Edwards Chosen Student Body
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MASQUERS WILL GIVE YEARLY STUDENT BODY PLAY, "THE QUEEN'S ELECTIONS ARE DRAWING HUSBAND," MARCH 24 W$t Batofostonmn SPEEDILY TO A CLOSE ALENDA LUX UBI O R T A LIBERTAS VOL. XXIII DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, MARCH 18, 1936 NUMBER 20 EDWARDS CHOSEN STUDENT BODY HEAD Dickson Elected YMCA President-'37-'38 4TEENY" LAFFERTY IS Walt ELECTED FIRST VICE* PRESIDENT WINS ON THREEDANCES PHI BETA BIDS TO PRESIDENT TUESDAY SECOND BALLOT ARE EXTENDED MASQUERS W. S. Edwards is Native of PRESIDENT -ELECT Charlotte; Lafferty Is HELD YESTERDAY AREG fENBY TO FIVE MEN PRESENTPLAY From Concord Defeats Wade Boggs, Frank HEADS Y.M.C. A. Branton, Wartman, Ku h n, PATTERSON IS PICKED Brown, and Ken Scott; Carl- Marchant, Shuford Chosen son Withdraws From Seniors Students Name Warren Gaw .-■■■: ■ CLASSOF1937 ON MARCH 24 Secretary-Treasurer 1' TWO BALLOTS REQUIRED Tucker Band Features Sweet LEADERS ARE SELECTED "The Queen's Husband Is Tunes and Novelties; Famous Play of Robert \\ ill'tir S. I'".ilwanIs, of Ihar- Hill and Wicker Are Electe.d Trio Sings Scholarship Fraternity Is Old- Emmet Sherwood liitle, v :i Mi . :■ ,1 1,. the prcsi- Vice-Presidents est in Country ilotii v 1,1 ilu! Stuili'iit I'.mlv tor SET IS ANNUAL EVENT TO BE COSTUME PLAY tin I'Mti W sfssidtt, mi the \>" ;-:■■ ■■.■■ iinniniit cluiptcr ..i I 'Iii lit i.i hv.illut Walirr* Dirk-wti tlcfeated iNtl'llile.l live third last rhursday nf Figure Is Part of Kuppil llills t'. and Bob Lindsay ill, 'iniliL;. I Ilieit- - Wade Hoggs for tin- office Junior Fri- ;tt LetitiaCurrie Illli'i elect imti its rcfjular s]iriny I'li'c- 1. i.l mi tlii- Lallut President "i tin- Y. XI, C, A. day Night Formal im;:1ii. Have Main Roles san.11 were lii.n-. Ik-1iI l-'ii.l.iv March ■ in tin- litial voting held in cha- :. rij I'attft -mi. di Char- 1 .\ Ihe turn eli.'-tn wet. \\ Iin Ilaviilsun Iinni.r t Ceil IIi .11 vr ! Tin- IIn- 1. it to, mvi,11,1 iicv prrsiilcnt ; pel Tuesday morning. Ile will i illi;nit QiuH-n's ( i'Iciiian IIrantiin, \\ I!. w v, ( Harvey Glass .'i Rich- iiiiiii.il i lass ailili'il amitlicr liaml ill Le prrsi'iitfil li_\ tilt' .mi.I \\ .it :i law ,.i 1ircens ■ succeed lin]\ W'artiiiuii, Allismi \ Ktilin. ' ' ' . mond, tn their cluiiil i'i ai'liiovi'- K'e.l .ili.l 111.lek M.l-.