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A Minerals File:///F:/ABRIANTO/METALURGI%20EKSTRAKTIF/Metalurgi%2 A Minerals file:///F:/ABRIANTO/METALURGI%20EKSTRAKTIF/Metalurgi%2... [ Up ] [ A Minerals ] [ B Minerals ] [ C Minerals ] [ D Minerals ] [ E Minerals ] [ F Minerals ] [ G Minerals ] [ H Minerals ] [ I Minerals ] [ J Minerals ] [ K Minerals ] [ L Minerals ] [ M Minerals ] [ N Minerals ] [ O Minerals ] [ P Minerals ] [ Q Minerals ] [ R Minerals ] [ S Minerals ] [ T Minerals ] [ U Minerals ] [ V Minerals ] [ W Minerals ] [ X Minerals ] [ Y Minerals ] [ Z Minerals ] A Index of Mineral Species [What's New][Mineral Galleries][Sale Items][About Us][Contacts] At AA Mineral Specimens, we source quality Mineral Specimens, Fossils, Gemstones, Decorative Stones, Lapidary Material and Specimen Sets world-wide This alphabetical listing of A minerals include synonyms of accepted mineral names, pronunciation of that name, name origins, and locality information. Visit our expanded selection of mineral pictures. LEGEND Minerals identified with this icon have a sound file, courtesy of The Photo-Atlas of Minerals, which gives the pronunciation of the mineral name. Minerals identified with this icon have an image or picture in the database which may be viewed. Minerals identified with this icon have a Java crystal form, created with the program JCrystal, which can be manipulated and rotated. This icon links the mineral to the locality-rich information contained in Mindat.org. Minerals identified with this icon are radioactive. - Detectable with very sensitive instruments, - very mild, - weak, - strong, - very strong, - dangerous. * Mineral Name is Not IMA Approved. ! New Dana Classification Number Has Been Changed or Added. ? IMA Discredited Mineral Species Name. Ab0 * (see Anorthite ) Ab100 * (see Albite ) Ab20 * (see Bytownite ) Ab40 * (see Labradorite ) Ab60 * (see Andesine ) Ab80 * (see Oligoclase ) Abelsonite Ni++C31H32N4 NAME ORIGIN: Named after Philip H. Abelson, president, the Carnegie Institution, Washington, DC, a pioneer in organic geochemistry. Abenakiite-(Ce) Na26REE6(SiO3)6(PO4)6(CO3)6(S++++O2)O NAME ORIGIN: For the Abenaki Indian tribe, which inhabited the area around Mont Saint-Hilaire. 1 of 15 1/5/2010 12:46 AM A Minerals file:///F:/ABRIANTO/METALURGI%20EKSTRAKTIF/Metalurgi%2... Abernathyite K(UO2)(AsO4)·4(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named for Jess Abernathy, Moab, Utah, mine owner who found the first specimens. Abhurite Sn3O(OH)2Cl2 NAME ORIGIN: Named for its locality. LOCALITY: Sharm Abhur, a cove in the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia, Jiddah, Red Sea Abrazite * (see Gismondine ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Abrazite * (see Phillipsite-Ca ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Abrazite * (see Phillipsite-K ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Abrazite * (see Phillipsite-Na ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Abswurmbachite Cu++Mn+++6SiO12 NAME ORIGIN: Named for Irmgard Abs-Wurmbach (1938-), German mineralogist. Abukumalite * (see Britholite-(Y) ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Acadialite * (see Chabazite-Ca ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Acanthite Ag2S NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, akanta, meaning "arrow." After the Latin, argentum, meaning "silver". Argentite is stable above 179 C. Acanthite is stable below 179 deg. C. Acetamide CO(CH3)(NH2) NAME ORIGIN: For ACETic acid and AMIDE, for ammonia in its composition. Achavalite * FeSe Achavalite * (see Ferroselite ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Achiardite * (see Dachiardite-Ca ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Achiardite * (see Dachiardite-Na ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Achroite - colorless * (see Elbaite ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Acicular iron ore * (see Goethite ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Acmite * (see Aegirine ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Actinolite Ca2(Mg,Fe++)5Si8O22(OH)2 NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, aktinos, meaning "ray" in allusion to actinolite's fibrous nature. Acuminite SrAlF4(OH)·(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: From the Latin acuminis, sharp point, for spear head, the characteristic shape of the crystals. Adamite Zn2(AsO4)(OH) NAME ORIGIN: Named after the French mineralogist Gilbert Joseph Adam (1795-1881). Adamsite-(Y) ! NaY(CO3)2·6(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named for Professor Frank Dawson Adams (1859-1942) of McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. Adelite CaMg(AsO4)(OH) NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek for indistinct, for its occurrence as massive. Adipite * (see Chabazite-Ca ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Admontite MgB6O10·7(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: For Admont, Austria, near the original locality. LOCALITY: Austria, Schidmaur, near Admont Adularia * (see Orthoclase ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Aedelforsite * (see Laumontite ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Aedelforsite * (see Stilbite-Ca ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Aedelforsite * (see Stilbite-Na ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Aedelite * (see Natrolite ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Aegirine NaFe+++Si2O6 NAME ORIGIN: Named after the Teutonic god of the sea. Acmite is from the Greek "point" in allusion to the pointed crystals. Aegirine-augite * (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe++,Fe+++)[Si2O6] NAME ORIGIN: Name derived from its intermediate pyroxene composition. This is not an end-member species. Aenigmatite Na2Fe++5TiSi6O20 NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek for riddle, apparently an allusion to its (formerly) uncertain chemical composition. 