Index 223 a Abangan, 9–11, 22 Aboebakar, Atjeh, 38 Abshar-Abdalla, Ulil, 88, 94, 178, 181 Administrative Council (Of NU)
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A Arifin, As’ad Syamsul, 68, 74, 82, 85 abangan, 9–11, 22 Arifin, Zainul, 42, 48, 54 Aboebakar, Atjeh, 38 Arkoun, Muhammad, 6 Abshar-Abdalla, Ulil, 88, 94, 178, 181 Asad, Talal, 3 Administrative Council (of NU) see Asian economic crisis, 97 Tanfidziyah fall of New Order, 111 Advisory Council (Majelis Syura), 199 Asnawi (KH), 34 Advisory Council (of NU) see Association for the Development of Mustasyar Pesantren and Society (P3M), 87 Afandi, Nur Ahmad, 130 Association of Indonesian Muslim Agricultural Development Institute Intellectuals (ICMI), 83, 88 (LP2NU), 15, 82 conservative elements within, 92 Agung, Sultan of Mataram, 26 emergence of, 193 ahlussunnah waljama’ah, 15, 36–7, 61, Assyaukanie, Luthfi, 179 77, 95–6, 99, 109, 164 Astrology Committee (Lajnah al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din, 31 Falakiyah), 15 Al-Azhar University, 99 Asy’ari, Hasyim, 35, 42, 43, 60, 66, 147 Al-Irsyad, 34 autonomous bodies, 201 Al-Islam Congress, 33, 34 Awakening of Muslim Believers al-Wahhab, Muhammad ibn ’Abd, 31 (NUM), 120 Ali, Fachry, 12 Aziz, Imam, 88, 90, 95, 97 Ali, Machrus, 69 Azyumardi Azra, 14 Ali, Munasir, 121 aliran, 9, 11, 13, 194 B Amin, Mahruf, 107 Bakorstanas see Coordinating Agency Amin, Nuruddin, 95, 96 for the Maintenance of National Anam, Choirul, 36, 47, 137 Stability Anas, Abdullah, 172 Balfour Declaration, 39 Anderson, Benedict, 61 Barton, Greg, 12, 17 Ansor, 15, 79, 113 Banser, 113 Arab traders, 25 Baso, Ahmad, 89
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Baturaden seminar, 160 opposition to political Islam, 92–3 Bawazier, Fuad, 132 purpose of, 91 Bayat, Asef, 5 religious pluralism, 93–4 Bimantoro, 138 transformative Islam, 95–7 Bisri, Cholil, 108, 120 vs masyarakat madani, 89–90 Bisri, Mustofa, 73, 121 civil society activists, 177–81 Bruneigate, 137 civil society agenda, , 94–5 Budairy, Said, 101, 105 NU activists, 94 bughot, 176 civil society discourse, 87–100 Bulletin Ta’awun, 126 autonomy vis-à-vis state, 90–91 Bulog see National Logistics Agency civil society movement, 190–92 Buloggate, 137 effectiveness of, 191 bureaucracy, domination by Muslims, classical texts (kitab kuning), 30 92 Committee for the Preparation Busyairi, Mufid, 163 of Indonesian Independence (Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan C Indonesia), 39 Castles, Lance, 61 Committee for Religious Problem Central Axis (Poros Tengah), 129–33, Solving (Lajnah Bahtsul Masail), 137, 174–5 15 Central Legal Council of PPP (Majelis communism, ban on, 136 Pertimbangan Pusat), 103 Constituent Assembly, 27, 54, 55 Chalid, Idham, 48, 52, 55, 56, 68 Constitution (1945), 54, 55 Chasbullah, Abdul Wahab, 34, 39, 41, Constitutional Assembly, debates, 92 43, 45, 47, 49, 52 Consultative Council of Indonesian Chinese language, restrictions Muslims see Masyumi removed, 136 Coordinating Agency for the Chumaedy, Chozin, 108 Maintenance of National Stability Churmen, Imam, 122 (Bakorstanas), 136 Ciganjur Declaration, 128 Crescent Moon and Star Party (PBB), Cilacap Munas, 81 130 Cipasung Muktamar, 79, 85–6 cultural Islam, 93 most controversial in NU history, 85 cultural ’streams’ see aliran tension between NU and Soeharto, 86 Cipete group, 68 D members, 104 Dai Nippon, 41 civil society, 3–8 Damayanti, Yenny Rosa, 139 conditions for emergence of, 7 Darul Islam, 51 core elements of, 90–94 DDII see Islamic Education Council of grassroots political participation, Indonesia 97–100 Declaration of Independence, 43
