19 June 2008 Fresh insights into the Zimbabwean situation


New wave of repression ahead of second round of leadership contest.

By Jabu Shoko in Harare

President is heaping pressure on the country’s civil society organisations and the human rights lawyers who represent them ahead of the presidential run-off later this month.

On June 5, Zimbabwe’s public service minister ordered all non-government organisations, NGOs, to stop their work, saying they had violated certain conditions. Credit: Lazele IWPR has been inundated with reports MDC secretary general . Picture taken on April 8; Biti was arrested on that since the beginning of June, NGOs, June 12. have come under siege from marauding state security agents, with more than a dozen raided in the past week or so Security forces raided civil Zimbabwe Coalition, CZC, claiming this and scores of officials arrested. society and Christian umbrella body of hundreds of civil society organisations was running an illegal On June 6, armed state security agents coalitions seen as broadcasting operation — charges stormed the head offices of the Crisis in supporting the opposition. that CZC officials vehemently deny.

NEWS IN BRIEF President Robert Mugabe says “we he was sure the country was safe arrest of MDC leader Morgan will not hesitate to arrest” leaders from “sellouts” and foreign Tsvangirai and accused President of the opposition Movement for interference. Robert Mugabe of attempting to Democratic Change. In a speech on steal the election. June 16, he claimed the MDC was MDC secretary general Tendai Biti has behind the wave of election violence been charged with treason after United Nations assistant secretary that has hit Zimbabwe. The MDC being arrested on arrival at Harare general for political affairs, Haile says irregular militias loyal to Airport last week. Menkerios, is to hold talks in Mugabe and the security forces are Zimbabwe this week. Meanwhile, engaged in a concerted campaign of South African Archbishop Desmond former UN Secretary General Kofi intimidation and violence to destroy Tutu has given an interview in which Annan said in London, “Anyone who opposition support ahead of the he criticised President Thabo Mbeki tries to come into power through June 27 presidential election. for keeping silent over the Zimbabwe fraudulent elections will have a price crisis. to pay. I think the people of A day earlier, Mugabe was quoted as Zimbabwe will not accept it and the saying he would be willing to hand British prime minister Gordon international community will not over to someone from ZANU-PF once Brown has criticised the repeated accept him either.”


Three days later, heavily armed riot On May 30, the Southern Africa “These are the most recent examples police, national intelligence officers Litigation Centre and its network of a deeply disturbing clampdown on and military forces raided the offices of partners advised ZLHR that it had the legal profession, but are not the the Ecumenical Centre. This religious received Andrew Makoni in its offices only cases to have been reported complex houses the offices of the in Johannesburg. recently to ZLHR,” said Petras. Student Christian Movement of Zimbabwe, Ecumenical Support Makoni had acted for a wide range of “Lawyers [are] reported to have Services, the Christian Alliance, the human rights defenders, with his work alleged that ‘mass arrests’ are being Zimbabwe National Pastors’ with MDC leaders and members forming planned in the final weeks before the Conference and the Padare Men’s the backbone of his legal practice. election run-off, and that human rights Forum on Gender. lawyers are considered a barrier to He had fled the country after receiving ensuring that targeted individuals According to officials from the credible information that he was on a remain in custody while the election is respective organisations, the state list of human rights lawyers targeted ongoing.” security agents carted away for imminent assassination for documents, computers, laptops and representing MDC members. This hard drives before arresting some 15 information has allegedly been people, including interns and independently verified from two newspaper columnist Pius Wakatama. separate sources who spoke two other “Human rights lawyers are lawyers, and has also been publicised considered a barrier to by the African Bar Association. ensuring that targeted individuals remain in Makoni and other human rights custody while the election “It is a deliberate lawyers were reportedly to be “made crackdown on civil society an example of” to dissuade anyone is ongoing” — Irene Petras organisations” — Useni else from taking up the defence of of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Sibanda of the Christian targeted human rights defenders in Human Rights. Alliance. the run-up to the presidential election, and in the face of escalating human rights violations in several provinces, according to information obtained from ZLHR. Petras said ZLHR wished to warn of “I am shocked they are doing this to the dire consequences facing human Christian organisations,” said Useni Harrison Nkomo, a human rights rights defenders, civic organisations Sibanda, the coordinator of Christian lawyer with ZLHR who has and political party leaders and Alliance. represented media practitioners, and members as a result of the official members of the MDC, has also fled clampdown. “It is a deliberate crackdown on civil the country after receiving the same society organisations. This election is information, and believing his life to be “Such targeting of lawyers — even going to be far from free and fair with under threat. the mere allegation that there exists this violence.” a list of lawyers for elimination — has On June 9, ZLHR was advised that a a chilling effect on all members of A day earlier, in the remote town of group had gathered around the the legal profession and, by Binga in Matabeleland North, an vehicle of lawyer Alec Muchadehama implication, on the affected undisputed rural stronghold of the outside his legal practice in Harare individuals whose rights they seek to opposition Movement for Democratic and was waiting for him to emerge protect,” she said. Change, MDC, state security agents from his office. Vehicles were parked arrested 14 members of groups at the exits of the building as well as Petras urged human rights lawyers to organised by the Media Monitoring outside his home. Realising that these exercise caution in relation to their Project of Zimbabwe, MMPZ. were not ordinary police officers sent security, and to immediately report all to arrest him, the lawyer immediately threats and attacks to the responsible Meanwhile, two prominent human fled and is now in hiding. authorities, to the Law Society of rights lawyers have fled to South Africa Zimbabwe and to ZLHR, as well as to after receiving threats to their lives, He, too, has represented a significant Southern African Development according to Irene Petras, director of number of human rights defenders, Community, SADC, diplomatic Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, including MDC leaders and members, representatives and regional observers ZLHR. Another human rights lawyer is and a number of NGOs, such as the in Zimbabwe. living in fear after representing MDC National Constitutional Assembly, the officials and other clients perceived to Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions The crackdown on lawyers and be allies of the opposition. and the Christian Alliance. Christian organisations comes hard

