the author, 1885. thropic and Christian public of both England and Payne, Daniel Alexander, Bp., 1811-1893. America. Author's ed. Boston, 1898 [cl897] Stanford, Peter Thomas. 247-9 A treatise on slavery. In which is shown forth 421-8 the evil of slaveholding, both from the light of The tragedy of white injustice. [New York, nature and divine revelation. Vevay, Printed at Pub. by A.J. Garvey, 19~7] the Indiana Register Office, 1824. New York, Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940. Reprinted and published by The American Anti­ slavery Society, 1840. 385-4 Duncan, James, d. 1829? Training for citizenship. An article on the Winston-Salem plan of training for citizenship. 212-1 Washington [Govt. Print. Off.] 1913. A treatise on the intellectual character, and Hodges, LeRoy. civil and political condition of the colored people of the U. States; and the prejudice exercised 385-5 towards them: with a sermon on the duty of the The training of Negro teachers in Louisiana. church to them. By Rev. H. Easton. Boston, I. New York, Teachers College, Columbia Knapp, 1837. University, 1929. Easton, Hosea. McAllister, Jane Ellen, 1899- 591-182 599-543 A treatise on the patriarchal, or co-operative Train's speeches in England, on slavery and system of society as it exists in some govern­ emancipation. Delivered in London, on March ments, and colonies in America, and in the United 12th, and 19th, 1862. Also his great speech on the States, under the name of slavery, with its "Pardoning of traitors." Philadelphia, T.B. necessity and advantages. By an inhabitant of Peterson & Brothers [ 1862] Florida. 2d ed. 1829. Train, George Francis, 1829-1904. Kingsley, Z.

791 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

490-4 ments by burning in Massachusetts. Cambridge, A treatise on the rights and privileges J. Wilson and Son, 1883. guaranteed by the fourteenth amendment to the Goodell, Abner Cheney, 1831-1914. Constitution of the United States. Cincinnati, W.H. Anderson & Co., 1901. 220-6 Brannon, Henry, 1837-1914. Trial and imprisonment of Jonathan Walker, at Pensacola, Florida, for aiding slaves to escape 560-3 from bondage. With an appendix, containing a The treatment of Negro servicemen in sketch of his life. Boston, Pub. at the Anti-slavery American history textbooks adopted by the State Office [cl845] of Georgia. Atlanta, 1968. Walker, Jonathan, 1799-1878. Bradley, M. Eleanor. 274-10 561-1 Trial of John Brown, its impartiality and The treatment of the mulatto in American decorum vindicated. [Washington, 1889) fiction, 1826-1902. Atlanta, 1944. W., M.J. Bullock, Penelope Laconia. 273-5 566-9 The trial of John Ury "for being an ec­ The treatment of the Negro in state adopted clesiastical person, made by authority pretended textbooks published from 1940-1950. Atlanta, 1951. from the See of Rome, and coming into and Washington, Dorothy Maree. abiding in the province of New York", and with being one of the conspirators in the Negro plot to 562-11 burn the city of New York, 1741. Philadelphia, The treatment of the Negro in the fiction of M.l.J. Griffin, 1899. North Carolina, 1920-1940. Atlanta, 1940. Horsmanden, Daniel, 1691-1778. Williamson, Juanita Virginia. 197-3 562-1 The trial of Rev. John B. Mahan, for felony. In The treatment of the Negro in the fiction of the Mason Circuit Court of Kentucky. Com­ South Carolina, 1920-1940. Atlanta, 1940. mencing on Tuesday, the 13th, and terminating on McKinney, Rheable Mae. Monday the 19th of November, 1838. Reported by Joseph B. Reid and Henry R. Reeder. Cincinnati, 561-5 Samuel A. Alley, Printer, 1838. The treatment of the Negro in the novels of Mahan, John B., defendant. Louisiana, 1920-1940. Atlanta, 1940. Douglas, Elaine Elizabeth. 543-7 The trial of the British soldiers, of the 29th 388-5 regiment of foot, for the murder of Crispus The tree named John, with twenty-two Attucks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James silhouettes by Joseph Cranston Jones. Chapel Caldwell, and Patrick Carr, on Monday evening, Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1929. March s, 1770, before the Honorable Benjamin Sale, John B. Lynde, John Cushing, Peter Oliver, and Edmund Trowbridge, esquires, Justices of the Superior 503-5 Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and general The trend of the races. With 3n introd. by Gaol Delivery, held at Boston by adjournment, James H. Dillard. New York, Council of Women November 27, 1770. Boston, Printed and for Home Missions and Missionary Education Published by Belcher and Armstrong, 1807. Movement of the United States and Canada Wemms, William, defendant. [cl922] Haynes, George Edmund, 1880- 547-8 The tria I of the British soldiers, of the 29th 560-17 regiment of foot, for the murder of Crispus Trends in vocational guidance; with suggestions Attucks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James for a guidance program in the senior high schools Caldwell, and Patrick Carr, on Monday evening, for Negroes. Atlanta, 1938. March S, 1770, before the Honorable Benjamin Muckleroy, Eula Mae. Lynde, John Cushing, Peter Oliver, and Edmund Trowbridge, esquires, Justices of the Superior 293-4 Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and general The , including a review of English Gaol Delivery, held at Boston, by adjournment, and American relations at the beginning of the November 27, 1770. Boston, W. [Emmons, 1824) Civil War, by Thomas L. Harris. With an introd. Wemms, William, defendant. by James A. Woodburn. Indianapolis and Kansas City, The Bowen-Merrill Co., 1896. 236-7 Harris, Thomas Le Grand, 1863- The trial of Theodore Parker, for the "misdemeanor" of a speech in Faneuil Hall 591-174 against kidnapping, before the Circuit Court of the The trial and execution, for petit treason, of United States, at Boston, April J, 1855. With the Mark and Phillis, slaves of Capt. John Codman, defence. Boston, Pub. for the author, 1855. who murdered their master at Charlestown, Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. Mass., in 1755; for which the man was hanged and gibbeted, and the woman was burned to dea!h. 201-13 Including, also, some account of other punish- Trial of Thomas Sims, on an issue of personal liberty, bn the claim of James Potter, of Georgia, 792 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog against him, as an alleged fugitive from service. 234-8 Arguments of Robert Rantoul, Jr. and Charles G. A triumphant refutation of John Campbell's book, Loring, with the decision of George T. Curtis. which he calls Negro Mania. Philadelphia, 1851. Boston, April 7-11, 1851. Phonographic report by Dr. James W. Stone. Boston, W.S. Damrell & Co., 436-1 1851. The triumphs of Ephraim. Philadelphia Sims, Thomas, respondent. [McGirt Pub. Co.] 1907. McGirt, James Ephraim. 496-1 A tribute for the Negro: being a vindication of 425-4 the moral, intellectual, and religious capabilities Trooper tales; a series of sketches of the real of the coloured portion of mankind; with par­ American private soldier. New York, Street & ticular reference to the African race. Illustrated Smith [ c1899] by numerous biog·raphical sketches, facts, Comfort. Will Levington, 1878- anecdotes, etc. Manchester, W. Irwin; American agent, W. Harned, New York; [etc., etc.] 1848. 246-9 Armistead, Wilson, 1819?-1868. The true history of the late divisions in the anti­ slavery societies, being part of the second annual 344-4 report of the executive committee of the A tribute of gratitude to the Hon. M.B. Lowry, Massachusetts Abolition Society. Boston, D.H. (Erie) State Senator, Pennsylvania. Phila­ Ela, Printer, 1841. delphia, J.B. Rogers Co., Printers, 1869. Massachusetts Abolition Society.