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democracy Fatayat NU, 15, 98, 113–15, 123–5, 145, commitment to, 187 159–60, 183 definition, 20 gender-related research projects, democratization, 4, 6 159 Department of Religion, 70 response to formation of PKB, Dhakiri, Hanif, 140 123–4 Dhofier, Zamakhasyari, 47 Father of the Nation, 133, 135, 139 Dialogue on Interfaith Cooperation, Fatimah, Niai, 159 195 fatwa, 48, 107, 128, 158, 174, 183 Djalil, Matori Abdul, 84, 108, 121, 122, Fealy, Greg, ix, 10, 17, 20, 33, 36, 41, 130 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, loyalty to Wahid, 141 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 85, 86, 108, 149, Djunaidi, Mahbub, 70, 75, 80 212, 213, 217, 219, 220 DPR see People’s Consultative Council Feillard, Andrée, 16, 39, 56 Dutch colonial rule, 25 Feith, Herbert, 16, 44 changing alignments, 50 E Fikrih, Achmad, 97, 180, 196 Effendy, Bahtiar, 12, 22 fiqh-informed stances, 188 election laws, 66 FKI see Indonesian Working Forum elections, 20, 66–69, 103–4, 118, 174, Forum of Ulama to Optimize Budget 195, 197, 199 Rights (FUKOHA), 198 1955 elections, 50–51, 53 Friends of the Earth Indonesia 1977 elections, 104, 107 (WALHI), 139 1982 elections, 107 FUKOHA see Forum of Ulama to 1987 elections, 80–81, 107 Optimize Budget Rights 1997 elections, 86–7 1998 elections, 113, 114, 116 G 1999 elections, 94, 118–19, 128–135, Geertz, Clifford, 9, 10, 11, 194 146, 153, 157, 158, 163 gender-related fiqh, seminar, 158 2004 elections, 142 Ghaniam, Sheikh Abdullah, 60 ELSAD see Institute for the Study of Gipo, Hasan, 35, 60–61 Religion and Democracy Golkar Ermalena, H., 159, 183 closer relations with, 83 Esack, Farid, 6 disillusionment with, 90 Esposito, John, 4, 5, 7 general elections (1999), 129 Executive Board (of NU) see PBNU grassroots-based training programs, 96 F grassroots empowerment, 102 Falaakh, Fazrul, 121 grassroots political participation, Family Welfare Institute (LKKNU), 15 97–100 Far Eastern Economic Review, 175 presence at NU rallies, 108
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Gotong Royong see Mutual Ibn Sa’ud (King), Saudi Arabia, 34 Cooperation parliament ICMI see Association of Indonesian GPI see Islamic Youth Movement Muslim Intellectuals Greater United Party (PIR), 10, 50 ijtihad, 5, 31–2, 34 guerilla units, 44 illegal Islamic groups, 7 Guided Democracy, 51, 55, 56 income disparity, issues of, 189 independent judgment see ijtihad H Indonesian Bank Restructuring Habibie, B.J., 86, 117 Association (IBRA), 137 presidency, 117 Indonesian Committee for World withdrawal from presidential race, 134 Islamic Solidarity (KISDI), 118 Hafidz, Emmy, 139 Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), hajj pilgrimage program, 46 9, 51 Halim, Abdul, 39 Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), Halqah, 93 158 Hamengkubuwono, Sultan, 128 Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI), Hamidah, Luluk Nur, 159 66, 79 Hanafi, Hassan, 6, 95 attack on headquarters by Hartono, R., 86 government, 86 Hasan, Abu, 86, 125, 126 Indonesian Democratic Party of Hasan, Nasihin, 196 Struggle (PDI-P), 113, 129–30, 135, Hasyim, Nyai Khoiriyah, 159 140, 147, 158, 178 Hasyim, Syafiq, 88 Indonesian Islamic Union Party (PSII), Hatta, Muhammad, 26 9 Hasyim, Yusuf, 80, 125, 126, 136 Indonesian Muslim Students Hefner, Robert, 5, 7 Association (PMII), 95 criteria for civil society, 102 Indonesian Nationalist Party (PNI), hegemony of ulama, 95 9, 50 Hijaz Committee, 34 Indonesian Working Forum (FKI), Hikam, A.S., 91, 121 115–16, 142, 143, 145 HMI see Islamic Students Association Inglehart, Ronald, 4 Hodgson, Marshall, 9 Institute of National Studies (LKB), 132 Huda, Chusnul, 119 Institute for Economic and Social human rights court, 136 Research, Education and Huntington, Samuel, 4 Information (LP3ES), 70, 87 Hurgronje, Snouck, 26 Institute for Legal Training and Aid Husna, Lilis, 139, 196 (LPBH), 171 Institute for Social Institutions Studies I (ISIS), 140 IAIN see State Institutes of Islamic Institute for the Study and Studies Development of Human
