VOL. XXXVI. NO. 17 PHILLIPS, M AINE, TH U RSD AY. NOVEM BER 20, 1913 PRICE 4 CENTS TRUNK HIGHWAY found to be a feasible plan. ents received from their friends The trunk highjway in Franklin THANKSGIVING f,or which they extend their thank®: TAKE FIVE BEING SURVEYED county has been, determined upon Bedspread^ lo sheotSy 10 pillow by the state Highway Cojrumissiouer, While everyi day is a Thanksgiv­ cases, quilt, dinner set, % dozen DEER HOME reports W- L. Butler, who was in ing day to the Christian, it is well knives and forks and $25, Mr. and Route Being Laid Out Will Avoid Augusta last week. It wiU come that theie should be an annual' day- Mrs. Cyrus Young; silver -siuigjar from Liverrnore Falls through Jay, set apart for gleuerai national shell and butter knife, Mr- and Mrs. Bad Hills. Wilton and Farmington and so on to Thaukj (giving. There are so many Denis Nile, Rangeley; sofa pillow, Pope and Party Have Successful Rangeley. of us whoi might otherwise forget Roberta Nile; pickle dish, Colon Hunting Trip. 3fa young men, M- E. Jewell, Her- There has been no contest on this ■how1 naauy things there are for whic Nile; four piece table set, Mr. and snon, Me.; Forarit P. Kingsbury, route, but the approach to Liver­ we should be thankful and a still Mrs. Edmund Phillips; picture, Dais Brewer; L. S. Crosby, Aurora, Me.; more Falls from/ Auburn is still greater number who might forget to Phillip®; rocker„ mirror„ stand, Mr- Guy Pope of Danvers, Mass., Harold W- H. Carnes, Bangor; W- E. under oonsiderati-on and is being! whom! they should bo thankful. We feather bed and pillows, Mrr- Julia and two friends, Mess. s. Putnam, and Southard, Bangor; Mr- and four fellows suspected of intentions Our Thanksgiving) should not be Mrs. David) Morgan; pair linen One of the best all around fishing and hunting camps in the Rangeleys. of entering a certain house at Lon­ Lake, Pond and Stream fishing, all near the camps. The five mile river the mere utterance of the lip. The towels, Feme Gould; linen towel, donderry, N. H-, and taking there­ affords the best of fly-fishing. Camps with or without bathroom. thankful heart is not/ content to ex­ Mr. and Mrs- Georgi© True; linen For particulars write for free circular to from a large hum) of money, includ­ press itself in words. We show towels,, Philomene Bourque, Florenc GAPT. E. F. GOBURN, MIDDLEDAM, MAINE ed Howard. It is said that Fitz­ our gratitude to God in the best Toothaker and Harriet Wells; cent­ gerald would have be^n of the num­ XX way ,by our deeds of mercy- It wall erpiece, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dyer; ber but was held back by the en­ Jill III I a kindly thing that Christ did in whislk broom and holder, Mrs. Rand treaties of his wife who had over­ making the poor his representa­ Harnden; lantern, four boys; $1.00 heard the plans talked -oyer. SEASON OF 1913 tives. He reminded us that they Jeremiah Kennedy; $2.00, Mr. and are ever with us and whomsoever Individal Camps, Rock Fire-places, Fly and Bait Fishing, Lake and Mrs- Wallace Virgin; 50 cents; Ben­ we will, we may- do them good, and STATE OF MAINE SONG Stream and Catch Trout. Telephone. Write for Booklet. Daily Mail. jamin Savage; $150, Carl Whorff; He promises to recognize the kind* 50 cents, Harry Reynolds; 25 cents, JULIAN K. VILES t SON, neFis to them as service rendered Mark Perking; 25 cents,, Lucy Maine Woods has received from TIM, FRANKLIN CO., MAINE to himself- Thus the act of benevo Berry; cream ladle, Cassi© Nile. the Underwood Music Co., Portland, lence brings a triple return. The a copy of the song, “ State of Main©, recipient benefits and rejoices; the My State of Maire,” ,by George Thornton EdwardL This song was The most wonderful hunting in Maine is on the y giver learns, as, he learns in no HARNDEN AND other way, how/ glad his own heart written several years ago and sung BLAKESLEE PRESERVE OF 30,000 ACRES. ? at reunions of several Maine Clubs- We guarantee you a shot at a deer. Birds are more numerous than can be made; and Christ looks on HARDY SHOOT ever before. If you want real hunting, write Y with approval and say® to us: “In­ The music was th-^n set to an old JOE WHITE, Eustis, Maine, for booklet and particulars. % asmuch as ye did it unto them, ye German ai-r. Mr* Edwards has re­ Skinner. Maine after October 1. X did it unto me ” Should not thi's Although D. T. Harnden, engineer cently set the words to original triple incentive stir every Christ­ on the Phillips & Rangeley railroad had music and made it an inspiring been off on a two weeks’ vacation and ian heart to kind deeds7 State song. kept his eye out for game more or less THE SEASON FOR Is there any family needing aid during that time, it was not his good in our neighborhood? Is there any fortune to be the hunter unli EAST MADRID BIG GAME SHOOTING one to whom1 this Thanksgiving] day Monday night of this week. seems like a mockery, by rev on In company with Willis E. Hardy, the of poverty or affliction7 There is mail carrier, he went to the Pearson Nov. 17. ' * IN MAINE farm at No. 6 and early in the evening A Sunday school was organize^ the opportunity foir winning a triple brought down the game. We under­ Is rapidly approaching and the prospects for a most reward. The day demands, our stand Messrs. Harnden and Hardy are last Sundayi to run through ihi® fall successful season in that mecca for all deer hunters, the gifts and our thoughtful! ^onf lidera- partners in the spike horn they ob­ and winter. Supt, N. D. Wing; tion, and it should not pass without tained. It is a good sized animal. asst, supt- Mrs. Cora Wheeler; sec­ Rangeley and Dead River Region the performance of ®o-me act by retary, Mrs. Ralph McLaughlin; treasurer, Mrs. George Gould; organ­ was never better. which) we show, in practical fashion RUSSELL’S MILL our own gratitude for the m*erci8S ist, Mias Uennie Wjheel-er. The A postal card addressed to the undersigned will bring God has conferred upon us. i : Nov. 17. teachers) will be chosen -next Sunday. you full information contained in our booklet HUNTING. Be yie thankful, Mrs. Margaret Mitchell has been It is hoped! there Wiil-1 be a good Weston P. Holman- visiting at Aaron Marden’s the pa] tt attendance aid winter. F. N. BEHIv, G. P. R., Phillips, Maine. Royal Scribner of Stratton ia week* WEDDING RECEPTION Mr- and Mrs. J- B- Holley of Fair­ working at Barnjumi and boarding banks called on relatives in Rus­ with his sister, Mrs. Anna, Frazer- BACKWOODS SKETCHES On Saturday evening, November sell’s mill recently. -Fern Gould wa® home from' Phil­ (By JOHN FRANCIS SFRAGUE) 1, ofver 100 of the friend® of Mr. An organ ho® lately been instal­ lips la^ta Sunday. and Mrs. Fred A. Kennedy gathered led in the Eichoclhiouse by C- W. Ray L- Welts was a guest in Avon Just off the press. at Wilbur HaJH for their wedding Nortota of Farmington- An enter­ last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Jennie Wheel-er closed a very A breezy and entertaining book for Sportsmen reception. The evening wajs pleas­ tainment will be given .by the antly passed playing games and school Wednesday -evening, Novem­ successful terra of school last Fri­ and Nature Lovers* Price $1.00 post paid. dancing. During the evening the ber 26- The proceeds are to goI to­ day at Berni® and has returned home- j. - . S«ad your orders to bost and hostess served rsfrerlh' wards paying for the organ. Every­ ments of -candy atad peanuts- on e is cordially invited to at­ J. H. Welts was in/ Madrid a few J. W. BRACKETT CO., Phillips, Maine Following is a list of the pres* tend. ’ • i. days last week. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, NOVEMBER 20, 1913

ed the entire bottom of the pool sev­ hap. I hope never to have and If you find 12 gauge guns and loads' eral times without finding anything LiveNewsNoies should I feel my nterves w^akeai I From fhe Hunting shall discontinue the shooting.” too heavy *and a bit slow in an all-day At length, worn out, they climbed out and Shooting world hunt, just get this splendid new on the bank lo rest. “I’m afraid it’s no use,” growled CANADIAN WOMEN COURAGEOUS Morton, disconsolately. “The stuff AND PROFICIENT IN BIG Vlarlin may be there, but we’ll never find it GAME HUNTING. M Er The Safest Breech-Loading this way. Groping around in that CHAMPIONSHIP WINNER SWEEP Gun Built. 16-Ga. Hammerless black mud is like hunting for a needle FIELD AT ARIZONA STATE > Repeating in a hay-stack.” SHOOT. In the last few mouths the call For snipe, quail, partridge, woodcock, Shotgun— Haskins did not reply for a moment. of the wild has made itself more squirrels, rabbits, etc., it has the penetration When he spoke his words seemed a deeply felt among society women and power of the 12-gauge without the weight. 24.50 With but one bird missed, J. F. $ trifle irrelevant. It’s a light, quick gun of beautiful proportions, superb­ Cants, Jr.„ of Diego*, Cal-, won than ever before. Canada is draw­ ‘I’ve been thinking,” he observed, ly balanced, with every up-to-date feature: HamtnerleM; Send 3c post- *"^» the State Championship. Medal ing its quota of titled women who Solid Steel Breech.inside as well as out; Solid Top; Side age for complete “.that we have been a bit hasty in Ejection; Matted Barrel; 6 Quick Shots: Press-Button catalog of all Marlin Evienit, breaking 40 targets out of are crack shots and fishermen. Egyp Cartridge Release; Automatic Hang-Fire Safety Device; repeating rides and shotguns. jumping at conclusions. Simply be­ Double Extractors; Take-Down; Trigger and Hammer and the desert are vying with India f f l a r l i / i firea rm s Co., a possible 50 with g, Remington Safety. It’s just the gun you want 1 cause the diamond was inside a fish hunting grounds. But the real ZQatZut 12-gouge hammerless repeater, $22.60 33 Willow St., New Haven, Conn. we took it for granted that the treas­ pump gun ajt the three day Arizona Mecca of the womaoi who dares to ^..■■■■■.iiim iim iin illllllllHllllllHIIIIIHIIIIlllllllllllllllllHIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIlllHHIHllHHHIHIIIIIIIHUllltlHIIHI ure had been sunk in the water, with­ State Tournament, held October 23- risk her life at the shooting game out considering any other possibility. 25, on the ground'll of th*e Pastime plunder.” He stopped and looked at If the thieves sunk their plunder in Gun Club at Tucson. Mr. Cants, is South Africa. FISHERMAN'S LUCK his companion excitedly. the brook they certainly did so in such shooting the same arm, w,as high, Ther© she can. find anything to “Take it easy, Charley,” Morton ad­ a way that they would be able to re­ on the winning two man team, led shoot at from a hare to a hippopota­ By Wilder Anthony monished, smiling at his friend’s en­ cover it. It must have been in a box the entire field on the full three mus. And, st ange to say, it is thusiasm. “You seem to forget that or bag of some kind. If so, how did days’ program, 411 out of 430, and to this country that the majority (Written for Maine Woods) we are in a big country. Even if this your trout get that diamond? The With practised fingers Jack Morton also Recorded the meet’s, long run of the women are going. Some of diamond is a part of the Hadley treas­ robbery was committed only three opened and cleaned the trout, after­ of 102 straight. The professional them have been in, the wilds many ure there’s not one chance in a hun months ago: not time enough for a ward dropping each one into a large lO-ug run was made bv K. C. Reed, times and have made eniviable names dred of our locating the rest of it. stout bag or box to rot and break pan at his elbow. It was supper time breaking 92 straight with a Rem­ for themselves as hunters. These woods are about sixty miles open down there in the water. That and Jack’s appetite, always a good one, ington pump gu,n and Arrqw speed square and the brook that this trout is, alwaj's supposing that the treas­ Lady Clavering is one w ho heads was growing keener every moment. He shells. .With this same perfect came from is several miles long. It is ure is really liere. The diamond might the lift of daring shots. She haa gave a grunt of satisfaction as he s Looting combination Mr- Reed cap­ worth trying, however. W e have a have been dropped into the brook shot the Hon, the rhinoceros* and picked up the last fish, and, with a clue to work on, at least.” He paused years ago for all we know to the con­ tured high professional average on hippopotamus with equal skill and slash of his knife, opened it. As he and thought intently for a few mo­ trary. 4 However, I’ll admit that it all targets,, ^coring 5S6 out of 630.. bravery, taking the same chances did so something tinkled on the stones ments. does seem reasonable to believe that at his feet. Curiously he stooped and as men have in the field, and having it is a part of the Hadley loot, and 1, BURNS RISKS LIFE 1,2000 TIMES lifted the small, round object, glancing “You see,” he resumed, “I caught the (.anie number of thrilling es­ d a i l y - at it idly for an instant. Then regard­ that trout in a pool just a little above for one, am going to hunt on dry land capes. . J Tor a while." Getting to his feet, he less of his soiled hands, he rubbed it Powers’ Dam; I remember him dis­ The element of risk to the worn* wandered off down the bank. Standing before the rifle of a vigorously on his shirt-sleeve and scru­ tinctly because he’s the largest in the an can well be understood when, it lot. Now a trout couldn’t have climb­ Morton sat still and watched him sharpshooter who fires within a tinized it carefully a second time. is realized that the average black ed over that twenty-foot dam; he abstractedly. A squirrel in a tree di­ quarter of an inch of the body may “Holy smoke!” he breathed. “Char­ throw's chivalry to the winds, looks must have come from above. W e may rectly over his head began to chatter ley! Oh, Charley!” he called to the tall, be a thrilling pastime but when it be reasonably sure of that much, at noisily. The sound irritated him and after his own hide in a pinch, and broad-shouldered young man who was is done to llie tune of 1 000 to 1,200 any rate. Furthermore, I don’t think he picked up a stone to throw at the bolts the in. tant real trouble looms building a fire a short distance away. sbots daily the experience would that he picked up the diamond very little eormentor. As he looked up he up on the hunting ground- Charley Haskins rose from his seem to be rather too interesting long ago. I remember reading some­ noticed, for the first time a huge bun­ knees. “Yes, what is it?” he retorted for comfort, Such, however, is Th© success of several women where that if a fish swallows anything dle of leaves and twigs perched on a “This confounded fire . . .” the regular “two-a-day” stunt of hunters in Africa and the praiss of a hard, indigestible nature it will, limb directly over the pool. Sudden­ “Never mind the fire. Come here Frank Burns, who with James Mc- they* won from their masculine in course of time, become covered ly an idea flashed into his head; in quick!” ordered his companion. “Look friends upon their return, to Eng­ with a kind of film and adhere to some another instant he was climbing the Cree is now appearing in vaude­ at that!” he exclaimed excitedly, as land has had its effect, and sev­ part of the stomach. This stone was tree like a madman. Paying no atten­ ville throughout the country. * Haskins drew near, and extended a eral large parties are now- on their perfectly loose and bright. Yes, there’s tion to the squirrel, which scolded When seen by* a reporter recently, grimy, blood-stained hand. way to the African plains and jung­ a slim chance of our finding the spoL angrily, he crept out on the limb to as they completed their fir tj a,ct in Haskins looked closely at what it where the stuff is hidden. It must be its nest. Thrusting his hand inside it. which the shooting of a minute ptipe les, contained. “Good heavens!” he ejac­ very near, if not in, the brook itself. he grinned exultantly. Next he lifted stem from between the lips of the At home women have gone in for ulated. “If it isn’t— it surely must be To-morrow, if you like, we’ll have a the nest bodily and dropped it to Iht mobile Burns, and the rapid destruc­ horsemanship this year as rarely ia a diamond, and a big one, too!” He try for it. Now, let’s get supper. I’m ground, hastily scrambling after it. tion of a series of sail balls ad­ the past. The fact that the horse gazed at his friend in astonishment. devilish hungry.” When Haskins returned after a is so popular in the royal family “You’re right, it is.” Morton con­ orning the head of the same target fruitless search along the bank he has had touch' to do with/ this— curred. “That is, it’s a diamond if I At daylight the next morning the are feature , McCree discussed his found his friend seated on the ground Fronr Prairie Farmer, Canada. ever saw one. I can hardly believe it two young men left their little camp art. near a pile of broken sticks and dead though, even yet. I never thought and set forth up the brook. Upon ar­ “ Are you never afraid that you ' leaves. His lap was half full .of ton. when I hooked that trout that I was riving at Powers’ Dam, Morton point­ will fa’lter in your aim?” from the A TRAINED NURSE CHAMPION bank-notes and by his side Idy a little pulling in a small fortune. I won­ ed to a deep, dark pool shadowed by DEER HUNTER OF THE SEA­ canvas sack, its open mouth disclosing questioner was anstvered in the der . . .?” He broke off and eager­ an overhanging rock. "That’s where I SON* a handful of gleaming jewels. Tin negative. ‘‘You see I .have now ’ ly examined the trout. hooked him,” he said briefly. cache of the Hadley Bank robbers had done this piece of shooting for abou “No, ho more of ’em in him. I’d Haskins began hastily to undress. Miss Angeline Robinson of ­ ueen found at last. 17 yeatrte and as a human life is like to know where in the world this “That pool’s fifteen feet deep if it’s ham, a grad/uate nur e of a Massa­ “You see, Charley,” Morton ex­ always at stake when I pull the one came from?” and again he gazed an inch,” he remarked, “and the wa­ plained, when the first flush of excite­ trigger, I cannct fail. In addition chusetts hospital, has been nursing at the shining jewel tightly clutched ter is icy cold; but I’ll have a try at ment had worn off and they were able to this I never drj,nl«, smoke, or do her brother, who ha been very sick. in his fingers. it. I used to be able to dive and swim to talk calmly, "your saying that the Decided she wanted to go deer hunt­ “You can search me,” Charley de­ some when I was a kid. W e’ll starl anything that would tend to weaken treasure was not in the brook, but neai ing before leaving home again, so clared. “I’m not in the habit of roam­ our search right here.” my nerves. Exercise daily for both it, set me thinking. That squirrel the other day, started out in . n ing about in the woods with unset "Jt’s as good a place as any,” agreed of us is nace isarj* anw we are ever was an inspiration. His chattering automobile for the Northern w-oode diamonds in my pockets. It’s a sure Jack. "Those big trout very seldom together- caused me to look up and w hen I saw thing that I didn’t drop it. Say!” he leave the deep water. Chances are “ You see I began shooting when of Maine. Sh’e hadn’t reached Car |jthe huge nest I guessed the who1.» se­ went on excitedly. “Do you remem­ that the one I caught hadn’t been out­ but a youngster. My fabler own­ atunk village before she saw (what cret. The thieves hid their plunder ber that fellow we met on the train? side this pool for years. If not, the ed a shooting gallery in Pittsburg, she called in her excitement) a largo there when they knew that capture Said he was coming up this way to plunder is bound to be here some­ deer beside the road in the bush«. was inevitable. The squirrels resented Pa., and as a young man I learned hunt for the stuff that the ’Hadley where.” He also began to strip. Miss Robirt on stepped the can, took the intrusion and gnawed and worked to handle a rifle. it soon became Bank Gang’ got away with. They were With a slight splash Haskins dove aim with he shot guru, fired two bad at the bag until they made a hoie in second nature and when I had trav­ arrested, you know, but the stolen ar­ into the middle of the pool. For a shots which both proved to hit and it which let the diamond fall into the eled t! rough many stated with my ticles were never found. The man on long minute h.e remained beneath the water. Attracted by its glitter, the father giving exhibitions I began th© desr was her'. She tied it on the train told me that he was a re­ surfact, then he re-appeared, blowing practicing with living targets. I the rua-iing board of the auto and porter and that he’d been sent here like a porpoise. trout picked it up. Soon afterward i hooked him, and . the rest you know. started for Bingham. To her sur­ to investigate. Rumor has it that the “Nothing doing!” he gasped. “It’s can shoot a fly from the ear of a Its really a very simple chain of cir prise th© deer was a small one not money and jewels were hidden in these dark as pitch down there; I couldn’t human being with toy 22-calibre cumstance-s when you come to think weighing 90 pounds. But w-e think woods by the thieves. Great Scott, see a thing.” After a few moments’ Remington and never .lose confident it over.” this i‘i doing prettvi w-^ll and Mfes Jack! Suppose this stone is one of rest he filled his lungs with air and as to the result. I might say that them? Every detective in the State went under again. “Circumstances fiddlesticks!” scof­ I use j cartridge® made in Bridge­ Robinson is certainly pleased with fed Haskins. I call it fisherman’s has been put on the case and failed. Taking turn about, the two men port by the Remington-UMC com­ her success In hunting being gone luck.” Not long ago I read in a newspaper kept up their diving for almost three pany, which will penetrae a 2* only three hours from) home.