VOL. XXIII DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, MARCH 18, 1936 NUMBER 20 EDWARDS CHOSEN STUDENT BODY HEAD Dickson Elected YMCA President-'37-'38 4TEENY" LAFFERTY IS Walt ELECTED FIRST VICE* PRESIDENT WINS ON THREEDANCES PHI BETA BIDS TO PRESIDENT TUESDAY SECOND BALLOT ARE EXTENDED MASQUERS W. S. Edwards is Native of PRESIDENT -ELECT Charlotte; Lafferty Is HELD YESTERDAY AREG fENBY TO FIVE MEN PRESENTPLAY From Concord Defeats Wade Boggs, Frank HEADS Y.M.C. A. Branton, Wartman, Ku h n, PATTERSON IS PICKED Brown, and Ken Scott; Carl- Marchant, Shuford Chosen son Withdraws From Seniors Students Name Warren Gaw .-■■■: ■ CLASSOF1937 ON MARCH 24 Secretary-Treasurer 1' TWO BALLOTS REQUIRED Tucker Band Features Sweet LEADERS ARE SELECTED "The Queen's Husband Is Tunes and Novelties; Famous Play of Robert \\ ill'tir S. I'".ilwanIs, of Ihar- Hill and Wicker Are Electe.d Trio Sings Scholarship Fraternity Is Old- Emmet Sherwood liitle, v :i Mi . :■ ,1 1,. the prcsi- Vice-Presidents est in Country ilotii v 1,1 ilu! Stuili'iit I'.mlv tor SET IS ANNUAL EVENT TO BE COSTUME PLAY tin I'Mti W sfssidtt, mi the \>" ;-:■■ ■■.■■ iinniniit cluiptcr ..i I 'Iii lit i.i hv.illut Walirr* Dirk-wti tlcfeated iNtl'llile.l live third last rhursday nf Figure Is Part of Kuppil llills t'. and Bob Lindsay ill, 'iniliL;. I Ilieit- - Wade Hoggs for tin- office Junior Fri- ;tt LetitiaCurrie Illli'i elect imti its rcfjular s]iriny I'li'c- 1. i.l mi tlii- Lallut President "i tin- Y. XI, C, A. day Night Formal im;:1ii. Have Main Roles san.11 were lii.n-. Ik-1iI l-'ii.l.iv March ■ in tin- litial voting held in cha- :. rij I'attft -mi. di Char- 1 .\ Ihe turn eli.'-tn wet. \\ Iin Ilaviilsun Iinni.r t Ceil IIi .11 vr ! Tin- IIn- 1. it to, mvi,11,1 iicv prrsiilcnt ; pel Tuesday morning. Ile will i illi;nit QiuH-n's ( i'Iciiian IIrantiin, \\ I!. w v, ( Harvey Glass .'i Rich- i lass ailili'il amitlicr liaml ill Le prrsi'iitfil li_\ tilt' .mi.I \\ .it :i law ,.i 1ircens ■ succeed lin]\ W'artiiiuii, Allismi \ Ktilin. ' ' ' . mond, tn their cluiiil i'i ai'liiovi'- K'e.l .ili.l 111.lek M.l-.|lirl ;il S I""' 1, ■ : ..: v Ire.isttrer. Va. > 1 " " 'tn . \i " ' 1 (In the same He.VWOpd Hill lllrllt- with till- SUl'l'l'SStuI Ti M . ami Iiii 11VI1 k 'II I Hi -.1.1\ lll'.'llt . I 1I'll) I.aTlVrt \ .1.1 i ''iieiinl, hallo! \\ Sliiil'urd. mi Richmond, Va., ami Monroe prcsciitatitm ni their March .'I. in 1 liainluT Aiuli- liail I" I'll eleeii ,| v in Junior m, , i- , t first 1 Itranli vvh. n :n ireet Charlotte, Speaking Danocs in tin L'har- ' :.iriiitn. pn-siileiit mi were elected. ■ the Wicker of \li-, .r,i;.i,..' -.'" II, ,i 111,111 initial hallot 1 . is li ii ni' 'iv tin i'i Ihis will 1,, th, n r lull length Ilit' day. Dicksuii from Andcrsiin, s. c. ii'-tV wi'i'k-i'iiii ( hi r .'I " ■ I'll! i.illMii.iIlell 1 , I-!-, I 'I He i- president of l'i Kappa Alpha March \.\ anil II. mi .... I'. \ 'ii in ... . '■:.,,.,1 I'.irl ■ , t!,, !;, " :, n it v and pn sideut ■ i 1'.tn , I',, I music i"i ibest danci ivas the la 1 :,n v .11 IIn: ingle 11 I"" t api an. 1 1 fllade'g.i, social fraternity. He i- a track .,1 : Ala I:.Hi II e I" mcil II. i. ,, ■ . >" a' 1 1 ,i 1, 1, i_- mil, mail member of the "1 Club. furnished b> 1*01111111 Tuckei and u v. ill '.n-i-t ol Iii. back .1 in. r .a tlie ,,,i u ;,1, bat and a iiii ,'t Sigma I'i, WILBUR S. EDWARDS " , , vvli,, tuber Delta the In' ground bespangled ;'-' ■"'' ■-' 1 " ' He was first vice-president 01 the Ilik I'lt'lell pi,, a In Mr.1 havi ' ' " with silvei I'lei I' -l'"l ■'" I !''■■ t. rnatioiial kelatii i ■' I'-. ,1. ' year. been plajing in Miami, l'*lorida foi iv- 1 l uucil, debating organi- Y. M. C. Y last in oi .-,.,1,1.,,.,I .,,,,1 lllade; : a di il 1 ' " Arm, 1 nominated the past lew months. Miss . Ihe (Jin 11 i la) il h) Letitia ( 111 "■aii"" 1 tl . auiptis. 1 1,- 1. also hour students were mi th, v ml.u of I'.lack Ki ■ wa- featured by Tucker ami hi? lie. I- ,1 V IV III lie.lilt IIIII. illipi11. ill 1 mi I:, ta IIn I'i -o, for the office of president : Wade ,il-,. , ■ 1. ta ial WALTER DICKSON ti ni i- .i in, n"... Ihnierou - 1 Hoggs, Walter Hick- musicians as torch singer. Among vv 1 .ma11 vv h.1 douiiiiati tin King, Hah nil). hi auk llrovvn. !i- It.-i Kappa He '" ' son, Scott, (arl tin 111' Te attla, live tunes plaV i,1 ba th, kingdom,.,u,l the pi.iv. GAEBELEi 1 ■ iii' n ii' ,1 fi»r P.E. N itniuati and Kenneth Carl* the - the . taut editor on \nnnal tail. Th, 1 .1 diffident, 1 , son, who was nominated from the vva- the orchestra's tin me song "I King shy, fici .■ -i Wade I, Ile made bis track, 1 iv. tvv,, n.,v,ltv tune*., tiunieral in and apologet'ir, Hi'in , l\ '■'' '■ "I ; floor, withdrew his nomination. You" ami " but kind nlitx ho SI revepoi t. La. « arl n, the e- ' , 1 iw inauagi n binati ba eball 1- I,' 1 pal ( Brown and Scott were eliminated "Just a'-iltm' ,'ii a Log" ami "I content l;ut,t' ahi-ill Ihe LEADS 01 !.,.... |ai:k ti am. SERV CE plav , I,, 1 v\ DEBATERS IIa live." '. ' ad. ami i-lli 'ill loot firancb. 01 1,., by balloting Monday AI Atlanta. . Russell the first on ■ i" ..p. nl Mil, ,i Stony -, ,,f " \\ .n South I \ Brook Headmaster l'..ti. :, , morning, leaving P.uggs and Dick- IIe usual t tliri e flam « ., tin 11. When fiualh aroused. bo« rsoti, oi I nt, ,1. I nn . .,11,1 :,n age ■ >i _' 7ln II, Speaks on "Touchstone formal, made avet ■. ■ - .-on in a tie. with each receiving 131 Inhi with a Irnl.iv night a ever, he -In.vv- In m,ttle and 111 I'ort. oi Win 1. ■t 1 Salem. ( )t 1 a Illelllbl "1 l'i Ilelta Alpha, ami lelit, 11 1 ,,111, Of the Acres" Ihes, I,:, voles. I'.oggs was eliminated on Salur.fla> afternoi in tea dauci. ami ' , m.i . .111 tangled end: men all t Kdward . Hoggs ON TOUR 1 ': i i .hi,in,i Sigma Kpsi- NOW ilent > the following day. a Saturda; night informal. All ol . (fit his kiiTgd'oui and for hi- daugh , and .111 Mil win eliminatedon the loll, an,I a member of the Ihini'iarv "Tin I nit hstone of tin Af.',es." ' all, Hoggs is from Shreveport. La., Team Meets Sewanee, Centre, these well attended hy mem- ter. The' role i\j*playi il b) I;,b l'i' I. 'I. IIn race th,n nar- Virginia; 1 -ati init; i otmi il \\ a:tiiiau I'a was Ihe theme taken ll\ IIr. I member Sigma And W. W. & L. bers 01 the student hotly and l.inilsav rowcl down I,, ICdwartls ami lioRgs and is a of Kappa i ii,I,, in, i tt k, .,,iij4 To Opponent also -lived as a assist- (■eueral I- Ii Stony I'.nii I social fraternity. He is a varsity Be Next alumni. A ligure featured the 1-ri ehniui-ti.v \*orthrup, played by Ulaml, ■a Inn Thursday's voting gave lid- ant. , for In- sei 1.1,.n last Sunday vvanl, and the day night dance led by Kusscll Ih t,.i Miln .11 It) is a i|i,, the ..nice. debater a member of Foren- Wilbur Edwards ami Harold . ive r Ivllllll is from I>a v til-on ami ai .1 sic Council, and also 1f the Student Patterson, Phi Gamma Delta ami explosive demagog'ue, man 1,1 ai ,1,1, N'oniinated foi the vici .pn sidency Sugg,v\vho arc now a debate eraged 2.ii'J7. \\, belongs t., l'i (iod not Mi'!:' a in,hi does. on presidcnl of Class, tioll. Ile has little,e V.[ill were, in t,, Council. He was second vice-pres- the Junior with in, , addition Lailerty ami tour through Tennessee, Kentucky, Kappa Alpha, s,., i,,| fratirnily, i- Man i- cv al .m.I..\ t critical m Y. year. Miss Mary Louise McLcntlnn. theory, ami no sympathy or feeling I'attl r-oii. vvi le Waile Harrow, ol ident of the M. C. A. last Virginia Virginia! Sigma, his judgment', .iinI ii..i ni t iii the \\' ingloti l.allirt), a ...■,,:. |.,, fi>n of vice- nut Virginia man. S. . 'I -'■ i University ■■ u. nil " ' ■ West Mon- ■tnbei "i the Intel naliuiial Ki J'.nt I In Kihli 111, ml,, , , I', 1, , presidents: Bryant, Hay- Hunter, l'i Kappa I'hi; 'I he I' ■!■■ i- an , a : ,... \i,,| , Marion will Mi- \:-'i 1. ( lull, attra. livi 111 111;i is thi day ami debate Washington Hi..ik tin- Sp.'inislt ('1111'. ami 1 "■ " Atkins, on,1, (,a.. 11..11 wood Hill, Atl. with l".l Am: II) 1 1. 111 '.'a I. fed ial n and pn ill, 1 ,, ; Hill Kie-ewetter. Hector ami Lee I':, up on her i.f Inuiiaiiit \ v\ hen liiueln In t University later. v'iei idem oi Sigtna I'i Sigma il iod. Ib, ■ photiu ., ,!., McGeachy, Street, (i ■ : '" Paitei Watson ami i- ,„,,,, |,-.. ,,,, I(.'iHitiuued <"'» I'agi i Ii mi . 111 The topic of their debate ki Mi i hi \. | |,( I thai in. 1... hi 1 Monroe Wicker. "I'I■ nioi ■ h,- i ■ the Stu solved : ■'That Congress should Ilai "I ,.iii.iii tail, I,.i" i ■ nali .1 a lull. Ion than the an .in.! . .1 ' — ' " ■ permittcil , :, .. i ■ ■ by majority i:■ .. ' ' ' ' « a two thirds \ Kdii thi (J ■ .,!■,, t,, ' ■ - Mall, win '..■;. -- ,'i int.. vote override a five to four de- i.hi M.oi bant i-. . la!. : ■"' Dr. Ellwood Is IreJi trei Her, : Mlllnl cision of the Supreme (unit de- llonoi i 11,- Latin Greek ii race, i-nlm inallli. . . . ";.'_' barlntt, ; n,,|, \|,, ; , , h, ' ■ ' ; . Spring claring a law of Congress uncon- '.! iin . l'< u i ami all outHard :■; Yowl numerals in 1m ki Iball. . 1 \ddi-on I Speaker ■ " ,taii i, I... : stitutional." They are taking both Here rd i Hickory II, pi '.- Hut oi Sbnfi Meeting Held V .'. th tin Iv, ,., -- - , Ned 1-Mil. M,.,,iii. I1, Springs the negative ami affirmative siih- made an avi I.c" ,.i J.(,7U \ Sigma heart. '[ Out Man 11; of question, otic Instructor Portrays ■' S. C. Bailey and E. 1 i ■■: ml IVank the taking side Duke Professors I' Milliard iudgi , 1 " ■■.:■'. \| 1, 1;,, 1 ( at college the EuropeanConditions l',,,anl A. Beatty Attend ; til. l"lli1; I,.||. I til. .,e. -. 1 Leap-Year Is Theme Cygnet "tie ami other at the S'Ml A nl i '..nii.l an,I . next school. They will arrive her. . ni Hoys' Ilil uciliei (mil '■■■■■■ director ■ ■ Song of Humor Magazine !'■ malady ■"! i I the . ;■■ .1.Ill I "I III. ' ' Lav a m, nil, Kap| .1 "1 Id is \\ oik He III nl, i hit tricl lull. Tc i I } ' ■ . Saturday. - " r Iiu I 1 i: ■ i I!-- 'II.1 Sigma fratirnity, f -ar. and district ol other na i i in i "'in ■ ( ami hi hi .1' I., a ■ IIt "Then methoughl the air grew "Jimmie" Salangp "Bob" 1' . lion Ini-t found in I- n." said Dr. (hail- \ Kllw !. .V). I ini: I'.illl'il'.r. \\ ..111. II I nl ' I, Xl xl yi ,ir '.'.ill fi,,,| ;'|| , , |), ,,|_ denser, Stewart, with "Charlie'' Mauzc as .a' i" in' text. I I'miuthian I .'.i u ■■'■■ ', < < >i < >iii ■..,.,., alternate, profe.s nf siicioloy; al Iluke nni- ,r. 11 tn ■. Satunlay, 'I is?| " .. . : unseen censor." will leave upon the ar- Bryant .'I. III LTUlifil ll 'a "■ I. Perfumed by an in Iii- ture hi i".ire tin Seeks 1 rival of Sugg ami the versity, lei March Mill stumbling block, ami unto (Jreel for 1 ne in above ICdwards for ' ■ Taking theme from the - ■' its studi nt. in i : Aiiditoriinn 'I In- 111 I ■ i.'l "I (III IHei-tillH : tuir. . ;" unto ate froni quotation from Edgar Poc, northern debate The north- foolishness hut them that ' ' ' Allen on ■ ..■■;..Man ■.■,:, in ■" I'. i" ■ ern trip will >tlnr last Mnnd Ii Id. Public Office fri HI M twelve called, ii '■! m il. LSrown, have'am debate both Ii and lireeks. ' ' spring Yorl made il> unblush- ,' ' '' the IIr. I spoke li ..t ni.mi. I'...''■ ii plan 1 College, 'Kllw in :■ first w I .'■ during tin earlier scheduled at Westminster - hn-i the ] . |, ami the rout Men ing appearance" a serii ''I tinc li'ri :es he de- ,1 I,, , I,,. i i than A :(X) I'. " 1'a. They are also going to take Davidson Man Is Candidate in laii wisdom of i,'"I part of the week. "ii I;. !'