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Resources (Lakpesdam), 82, 88, Islamization, 92 97–9, 121, 126, 132, 168, 170, 177, Israel, trade relations with, 136 179, 196 Institute for the Study of Islam and J Society (LKiS), 88, 95–97, 168, Jakarta Charter, 54, 55, 127 177, 179–80, 190, 196–7 Jamaati-i Islami, 5 Institute for the Study of Religion and Japanese Occupation, 25 Democracy (ELSAD), 172 political mobilization of Indonesian International Centre for Islam and Islam, 41 Pluralism, 88 Javanese elite bureaucrats see priyayi International Conference of Islamic Javanese Muslims, 33 Scholars (ICIS), 195 division among, 11 Iqbal, Muhammad, 31 Javanese society, 9 Iskandar, Muhaimin, 122, 130, 131 Jawa Pos, 171 Iskandar, Noer, 119, 175 jihad, 67 Islam Jihad Resolution (Resolusi Jihad), 42 anti-colonial struggle, 25 JIL see Liberal Islam Network history in Indonesia, 24 Jones, Sidney, 16 militant Islam, 6–7, 12–13, 21 Junaidi, Arifin, 155 Islamic Association see Sarekat Islam Justice Party (PK), 130 Islamic boarding schools see pesantren Islamic brotherhood, 197 K Islamic Education Council of Kadir, Suzaina, 17 Indonesia (DDII), 13 Kahin, George, 43 Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), 29, 52, Kalla, Yusuf, 136, 174 73–4, 77–8, 88, 158–9, 174, 188, Kartawidjaja, Djuanda, 52 197 Kebondalem, Achmad Dachlan, 41 Islamic militancy, 196 Kembali ke Khittah 1926 see Khittah Islamic principles, 5 ’26 Islamic resurgence, relationship with Khaliq, Abdul, 134 democracy, 6, 7 Khittah ’26, 2, 8, 14, 16–19, 28, 57, 65, Islamic revivalism, 3, 6 71–2, 77, 81 Islamic society, 187 central element of discourse, 35, 36 Islamic state, 127 concepts and philosophies, 87 Islamic Students Association (HMI), discourse, 189 76, 118, 128 discourse on civil society, 65 Islamic texts, contextualized discussions at 30th Muktamar, interpretations, 190 153–6 Islamic thought, renewal of, 197 four interpretations, 100 Islamic Youth Movement (GPI), 118 political manipulation of, 17 Islamists, 195 Khittah Jurnal, 73
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Khittah Nahdlatul Ulama, 78 M Khittah Nahdliyah, 122 Machasin, Dr, 93 kiai Madiun Congress, 48 informal networks, 30 Madjid, Nurcholish, 6, 12, 14, 89, 116, relationship with santri, 30, 190 179 kiai–santri mentality, 51 Madjlis Sjura, 48 KMNU see Young Generation of NU Mahendra, Yusril Izha, 134 Krapyak Muktamar, 79, 82, 83, 85 Mahfudz, Sahal, 73, 101, 165 Kurzman, Charles, 5 Majelis Pertimbangan Pusat see Central Legal Council L Makmun, Syukron, 125 Lajnah Bahtsul Masail see Committee Mansoer, Mas, 41, 42 for Religious Problem Solving Mansur, Tolhah, 75 Lajnah Falakiyah see Astrology MAR see People’s Mandate Council Committee martial arts, 44 Lakpesdam see Institute for the Study Marijan, Kacung, 45, 71 and Development of Human Martono, 115 Resources Ma’shum, Ali, 69, 76, 8 Lampung Munas, 154 Maskub, Maskyur, 67, 103, 139 Latief, Hasyim, 74 masyarakat madani, 89–90 leftist Islam, definition, 95 Maskyur, Ali, 134 legal Islamic movements, 7 Masthuro, Endin Fachruddin, 165 Lev, Daniel, v, ix, 10–11, 16, 54, 55, 56, Mas’udi, Masdar, 70, 73, 94, 106, 63, 64 ,127, 215 108–9, 196 Lewis, Bernard, 4 Masyumi, 9, 10, 13, 19, 24–64, 67, Liberal Islam Network (JIL), 179–81 111–12, 178–80, 193 liberal Muslims, 195 