. n’— kis-,*.*^^ ’*■;■' v T ' 4 . . . • / , I -I .I,-. - t . ■ \ TUESDAY, JANUARY 27,1958 Aide rouRie^ Average Daily Net Press Run |Kanrt;f0t?r iEuentug ff^raUi For tho’ Week Ended The Weather Jnn. 24, 1958 Forecast of-D. S. Westfeer B w eea Resume Talks About Town MHS Band Gives Brief Oncert of Famous Marches at Stale Theater 10,882 Partly cloudy, windy, caHar te* Member of the Audit night. Minimum In low Sds. Tkitra- To Help Boost day, fair and caoler. . _ AU SalnU Mother! Circle will meet Bureau- et drenlntton* Mancliesierr-—A City of Village Charm tomorrow~*t-8 p.m. wltlvMr»,-Vere Blood Program Trttchuk Of 5* Lenox street. Thr co>hosteaf will be Mrs. Ag:ner VOL. LXXII, NO, 100 (Clmsalfted Advertlalnr an Page 18) Ltdue. I Irj an attempt to recruit much- FUEL OIL MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JAN U ARY,^. 1953 frWENTY PAGES) PRICE n V E CENTS neecied blood clonora for the next Th« food sale held Friday eve-1 visit of the Bloodmoblle to Wood­ nine at the Princess restaurant by ; ruff Hall from 1 to 5:30 p. m. on a group of wontien from the Pio;' Wednesday, Feb. 4, John D. L.a- near Parachute Company added, the Belle, Charlea N. Crockett, and FBI Checks Shannon Resigns Eagan Asks Ruth J. Rowley of the local do­ Get reliabifi delivery servlc* of high- sum of 132.50 to the current March heat-content nil on demand ar at regv- of Dimes. nor recruitment committee have reaumed speaking engagements lar intervals. Both aervicea are avallaMa to fit your need. All dellverlea metered, W aived on Increase in St. Jude-Thaddeus Mothers Cir­ before Manchester churches, PTA. Nam, Lee and service groups. too, for yonr complete protection. GOP Committee cle has postponed its ’ meeting s^eduled for tomorrow night to During this month they have Wednesday, Feb. 4. at the home of appeared before, the Nathan Hale, State Aides state Capitol, Hartford, Jobless Aid Mrs. John Curtin, 213 Keeney, Verplanck, Washington l; t . w o o d CO. Jan. 28 — (/P)— Former Gov- street. and Highland Park T*TAa, the Washington, Jan. 28— (/P) State Capitol, Hartford, Lutherweds and the Mla.sion SI IISSEU ST. PHONE MI.3-4494 ’’fernor James C. Shannon, who 8t Margaret’s Circle, Daughters group at the Emanuel I.,utheran —The Senate Foreign Rela- has been mentioned prom­ Jan. 28— — State Labor o f Isaibdni, Win play court whist TChurch, -and 'ihe Knights 'and" La-"' ...tions—committee decided . tOr inently 'for appointment as a Commisaioner John Ji l^gan this evening at 8:15 at the K. of C. dias of Columbus. day to waive FBI security re­ Superior Court Judge, re­ turned over to Republican Home. Prises will be awarded at The -three speakers haVe ap­ ports on the men nam^d to signed today as Republican' legislative leaders today a bill eadt table, and the January com­ pealed directly to these organisa­ k^’ State Department posts. mittee Will serve refreshments. tions for help in maintaining the National committeeman from intended to carry out Gov- blood program. They have point­ Chairman Wiley (R., Wis.) Connecticut. emor John Lodge's repeated The Highland Park PTA which ed out that new dotiors are ur­ said the committee agreed to The resignation 'was announced promi.se to liberalize unem­ Gu8 Wells Continue Burning in Gul£ • State theater patrons last night were tested to a short "On- postponed its January meeting last used in planning a year-to-year gently needed, stres.sing the fact lake Secretary Dulles’ word by Clarence F. Baldwin, Republi­ ployment compensation bene­ ‘New Front’ Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Wil-1 Cfrt by the Manchester High School Band ilpfler the direction of Wil­ wbek on account of the storm, wil' program. that, at the pre.seiit time, this that an appointee is not a can State Chairman. Baldwin said fits. present the same program tomor­ liams of 21 Griffin road have issued ’ liam Vaders. The band, shown here a^/it-appeared on the stage, most vital and urgent program la he did so with "deep regret." . lnvitatlo,ns for the wedding of their I played several selections by John Philip .Rousa. famed compos.*r. The Arthur H. Tiling, superintendent security risk. In some respects, the measure Ir row evening at 8 o'clock in the of schools, said the approach would being maintained largely through Shannon was nominated national similar to one knocked down by eehool hall. G. Albert Pbarson and daughter. Ml.ss Joan F. Williams, film feature last night, "Stars and Stripes Forever," is ba.se.d on Sou­ donations of approximately .500 Wiley said this clears the waj- Pltirt Linked and Jacob J. Chesanek. son of Mr. be.for the recreation commission for prompt committee action or committeeman last spring and as­ the Democratic-cbntrolled Senate his Round Table Singers from sa’s life. The movie will have its (Insl showing tonight,. ^ to present a program to the Board people who regularly (Innate twice sumed the post after the party's Manchester High School will fur­ and Mrs. Thomas A. Chesanek of a year or oftener. Becauae of Dulles' ranking subordinates In thr two years ago because of objec­ of Education Which could then de- national convention. Succeeding tions raised by organized labor. nish' the entertainment, and Mr. St. Petersburg, Fla. j the Increasing demands made upon new State department $et up.. termlne whether facilities to ac ...... , The committee announced at Itr William H. Brennan of Stamford, It also falls short of some of th* To Moscow Pearson will speak on "Music Ir comniodate the program were i blood program and the proved veteran Fairfield 'County Republi­ demands made by the State CIO _ Our Schools." Mrs. Jay Rublnow. St. Anne's Mothers Circle will BoartL Hears Several organizational meeting three /fee available. 1 ll’erapeiitlc value of blood to the week.s ago that It would require can leader whose reelectton to the Council at its convention in Bridge­ ~ the president hopes for a good meet tomorrow night, at 8 o'clock Tiling and Carl Hulline, a Board III and Injured, it - l.s to the per­ post Governor Lodge opposed. port last week. Tokyo, Thursday. Jan. 29 turnout at this - flrst - meeting- in with Mrs. Marlon Relljy of 99 Por­ complete ..FBI reports on ever;.' “ ' o^Educatlon member, stressed that sonal interest' of all Manche.ster Shannon wrote letters of resig­ This year. Republicans control — (/P) —Thfl United Nit. 1853. Mothera of second grade ter street. Members are reminded people fo help insure the contin­ SEALY MATTRESSES $Z9.95 and up Slate department nominee. ionsr for Program the "board is eager to have school Wiley told reporters today th- nation to Baldwin and to GOP Na­ both the House and Senate. tiona Commend Wednesday children, under the* chairmanship to bring articles for the. rummage facilities Used for community uses. ued success of this project, they o f Mrs. Edward Kirkham, will sale. rom'mittee has derided now it tional Chairman Wesley Roberts. Egan’s bill, which he turned over charged two top Korean Early in' the , meeting George have stated. In a statement handed news­ JAMES 9. HiHANNON to GOP House Leader Simon S. serve refreshments. port from the Park and Recreation Appointments for Blobdmohile would take too long for compjetr munist truce negotiators ^|d Nine OrfiqtUzationg Note j Green, of the Ccinnecticut Society reports. papermen, Shannon gave no reason Cohen, would increase jobless bene­ Manchester Chapter No. lOfli.' Department. Dav may he made hy phoning ■’a Soviet army officer” Of Crippled Children, said the ’’It was s good prdcediire we for his resignation other than to ful for It. I shall always remember fits to a $30 s week maximum. The Women of the Moose, will hold, a De$iri^'io Hold Further Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick later said society would like to set up and op- .3-.51TT or by mailing a card with KEMP’S, j directing the bloody Hn- meeting, '.tomorrow, . night ..at 8. worked out.” Wiley said, "but it say that with a new administration with pleasure my association with present maximum is $24; while the the-group needed $4,000. erata a recreation program for'the- name and addre.sa ... and - nhone 783 MAIN RTRERT TEL. Miadl880 havlfig taken, Office, '*i feel ■ that ClO'seeks-840. - ' ' prisoner of wer-riota-rf- 19HS;' at the Britlah-American Club. T a lk's on Town Setup. Mrs. Dobson said the "Y ” wanted number fo Red Cross headquar­ 'drdri'V'wbflt.” ...... ' ■ you all.” approximately IS handicapped chil-1 FINE lEDDING The fly in the ointment is that this Is the proper time for mv re­ In addition to serving as nation­ There would be no change Ir A long and documented ataOi- " ^ S P E C I A L " to make it|S program available to dren in town. ters on Center street. tirement from this post to which the number of weeks—26—that s ment said the violent priaoiiar up* Commander Wilber Little hopes .About 50 peraons attended a residents at reasonable prices. It takes up to 60 days for an FBI al committeeman during the 1952 The society would operate and I check to be completed. the party named me last spring." election campaign. Shannon was worker can collect benefits during rtalngs on Kota and C ^ ju for a full turnout of the I.,eglon- dneetlng of the Recreation and 100 Volunteer Women finance It for a year or more with 1 F rA n k j. Man.sfield Marine 1950 BUICK naires at the meeting tonight at ^ -Wiley said the committee wil’ In his letter to Roberts, Shan­ honorary chairman of the Conr any one year. were the "direct, reapoaattwtjr’ afl Park Advisory Commission last In an.swer to" questions from the hope that the town could even-1 Corp.s T-,eague Auxiliary’ will meet ' accept a personal letter from Dul­ The Egan bill contains some pro- Gen. Nam II, aenlor CommuiaOt- o’clock :ln the Legion Home. The Iho-W present, she said there were tomorrow st * p. m. at the Army non said: necticut Citizens for EUsenhower. night during which diacii.ssion tually take It over"; I les .saying that an appointee Is not He was elected lieutenant-gover­ vUions designed to close what he dclegate to the suspended main topics for discussion will be 100 local volunteer women and The society would need volun-' and Navy Club. Advertise in The Herald— It Pays "While my . service on the com­ the auction slated for Wednesday, evolved around possible town fi­ a security risk as good enough foi mittee hss been brief, I have had nor in the 1946 election, becoming long has contended are loopholes Uons, and his deputy, dan. liaa that some of them worked as long teera to transport the children, the the lime being. FBI reports will be In the jobless insurance law. It was Feb. 2.5. and the 28th anniversary nancial support for the YWCA as 12 hours a day on the "Y " pro- use of a swimming pool one hour a the opportunity to participate In Governor in March. 1948, follow- Sang Cho. Both ara Nqrtit $1595 observance-of the Legldn on Sat­ program, the construction of a submitted to the Committee when momentous decisions for our par­ a GOP'sttempt to seal those that Koreans. gmm week, a place to conduct classes, comnleted. he said. caused the rumpus two years sgo. \ ' urday, March-14...... ------svclitimlng .pool, use .of..school. f acll - Her -bid for- financial . support '^and-About $80- in swimming safety- ty giid pur country an(l am grate- (C'nntlnued on Page Five) In addition, the UN Lew ml|esge.\One owner. Itles for community recreational W iley said the hew pla'h' ahouid As he did tweyears' ago.'for ex­ said the two tiaad the "Que____ and a place to conduct classes and equipment. end at once the log Jam on five top ample, Egan proposed to righten Priced for guick sale. Members of tb^ Buckland Com­ purpoaes, a i%:reatlon program for other- parts of the "Y ” program Privately owned flood lights in Guidance Bureau" to munity Club pfe reminded of the crippled children, and the possible State department nominations. the pregnancy provision in the law. contact with the priaoBera, TMa was supported Hv Mrs. Fitzpatrick back of the Community Y have However, at least one of Presi­ At present, a woman may collect supper and rheeling at the school purchase by the town of llghts'now and Mrs. Burton Knopp. been offered the town for sale at Aerial vU-vv ahowavttvo flaming gas wells Im tha Gulf of Mexico, 88 milba south of Morgan City, La. bureau, which een& ageata t»«to tonight a^-diSO. located at the rear of the Com- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's nom- beneflta immediately after thr A. team at anU-tank. experU. from asar.liy Camp Folk were llowii to the wrella with a 75 niilllinetre rifle South Kora and controla guazrt]la ■aiehtttir Iblors Mrs. Knopp,pointed out that few \yhat the (commission called a bar­ - inces will face a fight for coqfirma- pregnancy Is over if she declaref mUKlty'Y. towns have provision for recrea gain. The commission sought to m an in rfforta to puncture the superstructure of the wells so that flames prraentiv shooting horizontally operations; "ia under Oen. Baa V •18 West Oeoter 8 t,\ The-- executive board of the At the close of the meeting at, tionjn the Senate, Former Harvard her availability for work. She need Choi, who also is a Soviet a n » tton for girls and young women in find o:il whether they should be President James B. Conant, select­ to the water, would turn skyward. If auceenafu). It would relieve flnnger to other wells and enable Mitchell 8-4184 \ Chnminade Club will meet tonight least nine of the several local or- bought and what should be done TOWN & country not work a single day to receive standard flreflghting efforts to mieceed. (AP Wtrephotn from Jir. 8, Comal Guard.) officer," the report said. . group activities ed for the post of High Commis­ benefits. Under the Egan bill, she witIth Mrs. Robert W. Martin of S.l ganlzaticins signified their desire She said such group setivity with them. Ex-Membar of MVD ^h«helps road. - to meet with the advisory group sioner to Germany, may encounter must earn at lea.st $200 after her Nam H’s liaison officar batweiB programs sre difficult to set up Concensus seemed to be that they rough-going from Senator McC.-ir- As Westport Slayer to help plan a recreation program. should be purchased and left where pregnancy before ahe can collect Panmuntoqi, the meeting site, n d in a town recreation program and DRESS OUTLET • thy of Wisconsin. benefits. The meeting was called by Gen­ that In the YWCA Manchester al­ they are. Moving them to Mount — « North Korean army haatitniartara eral Manager Richard Martin for McCarthy associates said today The Egan bill would require also Argentine’s was Hated as "Oen Kim Pa,; a form­ ready had the machinery and the I Neho or some other- point was that he may oppose Conant, partly ARC Reports Gain the purpose of beginning plans for that any person who collects the er Soviet M'VD (secret poUci) personnel.' ideemed too expensive. because of a speech in Boston last Newark, N. J., Jan. 28—(i'P)— A 29-year-old Negro was cap­ a comprehensive passive and ac­ tured today and, police said, he admitted the .strangle-slaying maximum benefits for the ma.xi- agent who holds a high p^U tw Automatic Fuel Oil Service... tive recreational program. In an.swer to a question by April in which Conant said private mum period must earn at least In the North Korean pollUenI Reek Coordination Chrlatje Meftormick, bonrd mcm-1 CUSTONBURY schoola are a "divisive influence." of a former actress in her Westport, Conn., home. The man, $200 to become eligible (o r addi­ Envoy Raps security department" , bei', Mis. Dob.son said none of the McCarthy is a Catholic layman William Davis, sought since yesterdaj’, was picked up on a Members of the comml.sslon de­ and some Catholics have protested tional benefits after a lapse of In Use o f A-Power Both Oenerala Pae and Kim 9m cided to hold sn executive meeting money collected locally In "Y " j tip from Brooklyn, N. 'Y., police. about six months. appear to he of Koreiut .«xtract4a drives is used out of town. what they termed an attack by and later to call on representative.s HALE'S He broke down under question- Labor objected to that pfoposkl and presumably wera among tha She said the "Y " prngi.sms are Conant on parochial schools. Dulles View of the various organizations to ara happy to* announet that on or about February 5,1953 ing and orally admitted the slaying two yeaia ago. Koreans tralnad by RuMln and aent tn.stituterf when- a^ dem and for- W ' Hearings . on Conant and Gen. of“ Mrs. Senada (Penny) Coats Wa.sliih)^on, Jan. 28—(/P)— ATomic Energy commis­ learn what progr^ims those organ­ Walter Bedell Smith, former Cen­ Coverage world be expanded un- Into North Korea at the end a t izations would like to see insti­ Ihem appears and the "Y " doe.? Headquarters Evans, 28. estranged wife of Mont­ sion (AEG) today reported sharp new advances toward per­ World War H. ONE CALL... not run competing programs with ' we will be doing business at our new location (due to the tral intelligence chief cho.sen for der the bill to include :-tate, county New York. -Tan. 28— eia . . . dean-burning Mobile Waller N. ; lease on Globe Hollow runs out In ! tk.JW.IUU flu. grippe and other respiratory information. already the conqueror of Atlantic "public concern In some commiinl- caped with an indeterminate prison "These two generals and thatr L,eclerc. ,)1957 and that Saltera ia not com-1 Infections sppeared to be waninp Davi.s. booked, as a fugitive, speed records, hung a new .official Argentina Is the "most daring" lles” tecarding possible rsdloac- sentence because he was only 16 matifi delivery baaed on your Jieat with more heat unite than supporter of the non-fnterventlon fanatical followers have axpMtSd Director ptetel.v satisfactory for several today in mos.t sections of the waived extradition to Connecticut. 1 \VILIJ.\5I DAVI Englan(^-to-Australia mark on it.r tlve hecards to man. he.s;st and years old. " tadividual needa in ralation to aver beforel 8 policy and emphasized, that Argen­ a new area of total war," the XJNC 1 rensons. I country. Three ■ Detectiyes surpris(*d j fuselage'^today. plant from periodic bleats aimed . Bentley was hanged at grim charged. ' A nation-wide .spot surve.v show­ tina will not accept '"nny attempt at develoing "new and Improved j Murphey said the construction i Davis in a bed at a house at Thf speedy twin-jet whizzed Wandsworth prison In the suburbs The Statement spelled out in flat FUNERAL ; of one large pool would cost he- | ed that fiu-llke disea.ses were or, front the outside to Impose pat­ atmpsn- ; M O O ll S T llllC ta b le down st this north Australian port terns of living In conflict with our tail atepa It taid the Reds took to The W. G. GLENNEY CO. I tween $150,000 and $200,090. He i the'decllne In at lea.«t 16 slates ion picked up with him and Iden- i at 4:07 p.m. today (1:37 a.m In the latest account of Its ing crowd demonstrated outside organize the riots. --i; SERVICE with only three slates reporting r tlfled hy police as Jennie Allen, is ; traditions, customs, manners, or stewardship of the entire atomic the wslls. 