
3,446 1,904 Waterfowl 6,679 291 Herptiles 5,632 Donors 7,756 Clients 405 Cities 65 Counties

247 admits 205 admits 284 admits 995 admits JANUARY * FEBRUARY * MARCH * APRIL Cedar Waxwing White-breasted Eastern Whip-poor-will American Goldfinch Red-bellied Woodpecker Short-tail Shrew European Starling March brings us our first nursery patients of the year. Bullsnake Big Brown Bat N. Flying Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Black-capped Chickadee Common Grackle American Beaver Rail Hairy Woodpecker Ruby-crowned Rock Pigeon House Sparrow Typically the first baby Eastern Song Sparrow American Robin Mink White-throated Sparrow Redbelly Grey , Red and Our first Songbird Nursery patients Brown Creeper Common Garter Snake N. Leopard Lincoln’s Sparrow Eastern Cottontails are admitted arrive in April. Bufflehead Siskin White-tailed Deer this month. This year our first patients were Rock Gray Tree Frog Hermit Dark-Eyed Junco More than 500 people Fox Sparrow Doves, Mourning Doves and Pine Siskins. Meadow Vole Eastern Bluebird enjoyed our annual open Ring-necked Pheasant American Little Brown Myotis Pied-billed Grebe Muskrat Eastern Cottontail Tiger Salamander house in 2019. Tundra Plains Pocket Gopher American Tree Sparrow White-footed Mouse Purple Finch Norway Rat Sandhill Crane Swainson’s Thrush Wild Turkey Killdeer House Finch American Crow We’ll see you on Sunday, Common Raven Belted Kingfisher American Toad House Mouse Feb. 2nd, 2020! Eastern Northern Flicker Southern Flying Wood Silver-haired Bat Trumpeter Swan Squirrel Western Painted Sora The first baby cottontails were admitted on April 5, a Virginia American Coot Yellow-Rumped Warbler bit later than usual. We admitted 3,068 bunnies and Red-winged Blackbird Our first Red Fox kit of the year successfully reunited 467 of them. Cedar Waxwing Downy Woodpecker Bobcat was admitted March 4.

2,820 admits 3,270 admits 2,610 admits 2,338 admits MAY JUNE JULY * AUGUST * Chipping Sparrow Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pileated Woodpecker Green Heron Northern Rough-winged Swallow Yellow-throated Vireo Herring Gull Black-and-white Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Scarlet Tanager Wood Turtle Eastern Phoebe Chimney Swift Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Double-crested Cormorant Our annual gala remains our Ovenbird Blackpoll Warbler False Map Turtle Eastern Red-headed Woodpecker largest fund raiser. Ring-necked Pheasant Gray-cheeked Thrush Red-eyed Vireo Hoary Bat Purple Martin Eurasian Collared-Dove Franklin’s Gull Save the date: Blue-headed Vireo Tree Swallow Blanding’s Turtle Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle Broad-winged Hawk Great Crested Flycatcher Saturday, August 8, 2020. Snapping Turtle Magnolia Warbler Great Blue Heron Veery Great Horned Red Bat Brown-headed Cowbird Mourning Warbler Striped Eastern Mole Golden-winged Warbler Nashville Warbler Tennessee Warbler Canada Warbler Eastern Kingbird Wood Turtle Northern Waterthrush Porcupine 13-lined Ground Squirrel Northern Map Turtle Cooper’s Hawk Barn Swallow Cliff Swallow Least Flycatcher Pileated Woodpecker WRC Gala Red-necked Grebe Common Loon Short-tailed Weasel The week of June 16, Chestnut-sided Warbler Common Yellowthroat Woodchuck Ruby-throated Hummingbird Hooded Merganser Yellow-billed Cuckoo 2019 is the busiest White-tailed Jackrabbit Wilson’s Warbler Traill’s Flycatcher week in our Baltimore Oriole Yellow Warbler 40-year history: Brown Thrasher Black-billed Cuckoo May is always 938 patients House Wren Common Nighthawk one of our admitted! Yellow-throated Vireo Redheaded Woodpecker Ring-billed Gull Indigo Bunting busiest months. Eastern Fox Squirrel

1,220 admits 520 admits 301 admits Our 40th Anniversary List SEPTEMBER * OCTOBER * NOVEMBER * The species are listed by the month that the first of its kind came through our Olive-sided Flycatcher Golden-crowned Kinglet Rough-legged Hawk We had a record-breaking Give to doors, and they are in order of admittance American Redstart September Swamp Sparrow Ring-necked Duck the Max Day (GTMD) this year. for that month. A patient phenology, if you will. Western Fox Snake Passed 13,333 Eastern Towhee More than 700 of you donated American White Pelican White-crowned Sparrow raising nearly $68,000 + $45,000 For example, even though we admitted several Yellow-bellied Marsh Wren Palm Warbler in matching gifts. Thank you! Sapsuckers (27), the first one of the year was admitted in January so that’s Horned Lark where you’ll find the listing. It’s fascinating that at least one new species was Ruddy Duck Male Ring-necked Duck Black-throated Green Warbler admitted every month of the year.

On September 11, a mallard There were some big milestones this year: hen was patient #13,334. Most patients in history (we may break 15,000!) Why is this remarkable? 183 different species (as of 12/9/2019) Her admit surpassed last Eight months broke historical monthly re- cords and are indicated in red and by the *. year’s record total admissions of 13,333! We’ll add December to this listing after the first of the year. Golden-crowned Kinglet