2 19 JUNE 2008 ZIMBABWE CRISIS REPORTS on the heels of a government directive banning humanitarian FEARS NGO CRACKDOWN organisations from distributing food in the country. MAY THREATEN MILLIONS Nicholas Goche, the minister of public services, labour and social welfare, claimed the decision to bar the relief agencies from distributing food was arrived at after ZANU-PF discovered that the “food was being used to campaign for the MDC”.

Meanwhile, the MDC continues to be subjected to government pressure.

MDC leader claimed at a media briefing on June 10 that at least 66 of his party’s supporters had been killed in election violence.

The MDC leader has been picked up several times since his return to Zimbabwe, and the party’s secretary-general Tendai Biti was Credit: Lazele arrested minutes after he set foot on People receiving food aid from an NGO in Harare. Picture taken in August 2007. the tarmac at Harare Airport on June 12. United Nations officials Zimbabwe’s public services minister , an MDC legislator- warn ban on NGOs Nicholas Goche ordered all NGOs to designate for Buhera West, was last tantamount to human suspend their field operations on June week arrested for the second time in 5, accusing them of violating the as many days. The authorities have rights abuse. conditions under which they work, but ignored a high court order obtained offered no further explanation. by his lawyers ordering his release. By Yamikani Mwando in Bulawayo The directive has been slammed by Minister of justice, legal and human rights groups, who say that parliamentary affairs Patrick humanitarian aid for the most poor and Chinamasa said on June 10 that he Jason Mthombeni’s 77-year-old mother vulnerable in society will now be was easing pressure on jails ahead of has been hungry for years — now she severely restricted. the June 27 presidential run-off by is likely to starve. releasing petty criminals to create room for people arrested for politically She is one of the millions of motivated crimes. Zimbabweans who will suffer as a result of President Robert Mugabe’s Decision to ban aid There is a fear some civil society ban on the activities of aid agencies in groups from working in representatives will be locked up on the country, imposed after he accused the field meets with trumped-up charges. them of supporting the opposition severe criticism. Movement for Democratic Change, MDC insiders claim Tsvangirai, who MDC. beat Mugabe but failed to secure an absolute majority in the disputed “You should come and see her some March 29 election, is under pressure time. I have never seen such cruelty. The relief provided by such groups to forge a government of national unity She always talks about being hungry, had been keeping many with the incumbent, in a bid to stem but I cannot do much with the kind of Zimbabweans alive, since the the surging violence. money I make,” said Mthombeni of the government’s so-called land reform woman he calls “Usalukazi”, which policies of eight years ago left the Jabu Shoko is the pseudonym of an means old woman in the local former breadbasket of Africa a non- IWPR journalist in Zimbabwe. Sindebele language. productive wreck.


