
IitourliMiebrOotoberSS, 1890, the iopve MMs beaided au article ou tbe wheat; No. i, wflt^f."'.. 'dMtb of George^ fiuih; who fell from WHEAT, No. 2, wntte... a 8s ' 1. iimiy depfthihentvin;bur BohM^ 35^5^^^* •No» ill ppditfi»*i**H*«u>i**>***Mt**t lili'dmy dead; jOdtober 17^ The same WHEAT, r^BOted.,,.:;..,..,,...... :...... ,jtoitied.Rt'home; with inflatnmntioti ^ords now apply to tbe sudden demise Formerly of New York, now the celebrated Exttrolning Physlolans and SurgeonB of the OORNiPef hundred (new) of .the liingsV Hier; sister Pbeneia ,6b-. Fruth Hedlcul and Surgical Institute, Ohlcaiiq, III,, by requestof many Friends and OATS, per buahel. of blB'Widowi Mrs..Bebecott Bush, wbo ; PaMonla, have decided to visit , OliOVER SEED jper bushel Oupylng tbe; poeltton pf teaober-at died; yesterday mdrulug while being preient.><"-y;--': . TIMOTHY SEED,perbuibel... . V -.the dentil of ahoufc: foiir:' inhhefl:~' Feb- operaKd upon by Ors. Boot and Bye por busliol -.the depth of «bout^ four-inohea.: Feb . Jdr. S. Sanford-, who ia at Lanaiug Cana^beil for the removal of an en- Mason oh Tuesday, March 24, MISOBLLAIfBOOB, ruary 28 there was Boareely aiiy lee .fo in the capltol thlu: winter, catue home, oyated tumor from the abdomen. SALT.SBBlnaw, per barrel (SI 00 be seen. . It has been frozen to a depth BEAMS,unplckod,per buahel.,., <31 SO last Saturday. ' r About five years ago uiid again about CoiisultaUon and oxnmlnnUon free nnd Btrlolly confldenllaUn lUo private parlors of the POTATOES, per bushel of nearly 15! InoheB, this winter, and Mr. Strong, wbo bus been for several two years ago Mrs, Bush had sucii DONNELLY HOUSE one day on% BQQS,fresh, por doien @2 ?1»8 .those hauling ,wood huveinade good weeks in Ohio, has returned.', tumora removed from tlie same liARD. per pound uBo of the Ice. It has ahortened their BUTTER, per pound Fred Qiddinga is dangerously' ill locality, enduring tbe operations well I ^1 •'VroMte.'. :'. :.'• • .•• -.• ', with inflammation of the uings. AFPLBSLdtled, per pounds... VOL, XXXTII.-NO. 12. and recovering sufilciently to be around OHEBRIEB, dried, per pound lO MASON. MICH., THURSDAY. MAECH 19.1891. WHOLE NO. 1680. Captahi H. Olncy, of tlio Pino Lake The infant ohiid of Wm.Glddings at her duties In a short time. Yester­ PEACHES, dried, per pounB,,, .. ll IS resort, gave i» lecture on Phonology, died Saturday, March 7. ONIONS, perbuihel _ 7fi day morning it was determined by her AQRIOtTLTrRAIi SALT, per ton,,,,, @6 GO lit Luing

fUuhed glad and .wistful,' but be did The bhiireh.4»Ua,VeliilBiv tbii bi^^ STREETER DROPPED. JHW Uore formal, IM« aha AlTiacd all; •ot offer to lift ila bead. ! Betty patte4 iMnir nbtlbe flit,evenls g aerTlMk wtat oa ptreater' ud'';.*a«bieBM^ a ...'•:''ofV.1lM';«h>M.!'AlliaM:'Vmlim :',of; m flndinv one day that titi holr,. But ibr the orobBrd.otttlng* Hettet: U in her sleep;' and left ber band there. with the music of ber dream.' ' ; 'HanirMto 'in'':Whtfih'';Tlia]r 'Olalm to Baiire .'"'.tk'a, 'lllIiiolii'.:.Lairl*!atnn'.,'^iaaa:;a' TTiosiB who Is^^^ that Dr. Wbtoh belped to win mold* cbMinlB(l|k would have had'but a dull auminer of tl. She and.Thor were. walking; over a Thor, enacting, a sebond time, . the 'Been VulMrlr Treatad U the bite Hena- /fastobeolarluc Vheir Intention oiVo»> nilnoU bemoomta, with the Alii of Two W»»B»dlyfalUagM»crop( , Aa it was, It waatlio hapipleat of her Ufa. VUdemess prairie. The coarse grasa vole of /)eiM;«rma«M'nii, thought this torial Conteit'in'IlUaols. I • 'l^ Utjr for Palmer for Henator—Their Be**^ Sage's Catarrh Remedy Will BlB bubor said 'Iwag "tbin on top," She actually gained flesh, ;.and ber flaunted up to her chin, and she would , neiHwaUon for tha Work of tha New . of the' Tkret: Farman' AlUanee Hem- And (alllDB out alMrmlosly. an auspicious moment for thruiting Kis Spbinofield, III., March ,14.-^Mr. ••; •»«*•.:•:•,•' '".••i •:•'••"';:;•';•::'•'-:r,.iM; 'Orlaana Mab-Hcoretarjr.'Blaine Rcbukea ; ben, Bleot John H, Palmer to SnooMd cure them are more liable . cheeks hod tho delioate flush of a awoeW bare lost tho dog had she not wound oold noBO against ber cheek. Streeter, Into .candida.te tor United 8PBnroriKi:.0t ill-,- March ;u.-:Geii.: ;V'''A>,;•:.:•'•- .'-'iFOREIQN.:','..'-:. the Bloten In a Dlipatch to Oov. Banator Carwell—Oioia of m lengthy and 8ts (rioqds, wttb Jeiti pradomlnui' pea bloBsom. She mellowed and roollt* her Ojigbra in his hair. Suoh a long, With a stifled scream, she attempted States ' senator, and BeprcBentailve Palmer will be elected sendtbr on tb« PAvkrct; A Vlr^nia tNeti.) to ^get well than those who"^; peclared bis buir woa quite M loant fled in tho intercourse with tho sound, UASONSON,, 't MICHIQAM. , Thb restdeiice of Oustave Zander, MIohoIla-IndlKnatlon Meotlufi In' Chl- Kemarlnble Oontcit.. tiresome, toilsomo way it was, and tho to rise, and catching her foot in tbe Tauboneck have issued a long address first ballot to-day. This predibtlon ia. Mhifmlgiri, <»m auioide beiiaiiM don"t. As bonor in an alderman; bright natures ot her hew friends. Pros-, owner of large eafatea at Finsterwalde, : •ago and Othar Oitlei. Spbinofield, 111., March 19.—Oen. grass so stiff and strong! Sometimes it shawl, would have fallen, bad not to the; Formers' Mutual licncfli asso­ based on the final action of .Cockrolt' ^ei waa stiaitehded from school. « , TTbllo otbors viewed bla sblnlng puto^ pority was teaching her unselflshnoss. .Prusaia, was burned, and his wife and Wabiiinoton, March 10.—The New John M. Palmer waa elected United If you happen to be one of . And said tban tbla unfortunate knotted about hor ankles; sometimes March rushed forward to her help. Hav­ ciation .and other indepoudent' and and Moore Tuesday evening in formally , yJAuEB Sb.wbll, preUdenli of the Ais Orleans mob has got the United States States senator on the 154th ballot, They never aaw • balder man. Hotty had a proof ot. this after tbe tho hoards struck, like whips, across her industrial organizations, ini which two children perished in the flames. those who don't believe, there's ing taken.her bands to restore her to renouncing Mr. Streeter and declaribp Epitome of the Week. kanaoa yalloy hank Of Ozark, Ark., waa into a grave international scrape. which was taken immediately upon the Sunday dinner was oaten, and there still face. A hitter wind was blowing, and ber balance, he continued to hold tbem. they say they present a' Uno of their intention ot voting for Gen­ robbed' by - two: meni in; a passenger Many smaU vessels were wrecked on Be tried all noatmma, old and new. There is no doubt abotit It. Such of the convening of the joint session a matter of $500 to help your Vba iBlves and olli and ointments, Voo, remained a long hour ot auntul day- stung her oyos to watering. In pass­ Sho struggled to free them—but fee­ facts touching the senatorial, contest eral Palmer. At a contorehcb last-, coach in Texas of 81,049 in, bank noteii. tho southeastern coast of England by a ntTERESTIKO NBWa COMM^^ blizzard which prevailed In that sec­ victims of the mob as were not nat­ on Wednesday . He received 103 faith. It's for you if the mak­ And ilalments witb aediment. light ing, it lashed tho grass into surges that bly. Surprise and confusion bad robbed which show that'there -was no sur­ ing nearly, tbo whole nttornpon . Cock­ TiOE exports of hreadatiiifa from thta "Inatrite to nin my bair,"

ga:"i 1.1? t

itbe'.iflraii'jWitaMM^eauwi'.ior.'nthei'.e <18!;Mr^;Uo)wbw Uled;V*iniDtIes jwos »omtuita£<(or,v l^te sen;; tSrtant'^tO: proi^i&at moiDMgr^w^ te8l>{pri:tb«tolliiwbMlt grounds:; ator ha .wrote, Us rsslgaatlottea'poat^ to pnrehass yotss Mdworli.foF^^M^ ; .iFlrit, ;thai thi»r« were grbss 'trreg- tnaSterito taki)~iniin.>aiate'et(aet.r and This evlderiesia found on iiMM;i}e;;ana orSftF^lodlaudofi.^3.!UponfiBach ''^''''.:bV'XtI«H«b''M rilaritlet and frauds in the 'conduct ot forwarded it. toviWasblrigtoa;''Itiori of vlee, atUl'theria is enough ot Hudson. Under this it is claimed that one day before election andr antae- ',;*Ai-.Tea;7sars;p'.;i;; •.:.:••. /The 1 great TOoes, of .evidence'given' ' fiatriraSjjri'Mterncktn^^'.n were what my obildreri read; \I have no time Agteemeato tolemBly Had* Are •hame* ,: Q.; You were here iat the last eleo-^ it left in this countty to bring down vpoa to inspiect the booln that oome into mf there were only 888 votes east for knowledgmont was sent the same, day before the j cojumlttoa was.'jot - eo > iiu-.i' ?*,,,.1 ii«ith\ their' Winohettent^ i^bpted deblarlng 'that "deplorable) ad< saying that it bad been received and tion last tall? Xtey. iP. DeWitt Talmage Moralise* UBthe thunderbolt* of an incensed God.' hbusehold." If your^ ehtldreri were lesilF Tiouted. senator wlillo 887 v^ere returned by ,• A, 'Xesj.Bir;-';.., substantial a cUaractor>,that A: ma- I'vft: door was loolcedtvVIn- K moment, t^ BalriiBtratibrirbf j briminal Juatloe in this the board, and that" for county clerk placed on tile. These facts were not Jority ot thOLCommlttoo thotjffht th*'' I Bubjaot. : In the year 18081 the evil had become so threatened with typhoid fever, would disputed, but were admitted by Mr. Q.. Do :you, Itnow Mr; Morse, the i Awfld Worls of th« tniyulatodi Poo> key> wu prodnced. : Ttieni the^ l«ad«r oltgr, and the {rightful extent to -which tho board certified and returned a young man on the ticket tor senator? caso was practically ended and .would?.j;t, flailed, for Bome one, who' knew tliis the bribery bf Juries has been carried, great in this country that the oongresa you have time to go for the doctor? ttmronta ahb rRBsaMTBD tbat Morrow's attorney. ' • not be pushed. Whon thoy - fInUhod, ' ulaoe at New, OrtooM. ' Would you have time to watch th« total of 000 votes, or 17 more Now there have been numerous legis­ : .A.. Yc»,.''Hlr.--:- -. • • ., right men and a volunteer responded rendered it necessary for the citizens of Vbe Fenilelonii Lltenttare of tlie Day One of the United States passed a law for* wuna navmn than could have been legally cast; ; Q.: Bee him before election? taking evidenco at Alpcria the-attorii;;:.!.!;:'!/ progress of tho disease? Would you have adxhubizbu. lative precodenta as well as supremo torueys wanted to niako tliolr'argflEv.:;V'S and the door was thrown open. The galv New prieans to; vindicate outraged jus­ of tke' Greatest Flagnes to bo Met In bidding the transmission of bad liter­ that 0. 0. Pease, a deputy sheriff court opinions to bear out Senator A., Didn't know bim. Seen htm on HI time for the funeral? In the presence the Btrect, but didn't talk with him. inents there. But there was «no mora «HIEF HENNESSY'S MURDER AVENGED lery was deserted, but an old womani tice; and while deploring. at all times the OrcHt CItlea of the Lnnd— ature through tho United States mailsi. was' gatekeeper at the entrance to Hortou's position that at the time witness, not there on band, to be ox*;.^*.;(',.« A Orusade Needed. but there were large loops in that law of iriy God I warn you of the fact that Uoet Zmportent Aetlon Taken In the Ab« Q. Do you know Mr, Williams, the speaking aa fast as she could, said the the resqrt to violence, wo consider the tho booths aud at tho close of theo l the election ho was eligible to the attorney?. .. amlued, and it was agrood that when 'J-i Si Mi action by the oitlitens to be proper and through which criminals might crawl your children are threatened with moral \ fence of • Qaoram. polls acted as an Inspector, though office of fionator. the evidenco was completewmpioteda thetne: at*at- : -'>f>t Angered at TUeIr Aeqnlttat » Uobii HeiMl^ men wero upstalm. A party of seven A.- ye8,':Blr:'.-- • Justifiable. Resolutions of simUar pur­ out, and the law was a dead failure— and spiritual typhoid, and that unless, he was not eworn; that tbo ballots In tho case of WilllamB vs. Pitts, •tornoys should comle ••tto • *Lansin ' g •tO'i'Sv.i.'P lli.i.''ivf',-;,,. : ed hy I^Kdlng OltlMO*, Stormi the ' or eight quickly ascended the stair- The following diseourso wos deliv­ tho Alabama supreme court held the Q. See him before election? port were also-adopted by the board of that low of 1808. But in 1873 another the thing be stopped it will be to thom on tho completion of the count wore A. Seen him once, met him on the make tholr argumentsiits.. ^While. : awalt*;-;'3:®! JoU kDd i:.rnohe« Ktoven of > oose and as they reached tho landing ered by Bev. T. DeWitt Talmage in TBB OrFICIAZ, JOURNAL ,OV rao- opinion (40 Ala., 402) that "except Ing this action no mcotlaicotlag of the com- ;;r.M>'i' trade (produce exchongo), the sugar law was passed by the congress of the fitneral of body, funeral of mind, fu* thrown Into a booth and It'It ungurdcd street. His Sbijren. > the assassins fled down at the other Brooklyn and New York City, in con­ FALSiriBD. lu eomo rare Instaucea no person is nirttea was hold tnor any stoj^s taken'.VV^^^^^^ exchange and the stock exchange. United Stotes against the transmission neraV of soul. Three funerals in one OBBDINGS IS and that figures on tbo tally sheet Q. Did ho talk to you about voting end. HoU a dozen followed them. tinuation of his series on "The Ten compelled to hold an ottlco. Ho may for Mr. Morse? toward formulating a report. rd^^^ of corrupt literature through the mails day. were cUanged. The eoatorttant also retrfro at his mere will upon the mo­ On FrIday,_Fcb. 20, •\v'ord was rsv v Scarcely a word was spoken. It All of the. victims were-buried Sun* Plagues of the Great Cities." His text made the following claims: A. VcB, kind ot that way. I told him THBm WIIATH FELT. . —a grand low, a potent law, aChrlstian A good book-^who can exaggerate ite Bfltorta Made to Bopprei* the Oaaetltu- ment. When be transmlte an uncon­ I wasn't working for nobody on elec­ eclved that Mr. Frledlander: wanwd-r'i'- was time for action. When the day. Marches!, Monaaterla and Tra. was: "Second, George B. Horton, at the ditional resignation, which he intends ,;NBW,0BLKAN8,March 10.—New bfi law—and under thot law multitudes of power? Benjamin Franklin sold that his tlonal Protests ot aenators. tion. . one more wi-tncss oxamiueil. .Someot::V:!',i: pursued and their pursuers reached tiie hina were unclaimed up to noon and And the frogs bame ijip and covered the date of election, and for a long time shall roach tho officer or authority Q.^OId he otter you nny money to vote tho senators objocted on account of the j^i Iciins struck the Mafia a death blow the charity wagon took them to pot­ these scoundrels have been arrested, reading of Cotton Mather's "Essays tO thereafter, was nostmastor at Fault entitled to receive it, ho resigns. He Saturday. It wreaked a terrible >en- stone courtyard the former darted land ot Egypt. And tho magicians did so for Morse? expeuBQ, and Senator Crocker was ,.!.;' toward the Orleans side of the gallery ter's field, Politz and Comitze were witb their enchantments, and brought up their property confiscated, and they Do Good" in childhood gave him holy Kldge, having held the olilce for sev­ has given formal oxpresBlou to his A. No, sir. requested to write to Mr. Fi:Jindlander.r,;:,!="; ii;;v; /> seance upon the Sicilian assassins who aspirations for all the rest of his life. FIBS* BVBP IN TBB BOBBIIIB TO OBB. eral years, and until his sncccssor was will, and sent away a notice of It and crouched down beside the colls, followed to tho grave by a single car* frogs upon tho land ol Egypt.