247-7 199-6 Tribute to the memory of Charles Sumner. By The true issue, and the duty of the Whigs. An Elliot C. Cowdin. Delivered before the New address before the citizens of Cambridge, October England Society, New York, December 14, 1874. 1, 1856. Cambridge, J. Munroe, 1856. [1874?] Parker, Joel. 1795-1875. Cowdin, Elliot Christopher, 1819-1880. 590-135 228-3 True policy of the South: from the Austin A tribute to the memory of Thomas Shipley, the (Texas) state gazette. [18_ l philanthropist. Delivered at St. Thomas' Church, Austin state gazette. November 23d, 1836. Pub. by request. Philadelphia, Merrihew and Gunn, Printers, 1836. 308-1 Purvis, Robert, 1810-1898. The true story of the barons of the South; or, The rationale of the American conflict. Boston, 593-271 Walker, Wise and Co., 1862. Tributes to Theodore Parker, comprising the Reynolds, Elhanan Winchester, 1827-1867. exercises at the music hall, on Sunday, June 17, 1860, with the proceedings of the New England 198-11 Anti-slavery Convention, at the Melodeon, May 31, A true vindication of the South, in a revie~ of and the resolutions of the Fraternity and the American political history. [Savannah, Ga., Twenty-eighth Congregational Society. Boston, Braid & Hutton, inc., Printers, c1917] Pub. by the Fraternity, 1860. Norwood, Thomas Manson, 1830-1913. 245-8 Tributes to William Lloyd Garrison, at the funeral 360-10 services, May 28, 1879. Boston, Houghton, Osgood, The trumpet blast. Washington, D.C., The 1879. author, 1902? Walker, Robert Henry, Jr. 31S-3 The trip of the steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter 494-3 and Charleston, S.C. comprising the incidents of The truth about lynching and the Negro in the the excursion, the appearance, at the time, of the South, in which the author pleads that the South be city, and the entire program me ~f exercises at the made safe for the white race. New York, Neale re-raising of the flag over the rums of Fort Sumter Pub. Co., 1918. April 14th 1865. By a committee appointed by the Collins, Winfield Hazlitt, 1868-1927. passengers of the Oceanus. Brooklyn, "The Union" Steam Print. House, 1865. 525-11 French, Justus Clement. The truth about one hundred per cent Americanism, Christianity and the Negro: the 215-3 only race problem solution. New York, Gailliard A trip to the tropics and home through America. Press, 1935. By the Marquis of Lorne. London, Hurst and Coles, Sallie. Blackett, 1867. Argyll, John George Edward Henry Douglas 458-1 Sutherland Campbell, 9th duke of, 1845-1914. "Truth is stranger than fiction." An autobiography of the Rev. Josiah Henson (Mrs. 466-8 Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom"), from Triumph of the simple virtues, or The life story 1789 to 1879. With a preface by Mrs. Harriet of John L. Webb, by Sutton E. Griggs. Hot Beecher Stowe, introductory notes by Wendell Springs, Ark., The Messenger Pub. Co. [cl926] Phillips and John G. Whittier, and an appendix on Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872- the exodus, by Bishop Gilbert Haven. Boston, B.B. Russell & Co., 1879. 793 Henson, Josiah, 1789-1881. Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

438-2 greatest Negroes; ed. and arr. by D.W. Culp. Turbott Wolfe. New York, Harcourt, Brace Naperville, Ill., Toronto, Can., J.L. Nichols & Co. [cl926] [1902] Plomer, William Charles Franklyn, 1903- Culp, Daniel Wallace, ed.

298-1 473-4 Turning on the light. A dispassionate survey of The twentieth century Union League directory. President Buchanan's administration, from 1860 A compilation of the efforts of the colored people to its close. Including a biographical sketch of the of Washington for social betterment, as author [by Horatio C. King] eight letters from Mr. mechanics, in business, in the professions, in Buchanan never before published, and numerous public positions of responsibility, through their miscellaneous articles. Philadelphia, J.B. Lip­ various organizations, in educating their children pincott, 1895. and in getting homes. A historical, biographical, King, Horatio, 1811- l897. and statistical study of colored Washington at the dawn of the twentieth century and after a 382-5 generation of freedom. Compiled and edited Tuskegee & its people: their ideals and under the auspices of the Union League, by achievements, edited by Booker T. Washington. Andrew F. Hilyer. Washington, D.C., 1901. New York, D. Appleton, 1906 [cl905] Hilyer, Andrew F., ed. Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915, ed. 587-29 379-12 Twenty reasons for total abstinence from slave­ Tuskegee Institute, the first fifty years, being labour produce. [London, J. Unwin, 185_?] the Founder's Day historica I address, delivered Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879. April 14, 1931, at the semi-centennial of the lnstitute's founding; with additions, notes, and 459-7 appendices. Tuskegee, Ala., Tuskegee Institute Twenty years in public life, 1890-1910, North Press, 1931. Carolina-Tennessee, by Thomas 0. Fuller. Nash­ Stokes, Anson Phelps, 1874- ville, Tenn., National Baptist Pub. Board, 1910. Fuller, Thomas Oscar, 1867-1942. 380-2 Tuskegee; its story and its work, with an introd. 283-4 by Booker T. Washington. Boston, Small, Twenty years of Congress: from Lincoln to Maynard & Co., 1901. Garfield. With a review of the events which led to Thrasher, Max Bennett, 1860-1903. the political revolution of 1860. By James G. Blaine. Norwich, Conn., The Henry Bill Pub. Co., 417-12 1884-86. Twasinta's Seminoles; or, Rape of Florida. Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893. Rev. ed. St. Louis, Nixon-Jones Print. Co., 1885. Whitman, Albery Allson, 1851-1901. 493-8 20 years on the chain gang? Angelo Herndon 487-9 must go free! [New York, International Labor The twelfth annual observance under the Defense, 1935] auspices of the annual Tuskegee Negro Con­ Lawson, Elizabeth, 1904- ference and the National Negro Business League, in cooperation with the U.S. Public Health Service 264-6 [etc.] Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1926. Twenty-eight years a slave, or the story of my National Negro Health Week, 1926. life in three continents. By Thomas L. Johnson. 7th ed. Bournemouth, W. Mate & Sons, 1909 [pref. 460-8 1908] Twelve Negro Americans, by Mary Jenness. Johnson, Thomas Lewis, 1836- New York, Friendship Press, 1936. Jenness, Mary. 380-5 Twenty-five years in the Black belt. Boston, 218-6 The Cornhill Co. [cl918] . Narratives of Solomon Edwards, William James, 1869- Northrup, a citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington city in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from 393-7 a cotton plantation near the Red River, in Twenty-four Negro melodies, transcribed for Louisiana. Auburn, Derby and Miller; Buffalo, the piano by S. Coleridge-Taylor. Op. 59. With a Derby, Orton and Mulligan, 1853. preface by Booker T. Washington. [Boston] Northrup, Solomon, b. 1808. Oliver Ditson Co. [c1905] Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel, 1875-1912. 366-1 Twelve years among the colored people. A 265-5 record of the work of Mount calvary Chapel of S. Twenty-two years a slave, and forty years a Mary the Virgin, Baltimore. New York, J. Pott, freeman; embracing a correspondence of several 1884. years, while president of Wilberforce Colony, Perry, Calbraith Bourn, 1846-1914. Lo~don, Canada West. Rochester, N.Y., W. Alling, 1857. 402-2 Steward, Austin, b. 1794. Twentieth century Negro literature; or, A cyclopedia of thought on the vital topics relating to the American Negro, by one hundred of America's 794 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

