Thursday, August 27, 1942 The War PAGE 2 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY 6800) Murray Reported CUTIES -:- By E. Simms Campbell U. S. Fliers Repel Envoys Reveal U. S. Fliers Blast Today U. S. Patent Office %> In Move to Block Strong Jap Blow Jap Savagery Japs Massed JL ‘ ? U. S. Embassy Officials Treated Materiel . di In Burma City U. S. Aluminum Strike ¦£& To Solomon Isle Like Felons, Refused Food, Medicines ( Machine Gun Troops Begins to Play Detroit Workers Among j Land-Based Planes By ROBERT BELLAIRE I nltefl Pmi Staff Writer 50 Altitude as 32,000 in U. S. Poised Inflict Heavy Damage From Feet NEW YORK. Aug. 27.—Japa- months without a change of Bombs Ruin Airfield Role in War to Vote on Walkout in Guadalcanal Area nese treatment of the American clothes because the police re- diplomatic mission to Japan was fused to let them get possessions By LOUS K KEEMLE such that Ambassador Joseph C. from their homes outside the By KARL ERKELUND * 1.r.0N tRD By JOSEPH BOBS times. embassy compound. 1 ntlMl l“rr«» U»r Writer R> ROBERTS A. Grew protested scores of I'filled Prffi Stsff I «rre»pen4e»t Xtll *lmfl Mrllrr InioriKitKinnl v>»t VrvlM Staff Writer In one protest, made December —Police insistence that every • Inirrnmi-.ntl WITH THE UNITED STATES AMERICAN FIGHTING 21. two weeks after Pearl Harbor, one remain within the em- to PITTSBURGH. Auc ”7. —As WASHINGTON* Aug. 27.-The quipment beginning he informed the Japanese through bassy at all times. ARMY AIR FORCE IN CHINA. H'l.minun: wirk'is prepared today hat tie of the Solomons moved to- rn. (delayed) make its weight felt in the the Swiss legation that the Ameri- H—Occupation by the police of Aug. 26 Wp. t day stage • States and enemy may he to votr n whether to‘authorize toward the decisive can diplomats were being treated the home of Smith Hutton, [United Army bomber war and the fighter pianos In one J of their pur- a strike n that vital wal- industry, with every indication that Ameri- in a manner “unparalleled in the naval attache. due for sorjie unpleasant history between embassy greatest raids of thf War repor t' < undated CIO Presi- land, sea and air forces are of intercourse O—Refusal to remove that can ~ prises when more of our _ 5— The great Japanese strategic cen- dent Philip Murray was attempt- more than holding their own, civilized nations." garbage. military developments arc un- par-j i This wter tn fmr wrrtT the otTier -Extreme delay furnishing ter of Lashio in northern Burma ing 'o arrange further conferences! area, in HOl!arty In ThtTGuadalcanal • Today. veiled in action. protests, one of which said that r medicines. -errwren urrnn~lender^“andTepre- where Japanese thrusts the members of the They left Japanese military w;s given in of Com- strong United States i A—Refusal to provide any fa- A hint of this sent at r\es ihr Aluminum embassy were being treated buildings, including troop bar- M. pary nf America. have been smashed hy land-based cilities for exercise. London by Brig. Gen. G. "worse than criminals and pris- .to an em- racks. aflame and destroyed the ‘Pie backbone of the dispute is bomber and fighter planes. I —Refusal permit Barnes, head of the design oners of war who at least are bassy T-epresentative to only four Japanese planes they the refusal of the War Labor Although outcome of the large- on big of the wir depart- given food." members in hospitals. found the Lashio airdrome. division Board to grant SI a day wage visit staff Haynes "wc have scale battle at sea off the Solo- Col. Caleb V. of North ment, who said that increase to approximately 3*.000 “RAVAGE TREATMENT** Carolina and Col. Robert L. Scott woikrrs. mons was shrouded in uncertainty, many surprises.” aluminum qualified opti- Eugene H. Dooman. embassy of Macon, Ga.. commanding the Unless the ("JO head succeeds,' there was a note of As assistant chief of ord- the navy's latest com- counselor, to a Japanese United States bomber and pursuit the aluminum workers will mism in Japs Fleeing forces, in person devastating nance of the army, he mounting foreign office representative De- led a declared tnrir some time today and munique. which listed a ballot- ships, cember 18 that there was “nothing raid of which this correspondent that our ordnance production tonight in seven cities housing toll of Japanese men and that in the history of international re- was an enthralled witness. already is sufficient to support Alcoa plants planes and stated "results to date are encouraging.” lations which could even approach 10,000 TROOP* MASSED a full sized army in the field At nearby New Kensington, site this instance of savage treatment of thp intrinational HOLDING reports head- China * Intelligence union's MARINES Air Base had re- public in Europe. #•» of officials." quarters. union said -*• toll MVtowta. to. *««. na«* 4 1 denied any sftokesmen encouraging wa s the “The reeord of behallor of- vealed the concentration of lAAOO General Barnes ferlmg ran higo as a result of the Most ' CHUNGKING. China. Aug. 27 new shock troops at navy's report United Stairs Japanese policy will remain a Japanese German superiority in equip- WLR's recent action approving a that (UP).