—Kxodua vlll., themselves thrown Into tho peniten­ Q. What talk did you ha-ve with him? to ascertain If the evidenco waa Im-' ;l'„) 'fi)':.y i' are; believed to have relentlessly slain 6-1. George Law declared that a biography foAiilon nt Pentwater. Three year* later he KTUANOBR TBB STATB. qualified and coininlssloned,-whlch was to whom lb may concern. There Is A. Ho asked mo It I was going to portant to his case, Mr. Crocker then .ii; their faces blanched, and, being un* riage, and in Baguette's case the hearse tiaries whero they belonged. jjiji;; David Cilleiinessy, and there are now he read iu childhood gave him all his wiis oloetcd prosecuting atcornoy of Oeean* not until December last: therefore he nothing else tor him to do. It needs work. I told lilm no; that was al!7 gave no intimation of any purpodO', ' went alone. There wore no religious There is almost a universal aversion Now, my friends, how ore we to war oiMinty, whioh oIlleB bo held for four years, was luollglble to tho office of senator no acuoptanco." i.'i' oloveii men dead who were happy Fri- armed, they were absolutely defense* subsequent prosperities. A clergyman, iluilors Robert Jf, w'.V. w'lo was Q. Didn't he toll you ho would pay to call the committee together or tp,;; less. In fear and > trembling they services in those cases. Tho others had to frogs, and yet with the Kgyptians ogainst tliis corrupt literoture, and how .'•.olfconllon at 111 1377 ho wa» appolnte.l asMslant Uulted tbm Demooratlo Stale Oanrentioa Ap­ In the legislature, and all votes cast Tho constitution ol Nevada makes a you 11 you would go out and work for make a-.report. .'•::•• .,:,:••.'••! j-n: j^;.'day.ovier their . vlotoiy'.in 'the' ifreatest many years ago, passing to the far Bomlnalail by the.Bop,' „ , Sl.'ituH dls'.rlet attorney (ur the trestern dlt- for him were void, screamed for mercy. But the avengers large and well-attended funerals, they were honored, they were sacred, are the frogs of this Egyptian plague to proves .the lofkmoni Froouedlngi. tcdoral officer Intaieiblo to bo elected Morse? Notwlthstaudlng tliepo facts, on :•';; IS livl'hirjcrlininal trial the city hos ever wit- •Toseph P. Macheca having tho larger. and they woro objects of worship while be slain? First of all, by the prompt west, stopped at on hotel. He saw a Jackson forsuprcme?"' '"'•."'=''-'- trlel ot Ailchlgnn, and removed to Grand "Third, there wore Illegal votes and to or hold a state office: A caudidato A. Ho did not. Feb. 24, when 11 of tho senators wore ::;;.;':i\| .nessod. . It was riot an imnily, mld- were merciless. Bang! bang! bangi nlzsd as one of the bet Itiiiilds, wlinro be has nliico realdoil. In tbe gross irroBularitlc.'i In tho city of Caruso and Macheca were taken trom alive, and after death they were em­ and inexorable execution of tho low. woman copying something from Dodd­ who had been United States district Q. Did Sir. Morse tell you so himself? absent. Senator Crocker presiiutcd t'n;>''y ibu f.evuiit'ionin circuit,/coinprIMng Kent FA' prived of several votes, and unlawful office. Tho election was held Nov. 6. The above was part of Mr. Neamnn's drawn and Ineoniploto report, signed .''il dral, and the ceremonies in each case, be found among the sepulohers of seemed that she hod borrowed the book, coiiniy. In 1S87 ho Was rcoieoted Judge by a ballots were given Gcorgo ii. Hor­ ;into their own hands what justice had poured into the crouching figures. States district ottorpeys and detectives w«, horn on a farm n4„ trons of INDUSTRS. Oa Nov. 5 he resigned his federal of­ examination by Mr. Turnbull. Then by himself aud Senator Gilbert: ': :1-',; with priests, organ, choir, catufalco and Thebea. These creatures, so attractive and there were some things she wanted iiiii,|onty nt 1,(100. In thia election ha re­ ton. (ft) In tho Third ward of Adrian fice, the resignation to take immediate Mr. Shields took a hand at tho pump '' iguiomlniously failed to do. Gerachi, the closest man, was struck and rcformcrs'conccrt in their action to "eremidne,"™ '.'i; ceived the hlirhosi vols In Keut county of "q^ho select cominltfceo to whom was - f''' magnificent caskets, were very impos­ once to the Egyptians, at Divine behest stop this plague. When Sir Rowland espeoioUy to remember.' The clergy­ mat IC yosi-s of see, wC'"',„ I.',Vo college students not residents of Adrian effect. That rcslgniitlou was depos­ with the folIowIuK result: referred the protust ot Charles A. Fr!ed- in the hack of the head and his body man hod in his satchel a copy of Dodd­ anyone ou t"^» ticltot, his vote being 8,'037, A serlei ot Acts Without Farnllel In but residents of other states, were ited in tho mall the evening belore The correct list of tho men shot is as ing. !Maehcca had a half dozen pall­ became obnoxious and loathsome, and Hill spent his life in trying' to secure hU parents to Eaton R,?,"-,, wliilti ,Iuil!ro Utniptioll for tho suproma court Q. What wus It Mr. Williams snldl to l.ander against the seating of Dcujamln ; ifoUbws: " Joseph Macheca, Manuel pitched'forward and lay immovable on ridge's "Rise and Progress," and so he •ttended th i ' leaping into tho palace of tho king, ond but for all tho world, and to open the Ibe Seventh Mlchlcau i this ward were Illegally and unlaw­ Nevada 574) "AccordUig to our view at all. would i-espectfully report that In pur.". :•. Scoffedl, Antonio Hagnotto, Bocco bis knees with his face in his hands, Governor NichoUs said that tho Ital­ passed on. The clergyman came that i till, piilillc .Mr. iMontuomory, ruiil(,'ned tho ofllce of cir­ ian consul had called on him at his into the bread-tray and tho couches of blessing of the post office to all honest frem tbe army he aei onffaL'od in On tho 24tli ol Febniary last in the fully refiieed registration, and deprived tho moment the letter went beyond Q. Mr. Williams asked you to come suaucc of a resolution ol this senator '. . Geraohi, , James Caruso, Lorotto and in that position was shot to death. way and ho asked where the woman cuit ,|ii.li;o iiflnr 'Miuvlan a'orved elirht years, ol tho right to vote, who if porralttod his reiieh a vacancy occurred In the of­ tho people, and even tho ovens,'which business nnd to all messages of charity lebools at Eiiton K snniiners ho nnd iiMS 6liico beououKugod In the praniice of state senate nt Lansing occurred the up to his office? they (lid proceed to the city of Alpena' om tho fifth district aud the seat­ that it should bo accepted were- present In person and also rep work well, and beneath tlio continuing tion, and tho call for' the military a man sat down to eiit, a frog .alighted It ought not to be in the power of Doddridge's 'Rise and Progress' thirty Han, siucD then judcc tho socret,ttr.r of state were not nnl-by tbe appointing po-wer. I do not A. No, eir. resented by attorneys. That your : gau to accumulate, showing that his would have to come through the' mayor Montgomery wns adn lie bur nt tho widely Iviiown adds to t^n evidenco of the ing in his place of Jamofj H. Morrow, fire' Comitez and Traliina, two of the on his plate. If ho attempted to put on every bad man who can roiso a one- years ago?" "Oh, yes; I remember. cini; his pro- wlsUum shown in Jila sole '-.tloa. form In color or wel.nht, and eo marked think this point is well taken. Tho C). Said something about Mr. Morse? entire committeo did thereupon pro­

A mm mm. iinr;o(>Biiak*s opera hdiliie wsi applaui .Penittort Farkand Orpoker.for ontraiilm rlghtaof. ether ttiamber* of-the comul aud for bringlng.ln, under the gulie oi ittW'TW*. port*, lying • docuraent* which were ~ „ ,S»wtwhl|>';''''QT!l!?Cum-^ etrtckiii^^^^e?Joirn»ro ieeti uor auiborlzed by the committees. . talSt^eebdit cduhQi^^and ;ln;the town- Feb. ••;2*,'S! where rthey'WPeM«*VM The convention applauded lbs act oUvbt MipofHarytaVllle; Alcona; county; in votlog upon the.,adoption, ot the ;re* Democratle tnsjoilty lu tbe senate In »<%Bi- ^ want to examine it.'. i:;a;,::;--;:'.;;;;t:>:;c::';:^^^ atlidaylts an;tbe taW. ,Benator.MUneB; vote* that .were counted tor Benjamin port:maue by the select committee in \ 'Well, I havt no bbleotloDi.* Ing and acting upon these lying re«rtt POR/IIl \''Vine Flaytnc''Oerda.. Uavlhf :.:witb: dlff lOHlt/, ,fecurod,,rM^ C;-Morscibyvreason ol;Which he wae the matter of thecobteW of'Frled­ MICHIGAN STATE NEWS. MICHIOAN LEOI8LATURE. ' <*Bow old ti the Hessian flyt" asks a cor. •••TbonletraaiMlt.' though knowing tbem to be unautborlgd tlo?MSemb%l»bJ«n, In conTee. Bend ten (10) oonts in stamp* or coin toi respondent. Old as the American revolu­ 'nltlbn"by,;tho: cbalr, fnetatefctba^^^^^ declared blected, without which eald lander vs. Morae. The questtons of ."•ItblnlcI'd betternot.* aud taUe. . . • John Bebastien, Gen'l Tkt and Pass. Ag't aJfldavltsj being a'paft'or.theprotM^ votes paid.,Morse wo« no*' elected; privilege Avero; Ordered stated In the rear* nuofiiVoF Jjickson, where 8BHAT8. . ' tion. Washington made the Hessian flya t " 'Why not, If there Is no objeetlont' •fhoy applauded the aame ^majorltj/for XAMsiHO, MIeb., March tl.—Bills were m- Cbicaoo, Rock Iblanu & PAoirio Rr., ChiTrenton,—Texa­ s BIf tings. should be rS^./Senator/'.'VVjtWngt^^ thferefdre;';\:.'-...'V.::.'-:••:.>.•;:,,:;•:',; ' , Journal." '( ^ • ' ".'Well, there Isn't any objection, but It ii breaking the plcdgoa which at their owvaiig. REVOLT IN THE SOLDIERS' HOME cago, 111., for a pock of tho latest amooth- alBO -made: UlmBell- heard abo.ve ;the ; :VRe*olved,'. that the entire vote of This ended for the day the. dls- looking bac)>l'n'"nK platform: t«xt books. A joint resolution amending tbe sino, Dutch, Euchre, Whist or any other ot said Benjamin C. Morse In this sen­ They applauded the same oflloer tor vio­ •oldiers'homo at Grand Rapids adopted oonstitution to limit the time tor Introduotlon anotont or modern game, aud get your preBldlng officer; tlnaUy ordered toe ate as, senator from the twenty-sixth TBB FATKUNd VNIJBBED. the lntegrlti'>8llove Id maintaining ,Wnr is an honest bankrupt the same as PLBDOBS ARB BROBBN. lating every rule ot parlUmentary;-pi;a):tlce, a rule under which all inmates were re­ of bills to tbe flrat thirty days ot the session money's worth live times over. '•'(-'1 ;eenatorlal district of the . state of and for trampling .upon tho rights ift the and gold shj"e'>''r- •"'l '^at bIItoi a dishonest one? BecnuBe thoy both fail to Michigan, be and the same Is hereby Beipaotful BeaolatluDS Kafttitd Iniertloa the United 9"^ ** " nionoy basis br quired to payall their pension money ex­ wa* killed. Commenelng March 17 tbe aen­ make money.—Dry Goods Chronicle. Ttolatlona 'of Faith by Demoeratlo Uena- minority. - ' , Xhe Amef toaccompllsfi this enS ate will hold session both morning and atte^ TOBBB la an antidote to every poisbntes- that declared vacant." \ ID tlic Jonrnal. Thoy applauded the aame offlcer tor Wk- ceeding four dollars per capita Into the cent the poisoning ot malicious gossip. The was theii read aafoUowe: tor* and the Uautenant Govarnor. oolved at U> product should he r». noon. area good -manyp's in , . Guretf On motion of Mr. Crocker, the rc- Almoit immeaiately ifter tba action taken tng hiB luiquitous rulings at tbe dlctatif!>n of ment.andle»»'"" by tho gofarn. home treasury for the benefit of thoir LANSiRO, Mteb., March 13.—Tho senate was only remedy against that is to poison the Tbbbb up to tho lieutenant- State of Michigan^ County • of Ing- eblutlon was;adopted. Several' weeks. aso when member* were but not half so many as there are in on tbe ieDatorlal protenti, BeDator Brown a party boss, wbo, thougb not « memt^er ot Slvercolislf- certlfloat*. oi families. An attempt was mode to en­ tbe scene ot turbulence yesterday. Frledlander, goBslper.—Somervillo JournaL (! i' i i; BOycinof's desk and, InslBtod,repeat- Leave being asked'' nqd unanimous talking.about lbs oommltteea going to tbe the senate stood at his elbow t^crack'td tbe —RIobmond Recorder. presented, under tha h«ad of prauotatlon of upper penlniula acme one said It wa* a oby*- 8. Wo heliW"«"l therefor. force the rule, but the,veterans refused the Bonntor charged with bigamy, was in bis ,i: 5,, odly that hl8 demand be granted. Tl- JoSph M. WelBs, WiUIam H. Wltb- consent being granted, Mr. Crocker party whip over bis unreel*tlnw(^ad, 1 Beat, hut retired to tho lieutenant governor's Entitled to the Beet. Cleans *#-&nr-'— - - ' • ington, Alfred Mllnea, Marden Sabln, offered the following resolution: potitlobt, tbe foUowlDg preamble and^ret- lea) Impostlblllty for eon* ot tbe committee* The applauded tbe same 1^ jcer apd the boil.*ndthi P"'"? »' »bB ballot- to pay over tbe money received on the EVBH to a man wbo is particular abottthla olutioni which bad been adopttd thai mora- to go and return wltbln tbe ti.ne allotted lo ot suarage f'aK'"n«">' °l righl room before the session, which was very brief, All are entitled to the best that their oompany, tho snuff-taker will do "on • •Mm •Tan M. Garvellnk, MarcusWI cox, John "Whereas, as the-entire vote of wbolo Demoeratlo membcrGhlpA>t the «enate March payments. An indignation meet­ oloRod. Neither party kne.w Just what move K. Bonso.i, John Basio-ie.-W.Uiam ToAn Ing by the Putroni of Industrjr; them under tbe arrangemenii mad* tor the Nation, and' "e safety ot the money will buy, so every family should pincb."—Boston Courier. the people in the township of Gum- tor their attempt, fortunately unsucqoastui, fuch Natloi'"'* 'be, enactment ot ing Avas held at which it was decided to would bo made by the other, but whon have, at once, a bottle of tbo best family Aaron Brown. Frank^ I... 'n^^o. mine, Oscoda county, and in the town­ "Whereat, tha PatroDi ot Industry, in ttat* regular receu. During their absence some to deprive seuators of the right of protest. political queitloDi might come up which American cl*» "ball protect every stand together and refuse to comply the order ot motions and resolutions remedy, Syrup ofFlgs, to cleanse tho system Benjamin C. Morse, A. Oren Wheeler, ship of Harrisvllle, in Alcona county, aiBoelatlon. aaiembled, have learneil ,wlth They applauded the same oflicer and the racred '"gbVeexerelw ot this mo.1 was reached Senator Croeker (dem.) when costive or bilious. For sale in 60o Most Robert R. Wilkinson, Joseph Pleshelm,; was Illegally cast by reason of gross would be settled' upon, varty'lines and eomo secretary of the senate tor. mutl- with the rule. A committee was ap­ deep rcKret of tbe action ot the members ot underitandlDg ebould be arrived at. Senator offered a resolution that the com­ and tl.OO bottles by all leading druggists. John H. D. Stevens, being first by ma frauds and Irregularities in said town­ latlug and falalfying the ; records pointed to protest against the rule and mittee on •the oonteated election case ot Keep Your Blood Pure. I 1 !i only reeponso to this from the presld- ships and by reason of which the the nenate ot tbo itate ot Micblean on Tues­ Wiener, who was tbe acknowledged Demo- lievlng'"lt\V K ' duly sworn, severally depose and say so that the Leglalullve , Journal demand Us rccalL Frledlander vs. Morso be relieved from further, Philosopiit.—Question—When a man jPii ;v;ing ottlcer Avae, "You're ovit of order," that they are members, of the senate of board of canvassers declared that Ben- day, Feb. 21, 1891, In unieating Sonator cratlo leader, arose in hi* place and said, for three day* was a cuUectiou of olllclal that thoTln '.I" majority, demand speaking toi tbe Demoeratlo members ot the aneh rules aoswnata shall adopt consideration ot the ease. Then the storm says that he knows that he kbown nothing, ';i.:.nj.''{; auddio.put the reeolutlou and declared the stato of Michigan for the year Janiln C. Morse was duly elected sen- tieorce B, Horton and Senator Benjamiq C, lies tOBtead of a statement ot fnci;s. broke and for ten minutes the chamhor was a is It not an absurdity I Answer—That de­ if;.;:; , it-carrtcd by a Viva voce vote. otor of the twenty-sixth senatorial Mono at a time when but two-third* of' the eenate, that no advantage should be taken They applauded tbo two unlawfully seated 1 voti oa onoble that body td reaon of the abience ot members and that none of bate. •> reasonable de- BICYCLE RECORD .BROKEN. howling mob. Excitement was at the highest pends on tbe man.