836 NORTH MAIN ST. MANCHESTER ■ and Kelley said a question irxists ' e,s.l.i, just 22 hotira and one min­ simply our plea.sures." Admit Plants , at to whether the town should sizable increase. being held for questioning. j For Total Eclipse ute after leaving London. nrogrsm Ih which congrc,«s so He w’ent to the gallows despite Call MI-9-5869 Elsewhere, respiratory Infec­ Paz also quoted and endorsed "Many prisoaera captured by thar build one large pool or four Davis, taken to police head- : It.s ac'tual flying time for- the far has Invented or appropriated an appeal bv his friends to the UN forces have admitted they 23 Main Street, Manchester tions were running near.'hormal for President, Eisenhower's pledge in anproximatelv T 'j billion dollars smaller ones in different parts of quarters shackled to s datsetive. | 8.608-mile trip -unofficial so fgr— queen that she override her cabi­ were deliberate plants, dl8patch|a the winter period. .sobbed openly as he was photo- . Boston, Jan. 28_(.4>)_The his Inaugural address that the the A EC said: net advisers and stay the execu­ town. - ‘ 1 Weather biire,ni said today, was 19 hours and one minute. to penetrate the prison camps It "Thing of the Past” | The survey indicated the out- graphed by newspaper camera- : The Royal Aero Club of Britain U. S: will never us^ Its strength to 1. Production of fissionable ma­ tion. - Earlier. Home gecretary Sir break.s" have been more dlstre.sSing weather conditions are expecte'cl ’’try to Impress upon anothei' peo­ Koje, where they were to establisa "Is the trend toward artiflcial \ men. | saici the plane's average speed was terials for A-bOmhs and for the David Maxwell Fyfe. had rejected 'cell organization committeea* In than dangerous. In most cases the to be favorable enough lomor- ple our cherished political and clemency pleas signed by more swimming pools, entirely?’.’ askedj At the time of his capture. I ro’,v night for New Englanders 391.2 miles an hour. illne.ss la.sts only three to five days. which police said was without a : This more than halved the pre­ economic Institutions." (Conllniied on Page Tw'o) Ihsn 200 members of parliament. Truman Cowles, representing the Very few deaths have resulted di­ to see the first lotal eclipse of (Continued on Page Two) Osh and game Interests. | struggle, Davis was wearing a vious official record listed with tha In his original statement on Jan. A crowd of approximately 500 Now Now rectly. ■ , • the moon visible In this nren In "The,natural swimming pool is | Going On--Save navy pea jacket and dark trousers. S6 years. BritishcAir Ministry of 45 hours. 15. Dulles said there is a "work­ persons milling outside the prison CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. The four stftte.s hardest hit by Brooklyn , detectives, who had ' 35 ipindtes. clocked by a four- ing alliance between Fascist and Ixjoed and shouted as the main a thing nf the past.” Murphey said. | Infection a week ago Texa.s, Ar- "The forecast was for scattered Allies Smollicr ...... 1 .1 He explained that the .State ; SOME OF THE ITEMS LISTED REPRESENT CLOSE OUTS, SOME ARE OVER-STOCKS been combing neighborhood bars I engine LancasterVbomber. in Au­ Communist elements" to agree on gate swung open at #;10 a. m. kan.sa.—• the fact that the iecrrati(fn pro-' partment; said it haa re'porta of LUGGAGE FIREPLACE A two-mah Royal Air Force Allied defenders cut .the Red force notice. William J. Patterson, an Inter-' gram was stymied beCau.se at lack | 11,564 cases in 12 .counties, but no to bits, the U* S. Eighth Army ,i'e- of space. . . , j. STANLEY POWER crew—both World-War II'veterans ‘•'niey’re murdering an; Innocent ; state: Oemmeren eenaxniaalnMiv, deaths.' A Louisville pediatrician: porled;'^*" , tx)y," sHrilled ope woman as the • They pointed out that the" Board j said doctors are being "run rag­ .—brought the blue bomber through said today there bas keeni^" _T 0 P CHEVROLET SERVIGE EQUIPMENT its g,6(i8-mlle trip .from Isjrtdqn, the air. U»e Fifthi Air orowd.fltifyTewins at-ttie imifornied' ertdept*T"Uf saliat»tB ■ IM ’OBi o f •Rduealion' is making- greater iiart ged’’ treating,-yiWBgalers and tha-t Ike Plan to’ End Wars-! News Tidbits s*id II. S. Sabre jets darhaged ons SHOP TOOL They' .Were"the' pilot. Flight Lt. prison officials. wreck Waxhlngton's .iuibhom*. of the Easrsirfe r»creat1(m bunting (x«:urr^ ing. - ' mendoua' ' load of respiratory Leslie Morris Whittington."29, and Culled from AP Wire* train. 'Patterson tokt wportets . — Genuine Chevroret Parts"— a- veteran test pilot, and his navi­ late afternoon encodnter ove’ When Bentley, dull-witted son of -nothing haa, been presented at Both wanted In know what faci­ patients. Drug firms report the Uljii. just smith o) the Manchur­ lities in new schools and sch(x)- Tht • replacing American forces In Korea Presldent Truman to see his father At sea, the Navy said I6-lnch This combination tool is a table- All fireplace equipment is included Jiealth officer, estimated to Eisenhower administration was re­ with South Korean troops. Tuesday e.i.t. 1 and stopped en Craig cut loose with a gun, klll- udthout brakes- . side cases and hat boxes. 8,000 Tfiiite three times for fuel at inaugura.ted.v , .-Father and son In ip) — Tha LAND,3URVIEYING _ UNDERGROUND break is the heaviest In "many Chlne.se wai's by denying Russia speech In advance and approved it. in Singapore, In all they spent only French catblnet decided te d ^ t* three , hourx 'on the ground, - the stenmshoyel excavating for new It surt to makt Carttr's your Chovrolot Hoadquortors. EdwofOl L. Davis, Jr. years" ^ i l that Ih? disease itSelf •any -"advantage" from them. Pre.4* seeretafy lam?s Hag^rly de­ highway on lan'd'selzed from ihenr mibmH the European a m # | - A SPRING ITEM “HANDSAW ia relarfvsly mild. Secretary of State Dulles, dl.s- clined to comment on the reports longest stay an hour and 16 min­ treaty to the national aseemblyv' —I ’ • utes In Karachi. by -eminent domain. Envoy Assails Idea Chiafig Registered Ijind Surveyor GARBABE cii.sslng this subject publicly for of well advanced plan.s to end the Wallingford man alleges he was ! immediately, along with thf."' So -convenienty located here jn Manchester you’ce hlsre in a few 1.5 Proctor Road 5|hncheator the first lime since the new ad­ wars. severely burned by exploeion cans- i three-power western peaea eons- GARDEN HOSE tract with fleniiany. Tbs do* minutes. ■ ' r— TEU SHTCHF.LL S-70IS Special IlaTlfol'tl Yo iTlli ministration took' power, told' a j Dulles' bf(")a(Iiasl"apciu'fi pin- T d “by'"weTder’s spafRiT in chemicaU Send Force to Korea War national radio and television audi­ j pointed trouble spots of the world Giis Triiek TiFs, plant and files 8-50,000 damage clslon came only a day sfteC' ence last night; ■ In a aweeping aurvey of Amcrica.i suit In New Haven Superlnr Court. John Foster Dulles, aew U. K Secretary of State, had wamotj^ T- Save 35^/37° Held as Slaver "Today these wars go on because I forclf^n fw)llcy programs, and also . . . Ohio, never officially adrtUtted New York„--Jifh. 28 - UPy — Republican Club, that NATO the enemy thinks he’s getting an Bums; 30 Escape to the Union because congress that America might have to id*-., CARTER CARE IS 170 OFF I contained an appeal f(y popular Nationalist—China’s T. F. Tslang should furnish moral and perhaps cast Its policy toward Eniipn' A special buy puts these 10 and $3 -1 9 advantage by continuing the war. I Confi(Jence at home in the State failed to adopt necessary resolu­ tfiAecf' rejected suggestions by material support to the Formosa Lubbock. Tex.. Jan. 28 i8f*) A I believe' that Gen. Eisenhower will tion after slate constitution wi unless France, Germany anw.' Vi (fallnn sizes at the lowest prices youthful Air Force cadet at dawn I Department and foreign service. Little Fall.a, N.^Y., Jan. 28—t/Pl— some Americans that 30,000 of government when it take* the of­ -Gneat Britain ean work out aa - CAR COMMON SEHSE! on all coupled lengths of rubber find the ways to make the enemy Flames from an overturned gaso­ presented In 1803, will bejwinfllted ' I f o a t in years. This is a. Disston made 26” 8 pt. today led officers, to a shallow I He promi.sed. with the help of the Ghiang Kalahek's tr(X>ps be sent to fensive to help mainland Chinese effective unity. hosei change his mind In that respect so I FBI, to ,rid fhe department of any line tanker today swept seven before March 1, thp,.attifdn ISOth Korea to fight the Reds. Ae said overthrow the Communists. He grave where they uncovered the that they too will want peace.” Mrthday. cross cut saw and normally retails I Communist or Red sympathizers houses and drove approxlmatelv 30 ' that no one .can assume that the said his government wants to ac­ BANK BOBBERS NABBE0_J,^: nude body of ^ Miss Joyce Fern Specifle Slovra ' persons into the atreft in their! WarttoMr* chief of Soviet Com- 1 0 GAL. $ 6 . 9 5 ^ 1 5 « a . , . M , 9 5 Buy Now and Save for |.3.2o. One to a customer.. While, 18, who had been mi.saing who may be f(Mind there.' Chinese Armv is expendable to be quire enough naval and air power .Atlanta, Jan. The^ Diillea’ statement was described nightclothes. • ' , . ipuntfit Party’s propaganda ad­ used as others see fit. to add to its land power so it can from home .since-Jan. 8. authoritatively as being based upon , ► Implied Threat today arrested the laat at, fireman said he would g'ue.«s ! ministration admits he was partly Tslang, Nationalist Chinese del­ independently invade and liberate men charged uflth toT' ' Four hours later a charge of plans for spc(!Hlc moves, although j On one , foreign policy, problem. that the loss exceeded $100,000. | to blaine for mistakes made* by home C O M f O R T murder w-ilh malice -was filed : Dulles had what appeared* to he egate to the United Nations, al.v> the mainland. He also-support^ Trenton, N. J., hnnk of $ . he gave no hint in hi.'i speech' as to There was no official estimate Im-1 magazine Bolshevik in "piaislng criticized Prime Minister Winston PRICES ARE FOR THE WEEK OF JAN. 24-31 , again.si 20-year-old Walter H. what these moves W'lll be. ■ an impjied threat of new AmerlT B.uggestion by some Arhericans for Jan. la Special FELAlM* I mediately. No casualties were re-1 views of former deputy prime ChJi'rchlll for* giving "gratuitous a naval blockade of the Chinese Whit)>ker. Jr., miember of a well- However, in a pre-elecUon speech can action toward wc.stern Euro­ Weatherford aMnnnMd ported. minister Nikolai A. Voznesensky and polntlea.s" advice, called on mainland. Leoaard JashmsM,;8l, a t' MORIARTY Bros. to-do Hartford. OtSITn.. family. in October, Dulles said Russia had pean Allies unless they persist Ift . , . Eight thousand bus strikers Texas Ranger Raymond Water: Three houses burned to the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza­ "Mr. Winston Churchill in his go, waa pinked an h| a ' !?n advantage out of continuing the efforts toward unity. He noted vote secretly on formula for ending 315 CENTER ST and Sheriff Grady Harrist told ground, one was gutted and the tion' powers such iLs Britain to recent 'Visit to this country told court on thd oniHBitl nl. Korean war by the fact that Ameri­ that Frcn(:h and German steps to­ others were damaged seriously.. 28^ay-oId stoppage through arbi­ withdraw recognition from' Com­ the Americuui people as soon ax he neil'smen the youth made an oral can troops are tied up there ytd ward formation of a European De- tration. statement in w’hich he said' Miss The gasoline-laden tanker, oper­ munist China, and said his gov­ anived that he did npt like to aee by propagandizing the conflict ag a fenae Community under 'which ated by Robert Michaels, 25, of ■ Twenty Jews flee from Soviet ernment had never sought to com- ‘the Army o9 the United Nations U. S- CASUAUCmi MOBILHEAT White, a Lubbock high school sen­ campaign of Americana against Weat (Germany could rearm have ior, was strangled to death with a Rochester, skidded on an icy hill (n Zone Into H’est Berlin . . . Safa In nilt one single American soldier to or of the United States wandering Washhutnn. dna Asians. These advantages could be recently been "somewhat stalled." this MohawW valley city during a business office of University o f about In the vast country' of denied and the prospects for peace a" war In China against "the Reds. nouROOd U. a halNii Bridgeport . Is' robbed ’of about Tslang said. In sn address del­ koion maehal Tel. Mitchell 3-5135 , (Continued on Page Nine) greatly advanced, he then said, by (GonUnaed on Page Nineteen) (Conthiuq^^ ad Page Nine) 12,000, xay university officials. ivered to the, New York Young (Continued on P ifs six) IncrentM at 18$ i -.7." . -f 4 : I ' ■1^. . ( \ ^ I A I. : X .• f ; I ^ I > ip‘ f / /• I' . PAGE JiREWTEiSTEE ETTCNTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 19S3 - j i ' ■ANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1953 was general, agreement algo, said turn over to the' state Its veterans P A G E T H ltra Lodge, that tojami slwuld be'.given hospital in Newington should it Plan Would Use Sales Tepe Eagan Asks more leeway on how to spend .the decide to abandon it. ‘New Front’ Bmment Securities were $43,726 and- Is 3.1 pe'r cent. Book value per state aid fundi. \ Republicans blocked Immediate" Coventry \ yielded 1.58 per cent on average' Under, the plan discussed todays Re-Elect Board share is $86,22, not including re­ action on both measures, contend- . , - investment. Maturities of U. S. serves.- Roads Slick, said Ix>dge, towns would be allowed that they should be'considered To Provide School Funds Government Securities, due within Gain li^ deposits _w’ere $984,569. Skywfttch Schedule Increase in to use the funds for snow removal; in committee first. PlotLinked -ona-y.ar- aa-a-Mcendary pesepve-,' to sand icy roads and take care D eaths For TruM- Go. ToTa r'nVimber*'oT'"' . ^ccklh'g ' ac­ Eighth Graders Plan Drive amounts to a par value ,d£. $2400.- Drivers Safe of damage tO" trees after *'Ice State Capitol, Hartford,. Jan. 28 A comtfilttee oT f6ji>' ’ htuiitclpal'" Ufday’ fbr'(he first tlnrie was ap- 000. Earnings on State and Munici­ counts- at the- etiil., nf 'the year storms; and install traffic warn­ officials, of which General Man pointed-at the Middletown meet­ were 7,764 and 1.204 new ones Thursday , —i/Pt - Three persons were nomi­ Mrs. Ro>g Logmn pal Bonds, ; income tax-free, is Freezing rains'between 1 and 4 Jobless Aid ing and directional signs. T o Moscow ager Richard Martin is a member, ing. were opened in 19,52. Midnight-2 a. m...... Earle Bidwelj, Sr. , nated as New London County Com­ Mrs, Rose Logan, widow of To Meet Graduation Costs Gain of iSV2% $4,106 with a yield on average in­ 2 a. m.-4 a. m. .. There was some discussion also, John Logan, of 123 Main street, is reparing to draft a legislative Consensu^ among the officials New loans written during the. o’clock this morning made road ! Floyd' Chapman. ' missioners in resolutions Intro­ Assets Noted by Bank^ vestment of 1.24 per cent. 4 a. m.-6 a. m...... '.. Volunteers Needed. (ConUnued From Page One) he said, of a proposal to shift to died at the Manchester Memorial (Continued From Page One) bill calling for an increase of 1 per at Mi^letown was that some large increase was noted in ye,ar numbered 6.356. 'conditions treacherous, according public utilities, banks and insur­ duced today In the House. Several cent in the state sales, tax, the 6 a. m.-9 a. m...... Donald Hayes, Herman R. other nominations for the office Hospital last night after a short method of revenue raising othe Coventry, Jan. 28— (Special)-^<^ A specially designed map of the In Annual Statement the'xfliecking account activity with Approximately 600 deposits are- to police. Patrolmen on the mid­ ur'ivBries Cohen, who la Houm chairman ance companies more of* the costs proceeds of which would be dis­ than property taxes should be ther, Jr. have been made previously. illness. A lifelong resident of each camp," the statement assert- The boys of grade eight at the community is being used in select­ 197,786^epo.#its being made. 933,- handled each week In the North night beats ■ reported the roads 9 a. ni.-Noon ,... of the state regulatony agencies tributed to municipalities on the made available to municipalities ing the homes in the survey...... Mr. and Mrs. Willard 8maU. t ot the labor committee, told newa- Those nominated today were Kd- Manchester, she was a member of 'ed. George Hersey Robertson School Thirteen directors of the Man­ 375 checks drawn on the bank and Branch at 15 North Main '.street were so bad that it was practically Noon-3 p. m...... which deal with those concerns. St. Bridget's Church. It declared there was direct basis o f school population. Martin explained today that the since it opened for business in ...... Rhoda Bockus, Ruth Bogtisch. j men that he didn't consider any Lodge estimated that the state may mund La mb'of Ledyard, Dominick will conduct a rags and scrap Special Communication chester Trust Company were re­ another 555,187 checks drawn on Impos.slble to operate a motor ve­ 3 p, m.-6 p. m...... Mrs. Harold Lord, Olive Chart!or, | She leaves three daughters. chain of command from the armis­ The committee, which met group feels a greater part of the There will be a .spedal commun- other banks. 'XThe dollar volume September of last year. About lengthy dlacuarion of the bill by be able to sav^ about $600,000 a Pcdace of Norwich and Stanley yesterday In the office of Mart- elected at the annual meeting of hicle. There were no accidents re­ 6 p. m.-8 p. m...... Ann' Maiaon, Ruth Hickok. • Morgan of Waterford. Mias Madeline J. Logan, Mrs. Paul tice negotiators right down to in­ rapidly rising coats of education metal drive for the benefit of the leation of Uriel Lodge, A.F: and of 'checks paid-up customers' ac­ the same number of checks are ported but many motorists were 8 p. m.-lO p. m. .. party leadera necessary. year. dividual compounds In the prisoner ford’s City Manager Carleton should be financed through the the bank held yesterday aftei-noon cashed weekly and other transac­ ...... Joan Clark. J Other- .resolutions nominated R. Newman and Mrs. Michael J. class graduation expense fund. A.M. Saturday at 7:30 p. m. at counts during the year was $124,- forced to abandon their cHrs be­ 10 p. m.