—The Chinese Central News “Can you imagine! Of the beautiful things marines land-based fighter blot to shame Japan for the next Lashio for an offensive on Kun- ment and incidentally added .V 2 rent« increase for "big steel.” all a with Agency reported today thal the other the planes, aided by naval aircraft, hundred years," Dooman said. ming at the end of "There have been numerous fellow can send a girl, he sends me a BOOK!” During Japanese are withdrawing from I.ashin-Kunming Burma road, and that the British also have "are holding” the important island the first months of in- Province, ’ complaints that the WI.B is not Chuhsien. in Chekiang the United States Army air force many ‘‘surprises which he of ‘in the face of ternment Grew protested because as in the least consistent with Its the northwest, where the Germans Guadalcanal uniformed Japanese police which the Chinese hope to use went into action. “real eye-openers. , j strong enemy thrusts and in each which Japan. termed decisions.” said R W. Pasnick. effected their deepest penetration swarmed through the private a base from to bomb While ihe great bombing planes ! action have inflicted heavy dam- the Japanese gar- an AWA official. He added that toward the city, the government apartments of the diplomats, even The hulk of attacked from high altitude, the most Smash age on the attacking Japanese Lishui, another “bomb felt Reds Foe OF the first surprises of the men they had j newspaper Izvestia said. peering through the of rison at fighters, in imminent danger, ONE been "slighted” by forces.” windows base 50 miles up got was the per- the hoard's PANZER BATTLE RAGES the ambassador’s private quarters Tokio" about darted in through a hail of the the enemy of increase f Preliminary reports listed at the the port of denial an aluminum attempting to roam rooms Wu River from big planes’ bombs to attack with formance of our Flying For- that A battle between mechanized least 14 or 15 enemy warships and and the Wenchow, withdrawn, In ion members pointed out unit* has despite Mrs. Grew also has the machine guns at ground level. action over Europe. a shutdown the been in progress there auxiliary invasion vessels dam- the fact that agency reported. tresses in of plants for 24 In Area for 48 hours. was ill. Japanese military buildings all hours would result in a production aged, some of them so severely Only skeleton Japanese forces These planes had been criti- units, covered by over the Lashio airdrome bursr tieup German tank that they must be listed as lost LISTED by the British as inferior for several months. (Continued from Page One) a heavy INDIGNITIES remain. into flames. Barrack grounds and cized umbrella of Luftwaffe air- or out of action. In addition a The Japanese looted and set said to have Other indignities he protested fields were left strewn with Japa- to their bombers, presumably fenslve said the Russians had re- craft were broken minimum of 33 Japanese planes Chuhsien afire. on the basis of British tests VOTE HERE ON STRIKE taken 16 more villages on the Mos- through Soviet defenses on another have been destroyed in the air included: nese dead and wounded. sector of ttfe northwest salient. alone. the Japanese to A few minutes after we returned made the first models Arnold Daniels, \ice cow icentral) and Kalinin (north- —Failure of with president ofi The fighting northwest of provide any whatso- to our base the first escorting pur- I-ooal 11 of the west) fronts, bringing the total of ENEMY’S food ! aent over last year. Aluminum Stalingrad was described as in- LOSSES ever. Planes Hit in Midair suit piano* came down j era In ion (CIO), said employesWork-Jof' towns recaptured in two weeks to Since then, the Fortresses tense by the high command, Here is the mounting enemy the of The pilot of one jumped out and the Aluminum Company of Amer- 626. —Receipt by embassy over. have been improved radically It was disclosed previously in a which said: toll: only one-third of the fuel ran ica were holding a series of meet- "German tanks effected a Ship Crushed, 5 Killed **\\ho dropped that last special communique that Soviet 1— to heat buildings. and when they went into ac- ings today to vote on the strike. -Two carriers bombed and needed its bomb?" he demanded. "It armies had swept 25 to break-through but were wiped damaged, one .severely. LUBBOCK. Tex.. Aug. 27 (INS). tion last week, manned by Daniels said the meetings are forward out.” -Japanese refusal to permit damned near killed me." 30 miles on the Kalinin front. 