304-11 Spear, April 28th and May 5th, 1861. New York, Twenty-two years of freedom. An account of the Nathan Lane & Co., 1861. emancipation celebration by the freedmen of Spear, Samuel Thayer, 1812-1891. Norfolk, Va., and vicinity, on the first day of January, including the literary exercises, oration, 201-12 poem, review, etc., with an introductory by Two sermons on the kind treatment and on the Joseph T. Wilson. Norfolk, Va., T.F. Paige, 1885. emancipation of slaves. Preached at Mobile, on Paige, Thomas F ., comp. Sunday the 10th, and Sunday the 17th of May, 1840. With a prefatory statement. By Geo. F. Simmons. 383-5 Boston, W. Crosby and Co., 1840. Twenty-two years' work of the Hampton Nor­ Simmons, George Frederick, 1814-1855. mal and Agricultural Institute at Hampton, Virginia. Records of Negro and Indian graduates 210-13 and ex-students, with historical and personal Two tracts for the times. The one entitled sketches and testimony on important race "Negro-slavery,noevil": by B.F. Stringfellow, of questions from within and without, to which are Missouri. The other, An answer to the inquiry "Is added some of the songs of the races gathered in it expedient to introduce slavery into Kansas?" by the school. Illustrated with views and maps. D.R. Goodloe, of North Carolina. Republished by Hampton, Normal School Press, 1893. the N.E. Emigrant Aid Co. Boston, A. Mudge and Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. Son, Printers, 1855. New England Emigrant Aid Company, Boston. 372-13 Two addresses on Negro education in the South. 211-1-33 New Orleans, H.C. Thomason [189_?] The two ways of treason; or, The open traitor of Gunby, Andrew Augustus, 1849-1917. the South face to face with his skulking abettor at the North. New York, Oct., 1863. New York, W.C. 233-2-12 Bryant & Co., Printers, 1863. The two altars; or, Two pictures in one. By Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. [New York, American 193-2 Anti-slavery Society, 1855] The two-fold slavery of the United States; with a Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, 1811-1896. project of self-emancipation. London, A. Scott, 1854. 201-7 Hall, Marshall, 1790-1857. Two anti-slavery sermons delivered in 1853 and 1854. Ed. by David Sanders Clark. Washington, D.C., 1964. Sanders, William Davis. u 485-5 599-558 Two colored women with the American Ueber Sclaverei, Sclaven-Emancipation und die Expeditionary Forces, by Addie W. Hunton and Einwanderung "freier Neger" nach den Kathryn M. Johnson. Brooklyn, Brooklyn Eagle Colonieen. Aufzeichnungen eines Weitgereisten. Press [c1920] Bremen, J.G. Heyse's Verlag, 1861. Hunton, Addie D. Waites. 490-10-1 587-22 The ugly truth about the NAACP. An address by Two letters on slavery, by an eminent and learned Attorney General Eugene Cook of Georgia before jurist. Philadelphia, 1841. the 55th Annua I Convention of the Peace Officers Association of Georgia, held in Atlanta. 193-4; 587-24 [Greenwood, Miss., Association of Citizens' Two letters on slavery in the United States, Councils of Mississippi, 1955?) addressed to Thomas Clarkson, by J.H. Ham­ Cook, Eugene, 1904- mond. Columbia [S.C.] Allen Mccarter, 1845. Hammond, James Henry, 1807-1864. 493-5 The ultimate criminal. Annual address [by] 599-531 Archibald H. Grimke. Washington, O.C., The Two letters to the colonial secretary, in answer Academy, 1915. to the Yellow book. [ 1828] Grimke, Archibald Henry, 1849-1930. Mitchel, Hector_ 233-2-15 261-4 The unanimous remonstrance of the Fourth Two Quaker sisters; from the original diaries of Congregational Church, Hartford, Conn., against and Lucy Buffum Lovell, the policy of the American Tract Society on the with an introd. by Malcolm R. Lovell, foreword by subject of slavery. [New York, American Anti­ Rufus M. Jones. New York, Liveright Pub. Co. slavery Society, 1855] [1937] Hartford. Fourth Congregational Church. Chace, Elizabeth Buffum, 1806-1899. 427-6 202-2 The uncalled, a novel. New York, International Two sermons for the times. Obedience to the Association of Newspapers and Authors, 1901 civil authority; and Constitutional government [cl898] against treason. Preached in the South Presb. Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. Church of Brooklyn, by the pastor, Rev. Samuel T. 795 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

438-3 Negro. With introd. by Major-General Joseph Uncle Bob: his reflections; with front. by R.F. Wheeler. By Herschel V. Cashin, Charles Outcault. New York, Grafton Press [1904) Alexander, William T. Anderson, Arthur M. Preston, Laura Fitzhugh. Brown Horace W. Bivins. Illustrated with over one hu~dred fine engravings from original photos. 388-3 New York, London [etc.] F.T. Neely [c1899] Uncle Isaac; or, Old days in the South. A Cashin, Herschel V. remembrance of the South. Richmond, B.F. Johnson Pub. Co., 1899. 388-7 Powers, William Dudley, 1849-1924. Under the cottonwood; a saga of Negro life in which the history, traditions and folklore of the 425-3 Negro of the last century are vividly portrayed. Uncle Phil; a novel, by Mrs. John M. Clay. 2d New York, W. Malliet and Co., 1941. and rev. ed. New Y.ork, Abbey Press [cl901] Graham, Katheryn Campbell. Clay, Josephine Russell. 305-5 452-4 Under the Maltese cross, Antietam to Uncle Sam's emancipation; Earthly care, a Appomattox, the loyal uprising in western Penn­ heavenly discipline; and other sketches. With a sylvania, 1861-1865; campaigns 155th P~nn­ sketch of Mrs. Stowe's family. Philadelphia, W.P. sylvania Regiment, narrated by the rank and f1 le. Hazard, 1853. Pittsburg, Pa., The 155th Regimental Association, Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, 1811-1896. 1910. Pennsylvania Infantry. lSSth Regt., 1862-1865. 182-4 Uncle Tom at home. A review of the reviewers 306-2 and repudiators of Uncle Tom's cabin by Mrs. Under three flags; or, The story of my life as Stowe. By F.C. Adams. Philadelphia, W.P preacher, captain in the army, chaplain, consul, Hazard, 1853. with speeches and interviews. Cincinnati: Adams, Francis Colburn. Printed for the author by Curts & Jennings, 1899. Pepper, George Whitfield, 1833-1899. 441·2 Uncle Tom's cabin. 245-6 Young folks' Uncle Tom's cabin; adapted for The Underground Rail road. A record of facts, children by Grace Duffie Boylan; with original authentic narratives, letters, &c., narrating the illus. by Ike Morgan. Chicago, Jamieson-Higgins hardships, hair-breadth escapes and death Co .. 1902. struggles of the slaves in their efforts for freedom, Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, 1811-1896. as related by themselves and others, or witnessed by the author; together with sketches of some of 424-4 the largest stockholders, and most liberal aiders Uncle Tom's cabin of to-day, by Mrs. William and advisers, of the road. By . Liddell Bruce. New York and Washington, Neale Philadelphia, Porter & Coates, 1872 [cl871] Pub. Co., 1906. Still, William, 1821-1902. Bruce, Andasia Kimbrough, 1868- 248·2 398-8 The Underground Railroad. By the Rev. W.M. Uncle Tom's cabin; or, Life among the lowly. Mitchell of Toronto. London, W. Tweedie; [etc., With original illus. by George Cruikshank, the etc. l 1860. famous English artist. Special theatre ed. New Mitchell, William M. York, J.S. Ogilvie Pub. Co. [18_?] Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, 1811-1896. 248-7 The Underground Railroad from slavery to 387-7 freedom, by Wilbur H. Siebert, with an introd. by Uncle Wash: his stories. Philadelphia, The Albert Bushnell Hart. New York, Macmillan; John C. Winston Co., 1910. [etc.] 1898. Moore, John Trotwood, 1858-1929. Siebert, Wilbur Henry, 1866-

202-4-1 420-8 The unconstitutionality of slavery. [Enl. ed.] Uneddeekayted fo'ks. Poems. The author, 1911. Boston, Bela Marsh, 1860 [cl845-1847] Henderson, Elliott Blaine. Spooner, Lysander, 1808- 1887. 403-3 353-1 Unfettered; a novel. Nashville, Tenn., Orion Under fire. With the Tenth U.S. cavalry. Being Pub. Co., 1902. a brief, comprehensive review of the Negro's Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872- participation in the wars of the United States. Especially showing the valor and heroism of the 563-2 Negro soldiers of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalries, The unindexed official record of the Negro in and the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Infantries Georgia, 1733-1766. Atlanta, 1937. of the regular army; as demonstrated in the Anthony, Marion Ernestine. decisive campaign around Santiago de Cuba, 1898. Thrilling episodes interestingly narrated by of­ 597-440 ficers and men. Famous Indian campaigns and The Union. Speech of William H. Seward, in the their results. A purely militaryhistory of the Senate of the United States, January 12, 1861. 796 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

