Carnegie Institution of Washington Monograph Series
BTILL UMI Carnegie Institution of Washington Monograph Series BT ILL UMI 1 The Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C. 1902. Octavo, 16 pp. 2 The Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C. Articles of Incorporation, Deed of Trust, etc. 1902. Octavo, 15 pp. 3 The Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C. Proceedings of the Board of Trustees, January, 1902. 1902. Octavo, 15 pp. 4 CONARD, HENRY S. The Waterlilies: A Monograph of the Genus Nymphaea. 1905. Quarto, [1] + xiii + 279 pp., 30 pls., 82 figs. 5 BURNHAM, S. W. A General Catalogue of Double Stars within 121° of the North Pole. 1906. Quarto. Part I. The Catalogue. pp. [2] + lv + 1–256r. Part II. Notes to the Catalogue. pp. viii + 257–1086. 6 COVILLE, FREDERICK VERNON, and DANIEL TREMBLY MACDOUGAL. Desert Botani- cal Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution. 1903. Octavo, vi + 58 pp., 29 pls., 4 figs. 7 RICHARDS, THEODORE WILLIAM, and WILFRED NEWSOME STULL. New Method for Determining Compressibility. 1903. Octavo, 45 pp., 5 figs. 8 FARLOW, WILLIAM G. Bibliographical Index of North American Fungi. Vol. 1, Part 1. Abrothallus to Badhamia. 1905. Octavo, xxxv + 312 pp. 9 HILL, GEORGE WILLIAM, The Collected Mathematical Works of. Quarto. Vol. I. With introduction by H. POINCARÉ. 1905. xix + 363 pp. +errata, frontispiece. Vol. II. 1906. vii + 339 pp. + errata. Vol. III. 1906. iv + 577 pp. Vol. IV. 1907. vi + 460 pp. 10 NEWCOMB, SIMON. On the Position of the Galactic and Other Principal Planes toward Which the Stars Tend to Crowd. (Contributions to Stellar Statistics, First Paper.) 1904. Quarto, ii + 32 pp.
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