Eddy Current, 03-20-1897 Wm

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Eddy Current, 03-20-1897 Wm University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-20-1897 Eddy Current, 03-20-1897 Wm. H. Mullane Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news Recommended Citation Mullane, Wm. H.. "Eddy Current, 03-20-1897." (1897). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news/1130 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. arCoonf Bx 110 1 f I THE EDDY CURRENT. Pooon Vnlloy to the Front, Cronlcors to the R oar. VOL. V. EDDY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1807. NO. 103 GAIiDENEHS CONVENE, GREECE "TALKS YAR from Wlilh(tnn Washington. March 17. In the PRESIDENT'SAIESSAOE during tbe post three year the Summary of Matter Arteil tlpuii liy Ilia yesterday S bills and olithl Inlnt gold rescrro would still havo teo ln-.Mak- ri IT IS THEV HELD AN INTERESTING at Aiiilln. UELIEVED NOTMINO CAN resolution were Introduce!. Thav . Insufficient lo meet the demand PHEVENT ujoa MEETINQ AT WAOO. IT NOW. braceit nearly every phase of public KXPENDlTUnKS OflBATBIt THAN It, nnd tli&t the bonds would necessari- business. Mr. THE nCCBIPTB. ly have been I Mr. Currlo called up the stihitlUito Allen's Iwtch of bllU Ismed for its repletion, numbered Ilo liouio bill recover- tha UoTtraumnt llai Already IK I'Ua for about 70. They Included this a it may. It is clearly mnnlfeat II. O. Williams ol ll.Mgh, N. 0,, appropriating Innds lMlTrrail ed from railroads CsmpalgB rully l'riarodUanliln U In a bills directing tho foreclosure of the With Unllmlttd Mfans at Our Uaminamt, without denying or affirming tho cor- a Hliort Aililrrai tin and other companies lh 1'rnlllt In be to Im StaUaf I'aulr, Muiti.f the Nhupt Ilclng government lion on the Union Waara Inrrrsilag Oar t'utdlo by rectness of such a rletl from set ntldu for thn tuti university, Paelflo llcbl conclusion that the llayart railway, lob-hyin- Harrowing oto. Ho alio sent up nn nmendmaut to prevent professional g, Money to sleet tha Ordinary dobt would have been decreased In nt lli4loH. including Nolan. Jell Davis. Prosldlo defining Urn power 0f the Outlays Upon tha tin arnmant. leat tbo amount of tho deficiency wid and othor counties In tho bill. Tho Athens, March 17. IJ In tho general and for servleo iwiinlons. etc, buslnos confidence Immeasurably Jllllif "Waco. Tex., March 17. At ft meeting nmendmont was ndoptod. belief here that nothing now can pre- Introduced by Mr. Hale related Washington, March Id. The presi- strengthened throughout tho country, Tho to a yertcrdoy of tho truok gardeners and bill restoring to the county vent war, and that tho government eablo between tho Unltwl fitatrH, dent yesterday sent the following mes- Congrww should promptly correct the court of has nurserymen II. 0. William of Halolgh. lton county tho Jurisdiction Ita plan of camn.tlcn fullv nretmred Hawaii and Japan and to tho twelfth sage to congress: cxlatlng condition. Amplo rerenue formally belonging to It was census. N. C, delivered a nhort odd reus on the tnken up Tho cabinet had a long nenelon yester- - To the congress of the United Slates: must bo mrpplled not only for tho ordi- on Its second reading, Mr. Itundolph Mr. Ixjdire's proflt to bo derived from In- - uay tu to tlio attitude to be bill Included tbom to Hsgrottlng the necessity whloh has re- nary expenses of tho government, but r smalt offered an amendment, addlm? the taken .In vestment In raising thn face of tho amend tho Immigration Ibwh and for quired me to call you I for tho prompt paymont pen- t fruit and vegeta- emergency clause, which eotnslve prosmni of together, feci of liberal bles by Irrigation. nmendmont Kurope. and a Hawaiian cable. that your assembling sions, nnd tho liquidation prin- was adopted. Tho bill wasorderod It is reported that a de- In extraordinary of tho soml-arl- Hankruptcy Mil woro i cipal nnd "In tho arid and d region," alted whloh was cision waa reached to take active men- - urnsentcl session Is Indlnnenslble. because of the Interest of the public debt it passed. Mr. Nslson of 1,1 Mr. William fluid, "irrigation la wok-In- s A bill, to ronton) mire aa being tho only solution mm- - Minnesota nnd Mr. I.lnd- - condition In which we And tne revenues raising revenue, duties should bo so to the county court iy of headway, -, elblo Qrcece. Kentucky. of the government. levied upon foreign product pro-It- s nnd rich results havo fol- of San Saba county tho for-mnl- for It Is conceded that na to jurisdiction Mr. M organ lowed Investment In