2 of 15 1/5/2010 12:46 AM A Minerals file:///F:/ABRIANTO/METALURGI%20EKSTRAKTIF/Metalurgi%2... Aerinite (Ca,Na)6FeAl(Fe++,Mg)2(Al,Mg)6[Si12O36(OH)12H][(H2O)12(CO3)] NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Greek root "aer-", alluding to atmosphere or sky and hence the color, sky blue. Aerugite ([ ],Ni)9(AsO4)2(AsO6) (?) NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Greek for 'copper rust', in allusion to its appearance. Aeschynite-(Ce) (Ce,Ca,Fe)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6 NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition and from the Greek for "shame," in allusion to the inability of chemists, at the time of its discovery, to separate some of its constituents. Aeschynite-(Nd) (Nd,Ce)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6 NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition and from the Greek for "shame," in allusion to the inability of chemists, at the time of its discovery, to separate some of its constituents. Aeschynite-(Y) (Y,Ca,Fe)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6 NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition and from the Greek for "shame," in allusion to the inability of chemists, at the time of its discovery, to separate some of its constituents. Afghanite (Na,Ca,K)8(Si,Al)12O24(SO4,Cl,CO3)3·(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: From its locality. LOCALITY: Sar-e-Sang luzurite deposit in Afghanistan. Afwillite Ca3Si2O4(OH)6 NAME ORIGIN: For Alpheus Fuller Williams (1874-1953), General Manager, DeBeers Consolidated Mines, Kimberley, South Africa. Agardite-(Ca) ! CaCu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and for Jules Agard, Geologist, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans, France. Agardite-(Ce) ! (Ce,Ca)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named as the Ce-dominant analog of agardite-(La) and agardite-(Y). Agardite-(Dy) ! (Dy,La,Ca)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and for Jules Agard, Geologist, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans, France. Agardite-(La) ! (La,Ca)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and for Jules Agard, Geologist, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans, France. Agardite-(Nd) ! (Pb,Nd,Y,La,Ca)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and for Jules Agard, Geologist, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans, France. Agardite-(Y) (Y,Ca)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and for Jules Agard, Geologist, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans, France. Agate - banded variety of chaledony * (see Quartz ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Agnolite * (see Inesite ) See Also: GOOGLE, Athena, MinDAT, MinMax Agrellite NaCa2Si4O10F NAME ORIGIN: Named for Stuart O. Agrell, British mineralogist, Cambridge University. Agrinierite (K2,Ca,Sr)U3O10·4(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named for Henri Agrinier (1928-1971), an engineer in the Mineralogy Laboratory if the French Atomic Energy Commission, Paris, France. Aguilarite Ag4SeS NAME ORIGIN: Named for Ponciano Aguilar (1853-1935), superintendent of the San Carlos mine, Guanajuato, where the mineral was found. Aheylite (Fe++,Zn)Al6(PO4)4(OH)8·4(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named for Allen V. Heyl (1918-), economic geologist, U. S. Geological Survey. Ahlfeldite (Ni,Co)SeO3·2(H2O) 3 of 15 1/5/2010 12:46 AM A Minerals file:///F:/ABRIANTO/METALURGI%20EKSTRAKTIF/Metalurgi%2... Aikinite PbCuBiS3 NAME ORIGIN: For Dr. Arthur Aikin (1773-1854), a founder and long-time Secretary of the Geological Society of London, England. Ajoite (K,Na)3Cu20Al3Si29O76(OH)16·~8(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: New Cornelia mine, Ajo, Pima County,, Arizona, USA. Akaganeite Fe+++(O,OH,Cl) NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Akagane mine, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Akatoreite (Mn++,Fe++)9Al2Si8O24(OH)8 NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: In New Zealand, three km south of Akatore Creek, east Otago, South Island. From Norberg, Sweden. Akdalaite (Al2O3)4·(H2O) NAME ORIGIN: Named for the Kazakh name for the locality. LOCALITY: Solvech fluorite deposit, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan, Akdala. Akermanite Ca2MgSi2O7 NAME ORIGIN: For Anders Richard Akerman (1837-1922), Swedish metallurgist. Akhtenskite Mn++++O2 NAME ORIGIN: For the Akhtensk deposit, Russia, where it was first noted. Akimotoite ! (Mg,Fe)SiO3 NAME ORIGIN: Named after Syun-iti Akimoto (b.
