Volume 42, Number 4 • Fall 2012 How great are your works, O LORD ! In wisdom you have wrought them all! OPHIA (Psalm 103:24) HE OURNAOL OF THE EPLKITE ATHHOLIC PARCHIY OF AEWTON SST J M C E N Inside: A Year as Your Steward Page 3 The Situation in Syria Page 6-10 48th National Melkite Convention Page 18-31 s s t t THE JOURNAL OF THE n n CORRECTION EPARCHY OF NEWTON FOR e e t t MELKITE CATHOLICS The tag line, in the Summer issue of n n OPHIA IN THE UNITED STATES Sophia , for the article on the activi - o o S OPHIA 4S51 West Madison Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870 • www.melkite.org ties at St. George Church in C C Phone: 714 985 1710 • Fax: 714 985 1765 • Email:
[email protected] Milwaukee was inadvertently omit - ted. Christopher Warner, who con - Published quarterly by the Eparchy of Newton. ISSN 0194-7958. tributed the article, is a parishioner Made possible in part by the Catholic Home Mission Committee of St. George Parish. and a bequest of the Rev. Allen Maloof. PUBLISHER : MOST REV . N ICHOLAS J. S AMRA , E PARCHIAL BISHOP EDITOR -IN -C HIEF : Rt. Rev. Archimandrite James Babcock Submissions Deadline COPY EDITOR : Rev. James Graham All materials (photos/articles/ parish PRODUCTION : Deacon Paul Leonarczyk news) for the Winter issue of Sophia DESIGN AND LAYOUT : Doreen Tahmoosh-Pierson magazine are due January 1, 2013. SOPHIA ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Fran Colie, Rev. George Gallaro, Very Reverend Lawrence Gosselin, Deacon Paul Leonarczyk, Rt. Rev. Michael Skrocki, Rev.