appliances Tlio center of Is now trans- reintroduced the Nlon. current expenditures nre greater Mrvo tuo om market, no far as pos-tha- n for lwlonglng to It, was taken up on Interest ragua, Muring water and turning It Its souontl rending, ferred from Crete to tho cunel bill fore the last own- - Its receipts, and coo-- B,u,e t0 wt pro--' wore, to rovlvo on erojw nrdored engrossed Macedonian gross, that such a 0r nt tho proper time. I desire to state aim panned under n suroiimuii of tho frontier. It Is evident from the huatn and also a Joint resolution to ab dltlon ha existed for now more than nni1 ,IM,rra, tnnnufactiuars. to relievo rogate tho ktytoti-ilulw- or treaty. nna ( Hint there Is no country on earth that rules. which tho govornmont has displayed In l threo years. With unlimited means at cneouram agriculture, lo Incrcnso Mr. cer-tlllt- 'd rtutnsrous Dills relating can afford to do without Irrigation. It Poery's bill, authorising getting nil of I to nvatlablo (joom off by to tho Pa.. our command, we nro presenting the ro-- our rt'stlo and foreign, and dovclop copies of the con- wm clflc railways wore prntentod, Inelud- - ttnd quintuple tho yield of tho soil and on-ab- le InMrtimeuU beforo tho commencement of tho markablo spoctnrlo of increasing our m""nK Winding nnd to remder to veying lands In Awliar eonnty blockndo lug that of Mr. Merits u to a ,n evory floltl the producer to dispense entirely that there Is t strong con-vlcrtl- tTte publle debt by Imrrowlng jnoney to ',or at "soful occiiwtlon In Jack county iKmrd of trustees ' v 1th fertilizers. Water need In Irriga- from August in. that tlioy will lie at once. for the Pnlon Pa meet tho ordlnnry outlays Inoldent up- - wage and adequate rewards 1800, to August 10, 1870. rded cific and to tion In luejf a fertilizer. It Is n con- to With the sea route closed, the trans- Central Paelflo companies. on even an economical and jynd,ont ad- which skill and Industry ore Juatly lie outlined In evidence In nil .Mr. Thurstoti'n provided stant tonic relnviguratlng tho .toll. Tho portation of troops nnwt be overland, bills for the ministration of tho government. An entitled. The neceUy of tho msago suits where secondary evidence is ad- Increase of trouble with tho In and would an all ien4ons. examination the of a tariff law whi.'h thalt provide nm- - people that they missible, was iHiestMl. this be exceedingly slow of subject discloses do not nnd difficult process, remlution by Mr. Fry of Maine In every 1,10 revenue need not be understand Irrigation. It ihnuld Senate bill No. 100. owing to the lack this fact detail and lends Itv furthor utkI reiwallmr. ttilii cadi fur Information as to tlie opm-Ho- n 110 be taught in tho public schools.'' sections of of horse and the very incomplete rail- evllnbly to tho conclusion that the con - ' nUWUv demand of tho hour tho imnnl codo reJ. to of the civil 1,10 Mr. WllllainH gave good way nyrtem In tho portions servjee rules to rlrer dltlon of the revenuo which allows It urR(' Prompt enactment of micli a a account of olTenses iwrtalulng to public roads and muthern nt and harbor Irrigation In New Greece work, and was agreed to Is unJuitlflsJlile and should bo ,nw",'re. nnd to this object I arnwAly Arizona. Mexico and irrigation, wan mid iwfora tho tamile ftcr corrected. vtorn Texas, and pushed. Many of tho wnr correspondents have sonio crltleism of the civil ser We And bv tho rmmrta of thn eor.. roeomnisiid that congrce shall make vice uptratioiMi. vcry Uoforc "In Texan." he mild. "It I gaining Mr. StH(Tord called tin nnd had iuhmwI alrrsuly arrived at Veto, Uitlssti and lary of the treasury that the revenues c"lvor. other bttBlnoss Tho chaplain's r wferreil to the In transacted Ground, ami If the legislature now In his bill nmendliig tho kjiiiiI cmlo by in- - olhor frontier point. Tho Creek off- praif for tho fiscal years ending June 30, 1892, let im first provldo mim- - dominating Mississippi limit) Beeslnn will pa tho blll'Teoommonded muunig onminai assault in tl-- s law ro icers on tho frontier find tho utmost and he from all sourros woro I26,808,!60.33 clent revenue to faltlifully admlnlater sought divine Intervention and oilbllc tho govornmont by tho Irrigation congress, Toxas will Intlng to "cons piracy to commit inur difficulty In restraining their men, but nnd the expenditures for nil purposes without tho contract- assistance for tho etifforers. ing bo greatly benefited. Tho Irrigation dor.' tho departure of Crown Prlnco Con- were $HB,9B3,S00.5fl.
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