14th National Congress, 45 liberalism, 5 birth of political party, 43 Liddle, William, 12, 22 conflict with NU, 40–49, 111–12 Linggajati Agreement, 45 divisions within, 43–9 LKB see Institute of National Studies grassroots support, 44 LKiS see Institute for the Study of Maududi, Abul A’la, 5 Islam and Society Maula, Jadul, 95, 97, 196 LKKNU see Family Welfare Institute Mawardi, Chalid, 26, 37, 39, 50, 53, 58, LP2NU see Agricultural Development 75, 86 Institute MDI see Muslim Education Council LP3ES see Institute for Economic and Media Dakwah, 12 Social Research, Education and media, 170–73 Information Meitzner, Marcus, 116 LPBH see Institute for Legal Training Metareum, Buya Ismail Hasan 84 and Aid Meuleman, Johan H., 25
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MIAI see Supreme Council of Munir, Rozy, 70, 132, 136, 155, 164 Indonesian Muslims Muslim Community Awakening Party Middle Eastern intellectuals, 31 (PKU), 125 Miftach, Agus, 76, 84–5, 106, 108 Muslim Education Council (MDI), 69 modernism, 31 Muslim nationalists, 27 modernist, 59 lack of unity, 27 definition, 28 Muslim thinkers, labels, 6 modernist–traditionalist Muslim world, antagonism with West, divide, 2, 3, 9, 13–14, 18, 44, 143, 1 147, 173, 179–80, 182, 192–9 Muslimat NU, 15, 85, 98, 153, 159 rapprochement, 40–42 differences with PBNU, 125 modernization theory, 4 response to formation of PKB, MPR see People’s Consultative 124–5 Assembly Muslimin Indonesia (MI), 67 Muhammad, Hussein, 128 Muslim-led resistance, 26 Muhammad, Nadhir, 108 Mustasyar, 14–15, 35, 165 Muhammadiyah, 2, 34, 37, 116 Mutual Cooperation parliament, 55 as socio-religious organization, 126 Muzadi, Hasyim, 119, 155, 165, 176 MUI see Indonesian Council of Ulama Muzadi, Muchid, 73, 121 Mujani, Saiful, 13 Muktamar (22nd), 65 N Muktamar (30th), 152–69 Nadhlatul Wathan, 58, 198 accountability report, 156–7 Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) committee sessions, 157–8 alliance with Masyumi, 50 discussion of Khittah ’26, 152–6 categorization of factions, 105 organization, 155–6 civil society movement, 190–92 PBNU elections, 164–8 committees, 202 Planning Committee, 153, 155, 157, conflict with Masyumi, 24–64, 40 160, 168 democratization within, 167 position of women within structure effect of events on formation of, of NU, 158–60 33–6 relationship between NU and PKB, elections, 75–6, 82–3, 164–8 161–4 formation of Political Bureau, 45 Recommendations Committee, 154, formation of political party, 99, 121 159–61, 183 historiography of origins, 36–40 Muktamar (1984), 76 improved economic conditions, 81 Muktamar (1994), 84 members commanded to support Munas (1980), 68 Poros Tengah, 130 Munas (1983), 78 organizational structure, 15 Munas (1992), 189 origins, 24–64, 27–30 Munawar, Said Aqil, 142 party line of pluralism, 127
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policy of accommodation with new Islamic movements, 6 political leadership, 40 New Order political party, 49–53 critical stance against, 90 Politics Advisory Council, 46 end of, 16 pluralism and religious tolerance, hegemonic nature, 102 191 opposition to, 86 relations with PKB, 161–4 NGOs, role in last days of Wahid’s religious mass-based organization, presidency, 139 164 Nine Star Party (PBS), 119 role in Constituent Assembly, 53 Nine Political Guidelines for NU social activities, 36 members, 162, 163 structure, 15, 35 Norris, Pippa, 4 study of, 16–18 NU activists thinkers, 188 reaction to formation of political third-generation and civil society party, 120 activists, 103 NU institutes, 201–2 use of politics, 14 NUM see Awakening of Muslim Naim, Mochtar, 61 Believers Nakamura Mitsuo, 17, 61 Naro, Jaelani, 