KNAYTON WITH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 17.10.05 Village Hall 1. Apologies. None. 2. Minutes of previous meeting – read and approved. 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes – Arning’s Gift – ongoing The 2 books that LG had ordered had arrived, the bill was given to the Treasurer and the council agreed the cost of £25.25. Strimmer – ongoing. D.F. had spoken to the builders at the Village Hall as agreed at the last meeting with regard to making safe the area around the Village Hall. 4. Correspondence. Fire & Rescue survey completed. Hambleton D.C. Housing Grants – information on notice board and circulated. Hambleton D.C. – Local Development Framework – Councillors to attend meeting. North Probation Service – letter offering groups of offenders to do various types of work around villages e.g. painting, clearing of verges with no payment but provision of materials. The letter was given to DF to present to the Village Hall Committee at their next meeting. Society of Local Clerks Training Day – no-one able to attend. C.C. highways new structure – circulated. Hambleton Strategic Partnership Community Plan review events – notice board. N.Y.C.C. – Minerals and Waste – circulated. 5. Planning Siting of caravan at A19 kennels for Mr and Mrs Beishuizen – approved by the Parish Council. Retention of Elliott Prefabricated Unit 1 at Knayton Primary School – information only. 6. Finance Balance £816.16. Precept was discussed and it was agreed that D.F. should apply for £800.00 a rise of £150.00 on 2005. 7. Any Other Business. John Francis came to the meeting to inform the Council about the meeting which had been held to discuss Neighbourhood Watch. 7 villagers had turned up for the meeting, JF had signed up to be a co-ordinator. 3 signs need to be purchased to be placed about the village advising that it is a Neighbourhood Watch area – these will cost £21.00 and can be purchased from the local Police Station – it was agreed that these could be bought. Vital Villages – LG thanked DF for the hard work put into this and suggested that it could be re-visited for further discussion. DF reported that the account was now closed. LG mentioned that the Council needed to appoint a Vice-Chairman – Morag Roberts and Sheila Witter agreed to be joint Vice Chairman. LG also suggested that any items for the agenda should be notified to the clerk 2 weeks in advance. The clerk will not be able to attend the next meeting on the 21st November so Morag Roberts agreed to take the minutes. The clerk was asked to try and book the Village Hall for Tuesday, 13th December in order to avoid being too near Xmas. The meeting closed at 8.50p.m.