■ ,. ii M-rvi .1 In si,|,v livered "The Socia 'oudilion* For the House M I n limel t,, J, , (iods I i- its next-to-last ap- both of the question. The " lirst. thi Since thi- "i" Ktiropi ill- stibjci ;'iini|i ii'" It .... t tin ai twelve ii. was magazine, Westminster debaters will lie here people, the >_:..- 1.< 1 ..i fhrisl bav pearance as a humorous "ii In-- S. I'll jant. . i la ■ ,.i : (In V. iin c on 3, two was based observations from J Ji of tin . .. .i in n's ulk-Kv n a ■ April In block, mi spared in to which makes de- iv.i.; ,,i lutnhlitiK the aus Organist nothing was the effort triji Europe Davidson now ( jifptcii;i . a thrnuRh la t summer. CoUeRc. and tall 'I hat tin Will liates scheduled on the thinl. ■ - ol a ha lurn lul- it thesaurus good, clean ..I ' ' ' lll'ake a of introducing subject, n idi til llraniwe.ll, Va., ;.'."' '■a In his he re- W. Tin- r tl illR i ■" : ■ special Ii; filli 'i n adilj en hi i . itra fun. The editors rail at- Iii- an iiii i,"- :, II ■■,. \ li"ii report Camp minded audience thai they ed ramliilacy the lilanm.1 i. I,. n t'ie , Series tention to the purity of the white Music Obtains Iwei xalii .I position occu Close ■-Iii.nlil In- interested in the affair? Democratic nomination for the on tin- ii:n liiiifi .,i inR'imi lailfi- li\ , ll,,. I;,!,!, spaces lines. Captain - I'le'l till )ry, in . I,,] between their Sev- Harper I "t Di-lcgati ,.f \i, i 1 11 1 1 J.C. an. conditions of Kurope because Hotisi: West in \ . t'an>1ii i 1 iJjli qui Thane to Give llu-ii u!i pcrsi McDonald Con- eral radical changes- in editorial ginia . ill itioi b.\ Americans are really Europeans last week from In- homi in "cl I v.i- el" n A I"'1 f report, cert on April 17 have th- Gentile world. policy been effected. One of tin- country's outstanding transplanted t" tlii- continent; and his native -tat. . represented i ■ on nlli'Bi actual What advantage did the I- v . being leap year, the women high conductors, tl;, .1,"' ■ Thi- school band Cap- that tin' center of gravity in so liryant, a I. '"■ t l.nov.u. \'..ik I'.-'m. 'l.-'f- iii Iratin ait'l (ireek 'I IConlii 1 mi I'age .i) ham Mi Donald will l>- iir the at lea-t as far as the vernal tain graduated ■ '■ have it. James C. Harper, has accepted rial.,political, anil economical world friim Davidson w-rth an thi year. Twn *|n, lioj were dis- > ( . C "-erics t. ' cover by Hal Iverton. Alsrt in the a mi i- ■ i«.Mti"ti the staff of the Dav- still lies around the European cities A. I! ilegn ami v.a- an outstand- cussed .il i: eetii first, w Itclli- .i " ,vith»an organ Man, i"!< recital to be spring theme hi Smit's Paris, i , Inspector ■ ■ comes idson Colle*gc music school camp "i London, and I!,rlin. . ing sell.ilar .InriiiL' hi an : at II culli el liet ni Iatin and ROTC Will i . ■,. ... heart-gripping story, entitled "Love coming 1,- ,1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' " ■ fur this summer. In the discussi >n of his ti>pic, he this institution. 1 lat.r studii i,t' il. ; their ol>j< c- Capt. " . \ . ■; ir. la-.-, Be D.L. Hardee ami the Weather." Treailway l'ur- Captain Harper of '. thi- ■ ■ ■■ i* a member ok up each of the sevi ral leading at University i.f Virginia lin .'.!.■■; condi- Mi 111 ,f l,,ve lyric-. ; lldl contrihutes tin- American Band Masters Asso- for years. ■■ nations of Kurope and i d in two Kir tin- past few tion now I'Tiaailing: I'.ipl I>,r. iii I. Mat ,le.. [uf; tin ■'."..'. tin ncert rgan- The Davidsonian becomes the ob- ciation and is on the dividual!)- in,.nth- Uryanl ' ■ ■ . executive ha- bei the situation in these n ivorkiug whether the rolli :■. teacl 1'. S. ■ " V I'll has biting ' - Arni\. has been detailed . Ics. icct of a satire labeled Ii"anl of tin- School Band Associa- with his father ■ ■ countries. in the operation I.:itin and it- !. should make a make the regular -print; inspi I i'«l :i reputation. For "Weakly" by the distinguished au- tion. Hi, high ■ Lenoir school bands l-'rance. he said, is .1 bv an.-iKenienl of tin- [Iryant- more permanent organization, and -| h ■ Ryburn distiirbi |i local k. I'. . c m years ' idieil . ■". under thor Non Ymous. Sam have consistently \, ■.'.',. ■■ ■ " ■ A. won in state and great political unrest, ivhicb i-. pal Iii Orn^' store at Bratnwctl. M vhai i tjestive? sin mid be. Thursday ami Friday, Ajiril J.' and 'roi ;> Thompson, (fdition with national competition. ' further enlivens this hand Tin.' ticularly noticeable in the southern Mr. Uryanl was born ami reared It ivas tile orj hope JI. i depai his- »i'g.iii tment oi a two-page spread of natural conductor of the famous pan tli« in County, Va., v. ' ' ) - ■ Lenoir of country, and by fear <'t Mercer W. and it that each . nllene ill lie repri mil ( :i|,r,iin Ilardi e .'■ ■ 111 Ii iv i School of tory. is "Pore Maw." high school give courses is ■ ■ ■ '■ , ■ * Also included hand will both internal revolution and war from tliis county that lie t- seek- '! :.' t ill Tin lull' I i,. I ,, I;.,!.'. . ,; ■; a mountain mellerdrammer by Dick and lectures on hand management. Germany. ing ' viitli At that time, he th. nomination. The announce- hope.I thai iich" repn seutative an iu-|i, follow,! .! In :'. :ir years Vowles, the Thr instructor ami ctor with the perpetrator of members of tin- Davidson ivas ment niarks'Afr pri trill . prepared i.» give < i;u. found that northern France en- Bryajit's debut into uW be 'In- IIrganiziil Ki r\ e. IL ,)... ■ : . . at th* 1 i>n> i'i Mich* Kamh- College band will am] column known as "Musical as coun- joyiilg nurses Latin ■ Seh, serve prosperity while the south- politics, nevertheless both he information on the i in three eitation^ i ir hraveri i'-i fv 'man 'nl m' Music, where he lings." sellors for tin- — camp-school which ern [>art i> still in a profound de- Iii- family have long been closely and Greek offered at Tii in^titu- ice 'luring the W rid War, n■! in organ with P.ilrner In a more literary vein is the begins "ii June 23, and will pression. extend connected with tin- Democratic ti'in and the number of students v. Inch he his hi '■"', awarded Christian a- an instructor. Mr. Mc- poetry by Authur through July 31. is designed contributed It In speaking of the Italo-Ethtopian party in a very active manm r. taking these courses. All persons Silver Star ami two Oak Leal Clus- Donald received both, hi< Bachelor Haake. Mcllwinen, Tread- primarily tor high musicians, liill and school problem, he said that this war had Mr. liryant has not as yet an- actually teaching Greek and Latin ters. He js a graduate m the Basic "f Music and Master of Music way de- Purnell. I'urnell and Gibson but will als.o be open to college stu- been common talk for some years nounced his platform but expects were asked to attend the meeting, Course in the Infantry School ami cree, from that University. (Continued Page 3) dents. (Continued to in week or so. , on on Page 3) a aU. any others enthusiastic! of the Air Service Tactical School. (Continued on Page ") 2 THEDAVIDSONIAN,MARCH 18, 1936 Our Flag 3Cf)e Babibsiontan STOLEN THUNDER ! THIS I I'or tilt' |>:i-t mnntli there has Ihiiil; from the j! By D TURNER 1 Founded By the Class DAYMOi \ COLLEGLATE of 1915 hither to Unused flag [x>Ie .>ii the front of the Suggestion.. ■■'I hi. w oman Davidson campus a large new American flag, . "j WORLD j 1935 Member 1936 Pull this one when you want to "WomanI* said the instructor. . ami It is get away with how know that this sometimes called the .-tar- stripes. make her and "Iti-t do >"it Press) FtesocidedColleftiofo Press oi (By Associated Collegiate Distributor of c|iihc a thrilling sight t" see this patriotic synihol it. "riu inside your head re- is a woiuan\ skull?" niinds me of Lionel Harrymore's "The mouth is open." said the You're ignorant of the realities of Golle6iateDi6est "i ilu- spirit ami history of the American people, latest picture." junior. Indian. lift if you're of college age. thinks niti'lin-.; in tin- breeze from it- lofty |ierch. You can probahlj cover several Heart-Burn ... Dr. William Carpenter MacCarty blocks lu-ion she remembers the Last nighi I held a little hand of the graduate school of the Uni- Published Weekly "for a BetterDavidson" inl,-. It seems t'i bear a challenge to eVery true "Ah WildernessI" So dainty and s.> wi-aU. versity of Minnesota. Poeme Ithought my surely The parcels, out your life blooded .... heart would doctor Printed By The .\nterican. Reminding each that to up- She got mad an called hull Mr burst. like this: STANDARD PRINTING COMPANY hold tho heritage of free courageous \niericans Not because he went and K.r So wildly il did heal. I ['re-birth age of ancestral de- Bui the night before No other hand e'er held so tight he must In' an nt valor, ami because lect-. Charlotte. North Carolina emhodyment the zeal Sr. gladness bring. This >aine Mr. Kr. Could greater 2— Birth to Ifi years— age of su- fervency the liar- symbolize; that hi' -Maroon. Thau one iheld night. red last preme ignorance, affection and con- must have the hope, purity, cleanliness of heart Education.... II was— four airs and a king! fidence. Recently uncovered at the Uni- — The Annapolis Log. .; Sixteen to 25— age energy, SUBSCRIPTION RATES ami rectitude of conduct that i.- represented by SUGG were two of versity of Nebraska these Elite .... adventure, Ten cent* per copy; $2.00 the Collegiate year. optimism, imagination, the white strijies, ami look nj>on the blue, color DEAR BOYS: ingenuous observations. One stu- Just as a traveler was writing discovery, and ignorance While you have been cutting dent identified Milton's "Sonnet on his name on the register of a I.eav- invention Entered a- ircond rlati matter .it the Po»1 Office .it Davidson, oi the sky. as epitomizing heaven, for reverence of the realities of life. i n.h throats over electing his Blindness" as tin- one beginning enwortli hotel, a bed-bug appeared North Carolina, under the .in of March -iht. Where does United States with all nual M. C. A. spring services. dribbled bits of tar. known as the Y. Put on the you may her strikes for peace . .. Sparrow speaks whole armor of Cod thai among students on the one Andrew Highway. Old Dr. Thomas II. Jackson to students in medicine. be able to stand against the witcs the devil. hand and her R( )TC units striving hi edu- Hickory being a native of North Around Washimqtoii interested of train ' given the Ephes. 6:10, 11. Carolina and a favorite of mine. I ===== The address was under cated officers for a reserve to be employed when By ARNOLD SERWER auspices of vocational guidance hated to see him damned with such the series Rlley D. and necessary on the other? faint praise, but Iguess il was (By Associated Collegiate Press) public enemies reading this will .. . Powell John be- — C. Mathews defeat Birmhingham- cause he was known as Old, Rough, Washington. With the re-in- wisely refrain from calling for three Paragraphics is undeniably citizens of the Southcrii in a debate. VachelLind- .... Peace what the and Ready, Keddy. Typical Tennes- statenient til their president, Kdna cheers and a burst of gunfire ... The class, headed by Russell Patterson, Kiehter. the WPA union wona long say, noted American poet, will de- Junior United States practically unanimously desire and see Road Sinn: Detour:— Sign of ♥ * ♥ should receive very hearty felicitations for the Progress. hard flight to prove that union dis- liver a lecture and recital here on will strive ton, but it would be obviously a very crimination had been practiced by What the President meant by March .'7 ... Mr. 11. N, Wheeler excellent set i>t' dances they sponsored week- Sewannee and Chattanooga foolhardy stunt for every American to Wl'A officials. This victory for the "windfall taxation" was taxation of delivers an address here on the end. Everything went <>tT in a very simtilran- (>n top of a mountain, where harmonious the young college-trained unionists is the returns made to processors.of United States Forestry service... eottsly "1 can see no possible for the is cool, where sun sets and rhythmical fashion. say, cause the air 'the supposed mean AAA taxes impounded by court ac- Quips and Cranks will appear on * * * * to that henceforth tion, tilted States to ever have another war, conse- in a warm bright calmness and given not a tax laid on the general May 15 Captain Otto will re- L buildings .the union will he a free hand ... where most of the are of public, lu spite of the fact that his main at Davidson for another year Drs. Barr and Ellwoocl have showed us why quently I will lay down '.