Washington, Printed at the Office of the 588-67 Congressional Globe [1861 ?] The Union-Kansas and the Lecompton con­ Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. stitution. Speech of Hon. James R. Doolittle of Wisconsin, in the Senate of the United States, 290-1 March 4 and 8, 1858. [Washington, Printed at the Union and anti-slavery speeches, delivered Congressional Globe Office, 1858?] during the rebellion. Cincinnati, Applegate & Co., Doolittle, James Rood, 1815-1897. 1864. Drake, Charles Daniel, 1811-1892. 271-12 The Union must be preserved! Four crisis letters 592-241 to the ladies, proposing the speedy formation of Union and peace! How they shall be restored. the Society. Published by Speech before the Republican State Convention, at friends of the movement. New York, J.H. Worcester, October ·1, 1861. Boston, Wright & Ouyckinck, Printer [1860] Potter, Printers [1861?] Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. 318-2 Union speeches delivered in England during the 590-136 present American war. Philadelphia, T.B. The Union and State-rights parties of Georgia. Peterson & Bros., 1862. Speech of Hon. Joseph W. Jackson of Georgia, in Train, George Francis, 1829-1904. the House of Representatives, March 16, 1852, on the Union and State-rights parties of Georgia. 434-6 [Washington? Printed at the Congressional Globe A unique book. The new South; or, Southern Office, 1852?] sentiment since the war. A frolic of fancy with Jackson, Joseph Webber, 1796-1854. fact. Baltimore, J. Murphy & Co., printed for the author, 1887. 589-125 Lassell, James T. The Union and the enemies. Speech of Hon. Benjamin H. Hill, of Georgia, delivered in the 550-2 Senate of the United States, Saturday, May 10, The united Negro: his problems and his 1879. Washington. Globe Printing & Pub. House, progress, containing the addresses and 1879. proceedings the Negro Young People's Christian Hill, Benjamin Harvey, 1823-1882. and Educational Congress, held August 6-11, 1902; introduction by Bishop W.J. Gaines; ed. by Prof. 210-1 I. Garland Penn, [and] Prof. J.W.E. Bowen. The Union: being a condemnation of Mr. Helper's Atlanta, D.E. Luther Pub. Co., 1902. scheme, with a plan for the settlement of the Penn. Irvine Garland, 1867-1930, ed. "irresponsible conflict." By one who has con­ sidered both sides of the question. New York, F .A. 233-2-2 Brady [1857?1 The United States Constitution. [New York, American Anti-slavery Society, 1855] 313-8 Bowditch, William Ingersoll, 1819-1909. The Union cause in Kentucky, 1860-1865. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1907. 565-16 Speed, Thomas, 1841-1906. United States Government publications on the American Negro, 1938-1952. Atlanta, 1953. 308-2 Lowe, Velma Singleton. The Union cause in St. Louis in 1861; an historical sketch. [St. Louis, Press of Nixon-Jones 566-10 Prtg. Co.] 1909. United States Government publications related Rombauer, Robert Julius, 1830- to a selected group of West African countries, 1951-1962. Atlanta, 1963. 287-6 Witherspoon, Lillie Mae. Union-disunion-reunion. Three decades of federal legislation. 1855 to 1885. Personal and 337-5 historical memories of events preceding, during, The United States in account with the rebellion. and since the American Civil War, involving [1876?] slavery and secession, emancipation and reconstruction, with sketches of prominent actors 198-8 during these periods. Providence, R. I., J.A. & The United States of North America. With a R.A. Reid, 1885. note on Negro slavery, by Junius Redivivus Cox, Samuel Sullivan, 1824-1889. [pseud. of W.B. Adams] 2d ed. London, E. Wilson, 1883. 587-45 Murat, Achille, prince, 1801-1847. Union foundations: a study of American nationality as a fact of science. By Capt. E.B. 318-5 Hunt. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1863. The United States Sanitary Commission. A Hunt, Edward Bissell, 1822-1863. sketch of its purposes and its works. Comp. from documents and private papers. Published by 592-235 permission. Boston, Little, Brown, 1863. The Union. Its dangers!! and how they can be Wormeley, Katharine Prescott, 1830-1908. averted. Letter from Samuel J. Tilden to Hon. William Kent. [New York, 1860] Tilden, Samuel Jones, 1814-.1886. 797 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

338-2 Estelle Haskin. New York, Council of Women for The unity of the South not a policy, but a Home Missions and Missionary Education necessity. Speech of Hon. Edward C. Walthall, of Movement of the United States and Canada Mississippi, in the Senate of the United States, [c1927] Monday, January 27, 1890. [Washington? 1890?] Haskin, Sara Estelle. Walthall, Edward Cary, 1831-1898. 365-9 489-6 The upward path: the evolution of a race. New Universal suffrage, and complete equality in York, Young People's Missionary Movement of citizenship, the safeguards of democratic in­ the United States and Canada, 1909. stitutions: shown in discourses by Henry Ward Helm, Mary, 1845-1913. Beecher, Andrew Johnson, and Wendell Phillips. Boston, Press of G.C. Rand & Avery, 1865. 378-11 Steams, George Luther, 1809-1867, comp. The upward path; with an introd. by Robert R. Moton. Compiled by Myron T. Pritchard and 522-6 Mary White Ovington. New York, Harcourt, The University Commission on Southern Race Brace [c1910] Questions. Pritchard, Myron Thomas, 1853- comp. Morse, Josiah. 539-2 286-8 The urban Negro worker in the United States, The unlocked book; a memoir of John Wilkes 1925-1936. Sponsored by the United States Booth, by his sister, with a foreword by Eleanor Department of the Interior. Administered by the Farjeon. London, Faber & Faber Limited [1938] Office of the Adviser on Negro Affairs. Clarke, Asia Booth. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1938- U.S. Office of Adviser on Negro Affairs. 517-11 Unsolved Negro problems. 446-1 Thomas, William Hannibal, 1843- Us three women [by] Roger Wiley and Helen McGloin Wood. Philadelphia, The Penn Pub. Co. 466-9 [cl937] Unsung heroes. New York, Du-Bois and Dill, Wiley, Roger. 1921. Haynes, Elizabeth Ross. 319-1-12 Usurpation of the rights of the states by the 316-3 federal government. Speech of Hon. Wm. The unwritten South; cause, progress and result Johnston, of Ohio, on the bill of Hon. G.W. Julian, of the Ci vi I War. Relics of hidden truth after forty to provide homesteads on the forfeited and con­ years. 5th ed. [c1908] fiscated lands of rebels, delivered in the House of Stonebraker, J. Clarence. Representatives, May 4, 1864. [Washington? 1864] 464-3 Johnston, William, 1819-1866. ; an autobiography, by Booker T. Washington. New York, A.L. Burt Co. [c1901] 588-61 Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. Usurpations of the Senate in the origination of appropriation bills and the abrogation of treaties. 356-7 Two speeches of Hon. Charles Sumner, in the Upon this rock, by A. Clayton Powell, Sr. New Senate of the United States, 7th February, and 6th York, Abyssinian Baptist Church, 1949. March, 1856. [Washington? Buell & Blanchard, Powell, Adam Clayton, 1865-1953. Printers, 1856?] Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. 211-1-8 Upon whom rests the guilt of war? Separation: war without end, by M. Edouard Laboulaye. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. , v Laboulaye, Edouard Rene Lefebvre de, 1811-1883. 503-11 589-99 A vacation tour in the United States and Upon whom rests the gJlilt of war? Separation: Canada. London, Longman, Brown, Green, and war without end. By M. Edouard Laboulaye. New Longmans, 1855. York, Wm. <;. Bryant an9 Co., Printers, 1863. Weld, Charles Richard, 1813-1869. Laboulaye, Edouard Rene Lefebvre de, 1811-1883. 473-15 291-3 The Vanguard; a tri-annular register of the elite The uprising of a great people. The United of African descent. States in 1861. [Translated] from the French by v. [ l]. 1933- Mary L. Booth. 4th ed. New York, C. Scribner, New York, 1933- 1861. ,, Gasparin, Agenor Etienne, comte de, 1810-1871. 463-5 The Varick family, by Rev. B.F. Wheeler, with 460-7 many family portraits. [Mobile? Ala., pref. 1906] The upward climb; a course in Negro Wheeler, Benjamin Franklin, 1854-1919, comp. achievement, developed and recorded by Sara 798 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

