Alteration and Vein Textures Associated with Gold Mineralization at the Bunikasih Area, Pangalengan, West Java

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Alteration and Vein Textures Associated with Gold Mineralization at the Bunikasih Area, Pangalengan, West Java Jurnal Geologi Indonesia, Vol. 5 No. 4 Desember 2010: 247-261 Alteration and Vein Textures Associated with Gold Mineralization at the Bunikasih Area, Pangalengan, West Java A.S. SubAndrio and n.i. bASuki Study Program of Geology – FITB – Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jln. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 AbstrAct The Bunikasih vein system in the Pangalengan district of West Java is a low-sulfidation, adularia ser- icite epithermal gold deposit. It is hosted by Late Miocene andesitic volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks occurring in the south western margin of Malabar Volcano complex. Gold ore and alteration minerals related to deposition of gold in Bunikasih deposits superimposed on Late Tertiary-Quaternary andesitic formation that were altered and mineralized by some hydrothermal events. The veins consist almost entirely of quartz, with small amounts of adularia, bladed calcite, pyrite, and gold. Gold ore shoots are vertically restricted and are more continuous horizontally. The veins display complex and multi episodic filling with texture characteristics of open space precipitation such us colloform, lattice bladed, crusti- form banding, vugs, breccia, and cockade and comb texture. The presence of bladed calcite and silica pseudomorph after bladed calcite suggests that the hydrothermal fluids boiled. In the Cibaliung section of the area, anomalous gold is related to veins trending northeast - southwest, milky quartz with dark grey to black manganese staining is found intermittently for a length of about 800m. The mineralized andesite ore bodies exhibit broad alteration patterns adjacent to mineralization, passing from fresh rock into anargillic, chlorite zone, and then sericite-silica close to mineralization. An argillic assemblage composed of kaolinite with fine-grained pyrite bulb is present in the upper portions and surrounding of the quartz vein system. The veins range from centimeter to meter in size. Of 24 vein samples collected, gold averages up to 0.3 grams per tone ("g/t"), to a high of 24.6 g/t. The Bunikasih epithermal gold deposit was mined by people for more than 10 years, mainly for the gold ore. Keywords: alteration, vein texture, gold mineralization, Bunikasih Sari Urat-urat yang terdapat di Bunikasih, Kecamatan Pengalengan, Jawa Barat, merupakan bagian dari suatu endapan emas tipe epitermal adularia serisit, sulfidasi rendah. Endapan emas tersebut terdapat dalam batuan vulkanik andesit dan batuan klastik vulkanik berumur Miosen Akhir yang terdapat di barat daya kompleks gunung api Malabar. Emas dan mineral alterasi penyerta dijumpai mengubah satuan batuan andesit Tersier Akhir – Kuarter yang telah mengalami alterasi hidrotermal. Urat-urat yang dijumpai tersusun oleh kuarsa dengan sedikit adularia, bilah-bilah kalsit, pirit, dan emas. Endapan emas dalam urat penyebarannya terbatas secara vertikal, dan relatif lebih menyebar secara horizontal. Urat-urat kuarsa memperlihatkan tekstur kompleks yang menunjukkan pengendapan berulang secara episodik dalam ruang terbuka seperti koloform, mineral berbentuk bilah, perlapisan crustiform, breksi, dan tekstur cockade and comb. Dijumpainya bilah-bilah kalsit dan pseudomorph silika hasil ubahan bilah kalsit menunjukkan kemungkinan terjadinya pendidihan (boiling) pada larutan hidrotermal. Di daerah Cibaliung, keterdapatan emas berasosiasi dengan urat-urat kuarsa berwarna putih susu berarah timur laut – barat daya sepanjang sekitar 800 m, dengan bercak-bercak mangan berwarna abu gelap hingga hitam. Batuan vulkanik andesit yang termineralisasi memperlihatkan pola alterasi yang berangsur dari batuan tak terubah menjadi zona argilik dan klorit, dan kemudian menjadi zona serisit-silika