Native & Naturalized Shoreland Plantings for New Hampshire
Native Shoreland/Riparian Buffer Plantings for New Hampshire* * This list is referenced in Env-Wq 1400 Shoreland Protection as Appendix D Common Growth Light Soil Associated Birds and Mammals Latin Name Height Rooting Habitat Name(s) Rate Preference Preference (Cover, Nesting or Food) and Food Value Trees American Basswood Rich woods, valleys, Wildlife: Pileated woodpecker, wood duck, Medium-Large Full/Part Shade (American Linden) Tilia americana Moderate Deep Moist gentle slopes other birds; deer, rabbit, squirrel 60-100’ or Full Sun Food: Seeds, twigs Wildlife: Blue jay, chickadees, nuthatches, quail, ruffed grouse, tufted titmouse, wild Fagus Medium-Large Full/Part Shade Rich woods, turkey, wood duck, woodpeckers; bear, American Beech Slow Shallow Dry or Moist grandifolia 60-90’ or Full Sun well-drained lowlands chipmunk, deer, fox, porcupine, snowshoe hare, squirrel Food: Nuts, buds, sap Wildlife: Downy woodpecker, mockingbird, American purple finch, ring-necked pheasant, rose- Ostrya Small Full/Part Shade Hophornbeam Slow Shallow Dry or Moist Rich woods breasted grosbeak, ruffed grouse, wild turkey, virginiana 20-40’ or Full Sun wood quail; deer, rabbit, squirrel (Ironwood) Food: Nuts, buds, seeds Rich woods, forested Wildlife: Quail, ruffed grouse, wood duck; American Hornbeam Carpinus Small/Shrubby Full/Part Shade Dry, Moist, Flood (Blue Slow Moderate wetlands, ravines, beaver, deer, squirrel caroliniana 20-40’ or Full Sun Tolerant Beech/Musclewood) streambanks Food: Seeds, buds Wildlife: Bluebird, brown thrasher, catbird, American
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