-word and shield' and rock, here in promoting the cause of em- gray stone and mountain is ployees of the WPA administra- meaning was clear, political car- with the R, O. T. C. unit. we should studv the Social Sciences, now we University South, return to my 'shovel and hoe'." the of the a small tive statT. It should also mean toonists the country over drew pic- —1926— would like to hear a defence for the "ther de- school of about J00, Episco- under rapid growth this tures of Wallace and Tugwell seek- I'.iJI Christian is elected Y. M Ihe likelihood of an attack palian influence. Professor Slring- for local and in- partments. upon American soil prestige lor ing the taxpayer with "just an- C. A", president in the second ballot- * + * * fellow Barr's observation that there creased it in AFGE is extremelydoubtful, but it is less likely if we are Only one lodge, other tax. with a new name." while ing over William Covington . is something exciting a group councils. other the . . Davidson's Baccalaureate speaker, Dr. Joseph about NRA lodge, has demonstrated its the papers they drew for were William P. Goebcl, golf pro at the prepared to meet any such occurrence that might of College Men gathered together pointing out that special Country Club, play R, Sizoo, is the ability to protect a union memher it was a Charlotte will pictured in current rKbtogravure arise. and devoted to learning struck a tax on a special group, a group ad- an exhibition match here in the section limes, released because of union activity. of The New York hut their failure note that resounded hard when we AFGE President Babcock, realiz- mittedly unpopular tor getting taxes near future .... The Greens- indicates that they didn't that It has been fe!t Sewannee. The Student Body they passed to mention it know contended that the military training ing the strength of the Uichter case returned that had on boro College Glee Club gives a con- is a group of congenial Southern to the lie was to he onour campus in aughl in the K< )TC departments of colleges as a union issue, ottered to make a consumer. All of which cert here . . . Mr. F. 1.. Jaclison * * June. the gentlemen and the hospitality is brings up question, speaks lit # special trip to see Harry Hopkins, the old "Do po- at vespers Phi Heta throughout the States tend to line. Two things particularly im- . . . United mhke the in Florida, to litical cartoonists read the newspap- Kappa extends bids to M. Apple- Congratulations to Grier Martin for the un- pressed then and induce hint J. students war minded. That it is encouraging us about this Episcopalian reinstate Miss Kiehter. ers they draw for?" by, O. L. Bremer, K. W. Graves, attractive issue of the Alumni the school: are worn Invariably, Hut the usually Journal. Coats unionist-, prefer to ♥ * * anil C. E, Houston . youth of America to invite conflict with other it having Wl'A have .. Junior The front cover showing an aerial view of Dav- and is known for the best fought fight successfully Speaking plans are going forward college tlie them- NYA projects, providing employ- idson was the best we have ever seen. nations of the world. dances in the South.Seniors selves brought rapidly under the direction of Har- anil gowns since it the desired ment for thousands of youths out of * * * * Juniors wear and what that lee Branch, chairman of the com- Davidson calls Student admission Miss Kiehter had school and out of work, are being No mure fallacious contention has ever been Cbuncilmen been discriminated against, rather mittee . . . Captain Cox leads mat- Wilbur Edwards and Walter Dickson air to are "proctors'" at Sewannee. routed through Wl'A project pro- than to have had her again nun to victory over Navy and Bal- congratulated resounded. If any one of the advocates of-that Chattanooga is a thriving indus- hired cessing very rapidly. The WPA's he for having been elected to their without that admission, as an ac- timore "Y" ... J. P. Williams, for- belief through trial city valley between two Coordinating Committee alone, respective offices and the student body is to lie could go four years of instruction in the complishment of liahcock mer Y. M. C. A. secretary will re- hills which seems smoky in the day instead which handles only statistical pro- and disciplineas is offered by any college military ot as a union victory turn here next year as professor congratulated for having elected them. time but night, driving " ... jects, has 500 such projects before * * * * at down * ♥ of commerce. department in America Iam confident he would from Lookout Mountain, the atmos- it for consideration, as one part of — With more more government —1921 Wade, (if phere is frothy in myriad and the $20,000,000 job program of the BoggS, who was runner-up to both come to the end of it feeling that peace should a of agencies cutting Dr. W. W. Moore of Richmond twinkling lights. down the size of N'YA. Even if only a small per- these could have filled either job very cap- Everything in job delivers the fourth men. be sought to the last degree, but that as great Chattanooga is named "House." their stalls the situation is be- centage of these passed it would series of Ott's ably. We sympathize witli in his defeats,hut coming acute here. Officials of any lectures, taking as his subject, ''The him and powerful a nation as the There is the Read House, the Ross mean the greatest upturn in the United States needs importance whatever are Permanence of the Christian Ideal" offer him consolation in the assurance that there House, some varieties of constant- slide rule manufacturing business to maintain adequatenational if freedom "Steak ly badgered beleaguered by . The 1921 Quips and will are a >er application of his faculties. no borses, no the number of G-men, however, so womenand no mountaineers. That is what Phi Beta Kappa represents. In average fur membershipin this oldest of college Centre College hard to convince, they show-splen- REPRESENTATIVES: LAMONT BROWN R. p. MORROW plain every day those men fraternities, words it means that it is only a regretful reminder that Centre College is a Presbyterian did hospitality to debating teams. who have been invited into that organization have talents have been dissipated and time wasted, College and lias the best dance ar- There was a.nice audience and the rangement we've seen yet. Each president and his wife had a STANDARD PRINTING done, in the best possible way,the very thing that but to underclassmenit can yet re- be a goal, and fraternity holds a formal andinvites ception for us after the debate. Cen- college the COMPANY they primarily came to to do. an inspiring one toward which enterprising- Student Body; these formats tre., as you know, is to play David- 117 are held once every Garland Court Charlotte, N. C To Seniors who failed to attain the necessary students aspire and often attain. two or three son on the gridiron next year at weeks. Although their judges are Davidson. THE DAVIDSONIAN, MARCH 18, 1936 3

" " ■ SCIENCE DEPARTMENTS SOPHOMORES CONTINUE ' Duke Professor Closes WILL OFFER PICTURES DUTIES Dr. M.Richards 1 zJlmong the \ THEIR EDITORIAL J. Will College Lecture Series A five reel show will be pre- In anticipation of the selection Speak at Next Vespers sented in the Chemistry lecture greeks of next year's managing editors Seven Men Have Spoken to room Friday evening at seven " i" for The Davidtonian, the follow* \ Son Davidson During o'clock, lophomorei of Davidson Bible Pro- Students Trio Appears by the Chemistry and ing assumed manag- . Lingles fessor; Former Graduate, Academic Physics Departments. THETA PI— Among Hie ing Give Year BETA duties in the editing of this Campus Leader Two of these reels will be visitors (or the week-end were Billy issue: On Broadcast pictures. Many ELLWOOD SPEAKS LAST sound One is entitled Atwater ami Latimcr McCHntock. First Page— Euc Fant and Sky Talks WAS RHODES SCHOLAR The Davidson College Hand and "The Electric Ship" and the Klcction of officers will be licUl ai Cline. CommitteeBelieves "Conquest of meeting coming Ihursday. Dr. \V. I.. Lillgle and Dr. T. \V YearMost Quartette appeared on the radio other the Cas- ihe tlii^ " * Third Page— Dooley. Now President of Columbia Successful cades." ♥ —Earnest Ling'lc have both made several Theological Seminary program last night. March Sports Friday l — Page Yates Faison. are si- i'l I George IV- trips away from the campus lately l.i. A specialnumber by a trio con- The other three reels KAPPA !Il — Fifth Page Jack Lafferty and tours, they With the address Monday eve- flute, bassoon, lent and entitled "Glass Magic." thone ft Racford, visited the rliap- on speaking and have Dr. J. M. Richards, son of sisting of a and clar- Dick Vowlcs. ( ning by Professor Charles A. series spent planned for others in the near fu- . M. of D.-uitl- inet was featured program, This is put out by Bausch tt-r. Ralph Chandler the — Dr. Richards I'.IIwimm] i,i" University, on the week,- Pinehurst, Sixth Page Milton Criip. aint president Duke The "() and Lomb and is a sequence to end at lii* Nome in — ture. >'in. of tin- Co- program was opened by ♥ " Assignments Hector Me- the College lecture series for set ♥ Dr. W J. Lingle was in Greens- Theological Seminary, Davidson," after which the band a shown here on November Geachy. lumbia tins academic \c;tr was t.-rmi 15, "Eyes KAI'PA ALPHA I'-r^tlu-r loin boro over the week-end, where be will speak ;it tin- Vesper serv» played "March Heroic." by Holmes entitled of Science." All those sophomores nated, Downic Kit Saturday for Florida, who did preached two sermons Sunday. 1V0 next Stm.kiy. Manh 22. ami "Creation Hymn." by lieetbo- ■ Seven men brought to not assume managing duties in the meeting Dr. . have been played where he will spend .1 week. Ilar- Mi nday be attended Richards from ven. 'The trio then "llur- this issue, do to next week. Davidson this year by the lecture will ,,i the I'Aicutive Committee of Davidson Collcgi in 1922, making Icsquc on '() Du I.ieber Augustine," vey McConncil ami Hil Palmer ai- the committee; they are Mr. Alexander I-'edi Council ,.f ( an excellent record From lire he by Briegel. 'Ibis trio consisted of tended the open house at Breneau. r.d hurdles of Sprunt. Prof, Walcutt of Long Is Pledges Taylor spent \,,ith Carolina went to McCallii- .