—Harvard Lampoon, A small quantity of prevention is worth many pounds IS I j!, : Senator Crocker then offered the fol- That the offlclaljournal of the sen­ district of this state, when, as a mat­ members of that bodr were present; and pre­ members for snoukinte into the senate by the pitch, and very soon an adjournment was taken, •;' lowing resolution, which was declared ter ot tact, Charles A. Frledlander the disputed questions ebould be acted upon back door of n eurreptltlnu* oath, iustead of Ashlnger Cover* T33 Utie* In 8lx Deyf, ate of Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1891, re- vious notice not having been elvec hor re- In the absence of any considerable number of our NatlOTV ">e late revision of and tbe remainder ot tho afternoon was spent Do Tou wish to knoAV how to have no of cure. If your blood is in good condition the liability 'aV'irt- iftddpte'd in the samo.way: ' cords that tho following resolutions should have been declared elected; •tunding upliko men snd tuking tbe solemn Eight Hour* • Day. in angry discussion, •j fIs; • as the entire vote;of the therefore p<}rt> bavine beou made by tho committee to members, nor without due notice leing given. ducors, lab'aws, protecting pro- Btenm, and not half the usual work on wash­ were-adopted by tho Bcnate, viz.: oath ot ofllce in the presence of their fellow ruinous con farmers against tha The six days' bicycle race at Detroit, to any disease is much reduced and the ability to riesist 6bi>}o in the township of Cummtiigs,' whom the contest was referred; therefore Several other Democrats orosa and indorsed meinbors. LANSING, Mich., March 1.^—In the senate yes­ day? Ask your grocer for a bar of Dohbln*' OOLD MBDAIi, PARIS, 1878., Leave being asked and unanimous "Resolved, that the said Charles A. what Senator Wiener had said. Finally the and ShSupe.foreign productions eight hours per, day, terminated amid filectrte Soap, and^tbedirectlons will tell you scoda county, and in the township Frledlander be and ho is hereby de- "Jietolved, tbat this body einphatlcally con­ Upon this record tho Democracy ot Michi­ terday Sonator Milne demanded a correction ot consent being granted, Mr.. Crocker Uoutenant-govornor aruse and said that what thoao featui "1 "Bpecially commend ^ great excitement, Ashinger nnd Read­ the journal ot tbo previous day to show-that a how. Be sure to got no imitation. There its wasting influence is tenfold greater. Look then to W. BAKER & CO.'S offered the following resolution: chired duly elected senator for the demn such action on the part of the aenate gan appeals for tho suflragce ot the people In tho'-Drotect l^law Which provide ort arc lots of tbem. Mr. WlBuer had just stated was the proper the present campaign. ing coming in neck-and-ncck as theoonatltutioua l number ot Republleans bad de­ Where«is, it appears that great Ip- 2eth senatorial district of Michigan, ot Michigan as Irregular and without prece­ thing and he knew tbat none qf tlioxe nm7ufactu> produMs well a* manded a yea und nay vote on the motion to your blood, by taking Swift's Specific (S. S. SO every regularities and frauds have been com­ and entitled to the scat recently made dent in the lefflslbtiou ot this ttate;atbn- prove ot 11; "n* cordially ap- - gong sounded. The folloAvlng aro tho gueationt would be acted upon wil/iout due table a motion mado by blm. He succeeded "iTnooonthor heart was broken when BreaMast Cocoa mitted in the township of Cummlna, vacant by tho removal of Benjamin Death the dicolty ot the hlebeit leirliUtlve notice given as to when they leould eoine np. A DISA^TltOUH OIIANUR. J.oninln«l 1 c'V provisions therein her husband died)" "So it was. Porhaps few months. It is harmless in its effects to the most cdny.i,88ors declared tliat Benjamin -C. C. Morse. I totals and awards: Ashinger, 783 miles In having It admitted to the journal, but it Oscoda county, and in the township bodj; ot Michigan; as uujuet to the conteit- -1 :— op'oidng Sc! ch'liportant trealle*. was laid on tho table. Sonator AVIthlngton that accounts for her since tying It with a •^•'•'••'•^li ; , i i :. Morse Was duly clecttd senator for the That at tho time -when said resolu- and 1 lap, gold medal and 40 per cent from which tho oxoooa of oil of Harrisvlllo, Alcona county, in votes ants and their constituents, and lubversive Referring to the bill of RopresEnta- tXrnn iiitn h I buve alroudy beeu en- subsequently Uled a protest against the pas knot"-Phth>delphia Times. delicate infant, yet it cleanses the bk)od of all poisoW : 1 ; I twcuty-slxth' senatorial district of lutlons purport to havo been adopt­ muenlficen ''"'"''•'"on. ""rter the of the gate receipts; Reading, 738 miles, hua been removed, that wore counted for\ Benjamin C. of those principles' ot equity and justice tlvo Doreiuus, aimed at the Houghton sago ot a bin having sovonteon nfllrmatlve Xa absolutelu pure ani( ";f i I: this state, when, as a matter of fact, ed the following senators only were To the propositions tbu* made from tbe 5 WelS*°' JnmesG. Blaine, 85 per cent of gate receipts; Martin, from indigestion, dyapepaia nnd too and builds up the general health. (I; i .Charles A; Frledlander should have Morse, by reason ol which he was de­ which should chnracterize tha action of tbe votes, a bare majority, for the reason that tho Pain UU Botuble. clared, fileetod; -without wlilch said present, viz.; This affiant and Messrs. Democratle .*lde tho Republican* asBcuIed, mining school, ana that of Senator the* Reiinh< ommond the action of 650; Shock, 005; Clark, 420. The best names of those voting for tho bill, including hearty eating ia relieved at onoo by taking '.: Li i, bcoh declared elected; therefore Beore, Boughner, .Crocker. Doran. Gil­ seiinte,»tMlcb)icau. and It was upon the understanding thus iir- AOtes eald Morse was not elected; there- Doran, to lay a trpi of twent.y cents a piedgesTn '» «'»"yi»e ,o,»« "» previous record for forty-eight hours' Frledlander, who, the protest stated, wns not ono of Carter's Little Liver Pills immedi- No Chemicals I ; , Keaolvod, that tlie said Charles A. bert, Holcomb, McCormlckf,, Miller, "Jtcslitved, Ibul this body, in state associa­ rived at that thev felt nt liberty to atteml tbo toil upon the output of the upper pen­ (1 AA'n rp '0 pension legislation, and never had been a member of tbe senate. Btoly after dinner. Don't forget this. ((O O O cured ffl* sound and well of contagkiut.BkMd Poison. Aa arc uaed In lla preparation. > It 'Ill Wriedlander be and is hereby declared Mugford, Park, Porter, Sharp, Smith, tion ansemhled, respectfully petition the een- cooveutlon at Jaokion. They have been AVork Is 717 miles. Ashinger thus Resolved, that the entire vote of insula iron mine/ the Klarquette Min­ lican party P'?«.l'lon of the Kepub- Lansinu, MIeh., Marcb 14.—In the senate k7* V?* goon as I discovered I was affliotoi-wUh the diaeaie I haa more than three timet the ,i II duly elected senator for the twenty- said tAvo to-wnshlps of Cummins nnd Wlsner, fifteen In all; that no other Ble of tbe eUte ot Michigan to reconsider the blamed for thus giving opportunity for the legielatlon lubject ct leinperaoea breaks the record by something ovor "Ton'HV an angell" he said, unguardedly. strength ot Cocoa mixed with Blx-th senatorial district of Michigan, senators wero present and that a action ot tho cuutested election ot Senator political knavery which tollowod. But thoy ing Journal pun;Jtures tiie assumptions i,.:r> .,1 tion as expreseed In it* yesterday meauuros of minor Importance were commenced takhig Swift's Speciflo (U. B. S.) and in a few Weeka I was perma* Harrisvlllo bo declared null and void; sixteen miles, discussed. 'Mo, I'm not," she responded, Avlth convic­ Btarch, Arrowroot or Bugap, 'I i' aiid entitled to tho seat .recently made quorum of said body consists ot 17 George B. Horton and Senator Benjamin C. had nn reason to supposo that the whole set up by the i) Jthors.of those' (meas­ as law us*^; 1 demand such a state tion ; "I'm a woman, and I want a spring nontly cured." Oeobob Stewabt, Shelby, Ohio. BUd la therefore far more cco-^ . : • i vacani; by tho removal of Benjamin C. Resolved, further, that tho seat of members; that a. less number than Democratle contlns;eut in tbo censto would ures in a muniiltr so entertaining and Lansino, MIeh., March 10.—The work done the said Benjamin C. Morao in this Morte and pern^it tbo cases to be conducted lands colic"I'°? non-resident gown in four weeks."—N. Y, Ledger. Treatise oa Blood and Skin diseases mailed free. I nomlcal, eoitlng test than one: Mbrso.' • • i a quorum cannot transact any busi­ in accordance with the rules ot equity and violate their agreement, break down all pre­ convincing thr.'t they need only to bo tnlntv that promptnoBs and cor- HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. in the senate on Saturday was ot minor impor- senate as senator from the twenty- tnnco. The Swift Speciflo Co., AUanta, Qa. \centacup. Itladcllcloue.nour- .(;: -.ThuB was consummated the steal. ness; that no quorum was present established precedent. cedents. Ignore tbo rules ot the senatt>, over- fairly road io satisfy any intelligent A suonT cotD, if neglected, often attacks sixth senatorial district ot the state •whoii aaid resolutions purport to have rldo the rights ot tho minority, rscoivo ond ugSi^^t'lhe A VonnK Sinn Got* on a Circular Saw and nonsE. ^ 'lablng, atrcnglhcniDg, eabilv 1 j I ,Wi"tli6ut:d''report from tlio special of Jllehlgan bo and the same Is hereby '•Hesolvtd, that ire heartily condemn the person of tlir/sounducss of its facta und 7 With the lungs. Bbown's BnoNcniAt, Troobbs DloEBTCDrand admirably adopted for luvallda. committee, without even a meeting beeu adopted; that at the time whon action ot such members of the seuute as ab­ net upon Ij'tnc reports und mutilate nnd Loses His Head. Lansing, MIeh., March 11.—Tho house yea- give sure and immediate relief. Sold onlv declared vacant. • conclusions./ ' niVtv of Ml "fO"' 'bo Republican aa well oa for peraona In hcaUh. il' ortli'o'coinihltteo to consider tlio evl- said resolutions were pending before sented themselves from their posts of duty falsity the records In order to curry out a St Gen AV ""'"be "=ceut death A young man by the nome of Mc- terday pussed tho senate joint resolution sub­ in boxei. Price S5 cents. diJh'ce, in the absence of a quorum and On motion of Mr. Crocker tho reso­ tlio senate there was not a quorum and thereby rendered it poetlble for tuch petty partisan scheme. Thoy knew that In Of the proposition to tax the mliiea mitting tho question of Increasing the salary of CM. HENDERSON &GO.'S Sold by flrocenjBferjrnliere. lution was adopted. David fa p'^bcrman and Admiral Peck, Avorking in a saw mill near Hast­ ; In ..violation of the rules In respect to of that body present; that this affi­ actluo to 1)0 taken." all legUlatlva bodies one member who breaks tho Mining 'Journal says: fi, heroes of the civil war the attorney general from (SIX) to (3.500. It will Tub perfumer is always known as a Leave being asked and consent be­ ant aroso in tlie senate chamber and a pair Is regarded- by his fellow members "Of all the iron mines Avrouglit last are fust pas ings, met Avith a horrible accident He bo submitted at tbo coming spring elootion. A (OF CHICACOO W.BAXEB & CO., Soroheeter, Maes:. ;'i ' tlio yeas and nay's, the people of a Tbe adoption of the reGolulionB was certl- remain'wit but their memory will BconiB-able fellow.—Blngbamton Repub­ ;,, I Bonatorlttl district are deprived ot their ing granted, Mr. Crocker offered the called tlio attention of tho president Hcd by J. £, Taylor, grand secretary. AVith coateinpt, and thoy did not expect that season In the Lake Superior region, not n Inspiration to fldelity leaned over the circular siiAV to shift commitloe representing the Grand Rupids lican. following resolution: ^ ' to the fact that there was not a quo­ a whole party lu tbo senate would place it­ ovor one-lourCh realized any profit to our com y. bet it bo ours to board .o( trudo appeared before ; I; rightful choice of representation and This memorial was received with crte? of hand dow the drive bolt, Avhich .he succeeded in I'; II .candidate who was never elected 'Whereas, as tlio entire vote of the rum present; that any member of tho derision from the Oeinocrnts and Senator self upou thin degrading level. Above all, Avhatover for their owners. Several irity a free and untar- doing, but in endeavoring to regain his the state affuIrH committee to urge Like OU Upon Troubled Waters is Hale's CUSTOM MADE people lu the to-wnshlp ol Cumnilngs, senate Is entitled to demand the yeaa they did not think that tho lleuteuant-gov- nlshed Rep their putrlotUm helped nn appropriation of swump lunds'for the survey ' i la'foisted upon'them. And this is the (Jriicker. who bad been so conspicuous lu tbe were run at a lo.ss. A fcAV made to establish balance the saAV caught his clothing on Honey of Horobound nnd Tar upon a cold. 1 woi'kof tha "reform" Democratic leg- Oscoda county, and in the township and naya on any pending question as Ueinocratlc knavery which it condemned, ernor, after the solemn asBiirances given money, butjuono could sliow such a dn. of a system of canals across tho state, utilizing Pike's Tootlmcho Drops Cure in ono minute. * FINE CALF i I ; jaiaturo!.: of Harrisvllle, in Alcona county, was provided by rule number 41 ot tho tnecrliigly moved thut it be referred to the troiii the chair, would lend himself lo any margin ot profit on the year's Avork tho right arm. The arm Avas out off the Grand nnd Suglnaw rivers and those Inter­ Illegally cast by reason of gross frauds senate i-ules; that boforo said resolu­ such dlBroputubie scheme. r jiLst below tlio shoulder, and his hoUd vening. It ia proposed to maUo tho main lino i!; ^Thero m^A-er was a case before in committee on fluberlcs. Senators .Mills and a.s all are credited Avlth by tho lower W Tbb pugilist who gets worsted foola that and irregularities In aaid townships, tions were put to vote, aud while Fleshiciii dcmundcd that it be printed In the But they knew the lieutenant-governor peninsula pajiors and legislators Avlilch BMFBATIO. Avas cut in Iavo, leaving only a portion ft ship canal, tho terminal points being Grand ho is in tho wrong box.—Glens Falls Repub­ thla state, whether cither hbuae was and by reason o! Which the board of thc.v were pendin.g, affiant demand­ better ou the evening of the S5tb Haven und lluy City. , close -or whether the dominant party jonrnal, but Senator Wlsner came to the advocate the Imposition of ruinous of tho chin and of tlie loft oar on the lican. ^ canvassers declared that Benjamin C. ed that the yeas and nays bo taken iront again and moved that it bo laid upon the than they did on tbo morning of tho !Mth, tax upon thom contemplated by Sen­ **"'*"J,^i\ely OenoDDoe* tha Lansing, Mich., March 13.—In tho house bad a largo majority, that thoro was Morse was duly elected senator from and recorded -upon tho journal; that nnd they learned still more of him on tho iniSitorlal Grab. body. McPeclc leaves a wife. Ana- ono can tiiko Carter's Littlo Llvor , : hot Opportunity given the minority to table, Ills motion prevailed by the following ator Doran'a bill." yestorilay only business of u routine ehuniotor kn tht BEST in ihs World. the tweiity-slxtli senatorial district tho president of the senate neglected vote, tho yeas being nil Democrats aud the SOih, Earlier In the sodslon when tho matter wus trunsactud. Pills, tboy aro so vory small. No trouble to i report In a contested election matter There la no qu'.'stion of the truth of "What ii'"'' They also make many other fine of this stato. When, as a matter of and refused to comply with said re­ na.vs Republicans aud Patrons. of rodistricting tbe state was under consider­ tha foregoing statement. If tlicrc is Detroit ItnuHo of Correction. Lansing, Mloh., March 13.