418-3 194-4 Veils of samite. Boston, Small, Maynard Views of slavery, in its effects on the wealth, [cl921] population, and character of nations. Miller, J. Corson, 1883- Philadelphia, Junior Anti-slavery Society, 1838. Jackson, William, 1789-1864. 211-1-9 The venom and the antidote. [New York, 1863] 319-1-148 Violated pledges, and the liberties of the people. 419-12 Speech of Hon. H.W. Harrington, of Indiana, The venture: poems. Boston and New York, delivered in the House of Representatives, March Houghton Mifflin, 1925. 26, 1864. Washington, Printed at the Constitutional Mackenzie, Jean Kenyon, 1874-1936. Union Office, 1864. Harrington, Henry William, 1825-1882. 599-513 A very new pamphlet indeed! Being the truth: 430-1 addressed to the people at large. Containing some Violence, by Marcet and E. Haldeman-Julius. strictures on the English Jacobins, and the New York, Simon and Schuster, 1929. evidence of Lord M'Cartney, and others, before Haldeman-Julius, Anna Marcet Haldeman, 1888- the House of Lords, respecting the slave trade. 1941. London, Printed in the year 1792. 544-8 562-16 Virginia, especially Richmond, in by-gone days; Victor Hugo and the Negro. Atlanta, 1938. with a glance at the present: being reminiscences Lemon, Emma Carolyn. and last words of an old citizen. 2d ed., with many corrections and additions. Richmond, West & 591-181 Johnston, 1860. A view of the policy of permitting slaves in the Mordecai, Samuel. states west of the Mississippi: being a letter to a member of Congress. By Joseph D. Learned. 538-9 Baltimore, Printed by J. Robinson, 1820. The Virginia Negro artisan and tradesman, by Learned, Joseph D. Raymond B. Pinchbeck. Richmond, Va., The William Byrd Press, 1926. 194-6 Pinchbeck, Raymond Bennett, 1900- A view of the action of the federal government, in behalf of slavery. Utica, [N:Y.J J.C. Jackson, 350-3 1844 [cl839) Virginia Negro soldiers and seamen in the Jay, William, 1789-1858. American Revolutionary War. Norfolk, Va., Guide Quality Press, 1944. 192-5 Jackson, Luther Porter, 1892- Views of American constitutional law, in its bearing upon American slavery. 2d ed.: rev., 382-3 with additions. Utica, N. Y ., Lawson & Chaplin, Virginia State College gazette. 1845. [v.11- 19- Goodell, William, 1792-1878. Ettrick, Va. Virginia. State College, Petersburg. 185-2 Views of American slavery, taken a century 218-5 ago. Anthony Benezet, John Wesley. Virginia's attitude toward slavery and Philadelphia, Pub. by the Association of Friends secession. New ed. New York, Longmans, Green, for the Diffusion of Religious and Useful 1910 [c1909] Knowledge, 1858. Munford, Beverly Bland, 1856- Benezet, Anthony, 1713-1784. 495-4 595-338 The visible of the invisible empire, "The Views of colonization. Philadelphia, Merrihew maelstrom." Rev. and ed. by Geo. La Dura. and Gunn, Printers, 1837. Denver, Maelstrom Pub. Co. [c1925] Nourse, James, 1805-1854. Fuller, Edgar I.

217-10; 590-146 420-2 The views of Judge Woodward and Bishop Visions of the dusk. New York, F.J. [cl915] Hopkins on Negro slavery at the South, illustrated Johnson, Fenton, 1888- from the Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation, by Mrs. Frances Anne Kemble (late 523-1 Butler) [Philadelphia? 1863?] A visit to the United States in 1841. London, etc., Kemble, Frances Anne, 1809-1893. Hamilton, Adams and Co., 1842. Sturge, Joseph, 1793-1859. 197-5 Views of slavery and emancipation; from 484-2 "Society in America." New-York, Piercy Reed, Vital American problems; an attempt to solve Printers, 1837. the "trust," "labor," and "Negro" problems. Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1908. Montgomery, Harry Earl.

799 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

518-6 signatures, etc., etc. Edited by Julia Griffiths. The vital equation of the colored race and its New York, Worthington Co. [1854?] future in the United States. (In The Wilder Griffiths, Julia, ed. quarter-century book. Ithaca, N.Y., 1893. p. rl 15J-175l 290-3 Corson, Eugene Rollin, 1855- The volcano under the city, by a volunteer special, with map showing New York police 539-8-2 precincts. New York, Fords, Howard & Hulbert, Vocational guidance at work among Negroes in 1887. Georgia. A brief report of the vocational guidance Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925. project for Negro youths, 1937-1938, sponsored by the Colored Division of the National Youth 534-1 Administration of Georgia, by Walter R. Chivers. Volkerkunde. Von Dr. Friedrich Ratzel. [Atlanta] 1938. · Leipzig, Bibliographisches lnstitut, 1885-1886. U.S. National Youth Administration. Georgia. Ratzel, Friedrich, 1844-1904.

364-4 466-2 The voice. A pageant of the origin, growth and Vom sklaven empor. Eine selbstbiographie von accomplishments of the Negro Baptists of Booker T. Washington. Autorisirte deutsche America. First produced at the Golden Jubilee Uebersetzung von Estelle du Bois-Reymond. Mit celebration of the National Baptist Convention, einem Vorwort von Ernst Vohsen. Berlin, U.S.A. at the Chicago Coliseum, August 20th, 1930. Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen) 1902. National Baptist Convention of the United States Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. of America. 532-5 272-2 Voodoo-Eros; ethnological studies in the sex-life A voice from Harper's Ferry. Life and death of of the African aborigines, by Felix Bryk; trans­ the last John Brown hero. A narrative of events at lated from the German by Mayne R. Sexton. New Harper's Ferry; with incidents prior and sub­ York, priv. print. for subscribers, 1933. sequent to its capture by Captain Brown and his Bryk, Felix, 1882- men. By Osborne P. Anderson, one of the number. Ed. by J.D. Enos. [Washington?] c1873. 388-1 Anderson, Osborne Perry, 1830-1872. Voodoo tales, as told among the Negroes of the Southwest. Collected from original sources. 332-7 lntrod. by Charles Godfrey Leland; illustrated by A voice from South Carolina. Twelve chapters Juliette A. Owen and Louis Wain. New York, before Hampton. Two chapters after Hampton. London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. With a journal of a reputed Ku-klux, and an ap­ Owen, Mary Alicia, 1858-1935. pendix. Charleston, S.C.. Walker, Evans & Cogswell, 1879. 548-10 Leland, John A. Voting in Mississippi: a report. [Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off.] 1965. 485-4 U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. A voice from the South. By a black woman of the South. Xenia, Ohio, Aldine Print. House, 1892. Cooper, Anna Julia Haywood, 1859- w 521-1-522-1 205-12 The voice of the Negro; an illustrated monthly Walker's appeal, in four articles; together with magazine. a preamble, to the coloured citizens of the world, v. 1- Jan. 1904- but in particular, and very expressly, to those of Atlanta, Chicago. the United States of America, written in Boston, 514-10 State of Massachusetts, September 28, 1829. 3d The voice of the Negro 1919, by Robert T. Kerlin. and last ed., with additional notes, corr., &c. New York, E.P. Dutton & Co. [c1920] Boston, D. Walker, 1830. Kerlin, Robert Thomas, 1866- · Walker, David, 1785-1830.

598-502 435-7 Voices from Connecticut for impartial suffrage. A wall of men. New York, A.L. Burt Co. [1912) [1869?] Mccarter, Margaret Hill, 1860-1938.

211-1-5 497-1 Voices from the Army! The soldiers open their Wanted-leaders! A study of Negro develop­ batteries on the Copperheads. The President ment. New York, Department of Missions and cordially sustained. No compromise with traitors. Church Extension, 1922. [New York? 1863] Bratton, Theodore DuBose, Bp., 1862-1944.