—A Sub­ that the bank offered a reward of five hours. One resting white the other inch plank. They are |unfailing and scriber in Independent Reporter. thousand dollars for the return of the HELPFUL HINTS FOR MOTOR­ dove, they had, in this time, explor­ must be a, 1 one misfire would dis­ ISTS. concert my aim. 1 “ My partner has now- been with TAXIDERMISTS A few drops of w'atler in the gas* me two vear® and feels every bit as oline will cause considerable arunoji- MR. CAMP OWNER safe as I do- Before he came U. W. PICK EL, ance. At the bottom of the float with me I had some trouble with TAXIDERMIST It is rumored over the state that no hunters ar< chamlber of the carburetor there is Dealer in Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackk others who feared to. > tand before Indian Voerasins. Baskets and Souvenirs. usually a drain cook. Wh^n a car RAMGELEY. - . . MAIN* coming to Maine this fall on account o f the new licensi the bullets, but Burns from the very has been standing for flome time it start never wavered for one instant, law. Do you believe this? Do you believe that tru< is advisable to open this drain* so “ Burns stands before about 1,200 “ Monmouth Moocasins” They are made for sportsmen who love to place a good gun on their shoulder that any sediment or water in the shots daily or about 164,000 shotsi bottom of the float chamber will Sportsmen, Guides, Lumbermen can find such a variety of hunting in any other state ii per year- I have already fired Known the world over for excel­ be removedi, otherwise it is apt to over a million shots at human be­ lence. Illustrated catalogue free. the Union? We do not believe they can, and we als< work up into the -Mpra; nozzle and ings and have never had one mis­ M. Ii. LEITH ELL CO., Clog it. A sinvail piece of Hint or a Monmouth, . . . Main* believe that Maine will have a good big bunch of hunter few drops of water will cause the this fall. motor to miss fire veryi bad'ly. 1804 HFBHON ACADEMY 1912 KODS AND SNOWSHOES Among the nooessari.31 i when tour­ Prepare® thoroughly for all I make Rangeley wood and IT IS NOW TIME TO ADVERTISE bamboo rod® Cor fly fishing ant ing should be a supply of tire valves oal,leges and scientific school®. College. Classical trollifng. Rod® to let. Snow^hosi for them, and Maine Woods offers publicity that is mor< and caps. A slight leak in a valve and to order. will cause as much delay ap a blow­ valuable, to Maine camp owners, than that of any othei English Courses. E. T. H O A R . Rangeley, Me. out- A good valve is often hard publication. Location Ideal tor high mountain abr (Continued on page 7.) pure water and quiet environment. f.r E e information o n h o w t o Don’t let the other man get all the hunters. Sene A teacher for every 20 pupils. Do TANNING—Send for otir illus­ in your rd to lav. Whenever you write to r>nP *>f 0ui Winter term opens Tuesday, Decem­ trated circulars; on taxid-ernifet advertisers, don’t foqget to mentioi ber, 31, 1912. Spring term opens work,,

it—there is enough for many years to come-’’ j As the hunting season was closed OTART on your fall hunt supplied with Peters Shells—the the hunters could not .‘-hoot any of O ammunition that you can always depend on for shooting the moos© or other animals that are quality and results. protected during certain times of

the year by the government- One It is not necessary to use high-priced ammunition to win success Tobacco That Comes To You evening, just at sunset, the members at the traps or in the field. of the party were camped on the ■ Cut Up, Comes Dried Up bank of the Athabasca and looking across to the other thore they saw oue of .the biggest moose' standing Nature never intended anything she grows to be cut upright and gazing straight at them, up until just before it is used. Everybody knows that and then jump into on© of the swirl­ food should be fresh—and so shouldf tobacco. ing pools of the river. It was a “ STEEL WHERE STEEL BELONGS” Sickle Plug comes to you fresh—with all the original remarkable sight and seemed to the S H O T CUN SHELLS flavor and moisture pressed into the plug. You slice up watcherisi as if the monarch was as you use it, showing them that he would attempt give real and complete satisfaction, but their cost is within the reach of the tobacco and the last pipeful smokes as something that they would not. all. Barton Lewis won the U. S. Amateur Championship at Dayton, O., cool, sweet and satisfying as the first—because the natural As evening drew nighi the hunters June 17, 1913, scoring 195 out of 200 with Peters “ Target” —medium leaf wrapper keeps Sickle Plug fresh. The chopped-up would turn their scows to the .shore priced shell for Bulk Smokeless. Chas. A. Young won the Professional tobacco that comes in packages cannot help getting dry, and camp for the night, j Twenty Championship of the United States, scoring 197 out of 200 with Peters “ High Gun” —medium priced Shell for Dense Smokeless. smoking hot and scorching. camps were pitched and the location was changed each time. | Try a plug of Sickle today—get more tobacco, by Say PETERS when buying ammunition for your next tournament or hunt. having no package to pay for—and get more enjoyment But the moose, deer, elk and other Sportsmen’s Handy Book, with 1913 Game Laws. FREE for the asking. fresh animals did not .take up all of the by smoking tobacco. At all dealers. time. Considerable fishing was in­ dulged in. The waters proved to THE PETERS CARTRIDGE COMPANY, CINCINNATI, OHIO Branches: NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS SAN FRANCISCO oontjain abundance of wall-ejod pike mountain trout, bull trout, suckers and white fish. The hanks of the A'thabq ea river GENUINE PALMER are high. The trees are of spruce tamarac and pine, giving the foli­ Waterproof, Oil Tan Moccasins age different shades and making the Tanned and manufactured by the scenery beautiful aud it plainly original JOHN PALMER who showed that the hand of the woods­ for over thirty years has made man never scarred this particular the best moccasins in North trail- It was a trip out of the America. ordinary and today the ten people In complete assortment for immediate can say that they have seen some­ delivery. ’ thing that is only known to a very deer, wolf, bear a*n Bigelow and Kingfield tired macaws set up a note that told six-weeks-old kitten. He mewed and •t 1.25 P. M ing all the time- At times the the scales at 285. Nearly all the MIXED TRAINS leave Strong: for Farmington fearfully on the nerves of all, and purred, tossed it about, ate of it and pleasure seekers would; pitch their Wt 8.45 A. M.; for Bigelow at 9.30 A. M. and for deer which have gone through Ban­ made for that side of their cage, pok­ after getting about as .liberal a dose Phillips at 1.45 P M. ,campi«. They would select some , MIXED TRAINS arrive at Strong from Phil­ gor this year have been heavy ing their beaks and claws through it. as the leopard had, likewise jumped lips at 8.45 A. M.: from Kingfield at 8.10 A. M. suitable spot for a night’s sleep and •ndfrom Farmington at 11.45 A. M. which has started considerable dis­ When the catnip was brought near to his shelf and blinked lazily the rest PHILLIPS rem ,a in until the following morn­ cussion as to the reason- them they became nearly frantic. They of the day. PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Phillips for ing. i Early j.n the season when tfee deer were given some, and devoured it, Only one big lion was either too Farmington, at 6.00 A. M. and 1.15 P. M.; for Kangeley at 6.15 P. M. Several members of the party wei’e shot near the settlement it stem, leaf and blossom, with an eager­ dignified or too lazy to accord much PASSENGER TRAIN arrives at Phillips from attention to the bunch of catnip which Farmington at 12.53 P. M. and 6.10 P. M .;from were anxious to come in contact was thought the size was because ness that equalled the noise of their kangeley .;t 12.20 P. M. with bear, but the season was too of good feedling. But lately) the cries. fell to his lot. He ate a mouthful, MIXED TRAIN leaves Phillips for Farming- ton at, 7.30 A. M and for Rangeley at 7.40 A. M. l*'Ke for this kind of game .and only ' deer coming from the deep woods Next trial was made on an African licked his chops as though saying, MIXED TRAIN arrives at Phillips from Farm- leopard. Before the keepers had ‘‘Not half bad,” . and then went back •agton at 2.15 P.M.and from Rangeley at 3.00 P. M. tracks were found. However, many have been all of good weight. to his slumbers.—New York Herald. RANGELEY wolves were seen and coyote were The automobile is fast becoming reached the front of the cage he had PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Rangeley for Farmington at 10.40 A. M.; and arrives from plentiful. a valuable adjunct to the big game Farmington at 8.00 P. M. hunter in both getting his game MIXED TRAIN arrives from Phillips at 10.15 With them was Mr- MoCheisnet’s A M.;and leaves for Phillips at 10.55 A. M. famoulsi bear doff, “ D octor/’ known and getting it out of the "woods. A SALEM in sporting circles throughout the large number o f deer are being PASSENGER TRAIN leaves for Strong and Farmington at 1.00 P. M.: and arrives from North American continent- The dog brought in that manner. How many, Farmington and Strong at 6.16 P. M. no one knows nor is there any wtay MIXED TRAIN leaves Salem for Strong and could not get the scent of a bear Farmington at 7.25 A. M.; and arrives from but that does not say that “Doc­ of determining accurately. THE SPORTSMAN’S NEWSPAPER OF AMERICA otrong at 10.05 A. M. ' KINGFIELD tor” .could not do( so. Last year Odd questions of law are constant (Published weekly, Established 1874.) PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Kingfield for the animal killed 1 eleven of the ly aril-ling in retffard to the inter­ S abler ip t ion $4. a year, $2. for 6 months: Sample copy free if you mention Maine Woods Farmington at 12.40 P. M.; and arrives from pretation of the game law® and odd Farmington and Strong at 6.38 P. M. beasts- Once during the trip the The American Field eolleets news by its own staff representatives and PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Kingfield for dog espied a moo^e and issued a questions of the application of the 3p3eial rep3rters, giving authoritative reports of leading events in the “ igelow at 9.00 A. M. and 6.38 P M. Arrives sportsman’s world. Its recreative columns are always replete with inter- ^jvelow at 11.46 A. M. and 8. 25 P. M. challenge. For a half hour the law to unusual facts- One of them MIXED TRAIN leaves Kingfield for Farming- e^tin? articles and contributions and open a wide field for discussiou of all * “ 5*6.45 A. M. and for Bigelow at 12.00 M. dog and the monarch of the forest is as follows,; A man up river shot MIXED TRAIN arrives at Kingfield from subjects that interest sportsmen. «rong at 10.46 A. M and from Bigelow at 3.05 stood each other at bay and finally at a buck deer and the shot that The departments of The American field are: Editorial, Gama and Shooting, Fish F. M. “ Doctor” acknowledged defeat, and killed the deer ailao killed a fa win,. and Fishing, Natural History, Hunting, Kennel, Trap Shooting, Rifle, Revolver and Pistol, Queries and Answers- BIGELOW turned to where his party was sta­ Game Warden Perkins said that PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Bigelow for SEND ONE DOLLAR FOR THREE MONTHS’ TRiAL SUBSCRIPTION* strong and Farmington, at 10.50 A. M.; and for tioned. I under those circumstances the man, I-f not more than satisfied with it the money will be refunded on request Kingfield at 7 35 P. M. ..PASSENGER TRAIN arrives from Kingfield at " “You cannot find so many kinds would be liable to a fine for the Address "AMERICAN FIELD PUBLISHING COMPANY •t 7 28 I> aiM* 6rom Farmington and Strong of game in any other part o f North killing of the fawn- p*fl^ED TRAIN leaves for Kingfield at 2.00 The amount of small game has 801 MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO. ■ M. and arrives from Strong at 1.05 P. M. America,” Mr- M,cChelsney said. F. N. BEAL, G. P. A. “There is everything and lots of i fallen off and not much has been MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, NOVEMBER 20, 1913 MAINE WOODS IN AND ABOUT PHILLIPS ia«UKD WEEKLY. | OUR TWO MINUTE SERMON J. W. Brackett Co. | By Rev. M. S. Hutchins. Phillips, Maine Mr. and, Mr-• Charles Gilman of Next Sunday will be observed/ au Strong were in town Tuesday for Thankagiv.tdg Sunday at the Uinion Y TbiB sermon, and others to follow, will not occupy over two minutes of your time in church with morning and evening A reading. Although miniature in size they will be real sermons. They will be based on L. B. BRACKETT, t'iue day. «» timely topics of the day. , Business Manager Mrs. EJ. B- Hanisoonj was) v,ery program. The offerin|g| at the pleasantly surprised last Suinday by' morning service will be for Congre­ THE -ALL-SEEING EYE eye. Lawbreakers alwajis “love OUTING EDITION. some of her friends who were cog­ gational Benevolences, and ns this darkness rather than light.” Tihg • pasM, ...... I1.0S p*r y«»r nizant of the fact that it wais her is the only Sunday iin the year The All-Seeing Eye Is a very true unfaithful se ivant was so afraid that LOCAL EDITION. birthday. They invaded her home which the broader work of the Con­ IS and IS p*fl**, ...... $1.50 par yaar repre^emtat on .of God. There is .and served the oy/ iter dinner and gregational Denomination will be he buried h.s tta-lant in the earth- Canadian, Itaxtoan, Cufcan and Pua- no place where He is act. “If 1 But if we wish, we can let the mm «ubaoru>tiou 5# overt* axtra. For* two .beaut.ful ,birtl-*day cakes. In presented,, it isi hoped that ail in­ dgs wiUwrtptloBa, 75 eaata aoctra. the afternoon Mrs. Hansoom! served terested will make an especial ©f- ascend up into* Heaven, Thou ait thought of God’sl AM-&eejng Eye pop.cor.n^ candy, apples and Pears. fort to ielp in these larger fields. there; if I make my bed in Hell, inspire us with strength; and glad­ Entered m aecead daaa matter, January 21. She was the recipient ctf a very Miss Dallas Veter returned home behold, Thou art there/' Nor Is ness. if we listen to Jesus’ t©aoh~ 1909. at the poetofflce at Phillips. Maine, under fine rocking chair, besides the ,cakes from1 Belgrade last week havinig) fin­ He limited1 by any» cincum)stanices ing that God is our tender and lov­ Ike Act »f March 3. 1S79. The guests were; Mr. and ished teaching there. Sh,e will' re­ such abl bound our finite vision. ing Father, if w© really try to Mrs- Henry SearLes, Miss Huld main at home with her parents until “ Yea, the darkness hideth not from do right, if we open our soulpj to Tfca Mata* Wood* thoroughly Searles, Ray and Scott Searle after Chri tlrnas when she will go to Thee; but the night shineth as the /the sweetness of loving trust, then; Ska entire atata ot Main* aa to Hunt- pg, Flatting, Trapping, Camping, and Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Pray Newark/, N. J., where she will have day; the darkness and the light as little children w© can -walk with Ruling news and tthe w hd a FnankSta and Mrs. Hammond of Wilton. Mr.:. a position! teaching. ar© both alike to Th©e.” God through the darkness as through aauaty locally. Hanscomi say® she is not averse t-oi Charles E. Barker, wiho haisl been The knowledge that God sees us i the light and confidently say “Yea Maine Woods aoUoito ooromiunloattaaa telling .her age wihiefh is 52. employed the past summer in Gardi­ may make us tremble until our though I walk through/ the valley and dal) and gam e ptiotognaptis from its E. B- Hanscomi i dn Monmouth ner by the Berlin Mills company is better natures are paralyzed with of the shadow of death; I will fear When ordering the address of your this week where, he will pur.chg^ ie an at home this week for a little va- fear. if w© ar© wilfully seeking no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy paper changed, please give the old aa Holstein bulk cation. He expects to g'o to North to pleas,© ourselves w© do not like rod and Thy staff they comfort wail a s now addraaa. to think of God’s constant watch­ Mrs. M. B. Hammond of Wilt-on Anson next Mondayi where he will be me,” and also; visited her step-son, Henry So.arles employed for the present as mill­ fulness. The disobedient boy dreads “ I knofw not where His i Hands lift; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913 the time when his father shall re­ last week. wright and electrician for the New­ Their fronded palms in air: castle Lumber Co. turn and discover his wrong-doing. I only' know I cannot drift A bad runaway occurred Vast Sat­ thanksgiving proclamation The scholar who has not thudded his Beyond His love and care-" , urday aft-ernoic®; wh©n a horse b©- Everett Beedy, Bert Welch and lesson has no fancy for the recita­ When you think of the A'lTSeeifig i ifengang to Be.nard Beecy and bein Dorr Hollis, who are employed in tion hour when hs laziness shall Eye, which is it to you, a paralysis, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA- u-sed by h.s .brother. Harold became Rumford arrived late Saturday even-1 .come before the master’s reproving or a benediction. STATE OF MAINE. frightened and mix©d things up gen­ ing by auto and .remained until S-un-'j erally. The hoise was left in front day afternoon. Fr-ed Hescock ac- : = j companied them as far as Farming- A Proclamation by the Govern,or. of the Maine Woodpl office while j i Beedy went inside. The horse be- ton- Mr. Beedy will spend Thanks'; Drainage of Wet Lands. i came frightened and dashed down giving with his family in town. For the management of wet lands In recognition of a cU tom; es­ Mr- and Mrs. D. P. Field will at- the usual advice is to tile drain them, tablished by our forefathers, and I Main street coming- in contact with Cburcbes but an intelligent German farmer now a team hitched in front of the Phi]- ^ent^ ^ e Harvard-Yale game Satur living in this country suggests that it the regular and hopeful observance day, going to Boston on Friday and of the same through many genera- ’ 'lips Hardware Company’s store, be­ sometimes pays better to make arti­ will also visit for a few7 days with tions, and in conformity with our longing to D. L. Dennison- After ficial ponds. In Germany, he says, aa relatives. federated church. acre of fish ponds is often reckoned statutes, with the advice and con­ this .contact he kept on for other The Social Union wrilT hold its worth more than an acre of wheat. sent of the Executive Council!, I do fi©ld!