o Berg Julius, confectionery. Bank. . I." I' :c Blakemore 'PllOmas B, coullty , Mrs A Patte< ~-d] ~ eoroller. prop, £Ul'l1 rooms. . x -l Blakemore & Co, fm'niture, under- Compromi:,w rvr Co, WW Davii ~- ~ takers. mgl', .i UiE MillER DE1[CTmE ~GE~~CY C:I~~~:':::~~~~ ::; This scrvicc is prcparcd fo nndcrtoLc 011 proper dcfectivc bUliiness cntrustcd to ils care by corlloralioD8, hanks, merchants, attorneys or private individuals. Rilla. 230·34"Ccnlury nhl~. 17th &. Stout, Denver, Coll1.

/it) .... .As p~~·i~iSt;;:r icell Eodely 620 West Blec leer Aspen, Colorado 8] 61 1 ::OF, pnESIOEHl . ViCE'PR~SIDE"( ';0:1, SEC.-THEAS. :XTURES '~J COLO. ,·;N ASPEN 13!J ASPEN --~ ~L Yates, Seey. J~lectrie IJights Hot and Cold Water ;,ltZ, Tl;eas. \ COLUNS BLOCK M1'8. A. Pattee, Pl'OlJ. .~ ms Modern Furnished Rooms. Rates by the Day, 01' .['s AND GLASS Week Month. ASPEN idles. 'rin slId ition. SJrlIE~ruu SIMilUlLl.ING LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE Colorado Licensed Vcterinal'y ,STEAM and Darn Tel. Pitkin 75; nee. Tel, 152 Hed. Horses Bought and Sold RHEATlNG 320-328 Durant Ave. Aspen, Colo. ~ Connors & l\-ionaghau,saloon. Glendale Farm, J Brunton prop. given. free.. Conomara Mine,"W W Davis mgr. Gould & Grover, grocers. Cooper Book & Stationery Co, Ed Graves WI" ugt D & Tt G R R. ~ .\sll"n, Colorado M Cooper mgr. Greco lllrunk, saloon. Cooper & 1Jof, automobiles. Grosellrth gel C, saloon. ~, groom'ice. COORS GOLDEN BEER DEPOT, n K Trading Co, Hurris Kobey mining and in- Herman Nelson agt. pres, groceries and meats. Cowenhoven & Co I-I P, mines and Hanson W E, drugs. :'css. mining. Harc A W; assnyer, ~ ker. Crawley tT F, grocor. HAWKINS & BASCOM, wh and '''es Aspen State Crystal City Club. ret. wines, liquors and cigars, ~YJ DcMarins D E, furniture, undel'~ lIiginhot.hull1 Bthcl, county surt ""'~ .1 estate. taker. schools, ~. \~ ;inery. Donovan WIn, eOl1nt:y assessor. !lope 1\1 iI'I & T, Co, HW Clurk sec y,; ·'anny Hufi' prop Downing J "WI, atty at law. HOTEL JEROME, M S Elisha ,,~~ ,', grocer. Dnmnl "Wi Co, WW Davis mgr. prop. v\~'\~ ler Co, DRC ELISHA M S, prop Hotol Jerome. IInghes &. Co, wagonmakcrs. ~~~~ { {i'inley supt. I~lli:s Cluh, F IvI Yates sec, Ivy Steam 1laundry, llllol'ence """S:S IJ1 ather FUlljan- 'I~vel'ett Irving, transfer line, co~ Hackel' prop. \~ nnty sherifl'. .Iewett N '''lv, grocer. "'-..! Dr WH Twin· li'u1'l'ell Mary, eit.y clerk, dry goods JOHNSEN JAMES C, mgr Aspen! ~ ~ li'lynn ,I ,T, atty at law, county Plumbing Co. .:~: a; (;I > ,-, ' }l'ort Alex, plumher. Kay i\l S, dry goods. . : gPO e' .., .sh Aspen Stato FOUTZ W R, h'eas and mgr 1'he Kennedy JamcR, tailor. \ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 IJcwis I-I 'l'omldns'lIardware Co. Kolley Shoe & Clothing Co, \~.. ~ @ "c: ~ :, Mrs A Pattoo Franklin & Watson, grocers, Koch Lum bel' Co. I :? ~ a 