mendekati Naskah diterima 21 Juni 2010, revisi kesatu: 13 Agustus 2010, revisi kedua: 02 September 2010, revisi terakhir: 26 November 2010 247 248 Jurnal Geologi Indonesia, Vol. 5 No. 4 Desember 2010: 247-261 zona mineralisasi. Urat-urat kuarsa mempunyai lebar bervariasi dari sentimeter hingga meter. Dari dua puluh empat percontoh yang dianalisis, kadar emas rata-rata adalah 0,3 g/t, dan dapat mencapai 24,6 g/t. Endapan emas Bunikasih telah ditambang oleh penduduk setempat selama lebih dari 10 tahun. Kata kunci: alterasi, teksture urat, mineralisasi emas, Bunikasih IntroductIon Based on regional geological study, the faults in the researched area are most likely parts of, or Bunikasih area is located about 60 km to the are influenced by, regional, NE-SW trend, dextral south from Bandung, southwest of Situ Cileunca, strike-slip faults, as identified by Alzwar et al. or about 15 km from Pangalengan (Figure 1). It is (1992). These regional and local faults are inter- part of West Java Southern Mountain Zone covered preted to be formed by a relatively N-S regional by Quaternary (Pleistocene) volcanic rocks, known stress, which has been active since Late Oligocene as Waringin Andesite unit (Alzwar et al., 1992). – Early Miocene (Alzwar et al., 1992). Based on a more detailed work by Chandra (2009), The Cibaliung andesite lava unit was observed the andesite unit can be subdivided into three along the Cibaliung River (Figure 2 and 3) and is subunits; they are (older to younger): Cibaliung, characterized by whitish or greenish colour, and Cikabuyutan, and Puncak Cacing andesite lava porphyritic textures, comprising phenocrysts of units. Gold mineralization was firstly discovered in plagioclase and pyroxene in abundant aphanitic early 1990 by exploration of PT. Aneka Tambang. groundmass. Petrographic observation revealed Due to the small or subeconomic gold reserve, PT. that the aphanitic groundmass consists of minute Aneka Tambang has not mined this prospect. How- crystals of pyroxene, plagioclase, glassy materi- ever, relatively high gold grade (up to 20ppm Au) als and opaque minerals. This unit shows a strong in some quartz veins made a great interest to many argillic and/or prophilitic alteration and, locally, local people to dig and mine gold traditionally. The silicification. In some places, a weak magnetic na- Bunikasih epithermal gold deposit of Pangalengan, ture of this unit can be detected by magnet. Quartz is one of small scale oberating gold mines, located veins in various sizes (1 cm to 3 m) are commonly in the southern part of West Java. The others being present, crosscutting this unit. Cineam and Salopa - Tasikmalaya, Cikondang- The Cikabuyutan andesite lava unit is present Cianjur, and Gunungpeti - Sukabumi (Widi et al., along the Cikabuyutan River (Figure 2 and 3) 1997). Based on these occurrences and the overall and is characterized by black colour, porphyritic volcanic setting, the southern belt of West Java textures that show plagioclase and pyroxene phe- has a good potential for discovering new gold ore nocrysts in an aphanitic groundmass, and by its deposits. For example, Pongkor Mount in Bogor very strong magnetic nature. Phenocrysts in this associated with the southern volcanic belt, is the unit are more abundant than those of the Cibaliung largest gold deposit in Java Island of which during andesite lava unit. Very fine pyroxene, plagioclase more than 10 years has been mined by PT. Aneka crystals, and glassy materials constitute the apha- Tambang (Warmada, 2003). nitic groundmass. The Cikabuyutan andesite lava unit is weakly altered by clay mineral (argillic), and unlike the previous unit, this unit is crosscut GeoloGy of the bunIkAsIh AreA by small-sized quartz veins (< 1 m-wide). Puncak Cacing andesite lava unit is the young- Based on a topographic map analysis and field est unit in the area and is found in Puncak Cac- observation, there are five identified (strike-slip) ing Hill as well as along some branches of the faults in the area. Two faults are