-,'.,'1. Prince- Don I'fohl. flute: .1. J. Martin, clar- l.utz ami the and then returned land University; Dr. Robertson, IES week-end Oxford to I>av idson that nighi ton I'mversitv. where hi received WORLD in Brothers inet, UN and Warren Bahcock, bassoon. President of Goucher College; Prof. George Dimlap, Dr. T. W. speaker In- M, A. degree; and then, as a After the news ,,f the campus Furman Wallace, 1-innle was the John Crowe Ransom of Vamlcrbilt ami Wallace, at ih, Wintlirnp t nllegc weekly Rhodes scholar, studied Si Oxford the i|ll.lllilte sallK Will all nl Preshy- RG University; "Secret-." b\ D SGUSSES Rcv Herbert C, c,.nv,,,-atioii Wednesday. Universitj in England, where . JuhlHOtl Smith, and "Mis Win-low's terian College, Clinton, S. wire hour last he Winstnn-Sajeiii ; Sooth BROADCAST !;.,,!■■., ■ - A, N -, of Prof. of and M I'.arr ing Syrup," Harrington, i-i Si^nia chapter over the Ib ■. i interesting addii rcci-ivi d h.i- I! A . .!.-. by The res|j ibe Iniveisiiv (Of Virginia, and Exchange week-end am! attended on: "Inti n>;Persons and I'laci ■■ grees, He nest attended Colum- Prof. baud then played "Iron Grip Nations to Pro- Junior Kllwood of Duke University. grams Semi-Annually Speaking. WAR in tin Balkans;" a subject mi which bja I'heological Seminary, in De- March." by Ames. QUESTION The committee in charge of the ♥ ♥ * he bad first hand information, hav ratur, (ieorgia, and Rot bis "P.. D. Ihe brass choir then rendered lecture series composed of Dr. N'e\t fall the first of a series of I'l KAPPA ALPHA Brothers Dees Represents Club at Last ing spent la-t summer touring degree, lie received his D. D. from Sbewiuake (chairman), (' K, "Deep River" which was written by through tbes,. "Dr. . the most far flung radio concerts here for ihe week end included countries. Davidson in 1933. Brown, Briegel, The quartette "Swing District Meeting and Professor Lilly, feels sann ever arranged by world broadcast- Charles Hamrick, Charley Harris, N'ini Tuesday Dr. Lingle will At. Davidson, Dr. Richards was that it most Along" and "Prayer Perfect," by has been successful ers will he heard from a New York Jim Hurst, and Wanton Little. Wil- make an address to tin- semi-month a number of the Mimer Honorary year in securing took and Stenson, respectively. "' Societj this such a note- ■.ta^e. Countless millions of the lie Mmin- \Miii tn irainerton, ami (In Wednesday night, March 11. Iv mdetini! ministers here on Ihe iwliai corresponded to the worthy wroiip speakers. As the concluding" number on the Kappa of Planj greatest audience ever known will Sam Milton weni t.i AlhiMiiarlr i".»r the International Relations Club of Mihji'i t "ArchaelngicaJ Researches Pin Beta of today), and a lor next year have not program the band played "Out Di- David-, regiilai member (Inner,. Kappa. as yet been bear simultaneous entertainment ;i> ihi- w i*ek end .n "College, held its m Kgypl and their UearillK on tin id n Delta formulated, is rector March." by Biglow. i but it the objective fortj nations join ill ra- ♥ ♥ " meeting in Shearer Hall, with l*rc lid Testament Narrative." On April leadership fraternitj Ile was atso "f Ibe quartette of world-wide the committee to secure equally is composed Paul Dow presiding. II. Dr. Iingle will address editor in chief ,,1 The Davidsonian, Hudson, dio concerts. SIGMA Al I'llA l-l'SH.OX ident loin me make an :is group first tenor; I D. Allen. I,, ■■ njcmlu-i (\ distinctive a of men. There The American broadcasting sys- Brother Tucker with the Charlotte Chapter of the nl the Y M. A cabi- i. a possibility second teiior ; i\ M. Kamseur, first dinner Dies. wbo just nlurind that Louis L'nter- tems have been invited to inaugu- Jne American Association ,,| University m t. a member of the Student meyer, bass; ami Don Pfohl, Epsiion chapter Saturday night. frnin the annual South [{astern the famous modern poet, second bass. rate series Sunday. Septem Bahnson, Women on llie subnet : "The Po- Council. 011 the football and basket- the on Keed Scoti Shepherd, ami ol wiljgbc secured lor a lecture series. her 20, of Senn annually States Conference Intern.Jional litical and Kconotuical Situation in ball squads, a 1111 mlier of tin- Eii- year. some other brothers from the Uni- Ri 1 reccMlj at In order to s.cure a lubs belli Europe." in,, meuean l.iterarj Society, diversified thereafter the family u. t,. tin- interest of for- I'.veilv and Nina Pent,, visited Ihe l-'oHowillH I'loll 1ioil, from ill,it Jong hue of relig if either Great Britain or France \Y Johnston, facullj advisei .■! tin Thursday, March 19, instead of eign delegates, a part of the show chapter. \ feeil \sa- In I.I Siiiiilnj i.'iis leiidersi None. When Christ bad conceded some of their African 1 addi d .1 few la.Is llie March- J'». Mi. Frank II Cothran, is to be devoted to American Nckto night lllb. about 1 on, nut.> lit own, Ills own re colonies to Italy. 1..nunin-! II xplaini'il ll.iw tin father of James and Sam ( othran. folk s,,n(4s and spirituals. The sec . , . Student Vols reived IInn not And since, al .. 1 -in Dr. Ellwood expressed bis stir- omen was run mill t'dd id Ihi students in the college, will speak ond concert will originate from the Pill C \MM.\ . HI I.l.\ Seetioii though the lews are vvilliuK to aC- prise to find Switzerland becoming value i.i iln discussion groups al to the group. Argentine Tango Congress in Bue- chief, Urother «i I'. Urnthers of cepl llu ki"cjj 1 lineal teachings of militaristic in ideals, llie nn eting. Give Program Mr. Cothran is a distinguished nos Aires some time in I'Vliruary, Ware Xeek. Virginia, \isii..l llie t hrist, thev do mil accept Him a- lie said that Germany had chang- engineer now residing in Charlotte ViXI, and the third is In he heard ehapi.r he.,- .,n March I.' Brother In ib, absi nee .11 Di. I W. I m , Mi's-iab. and lie is I,, tllenl a 1hi Siindav \i innc, immediali Iv ed grcatlj since the days of tin- anil Duke from the Dutch ICast ,,| the t,, j'.li vv ho vva- supposed to have connected with the Tow- Indus Diirseti went Pineluirsl ibis \y,\s\ lie \, services, slumblinu block. that people . followinn the in'i the pcrialjsm and the bad er Company. Belgian Congo. Dutch delegates to iveek end. ( age Hi ewer .,1 Ilal I. livcred ili< pion ipal addres nl the Si , to ihe I,., Gen 1,1 \ ,'lunli 1 (Iriiiip -n.l. Civ. the become very serious, grim, and sad. - Studi 1 ol Win He was In.rn in (Ileeuwo,.i vt Iiipnli nl ol 1 i. the intelligentsia, the nospel thii.p 1 ullfge presi 111. .1 the an . Hitler is a man of considerable ty. Carolina, tin- famous at ..I Kuropr in South and attended harvest festival the more Miiiitnoinery, Alabama. Western iiuriiiff llie Lasl ,lii"i Ili.mptii is fitolisliness. Ihe world has ac- loree apparently nun "i is a Missiouarv who understands Clcmson College, During the Span- palace of the Sultan of Djokj.'l were Kappa I1'.v Ilav i," I'rufessoi out " i-i|it, d tit, t. a, initiated into Helta Johnstun IIrauia. Ivv.i MuslcCs," liv l',i rlba ethical bniKs of the German people and their prob- ish-American War. he served as a would be appropriate material for chapter last ninht. Alum- lined what bad lieen going on in re Christ, but ha-, the line on Thursdaj C....|... 1 1-r.iM'i. drawn lems. IK- stated that be was aston- sergeant in the first South Carolina this broadcast. ni Shu. is n( lation t.i ( himauv '". occupying the llu cross, 'flu- always John Wuisiou Sal.-ni 'I hi purposi 1,1 tl,is play, in three t ross bad ished to find the German people Infantry. ( Rhine district. 1,1 Volunteer Kacll program of the elaborate and Abbot Whitney of ireenshoro, to Inen 1,1 the ancient win a badge to ails. vv.i. stress the need for submitting Hitler's dictatorial Since lime were en, that he lias worked in series will come from different here i.n tin- w eek I. Pi..l, ....,, foreign , mi utnuisi shame and degradation. rule; bad Wh.n i John, bad inissinnarii ,p,-,{ally for but that Germany been various parts of this country and parts ol" tin- to h,- relayed to ♥ ♥ t , ... And today, to intelli- world finished be the meeting into tlte vv .Ik in 1 liina, tin modern faced with having and accepting turned i Canada with railroad and land sur- all' nations helonging to the Union PHI I'll l.\ llll-IA llrnther gents, the el iss ilstrlf 1■ Still ill- cither a round table discussion abniil tin Ibe I'I.'t .111I1 red arolHld Ian,1 Hitler's .National Socialism veys. |M 1901, h' G served with the In this way th. music Dan Griffin went t.. Lynchhtirg wanllv alllloreut. (J. II and culture 1,, "I Mi 1 "n .1. dalliht. i ,.l a nil--t v Slia.v. or U, Geological fails relative ib.- subject his !, Communism. S. Survey. For sev- of .very section of the world will this past week-end. Aiming the vv 1 rn intellectual, centers his at- tall. IIn- members ol llie dub j I. family, h.. returned to America He found Sweden to be a sort of eral years hi' was in charge of the be presented. tach ;om it; I Chiistiamt v ,.11 '"( ros (Continued on Page 0) ed <|iii*stions the reeenl at the ai:e oI sixliM n to enter col haven from the radical movements field surveys for the De- coucerniiiK I, anil v." Quebec (heir t'l ( ,1,1, illl' I!Mm ,,,|I, yr with events and nave opinion a- lit, rampant south of the Baltic where velopment Company and was later < IItii■!. t. > elect, Oirisl is the to vv bat rlleiI the .11 lion ol nl the highest ,,l I ,1,, sill' fell thai "new lies cap- vice-president of p..wei ..1 (i,.,l. a deal" that between elected the same ha. .all,, I,, I,.- ?on! wisdom William main would have in relation |o an -In I been I a mis-' italism ami communism been company. Literary I yon Ph. s.,vs the is has So ieties si, a,, Ips thai Uible Meet iilai \ , ..I ■ thi 1 Km 1.pi.01 war, diin'lv . stie iitiirned developed. This movement they call lie is a member of the American I, dyiiaiiiite, iroiu the ( t-, i in,i t,, ri'.i- In i life th, ,ii ireek word capitalism," Society Civil Engineers, in ailing "controlled and it con- of the In- Philanthropic Two After tin ilose ol tin- 'di-iii -ion i,| 11:1 power, and sb.nild hear the Hears Eumenean Initiates; Plan ice InI III. i t. I sists of co-operative production and stitute of ICngincers of Canada, and on Foreign tin- meeting was adjourned insiriptioii. "Ilinhlv xplosive. Han- Talks Lands Meeting With iharm li i s in the play, all stu- " . merchandising given the Corporation of Professional Queens' ilIi with the ri^ht En- dents ,,| Winllrriip Collef. in.hided dle vv care to the government to compete in gineers of Canada. The last meeting of the Philan- -. Ih. vv's,l,,iii ,,, i,,,,| is il,,. inking Tin' Kunuman Literary Societj Marie Williamson, Klsie Plant. \ ir - any field of .industry with private thropic Literary Society was held PRIZE SNAP ,,l Ihiil at Ihs word Hudson Taj l-'iliia Willis, Mai v Minn Me' am in. enterprises. he on Tuesday night, March 9. heard John Mavvhiunev and Locke I, lull, He said that had and \inv I-i I.I, i lor a es bis 1 m ihe Clirist of TEAM White make slmrt talks al it', inert RIFLE el, 1I1, i-,- found Sweden to be the one Euro- (he main feature ol the program I.:< t vv i the I>..vidsi .11 stllrli Ills I., 1I,, , in il ,- follow nii: tilt a\ i c>( \ liixler, of D.ivid-..ii. pi. id ' inn last we k. The remainder i pean country enjoying real pros- consisted of two talks, by vv le .ii'ti <>:ih! v .inprised to ei in , Ili'n 1. a li-. 1 The K. O. T. C. Rifle one Bill ,1 over ihi me, tinr -iiu. ioil He Team is tin- iiriinram was taken up with ( ' perity andpossibly the only country Hell. "Odd Customs ,,f Korea," and tin olleniate I>i|>i I. a pii tun' ol i n poki 11 in II., Word. II.