Consulting services to support IGAD with the implementation of the Regional Migration Fund

Supporting migrants, refugees, and host communities in the Horn of Africa and Nile Valley region

NIRAS supports the Regional Migration Fund with its aim to create economic opportunities, improve living conditions, and promote social cohesion among the high number of displaced people in the region, as well as locals affected by their arrival.

The two towns of the same name - Moyale in Kenya and Moyale in - are located on the main transport route from Addis Ababa to Nairobi, and make up a vibrant transport, trade, and services hub.

The Horn of Africa and Nile Valley region comprises FMU, which is responsible for the setup, operation, the countries of , Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, So- and management of the RMF, the preparation and malia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Uganda and has a selection of specific interventions, and support to in- population of more than 250 million people. To- dividual measures at project level. gether, these eight countries have established the Tor Jorgensen trade bloc the Intergovernmental Authority on De- RMF projects take place within two investment Project Manager velopment (IGAD). Its aim is to assist and comple- windows. Investment Window 1 (IW1) aims to promo- T: +255 7456 63377 [email protected] ment Member States’ national efforts through in- te local economic development and employment creased cooperation, enhanced food security an growth, improve migrant and host community liveli- environmental protection, improved peace and hoods and strengthen social cohesion, e.g. though security and humanitarian affairs; and promotion of dialogue forums, conflict resolution mechanisms, economic cooperation and integration. youth centres, sport facilities, or other types of infra- structure that facilitate cooperation. Projects under Among the greatest challenges facing the IGAD IW1 aim to provide economic infrastructure, access Member States is the issue of migration, particularly to finance for employment-intensive business, value ’irregular’ migration which takes place outside of chain development, and skills trainings. laws and international agreements governing move- ment of people. The migration is triggered by politi- cal and ethnic persecution, civil wars and conflicts between states, poverty and the search for better economic opportunities. With nearly 12 million dis- 11.3 million placed persons, it is an issue that impacts the IGAD Client Number of internally displaced people countries in different ways. KfW Development Bank and refugees in the IGAD region

Location In response to this challenge, IGAD has set up the Re- Horn of Africa - Djibouti, gional Migration Fund (RMF) with support from the Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, German development bank, KfW. The RMF aims to Investment Window 2 (IW2) aims to promote econo- Somalia, Sudan, South create economic opportunities, improve living condi- mic and socioeconomic inclusion and development in Sudan, and Uganda tions, and promote social cohesion among refugees, protracted refugee settlements and adjacent host migrants, and host communities in the IGAD region community areas to improve refugee and host com- Contract value by promoting inclusive, participatory investment munity livelihoods, connect and upgrade the settle- €3,248,417 planning, and implementation in selected areas. ment and host community areas, and strengthen social cohesion. Duration In order to operate, continuously develop, and mana- 2019-2023 ge the Fund, NIRAS has been contracted to establish NIRAS’ approach a Fund Management Unit (FMU). NIRAS operates the A participatory, holistic area-based development ap-

NIRAS: February 2021 The Lycée Technique vocational and technical training college in the region will be upgraded as part of Investment Window 2, which focuses on skills development.

proach is applied to investment planning in Areas for implementation cross-border areas along major migration routes and From 2019 to 2020, a number of verification missi- in protracted refugee settlements with most popu- ons were completed for each Investment Window in lations in close proximity and significant economic order to assess eligibility and suitability of selected growth potential. This approach is accompanied by areas. Pertaining to IW1, missions conducted in Me- support to formulation of budgets for area invest- temma-Gallabat (Sudan-Ethiopia border) and ment and overseeing tendering, contracting, and Moyale-­Moyale (Kenya-Ethiopia border) led to iden- implementation of large-scale projects. tification of a range of potential investments.

By using the area-based approach with a focus on Following a number of verification missions under selected areas in project implementation, two types IW2, the region of Ali Sabieh, including the refugee of interventions are combined, namely: settlement and village of Ali Addeh, close to the Dji- bouti-Somalia-Ethiopia borders, was selected for im- • Rapid cycle projects: small-scale, use local re- plementation. The verification mission highlighted sources, have a quick turnover, and are strongly three areas of potential investments in the region: learning-oriented; and

• Catalytic projects: larger-scale, longer-term • Skills development: upgrade of the area’s vo- and have impacts within and across economic se- cational and technical training college; ctors, and establish structural conditions for sus- • Facilitation of mobility: rehabilitation of the tained and inclusive economic growth. road linking one of the settlements to Ali Sabieh;

To ensure sustainability, the RMF places local com- • Enhanced agricultural activities through market systems development and support for munities at the centre of the development process improved farming and grazing methods. and they play a key role in the development of in- vestment plans and decision-making on a selection of priority measures. Gender analysis is also integra- With the outbreak of the COVID19 pandemic, invest- ted, as gender inequality issues are prevalent in the ment identification has taken into account what the region, and efforts are made to ensure equal partici- effect of the pandemic is having on refugees, mi- pation and representation of women, as to guaran- grants, and host communities. tee that investments are favorable for all. With re- gards to environmental and social issues in the region, the RMF sets up relevant safeguards to ad- dress these.

NIRAS: February 2021