Information to VFR Pilots Information to VFR Pilots
Information to VFR pilots Information to VFR pilots This publication has been prepared by Airspace Class G Airspace Class D Naviair with the purpose of focusing In general, the airspace in Denmark, All CTRs and some TMAs in Denmark, on flight safety and clarifies topics, outside CTRs and TMAs, is Airspace e.g. Aarhus, Rønne, Aalborg, Karup which are important to know for VFR Class G from GND to 3500 feet. and Skrydstrup are Airspace Class D. pilots, to prevent airspace penetration Both IFR and VFR traffic are permitted. of controlled airspace. Over the North Sea it is Airspace Class G from GND to FL195. Airspace Class D is controlled airspace and ATC Clearance is required. Airspace Classes Both IFR and VFR traffic are permitted. Airspace Class G is uncontrolled VFR traffic receives traffic information In Denmark the airspace below FL195 airspace and therefore both IFR and about other traffic, IFR included. is divided into four different airspace VFR traffic only receive FIS, includ- classes, namely Airspace Class C, D, E ing traffic information about other There is no requirement for transpon- and G, with Airspace Class C being the known traffic. der, but two-way radio communicati- most restrictive airspace and Airspace on is required. Class G the least restrictive. There is no requirement for two-way radio communication or transponder for VFR flights. Note however, that Airspace Class C when flying in TIZs and TIAs two-way Billund TMA and Copenhagen Area, radio communication is mandatory, which consists of Roskilde and Ka- even though they are Airspace Class G.
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