- docs now participating in the William thi- initiation iv in to ol m members into thin aiming sliny- in an v.It. II, iv the world have a balanced Randolph Hearst Trophy match, a tin other by Gordon Woodward, on students* a lar^e SPRING YOWL SPRINGS OUT it .. and vv ill keep the society. There were twenty (Coiitmui , budget. the "Philippine Islands." thai bad been placed (in the .1 from Page 1 1 Ills j,i. ■: : competition between all classes of neophyte, ' inducted at the ineVliut;. )ui ''■ IK' summarized bis lecture by R. O. T, C. units in the United The mo-t interesting part of the niol "I Rumple I mill.fy dminr. Smith furnish short lorii ■.' ■ . aP* many moderns - ■ Through presiilclit Ku i.l , ..I "le tin- i , ' saying that the. maladies of Europ.e States. first speech was a description of il the line tin heavy mm the P.l ..ill- l.oidint. fi'.l l,t an"cxlcrioi inditTei ■ menean Society has invited tin vvmtei tin,- ill' bos| ol tooil-s, were principally in (he attempt of The competition consists of the native funerals in which the . le an- a eal each Literary of ■ ., each to mourners ami pall hearers carry Society Uueens-Chicora ki i I .tiirii v\ In.It, win!,- i ai nation isolate itself from of the five men's firing five shots 1 1 1 all li,.|.[.tn.-d tn liit- Mt.otiicr: ollege to tin- ry 'iii,, t't, resulting in the corps,, in roundabout vvavs to them and ' ■; ii leap veai tin . ap the others with the dis- the four positions, prone, sitting, ■ Mntli ■" ihain Siniirc -. ■ and ground. They go up are expected tjmi. this week, pi ai iii a -in,ilj liowdleri/i ,1 , trust and fear. kneeling and standing. the burial the l.i'ti i v\ :i'i a ■ .itncia. vv ire di cross road- and around the Tre.lvv.iy I'm ni II announced. The !!, -tl Dr. Ellwood spoke to the student The team this -r , includes block walking past Rumple Dormitory, (if he ■"" iety i. planning a fted in eon at chapel Tues- Captains Gordon they can called "blocks") in In notui hoily the period on Cleveland and h..n the joint and St|uires happened tin order to throw the s|.itits ,,|T I'm. with meeting and ' day morning, March 17. on "The Robert Thciling, Jack McClure, evil slingshot .n ili< nt, -i K'< mndiiifj up the track and keep it is also expected that the QtleellS Relation of Sociology to Religion," Walter Pharr, and A. C. Wariick. them from two .tli. r hoys, be took a picture, haunting person. Kroup will provide a program for . the dead and later addressed a group'of stu- of Motley aiming tin sveapon, with Woodward mainly the meeting dents from Dr. (iwynn's and Dr. N. C.C. P.A. TO MEET talked about the ..Iher I.mvs hnlilmu iii place. Ihe religion Mawhinney k.hi- tall; of Hood's classes on "The W\v So- the and dress of the inhab- the first snapshot turiii d nut -,, well that 1 of Philippines. the evening subject PRESENTS ciology.' Publications of Wake Forest will itants the onftlie "Eumen- Squires sent ii tn the editors of the ean In Days Gone P.v,' play host to the North Carolina Each speaker held the floor for and Locke Collegiate Digr i. with .,- descrip- Collegiate I'rcss twenty minutes. After this an open (Continued on Page '.) tion vv iitten by IIambi Sugg. LEWIS ENTERS TENNIS Association in Ra- leigh, April lr,, 17 ami l.S. forum wa> held in which questions Itoli-csliinoiBi Time" A large number of delegates are were asked and impromptu speech- IN THE HOME " ON THE AIR (Continued from Page ■)) expected to be present to hear sev- es made. Yearwood, 0-3, 0-2 In the other eral prominent speakers that have At the next meeting officers will quarter-finals match Barnett pulled been secured for the occasion. All be elected to serve until the end nl RAY NOBLE up from a trailing position to beat Davidson publication, are expected the school year. '1he Society has ©abibsfon GTfjeatre $«■*& and His Orchestra Frampton, l-G,*7-5, 0-3. to be represented. (Continued on Pane 6) ■ ¥ fn with aujiportiug v**l of otanj In challenge matches played Mon- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1-1II day Bell defeated Frampton, Mnr- SONG AND Hombcck, DANCE MAN row defeated ami llorn- With Paul Kelley, beck defeated [.eonard Woodward, Claire Trevor and Micharl Whaten which, together with the roiih - of J.O. JONES,Inc. tin' tournament thus far rriakc the— THURSDAY & I'RIDAY, MARCH l'J-20 team rankings about as follows: 1 HART-SCHAFFN'KR & MARX SUITS Lewis. 2— Kenney, 3— Carlson, 4— STETSON FINE HATS FOLLOW THE FLEET Barnett, — Bell, — Framptini. Fred Attaire, Ginger Rogen, Hilliard, Randolph 5 o 7— FRANK II.LEE Harriet Scoll Morrow, S— Hornbeck. SOFT HATS This lineup will be subject tn MANHATTAN'SHIRTS & PAJAMAS SATURDAY, MARCH -'1ST change frequently, as challenge HICKOK BELTS & GARTERS .matches are played throughout the TOO MANY PRESENTS season, will prob- With episode of but the first six University Clothes By the Famous an "" ably see action when the team III nM EVERY «IIIMMI\\ NK.II1 season against Seinsheimer Co. opens it- Wofford MONDAY & TUESDAY, here Monday. MARCH M-'l ImjruJmLmL "oii>mi\ Minmik J.O. JONES,Inc. LOVE ON A BET George Washington University Starring Wendy Barrie and Gene Raymond hospital researchers have developed 210 S. Tryon St. a new anesthetic for use during child-birth. BR-Ws ICC-COLO C0CAC0UIS EVERY PLACE ELSE: IT BELONGS IN TOUR ICE BOX AT HOME 4 THE DAVIDSONIAN,MARCH 18, 1936

HONOR ROLL HONOR ROLL Frank Owen Selects Kemp And Spencer at Henry Cathey Picks Williams and LafTerty ai Wreitiirig Meet Stan SPORTS AFIELD Spring Football Stars BLACKWELDER AND HODGIN EMERGE VICTORIOUS IN CAROLINA A. A. U. — BASEBALL ASPIRANTS "TIMERSREADY WRESTLE!" FIVE GRAPPLERS ARE SHOW FIRE AND PEP CROWNED CHAMPIONS AS PRACTICE BEGINS OF A. A. U. TOURNAMENT Lack of Experience in Squad Six Wrestlers Win Olympic Balanced By its Enthusiasm Tryout Titles and Qualify For Finals JENKINS LEADSPITCHERS LEWIS.ENTERS GREYSSMASH MATCHES THRILL CROWD Practice Still Light; Batteries Not Yet Tested Davidson and W. & L. Each By HARRY KUYKENDALL TENNISFINALS REDSBP14-6 Win Two Olympic Berths Scattering the cinders right and1 (in Monday. March 8, a large ' Downs Barnett inSemi-Finals Johnson,Cm-bin, Hunter, Abell left in what promises to !"■ a blazi number of baseball hopefuls re- To Meet Kenney or Carlson With tin- crowning of five new of "iJiory, than four 1 t" on dia- And Nicholson Star For more score porti'd Coach Laird the This Week in tin- A. A C. and the meteorites of potential track fame1 montl. the Winners ' selection of six winners for the final converge upon Richardson field promising can- 1 game. will 1 A li-t of the most 1I i>ing at till height of his Olympic trjoiils, the wrestling part -' . ' ' REDS WIN ON FRIDAY Wednesday and take in the didates include: Catcbow Nl.i!. 1 aj-r.M-- le I.IWis SWl'pl to lIlC tournament terminated here last Inter-fraternity t Manson; pitchers first track meet Kellam. Sfcw'art. finals i>i il'.r -pring tennis tourna- Saturday night. ever , arwood, Crisp, Laflferty, Corbin, scheduled lure. Jenkins, Cathe; Y< iiu'iil Monday, as the annual event Dennis Lead The were conducted ac- ; Victory matches Even .t* tbii paper i- issued, the■ Morri-, Mickley, Summerville Reds to . fur ehoo>ing members "t t tic team cording to requirements ol the ir i ■ Hums, local tracksters are battling ■ a firsi basemen LatTvrl it-, i iii-ai I limax. The (in\s ran their winning Olympic Athletic Board in both the place among the r6les of the iuituor-■ H'coud !'.i -■:.<■: Haukhead, Me- Witli his powerful flat drives ami streak to iwo straight la-t Wed- A. A. C. and the Illympic tryouts. tals for, after all, enthusiasm iss l.arnin, Ganier. 1'attou; shortstops ' ni-al |i] iccinents w iirking w i'IIi nesday Ihe Carolina A. A. U. winners are running high, The events sched- Mover, Lindsay, Ganier; and tied the Reds in tin- Quick, Lewis conquered Martin Barnett, spring standings. a- follows; 123 pound class— Milton uled for Wednesday will serve as" third basemen Loftin, Howard; football Inn a veteran iniinliiT three nifti, l>j set drastic change of personnel was liaskill of Barium Springs. 13-1 preliminaries tn meets to be licit)1 Dickson, Parti - ■ outfielder* i \\, (i-U, having previously game Spencer of Ba- > effected prior to the on Fri- pound class Ralph later between the fraternities " 11i i"lark. KoRcri, Yelverton, Young.' ili fi ati il l.ln> 'I l-'i-iu■liii-iilnTiii-r. day and the rium Springs. 145 pound class Wil- the hill. Cndcr the direction off Among this group there an- live '" Keds trounced their n I. iiii. ami Hill Hill, 0, 8-10, '.-I. foes by an bur Gholson of North Carolina. 158 Pete Whittle 1 ,r- n, lettermen, overwhelming deluge of and Mokey . Jenkins, pitcher; Hums. touchd,,w ■ hi tin- other si-ini-finai match of us. pound class l.crov Blackwelder of the meet is.expected to uncover base; a' shortstop; - at first Quick Mi nday's program Rrotiston Ken- Wednesday- afternoon Greys David-oii. l"-4 pound class ~- ■ the Jim >me rial artists that line who Loftin at third: and Dickson in 2, in ney, seeded iniiiiliiT and Carl decisively trounced their opponents Hodgin of Davidson. There wereno i.tier knew before what they couldI squad makes up the outfield.. 'I'he Carlson, seeded s, were interrupted 14-6, and Bcatty's smash tackle entries in either the I'M pound or what it lacks in experience by its off by rain, Kenney hail disposed of saved the losi-rs from being white- the unlimited class. Only wrestlers In a canvas made Monday enthusiasm and willingness to work Iwaril, 10-K, I iianl W u -4 ili flic washed. The Greys continued to from the Caroliuas were eligible for night, the Phi Gams seemed to hard. Indications point to a last round, Morrow, ! and Jake Wildcat Captain Lcroy Blackwclder is shown (above) as show a smashing offense left these honors. In the Olympic sec- be the only ones smooth-working infield with letter- ' finals, he thai who had a 1 . '■ .: ii-J in the quarter pinned Frosh Captain Ed Ellis in 3 minutes and 34 seconds to win the game in little doubt. Both tion, the six winners are eligible complete list of applicants. niiii at first. -h.Tt. and third The 158 pound A. A. Jack (below) standing an while L'arlMMi reaehed the i|uarter the U. title. Graves with teams failed to respond to for ihe linals in Bethlehem, Penn- Through a lilt released by Bob ki ■.stoiu position will he filled from unusual bold against Gholson of U. N. C. Graves lost by a decision. a one- Una!- liy ilefaull from \V. II. Voting, day lav off, and the of timing sylvania. Gregory, of liankhead. a star at Mar- Hill lack Manager the Phi Jim ami tlu-re defeated lieorge Horn Kit 111,- game ■ , (iauier, little satisfactory to The winners in the Olympic try Cams athletic program, the fol- r Ci illege I.i-t \ ar, ol last 4, In il.. si iili.I in a mild upsyl 1>> anyone sale Ihe victorious Greys. outs are as follows: (123)— Robert lowing men have entered: 100- year's ["rosh team, and two dark scores mi 7-5, ''-4. Selected The winners to Kemp. Washington (134)— yard dash, Buddy Branton and horses. Mcl.aniin and Patton. 