VOL. XXXVI. NO. 17 PHILLIPS, M AINE, TH U RSD AY. NOVEM BER 20, 1913 PRICE 4 CENTS TRUNK HIGHWAY found to be a feasible plan. ents received from their friends The trunk highjway in Franklin THANKSGIVING f,or which they extend their thank®: TAKE FIVE BEING SURVEYED county has been, determined upon Bedspread^ lo sheotSy 10 pillow by the state Highway Cojrumissiouer, While everyi day is a Thanksgiv­ cases, quilt, dinner set, % dozen DEER HOME reports W- L. Butler, who was in ing day to the Christian, it is well knives and forks and $25, Mr. and Route Being Laid Out Will Avoid Augusta last week. It wiU come that theie should be an annual' day- Mrs. Cyrus Young; silver -siuigjar from Liverrnore Falls through Jay, set apart for gleuerai national shell and butter knife, Mr- and Mrs. Bad Hills. Wilton and Farmington and so on to Thaukj (giving. There are so many Denis Nile, Rangeley; sofa pillow, Pope and Party Have Successful Rangeley. of us whoi might otherwise forget Roberta Nile; pickle dish, Colon Hunting Trip. 3fa young men, M- E. Jewell, Her- There has been no contest on this ■how1 naauy things there are for whic Nile; four piece table set, Mr. and snon, Me.; Forarit P. Kingsbury, route, but the approach to Liver­ we should be thankful and a still Mrs. Edmund Phillips; picture, Dais Brewer; L. S. Crosby, Aurora, Me.; more Falls from/ Auburn is still greater number who might forget to Phillip®; rocker„ mirror„ stand, Mr- Guy Pope of Danvers, Mass., Harold W- H. Carnes, Bangor; W- E. under oonsiderati-on and is being! whom! they should bo thankful. We feather bed and pillows, Mrr- Julia and two friends, Mess. s. Putnam, and Southard, Bangor; <M- M. Kenniston, sharply contested, by those who j get so accustomed to our blessings, Warren; 1 pr. guest towels, % dozen Cook, returned to their home last Amherst, are surveying a state road favor the east and west side of tlhe that w© are apt to overlook them silver teaspoons, Mr- and Mrs. La- week after a successful week's hunt­ from Phillips thnoutgjh to Rangeley. Androscoggin respectively. until they are withdrawn!, and then forest Voter ar.d Will Voter; one ing trip at Gull pond, being located They are taking differe<n,-t routes T h e s e trunk lines, which will be in our deprivation we realize how pair towels and berry dish, Mr- and In Fletcher Pjope’s cottage, who is and among thorn ii the one whkjh taken over by the ®tat^ to build good it was to have them. No ma Mrs. Charles Dunham/; two dessert a brother of Guy? Pope. and keep in repain, are utterly was surveyed some years ag<o going realizes) howi precious wasi the right# spoons,, Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Young), The Party had Mr. and Mrs. John apart frctrn state aid roads wthlch, by the old David Toothaker farmi arm so thoroughly as he who ikow North New1 Portland!; sterling sil­ Wyman to look after their wants, town wfll continue to receive state aow owned by Raymond Rossy, wlhich ! has an empty sleeve; n.o man isi so ver jelly speon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr- Wyman guid ng them and Mrs* aid iu building if they so vote. you pass on the road leading by j conscious of the joy s of the home Pease; community silver cream1 Wyman attending to the culinary de­ the trowing part. This road a void's/ gathering, as he who on this ladle, Algie Pratt and Everett partment. They* secured five deer, three does, and twoi bucks, one an Blake and Cottle hill. After pas­ Thanksgiving day is homeless and Knapp; two embroidered tray clothft Baby a Real Midget. Algie Prarft; V2 dozen tumbler0, Mr- 8-point and the other a 10-point) sing the Toothaker fa-m it swings friendless. The month-old child of a gypsy, and Mrs. J. WT. Kennedy, Farming- deer. around into the Wing neighborhood We should not wait for the stern which was the subject of an inquest ton; berry dish, Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. Pope has made former hunting and thence by the Levi Field sec­ at Wandsworth,, England, not long leshone Gf such hard teachers, but Kennedy; olive fork, sugar shell an trip® to Maine in past years, but tion into Madrid- since, was described by a doctor as take stock of the blessings on hand, creami ladle, Laura Denni on, Eleancf as the Maine Woods reporter did not The road laid out this way will the smallest baby he had ever known. ! regardless of tho e we wish for, It only weighed 3 pounds 14 ounces, Hutchins, Agnes Savatgje, Patia I bave the opportunity to interview make a little more distance but ifc but have not and be thankful for instead of