—After an nil-day's swallow. No pain or griping after taking. Sradea of unequaled luid.tobu, heard on the floor. In these fact, Cliariea A. Frledlander should quest; that if the yeas and naya liad ation the Itoutenant-gnvernor proposed to ap­ cent uetio..7,-J'i d opinion of the re- ! kaBes not only wero these rlglits do- row—Senators Beem, liouehner, Crocker, iiny defect it lies lu tha tact that the Capt. .Too Nicholson, superintendent debute the houso yostorduy adopted tho uiu. Latest Styles havo been declared elected; therefore boon recorded aa demanded by thla Doran, Freldlander, GU'oert, Holcomb, Mc- point an apporilunmcnt committee with a the two R mocrats in unseating lilod.'but n resolution was declared Mining Journal bus understatea tho of tho Detroit house of correction, sub­ jority report of tho Coldwator school investi­ The crawfish ia an expert on sideAValka.— MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES; Resolved, that the said Charles A. affiant the result -would have revealed Cornilck, Miller, .Morrow, Mugford, Park, Democratic majority, so that n conirrcisionnl, Avas asked •".nls In tbo senatef" gating committee, which umhoaies tho reoom- , .tarried wlien thoro was no quorum tiie fact that there -waa not a quorum condliioii. Less tliaii tAVO Avoeks ogo, Yonkors Gazolto. AI.Ii made to fit and wear, with­ Frledlander bo and hu, is hereby de­ Porter, Sharp, Smith, Wisner aud the presi­ senatorial ond representative genymandcr coi, tho W Senator Marcus AVil- mits to the logishituro the folloAving re­ mondutlon ilmt Suiiorlntcndont Nowkirk bo l.'Art De La Mode. resent. The Democrats tho country of tho senate present. could be made. The Ilepubllcana and i'atrons, Avhile discussing Senator Doran'.s bill P. on. -Wh, • out any eastern "shoddy" In r CIILUKEU I'LATUS. clared duly elected senator tor the dent—IT. with a very reputable cltizuu of the unmcrclfu port of boiirdcrs from the several summarily dIsmlsHod for his connection with BitoNcnTTis is cured by frequent small lU. TUE UTE8T IMUIS ASU SKII- Sver, and not less "in Michigan thnn seoiug what tho sehome wts, decided lo take by tho Democrats on tbem. It will save you twenty-sixth senatorial district of jVn//s—Senntois Bnitone, Benson, Brown, upper penhmula Avho is a practical countlos for the past five year.s, and the the unforlunnlo NelUo CJrillln Irngeil.v. doses of Piso's Curo for Consumption. money to demand . YOIIK FAHIIIUMS, fclsewhere, have been fierce in their "Michigan and entitled to tlie seat re This deponent further says that snid rieahlem, Garvellnk, Milnes, Prlndle, Sabln, away fiom the governor tho privilege ot ap­ the day tb iceompUsbed. Mloh., March 1-1.—Tho bill croiiting C3'0rder It or your Nows-doalor- llenunclationB. of Speaker Roed in con- pointment .ind to elect the roaiiportloninent iron minor and has been iu tiio business amount rojcivod for tho snme; In ISSfl Lan.sing, -them. > send orilS ctK.I'orlntOHtnnmburto. cently 4iiado vacant by the removal of journal of said 24th day of Febru­ Stevens, Taylor, Toun, AVelsu, Wheeler, Wil­ from eari,y youth, ho snlil: "Let them Senator , evidently far enough tho now county of Dickinson, to bo curved out ir. .1. M«lltl'uw Yurk.. actually saw in the hall to make out ans and Patrons iiad a majority. Tho liou- puss that bill and it Avili close every away fron erutic surroundings at That the entire number of senators docs not show that this affiant ralHcd Later in tbe day Representative C. L, Lansing tt mind freely, and, after ir,l, $0,20:1.00; ISSS, .'J.'iO, ,?S,n72.05; 1SS9, (luotto and Menomlnco and named In honor of rHAUK TUI81'ArauafBr uoooiinnu. a quorum. But here members wlio tho question that there was no quo- tenant-governor, seeing that bis scheme would Ioa.sed ininu iu thu upper jjoulnsula. le 32, ot which number 17 menibera are Baton. In the house, introduced the same ill k'SH than six mouths thero Avill bo scarcely a of hesitation, he pro­ 034, .S12,,V,).'>.S!); 1890, ,^^8, . is ftwye ^hc che&peali to sustain tho lying position thus hold solved, that thli bouie recognizes the right of Isted in the senate. Upon this speclflc agree­ tion." gained, iSow well thoy may con­ Reports to the state board ot health Lansing, mouth moro prominent, tho breath so olfenslvo, .by the secretary of the senate and the senate cliamber, and did not in any this 25tli day of February, A. D. ment with Senators Ba»toiie (P. ot I.), Urown mltto on jiuliciury favorably reportea on Sutur- XI tno Don Btv.- ' way participate in making a quorum tho P.itrons ot Industry iu stuie cdiiveiitlon Tlio Marquetio Mining .Tournal Inti­ duct bu»rfuture, and It will ovea b.y sixty observers in dlltoront iinrts of tho drowsy dizziness ao Iroquont, or that extreme Uoutenant-governor. (P. of I.), Wlthingloa (Kep.) and Wheeler mates, also, that the peniusulaa can be full . Ibg election*. It Is eon< duy u bill prohlhltlnf the use ot railroad froo tired fueling so prevalent. Hood's Saraaparllla Is carl/ luUtx of said senate, whereby the transaction D. L. CnCSSJIAN. assembled to express their opinions upon tho stiite for the Aveek ended Slarcli 7 pus.scs by meniliors of tho IcKlslature. It is a now bsloro tut,* niuitors of r.tato Interest 'and to receive re- (Rep.), representing tho members ot tho be held togotliur ou the basis ot fair cliiinucd ttr«hlo ipen, IrreBpectlvi lust the niodlolno to build up tho system, purify of any business could be iu order.or Senator Withlngton tiion offered the Kepufilicun and Pntruu caucus. President *• indicated t'h.Tt measles, corebro-spinal substitute for two o.tlior bills of a like nnturc. tho blond, curo billouBno.ia and hoadache, avoroome publlo. Voufcrt' • legally transacted; that at tho time s])cutful und diKnilled attention when said treatment only luui says, "We had ot party lent. No man, whethei y.'j bid iniitd.1:ion VAUGHANi porbftpa luteud* r'/.'p;;i eCNATOBa PROTEST. following: protest and usked that it Strong was allowed tho courtesy ot making meningitis, inllaiiimiition of the brain Tho llrst bills mudc Iho accoptunco ol passes u that tired feeling and eroato a good appetite. wlieu said resolution purports to have opinions are expressed; and resolved, that very little cause for complaint iu this Kepublicarat, who has any prlu. mlsdomennor. Tho subatltulo makes It iogtobuf BooA • be read and spread upon the journal: the Patron resolutions ot tho state aieociu- tbe appointments. He kept bis word then, rcsiicct Avlilic the Ropulilicau jmrty and Avhooping cougli increased, and Potttoca tliU Spring, Oraponte Attempt* Uada to Bmottaer been adopted by said seuato there was Whereas, it appears hy the action when he had to, but he did it in a way look­ ciple or would uphold *uch-< n felony, ns a loglslntoi- cnniioi bo nrrcsted , ohd^nd subsHl•u^es fori not a quorum ot the senate present, tion of the Patrons ot Industry be spread hold tho reins of power In Jlicliigun. •Dd If ron arc, KUJ Conatltutlonal DoonmsD.ti, of the senate this day that two gentle­ ing toward the action ut Feb. 'JC. He said to such—Avebda fit expresalon to* diphtliorin, dysentery, cholcrii inf.antum for n misdemoanoi' during the .session, und not buy .tho btil wltli . aud no business could have been trans­ upon the journal of the bouse and a report If tho party noAV in tbe ascendancy makes Iho ponulty S.'iOO lino or ono ycnr in stulo POTATO: men, namely, Frledlander and Mor­ ot such action bo sent to the grand secretary Senator Wheeler that he would not unuounce my feelini 0 nnd ton.silitis decreased in area of prev­ new ftUdtlgDrouB Ufof ' During the next forenoon Messrs. acted; that no such resolutions as the committee until the Republican msmbois ji hostile polic,y toward us, it avIU prison. Tho bill is not conhnud to tho leflslu- Hood's . Oar Caulans ts viry oompleM on sll rsrm looda. FiCEKt above set forth wero adopted by tlie row, under the claim of being meniiiei's of Euch action. thereby prove itsulf unfit to admin­ "In regself, I don't understand alence. Diphtheria was repoi-tod at "Morrow 'and Priedlander were sur- of the senate ot the stivte of MlclUgan, had beeu conferred witb. Tbe Republicans turo ulone, but Includes all slate nnd judlelal cbkz TACtiUlH'S 6££l» fiXOUti, Uox 088. GUlClOiK seuato at any time ou said a-ith day Mr. liarktvorth raieed the point ot order ister tho affairs ot a great state, It. I waa a Democrat, but put ta tAventy-four places, scarlet fever lit onicors us well, and all subodlcluls deslKnutod of scouring sod^pTryih* rop.titlouBly: as well as fraudulent­ by virtue of certain action recorded in tbat the resolutions could not be entertained decided upon Senators Withlngton, Milnes, ly'e-WOTn in as senators, and at the of February, A. D. 1891, wlion a quo­ Flesbiem und Tavlor. Ilovvcvor, tho lieuten­ and time avIII soon give tlio voters of by tbe cote of tbe Democrata and forty-one, typhoid fever at thirteen and or nppoinied hy such ollleors. Tho corporn- rum of tlio senate were present; that the senate jouninl yesterday, iiave because tbcy contained a reflection upon llio the ujiper peninsula a chance to get lion that violates tho act by offer­ Sarsaparilla 1n your ncxJt Jxouse-clea.^^^^ opeolng of the session In the after­ bceu privately und surreptitiously action ot the senate. Mr. Katon insisted tbat ant-governor never conferred with them and P's of I.l the Held under protest, measles at thirt.A'-oight ]>laces. eald resolutions were not adopted by tbe flrst thing tboy knew tbo committee was even Avitli it," ing passes will bo llnod ifl.OOO for onch ogonso, noon thoy appeared in the seats for­ the senate, and that said Journal of swotn iu as entitled to seats as mem­ nocdnsureot tho senate was intended, as the not dee place becauae Tho 1)111 provkllng for tbo execution by oleo- Tnu unlTGrsul furor no announced with Souatur Taylor's place taken By the measures of Messrs. Doran Griiiid vAriii.v 1lii3*s Cliouso OiWv.ctH. Bold by all rtrnggista, (li six for f5. Prepared only merly occupied by Senators Horton gald 24th day of l^ibvuary Is entirely bers of this body; tlicreforo resoiulious simply contained astatciuer.t ot ami Doremus, the Dcmoeratlc party' my bed . not permit an) trlelly of iiorsons under a deuth scnlonee wus corded TiLUKOUAflT'fl ruaici' facts. Tbo rcsolutlon.H were reresd and tbe by Senator Horton and Senator Alilnes' by by C. I. UODU Hi CO., Lowell, Mags. Sound CubboKoScKDSlcud* - Iind; Horse. As soon as tho roll was false and incorrect, in aa far as it pur­ Tho undersigned do most vigorously Sonator Garvellnk. Ou Fob. . 2U has alreadj' destroyed all confldonco active CAiHT; even resigned after At the tliirteunth annual encujnpmont reported without rocoinmcndallon. REAL ECONOMY. mo to offer ft X\ S. anoww ports to record that said resolutions protest against this unusual, improper chuir ruled that the resohulona tramed by my nomliv tho cry was: 'Take in JfusU-egon of tlic Jlichigun depart­ Oulon* tht flnett Yellow Qlcb* railed at this session Sonator Milnes, Mr. Katon did not of ibemtelves contain any after Mr. Morrow had been fraudulently that nilgliC havo boon reposed in its 100 Doses One Dollar wero adonted. and illegal method of administering placed in Senator Horton's scat tho liouton- jirofcsslons provlou.s to tlio fall elec­ tho plucepot do anything but go ment of the Grand Army of the Repub­ (n«i»/eH«, TolntroducoltQud . iWavlng a paper in tho air, sought the oath of office, and ive do most posi­ roilections upou tho senate, and that they TORN TO PIECES. It is worse than nonsense to buy a cheap article with \ BliowltscapabUItiufllwlUimy ' •ccognltlon/from tho presiding ofli- JAN W. UARVELINK. lOtU District were in order. An appeal was taken from sut-govornnr announced that ho bad mado tion by the upper peninsula. The suc­ to Lunsine seat from the Repub­ lic the folloAving ofTicers were elected i (lOOfortbobcatyloldobtolu*- ROBERT R. WILKINSON, I-'Oth Dlatrlet. tively aftirni that if the said gcntliniion certain appointments, among tbem thut ot cess of that party has already proved Terrible Fate of n Couple of Lion Tiiiiiors which to damage more valuable property. Scouring soap eer.' In spite of a great din made by are entitled to seats upon this floor this decision but the chair was sustained by licans, asm administration of re- for the ensuing ,yeiir: Commander, Col. ' nrtfromlnnncooCHCcdwhlcli... W. H. WITHINGTON, Cth District. Mr. Morrow, the "political tramp," upon the 11 serious bloAV to the upper section of Ireuchmdirm, anil must have It.' ill Kiirope—A AA^Hiiuii l>e%' Al'urphy , as follows: ALTERED JIILNES, 7tii DIatrict. Kuicht (Dem. P. of J.), Lambert (Dem.), had made tho ugrsement and wbnm bo had of Sl.OSS.SS in favor of tho phuntijr. Paris Hippodrome, Tamer .Sects was at- BHARTSHDRN'S SHADE R.OLLERS/ more than .the,y wa.ntod the ly antagonistic to tho upper peninsula oe at Fosses. you FREE, A CATALOGUE, tell you Senn.to Chamber, Lansing, Feb. 25, audionoo to hear. The senate ROBERT R. AVILKIN.'JOiV, 29th Diet. Lewis (Dom. P. of I.), Lowdon (Dem, P. ot I.), asked not to do tho presiding olUcor tho dis­ ot MichiKan, inid avIII require tho moat Tho latest railway talk is that tho taeUed • b,v a refractory brute and so Beware of Imitations, ^ /) . 1801.. '.;.- R. L. TAVLOR, Kith District. Marsh (Dom.), Marlon (Dem.), McClay courtesy of taking from him the piivllego ut Lowell & Hastings road niiiA' be built badly mangled before being rescued L. DOUCLAS our prices, explain our plan of EASY NOTICE ^. /P'Ti^r^ott chamber was crowded, and among appointing Ibu committee, walked luwurd strenuous efforts to Huceofisfuliy com­ The fa imocrats bud long talked frho Tindersigncd, acting under sec- those present were ihan.v delegates to When this Avns Introduced Senator (Dcm.), Mdlun (Dem.), Miner (Dem,), Manibe pete Avlth It. Sonator Doriui's bill against I for n chance to abolish to Rclding on the north and Battle that he Avill die. AUTOGRAPH //i^d'^l.ABEL plon 10, o.rtlclQ 4, of the constitution, Park interposed a motion that it bo (Dom.), Nolan (Dem.), Rockwell (Dem.), the president's chair and shouled, "I wus a $3 SHOE CENT^'^e'^EN. PAYMENTS, and generally post you the grand association o! Patrons of In­ AvitnosB to the agreement on your part aud ])laya directly into tho hands of the tho custotlnir true trunsporialioD Creek on tho south this season. /?/»l:t!^-'aT^^HE GENUINE Boreby solemnly pro-test against the dustry, then lioldinK a four days' ses­ be considered read, .and tho Democrats ThutcUer (Dem. P. of L), Tripp (Dara.), upon rat|st of thom agreed not to (le.OO Ucnulno llnnil'fiuwcil* nn olcKnnt nnd atyl* on the PIANO QUESTION. cheered him on Avlth cries of "Yea, Whlto (Dom.), Wachtei (Dem.)—15. \ you know it." , South by .striking a criiipliiig blOAV DUEL TO DEATH. 9 itiU (Ircs^Sliou wliiuh coniiiiDiuls Ititoir. ^htlvo action of the senate appearing sion in the City Hall. In order to pre­ at our bonii: iiitern.sts. This idea of accept tfsos. I was among tbe Jack-son mii.sons Avill oroot a hand­ |^X•<'<> Ilinul-Hcwctl \v*ilU A Ilnu ualL' Shoo unoqual- pn tlie Journal as having beou trans- vent tho audience hearing moro on the yes. That's rift'ht." jVa'/.i—Ropi-eeentativos Alexander (Rep. Mr. Strong, who bad previously so hum­ number|ed my passes as soon n« some noAV tomplo. Ciillforniii I.udH 8«ttlu » Dispute nlth He •fr (1(1 for Hiyio ftiuliiurablHty . a©-You may save $50.00 by tlcted otter tho recess iu the session Scnatxir Milnes secured the floor P. ot 1.), Barnard (l{ep.). Euell (Rep.), Chls- bled himielt as to beg that the aopointlng helping everything but homo interests $O*t>0 <*ua(lye»F Welt lu tliu Htamlard dress Shoo, at subject SonatorPark moved to dispense is good Democratic doctrine, and tho roceivedlid that nearly all of tbi A child was reeentl.y born to .Tames viilvors lit Twenty riices. O a-populnriiricu. writing us a POSTAL CARD. IDf iTob. 94th iiist. with tlio further reading. The motion and said Avlth great indignation that holm (Dem. P. of I.), Church (ilep. P. of power be not taken from him, ond 'who has membeqly Democrats, have a 4tQ.5(» J'liik'C'inutrii Hlioo ia ospoclally adapted for ; They protest on tho ground that tliovo Avas no legal .power on God's I.), Clapp (Kep.), Collins (Rep.), Dafoo since made himself conspicuous for his ignor­ senator i.t tliereforn consistent; but namlltou and Avife, of Bossomcr. The Sax Dikgo, Cal., iMarch 11.