Native Shoreland/Riparian Buffer Plantings for New Hampshire
Native Shoreland/Riparian Buffer Plantings for New Hampshire* * This list is referenced in Env-Wq 1400 (Shoreland Protection) as Appendix D Associated Birds and Mammals Common Growth Soil Latin Name Height Rooting Light Preference Habitat (Cover, Nesting or Food) Name(s) Rate Preference and Food Value Trees Wildlife: Pileated woodpecker, wood Rich woods, American Basswood Medium-Large Full/Part Shade duck, other birds; deer, rabbit, Tilia americana Moderate Deep Moist valleys, (American Linden) 60-100’ or Full Sun squirrel gentle slopes Food: Seeds, twigs Wildlife: Blue jay, chickadees, nuthatches, quail, ruffed grouse, Rich woods, tufted titmouse, wild turkey, wood Fagus Medium-Large Full/Part Shade or Dry or American Beech Slow Shallow well-drained duck, woodpeckers; bear, chipmunk, grandifolia 60-90’ Full Sun Moist lowlands deer, fox, porcupine, snowshoe hare, squirrel Food: Nuts, buds, sap Wildlife: Downy woodpecker, mockingbird, purple finch, ring- American Ostrya Small Full/Part Shade Dry or necked pheasant, rose-breasted Hophornbeam Slow Shallow Rich woods virginiana 20-40’ or Full Sun Moist grosbeak, ruffed grouse, wild turkey, (Ironwood) wood quail; deer, rabbit, squirrel Food: Nuts, buds, seeds Dry, Rich woods, American Hornbeam Wildlife: Quail, ruffed grouse, wood Carpinus Small/Shrubby Full/Part Shade or Moist, forested (Blue Slow Moderate duck; beaver, deer, squirrel caroliniana 20-40’ Full Sun Flood wetlands, ravines, Beech/Musclewood) Food: Seeds, buds Tolerant streambanks Wildlife: Bluebird, brown thrasher, Forested catbird,
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