'Ihe Bill Quick To continued show a and -savage game and Ralph Spencer, Springs. "Goose" 220-yard dash, pitchers will be headed by Results of nther second round defensive a pow- Barium Goslin. .lack 1 - lies wi re :i follow Hell, seed- erful offensive running 11-15) Gholson, Car- Gene Vogler and Buddy Bran- .I'-nkii:-. who with Charlie Harris Lead 1937 Cagers attack. Cor- -Wilbur— North ed 5. defeated Ueinhardt, fi-3, f>-l ; bin and l.alferty accounted for the olina. (155) Leroy Blackwelder, ton. 440 yard dash, Fred Stair led the l'M5 team "Judge" Catjiey, ; Ilai I \ lram|iton, -> defeated Grey scores, while Dcotty Hodgin, and Henry 660 yard also a member of tin- aggregation eded.'. played both football and basketball chalked Davidson. 117-H- Jim Dav- Baker. I'.arncit, Ai a meeting of the lettermen of up the I ■ ■ ■ so ( Wade Dorrs, 7-5. b 3 : at Charlotte High School, losers' six points. Nick Nich- idson. 191) no entries. Unlimited run, Bill Kiesewetter and euti I Davidson w -ll the IW0 Wildcat basketball team, from settled 7. di featetl KoTTloTI W I In- graduated olson, Tom Corbin. loe Hunter. --Hugo I'.oniuo. Washington and George Jones. Three - quarter last year, Herman Y< arw 1. an chosen which was in I'l.i.i. ward, '■ '' I); Morrow, ft, Clifford Quick was to cap- Boh Abell. Johns,.,, ■ b. II. seetltd lie served on both athletic aggre- and Dick star- mile run, Tyler Port and Jack ther junii ir illi-ce iy, and sev- -' tain tin 1937 basketed-. likely looking defeated Moke Unliill Ii -'. 6 ; gations under tutelage red for the Greys, while lid Arm- The winners for both section-, Tillotson. 120-yard low hurdles, eral niort- art- ean- the of Coach field, "■ Quick, a letterman for tin- past Bailey Williams, Buddy Branton and Fred Staire. I ■ for that all-important po- .in-l llnrnhei'k defeated Herman Walter Skidmore, whose University Hill Beatty were the same grapplers, with two two st-,[s..ns. was during the past ami Chubby King exceptions. Kemp, Broad Jump, Bill sition on . i» i-ininmil i.u i'age -i i of North Carolina White Phantoms led tile losers. Robert who Kiesewetter season, co-captain game with Maurice recently won both the North Caro- In ihe moved up to Friday won the right to go to the Olympic and Gene Vogler. High Jump, Thus far. the aspirants have- been Penbody. Peabody Hot!. and Quick lina and Southern instead of Saturday, when the finals at Bethlehem, was not eligi- Bill Kiesewetter and Lawrence confined to batting and tnlding Conference ' are members of the junior das.s this championships coaches had shilling sev- ble for A. A. C. honors due to the Reid. Shot. Rut Miller and Joe e. Ihe pitchers are merely in basketball. finished FRATERNITIES year, eral players from to team, from McNabb. Discus, Lawrence getting their wings in shape and Quick will lead the first quint team the fact he was not the Car- Tlnre were no nominations made Red lineup was far superior to that olinas. Tin- runncrup, Milton (Jas- Reid and Rut Miller. Javelin, havi not yet cut loos,, with their to represent Davidson as a member Elmore START TRACK for the captaincy as all ri.sing sen- ol tin- (li-i-ys. The final score stood kill of Barium Springs, was auto- Holt and Bill Tabor. assortment of speed hall- and half- of the Southern Conference. -'''-0 in favor i, , iors were eligible for the post. The of the Keds. With matically A. A. C. champ. In the Half-mile relay, Buddy Bran- ling twi-t-. It t..,. arly to make l.allerty ton, Competition Between Eight voting was entirely between Pea- and Dennis bearing the unlimited class, ling,, of Ed Wooten, Gene Vogler any pre-season predictions as yet. IT'S THE MAN THAT PAYS Bonino Fraternities onHill Begins body brunt of the attack, the Keds W. & I.., l.ogan and Nesbet Elmore. In fact, Coach Laird lias -aid and Quick with the latter pro- defeated of Kan- Wednesday winning out first ballot. ceeded to overwhelm foes napolis for tin- right to compete in The "SPE's" by their all positions an -till open. in tin- Darner -"Shall I trim you a bit ?" their in headed 1 points, while the junior ol the team by his mates. put following men tu "walk off with the low two to yard dash, 220 yard dash. 120 yard For each even! there is a set time I themselves "in i] with Captain Hill Snow and class finished up with -M_' points. Throughout this year, before each right" the meet" as Manager Yates Fat- Charlie low hurdle-, broad jump, shot put. or distance to W us«d a- the stand- for spring 1936 Ross. Maples by In the individual competition, El- game, a new captain was appointed son says. They arc- Bruce Egcrton, led McClelland discus and javelin throws wereheld. ard of judging. If a contestant is with style details and more Holt, sophomore, to serve during the game, and Bailey Williams. George Mathis, one Ntruki'. Cowan and Westall Three heats were held in th.- Inn able to excel the standard, he of a was the every young men like followed close behind. winner, having earned J45 points, man served in this capacity at lenst ...- Bill Nicholson, Ed ArmYielfl, Max The team yard dash, the first and second men course receives extra points. The casually-rolled plays are while Y. Templeton, once. In this way they the lapels Brittian, Bob Florence, Hoke Rob- that in the lir*t match in each Inal advancing to the finals winner, the entrant receiving most J. with Z\l all not Snow, Ross, McClelland and points, was the. runner-up. Bob experience and the boys had i: : new shoulderde- inson, and N'cil VVhitlock. However, planned for tomorrow. Four run points m the ten events, will he pre- some- .. Maples. Blue placed third with 209 points thing to base their voting velopments their list was also incomplete. ners will be chosen to compete in sentetl with a handsome medal on on when to his credit, and Jerry Harris ihe election took place. Evtry man According to Manager J. D. [Saturday the varsity will be se- the linals of the 220 yard dash, live Athletic Day. backs that are off the placed fourth with a total US was automatically eligible Johnston, th* Kappa Alpha's lected in competition from these of the entries in the UK) yard low Last year Karl l'razier won the of for the beatenpath :: five- points. Gordon Smith set the rec- post, since there were no . will rely upon aervicet six who wen- the low scorers i" a hurdles will be in the finals. Dccathalon, with Walt Dickson a nomina- the of ord last year by earning1X1 points. tions. Instead, each player j button vests . ::and Yarborough, Cumbie, Kenny, previous round. Four letter-men In all the field and weight events, close second. This year more en- wrote — his choice on a slip paper. the very, very new Oakey, Johnston, returned from last year Ross. the contestants are trants than ever are expected Ihe contest ran lor two weeks of Iver- Cowan, Jim allowed four in son was high- rise Hutaff, Luti, Snow. McClelland. and Cowan trie-, and highest go this competition. ami twenty-seven nun elected in the first ballot. French- J. D. Johnston, tin- nine men participated (Continued With Maples Th,. on Page (>) trouser. and Hinei. aind Westall they form to the finals. high jump is an Participants in the Dccathalon in the competition. Points were waistband this, | The Beta's will have Bulwinkle, the nucleus of noli material. exception to as it will be run will come from members of the given for proficiency in performing l'rof. McGavuck. faculty advisor, oil" tomorrow without any elimina- lour college trans- Steerc, Abbott, Ransom and Mot- classic Junior the various Feats on the horizontal ( 50 accompanies the golf players to tions beforehand. fers are encouraged to in $27-30 $2> ley. Steere is the only applicant enter or- bar, bar, horse, Charlotte fur practice quite events, the parallel the and for the hurdles. Broad jump: Ed often The remaining the 440 der lor Davidson coaches to find Two Trousers because "i the poor condition of the yard run, any in tumbling and conditioning ex- WHAT DO Johnson and Bob Johnson. High the 600 yard rim. the available material for the track ; jump: college course. A difficult season three-quartersmile run and the one- team during the coming year. : Bulwinkle. Distances: awaits golf Hobbs, Malone, and Abbott. the te'am on the links half mile relay, will be staged on YOU WANT? Shot: beginning with an trip Charlie Edwards and Bill Benfield. extensive the final day. during the spring vacation. Georgia The standings Discus :Edwards. : track will figure TATE-BROWN CO. Javelin Edwards Tech, the University of Georgia, this year's inter-fraternity " College and Stccre. The relay team will in_ com- Shop Emory University; and several nth- petition, and be composed of Steere. Hobbs, Bul- the points will lie FRIEND MEETS FRIEND |\ Third Floor (Continued on Page 6) awarded as usual. winkle and Abbott. THE The Phi Dclt's manager could not —at— be found in time to publish thi-ir list, while the Pi Kappa Plus had not completed arrangements. FAUL AND CRYMES, INC. SOUTHERN Loose Ends ... White Drug Store Final tryouti to select the SPORTING GOODS 5 & 10c STORE men to represent DAVIDSON'S OLDEST AND BEST Davidson CHARLOTTE, N. C. 415 SOUTH TRYON ST. against Furman March 25th HAS IT (Continued on Page 6) THEDAVIDSONIAN,MARCH 18, 1936 5 CONCERTBAND DAVIDSON SYMPHONIC BAND TO TAKE TEN-DAY TRIP Town Tattle Civic Club to Mr- i|. i: Arbuckle wa h.-■- Beautify City I; te.-s to the As Y..U Like i jut Ask Help of in its regular meeting Students Fur- at lrid.i> eve- thering Project TOPLAY HERE ning, March I.! New officers i ir iht v lining year are: Mrs. Thom- "Wi '- .the tudents and the Mr-. as VVatkins. president: Willis town people will try !-. take care ON MARCH 20 Johnston, vice-president; and Mrs nf Main Stroei and the shrubbery A C DcVane, secretary-treasurer. " ■ Helms,Parker and Tillotsonto '■ planted around the pic- Be Featuredin Baritone ♥ ♥ ♥ ture -! .- tatetl Mrs. '). J. Thies, Trio Mr- U W U 1 has relumed Jr.chairman "i the I>.v.i '. on ( ivic to Ilavidson after a v i-n of sovera,! Club. PURDY PLANS TOUR ,■- days with relatives in Levvisburg. Ihe iiv ic Club ha elm- u this \\ Vi year's project tin I fi itiori of DavidsonQuartet Will Accom- Smith, pany the Band ♥♥♥ Da.vidsou Mr. HiiL'h man-' Ml IIKt vv in anil her Ci IUMI1, ager ol the '■.! ii' I ■!