—The par­ O railroiitl men, fnrmers. etc. carried l)y vote ot 17 to 10, tho Uou­ it Avon't strike tho upper peninsula pocket fk I Why, I tell you, th« All nuido III CniiffrotiH, Button nnd Lnco, IVERS & POWD PIANO CO., "ajREgTspjT. tho report presented by Senator Park, tenant-governor giving the casting earth to prevent a senator from (liop.), Dlekema(l{ep.), C. L. Eatou (Rep.), ance ot the rules und for a supercilious dis­ people cJ>/111 not stand so much strange part of this item is the fact ticulars ot tlic killing of William Trim­ iO'OO fur I.ndlvK, iHthu only liand-nvwvd shoo flohl IIDA LESSONS ll« -;:7>«- having his protest road in the sen­ regard of the rights of members, now pre­ favorably, aud they will fall into an ' I.ndlvK, la thu only liand-nvwvd shoo flold . ftnd purpoi-ting -to bo the report of vote. Fitch (Rep.), ilorton (Rep.).Hull (Rep.), Harry shenanii lemocrats claim that 11 that tho parents arc 70 aud 05 ycarii old. mer lj,A' irriink Coto at El Cajon form ii O atli; iliirH pniiular prleo. the select committee ou tho. contest ate and spread on tho journal. Thou­ (Kep.), Ilorwood (Rop. P. of 1.), Hawley sented a pltiaDlo spectacle of inorllQcatiou UK'ly Avny ot coiiipnring tho fair and naidn Mii»u lor I,.ndlciit i» a nowdoparturo Senator Mllnea then rose to a quea- fostering polity of the Republlcnn imr- was the ormcr leglelaturos to do sensational story. Trimmer, it seoiiis, nniHrproinlao. H to booonio vory popular. »t; Jttnioa H. Blorrow, for the seat tiou of privilege protecting against sands of pooplo in Michigan demand (Rep. P. ot J.), Holden (Kop.), Hough­ and cbsgrin. tbls and ivhy not do so nojvf Ii George Conkling was found dead in M,Oii Shoo , IISU BUSINESS $1.1 the right to knoAv tlirougli the official Senator Milnes moved that tbe announce­ ty Avlth the prosont destructive acts had been courting Coto's si.stcr, but HU l»p Ludlcii. and «l.7r> lor .Mtswa atill •i)f. (5eorgo B. Horton, was not the ac­ the votes of Messrs. Frledlander and ton (Dem. 1'. ot 1.), Kirk (lien.), Leach the pool unt tomothing different, his chair at Coldwator. m rotiiin thulroxeuUcncu loi'Rty]o,otu'. Over 4/»,000 Sold In JSIiclitucui Montha.. tion or by tho"-airthority ot tho said Slorrow on the ground that they wero organ of the legislature Avhat tlic (Dem. P. of I.), Lester (Dom. P. of L), ment of the president bo approved except m tho Democracy. AvhlcIi avIII shut they w< Avas ob.jeetcd to by her relatives. INIon- All ffoodawarnintoi l nnil stniiipoa •with niinio on hot- For One Dollar BTORdWB BKOS, 00^ OHIO. protest is, Avhcther the Democrats that portion which roferrod to the appoint­ Dflat iiarty out ot Michigan for tho eft tho Republicans In Tho residence of W. II. Ford at Jlar- torn. It advoi-tlscd local accent cimnot flu]>ijly you, THE CL^VEiShB, lommittcc. per.soually Interested and that they Luak (KoD. P. of I.), .Miller (Dom. P. of I.), power, 1 t quarter of a century. dny the young mon met, and Coto for­ Rondd root to fiictory onclofiint; advurtiticd iiricu or a Scut ns lif ninll, Wk will deliver, i^NAUE tniS PACEIl anrrllmijouwilU. ; Avlsh to throAV it aAvay or not. Ho Nonhrup (Rop.). Oshorn (Dem. P. of I.), ment of .Mr, Morrow upon the committee on next 50 years in spite of any gcrry- quotto Avas burned, causing a loss of nohtal for order blimkH. \ Tliey protest'on tho gr'onnd that word not legally senators. The chair bSi tbc( cbaofje' , supposedl"y' fo' r bade Trimmer to call on his sister. flree of all chufKes, to any nemoii declared tho point not well -taken. had hoped that on sober second PorkhiB (Rei).), Kaymoud (Kep,), Rowden apportionment. The Democrats here came inandor that can bo ninde. Indeed, it S4',000. W. 1.*. IIOVGI^AS, llrockton. Mass. In the Uuiteil States, alltlie fol- Ibho report presented by Senators thought tho Democrats Avould not (Deal. P. ot 1.), Rylaud (Hep. P. ot 1.), Shull to tbe President's rescue with points of is bclloA'cd by many that it lias al­ tbe belt After a quarrel the young men decided WAKTEIK—Shoodoiilerin ovory citv and town not lowing trticles carefullir picked In Keep It in the House. ipiiQcker and Gilbert, on tho claim of Sonator Miliies appe.alcd from tho de­ 'No ^-!)-tbe senate's actions Thomas Jf. Wilson, ex-clork of tho occupied, to tako cxcIiihIvo nBoney. All npcnt-i advor- I cision of tho chair, and the vote on carry on tliclr obstructive tuetlcaand (Kep. P. of Lj. A. A. Smith (Rep. P. of I.), order against tho inotlou, and tho president, ready done so. Democracy ' iu Lake to iight a duel. TAVcuty paces Avcro tiijcd In local paper. RlmuI for UIuHtratcdcatulonuo, m nest box: ..Dr. llosnlu'ii Certain Croup OuiOBavoB thouBalido oC " JJCharlea A. Fricdlaudor for the seat ciioke off the roadlnp,- of prote.sts. He F. H. Smith (Ucp. P. of I.), W. O. Smith according to his custom, declarud the points '.Jy wero stenllug tba board of state auditors, was arrested at «rNA5IE THIS PAPER «cry lime you wrttt. Jlvoaannually. NodaiiRorl'roiuCi'oup.DipUthorla.or Itoccuplcd by Hon. Benjamin C. Morse, tho appeal was a tie, 10 to 10. Suiiorlor is dead. Doran annd a fow days before tbe 551,000 belongiu.g to tbo stato. without. A3k ypnr druBKlat to Kot It In OhlcaBO, paugh (Rep.), AVayro (Rop.), AVncner (Kep.), so hecanse after ropoutod proof of UTifnIr Coto received severe Avounds in one arm One Jar of Vaseline Cold Cream 15 " One two ounce bottle of White Vaseline 26 " Olovclnnd. DotroltorHuiralo. PrICD.MccntH. ... .• Jnvcstlgate the said claim. Senator Taylor roso to demand tlie "Not from your standpoint," yelled report (risked Senator Park wnon Mrs. Prudence ^Vattlcs, mother of Boys "play Indian" •ar.VAMi: TUia I>ArClt.T>f7 llni |ou aril.. yeas an^ na.A's, but was igiiorcd by the Sonator AVlsncr. . AV aits (He|..), Wlgulns (Rep.)—Jl. rulings he had now lost all lesiiect for the THB CONNECTICUT II[10D[.l!:. and in his back. He lias been arrested Thoy .protest on tho ground that president. Before a vote upon the uppeal It wus pfted. Ha answered that Col, S. H. ^Vattlcs, aud ono of the old­ One oake of Vaseline Camphor Ice' • • • 10 " OrroruliimpiaiijalnghMrtlcte ftllheprlec. ;—'—$1,10 president and annoyed by the bluster "From the standpoint of .my honest Under the rnlini; ot tho chuIr that tbe reso­ all the a not In nnd ho could not to aAVait the action of the grand jury. oftener than the needs of your Lawn re­ Kyi-m havo ocoiisioa to uhu VnHoUno In iiny form bo oftroful to accept only fccniiliio Koodannt np by WH in ':'),'J'-''I Ihlfl."summary determination of the of those around liim. Ho walked tow­ lutions were in order they should havo been was allowed to be taken Sonator Park helped A Bill Introduceil to Itnvo tho Matter Net­ est pioneers, died in Kalamazoo, aged orlciiiiil niickncos. A f-roat many druKKlHts aro trying to poi'.suatio Imyers to talio VASlilUAE put iu\by tight of two senators to thoir seats man," Senator Milnes replied, Avlth the president out by moving un adjourn­ toll, TFcpo''' was made, whon quire. One hour on the "war path" ard the secretary's desk and insisted emphasis. Ho then denounced tho al­ printed In tho journal. Alter the close of tho tled liy the Courts. tho rooi'i to prepare It, I had uo 00 yoar.s. BAD LUCK FOR CUBA. tlii'in, Novoryluld toHucli norsuiiHlon. an tlio ai'Mclo Ifl an Imitation •without valup, and will notRivoyou tho lid- this body boforo the facta in the that his rights as a senator be re­ sGBsion ono of the Detroit roprosontatives ment, which the embarrnssod prtsldlng olli- will ruin the Lawn Avhich should have reiiult you uxpuL't. Abottio of UUVK HEAL VASEXJNE i« Mdd by all driitfUiotn ut ton ouiitiu Patents-Pensions-Glaims. : gases' havo been considered by tho leged eommltteo reports unseating cor was only too glad to declare carried. Hahtfohd Conn., March 11.—Tho Re­ idoa wi-'90 for und went over to Winiiira Robhison, aged BO years, w.as spected. Democratic senators gatli- Senators Morse and Horton as never urced thospeokor to have them omluedfrora the hou'jd about a littlo. AVhen I Snvure Losses to Cuttio mid Crops Sus- been beautified nnd protected by a CHESEBROyCM SVJ'F'G CO., 24 State Street, New York. Eff-BBITD yOB nrVENTOBB' aUIDE. •t'ommlttcos appointed to InvestlRate crcd a.bout liUu in a threatening man­ that publlcutlan. The speuUer eald that ho publicans at their caucus . this noon sentenced to three .years' iniprisonmoat 'them, is an outrage and wrong upon passed upon by tho committee at all. TIIEY IMUOKSli: IT. thougb«'»h 'o order again. I went tiiliiud by tho Drought. PATRICK OTARRELL, ner, Republicans and Patrons came He hoped that there Avero votes had rilled tbem In order and the houso had flnnlly ngreed unanimously on an amended back nnttot into my seat when my at Grand Riipuls for impor.sonatlug a "Hartman" Steel Picket Fence. itho senators concerned, upon their su6tniriod his ruling. They were properly a Haa'.'VNA, Marcli 13.—The drought •r^AiisiiuiirArtaaniTUiuiMniia . - Jtonstllyuents and upon tho senate. to his support, and for a inlnuto or enough present sulficlontly honest to form ot what hue been popularly known ns name wl vote upon something— government pension oiticcr. two it looked as If the opposing par­ part ot tho proceedings and could not be The Dnmooratio 8tiite Convention Mahes the "Judson propeilllou" ua a possible way still prevails, Its eil'octs aro most se- They-protest against tho seating undo the great Avrong dono yester­ I did aS- I SRked tbo president ties niightcomo to blows, but the day, and ho declared that tho Dom- omlllod from the jouinal. But by some arts the Ir.Camy Its Own. out of tbe present gnbornatorlal contest. what iipofore tho senate was, but Prank Miller, of MusUeg'on, secured vercl,v felt in the dej)artinont of Santi­ GENlSHERilllAN^SP=J.Ma9?ESr;:#^ Charles-;A. r'riodiaader in place of eergcant-at-arms and his nsslatants in­ ot poiBuaslon or chleaiiory they wore kept Up to Thursday, tho 2Cth of February, tho a divorce, a license, a preiichoraud new Best Cough. Modicino. Bocommondod by Phyaiciahs, . • Benjamin C. Moi-seon the ground that ocrata couldn't afford to stop hlin Tho bill presented by tbo judiciary com­ heeutlJnie. Just then the sena­ ago do Cuba. Tho small rivers there down to date by JAS. O. ni.AIAE.oiio,voluinaol' - , : !->i terfered, and orderwas restored. Sen­ from going on. Sonator Wlsner oil from the journal which barely referred to Iniquitous proceedings in tho senate might tor on I'd, 'Vote no.' 1 did so. Avife all within tho same hour the other Cures whoro aU olso fails. Floasnnt and ogrooablo to tho aboutl,(JOOpaBoa. .I'l'lco only ifa.oo. I.llioiul Induce- • ', .. -i;A ; ^t the time the resolutions vacating ator Wisner's motion to lay the pro- tbem in the following vory indellulte liu- mittee, which is the nmendod proposition, aro dried up aud the fields aro [parched taste. Children tako it without objection. By druggista. moved -to table the protest A\'hon a bave been contldered as merely tbo scheme Then I A»bat tho question wus. day. niontu to airuiita wljp want to batullu tho Ooiioial'a own: , *hO"fieat of Benjamin C. Morse and test and affidavits on the table pre­ lull in' the shouting gaA-o him a gnugo; ".Air. C. L. Kulnn presented a pream­ of a few designing politicians whom a po­ making Its terms applicable to thu present Well. 'I and bu.rned. HoaA'.y losses in cattle book. DIIiULKrUU.CO.i.aBO Clark »t.,01iIU»S0J. ' . tlcolai'ing Charles • A. Frledlander en- vailed b,y tho following vote, tiie yeas ble und resolution reciting certain action of litical land Elide had sent to Lansing, but the case, provides that any person whet voted for In a fito f aberration caused by de­ have alread.y beou sustainad owing to VllAHt TUia PAriU ».i> Una >ni wnia. ' i itltledl to tho seat were acted upon, chance. governor, lieutenant governor, etc., may bring l/Uuinrunndod. |)K)^41d;*o:N'^S ^D^M'^ being all Democrats and tho nays all the senate i-clallvo to a communication re­ Democratic state couvcnMon, beld on that spondency over tho death of his Avifc extremely dry Avoather, it being Im­ ; ' jtliero-'Svas hot a quorum of tho sen- Republicans aud Patrons: Senator Withlngton sprung to his ceived by that body." day, msda the Infamy its owu, nnd commit­ his petition to any Jurlgo ot tho snperloi- J. written by lilnii* . ' ivte jpreaent.: • court. It tbe judge lliids that no person re­ Why t'ii>l* should ignoro me, I .iairus IT, Slayton, a merchant of To- possible for the animals to get food or 'yeas—Senators Beers, Boughner, feet and shouted: '.'I'm not surpris­ Tho houso thus Joined tho senate In iinub- ted tbo whole parly to the disreputoblo alms could 'I'nd. If had voted with Sherman's BtiU with au amiimdlx hy 'Affidavits aro.hereto attached ond Crocker, Doran, Frledlander, Gilbert, ed at this demonstration, Mr. I.'roH- blng the Patrons ot Industry und the omcors and inoibods an recently devulu|ied. In tho ceived a majority und that tho tictltlonor Is cum.soh, hanged himself. AVater. The drought Avill inatcrlally We sell more Lawn Fencing than all aproflj retail price two^'JioIfdra,',-rHon.'JAMEo u'olfdra.,'. AfrcittS Q. s BLAWi•wa...^,... one ot tbe two who received the highuBt. num­ them ail uttonded all their eaij- Jiada a" part of' this protest. Holcomb, McCormick, Miller, Morrow, Ident. Tho ineinbers Avho porpotrn.t- ot the house added one more to the.nnmer- platform, aa reported liy tbo committee on cusoB, J '0 this vote they NoAV prisoners at Jackson uoav Avoar interfere with tho sug.ar crop, tho other manufacturers combined because it OailjroeBl.rarautflt, - - . .ir , oThoonlyauHiuntlotlfooIh dollarii.,'.AirentiJ"waiiiotl.o only L r' Sy. H. WXTHINGTON. «5tli District. Mugford, Park, Porter, .Sharp, Smith, cd in this chamber ycfst.orda.y tho dla- ous cases occurrinK tnat week ot falsifying rusolutloHS, wui the following jilunk: bers ot votes 60 cast, and It ho shall fliul that ^ flttyoettlnrorautflu„ ..jTThiionlyaulhuntlol/..WobnturitCoitiiianySalo-" ' " any ballots wero illegally east or rejected, he would i|2B >"<-'• ,nnd eonllnunlly a red stripe on their jacl.ot three yield of the cane being luueh reduced is the HANDSOMEST and BEST FENCE HMEYE G RUB«^ STU MPMACHINE l'ubliabora,3l!A^TrullUTi:t:ilTIISTIIIin,lai;lls»piuinll«. llAllDEN SABIN, 8tli District. Nays—Senators . Ba^tone, Benson, already been abundantly shown, does not shall render judcmont In ueonrdanco there­ months after entering the institution through lack of rain. Tho loss of cat­ made, and CHEAPER THAN WOOD. Worka on either atnndlns timher nr Rturapii. Will pull an ordinary Orub In l>ii mlnutea. Makes a olean trick of uuauating tho two Uppub- "We iuddVse the action of thu (tnto next, i nian of comniou cense awpoji of Twm Aerc* at m alttliiiiN A man. a boy and a horaeoan operate It. No heavy ohulna or ^KOnOE B. HORTON, Brown, Pleshiein, Garvellnk, Alllnes, llcan senators in our abseu'in are civo anything like « true etatnment of what senate in fearlessly deciding thu with and shall ruturn snld judgiiiont to the nnd !iU.convicts in diseiplino will wear tle, too, will aftcet tho crop, oxen for Our "Steel Picl|(auD> mill QkUhU ' KIUU 1T»IIVUU( Uil>««.. ;! ! Jo.SEPH M. WEISS, Sd District.',. ,' The following Is tho dffidavH; of Sen- formor, tha journaLtbus becoming a printed plause, in which eucb recognized Dem­ laid boforo tho general nssomblv. If the gen­ for we "Kb falaoniprosoiitatlonso Mrs. W. H. Gardner, formerly of looaone.a or dlitrrkisai iHtln In tho heati, ae- mado. Will make the best per-' '.' I AARON B. BROWN, aad'DIstrlct.', •! ' ator Taylor's which -was thus rolUBod Senator Baetone then sucefioded In monument ot misleading omission and de­ land in China pieces of silk. WORKS: - BEAVER FALLS, PA. companlcil with a dull, honvy aonaatlon In •rMAIIX.tUla riMllawJ Uaa iN.wiMl • V ;;, '.'i-if ocratle leaders us Dun M. DIelcinsun, Isaac eral assembly Is not In Rossioii I'uo person'nd- far to! would bo the octlon of tba Stanton and noAv of Kdmoro, has en­ tho huoU parti pnin In the right aide und un­ fumed Hard Boon in 80 minutes .11 ifOHN BASTONB, 17th .District; ' a hearing in the senate and which waa gecurlng. recognition from the proal- ceptive initreprcsentation. On one occasion M. AVvston and Kdwin F. Ulii henrlily :i ':}VI.L.LTAM TOAN. 10th DIstrlet. . *" dent. under a question of privilege mlnlBlerlng tho ofllce of governor shall forth­ Mlchit 0 should the Democrat* gaged Avith the McCaul opora company OxKN form tho circulating medium BRANCHES: der ahauldor bliidei ruiliieaa after enthm. without botUnr/. It is the boat laid on tiio table by a party vote: the Iloutenant-covornnr, thceecretary ot the joined.