& to conquer and started f r annual Christmas Sale of food and Melvin Sherburne Hutchins, pas- The dams may be built with farm hereby appoint and set aside th© bridge, but on the hill the wag­ labor at small expense, and the pondB on overturned, thus frightening him | fancy articles on Wednesday after tor. Thursday, November 27 th, 1913, add considerably to the of the noon and evening, December 3, Calendar for week ending No­ as a day of public thanksgiving and more and causing him! to turn back scenery. Very often, also, the pond*, the Bachelor Club Rooms, No. 5 vember 29. praise to Almighty God, in reeogj- up the bill. As he went around | can be used to some extent for in*, Beal block. j “Thos©, that hope little cannot gation, and irrigation will work worn nition ©f His power, goodne ^ and the .corner by Whitney's drug store, Daniel Hamden, engineer on the ! grow much. To them /the very ders. mercy. the wagon came in contact with a Rangeley freight train and "who telephone pole and was badly dam­ j glory of God must .be a small thing), More happy than ever in. the nu­ has been enjoying a two weeks’ va­ j for their hope of it is so small as Put Bees in the Cellar. aged- Charles Chandler rushed Have everything ready to put th* merous blessings which have been cation has resumed work again. [not to bewoi'th rej-edcing in.” ours during the past year; and be­ out aud made a good £-t->p although bees into the cellar. Never place th* Floyd E- Parker, who ha,.; been Sunday, November 23, Thanksgiv­ hives fiat on the floor, but raise them lieving our prosperity and im­ the terrified bon e was in front of Miss Luette Timfherlake’s before employed by» H. H. Hays, druggist ing Sunday: 10.45—Morning Wor* about two inches to provide ventil* provement in moral and > Spiritual in Portland for the past two years tion. this was accomplished. Chandler sihip. Sermon “ The Peril-j of For­ life have been equal, if not greater is to have charge of a drug store in was dragged quile a d stance but getfulness.” 12.10—Sunday school.- tbab those of previous years, let Stratton wh'cli will be opened there 7.30—Evening Worship, People’s ser-i Phones for Rescuers. us one and all in outr churches and he clung 3ik© grim death and fin­ A telephone designed ;cr the use of by Arthur Spear, a druggist of vice. Music by choral club- Ad­ homes return thanks for these bles­ ally stopped hin\ and the large mine rescuers whose heads are coy* Portland. Mr- Parker w©nt to dress “ Thanksgivirjg) pay 1913” sings to the Great Giver of every number of people who had galber- ered with helmets while at work is | ©d breathed again. The wagon wap Stratton this week an(i Mrs. Parker Wednesday, Nov. 26: 7.30 p. m.—- operated by throat vibrations, th* perfect gift. will cpme a little later after a few newt this spring and is badly dapi" Thanksgiving service. Thursday, transmitter being held at the throaL Given at the Executive Chamber,, days’ visit with friends. She plans I aged. Harold Beedy who was Nov. 27—Thanksgivling Day. at Augusta, this fouith) day- of No­ to he in Stratton for Thanksgiving- starting on a de,er hunting- expedi- vember, in the jea r of our Lord on There is undoubtedly a fine opening BIRTHS. thousand nine hundred and thirteen, ; tion made the trip just the same METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH- and got his deer hut he thinks per- for a drug sto-e in Stratton e.nd and of th© Independence of the West Farmington, to Mr. and Mrs. : hapsi the deer will he a little more Mr. Spear is fortunate in securing Miss B©ssie F. Crowell, returned United States of America the one Mr. Parker as he is a most1 capable George Mo.rel , a daughter- expensive than he had planned. He Missicmary from/ India, pastor- hundred and thirty-eight- young mail and is thoroughly trust­ Rangaley, Nov. 3, to Mr. and M*i* WILLIAM T. HAINES, in company with Vane© Brown and Sunday service's. Preaching at worthy. Mr. Parker has the offer Herbert Moore, a son. William' T. Haines, Elsie R d ir s went to No 6 and se­ 10.45 a. m. Sunday school at 12. to take an interest in the business Rangeley, Nov. 6, to Mr- and Mrs. Governor. cured their de©r that night,, not I Prayer and prais© service at 7-30 a little later if he wishe1 ' to do so, Theodore Haley, a son- By the Governor, having to wait over 15 minutes P- m. as at one time he thought seriously J. E. Alexander, before he came along:. There w.ere Prayer meeting every Thursday of .going into business there for Secretary of State- thr©e other deer in the field at evening at 7.30. MARRIAGES. himself. the time hut when they shot at Ladies’ prayer meeting every Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chandler of Strong, Nov. 1, by Rev. W. P. this one, the others dashed away Wednesday! aftemcon at 2.30. The NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS Strong were in town for th.e night and theyi only secured the on©. l meeting Qn Wednesday, Nov. 26 Holman, Allen McCouit and Miss Tuesday. Gladys Bubier, beth of Strong. Mrs. W. V. Lar ahe,© i*-i having a ; will be held at the home of MisL It’ will greatly' a'Ccom|moda/t© us if Miss Esther Gilnan who comies Stratton, Nov. 1, by Rev- Howard pantry! finished off, as/ th© former Everett. This is a union s-ervice our correspondents! wiSfil send in highly recommended w'-ll give read­ Gilpatriek, James You.ng and Mis* on© was utilized for a bath room- and ’ ...lies of all denominations are ings here on two evenings the com ­ their items one day ©ar'lder next welcome. Come and help- OUa Bean, both of Farmington. week on account of Thanksgiving as The Thursday cub, which last ing week- Misg Gilman pomes ______North Jay, Nov. 2* by Rev. J. It. we shall go to press on Wednesday. year was called th© Main Street under the auspices of the W. C. T. — I Clifford, O man J. Dorrityi and Mis# Sewing club m©t last Thursday with U. She w'U read at the Method­ is th© guest of Mrs- Lucy Hilton Marjorie V- Webber, both of Ja.v. Mrs. Howard Leavitt- Refreshments ist church Monday evening and at for a few days. Mrs- Mo.’ri on has East New Portland, October 30, bl Lure ot Colonial ivnrror. of shrimp salad, sandwiches, assort­ the Union church on Tuesday even­ been the guest of her sister, Mrs. i ^ ev- L. Hutchins, Chester K. Wih Gazed there ever a man In the face ed cak-ei, fancy cookies and cho-cola/t ing. A c r5rdial Invitat’on to at­ Charles E. Di 1 for a few weeks past- ^ams of Embden and Gladys Wjl* of an old mirror the life of which wer© .served. Following are tie dates back to Colonial days, without tend is extended to th© pupils. Hollis Holt who is attending Business liamson of New Portland- ladies1 who belong to this sewing seeing therein some thoughts of Children a' e ecPfcial-ly invited to colltge at Portland will spend Thanks­ Strong1, Novemter 8, by Rev. W. club: Mdn:s- Dana Walker, Howar powdered wigs, silk brocades, charm­ he present Monday evening. giving ht home. Also Lew Noble and J. P. Holman, Chester A. Walker and Leavitt, Ralph Bangs, Bert Frazier, ing couplfes dancing the minuet and Much to th© regret of the towns­ iScott Brackett of Bowdoin. ML Is Anni© M. Oakes, both of PSifl- bowls of punch? D. T. Hamden, J- L- Boston/ George people, Mrs- Lucy! Hilton will go to Miss Sarah Flint has been a recent lips. Mirrors of the Colonial period have Brown, Den'el F;e,noh, Clarence Madhias1 within a month to reside. guest oi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lowell. survived the ravages of years and Fairbanks, Georg© Bean. The chib can be found in nearly all the eastern She will b,e housekeeper for Mr- ThauksgLving Bad at Grange Hall, .meets this (Thursday) afternoon DEATHS. states and Canada. It is doubtful Charles Hiltoin, f frher of her late Madrid, Maine, WeJn©sdayi evening, whether any mirrors were brought to | with Mrs- George Bean. Nov. 26. Music, by Star Singling husband, Dr. J. F. Hilton, who re­ Phillips, Niovember 7, Mrs- M®r7 this country much before 1700, for it One of our readers remarked the cently lost his wife. Mr .' Hilton Orchestra *of Fa mimgton, five Grover, aged 90 years, 3 months, 2( was not until 1670 that they were other day, “ Here are a few facts made in- England, although one may has 'very sucp.e^s-fully run a board­ pieces. Ba'l ticke u 75 cents. days.- regarding the people who live in be able to pick up some very old ing house for some y°ars past and Spectators 15 cents. Oyster s.up^- Farming ten, Nov- 7, John Stinson, our corporation that make interest­ specimens in Canada, as mirror mak­ has had a flou-i hing business, n©v-j per 25 cen t1. Under management aged 87 y©ars, 1 mou th, 3 days. ing flourished in France in the early ing reading, and I think they are more so than at th<> present time- of W. H. Moores. Auburn, Nov. 5, James L. Collin,, part of the eighteenth century. correct, and might be useful for a She wishes to sell th© business, Yes, It’s Friday, N0v. 21 ■ Wha)t? formerly of N©w Sharon and RaV matrimonial bureau. The e are 44 building and al . end it is an ex­ The Harvest Sale. Wih©re? over geley, aged 77 years. To Remove Stains. widows, 14 widower 1, 13 old maidKl cellent onenivtIr f0f- PDe and the E. R. Tootikaker s store. Wells Depot, Nov- 1, Rev. Jonai Grass stains may be removed from that we are sure have g,on© around house is located near the railroad Mrs-Amanda Vo'er of Rumford hr washable fabrics by rubbing with W. Vaughan, forme:3y of New Vine the last corner, and' but nine old station- returned home afler a -visit witlh her fresh lard before washing. bachelors whle he d it.oners andi the yard, aged 62 years, 5 months, 2 Afr. McKenx'e ' l the Phillips hum ' daughter, Mrs. W- W. Small. Mrs. days. young folks who are contemplating ber & UleHrio' LigM. rompapy i»d Voter plains 'to return a l'tt'ie later matrimony we are not counti-ig.’’ The Inward Effects/of bunion1 are KeHing d u p very well an-1 experts to spend th© winter with1 Mrs. Mrs. H. W. True will ent-erta''n N E R V O U S A \ I) S IC K HEADACHES- worse than the outward- They en­ to have the p’ as'© ' east removed Small, in Farmington. th© Ladies’ Social Union n©xt Tues­ danger th© whcl© *>'vst©m- Hood’s from his l°g FrH-'v of th’s week. He Torpid liver, constipated bowels ftni day afternoon, Nc/vember 25 at 2 oisordiired stomach arc the causes o{ Saisaparilia eradicates a/f bunions, has been ip bed five weeks. ft He Knew What He Meant. chese headaches. Take Dr. King’s N'e* o’clock. As1 there/ wfa only, be one Lilt- Pills, you will be surprised h o * cures alii their inward and outward will be remembe ed that he fell at A e were visiting a cousin whose quickly you will Ket relief. T h ey more meeting aff©r this Dne, be­ ©ffeotjs. it is the gseat alterative the electric light station breaking small boy was very fond of the des­ stimulate the different organs to dO’ fore the rale it is hoped there will serts served. After finishing his din­ th eir w o r k p r o p e r ly . N o b e tte r regu­ and tonic, whoi 1© meri^ hais been hie l©g. His/ many' friend® will' be lator for liver and bowels. Take 25c he a good attendance to help with ner he waited for a time and then and invest in a box today. At ah established.—Advt. glad to see h:’m about again. said: “Mamma, is there any last druggists or by mail. H. E. flucklea A the work. j Co., I’lillnd-clphiti mill St. l.oiiIn. Mrs. Blanche Morrison of Portland thing?”—Chicago Tribune. Adfl MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, NOVEMBER 20, 1913 e

Mrs. Wm. Tibbetts, Mrs. E. B. Her­ GOOD NEWS FOR THE GIRL WITFf CLASSIFIED HARVEST SUPPER rick and Mrs. Ada Sprague. GAVE WORLD UMBRELLA UGLY HAIR. dm e*»t * wor^ in advance. No headline or George Haines has been quite ill display. Subjects in a. b, c. order BY LADIES’ AID with bronchitis but is now able to sit up. Don’t mourn over it! Don't envy FOR SALE. JONAS HANWAY, ENGLISH MER. The Misses Mabel and Hannah Pease others!, because they have beautiful CHANT DESERVES CREDIT. Officers Elected at K. of P.—Mrs. and Miss Beatrice Jones have rented hair. Begin right now to give proper, gAJUE)—TJb* unusually stauipoh McCard Given Birthday the Ira Huntoon house and are enjoy­ intelligent care and attention to vour at Min yjtflfct, ‘‘W i'W a ” of ing the practical side of domestic sci­ hair—and then let others envy you. Use Party. ence. Mr. and Mrs. Huntoon are at Braved Storm of Ridicule In Introduo Harmony Hair Beautifier, a delightful i^ut 22 O. P. The U. S. Govern- Ing Article That I* Now In Uni­ Spotted mountain for the winter. liquid hairdressing that is just what it 04Gt ©f 1811 *fcow«d her versal Use— Bl-Centenary I* (Special to Main* Wood*.) Mrs. C. B. Har»i8 recently joined the is named—a hair beautifier. t, M l» flrrt olua condition. May | Just Being Celebrated. I, liaf#ct«4 at Camp Bellevue, Up- Rangeley, Nov. 18. Rebekahs, also the Pythian Sisters. A To make the hair glossy, soft ar.d supper and tasting party was enjoyed silky—to make it easier to put up in j t r Dam Malno Prloe -will be Hal Tibbetts has gone to Portland at each occasion. By E. W. PICKARD. smooth, wavy folds, and “ stay put” — t# a qutak purohaaw. Ap where he has employment in a machine Ira D. Hoar was in Wilton on busi­ London.—Two hundred, years ago— to restore to your hair the well-groomed # to Or. Norton Downs FordhooJte shop. to be more exact, In August, 1712— ness the past week. Mrs. Hoar accom­ appearance you want it to have—to fir* Three Tuna, Pa. Or Archer Frank Philbrick has purchased the Jones Hanway was born In Portsbouth, panied him as far as Phillips where she overcome the unpleasant, oily odor of 1 ?sor at cam^ house recently occupied by Gus John- England. Bon and family. Andy Stevens is now was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. the hair and leave instead a delightfully Albert Carlton. Do you know who Jonas Hanway dainty, fresh rose fragrance—Harmony fOB SAXE—A good payimg millln- occupying the house, Gus Johnson hav­ was? trj uid dry good* buednees, blast ing moved his family to Dallas. Geo. Mrs. Ernest Robbins and Norman Hair£Beautifier will please you, or your In the encyclopedias he is classed as jjeation. Addres* Mrs. J. C. Tir- Benson is moving into the Thrasher Huntoon are working for O. R. Rowe money back. Very easy to apply— and Fenn Toothaker is employed at a philanthropist and traveler, and he simply’ sprinkle a little on your hair «11, PhilUjpa. Maine. house which he recently purchased. was both of these. Having been ap­ each time before brushing it. Con­ Herman Hatch, who has been occupy­ E. C. Kinkley’e.f prenticed to a merchant in Lisbon, he tains no oil; will not change the color fOR SALE—Edison Dictating nia- ing the house, moving his family into A new storm entry has been added at the post office. became interested in trade with the of the hair, nor darken gray hair. gla«. In first cta*e condi itn. In* the Lincoln Ross house on Main stre :t. east and journeyed through Persia, en­ To keep hair and scalp dandruff-free pire at Maine Wood* office. Harry Quimby is now moving into the Mrs. F. B. Burns and children re­ during many hardships, after which and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. Isaac Tibbetts house which he recently turned from Bowdoinham where they he spent five years in St. Petersburg. This pure liquid shampoo gives a rich fOR SAXE—Village «tand in Phillips purchased. Hal Ellis has bought the have been the guests of her mother. In the way of philanthropy he was ac­ lather^that immediately penetrates to tpjicr Village. Inquire of J. Blaine Frank Haley house and is now getting She was accompanied home by her tive in the help of foundlings, fallen every part of hair and scalp, insuring a Jtomsou. moved in, Mr. Haley moving to an­ aunt, Mrs. Heath. ^ ^.rm women, the poor and prisoners. But quick, thorough cleansing. Washed off other part of the town. So many Cecil Bennett of Limestone is the the one thing he did that makes his FOR SALE)— Bay* horse, nine years as quickly, the entire operation takes changes taking place one almost needs guest of his sister, Mrs. Levi Tooth­ fame everlasting was to introduce the only; a few moments. Can’t harm the old. Weght 1200. Work or drive. a directory. aker, and other relatives. use of the umbrella to England and hair; leaves no harshness or stickiness B- F. Bea> Dr. A. M. Ross made a business trip Mr. and Mrs. David Quimby are Europe generally. —just a sweet cleanliness. to Boston Monday. again occupying their cosy home on The umbrella for centuries untold Haley Avenue. They are having heat Both preparations come in odd­ FOR BAJE —Trained Bitag'.ea and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McCard enter­ bad been used in one form or another put in and other improvements made. by the people of the far east, and Han­ shaped, very ornamental bottles, with foxhounds- Trial- Alao ipiedj- tained the following in honor of Mrs. At the K. of P. meeting Monday way in his travels became a warm ad­ sprinkler! tops. Harmony Hair Beau­ paed Beagle pupa- Male, $4-50 S. B. McCard’s birthday Friday: Mrs- night the following officers were install­ vocate of that shelter from the rain tifier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Femafc?, $3-50- Key. tone K^nmel, Frank Kempton, Mrs. Anne Toothaker, ed by A. L. Oakes, P. Chancellor Com. and the sun. After he had retired Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every Columbia, Panin Mr. and Mrs. S B. McCard, Miss Alice from business to London he had made Char. Comm.,-ClecnOakes; Vice Chan. way, or your money back. Sold in this Sweetser and Dr. Frank Graves. A for himself an umbrella not differing community only at our store—The Rex- FOR SALE —Furnished boarding Comm., Austin Hinkley; Prelate,J. B. very pleasant time is reported by those materially from those of today. One all Store—one of the more than 7,000 louse near railroad station, and a Madden; Master of Work,Earl Huntoon; rainy day, when those who were so present. leading drug stores of the United first-class business. Mrs. Lucy Frank F. Graves, optometrist, will Master at Arms, Merritt Gould; Inner unfortunate as to be compelled to go Guard, Rolla Toothaker; Outer Guard, States, Canada and Great Britain, Hilton, Phillips. be at Mrs. S. B. McCard’s until Tues­ out in the streets, were hurrying mis­ David Quimby. erably along bedraggled and dripping, which own the big Harmony laborato­ day, November 25. ries in Boston, where the many cele­ MOTOR BOAT “ MARION " The first degree was conferred on out stepped Jonas Hanway, opened his Erlon Jones, who has been employed contraption, and strolled leisurely brated Harmony Perfumes and Toilet at the steam mill the past summer, re­ one candidate. At the close a baked bean supper was served. along Fleet stret, dry as a hone and Preparations are made. R. H. Preble, FOR SAL*E—26 foot, 7 h. p. Cock­ turned to his home in Phillips Satur­ happy. At least he would have been Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hoar and family Phillips; also Marr’s Drug Store, pit 13 by 6. Blest sea boat on day. happy If his umbrella had warded oft