|lirl ;il S I""' 1, ■ : ..: v Ire.isttrer. Va. > 1 " " 'tn . M.it.ili.iiit \i " ' 1 (In the same He.VWOpd Hill lllrllt- with till- SUl'l'l'SStuI Ti M . ami Iiii 11VI1 k 'II I Hi -.1.1\ lll'.'llt . I 1I'll) I.aTlVrt \ .1.1 i ''iieiinl, hallo! \\ Sliiil'urd. mi Richmond, Va., ami Monroe prcsciitatitm ni their March .'I. in 1 liainluT Aiuli- liail I" I'll eleeii ,| v in Junior m, , i- , t first 1 Itranli vvh. n :n ireet Charlotte, Speaking Danocs in tin L'har- ' :.iriiitn. pn-siileiit mi were elected. ■ the Wicker of \li-, .r,i;.i,..' -.'" II, ,i 111,111 initial hallot 1 . is li ii ni' 'iv tin i'i Ihis will 1,, th, n r lull length Ilit' day. Dicksuii from Andcrsiin, s. c. ii'-tV wi'i'k-i'iiii ( hi r .'I " ■ I'll! i.illMii.iIlell 1 , I-!-, I 'I He i- president of l'i Kappa Alpha March \.\ anil II. mi .... I'. \ 'ii in ... '■:.,,.,1 I'.irl ■ , t!,, !;, " :, n it v and pn sideut ■ i 1'.tn , I',, I music i"i ibest danci ivas the la 1 :,n v .11 IIn: ingle 11 I"" t api an. 1 1 fllade'g.i, social fraternity. He i- a track .,1 : Ala I:.Hi II e I" mcil II. i. ,, ■ . >" a' 1 1 ,i 1, 1, i_- mil, mail member of the "1 Club. furnished b> 1*01111111 Tuckei and u v. ill '.n-i-t ol Iii. back .1 in. r .a tlie ,,,i u ;,1, bat and a iiii ,'t Sigma I'i, WILBUR S. EDWARDS " , , vvli,, tuber Delta the In' ground bespangled ;'-' ■"'' ■-' 1 " ' He was first vice-president 01 the Ilik I'lt'lell pi,, a In Mr.1 havi ' ' " with silvei I'lei I' -l'"l ■'" I !''■■ t. rnatioiial kelatii i ■' I'-. ,1. ' year. been plajing in Miami, l'*lorida foi iv- 1 l uucil, debating organi- Y. M. C. Y last in oi .-,.,1,1.,,.,I .,,,,1 lllade; : a di il 1 ' " Arm, 1 nominated the past lew months. Miss . Ihe (Jin 11 i la) il h) Letitia ( 111 "■aii"" 1 tl . auiptis. 1 1,- 1. also hour students were mi th, v ml.u of I'.lack Ki ■ wa- featured by Tucker ami hi? lie. I- ,1 V IV III lie.lilt IIIII. illipi11. ill m.mh. 1 mi I:, ta IIn I'i -o, for the office of president : Wade ,il-,. , ■ 1. ta ial WALTER DICKSON ti ni i- .i in, n"... Ihnierou - 1 Hoggs, Walter Hick- musicians as torch singer. Among vv 1 .ma11 vv h.1 douiiiiati tin King, Hah nil). hi auk llrovvn. !i- It.-i Kappa He '" ' son, Scott, (arl tin 111' Te attla, live tunes plaV i,1 ba th, kingdom,.,u,l the pi.iv. GAEBELEi 1 ■ iii' n ii' ,1 fi»r P.E. N itniuati and Kenneth Carl* the - the . taut editor on \nnnal tail. Th, 1 .1 diffident, 1 , son, who was nominated from the vva- the orchestra's tin me song "I King shy, fici .■ -i Wade I, Ile made bis track, 1 iv. tvv,, n.,v,ltv tune*., tiunieral in and apologet'ir, Hi'in , l\ '■'' '■ "I ; floor, withdrew his nomination. You" ami " but kind nlitx ho SI revepoi t. La. « arl n, the e- ' , 1 iw inauagi n binati ba eball 1- I,' 1 pal ( Brown and Scott were eliminated "Just a'-iltm' ,'ii a Log" ami "I content l;ut,t' ahi-ill Ihe LEADS 01 !.,.... |ai:k ti am. SERV CE plav , I,, 1 v\ DEBATERS IIa live." '. ' ad. ami i-lli 'ill loot firancb. 