^ Tbe convention had already no with convene it. Itsbnllbotho dulv ot Iho have fi '0 peoplo want soniuthlng with a dlaliiolinullon to exertion of body or for oleanalng waste pipes, dls- .! if jrARCUS WILCOX, 12th District. ' State of Michigan, County of Ingham, he domitiKlcd, amid Democratic jeers, eeuuto nnd the ubiquitous ''Hueford wero for next season at an alleged salary of ,amonff tho Zulus aud Kafllrs, 508 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. ;i ; 1 BQIINR, BENSON, lath,District, cepted, with applause, Lieut.-Gov. Strong us general asBOmbly to corrent llio returns of difloro ""d n chango, and will mlndt Irritability of temper, low aplrltai infeotlng sinks, closets, wash- tlidt the journar bo changed Avhcre closeted fur Into th« niirht engaged lu fixing Ita tiimporary chairman, and now lis 770 SO, 000. In tho retired districts of NeAV Guinea 1416 West Eleventh St., Kansas City. loaa or memory, with a IbellnB orhavlnuneB. i I! Autjompnnylng the protest were two Robert X. Taylor, being first by mo It recorded him as Aotlng ho on tho tbe presiding olllccro in aceordanco with thu not Bti il'J'ye a change, nnd that . Ing botties, paints, trees; etc: up the journal. How the cop* appeared on tne.mbers vied with onch other In applauding final judgment nnd finding of such judge ot for tho "V-ifor tlio worse, as it ws« Tho statu fishery commission an­ fcmalo slaves form tho standard of :loa Chambers Street, New York, lected aome duty I senural woavlnoaa and de­ ; »»I«An« Mli r*Ma awrr «waa 1 ' AWWavIts 'W^hlch the signers had made duly sworn, depowes and says that ho report of Senators. Crocker and Gil­ bility. If thrae warnlns* are unheeded, i ; B part of the protest in order to make another occasion Is thus described by tho Ice- this reBOlution, Avhich was adopted without a the superior court. last ell Vou tho ndst hui, begun nounces that it has planted 1,000,000 value. 7} South Forsylho Street, Atlanta. PENNA. SALT IPFO CO., of the senate of the state bert, on the Moree-Frledlander case. He Islative correspondent ot the Detroit T»m- diBsontIng voice. aoi'Inua diaenaea will aoon be developed. No ; { iurcof their liMcrtion In.the Journal. of Michigan for the year A. D. 1891; eald ho Avas not In the room at the Tho bill wns reud twice and mado tho to cloi 'be oyos ot tho peoplo ol brook trout in the streams of the state •r.viMiTuis FAnnnHjUM lountta. bettor remedy can be uaed than Tiitt'a Pllla. 1iffhpy,; rcftliKcd. ifchat: the,. Democrata une: ,; The resolutlou sound* very fair and plausi­ special order for tomorrow. The houso thon Mlehli won't Uo dccelTCd. BOf Tin to-day forms the standard of : Qeni Agts;, PhUi;, Pit,: ^ that be^wae in atl)ondance during the time the vote Avas taken. Senators this winter and will plant 350,000,000 A. alnsle doae produce* aueh a change of llsel. "The GOA*,./i>r ^the senate portion of tbe ble, but iu view ot tbe event* recorded took a recess until tomorrow atU A, M. trod u*'-" value nt tho groat fair^of Nlslini-Nov- Ing aa often to uatoulah Ihe •aOhrer. more prior to April 1. Tho hatching gorod, Russia. . Evaporators. GENERAL SHERMAN'S station is located nt Paris, and fish Amono some of tho native Australians Thoflo wtiihlnir to onibarlc In a prnlltnlilokuelrioiiii, Tutt*s Liver PilU have been sent to twcnt.y-olght of tbo ronulplnit llttlo onpHnl,wilto ini) ut onoo 1 inonufaot- groon-stono (jade) aud rod ochre form Onre BillouB Diseases. • eighty-ono counties of tbo state. NATIONAL ruoiliBRrNaoa^^^ I tho currency. .• , . Prise. 2Bo.Offiae, 80*41 Park Pliici.N. Y, - sTMianiifMMtHV.tiMiMmM.:'-'''' - - lis I MASON HAKK£tS. if n. Gueat, of Middlevllle, were pres- No Money Required of Rt^spohsiWe Parties to Commence Trealm 'eiitf-Mt'theiriiueral.-^^ OUAIN. iiiieetlns beldl'ln; tbe Baptist ohnrob,, :W. A. Meltoit has: leased bis farm to WHEAT,No.l, White ,., O 92 Fralik Cook, or Aureltu8.-^Mrs. Henry WHKAT, No. li, wnltB 8S lFi!:a^^:-hvi;:r;..v;r;...... •==== [Eaton BapidB^ of i tbe,Ministers' Com- WIlKAT,No.2,red a. 81 mttteej > State Buperintendeut :Coiiiley; Bloket visited' friends at Ann Arbur WHEAX,TeJeeted.. and .YpsilantI last week.—The enter­ of: Detroit,. and deleaates from the E>n„mni-iv nf Now York now the celebrutoil Exninlnlne PhyBlolnOH and Surgeons of the OOKN,pe> hundred (now) & SO weak ioburobes, lu . bebalf of > said tainment given by Prot. Weeks'school '^-:Tr'u^.?&T»°i^l»'8rrr.c:|lnJ OATS, per bushel , ! 45 Wheatfleid.-. last Tuesday evening was a decided OLOVUBSGBD. per bushel „.... &i'JS oUurohes on tbe Jackson Baptist asso- I'IMOTU Y SEEb, per bushel ®1 75 aiattbn, were preeeut Mrs. T;: M. sucoras and speaaa well for both Uye per bushel 00 GeoGeb.. HaskelHaskelll wUi close a very fiuo- Bobolars and Instructor.—Mrs. G. W. Cransou aiid son Date as delegates Mason on Tuesday, March 24, HIS0KIS. Whore tho circuit court for said county of Ing­ tiie team, bring the whole family to day afternoon ut 2:30 o'clock, at the H. Phillips. Permanently established and incorporated under the laws of the state of ham Is held,) to the highest bidder, thu laud teresUng letters f^mn Washington to ^"ed, nt the resilience of Mrs, Wm. liome of tlic bride's )>arents, Mr. and vass for stock In the new elevotor.- described in said mortgage, or so mnch thereof •i' I We spread them before you! tlie Alliance-Seutihel at Lansing, Rayner at a p. M. Friday. Lansing people feel reasonably sure Mason, call at our store, look over The Stockbridge driving association III., with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and suc­ aa bball bu necessary to pay the anionnt dno aud that the D. h.&JS. R. R, will build a Mi"s. Isaac Fletcher. The time was all legal costs, inclndlng an attorney foe of Joseph Jackson, of Locke, is very Mrs. James Odeli is liome from our goods and buy what you want. littve joined n trotting circuit. We get cessful treatment of .ill forms of new depot there the coming season spent very pleasantly.' Hattie will be Fitcliburg. twenty-live dollars covunanted for In said mort- sick with gangrene iu his foot. He is South Lyons for a few days, packing missed in tiie family circle. A large tlie three last days of June,—Geo. ga<;o. Said sale will bu made niibloct to tho € £ Jiequestinff Careful Examination and ond they think that perhaps the Mlcli­ It will do.your family good and be: Bickel will move to Jackson this principal sum of six handled and thirty dollars un aged man und cannot recover. up to move to tliat pluce where she iiuinber of relatives , besides other Nine little girls gave Etta Whipple Chronic and Sexual Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, Nervous and yet to become due. Thu land covcreif by said lgan Central will combine witli the better for you than a boiled dinner. spring. He is an honest and in­ owns a liouse and has many relatives other road and make it a union depot. friends and neighbors were present to a surprise party last Saturday after- Special Diseases of Men and Women. mortgage Is tho soutb-wuet quarter ofthe south­ .S ^ Criticiam. Mrs. Frank I. Darling and children witness llic ceremony, which wus per­ dustrious young nion.—Tlio P. of I. noun It being tile occasion of her llth west quartur of section thirty-three. In township are expected to arrive to-morrow to Tlie P, of I. uf Eden iioid an open will put a township ticket in the field Three north nf ranguOnooast,ln Ingham couYty, Ladles. I um now prepared to show formed by Itev. Mr. BMrns, of Bath, birthday.—Several around here are Ably .assisted by a fnll start' of eminent physicians and surgeons for every State ofMlcblgan. spend vacation among their friends meeting to-morrow (Friday) evening. thisspring.—Hon. J. Farmer Is visit­ Buttering with lugrlppe.—James ^ Come find huy ifyott can, hut liero. yon the finest and best selected stock FbRD 6L KIRBY. after which a goodly" number ofiricii department of medicine and surgery. Dated .lannary 21,181)1, A literary program will be given nnd ing friends ut Auburn, N. Y,—The Hodge has moved to his farm recently lli72wia THANKFUL nUTUER, a collection will be luken to help pay of millinery goods ever brought to this and beautiful presents were given to the R, L. Cobb, of Cimriotte, Iius sold city. Be mre and see my patterns. tiuppy couple,—Marsh Reed, wliO lias labor ticket (cotton socks), with bouglit in tiie town of Leroy.—Andrew MnrrlHKC Married persons or young innn for the organ. Vnlou Hewlni;9lMcliliic. tiie exception of clerk and constable, f't'innlit IMNeitNrH positlvtly cured by a (l''oimurIy Thankful Illnkuly) ills half Interest in Pocaliontas Prince Miss M. Harrington. * Tho Ughteat running nnd hnndoomesL been hauling logs for the Jason boys HojiKlns and Cllile Titus, of Ypsllauti, never falllngtmotliod, A homo trcatmunt untiroly conlcmplatlng niarrlage.awaro of physical weak­ Mortgngoc. fl COIVIE ANYWAY I mopped up the earth wltlt thecitlzen's were cnlllug on friends here tills week. hsrmlcsB and easily appUoil. Consultalioii free ness, lot»B of procrcatlve powers, impotuncy, or to Geo; H. Hammond, uf Detroit, fur W. D, Augeli, of Bunkerhill, is con Highest award of merit. All combluod In tho nearly all winter, is riisliinf business. any other dls(|ualllicatlon, spuedily restored, LUCIKN IIEKD. Attorney for Mortgngeu. $8,500, On February 2, 1891, I insured niy Union, J. N.Suri'H. . 7U1» Tlie snow came very ucceiitubie to iiim. ticket.—Hon. Wm. Stepiiens is very —News reached here tliat Wert Fitch, and strictly conlldonttal, templating the erection of u fruit liousehold goods in the Germania Fire l»r. Friilli alter yuars of ii.xporlenco has iier- '^lIE CIRCUIT COUKT for Iho counlv of Ing. evaporator at Piuckney, He lias leas On Saturday several'white oak logs, sick, ami ut the present writing is not who went from this place to Ann K|>il«l>Hy «»r l-'ilM iiosltlvcly cured by ii«r . ham, Mlclilgan, An fittractive feature of thin openinff will he a Ladies, call upon me Friday or Sat­ Insurance Co, March 15 Ure damaged IteiitlHtry. expected to live any great length of fuctcd thu most Infalllhle method of curing Vital new and never failing Hospital trealiuent. a ed the ground and intends to put up 12 feet long, were hauled that scaled Arbor to study medicine, is very sick. drain In Urlno. Noctunai losses, Inipnirod Benjamin B. Crapo vs. llarvuy Hammond. In urday uud see the tliiest lot uf pattern ine coiisiderably and Marcii 23 Mr. J. Best,teeth. »T.SO; Ulllng, Soeup; extracting from five to eleven hmidrcil feet.—Tiie time.—Memorial services in liuiiur of —It is very amusing to read of the Memory, Wtali Back, .Melancholy, Want of KKIiipy niMl ItliHUlpr »1»ciim«>h, Bright's att achmi-nt, hats, ever brought to :\iusoii, dryer of 300 bushels daily capacity. A. Barnes, agent, adjusted and paid 2So. Teeth nxtruoted wlthoutjpuln by tbo use Dlwoafu, Dlahcilirs and kindred maladies treated Noticu la heroin- given that on tho ISth day of miss m. ofNUroiia Oxide Ga»; A.P. Jason boys are lumbering quite exten­ General Sherman Were held at the M. bribes offered for the ollice of deputy Energy, I'roiniitnro decline nf Iho Manly I'owors, January, A. P., 1801, a writ of attachment was Hauuington. * my loss to my entire satisfaction. VanDbdbks,. E. church Sunday.—Mrs. Backus will —thoBO terrible rtiKordcrs arising from riiinoas nnd curus cllucted in thousanils of cases that had J. P. Bond, of Onondaga, and L. W. 1447tf Durrow block, Mason, Mloh, sively. Tiiey employ two portable saw oil inspector, coming us it does from the nracticcb nf youth, bligliUng iho mon radiant bcun prniioiinct'd beyond hope. duly Issued out of tho circuit court for the SPECIAL SALE OF Baker, of Delhi, ure shipping a fine Capt. M. A. Curtis. The above is Ull lis to do the work. spend the coming summer in the State puny of reform. Party of reform ! O Iiopes, randiiiTiig l»nrrlntf.V. county of Ingham, at the suit of Iloiijainin B. Mr. Cowdry has torn down tlie bill quick work. 'I'ouaorlHl I'urlors. of New Yorli.-rTiie democratic legisla­ l>rlvnl« l»l»«'n«im.—Blood Poison. .S.vph- Crano thu abuvu iiamod plalntilf, agaiiiHt the boards just west of C F. Brown's store cargo of sheep to Builalu this week my I!—Tho Demucrut excuses the You may ho ui ihu llrst stago, remumbcr von lllls, Gi)norrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Ilyrtriicele, lands, tunomouts, goods and chtittct«, money Bond loads 400 and Baker 1,000. All Up stairs over Williams drug store. Two ture ought to be secured by Barnum Hastiness of its members of iiiu legisla­ nro approaching tho last. If you aro horduriug Varicocele, Loss of Sexual Power and all dl«- and ell'ucts of llarvuy Hammond, tho defundaiit and suys lie will have u building up See our advertisement on stoves. good barbers. You nro Invited to call. for tiie coming season.—The driving ture by saying they ure following in upon tbo last and aro sutl'cring all its cITocts, onses ofito gonlto-urlnnry organs speedily and above named, lor thu sntn ol two thousand dol­ tliere Ibis tieason. are inmbs but 00 of Mr. Bond's, and all 78tf Earle & Lewis. 71tf O.P. WnAVEii, proprietor. WliilleW. rumomber that il'you obslliiately persist In pro­ purmuiiently cured. No rislis incin-reil. Con­ lars, wliictumti(i writ was rettiriiablo on thu !inl nre of excellent marketable quality. association will offer $2,000 in ))urses the steps of iSpeaker Kced, We crastination, tho tlino must cotnu when phy­ day of li'uhruarv. A, D.. ISrtl. Vulou MetvliiKnncbtHO. E. B. Trefry lias nt this writing S3 for the coining races.—Dentil lias called sicians can render you no assistance, when the sultation free and strictly conildentlal. Medicine Ladies of Miison and vicinity are ^^3. Walter Shafer, of Pomoiio. James Northrup, au aged pioneer uf ure not expecteil to ge any tiling sunt free from observation lo all pans ot the IJulodl'VbruuiyJih, 18i»l. 71wT this county, died at Lansing last Sun­ Call and see the Standard of perfection I'lmbs from 24 ewes. All smart. Only one from our midst, Mrs. M. D. L, belter from the old corrupt lie|>ubii doorol'bopo will ho cloHod agaltistyou. Uiiltcrt States. K. S, A VKKV, Attorney for I'lalnllll'. cordiully invited to see tlie new iiove • Culitoriiia. sends a box of lemons aud The most perfect Machine over pioduecd Is lost one out of 34.—Wilbur Conklln, Brunch, She was n splendid woman Take ono cnndod thought boforo ft Is ton late. ties in imllmefy displayed litis week oranges lo W. D. Northrup, her day. He settled in Meridian township tne Union. J. N. Smith. 