67, 80 P National Awakening Party (PKB), 16, P3M see Association for the 28 Development of Pesantren and Advisory Council, 134 Society claim to be only party with blessing Pakistani Islamist party, 5 of NU board, 126 Pakpahan, Muchtar, 139 endorsement of Megawati Palmier, Leslie, 61 Soekarnoputri, 130 PAN see National Mandate Party establishment of, 121–23 Pancasila, 54 formation, 118–23 Abdurrahman Wahid’s opposition general elections (1999), 129 to, 106 membership of Executive and association with Soeharto regime, Advisory Councils, 206–7 63 relations with NU, 161–4 NU’s commitment to, 99 National Congress of NU see Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Muktamar Indonesia see Committee for National Mandate Party (PAN), 130 the Preparation of Indonesian National Meeting of Ulama see Munas Independence nationalists, divide between secular Panji Masyarakat, 149 and Muslim, 26 Paramadina, 179 Natsir, Mohammad, 44–7, 63 Party Leadership Council (Dewan neo-orientalists, 4 Pimpinan Partai), 43
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PBB see Crescent Moon and Star Party NU’s party line, 127 PBNU religious, 93, 94 accountability report, 156–57 PMII see Indonesian Muslim Students criticism of, 72 Association differences with Muslimat NU, 125 PNI see Indonesian Nationalist Party elections, 164–8 PNU see Rise of the Muslim female representation on, 159–60 Community implementation of Khittah ’26, political Islam, opposition to, 92, 93 79–81 Poros Tengah see Central Axis membership, 203–5 post-modernism, 4, 100 NU’s 30th Muktamar, 169 poverty, issues of, 189 post-Ramadan gathering, 113–14 PPP see United Development Party pressure to form political party, priyayi, 9, 26, 41, 57 118–23 Prophet Muhammad, 30 rejection of use of Islam as political PSII see Indonesian Islamic Union tool, 117–18 Party response to Wahid’s presidency, public prayer rally, 176 131–3, 169–73 Putnam, Robert, 7 structure, 14–15, 35 PBS see Nine Star Party Q PDI see Indonesian Democratic Party Qutb, Sayyid, 5, 20 PDI-P see Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle R People’s Consultative Assembly Rachmanm, Nuruddin, 131 (MPR), 81 Rahman, Fazlur, 12 People’s Consultative Council (DPR), Rahman, Ghaffar, 70, 107, 121 103 Rais, Amien, 113, 115, 128, 130, 132, People’s Forum (Forum Warga), 196 133, 137, 172 People’s Mandate Council (MAR), 115 opposition to, 176 pesantren, 2 Ramage, Douglas, 17, 84 financing of, 33 reformist/modernist movements, government funding of, 81 29–33 informal network surrounding, 30 Religious Issues (Technical) Pesantren Institute (RMI), 119 Committee, 160, 166 PIR see Greater United Party religious pluralism, 93, 94 PK see Justice Party Rembang faction, 108 PKB see National Awakening Party Renville Agreements, 45 PKU see Muslim Community Republika, 131 Awakening Party Return to the Guidelines of 1926 see pluralism Khittah ‘26 commitment to, 187 Rida, Rashid, 31
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Rise of the Muslim Community Soekarnoputri, Megawati, 86, 113, 120, (PNU), 125 128 RMI see Pesantren Institute closing of 30th Muktamar, 166 Ruchiyat, Ilyas, 113, 121, 124 endorsement of PKB, 130 Rukmana, Siti Hardiyanti Indra, 86–7 installation as president, 138 Soepomo, 26 S Solidaritas Perempuan, 139 Sabilillah, 42 Solidarity of the National Union of Sachedina, Abdulaziz, 6 Indonesia (SUNI), 125 Saifuddin, Fahmi, 70, 75, 86, 106, 107, State Institutes of Islamic Studies 108 (IAIN), 105, 179, 195 Salim, Hairus, 95, 102, 196 state-owned enterprises, 136 Sanit, Arbi, 139 structural Islam, 93 santri, 9–11, 22, 30, 37, 39, 48, 51, 58, Subchan ZE, 67 70, 71, 96, 169, 190 substantialist, 