228-6 287-3 Voices of freedom. By Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1:he war:_ a slave union or a free? Speech Chas. F. Adams, Theodore Parker, N.P. Willis, delivered m the House of Representatives, Horace Greeley, R.W. Emerson, Henry Ward December 12, 1861. Rev. [New York, E.D. Beecher and others, with tac-similes of their Barker, 1862) Conway, Martin Franklin, 1827-1882. 800 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

331-6 338-4 War and reconstruction in Mississippi, 1863- The war powers of the President, Military 1890, by J.S. McNeily. arrests, and Reconstruction of the Union. By McNeily, John Seymore, 1841- William Whiting. 8th ed. Boston, J.L. Shorey, 1864 [cl862] 319-1-104 Whiting, William, 1813-1873. The war debts of loyal states. Speech of Mr. Blaine, of Maine, in the House of Representatives, 283-1 April 21, 1864. [1864?] The war to end only when the rebellion ceases. Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893. By Henry W. Bellows. New York, A.D.F. Ran­ dolph [ 1863] 259-5 Bellows, Henry Whitney, 1814-1882. The war for the Union. Wendell Phillips: ·by George William Curtis; 322-1 and The war for the Union: by Wendell Phillips. The war with the South, a history of the late New York, John B. Alden, 1884. rebellion, with biographical sketches of leading Curtis, George William, 1824-1892. statesmen and distinguished naval and military commanders, etc. Continued from the beginning 211-1-62 of the year 1864 to the end of the war, by Benjamin The war for the Union. The first, second, third G. Smith. New York, Virtue & Yorston [1862-67] and fourth years of the War. September 9, 1864. Tomes, Robert, 1817-1882. New York, Loyal Publication Society, 1864. Swinton. William, 1838-1892. 432-5 Warfares of the heart: stories of the South. 320-5 Chicago, Branch Pub. Co. [cl917] w.. r government, federal and state, in Houston, Allen Polk. Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Indiana. 1861-1865. Boston and New York, 356-5 Houghton, Mifflin, 1906. Was Jesus Christ a Negro? And the African Weeden, William Babcock, 1834-1912. origin of the myths & legends of the Garden of Eden. Two rationalistic reviews. New York, 206-1 Author's Publication [Wilson Print] 1933. The war in Texas. a review of facts and cir­ Jackson, J.G. cumstances, showing that this contest is the result of a long premeditated crusade against the 351-1 government, set on foot by slaveholders, land Washington and Jackson on Negro soldiers. speculators, &c. with the view of re-establishing, Gen. Banks on the bravery of Negro troops. extending, and perpetuating the system of slavery Poem-the Second Louisiana, by George H. and the slave trade in the Republic of Mexico. By Boker. Philadelphia, Printed for gratuitous a citizen of the United States. Philadelphia, distribution [ 1863] Printed for the author by Merrihew and Gunn, Baird. Henry Carey, 1825-1912. 1836. Lundy, Benjamin, 1789-1839. ,43-2 Washington, city and capital. Federal Writers' 310-3 Project, Works Prog~ess Administration: The war, its causes and consequences. Cairo, Washington, 1937. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Ill., Memphis, Tenn., Blelock & Co., 1864. Off. [1937] Farrar, C.C.S. Federal Writers' Project.

315-2 538-5 War of the rebellion; or, Scylla and Charybdis. The wasted land [by] Gerald W. Johnson. Consisting of observations upon the causes, Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina course, and consequences of the late Civil War in Press, 1937. the United States. New York, Harper, 1866. Johnson, Gerald White, 1890- Foote, Henry Stuart, 1804-1880. 476-2-10 302-3 The water supply of the Negro; a study of the War papers, read before the commandery of !he sanitary conditions of the water supply of the state of Maine, Military Order of the Loyal Legion Negroes in urban and rural communities with of the United States. sociological interpretations. [Athens, Ga., 1931] v. 1- Wilson, Ernest Black, 1903- Portland, The Thurston Print, 1898. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United 556-3 States. Maine Commandery. Way down South, by Clarence Muse and David Arlen; wood cuts by Blanding Sloan. Hollywood, 335-8 Calif., D.G. Fischer [cl932] War, politics and reconstruction; stormy days Muse, Clarence. in Louisiana. New York, Macmillan, 1930. Warmoth, Henry Clay, 1842-1931. 429-7 "We also serve." (Apologies to 0. Henry) The 211-1-32 story of a colored boy who stood single-handed War power of the President-summary im­ against the world and played the part of a hero. prisonment-habeas corpus. [New York? 1863] Illus. by P.S. Cooke. lst ed. Gate City, Ala.? Heermans, J. 801 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

Kindergarten Executive Board for the Gate City 572-6 Free Kindergarten Association [19_ ?] The West African pilot; a content analysis. Jenkins, Welborn Victor, 1879- Atlanta, 1952. Ukrapy, Ernest Nnorom. 418-2 We lift our voices and other poems, with a front. 599-548 for the title poem by Allan Freelon and an introd. The West India question. Immediate eman­ by William Stanley Braithwaite. Philadelphia, cipation would be safe for the masters-profitable Alpress, 1936. for the masters-happy for the slaves-right in Cowdery, Mae V. the government-advantageous to the nation­ would interfere with no feelings but such as are 206-4 disgraceful and destructive-cannot be postpo~ed Webster and Hayne's speeches in the United without continually increasing danger. An outline States Senate, on Mr. Foot's resolution of for immediate emancipation; and remarks on January, 1830. Also, Daniel Webster's speech, in compensation. 2d American ed. Newburyport, C. the United States Senate, March 7, 1850, on the Whipple, 1835. slavery compromise. Philadelphia, T.B. Peterson Stewart, Charles. & Brothers [1863?] Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. 599-547 The West Indies as they are; or, A real picture 415-6 of slavery. [London, Ellerton and Henderson, 'Weh down souf, and other poems. Illus. [by] Printers, 1825?] William L. Sheppard. Cleveland, Helman-Taylor, Bickell, Richard. 1897. Davis. Daniel Webster, 1862- 320-7 Western Sanitary Commission. A sketch of its 388-4 origin, history, labors for the sick and wounded of Welcum hinges, with a foreword by Alexander the western armies, and aid given to freedmen William Armour and an introd. by Thomas Lomax and union refugees, with incidents of hospital life. Hunter, gravure illustrations by Woodi Ishmael. St. Louis, Published for the Mississippi Valley New York, E.P. Dutton and Co., 1942. Sanitary Fair, R.P. Studley & Co., 1864. Robb, Bernard. 490-10-2 245-5 "We've reached era of judicial tyranny." An Wendell Phillips; a centennial oration delivered address by Senator James 0. Eastland of at Park Street Church, Boston, November 28, 1911, Mississippi before the statewide convention of the by Wendell Phillips Stafford. New York, National Association of Citizens' Councils of Mississippi Association for the Advancement of Colored held in Jackson, December l, 1955. Greenwood, People [ 1911] Miss.. Association of Citizens' Councils of Stafford, Wendell Phillips, 1861- Mississippi, 1955? Eastland, James Oliver, 1904- 259-5 Wendell Phillips: by George William Curtis; 447-6 and The war for the Union: by Wendell Phillips. What answer? Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1868. New York, John B. Alden, 1884. Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth, 1842-1932. Curtis. George William, 1824-1892. 320-8 246-10 What are the conditions of a candid and lasting Wendell Phillips centenary, 1811-1911. [New reconciliation between the two sections of the York, National Association for the Advancement country? New York, Bowne & Co., 1861. of Colored People, 1911?] 223-2 598-496 What became of the slaves on a Georgia plan­ Wendell Phillips in Faneuil Hall. Speech on tation? Great auction sale of slaves, at Savannah, Louisiana difficulties. Revised and enlarged by Georgia, March 2d & 3d, 1859. A sequel to Mrs. himself. [Boston, Wright & Potter, Printers, 1875] Kemble's Journal. 1863. Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. Thomson, Mortimer, 1832-1875.

248-6 233-2-14 Wendell Phillips, orator and agitator. New What have we, as individua Is, to do with York, Doubleday, Page, 1909. slavery? [New York, American Anti-slavery Sear, Lorenzo, 1838-1916. Society, 1855] Cabot, Susan C. 262-5 Wendell Phillips: the agitator. With an ap­ 568-17 pendix containing three of the orator's master­ What is Negro news? A study of three Negro pieces, never before published in book form, viz.: newspapers. Atlanta, 1938. "The lost arts." "Daniel O'Connell." "The Durham, Alice Marie. scholar in a republic." New York, Funk & Wagnalls, 1890. 587-25 Martyn, Carlos, 1841-1917. What is to become of the slaves in the United States? [Lexington, Ky.? 1845?]