01 1,., by balloting Monday AI Atlanta. Russell the first on ■ i" ..p. nl Mil, ,i Stony -, ,,f " \\ .n South I \ Brook Headmaster l'..ti. :, , morning, leaving P.uggs and Dick- IIe usual t tliri e flam « ., tin 11. When fiualh aroused. bo« rsoti, oi I nt, ,1. I nn . .,11,1 :,n age ■ >i _' 7ln II, Speaks on "Touchstone formal, made avet ■. ■ - .-on in a tie. with each receiving 131 Inhi with a Irnl.iv night a ever, he -In.vv- In m,ttle and 111 I'ort. oi Win 1. ■t 1 Salem. ( )t 1 a Illelllbl "1 l'i Ilelta Alpha, ami lelit, 11 1 ,,111, Of the Acres" Ihes, I,:, voles. I'.oggs was eliminated on Salur.fla> afternoi in tea dauci. ami ' , m.i . .111 tangled end: men all t Kdward . Hoggs ON TOUR 1 ': i i .hi,in,i Sigma Kpsi- NOW ilent > the following day. a Saturda; night informal. All ol . (fit his kiiTgd'oui and for hi- daugh , and .111 Mil win eliminatedon the loll, an,I a member of the Ihini'iarv "Tin I nit hstone of tin Af.',es." ' all, Hoggs is from Shreveport. La., Team Meets Sewanee, Centre, these w.re well attended hy mem- ter. The' role i\j*playi il b) I;,b l'i' I. 'I. IIn race th,n nar- Virginia; 1 -ati init; i otmi il \\ a:tiiiau I'a was Ihe theme taken ll\ IIr. I I.ink member Sigma And W. W. & L. bers 01 the student hotly and l.inilsav rowcl down I,, ICdwartls ami lioRgs and is a of Kappa i ii,I,, in, i tt k, .,,iij4 To Opponent also -lived as a assist- (■eueral I- Ii Stony I'.nii I social fraternity. He is a varsity Be Next alumni. A ligure featured the 1-ri ehniui-ti.v \*orthrup, played by Ulaml, ■a Inn Thursday's voting gave lid- ant. , for In- sei 1.1,.n last Sunday vvanl, and the day night dance led by Kusscll Ih t,.i Miln .11 It) is a i|i,nun.ml, the ..nice. debater a member of Foren- Wilbur Edwards ami Harold . ive r Ivllllll is from I>a v til-on ami ai .1 sic Council, and also 1f the Student Patterson, Phi Gamma Delta ami explosive demagog'ue, man 1,1 ai ,1,1, N'oniinated foi the vici .pn sidency Sugg,v\vho arc now a debate eraged 2.ii'J7. \\, belongs t., l'i (iod not Mi'!:' a in,hi does. on presidcnl of Class, tioll. Ile has little p.men,e V.[ill were, in t,, Council. He was second vice-pres- the Junior with in, , addition Lailerty ami tour through Tennessee, Kentucky, Kappa Alpha, s,., i,,| fratirnily, i- Man i- cv al .m.I..\ t critical m Y. year. Miss Mary Louise McLcntlnn. theory, ami no sympathy or feeling I'attl r-oii. vvi le Waile Harrow, ol ident of the M. C. A. last Virginia Virginia! Sigma, his judgment', .iinI ii..i ni t iii the \\'<st ami have Greensboro, I'n .ident of Sigma I'i ami 1. Hrowu hails front China. He is 1..1 ih,1 111 liver. I ol,,.; 11,11 Kle-eu, tie,-, ,,,' nut three of their four scheduled a member of the llonoran l-ra .:m. standard .i tiod. 1Itlnrs in the figure : r K Malone i.l.iv . th, rofe of I'biladiIphin, I'., , ||.,vu | ||,|| nl a member of the International Re- wire Miss t.