-Midnight -----.Mr. and Mrs. York Strangfeld.' i "It'a a good bill," he said, "and The Senate session produced a Sheridan, all of Mancheater; three camps. Sharp, also plans to back a pro­ sales tax on the basis of what peo­ at 4 o'clock. They include Wells 014.122. tions. including Christmas Club Cheater, Worthington of Somers posed bill to Increase the -tax on The collection will be taken Feb. 7. Masonic Hail in Merrow. Through C. Dennison of Case Brothers, Inc. ; cause it was too slippery to oper­ j iLL OIL we intend to pass it.” brief partisan clash during which sons." John F. Lqgan of Wey­ The vital link in this chain, the ple spend rather than on the prop- Other activities pf tfie„ bank In-, payment, number over 1,000 per ate. HH . i the outnumbered Democrats raised and Francis Pritchard of Rockville, gasoline by 1 cent and return the ^rty they own. weather permitting, with Francis .special dispensation from the Thomas F. Ferguson of The Her­ Chester Memorial Hospital where to the front end of Bahlnaao'a cal ■Governor Lodge again met with as Tolland County commissioners. mouth, Mass., Charles P. Logan statement said, were 12-man Com­ grand lodge there will be a busi­ elude 37,126 registered - checks' week. There were 402 active One accident was reported by he was treated for minor facial In- Co p leadera during the morning to a charge of "gag rule" against munist teams equipped with Rus- proceeds of the increase to thir The bill being drafted would Pefrotti of the school faculty ald;- W. George Glenney of the W, were estimated at $700. BaWnaah The nomination pf Common of Brobkville, Ontario, Canada, ness meeting prior to conferring sold and 28,366 U. S. Skj(ings savings accotmts showing a total police but happened at 10 o’clock j)irles. is.chef at the Country Club. T h m 4iscuas, he aald, "high policy mat- Republicans. sianrmade portable radios sent municipalities on the basis of the raise the tax from 2 to 3 per cent. assisting. Persons having mater­ G. Glenney Co.: Walter P. Gorman balance of $128,775 at the end of Pleas Court Judge Walter M. and Arthur J. Logan of Sprlng- the fcllowcraft degree on a class of Pinehurst Grocery; Russell B. Bonds redeemed. There^Sgre last night and was not attribiited Police said Babineau swerved to was no arrest. t tera which Impinge on the budget." The dispute trope when Demo­ fleld, Ma.ss.; eight grandchildren south to Infiltrate near the prison number of miles of Improved roads The gaa increase would raea'i ials for the drive are requested to 1,303 moi'tgagcs being serviced at the year. i The conference, he reported to crats sought Immediate action on Plckitt for another term, which In the town. of five candidate.#. Hathaway, president of the bank;- to the storm. Joseph Z, -Babineau, the left to avoid hitting a bicyclist 5 ho BOLAND OIL CO. was opposed by the State’ CIO and six great-grandchildren. camps. These teams maintained people using the highway would leave them at the mall boxes, tele­ the end of 1952. 61,' of 388 Hartford road, struck a newamen, reached general agree­ resolutions postponing the appolnt- communioationa between the pris­ In its actions, the committee be paying a greater part of high­ phone the school officer or contact Tax Board to Meet Attorney Charles S. House; Everett who had' cut towards the center of A psychiatrist says obesity la L Cqiincll, was approved, in the Hoiise Funeral services will he held T. Keith of G, E, Keith Furniture. The price per share of stock at A nervous man can wait for his utility pole on Prospect street near the road. Both were going north "matter of one's frame of mind.** ment- that- two-'apecial...liighway. -ment.-ot county-commissioners, un­ Friday monilng »t 9!30 ffomth* oners-and North'-Korea. ■■ — - was .carrying-out Jnstcuctt(>ns ot way-costs, Martin- said. - the-cbmmitt^ in-charge. ....The Board- o f Tax ■ Review- will the last sate’ was S64' and' ' the' 3«CENTEir STREET funds totaling (6,000,000 and set til legislature considers the today without a iWurmer of'drsacnt a group of mayors, managers, and Co.; John L. Jenney of jenney In­ wife“:hn the corner for two hour? Farm drive. Patrolman George" bh 'Prospect street.Thi? pole was ■’Tm "feeling fat today—muat have W„ P. Qnish' Funeral Home ,225 Traln^ by Beds. Proceeds would be used to con­ The committee includes Raoul be in session next week at the yield on the basis of the last sale in ten minutes. McCaughey took- Bablneau to Man^■ TEL MITCHELL 3-6320 aside for highway aid to municipal­ question of county reform, and during brief,,debate. The secret Leader of the Reda..on Koje was flrat selectmen from about 40 struct and maintain municipal Diette, Richard Pepin, Wljliam town office building and not thii surance ,/Vgency; Attorney Jay E. snapped at the base and damages I>e%n something I thought!’ *' ities should be consolidated. There ballot vote was 221 to 5. Main street.-and at 10 o'clock at Rubinow; Leland T. Wood of L. T. asking the federal government to St. Bridget's Church. Burial a North Korean Hated as Pvt. John towns. The municipal officials roads. Ayer, Donald Gehring, Peter De- week. The House also confirmed the Moon I). However, the UNC said met Saturday in Middletown to Martin said that the amount, of Carli, John Garbarlni, Paul Mlc- Tomorrow's ActUiUea Wood Ck>.: William J. Thornton of nomination of Common Pleas will be In jst. James' Cemetery. Manchester Sand and Gravel 0>.; Friends may call at the funeral fellow prisoners identified him a? discuss municipal finance and oth­ property a person owns is no lonr- lette, Richard LIttell and Harold Thursday meetings include Judge Alva P. Loi.selle of-W illi- Pak San8' Hyon, one of the orig­ er municipal •matters. er an indication of his ability to McCannon. Joseph G. Pero.and Miss Jennie B. mantic 212 to 6. Both nominations ho,me from this evening until the Robertson School boys’ . Wind. hour of the funeral. inal 36 Soviet-trained Koreans The committee which met yes- support the government. Girls of the cis.ss will servo the game with St. Mary’s Parochial were then sint to the Senate. brought Into North Korea ih 1945 baked bean supper ih March for I An increase of 15t| per cent in to- School of Willimantic at 3M1^. m. j tal assets was shown in the' state­ Mrs, Margaret B. ^Itevenson to set up a puppet regime. Gen. the same fund. in Coventry; Rifle Club of Green- Polio Plans Complete ment of the bank. Total assets Nam II and Kim II Sung, North Choir Will Meet Chobot Post, American Legion, j amounted to $9,158,937 while In 1951 Praises Work Mrs. Margaret Robb Stevenson. Korean premier, were In the same Plans are now complete for the KEITH’S GREAT 78, of 68 Oak street, widow of Argentine’^ piactice at the State Armory in the assets were $7,927,651. The group. March qf.Dimes benefit entertain­ Willimantic. new total includes $10,000 trans­ Meredith Stevenson, died at hgr Its New Director ment and dance at the Hayloft Fri­ home yesterday. Born in County Merrlam Named President ferred from the Undivided Profits Of Girl Scouts day at 8 p.m. Gil Lamb, star of in 1952. Armagh, Ireland, Aug. 23, 1874, TV, motion pictures and musical Winthrop Mcrriam, Jr., was re­ AEC Bares Gain James W. McKay Of 300 Porter Envoy Raps Net profits before income taxes .she had been a resident of this comedy, will appear on the pro­ cently elected president of the Tol­ Over 130 adults were presented town for most of her life. She was street will assume directorship 6f land County 4-K .Fair association amounted to $75,614 with a resen'e gram in addition to other person­ for income taxes at $26,000 leaving with copies of the Manchester Girl a member of the South Methodist In Use of AfPower the mixed choir of the North Meth- ' alities mentioned. Lamb, a friend for 1953. Wayne day, also ot MIDWINfTE Scouts Annual Report at a dinner Coventry, was elected a two-year net earninga after taxes .at $49,514, Church. odist Church as he meets with the D uU esTiew of Hank Keene who will b* master or 13 per cent of the gross income. meeting held last night at thr She leaves three sons. Jame.s member of the board of directors. (Continued Front Page One) singers tonight for their first re­ of ceremonies during the program, Dividends paid were $20,000, of South Methodist Church. Mrs. Rl- .Stevenson of Daytona, Fla., John is spending this week at the ton W. 'Vlets of Bridgeport, who hearsal together. Mr. McKay war (Continued From Page One) which $17,000 was transferred to S. Stevenson of Manchester and operation of various atomic re­ secured to serve in. this capaefity Keen# home. -Manchester Evening Herald tne. reserves and $10,000 to the sur- has been active In all phases n' Dr. William R. Stevenson of Bris­ Coin cards returned as of Mon­ ‘Coventry correspondent, Mrs. Scouting for 30 years, discussed search furnaces "continued to in­ and as church organist by Robert strong, wall-organized Communirt lUusIrund, leaving a balance of Un­ tol; two daughters, Mrs. John A. A. McBride, chairman of the music movement ih moat of the Lati - day numbered 136 with a total of Charles L. Little) telephone divided Profits for the year of "Girl Scouts—A Growing Force Pratt of Hartford and Mr?. Ches­ crease in 1952;” and production of $221.70_ in donations. Incomplete FURNITU committee. -— - , American countries’.’.,and jdsclare/' Fllgrim 2-6231. $62,265. Earnings, on .U. S. Gov. for Freedom."...... ter Andrew of Charlestowm, R. t.; atbml'c weapons "continued at the school’ returns' total " $99.25,' "or" a if yotfre “ She compared the Girl Scout Mr. McKay comes to this new there is also a "Fascist movemer! 13 grandchildren and seven great­ rate authorized by the president responsibility with a rich back­ in the Argentine which has tenr- grand total to date of $320.95, Mrs. Thank Your Lucky Stars For This Frireless Opportunity To Snap Up movement with the youth organ­ grandchildren. for calendar year 1952." As it has cles el^whers^" Herbert W. Love,, chairman, said. These Prizes! And In Addition . . There .Are Hundreds Of Thrilling izations of Hitler, Fascism and of ground In the field of music gen­ Study Underway • The funeral will be held Friday In the past, the AEG appeared to erally. For the. past .Several years The Secretary repeated his state­ Savings From Every Department , , All At Low, iJbw Keith Sale yarning for Russia— all three of which were afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Wat­ imply by the last . part of that A study of families jp ^ n tly Prices! under government control anr' he has been organist of the Bolton ment in his speech last night 'but moving into North Coventry is kins Funeral Home, 142 East Cen­ statement that it could have made Congregational Church. He is also In referring-to the Fascist move­ compulsory whereas a girl goes ter street. Rev. Dr. Fred R. Edgar, more bomba if really pushed. underway this month by the rural Into Scouting by choice. Mrs. Viet/ organist of Manchester Lodge of ment described its source as origi­ sociology department at the Uni-^ minister of the South Methodist 2. Four different Industrial Masons and Chapman Court, Order nating in "some quarters." a whiff of explained that Girl Scouts choose Church,'will officiate, and burial groups have told the commiaalon veraity of Connecticut. and plan their dwn programs In of Amaranth. He has sttidfed organ \ "In our country," Paz said, "in- w'ill be in the Ea.st Cemetery. they see attractive po.ssibiIities for with outstanding teachers and is a Richard A. Kurtz, of New Brit­ the troop or at camp and that tapping industrial power.from the t^national politics are not laid out ain. graduate assistant in rural Frlcnfls may call at the fune.ral member of -Hartford Chapter. by the-decisions of a few, but they MODERN BEDROOM ENSEMBLE they learn' to live and Cooperate atom on an economic basis "in a sociology, la making a study o f S p rin g - with girls from all walks of life home tonight from 7 to 9 o'clock, American Guild of Organist/). Ha are the result of a democratic pro­ tomorrow afternoon from 2:30 to few years." will be working with the pastor of about 100 families who have moved religion or race. The Girl Scout cedure, and furthermore they arc. to North Coventry between 1940 4:30 and tomorrow night from 7 And the AEG itself feels that the North Church, Rev. John E. Post, the collective judgment of its peo­ organiauitinn is recommended by to 9:30. develoment of atomic reactors for and 1950. churches of all faltiul, she said. who came to Manchester from ple- A scoot to our the output of pow:er for industrial Stafford Springs, Dec. 1 last 'The project is designed to learn, Rather than shfelding youth use and for the propulsion of air­ more about newcomers who are from reality. Scout leaders try to It Is confidently anticipated that $ld8«50 Value Now craft. submarines and large naval all of the memters of the choir now making Nortlr Coventry their 'main floor train the girls to be practical vessels "made longer forward home. Kurtz will look for reasons through various kinds of service to F u n erals will be present tonight, and that strides (in the last six months) others interested will attend also. for moving into the community, the community. She said in con­ than In any other half-year of the EASTWOOD study occupations and place of clusion, that"when 8,000-women Ernest F. Jacobs decade." work, and look for adjustments can each wear the same hat differ­ rilftoB Webh Gsrjr Merrill Funeral services for Ernest F. Work toward developing Bath Hniiey Uadft Daraell which newcomers have made in HAT BAR ently, this country is still a long Jacobs of Woodland street, who atom-powered aircraft has pro­ “STARS the community. About Town "NIGHT way from any totalitarian ideas of died Monday at Manchester Me­ gressed to the point where some AND Inlers'lewB Conducted conformity." She was referring to morial Hospital, were held at 2 STRIPER WITHOUT The research is directed by the the Girl Scout leader's hat. kind of tests—presumably land- SLEEP” $ Py m. today at the L«clerc Funeral hEMed ones—are in aight for small The Sacred Heart Mothers FOREVER” Storrs Agricultural Experiment ^^.98 to 15.00 Miss Evallne Pe'ntland. local Circle will meet tomorrow at' 8 ol«r) Station. Door-to-door interviews Home. 23 Main street. atomic reactors, or furnaces, de­ S:18-«:85”I:S5 Girl Scout commissioner, present­ Rev. Erich O. Brandt, pastor of p. m. with Mrs. Joseph Sylvester began Jan. 1. Kurtz hopes the ed service awards to the follow­ signed to serve as power plants. Three Pieces the Concordia Lutheran Church, 4. A.y:'s from the fund drive, sale of cook­ of Alabama, under AEC contract, CALL MONSON 8227 Joseph J. Sllkowski have been exploring the p os-' Steven Yencha, Rockville, and ies, camp fees and miscellanenus Barbara pleksinski, 73 West Cen­ Items with total expenditures of Funeral services for Joseph J. siljility of developing "enamel Hie Funniest Show In the tuist Availabk In Open Stock $3,006. Silkowski of no Broad street, a gln.sacs"— for possible use in ter street. Of the latter amount, camp ex­ merchant marine who was drowned making lighter-weight shields for You may aelect ahy type group you prefer from this penses were $2,748, with staff and in Tacoma, Wash., last week, were atomic furnaces and for the dramatic Open Stock Modem . ■ and ahare' the un­ held this, morning at 9:30 from the office e-xpenscs amounting to power plants of such projected de­ usual sale eavings! May be purchaaed with, king sIm Watkins Funeral Home-and- at' 10 vices ax atom ic aircraft and ?ub- Double Dreeeer, e huge Triple Dreeeer, with BoMcead $2,406. The balance of the money o'clock at St. Bridget’s Church. 4-BIB DAYS-4 was split up among the various marincs. Headboard Bed, or other plecee. It'i yt^r. opportunity! Rev. Robert Carroll officiated, and 7. Two new importaot sources of committees such as training, pro­ Mrs. Arlyne Garrlty was organist- gram. etc. uranium—the key material in the STATE STARTS TODAY and soloist. The dinner wss served by the atomic race with Russia—yielded LIBERAL BUDGET TERMS Bearers were John Gorsky, their first production ih the last Stanley group of .South Method­ Joseph Paris, Alfred Kozic'ki, Wil­ ist Church. Mrs. L. V. Carlson half of 1952. These new sources liam Kozickl, Andrew Zawada and are the gold ores of South Africa was general chairman of the af­ Joseph Sardella. fair. Her committee was rom- and Uie phosphate rock of 'the po.sed of Mrs. Bnice Miller, pub­ State of, Florida, both of which licity; Miss Je.sale Hewitt, Mrs. Probate Approves contain some uranium. 'IMION tSUNYDN’S" Alfred S\indqulst, Mrs. James E. Progress is also being made Smith. Mrs. Eugene Freeman, towards bringing new uranium tickets: Mr.s. Edward Faber, Mrs. ^iT.>00 Seltleiiient sources in Australia and Canada in Forrest Howell, Mrs. Edwin Mey­ production: and meanwhile produc­ f t o p Y M r t er. Mrs. Ruth Miller, Mrs. Edmond A compromise settliement at tion from domestic sources has in­ •- For Your Money! Morahcey, Mr.s. Edward Morlarty. $3,500 has been approved in a claim creased w-lth further increases in Mrs. Oordori Todd, table decora­ by the estate of Edward CJharles prospect for next year. tions. VIckerman against George Pazia- 8. The AEC is constructing a The head table was, tastefully nos, restaurant owner. pilot pjant at Grand Junction. Bin decorated ki green and yellow' Probate Judge John’' J. Wallett Colo., io'/^esl new and still-secret with miniature acenes 'de|>lcting approved the compromise, at a processes for extracting uranium the w’ork required to earn Girl hearing yesterday. from ore. M m n O i L m Scout badges. Other tables, held The claim against Paaianos,'op­ A WABNIB BROS, riot/ N a n Buntly's scenes which represented thi va­ erator'of the. Princess Restalirant A, ’ rious programs offered in Girl and Grill at Main and Pearl street, Scouting. ) wa.«i brought by RonaldM. Vicker- 'V.Morc for the Money Following the dinner, the Oree- man. administrator of the estate. iFDEIIICKCilllWfORD^ClIIIIIEmR nellows, the Girl Scout Gice'^Club, Vlckerinan was Injured In a fall ON TNE SAME SNOW Ensemble directed by Mrs. Herman Peter- at the restaurant May 26. ■sen. presented several songs. FRIDAY thro SUNDAY For Spring Group singing throughout the eve­ Think what you will, bul have ning was led by Miss Eleanor will enough to keep your unpleas­ nki iBsidt Starr ^!***I—'s Cfery 6 « m with' Gordon.. ant thoughts to yourself. JANE RUSSELL Montana Belie Polka i)ot Blouse CEOROf BRENT y Barometer Skirt SHOE SALE ON THE SAME SHOW X: HOLLYWOOD BEDS! y Poodle Topper OF WOMEN'S ODDS AND ENDS HUSTISCTOS NMIFOW) e n M i ^ With BoLster for Pillows------' JAMES MASON' GRO UP 1 'iMtSCCRtry MARSHALL THOMPSON • VERA m ile s . r icharo ROBER In Stunning Tartan Plaid! $89.95 Value S M A R fR ', Distinctive new style! Similar to lllustra- - FRIDAY HOLLYWOOD tion but upholstered in gay Tartan Plaid R^uced To^ 1 •M OfNI LOCKHART EXTRA! MICHAllfAn s n i a k PRIVUE . .. to give you charm as well as restful d 'M NIGHT comfort-!- Fanious Englander qualjty ^ t h ---- J Regular $6.9.5 to $7.95 - ^ full Innerspring construction. Box Spring ~ 29 with Blond legs, Innerspring Mattress and / Mostly Higji Heels. -Low Heels matching Bolster^ for pillows.

