

From Jesus: Mahavatar Babaji is a helper of Mine and he is sharing his expertise with you. His goal is My goal - for everyone on earth to be healed from the only thing which blocks you from realizing you are God. You are nothing less than Me and you have nothing less than Me. Awareness of this is the only thing that you are missing.

Many of you do understand this, yet your awareness still expands slowly. The reason for this is because you remain caught up in the ego’s delusional perception. It controls you right now. You believe you are your ego's identity right now. Until you make enough progress healing away the pain and fear that has accumulated within you, you will remain who the ego believes you are. Your present truth is the ego’s truth, and it is filled with pain, separation and fear.

You can bypass this unconscious pattern of living with trials and tribulations, pain and suffering, sorrow, sickness, lack and all other forms of drama, dysfunctions and limitations. “Babaji’s Work” specializes in freeing you from your pain and fear in a short time. That is, if you do it daily.

I am sharing this with you now because you are ready for it and it is needed. “The Hope Technique” worksheet will help you get started simply and effectively. I encourage you to read My messages on this website (blog page) to learn more about how you can quickly change your life toward a new trend; a trend toward Me, My way of thinking, feeling, behaving and living. This means a trend where your thinking, feelings and behaviors are infused with more love and less fear.

No one wants to feel their pain and fear initially. You want to avoid it at all costs. You have been in this cycle of ignorance a long time. Your lives are intended to be filled with love, peace and joy; fullness of life every moment. This is your natural state of experience. Pain and fear are the only things blocking you from feeling this love, peace and joy and realizing your soul’s awareness. When you acknowledge, face and feel your pain and fear, you become like Me; that means, God-realized.

Awareness increases as you dissolve away more suppressed pain and fear. I am giving you this now because it is time to grow. You need to heal what is blocking you from experiencing fullness of life, and that is always your fear of feeling separate from our Father.

All your fears accumulate as a result of core fear. It is only yourself that you need to become aware of – your true self – your soul self. There is no such thing as fear to your soul’s awareness. You are intended to experience life in the physical world having full awareness of your soul.

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HOPE TECHNIQUE Healing Our Painful Emotions (FACE, FEEL & HEAL IT)

This worksheet was communicated to me from Jesus. It is designed to help you learn how to do “Babaji’s Work” effectively. “Babaji’s Work” is a simple method that teaches how to heal suppressed, unhealed emotional pain from our past experiences. This dissolves away our underlying fears which are the hidden cause of our pain.

Spiritual teacher, Mahavatar Babaji, left his physical body in 1984. I began communicating with him in 2011. Babaji is a devotee of Christ. Jesus tells me that Babaji is His “right hand man”. Babaji taught me that the only thing that inhibits us from experiencing enlightenment or “Christ Consciousness” is our fear. He taught me how to recognize, accept and heal our fears, one by one, until they are gone. I have shared the following two summaries given to me from Babaji. They are included in my first two books, “The Power of You” and “Help From Heaven”. – Connie Fox

1. What are you upset about? It will be a person(s) or situation.





2. As a result of this situation, why are you upset? (How does this affect you or your life?)





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3. How does this person or situation make you feel? Identify the feeling(s) involved in this. List the three most predominant feelings.


IDENTIFY YOUR FEAR-BASED EMOTIONS Abandoned • Abused • Angry • Afraid • Ashamed • Aggravated • Appalled • Betrayed • Confused • Damaged Disappointed • Depressed • Devastated • Disgusted • Empty • Envious • Fearful • Frustrated • Grief • Guilt Hateful • Helpless • Hopeless • Hostile • Horrified • Humiliated • Hurt • Loss • Insecure • Inadequate Incompetent • Insane • Irritated • Jealous • Offended • Overwhelmed • Lonely • Manipulated • Neglected • Not Good Enough • Pathetic • Pitiful • Pressured • Regretful • Resentful • Rejected • Sad • Self-Loathing • Self-Pity Shame • Sick • Stressed • Stupid • Terrified • Traumatized • Unappreciated • Unattractive • Uncertain • Ugly Unloved • Unlovable • Unwanted • Unworthy • Victimized • Weak • Worried • Worthless

Know that the reason you have these particular feelings is because these are your particular fears. When you avoid and resist feeling these specific fears, they are strengthened. This avoidance behavior actually creates (attracts) more people and more situations in your life that cause you to feel more of these feelings. It is a never ending cycle until you realize them, feel them and reach acceptance of them.

