Tropical Cyclone Cliff: April 5, 2007 Flooding in Nadi Town in mid-February due to heavy rainfall from an intense trough of low pressure. Excessive soil moisture in the Nadi Catchment in the previous week resulted in flash flooding. Water Spout over the Nadi Bay on September 18, 2007 at 5.30p.m. Tropical Cyclone Daman: December 6, 2007. This rare phenomena was associated with an afternoon thunderstorm Produced by: Climate Services Division, Fiji Meteorological Service, Private Mail Bag, NAP0351, Nadi Airport, Fiji Islands. Ph: +679 6724888, Fax: +679 6736047 or email:
[email protected]. Also see online version at Copyright notice:This summary is prepared as soon as possible once meteorological data is collected and quality checked, and oceanographic and ENSO information is received from various Meteorological Agencies around the World. Delays in data collection, communication and processing often arise. While every effort is made to verify observational data, the Fiji Meteorological Service does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the analysis and accepts no liability for any losses incurred through the use of this summary and its contents. The contents of the summary may be freely disseminated pro- vided the source is acknowledged. Page 2 FIJI ISLANDS ANNUAL CLIMATE SUMMARY - 2007 HIGHLIGHTS In Fiji, 2007 was the warmest year in 50 years and most likely the warmest in the last 100 years. Issued • Annual mean air temperature for 2007 was 26.5°C or 0.9°C above normal (1971-2000 mean). 30 May 2007 • The annual mean maximum air temperature for 2007 was the highest on record (since 1957), 0.7˚C above normal.