GRO UP 2 StfaiWMMI ONLY $ I |5D W N . . KEITH BUDGET TERMS A real triple threat for spring. 3 T H R C Here's a REAL Luxury Mattress . . at a Ohee A Y.ear price for this “ “ y deluxe qualitj'! Sturd.v. handsome, tailored in beaultfiilnlckings . . pieces that mix well and add up to POUO with ALL the fe.-itures of a e.Ttures of a $59.95 mattres.s! Pre-biiilt Borders! Tai- the most stunning faiihion concoc-, /ILL lored Handles Bod.v Balanced' Innerspring Unit! Available in Twih or Full size . % C I? L I N Box Springs . . $39.95. OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS FREE PARKING . . tion we’ve seen in many a season. Reduced To JAMBOREE -Open Tomorrow Night Until 9!'Regular It's Always Easy To Park At Kalth'at A boxy poodle jacket topping a HVbli Debrs Psfel Use Our Privata Parldag Lot AdjKiiMag Regular $8.95 R*b«>rt W sg A rr SI DELIVERS THIS GREAT VALUE! .Store Hours From 9 A. M. U ntil 5:30 The Store . . No Meter Parhtaig III ptilka dot blouse and a barometer P. M. f'lpeed Wednesdays At Noon- The Entire Block Jua$ South. Mostly 5 and 5Vt B. Few Larger Sizes. "STARS AND STRIPES rayon (with a linen look) skirt.“ FO R EV I^ " c o m Aa d n i t y p l a y e r s . , Benedictine or navy. Sizes 10-18; T rch . — R:15 IN A ONE ACT COMED^ A IX SAUES FINAL. Abbott r rottpllo ' , suit salon "MEET CART. KIDD" 10 ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE O F M A N C H F S T -1 la C*l*r — t:U-$:4S KXTIAI "A DAY WITH THB ST. JAMES' HALL—PARK STREET W e k b n e r 'S r. B. I AT 7:4i C h a r if •• it w w SHOES WF *:oknHE •--- BAT. 1 P. M. "BATTLK OF THE WEDNESDAY. JANr 28. 8 P. M. , (' J il If t ■ * y ' [y I - it 8U MAIN STREET ' . V ■ K e i t t i ^ s COWBOYS"—CABTOON8 8TVLED RIGHT — FITTED RIGHT DONATION $1.00 i . EASY FBEE FAREING Ills MAIN S7 OPPOSITE H IG H SLHO'l' kj- ■■ ■ er of the order. tion, despite repeated warnings ing rural routes from Manchester,' gave the machine to the hospital recommend Attorney John J. FOOD eclipse. O’Connor to suoeeed Crockett. • ! i ,I<:‘ whatUer the International Ladiea’ from the MV department. Her car Rockville and Andover, the wrong A furnace safety valve at 7 Ford carried Maine license plates. and clinic. The memorial was ac­ 6:47 p. m.— 5lidpolnt of the It is expected that Judge John t Workers Union will act town is often listed as the tax town cepted by William P. Slover, super­ total ecli|ise, when the moon Is street released about 12:40 this e I • ■ George J. McDonald, 30, of 66 on automobile registrations. S. G. Rottner will appoint Attor­ AIXESON'S ha the barsalnlnir afent for pro­ afternoon because of too much SALE intendent of the hospital. completely behind the shadow of ney W. David Keith, now a.ssistant duction workers in both plants was Burnham street, was fined 912 with This error always leads to tax the earth. steam, and Companies 2 and 3 of MEN!S AND BOYS^ WEAR • ( .11 W ■ i concluded yesterday in Hartford 96 remitted on each of two counts, billings from two towns and result­ The presentation was made by prosecutor, to take over O'Con­ \ Sponsorm by Friendlr Robert Dennison, who was instru­ 7:80 p. m.— End of the total the SMFD were called. No dam­ nor’s post as prosecutor. Attorney 723 MAIN ST. (COR. BI-SSELL) and a transcript of testimony was operating a motor vehicle with­ ing confusion in payments. It has OPEN A CREDIT ACCOUNT-NO DOWN PAYMENT eclipse. age'was done. TEU MI-3-6614 Circle . sent-to Washington for a decision. out brakes and operating a motor been suggested, that, .If 4uiy .other mental in acquiring the memorial Richard Law will be made ­ funds through personal "donattans ~ 8i4R p, i**4—'Fhe- moon eom- ant prosecutor, it la'expected. An NUtB official said today the vehicle without a muifler. town than Bolton appears as. the gletely leaves the shadow. Junior and Senior YoutheFellow- tax town on the renewal applica­ from friends of the late general Crockett was recently appointed ^ 1 ^ END OF THE MQNTH TURNPIKE HALFS STORE decision might be expected in Thomas Lessard, 63. of New manager. ^ New Englanders last saw a ahlps o^ the South ■ Methodist -about six weTS AND SIZES | G>iirt Gises of the MSnehiester Board of Real­ The clinic also has a technician \heme, "Youth Looks at Christ." TTaii<1yiiiau Held 8 p.m. Winners in last Friday tors and his associate officers, met ■who has received special training and .several o f . the young people Police asked for and received a night’s game ware Mr. and- Mrs. for the first liihchebn “meeting of will participate. |- BOYS’ W EAR I Charles E. I^ngle tied with Wilbur In the u.se of all of these ma­ 1953, yesterday in Murphy’s res­ In Westport Death continuance until Monday in the $1595 chines. Brown and Henry Madden, 58 taurant. Mrs. Ethel Aspinwall of Wood- case of Theodore R. Gratton, 17> The Heart Clinic is available for $3.98.$4.98 GABARDINE SLACKS ...... $2.99 points, Mr. and Mrs. Embst O, Past President George L. Grsz- bridge street was elected president (Continued From Page One) SIZES 6-12 of 83 Dudley street, who was to Ungerer 67 points. Low mileage. One owner. EXTRA SAVINGS any person in the Manche.sfer arfa ladlo spoke on the agents’ licensri of Sunset Circle, of Past Noble The Manchester Bridge Club is Priced for ^ c k sale. - Women I See these who needs to be sent there for questioning by Newark police, wjro be presented In Town Court this law coming up in the Legislature, Grands at its meeting in the direc­ $2.98 GA8ARDINE SHIRTS ...... $ 2 t1 9 morning on charges of theft and a member of the Anvtrlcan Con­ special diagnostic tests and exami­ and the .advantages it will bring to tors’ .room o.f Odd Fellows hall. said they were taking statements breaking and entering in the day­ tract Bridge Xieagiia aiid a w a j^ ' nations- and-is open to- those- who frotri him and co'dld give hoTurther super values,,, for WOMEN... the community and the reaUors if Monday evening. Mrs. Virginia $2.79 WINTER CAFS ..... e * 0 a o $ 1 » 0 0 time. The youth was arrested Mon­ A.CB.L. master points. All con­ MaRehe^ar Motors cannot afford to pay for these it is passed. Keeney, another past grand, of information immediately. PRE-INVENTORY day avenl^ by Sgt. Edward W. tract bridge players are welcome diagnostic services. The doctor.s Edward Lehan, vice president Sunset Rebekah Lodge, is the new . Deputy Police Inspector Edward 812 West Center S t, who serve on the clinic give their $14.98 GABARDINE SUITS ... i ]...... $8.19 Wlnsler followlM investigation in­ to participate. Aiiyona desiring and mortgage officer of the First vice president: Mrs. Evelyn Swords F. Fagan of Brooklyn aald that the SIZES 6-12 \ to a break at 8 Bunco drive. Judge further Information may phone JMItcheU 8-4184 ^ SPECIAL PURCHASE time and services without charge. Natiorial Bank of Manchester, who continues as recording secretary. arrest came on Information aup- John 8. G. Rottner granted the Mrs. Ernest Ungerer of 41 Camp- In the near future tjie annual recently returned from Chicago The members exchanged gifts with plied Newai-k police by the Brook­ $14.98 WINTER JACKETS .?i ...... 1... continuance fob further Inveatiga- field road. Heart drive will begin and the where he. attended the annua' their secret pals for the year 1952, lyn police and an alarm was sent SIZES 6, 16. i8,)20 J J; | ' LINGERIE people of Manchester will be meeting of the National A.ssot;ia- and enjoyed a pleasant social time out at 5:03 a.m. SALE ssked to give funds--60 per cent tion -pf Home Builders, gave an en­ after, which dainty yrefreahments Fagan said that Mi.ss Augustine $2.98 DUNGAREES...... * of which will be used for running lightening talk on building and were served. ^ Allen, a sister of Jennie Allen, had SIZES 6 to 16 I this clinic. It is only through the * r iir- financing in 1953. ■ •■.J’' " - ' ■ been questioned overnight, at the Eyelet-flounced SLIPS Reg. 79e PARK AYE. NYLONS generosity of those who contribute Members of St. Margaret’s Cir­ Bufler .street station in Brooklyn, to the annual Heart drive that and told police that Jennie Allen MEt4'S WEAR ' Prttty top-off in sponking whif« cotton. cle, Daughters: of Isabella, will I ^ COATS f Daytime and luxury sheers. clinics, such as this one, are made Shaiiiioii Resigns meet tonight at 8 o’clock at the and Davis had gone to visit friends I - ' ^ ‘ i I Eosy>cortr ribbon touchad. 32 to iO. H possible. Last Sizes 8H to 11. pair O # W. P. Qiiish Funeral Home, to in Newark. S3.98.S4.98 GA8ARDINE SPORT SHIRTC .. Formerly $39.98 to $100 (xOP Coniiiiittee pay their respects to Mrs. Rose Fagan .said the friend.s had been Reg. 2.19 dMilm JEANS Distribution Listed Logan, whose daughter, Mrs. identified bv Miss Augustine Allen $3.98 FLANNEL SHIRTS i... NOW $M.98 to $69.98 2-way stretch GIRDLES 'Joyce Lane,’ Sanforized. 4% Michael J. Sheridan is a member as Bit Smith, and his wife, Cathe­ I (Continued Froin Page One) Light weight coaxers, panty or girdle. 12 to 20. dm for O of the circle. rine, who lived in an old lwo-stoi-y $5.98 WOOL WORSTED COAT SWEAfsi^ Of $7,3,000 Estate hou.se on Holt street, near Sum­ Small, medium, large. Reg. 1.19 I "LYNCREST" TISSUES ing the death of Governor James L. Mi.ss Vimala Appasamy, prin­ mit street, in Newark. McConaugliy. $1.00 NECKTIES ...... 300 soft tissues in M 81 cipal of a school in Madras. In­ Mrs. Evans' body was found DRESSES Myrtle H. Williams, widow of a He ran for governor in the 1948 dia, who is on leave to st:idy at every box. O boxes ■ Monday night in her Westport $1.00 NYLON SOCKS .... , nephew of the late George H. Wil­ election, hut was defeated by C3ies- the Hartford Seminary Founda­ home. She had been atrangtod and Cotton broadcloth BRAS liams. receives 915,000, all house­ ter Bowles, Democrat. Most All Sizes 9 to 44 TRADE NOW! tion.' will be guest speaker at the I a)ied. Tile Only garment on the $1.79-$2.79 WINTER CAPS/. hold effect.v, and personal prop­ 4 Reg. 12 for 1.50 HANKIES Baldwin, credited Shannon with meeting of Center Church Mothers body was a sweater. Her two-and- fint*dftoitfd with stitchad undtFCups, erly. according to the terms qf the Formerly $8.98 to $29.98 playing a large part in the elecMnn Club this evening at 8 o'clock. a-lmlf-yesr-old son, Montgomerj'. diophregm band: Whita. 32-36r A-l. losutiM Hsr.l dtiigni. 12 will of the 78-year-old man who 25e HANDKERCHIEFS...... ^ .:> iO F o r 2 for of President Eisenhower and in Members are urgexl to attend and K\-an.s. Ill, was in a nearby room NOW H 88 to $1688 9 died Dec. 15. / ■* V. Generou AllowanceR For Your Old Refrigerator the Republican victory In Con­ to invite guests. Miss Appa.samy $4.98 GRAY CHENO PANTS/ 1 The will, admitted to probate sobbing when poliee arrived. • aeee\*e6ae < necticut last fan. will speak on the general subject . (ZIPPERS tit* - . ' yesterday, indicates the estate Shannon's aucce.ssor on the na­ The hunt centeied on Davl.s, Runproof acetate PANTIES amounts to $75,000, mostly in of family life in India. She is a who onee served a Pennsylvania tional committee will be named by graduate of Mount Holyoke Col­ $5.98 CORDUROY PANTS A ... .• . , . stocks and bonds. the Slate Central committee. prison teim, after his wife, told $4.29 Slssk-fil without futi In Miy-cort oca- lege and has also studied in Eng­ BLUFj//II \ \ \ The will establishe.s a tru.st fund Shannon called on the governor Westport police that he had iri- BLOUSES land. lot. tricot. ^Poiteli in tiz.t 5 to 7. 3prs; ■ for Harlan H. Williams of Bo.ston, .vesterday. He was accompanied foimed her he had killed Mrs. / ■ J.\ EXTRA SAVINGS a .son. He will receive an annual in­ by Meade Alcorn, who has been \ SizMs 32 to 38 come for life o f 52,500. At his mentioned as Shannon’s possible REGARDLESS death the fund reverts to rclativc.s. successor on the national commit­ Fornr^orlyrormorly $3.98 to $8.98 for GIRLS Trustee of the estate is the tee. OF CONDITION a NOW $2.188 to ^.88

ON THE FOLLOWING MODELS OF Sanforized SHIRTS Cotton gingham ploidt art woven in \ ^ •\ to iteyl Trim-teilorod with yoko bock. MANCHESTER’S HOUSE OF CARPETS r Sii.i 7 to 14, A FRIGIDAIRE Z h r * 3 - i FEATURES THE FAMOUS b\v 4o» AND There's vafue-p/us in the$0 Sanforized JEANS S m jo jS x }( ,uW»i I f i O 04 Grant* ’lonnio Pigtail' brand . . . TACKIESS INSTAllATION’^ eo’*'* ^ . rtjM t,•d HOUSEHOLD ttitthod with oronge thread. Zip "tVOXKS OM cun AIN SfUICHfl niNCIPU" \\: -w Gobi*'*®? SPECIALS cloture. Sixoi 7-14. HOTPOINT f 2 f o r ^ 3 IRO N IN G BOARD PAD K . vx_- AND COVER $■ "Tufflei'" pad« Sanferiied matia H caver, titi oil standard baardi. H Models Subteens' fitted SLIPS RAYON f 44EA8-5 - 8.3 Cu. Ft. 'Bennlf Figtoir In Sdnferliad T I E R cotton. Adjuttoblp itropi. 10*14.* ^ MR-86 - 8.6 Cu. Ft. CURTAINS WHM’skirted DRESSES 72ED87-5 - 8.7 Cu. Ft. ' i - - Mwt.d-itrip« (or 7-l4*r>. P«t.r.pon, R » g » ^ l p a i r n p , c lla r i, M in. with criikoy teuchfl. : SR-88 - 8.8 Cu. Fte_____ ' Swut p.it.1 chsrrti.ri. A IR.90 - 9 Cu. Ft. 2 for^S PLAYCLOTHES A D D ! N IW TO. DR-97 - 9.7 Cu. Ft. Fins quality rayon'marqui­ sette. "Sherrod'' heading. for BOYS IR^IOS -1 0 .8 Cu. Ft. . . bottom ruffle and WALL-TO-WALL CARPiTINO rolled handkerchief edge. J R . BOXIft JIANS JrTHis is the moefern, accepted method of carpet I’n'slallatiorT i f f i i -■ , -;.‘-^Eggs1tell or loft potiels. Rag. 1.19. Sanfarliad, , ^ I L P R J N j ^ . iroiid Kew- S i Y e m . ilyrdy dentfii. CamlbirrR ■y': ^ecified by architects and intcripr dccgiators. Rooms seem ■ ^ .-v t ’:.' Boitr weUt. 4-10. p l a y w iA r ai larger. The.carpet flo\tVrom wail to wall and around hearths' Pillow CASES SWEAT SHIRT and doorways smoothly atid evenly. Oiir Smoothedge Come In to Our Display Room — Limited Supply Rag. 1.19. Fleece

,wt ,i to’A\0« ele changes Sanferized^olton gob Come inlo the Carpet Center and select your carpet int* r - - SOME SS T litb- really wears. Choose over­ ,.««0' ^ * ‘V^X.PLISSE CREPE alls, longies, crawlers. Dork from rolls of WILTONS, AXMfNSTKR.S and TWISTS. yUeo* ^ .V«Ve ' Reduced For Clearance or light tones. Sizes 2 to 6. Have our service department cut, bind and install to fit and -0^“ '' ilk)*' ,l\o« cW>’ your rooms. TO' ,bb.4^' ■ Too' itafi 3 y Thurs; and Fri. 9 A. M. to 9 PrM . — Saturday to 5:.3\ w 1063 MAIN STRECT — PHONE MI-34227 ¥ ■t ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS W . T . G R A N T CO \ ' ■ -J ■ f -rr 4 \ t' : , I r, , , • .1 •' .f*-ja I • . f - ■ , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHfiSTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1953

said, if an Industrial Foundation the Korean war if we were asked ' luiion to this effect wilt be dis­ thy Silvecherz,. ,Mdry Spurling. barsi Chitpman, Diane Dubek Cohen, Fay Farr, Joan Klncmah, erected toe necessary buildings. Envoy Hits Idea to dp it,” he continued. "However, patched to Governor Lodge. lUHigh School ^ays Town Would Be Aided we ourselves are not convinced Linda Sumher. BDtty Tomko, Wlnr Marybeth Egan, Ann Ellis, Robert Lillian Lacknuakaa, Ronald Lafer- 'The speaker, in closins[, pointed ,Pointed nut in the document was nlfred Wohll^e. out that Manchester Is located on that Korea is toe best place for the BARjSTOW SATS»** 1T*S THE TRUTH" Hirth. Anna Johnston, Wesley rieie, John Landry, Jamea ‘ On China Troops the fact that-Tolland County has "Seniors Attain Si()phomore.s. V c a T o 1 Bakulski, Lanz, Joari Taft. M.vlhewaon, Eddy Moser, Jane the fringe of the “hard core’’ of free Chinese to make a contribu­ not had a Superior Court judge in By Industrial Foufidation Connecticut industry and that it tion to the cause of world freedom. Legian Stout Group Seekg Ralpii Gibson, t ^ n Gondarowskl. Juniors, Beverly Ambrosi, Lily Page, Karen Prlppcrnau, TTieresa residence for some 30 .venrs. The Ronald-’ Grous, Charles Kellem, will be in a most favorable position (Continued From Ode) R is wrong for anybody to assume Resolution was presented by Rep. Honor Roll List Anders?mT'’’M'lllinm Clough, Marie Rt. Louis, Gall Scribner, Arthur •as that core expands; • — - ...... 4 ^ t the. .Formosa., army canrbe Michael .. Nash,™ Suzanne . .'Olsoh:'. .Conc.^ .Myrtle. DavIs... Beveriy. KA- ..Trinks...... — ...... CLEARANCE SALE ON FYft-nicim' weihfs »r Xcrn6t\: sen: Joan Pozzato, Glenn Rupprecht, The creation of an Industrial • tion, from the town’s viewpoint, During the business meeting,. China.’ We Chinese have' never counted as Just expendable mate- “ Organization of Troop i 4r monrls, Raymond Gorsky, Gayle Frc.shmen, Barharn Arnold. Ralph Broil of Bolton' presided. Itoc.kv^Ue, Jan. 28—,(Special)— ..’Patsy, S c o t t i .■ riimhdatlbn for Mahcfieet^r ba the' ■would be-to provide more jobs, Seri 'Ci-’ehore, Marit' Molriies, Dr^ tried to- secure-the-commitment of ■rial ’to be by .others whenever . Other action at lh6' riieeflrig In­ -Cranti Donald .lohndrow. Eleanore .«(teve Berman,' Cafriiyh Cone, .7bhn help diversify IIS’ industry and American manpower in. our coun­ they see fit:’^ ^ Ten high school seniors made the Freshmen, Sandra Backofen, Keune. Robert Kingsbury. Joan )eat means to bring new Industry Bernard Sheridan and Bush cluded endorsement for reappoint­ DelPonte, Barbara Dziadul, San­ provide a broader tax base. He try. We know that we Chinese T.slang said his government be­ • Rockville, Jan. 28— (Special) • Lesizza aie hosts for the evening ment, the present county, commla- high honor roll for the second Janice Bartlett, Carol BInheimer, Lee. Martha Lord. Virginia Met­ dra Glidden, Richard Jones, Carol were elected to the nomlriating lieves “an independent offensive quarter; 16 Juniors were counted calf. June ' Parker. Gerald • .St; ,0 toe town was urged by Paul said several small industries are committee. mu.st shed the blooii to win our Another attempt will be made- by The Women’s Guild of'the Union .sloncrs; Francis J. Pritchard, Beatrice Brown, Maryann Dobosz, Kroymann, Janet Lojzim, Jean 39,921.98 of Mr. Churchill was gratuitous It IS in the nature of eight mil­ joining the troop. Parents of these have.an average of 85 in four pre­ Bioh. cited examples to show that I and the creation of a foundation a 40th Division command post to W « hov* 0 cariood of 1953 moUtls on tho Woy and nood room . . f. ' and Mrs. Antoni Sadlak will show from the Connecticut agency. Pay­ IJsted for Ilnnora | and pointless.” lion Clilnese on Formosa going to boys have again been contacted ments to City Hospital «nd other pared subjects, one of which is ^-foundations have proven suc- ! is a safeguard for the future. the rear, developed wing trouble movies of a recent trip. Following Seniors, Carol Abraham-spn. jf u l for other communities and Tsiang said his government un­ the mainland to help the 450 mil­ tnd are Invited to attend the meet­ I the business meeting refreshments member groups were adjusted to English. And no mark can be less George Apel, Eleanore Blonlyz, One of the essential needs of and made a forced landing the ing at the East School, starting at than 80. To qualify Tor high honors, f t industries which are' seeking shch a foundation, he added, la a derstood the reason for the refusal lion C’hinese there to overthrow . will be served. include the actual cost of Blue Gloria Bolles, Roger Burke, Bar- i other day. He hopped the last two the Comrnunist yoke which they 7;,in p.m. a pupil must have an average of location prefer a town that has good man to head it, one who is of its August, 1950, offer of three I The monthly meeting of tho Cros.s special services provided for miles and delivered the message. divisions for the Kqrean war and themselves wish to overthrow. Any other parents whose boys hospitalized members of the plan 90 in four prepared subjects and th a foundation. . ‘ wllliiig to work hard and has the "For intiative and loyalty,’’ said might be interested in joining the i church council of the First Evan- no mark less than 80...... CAT ANYTNHMI WITH he speaker pointed out that ability, to make a success of such that the offer had'not been re-i When the free Chinese launch such I gellcal Lutheran Church will be during the year. Pvt. William R. Raymond, 6592 ,en enterpri.se, all members of scout troop are invited to attend. Tho.se listed for high honors Industrial Foundation tr not a.project. The foundation must also newed. held at 8 p.m. Gets ROT(i Rank Flrwood street, Detroit, “ Homer NATO should give it their moral Democratic Association were: FALSETCETNI pUicett by tax money but is have intimate knowledge .of the "As a loyal member of toe Unit­ Bruce T. Beal, son of Mr. and has-beeh promoted to PFC—Pigeon ed-Nations, we-'would even now 7" ;of‘'-''nnft, in so far as is pos­ The- Tolland -County- Democratic' ' The Double, or. Nothing Club of -Seniors. Bcvun-ly Brown., Joatf -M r w hm.iKoaM s-wM *1m m bkei|;instead by private Capital community, its a.ssets and liabili­ Mfs: BriJccTi; BeariM Taicouviiie. A m lUe *a4 rack m 4 m m k m first class.’’ make a military contribution to sible, their material support.’’ ssBociatinn will meet in Stafford the ■ First Congregational Church has been appointed cadet ma.sler Dresser, Charlotte Kaminski, Bar­ I feW wealthy investors or per- ties. and must have a definite pur­ meets with the Charles Warren.a J hfioMr H «d-Iia«. Om m k Uci- by public subscription, where Springs Town Hall Monday at 8 sergeant in the Harvard Artillery bara Kerkin. Carol Milunus, Janet dee eeh* slew it rewi* aei M «*M iMi pose and operating plan. p.m. The speaker will be Rep. At- of Vernon at 8 p.m. Weather per­ .Mlisser, Sandy Schmidt, Barbara kaoMN* Ptard-IiM is a eaeoMasat t stock Is sold in small amounts . Industries looking for a location RO’TC Battalion, He is in his third,' tilio Fraseinelli o f Stafford mitting, there will be a program o ' year of training and. upon gradua­ Steppe, June Tyler, Marjorie rsliatr. If rattaas sad rskss laass sliatt ia a many purchasers. prefer towns which have industrial Springs. outdoor sports with cards and White. fnvaaeawdwaceasnMdo. iMoa aid ■le stressed, however, that "If foundations because all the infor­ games for those who prefer to re­ tion from Harvard will receive a nbkwelaSHiPeaaMaoed Mtaltttis Maatka FrasainelH is also , Democratic reserve commission of second lieu­ Juniors. Elaine Bart, Adria Du- m a faar ar laa«M, v m MM MTaitrWMM>t itown .isn’t willing to soend a mation the firms require in such State Central committeeman for main Indoors. Refreshments will be bk to make a buck, they mi.ght tenant in the artillery. He gradu­ plaise, Donna DelPonte, Isidore El­ W evlr Ur ae* aerie e f Plaad-Uaw ee aKBkle, a search is made readily available Tolland County. He will report on seiwed. aaaM a w r er learer, Maa aad k m Ms ear- f well forget any enthusiasm ated from Rockville High School in lin, Luther Gibson, Marion Homel- by a foundation. the present Gerieral Assembly. Of­ The Women’s Society of Chris­ 1949. His brother. Stuart C. Beal, son, WIlHam Miller, David Payne, Ucatf. aa>raraar,aatarirrr.adatirri.karaaiari ly have about attracting n.ow ~ Praises Deveiopers ficials of the county association tian Service of the Rockville • eto sad r e * eUare. HaawaeHalf daaUed. lustry.” Is a freshman at the University of Francis Schlaefer. Rochelle Shl- ' fcacfc If Mat aaMeliiiU aaAflid. Aa* Such an organization in Man­ urge those interested In what la Methodist Church will meet at Miami, Fla. roki, Robert Slerakowskt, Doro- ^m j^tltlon from the South, he being done in the State Capitol to Wesle.van Hall at 8 p. m. for a SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY! ptinued. is tough to meet and chester, Kane said, would be able William O. Ketrstrad h w , V V ; to do what the Development Com- CUUMING m attend this meeting and learn of busine.as meeting and program. William Oded Kelrstcad,. 7,1. of e’ve got to devise some method pending legislation and how it wdll Rev. Forrest Musser, pastor of lcombatting.lt.’’ He cited the. rnission can’t do— provide the pros­ 346 Lyme street, Hartford, widely pect’with a liflo or a.Huilding. He affect each individual during the Union Congregational Church will known in rural areas as a realtor pustrial Foundation, an Instltu- ■next two years. give an illustrated lecture on 1952 Chevrolet h that is about .40 years old, lauded the work of the local com­ and father of Mrs. Kenneth W. D Q N T mission, stating that it has done Refreahments will he served. ’’Wonders of America.’!. All wo- Little, of Rockville, died yesterday lone of the best methods. ^^^Westin^ouse ___ Election I« Held . _.men are welcome, tg. .attend. Mrs. an excellent job-within its sphere-. at his home.--...... BALCH Is Youi : fhirpoaes The Good Will Oub of St. .Tohn’e Gladys Nerl will lead the devo­ . urposes of a foundation are The group, he said, has contacted Survivors Include, In addition to M ISS IT! a good many firms in their task of Episcopal Church elected the fol­ tional program. Mrs. Cprinne Rob- his daughter, his widow, Mrs. J provide factory, buildings lor * lowing officers at its meeting . Inson is In charge of the remainder Martha Pi. Brown Keirslead, a Bspective new indu-stry for those selling the town to prospects. He of the program. received one request from the Mondav night: President, Mrs. brother and a sister. Services will ms that, for one reason or an- Kenneth Cook; vice pre.sident, Mrs. Mayor Frederick Berger will he held tomorrow at 2:.10 p. m. $ 2 1 9 5 ler, do not want to buy real Canadian National Railway for preside at a meeting of the Com­ copie.s of the letter thjj commission Lawrence Small; secretary’, Mrs. from the Newkirk and Whitney «te and would rather lease their Ernest 'lyhite. ahd treasurer, Mrs. mon Council at 7 p. m. . .Funeral, .Home.,in. West. Hartford.. Rdlrfga, and" to provlde"loaTis»to hasput o»rt eonceming-Manchester. F dU)’ Equipped; A Hiial beaU'< One of this town’s principal liabi­ John I.ukacik. Personal Mentlnn Burial w’lll be in Cedar Hill Ceme­ fh an Industry on easier terms Short Calendar Session Frank Remkiewicz of Whittier, tery. t y . See it at Ln would- be extended by banks lities, as far as attracting industry X YOU CAN OW N A NIW BIG-SCRIIN CliOSIJt.FOR AS LOW AS $2.85 A W IIK T'vo cases are listed for a short Calif, is visiting relalive.s here. MEN'S W€AR. llnsurancp companies, la concerned, is a lack of snace, calendar aejS.sion of the Tolland and this could be overcorne, Kane G I V E S Y O U L*>gg Is Favored All Tolland and Vernon newa Manehester INotors Reasons for creating a founda- County Superior Court Friday at Tolland County legislators, B£TltR DEAL 867 Main St.—Ruhlnow Bldg. items are now handled through the 612 West Center St., 10 a. m. with Judge John H. King meeting at the State Capitol yes­ Manchester Evening Herald Rock­ presiding: terday, recommended the appoint­ ville bureau located at One Mar­ Mitchell S-41S4 PONTIAC DEALER “NO DEFROSTING^’ The Valley Oil Company, Inc., ment of attorney Harry Lugg to ket street, telephone Rockville ON ALL CASH SALES v.a. Alfred D; Barry, more specific the Superior Court bench. A reso- 5-S1.'W. L- THAT'S stvitement; Virginia T. Denson vs. Alfred C. . Denson, more, specific LL:' ' ■' p Completely Automatic statement. One domestic relations case ha.a been assigned for this Everybody is making "N o Defroat- se.ssion, Lovlna Foote Goodale vs. ing" claims! But only Westinghouse Lawrence A. H. Goodale, Judg­ FKOS'T-FREE has the magtc but­ ment. ton that COUNTS door openings to Four criminal cases hsve been GENTON’S SPECIAL PURCH . measure your defrosting needs! assigned for the Friday session, ARTHUR And, only FROST-FREE gives yon Raymond Baglin. Paul W. Fultz, £ jL d r u g s t o r e ■t 'wrl .'.el • all three of these "N o Defrosting’’ William H. Ahlera, and Paul W. J i % benefits. Rifizon. 942 MAIN STWEET AT ST. JAMBS STRin Automatic defrosting exactly Bar .AaaociaHnn Bills wherij arid brily wheiTTieededi. - Members-of—thc-f>tftte-Bar-as- Nothing to touch or do! sociatio.n in Rockville have re­ Automatic water disposal —no ceived notices from David Gold- I ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY t SATljRDNLY—DFD-104 gompleted. , k- 1 :UBIC FEET Homemakers Session .95SAVE The Breezy Lake Homemakers IXE FROST FREE group of Vernon will meet Monday BETTER DRESSES CITRATE OF MAGNESIA 9 (or Your Choice et 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. REG. 19c;gimif 2) ...... 4 i O L - REG. M49.95 .... ONLY S80 Mary Friedrich. The subject of th* Sizes 9tl5, 10-20. 16'/2-22!/2 and 46-52. * 3 6 9 meeting will he "Discipline of I only\ dd-i i Children.” Aa.sisting Mrs. Fried­ rich will be Mrs. A. Vacono. Reg. $10.95 . EPSbM SALTS / II CUBIC .9 5 SAVE 4-II Enrollment County 4-H Club Agent Albert $7.95 FLAT HNISH HOLLAND 5 POUNDS. REG. 49e (Limit 2) . DELUXE B. Gray-announces that the 1953 Pfif lOG r»4«i«l CHdoH Tm — TiUoMM. mi MMio $ 2 9 9 enrollments for the 4-H club year A REG. $37Y.95\...... ONLY $80 are nearly complete. Reg. $8.95 . WINDOW SHADES 1 ONLY— DFD Those from -Vernon include Mar­ $6.98 _U 11 guerite Bonner, Doris Crane. Judy 7.1 CUBIC FEET Crane, Grace Ford, Janice Glidden. Hllghtly Irregular, ftp to 84 FUae at .95SAVE Lucia Glidden, Elaine Hincka, Reg.f $6.98 Inch, on your own ri>li«r«. Any hital DELUXE FROSTXREE Rhode Jerininga. Mary Jane Mad­ den, Lorfain e M cCla tchey. Patricia $5.98 Sjvf 39 ' REG. $319.95 .... ONLY $50 Stephen and Gene Browning. (2 for $10) Watgrem Jackie Dunn, Clifford Ludwig. *269 Robert McClatcheyr Kenneth Nel­ 49«ASPIMN son. Michael Nyman. Sanford Palmer. Ellwyn St. Louis. Everett SI. Louis. Francis Schlaefer. John 2 ;iS 5 9 NGES - - Schlaefer, snd Charles Warren, Jr. lanlml Toda.v’s Event CalnuUr CHILDREN’S STORM GOATS WHITE PINE ^'MINOYL’* The .10-50 Club will meet tonight Smalt Charge For Cutting and TAR MINERAL OIL THREE ONLY RANCHO 38" FOUR UNITS at the home of Mr, and Mrs. / Including Suh-Tdens. Cough Syrup Flnaat Orad* GeorgA Brigham on Elizabeth M r r i r O ' »■' ■ D Q o One of the most pepiilar ranges atieel.' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Formerly $18.95 to $27.9.5. ever Introdureil. I.jirgp oven, stor- L M int l ~ * A M iiit 0 9 •ge drawer, space for stool under . 0 P » « E end. NOW $1435 to $22,39 REG. $193.00 .... ONLY | 5 3 4 PINT OR Vi PINT 5AV( JOcf 1 S A V t 17*/ Vaiueist to $ 49 ,30 S a y b ro o k s RUBBING Light and Electric Timer— Reg. $20— OnlY\$ 14.95. SAVE ...... $5.05 VACUUM BOTTLES NERVINE ALCOHOL Owwna Mwi-Weveii Rirrw Tnwdi! Made by the makers of Q A _ NoMlcahelic < Mai|.|rrHatlog TWO ONLY REG. FULL S1Ze\ e LUXE RANGE, 40" IS X 30 ALi: RUBBER "Thermo*'' OYC A M r. 4 41 FINE FABRICS From HUDDERSnELD! TWO TOPPERS LEFT! A M tju 1 ” A Miiit D «r Light, timer, .sealed oven door, FATIGUE MATS oven light, super-Corox top .70SAVE Size 10 and 14. Niwl-Weveii lirrit Bm^il TWwdi! unit. Reg. $17.95. $10.95 M ED IC IN E REG. $279.70 ONLY $80 98c CABINETS ' Bxira Spedat Purchase! SAXORYS! CIIEVWW! TWEEDS! ' hM Reg. S8.49. k '-H liYEStiNGHOUSE SURER DELU x V r ANGE 'a. HIIFORTED EVERY COAT WITH FAMOUS LABELS! COCOA . |”r DICALCIUM TIDY STICK ^'1 Bigfiest seller in entire line. PHOSPHATE DEODORANT HMMS TWEED HAS EVERYTHING. Only BLOUSES i WILLiDW Fir liillky laeii Riih Vw Frifb Sizes .'J2-.38 and 40-46. DOOR M A T S MiiI« 4 79 A U 10C% WOOL tor WIWYER WEAR! one. $ 2 9 9 ^ 5 » » 114-u . A fli m ( i i7 iS i SPORT COLTS WATCHES CLOTHES BASKETS 2 •MOO I ~ 2 EMt D O REG. $389.95 ONLY Single breasted, button through (loethor buttons) reglen or sot Reg. $1.98 $149 $ 1 .6 9 In ehouldtrl En^sh.or Amorieen modeb! Singlo-breestod, patch Res 55.98 . $ 3 J 8 pocket, set in sleeve and nptch coUer! Large array o f colors that ONE ONLY PRESIDENT MODEL Our watch rapair letvica ’a you'll woer many months throughout tho yeerl Regulars, shorts! fart, rairebla, lew ceil. All , gurfr gate wngs! Purcheso the xip-ln lining end w e'l insteV it FREE! porta end rapoirs puerentaad. Reg. $3.98 . * • -Two ovens, super-Corox, seal­ $2.98 ALL STEEL IOC POT ed oven doors, oven lights, au­ We oko tamefeh end ra- Regularly tomatic timer and light. $ atring psorlt, repleCa end r a . CLEANERS AU-WOOL ZIP-IH UNINOS let garni. VENETIAN With coupon (Limit 7) $40.00 REG. $329.95 .... ONLY IN SMARY OLEN FLAIDS, Oely Own on Elgin? Look for lha 2 •’ 1 6 THAT'S ALL— NO MORE— HRST COME GET'THE BARGAIN$ "dp” lymb'ol on Iba dial. If BUILDS ^ SAVE . you don't hova o braokproof ‘ ■ Oyster while and white. Sizes DufoPowar Mainspring it wiN ROBES and DUSTERS Ml TERMS ARRANGED — UP TO 2 YEARS — ' 10% DOWN (Broken Sizes) 17 to !Y6 inchea. coil you littia to Inatoll H. VISIT OUR LIQUOR DEPT.-S. A.M. if 11 P.M. DAILY 16«iion't looped «P ♦*“ Rgg. $9.98 Reg. $8.95 R£G. $3.49 ^ remsinlaq K^wperblmpoH^*^. GALLO WINES PARKER'S CARSTAIRS limported *ool InSPRIN SMIE $ 6 .9 8 $ 5 .9 8 WHITE SEAL L Tweed 651 MAIN ST. F.E.BRAY PORT, SIIKRRV, RESERVE COR. PITKIN ST. Rtg. $7,95 BLENDED w h i s k e y Blended Whisker m BARSTOW'S MANCHESTER’S OLDEST Reg. $5.98 MU.SCATEL Ne

■i- 7 - i '.L / -<* -y.-V -.VT 'T ' Y " ''1^ 'i * .1 /

1 4 '-' X- ■ I • i' ■' ■ ’ ' ’ -I'-.'- • . ■ - • '■ ■;■.....' ’•"■■■ '...... ■■■■ ' ■ • .■'■.-'■■ _ ■■ ;.,- ' -■ - - X 'i - -

i, . , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHfeSTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1953 MANCHESTER EyENIlilG HE^AW), MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1953. p a g e N l gA G E EIG H T Na*i type i^oup tlon propoKnl,,fJt ran probably win. llousew ifc l«y^i(l > V- ' Fate of Stately White Oak p lHattrl|gfitgr power.". ’ , even under the new law. But It |4 Warren BiM Would Boost The Burvpy indireted that moat GLASS COX a atrnw in the wind of .aentiment, 11 o 111 e le wkito II pit OrrtTiBns believe there Wait more and there is no honeymoonihp in Rests in Murph^ey VH ^ FOR EVERY PURPOSE 1 iEtigttiuiv fuml -thanv.«vll-dn Naaiftm, ...that Town Court Staff Salaries *...... ■n'^itirsKED'Kr’ra ' vt...... '.... ■' " ___ ■ \ A l’TO, M1RROR8, WINDOW HARDWARE 5 HERALD PRINTING CO., INC, they__ rli.''"Vow .Pil.dnpn.sihilily for A jManrhe^r housewife todaj'. ; _Hiblffird Represents. Old I hood. All objected *to removal on. .-4- -i,v.~.-.li.-BU»ell.itrcff...... 'peryertition' o f the-.lewe, t'hAt -flntl- juiiiuimccd^d^dA- lot- .H -fOQtl sa.le.J|,,^, --Sa'lartea ot'alt-the- ofBclata-tJf thV ' •ccniTt banilted 1)14 rgsV*,'wrtfi Total \ OB8CIURI5— - n « Mannh>»tfr. Conn. the proceeds if which w.ill go to I ■'T u £, ! ae.sthelic ground*. Palnr-^Shdf Hordwort ■* ^ THO.MAS F. FERC.L-|ON , historic recelp ^ ,o f $12,747.08, o f whirh .lowi.ah .aenUment in «pain on the (liiarlei* Revision aid anx^derly Andover couple who'| i I ree at Hearing, Sev -1 in answer to a question from Town Court (if Manchester wotild PNQNE Mltchdl 9*7322 W A L T E R R. FERGUSON, ri.ae. . be increased under a bill introduced $10,497.41-wai^.pald to the town. Eloctrieal SuppliM 2 Publlnlinra losV^Pn. home and. possessions in en Onnoxp It* RfimnvnL l Murphey, Sheekey said it has beeti By 1951, ^ court wa. • The : GeiwanS" never -have ilis-., -the hearing w er» deciding “.uio each ‘the 'trust tuvestment department. Lnbbbck. Mnrphey has three days in which io dectjie the fate of the a’jU ely would receive $3,(M)0 a year, as Michaels escaped without Injury. Ctassifted- deadline: lO:.*^ fate of an old citizen,” " It was' "It's The Truth!" day of publication except 8?tiirc.'ay— lingruished themselves by any He is a graduate of Morse Busi- ' The sheriff said the youth told sak. / >- / against $2,.500 now, and the as­ He and another truck-driver. Jo­ Award a I Aircrafl here before us," Hibbard pointed ne.s.s College and joined the Hart­ them he got Miss White, whom he sistant prosecuting attorney, who seph Cenate of Hudson Falls, ' *• ______marked feelings of war guilt, out. . ford National in 1923. He Is 1 met while he was stationed at th leves. Mf-g. Armande Ringuett?^ 34 Fox- is now W. David Keith, $1,500 a aroused the sleeping residents. Wednesday, Jatmary 28 either this lime or after Won 1 "People before us decided to let Harold .1. Gill of 12.’) Walker active----ifl' hu.sincss and civic CroWn Back 39.95 nearby-Reese A ir Force Base, awa;- The gang was charged by police T roft drive; Albert Burdick, 90 Ox­ year as against $800 now, with a Senate had been traveling behind W ar I. But here we find them, in street, Manchester, has received It stand." he' continued. He inV from hei* Jiome on the pretense of the tanker. I o s circles. with 46 crimes including a series ford street; Robert N/II, 400! East provision for Increase in his rom- [le D € Misrthe Headlines surprising mimbnrs, not merely thn\lhlrd-place suggestion award sisled that before it could be re/- driving to New Mexico where they 6f| car thefts_ and house brealis. Route 8 was bloekec] for nearly -moved- there- -should be -evidence Center street; Mis» Beverly. MIKot pcnaatlon if he should be c»llcd t.rvlhg to fasleh the -Waf hmhlP'on' for wecemhrr- at Pratt ■ Whitney ....Wifen a rri'iln ik Cdnittafitly'a'nXi- would'Ibe married. AH wei'e ' juvehlfea. He was 'siis-;' lelt, 21 Woodland /Street. ■five hours.'...... '! tffarry Tt/itfnan is at peace wnth that it pi'esehts .some menace now upon to act in more than one-third Aircraft, William I’., Gwinn. gen­ oils to get home on time, what'll Harrjist said Whitaker refused to pended fronri school and was placed ADMITTED ’^ODAY; Thomas of the cases tn the court. Firemen frbm three communi­ Hills worlflr/and his.retirement from Ih'eir erstwhile enemies, hut voic­ which it did not previously. "Therei eral manager, announced today. you bet he's getting old? make si written statement until he on probation by the juvenile court. O.sticn, 98 WiOnuj. street; Miss ties extinguished the fires.. | ^ h e Prfistflenry has been graceful, ing fresh faith in the old pHttein.s Is no .such evidence,” he as.serted. The proposed new sijlary for the For saving the comnany reUirneid to Lubbock and found the Later he attended Vermont Aca­ Fannie AUo.n./m North School clerk of the court, who is now Michaels said he applied the ' of doing and thinking that twice Two more objectors were Albert ;« n / a il rf&pccW except ohe. He material during the shipping of: whole thing wasn't a nightmare. demy. His father la the operator street; Davi^/Spencer. 198 Chest- Akio Pagani, would be $2,700 a brakes to hla tractor-trailer as he | Hairi.son and Mrs.' Majorie Lind­ Whitaker, a bartneh Cwlth his 195 Wnap Major piston engines Gill ; O N A a aiiisses tho.«e daily headlines. before led them Into losing wnr. came down the hill, but was unable i say. ■ both of whom live in the of a trucking coPipany. put street;/ Raymond Menoche, year as against a present salary What hlghcr^rlhute is there to received $lHrt. his fiist major sug-j I father in a triifiklng and. ware- | Willimanttc. (\f $1,800. to slow the vehicle. It was loaded One (fay he announces that the " R O C ^ T vicinity of the tree and both of j house firm, formerly was stationed j A key piece of evidence In Bent­ the . power, of Ideas to resist the ge.slion award. ] DISCHARGED YE.STERDAY: TTie bill providea that the judge with 4,800 gallons of high-test fuel. /tenhtAver visit to Korea wan not He Is one of l.I.'I employees ; whom wrote letters to Miuphey i at Reete Air Force Base. Recently I ley's trial Was that he shouted Cornucopia Back 49.50 Turtle Back 39.95 Mrs. Mary Powers, 184 Middle shall set the sjilar.v of the as- Michaels said the truck tipped riagopuery at all. and may have destruction of weapon.s? e n g i n e X piote-sting its removal after he I he wa» transferred to Lackl^d "Let them have it. Chris'.' when whose awards for time, money and '■ Crown oack, Crown .Turni^kc. east; . Mrs. Gaypell, sLstant . clerk, who is now Mrs. over as it rounded a sharp turn at ne Home good.. That is^ perhaps, .And what better evld<>h(;e can material saving- id e a .s totalled! ...... Monrt- flfi \ had posted it; / Air Foyceo'ce Ba.se, San Antonio. the pair- were arrested; Prose- the base Of the hill, at aljout 2:301 WESTIN M il^, Rockville; Deborah Harris, Top 39.95 "1310 whole approach to the park 'tHitor.