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    MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE, DECEMBER 1986, VOL. 50, PP. 741-61 Thirty-fourth list of new mineral names E. E. FEJER Department of Mineralogy, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD THE present list contains 181 entries. Of these 148 are Alacranite. V. I. Popova, V. A. Popov, A. Clark, valid species, most of which have been approved by the V. O. Polyakov, and S. E. Borisovskii, 1986. Zap. IMA Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, 115, 360. First found at Alacran, Pampa Larga, 17 are misspellings or erroneous transliterations, 9 are Chile by A. H. Clark in 1970 (rejected by IMA names published without IMA approval, 4 are variety because of insufficient data), then in 1980 at the names, 2 are spelling corrections, and one is a name applied to gem material. As in previous lists, contractions caldera of Uzon volcano, Kamchatka, USSR, as are used for the names of frequently cited journals and yellowish orange equant crystals up to 0.5 ram, other publications are abbreviated in italic. sometimes flattened on {100} with {100}, {111}, {ill}, and {110} faces, adamantine to greasy Abhurite. J. J. Matzko, H. T. Evans Jr., M. E. Mrose, lustre, poor {100} cleavage, brittle, H 1 Mono- and P. Aruscavage, 1985. C.M. 23, 233. At a clinic, P2/c, a 9.89(2), b 9.73(2), c 9.13(1) A, depth c.35 m, in an arm of the Red Sea, known as fl 101.84(5) ~ Z = 2; Dobs. 3.43(5), D~alr 3.43; Sharm Abhur, c.30 km north of Jiddah, Saudi reflectances and microhardness given.
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    4+ Nabokoite Cu7(Te O4)(SO4)5 • KCl c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Tetragonal. Point Group: 4/m 2/m 2/m. Crystals are thin tabular on {001}, to 1 mm, showing {001}, {110}, {102}, {014}, in banded intergrowth with atlasovite. Physical Properties: Cleavage: Perfect on {001}. Hardness = 2–2.5 D(meas.) = 4.18(5) D(calc.) = 3.974 Optical Properties: Transparent. Color: Pale yellow-brown, yellow-brown. Streak: Yellow- brown. Luster: Vitreous. Optical Class: Uniaxial (–). ω = 1.778(3) = 1.773(3) Cell Data: Space Group: P 4/ncc. a = 9.833(1) c = 20.591(2) Z = 4 X-ray Powder Pattern: Tolbachik volcano, Russia. 10.35 (10), 2.439 (7), 3.421 (6), 2.881 (5), 4.57 (4), 3.56 (4), 1.972 (4) Chemistry: (1) (2) SO3 33.66 33.60 TeO2 13.78 13.40 V2O3 0.07 Bi2O3 0.49 Fe2O3 0.09 CuO 45.25 46.74 ZnO 1.26 PbO 0.28 K2O 3.94 3.95 Cs2O 0.11 Cl 2.92 2.98 −O=Cl2 0.66 0.67 Total 101.19 100.00 (1) Tolbachik volcano, Russia; by electron microprobe, corresponds to (Cu6.74Zn0.18)Σ=6.92 (Te1.02Bi0.02Pb0.01Fe0.01V0.01)Σ=1.07O4.10(SO4)4.98Cl0.98. (2) KCu7(TeO4)(SO4)5Cl. Polymorphism & Series: Forms a series with atlasovite. Occurrence: A rare sublimate formed in a volcanic fumarole. Association: Atlasovite, chalcocyanite, dolerophanite, chloroxiphite, euchlorine, piypite, atacamite, alarsite, fedotovite, lammerite, klyuchevskite, anglesite, langbeinite, hematite, tenorite. Distribution: From the Tolbachik fissure volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia.
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