71I1S can parly but wlien tbe reform party A purluct restoration guaraatood. Viiliirrli Vnrpil. Cutarrhal alVuetloiiii of the TATIC uV MICHIGAN. Tho Circuit Court fur 1 M 48 years ago and for 25 years was one en ut J. C. Kliiimel s. * brother, and encloses nn enormous who has been very sick, is slowly re­ and was highly respected by all who gels down to sucli low business it is lo 1'oiiiijr JlMi who through Ignorance m tho no,ucc(-i.h- dulundant. In attachment. 31VSLIN UNDER WEAU-GuiA Assortment, New .Styles, Tom. Naviii, e.s-muyor and ex-con- "range for Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Ham residents of that townsliip, serving for nmn—"To tho traveling public," ou llic mend.—George Mcniroe moves spent over 51 ycurs of married life. llnd that it is thu safe old Democrat boon uiifiTiniiatu and llnd Ihuiniiulvus In danger I'lillj treated l)y the most rocfiit and t-cienlUlc Vict, has gone to Kuiisiis lo get rid of mond of this city. For large fruits ul losing iliuir liualth and oinhitturlng tliuir nftor methods which a vast hi>,^pital u.vnurioticu lias Nollco lb hureliy l'Ivuii lhat on tho IStli day of I'riccs Lower than any P several terms as supervisor. Ho was into the house wliich lie bought of E. He feels keenly bis loss. Rev. Norlli, party of 30 years ago. The Democrat nucumbei-, A. I). ISOO, a wru of attachmini was rcvious his surplus llesh und then intends lo California bents tliem all and Afr. and IHIouey lo loun llvus may. hul'oru idiocy inHanlly, falling lltfl or piovcd worthy ol'coiilUloiico. Wu dustru no hut- 81 years of age. On real estate nt tho office of J. M. Dresser Rossman this week.—E. llossinuii will of Plaiiifieid, preached the funeral djs liurty Is just us capable of running this total impotuncy ruMilts, call with lull coutlrtcnco. titr proof of hticcoHs tlian Iho tcHtinionial?, on tlio duly issued out uf and under Ihu ycul of Ihu cir- .Sale, pruclicu law iu Detroit. Mrs. Shafer ure ruising their share. occupy tiie house vucuted by G. Mon­ course,—A geiitiemun fri>m Leslie has cnii. court I'nr thu county of Iniihiim, at thu suit at the Farmers' bank, ustf nation us liie devil is of cuiiducling i'lirpil without pain, knlfu or at tliu iustituti:, of Ihonsaiidii huiplvHs cneov lhat of John M. Drustor, plainiin, M.galnst Ibu intids, For bargains in fence wire call und roe.—Frank 11. Hoes is attending rented the Ellsworth & CouLson build­ the uirulrs of lieaveii,—Deli Poxson is wu havu rusturud t, 5 aiui 7 at eight cents per y'd. see E, P. Rowe «Sc Co. before purchus- Vnloii Neivina Mnulilne. . court as juror in Lansing.—T, M. ing for a grocery store.—Norris Hruiicli going lo Lansing lo live in tiie near VvvB KKaniiiinll.iit tirilio Ilrliie. Knch pciwiii applying for iiicdiiuil treatment sliotild houla A. Uavis, dofuiidaiit, lor the sum of two gan Stutesmun. Publialied by Rey cun (ind them nt liie City Shoe Store. ing elsewhere. 81w2 A triumph achieved for tbo Union. No one Cruiison was home fiom Ids work In hiindrud and eighty-thruo dollars, wliiuli said Ail Silk, Satin Edge No,',, 9 anil 12 at one siiilling, Holds ami Duvies in tlic interests of und wife, of .Tiickson, and Coriland luture,—There seems lo be aome princi­ send or biiiig iiti oiiiicu oriliclr uiino, which will leeol voa careful cheiiilcal and mlcrosuopl- writ was returiiahio ifuhriiarv ,')r(l, A. O. ISOl. A meeting uf tiie county usijoclution can do tbomselvesjusilco In buy ing a Muoblue Oliio over Sunduy und alteiided the Brunch uiiii wife, of Owosso, and A. i-al uxniiiliiiitloii. the ''industrial" classes. Tiio contracting parties in the Aus- before they havo seen the wonderful Union. ple in the Stute Democrat. It would Batud l-'ubrnury Dili, A. 0,18(11. li>7awT P. ofl. will bu held in Muson, March J.N. flltia Bujitist Sunday sclimil.—Charles Cogs­ Johnson and wife attended llic fuiicra' make u mule smile lu read ids articles WrtWflWOT! flWM I'orloelfd In old cases which havo boon iioglectod or Hn.sltlilfully treated. GEO, K DAY, Attornuy for plaintlll'. tln-Bartlett wedding briefly meivtloned Smith. nmUkmHk bVMllNocxporliiieiit.sor liillures. i'lolics tiuutcd by niiill anil urIHCHH, but SOUVENIR CARD TO EVERY CUSTOMER. Rev. J. A, Barnes will address tiie 31, at Odd Fellows hull, beginning lust week are receiving hosts of con­ well uud E. B. Tiefy represented llic of Mrs. Branch. utiiler the liead of Pulriolism, Oratory, wlieru possUilo. |ier«>iiai consultation In prclarred. Curable oases giiaraiileod. Jncknun Ml»ne nrnln Tlie Baptist cliiiicli of this place, ut n min­ OKTGAGE SALE. DufaHll bavlng hcun farmers and luborers of Eden ut thut promptly at 10 o'clock. Business uf gratulations, as lliey are among our Loyally, and his warning to the Hon. {S'~Cusns nnd corrosixHitleiu'O oontldenllal. Trcnlmontsoiit C. •>. I>. to any part of IJ. S. made lu Ilio coiHllifbns of a certain niort- school house next Tuesduy evening. iiiiportuiice will be transacted in the And sewer pipe of all sizes oh hand and isterial mcKtiiig iield :it Eaton Rapids memebers of tiie legislature. You are List of quest Ions Ireo. Addiws with po.stago, UK. D. O. KUUTil, S!( Kiist .Mndlnoii St., Mgagu made by William F. Slevoiis and llary Ann most respected young people. The sale by llOOtf^ J, W, CuAi'lN, Eden, Mich lust week. They were looking after a Cliiougo, Ills. Siuvuns to Mason l>. ChaUurton, dated Kulmiary Subject, Genius of Government, forenoon and In the afternoon an open bride is the daugiiler of Mr. und Mrs. Wliltc Oak. rigbt, George P., they will hear from 7th, 1883, and rucorriurt the camu ilay in Ihu mcBtiiig wiii be uddressed by Grand HoiiNe Hur tlie term coninieiiciiig known to lloii.C. U. Klluh, iinil be be request­ mortgages on pagu 512; that said .lolin M. well as forwards, making a perfect stitch. No of slat and wire fence along the road, Carrie Havuiis hus just closed her term November ll), 1801), and ending Murcli ed to so amend lli« bill |it', Chatloitoii, \r)iic}i ri;. set sails, one iami*, one set napkin SMITH. 71113 than tho fields without fences.—We Stockbridge. She has been enguged clerk I'urulsli Mr, niuli a copy of this resoln- asHlgiiuiriit lA rucoi'dud In Htild ro'^Utur's olllcc Tliey'll A4linlr« Illin Then. of their 38th anniversary March 17. this city, wus one of tlie boys who rings, one bed spread, one bedstead Miilville lust Friday,-John R, Potter Cuudldato.s for griuluatloii in eighth grade, In lil>ur 7^ of mortgitgun on pagu tiOlJ; on tUu novo Business Cards. Friends left with tiieiii a rocker and AInleilon Itviiubllcaii CniiciiH. are informed that the suit between to teach llie s|)riiig term.—William MajiginScarlett, .-Vthi IJraveiiUor, lloii. lor thu paymuiit of vvlilcli said morlgago Is given lieljied bug .letr Davis and on looking and inirrm', one couch, oue center J r. is attending school at tlie M. A. C. Tho people who now are MoKlnley abusing ^set of chairs, througli iliedistliiguishedcunfederalo's Tho republicans of the tow-nslilp of'Alalo- French and WilkiiisDii will come oil" .Stephens hus moved into Mrs. Buche Halirii Itobinhon, -,-Supported by Aid. VunSlyUf and as colhitoral security, Ihuru is duu Al tliu ihitu ATTORNETN. Win feel ndniliatl'in profound tabl«, one set cane seat chairs, one don, will meet In caucus at tho town hnll in —P. M. Brown and family, of Leroy, of this noticu auvutituun hundred and thli'ty-foin* saddleluigs lie found u fine iirtiss spur sugar spoon, one butter knife, and %30 one sveek from to-duy. Tlieii we shall lor's loiimeiit house.—The Stockbridge KIOIIT/I tJUADi:. carried us tollows : Yens, Aid.-*. jMIII- dollars. And no suit' or proccudiiiga at htwf I'or the mun when McKinley sugar they're Joim Williams, wiio was' sent lo said town on Filduy, April 3, at 1 o'clocic p. know how much it costs to liuve your will go to Henrietta to-morrow to at­ buiy, Peek, .Smith, VunSlyku und S. AVERY Attorney aud Counaelnr nt using wliich he appi'opriuted and wliicli T. cash. M., to nominate township olllcors nnd ' lo tend the funeral of Mr. Brown's sister, Tidings proposes u very novel way of Miiudo Swim 70, .Vgglo D.ivid.'ion S.'i, having buon inslitiitud (u recover said nionuy law. OfUeo ovei farmers' Bank, At four and a half cents a pound. State's prison for seven years for islll- transact nny other business that my como be­ dog bite your neigiilKU's.—James Nettle Pai-alnusl 87, Wliitnian, YeusS, Nays 0. secured l)y I'Sid morlgago, or any |)urt tliurool. E R. now has in his possession. He has —Mrs. RIary Hodge, wife of William disposing of the man wlio will wilful­ Now, tliurufuru liy vTrine of thu power of sale —New York Press. ing a young man named Clark, of fore the meeting. 80w2 Bv Okdku or Cox. Trefry slipped and fell a few days ago ly lake the life of another. Just add KlKTirOBADE, By Aid, Whitmun : LAWTON T, HEMANS, been odernl $25 for it, but prizes it loo Grand Easter opening. Fine dis­ Hodge, died at Iier iiome in Caro, contained In said inurlgaiiu and of tliu slatiitu In Aurelius, hus been transferred to the liiglily as u memenlo of tliose times to play Marcii 27 and 28, at silss Hurriiig- uud hurt himself quite badly, but Is an auiendeiit clause and iiicludo the Corn Uosdotlerill, OrrloSwan S8, y.'c.voiimj. That thu Hon. C, C. Kltoli bo 10- such case mado and provided noticu is Iiuruhy aTTOBNEY AND COUNSELOR AT asylum for insane criminals. Indnstrlnl C'niiciiH. belter at this writing. Tuscola county, Mich,, Maicli 4, 1891, Jesslo llossollur'Jl, Elmer Biaveudor SI, qiiusieU to amend orliavoaniendod, lliH sixth givuu that on tho sixtounth dav of May iiu.vt at ix law. Otlice over First State and Sav NEWS NOTES. let it go. Has any one else u relic of ton's. * of coiisumpiioii. She leaves a husband man who wilfully breaks up and dis­ lino of lIoiHO bill No, fll5. Hie No. U5, entitled 1 o'clock In Ihu aftonioon of said day ut tho front Jugs bank. Mason, Mleh^_ Tho Industrial voters of V cvny will mcot In graces another man's family.—Herm fOUUTn GUADE. Prof, Evans has recovered from his Jell? caucus at the town hall ou Saturday, March and six children. William Slorgan, Villa Davidson VS, Holy '^iwan SO, tv bill to authorise lo city of Mastni to borrow door ot the court house in the citv of iMasnn, In 28, at 2 o'clock v. M. to place tn nomination Havens and John Uurtis have returned V'ernio I.,iiiuly 8.'i, I''ro(l ViinVorKO 82, tnoney for the uruolluii and mulnteiiunoo of the county of Ingham and Statu of Michigan; REED. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE Koads are tedious. long sickness and is atsuin pushing Another large line of dress goods re Annual Ory Goods Opening. candidates for townahip olUcea, By order of of tills place is a son. She wusOOyears from the Nortli, where tliey have been watui'-wuiks, and to autliorliie the Issuing there will lio sold at public vonduo lo tliu high­ , In Rayner block over City Bakery. Euton Itupids schools, whereat that Ktcliells Corners. old, born in Wayne county, N. Y. Bert Garred "0, Leda Robinson do. ofboiids therefor so that It will read us lol- est biddur thu premises described in vnid morl­ Easter next Sunday. ceived this week at M. Gregor's, * "Come in," said one of tiie proprie­ committee. SOvva working the past winter.—Mrs. Picket, SECOND tiUAUE. lows: lly a loan, nt a rate of Interosl not ex­ gago, vl-/.: Thu south slxty-aevun acres of land OIIN W. WHALLON, Attorney nndsoll- city rejoices. Mucii unpleasantness Frank Royslou is doing quite an ex- She was a former resident of Ingham ceeding lour (4) percent, por annum, to be School closes to-mm'row. Col, J, A. Sliunnon has received a tors at the Mills dry goods store, and WhenlMeld C'uucna. who has been very sick is fast improv­ Amy llurlburtiiV, Duvle Poller 81, oir of thu Bonth-uaat quarter.of section nine, ex­ , cltor. Oflice In Darrow block, Maaon. reigned while the Prof, was Indisposed. In we went. Once in, the source of lenslve business in oiittiiig wood. county. Her remains were taiten to ing.—Unice, wife of Frank Aidrich, Nellie .-iwan 0.1, Carl Sqniers 85, voted upou by tlioin," and that lliu clerk cept Iho cast seven acres thereof, and alfo ex- Leslie loses her merchant tailor. letter from ids friend Earl W. Merry, Tho Republicans of tho township of Wheal- Employs twenty men, lius three hun­ the Reeves cemetery for interment,— MIna Uao 00, Iloy Gurred 07. I'liinlsli Mr. Fitch with a oopy of this resolu­ oeptlng tberufroin tun acres outof thu Fotiih-west J, HOOD, Attorney aud Solicitor. Ofllco Prof. G. C. Lawrence, of Williams- uf Ohio, who is now in Florida and his pride wns apparent; for the store fleld will meet In caucns ut the lown hall, died lost Monday. She hud been sick tion. corner, beiuk'twenty rods wjde norlh und south, . over Brown Bios', store. Mason. uguin smiles for the annual opening, Saturday, April 3, ut 2 o'clock i>, it., lor tbe dred and fifty cords of sixteeii-inch Mrs. Wm. Abbott, of tliia place, spent wlti» lagrippe, but was feeling better >'mST GIIAOE. by rishtv roi.a long cast and west, loiivlng Ilfty O Business meeting of Y. M, C. L, ton, was in Mason looking over our who says: "The jjeopie of the North nomination of township oillcera und the wood cut and expects to cut one last week visiting in Webberville.— Lena SiVnii 80, Arllo Lundy 05, Supported by Aid. VanSlyke and acres of la di icumbered by this inotigagu;and to-night. schools last Friday. Mr. Lawrence .0 tuke pla'ce Saturday and Monday, tranaactton of such other business aa .may when sudeduiy on Monday was taken Eva Bravender OU, Lcssle Jacobs lb, have fairly captured this State. You thousand cords. Will ship the same Chas. ICelsey and wife, who liuve tieeii curried us follows : Yeas, Aids. Mill- being locatud In town throe north of range one PUYSICIAMN. iins mony friends in this locality who March 28 and 30, and the event prom­ properly come before them, worse und died about 12 o'clock. She Henry Potter 75, Hosa Garred 80, bury, Peek, • Smith, .SanSlyke and woBt, town of Aiidudon, coHuty of Ingham and Junior exercises at M. E. church to­ cannot get a place to stop, Huudreds ises to exceed its predecessors. The to Jackson.—Jesse Sherwood died on staying with A. Woivertoii, have leaves u family uf four children. Tlie Alia Lundy 80, Myrtle Potter, SO. State nf Mlshi an. H. FERGUSoiOLD^hysIelan and morrow evening. are pleased to see him so interestcil in are turned away every day. There BY OnOUU oil- COMMIXTBB. Thursday last at the home of his son moved back to Webberville.—The P. KU.MnHU NOT EXAIUKEO. Whitman. Yeas 5, Nays 0. Dated Fubfaary lOth. 1801. 1075wI3 • .Surgeon, Mason. Olllco over P. 0„ 8 to 10 his school work. salesroom below is crowded as usual iiusbhiid and family have the sympa­ MASON D. CHATTEllTON, GA.M.; 2to5aad7toOF.M. 4aiy never were so many people from tiie with its variety of well selected goods. White Unk KepiibiicancnHCiia. Frank, and was buried on tho follow­ ofl. ofthe "Rough and Ready" as­ Minnie Swun, May VanCiimp, Moved und 8U])ported that Aid. Peeit Grant Mosher is lieipiiig out at thy of the whole community. be appoititeii as 11 committee of one to Mortgagee. Tiie finest line of dress goods they The Republicans of While Oak will meet at ing Sunday in tlie Hawiey cemetery. sociation in this place, are making cal­ Joo VunCamp, Willis VunCaiup, Geo, V. Gti.i.AM, Attorney for Mortgagee, 8. H. CULVER, M, D., Stroud's furniture store. tbo town hall, Friday, April 3,1801, atZo'olock Hurley Nicholas, Florenca Robinson. procure a place for registration and Indiana, hus been arrested at Lansimr "H'ds State could not live If it were ever placed 011 the market and a splen­ V. K., for the purpose of nominating townahip -Considerable damage was done to culations for an oyster supper Wednes­ HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE Only tliree days more fur the farmer on a charge of rape preferred by "'"^ iw.ople/rom the North. I did assortment of spring wraps being olUcera and the trunsantlon of such other bus- Leiniiel Pierce's residence by Are, day night at Will Potter's. Yes we'll Nettie Peaul Dean, Teacher, election In 2nd wurd. Carried: Yeas, over L, 0. Webb's Clothing Store, Mnson, Aids. Mliibury, Peek, Smith. Van­ MichiganP . 