14 ;... s. li'rost & Co J 13, harness anel sud· IJfimo Al S, drugs, p. O"..,;F ~ 0, WW Davis dlery. T\lat.e .1 ·cqmsltIon... C'JOns l'iliC0, W'''-r:':t' g t'" Gentl'v '.James, District attorney. vV Davis mgr. [ @ g n, MILLER, Frio. WESTERN AGENT FOR I'nENIJ(. niO. Francis J. Fisher lJIlHITE !LiME IE CHAMPA 985 OutHitle of Denver I Sell to Denle..:N Only. Vhonc nlidJl"iz05. rc by corporalions, Office 307 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Warehouse and Yard,,1920.1950 19th St. DENVER, COLO. Stoul, Denver, Cole, \

positions Endorsed by 33 Bani,s Gunrontcrd ·jxluru. Our Grnduntes Cntftlod. FI'I'f1 \ AIWADA 137 ASPgN Hes1del1ce Phone Arvada 761 "1> aiit. op Arrow Miss M .. F .. Pierce g o Iud poles, ~.~ First Class Millinery S' • !If( -House Grand View Avenue Arvada, Colorado " ~ el', hotel.-, Drakc 0 13, prin scbool. Staley Wesley, cash lj'irst Natl I lams.. I'~vans & Bennett, fuel & feed. Bank. l ~ ll'irst National Bank, GH Clnll'ch Swift Shale Brick Co. i?: ~ pres, AH Barth vice pres, Wes· 'l'ct7.1al1' August, feed & fuel. ;:l ~ ley Staley cash. Ullcry H A, drugs: z I---7l l~ town In & ~ ~ '1IOl'ado & fl~laherty ~Toseph, hardware. Vetting F C, fruits produce. -; west of Foster E I;, physician. WHITE J F, real estate, loans, in- ~ ~ ;tion with French :Mrs Inez II, millinery. surance, notary public. ~ ~ 1llrey Henry, carpenter. ASHCROFT. )cel'ics. Gilmorc' G :ill, restaurant. \4)Z j Ib, AL Gilmore ;r 1', groccries. Mining camp in Pitldn. county, 12: Graves It 0, blacksmith. miles south of Aspen. population 60. fi lcan mgr' Greene ]lj P, physician. Ashcroft Hotel, iII n Sweeney. ~ 'Pbad S Howland Hardware Co, F A How· Ashel'oft 'frout Hatchery, Robt ~ land mgI'. 1mng prop. [ J, 'l' C Hurs.t 'e C .Ir, pres Arvada- T.Jum· I.Jeahy .T M, justice peacc. ~ bel' Co. IVlcArthur Dan, postmaster and ~ .James Walter 1_, jeweler. ~ 'oller ed. sa10011. t: Illmknel' JUCHEM H J, groceries, flom & Sweeney ~i B, genl mdse. ~ feed. ,. l{elso B L, confect & notions. ASPEN. . ~ Knaf>p & Newton, real 0state, Aspen, the county seat of Pitkin? nfethodist Bpiscopnl Clnll'cll, Rev county, is situate.d 285 mnes west of Cooper pastor. DenvE.1' on the D. & n, G, and C. M, mayor. 1\liller .Juo 1..1, postmaster: Rys, Silver mining the leading indus­ Nlt ilIorrison lndcpendent (w), try. Population 1,834. Altitude 7.800 ate and feet. FJlectric lights, fire department, 'l'had S Sutton cd. good schools and churches, news­ l\Tountain States '11 & l' Co. !'oeeries·, papers, bank and stores, representing )1les, etc Muench Geo .I, meats. all classes of business. ~lnnal T 0, shoemaker. PIERCE MISS M F, millinery. ABBEY THE, Hawkins & Bascom Presbyterian Church, 11ev 1-1 S props, 208 S Galena. Benvis pastor. ADAIR JENNIE, lumber and & pool Hecht A ,T, dry goods & notions, kindling wood. Seott G S, hardware, blksmith, Adams ,T II, sup\; eity schools. Soath Alex Jr, barber. Argentum M Co, JJ Flynn supt. lek Co. .sit;nms 'rheo N, plumber. Aspcn Athletic Assn. ho DoC'C'e"'ich FixinTIr O COA ~~l~~i;:~~ewald T \\,j '"'~~ il lUI. '"" ... J. Dcsserich Designers and Manufacturers of Everything in Bank, Store and Office Fixtures \436.40 BLAKE STREET PHONE MAIN 4422 DENVER, COLORADO fIREPLACES ~ "flUNG []smmi [VJantel 11 'file Co. o 1652 TfllnlOnt PI•• Denver Ship Into Every Stato West of Millsourl Rlvor. Beauliful DC6Crh)tive Cataloguo on AIJll!icntion. Cvr. ______,,_8Po_~dcncoSolic~~,~~~~Pri:~B~ll_? QUick§:~i.~)!~_~~_t~, ASPEN 140 ASPEN oJ 0J u S ~ 0... The Hotel Jerome . 0 Mansor Elisha, F'rop~ \, \ E'" y 0 AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN i:L1 PLAN .9 ;'. ." European $1.00 and up w ~ :::>'" American $2.50 and up bo .S ASPEN '. - -" Q 'E- R >'" HER.MAN NELSON E=',1~'''i '""ii Agent for Coors Golrllen Beer '" (J i:t:'" Aspen Oolorado Leavc)' P }\., assaycr, Opera Honse 'rheatl'e, RUlltz & ;d Lor A lJ 0, physician. Bowman props. ,["Donald W II, prin highsehooL PATTEE MRS A, prop Collin, ~ i\[c Kec Iil S, ,jeweler, optician. Block, fllJ'nished rooms. McNEILL JOHN, civil engineer, l Pcrry G ViI Ilgt vV· li & Co an~ eonl1ty 8m·voyor. Il:< Globe J~xpl'ess Co. McPhee I~arlJ City trcns. Pratt \V S, eig'al's and confcety, ~ '";;.- ;\Inddcn :[\1 tT, saloon. Pl·illdlc G, elcrk District Court, Z Markle & Son a- c, blacksmiths. Rcd Butte Cemetery Assn, !Tno A Marolt li'l'unk, saloon. ~ Q Beck see. '". '" astcrs IT S, barboI'. Hctail l\Tel'ehunt,s Assll, .B 'V!Tcw. e.: "rehle IJohn, Haloon, ott pres. ~ "" 1 gJ ~Itn States 'r & '1 Ca, Howard HOBs I-I 1-1, police judge and justice ell Adams ox mgr. t::~ C") peace. , i\.lllgfur Studio, pohtogl'aphers. Howland A 13, harber. ~ C") 1\1 NELSON HERMAN agt Coors Hueker P '1', physician. l'o Golden 13eer. RUOKER THOMAS A, attorney ~ .... ['{yce Goo W, civil engineer. ------at law. PETER O'DmAN, C. E. ElJtnblhhed 187f1 PJ<:TF.R D'llmAN, Jl~" C. E, PETlElR O'!8lRNffiili\~ ~~ $O~n CONSULTING AND CONTRACTING ENGINEERS 1 I Water WOl'kll, ScweraR:C, UldlwaYlJ, hril{ution. m"ctric Light lind Pownr Suite 4ll3·406 Nail." B1dll"1 161b & L.rhller Stl, Plum. Mll.ll1. SZ61. DENVER, COLORADO -"""""",------

BrallB Railings, Kick Plates, Push Plates, Loafer Railing, Conlra:-tors' Special DraBs Worlt. Wo invite COl'l'ospondenco, with SpecificatIons. non( Pl•• J)lIInvcr ,Ioguo on AllPllcn.tlon. Cur­ •.