4. I now understand that I have a fear of feeling:

______and ______.

5. When is another time in my adulthood that I experienced feeling these same or similar feelings? ______




6. When is an earlier time when I felt this same or similar feeling? ______




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7. When is another time in my childhood when I felt this same or similar feeling? ______



8. What is the earliest experience I can remember when I felt this same or similar feeling?




9. I now realize I have unconsciously created a pattern in my life. Because I fear feeling these emotions, I have actually been attracting people and situations which cause these emotions, over and over again. I have identified these fearful emotions as:

______and ______.

10. I now realize that the true cause of my fears do not come from any particular person or situation outside of myself. Rather, it is the other way around – I attract certain people and situations as a result of the fears I hold and continue to avoid facing. I now realize that all my fears are a direct result of one core fear – the fear of feeling incomplete and separate from my Soul, from my Source, from God.

Yes or No? ______(If the answer is no, please read the “Messages From Heaven” on pages 10-14 of this document)

This is now the time for “Babaji’s Work”. With non-judgment and acceptance, “Babaji's Work” depletes the power behind your fears until they are no more. This process is to be used again and again, whenever you come to notice the festering of an uncomfortable emotion.

Do “Babaji’s Work” daily to reach fearlessness quickly. This is a state of awareness that many refer to as enlightenment. With a little bit of practice, this intentional process of reducing your fear and thereby expanding your love becomes automatic. Remember that you create these painful experiences unconsciously, yet purposefully. Pain grabs your attention to the fact that you are not in alignment with your soul, your soul’s loving nature. Pain is a wonderful guidance system, a natural communication which wakes you up. That is, if you allow yourself to listen to it. In time, “Babaji's Work” induces automatic acceptance of unwanted emotions. No more resistance – which is the true cause of all pain and suffering. - Jesus

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Now for doing “Babaji’s Work”: Allow yourself up to 30 minutes to do “Babaji’s Work”. Listen to a song that repeats Babaji’s mantra or say it silently or out loud for about ten minutes (109 repetitions). Then, remember how you felt during your earliest experience when you felt this same or similar feeling. Just remember and feel the feelings you felt then. Feel them as fully as you can. When the intensity of the feeling has subsided, surrender the pain and fear to God. In your own words, ask God to heal it for you. Say something like this:

“God, I know if I felt whole, complete and fully loved already, I would not be feeling these feelings. I know that You are within me always and that I am already fully loved, whole and complete. Yet, right now, I do not feel this in my heart. I feel ______, ______and ______.

I cannot heal myself without You. These feelings are bigger than me right now. I am ready to let go of these feelings that cause me to feel more unworthy of Your love and more unable to love others without judgmental, separating thoughts, feelings and fear arising within me. This also restricts my ability to receive love from others. As a result, I continue to create (attract) more painful experiences. I am ready to love myself and others more wholly, without this unhealed pain inside of me. I realize it limits my ability to love more like You. So, I now give you this pain and fear and ask You to heal it for me. Thank you God. I love You and want to grow closer to You”.

Now it is time to share this part of you with someone; a friend, a professional therapist or healer - whoever you prefer. I suggest establishing a group for people who are interested in healing and growing spiritually with the practice of “Babaji’s Work”. They could support each other by sharing their experiences which will help all to learn, heal and grow.

Choose a partner to read through each of your “Hope Technique worksheet” issues. Sharing them with each other will further enhance your ability to heal more quickly. It will help you more than you know. I invite you to register on a social media page as a “Friend of Hope”. -Jesus (Please visit my “Help From Heaven” Facebook page)

Healing Our Painful Emotions “The HOPE Technique”

Copyright © 2015 • Connie Fox • www.HelpFromHeaven.Net

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Extended Summary of “Babaji’s Work”