18»4tf boy to hide tlie hen fruit. Alberta VanHuseii, an inmate of the prominent. "Come up stairs," said luess ns may come boforo thom. which oauglitfrom an oil stove.—We be there.—There will be preaching in r nvntlnr rnrea Ziver Compwini, county house. Cu'mphdiiing witness whole State; but tliey have a grand the conductor, and up we went. Here acknowledge a pleasant call from the Cady school house, Sunday, Marcii School Itcport. , t'oniuiou (Juuncll Proceedings. Slyke aud Wiiitman. Bring your election printing to the climate that is worth $99 per acre. By Oncuu OK Committbe. JLJ CoaUveneta. At drugglsta, Prleo 85 cIs. D. OREEN, M, D„ HOMEOPATHIST, is only 14 years of age. they display In curtains, carpets, rugs, Stephen Hanna and his bride, wiio 29, at 2:30 1'. M. All turn out and hear [OFFIOIAI.,1 Moved and supported that Aid. Mlii­ G. Offlce In Polar Block, up.stalrs. Resi­ News ollice. Good, quick work. The saying is hero tliat they live on Aurelliitt Iiidiintrlnl Cnnuim. Tiie following is n list of tho pupils bury be appointed a committee of oue dence flrst door east of Presbylorlau Church. etc. is in the largest quantitlesand hand­ Notice Is hereby given that t'ao Industrial were married on Friday evening lust a good sermon,—Jay Dakiii und wife, of school district No. 3, Alaiedon, who Mason, Marcii 10,1S91. Riley Dunham is selling a patent The Hon. W. M. Stephens wiio died Yanks in tho winter time and fish aud somest patterns they ever exhibited. to procure n place for registration and in Stockbridge March 17, was buried oysters for the balance of the year." purty will hold their cauona at Aurelius cen­ by Rev. J, A. Barnes.—"Dode" Roy- of Munitii, visited at P. M. Brown's, were e.\amiued, with their respective Council met and was called to order W. W. ROOT, M. D., twister to be used In wiring fences, etc, It is simply a profusion of Hue things, ter on Tuesday, JO o'clock A. M., Muroli 31,181)1, election in the tlrst ward. Carried: DrBULL'S from liis residence, witii Masonic hon­ for the purpose of nomtnutlng lown oUlcers. ston, from Jackson, spent Sunday of Leroy, lost week.—As Ed. Kimball standings, for the month ending March by Mayor Murray. Present, Aids. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE A new stock of carpet sweepers of ail good values, nnd baigaius. Their sys­ witli Ids parents.—Luther Opdyke and little son, of Wiiito Oak, were out Yeas, Aids. Mliibury, Peek, Smith, hours from oue to two, nnd from six to Mr, and Mrs. "Deck" Casterilii, of ors, on Marcii 20. His age was GO C, 1891: Peek, Smith, VaiiSlyke and Whitman. VatiSlyUeatid Whitman. seveP n p. Ji. Icinch and at a bargain just received tem of trade, cash, Is proving very By OuDicn or CouMi'n'jsis.. started Monday fur Owosso, to begin iu the,woods Monday ciiopping down Cliariotte, spent lust Sunday in Mason. years and 55 years had been spent In satisfactory to them and tbey believe Kioirrji GiiA»E. Minutes of lust meeting read, cor­ By Aid. Mliibury: Tiiat the city the township wiiere he died. at E. P. Rowe & Co'g,. 81 w2 Aurelius Problblltoii Cniiviis. liis summer's work in tbe employ of a tree,'a limb fell, striking the iioy on Katie Almond Ol, Jlaudle Kennedy 03, rected and approved. A. B. CAMPBELL, M. O.. The landlord of tho American Houso Attorneys are preparing to com­ in telling the people what they have. The Prohibitionists of ibolown'ahlp oFAure- ills brother. the top of ills head, crushing him to clerK be and is hereby uutliorizcd to John B. Coryell 05, Nellie Prlco 07, draw orders on tlio city treasurer for HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE lias our thanks for a basket of good ' Ciieap sugar next Wednesday. Tiie mence tt suit in thcEuton county court See their ad. to-day. llus will meet In cnueu.s und cnanall ut Good the ground. Mr, K. took him up for Anna Dean »S. Bertha Potter 0,1, , MEPOltT OF COM.MITTEES. P over H. M. Wllllama' drug store. Mason. russet apples. Democracy will probably insist upon 'Templars Hull April 2, ut 2 o'clock r. M. lo SEVENTH nB,MlB. thesaiarlesof tlie diflerent ofticeis as of an unusual and peculiar charucter. nominate township olllcors und to traneuct Onondaga. dead, but after u few minutes tliey paying the old price. The Republican In 1887, Mrs. Susan Messenger, of any other business that may como before the Jesse Curtis 03, Wort ICvcry 08, The finance committee reported back follows: MISOELLANKOVS. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Elmer visited J. A Word Vuitlier. Miss Call, of Henrietta, visited her could see that he breathed. It is feared the following claims, recommending Mayor $50, innrslmll S50, nldormaii each 850, party brought it down for tlie poor Grand Ledge, secured a divorce from meeting, Bv Oitnicn or Oosimittuk. lie wiii not live. He Is about 10 years Vorule Coopor 8U, P. Bond's people in Onondaga, from I wish to thank those wlio have brother who is principal of our school, SIXTH fiUAnn. tlielr allowance as follows: oxoopt;AUI. Everts, I lurk S150, treasurer and FARMERS' MUTUAL Saturday till Monday. man while tho Democratic party Iier liusband, Sanford Messenger, on old.—Miss Anna Patrick, of this town, oolieotor SITS, o,lty attorney S50, and lionllh COUGi fought with all its might to keep the responded to my request to call and nrnln 'rili! niitl Brick. from Friday till Monday.—Orsemus Daisy Curtis 03, Cora Parker 01. Jno. C. Sqniers, work 1II oeniolory and I IRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ING the ground of extreme cruelty, and Barkerdt Co. manufacturers, Mason, Mloh, will teach the spring term of school In efflcur 8'J5. ham county. Safest, oheapest, best. Foi Hon, D. L. Crossniaii visited Masim price up. settle, uud to ask those who have not Suterlye who has been home several riFTIt OUABK, woetcs as sexton. ...ftt.55 Kupportcd by Aid, VanSlyke and F later married a Mr, Nostrant. Last First-class stook always ou bund, Wrlto lor. , months, started for Dakota again the Williams district,—Mr. Thorburn, S. A. Paddock A: .Son, lumber lorclty ; !t.50 SYRUP Information write toO. F. Miller, secretary filcnds lust Thursday, He is In quite year Mr. Messenger died leaving con­ culled to do so ns soon as possible ; for prices. .' 1038ir Ooorgle P.trker 85, Lydia Potter 60. .loliii 11. Siiyoi's, tools lor cumotcry '2.15 carried as follows: Yeas Aids. Mill- Maaon, R. J, Bullen, President, Alason, Spealcing of the deputies employed it will save me the trouble of writing Monday morning,—Mrs. Wm. Colby son-in-law to Mr. S. N. Scovillo, lias Clmrllo Price 88, AnnaThom«.s iiO, poor health, to tlie regret of all,, siderable property. The law provides E, Stuuton, wurl; on si reel HM bury, Peek, Smith, VanSlyke and at tlie Slate cupltoi, Col. Stuifurd, you personally. Very truly, ...iiiietl. Is quite ill of inflammation of the rented the C. R. Backus farm of Mr, Muudie Sltts !I0. CURES , COUGHS 6t COLD S' FOR 25 (f that a woman upon securing a divorce Five hundred cords of 4-foot wood, On molioii tlie report wus accepted Whitman. JEWEI.i:it. Tho Eaton Rapids chapter R, A. M.' tlirougii the State Democrat says: 75tf A. O. DtiBoTS. lungs,—T. M. Cranson was home from G, L. Carter, and will move tliereon I'OUHTII OllAnK. and ado)iied as follows: Yeas, Aids. from her liiisbund shall be entitled to ' Baiiicku & CO., MUBIVU, . thisspring. Charlie Oliver 00, Edith Wortinan s:!, On niolion council adjourned for one SALVATION OIL LIAS CULVER,dealer In watches,clooks, claims to possess tiio jewels of the "There are otiier deputies tlutt do not dower in his i-state, which slie muy Ohio over Sunday,—Amasa Darling is Mliibury, Peek, Smith, VaiiSlyke and chapter Morgan belonged to in N. Y, earn tiie salt in tiulr porridge. At now employlnglliie "bean pickers" at TimiD OBADK, week. IPrlce only SB eenfa. Sold by all druggliti.) E Jewelry,sllverwaro,oto, Repalrlngdone. ciniiii witliin ilfieen yeurs from the ludustriul City Caucus, FIral lUlnaa r«i>«l llnrn. Wbitmun, least one of the new deputies bus not In connection wllh the Ainerloan Houac; two dollars per week, and board.— ifaiisviUo. Loyd Campbell So, Mabel Upton 9D, Jno, C. ICijiMEL, Jr.., Relievos quickly Rheumatism, Neu­ Mr, D. H. Youngs left last Tuesday date of the divorce, Tiio attorneys The Industrial voters of Mason wiii Everything new and proper, Dutch Chnrley Dora Wortman (18, .Moved and supported that tlie clerk C. L. CASTERLIN, doneaday's work in the two months he cTinfley : lis. F. G. Annis was visiting friends is hereby Instructed to purchase live Citv Clerk. ralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Lumbago, morning for Alpena, where he will will now attempt to secure for iier u liold their city caucus at the court Is clerk of the l-arn. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brown, SEOONn QKAPK. OAN. COLLECTION, INSURANCE AND has iioid the position." And yet this dower interest in the esttite.—Euton i.i Orand Ledge last week.—Mrs. E, tons of coal for engine room. Carried, I Real Estate Brokers, Oltlco over Stroud enter the undertaking business for is their "reform" government. house on Tuesday evening, March 3J, Five Lakes, Mich., Mar. 9, adaugiiter, Robbie niiiueliard 00, Ilorblo Potter 70, Seliuol Report. Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Cuts, L James B. Denton, Mr, Youngs lias Rupids Journal. ITbIou HewliiicHIncblue. A. Ciunson reports a very pleasant Wllllo Blanchard 60, Earl Pnrltliurst 00, Yeas, Aids, Millbiiry, Peek, Smith, iSi Co.'s Furniture Store Mnson, Mleli. 1891, for the noniinatluii of city olHcers visit with friends in Leslie, last Tues­ —R. V. Trevellick who was announced Burns, Scalds, Sores, Backache, &c. lived hero only about two years, but Tho Reverse Feed Is tho triumph In Bowing Lena Every 85, Isaac Stickler 70, VanSlyke and Wliitiiiaii, Report of the o.xumlnatioii fa Great Tobacco An. T\R, GEO. C, MOODY, VETERINARY publicans are expressing the opinion in all grades, just received at M. ness as may como before the meeting, Smith, Mrs. Frank Mayhew, of Jackson, was IJ Surgeon Und Dentist, (graduate Ontario thut he is a first-class undertaker and that tbo Ingiiam (joniity Democrat Inst ance.—Orson Janes lias bought Clias, George C. Coryell, Teaciicr. WHS read nnd on niolion the report was Alaiedon: Veterinary OoUego). Treats all diseasea of Gregor's. a Bv Order op Co>rMiTTEE. A Oooil Iteatnuriiul, with "ifrlends and relatives here .last Lulu May OH, Aaron ,Ion OS 82, Horses and Cattle. Will attend calls day and a worthy man, and we dislike to lose week "strived" too hard to belittle week,—Mrs. Cliff, whohas been' for Jennings'house and lot.—R. L, Halo "A positive benefit lo young accepted and adopted. Curried. Merlin Gullo 82, Slatlo Hammond m, liim. Owing to the sickness of tlielr Go 10 the restaurant and baker,v In tho Pnd-' left for Belding Tuesday. He will not By Aid, Whitman: Kiillo Flyu 87, Gertie RathhaueSI, night. Oftlee and residenco uornor A and the quallilcntions of Mr. Howard There is a good under-current of Prohibition City C'niioiises. dock block for warm meals, luuulica, oystors, several months in Catinda with Iier children anil Infants" Is tiio popular W11KKKA.S, Tho rate of tnxallon as fixed by Wllllo ItullerTd, Ethel Becker OH, MlU'Sts., MuHOn, Mteh. ISOSyl little girl, Mrs, Youni;s will remain at Wiest, and if we nre not mistaken such seiitiihent in Mason ii| favor of aiding and all kinds ofhome-niado caudles,.. 0-h(;.<.t of all iu .vjuvoning Powc;-,- Gov"; Report, Aug. i-"' Glen StIlliniui 88, I'uele Potter 75. .Hams, Jincoii, LARK HOUSE, Wm. H. Clark, p rlotftr. Some people always insist upon put­ sion lias culled out expressions from may come before them. Ileal Katnte for'Male. 13,Mi^a^i^^^i^id at the hall a dancing llonny May 71, iMiilwl Potter 75, ing and one in the country every other ! have I'or anleon easy termsJ.OOOior niorv ' Tiiere will bo a social at the resi­ LuUio.Swau 01, Tliirvov Jones TO, Lard, Salt Pork, Best ono dollar a day house lu 16 olty. ting on their rubbers or overcoats or men uf means who say tliuy will con­ By Oudeb of CoJtMm'EE. partyl invited party oniy dence nf Then. Hoflman, Wednesday Sunday afternoon. It is u pleasure to tribute to a fair inducement to manu­ acres of choice farmlUK lauds lu Shluwassuo about eigbty . were ]U'eseiit. A very Will Olds 01, Lotoa lleclior 04, M. DRESSER loans money, buys notes, Iiim to preach aud his meetings would etting their liats In their imuds while county. Also a .largo amount of Uinmet, : evening for tlie benefit of the M, E. CharlloKuulerSS, Fresh Fisli, Oysters, ic last song is being sung at cliurch, facturing. Other places do it and V«vay nepnblloan Vnuoua. county land from 910 per aero up. In parcels ; pleasant tline and a line supper at R. J, makes collections. At Farmers' Bank. not have been discontinued at this time S to aiUi,not far Irom PotOHkey, . society. Befreslinienls—sandwich, A, F, S'ri3Vi3NS, Teuclier. C'olory, Cabbages. evidently for the purpose of making a make money by it. Mason can. Tho Republloana of Vovhy townahip will B. Coiby's'ls-reported.—Monday March calse and cofl'ee. Mr. H. lias consented IITY BAKERY.-PRESH BREAD, PIES but lor u tiiront dltHcuUy which he hus Somebody start a list of names. At meet In oanous at tho town hnll on Saturday, to hoed. Best of all is the fact that his rush for tiie "door soon as tlie benedic­ , , I«78wia - V . O, J, Hood, Munpii. 16, every iwrsoh smiling. Dr. Littler to givea sketoii of his recent travels to nnd cakes. Mason, Mich. tion is over. How it looks for some the iiead you can place R. F. Griffin April 4,1801, at 2 o'olook P. K„ for the nomina­ wlio has b'eeii';ih,-Chicago all winter, Englisil Spavin Liniment removes hard work shows commensurate re- tion of townahip olHoers and tho trausaotlon the Pacific coast via; the Sunny South, OASH ?OIl HIDES AUD FELTS. ARLE & LEWIS, DEALERS IN HEAVY people to be dressing and arranging and E. A. Barnes,.' either of wliom of auoh other hualneaa aa may ooma befbro: 'I'lahi.iiow prepared. With flno'iuuahtii()i'y;: returned on.tiie eleven o'clock train. returning over tlio crest of the Contin­ all Hard, Soft or Calloused .Lumps and and Shelf Hardware. Maptest,,Maaon. sultsin tlie large number benelUed by will give excellent ground for tbe In­ to do ttrst^loas laundry work. My oxporloiice, E his eflorts. their toilets wlien and whero others are them. By. 0»i>«n o»'COM. , Welcome home doctor.—Rev. .Preston ent, An Invitation is extended to all. Blemishes from liorses. Blood Spavin, trying to woi^hip! stitution to stand on. la IS years In tho buBineas and lean givo best.,! jllled tbe, ptilpitat the Congregational Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-bone, I /I T B, WORDEN, pension attorney, offiolnt- rnrta to B«ut. ofaatialUqtlon, iCollara,'au(Ui uud' aliltla'a; church laist Bu'iiday.. Algbofnoiated at Stifles, Spiains, and Swollen Throats, L. BLISS. ' O ' Ing as usual In all pension matters, oflloe See our advertisement ou binder I will rent n>, . •peolalty. andM.cheap aa any, In the. city .c: over Webb's clothing storo, Mnson,Mloh, J071 Notice our advertisement on fence Do not forget E. P. Rowe & Co, It my plBoaofiM aorna, four inlleii At Cody bnlldln8*n»nr foundry, , ;i the fuhjBral'Mfrvices of Fred Giddings, "There wns an old man of Tobago, Coughs, Etc. Save $50 by use of one twine. 78tt Eamle & Lewis. south.onat ofjfof Maaona , nt low caah rent for. one wire, 78tf Eable & Lewis, when you want your paints and oils, 2 year. :; 8lwlp,,' AiD.UooKtiAN. ; • ^•:--'::..v;''jr ^ Mius,-L. D, Lj(W1N,:''-;;:-V who died liut Friday liightafter nine lived on Hce, gruel, and sago," he had bottle. Warranted the most wonder­ 7