NE-SW and the Cikabuyutan River near Puncak Cacing (Figure others are NW-SE (Figure 1). They are interpreted 2). This unit shows gray colour and comprises to be formed in post-Pleistocene, as they extend abundant phenocrysts of pyroxene and plagioclase across Quaternary (Pleistocene) volcanic rocks. in an aphanitic groundmass, which consists of fine Alteration and Vein Textures Associated with Gold Mineralization at the Bunikasih Area, 249 Pangalengan, West Java (A.S. Subandrio and N.I. Basuki) Note : Rancatungku B Qd Q=Quaternary Age; Soreang T=Tertiary Age; G. Koromong Q w b = W a r i n g i n - G. Geulis B e d i l A n d e s i t e , Tmb Qd Cipeundeuy Tmb 1151 O l d M a l a b a r : Kramat Qwb alteration of lava Cangkuang Muara breccias and tuffs, Banjaran pyroxene andesitic Bandasari Baros a n d h o r n b l e n d e a n d e s i t i c composition; Bojonglao 2 Citeuteurp Pasirpariuk Qtl= Kancana, Huyung Qtl a n d Ti l u l a v a s : Andesitic lava and basaltic-andesitic G. Bubut Gegerheos lava of Mt. Tilu; 1333 Cianjur T m b = B e s e r Ganjen Pasirhuni F o r m a t i o n : Tu f f Kebontunggul sandstone, pumice G. Tanuaktangsi Qmt t u f f , c l a y s t o n e , conglomerate and 1514 lignite; Cikalong Q m t = M a l a b a r Ti l u G. Tikukur G. Puntang Vo l c a n i s : t u f f , l a h a r i c b re c c i a s Lamajang contains minor of G. Haruman G. Malabar pumice and lavas; Gambung 2621 Qyw=Young volcanic: Qtl E f f l a t a a n d andesitic-basaltic lava flows from Mt. Wayang Windu.; G. Tilu Puncakbebar Qkl= Kencana lavas: Rancatungku Andesitic lava and Pasirurug basaltic anadesite Qmt lavas. Riunggunung QopuUndifferentiated Pangalengan G.Gambung E f f l a t a D e p o s i t s of Old Volcanics: Qwb Cibeureum Rancamanyar F i n e t o c o a r s e dacitic crystalline Wanasari t u f f , t u f f a c e o u s breccias contains Qopu pumices and old Barussalam andesitic-basaltic laharic deposits. Situ Cileunca G. Wayang Qd=Lake deposit:Clay Cibunihayu Qwb s i l t , f i n e t o Gunungcepu G.
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    Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 7 November 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201811.0162.v1 Review A Review of Geological Applications of High-spatial- resolution Remote Sensing Data Chunming Wu 1, Xiao Li1,*, Weitao Chen2,* , Xianju Li2 1 Geological Survey Insitute, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China; [email protected] 2 Faculty of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]; TEL: +86-138-7157-1861, +86-132-9668-4768. Abstract: Geologists employ high-spatial-resolution (HR) remote sensing (RS) data for many diverse applications as they effectively reflect detailed geological information, enabling high-quality and efficient geological surveys. Applications of HR RS data to geological and related fields have grown recently. By analyzing these applications, we can better understand the results of previous studies and more effectively use the latest data and methods to efficiently extract key geological information. HR optical remote sensing data are widely used in geological hazard assessment, seismic monitoring, mineral exploitation, glacier monitoring, and mineral information extraction due to high accuracy and clear object features. Compared with optical satellite images, synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) images are stereoscopic and exhibit clear relief, strong performance, and good detection of terrain, landforms, and other information. SAR images have been applied to seismic mechanism research, volcanic monitoring, topographic deformation, and fault analysis. Furthermore, a multi-standard maturity analysis of the geological applications of HR images using literature from the Science Citation Index reveals that optical remote sensing data are superior to radar data for mining, geological disaster, lithologic, and volcanic applications, but inferior for earthquake, glacial, and fault applications.
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