La W School Graduation to Be Held June 11
Vol. 6, No.5 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL June 1962 LAW REVIEW STAFF HONORED LAW SCHOOL GRADUATION AT PUBLICATIONS DINNER TO BE HELD JUNE 11 BostQn College will confer eight hon Nations since 1958, will receive a doctor orary degrees UPQn leaders in science, of laws degree. government, medicine, the theatre, re Sir Alec Guiness, Academy Award ligion, banking, literature and educatiQn winning actor, will receive a doctor of at its commencement June 11. fine arts degree. Dr. DeHev W. Bronk, president of Ralph Lowell, chairman of the board, the RQckefeller Institute, will be com Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co. and mencement speaker and receive an 'One of Boston's first citizens in civic, honorary doctor of science, Very Rev. educational, social welfare and business Michael P. Walsh, S.]., president 'Of affairs, will receive a dQctQr of laws the university, has announced. degree. Dr. Br'Onk is also president of the Phyllis McGinley, winner of the National Academy of Sciences and Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1961 , will former president of Johns Hopkins Uni be awarded a doctor 'Of letters degree. versity. Dr. Christopher J. Duncan of Newton, Ralph J. Bunche, under secretary fQr special political affairs at the United (Continued on Page Four) CERTIFICATE OF MERIT WINNERS CHARLES TRETTER--SBA Pres. Nine student members of the Boston ville, N.Y.; John M. Callahan, Hadley, College Industrial and Commercial Law Mass.; Paul G. Delaney, Waterbury, Review' staff were cited at the Annual Conn.; David H. Kravetz, Winthrop, SUZANNE LATAIF--Sec. Publications Banquet held at the law Mass.; Morton R.
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