A crackdown on aid agencies first developing and bettering the lives of Network, FEWS, last week added its began after Mugabe’s popularity both urban and rural communities. voice to growing international concern, began to dwindle as a result of warning the ban on NGOs had skewed economic policies which A Time magazine story dated exacerbated the food problem to pushed the country into recession. September 8, 1980, entitled Mugabe create conditions not seen in the Pleads for Aid, reports that he called country for more than a decade. In the volatile area of Matabeleland, a for international assistance to help province in western Zimbabwe and an rehabilitate the country, which was There are also fears of an upsurge in opposition stronghold, all aid agencies suffering the ravages of years of war. infant mortality, as many rural were driven out after war veterans breastfeeding mothers have relied on accused them of working with the Mugabe received international praise NGOs for supplementary feeding after MDC to destabilise the country. for his impressive strides towards failing to secure adequate care from making food, health and education government health institutions. Mthombeni, who is 33, and married available to all. The rallying cry then with two children, sells sweets in the was, “Food for all by the year 2000, Many NGOs are now closing shop. central district of Bulawayo, the former health for all by the year 2000”, and capital of Matabeleland. He plays cat much of this was to be realised “We are streamlining our staff after the and mouse with council police and through strategic partnerships the call by government for us to stop members of the national police force government entered into with NGOs. working,” a priest working for the who accuse vendors like him of Catholic Development Commission, operating illegally. CADEC, told IWPR.

He does not know whether he or any The faith-based NGO was involved in of his peers will reach their seventies Life expectancy has assisting rural communities in the two in a country where, according to the dropped by more than half Matabeleland provinces with World Health Organisation, WHO, life since independence. everything from food to sourcing expectancy has dropped by more than antiretroviral drugs for HIV/AIDS half since independence. sufferers.

Mthombeni’s mother lives with her Over the years, Mugabe has fallen “We don’t know what will become of grandchildren in Nyamandlovu, a out with his development partners, these people,” said the priest, one of poor resettlement area about 60 often accusing them of trying to work the few remaining missionaries who kilometres west of Bulawayo. It is against him. He now insists — offered hope to starving millions now home to hundreds of veterans despite all the evidence to the across the country. of Zimbabwe’s liberation war, who contrary — that the country has took over productive cattle ranches sufficient resources. The United Nations country team in and farms from white commercial Zimbabwe last week warned that the farmers during violent farm Addressing the recent United Nations ban on NGOs was tantamount to a invasions in 2000. The land now lies Food Summit in Rome, Mugabe human rights abuse, creating life- fallow. blamed the country’s food woes on a threatening conditions for millions who hostile bid by NGOs working with his are in dire need of food aid. Mthombeni says his mother’s plight arch-enemies the UK and America, to highlights the acute needs of rural effect what he terms “illegal regime Before the ban, the acute food crisis communities, which have relied for change”. had seen urban populations previously years on the aid provided by unaffected by food shortages lining up humanitarian agencies. For her and for The situation in the country continues for handouts from NGOs, like World many like her, the past weeks have to deteriorate, making the ban on Vision and Christian Care. been particularly difficult. humanitarian assistance particularly tragic. “This is as bad as it gets,” a field When he first came to came to power officer with World Vision in Bulawayo after Zimbabwe gained independence According to projections by the UN’s told IWPR. from Britain in 1980, Mugabe pledged World Food Programme, this year has to work with the many aid agencies seen an increase in the number of “We were feeding schoolchildren and which gravitated to Zimbabwe, Zimbabweans who will need food grandmothers, society’s most anxious to assist what was then seen assistance from four million to at least vulnerable groups, but now we can as Africa’s most promising half the population, currently estimated only guess how they are supposed to democracy. at more than 12 million. survive.”

The then prime minister identified Another food security watchdog, the Yamikani Mwando is the pseudonym NGOs as crucial partners in Famine Early Warning Systems of an IWPR journalist in Zimbabwe.


As inflation continues to soar, increasing numbers of women turn to sex industry to survive.

By Nonthando Bhebhe in Harare

Everything seems to be crumbling in Portia Ruredzo’s world. Unable to afford food and rent, she says she has been left with little choice but to turn tricks to feed her two children.

The young single mother of two can barely make ends meet on her paltry monthly salary, which is now equivalent to ten loaves of bread on the black market, where most Credit: Lazele Aids counselling NGO exhibit at an event in Harare. Picture from September 2007 Zimbabweans get scarce commodities.