From Mahavatar Babaji: Be alone, be comfortable. Think of what you are mostly distressed about right now. What is bothering you the most right now? Put your attention on one issue at a time. Start with the most bothersome issue. Now address your most bothersome issue as determined from the “Hope Technique” worksheet. How is it making you feel? Think about your feelings now; not the issue, not about how valid you are for feeling the way you do. Do not think you are bad, wrong or weak for feeling the way you do. Do not judge yourself. Do not judge the person or situation that has you feeling as you are. What are you feeling most now from this issue? Identify the emotion. Name it. Fearful, worried, inadequate, anger, resentment, jealousy, sorrow, regret, resentment, frustration, shame, guilt, helpless, hopeless, unloved, unwanted, uncared about, ugly, undesirable, lonely, empty, lost, confused, afraid, nervous, insecure, cowardly, abused, victimized, abandoned, betrayed, humiliated, devastated, hateful toward someone, toward God, toward Jesus, toward me, toward yourself, unappreciated, not good enough, unworthy, completely worthless, stupid, pathetic, sick, overwhelmed, insane? Identify which feeling is the strongest. Listen to a song that repeats my mantra or repeat it yourself, silently or out loud for about ten minutes. Now honor this feeling by giving it your sole attention. Sit or lay there undistracted and try to feel this particular feeling. Do not think about why you feel this feeling. You are already justified for having this feeling. You are genuinely validated for feeling this feeling. Now feel it – intently. Feel how deep this pain is. Ignore nothing. Just feel it. If you are having trouble feeling it more deeply or trouble feeling anything, think back to a memory of when you felt this same or similar feeling. Think of some experience that made you feel bad in a similar way – hurt, fearful, angry, etc. Think back to that time, to that experience and feel what you felt then. Feel it intently, as deeply as you can. If you are able to feel this emotion intensely, stay with it until it subsides naturally; lessens and lightens and you now feel ready to get back to your day. Do this every day at least once. Do it more often as you would like. You cannot overdo this, but keep each session under an hour. Some may naturally feel finished within a few minutes, sometimes longer. Some days you will be able to experience the feeling more deeply, other times, less so. Accept whatever comes. Allow whatever comes and know it will pass. Know it is only a feeling. The feeling itself cannot hurt you. The feeling will not kill you. But the resisting of it can. When you do this, you are not resisting it; you are facing and honoring it. This is what will

Page 6 of 14 free you from all your pain, all your judgments, all your fears. This will bring you to God’s feet - the place you need to reach to surrender to our Beloved Christ - to surrender to God with total love, compassion and non-judgment. Do not be afraid to feel – ever. Negative feelings are merely feelings. They are illusions, but very real to you now. You will come to know they are illusions only by facing and feeling them – giving them your attention – honoring them. Their power over you will quickly diminish. Soon, you will be able to laugh at them when they arise. You will know they are not you. You will know they are not real. They are harmless, meaningless and insignificant. Then your power of God, of love, begins to expand in ways you cannot imagine. When you begin again, start from the beginning of this summary. Doing this every day will free you quickly. Listen to my mantra in a song when you are doing this or repeat it silently in your mind or out loud for ten minutes or more before beginning. Then pour your heart out to Christ and our Father. This means to feel your love and devotion to Them. Simply honor Them and ask Them for union. Additional note: The exact pronunciation of my mantra, “Om Namah Shivaya” is not important. But, Connie will display the typical pronunciation of my mantra. Remember its meaning: “I surrender to you God” or “Lord, Thy will be done” or “I bow/surrender to my higher inner self”. It is intentionally asking God (love) to awaken you – to expand within. Repetition of my mantra has a powerful affect that helps to expel and release your pain and fears. Om Na-mah Shee-vi-ya

Copyright © 2013 • “The Power of You” by Connie Fox • www.HelpFromHeaven.Net

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Brief Summary of Babaji’s Work

1. Be Alone. Be comfortable.

2. Think about what is disturbing you the most today or at this time.

3. Define what the feeling is; do not think about it.

4. Know you are justified and validated for feeling this.

5. Listen to my mantra or repeat it silently or out loud for about ten minutes or as long as you like.

6. Intentionally feel this feeling as deeply as you can. Do not judge it, just feel it.

7. When the feeling subsides naturally, get back to your day.

8. If you have trouble feeling deeply or identifying any feeling, remember a past experience that caused you to feel a similar way. Or, think of any memory that caused you pain. Then remember the feeling of this pain and feel it as deeply as you can.

9. Do at least one session every day. Feel each and every pain in your heart. Do this with every painful memory you have. Do this until they are gone.

