On the Autoxidation of Aqueous Sodium Polysulfide [1]
On the Autoxidation of Aqueous Sodium Polysulfide [1] Ralf Steudel*, Gabriele Holdt, and Regine Nagorka Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie der Technischen Universität Berlin, Sekr. C2, D-1000 Berlin 12, F.R.G. Z. Naturforsch. 41b, 1519—1522 (1986); received July 14, 1986 Sodium Polysulfide, Autoxidation, Sodium Thiosulfate, Elemental Sulfur, HPLC Aqueous sodium polysulfide of composition in the range Na;S2 (l to Na:S4 6 undergoes autoxida tion by either air or pure oxygen at temperatures of between 23 and 40 °C according to the equation Na2S2+x + | O, -► Na:S,0, + § S8 Z o Iodometric determination, vibrational spectra and ion-pair chromatography showed that nei ther sulfate, sulfite nor polythionates are formed and that the sulfur precipitated consists of S8 (^ 9 9 % ). Introduction air, but no systematic study of this reaction has been Aqueous sodium sulfide is strongly alkaline because reported. Only the autoxidation of aqueous mono of hydrolysis due to the extremely low value of the sulfide (containing H 2S, HS- , S2_ in pH dependent dissociation constant of the HS- ion; equilibrium) has been investigated by several au thors. Bowers et al. [22] using H2S and 0 2 at constant S2- + H2O ^H S ~ + OH- pK = 17 (20°C) [3] (1) partial pressures of between 100 and 500 Torr (no At pH values between 7 and 12.5, HS- is the dom further details were reported) found (a) that for inating sulfide species. These solutions dissolve ele [H S] < 2 - 10 3 mol/1 the autoxidation was very slow mental sulfur with formation of polysulfide anions; and the product was elemental sulfur, (b) for 2 -10 -3 according to Teder [4] the maximum sulfur content < [HS"] < 3-10 2 mol/1 yellow polysulfides built up obtained corresponds to the formula Na 2S4 5 at 25 °C to a steady state concentration prior to precipitation and Na 2S5 o at 80 °C, respectively: of sulfur, and (c) for [HS- ] > 3-10 " 2 mol/1 oxygen S„ + HS“ + 0 H “ ^ S „ +12_ + H20 (2) uptake was very fast and a clear solution of uniden tified sulfur-oxygen anions resulted.
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