the normal 1V% pounds, and Moore®, Pearl Smith, Lillian Tooth- Mr. Pope we are not able to give win be a level one- the good things we 'enjoy. its length was only 1 foot 5 inches, | aker, Ernest Kempton, Howard Ros the records or draw comparisons be_ Above a H, cur though ts and Of course it is uncertain when the as compared with the average 2 feet 1 Linwood Swett and Arthur Aldrich; .tween tlhe various trips,, but the la,"t 3 inches. thanks should rise to Him who is road will be completed if it Is | cold meat fork, Howard True; Rayoi can surely be reckoned as among the the Giver of every good and perfect lamp, Phillips Hardware Co-; rock- | successful ones. gift. As a nation we have abund­ : er and centerpiece, Mr. and Mrs- i ----------------1-------------- ant reason for this attitude- What ! Ed Whorff; cake plate, Mr. and Mrs. AGAIN IN TROUBLE public sorrow and gloom is weigh­ (Harlan White and Hazel Webber; ing on us at this year’s celebration Mountain View House | cake plate, Huldah S.eaides; fruit comes from human hands. Many Those who read the court news, I dish, Clara Virgin; olive set, Anna Mountain View, Maine are mourning the poverty that ha® during the session of the September (Beal and Mildred Toothaker; cup term, will remember tlhe indictments For further particulars write or address come on them like an armed man- |and saucer, EvaKetnnis on and Beat But that comes from! the bunglin of a serious nature against two- L. E. BOWLEY, rice Wells; pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. young felJows by the names of Ralph or the trickery or the unscrupulous N. T. Toothaker; sugar howl and E. Howard and Bernard Fitzgerald, Mountain View, • * • Maine. avarice of men, unworthy o f the ; cream ptichep, Mertie Staples and both of Haverhill, Masl charged trust reposed i.n them. God has i Gladys Morton; sugar bowl, cream done his part in the national wel­ with misconduct at what is- known ! pitcher and teapjot stand, Lizzie fare. , . as the Devvil’s elbow1 in Strong in Flagg and Janet c ena e, vinegar summer, breaking and entering GRANT’S CAMPS, KENNEBAGO, MAINE. He has given us abundant har­ cruse, Bertlla and Saralh MdK«n- larcenj, and thfi ca6e We do not approve of the hunters’ license this fall, but we do not vests and ha® provided us in rich zie; bonbon di b, Lena MoodJb on ^ Fitzgerald o£ obstructing au of- believe that it will keep everyone out of Maine. Our camps will be open measure with, the fruits of nature- bon dish, Mrs. Jesse Voter; bonbon fiCer all the season. Trains every day. He has blamed us beyond all the dish, Carrie Toothaker; old ivory They were allowed to go on pay­ nations of the earth, and we can salt atrd pepper shake, Mrs. Dexter ment of fines and nothing m-ore has but say- with, the Psalmist; “ Oh Reedy and Mr- and Mrs. Elwin XX been :heard fiom them till a few days that men would praise the Lord for Webber; cake plate, Mrs. Mary j his goodness.” ago when the arrest of a gang of LAKEWOOD GAMPS, MIDDLEDAM, MAINE Gleason; pair linen taw©ls> Mr- and four fellows suspected of intentions Our Thanksgiving) should not be Mrs. David) Morgan; pair linen One of the best all around fishing and hunting camps in the Rangeleys. of entering a certain house at Lon­ Lake, Pond and Stream fishing, all near the camps. The five mile river the mere utterance of the lip. The towels, Feme Gould; linen towel, donderry, N. H-, and taking there­ affords the best of fly-fishing. Camps with or without bathroom. thankful heart is not/ content to ex­ Mr. and Mrs- Georgi© True; linen For particulars write for free circular to from a large hum) of money, includ­ press itself in words. We show towels,, Philomene Bourque, Florenc GAPT. E. F. GOBURN, MIDDLEDAM, MAINE ed Howard. It is said that Fitz­ our gratitude to God in the best Toothaker and Harriet Wells; cent­ gerald would have be^n of the num­ XX way ,by our deeds of mercy- It wall erpiece, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dyer; ber but was held back by the en­ Jill III I a kindly thing that Christ did in whislk broom and holder, Mrs. Rand treaties of his wife who had over­ making the poor his representa­ Harnden; lantern, four boys; $1.00 heard the plans talked -oyer. SEASON OF 1913 tives. He reminded us that they Jeremiah Kennedy; $2.00, Mr. and are ever with us and whomsoever Individal Camps, Rock Fire-places, Fly and Bait Fishing, Lake and Mrs- Wallace Virgin; 50 cents; Ben­ we will, we may- do them good, and STATE OF MAINE SONG Stream and Catch Trout.
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