10. Then you will be at the one pain you have left to heal – the pain from the perceived loss of God. Feel this pain and you will then be set free. Ask God for union – for wholeness with yourself, for wholeness with all.

You can heal the pain in your heart this way or by going through numerous “real” painful events in your life. Until you acknowledge, face and feel them all, they remain with you. Honor them now (in your mind and in your heart) without needing the actual experiences to accomplish this. This is the quicker, easier path to Christ consciousness. You will heal them quickly if you are willing. If unwilling, you will heal them slowly.

Om Na-mah Shee-vi-ya

Copyright © 2013 • “The Power of You” by Connie Fox • www.HelpFromHeaven.Net

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The Only Way to End Fear or Panic Attacks

If you are having a panic attack or are in just plain fear, there is one way to truly heal it: engulf yourself in it intentionally. Allow yourself to feel it. This means to honor it, not try to resist it or make it go away.

You will only strengthen it over and over again if you try in some way to make it go away. Do not wish it away. This pattern of intense fear arising, needs to be given your attention; full attention and full acceptance. Giving it your awareness, willingly, will set you free. Then, regardless of what you think your fear may be about, you will free it. The “it”, your fear, the fear energy, is a literal being. Eckart Tolle calls this the “pain body”. Buddha calls it maithri. Babaji calls it the ego-identity. Some call it the devil. It is unhealed pain and fear from your past. You are having panic attacks (or intense fear) for a good reason. It needs to be honored. Honor it like this:

Let the panic come and talk to it, that fear energy, as if it were a literal being – because it is.

 Tell it that it is okay to come out again and that you will now honor its feelings  Tell it to feel as fearful as it wants to and that you give it permission to  Tell it that it has a very valid reason for feeling this way  Then, after you say these words to it, repeat to it the following: It’s okay, I’m sorry, you are not alone, I am here for you, I honor your feelings

Repeat these words of love, compassion and non-judgment to it again and again, until it subsides; and it will. It, your fear energy, is ready to be freed. That is why you are feeling it.

So, give it what it needs; your attention, your validation, your compassion, your non-judgment, your acceptance. Let it know its feelings are important and worthy of honoring and of giving it your time and attention.

This fear, which is a being in actuality, is there because sometime in your past, it did not get what it needed - love, compassion, validation, understanding, care, honor, respect and acceptance. The lack of this is what created the fear. You are ready to release more of it again. Honor it now.

This is giving the fear, which is a part of you right now, the love it needs to be truly healed. Bringing awareness and acceptance to what you are resisting - whatever it is - is the only way to become free of it.

This article is an excerpt of a client's conversation with Jesus, who was coping with intense fear and panic attacks - Connie Fox

Copyright © 2015 • Connie Fox • www.HelpFromHeaven.Net

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MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN #91 Whenever you are feeling fearful about something, or simply worried, follow this advice to put an end to it: engulf yourself in it fully. This is the only way to achieve freedom from it. Your fear will continue again and again, in varying forms, but it is all the same fear. It is the fear of being incomplete, separated from our Father. Your mind wants to attach this fear to something in its world, that is, the physical world. The source of all your fears comes from this one false belief. Get to the core of all your fears, which are behind the stories formed by the mind. Every story is a farce. Don’t stay stuck in it. Do “Babaji’s Work”. Jesus (Feb 20, 2015)

MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN #14 Many are feeling a sense of urgency for something more. An underlying feeling of something missing is increasing. It’s causing more irritation, confusion, disharmony and dissatisfaction. It is a time in your evolution to acknowledge there is more to you than only your physical self and physical life. Your soul is ready to expand and grow. Intentional development of your spirit-self is needed. Emotional healing is needed to accomplish this. Suppressed emotional pain is the only thing that suppresses the growth of your soul. Emotional pain is healed by acknowledging its existence and allowing yourself to feel it fully.