- i ■ rw iar- The Davidson College Symphonic Mi- A U Mii,.,If. ,,f Denver, dens, is in charj i tin p: iject. Band will piny its annual home con- CI,, left Friday for Atlanta, where With the co-operation of the cert in the Chambers Building au- the> will spend a week with rela- Stough tiros., u has been possible ditorium at eight o'clock, Friday tives lor this organization t.. dean up evening. March 20. The program ♥ ♥ ♥ the property around the picture will he the same a- that which will The Symphonic Band, which it pictured above, will give a concert in Chamber* Auditorium on Friday night. On Monday, the band Mr- K M. Watts, of Cl-.arh.tte-- -how and to plant a number of will be gone day*, will play principal be used throughout the ten-day will leave for a 1,200 mile tour of the Southland. The fifty-one member* of the band li-n and in the v ille. Va was the guest of honor shrubs. Due to the lack ..f suffi- citie* of South Carolina. Georgia and Tennenee, and will return to David»on on March 31. . tour which begins on March 23. ai an informal party givenby Mrs. cient funds this project was not This year the band i- presenting I- M. Cochran, Saturday evening. carried out as elaborate as hadbeen a program which is unusually diffi- March 14 planned. - college organization, N 'lines, cult for a but Dorsey Speaks Of ♥ ♥ ♥ Mrs. speaking for tin- inm- it is one which has a wide scope i^i Hi-Y ClubHas Museum Has Prof and Mrs. J. P. Williams en- mittee composed of Miss Cornelia appeal. It is only because this i- tertained the members of the Tilde- ShaW, Mr-. W. R. dray. Mr-. Moore not an ordinary band that such a Band InInterview mite Club Thursday evening, March McConncll, and Mr-. W. W. Wood, program i.i possible. "military" 12 that any suggestions would The Dorsey. "You like one-night stated not BusyMeeting Tommy nationally-known these lu- type band could play many of Rare Tablets ♥♥♥ appreciated. pieces Land leader ami trombonist, after stands:" the but instruments that way, yes. especially Mr .m.l Mr-, drier Martin have completing his theme, "I'm Get- "In a and if Methods of West, make the Davidson Hand a *\m- Exhibit Business .i- their guc-t Mr mother, will come to Davidson to High SchoolGroup Plans Anti- ting Over You" and they're college dances. Then we Martin's phonic band allow it to play AncientTimes (, spend the parents. them Cheating Program broadcast, of When I into Mi- I- Martin summer with her efficiently and artistically. concluding his radio have a lot tun. Ret ♥ ♥ ♥ ■ ■ town. phone girls boys ♥ ♥ ♥ hi- way back stage to be in- 1 the and Are you interested m business Will Leave Monday Mrs. King Mr lames Wither-, of Norfolk. Club, under terviewed. and give 'em messages from their you are.yon might like William has returned On March 23, the band will leave The Davidson Ili-Y ' methods? If Va has |,ecu to supervision Bryant, you get your present friends in other colleges college alter a w-it of several days with . called Davidson. on a ten-day tour of three southern the of Marion "Where did lo go by the museum located of In, meeting band, Tommy?" "At Carolina some ol the boys friends in C.innleii. S. C. Mrs. because the serious dines- of -tates. The trip will cover at it> March 1-. made defi- on tin second floor of the north about went and .t King', was in Cam- lather. Dr. J. J Withers. plans for a campaign toward 'Well, most of the baud came out with Don Jackson, wing of Chambers and see the bus- home formerly a thousand miles of North Carolina, nite dm ♥ ♥ ♥ clean scholarship, one of the planks from Joe ll.iimes. When 1 broke couple of the boys were taken out iness papers used in transactions Georgia, and Tennessee. ♥ ♥ ♥ been in the club's platform. The dub up with my brother. Jimmy,he kept to the governor's house by young' about _'OtH> IV C. and before, Word lias received in Dav- There will be no admission Major Major to campaign organ- original lo Khringhaus. We saw Don Jackson and Mrs. F M. Cochran idson S. Calvin Cum- charge for concert hopes have the the baud. 1 had a chance In realitv these business papers the here Friday up Washington alter he have niing. P, end get Jelly l.eftwicb's and now I again in ate nothing more small claj received word that then brother of Dr. W. Cum- night, but a free-will offering will ized and effective before the i^i band than daughter. year. 1 had. He has swell got shipped. He didn't COtnC to the Mis. k \ Cadwalladcr, 1111111:. has been promoted to the be taken to help the band on the the school wish a band tablets on which the substance of - of college dance though because be knew we'd ..I the Philippine Islands, has lauded rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Lieut. trip. The band a self-supporting President Lewis Parker opened I'd rather have a bunch transaction* are inscribed in cunci- is kid him!" in the United Slates, and, after Col. dimming i.s stationed at organization the meeting with the UMiai ritual, men. even if they're not Quite as fiirm. a Quan- and receives no help "That record you made of short vi-it with relatives in the lie,.. \a. college. preliminary business was car- good musicians. 1 can allow for 'The Among tin- various tablets on dis from the The trip in, ar- and Music Goes 'Round and Around' ranged by R, i(. I'urdy. business ried out. JatiTCS Willis read a pas- Ihat. When I take these college play is .i business document used all really sold with a h.iug it?" .ili,. manager sage Scripture led the fellas out and feed 'em. they're didn't ul .into I',. C in the ancient of the band: Ed Joltnson, from the and "It certainly did. Victor .aid it president; Harris Bradley, vice- club in prayer The potentialities appreciative, while these others country of ICUasar mentioned in aren't." was the best selling record thai they 'iciiesU president; Wiley Bradley, secre- ol" Hi Y work anil a pica for con- 14:1. There are also on with your hadmade in seven years*' displ.ij tary-treasurer; the various alumni scientiousness in it were the themes "What about this break various other tablets .is " brother, "By way, win you Geo M. Cohen's / **■ , organizations; treated b'y Kenneth Foreman in a or would you rather not the haven't business contracts which were used W\ ""% o ... and the college au- used " itn.a.iu.u urn j\J Rate bmiths I'lans concerning of say anything about ibnt:" the 'Clam Make Seven' to- al about ibis same period. thorities. talk. the sale night "SONG AND little high school, "I'd rather not. It's sort of There .ire alsn large number tfV ■ 1 Has Varied Program Candy at the in order .tick- t a words lish. A family feud, you We "()h. ni the original mem- temple consisting DANCE MAN" £ The program to be presented Fri- to raise funds to send delegates to know. some of records ol re \Jk just couldn't hit it oil. bers have we eeipts gram, cattle, sheep, PAUL KELLY day night includes, before inter- the first National Ili-Y Congress at left us. and haven't tor or I( \N R»rl Carroll' Sta, "How you happen time to work out anything things bought CLAIRE TREVOR k 'vam'tiM mission, a chorale. "Sleepers 'Wake lierea College, Ky., late this sum- did to get that had other either or sold CLIFF CRANE mer, swell song?" by temple The by Bach;" an overture. "Ariane," were discussed. The president theme new." the priests, oldest Hover; secretary-elect year 1,. I,, "lie on ilispi.i\ is a bill for grain by a trio for baritones. ami for next "My brother and I used to play "VVeJI, I'll have get back the ■ ilnr-m A ■ / / I FXTRAIextra. "The Viiion„ sold lij temple ,.i "Three Kings," by Walter Smith ; will represent the local club. it. but Ididn't want to Use it as a band now. Can't you fellas g,> out Hie Jokha in w _'4 C IMPERIAL // Living Tabldd and "Prelude to Act III"of Lohen- Bryant then made a devotional tltenie song because ii featured me :ii»l eal wiib us .liter the dance: It FRIDAY-SATURDAY | // I jj grin and "Bridal (-'boms" by Wag- address, applying t,he principles of too much. But then when we sep- We could talk some more." Also shown arc a t.ig to be at- ner. the parable of the talents to the arated. Itook it for myself, while lUil being already one o'clock, we tached to a basket of supplies and a After the intermission, during lives of the Hi Y members. Jinum uses 'Japanese Sandman.' decided "agin it." shipping tag. which the college quartet will sing several songs, the band will again take up the program. It will play "Memories of Stephen Foster," by Caillet; "Childhood Fantasy," by l.illya; "Blue Danube Waltzes." by Each Puff Strauss. "ScmiramideOverture." by Less Acid Rossini; and "() Davidson.' by Shields. Quartet lo Co Fifty-fine students will leave next Monday at four o'clock, for the members of the quartet will accom- pany the band. Special request was made for them so they will render several numbers of universal appeal. OF RICH, RIPE-BODIED TOBACCO Elaborate preparations have been made which promise to make this f^^HB^I For twenty-five yearsthe the most successful season that the fc^Ss*. researchstall We believe thai Lucky Strike Ciga- baud has ever had. Attractive pos- "I fhe American Tobacco Compan) rettes embody a number of genuinely ters in red and black with a pic- \ has Worked steadily to produce a basic improvements, and thatall these ture of the band in the center have " W^^ V^V \ i_i r — . . been obtained as well as programs measurably liner cigarette namely, liiiprovemenls combine to produce a witli names of cigarette — the the members f ■ a having a minimum of vola- superior cigarette a modern ciga- the selections to he played, and an \ tilecomponents, mi improved engraving of the Chambers Huild- / a$$mm df*%j&&» with rich- rette, u cigarette made of rich, ripe- ing. 'W J^sSi ''^mI ness of taste-"A LICIT! SMOK! bodied tobaccos-A Light Smoke. |eiNEMATIC COMMENTS Wednesday, March IK Sons' and Dance Man The— old story (if the vaudeville— team one Rood, one awful who IT'S TOASTED" van't stick together on Broadway. H^P^K, /uC&eS- Paul Kelley ami Claire Trevor m struggle through synthetic, emo- tions and talk so Paul can make a final comeback. The rich boy Michael Whalcn walks off with the ' girl. against irritation-against cough Thursday & Friday, March 19-20 j^H||V life Follow The Fleet Another musical comedy hit for Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Combining Astairc's amazing dance routines with Irving Berlin's^n\usic and Ginger's dancing makes hit pic- tures almost a cinch. Harriet Mil- liard plays the part of Ginger's sis- ter while Fred runs away to the Navy to forget her. Randy Scott falls in love with Harriet and the -"■IK and dance is on again. Hit tunes an-: "We Saw the Sea," "Let Yourself Go," "Here Am I." " ' Saturday, March 21 - , Si~ Too Many Presents Recent chemical tesis show* !~~ [A ., W* l§l " Excess ofAcidilyof Other PopularBrands Over LuckyStrikc Cigarettes % Sort of mclo-drama regular S^ £S ' ^y ■ that ofher popular brands « o o o 'ifS^JS^t^ Jt Saturday picture show. The hit; at- . traction balance ; j^iHI will he the exciting episode ' have an excess of acidity i ! sli$,'" of "The Phantom Empire" starring . ,_.,-, [lucky strike 1 : %7«P J^PllllF . -* over Lucky Strike of from I Monday &- Tuesday. March _'j-J4 Love a on Bet ' BRAND C " i j . With a plot as highly improb- ". "RESULTS VERIFIED BY INDEPENDENT CHIMICAL _- ,.,,, ,.._,,.... ,., LABORATORIES AND RESEARCH T-—.,, ,.„,,, ; {;{ ,,,,..' y able as an Arabian night tale of CROUPS | B R A N p fj ■■.y...,,.-.... \ Q "^C^B^^^P'^ conquest against impossible odds, this picture is nevertheless grand fun from start to finish. 6 THEDAVIDSONIAN,MARCH 18, 1936

