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44. VOL. LX.—NO. 61. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1894. WHOLE NO. 3150. will be performed at the encamp" Justice Pond, placed them in the Carpenters are tinkering up the merit, under the regimental guard hands of officer Leonard who, after scenery, which as year follows year, ALWAYS KEEP YOUR EYE ystem. some diplomacy and muscular show, steadily increases in value, as relics Concerning Major Howell, the executed his precarious mission and of the art of a prehistoric age, dat- On our Postmaster Beakes Secures TwoAdditional ame is he who after a fine boom turned the property over to back probably as far as the hat promised to sweep all before it, Darrow, who went on his way remoun- d builders. Why this scenery Mail Carriers. had gone forth in his favor, for joicing until he unexpectedly found was not exhibited at Chicago, last tate treasurer on the republican his path beset with Mr. Smalley, two season, is a question that has been icket, withdrew his name, claiming smaller Smalleys and Adolph Kron- asked by the uninformed. The fact MAJOR HOWELL VISITS THE A. A. L. hat the Pingree people were getting ick, who were whistling "Wait for is, the Egyptologists who owned the Bargain Show Windows! iim into a false position. Had hethe Wagon and We'll All Take a carcass of Rameses XII, remon- allowed himself to be nominated h? Ride." Mr. Darrow asserts that as strated, on the ground that it would This week we exhibit and will sell Draymen Indulge in a Lively Time.—A would have developed a double he came up, the above enumerated make the old mummy crazy to meet County Cierk Matter.—Election of quick gait as a runner. persons held him up and demanded anything that was older than he was. Workingmen's Shirts at 1 9c. Senators.—Opera House.—Pair the vehicle and attempted to un-Patches will be placed in the holes of Swindlers.—Mr. Mc- The Rich Machine and how it was worked hitch his horses from it, whereupon in the canvas, the tobacco juice at Saline. he descended from his perch and, wiped out of the right eye of the Boys' Stockings in Black and Grey at 19c. Omber Resigns. Saline, Mich., Aug. 1,1894 for a little while, the air in that goddess of liberty, and a fur collar Also our entire line of Pingrees's letter to the republi- quarter was thick with dust, smoke, placed around the back of the stage legs, arms and cuss words, in a con-to keep out the boreal blasts from Mr. McOmber Resigns from the Post- cans of Michigan exposing the MEN'S CRUSH HATS. methods of the state house ring, calls fused squirming mass, and the manthe north. The Argus is pleased to Office. who could pick himself out from note the improvements in the opera Worth from $1.50 to 12.50, o my mind the game as it was On the last day of July, Fred Mc- worked here. The leaders of thethe others without making a mistake house. Omber terminated his thirteenth epublican party here (in fact they was an individual known to Web- si.00 This Week at si.00 year as a postoffice employee and are the party) agreed to send a sterian bibliology as "a Jim Dandy." The Election of U. S. Senators. will hereafter devote his time to his The excitement and dust lasted Every article in our store is a great bargain. ood republican to Grand Rapids. Some critic of Representative large insurance agency. Mr. Mc-\\i was well so far until an em- for some time, with varying suc- Bishop, who is now a candidate on Omber has occupied every position )loyee of the Auditor's office at cess, but it finally closed with Dar- the republican ticket for congress in in the postoffice from cleaning the ansing wrote to the party here row still in control of the rolling an adjoining district, in last Sun- NOBLE'S STAR CLOTHING HOUSE lamps, while a young boy to assist- asking that he be sent as a delegate stock. He immediately came be- day's Detroit Tribune has some per- ant postmaster and filled every one rom Saline to Grand Rapids. The fore Justice Pond and asked for atinent questions to ask concerning a 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET of them well. He has made hosts sarty wrote him that they had their p. d. q. warrant charging highway resolution introduced by Represen- of friends, being always quick, man picked out and he was alre <dy robbery upon the said D. J. Smal- tative Mills, of this county, favor- obliging and accommodating. He on the ground. That would'nt do ley, the smaller Smalleys, and Kro-ing the election of U. S. senators