Healing each and every emotional wound from your past lightens your heart, mind and soul. More love, light, peace and inner joy is experienced. To advance to a more balanced state of healing and well-being, you must give yourself a little time daily to get in touch with your heart’s sorrows and pain. The longer you ignore what is there, the more uncomfortable you will become. Grace enters your life when you honor your soul’s calling to awaken. You do this by honoring your pain and those underlying fears that cause your pain. “Babaji’s Work” is a simple and powerful method to heal all of your accumulated pain and fears. It brings awareness to what you have been ignoring. Increased awareness of your spirit-self occurs as you heal your pain and fear. Jesus (Jan 25, 2015)

MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN #13 All pain experienced in your life must be fully experienced. All suppressed pain must be felt fully to be freed from the underlying fear that caused you this pain. Your pain is always a result of a fear you have. And all fears you have are a direct result of the fear of being separated from our Creator. You can bypass the many superficial fears you have by going to the one and only fear that creates them all - the pain from the perceived separation from God. Feel the pain of your fear of being lost, incomplete, unloved and unloving. Feel the pain of not feeling whole. Ask for Christ consciousness; the consciousness of Christ. - Mahavatar Babaji (Jan 24, 2015)

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MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN #98 Do you want a new life? Do you want to feel in peace every minute and in a state of joy for life every day? What would you say you had it already? You do already have complete peace and joy. Your unhealed pain is just covering it up. As time goes by, another loss, another disappointment, and another hurt of some kind accumulates this energy inside – all because you do not feel it rightly.

Your pain and the underlying fears that cause them are the only thing that prevents you from living fullness of life. You’ve been taught to avoid them and cover them up. This is the most damaging thing you could do to yourself. It puts shame on you; deep shame and pain. You learn how to not accept yourself. You learn your natural feelings are bad and wrong. This makes you bad and wrong for being who you are.

You grow up feeling nothing that is real. Your life is a façade and you don’t even know it. You’re fully caught up in it by a young age. Now you know how to manipulate yourself. And you live and strive to be someone you are not. This brings ongoing heart ache and pain to a point that you lose yourself before even knowing who you are to begin with.

Now what happens to your soul self? It becomes terribly suppressed by suppressing your feelings your whole life. It feels more and more sorrow and emptiness. Yes, your soul has feelings; more than you could know. It wants you to love it. When you become unhappy enough, you begin to seek inside of yourself for something more. The time frame from point A to here is so many lifetimes you couldn’t count them; so many lifetimes of continued pain progressing. This is completely unnecessary. Lifetime after lifetime I watch you go down further. It is very painful for Me to see and to experience. All of this misery in one form to the next, until you are finally ready to give it all up; your pain and fear.

You cannot escape it forever. You will one day need to face it. You created it unknowingly, but you still created it. Only you can forgive it. It is your illusory existence that you have to accept to let go of it. I cannot do this for you. I can only help you do this for yourself. You are empowered to create what you want.

Feel daunted not. What is beyond daunting is continuing to live with hiding the truth. Know that you have to face your truth to come home to your natural state of peace and joy. Babaji specializes in facing the ego’s pain and fear. He is a master at this. He’s given you a method that makes it easier, much easier; more than you could begin to know right now.

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Babaji will get you to the source of your suppressed pain and fear effectively. You need to feel it to heal it and become free of it. It only hurts so much when you resist it. When you allow it, you can actually have peace with it. Again I will repeat, there is only one thing blocking you from living to your potential and that is your unhealed pain and fear. Make doing “Babaji’s Work” your daily priority. When there is no more fear left to resist, enlightenment comes in an instant. Then, My way of living arises automatically. Jesus (Feb 22, 2015)

MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN #106 I am a presence that you can feel and many of you are feeling My presence more. It begins with a little more peace, then hope and then a feeling of more trust begins to replace fear and doubt. Your thoughts change and your mind begins thinking of My love. Ever so gradually, more love starts to enter your conscious awareness. You find yourself thinking of others more and honor their feelings as your own. It is usually subtle at first. You may not even realize it for a little while.

Then, you get ideas about living your life differently, including doing more for others. The desire comes naturally. Your own desires seem not so important anymore. You transition your thinking spontaneously more to what you can give and less to what you can get. You feel something within you start to wake up. It is a beautiful feeling.

Then all of a sudden, awareness expands and you "get it". You comprehend the meaning of your life. You realize there is a purpose in your life that you never thought of before. Excitement for life becomes a new found experience. Inner joy develops and you intentionally change your life. You realize what does not fit with who you are anymore; what is holding you back from growth, happiness, fulfillment. Your priorities change and your life is reorganized. As time goes by, you become more humble. This makes you more open to others who you were closed off to before. And right about this time, you become more open to receiving a more awakened presence of who you really are. Now, you begin living for Me instead of yourself.