AMONG THE GREEKS LITERARY SOCIETIES MEET MASQUERS TO PRESENTPLAY ORGANIST WILL CLOSE GOLFERS OPEN 193« SEASON IContinued from Page "! I German Gun Lies Rusting (Continued Tape PHILANTHROPIC from It ei -chool- are to he nut besides ihe. (Continued from Page .') (Continued from Pa^e 1) (Continued from Page -i tlie--e recitals he was re- schedule is busy one.and men will From on a Labor Grassy i(".'■ tinm I :■ mi I'.^'r 1i dances at Brcnau. at I)r. I'ellman. Bancroft Moscly, i- l" in " of literary value are asked and quested play a puhlic recital he awarded numeral- in the -port. Slope ■ " * * theoretical, professional revo- field. Sigma V: . : Miss the next meeting each man Bubmita the the I ir-t Presbyterian Church of Tin dozen freshmen who try out arl-on, < ireensboro, lutionist, against violent, l\ iii i with SIGMA PHI EPS1LON Offictrs the answer to as many of these as -et oti the the same city. uill he coached by some varsity IN i,.!i c arise n, Kapr I Sigma: Miss enough hot-headed firebrand, Laker, played Mr, GUN FIGURED PRANK for the coming year were elected lu has lii-en successful to For the past three years Mc- man. and considerable effort will Man W! iti ■ I harlottt. with by Mokey Iai-mi. ha- held the of or- and are a- follow-: President, Jim find. Dunald position he put forth lo train Ihc Kitten- lor !.. BrainIi Phi Delta Ihcta: Cannon Was Torn k Morton: Vice President, liaymoiul This will he continued till the end 'The footinan?^ tlie iniperturahle ganist and choirmaster in the First lu'mv varsity line-up-. Muzzle of \!"-- \ ■ .■ ,:.. Shaver, Salisbury, By Explosion " Purnei ; Comptroller, Moore; ui'school ;uul the man who h!ts siili- I'hipp-, who ha- a perfect poise, Methodist Episcopal Church of ■ Phi Jeff sity of Michigan new-paper. :" Sigma I'p- Secretary, Harper: Guard, niitieel the largest number of cor- and- an inherent love for the pa- Yp-ilanti, Michigan. At this church ■' ■ Walker ; rect answers will receive a prize. gentry the conn, i- played by th< orgaiust plays a three manual "Thane McDonald's was another ust t,> tli, east .-i the fr< George Kliykclldall Senior Mar- J "I'..; in the Marquis. Lewi- Organ 4') successful graduation recital. For ■ '■■ '■ ' -hall. lack Somcrvillc; Marshall, The next program will be featured Hill and Hitchcock of „ field stands an ■ otliall" class i preen an(j w Inte. eight stops, two ih"-r who enjoy music tin- pro- mm. it! Henry Lynns ; Historian. Dick by talks from three of the The play is directed by Bill Iliu;- lluriim the of these man cannon witn t alternat- gram was a decided pleasure, for i;- ' . new men wllu were taken into the gins and Allen. Professor years the musician presented a sc- work ■ \ owli John Kr- burst .;'>!!. and ■"'■ Mr. ing (jrci-ii ■ ■'■ iti de see nding society last week. faculty adviser, ries of Suui!a\ afternoon vesper re- McDonald's performance was been '; win is and Harmon And although il has 1 ■ < iy to finished in <\cry detail. He has a from ml arnie Wooelward is sta^e manager. citals in the church. sitting rlicre for aboiil tivi cai green SPORTS STACCATO progressional manner play- the wall of cloth which -ur- EUMENEAN Sherwood, Mr. McDonald ha- given two re- in his will probably, continue t. <\ Robert Kmincit ihc ing; he hi- time, and thi elauciuti space. (Continued from Page .') author, eital- on the famous four manual that i-. take- f^iv- re, 1 ■ ha- been called the Amer- for many. man> years ihi 11ed hy thosi ing emphasis to his work by -* White spoke i>ii ■'Intellectual Cviri- Shaw, playful Skinner Organ in Hill Auditorium, un- ■■ -"»" i from Page i ican Bernard in hi- thcless. in its da il 3 . that the Continued Ann He treatment .. . The organ " ositj." Arbor, Michigan. also ac- hurried ■ ■ treatment of history and in his plcntj i po- i a . . lefl their class will Ij,- hold Friday and should From the fid minutes ami ex- companies the' First Methodist department ha- a star representa- ■ litical -atirc. Yet he 'i- true to the In t!;>- first place, tl tnei £ ethat they will be completed Monday .... pense accounts of the EuWencan Episcopal Church Choir a- organ tive graduate in Mr. McDonald." ■"■ tradition of Bclasco. us I to mal use ■ iit ■-■.'.. it ior a long time Captain Lcroy Blackweltler and Society Mawhinney gleaned the -oloist trip- to 'Ihi- concert will be free to all themselves Mr. Sherwood ha- been twice on their concert De- an . itlel t. 1 some of their 1 ■ Jim Hodgin will represent Dav- contents ■ ihis talk in speaking of troit and other cities in Michigan. those possessing the season ticket. married, first to a niece of Booth complementary Soon after il irrival V . Is jiresent at the idson at Lehigh University in the rules which prevailed during In addition to holdllg the church It will he to all the Tarkington, and second to th.' di- [,„,■ ,,i the classt irttes wen the competition for the Olym- those days of the society. The fact po-ition. Mr. McDonald i- at pres- members of the N'orth Carolina M-, lean, vorced wife of .Marc Connerly, 11._ Chapter (aiilel its prominent plac. BK I \ Till- IA PI I r pics representative* ... Coach that fines were incurred by the ent teaching Tl^cory of Music in the of the American of ■ ■ named fame and fortune through (needle -■ to say, I i irlntti Laird served as a commentator unbecoming University Michigan Conccri Organists, which i- nlnn- - ' ' members for positions hi- early work, of School of midnight I and I : «'" PI K \i!" \ \l I'll \ Edith Ce- for Charlotte News" dur- "Road 1" Rome." ntng to hold it- annual meeting.on ah. ut 'The and speaking out of order and that ha, .\lu-ic. they '■ ' ■■ ■ This success been followed by in tin post I re 1 u "■. ili f\ : Uii 1Hmlap. ing the past basketball season. the society used to hold weekly . iVi Marjorie Robinson, Vir- H'l> \VIT« late Wilkiiisnii I n spoke of the seeniingr lack of in- N'.'tlimf,' Rip.intiY ■ ■ NED IVERSON IS CHOSEN ' "" re, . .' Tillotson, Winston-Salem ; Wrdnrsd.iy tin 1 liui M l-.e'n :i White. tellectual curiosity on the Davidson ■ Garnelle Kainey, Salisbury. "SOAK THE J'-i"i.'|' ,;,' ,'',' th. Iurst. I i«l' i\ Ili Conconl and endeavored [o explain M ' ' campus (Continued from Page ")) RICH" v: 1 ' ch has ■ K \PPA ALPHA . KHz PI K M'I'A l'lll . rffiTsy I'.la.k- ihi- lark upon the assumption that N1 Ar The freshmen had an unusual V" ", Show-Value -. rgcant Burl ■■. I ;;: :. Walker, Char- man. Mary Rhodes, Rock Hill. S. the student- elid not have time to Si record ior -tin- past season and will ( )pciiing with a (he Gi destri ye : il usl Ifitte :■:■ Vtwatcr, Burlingti n: C. ; l'...liliu Burns, Peggy Jones, devote to the pursuance know- nml iatire witli Mntinw . ..J5c rmans ' of furnish valuable Connolly Night 20c , captun I. was i ■ Mary Klizabeth Moore, was material for the Walter r, heiny Tliis.' Sar. Kayetti illi : Mary Annie ledge other than that which GALA SUN. MIDNIGHT ■ Varsity ; ' aura next year. The freshmen Tliursdiiy Thru Saturday n ■■-: Burti'i either Nil I. McLcndon. Alice Reeves, reijuired of them. IK illustrated SHOW— 12:01 A. M. Two n| h.-i have compared very favorably with * tlie known he- ■ hand rci I 1 tin Charlotte; Mary Harris, Wilming- his point with the life of I>r. Alexis roe« «i the ilny tharing honor* ... ' ' S1GM \ ALPHA . F.PSILl IX: the varsity throughout year. ,. ■ '■ the Premier Showing on u..i.i prosram. toppini : ■ ■ ton; Carrel, zl< or tl \- \i". Martli i Moore, At- Wilfrid Schlpsser, Greens- head ol the Rockefeller In- Clarcncp E, _ Pile Kittens, in their practice games Chapter 1 : the gun II 1 Dee" Arnit'ie buro; boro; \'irgiuia Sautiders, Wythe- stitute eif Research. Id. Ashe with the varsity averaged only a TAILSPIN Hop»l<,nq a cord. Ke- ■ villc, I . m« ot " . ■■ lath, Gainisville, 'ia. ; Va :Helen I'ees. Sutnter, K C. 'The fullowtng nun were initiated point- Cats, TOMMY In Cassidy in I ■" few the ■ I below Thfs ,. . done. villc S. C R, -e THICTA; last Tin -day night: O. V. Arm- II. Crrat "Call ol the 1 Greet : PHI IH.I.IA Virginia season, Coach Chapman has dis- Air Mystt-ry Prairie" losioi n, ( stremg, I'. Bailey, Charlie Brown, M Ma ii. 1 an:. Hi i-v c IInn. .1. player- ■ Mi k. Madeline covered one or two who pai f the 1 izzl « as ■ 11 11. Calvik, II. R. (lark. S. M. KAPPA SIGMA in Abbot, Mary Whitmorc', Charlotte; J. will regular what '■■" it is Je Quinn Hill, probably see service I Coleman. "1'lorence, ('.: Lillian [feniphill, II. X. K. V. Law- year. ~======^^= " " : Jerry Bonkemeycr, Ueda S. next Several other prospects Thrill, iii-vir In-- teel and In 'ken. Marsh, son, I-'. I1Lincoln, N. M McGeacUy, i j*t Carl it, Mary I., ttid Mcbani Jacksonville, Ha.; Peggy . from this year'- -month working ill "^W^^s rilmeil torn . It. el:,- In.- N,. McLean, T, .111 nl Week 'in ■ \Tirhnaimva, Moore, Montgomery, Kenneth W. Mullen. .1. 'piint seasoning ought xt ensl Anna Ala.: Pal Mr- S, with a little Iho moil who Ier !■._■ Majoi ins 1'v- iessor ii ■■ I.. Ranson, \V, Robinson, fight ill,' Monday&Tursday .. Wee Si ii Pallet Russe ; 1 .1.111. Lauriuburg, S. S. to see year. moil- ' . .Kan service next -i.T- ih, , Milit ■ . Si ■ '" and fa. Rybtirti, I". M. Sim-lair. T. \\ ol ilcr|il i Salei Lilly . that til VI , a number of other SIGMA Pill II'SII.DX. Street, R. [I. Vowles, T. E. Walkw. PHI Deas, ■ ■ ' GAMMA DF.LT \ Martha Virginia Shaver, Salisbury; ► ■-■■■■ . ■ . .,:d Ulie d r lie '■ re 1 b- land, and S. C. Webb. 4 Benin tt-\illc. S. C. ; Betty tluillv] . Augusta, I,a.; Mary and some of the m can be i Martha Ijanis, M .tr\ Theimas. Mickley, Danville, Va.; ,..; ... ,1:. Scabbard and Uladi Katherine Km ■■..ill Mary 11' FOR Cars The gun was originally in : Louise iham. Jean 'irr. Jane Kllen T.-p- THESEm^K islmre.; Willie ! !..r. Wiley, Charlotte; omini nl place on the c 11 Jane hot " mena Mi nme, e n cltlie .burh I,," Melcheir, Hell, HEAD For Rent be came rusti■! and ugly Helen Mooresville. STUFFY few dropsupeach ■M(L%7irffiM a- remi viil. Kn. "* * fl^k willIen men1brunt's,- GULF GAS AND OIL CROWNED „ . 1< 1 wii cI<> FIVE GRAPPLERS All Latest Phonograph Records " ''11 . y jj J^^S^ ' iniKlls. brings ' welcome rt'lifl. i ( i ntinucd from Page -ti PARKER-GARDNER CO. 100's of Hollywood's Wed. & Thiir. M. P. Henderson A ., classic show .i "pro" wrestling WEST TRADE STREET CHARLOTTE, N. C. Beautiful Girls, Girls, "If. Crtal pulling, biting VicksVatronol QTATr with hair ear and 30c double quantity50c Girls & Girls \JIMI L with i'uiI Killy galore. This, the tii^t 'R.,,al,.i,| K.nh slugging Charlotte, N.C. event of th-- eVening, openecl the tournament with a bang which kept the spectators ■ :i edge 1hr- :- II the t:::it>!i. There were five other ' ' ■ Ltchc,- : idaj I igl :. ■ ■ i . . :■ .■■ ." ■ ■ ;. 1 Park- <>f " Hig| Pi ■ :■ ■': ■ first thn minute'.."' ■ rl, and gaii la ■ ''-■■ ilc- '.iskill. !-'■' i"iuml Ua- rium la. Gholson, I'ni- I'T-m of N'ortli Carolina grappler, decisioned tjraves of Davidson in a rhriller Friday night and gained a decision Saturday ni^ht to eliminate Graves.

Davidson mat cap- ■ "*^iMI>M'n.i-.. «■ P*«*i , Hi «Wl«ff ill;. # f,~ K&S^ /\^Sm^ 11. wdn out in the 15H da-- with !>"ints scored against him. He Illackwelder,Kllis, med Davidson frosh cap- tain in two matches. Ellis pinned Smith "i Charlotte, lilackwclder, A. A. U champ, will w> «< Bethle- hem tn the Olympic finals, There were only two contestants in the 174 pound class. Hodgin, David-,m. pinned Milton Crisp, a team-mate, in two matches. Hodgin had no paints scored against him. ' ' u S 'n : AuL iI 'st } t/ There were' (ip. entries in tin- 1'vl iiHaBaaBi^Hfl*■■■■■ KBBBBI &-' '"~-'oS^^bbbb1*8r£w wf B wd-A . \ L~**&. * 1L<' r kj^^ ' pound ila<<. Rnn'n", "( Washing- baBY^BBBW I^bbbbi ■■■■■? L^MbbbbbeSSeSS^v "'*\vv \ I ton and I.rt. wrestled an exhibition """ "* match Saturday night against Lo- III H^H ■■■■V^ '■' '■:■:' '■■ Ja^^B^S^^SB?^ W^KflY J *% /" f i / gan of Kannapolis and pinned him. Bonino will go to tin- Olympic finals yRl^ " M " h,- iWmmmmmmmmmJHin^^ ' :■: ■■ to held April at i ■■ ■■■ ■"■■■ " 16, .■■■■■■■.■;■:.■:■;» y- r." '_■ 14. 1?. Beth- ... #^M^^mfflBBBffl3BBmBBMMBP^^K!^^fc.;..L ■■■.■■■■■■....(ljj;l.... h.m w»Wjt»iWWgB^^^^^Jgs^^SJMF "Ml<^pjpi^pg '^^^^■^ "n "^^j^ "^^t;- / lehem. The tournament was featured by close matches between Spencer ami " — '* on //,, <"<■" 5?/ Katun Friday and Saturday I/<*■ *~WHni»■■ KmS ir JBH ■^■■fl liH^iP nights and two close matches be- . P ttt tween Graves and Gholson on the WEDNE5DA1 \!1RD\Y '■■ IgStv ;:;:;-^^B iR^^^^B same two nights. ROSA MNn '"■-... -*5^ .: . : JH H^^^ PONSELLE MARTINI ::>\:SS^^«|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|^^SSSWr:::^ :v Man a man seeks a girl for her KOSTF.LANET7. ORCHESTRA A\U CHORUS 1P.M. (E. S.T.)-COLrMBIA NETWORK © W3«. LlCGBTTfc Mm*TOBACCO Co.