(i contended this wss en­ Dawn Carl.son, to be equivalent to a. m. (e.s.t.) ' ^mereH* a decent reversal of some be offered tliat, no mailer what $3,(121 In December. Harrist and Texa.s Rangers ques- ] 11 /Edward- street; Earl Cashman, (Center Park) is made beautiful' couragement to Craig tn shoot. that of other town employes per­ the West's • need of German -All a.s.semhier on the flr.sl .shift tinned ! him yesterday at San j I Rockville; Marguerite Marquis, t05 ^ Itte i/ things he said while he was by that tree,” Mrs. Lindsay said, Bentley's father contended Bentley forming similar work. at the Fast Hartford plant. Gill Antonio and brought him to Lub- ■ ! Spring street. , P)—Flor-I |TH“ communism, it must maintain un- cause of that park In the center." to give lip.his pistol. officials are paid out of the reve­ ting under l^e Implication niversary pin. Button Back 39.95 Austin. Sydney .Schiilthels and son. 136 ence Rembak. 2fi-year-old blond I Beuiitifiil Black 4-door ae-. . " Uko It” ...... - ...... nue of the court, and .luilge Rott- he himself-was not worthy to emling vlgilance agalnat. a jseiious Mrs. White lived with her! Broad street; Margaret Briggs, Hartford ■waitress .who was i dan. Radio, heater, hydra- Hai ri.son said the tree should he ner has submitted to Rep. Warren old o( possible new solutions rebirth of Nazism? ' widowed mother. Mrs. Lena B. | 1014 Middle Turnpike, east; Peter eharged with manslaughter In con- | matlc drive. ^ MoHckedei, saved because It is over 100 years statistics hacking his claim that White. After school and on Satiir- ; Vcndrillo, 246 High street, weat; neclion with the fatal stabbing of | *pt®(f}ie Korean trouble. old, it has never been known to be th? operation of the court has i-e- COSMETICS daya she worked In a Lubbock Hospital Not^s Mrs. Florence Jackman. 29 Wood­ her coftimon law huahand, Fred I ■ e next day Mr. Truman an- A Limitless Valley the rontrihiiting factor In a serious ! variety store. sulted In a “ sizable profit to the land street; John HAuinglon, 527 Wahl, on Aug. 20 In their Capital ‘ \VK r.MlKV AM- i I Manchester Motors accident, it shades and enhances town." inces that he isn’t sure,, after Having nbolished politicos. Pre- A reward of nearly $1,000 had ADMITTED YERTJ5RDA Y : Middle Turnpike, east; Peter Ten- City home, was committed to Mld- I.RAPINO BRANJIM ■ ai2-AV.f»t Centet:.;*!.,. the beauty of the corner of the I94A Btattatica at.-the . Ru.ssiana have--the- been po.sted for word leading to Frank Denette, Rockyille: Mias , sone, 22.1 North Main street; Ellen dleCown State Hospital yesterday || mier Naguib of Flg.vpt is begin- Mitchell .8-4184 park. "I like the tree," he said in In 1946, the.se statistics show, bomb. It la true that he her p’hereabouts. Beverly Margraf. 48 .Hollister Wonick. 20 Green Manor road; Mrs. by Judge Edward J. Daly o f, ning to offer the Egyptian people Arthur Drug Stores j conclusion. the court disporihej of 590 criiuinnl Superior Court. street; Andrew Wipzler, ll6\Ox- Catherine Carev. 144 Lenox street. lie lf twice announced that the Other objectors were Mrs. Har- cases, from which there were, total Two psychiatrists testified that a aiibstiliite. It la the common 9k ▲ ▲ A. ▲ ▲ .A. ▲ .A. .‘ Hartford, Jan. 28—W —Walter ford street; Mrs. Angeline Del BIRTH YE.STERDAY: A daugh­ ssiana had set off nuclear ex- ri.scn, Mrs. Dana Cannon. Mrs. reecipts of $8,137.10, of which $6,- she has become mentally deranged subaUtule for dictatorships - the D. Whitaker. Jr., held In Texas on Guerci’o, .13 Birch street; Owen ter lo Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dion, 530.24 went to the town, and the and Incapable o f understanding the ( elons.. Bqt he is still not sure /H.si old West, both - neighborhood ! a charge of murdering an 18-year-i Warren. 53 L.vnesa street; Thomas 114 Maple street. spectre of an external enemy. remainder to the Motor Vehicle charge against her. t'l hope Ood I t, although the Russians got re.sidents. and Mrs. Charlotte | old girl, made headlines in Hartford ' Sullivan, 96 McKee street; Fred EJRTH TO D AY: A son lo Mr. He la making emotional oratory LOANS $25 $ 5 0 0 Gould, a Glastonbury woman for- ‘ In 1049 as a member of a gang of i Department. will {lelp her,” srtid Judge Daly as t far, they “ have achieved the Wippert. 104 Glenwood road'; Mrs, and -Mrs. Iklwnrd Mainvilic, 8 In 1949, when the last revision in which he pledges to sacrifice mcrly a ft>sident of the neighbor- eight high school boy burglars and Elizabeth CoWle,.s, 26 Linden street; the slender blond was led sobbing I ,ow-how to pul the complicated “Yf<” promptly to 4 out of 5 Am- Nathnft/road. in court salaries was made, the from the courtroom. his life if necessary to "llheiale ployed men, women —- married or chanlsm together to make an the Nile Valley from all foreign tingle. Lo;»n» your it’ay . . . and /a.^/. :bonib work." When he an Phone for I-viiit loan, writ#, comt in, solfliera . . . .r^imced Russian nuclear explo- "Our duties." he says, "call for Ivon $ iiM ir m r E r T j^na as If they were homh ex- aacrlfice in our .struggle to liberate Poy'to IS Met. 20 Met. iloslons, and when he used the In- our nation, the Nile Valley, from $24580 $3p2F i'/ferenee thRt 'the Russlnita pos- \- out-. hiilcmis 4 v.45 An introduction -34WJ3- sessed the aloliiic bomb ns the tlon troops." leant$31 Atiftr* ffire’**'** co»#f •vorvfhing' J.1ustification for our own venture A leoA a< $?0 10 "lliilty, discipline anil work," he to $300 on prompll/ f«pnirf in t2 ronitCvh^t Stnneiure into the design and production of .sayA, arc what should be forth- ] tnonlMv iniiallmoRii •/ flOOS en'li. Alone Cn«n to better the much morg powerful hydrogen coining from Hie Eg.vptinn people -fNf cOm^an rJ fHAf iiari to lA? Ml* bomb, he was merely deciding thal in order to accomplish this task. (II was g'ood for the Amei icnn i>eo- The world has heard this line tVSTIM FINANCE CO. | ? 3)le to he aware of the peril they before. It came from Hitler. It 2nd Fleer . JARVIS tUILDINC ^might face. As President, in other .sounded not so bad, perliap.s, when |0€ MAIN STREET (Over Wbolworth's) MANCHESTER Swords, he let the Amencan people it was directed to goals like the L .il iMItclioll »-74S(( O Henry f. Monglllo, YES MANager J^elieve the worst. As a private cit- recapture of Hie Rhineland, or j^izen. now, he indulges his own union with Au.stiia. But the ide.s OetN THUKSDAY EVENINGS UNTIl > E.M. YELLOW TAG iiiid madi It i,illl>nli .1 .11 iicaundint l.wni MORE THAN 100 REGULAR SIZES TO CHOOSE i»opinlon that the wor.st i.s not real- that the German Pfople should .set MEN'S WARMLY LINED GABARDINE, WOOL AND RAYON GABARDINE ■’| ly alt he pretended it was, .when Hiem.sidvc.s only, one gQiiI, through FROM. ALSO SOME LONGS. STOUTS, SHORTS W OOL and LEATHER AND TACKLE TWILL e ^ e was President. om. organization, revealed its true ^ About the only real ilevelop- NO DOWN FATMiHT-USY TOMS poison when It (lid nqt halL with l^ient in thl.s. wc would gueas, i.s claims whlcli might have been par­ SUITS JACKETS fth a lM r . Truman get.s a headline. 1 ■ ’ RAINCOATS you CAN ■■ SUSE...JP irk tially rea.soiiahle, hut went on past Many models to choose from. Size.s 3G (o 50. 7J:)ur atomic scieiUists disagree the Rhineland ■ and past Austri.a Now Is The Time To REG. $30 to $35 VALUES ..... NOW $19.75 Some with zip-in linipAr. ^\'ith him rather violently. Our and past the Nildc.len to Gzechos- REG. $35 to $40 VALUES . . . NOW $24.95 REG. $15.00 VALUES ,..., NOW $12.00 REG. $16.50 V A LU ES---- - . \ . ____ NOW $13.20 ^nilttaiy leaders, whose ddlicaiion rovBkiR.it.se!^and then to PjtiranVJ. REG. $40*$45 and $50 VALUES ■’4a. the pa.st few years has been an NOW $29.95 REG. $17.95 VALUES ...... NOW $14.35 REG. $20.00 V A LU ES...... , .. NOW $16.00 FvenliiaH}’, the goal was not REG. $20*95 V A LU ES---- NOW $16.75 increasing development o f the any fanwd grlevaiice of the Gei- REG. $27.50 VALUES ...... X. NOW $22.00 ouse plSinion that it would fie suiciil' man nation, but merely a ref.lec* Redecorate' W ith REG. $29.95 VALUES ...... NOW $23.95 REG. $31.00 VALUES ...... ^ O W $24.80 ■for us to depend upon any fancied lion of the need of a (lictalor.ship v! '-ptomic .superiority for our securl- ALL OTHER WEIGHT JACKETS for more foreign trouble ui order ONLY $289.9$— $339.95 WITH UHF—LEGS FREE must be cur-sing. ys sallRfy ^ta'owiy appetites for TOPCOATS But the basin premise upon REDUCED 20% / Hiower and ninuilain tU ow.a — NEW 1953 MODELS JUST IN! — Vhich Mr. Truman bases liis ow ¥ donieshc di ngooiiing of the Goi - REG. $27.50 to $30 VALUE5 .. .. NOW $19.95 CLOSE OUT 6 f CHILDREN'S and V'istful opinion that Hie Rus- man people. REG. $35 to $40 VALUES . . . ______NOW $24.95 / MISSES' 1-STRAP — UHF TUNER BUILT IN! — COVERS •/-ians lack tlie technical ability to Naguib i,egin.s by staking out REG. $44*$47.50 and $48 VALUES .. NOW $29.95 — ALL VHF AND UHF CHANNELS! 'ton.^trurt the acHinl niechantsms the Nile Valley as F,gypf.s right­ 'o f a bomb, even Hmugli they have ful objective. If he floiirishe.s, ,it PRODUCED BY » MEN'S PART W OOL AND ALL W OOL PATENT PUMPS folved the problem of nuclear fia- will be, surprising how wide and HOLMAN-0. D. BAKER ”« -ir TABLE MODEL *229” f;on ;is weak and naive. In the how long that valley grows. : ANKLE and LONG LENGTH HOSE 1 ' ■ ■ 'I — SUNDIAL— ^ . • pealpi of the .sCieVii'es, thARussiaiis MEN'S -WARM C O H O N or W OOL •SIZFS !()•', tn IS.' WITH UHF TUNER— $279.95 are not baifiai mns, hon-evei- mtirh The Rapture Is Missing 2-Tene Oxfords V'e might wish thi'iii to tic. T3iey FLANNEL and CORDUROY REG. 50c and 65« PAIR . . . NOW 39e Pr. 1’ aih many more engineers a year ll is beginning to look as if the REG. 75e and $1.00 PAIR .. . NOW 59e Pr. Brown 2-Strap Pumps lhan V e do. Tliey: have often copied Republjvans • in fongtess itidn t rnnrti TO OWVRR.S OF ANY 700 MODEX REQ. $1.25 and $1.50 PAIR $5.50-$6>95 Volues, Now \VK.STI.V<>HOHSR TV .SRT8 tc.ir dc.signers of thi'ng.s like air- really Want any hoiioyiiiomi u ii'i , -hfK SHIRTS NOW 79c Pr. . a.nfl JJiey^ the iicw inan in Uit^ While House. REG. $1.75 PAIR ...... NOW 89c Pr. $3.00 VALUES NOW$2.40 ALL CHANNEL CNF TUNERS ’49^ '-pri)re3''bur 'd'e.srghFii. t(-^^^ !.^t ft 'ci'rtiitftlV nht iii the hbriej'- $3.24 llXflX.Lhey. lidi.. ■ only mu'm.' atiTUi-ipherc.. aX -any .rate, for - niugln Siiiile ChRmiiit UHrittnir ■ ■ Tis.'ve atontic bonitis,. but that.tliev .Senate' and'■Ifouae' o'phuiiit'ti'es ’to . $3.95 VALUES NOW $3.15 Special are hard at .wbtk..on the. hydi;o.. Jf.aiue a guvcrmUeuUa. i,eorgaiu- $4.50 VALUES NOW $3.60 (ROOM FOR 2 IV YOUR SET)----- !j.'*n hoiiiK hs we are, amf-not loo zation bill which I'oiifcie upim D . $5.95 VALUES COLORED and FANCY DRESS SHIRTS NOW $4.75 CLOSE OUT OF 6 d D SIZES IN lar behind us. I'rcsidcnl Ei.senhowcr less power . $6.95 VALUES Sizes H (o 17. -Sleeve length S'l tn 8.1. •••••••••••• to -icvamp tlic government than NOW $5.55 . $7.50 VALUES Thp Survey On Nazism was enjoyed by his pi edecc.s.soi, ‘ ;s night: NOW $6.00 REG. $3.95 VALUE ...... NOW $2.95 DOROTHY DODD, W. B. COON It is less prospective iiower foi 1-bye to . $8.95 VALUES 2 HEW 1953 2 r CONSOLES NOW $7.15 REG. $4.95 VALUE ...... NOW $3.95 Two developments in West Gcr- , . , ...... Prc.siiicnl Eisenhower wliicli i.s. tn- ’H'.any have put the spotlight back , . , , ' With UHF tuners built in—'■plain mahoffany—and with « I , , „ ■ , dicaled by the, action of these and RHYTHM STEPS en rjsviving Nazism.. The move-' \ ■'■ half d(Mirs. ciiiiinjiltecs in - drafting new reor­ ent • Iran not • roaTTi a fiy ai arni- ganization’ legislatUin under which Special Value / - -r proportions. It still is very Sweet'music for those who find it difficult to .sleep well! Sweet any .simple majority in ' either NOT MANY—BUT GOOD VALUES ' MEN'S LONG SLEEVE $439.95 and $429.95 itnuch a minority affair. Blit m'usic for your budget, too. Overture Bedding; bench-made, o ^ - - hou.se • of Congrc.ss will be sul- ^ aaisin witir cVen-a few- eliroda-of at-8-time, i.s one of the finest values Holman-0. IX. Baker has TwIciiTTo V(‘l(i'any pic.sldcnlial re- .9 5 , J'rength is, to say the least, dis- produced in 94 years. Starting with the Semi-hirmHex-O-Loc Now olganizalion luoposal.' Under the PLEASING COLORS — REASONABLY PRICED SPORT COATS POLO SHIRTS ■Jurbing. innerspring unit, designed'to jiroperl.v. support ,\ou in the most- ^ law which is about to' expiie, it Several older TV models in 20" Reg. $259.95- Piiti.sh BUtliorities in Germany restful iwsition, to the deluxe 8 o/,, covering, everything that goes REG. $13.50 to $20.00 V A LU ES...... NOW $9.45 h'anc.v and plain color.s. All .xjz^e.s. luck a con.s.UtuUonal majority, or $425-$450 at reduced prices. UHF MAY BE .Arre.sted .seven former Hitler of- _ THRIFTY ARROW MUSLIN Formerly $12.95, $1,1.95, $15.93t a majority of- the tull'mciiibershlp into Overture Bedding; has met the mo.At rigid quality standards. REG. $27.50 to $32.50 V A LU ES____ NOW $16.95 Iicials on charges of plotting to Quilted, pre-huilt borders prevent side-sag.. Equal length tape ' (Mattress REG. $1.95 VALUES .. ____ ..... NOW $1.39 ___. ADDED. of either house, not just of Ihusc ECONOMICAL REGAL CAMBRIC REG. $21.50*$25.7;5 and $26 VALUES NOW $14.95 Ifstore JMazi power. The British! ties with knots drawn inside provide-smoothe.st possible surface. REG. $2.50 VALUES ...... NOW $1.89 present on any given day, to upset ontend they hoped to seize power The 72-coil l)ox springs are hand lashed 8 ways. \ou’ve never REG. $2.95 V A LU ES...... NOW $2.29 ganization. plan.s. Washabit Cambric Impregnated with or Box Spring |v winning tonliol of three right-1 ‘V’*''''*''’’ * K'nig" seen nor used, becldinj? that is so jrood yet costs j^odittle. Actually • t ■' i.senhowfcr'a c I'levv , You can see it BEST on a Westingbouse lingng parlie.s which- together cmildF Pyroxlin Plastic a 59.50 value; full (ir twin sizes. Limited stock, so order yours DOUBLE SAH GREEN STAMPS GIVEN budget director, Jo.selih M; Dodge, Less Service CoBs Best BuHt CIrassis iv'p theni a mnjoj'ily in the Bonn tomorrow at our Sleep Shop. Worth 59.50 MEN’S ' ‘ . ."l ' ' arliainent. protested this action vigorously PASTELS. STRIPES. WEAVES, TEXTURES WITH CASH SALES ALL DAY THURSDAY yesterday, hut to no avail. Perhaps of deeper significance, . . . Custom Measured Ta Fit Your Windows , . , FANCY CHECK COTTON SLEEVELESS . ecause it is -more revealing of It i.s, in one way, an assertion f l a n n e l PAJAMAS Only At aslc attitiides. was a now survey of congressional power. But, hv INQUIRE ABOUT ROLLER ALLOWANCE! Sizes A. B. ( ’. D. ken by thl- U. S. High Gommis- the sainc token, it i.s an uiiwilling- SWEATERS loner't office in We.stern Ger- nesa ' to allow to the incoming REG. $3.75*$3.95 VALUES ...... NOV^ $2.95 All isizes'. CEHOUSE&SON lan.v., ' - Pre.side.nt as much power as his MeutCHSft&i REG. $4.50 VALUES ...... NOW $3.50 BARSTOW’S One of its main fiiidinga wa.s prcdcceS.sor enjoyed. £. A. Johnson Paint Co. ■■ ; V REG. $2.95 V A LU ES...... NOW $1.95 JUST NORTH OP POST OFFICE I'at "the large majority of the ■It IS,' peihaps, not actually ton EST. 1922 PHONE MI-0-7BS4» lArman people cannot he counted important. If 1 Pre.sident Eisen­ Phone Mitchell 9-1501 MANCHESTER, CONN, " ’N : I'lwinwiwai iji ■imM'il— to rwlat the efforli of any hower makes a good reorganiza- WBBIiajtJW.Vi ,'i - V _ ; t .V V' : li '■• /■; ' ■| (• 4 - ' f 1} : f ' ■ r ■ .. A ' : " f i: t .. A.. ■ ' ' ' ■ { PAGE ELEVnV V j ■ I. , ' . i ■•'■,■•'■ '■ ' ■• ■- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1!).W MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WED^E^DAY, JANUARY 28. 1953 •riera Kearsage and Orlskany ham­ Collina yesterday. The Army said Allies Smollier mered the Red front lines yester­ Collins would return to Tokyo late morqing that the children have In­ today or torfiorrow. | . spired their parents to get behind Television day. Modern and Vour Income Tax Pllot.7 said they blew the entire Schools Push the March of Dimes." Radio and TV „ Attack by Reels top oft a hill in one strike. Other Two schools, Manchester High $40 EM tom Btandarfi Tim * W NHC— Cb. g P. M. DENY THEFT CHARGES 4:00-Kate Smith. Navy planes swept- behind Com­ Artistic Fashions Dimes Total and St/ James' School, have not munist lines and wrecked 16 cdmpleied -their -collection returns HALE'S - Specially A,Iltie—WONS— H; R; Baukhage. S;00-4hart Snort Drama. (Contlmied From Fag* Oae) Middletown, Jan. 28- Ed­ WTIC—Medley Tllne. K: 15—Meet The Stera. camouflaged supply buildings and ward Comcowich. 31. of Seymour, so it Is evident that, the school WDRC—Aunt Jennle'e Starlet. 5;.10—Howdy Doody. 10 Red trucks. In Flowers From Manchester's total will- rise seiveral hundred-dol­ 5:00--Moment* of Comfort. guns of the 45,000 ton battleahip and Mrs. Marlon K. Pronto, 31, of Fund Stfan Vi»t $ 8 ,00 0 WKNB—Perry Como Show. S;15—Variety Club. Migsouri yesterday pounded the lars beyond the present total. In­ WTHT—Luncheon Mualc. The Fifth Air Force said twin- Higgnnum, pleaded ■ innocent to WDRC—It H.ppen. Kvery D.y, 5:30—Sportaedpe. east. Korean coast off Chongjin, 60 layers dividual school returns received to.^ The Chlc.«o.ni. WHAT—Gemma OIL Program. , 5:40—Weather Foreckete. engine B-26 bombers swept over a charges of conspiracy to theft Largest Retail Grower Mark as Pupirs' Give j , W THT—C.1 Tlnney. 1I:M—Local News. ' miles south of the Russian border. date are as follows: Waddell, $144.- lt;M —WDRO— Romance of Helen 5:4S_World Newa„Tot*y. > wide area of North Korea last yesterday in Superior Court here. Im p o rted WHAT—N*w»; Polk. Hop. 7:00—Death Velley Deya. Eighth Army headqqartera salt* night and destroyed 35 Communist $1,224, More to Come 23; Hollister $132.52; Washington, lilA —WTIC—Stell. D.IIm . Trent. 7:30—Con'hecticut Spotlight Comeowleh was retained under Wedditiff Rouquots CorBagex— Cut Flower Im o d of Six Articleo on How to j'thflr caw. aU auch expensea— WDRC—The Chlc.fo.Dfc W-nC—Marjorie Mlllfc United Nations troops killed at trucks, one locomotive and 10 S25.000 bond, while Mrs. Pronto's $120.12; Green, $115.88; Verplanck, ,\ WCCC—Newe. 7:4S'i>Camel Newa Caravan. Funeml Resiffnfi Arrangementfi Uio Oat Toar FMtoial Income au iijectto limiUtlona explained be- ’The local hlarch of Dimes total j-lf-U H r Profrun, 8:00—Arthur Godfrey. least 20 and possibly 40 North boxcars. bond was reduced from $15,000 to' $115.19; Bowers. $107.68; Lincoln, ..tfc—Requrat M.tlne*. . _ WHAT—I tRoee Progrem. 