This is when bigger miracles occur, seemingly by happenchance. But, know you have now entered My way of life. Power becomes you. There is power in your thoughts, words and actions unlike before. Now you know why you are here. You begin to experience the Divine in every part of your life. Gratitude blossoms within you. It is completely new. An inner joy and awe for life becomes your predominating feeling. You change people’s lives in a significant way and are a part of life like never before. You know you are here for Me and you are so happy to find this out.

Freedom from the stresses of life reduce to nothing in time and you are now living a different life. You strongly want to live for Me. We become one mind, one heart, one soul, one life. We are in the process of unifying; merging as one. A new love enters your direct experience that cannot be explained. Any words will limit it, but it is a love and joy that is a miracle beyond

Page 12 of 14 human understanding. The love within you becomes a powerful presence. You are not your single self anymore. You are all. Jesus (Mar 4, 2015)

MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN #101 Before you get fearful, don’t. It is time to let go of it. Become the powerful beings you are. There is nothing to fear if you are wanting Me. I Am all you need. Change your habitual fearful thinking. Just surrender it to Me every time it comes up. It is the power in your fear that actually manifests precisely what you fear.

If you fear being betrayed, you will unconsciously attract people and experiences in which you are betrayed. If you fear the devil, evil trickery will be bestowed on you in one way or another. If you fear poverty, you will eventually experience poverty. You will experience every fear you hang onto until it is fully healed.

These experiences come to you to help you face those fears you are avoiding. Your fears are not in alignment with your true-self, your soul. Know that that there is one fear from which all other fears are created. You can stop this unconscious pattern by doing “Babaji’s Work”. I will give you further instructions for how to surrender your fear effectively.

Whatever you fear, face it in your mind. Experience it fully in your head; the worst case scenario. Where would you end up? Homeless on the street? Dying alone in a hospital? Experiencing the loss of a loved one? Getting fired from your job? Perhaps being hungry or even starving? Being humiliated in front of your friends? Being cheated on? Go ahead and think of all the experiences you fear. Experience them in your head until the feeling of fear is no more. Then move on to the next one. Do this until there are no more fears left to experience. Face them head on. What happens then? You don’t care about it anymore. It just dissolves. You’ll go where you need to go, which is where you are not feeling fearful anymore. It’s as simple as this.

It seems almost too simple, doesn’t it? Simple solutions for complicated problems always work best. Once you can face your fears like this, they will disappear. It is the nature of life. What you avoid and resist grows stronger. What you face head on weakens and fades away. You will grow past your fear quickly by doing this. Jesus (Feb 25, 2015)

MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN #107 I know many of My words may seem over exaggerated or just plain false and I understand why you are hurting inside sometimes when you read them. Reading My words brings more awareness to all that you are missing. At first, there’s a little or a lot of fear involved with this. You are afraid of being forgotten by God. You are afraid of being left out. Fears come to the surface with thoughts about God. There is a deep guilt and shame with your connection to Me. You do not understand why, yet it is there.

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Many of you will close the door at this point, wishing to hear no more. It’s frightening. The pain inside of you gets stirred up just by reading My words because what you need to forgive is what holds you back and you want to avoid it. Stagnation feels more comfortable and safe.

I want you to become more open hearted. The opening of your heart initially brings the pain and it may not seem a desirable process. The emptiness within you that has always been there for no apparent reason is due to your fears. A disconnection with your Creator begins at birth and continues through life, but you do not understand why. You try to fill the incomplete feeling with something, usually for a very long time.

This seeking is an unconscious yearning for something to fulfill you. If you knew what was on the other side of your pain, you would be happy and excited to face it. In time, you’d realize it was never real to begin with.

Know that I love you. Know that you are not incomplete or missing anything. Know that self- forgiveness is needed to find your way back to Me. Seek to forgive yourself from your illusory misgivings, imperfections and mistakes from the past. Remind yourself daily that there is no such thing as being separated from your Creator. Just remind yourself of this. You could not exist if you were not God. He is already within you fully. Seek to heal your pain and fear. Your wholeness is always there. It is your unhealed pain and fear that distorts your experience. Face your pains from the past. Do not carry them anymore. Forgive them by doing “Babaji’s Work”. Jesus (Mar 4, 2015) http://helpfromheaven.net/blog/

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