MHS Band Gives Brief Oncert of Famous Marches at Stale Theater 10,882 Partly Cloudy, Windy, Cahar Te* Member of the Audit Night
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. n’— kis-,*.*^^ ’*■;■' v T ' 4 . • / , I -I .I,-. - t . ■ \ TUESDAY, JANUARY 27,1958 Aide rouRie^ Average Daily Net Press Run |Kanrt;f0t?r iEuentug ff^raUi For tho’ Week Ended The Weather Jnn. 24, 1958 Forecast of-D. S. Westfeer B w eea Resume Talks About Town MHS Band Gives Brief Oncert of Famous Marches at Stale Theater 10,882 Partly cloudy, windy, caHar te* Member of the Audit night. Minimum In low Sds. Tkitra- To Help Boost day, fair and caoler. _ AU SalnU Mother! Circle will meet Bureau- et drenlntton* Mancliesierr-—A City of Village Charm tomorrow~*t-8 p.m. wltlvMr»,-Vere Blood Program Trttchuk Of 5* Lenox street. Thr co>hosteaf will be Mrs. Ag:ner VOL. LXXII, NO, 100 (Clmsalfted Advertlalnr an Page 18) Ltdue. I Irj an attempt to recruit much- FUEL OIL MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JAN U ARY,^. 1953 frWENTY PAGES) PRICE n V E CENTS neecied blood clonora for the next Th« food sale held Friday eve-1 visit of the Bloodmoblle to Wood nine at the Princess restaurant by ; ruff Hall from 1 to 5:30 p. m. on a group of wontien from the Pio;' Wednesday, Feb. 4, John D. L.a- near Parachute Company added, the Belle, Charlea N. Crockett, and FBI Checks Shannon Resigns Eagan Asks Ruth J. Rowley of the local do Get reliabifi delivery servlc* of high- sum of 132.50 to the current March heat-content nil on demand ar at regv- of Dimes. nor recruitment committee have reaumed speaking engagements lar intervals. Both aervicea are avallaMa to fit your need. All dellverlea metered, W aived on Increase in St. Jude-Thaddeus Mothers Cir before Manchester churches, PTA. Nam, Lee and service groups. too, for yonr complete protection. GOP Committee cle has postponed its ’ meeting s^eduled for tomorrow night to During this month they have Wednesday, Feb. 4. at the home of appeared before, the Nathan Hale, State Aides state Capitol, Hartford, Jobless Aid Mrs. John Curtin, 213 Center Keeney, Verplanck, Washington l; t . w o o d CO. Jan. 28 — (/P)— Former Gov- street. and Highland Park T*TAa, the Washington, Jan. 28— (/P) State Capitol, Hartford, Lutherweds and the Mla.sion SI IISSEU ST. PHONE MI.3-4494 ’’fernor James C. Shannon, who 8t Margaret’s Circle, Daughters group at the Emanuel I.,utheran —The Senate Foreign Rela- has been mentioned prom Jan. 28— — State Labor o f Isaibdni, Win play court whist TChurch, -and 'ihe Knights 'and" La-"' ...tions—committee decided . tOr inently 'for appointment as a Commisaioner John Ji l^gan this evening at 8:15 at the K. of C. dias of Columbus. day to waive FBI security re Superior Court Judge, re turned over to Republican Home. Prises will be awarded at The -three speakers haVe ap ports on the men nam^d to signed today as Republican' legislative leaders today a bill eadt table, and the January com pealed directly to these organisa k^’ State Department posts. mittee Will serve refreshments. tions for help in maintaining the National committeeman from intended to carry out Gov- blood program. They have point Chairman Wiley (R., Wis.) Connecticut. emor John Lodge's repeated The Highland Park PTA which ed out that new dotiors are ur said the committee agreed to The resignation 'was announced to liberalize unem Gu8 Wells Continue Burning in Gul£ • State theater patrons last night were tested to a short "On- postponed its January meeting last used in planning a year-to-year gently needed, stres.sing the fact lake Secretary Dulles’ word by Clarence F. Baldwin, Republi ployment compensation bene ‘New Front’ Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Wil-1 Cfrt by the Manchester High School Band ilpfler the direction of Wil wbek on account of the storm, wil' program. that, at the pre.seiit time, this that an appointee is not a can State Chairman. Baldwin said fits. present the same program tomor liams of 21 Griffin road have issued ’ liam Vaders. The band, shown here a^/it-appeared on the stage, most vital and urgent program la he did so with "deep regret." . lnvitatlo,ns for the wedding of their I played several selections by John Philip .Rousa. famed compos.