802 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

476-2-13 490-10-7 What Negro newspapers of Georgia say about Where is the reign of terror? Speech of some social problems, 1933. Athens, Ga., 1934. Chambliss, Rollin. Representative John Bell Williams in the United States House of Representatives, March 27, 1956. [Greenwood, Miss., Association of Citizens' 373-6 Councils of Mississippi, 1956?] What should be the attitude of the Negro toward the prevailing sentiment relative to his education? Williams, John Bell, 1918· Delivered at General Conference of the A.M.E·. 426-1 Church at Norfolk, Va., May, 1908. Atlanta, Whether white or black, a man; illus. by Bert Georgia, Herald Pub. Co., 1908. Flipper, Joseph S. Cassidy. Chicago, New York, F.H. Revell Co., 1898. Davis, Edith Smith, 1859- 475-2 What the Negro has done for the United States and Texas. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1936) 481-5 Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963. The Whetstone. v. 1- 1924- 515-1 Durham, N.C., 1924- "What the Negro needs," a post-war plan to integrate the Negro's activities and build toward 541-7 full social and economical security. [194_] The Whig Party in the South. Washington, Wright, Rutherford R. American Historical Association, 1913. Cole, Arthur Charles, 1886- 505-13 What the Negro thinks. Garden City, N. Y., 589-114 Doubleday, Doran, 1929. Whig policy analyzed and illustrated. Boston: Moton, Robert Russa, 1867-1940. Phillips, Sampson and Co., 1865. Quincy, Josiah, 1772-1864. 538-11 What to do and how to do it, or Socialism vs. . . 588-52 capitalism. By Rev. G.W. Woodbey. Girard, Whig text book, or democracy unmasked. To Kan., Press of Appeal Publishing Co. [1903) the people of the United States. [Pub. by 0rder of Woodbey, George Washingto·n, 1854· Willis Green, Chairman of the Whig Executive Committee at Washington] Washington, Printed 514-2 at Gideon's Office [1844?] When Africa awakes; the "inside story" of the Whig Congressional Committee, 1843-1845. stirrings and strivings of the New Negro in the western world. New York City, The Porro Press, 293-6 1920. The whip, hoe, and sword; or, The Gulf­ Harrison, Hubert Henry, 1883-1927. Department in '63. By George H. Hepworth. Boston, Walker, Wise and Co., 1864. 503-9 Hepworth, George Hughes, 1833-1902. When black meets white. Cleveland, The Argyle Publishers, 1924. 418-15 Hill, John Louis, 1872- Whispers from heaven and melodies of the heart. Washington [ 19 _ ] 415-12 Mask, W.E. When Malindy sings [poems] illus. with photos. by the Hampton Institute Camera Club; 504-13 decorations by Margaret Armstrong. New York, White America. Richmond, Va., White Dodd, Mead, 1903. American Society [1925, c1923] Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906. Cox, Earnest Sevier.

519-5 439-4 When peoples meet: a study in race and culture White and black. New York, Harcourt, Brace contacts, edited by Alain Locke and Bernhard J. [c1922] Stern. New York, Committee on Workshops, Shands, Hubert Anthony, 1872- Progressive Education Association [c1942] Locke, Alain Le Roy, 1886-1954, ed. 523-2 White and black; the outcome of a visit to the 328-7 United States. London, Chatto & Windus, 1879. When the Ku Klux rode. New York, The Neale Campbell, Sir George, 1824-1892. Pub. Co., 1912. Darner, Eyre, 1854· 549-2 White and black under the old regime; by 272-1 Victoria V. Clayton; with introd. by Frederic Cook When tidewater invaded the valley; [a tribute to Morehouse. Milwaukee, The Young Churchman the men of lower Virginia in the days of the John Co. [cl899] Brown raid] By L.J.A. Charles Town, W. Va., Clayton, Victoria Virginia Hunter. Priv. print., Spirit of Jefferson Press [1934) Ambler, Lucy Johnston.

803 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

370-7 American race. From the landing of slaves at St. White and Negro schools. [New York, National Augustine, Florida, in 1565, to the present time. Association for the Advancement of Colored By Rev. Norman B. Wood. Cincinnati, W.H. People, 19371 · Ferguson Co. [cl899] Raper, Arthur Franklin, 1899- Wood, Norman Barton, 1857- 453-6 448-3 A white baby. New York, F .A. Stokes Co. The white slave: or, memoirs of a fugitive. A [cl895l story of slave life in Virginia, etc. Ed. by R. Welsh, James. Hildreth. lst English illus. ed. London, Ingram, Cooke, 1852. 436-4 Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. White-blood. Boston, Mass., The Stratford Co., 1924. 432-2 Majette, Vara A. The white slave. The slave; or, Memoirs of Archy Moore. 5th ed. 445-1 Boston, Jordan, Swift & Wiley, 1845. White blood;a story of the South. New York and Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. Washington, Neale Pub. Co., 1906. Wharton, Henry Marvin, 1848- 233-2-3 in the United States. [New York, 483-12 American Anti-slavery Society, 1855] White capital and coloured labour. London, Independent Labour Party, 1906. 205-10 Olivier. Sydney Haldane Olivier, Baron, 1859- White supremacy and Negro subordination; or, Negroes a subordinate race, and (so-calle_d) 441-5 slavery its norma I condition, with a!"_ appendix, White lady. New York, G.H. Watt, 1932. showing the past and present cond1~1on of the Strauss. Malcolm. countries south of us. By J. H. Van Evrie. [2d ed.] New York, Van Evrie, Horton & Co., 1868 [c1867J 398-6 Van Evrie, John H., 1814-1896. White man. Accent on youth and White man; two plays. 511-8 With a preface by John Anderson and an open Whites and blacks; or, The question settled. By letter by Barrett H. Clark. New York, Los Hon. C.H.J. Taylor. Atlanta, Ga., J.P. Harrison & Angeles, S. French; London, S. French, 1935. Co., Printers, 1889. Raphaelson. Samson. 1896· Taylor, Charles Henry James, 1857-1898. 505-9 420-1 The white man and the Negro at the South. An White's poems. Washington, 1925. address delivered under invitation of the White, James Wilson. American Academy of Political and So~ial Science, the American Society for t~e. Extension 211=1-69 of University Teaching, and the C1v1c Cl~b- of Whom do English Tories wish elected to the Philadelphia, in the Church of the Holy Trinity, presidency? [New York. 1864] Philadelphia, on the evening of March 8th, A.O. Edge, Frederick Milnes. 1900. By the Rev. Edgar Gardner Murphy. [Montgomery, Ala., 1900] 467-2,3 Murphy, Edgar Gardner, 1869-1913. Who's who in colored America; a biographical dictionary of notable living persons of Negro 507-3 descent in America. v. 1- 1927- New The white man's burden; a discussion of the York, N.Y., Who's who in Colored America Corps. interracial question with special reference to the [ 1927- responsibility of the white. race to the Negro problem, by B.F. Riley. 2ded. Birmingham, Ala., 463-6 B.F. Riley [cl910l Who's who in Philadelphia; a collection of thirty Riley, Benjamin Franklin, 1849-1925. biographical sketches of Philadelphia colored people, together with cuts and information of 446-2 some of their leading institutions and The white nigger, a story of the old South, by organizations, by Charles Fred. White. With an Winfield P. Woolf and Angus Elgin Orr. Boston, introd. by R.R. Wright, Jr., and containing ad­ Christopher Pub. House [c1938] ditional articles by C.J. Perry, B.F Lee, Jr., R.R. Woolf, Winfield P Wright, Jr., and Charles Fred. White. Philadelphia, The A.M.E. Book Concern [cl912] 524-2 White, Charles Frederick, 1876- White, red, black. Sketches of society in the United States during the visit of their guest [Louis 465-4 Kossuth] By Francis and Theresa Pulszky. Who's who of the colored race; a general London. Trubner and Co., 1853. biographical dictionary of men and women of Pulszky, Ferencz Aurelius, 1814-1897. African descent. Chicago, 1915-