Farmington, Me. tie lake 1 Excellent for fishing Norman Williams had the good for­ have moved near Macy Junction where ridicule as It did rain. For his ap­ and cann-ot be excelled for stream tune to secure a large deer one morn­ they have employment with Huntoon & pearance created almost a riot. For­ Adams. getting the downpour, men, women work. Seats 12. Spee*d 8 ' ing recently which tipped the scales at place to the neat, closO-rolled affair T. Freeman Tibbetts leaves Tuesday and children first stared, then hooted now hauled out at the Big Bake- 225 pounds. of today, with silk covering and handle morning for a vacation trip kto Boston and at last gathered in a mob that fol­ Can deliver anjr tim© or will hold Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Quimby left for lowed the bold merchant along the of beautiful and expensive wood; but and vicinity. the latter probably does! not shed the until spring- P'rice $250. Address their annual vacation trip Monday, street, laughing and jeering. Doors A very interesting contest is being rain any more surely than did the which includes a trip to Boston and vi­ were thrown open and windows were Orchardolin, care Maine Wood* -' former, and if Jonas had not been so cinity. Howard Herrick is clerking at carried on by tne Pythian Sisters Mrs. flung up and it seemed as if the en­ persistent we might still be without the store during Mr. Quimby’s absence. Minnie Pillsbury being captain of the tire population of that part of London the blessed umbrella. WANTED. H. A. Furbish and E. I. Herrick Blue side and Mrs. Emma McCard cap­ came out to make fun of Jonas and So all honor to the memory of have been in Lewiston and Boston the tain of the Reds. A good program was his umbrella. enjoyed last Thursday night and a pro­ Jonas Hanway, English traveler and WANT£S>—600 cord* of white binch past few days on business. The Britisher was conservative by philanthropist, whose bicentenary has gram is also being prepared for this nature, then as now, and this especial delivered at our mill in Salem, Me. November 14th a little daughter ar­ been forcibly brought to the notice of week. innovation did not please him. For Will pay $5-76 per oord -until fur­ rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the people of his native land by rains Next Sunday will be observed as centuries he had got wet when it ther notice, bills payable within Zephyr Raymond and the 15th a little and floods that have made the sum­ Thanksgiving Sunday at the church. rained, and why should he now change mer the worst on record in the tight ten days of delivery. For further daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and keep dry? So Jonas retired tc and Mrs. Henry Deraps. Miss Maude Mrs. Chas. B. Harris has recently sold little isle. particulars, apply to R. V. Planted his house somewhat discomfited. But Soule is caring for Mrs. Deraps and the Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows he was persistent, so on the next at tlhe mill or Madden Parcel Handl daughter. anew “ Crowninshield” piano for their rainy day he reappeared with his um­ Company, Malden, Mass. HELPFUL TO BEE BEGINNERS HarryJMarston, who has been at Dr. lodge room. Mrs.Harris is agent for brella. Once more the jeers and these pianos, which are a standard laughter. Once more the trailing, One Method Which Cannot Fail to As­ MINK TRAPPERS don't fail to Ross’ private hospital for the past two make and warranted for 10 years. gripping crowd. This time Jonas ex­ sist Is to Give Delinquent Insects *rite me before selling, any ' live months, has now recovered sufficiently to return to his home. One Thursday evening recently Mrs. tended his walk and staid out as long Good Shaking Up. mink. Write for in-structioiv) for as he wished, and growing more con* Miss Stella Tibbetts is suffering with Maggie S. Harris joined the Pythian wpturing alive. Roy Duggan,, Sea (By MRS. R. F. JOSEPH.) a very lame knee which necessitates Sisters and the following Tuesday even­ View, Prince Edward Island- A method I have just learned that the use of a crutch. ing was taken into the Rebekah Lodge •< ' :■ /■>»H v• ft cannot fail to help beginners in bee Dr. Frank Graves is at Mrs. Mc­ after which a bountiful corn supper culture is to give the bees a good TO LET. Card’s this week attending to the was served by Mrs. J. A. Russell Mrs. shaking when they become delinquent needs of his patients. Gao. Russell and Mrs. S. Raymond. in their work. When you move them a short distance to prevent their go- Eugene Soule entertained the follow­ Messrs. Riddle & Hoar will give a m m TO LET—Tenement. R. E- Har­ i ing back shake them in front of the ing mighty hunters at his camp the Thanksgiving matinee on Thursday den. 1 I * entrance of their respective hives. The latter part of the week - John Russell, afternoon, November 27th at 3 o’clock most vicious bees can be made very George Russell and Mason Russell. jn Furbish hall, picturing “ An Adven­ | tame by shaking. I shake them off Their deer proved to be one lone rab­ ture on the Mexican Frontier,” in two the comb into a large dishpan. When Grape a Prolific Grower. bit and the question is, “ Who shot the reels and also three other strong photo­ the pan is shaken about the same as There are about 40 species of grapes rabbit?” plays. you would shake a corn popper the in the world, more than half of which Loring Haley left Monday morning bees roll over in a confused mass and are found in North America. Few after a minute of shaking, rolling and to enter the hospital for treatment. other plants on this continent grow tumbling they can be picked up with, wild under such varied conditions and Mrs. Guy Brooks and daughter, Blan- GRADING IS MOST IMPORTANT the hands, providing, of course, that over such extended areas. dine, spent the past few days in Phil­ you do not hurt them. ^ lips, the guest of relatives and friends. Work Should Be Started in Field With Mrs. A. M. Ross was a recent visitor Growing of Crops-—Careful Culti­ Middle Age Mortality. Subscribe now for the Main* at Kennebago. vation Lessens Culls. Woods and get all of the fooaJ Insurance men are noting an in­ Frank Barrett is at home from the creasing middle-age mortality. In news. sanitorium at Hebron where he has The most important operation in Hanway and His Umbrella. ^ this country it lias increased 20 per preparing fruit and vegetables for cent in thirty years. In England It been tne past few months for treat­ ment. He is greatly improved in market is the grading. The work has been very much less. should be started in the field with the fident, he let no wet day pass without health. growing of the crops. Careful cultiva­ one of these excursions. Week after I. B. Toothaker was a recent caller week, month after month, and year . - MONEY IN INJECTS, tion means fewer culls and less ex­ Jflfp, nests, etc. Five cent." and up paid for butterflies and moth . in Phillips. pense for sorting and grading. Uni­ after year this scene was repeated in They are easily gathered by m oth-1 apH, aceata lam ps, etc. Km h ■late contains different, kinds. No capital needed. I supply ac»- the streets of London town. As time enti.ita and college i for study purpoa » • Prepare for the comiruf Herman Huntoon met with a slight formity is the principal requirement •••■on. Sami 2c » *rnp for more Information and brimmer* irat went on the people grew accustomed FOR mwtmctions. JAAJ5 StNCLAIK, Entomologist. Dopt. 9. mishap, being kicked by a colt. The to be considered in grading and LOB ANGELES, CAL. chief damage was about the eye and packing. Growers should not attempt to seeing the eccentric Jonas and his GUNS A N D to handle and market their crops un­ umbrefta, but it was fully thirty years FISH-RODS hand. Dr. Colby dressed the wounds. before any considerable number of The Ladies’ Aid now hold their meet­ less they pack them in uniform pack­ William F. Nye is the great­ ages and grade them so that they will them dould bring themselves to follow ings in the small vestry of the church present a uniform quality and general bis example. est authority on refined oils in the When in Portland and are making plans for fitting up the appearance. Produce put up in good And now look at them! Wherever world. He was the first bottler; has same. The ladies are busily engaged Maine Stop at shape will appear to the best advan­ the Englishman is found, there is the the largest business and NYOIL in tacking puffs at the present time. tage at the time of sale. Markets are umbrella, as surely as the tea pot and ( ' itie Homelike House For Next Friday evening they are planning seldom oversupplied with good fruit9 the marmalade jar. Other nations, too, is the best oil he has ever made. Everybody" to hold a harvest supper at the Grange and vegetables; it is the unevenly ­ were slow to adopt the article, and NYOIL has no equal. ened, poorly developed, badly selected for years the British tourist with his hall, the following committee being in Beware of scented mixtures called charge: Mrs. H. A. Furbish assisted by produce that injures the sale of the inevitable umbrella was an object of lilCH ASE HOUSE better products. Produce of all kinds ridicule. Pie carried it to all parts oil. Use NYOIL ' on everything § Midway between New City Hall and M on- = should be sorted so that in each pack­ of the earth, ami today in lands where a light oil is required. It pre­ ument Square WBWANT TOUR COW OR HORSE HIDE age each specimen is as nearly like where there is seldom any rain it is vents rust and gives perfect lubrica­ 5 Only Fireproof Hotel in the State the others as is practicable. The ef­ in continual use as a sunshade. Mex­ tion. Sportsmen, use it liberally on | Conveniently Located for people Attending | and we will tan and make you a ficient grader has in mind the appear­ ico, South America, the "entire South beautiful Coat. Robe or Mittens to your firearms and your rod. You will Convention* 1 order. We make and remodel ance of the whole package, and not Pacific, Hindustan, and many another find it by far the best Hardware and | Every courtesy and attention shown ladies | ladies' furs. Prices reasonable. the individual specimens. This work country are dotted with white umbrel­ Samples and price List FREE. sporting goods dealers sell it in large traveling alone can seldom be overdone, for the more las carried by European and native Galloway co.Us and Robes for bottles (G h e a p e r to buy) at 25 c. and 1 AL' MODERN CONVENIENCES sale at wholesale prices. rigid the grading the greater will be alike. No one ever saw the baboo of 1 T R A N G IE N f R A T E S in trial sizes at 10 c. Made by All work guaranteed. the profits at the time of sale. India without an umbrella, for It is an | European Plan 11.00 per day and up | essential part of his English educa­ § American Plan 42.00 per day and up | References: Miles & Highbee, W M F. NYE, Bankers. Milford, Ind. tion. | H. E. THURSTON, R. F. HIMMELEIN. | | Proprietors. Milford Robe & Tanning Co., Read Maine Woods, the only news The crude and clumsy umbrella that New Bedford, Mas*. Mur joy Hill Cars pass the door. 4-8 Elm St. Milford. Ind. paper o’ It’s kind In the world. Hanway; carriedt of course _has given HiuiMiiiimijiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiuimmiHimiiMiiiimimiimiTi MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, NOVEMBER 20, 1913

gray rocks along the river bank were Milo 'left Wednesday for Schoodic to ward Brettou Woods the famous made beautiful and yet perfect, I real­ investigate the case. He empanel­ in the heart of the Mountains u^r ized that “ art is subjective, not object­ ed a cohonicr’isi jury Wednesday but the foot o f Mt. Washington. We ive” and a picture to be great need not the inquest was adjourned until lunched that day not far from a be a fact, but the ideal side is what Thursday morning to await the ar­ rushing mountain torrent. Here makes it great. rival of County A tty- James H. realized that we were on the favor­ “ I love the trees, they are my friends Hudson of Guilford, Who is at pres­ ite White Mountain route for autos and now would you like to look at some ent on a hunting trip at Rum pond- Were passing every minute. of my water colors?” asked Mr. Pratt Mr. Hudson is t,o return home Wed­ as he placed before me “ November nesday night. After lunch we passed on by the Yellow Birches,” then “ The Wayside According to reports of the trag­ Twin Mountain Hou, e, Fabyuns, the Inn,” “ Autumn Leaves.” I could not great Alt. Washington House, ou« let them pass quickly by, for each was edy received here, Mr. Dodge, who of the largest iu the country, Mt a work of art. is threatened with tuberculosis, wa^ I Pleasant House aud Crawfords- We Simple subjects it is true but all so at McNaughton’s camps nt Schood­ were passing that beautiful vale at wonderfully beautiful. Indian Sum­ ic f't>r his health. Tuesday morn­ the foot of the Presidential range mer, Among the Trees, The Lone ing be started out hunting in comj- Beech, An Autumn D

West, even though having been in ‘OLD MAN” MOORE AUGUSTA HUNTERS GET BIRDS resourceful if nothing else- He the osier classification for a bit AND BRUISES- his trousers, picked up his gun. more than twenty years at the time sifode tile 20 yards in 11 proud rolled under the fenc© and slunk steps, and, as hid victim peacefully “SOMETHING IN” of our returning. The reason, silently down the hill. Lik© the Two ihtrepid reprejenfaliva -of on succumbed t0 seven kicks, made “opportunities." j of Augusta's largest indU tries were wing and feathers, I wais not .noticed, bored explanation; , but I followed. Just now we are occupying a snug they. One wore a gray flannel shii But Thinks Farming Is Not His “ Oh, sure, I was after that one all apartment, furnished, and thoroughly with a green velvet tie, gold clasp H© reached,a log at the foot of the time.” j Specialty. modern, where w-e are keeping house and redstoned pin; a gaudy checked the hill and sat sadly down upon it. for th© winter; hut, gee, I don’t cap, a blue sack coat, and high rus­ The correspondent surrendered-— I went to him, contritely. As I } West Garfield street, j just know how to put in a whole set boots with gray striped trous­ and beat it. Away to th© we^t placed any hand upon his shoulder cam© the roar of Nemo’s “12" and, j Seattle, Wash-, Nov. 1, 1913. winter without some sort of employ ers tucked inside- The other wore my foot struck sojmething that stir­ getting out my paper and pencil, 1 red. i reached over and picked ’ it To the Editor of Maine Woods: ment. j a $5.00 Stetson, a cream colored jer­ rushed to the front. There he up. It wats the partridge- For­ It is now nearly one year since Just another word about the sey, a Norfolk .suit and the late t came, Peering, slit-eyed, about—afte gotten th© bruisesj, forgotten the three of us puded out of the Sandy “ coming and going” of The Old Main. make moccasins, with striped socks th© /style of our best moving-pict­ humiliation^ forgotten th© rudely Of course “Moore was uo farmer,’’ showing exactly on© and one'quarter river valley and hied it across th© ure Indians hunting a defenseless and never claimed to be, even inches above the top*', als© a briar dismembered bird of tbj© early after­ country to Seattle one© more; for cowboy. j noon. j tffo of us, while the other, Mrs. J- though he owned and carried on pipe and chamois gloves. Even with­ out their guns you would have know "Sh-h-h^” he shrilled as he saw “ Ain’t he a beauty?"- domanded H. Canant, Airs. Moore’s sister came lhe beautiful Maplewood farm; at m©; an again, “ sh-h-h-h." Nemo, leaping erect, “ and sa —son— acro% for the first time. It will South Strong fo.r three years. ‘‘Of that they were hunters. i “ shushed" so cleverly that I wa,s wasn’t that some shot7" It wlailI; be remembered that Mrs-. Conant course he t-un.k money there,” I Two war'like implements of high polish, were impre\?\sively brandished allowed to trail along, while he ex­ and I admitted it cheerfully—again bad been very ill, her life despaired bear the wise ones repeat. Yes, plained- “ She wfent out of a tre© nnd again—as w© strode out to) of, not long before we took our de­ and then some- Buit he and his go as they tripped blithely up the steps while 1 was fixing my shoe—just a meet Chas. who had a bird in each parture, and there were many mis* something outj of the soil worth of a Waterville bound car, Saturday noon. Then:, superciliously be­ snap shot—impossible of course.” pocket, had given an even half givings as to the propriety of such the money, good health. And they This last was a plain demand for dozen, to brother gunners, and sent a journey under the circunj on is now under the spreading branches of a to address ©m© comment to me- then -we expect**! and the poipu- “off” with you, possibly you may iemand was eo great for a second large ipine. After filling up the Then it happened- Doiwn the hill Th© book, “Gam© Protection” and •Litton that we publlsOied an enlarged have room for a part or all of this briar with a little “ Hard a Port,” from under a thorn plum tree flash­ Propagation in America by Henry improved edition to be sold by ed a mass of thundering feathers. ■•fl (postpaid) at tihe low p rice name*!. epistle from Old Man Moore. "I guess I’ll taJce a trip up t,his Chase, is a work of unquei itionable TVelve cents, poatpaid. S tam p * aic- With kindest wish© for all w,ho wood road to see if I can’t get a Nem0 forgot everything but his value to all interested in the sub­ “ hunting instinct ’ (impressed upo® J. W . BRACKETT CO. read. crack at her.” The correspondent ject. It is an authoritative treat­ Phillips, Maine. trailed along. Sure enough- An­ me by a dozen tales during the ise .and present^ the united opin­ Hl'NTiS FOR MOTOR’ HELPFUL other thundering whir, a wildly wav afternoon); let go his hold upon this ions of the able) it advocates and Ma p s OF MAINE ISTS. ing gun barrel, and the era h- for post, grabbed the gun barrel and what has universally been admitted "plugged." ' | RESORTS AND ROADS the third time since 1812. to be the correct theory. • Every (Continued from Page 2.) Plub, (or whatever kind of a nois.e Ever see a pinwheel in real ac­ Point of practical benefit a,nd im­ to obtain when on the road, and partridges make when they strike tion? Then you have |' ome idea portance which lias been settled by Main** Woods has frequent in>- Oif the effect. As a faithful com­ for maps of the Ashing r©- considerable annoyance can be the ground.) Down came the bird. science, law or experience in this of the state, etc. We can avoided by .carrying these aoce |sor- No kiddim’ ; she really did. Then panion I should have watched the field of conservation has been the following maps: ies. A valve tap and die should she got up and started to ruin. Cha) . bird, but I didn’t. Neither did Ne­ carefully and thoroughly treated, Oouimty ...... % -50 mo. PI up, and it wasn’t the par­ y y ^ e t County ...... BO also be added. wa© nervous and showed it. He put and all the Latest development'! and County ...... B0 the stock of the gun in the crook tridge. Odivn’s best drive is the lisociveries concerning artificial! pro­ Pt#c*/taqu is County ...... B0 If on© hajs thie room it is a good of his elbow and sighted cros wise j back one. If Nemo has anything pagation of game a.nd fish are “J'oostook County ...... s. . .B0 WMfcuvgtcvn County ...... BO plan to carryi a quantity of lubri­ but got his thumb between the ham* j better than his back ©ne, I’d die touched upon throughout the book, map of Maine, 20x36 im ..1.00 cating oil when touring. Most every mer and the Pin and changed his ! happy to be presenlt when it tran­ and attention called to those which, "•ologicai map of Madm© ...... 36 garage carries in stock a different mind. j spires. I are in the experimental stage and R map off Main© ...... 35 wro&coggta County ...... 35 make of olil. To mix these var­ When he pulled out his thumb the 'Tlie gun described a 40-foot arc thos© which are useless and wBnberland County ...... 35 ious gradd 1 is net advisable. A can gun went off. Far down the road but landed right fid© up with carte dangerous to conservation- It is County ...... 50 of lubricating oil does not lake up a partridge thumped into the dust on its butt- Nemo’s: fall different a .complete wadermecuffn on iih« «*BBebec County ...... 35 *®*xx County ...... 36 much r-CiOTO: and willi often Htros and lay quivering- Chas. and I in that he only described a 10-foot suhjecit. and Sagadahoc Counties .35 save considerable delay °n account looked dazedly around. Twenty arc. I' Mr. Chase’s writing® on gam© Ij*®b«icot County ...... 50 of motor troubles. Usually a stand­ yardii away the first one waited Th© tail feathers and wing fell conservation ar© well' known and County ...... 35 Iork County ...... 36 ard grade of oil can be obtained resignedly to be shot. Twenty rods froim his pocket and remained unnot he has practically devoted a life j. w BRA6KETT CO., at the larger garage* In smaller down the road was a second one iced whil© be untangled one leg time in study and labor for this places, however, it is difficult to dead. I from the top wire, pulled his stock­ caus It is published by J- B. Phillips, . Maine. obtain a choice of brands. ' "What— 7" I gasp©-’ , but Chas. is ing up to cover a jagged tear in Lippencott company, tPhiladoIpiiia. * MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, NOVEMBER 20, 1913