9:00—Strike It Rich. I ax Betnni.) loww—ar^-tully deductible If long $103.54; Highland Park, $73.87; I'S Z ivroR C —The Record Shop. WONS—The Women'a Page. Korean attackeri in . the bitter At the ssme time, B-29 Super- $ 10,000. WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS EVERYWHERE pushed past the $0,000 mark to­ W THT—itewe. 9:30—Pleihclolheeman.' form 1040 ls~^aed. Younger tax­ Barnard, $71.35; Robertson, $70.13; * w t HT—fiddle Arrold "rime. 10:00—Boxing,, bloody scrap north of the Punch­ forts hammered the 100 acre When she protested that the re­ day on the basis of record-break­ Boucle-Tweedsf^oodles WTtC—Tounf WIdder Brown. WKNB—Men on the Street. B y FBANOIS J. K E L L Y payers are perlnltted to deduct Nathan Hale. $57.93; Cheney Tech. WDRC—Our Gel Sunday. 10; 45—Sport Spot. bowl. Another 32 Reds were re­ Kumsnn barack.s south of the Red. duction wasn't enough,' .Tudge only such medical'expensea as WHAT—Sere A Llffc „ 11:0O—ComeCy Hour. AB Newafeatnrea Writer ing contributions' by Manchester's _WTIC — The Woes.n I d e»y WCCC—Ml ale for Milady. ported wounded. capital of Pyongyang. A heavy $30.39; South, $31.51; Buckland. WTHT—We. the Women. 12:00—News, i Thomas .1. Molloy ordered her re­ KRAUSE Waahinffton—Although tax col- exceed 6 per cent of their-ipcome. school children. Incomplete school $20.08; Keeney, $9; Silver Lane, jfemarratr The Reds jumped off in the early overcast obscured results. moved from the court room. Her AT A RECORD LOW SELLING* PRICE ’ . . . Z ^ R C - N e w i ; Old Record Shop WKNB—The Patteea. morning darkness after a 10- ^tlona are running now at a re- A man over 05 also gets td^le- returns total $1,224.37, which al- $7.05. 1 -.••—WDRC—Newe. A. M. 7k Gen. J. Ijiw ton Colllnff;' U. R. bomj was furnished. TTie ac.-iised' GREENHOUSES rMdy exceeds any previous polio * ’v ^ A T —Story Queen. minute artillery barrage and open* : ird high, some Income taxpayen diict fully for all of his wife's' Benson. WTHT—Paul Harvey. 9:8oIlTesl*Patiern and Mualfc Arm y Chief of Staff, spent the were arrested Jan. 23 in connec­ KhoQl collection by 300 dollars. WCCC—Mencheater Matinee. ed a 20-yard hole in Allied lines. 6«1 HARTFORD ROAD 1 »t a better b r ^ under the lawa medical expenses, even if she is not W THT—Newe: • { 9 * ' Show. WTIC—Newe, 9:45—Morning iNeWfc second day of his frontline tour tion with the theft of coats valued WTTC—Junt pl.io Bill. 10:00—Arthur Opdfrey. But the advance .was quickly TELEPHONE MI-9-7700 lan they did 1 couple of years yet 65. He can deduct his own in K o r'th e first'tim e during the Ferrell. WKNB—The Pel tee* with the First Marine Division and at $24,000 from Jerome Cpats and ..ifc_WTlC—Front P W F WONS—Newe. 10:16—Ding Dong SehhnI. blocked in a sharp exchange of I fo. full If she is over 05 and he is current tnfaiitlle paralysis cam­ *'W H AT—Croeby’e Qu.rter. 10:30—Window Shopper. British First .Commonwealth Divi­ Suits, Ltd., here lan. 18. ' Ugly Eczema , . 2 _ wW t —Bend by Dem.nd. WHAT—Newe. hand grenade, small arms and The group which benefits In- younger. But he can deduct only paign, Treasure): George Frost :14—WDRL—Ma perkina. 11:00—The Big picture. 11:30—Strike It Rich. automatic weapons fire. . sion. : udes persona who sell their that part of a dependent’ll medical was wearing his bl^^-broad victory \ '^ § ? £ :w r r S ln ‘ lTTcko.k. W THT—Show Tunee. No Joke WONS—Yankeee Food Show. , The Allies hurled three counter­ Collins is slated to confer In Ames at a profit and invest the expense which exceeds 5 per cent smile and was predicting-that once ,.„_w VR <>--Curt Meeeey .nd Marthi 12:00^World. Wei Llv5 In. Tokyo Inter this week with Lt. Bgain-the fund raising for- p^lo WTIC—Roes, The Musical . Miller.’ attacks at the Reds-fought their plmeeda tn another house. Also, of ■ the taxpayer’s income, — The Itching • torment of; eczema WHAT—Petty Kimball. I2;15.t-Love 6f U fe. ' Gen. Maxwell TajHpr. due in 'Tokyo he parents o f some Income-pro- ’There-is a strict overall limit, will “go over the top.” . ^ Js enotigh to make aiiyone wretch- WTTtV—Note. And Quotefc t;M —WDRC—ifoung Dr. Malone. 13:30—Search fori Tomorrow. wav back to their own llnea. WHAT—Newe. _ 12:4.1—Nancy •» "Kite hen. 6nly light patrol activity was re­ tomorrow to take oVer eommand of idng crtlldren, unmarried tax- however, on the total amount that • "It took the kids to get this ^ and anxious for relief. Suffer­ Newfc- WCCC—Newe: Mencheeter Meticea. MADE TO SELL AT $59.95 , .iifrWONS-Ce^l^ B ;;*" WK.NB—Caravan of Mualc. 1:30—Garr.. Moore. ported elsewhere as a two-inch the U. S. Eighth \Arm y from lyers who qualify as head of can be deducted for medical ex drive really rolling.” wa-s hie cheer­ ers from Itching eczema, pimples, 1:4»—WDRC—Guiding Light. 2:00—Wheel of Fortune. ANNUAL FACTORY ,. 0O_WDRC—New.. 3:30—Guiding Light. carpet of snow fell across the retiring Gen. James A. Van Fleet. >usehoId, and all elderly persona pensps. The limit is $1,250* a per­ ful cbmment , today. "The gifts angry red -blotches or other irri­ WOn S—Just Jeiiklne. Gen. Mark Clark, united Na- 1th heavy medical expenaes. were coming in at a very slow pace tating blemishes, get Peterson's ■ifalO’S prices— have tumbled to a new low for this sea- WTIC—New.. WTIC—Cotton Bowl Game. 3;4ti—MId-Afteinoon Newe. frozen battlefront. Red artillery son. The very most that can be t:M.-WDKC—Second Mrs. Burton 3:00—Big Payoff. flona Far Fast Commander, re­ It used to be that a tMcpayer Ointment. 40c all druggists. One son— Every coat has been marked down from our own ? 5 ? S W «V .- : JO. Olrend. . and mortar fire dropped to its deducted on behalf o f any one but this large school collection has WCCC—Music. 3:30—Welcome Travelers. turned to his Tokyo headqiiarters lUld not claim an exemption for a family is $5,000, regardless of age. started us rolling and I feel con­ application must delight yo\i or WONS—Connecticut Ballroom. 4:00—Kete Smith, lowest level in four months. stock.' . • i. | » - V m C ^ r ic t ly SPO'';!;- „ U. S. Navy planes from the car. today. He came to KoreA^ with ^pendent If the dependent re­ The maximums are $2,500 and fident on the basis of a full mail- money refunded. Also for Uohlng ^’WONS—PAtler ^ Pittewton. W THT—Netve; Top Hit Time lived 1500 or more Income dur- Scores $3,750 for some taxpayers. T ot bag o f coin folders received this feet, cracks between toes. ‘ WHAT—8upp«Y •. Be WKNB—Newe; Caravan Of Music. g the year. Now he or she la complete details, check with your * __ • WDRcIIjAck Wman: TbU I WTIC—The Doctor s Wife. Deaths Last Night Iglble If the income Is anything district revenue director. g-tsi'-WDRC—Cuy t : l 6—WDRC—Perry. Meson. than 1000— same as, the ex* There’s a limited amount of Misses' Coals WTIC—Cinderella Week-bnd. Cote Glee Oub., WHAT-Save A Life. ‘ By THE AN80CIATKD PRES8 nption. cheer for taxpayers who suffer J: J5— WONS—Newe. New York—Mr*. Susan Har­ I f you sell your home at a profit, losses of property due to fire 2:80—WCCC—Newe: Music. ;?S?JJ::5j;rMWor’A K fc mons Woodruff. 83, a Daughter of me of the gain now is taxable storm, or othep natural causes, or "For a cleaner,warnier house... f:4S-WDRC-Newe. W THT — It Happens Every Day. WONS—l"nuu Stone Show. the American Revolution who be­ novided that within a year before by theft. Junior Coats WTIC—Three Star fixtrfc WTHT—^orte. WDRC—Nora Drake came one of the dWners of thr : after the sale you buy a new I f the loss exceeds 1052 income. «; 5*—WTH’f —Spprte. 3;45_WDRC—Brighter Day. ame.costlng as much.aa the for- WDRC—Nora .Drake. Daily Worker, Communist news­ tbsi excess may be carried back as replace those dirt'CloQied f:W^WONS-Bll| J*"}**"* WONS—Conn. Ballroom. paper. Born in Tenafly, N. J. « r place sold for. Women's Coats 1 -4*—WOWS—Fulton the WTIC—Mld-Aftcrnoon News; In- a net operating loss to offset tax­ WTIC—1 W « .• Comnnuniit for Ban Antonio. 'Tex.— Lt. Gen. How This Works Out able income in 1951, and any re­ ald'e Newa fron Hollywood. As an example, suppose ,you WHAY—910 Club. Charles Philip Hall, 64, veteran b*' maining excess may be carried 3;00—WDRC—Hilltop Houae. Might a home several years ago ^ ? g f c w . “:th;r; Heedh.. fidltlon. both world want and Director of over to apply to the years 1953- furnace filters • .t5_WONS—Tnllo-Teet. WCCC—Mualc. 1 IT $6,000, sold it last year for WON'S—.lack Downey'a Music Shop. Organization and Training' for th* 1057 Inclusive. This applies to a Every Coat Warmly Interlined W THT—filmer Deele. Army from 1946 until his retire­ 10,000, bought a new one for $12,* WDRC—.lunlor Mlie. W THT—Newe: Top Hit Time. salaried person os well as one In ..... TiStr.yVTIC--Ne« of tb« VVork., WTIC—Life Can Be Beautiful. ment in January, 1949. Born in » . The $4,000 gain (difference -business, but-can be allowed only ~-W-HAT— N «w .: 910 Club. — Btween orlidnal cost and sale WTHT—tone RAhffr. 3:1.’>—WDRC—House Party. 'XfissiBaippi. . ■ if the taxpayer makes his return WONS—G.brlel Heelter, WTIC—Road of Life. rice) would not be taxable. If on long form '1040. WDRC—Club Fifteen. our new house cost only $9,000, *;45_W DRC—fid Murrow. 3:30— WCCC—Newe; Muelr. A non-marrled person who quali­ p o o d l e s YARN DYE GRAYS WONS—Bert Bechrech a Uen ■ Cor W TH T—Scores; Top Hit Time. len $1,000 of the profit would be fies as' the head of a household WTIC—Pepper Youngs Family. iblect to tax. NOVELTY CHECKS WTIC-One Men>FeniIly. W liAY—Save A Life Program. gets special treatment designed to TWEEDS •nd 3:4,'5-^’CCC—Junior Disc Jockey. There are ao many special rules give him (or her) about half the f.t*_ WDRC — FBI In Pence ivolving such capital gains that WDRC—Carl Smith; Aunt Jemima. DR. MURRAY tax benefits accurlng to married FLEECES IMPORTED FABRICS W ?HT—Poelmerkrd U.S.A. \ WTIC^::The Right To Happtneea. TVeaaury puts out a Schedule persons who file joint returns and WTIC—Walk e Mile. 4:00—WDRC—It Happena Everyday. to supplement regular long- \VM AY—Cnvftlcide of Mutic. WTHT—CiH. Tlbney. SCHWARTZ take advantage o f the income BOUCLES Ho x y s t y l e s w e c c —Musk, mn income tax form 1040. Better ' WONS—C-i.mrrty J^*fter of the Hour splitting privilege. ■ ■u—WDRC—Dr. Cbrletlan. WHAT—NeweX ... The Reliable Fuel, mfer with your dlatriet revenue BROADCLOTHS FITTED STYLES ' ^ C - T h e Greet OlldereleeTe. WTIC—Beckstait^ Wife. ANNOUNCES THE Irectoi's office If you sell your WHAT—Sterd by 'for Crime. ome at a profit and buy another. |.45_W H A T —Boh Croeby Show. Especially When It's / ZIBELINES F U L L SW EEP ' WTHT—Velentino. OPENING OF HIS If you lose money selling your • •M—WTIC—You Bet Tour Life. SOOTHING ouae, no tax adjustment is FLA R E BACK "WDRC-Pleyhouee. Foi C O U G H S OFFICE FOR THE OLD COMPANY LEHIGH vallable. '\ WONS—Newe: Family Theater. INCOME TJUl W THT—Weatern Roun^p. OUI TO For maximum comfort for your heating dollar burn Ihls good Taxpayers over OS years of age w h a t —Newe: Nlaht Watch. GENERAL PRACTICE at spedal consideration on their For a cleaner, warmer home. ; . and lower fuel biU i. l j 34t_WDRC—Whet e My Line. hard coal. When you think of coal think of thi* brand and— ladleal and hospital expenses. In WONS-^onga of Our Time. COIDS OF ASSISTANCE WTHT--Croaaflre. BUDGET PAYMENTS AKKANGED order a let of D u a r-S iw Air Filterfi from ub today. WTIC—Big Story. 1»: 00—The Lineup. DAILY HOURS n .a i» i inadM« geroiie Aeelgnment. T IL MItelMl 3^21 19:45—WHAY------Y—Newe. .. MEN’S GOAT SWEAHRS MEN'S GAB.SHIRTS MANCHESTER PLUMMNO Don’t Miss This Great Coat Event!! ]l<00—News on all atallona. ^ MEDICINE 24 HOUR SIRVICE 11 ;05—WDRC—News. 100% all wool. Maroon, tan, gray, navy. Sizes rine quality rayon gabardina, 2-way eelUr, WHAY—Nile Watch. , , . 38 to 46. MITER TRUCKS THOMAS J. II ;15,_ W THT — Lata Bob E. LlOyd 2-flap pockeU. Gray, navy, maroon, dark & SUPPLY 00. DOUBLE 5 & H Green Pullover Mtyle .$$.49 green. lURNER SIRVICE WCRtS—Midnight Matlncfc QUISH F. T. BLISH , JR., Free, and Treaa. WHAT—Nigh, Watch. TEL. MANCHESTER Stamps Given With Cash WTIC—News. Apoirtment No. 2 “If It’fi Hardware We Have It” TfwJW HAUeo. WONS—Jack’s Waxworks. rdf 6 Charter Oak Street iM A N o iim i Ceiiti*. WDRC—You and the World. MI-3-4523 877 M A IN s t r e e t TEL. MI-3-4425 Sales All Day Thursday WDRC—Public Serviea Pro- l e 2 ; 11 isJL w DRC—Symphony Hall. ■ W n C —To Be “AlTTiouJiretf.----- V U ;O0_WDRC—Newa. WTIC—News. Music. SUCH BARGAINS! Tharaday Morning g;09—WTIC—Frank Atwood. WDRC—Farm Program. gjIg—WDRC—Hymt Time. 5:25—WTIC—News. g;S0__WONS—Bill Jenkins Show. w DRC—Yawn Patrol. __ ^ WTIC—Weather; Frank Atwood. WCCC—Newsreel. ^ FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MANCHESTER WH.VT—Cup of Coffee Club. W THT—Mualc. News. i:4 j_W T H T —Morning DevotloBfc WKNB—Newa. t 1:55—WONS^Earlv Edition. WTIC—Newa. , „ STARTS TOMORROW f ; 00—WTHT—Breakfast with Ban. WTIC—Bob Steele; Weather. Wi»)#e SELLING 01:T our entire a s s i n g WDRC—Newstime Here’s the "5ale of the iieason." Don’t ml*« 4t! P MILESTONES OF tons to make room tor spring W HAT—Morning Watch. stock of faU and winter merchandise at draattc WCCC—Good Morning. Good Muile. and summer arrivals. Conte early tomorrow and U|e pick of the bargains. WKNB—Polonia __ WONS— Weather; Newa: Bill Jtty- / kinfc ^jlS—WTIC—Bob Steele. WONS—Newa. WKNB—Polnn a. _ , 7 :26—WTIC—Wenther; Bob Steele. ALL NEW, GLEAN MERCHANDISE • \ 7;S0_WDRC— Old Music Box; Njwa. LADIES’ GOAT SWEATERS WCCCwNews'; Good Morning Muile. WONS—Bill Jenkins Show. AT STARTLING LOW PRICES LADIES' CARDIGANS 100% virgin wool. Smart ^lollywood style with WKNB—News; Phil Hale Show. 7:4j_W H A Y —Newa. 100% virgin wool. Large selection of attrac­ •Darkling meUI buttons. Aqua, wins, navy, 1 :S5—W THT—Weather. black, medium blue. 38 to 46. WDRC—Newa. tive colors. Sizes 34 to 40. WONS—Weather. ..$1.69 Mzea 48 to 5S .$4Jfi |.O0._WDRC—World Newa Roundup REG. $5.98 Short Sleeve Hlipnns W THT—Newa. c“ - 'eMMMr :ir WTIC—Newa. WCCC—Klo'dle Comer. WHA'7—Cup of Coffee Club. WKNB—News. WONS—Newa. WITH MATCHING CAPS 1:15—WDRC—Shoppers Special. :1 9 5 1* :1 9 5 2: WTIC—World News Roundup. DRESSES NOW DECEMBER 31 :1 9 5 0: W THT—Martin Agronaky. - REGULARLY SI 9.95 ■ WONS—Bill Jenkins nize* 14 in 20. WHAT—Jesting with Wamp. WKNB^Phll Hale Show. . NOW $5.88 • 1:35—WCCC-rNewa; Breakfast News­ $ REG. $8.95 DRESSES . boy. NOW WTIC—Radio Bazaar. REG. $10.95 DRESSES NOW $5.88 W THT—Bob Lloyd. , ' , . WDRC—NeWs: Shoppers Special. REG. $12.95 DRESSES . NOW $7.88 , , 8:45_\VCCC—Breakfast Newsboy. , CAPITAL and SURPLUS 240,000.00 2 4 0 000.00 ' 5:55—W THT—John. Conte. . NOW $8.88 ... *1, _ ;. i ■ ' 620 000.00 REG. $14.98 DRESSES WONS—Gabriel Heatler. REGULAR $5.98 5:55—WDRC-Newa. REG. $17.98 DRESSES NOW $9.88 WCCC—12 Hundred and 90 Hits. WKNB—.News; The Little Show. ■ \ WHAY—Newa: Morning Star Review CREPES, ORLONS, GABARDINES. VELVETS, TAFFETAS W TH T—Breakfast Club. WTIC—Theater of Melody. Junior Bizes 9-15. Missies 12 to 20. I-onjr WONSr-Newa. . Sleeve gjlg—WfinC—Music Off the Record. WONS—Jock Downey's Waxworka. Polos ' WKNB ' Bd-Bwett Show. ^ 1 SMALL GROUP OF REG. $8.95 oiid $10.95 4 to 14 DEPOSITS 2,833,808.59 . , , 5 :3#-^WeCC—News; Market Beaket. 4 557 959.00 Hltfc • ■ WK.NB—Italian Hour. NOW * 3 . 8 8 N YLO N GABARDINE . WHAT—Italian Program. WTIC—News; Tour Garden. WOOL. ORLON’JERSEY, |;44_W D R C -Blng Cfosby. SUB-TEEN DRESSES NOW >6 SNO SUITS WHAT—Famou* TMala. GABARDINE, TAFFETA WTIC—Victor H. Lindlahr. In Collons, Wools, Corduroy-s. Sizes 8 to 1L\ WKNB^Qulx Call. Sizes 3 to 6 with alpaca lining and hooO. Size* ' 15:05—WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. Size.B 22 to 30. 7 to 14 -with quilted wool Interlining anfi WKNB—News; Through The Tears. heraldic emblem jacket.' W THT—My True Story. WTIC—Welcome Travelers. CORDUROY 1 ^ ' ■ ■•**■-* , , WHAT—News In Italian. RE6. $2.98 REG. $1.50 RESOURCES 3,077,388.18 4 830 564.00 , , WCCC—Mualc. 7 284 702.58 Ii:15—WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. ■Wi WHAY—Italian iluslr. LONGIES CORDUROY ■ ■ " ' I 15:25-,WTHT—Whispering Streets. Zipper flj'. cuffed, Blue, 15 :.15—WDRC—ArlhunSbcTrey. BEST-FORM BRAS 69c green, brown. 4 to 12.. CRAWLERS •WTIC—Double or Notljlng. NOW BLOUSES 4.98 J (Black Satin) SIzc.i 1 -to-3; - ~—------WHAT—Italian Program. WKNB—Voice of .Manchester. REG. $3.98 BLOUSES NOW $2.98 WCCC—News; Mualc. 15:45—W TIIT—When a Girl Marrta*. WHITE COTTO.N and NYLO.V WHAT—Italian Music. REG. $5.98 JLOUSES NOW $3.88 OVER 50% INCREASE IN ONETYEAR. OVER 136% INCREASE IN TWO YEARS. 10:55—WO.NS—.'-’cwa.. N YLO N or WOOL ll:0 *_W K N B —News; 840 Club. REG. $7.95 BLOUSES NOW $4.88 BEST-FORM BRAS WONS—Ladles Fair. ' WTIC—Strike It Rich. REG. $8.95 BLOUSES NOW $5.88 BABY *. W THT—Lone Journey. REG. $1.50 "The Friendly Bank" Solicits Your Continued Support DRC—Arthur Godfrey. Cottons, Nylons. Crepes. Sizes'32 to 46. NOW $1.00 SWEATERS $ f HAT—Italian Program. Handy snap-crotch'evening. Maize, pink, blu% , 5—W THT—We the Women, Sizes 1 to 8. grMn, wine. 1 to 3., ^ ^ e it :25-WO.NS—News. II :35—WDRC—Grind Slanv^ BECAUSE OF THESE LOW, LOW PMCES- ALL SALES FINAL WTIC—Boh and Ray. WONS—Queen for a Day. . WHAY—Berio Program OPEN 'TIL W THT—Break the Bank, W'cee—News; Mualc. ' WKNB—Music From Out of the West 1:45—WHAY—Pot Pourrl. 11:4S—WDRC—Rosemary, WTIC—Bob Hope. W HAT—Ronzor' Program. EVERY EVENING Afteraooa 5 9 5 M A IN S T . , M A N C H E 5 T E R 6 SOUTH MAIN ST., COLCHESTER 12:55—IV CliC—Luncneon Muticalt. WTIC—Newa: Weather. a i n s t r e e t n e a r m a p l e s t r e e t WDRC—W’endi Warren. 1013 M — J CONNECTICUT w h a t —I talian Voice, WONS—Curt Massey Tima. Advertise in The Herald'^—It Pays MEMEER FEDERAL DEPOSIT lltfURANCE CORPORATION AND PEPpRAL RESERVE SYSTEM .- ■ ______. - , ' ' ^ ' ' ■ ' . W THT-^ack Berth Show. * WKNB—Newa—Movie Time. 1 V • ^ - - -t" --/ - ■ " ■ / I ]l- ’A T- . 7T. .(• l/.-