~nto, TIlE SLACK·HORNER BRASS MFG. CO. 163B BLAKE STREET DENVER. COLORADO ASPEN AS1'EN 141 ATWOOD ii~i;;n):!J] ~. I'hone Aspen 8 P. O. Box 66 ~, -3 -~'~ WATT &. WARD r=-r4 ~''1 CHElVIISTS AND ASSAYERS 4'~~ 317 South lVIill Street Aspen, Colorado ~ L ------'------~-_.,--- --". ~ Hunt-l. Geo, !'lllloon, Veza Adolph D, restaurant, Sandcl's '1' R, jlu;ticc peacc. Vitali C, barber. Sarson Hufns, hill poster, hurncss, Wagnor Chas, tailor, mayor, '"ddO ~ 8,;r Sanlg'c C A, carpenter. Wallmark Alice, confectionery. o~~ Seallilin E 1\1, mining. Watt P S, county clerk. ~~p' ~~g, LSON Sehwartz H., cigars and confecty. WATT & WARD, assnyel's Ilnd S('_!lw!lrzcl Ilee, painter, o~O' chcmists, ~ g: ~ ~n Shaw HobCl't, hay, grain and coal, W clsch .I IT, carpentcr. o H Beer Yo ~~ farm implements. Whecler &- Co 0 13, cigars and ~"O SllieJd~ Robcrt, carpenter. confectionery. g;:l.~" Colorado Yo til 0 Shinnick D A, county treas. Wbite 0 H, novelty works. S·~ SilduH S I, fuel and feed, * ,~H~ \Villiams A E, dry goods, ;;l >-< S· Theatre, Runtr.& ,:;~ Smllrt 1\11'8 S, greenhouse. Wfttcr 1\1rs Delin, furn rooms. (\l props. Smit.h l\fal1ford W, real estate, ~ :J. P' Wright g D, mining, o " 0 ,IRS A, prop Collins Slllllg'glcl' Lcmdllg' Co, W "W Davis :::!.~ d I'llished rooms, ~ 8 8. SMULLING SHERlVI, veterinary o 0 ~ "~ ATWOOD. agt vV III & Co and X\ll'~con, livery, fecd and sale ~!=:.~ pl'CSS Co. Agricultural town and sugar b?ct WW' ,table. . ~¢ ..... rigal's and confecty. ;-';opl'is Nationall(lOl'cst, llno Mc­ loading station on the Union Pacific g~It ldcl'k District Court. railway in Logan county, 135 miles I,a I'cn HU pel'visor, east of Denver. Sugar beet raising S' " Cemctery Assn, J"110 A Siallard BrIga}', real BHtat.c and and stock feeding the leading indus­ ~>~ iIlHllJ'!lnce. tries. Population 200. S~p. 'hants Assn, E W- Jew-" Sullivnn l\Iichllcl, marshal. ~§~ JJnUcl'haugh 'V S, physician. ~ 0. ":rJ SlItphcn ]j} 0, cOlH;1;able. Cowec l\l 0, confect and cigars. fl ~ ~ 'urniture. SWlIllHon IIno 13, shoes, grocer. Fish Benjamin, insurance. g g.c7Q' SW{'('IICY .I W, hardwarc and ~cc- ~ll's ~ s, blaekflmiths. }l'ish ]IJ nIB, postmaster, ::J til ond hand goods, ~ ~ )l'k Ele(·tric & Power V'ish M IV[, hot.el & livcry, g. 'l'IIg'PI't Wm 0, fuel & feed, livery, ~ C Brown pros. ll--'ish N 0, auctionecr, live stock. f:lj g 'I'IHllllIlS VVlIl, cigars Hnd conredy, ~"~~ ~. 11')' C, aUy at law. GHlTey B D, carpenter, % TO M KI NS HARDWARE CO ~ Geo Ij;, postmaster, I-Iandleman Sam, ;jnnk, 0"!Jl THE LEWIS H, W H Foutz Indcpcll(lent 'rcl Co, W Ii' COVeI'M ~.~ '"d )()liee judge and justice tl'(~nH and mgr. dell mgr. t:l ~ ~ 'l'owwwnd lUehard, cigars lind Imlllon C G, agt. UP and'B & 1\1 co. () B, barber. l:l 0 c; eon fectiol1cry. ltys & Amcrican Exp. ;J ~ ~ " physician. 'I'wining' W H,.physician, , l\fcthoc1ist Episcopal Church, Hev ~'"i ~ ..... THOlVIAS A, attol'ney l~llion 11'011 \Vorks & 1\Taelnue PD Griffin pastor. 0-"0 rn <+ Nhops, .Toseph Mellor prop. l\leycr.s .r F', plastcrcr, ,oZP'~ aJ PETER O'DmAN, Jlt" C. E. COAL TAR PRODUCTS Coal Tar, Roofing, Pitch, Tarred SON Mnnufncturcd by Felt, Creosote Oil, Tar Paints, lEERS TUE DENVER GAS & ELECTRIC LIGHT CO!IPANY Roof Paints, Etc. lht and POWnl' DENVER, COLORADO