nest L- Cony, cemetery;., $1 val. con. (war.) horses and horsemen to Where To Go In Maine . Farmington—EYi&ha Bradford ! ------— William L. Hi&eock, land, and build lags, $1 val. con. (war-); Williaml By S. W. Parlin. spaed ever known. Although now but six years old he Is the sire of eight Hiscock t<> Mary A. Benton, ©t a], £ Come to OTTER POND CAMPS for 2 Three trotters that hold the world’s trotters that have made records in land, $1 val. eon. (w ar.); William ? ' MOOSE BEAR 4 champion records for their sex, are standard tinnf as yearling's, -and one P. Deane to Lida M. Parker, land,; now owned by C. K. G. Billings, a $ HUNTING I of them is U. Forbes (1) 2.21%, the \*al- con. (war-) . % DEER BIRDS % multi-millionaire of Chicago, 111. These champion yearling trotter of 1913. Thiy Wallace O. Moodyi to J. W. Moody % GEORGE H. McKENNEY, The Forks, Maine $ animals are the black gelding, Uhlan, A . v is a greater number of yearling et a} > 'land and buildings, $1 1.58, by Bingen 2.0614; the chestnut val. standard record trotters than is cred­ con. (war-) mare, Lou Dillon 1.59%, by Sidney ited to any other sire, of any age that Dillon 23157; and the brown stallion, A. P. Carvill to Chas. W. Berry, raa! Lake Parlin House and Camps has ever lived. J. Malcolm Forbes The Harvester 2.01 by Walnut Hall estate $1 val. con. (war.); EUji 2.08 was by thQ noted speed progeni­ 2.08%. H. Welch to E-.B.. Tibbetts, lm Are delightfully situated on shore of Lake tor, Bingen 2.06%, and his dam was Parlin on direct line from Quebec to Rangeley and buildings, $1 va’l- con. (war.) Lakes, popular thorough-fare for automo­ The fastest trotting record made by the famous Santos, dam of Pieter, the biles. being a distance of 122 miles each way. Wilton—Charles R. Young to Gao. a yearling trotter, the past season, Is Great 2.0i % and six other trotters that Lake Parlin and the 12 out ponds in the H. Ba.ss & Co., land, $1 val- con radius of four miles furnish the best of fly 2.21%, and stands to the credit of U. have made records of 2.30 or better. fishing the whole season The house and (w ar.); Ella M- Chase to Newtons camps are new and have all modern conven­ Forbes, a black colt by J. Malcolm Charles B. Pineo, E sq., Bar Harbor, iences. such as baths, gas lights, open rock Forbes 2.08. The latter is a son of Stowell, land, $16 con. (.quit).; Clif­ fireplaces, etc. The cuisine is unexcelled. Me., has sold to Oushman Walker ot Canoeing, boating, bathing, tennis, moun­ Bingen 2.06%. Hallowell, this State, a large, hand­ ford A. Chase by guar, to N. S tain climbing, automobiling. etc. The horses formerly owned by the some, standard-bred, good-gaited year­ Stowell, land, $150 con. (Guar- deed) H. P. McKENNEY, Proprietor, Jackman, Maine veteran horseman, Col. E. H. Greely ling colt by Don Frazier (2) 2.27 %* a Vivian C. Houghton ©t ol. tol James of Ellsworth, Me., will be sold by auc­ son of Cochato (3> 2.11 % by Todu H. Jodrey, ©t al., land. $1 val. con, tion at Bangor, Me., on the 25th of this 2.14%, a son of Bingen 2.06%. The (war); Lizzie E Jeffrey to Vivian DREAMS THAT COME TRUE month. Mr. Greely is one of the best colt's uam is Octoreen by Alclayone C. Houghton, land and buildings, $1 judges of trotting stock in America, 2.20%; second dam, steilecta tdam oi val. con. (war.) Every true sportsman very well knows that half and a very successful breeder of such, ’uctoree 2.26%) by Allectus 3i94, a sou Emma E. Magfrath to Herman the pleasure of the hunting trip comes from the plan­ San­ but at 82 years of age his health is- be­ of Alcantara 2.2a; third dam Stella born, land and buildingi~„ $1 val, ning and dreaming of bringing home the game. Why ginning to fail. not go this fall where yqu can make those dreams 2.15%, uy Vv oodorino 2.2o ^ , a son ot con. (war ) C. K. G. Billings has bought a farm tUe renowned iNutvvood 2.UN­ come true? Go where all kinds of game, both large of 5000 acres of fertile land, known as and small can be found. This can be done at Cuil's Neck Farm, situated on a bend REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. GttASE POND GAMPS, of the James river, in Virginia. This j will be the future home of his choice j Avon—Lajua L.. \Vichanu to Thomas GUY Gfl AD BOURNE, Prop., band of horses. The latter will be in b . Prefiby, land, $1 val. con. (war J| Bingham, - Maine’ charge of Charles Tanner, one of the j Qei h . Byi.on to Dana Lr Witham, Wrjte for booklet. Admission to Society in New York most capable trainers in America. Jland, $1 val con. (war-) Trotters that ore descendants ot p w BuUer t0 w u j. Goldsmith Declared to Be Easier Now. CARRY POND CAMPS will be open for the Bingen 2.06M, won $65,488 in. the Grand et ^ ^ w ^ 60B- (war., fall hunting. Deer are very plenty, some bear and some small game. On account of hunter’s CLARK & TOOTHAKER’8 license being raised I have decided to take all Henry C. Jackson to Nathaniel E. PI— ot Island Camp* f ^ P « j season of 1913. The trotting descend- Woman With Social Aspirations May hunters, after Oct. 1st. at $1.50 per day. Bring season of 1913. as soon j WeJl-^ standing timber;, $1 val. con. your wife or family along. Give them a vaca­ as the ice goes out. Write for booklet. ants of , the Great 2.07% won Obtain Entree by Possessing Dog tion. A license is only necessary for those who hunt. Good accommodations. The new house CLARK & TOOTHAKER, $53,142% during the same meetings, |f I £ war‘) — Routes Are Open to . * has large wood furnace. Can keep you comfort­ Frank W. BuUer to Lincoln A. able in the coldest weather. Booklet and refer­ Pleasant Island, Oxford County Maine. the figures of statistics are correct. the Climbers. ences. HENRY J. LANE. Carry Pond, Maine. Keep the weanling colts and Allies Worthier, land, $1 val. con. (war-) Via Bingham. growing by giving them liberal ra- i Kingfield— S. J- Wyman to Mabel New York.—Time was when break­ OUANANICHE LODGE. HUNTERS TAKE NOTICE. Come to Pierce Grand Lake Stream, Washington Co., Me. tions of the best of early-cut, well- S. Hutchins, land, $1 val. con. ing into New York society was a sim­ Pond and get your limit of game. No better World wide known for its famous fishing, ple mattejv You merely waited. Event­ place in Maine for Deer. Bear, Birds and some cured hay, and sound sweet oats. j (q uit.); Moose. Low rates to offset high license. vacation and hunting country. ually, in the course of several genera­ C. A. SPAULDING. Caratunk, Me. Norway Pines House and Camps, Dobsis Lake The change from old to new oats j A. R- Thurston to Elmer E. Davis, Most attractive situation in Maine. Good tions, you stood a chance of being auto road to lodge. Plenty storage capacity for in the fall of the year is sometimes ■ land, $1 val con. (quit); Irving la­ machines, From there one can take steamer to Invited to the very best houses. FISHING any part of the lake territory. The best hunt­ the cause of sever© cases of colic in j Eidridge to Caleb W . Gilmore, land It was three generations before th* ing, fishing and vacation section of beautiful AT Washington Co. Address for particulars W. G. colts and also in mature horses. Dan- 1 and buildings, $1 va’i con. (war-) Astors amounted to anything as so­ ROSE. Manager, Princeton. Me.. Dec. 1st to ger from this cause may be avoided Kingfield— Eunice Webster to J. cial beings in this community, write* John (Barville’s Samps April 1st. by making the change gradually. Be- Lendall carVilYew land;, val- con. a New York correspondent. The Van­ at S p rin g Lake derbilts made the extraordinary leap 8 gin by mixing a few of the new with ( wajr ^ Salmon, square tailed and lake trout. My camps RANGELEY LAKE - In better time—In two generations— are most charmingly situated on the shores of Camp Beante, The Birclw The Barker. the old oats, and add a little larger Spring Lake, well furnished, excellent beds, Writ* for free circular. Oapt. F. a Weld--John S. Harrow to M-eL’ln thanks to the mental resources and purest of spring water and the table is first-class, Barker, Bemde. Maine. proportion of th«e new at each feed for elevation 1,800 feet above sea level, grandest scen­ B. Cox ct si-, ’and, $1 val. co®. determination of a doughty social war a week or ten days after which there ery and pure mountain air. Hay fever and malaria (war.) rior whom the family acquired by mar unknown. Spring Lake furnishes excellent lake will be little danger from feeding 1 riage, and later lost by divorce, jfl trout and salmon fishing and in the neighboring Marv Robertson to Newton s. streams and ponds are abundance of brook trout. wholly upon new oats. People "get in" New York society Buckboard roads only 2-12 miles. An ideal family Stowell, $1 val con. (war ) summer resort. Telephone communications with The bottoms of the feet of young, now in a few years; sometimes in i Aillage and doctor. References furnished. Terms PJiilliposi—George G. Ba>tihelder to single season. reasonable. Address for full particulars JOB PRINTING fast-growing colts and fillies in the j JOHN CARVILLE. Flagstaff. Me. North, should be levelled with a rasp Joel W. Ca lton, land, $1 VaR con. Now a multiplicity of avenues of ap­ proach have been discovered. Here at least once a -month, during the time (war ) BELGRADE LAKES, MAINE. are ten; Dogs, women’s clubs, pub­ Th« Belgrade. Best Sportsmen’* Hotel that they are not exercised on bare Madrid J. W. CarRoai et als. to Now England. Beet black base fish- Maine Woods conducts a first- licity, charity, summer resorts, graft, In the world, beet trout fishing in ground. The toes also should he Fred N. Beal, $1 val con. (quit) ; the opera, first nights, travel (for Maine. Chas. N. Htll t Son. Manager*. class Job Department. It is well shortened occasionally. Long toes and Seymour Berry to Eva E. Hinkley, eign), woman suffrage. SADDLEBACK LAKE CAMPS. In the low heels cause undue strain upon the (and, $1 val. con. (war-); Mary W. The avenue of dogs alone indicates Rangeley Region. Booklet. equipped with modern type and tendons and also are liable to produce j Re,8(j t0 Ducy M* Perry, land and the advance we have made. Some cyn­ Hemon S. Blackwell, Dallas. Maine ics may call it retrogression. Hov machinery, and is in charge of ringbones forward and enlargement? j buildings, $1 val. c-on. (war.) RANGELEY LAKES. known as spoonbowls, in front of the cruel when one can thus lessen the Strong}—Maryi A. Hiaoodk to Owen years necessary- for a social entree! Bald Mountain Camps are situated at experienced men. pasterns and below the coronets of the C- Mann, land^ $1 val. con- (quit); foot of BjaJd Mountain to a good Children used to be the avenue of hind feet. fishing section. Steamboat accommo­ No matter what you need in John Hedle® to Charles W. Bell, land* approach, which has been usurped by dations O. K. Telephone at camps. Two Just- as fast trotters can he raised the later pets. mails daily. Write for free circulars to $1 val. con. (quit). the way of Job Printing, in New England as in any place in the One of the first moves of the bo- AMOS ELLIS, Prop’ r., you Richard Clark to Lebbeus B. Worth- world, if good individuals, with the cially ambitious woman in New York ■aid Mountain, Malna 1-ey, laud $12 con. (war-) send it to right blood inheritance are used foi these days is the requirement of a dog. JIM POND GAMPS Eustis—Sharlot W. Douglas to Joe breeding purposes. The first trotting If the proper beginning is made, If IN DEAD RIVER REGION. stallion in the world to make a record St- Ober l^and, $1 val. con (war-) the right sort of dog is secured, the next Btep is to enter him at the Good fishing. Three miles buckboard 2.10 or better was Nelson 2.09, bned, New Vineyard—Nettie M- Hogg to first exclusive dog show. This may be road. Telephone. Daily Mail. Write MAINE WOODS, raised, developed and driven to his iugp, $1 val. coai. (war-); Edwin E- for booklet. done the very first year. And there record by C. H. Nelson of Watervllle, Ernest E. Lincoln, land and build" M. M. GREEN & BROS., Phillips, Maine the woman has her first social oppon Me. The fastest trotter yet produced Parker to John Ranger.. Jr., land an Jim Pond Camps, Eustis, Me. tunity. is Uhlan, bred and raised by A. H. buildings* $1 ami. con. (war.) There are dog luncheons, dog din­ Parker, Bedford, Mass. Augustus L. Barker to Charles N. ners, dog receptions to which her WEST END The two largest money winning j Hardy, land and buildings, $1 val- canine will be invited, and no canine EUSTIS drivers in the Grand Circuit the past ©on. (war-) can go alone. The mistress must be included. Some day she may event­ HOTEL season were Thomas Murphy and Rangeley—Wi’.liamj S- Love to ually be invited on her own account H. M. CASTNER, Prop’r. 1 i i( ) Nov. 17. Walter R. Cox. Mr. Murphy’s stable Charles B. Harris, land, $1 val. con Another avenue for the social cllmfr Portland, Maine Colds are prevalent in town. of horses was wintered last season at (war.) er ts the summer resort and foreign Nearly all of George Henning’s Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and Mr. Cox’s at Dallas Plantation/—Frank W. But- travel. In Itself New York Is » Thoroughly first class. The hotel for children are ill with tonsilitie. Granite State Park, Dover, N. H. I ler to Arthur F. Cooper et aJs-, glacial city, socially. Its surfaces are A&aine vacationists, tourists and sport 3 William Lockyisr ha,si returned Nerve force is the most important| $1 ya] ^ (jquJt)> so rounded that It must be a hardy men. All farm, dairy products, pork quality in a speed horse that is to be climber who can secure a hold. Thu* home from! down river- Franklin, Countyi—Charles) Stetson and poultry from our own farm, enabl­ used for racing purposes. many have resolved to bring into the Mr- and Mrs. Wayne Fletcher and et als. to Kennebago Land Co., land, ing us to serve only fresh vegetables, Uhlan 1.58 is now used by his strategy- of their campaign a flank W- baby have g-one to Chain of Ponds to $1 val. con. (quit); Edward Stetson meats, butter, cream, eggs, etc. wealthy owner as a saddle horse on sault on the citadel of caste. visit Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Caldwell by Trustees to KeunebagOf Land Oo., American plan. Send for circular. the New York speedway. They remove their artillery to * foi* a) few1 dayte. ' distance. They pay outrageous prices Though Murphy won more land, $1 val. con. (quit); Isaiah K. Miss Nettie Botate has returned to ttfe hotels in the fashionable re­ Camps at Long money in the Grand Circuit the past 1 Stetson et als. to Kennebago Land to her home in Stratton a^er sorts in summer and to the stopplnf Pond. M any season than did the New England Co-, land, $1 val. con- (.qui1); Henryi vjutting Mrs. George Ridker for a places on the grand tour to Europe in FISHING out-lying ponds, trainer, Walter R. Cox, the latter won Crosby JStet on by Guardian to Ken the hope of thus scraping a valuable Nveek. Write S. C. HARDEN, j enough money outside of the Grand nebago Land Co., land, $1 vaJ. con- acquaintance. Rev. Mr. Gi'lpatrlck had a meet- Rangeley, Maine Circuit, during the season, to place (guard); Eleanor Livingston Stetson Most of them fail. The average ten­ tag at the schoolhous© Sunday, No- him at the head of the list of money- by Guardian to Kennebago Land Co., ure of residence in New York of fvehiber 16- j winning drivers, with a total of $85,- land, $1 val. con. (guard-) the wealthy women who come from MOOSELOOKMEGUNTIC HOUSE elsewhere is seven years—the life of AND LOG CAMPS. Mrs. James Foster Is very sick 000 to his credit. . The total amount Jerusalem Township—Frank J. Me Heart of the Raageleys. Beat fishing region. the chorus girl, of the yellow re­ Special J use and September rates. Booklet. and theyi are unable to procure help of Tommy Murphy’s winnings during Murrer et a’i. to S. J- Wyman, land porter and of the bounder tenant MRS. F. B. BURNS. as it is almost imporplble to find the season was $7,700 as announced I and buildings, $1 val. con. (war.) at Newport. VIA RUMFORD F A LLS. feirls ‘who went t.o do housework. by the Boston Globe. Both are indus­ Freeman—E. S- Larrabee t© H. S. First they wear out the novelty of Beat BaJrnoo and Trent Ftehlng to Mr. Lin wood Foster and Hazel trious boys in the sulky', and richly Wing* landi, $1 val. ©on- (war-) the theaters and the opera. Than, Haina. Fly fiabiagr begins about June having been ignored, or, if too per­ 1. Bend for olroufar. Houn* always Douglass ar© visiting the latter’s deserve all the credit which they have Jerusalem;—M,aud E- Woodcock to gained. sistent, snubbed repeatedly, they move *pea. John dhadwlok & 0 » ., U jt e r parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Doug- P©rry B ros, land, $1 (quit). Pam. Maine. Keep the young horse stock under on to the American resorts In sum­ over Sunday. Jay—Louis H. Bove to Main© & mer, to the Enropean in winter, In DEAD RIYER REGION cover during stormy, fall weather. Will Arnold has gone to King New Hampshire Granite corporation, the hope that they will find the social The Sargent. Up-to-data in every & Bartlett to cook for sportsmen. When a man has a horse to sell it crust there less glacial. particular. Maine’s ideal family is unwis0 to refuse a fair price for tlio buildings, $1 (war.); Schuyler S. vaG a George Douglass has had a tele­ Through this avenue a few—a very tio a resort. Good fishing and hunting animal. Before doing so count the Gross to Jessie A. BriggB, land, $1 phone put In his house. few—find the coveted entrance and i-acuoa- Cuisine unsurpassed. E. F cost of keeping the animal each week, val- con. (war.); Edwin D. Payne to many fail. The pensions of C- B. Holt and Ray Monahan of Naples, Look, Prop’r, Eustis, Maine. also make due allowance for liability Edwin H. Knight, standing timber, $ Florence, Rome, Vienna, Paris and Portland are stopping at George to injury, which will detract from the val. con. (war.); August© Loyer to Munich are filled with the wives and Tangm y’s and hunting. daughters of wealthy American IT PAY8 TO ADVERTISE IN MAIN* selling price. Thomas Croteau, land and buildings, men who have settled In New York from WOODS. LOW ADVERTISING Mrs. J. p. Sylvester Is on the J. Malcolm Forbes 2.08 is the most $1 val. con- (war.)’ elsewhere. RATES. sick list. successful sii’e of the early- standard Temple—Myra Leadbetter to Er- MAINE WOODS. PHILLIPS, MAINE, NOVEMBER 20, 1913.