*r. The Arthur H. Tiling, superintendent security risk. In some respects, the measure Ir row evening at 8 o'clock in the of schools, said the approach would being maintained largely through Shannon was nominated national similar to one knocked down by eehool hall. G. Albert Pbarson and daughter. Joan F. Williams, film feature last night, "Stars and Stripes Forever," is on Sou donations of approximately .500 Wiley said this clears the waj- Pltirt Linked and Jacob J. Chesanek. son of Mr. be.for the recreation commission for prompt committee action or committeeman last spring and as the Democratic-cbntrolled Senate his Round Table Singers from sa’s life. The movie will have its (Insl showing tonight,. ^ to present a program to the Board people who regularly (Innate twice sumed the post after the party's Manchester High School will fur and Mrs. Thomas A. Chesanek of a year or oftener. Becauae of Dulles' ranking subordinates In thr two years ago because of objec of Education Which could then de- national convention. Succeeding tions raised by organized labor. nish' the entertainment, and Mr. St. Petersburg, Fla. j the Increasing demands made upon new State department $et up.. termlne whether facilities to ac . , The committee announced at Itr William H. Brennan of Stamford, It also falls short of some of th* To Moscow Pearson will speak on "Music Ir comniodate the program were i blood program and the proved veteran Fairfield 'County Republi demands made by the State CIO _ Our Schools." Mrs. Jay Rublnow. St. Anne's Mothers Circle will BoartL Hears Several organizational meeting three /fee available. 1 ll’erapeiitlc value of blood to the week.s ago that It would require can leader whose reelectton to the Council at its convention in Bridge ~ the president hopes for a good meet tomorrow night, at 8 o'clock Tiling and Carl Hulline, a Board III and Injured, it - l.s to the per post Governor Lodge opposed. port last week. Tokyo, Thursday. Jan. 29 turnout at this - flrst - meeting- in with Mrs. Marlon Relljy of 99 Por complete ..FBI reports on ever;.' “ ' o^Educatlon member, stressed that sonal interest' of all Manche.ster Shannon wrote letters of resig This year. Republicans control — (/P) —Thfl United Nit. 1853. Mothera of second grade ter street. Members are reminded people fo help insure the contin SEALY MATTRESSES $Z9.95 and up Slate department nominee. ionsr for Program the "board is eager to have school Wiley told reporters today th- nation to Baldwin and to GOP Na both the House and Senate. tiona Commend Wednesday children, under the* chairmanship to bring articles for the. rummage facilities Used for community uses. ued success of this project, they o f Mrs. Edward Kirkham, will sale. rom'mittee has derided now it tional Chairman Wesley Roberts. Egan’s bill, which he turned over charged two top Korean Early in' the , meeting George have stated. In a statement handed news JAMES 9. HiHANNON to GOP House Leader Simon S. serve refreshments. port from the Park and Recreation Appointments for Blobdmohile would take too long for compjetr munist truce negotiators ^|d Nine OrfiqtUzationg Note j Green, of the Ccinnecticut Society reports. papermen, Shannon gave no reason Cohen, would increase jobless bene Manchester Chapter No. lOfli.' Department. Dav may he made hy phoning ■’a Soviet army officer” Of Crippled Children, said the ’’It was s good prdcediire we for his resignation other than to ful for It. I shall always remember fits to a $30 s week maximum. The Women of the Moose, will hold, a De$iri^'io Hold Further Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick later said society would like to set up and op- .3-.51TT or by mailing a card with KEMP’S, j directing the bloody Hn- meeting, '.tomorrow, . night 8. worked out.” Wiley said, "but it say that with a new administration with pleasure my association with present maximum is $24; while the the-group needed $4,000. erata a recreation program for'the- name and ... and - nhone 783 MAIN RTRERT TEL. Miadl880 havlfig taken, Office, '*i feel ■ that ClO'seeks-840. - ' ' prisoner of wer-riota-rf- 19HS;' at the Britlah-American Club. T a lk's on Town Setup. Mrs. Dobson said the "Y ” wanted number fo Red Cross headquar 'drdri'V'wbflt.” .......... ........ ' ■ you all.” approximately IS handicapped chil-1 FINE lEDDING The fly in the ointment is that this Is the proper time for mv re In addition to serving as nation There would be no change Ir A long and documented ataOi- " ^ S P E C I A L " to make it|S program available to dren in town. ters on Center street. tirement from this post to which the number of weeks—26—that s ment said the violent priaoiiar up* Commander Wilber Little hopes .About 50 peraons attended a residents at reasonable prices. It takes up to 60 days for an FBI al committeeman during the 1952 The society would operate and I check to be completed. the party named me last spring." election campaign. Shannon was worker can collect benefits during rtalngs on Kota and C ^ ju for a full turnout of the I.,eglon- dneetlng of the Recreation and 100 Volunteer Women finance It for a year or more with 1 F rA n k j.