105 - Four United States Army fly- crews, being held before and after shift* Kotelmkovo, 2One battleship bombed 3 anything or any one to enter Scott, fighter American they proved of Northeast of south- ; ing radets and a civilian were It was Colonel the and that the voting was by voice. miles northwest the Russian of ihe German and damaged. or leave the embassy between magnificent. capital. ern salient drive killed in a spectacular mid-air col- commander. There are between 1.800 and 1,900 3 bombed and December 14 and 18. gunning Much had been made of the Battles were said to be ex- on the metropolis, Soviet One cruiser lision of two twin-engine training "I waa machine some employes on the Ihree shifts. set several iat least to tremely bitter area. artillery batteries repelled Nazi afire: Police refusal furnish es- planes vesterday afternoon over Jap soldiers near the field." he prowess of the new German An affirmative hallot would give in the three) damaged. at 10 miles east of Rzhev, and also in tank attacks and Russian cavalry 4— corts for embassy cars seek- ithe Lubbock army flying school. went on. “They were firing Focke-Wulfs over the North the international president. N. A. units penetrated the German lines; 4 Two destroyers damaged ing to obtain adequate supplies plane two me with their rlflea when the Pittsburgh; the region between Rzhev and Each carried cadets when some of our Fortresses Zonarich, at the right to inflict heavy losses on the by bombs. of fresh food and other necessi- to safety explosion shook m.v plane. It to Sichevka. 'and a cadet parachuted by a swarm of call a strike on a dale to be) Some Soviet units enemy. 5 set afire, ties at embassy expense in from each the ships. One plane was one of your damned bombs. were attacked at bypassed One transport of chosen his own discretion. Rzhev, Tokio. the post tailorshop, killing "Next time I escort you he Focke-Wulfes over the North said that now under heavy shelling BATTLE FOR CROSSING and abandoned. ’fell on Daniels since January, long-range guns. of the em- G. W. Singleton, Lubbock civilian, more rareful or I’ll make a pass Sea, our bombers shot down i1941. by Soviet In the vicinity of Prokhladnaya, 6 Four unidentified ships set —Some members the workers have received a troops wf bassy were to go for and two cadets. at you." single The Red ere reported, in the mid-Caucasus 80 miles afire. forced atx of them and returned to raise of eight cents an hour attacking 4.000 Germans garri- ‘‘which was given us to bring us northwest of the oil fields, 7 Thirty-three bombers and base without loss. soned at Pogorelove-Gorodishtshe. being fought • • up to stubborn battles were fighter planes destroyed in • steel which was considered a fortified town 25 miles east bf competitive.*’ Since then there for possession of a river crossing. aerial combat. YVe lost only Rzhev. pontoon SIMILARLY IN the Pacific, have been no general raises. Two German budges were four. said to have been the new Japanese Zero fighters Daniels said. FIERCE BATTLES IN AIR destroyed. "The performance of our BUY NOW i under at hailed as superior to our Fighting also was way fighter aircraft based at Gua- were The sky over the 70-mile front Mazdok, only 60 miles Irom planes, but, in China and Marine League Rally is black with planes, with terrific dalcanal ha* been outstanding,” Grozny. the navy said. over the South Pacific, they aerial bombardments in progress On the westernmost at Caucasus Final plans will he made a and dogfights everywhere. front heavy fighting raged have been bested repeatedly rally tonight south CREDIT for the annual con- In two sectors alone the Soviets Krasnodar, by fliers and have come Corps of where the Germans tON our vention of the Marine already have shot down 35 Ger- were said to occupy put on the short end in nearly League in Chicago. September 2 to have tried man aircraft. important positions in vain. De- to Sweeps jevery encounter. 