Laura Belle Hutchins mental .faculties to a remarkable de ROLL OF HONOR Jasper E. Bubler CarroItT E. Pierce gr,ee for on© oif her years. She Alice B. Sargeint Scott H. White ready a great deal, tala^s a daily Holman M- Toothaker paper, atso a local one, thereby keeping in touch with the outside Blood Public Schools of Phillip: world. Liart winter (she set SCHOOL NOTES patchwork y-quareo for a quilt; sew­ ed them together and tacked the Medicine The following pupils were not [ G-us W. Wasrton Laurel Whitt-emore comforter - That originated in a famous doc­ ibsfiiit or tardy during the week ©nd- Corinne G. Dudley) CarT P. Steward PHILLIPS HIGH SCHOOL tor’s successful prescription, that is made from the purest and best ing November 14, 1913. Nov. 16. ingredients, that has a record of / GRADE V M- R. Keye®, Miss Lura Dennison, Messrs. G. W. Moore of Brookline, relief and benefit believed to be GRAMMAR SCHOOL Edith M. Edwards Opal C- Webber W- M. Ptayson, teachers. Mass., and J. W. Colby of Temple unequalled the world over-—such L. F. Bean and Miss Gladys Sterling Eloyd B. Aldrich A’iden W. Gould ar© 'stopping at Mrs. Ida Webber’s is HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. TeacberB. Clarice E. Davenport The members of the School play trying the hunting- | GRADE IX Howard P1. Davenport Iva G. Will met severa times this week for re- Milford Dunham attended the Nat­ WEST FARMINGTON Zera Batche'lder Mildred Smtfth Roxie E. Davenport hearsa.l ional Grange in Manchester, N. H. Claris E. Bunnell Alice E. Parker Evelyn H. Jacobs The members of the basket-.ball H(s father, F. N. Dunham) took his S j , i . Nov. 16. Kenneth V-.Hight Nason M. Jacobs team hav© made a coupl© of hard­ place on the hay press during his Louiee K. Davenport Mrs. Mary Tripp fromi Temple is Eveljtn M. Pillsjbury wood backboards and poit them' up- jabsen.ee- Bev«lo J. Warren Aline T- Obertan at work for Mrs. Mary Norton. Alice E- Parker L. Evangeline Reed I Some of the former players of the Rev. Mr- Baker of Wayne, who is Mrs. Ruel Goodwin visited her Lona Moore Th©o Davenport Virgil A. Rideout High school have come in. and tried spending hie vacation in the place Philip D. Shepard them, and they ail sayi that they are hunting, preached at the church mother, Mrs- Sooner last week and went to Hhe picture show. GRADE VIII | Gladys E. Toothaker made and put up in th© besit shape Sunday. He is a very quieft con­ Ralph Edllisworth and family spent Margaret Whitney Mary S. Haines of any ever put up in Lambert Hall. vincing speaker and those who were the Sabhath. at CbisterviHe- Marcia B. Leavitt Ruth M. Morton PRIMARY SCHOOL The last year’s basket-ball team present were much) interested in his Hildred Dyer Coleman S. Webber Mites Susie Smith, Teacher will play the surveyors Friday nigh sermon. His, subject waj; “ W or­ Carroll Rounds* who has been Ethel Mi. .Thompson GRADE IV i of this week for the benefit o,f the ship." Mr. Baker has proved that clerking in a store (has returned Reginald Bubier Wenda'll Boston, P. H- S. A. A. he Can shoot deer as we'll as preach, hom©. | ' GRADE VII' Evelyn Brown Helena Bulnnell he together withj the friend, who Mrs. Leonard Nash and little Clyde C. Knapp Nina J. Haines Reiued Leavitt Howard Whitney WELD SCHOOL came with him having secured three. daughter are spending th© winter Bora L. Luce Carl L. Beal Cora McLaughlin . Burton White with Mr- Nash, who is at work Pearl J. Frazier Roy N. Grover Helena Bunnell Blaine Morgan The visitors during the week were DISTRICT NO. 2 teaming at Madrid. Mrs- W. E- Ellis, the Messrs. Henry Ralph D- MoLeary Adana B. Croteau Olaremce PillEfbfurji | J- W. Jordan was in Kingfleld rec­ Chesl©}), Philip Foster, John Cush­ Florence A. Toothaker Glenton Thompteou Nov. 18- ently. ( i man, Oiayton Storer and Ronald Rodolph P. Croteau Charles Hutchins mtade a business N. E. Ranger Is buying eggs and Hardy and Miss Feme Phillips. The Lylene V. Davenport trip to Boston recently. shipping them- GRADE iu last four named were present Fri­ Malcolm E. Hardy Lillian Bennett Theodore Croteau Harry Heath is working for C- L- day afternoon, during a meeting- The apple packers are busy p.ack" Hazel Pride Wells Coney Hunter LilLa Wilbur held by th© Utopia club, the mem­ Gertrude Adams Pp.ul Davis bers ©f which are the pupfis of the INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Lucille Toothaker BOmer Goodwin High school. The following pro­ Miss Francis Southard, Teacher. Fern Morgan Wayne White gram was carried out: Have recently added a new assortment of Brackett Wing Lois Bunnell GRADE VI Opening song Hslem E. Aldrich Muriel A. Brown Estean© Leavitt Agnes Pease Farce; No Peddlers Wanted, by Marcia Davenport Earl F. Dyer Elliot-t Plummer, Laforest ElLis,, FLASH LIGHTS AND BATTERIES Gladys E. Hood Hiram C. Kennedy SUB-PRIMARY Thermal Conant and Kenneth EutoSeline F. Love joy Lelia Roes Mrs. Nellie Parker, Teacher Conant, (members of gram­ S&ra/h C. McKenzie Merle J. Smith GRADE II New Line mar school) Ive M. Weston Maple D. Rollins Lew*is J. Bnofw*n Shepard M. Bean Dorris E. Knapp BircheJ B. Rollins Recitation, Florence Sanborn Solo TTheo Collin's THANKSGIVING POST CARDS -»■ ______j Elizabeth McKenzie Karl V. Pierce Geographical puzzle expected this week. a consumptive : c o u g h . | Helen V. Robs ' Harlon E. Wiljbur Tarantella, Janice Wilkins A cough that bothers you continual­ j Ralph E. Virgin LuciKle A. Webber ly is one of the danger signals which and Beatrice Conant wains of consumption. -Dr. King’s Philip R. Wing Dorothy M. Smith New Discovery stop the cough, loosen Farce; The assessor, by Percy E. H. WHITNEY the chest, banish fever and let you Plhyllis E Hapndon sleep peacefully. The first dose checks Welch, Guy Chase, Stella the symptoms and gives prompt relief. Plummer, Dorothy Swe-et, Phillips, Maine Mrs. A. F. Mertz, of Glen Ellyn, Iowa, GRADE t f writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery, and Kenneth We'ich, (mem­ cured a stubborn cough a fte r six week’s Alphonse J. Croteau Farmers’ ’Phone 33-3. doctoring failed to help.” Trv it. as bers of grammar school) it will do the same for you. Best med­ Beat die e A. Hinckley icine for coughs, colds, throat and Closing song lung troubles. Money back if it fails. Price 50c and $1.00. All druggists, by mail, H. E. Hueklen & Co., Philadel­ Prescott. inig apples; phia or St. L ouis. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS REED'S MILLS. Adrt FOR RHEUMATISM KIDNEYS AND BLADDER Mrs. Eva Boedy wa)» the guest of Eggs ar© 42 cants- per dozen- Bid­ Mrs. Ada Haley a few days last dies are good property just ,now. Nov. 10. w©ek. The Ladles’ Circle was very" Th© Misses Abbie Caldeu and pleasantly entertained November 5, MADRID Aristene Plummer were guests of by Mrs. Ellie Heath and her daugh­ Ada Field the fir-t of th© week. ter Myrtle- It was an1 all day N'OV- 18. tie&sion and a bountiful picnic din­ Mr- and Mrs. Frank Haley of Ran A. L- Huntington prevented jour ner was served at noon. It being gel©y were rec©n(t guests of the correspondent vi.fli a bouquet of the annual meeting the following former’s uncle, G©Orge Hal©y and four daudedon blossoms, two but­ A PROPOSITION TO officers were elected: President, Ly­ family. ter .cups and st.awberry leaves as dia Dunham; vice president, Ida Mr. and Mrs. Bion Wing, who at­ green as in summer time. Hathaway; secretary, Lottie Doin' tended the National! Grange in Man­ J. C. Wel’lLi has been doing mason SCHOOL CHILDREN ham; assistant secretary, EM a Con­ chester, N. H., last w©e,k, will visit work for Arthur Beedy. ant; treasurer, Sarah) Wells. The th© former’s, brother B©n Wing and The r,epe.n)t rains have filled the next meeting will be on November family nn Autrim*, N. H* also relat­ wells for winter. 19, with Eflfie Dunham. ive^ in Massachusetts before they A few' listened to a helpful' sermon T o the girl getting the largest number of points Miss Hazel Webber of Phillips return- last Sunday by Rev. Mr- Baker of Wayne, from) Deut. XXVI: 10 And by the purchase of Rexall tablet covers, or Rexall High school spent S a t u r d a y and iC. L. Heweyi and Mrs. G. W. Bew- thou shalt s©1 it .before thy God pencils or from labels from any Rexall preparation S u n d a y a t home. ” ©y returned hom© fnoan) Wilton Mon- Misr-J EuTa Philbrook of the Stow iday where they had been visiting th Jehovah and worship ’before -thy God. bearing our stamp, I will give at the close of the er’s scb,ool’ and Misft Daisy Daven­ former’s sont, E. L- Hewey and faim- Jehovah- term a fine fountain pen.. One point for each port in the Village, closed their ily for a few dayis. cent’s worth of goods. schools last week for a week’s va­ Leo. and Haizel B©rfy, children of E A S T W E L D cation. Ml Is Phi'lbrlck will re­ Ira Berry are boarding with Mrs. Nov. 17. T o the boy getting the largest number of points turn, but to the regret of all Mi®9 Emma Smith and attending school Harry Rand of Carthage is iu by the purchase of Rexall tablet covers, or Rexall Davenport is unable to do so and in this district. Miss Ruth Pearson of Pittsfield town pressing hay. He pressed pencils or from labels from any Rexall preparation Mr. and Mrs. David Haley spent .over 221 tons for I. II- Buker last has, been- secured for the winter bearing our stamp I will give at the close of the Sunday with their nietoe, Mrs. Elwin week and is now pressing a lot of termi for Madrid village. term a beautiful watch. One point with each JfcLaugh'lia at Reed’s Mill- Mrs. Sarah Pomeroy* who is about 25 tons for Frank Dexter- cent’s worth of goods. passing the winter with her daugh­ I understand that Mrs. Edith AURORA GRANGE ter, Mris. Fred I Hathaway, passed Pulsifer has bought what is known Be sure our stamp is on every Rexall article be­ her 94th milestone last) Sunday as the Stephen Holt place- Truman Mas term an recently shot fore you leave the store. th© 9tli. She was pleasantly re- Aurora Grange held a very in­ mem(ber.ed by mamy of her friend9 teresting meeting Saturday night, a large fox on the Allen Holt mead­ ow. ) with po> t cards’. She is very with a gpod attendance. Mr- and smart and active and retains her Mrs. A. D. Graffam of Phillips were Jesisje and Lawrence Whitney are present and made som© fin© re­ yarding pulp Wood for Ezra Noyes. marks. Chas. Sanborn finished yarding ' Sick C!iildren Made Well There ar© several from! Aurora his pulp wood last week- E v e r y mother likes to see her child­ Grange attending th© National Mr. a>nd Mrs. Hiram) have returned R. H. PREBLE ren the picture of health and vitality. Grange at Manchester,, N. H .; among from their visit in Peru wheTe they 1 find that the stomach is a source of constant trouble them ar©, Mr. and Mrs- E- A. Peary have been visiting relatives1. DRUGGIST to Borne children and there Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Willard, Mr- and is a constant need of some Mrts, Bert Lake- BROKE IN. safe remedy. A disordered stomach, too, frequently North Franklin Pomona Grange breeds worms, either stom- meets this Thursday with Aurora The parties who broke in to th© PHILLIPS, MAINE Trade Mark ach worms or pinworms. Grange. All hop© for a largo at­ Walker buildings in No. 6 on (the You can absolutely depend upon Dr. night of the fifteenth had better see True’s Elixir to expel worms and tone tendance- up the stomach, bowels and general the owner before they are siummoned (Daily papers and Magazines)! health. into the Supreme Court. A word Dr. True’s Elixir, the discovery of my father, MORE BOTTLES SOLD EACH YEAR to the wise is sufficient. has been on the market for over 60 years. That’ s It is easy to understand why an increasing:num­ Farmers' Telephone Maine Telephone proof of its efficiency. Get the time-tried Dr. ber o f bottles of Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound James Mjorrison. True’s Elixir, the Family Laxative and Worm is sold yearly. Thos. Verran, 286 Edward Street, Expeller. Good for adults also. A t your dealer’s, Houghton. Mich., gives an excellent reason when 35c, 50c and $1 00- A dvice free. Special treat­ he writes: "Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound has ment for tapeworms. Send for book. always proven an effective remedy, quickly reliev­ ing tickling in the throat, and stopping the cough with no bad effects. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Auburn, Maine VUtA^. R, H. Preble, Phillips, Me. 5-OR backache kioheys ahd bladder MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS. MAINE, NOVEMBER 20, 1913.

