The Daily Egyptian, April 28, 2003

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The Daily Egyptian, April 28, 2003 Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 2003 Daily Egyptian 2003 4-28-2003 The Daily Egyptian, April 28, 2003 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 88, Issue 146 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 2003 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 2003 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MONDAY »··--1A.·-- N-· - _ 1 AILY Eay.p 'F-:~. _-. .. -_ ... D ., WWW.DAl;~YEGYPTIAN .COM APRIL 28, -2003 Student· ·found·. after appar~nt suicide_ •25--year--old's body -found· in Giant City State Park Thursday Greg Cima Daily Egyptian -An SIUC student's body was discovcrcd Thursday · morning :i.ftcr wlut authorities arc calling an apparent suicide. C. C:uiano, 25, 303 West College St., was report­ edly found <lead by a hunter ~ong Campground Road in Giant City • . • . .· . ,. ~ . • . , . .• .. MAR'Y Col..LJ~ -. DAILY Earlll'TIAH St:UcP:idc:C- ____ . · . SgL Benjamin Ragan, of the _Illinois National Ciua~d in Marion;·helps·~thy Williams•;second.and'.third.grade clasil'at.Giant City· · Casiano died of asphyxiation . School load up the school supplies they donate~ for_childrenjrLAfghanistab:'-Ragan~sunit-assisted in the collecting of'suppliefl'na·ay · mer·repomdly-·-.1achlng a-fiose~· - and delivered them to Magic 95 radio statfon so that Pat Benton could deliver t~efl!_to Mississippi.... · to his exhaust pipe and feeding it · through a window. · Officiili at the Jackson County Sheriff's Office were nor able to release any information Sundly Locals help out· Afghan. children and said the incident is still under imi::stigation. After a little inspiration from Se\'cn soldiers from· the Illinois arc more or less just_ writing in the Ranise Ruggeri, Casiano's girl- Organizations radio personality P:it Benton, teachers Natiorul Gumi in Marion hdpcd get dirt.~ friend for about se\'cn months, said and their sn1dents, as well as prople thesuppliesfromdotutionsitesacross After hearing that, the 17 stu- shedidnotnoticcanythingwrong collect supplies :ill over southern Illinois, arc sharing the region to Benton, who would take dents put on tJ.m rain jackets and when he left her home the night a piece of the American dream with them to Jackson, l\liss., where they filled their arms with the supplies the before. for Afghan youth the prople ot Afghanistan.. · would be loaded on an military plane school had collected. They took them •Da,.-c told me going to and sent to Afghanistan.. outside in the pouring rain and load-: get beer,• Ruggeri said. •He left Kristina Hermdobler Getting Started For one of them, Sgt. Benjamin ed the 27 sacks into the Humvee.>·.:, here \\1th a smile on his &cc. He Daily Egyptian All it took was an e-mail from Ragan, 27, a regular day on the job •Thatthinglooksliki:aHummer,• · 'didn'tC\'Cllgi\"Cmeakissgoodbyc. Benton's son, Kelley. to get the Magic turned into a game of show and tdl.. shouted one boy as he approached It just weird." A glance into Cathy \Vtlliams' School House rolling. Kelley wrote · Ragan. who will be promoted to the ,-chicle. Ruggeri S:lid the couple had classroom at Giant City· School in his dad from Afghanistan, where -· recruiting officer today, will h.r.-c an "It is a Hummer," Ragan told him seen "The String Cheese Incident" Carbondale would =-cal a wonder- he is serving as part of Operation· e:uier job when the students at Giant while tl)ing to hold back a chuckle at_ e2rlier in the e\'cning, and they had land of excitement to some children. Enduring Freedom, and asked for his City Consolidated School get old the boy'.s excitement. decided to stay in for the night. But to others, the half doun hdp and getting the Afghan schools enough to join the Army.At least that The r.1i11 was coming dmm hard, _ ·Ruggeri said she was still w:iit- computcrs, miniature desks, hanging equipped for the students who study is what they told him when he arm"Cd so the students ran back into the ing for him and wondering what dccorntions and a child-size library in them. there in a cargo Hwm,:e. school building and_ Ragan· secured wrong at 4 a.m. She S:lid she of books simply looks like a place Benton didn't hesitate to accept The students were excited to sec the supplies· and .t09k coyer- in the knew something was wrong when to stud)~ the mission on behalf of his listen- Ragan in his uniform and they quick- front seat of the Humvee where the she dro\-c by his house and did not But Williams' students arc learn- crs. And after a two-week radio ly infonnoo him about the soldier in rain~ poured in: .. : :. ,' •·... sec his truck. ing how lucky they _arc to have so campaign on his morning show, "The Iraq whom they "adopted" and send Ragan had more. supplies to pick "The next morning, I went many fun ways to learn. Cdebration of Life• on l\bgic 95.1, letters to. His pkture was on the ,v:ill up, so he. headed on in_ the'le:iky looking for him,. and went look- \Villiams, along with teachers all they pulled through. at the front of the classroom. Hummer, pbcing;'an·· empty' rup · ing for him, and dro\-c all around, over southern Illinois, talked to her On Fridly, a U-Haul truck sat When \Villiams . asked Ragan between his legs to 'collec_t the iliiP,: :. :;-_and called policcstations,-RUAt,-cri students about children just like them in the · parking lot of the Zimmer to explain why he was there. to ping ,v:itcr. He\-::: ::_~said. ~ called ho~pbls. I went to who l.r."C in far away lands such as Radio Group in C:utcnille waiting pick up supplies for the children in enough, so he took~cm~~at a pay:;,> :;the h0$J>i~ in Carbondale. I went Afghanistan where yc·.u-s ofwarlu,-c to be_ filled up with donated school Afghanistan, hr. told them, "The h}~the-minute or. was~ where he;: ·: to the liquor store to try to look at left ~ans with ~Of! nothing. supplies.::-. ~ . -: _, ._. • ; · conditio~ there arc· different. They See SUPPLIES, page 1 o_ :;_· ·.. ,ideo ~cc and no one had ,- .. '"'• .. ·-.~:-\f.·t~.~ .. ~·=· ·--· ' ·.. - ~-- -~~ -:_~:•::r .. _..'._, __ :~:··_-,:: _... -~~ _(,.. -~ ' West TeleserviCes·aosing; 180 withoufjQ~S\ :;~?FJ· Katie Davis · location in Illinois'. · he said. _ · _ community members,- he said. er this summet - .. _, . , · . Daily Egyptian West rcprcsentati,"CS could not be "This entire thing is . a major ~ fed bad some many people She said \'Ct}"_Smart a,nJ reached for comment this weekend. busine1.s decision West is making will be without jobs: _ . w:is _interested in art, tr.r.-cling, One hundred-eighty · students Last week, the supervisor for the corpor:1tdy: · -Linehan _said . he: hopes to_ see • corr:putez: engineering, .computer,. and _community me:nbcrs will Carbondale West -location denied . _The Carbondale office has West, which h:u been bll)ing and animation and dcctrical cnginccr- be without jobs May 9 when alleg-.itions of the business's closing exp1:rien~i:<l a _decline in_ its · busi- devdoping businesses l,atdy, b_ack in ing.. , ... _ -... - . · - •: .. , • West Tcleservices Corp. closes its and refused further comment.. ness since it peak a few 'ye:u: !gt:', Carbondal~ : · ' ' ·:· -- . •o:l\"C : IO\"Cd to . dream,~- : Carbondale location. Employees John A. Linehan, cxerutive in which it employed more than 500 •we have an excellent relation- Ruggeri said. "For some reason, were delivered pink slips and two director of the Carbond~e Business · people, Linehan saiJ. .. ship with West,- he said. · t:\'Cf'j. mo~• when· we· would week notices Friday. DC\'Clopmcnt Corp., said the tde- Its biggest rustomcr was AT&T's •we hope. to conyincc them to wake up. he would tell me about \Vest, a communications firm marketing industry is going through Win Back progr.un, which aimed to use. the community and available · his dreams. He had the .coolest headquartered in Omaha, Neb., a change, due partially to new regu- regain long distance service custom- workforce to their advantage: · dreams you could ever inugine. • ., with 34 locations nationwide, has lations shifting business overseas. ers. · · ' · • · - ' · ·. · been in operation for around 17 years. The Carbondale office, which in ~~f:~!~:i: !;~: ~=~ ·em;~irs ";:\;:,-~ t:emz:;, . Rr1:z:'[/;::J;]:;1 .~::::d:i·--·- '/./-·:;{ _':'pencd in 1998, was the only ~~t going through some majorchangt'.S; employed·~· sµbstantial number ~f · ' ~dail)'Cg)'ptbn.eotn ::-~dail)-cg)]'~m ,, ,-}~ ·· ·:,.··. PACE 2 • MONDAY APRIL 28 2003 DAILY EGYPTIAN NE\11S NATION.AL NEWS April i~-: Sexual Assault Awareness· ~onth Army spokesman for White. Rumsfeld fired In his brief written statement Friday, Rumsfeld tersely 6:30.PM ;·1 Tuesday, April 29 secretary Thomas White thanked White for his "long and able selVice to the ij Speak-out, Poetry Reading, Art Happening countty.' He said White's departure date had not yet \i Back Room at Longbranch Coffeehouse WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. been determined, according to the Associated Pr~ q (JOO East Jackson, Carbondale). Rumsfeld fired Army Secretarylhomas White, whose I: Bring your expressions concerning sexual violence. tenure as civilian chief of the military's largest service Heston to step·down· (' Gather together to explore the thoughts and feelings was marked by tensions with his boss, a Pentagon of­ 1 ficial said Saturday. from, NRA post V 1J resulting from the trauma of sexual violence and those A brief Pentagon statement late Friday announcing ;1 that accompany healing, such as self-discovery, the resignation, which came from Rumsfeld's office, .
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