Adapting To Change UK policy towards the Arctic Polar Regions Department Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, London SW1A 2AH © Crown copyright 2013. You may re-use this information (not Any enquiries regarding this including logos) free of charge in any publication should be sent to us format or medium, under the terms of at
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[email protected]. Adapting To Change UK policy towards the Arctic i - Adapting To Change - UK policy towards the Arctic Mark Simmonds Minister for the Polar Regions Foreign and Commonwealth Office Adapting To Change - UK policy towards the Arctic - ii Foreword “There is no doubt that the Arctic is on the frontier of global climate change impacts. Temperatures are rising twice as fast in the Arctic as over the rest of the world.” The Arctic has proved, time and again, to be As this document sets out, the United Kingdom one of the most dynamic and influential regions will continue to support and respect the sovereign of the world, despite its remoteness from large rights of the Arctic States to exercise jurisdiction population centres and its often challenging over their territory; the people who live and work geographical and climatic conditions. in the Arctic; and the unique and fragile natural environment. At the same time it outlines the The United Kingdom is not an Arctic State, but United Kingdom’s legitimate interests in the we are the Arctic’s nearest neighbour.