43524-014: Kathmandu Valley Wastewater Management Project

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43524-014: Kathmandu Valley Wastewater Management Project Initial Environmental Examination Document Stage: Updated Project Number: 43524-014 August 2018 NEP: Kathmandu Valley Wastewater Management Project − Guheshwori Package No: KUKL/WW/TP-01 Prepared by the Project Implementation Directorate, Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited, Ministry of Water Supply, Government of Nepal for the Asian Development Bank. This updated initial environmental examination report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Initial Environmental Examination Updated in August 2018 NEP: Kathmandu Valley Wastewater Management Project. L-3000 (Guheshwori Wastewater Treatment Plant TP-01) Prepared by the Project Implementation Directorate, Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited, Ministry of Water Supply, Government of Nepal for the Asian Development Bank i CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of December 2017) Currency unit - Nepalese rupee (NRs/NRe) NRs1.00 = $ 0.0097 $1.00 = NRs 103.33 In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank BAP Bagmati Action Plan CBP Capacity Building and Public-Private Partnership Support Team CBS Central Bureau of Statistics CITES Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CASSC Community Awareness and Safeguards Support Consultants CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan DBO Design Build and Operate DCC District Coordination Committee DWEC District Wage Evaluation Committee DNI Distribution Network Improvement DSC Design and Supervision Consultant EA Executing Agency EARF Environmental Assessment and Review Framework EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan ENPHO Environmental and Public Health Organisation EPA Environment Protection Act EPR Environment Protection Rules ERP Emergency Response Plan HACCPP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Plan HH Household HPCIDBC High Powered Committee for Integrated Development of Bagmati Civilization IEC Information, education and communication IFC International Finance Corporation Lpcd Liters per capita per day LPG liquefied petroleum gas ICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development IDA International Development Assistance IEE Initial Environmental Examination INGO International nongovernment organization ICSU Income Consumer Support Unit IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature JICA Japanese International Cooperation Agency JBIC Japanese Bank for International Cooperation KUKL Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited Kathmandu MoFE Ministry of Forest and Environment MoWS Ministry of Water Supply VWMPK Valley Wastewater Management Project Kathmandu VWSMB Valley Water Supply Management Board MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets MWSDB Melamchi Water Supply Development Board MWSP Melamchi Water Supply Project NEWAH Nepal Water for Health NGO Nongovernment organization NTFP Non-timber forest product NTNC Nepal Trust for Nature Conservation i NWSC Nepal Water Supply Corporation OHS Occupational Health and Safety PD Project Director PID Project Implementation Directorate PIU Project Implementation Unit PLC Programmable Logic Controllers PPE personal protective equipment PPP public-private partnership PPTA Project Preparatory Technical Assistance REA Rapid Environmental Assessment RoW Right of Way RP Resettlement Plan SAPI Special assistance for project implementation SPAF Severely project affected family SPS Safeguards Policy Statement SWC Social Welfare Council SWNCC Social Welfare National Coordination Council UDLE Urban development through local efforts UN United Nations UNEP United Nations Environment Programme VDC Village Development Committee WWTP Wastewater treatment plant WEIGHTS AND MEASURES cm - centimetre db - decibels ha - hectare kg - kilogram km - kilometre km2 - square kilometre l - litre m - meter m2 - square meter m3 - cubic meter mg/l - milligrams per litre ml - millilitre MLD - million litres per day, mega litres per day (1 mega litre = 1000m3) mm - millimetre |jg/m3 - micrograms per cubic meter ii In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. iii Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 10 II. POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK ............................................... 12 A. ADB Policy................................................................................................................... 12 B. National Law and Rules ................................................................................................ 14 C. Policies and Legal Framework of KUKL....................................................................... 14 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE SUB PROJECT ......................................................................... 16 A. Existing Situation .......................................................................................................... 16 B. Component of subproject ................................................................................................ 18 C. Salient Feature of the project ............................................................................................ 19 D. Implementation Schedule ................................................................................................ 20 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT .................................................................... 24 A. Physical Resources ........................................................................................................ 24 B. Ecological Resources .................................................................................................... 25 C. Economic Development ................................................................................................ 31 D. Social and Cultural Resources ....................................................................................... 36 V. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES ............... 41 A. Planning and Design Phase .............................................................................................. 41 B. Construction Phase ........................................................................................................... 42 C. Operation and Maintenance Phase .................................................................................... 45 D. Cumulative Impacts Analysis ........................................................................................... 47 VI. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION, AND PARTICIPATION .................. 63 VII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ........................................................................ 65 VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING COST .................................. 67 A. Environmental Management Plan and Objectives ............................................................. 67 B. Environmental Management and Mitigation and monitoring ............................................ 67 C. Implementation Arrangements ......................................................................................... 78 D. Environmental management and Monitoring Cost ............................................................ 81 IX. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................. 84 iv List of Tables Table II-I: ADB SPS, 2009 Safeguard Requirements ................................................................ 12 Table III-I : Performance of existing Guheshwori WWTP .......................................................... 17 Table III-II Wastewater Treatment Scenario in Kathmandu Valley in 2020 and 2030 ............... 18 Table III-III WWTP Components and Salient features of the project TP-01............................... 19 Table III-IV Proposed Implementation schedule for TP-01 ........................................................ 21 Table IV-I: Water Consumption by consumers in Kathmandu from all sources ......................... 28 Table IV-II: Comparative Analysis and Projection of BOD and DO at different locations in Kathmandu Valley along the Bagmati River in 2014, 2020 and 2030. ....................................... 28 Table IV-III: Household in Non-farm Economic Activities in Kathmandu Valley ......................... 32 Table IV-IV: Kathmandu Valley Development Indicators........................................................... 32 Table IV-V: Land Use and Land Cover in the Bagmati River Basin .......................................... 33 Table IV-VI: Sources of Drinking Water ...................................................................................
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