515-11 541-3 The white side of a black subject; enlarged and Why I am a Republican. A history of the brought down to date. A vindication of the Afro- Republican Party, a defense of its policy, and the 804 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog

reasons which justify its continuance in power, 258-2 with biographical sketches of the Republican candidates. By George S. Boutwell. Philadelphia, William Lloyd Garrison and his times; or, Pa., W.S. Fortescue & Co., 1884. Sketches of the anti-slavery movement in Boutwell, George Sewall, 1818-1905. America, and of the man who was its founder and moral leader. With an introd. by John G. Whittier. Boston, B.B. Russell;New York, C. Drew; [etc., 501-9 etc.] 1880 [cl879] Why not now? Boston, R.G. Badger, 1909. Davis, Charles Gilbert. Johnson, Oliver, 1809-1889. 257-1 211-7; 298-4; 589-95 William Lloyd Garrison, the abolitionist, by Why the North cannot accept of separation. New York, C.B. Richardson, 1863. Archibald H. Grimke. New York [etc.] Funk & Wagnalls [ 1891] Laboulaye, Edouard Rene Lefebvre de, 1811-1883. Grimk~, Archibald Henry, 1849-1930. 326-4 Why the solid South? or, Reconstruction and its 236-4 results. By Hilary A. Herbert, Alabama; Zebulon William Lloyd Garrison; the centennial oration B. Vance, North Carolina; John J. Hemphill, delivered by Reverdy C. Ransom in Faneuil Hall, South Carolina; Henry G. Turner, Georgia; Boston, Mass., U.S.A., Dec. 11, 1905. [Boston, Mass., Boston Suffrage League, 1905?] Samuel Pasco, Florida; Ira P. Jones, Tennessee; Ransom, Reverdy Cassius, Bp., 1861- Robert Stiles, Virginia; O.S. Long and William L. Wilson, West Virginia; George G. Vest, Mo.; 562-10 William M. Fishback, Arkansas; Ethelbert William Stanley Braithwaite, poet and critic. Barksdale, Miss.; Charles Stewart, Texas; B.J. Atlanta, 1942. Sage, Louisiana. Bahimore, R.H. Woodward & Stone, Alma Westine. Co .. 1890. Herbert, Hilary Abner, 1834-1919, ed. 419-8 Wings of ebony. Philadelphia, A.M.E. Book 230-5-6; 587-16 Concern, 1904. Why work for the slave? [1838?] Johnson, Henry Theodore, 1857-

513-8 503-1 "The widow" in the South; a series of letters, by Wisdom's call, by Sutton E. Griggs. [2d ed.?] Teresa Dean. New York, London, The Smart Set Nashville, Tenn., The Orion Pub. Co., 1911. Pub. Co., 1903. Griggs, Sutton Elbert, 1872· Dean, Teresa H. 539-6 211-1-53 With the Negro's help. [Boston?] 1942. Wie der Krieg angefangen wurde. Eine Berufung Weaver, Robert Clifton, 1907- auf die Dokumente. Mit besonderer Anfiihrung si.idlicher Dokumente. (Aus dem "Daily com­ ~41-2 mercial" von Cincinnati.) New York, Gedruckt A woman's life work: including thirty years' bei H. Ludwig, 1864. service on the Underground Railroad and in the war. [3d ed.] Chicago, S.B. Shaw [c1881] 425-1 Haviland, Laura Smith, 1808-1898. The wife of his youth, and other stories of the color line. With illus. by Clyde 0. Deland. Boston 485-2 and New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1899. Women at work; a century of industria I change. Chesnutt, Charles Waddell, 1858-1932. United States Department of Labor. Women's Bureau. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1939. 398-7 U.S. Women's Bureau. Wilfrid and Mary; or, Father and daughter. A domestic comedy illustrative of American slave 309-1 life. Edinburgh, M. Macphail; New York: The women of the South in war times, comp. by Appelton [sic] 1861. Matthew Page Andrews. Newed. rev. Baltimore, St. Bo', Theodore. The Norman, Remington Co., 1924 [cl920] Andrews, Matthew Page, 1879- 257-2 William H. Seward, by Edward Everett Hale, 303-4 Jr. Philadelphia, G.W. Jacobs [1910] Women of the war; their heroism and self­ Hale, Edward Everett, 1863-1932. sacrifice. Hartford, Conn., S.S. Scranton & Co.; Chicago, R.C. Treat, 1867. 260-4 Moore, Frank, 1828-1904. William Jay, and the constitutional movement for the abolition of slavery. With a preface by 209-6 . New-York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1893. A word on behalf of the slave; or, a mite cast into Tuckerman, Bayard, 1855-1923. the treasury of love. London, C. Gilpin, 1848.

255-5 246-12 William Lloyd Garrison. 2d ed., rev. and enl. The words of Garrison; a centennial selection Boston, The Atlantic Monthly Press [cl921] ( 1805-1905) of characteristic sentiments from the Chapman, John Jay, 1862-1933. writings of William Lloyd Garrison; with a biographical sketch, list of portraits, bibliography 805 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Catalog and chronology. Boston and New York, Houghton, 504-1 Mifflin, 1905. The wrongs of the Negro: The remedy. Boston, Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879. Issued by The National League [1888) Lindsey, D. McD. 493-7 Work and law observance; an experimental inquiry into the influence of unemployment and occupational conditions upon crime, for the National Commission on Law Observance and y Enforcement, by Mary Van Kleeck, Emma A. Winslow, and Ira DeA. Reid. [Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1931] 227-4 Van Kleeck, Mary, 1883- A Yankee in Canada, With Anti-slavery and reform papers. By Henry D. Thoreau. Boston, 486-7 Ticknor and Fields, 1866. The work of colored women; comp. by Jane Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862. Olcott, issued by Colored Work Committee, War Work Council, National Board Young Women's 278-14 Christian Associations. New York [1919) Yankee stepfather: General 0.0. Howard and Young Women's Christian Associations. U.S. the freedmen. New Haven, Yale University National Board. War Work Council. Colored Press, 1968. Work Committee. McFeely, William S.

486-6 333-6 The work of the Afro-American woman, by Mrs. Yazoo; or, On the picket line of freedom in the N.F.Mossell. Philadelphia, G.F. Ferguson, 1894. South. A personal narrative. By A.T. Morgan. Mossell, Gertrude E. H. Bustill, 1855- Washington, The author, 1884. Morgan, Albert Talmon. 512-6 Work of the Colored Law and Order League, 408-1-409-1-410-1 Baltimore, Maryland. Cheyney, Pa., Committee Year book of American poetry. of Twelve for the Advancement of the Negro Race Anthology of magazine verse for 1913-29 and [1908] yearbook of American poetry, edited by William Waring, James H.N. Stanley Braithwaite. New York, G. Sully [cl913]- 29. 380-9 Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont, 1878- Working with the hands; being a sequel to "Up 1962, ed. from slavery," covering the author's experiences in industrial training at Tuskegee, illus. from 383-1 photos. by Frances Benjamin Johnston. New A yearbook on Negro education in Alabama in York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1904. 1930-31. [Montgomery?] Alabama State Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 1859?-1915. Teachers' Association [1931) Alabama State Teachers' Association. 239-1 The works of William H. Seward, ed. by George 483-9 E. Baker. New York, Redfield, 1853. "You cannot kill the working class." New York, Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. Published jointly by the International Labor Defense and the League of Struggle for Negro 518-4 Rights [1936?] A world view of race, by Ralph J. Bunche. Herndon, Angelo, 1913- Washington, The Associates in Negro Folk Education, 1936. 246-4 Bunche, Ralph J.ohnson, 1904-1971. The young abolitionists; or, Conversations on slavery. Boston, Pub. at the Anti-slavery Office, 203-1 1848. Writings and speeches of Alvan Stewart, on Jones, J. Elizabeth. slavery. Ed. by Luther Rawson Marsh. New York, A.B. Burdick, 1860. 441-2 Stewart, Alvan, 1790-1849. Young folks' Uncle Tom's cabin; adapted for children by Grace Duffie Boylan; with original 234-6 illus. by Ike Morgan. Chicago, Jamieson-Higgins The writings of Cassius Marcellus Clay: in­ Co., 1902. cluding speeches and addresses. Ed., with a Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, 1811-1896. preface and memoir, by Horace Greeley. New York, Harper, 1848. 526-2 Clay, Cassius Marcellus, 1810-1903. Your Negro neighbor [by Benjamin Brawley. New York, Macmillan, 1918) 236-6 Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939. The wrong of slavery, the right of emancipation, and the future of the African race in the United 321-6 States. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1864. A youth's history of the rebellion. New York, Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877. J.W. Lovell [cl864-65] Thayer, William Makepeace, 1820-1898. 806 Black Culture Collection United States Section Title Cata log z

437-4 Zeke, illus. by Natalie H. Davis. New York, Harcourt, Brace [c1931] Ovington, Mary White, 1865-1951.

453-1 'Zouri's Christmas. A royal gentleman; and 'Zouri's Christmas. New Y,ork, Fords, Howard, and Hulbert [c1881] Tourgee, Albion Winegar, 1838-1905.


lAMI z.3 us. v. i.