Battling to survive the world’s highest “We are the have-nothings and if I Portia, like so many other Zimbabweans, inflation rate — which was estimated don’t get money from my boyfriends, struggles to pay for basic commodities, to have reached 1.7 million per cent in we would starve and I would be which tend to be imported from South May — Portia has resorted to homeless and sleeping on the Africa, Mozambique and Botswana, and prostitution, although she does not streets. I have no choice, my dear,” are normally only available on the black describe her activities as such. she said. market,

Years ago, she used to boast of her “At least I am still young and I can use monogamous relationship and swore my sexuality to get money or whatever never to date married men. Yet now I can from men,” she said. she is having sex with whoever will “If I don’t get money from buy her groceries, pay her rent and my boyfriends, we would It is thought that thousands of other supplement her salary. starve” — Portia, Harare young, impoverished Zimbabwean resident. women now provide sex in exchange Unlike the hookers who gather on for food, shelter and clothing. street corners at night, Portia preys on the city’s well-heeled men. While some have resorted to prostitution, others have become what She meets them in expensive restaurants Yet she denies that she is a sex are commonly referred to as “small and the other haunts of the rich. worker. houses” — a Zimbabwean expression describing a mistress or an When they express an interest in her, “This does not make me a prostitute extramarital affair. she swaps numbers with them, and because you don’t see me soliciting then sends a text message asking for sex on the streets or in bars. I just Under this arrangement, the man pays them first to buy a few groceries when have many boyfriends who help me for some of the woman’s living they visit. Later on, she asks them to financially,” she said. expenses. Yet while a small house provide her with money for rent. To may be essentially exchanging sex for ensure the money keeps flowing, she “I am not a run-off-the-mill prostitute money or a certain lifestyle, the sleeps with them. like the others.” woman is classed as a mistress rather than a prostitute, provided she keeps IWPR visited Portia at her two-roomed When asked how many men she to one man. Cheating is not an option cottage where her rent is nearly four sleeps with in a week, Portia said for a “well-kept woman” as she would times her monthly salary. between five and eight. risk losing everything.


Martha is in her twenties and should But at what price? She confessed to lovers. “My salary just went up yet it be lining up suitors for marriage, but IWPR that she is having unprotected does not come close to meeting my she prefers being mistress to a 61- sex and neither she nor her lover had needs. If I could get a single rich guy year-old government minister. taken an HIV test. or just an ordinary guy that could take care of my rent, food and general “Times are different from the 1980s or One fifth of Zimbabwe’s adult population upkeep, I would dump my two married 1990s, when I would ideally be dating has HIV and an estimated 565 adults men,” said the young woman. much younger men in their twenties or and children become infected every day. early thirties,” she said. The country is experiencing one of the harshest AIDS epidemics in the world.

Asked whether she worried about the Women exposed to high health risks, Martha said that having to risk of HIV infection. “I can’t provide for myself, endure severe poverty was just as life so I have to look for a threatening. wealthy man” — Martha, mistress of a government “At least for now I can live like a queen minister. and acquire as much as I can when I Like Martha, she is also risking her have this opportunity,” she said. health with unprotected sex.

Unlike Martha, whose rich boyfriend “I don’t use condoms. This is not can provide everything, Rita Biza is because I don’t want to, but because “This year, particularly, is the year for mistress to two married men. they give me so much money. That is survival of the fittest. I can’t provide for what they are paying for,” she said. myself, so I have to look for a wealthy Rita said one of them pays rent for her man — I don’t want a young man with two-bedroom apartment in the affluent (Names in this report have been nothing.” Avenues district, while the other changed to protect the identities of the provides her and her parents with food. women.) As part of the deal, she has to make sure that she is always available for Rita said she has no choice but to Nonthando Bhebhe is the pseudonym her lover’s sexual pleasure. continue seeing her two married of an IWPR journalist in Zimbabwe.

The Zimbabwe Crisis Report is information provision, It also contributes to the an initiative of IWPR-Africa’s capacity building and development of regional policy, Zimbabwe Programme. dissemination and distribution. promotes dialogue and builds This programme promotes bridges within the region. It also democratization and good The key purpose is to increase raises the Africa wide and governance with Southern Africa awareness in the Southern African international profile of Zimbabwe and contributes to the region of the Zimbabwean in the context of the region. development of a culture of situation and the implications for Importantly it also builds the skills human rights and the rule of law. regional peace, security and and capacity of the media to Focusing on Zimbabwe the economic development. reliably and accurately report programme has three core political transition, governance and components — human rights issues.

The programme is managed by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting — Africa. For further details go to

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