12, 22 santri–abangan split, 10 Sudarijanto, Cacuk, 137 Sarekat Islam, 26, 37, 41 Sufism, 30, 31 Sasono, Adi 113, 124 Sukardi, Laksamana, 136, 174 Sastroamidjojo, Ali, 50 Sukiadi, Tjuk, 114 scripturalist Islam, 12 Sulistiyo, Hermawan, 139 Sears, Laurie, 25 Sumatra, rebellion against Soekarno, 64 sectarianism, 7 SUNI see Solidarity of the National secular culture, 3 Union of Indonesia secular nationalists, 26 Sunni, 31, 36, 58, 61, 78, 108, 176, 186 secular West, 3 Suprapto, Bibit, 36 Semarang Muktamar, 68, 71 Supreme Council of Indonesian sharia, 5, 54, 75, 99, 106, 146, 167, 197 Muslims (MIAI), 41 Shihab, Alwi, 131, 141, 142 Supreme Council (of NU) see Syuriah Siddiq, Achmad, 71, 74, 75, 81, 85 Syafi’i, 29, 58, 60, 164 Siddiq, Mahfud, 71 Syaiful, 133, 149 Siradj, Said Aqil, 119, 128, 165 Syamsuddin, Din, 84, 195 Situbondo, 103 Syansuri, Bisri, 68, 103, 104 Situbondo group, 68 syncretism, elimination of, 31 Situbondo Muktamar, 28, 74–9, 189 Syuriah, 14–15, 35, 49, 55, 71, 73, 83, Situbondo Munas, 74–9, 80 86, 132, 133, 170 Soeharto fall of, 115–17 T resignation, 112, 117, 128 Tanfidziyah, 14–15, 35, 49, 68, 71, 75, Soekarno, 26 83, 114, 120, 165 rising authoritarianism, 56 proposal to abolish, 86 Working Cabinet, 52 supremacy of, 101
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Tanjung, Akbar, 134, 141, 172 V taqlid, 30–32, 34 van Bruinessen, Martin, 17, 35, 37, 40, Tashwirul Afkar, 58 43, 62, 68, 70, 81 Team of Seven, 73 Voll, John, 4, 5, 7 Tempo, 178 voluntary organizations, structure, 7 The 1971 Election in Indonesia, 16 The Decline of Constitutional Democracy W in Indonesia, 16 Wahhabism, 30–31, 34, 41, 59, 60, 186, The Translation to Guided Democracy, 16 193 third generation, 69–78, 81, 83, 87, 94, Wahid, Abdurrahman, 2, 8, 12, 66, 67, 96, 103, 105 69, 73, 75, 81, 128 call for NU to withdraw from accusations directed at NGOs, 173 politics, 70 candidate of Poros Tengah, 130 emergence of, 69–74 election to presidency, 133–5 relationship with Cipete camps, 105 firing of Wiranto, 136 Tirtoyoso, Sultan Ageng, 26 first major speech as president, 136 traditionalist Islam see traditionalists formation of PKB, 111 traditionalists, 2–3, 9, 11–14, 17, 18, impeachment process, 137 19, 22, 29–35, 36, 38, 40–44, 51, meetings to discuss candidacy, 132 57, 58–60 see also modernist, mishandling of parliament, 140 modernist–traditionalist opposition to, 82 definition, 29 presidency of, 135–42 relations with modernists, 33 primary architect of NU’s civil transformative Islam, 95–7 society discourse, 3 Turner, Bryan, 4 proposal to move to Syuriah, 86 Tutut, see Rukmana, Siti Hardiyanti revocation of presidency, 138 Indra running for presidency, 28 special dismissal hearing, 138 U use of Khittah ’26 as political tool, 101 ukhuwah basyariyah, 82 Wahid, Aisyah Baidlawi, 125, 156 ukhuwah Islamiyah, 81 Wahid, Hasyim, 42, 43, 44, 46, 49, 66, ukhuwah wathaniyah, 82 71, 75, 127, 137 ulama, 45 Wahid, Salahuddin, 127, 165, 184 informal networks, 30 Wajidi, Farid, 196 United Development Party (PPP), WALHI see Friends of the Earth 66–9, 72, 74, 79, 80–82, 84–5, 87, Indonesia 92, 102, 103–4, 107, 108, 129–30, war on terror, 1, 197 174, 193 Ward, Ken, 16, 61 alliance with, 189 Wibisono, Jusuf, 49 general elections (1999), 129 Wiranto Usman, Faqih, 47 firing by Wahid, 136
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Wirjosandjojo, Sukiman, 44–5, 47 Young Generation of NU (KMNU), World Islamic Congress, 34 168–9 World Values Study, 4 Yusuf, Glenn, 137 Yusuf, Slamet Effendy, 70, 73, 81, 84 Y Yacoeb, Sofian, 138 Z Yayuk, 124 ziarah, 59 Zuhri, Saifuddin, 39, 42, 48, 59, 62, 71, 104
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