were on a hunting trip laslt w^ek Jos-ep h of Methuen, Mass., are guest Jeffers have* moved into Hiram MILE SQUARE RECEPTION TO •of E* E. Tufts and Mrs. Estelle Daggett’si houf e- near Wefld. Tlifts. . , , , j Willie Jeffers has been on the | • - Nov. 11. Rolbert Hresby is working on the hay press in Strong. PASTOR AND WIFE Thomas Cross of geion is visiting: sick list for quite a few weeks past E. A. Peary i& attending the Nat­ J. E. Nobl© haj3 built a poultry relatives and friend^l in town this but we understand he is improving ional Grange in New Hampshire- house- being his old homo. under the attendance of Dr. Kenni- (Mm Inza Mar-den, who has .baejn Townsend Has Shipped 8,000 Bush* Mi\ and Mrs. G©o. Dunham) of Mrs. Lillian Nichdls of Salem was son of Madison- critically U'l is improving. Strong v|viitecl their parents), Mr. els of Potatoes—Two Deaths the guest of her brother, J. M* DolL- Mns. M. C. Gilmore is visiting J. E. Noble is building a large with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bearor and Mrs. John Dunhami and Mr. and hier, Wednesday. hen hour©. * | In Town Past Week of Madison. Mlrs. L. B- Kinney. ► Mr- and Mrs. Alec Campbell of Linwiood Beal is working for Win Clifford Bearor shot a< fine deer (Special to Maine Woods.) Dallas visited their daughter* Mrs- Dodge in Salem* near th© Boardman place last Sat­ WEST MILLS. O.jMardon. recently* KinfifieQd, Nov. 17—The Gosp-edi urday. Union Temperance meeting by the Mr. and Mrs. J. BTaine|Morri on MJissl Ina M. LoveJoy is ajssist,- Ollie Towne shott a deer last FOR CHILDREN THERE IS NOTHING W. C* T. U* will be held at the Bap­ Phillips visited his sistou, Mr -. H* BETTER. ing at Dr. Bishop's) for ^ short Monday. tist churoh Sunday* evening, NoiV. 23. W. Worthies* one;day last week. A cough medicino f — children must help their tiime and is intending to go to Po­ Mrs. Frank Eveleth is visiting her coughs and colds without - " . fleetson their little Mre. Francis MitcbeHl| returned stomacbB and bowels. Folev s Honey and Ta land Springs later we understand- relatives in Norridgewock. NOV. 17. exactly fills this need. No opiates, no sour stem, Friday to her home in Lowell, Mass. ach, no constipation follows its use. Andrew Nichols and Earl Sjmith Schools have closed for two Austin Mardeni has gone to Car- wheezy breathing, coughs and croup are ill The infant son of Mr. and Mrs- quickly helped. started Tuesday ho go to Stratton weekis. rabalssett to work ini th© wo©(i • R. H. Preble. Phillips. Me. Leon; Sanborn died Saturday, Nov. 15 of peritonitis. to work for L- Du nr ell. Burton L. Chapman is paying a Mrs. Hannah Riobinsomj visited There will h© a dance • at the few days’ visit in Anson and Madi­ relatives in Fthil'ldps gnd Madrid last Harry F. Beedy Maud E. Beedy Geo. Townsend finiShedl shipping HARRY F. BEEDY & CO., Grange Hall1 Thursday, November 13. son. weeks. * potato©^ Monday. There were 18 Fire Insusance Agency, • Good music will .be furnished and a Frank L. Chapman is1 home for a Judge Morrison of Phiilipul spent Agency for; narrow gauge cars or nearly 8,000 The Aetna of Hartfod, good supper for the occasion. few days. Sunday at H- W. Worthley’s. The Home, 'bushels. The Niagara, Johnnie Tarr is packing apples Mr. and Mrs. John Dunhami visit­ Harry LeMarr gave four shows Gaim© is quite plenty and hunters' New York Underwriter’s Agency with Geo. Love joy. ed ini Madrid last week* o f New York. at Fnench’s Halt last week. galore. Office at Rssidence, Mr- and Mrs. Joey Lovejoy visit­ Mr. and Mrs- J. Blaine Morrison MAIN ST.. PHILLIPS, ME. Mrs. Julia Moape and little daugh­ Edimund Cain and Miss Ina Loive- ed a few) days with his parents, of Phillips visited at H. W. Worth- — ter Susie of Lewi ton have been joy went hunting and 1 c a p t u r e d a here over Sunday. ley*1© one day la^ t week. All kinds of visiting hjs' aunt, Mrs* John Phil­ deer and divided same with their Mr. and Mrs. E. A* Peary were in lips and cousins, Raymond Phillips friends which was mqist desirable- Manchester, N- H.„ to attend the WOOD WORKING and Mrs- Chas. Hodgman. PAIN IN BACK A N D RHEUMATISM promptly done Torment thousands o f people daily. Don’t be National Grange- O. M. Vase of Madrid was in town Nov. 18. one of these sufferers when fo r so litile cost you at Arden© Kenneyi and G. B. Wilbur There haye been seven deer shot can get well rid of the cause. Foley Kidney Pills Friday. begin their good work from the very first dose. Rideout Bros.’ Shop. Waiter Creegan is working in the recently in the Boardman Mountain They exert so direct an action on the kidneys and bladder that the pain and torment of backache, R. R- station at Bigelow during the region, and one deer shot within 1 y2 rheumatism and kidney trouble is soon dispelled. GEO. W . BROWN R. H. Preble, Phillips, Me. hunting .season. miles o f this place. FOLEY KIDNEY FILLS Advt. FOR BACKACHE KIDNEYS Ai4D BLADDER Mrs. Walter Gatchell was in Bear tracks have frequently been town froni Madrid Friday. Her seen in this vicinity during the daughter Mabel, returned with her past few1 months and old brui.n was Phillips Hardware Co. for a few days’ visit- seen at three different times. For­ Headquarters for every­ Mrs. Thomas! McNauglit of Skow- rest Jennings shot at a bear last hegan is visiting her daughter, week but didn’t succeed in killing thing in the hardware line. Mrs. Herbert Witham. the animal. Seems as if they were v ir n m Lumbermen's Supplies, Mrs- Wallace Safford is visiting getting quite tarn© to linger around Blacksmiths' Supplies, relatives, and friends at New Port­ and £©me one ought to be able to Doors, Windows, Stoves, Tinware, land and Lexington'. capture one. Plumbing Goods, Sporting Good^ Walter Baker and wife have start­ Miss Ina M- Lovejoy has gone to Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Muresco, etc. ed on their return journey from work at Poland Springs in a private Now is the time to do spring Painting, Florida- 1 i, 1 , ‘ It 1 cottage as we understand- | Repairing, etc. The members of Grace Universa- This, beautiful weather is very- We btiy for the lowest list church garve a reception to much appreciated* their pastor, Rev.. Anna Bailejf and Spot Cash prices, and give Elhridge Rand ha® undergone a her husband, Rev. J. A. Bailey, at surgicalJ operation a/t the Central our customers the benefit of tbe vestry Thursday evening. A Maine General hospital, Lewiston, | same. good number were present. Re­ and remains in quite a critical con­ freshments of -cake and coffee were dition. Phillips Hardware Co. served by Mis-ses Apphia Stanley, Mr. Richmond and family, who ------— Lou CarviiLe, Agnes Porter nnd boarded with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Laura Corson- A short program was given- The ushers were Mr-. Nettie Wailker and Mrs. Nellie SMALLPOX AND DIPTHERIA Vaughan. Mr. and Mrs. C. O- Wil­ Puffs, J ^ There is less dread of these diseases kins and Mr. and Mrs- H. D. P. now than formerly, because everybody V/armth Without Thompson aided Mr. and Mrs. Baile knows they can be prevented, one by in receiving. vaccination, the other with antitoxin. Mattresses, William: Doucet aged 70 years, You can keep from having colds, grippe, Smoke or Dirt who came here with John Martin bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, typhoid several years ago and who ha,'! since fever, rheumatism, and other danger­ OU get all warmth and lived with him, died Friday morning, ous cold-weather ailments, if you put Pillows. Nov. 14 of heart trouble. He had your system into a proper healthy con­ Y comfort—no smoke or been sick for some time- dition to lesist disease. smell—with a New Model Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wilkins start­ Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion helps tha Perfection Heater. ed Friday for a visit with friend ' in body produce substances which prevent C. F. Chandler & Son, Dover, Maine. the growth of disease germs in the The patent locking flame- blood, thus putting the system into a Mr- and Mrs. Virgil Bog,ert and spreader (shown in picture) Phillips, - Maine little son of New York ware guests healthy condition to resist disease. It of Mr. and Mrs- H. G. Winter last will help you get well and strong if you automatically prevents week. have any of the above diseases, or turning the wick up to the other diseases. It is very good for chil Harold Safford and family have dren just at this season of the year— smoking point. moved to J. W. Jordan’s ccittage COAL to make them healthy and strong to rent. Wholesale and Retail successfully resist cold weather ail­ Leave your orders early for next Miss Bertha Myers has returned ments. winter’s supply. For prices apply to to Phillips where she is doing There’s direct benefit to you in every S n o k LESS BEAL & McLEARY, housework for Mrs. Edgar Tooth* ingredient in Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion. Office at Phillips Station. aker. The four* Hypophosphites it contains - Mr. and Mrs. Sewall1 Poster of are used by leading physicians every­ There is nothing to get out of 5000 Cords Lowelli, Mass., are with Mrs. Potter’ where in debility, weakness and liabili­ order in a Perfection. It gives a Peeled Spruce, Fir and Poplar Pulp- mother, Mrs. Jane Mitchell- ty to disease, to strengthen the nerves. quick, glowing warmth and is wood wanted, delivered at any Btatl* Purest Olive Oil, one c f the most nutri­ on Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes R. It i Mi si si Mary E. Sumner went to always ready for use. between Farmington and Rangeley Winthropl Tuesday to visit1 her tious, most-easily-digested foods I between Strong and Salem. sister- known, being taken with the hypophos- No disagreeable, dirty work in A.W. McLeary, Phillips, Me. Mrs. Clara Byion of Phillips is phites, gives rich tissue nourishment inserting and removing wicks. the guest of her soni O. S. Byron through the blood to the entire system. Wick and carrier are combined for three weeks. You who are weak and run-down, and you who are apparently well now, —simply lift out the old and E. C . Higgins, M. D. Edwin A. Thomp on and mother but are bable to suffer from various drop in the new, which is trim­ Office over National Bank. Mrs. Esther Thompson of New Port­ cold weather ailments, use RexaJl med ready for use. Phillips, Maine. land have moved to the upstairs Olive Oil Emulsion to get and keep well Look for rent in John Butterfield’s tenement- The font holds more than a j Both ’ Phones and strong. For the tired out, run down, the Heater gallon of oil and an indicator Mr. and Mrs. Ervin. Barden have nervous, emaciated or debi:itatea — the gone to Stratton where he will1 have with the show s the amount of fuel left convalescing—growing children —aged at a glance. Strong, durable employment in the woods during the TRIANGLE D. R. ROSS peoplp—it is a sensible aid to renewed catch and hinge— heater can winter. strenr t \ be tter spirits, i>lowinghealt ■. be carried easily wherever it Attorney and Counsellor at L Mrs. Mary Dow ding and son Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion —king of is wanted. Office at No. 2 Bates Block the celebrated Rexall Remedies—is for fretdom from sickness of you and your The Perfection Heate- is fin­ PHILLIPS, - - - - MAIN* AN ENGLISH AUTHOR WROTE: ------—______T “No shade, no shine, no fruit, no flow­ family. Pleasant tasting, containing no ished in vitreous turquoise- ers. no leaves-—-November!” Alany blue enamel or plain steel Amerieans would add no freedom from alcohol or dangerous drugs,you’ li be as J. BLAINE MORRISON catarrh, which is so aggravated during enthusiastic about it as we are when drums. Lasts for years; or­ this month that it becomes constantly troublesome. There is abundant proof you have noted its strengthening, in namental; safe; convenient. that catarrh is a constitutional disease. Attorney - at - Law It is related to scrofula and consump- vigorating, building-up, disease pre­ For sale at all dealers, or write for de­ tion being one of the wasting diseases. venting effects. If it does not help you, scriptive circular to Hood s Sarsaparilla has shown that Beal Block. I’liillin* Fire urn! Life InsnrsiM what ts capable of eradicating scrofu­ your money will be given back to you la. completely cures catarrh, and taken in time prevents consumption. We without argument. Sold in this corn STANDARD OIL COMPANY ------— ------cannot see how any sufferer can put mu ,ity only at our store—The Rexall off taking this medicine, in view of OF NEW YORK the widely published record of its S ore—one of more than 7,000 leading D r . W . J . C a r te r , radical and permanent cures. it is New York, N. Y. Albany, N. Y . undoubtedly America’s Greatest Medi­ drug stores in the United States, Can- cine for America’s Greatest Disease- ad i and Great Britain. — R. H. Preble, Buffalo. N. Y. Boston, Mass. DENTIST C atarrh . A d r Phillips, also Marr’s Drug Store, Siccewor to Dr. Elliott Farmington, Me. Hours 8 to 12; 1 to 5. Evenings bj ; appointment. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, NOVEMBER 20. 1913

The members of the Woman’® For CCrAXITV 13017C brothers, Jess© and William. ONE OF THE BEST eign Missionary Society met last j l V l £ i £ j from Erie, Pa., and is being set1 up. I Julia Ell’s is working for Mrs. Orlean McLaughlin of East Wil­ Thun day afternoon with Miss Hor--| C D U A V I M f r T i l U T U C T Witham in No. 6. OF SUPPERS tense Smith. These ladies are I EjAfvlilU 1 tu 1 ton was in town laisit Thursday- He H- E. G etc hell is visiting in Au much interested in their new book, and hiisi family will start for Kan­ j burn- “The King’*, Business.” There are sas next week where they will spend Officers Chosen for Woman’s For­ four new members. The officer® W ill H old Thanksgiving Services Extensive repaii s have been made the winter. eign Missionary Society for this y.ear ar^; president, Mrs. —Injured Man Recovering. on th© Sanborn houfe in the lower H. E. GatoheU resumed from a Marguerite Will; vice president, Mrs- parti of the vilLage. week’s visit in Auburn/ last Satur- May Lewi i; secretary, Mrs. Reliance Homer Bovi ha® moved his fam­ |day. i (Special to Maine Woods.) Daggett; treasu.en, Mrs. Grace (Speciall to Maine Woods.) ily to Auburn where they will re­ Fay Co nan (j is working for Mrs. Strong, Nov. 18—Mu J Warren ■Will. Weld, Nov. 18—The F. B. Y. P. side in the future. R- E. Snowman on the west ®id/e of Look and grand daughter, ML ^ Thel Dr. Warren Sherman from Gran- j S* C' E' w511 hold a harvest supper Mr. and Mrs. Norris and son Lake Webb. ma Jacobs of New Vineyard spent iteville, Mass-, was in town Mondayt at the home of D. H. Storer to­ Hayden of Portland have been visit Callvin Kneeland was quite pain­ Sunday in town the guests of F- W. night- calling on old friends. He cP-ine ing her father, Rev. C. L. Wood- fully. bruised and! cut last Friday Look and family. Saturday night to accompany hi® Calvin Kneeland wrho has charge worth. the new mill where he was over­ Ralph Hennings of Phillips has uncle, T. B. Hunter home. Mr. of setting, up the boiler and machin­ Mr. an* Mr?. H. G- Masterman seeing the work- a large piece of been at C. V. StarJbird's the past Hunter has visited Dr- and Mrs- ery in the new mill was injured Fri­ and Mrs. F- S. Schofield were at boiler plate was being hoisted into week overhauling and repairing his Sherman the past two Weeks- day iaj.it by/ the falling- of a piece of Kent’s Hill to attend the Kent’s place when the rope broke letting Cole automobile. The tow-in water is being put into iron on pulley. He is getting on Hill-Hebron foot ball game. the mas® of iron which weighed An error cocurred in tbe».notice of the barber-shop occupied by Fred oleeiy and is up about his room Lament Bean of Phillips has .been nearly 1200 pounds drop ,to| the Miss Gladys Bubier’s marriage last Leathers. j and hopes to go to th© mill very visiting his uncle, George P. Ramfj- ground. It struck Mr- Kneeland week. It should have read toi Allen Meetings are being he!ld each soon with the aid of crutches, dell. o,n the leg® above the knees but for­ MeCourt instead af to Harold Mic- evening this, week at) the Methodist I There will be union Thanksgiving Abiah Sargent will go to Wilton tunately did not break tb,a bones- Card- church especially for the young services in the Union church Wed- soon to spend the winter. Miss Leola Woith'iey was a recent people, it being Win-my-chum week- j nesday evening, November 26. Rev. LeW’is Pratt killed a deer last guest of Mrs. Edgar McFhaii and Llewellyn Moirowt of Farming ten, C. L. Woodworth win deliver the week near the Centr© Hill school- HAVE y o u u r ic a c id t r o u b l e ? Mis)i Vivian Bates. spent Sunday in tpfwn the guest of menage- house. The supper which was given Sat­ friends. The second pri?e speaking con- Levi Blaisdell will start this Many Phillips People Are Learn­ urday night by the Ladies’ Aid "was Charles Whiting from Kingfield lest was held November 14 in the week for Wi?conj in for the winter- ing How to Avoid It. largely attended and successful fi­ has been in town the past week a* •" Congregational church. Music was 01ean McLaughlin of East Wilton nancially. After supper had been sisting the Harry La Marr Comedy furnished by Mr. Day/ and E. O. was ini town Friday last. You bear a great deal about uric served the tables were cleared a' company, who have been giving j Metcalf; the speaker/® were Edna Don Gates of Dixfield was in town acid trouble. This is only a form way aud flinch and sociability were shows in Bell s hall- Plummer, subject, “ The American Yesterday. of kidney sickness. When weak, enjoyed a few hours. The supper Friends of George Crosby are :'n- Flag;” “Lessons from) the Pastor,’’ A chicken and turkey shotting the kidneys pas® off only a part of was highly praised and said to he terested to know he underwent a Ezra Noyes; “ Christian Citizen- rnaAch will be held Wednesday/, No­ the uric acid poison. The best one of the best ever served by these