5. it was announced today by Soviet tank units were barring RAF repelled Karol, fense forces the Nazis We likewise have one or Joseph J. commandant. Ihr direct road to Stalingrad from with heavy losses. two new typfcs which have not The offensive by the Russians been seen in and west of Moscow brought with it yet action hope that the tables may soon be Toward Calais yrhich may prove superior to Gypsy Rose to Wed turned on the German invaders. anything the enemy has. LONDON, Aug. 27 (UP).— In Europe, the Middle East. Marriage to Actor Kirkland Scheduled for Sunday Channel coast observers reported P» Orient and elsewhere our Axis Raider Reported today that the Royal Air Force planes already have proved Midnight; Honeymoon Limited by Gas Supply carried out a powerful sweep over their worth. Again northern France about 1 p. m., • Brazil • • Off NEW YORK. Aug. 27 TINS.— Because she must he back on apparently centering their attack SO our RIO DE JANEIRO. Aug. 27 HAVE tanks, as Gypsy Rose Lee erstwhile queen (INSi. large and * deck for "Star and Garter” by Rumors that a Axis in the area of Calais Dunkirk. tor instance in the North burlesque, writer iof mystery and Monday night, Miss Lee said she surface raider is at large in the African desert, where they currently the star of "Star and south Atlantic were revived today and Kirkland, currently playing a Crash Kills 2 Student Fliers have been a potent factor in Garter.” a hit Broadway musical, when reports reached Rio de action against Marshal Erwin surprised her friends today with featured role in "Junior Miss.” Janeiro that a distress signal from RIVERSIDE. Cal. Aug. 27 an announcement she would be would have only a one-day honey- a British ship stated the vessel (INS). A midair collision of two- Rommel's forces. married Sunday midnight to actor moon. They’ll take as much of an being pursued by the training planes the lives was raider. claimed Ill* In In China the air force is Alexander Kirkland. auto trip on Monday as their gas There was no confirmation of the of two students at the Ryan being expanded rapidly and The queen of "distinguished” ration will allow, she said. report in official circles. Aviation School at Hemet. more and Chinese are strip-lease vaid she had met It will be Miss Lee's second more ( six months ago through marriage. A year ago she w as being trained the Kirkland for air of- Carl van Dorrn, ihe author and divorced from Robert Mizzy, New fensive against Japan. critic. Van Doren, she said, will York manufacturer of dental sup- ETERNALLY Current Chinese successes ,be best man. plies. in Chekiang province, if they continue, give reason to hope that, before long, they will be in possession of important sir Why Suffer From bases from which Tokio and to live. other Japanese centers can he bombed. Hay Fever? MEN OF MICHIGAN Now's the Time to Get Relief AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU Hayrin Nasal Filters ARMY ORDNANCE Filter the Air You Breathe NON-COMBATANT * • OVERSEAS SERVIC" We nee* -e*perienced m*. 00 chin *ts. toolmaker*, foundry, fit!, welder*, black*mith», '5 MATCH THIS at e'cc‘rician*. tmomith*. ear. ptnter*, bricklayer*, uphol, JfU Wear at Work, Play firemen, policemen, Sleeping! cool*, and miry other or While 1 lc tra-.'eemen in Headquarter* . sil beautifying your jrtd —„¦ Hayrin Nasal Kilters are HHSSlifpCr^^^H I i Service Company, l«t " You'll enjoy it* Battalio_n, .Oith Oru«»r.f. V made of sterling silver. JflL JML HB| i ushions and seats Regiment, 18 to 45, age* K ? The filters are comfort- F.T. Prrfr *, ~vV *rd H|||B ind bo with abova all technical* “ ' many ~ able and adjustable. f-- ‘ ‘ p"° I higher pay—mint pa** phyOi- 1J J SV . iction 1 rOMPLETKI.Y INV1SI- ‘ r ' that meant cal erammation. .J*Hr c*¦ ) '\in ¦: 'tM* ( r service. BLBI Protects all nasal - ,K Vv rd) ' H i mSBI If you want to *ecure a * ! 'ijf and u rr pawn**** •pot »n thi* Ordnance work PP mondi "Etrrnal'y Yours" at $44 HQ come in for an interview \ j by filtering pollens and b* l^ar, di unmatched -compare it! rafig fore you get your induction La :z. Jfl dust. notice Company forming very fa*t—ACT NOW. See your NO EXTRA local auto dealer or AND CO. Detroit Auto Doolors A»» o. SEARS. ROEBUCK BERGS CHARGE B] FRIED1256 GftISWOID I FOR COLONIALDEPARTMENT STORE < vs 4414 Cost A?o., Room 210, <»rand Ritcr at Oakrnan (Iratiot at Van Dyke • - ’ Woodward at Sears CREDIT 2 S STATE STUM T*.QPCn CVtMiNGS TILL 9 Ootrott—Tempi* 1-3221. %. ¦¦¦-¦- ¦ i - -- «R.