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American Mineralogist, Volume 75, pages 931-937, 1990 NEW MINERAL NAMES* JorrN L. J.qlrnon CANMET, 555 Booth Street,Ottawa, Ontario KIA OGl, Canada Eow,c.RDS. Gnnw Department of GeologicalSciences, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469, U.S.A. Akhtenskite* Electron-microprobe analyses(using a JXA-50A probe F.V. Chukhrov, A.I. Gorshkov, A.V. Sivtsov,V.V. Ber- for Au and Sb, and a JXA-5 probe for O) of one aggregate ezovskaya,Yu.P. Dikov, G.A. Dubinina, N.N. Vari- gaveAu 49.7, 50.1,49.3,Sb 39.2, 39.1, 39.2,O 10.7, nov (1989) Akhtenskite-The natural analogof e-MnO,. 11.2,11.2,sum 99.6,100.4,99.7 wto/o;a second aggregate Izvestiya geol., Akad. Nauk SSSR,ser. No. 9, 75-80 gaveAu 52.4,52.6, Sb 36.7,36.3, O 11.6,11.4, sum (in Russian,English translation in Internat. Geol. Rev., 100.7, 100.3 wto/o;the averagescorrespond to Au- 31, 106g-1072,tggg). Sbr Au,o2sb,,rO283,respectively, F.V. Chukhrov, A.I. Gorshkov, V.S. Drits (1987) 260216and closeto a Ad- : vances in the crystal chemistry of manganeseoxides. theoreticalcomposition AuSbOr. H 223.8 and 186.8 Zapiski Vses.Mineralog. Obshch. 16,2lL22l (in Rus- kg/mm2. No crystallographic parameters could be de- sian, English translation in Internat. Geol. Rev., 29, duced from the X-ray powder pattern, in which the fol- 434-444, 1987). lowing lines were present: 4. I 8( I 00), 3.92(20), 3.72(30), 3.r2(r0),2.08(10), 2.03(30), 1.719(10), r.676(10), The mineral, whose synthetic counterpart is e-MnOr, 2.72(t0),2.s9(r0), 2.3s(90), 2.23(10), r.588(10), occurs as light gray to black mixtures with cryptomelane 1.553(10),1.434(50), and 1.223(30).
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