has the best wishes of all with whom he Rich machine so some employee nick. But as Mr. Darrow still had by the people The Tribune in its THE BEST, he has ever been associated for thewas sent post haste from Lansing to the wagon in his pocket, His Honor reply, carefully guarded, tells only highes measure of success in busi- :o attend the caucus and succeded was unable to judicially infer high- part of the truth concerning this ness life. And he is destined to n having himself elected as one of way robbery, and after debate a matter and the Argus has inter- THE LARGEST, succeed, for his close attention to the delegates to the county conven- complaint for assault and battery viewed Mr. Mills, who introduced business, his accuracy, his hustling ion, and thus the managers of thewas substituted and the parties were the resolution, as to what was done ualities and his large circle of jarty in Saline had to swallow their with it. THE CHEAPEST, riends are big elements in success, promise already made and consent arrested by officer Greening, They vlr. McOmber has been succeeded pleaded not guilty, and thecourt The resolution as it appears in o the selection of a man as delegate the Legislative Record was cor- s assistant postmaster by W. W.who has not had a residence in thewill decide August 10. Vatts, while Fred A. Howlett, ex- rectly quoted by the Tribune as fol- And Latest Styles in Black and Tan Shoes at township for over 15 months. How lows: ounty clerk, succeeds.Mr. Watts as lumiliating it must have been to the Were These the Chaps? prices to suit the buyer. We have also received 200 money order clerk. great republican party of Saline to Whereas, The House of Representa- Last Tuesday a brace of well- tives of the United States congress has pairs of Misses' and Children's SAMPLE SHOES. ye obliged to do as their boss bid dress young fellows, fashioned in recently proposed an amendment to Two Mounted Carriers for Ann Arbor. hem. The gravel train is just load- longtailed vestments, were very busy the constitution of the United States ng up. AMERICUS. providing for a change in the manner Owing to the efforts of Congress- in this city, endeavoring to secure of selecting United States senators by man Gorman, the postoffice at Ann cash on a draft, concerning which the people of the several States, which Arbor has been granted an addi- The Ragged Police. they had a most ingenious story— said proposed amendment is now pend- ing before the United States Senate, ional force of two mounted carriers The policemen, Sunday morning, one calculated "to deceive the very elect" into cashing the paper if heand action is likely to be speedily had which will permit of a considerable needed to be introduced not only thereon by that body; and WAHR & MILLER additional increase to the district to each other, but each to himself. had happened to have the money Whereas, We believe such a change n which mail will be delivered. The '"foorce" was ordered home at about him. Several merchants and to be in accordance with the trend of the postmaster were invoked in be- 3n the first application for increased three o'clock a. m., and soon re- advancing public sentiment on the half of the accommodation, but assubject; therefore, be it carries, the department replied that appeared clothed in the humble Resolved (the Senate concurring), Ann Arbor already had more car- far as is known, the trick failed to That the senators in congress from habiliments of ye tramp. They re- work. One of the men claimed to ST. riers than her population seemed to mained in this ragged en masque till his State be and are hereby requested entitle her to the ratio being 480 be a newspaper reporter. Similar 0 aid by vote and influence in the 9 a. m. The disguise was very com- parties had endeavored to i o.kidoption by the United States senate nhabitants less per carrier than in plete; but perfect though it was, other cities of this size. The pecu Adrian two or three days before; if the resolution pending, proposing GEO. \i. MlLiER the sharp eyes of a few observers and here is a Toledo narrrative un- uch amendment, and that the secre- iar conditions here, and the heavy penetrated the deception. The po- ary of the senate be directed to for- mail, as large as in towns of three der date of July 30, that probably ward immediately to each of the licemen could not do the Horace times the size, were so impressed also refers to these two men: United States senators from this State Greeley act with complete success.