Year II tidalOccupy Theory, Occupy Strategy n Sept 2012 2 tidal 3 Communiqué #3 19 On the Transformative Potential of Race and Difference in Post-Left Movements 5 What is to be Done? pamEla bridGEwatEr Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 20 On Transparency, Leadership, and Participation 9 The Revolution Will Not Have a Bottom Line Suzahn Ebrahimian 21 Where Are We? Who Are We? Occupy, Space, and Community 10 “Strike Debt!” nina nEhta folkS from StrikE dEbt 21 Letter to the Well-Meaning 1% 12 Stop and Frisk and Other Racist thE 99% Capitalist Bullshit joSé martín 22 Mutual Aid in the Face of the Storm ChriStophEr kEy 14 The Power of the Powerless jErEmy brEChEr 24 Beyond Climate, Beyond Capitalism vanya S, talib aGapE fuEGovErdE, v. C. vitalE 16 S17: Occupy Wall Street Anniversary 26 After the Jubilee david GraEbEr Notes 29 On Debt and Privilege 18 The War on Dissent, the War on Communities wintEr jEn wallEr and tom hintzE 30 On Living 18 On Political Repression, Jail Support, nazim hikmEt and Radical Care mutant lEGal workinG Group 31 First Communiqué: Invisible Army Editorial Design Thanks Find Us vanya s. zak greene + nicholas mirzoeff r. black amin husain nona hildebrand marina berio bradley treadway
[email protected] yates mckee jed brandt diedra donohue laura gottesdiener astra taylor austin guest TidalOccupyTheory @occupytheory Tidal is distributed for free. Our work for Tidal is free. Our one expense is printing costs. Please support the printing of Tidal at 3 Communiqué #3 he world ultimately comes down to dreams and their Sure, there’s the awkward issue that grand dreams cannot realization.