surgical operation at his home ship,” Clayton Storer; ‘ The Vale vember 26, in charge of Raymond remains in hte body to Irritate the ladies. Tuesday forenoon, performed by Dr. of the Shenandoah,” Carolyn Kit- Winter. nerves and disturb the organs. Uric Mrs. Eliford Winslow and Mrs- H. Bell assisted by Dr- Nichols. All. j tredge; “The EXoduisi of the Arcad- Ado’lph Robertson is driving the acid may cause heart trouble, head­ ache, bad digestion, rheumatism, N. Luce made a business tri p to hope for his speedy recovery. ians,” Jennie Sanborn. The judges Dixfield 'stage fer a short time. neuralgia, gout, dropsy and gravel. Farmington last Friday- Leon Fellow® of Farmington was wehe F. S. Schofield,, Mrs. W- H. Mrs. Clara Sanborn was a guest Doan’s Kildnev Pills are especially Mrs. Frank Goldsmith of South in town Monday evening on buj lues Woodard and Mrs- Jesse Cushman. of Mr. an-d Mrs- F. S. Schofield prepared for weak or sluggish kid­ Paris is visiting her parents, 'M r. W. A. Bradford returned T u esd iy’Fbe priz© of a five dolar gold Friday last. neys. Are endorsed by thousands C. A. Hardy has returned from and Mrs. L- T. Hunter, while Mr- from a week’s trip to Lewiston and piece was awarded to Ezra Noyes. and arc endorsed at home. Can Arthur Foster hap rented the his hunting trip. Goldsmith is enjoying a week’s hunt elsewhere. any Phillips reader doubt Dro follow­ Levi B’nisdell place and wil soon ing trip- The following a e the w©ek eud Nov. 17. ing statement? It’s from a resi­ move h!s family there. Mr- and Mrs. C- F. Chandler of guests at Hotel Strong: J- E. Law- Homer Bovi moved hfs family/ fo dent of Phillips. Mrs. Rose Trethewey and daughte Phillips were guests of Mr- and Mrs. ton, F. T. Thompson, R. E. Law­ Auburn last Saturday where he is John W. Kennedy, Phillips, Me., Margaret of Dixfield were in town Harry Chandler aver Sunday. rence, C. H. Kenney,, Bangor; H. L- working for the Percy Lumber Co. says: “ I suffered from kidjney Mr- and Mr \ J. C. McLeary of Gowen, C. F- Knight, • F. Stevens, Friday last. Vem© Con ant, shot a deer lust trouble for years and at times was Farmington visited D. E. Leighton L. C. Bailey, E. E. Cutler, H. E. i JOSePh Hamden fci visiting his Thursday while attending to his hardly able to get about. The and family Friday. Dill, H. M. Barnet , Capt. William ^daughter, Mrs- Scott Swett of line of traps near Potter Hill- action of my kidneys was Irregular. Wilton. Rosooe Whiting has moved his Cross, Ross W. Thompson, J. F. C. R- Hall of East Dixfield was Although I doctored and took dif­ Henry ChesLey will go to Wilton family into Dana Fogg’s house. Hulit, S. P- Fawleyp Portland; C- in town Last week buying cattle. ferent medicines, I was not helped. Wednesday for a few day®. Riley Huff has bought the house Bissellu New York; H- G. Fayp F. Vern Hardy returned homo from Finally, someone advised me to take Mr. and Mrs. John Cushman of tod will occupy the rsnjt recently I. Conway, J. W. Grant, Boston; J. Manchei ter, N. H.„ last Saturday Doan’s Kidney Pills and I got Winthrop are in town visiting his vacated by Mr- Whiting. N- Roderick, Augusta; S. F. Cobb, where h© has been attending the some at Cragin’s Drug store (now Captain William CrOt«H, of The Grace M. Cobb, Auburn; A. M- C!lar National Grange- Preble’s Drug store). They help­ ed me iln every way. They seem­ Salvation Army*, spoke both morning C. B. Mpody, Farmington; Orin BEAUTIMJL PHILLIPS WOMEN The new engine for Swett and and evening at the Methodist churc Lane, Harry Savage, North Anson; Kneeland’s new mill has arrived ed to clear my system of uric acid poison and they also relieved the last Sunday and wras much enjoyed L. C- Carter and friend,, H. G. Buz- The Secret of Their Increasing pains.’’ by all present- Mr. Cross cams tol zell, I. l . Nevin's, Lewiston; c. A- Charm. WOULD MAKE THEM BETTER IF THEY For sale by all dealers. Price 50 this country from Scotland about Boothbay, Gculhoro; O. M. Vose, COULD eight years ago and < 1 engaged in Kingfioid; Vinton sisters, Wilber It is really surprising that in such Tie makers of Fo’ey Kidney Pills know that cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, they have absolutely the best combination of the social Problem. He is also sisters, Biiley Morton, Ol'.ie Per­ a short time there should be so curnlive »nd healing medicines for kidney and New York, sole agents for the United bladder ailments and urinary irregularities that States an ordained minister in the Baptist kins, Barton, Joe Bj-odean, marked an improvement in the ap­ it is nossible to produce. That is why Foley Kid­ denomination. Harry La Marr Mu ical Comedy Co. pearance of so many Phillips ladles, ney Pills are the b si medicine for the purpose Remember the name.—Doan’s— you can buy Mrs. Eila May*) is keeping house F. C. Shackford,, Auburn; W. W. but is not surprising when the cans ' R. H Prtble. Phillips. Me. and take no other. Advt Advt. for Rev. W. P- Holman- Tain ter, Dixfield; Wilbur Grant, of this improvement is known- And The little eon, of M.r. and Mrs. J. Strong- there is no great mystery about it K. Lawton was very ill Sunday after all- Drop in most any day evening, suffering from convulsions. AVON now ati R. H. Preble’ drug store Willie Vining has recently pur­ and you ar.e likely to see one of chased a (very? handsome pair of Nov. 18. th© clerks wrapp ing up a box of heavy horae®, and a thrashing ma­ Masters Renam'd and Kenneth the little pi-ls that do so much to Brighten Your Home chine. He has been very .busy the Hunter, who spent the week with improve tie appearance o,f one’s Past few weeks threshing for the their grandmother, Mrs. C- W. Cook complexion. Bright eyne or two of Kimball’s parsonage next Monday night} at few days. Liver Stomach Pil's at bed time- 7 o'clock- John Pratt is helping Percy Cook These pills contain dandelion and WALL PAPER Mrs. Ralph Starbird went to her shingle his barn. other purely vegetable extracts that home in Topsham, Tuesday- after­ Riley Huff is moving stove wood are known to have a selective ac­ For This Purpose In noon, to spend a week with her par­ front the faint in Avon where h-e tion for skiu affection?, and1 being ents. ' formerly lived., to his huose in both a laxative and tonic they' The Ladies’ Aid meet this week Strong village. quicken the circulation and open the Great Variety At Wednesday with Mrs. M- A- Will. pore® and ©n/courrge the action of NORTH PHILLIPS the .bowels, stimulate the liver., and enrich1 the ,blood and at the same CASTOR OIL IS TASTELESS NOW Nov. IS- time cure bUliouseess* sick head"' C. E. DYER’S A Remarkab e Step Forward in Oi'l Mrs. Ina. Davenport and children uche and chronic constipation. Whe Retiring- spent, a few days la t week with once used the r merits cannot be co J I ------■her mother, Mrs. E. R. Lander. I once used their merits connot be STRONG, MAINE. Pure, clear castor oil, without fas’ e Leon Hinkley captured a large j concealed or smell, is a recent discovery of the deer ’last week. house of Spencer Kellogg & Sons, re Mrs. Joel and MYs. Albert Carlton finera of vegetable oils. and little son were guests of Mrs- The Kellogg mills take away the Gary Nickerson last Sunday.. nauseating taste, but remove none of Mr- .and Mr'.. W. Biiilingtcn and the good ptoperties of castor oil. children visited friends in Temple As Kellogg’s Tasteless Castor Oil is last week. TO PIANO BUYERS merely a purified ca tor oil, it works Mr. and Mrs. Percy Voter were FOR SALE better than the evil tasting.* evil guests of Mr. and Mrs- Orlando Mar- Atlantic Range without smelling dose of the past, ard dors not den last Sunday. tank but fitted with brass coil for 1 have the same piano for from $50 to $75 less upset the stomach. Children take it W. E. Hinkley w,ha is working in hot water. Used less than one easily J : than city concerns get out of you with “highest Farmington spent Sunday/ with hie year. Kellogg’s Tasteless Castor Oil has Price $20.00. been supplied to all druggists, not in family. \ awards”, “ 108 checks”, “ club sales”, etc., etc. bulk, but in neat 25c and 50c bottles. Cy.nthia, Li,nw,c©d and Althea It is necessary to ask for Kellogg’s Hinkley visited wi h friends in Avon \ See me before you buy=not after. by name, to distinguish it from dis­ Saturday a 'd Sunday/. ERNEST L. MILLS, guised castor oil flavored with pepper­ Miss Martha Wilkinson and Miss mint and other strong essences. The Manett were guests of Mrs. Clinton THE WATKINS MAN trademarked label hears a green castor Harnden la t Week. CHA5. W. NORTON. Pleasant St., Phillips, Me. leaf, with the signature. Kellogg’s. Church Street - - Farmington, Maine Made only by Spencer Kellogg & Sons Inc , Buffalo, N. Y., refiners of FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS vegetable oils. ; OR KHE JMAT/S.4 k • 0NLY3 MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE. NOVEMBER 20, 1913.


Mrs. A. O. Moulton,, who Visited Mrs. Mary C. Cushman has return­ lier sister and nephew, Mrs./ M. A. ed from East Livermore W|herei -she f Leighton and Henry Leighton last has been visiting her brother, B. NEW IDEA week, has returned to her home in D. Whitney. Jay. Mr. and Mrs- A. D- Graffam at­ Each and every pattern only 10 cents. SPECIAL Mrs. Cliarlaj L. Goodridge of tended Grange meeting at Strong Leering was the guest| of Miss Saturday night. Cornelia T- Crosby last Fildiaji nigtyt Mr's. C. E. King is visiting heir ' going to Skowlkegau ,il the noon itrai grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saturday to visit friends- Toothaker- Hon. H. B. Austin is on a bn tin- One week ago 'last Saturday La,- ess trip to Boston and New York mont Bean decided to take a trip On account of this week. to see his uncle, George Ram, id-all in The Christmas Present c/lub will Weld, and thought lie would crank meet with Mrs. Charles F- Chandler up his auto and sifcfl.pt. He started the mild weather this (Tlhur (day) afternoon. alii right but when he got a mile J. Lewis York of York Camps, or -so from home going byt way of Loon. Lake, was in tow'n Monday en the valley he struck some mud so route for a trip dowjn the line. we have not sold thick that he had hard work .to get Mrs. Charles Wheeler, Mrs. Emirna out of it- He decided to return Shepard and Mrs. Buoy Hilton were home with the auto but his courage as many overcoats in Livermore Monday for the day. was all right for the trip! sfcil'i and h Mr- Carter of Lewiston tv iO car­ started on foot and reached there ries a very fine line of Mexican in due time. While he was there as we should if it work and fancy articles, and wlho his hound got his foot cut badlyi o,n visits Phillips often,, has been in a scythe and he left him until1 last town this week. had been colder. Saturday when he struck out again A- W. Bean’s health is much/ on foot and returned home Monday i improved In the last two weeka. He forehoon the same way. Mont sayrs was able last Saturday to "walk to We have a line of he can guarantee better walking tha the village and hack home and on 7095— Misses' Coat 7089—Ladies' Wslst autoing. Sizes 32. 34, 30, 38, Monday took a ride to D. F. Sizes 14, 16, 18 Mrs. Mi'llie Fairbanks had half a 7112— Ladies’ Coat Waist Years. 40 inches bust $12.00 and $12.50 Hodgefsl’ with his son, George Bean. Sizes 32. 34. 36, 38, 40 measure. doz-en nice hens stolen from the inches bust meas- 6*08— Misses’ Skirt 7090 — Ladies’ Skirt Miss IVlertie Heath left Wednes­ ^ ure. hen house last Mo-nday night. She Sizes 14. 16. 18 Sizes 22. 24. 26. 28. day moming for Me'lrqi ie Island, * 7113— Ladies’ Skirt Years. 30 inches waist good warm over­ where she has a position for the went out to! deliver therm to George Sizes 22. 24, 28, 28 measure. Bean who had bought them and inches w ist measure. w!infer. Mrs. Eva Beedyi of Yarmouth was discovered her loss. coats, all this sea­ a Sunday guest of her friend. Mrs- A tramp has been calling on a LOW PRICES few families in town for food- He George Haley-. 8 inch leather top snag proof rubbers, is quite a young man and Looks, as $2.25 son’s styles, which Leslie Buchanan of Portland waa Men's 4 buckle overshoes, in towm lajst week. a guest of Mr- if he ought to he capable of pro­ 2.00 and Mrs. Charf-e® E. Dill. curing hi j own food. Lumbermen’s moccasins, 2.00 we will sell at Miss GPusti© E. Kempton is in Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chandl-er and Children’s coats, age 6 to 13, 2.50 Portland this week. Mrs. A. G. Cronkhite called on Mr. Ladies’ coats, 5.00 Rosco© Whitney of Farmington is and Mrs. Harry A. Chandler in their Felt boots, 1.25 $10 each to close. visiting in tihe family of Mr. and new home in Strong last Sunday- Felt slippers, 60 cents Mrs- Norman Caldon for a few days- Mr. find Mrs. F. A- Lawton have Bed blankets, been visiting their son Leon and $1.00 Mr. and Mrs. James Ross and son Puffs, We consider this a wife in Everett, Mas®., the past 1.50 of Rangeleyi W'ere the week end Home made puffs—bargain, guests of hi‘3 .sister and family, Mr. week. 3.50 and Mrs. Charles Hamlin. Miss ""Cornelia T. Crosby went tp Pulfs made to order, any size and weight. remarkable over­ Donald S- Hodges shot a fine Rangeley on the Monday- evening Batting, 10, 12 1-2 and 18 cents deer recently. train where she will be the guest Mrs. Tyler’s home knit stockings, 60 cents coat value. All Charles E. Dill is confined to of Mrs. Etta Di'il and other friends his house this week with a sore for a time. She rather expects) to toe- take in a hunting trip before her The King’s Daughters will meet return home which may not be until MONMOUTH MOCCASINS sizes 35 to 44. after Thanksgiving. Friday of this week with Mrs- Stan­ For Youths, Boys and men, $1.75 to $4.25. ley Blais dell at the home of her F- V. Berry of Portland, assistant mother, Mrs. Frank J- Toothaker. to the vice president, George S. Jas. H. Kerr of Rumford has been Hobbs, in th© Maine Central rail­ HOME KNIT HOSE awarded the .contract for grading- road ©ffice, was the guest of F. N. 60c a pair. the extension of Congress street and Beal last week. Later in the will begin at once. week Mrs. Berry and daughter join­ AT THE CARIBOU YARN Mrs. Guy Brooks and little daugh­ ed him and were in town over Sun­ ter of Rangeley were the week end day. "‘The Yarn Made from All W ool/’ guests of Mrs. A. D. Graffam. Chn© week ago last Sundayi Dr- E. $1.00 a pound. C. Higgins was hastily summoned CLOTHING Mrs. Mary Reed of Madrid went BUTTERICK PATTERNS IN STOCK to Auburn this weejc where -he will to M. H. Davenport, who had taken STORE be with her son, Frank Reed and washing fluid (by mistake. Fortu­ wife for the winter- nately he had not taken a large a- C. M. HOYT mount and was immediately reliev­ I. JB- Toothaker of Ran&eley was Farmers’ telephone ed. in town last week the guest of his No. 2 Beal Block, Phillips, Me. cousin, E. H- Whitney. Drs- C. W. Bell and E. C. Hig­ Mrs- E. H. Whitney had as recent gins performed an operation for aded1 guests her mother and aunt, Mrs. olds on Robert, the little son. o f Mr. and Mrs. A- W. MdLeary last w©ek. CHICKENS Elmira Jenkins of Farmington and Mrs. W. B. Hoyt will continue the DON’T FORGET Mrs. M. B. Harutmond of Wilton- business of her late husband- There to leave your orders for AND DUCKS Walter Weld was in t0wn Monday are already quit© a number of ordei en route far Rangeley. Telephone all orders to uncompleted whiich she is attending Turkeys, D. F. HOYT, to and with her son Seward will be Ducks, Chicken B. S. BEEDY A MAKER OF HEALTH glad to reeeiv© patronage. They THE GROCER PHILLIPS, ME. A good honest medicine like Foley Kidney Pills will also carry the mail and ex­ and Fowl gives health to many families. Mrs. O. Palmer. for 366 Willow St.. Green Bay, Wis.. was seriously ill press as heretofore. with No. 5 Beal Block, with kidney and bladder trouble. Mr. Palmer writes: “ My wife is rapidly recovering her health and strength due solely to the use of Foley Kidney Pills.” THANKSGIVING R. H, P/eble, Phillips, Maine. Birminghan. Ala. F. L- Willis, suffered great­ Phillips, Maine ly from asthma and bronchitis. He writes: “ I BEAN arot no relief until I took Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. It entirely removed those choking for BACK TO SCHOOL. sensations, and never failed to produce an easy The children are trudging the time >— — — and comfortable condition of the throat and lungs.” B THANKSGIVING ! worn path, just as other children have R. H. Preble. Phillips. Me. _____ ■ done for generations. But the modern WE SOLICIT THE PATRON children should have watches. Twice Lettuce, Cucumbers. J ______m a day they should be on time but they AGE OF THAT CLA88 «F DE­ will waste time if they have to guess. Phone 39-12 Q POSITORS WHO CON3IDER One of the great lessons of life is to learn to spend time carefully. Give ABSOLUTE SAFETY FIRST. the child a watch—it will teach punctu­ ality while the mind is still plastic. Agency for Universal OUR CAPITAL AND 8URPLU8 Boys’ watches. $1.00, $2.00 and $5.00. Girls’ watches $2.00 and up. OF $110,000.00 g u a r a n t e e s ! AMERICAN LADY CORSETS Good enough for grown-ups at that. Steam Laundry. THAT SAFETY, AND OUR IN­ are made for all types of figures, slen­ A. G. CRONKHITE, TEREST RATE IS THE HIGH- der, medium and stout. Have just re­ Phillips, - - Maine E8T RATE CONSISTENT WITH ceived a new line, prices from $1.00 to $5.00. . NOTICE J Open Saturday SUCH SAFETY. I shall be at the residence of Mrs. S. An exclusive line of mil­ B. McCard, Rangeley, until Tuesday, TOOTHAKER’S Nov. 25, 1913. linery always on hand. Evenings. Phillips National | We will have fresh Mala- FRANK F. GRAVES, $ ga Grapes, Cranberries and MRS. J. C. TIRRELL, Registered Optometrist NEW SHARON, - - MAINE | Fruit, New Dates, Figs, PHILLIPS, - MAINE. Bank j; Citron, Nuts, Raisins and

j . Honey, for your You want to advertise where y<*» PHILLIPS, - MAINE | THANKSGIVING TRADE. s ______V ^ IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE can get the best results from money IN MAINE WOODS expended. Try Maine Woods.