POLICY REVIEW OF THE NORTHERN IRELAND CONCESSIONARY FARES SCHEME JANUARY 2007 For further copies of this document, or for a version in an alternative format such as Braille or audio tape, please contact the Department for Regional Development by: Telephone: 028 9054 0615 Textphone: 028 9054 0642 Fax: 028 9054 0598 Email:
[email protected] The document is also available on the internet at www.drdni.gov.uk/index/ publications.htm CONTENTS 1. Introduction 4 2. Background 5 3. Strategic Context 9 4. Analysis of the Current Scheme 13 5. Identification of Options 38 6. Analysis of Options 42 7. Conclusions 56 Appendices 57 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 The Northern Ireland Concessionary Fares Scheme (the Scheme) provides free and half fare travel on public transport for several groups of people, including children, senior citizens and some people with disabilities. The Scheme is funded and administered by the Department for Regional Development’s (the Department) Ports and Public Transport Division. 1.1.2 The Scheme has undergone significant changes in recent years. These changes have ensured continuing public interest in the policy and the Department has received regular requests to extend further concessionary travel to more groups of people and transport services. As part of the Accessible Transport Strategy for Northern Ireland 2015, published in 2005, the Department confirmed that it would carry out a review of the Scheme within two years. 1.2 The review 1.2.1 This report presents the findings of the review carried out by the Department during 2006. The aim of the review is to map out for the future a coherent scheme which is rational, workable and affordable and which is consistent with wider government objectives.