•\ . ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHE^ER. CONN.. WEDNF^SDAY, JANUARY 28. 1953 .*o'n wfts'on the way to the Mitchell PAGE TWELVE .1 Broker Shoots home with the warranl when' he Water company. The commission grounds for the proposed rate in­ tlon of the' company makes it un­ found the road blocked hy Mrs. payment would appear under "ac­ commission members, its staff of attractive to possible investors. O^Bctions Voiced to 9 o f, 10 Nctv JBuilding Lines^ FLETCHER BLASS GO. o r m a n c h e -ste r counts receivable." experts, and Attorneys Raymond was given the petition. crease. / Self as Police Mitchell who waa having car trou­ "We are faced here,” he kftid. Water Com-it could ^RgSDRIPTIONSPRESCRIPTIONS 1 . STEEL SASH This last sta'tement was later A. Johnson (for the company) and The Manchester not issue stock under such circum­ ble. iTs w e s t M inni.E t u r n p ik e WINDOW GLASS IW^ater Rates D ecision amended to mean that.,Rogers has John D. LaBelle (retained by the "With a question of Interlocking pany seeks rincreases that would ! ^CAREFULLY COMW)UNDED^ Planners to Study Comments in Executive Session When they airlveil at the home, Phono .'mtrhell 9-7879 \ companies and free usage of vyater. raise its Income by $20,500; or an stances. Cited as main reasons frfr SvJ’Ytv W arranl been billed for water used- opposition). desiring a boost in rates were: Mitchell w as’ found dead with a In doubt, was whether any Will Be Billed something that has gone on for overall boost of some 26 per cent. German a\)tomatlc pistol, nearby. ' ■yean^ ■' and —hr difricu+t-to—tmder- ►ArHiiffJlnit^SlorMl AUTO GLA55 - (coroplQtQly-instolloOU i> Is Three-Weeks Away actuaT'mohey was expended by the ~ rouTda iffsisted that-lir-^he-fu- ’"’TTie Town Planning Com)rilaal Andover. .Jan. 28 (/P) '■X"46-'Tl^f,KT"T5xam ture there will be no deviation stand. given that the cost of domestic pansion. Rogers Corporation in. paynaent of Hstenod t® ohJOGtionz t o . all- but „|.- A ihoh|^ TIio8€ W-lio Dj>|»ose4l Line Clmujjea ,'car .old .nao: tgage . qnd insijraffce Vailed'the death a suicide. He said MIRROR5 I Fireplaet-r^loor-—UK ) water meterfd to them under the from regular procedure a n d the He told the commission that he ; and'commercial users -would be-inj • Mijtchell had been in ^lye'ry ITl’’ didn’t believe the rate InVease was ! the neighborhood of 23 per cent or^ POPE OONVALE.SCING on» of 19 propoaala lo eatabliah broker committed...... sulci;lle here ye.s- one of the plants located off the new system. Brought out,' Was Rogers Corporation will be billed lorday by shooting him.srlf in the health. GLA55 FURNITURE TOP everal Other Matters mention of a dispute (still In nego­ for all w’ater used, not only from wari-anted but if an Incihase was $1,>5J}0(); industrial users. $1,900 or building line* on several alreets in Branford Town I’Cnstrutor .lohn supply brook. to be g)-anted it should be 15 per cent: district for fire pro- Rome, Jan. 28—<>P)—Pope Plus Itcsd as he wa ■ a' oul to Iw .“ei,v«d FRAME5 madt for your prints or itinqs tiation) between the Rogers Cor­ the three regular meters but also town at a public hearing In the with a warrant charging him with J. Klrinry aaid Mitchell waa accus­ Facing PUC;' Hearings Early Agreement from the one’ Installed In 1950. paid by Industrial users who con-j tcction. $2..500 or 89 per cent; and XII this morning began his second poration and the Lydall and Foulds succe.sslve day without fever an-i Hollister Street School last night, ob;aln1ng mr.ncy under false pic- ed of representing himself lo the M1RROR5 for your frames, or FRAI ’5 MADE Foulds. who took time out to Prior to this date, (from 1928 on) sume somf 45 per cent and only' to private concerns for private Branford ,Cdnre) n as an agent of On Hike at North End Paper Company on the matter of pay from 15 to 17 per cent of the, fire protection, $800 or 78 per Vatican attendants said his con­ attended by about 7q pers.ons. No tcnscs, police said. resent the "treatment” given him stream pollution. it was indicated, th.e corporation the U. ,S. Rubber Company and se- for your mirrer$. by the "press in Manchester.” said 306t8. • cent. valescence from influenza and acUon yv»s taken by the commls^ Leon G. .Mitchell wa.s the subject re Finally Concluded Several times in answer to had been billed on a "fixture bronchial pneumonia has .begun. of a complaint by. ('he ,:.:.;ia ;l<' oirlng a check for $2;.')00 aa E.STIM.ATE,S GI-ADLY GIVEN U the agreement was reached back basis.” There was no elaboration '■Johnson, summlnK hiji cane in Stating that the preaen^ condi- sion and chairman Joseph Lutz direct questions concerning meter concluding the company’s conten­ Wire. Company, Inc., of Branford, ' partial fayinent for mnchinciy to in the days when the Manchester installations or points affecting dis­ or explanation as to the meaning made it known that the executive ’ be puT'chased by the company. Th’ Open All Day .Saturdays and Thursday Eveningfii , By JIM SCOTT Water Company received its tion that s rate increase is neces- according to Slate Police LI. »• Th* State Public Utllltle* Com- tribution. Foulds was forced to of the term. 'session wotild he held- at a later i equlpn.cnt never waa .delivered charter. The date referred to Among the witnesses called to j ss)'!’. asked the commission to ob date Jo study comments made at Robert Rnndle. * rely on the memory and statistics He said trooper William. Andcr Kjnney said. felaston today mulled a problem, was 1889. testify for the water I * OUR Lim E FEATHERED the two hour hearing. of his accountants and engineer. St concealment of facta or figui-es. b e outcome of which will either The testimony was one of the At one time during the question­ wer® J. Harold Burn*, of thft Hart* Before the.meeting was official­ W&te or sadden more than 400 highlights in the reopened PUC fold accounting firm of Bums and He sriid he resented any inalnua- ] FRIENDS GET ENOUGH ly under way. Lutz explained the hearing into the application of ing he heatedly referred to "the In­ lion that auch waa the rase. i North End petitioners. Ended was sistent ' opposition group which Whittleaey; and E. Irvine Rudd, MORIAHTY Bros. call of the meeting and some of the water company for a proposed rate expert and former PUC mem­ Company Took Initiative i HELP the public questions that had caused such a turmoil.” TO EAT DURING THE the latest in a scries of hearings increase in rates. "The Important feature here,” he | 315 CENTER ST • arisen since the notice wa.s po.sted The effect of such opposition, he ber that will decide whether the Man- The water company president All teatlfled aa to the revlaeil stated, "is not the cost of the water | LONG WINTER MONTHS. and publicized. He read a letter fehester Water Company applica- assured the commission that his told the commission, was to re- or the Rogers Coi poration. but the i from the. Board of Directors who -flect-on. the .Integrity of..hla.com- figU)ea, how they were arrived at ^ o n for a hike'W consumer rater Arm-has- investigated aH -other iand the reason' for''their"'riot" tip-" fa:ct-that" the- company -came- for- . f t L - G W E asked 'the Chrnmlsslon -to make a- In pany and he wanted to.erase any. ward and corrected on its own ■ 6 8 / f n a k , ill be approved. possible "free users'-’- and was o f pearing before. study of these narrow streets. The- the opinion that any such irregti- black marks .that may have arisen initiative, any en-ors that were purpose, he said, waa to see if. . The executive secretary of the —to correct the iptfiation in the A commi.ssloner asked Rudd if el. Mitchell 3-5135 fUC told The Herald today that iaritles have been corrected If they he thought a dividend rate of 4 per made In an_hnnest way." \.building lines could be e.stablishfd had existed. eyes of everyone. *' Johnson said the two companies , these .streets so that, in the [ decision regarding the applica- New Evidence cent waa aatlafactory. Rudd said ion for increased rates would, Pressed for an answer on the he didn’t believe it waa and cited (Rogers and Lydall and Foultjai i fiitbre. If the town found it neces Blark, brown, red This correction formed part of play no part In the Manchester iz gary'to widen the«c street^. they jprobably "take at least three obligation of the Manchester Wa­ the amended and new evidence aa hla rea.son that a low rale ter Company to the Rogers Cor­ Water Company action. would hbve only property in ques- '%’eeks.” which the company prepared for would pot attact new inveator.s m- f Louis B. Warren said that the poration. Foulds phrased it this lo the water company. He told the As a pai-ling shot, Foulds s^d Ot bu------Imaginative Resign... Its reopened meeting before the there Is no favoritism among the 24 Hour Mayor Sh^vood Bowers wrap­ jf*UC also has to consider several Way: commi.ssion. Also listed as new and commisalon that the company companies and that each paid Its ' SUET CAKES ped It up by .shying the directors Bther pressing matters in addition "It was agreed that' the Rogers ha.sn’t. done "too well through the. revised evidence in addition to the fair shai-e of coat. ^ | didn’t want, anoCher Pearl atree* b ) the local application and in view years.” It waa at thia point that /Superb craftsmanship Corporation would have ho objec­ early agreement for free water to This waa in answer, ,to a question Ambu once to contend with. , i f the fact that the hearing was tion to use of the water that Rogers; (1 1 notation of a revenue liie rata expert Haled the other by Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick aa to ‘ Jarvis OpposIHqn B lengthy one, there was much to came from the Lydall and Foulds increase brought about hy instal­ three (in addition to the free use whether the Colonial Board Com- i Service The Second Main ^StreLct Cor be considered. Warren Indicated Paper Company.” lation of a meter at the Rogers of water by Rogera) revisions to poratlon of Alexander .TarVia op­ lo o that a transcript of the hcar- pany was metered and if Informn-1 The water in question comes plant; (2) about $1,000 in addi­ previous evidence. tlon about that concern was avail­ BIRD FEEDERS posed a 15 feet building liiiK®n Jrifr. taken down by a free-lance tional general administrative ex­ The heai'ing began gt 10:45 and from Lydall Brook and empties able to the commiaaibn. LociJ.st street, a distance of iSf Dunlel I. Quirk Abraham I... fJsiilnm {reporter, would be about one week into a dam at Rogers. , penses: (3) .overpayment of in­ ran through until after noon when Fnulda said that-such Informa­ f^rt W€iAterly from Main Gtree.t. s. Fra.ik D. Clirney lielayed. Foulds reco\mted again the early come tax on estimated Income it waa receaaed for about 10 tion had not been requested. ThisI nis propertypropeii-.v Isin owned by . Jarvis...... V p Testimony on Rogers and westerly sides of Mil well years of his company when the amounting to some $3,000; and ininutea. It concluded at 1:26 p. m. The reference by LaBelle to "in­ who Is planning another busines.s , ^Ide djt the weal end fi'0)n the t Yesterday’s final hearing, re- charter was first granted. "Our (4) a clerical error in not billing Cites Confusion terlocking companies" brought in­ block------for - the------coiner— long ns.a used n.s a.s stt^et bridge to the St. James Boys Ave January di ive. spened at the request of the com- first consideration, as It is now, the Eighth Utilities District for In hia cloaing addreaa to cdni- stant protest from the attorney a privately-owned parking lot. street int'ersectnon and then taper Pin-ups at Hospilal William Lewis and FianU P.eillv bany and held In the commission’s was service to the domestic user. additional fire protection in the mlsaion membera, LaBelle aald he for the Manchester Water Com­ FOR YOUR PROTECTION Jarvis was represented by his Tng to a naVrow street to Main. spol-.o in opposition to l.’i foot llne.s bearing■ room at the .State Office form of pipe and a hydrant. was "confuaed by a game ip which • Fully Equlppad counsel. Attorney Raymond A. o’n both sidc.s o f Hprure .street in Itdustrlal users came second If the pany and Foulds himself. Foulds is F ori^ Street Januai;y_^ appear.s to he a Blnrk, blue, red calf. Building, Hartford, was not the supply warranted .their receiving, Walter H. Hibbard, head of a the rulea were changed thiee a. high QfOcej- in Lydall,and Foulds .*. CoMplatqly Modarn Johnson, John.son, quickly men­ ' Proposals five-inM| six would s«l- 'heavy month for- ttm bu th -of. the .fUial,,que:tVlftO,. I'unjHS*' ssssibn • hinted earlier in ieuizenif ebwmittee opposing the times” and thoUght lt "Iffcompre- tioned that his'client wasn't look­ sion v.a.s closed. Hrs.-ell it.” and the Colonial Board Company • Immadtataly AvallohU a building line of •Nj feet on the. boys at Manclicster M'-niorhsl leveral quarters. The testimony Describes Problem rate increase sought by the water henaible that auch a situation In addition/to his presidential ing for a chance to sell some laii'l Ho.s'pita'. It w.s.s learned today oi-po-sed tile change im lcs.s/the company, asked for copies of the north and ao)ith sideKof Forest revealed one phase of water com- existed where a company could duties wlW the wafer firm. to. the town hut wants all his prop­ .stieel, Frank D. Ciicney/opposcd that seven of the l.s.sl ten town V ould relax an e.xi.silng -l^ Vitality’s tantalizing now col­ l^any activity that was no secret He pointed out that one of the revised figures as prepared by the draw free water.” erty to fulfill present plans for a f.'ot rent. icUon on the Oak all eel' troubles encountered was the lack An e ^ ie r PUC hearing ended -the alteration along with MXs. Da-J hiiths at the Hayuc.s .street in- Dcally — "a deal to supply the company, explaining that he had LaBelle aald there were 481 Wm. P.Quish huildinsr. .sideOf his eorncr piopcrtyi lection of spring: footwear of an adequate holding basin for a fter: three days of testimony 725 Mam St sliluUon have been males. togers Corporation” with water at only the earlier figures which were signatures on a petition supported (Dec.-1. 15. 16) at \^ich time a OtrOT SQUARE caters lo every occasion, ev­ JtUe or no cost. the water that came from the revised two other times. by North End residents opposed r the water PHONE Mitchell 3-5940 AI.SO, 41 of the 67 births since ery wearer. For .smart, good parade of wltne.s.ses on rderts^n of 1948 when.’ f X w - ! nut street, mcnth.ned an ac idem' r..\i:Ti;.\M.s n iv t m c K n . paper company and that this led to Even with the new evidence and to the rate increase sought by the company sought to establish •-Jan. 1 have been' bo^s. *; Other amended and revised evi­ a certain amount of pollution in me i n X discussion, the PlanningiAln.st yesr when a car nent o f the ( ‘hu'loLle .Xm.'iiio, Virgin look.«, maximum conjfort and dence was of a bookkeeping varie­ revisions. It was difficult to follow the stream. the course of testimony. Many Bmnd and the late General Man- I'oud, dovMi the iniline, aiiU into l.-.tuis, ./an. 28 (/I'l Mi's. Jane lotiK wear, you'll want Vitality t y and dealt with previously un- aeer George ll. WOddell decided , the rear pf her hoiue. Lut?. .said lias Incn Kranteif ecorded revenue or expenditures. Under questioning, he said that found it necessary to refer to all shocji! Do .see. our. atuiiniag three sets of figures submitted by "hat if an>%'ng weie to he done. - if the lines Avore t.SlabTTshcd. it pteieyis'^iL goo(irpli'mhing ih'r.v rdivor.'e I loin H. \V. Bar'lVam, New Testimony by William Foulds, since 1960 all water used by the would lie nossihlc to str’ lghlcn out j iwa.v an.v oNthe g-Aiisting'indiisti iai ' new styles today! - ov- Rogers Corporation has been ac­ the water company to arrive at It would be made a one-way street...... - .. York and Klonliigtim, Conn, .soccl- ire.sldent and treasurer of the wa- In a July 3. 1948- de.eision. the most of the curve at the top of property so ifmeh needed in town ile. Tlie divorce was gniiiled'di^e.e rer supplier firm, caused a momcn- counted for and a record kept of the present set discussed at yes­ I hoard changed the ex'.sting build- the hill. while plenty of^-jarea is avnilahle ye.sterday on gronmls of general ary stir among the opposition actual meter readings. Fo\dds terday’s session. One or two minor BlRck .calf. stated that the Rogers Corporation discrepancies Iff latest list were Ing line from 3 1-2 feet to the F-stshlislunent of a line on on the other sitle^cif the street. ini-ompatahiUty of temperament. $10.95 T„ $12.95 •hen he told questioners that Bart ram was direi ted hv th" eoui t ear had been made in the early been billed for water used since noted during questioning. street line. fParlter .street was opposed hy lay Abraham Gstrimikv alrt) oiipcaed has. 75 YEARS AGO tills line and said it waiKthe third lo pa.v his former wife S’J.OOO ays of the water company with 1950 and that such a record of Questioning was conducted by Opposition-further claimed the Rahinow, who said the propo.sal IPRE TESTED street is not a main arteiy for ,s„n{rht to put the line on the lime in a few short monlhs'die harl moiilhl.v as long as ,slie llve.s iin- 8lze* 1-10— All Widths traffic heeniise .it is a dead, end we.sterl.v side of tlie street and. he appe.nred .lieforo the board td'^pro- Ic.ss she remarnes. She also was info Church street, .lohn.son said tlioughi it should he on the trst changes in his property., K'.anted a easli .sKtl"ment of no plans to widen l-oeiist street easlerlv .side. Indii.slrinl pro’iei tv is There were neither favorable .S8 COO (diis another , $8,000 lo lie P o tW a rre t ■should even he considered svithout p^.^-ted od the westerlv side ad.ia c.ommcnl.s nor ob.icctlon to , fne pxhj in f.vo instalh'.icnls _this A G EN CY FOR SHOES Foifsori ANP OWIS first widening Chiirrh street. He f,p„,rent to a lailioad siding, and he eiglitli propo.sal that would e.^fah- miihUi, They were married July 1, t was the first in the world proposed I..ocnst street should he fpn it wa.s against the best lish a 20 foot line on the norlhorly in.df) Iff Greenwich, Conn. made one way or eliminate park­ ing allowed on the north side of the atreet. Others Ruck Change Attorney John D. LaBelle. rep­ resenting .sevi^ral proportv owners on the north side of the street shove the Jarvis properly, also op­ OUR ANNUAL s posed the change. He felt the town rorrimitted -it.self with the 1948 777 Main SU Manchealer TeL Mitchell 9-3448 decision when it took off the exist­ ing line. Persons he repro.sented. he said, were not affected by the line change, since the.v, now con- formed with a„15 feel veranda,llnft_ and 2.’) feet building line. However, j he pointed out that if the line \vaa . established along the easterly end o ' (lie s'trert to Mai-' sti"rl end It the land wa.s taken for widening Shoe Sale-Final Clearance purposes, his elients would finil lh"ir front doors opening up on the OF sidewallt. Mayor Bowers took the floor fo ' $20,000 SHOE STOCK WE BOUGHT OUT OE state he probably had much to do with ratling the meeting and pointed out the rharler provision \ LAWRENCE, MASS., SHOE STORE. SHOES FOR for holding a public hearing on the matter. All of 'this, he Said, MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN BEING SOLD AT COST rame about from leyelations in the Pearl. sti'cet aiiliation. which, M ., said, was done in a hurry. He noted that .some of the SHOES and SUPPERS ARE ON SALE streets leading into' Main street BEHER OUAUTY were so narrow that Are otTicials, IN OUR NEW AND ENLARGED lASEMENT DEPT. when proceeding to a Are, always BIRLS’ STORM COATS determined the quickest ro'it? hv , the widest, road.s for the appara- ' tus. ■i'll A. Khjr. 19.95/^ ALL Biggest Values Ever! Last 3 Days! Gryk In Favor j I 34.95 Attorney Wesley C. Gr\’k spoke 29.05 HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF QUR SPECIAL VALUES ■ In favor of widening the street, r He represented Beyffico Gryk of Dinner and Formal 19-21 Locust street, on the .south­ erly side of the street. Gryk WOMEN'S said a had error was made when CHILDREN'S the street line wa.s sel as the BEHER GRADE SHOES building line on the .south side of the street. He mentioned limited Nylon an6 raion gabardine, timlon col- GOWNS Reg. values t(i. $5.00. Values lo $fi.05 loading facilities at the pif.sent ira-lin"d, sizes 7 to 14. DRESS SHOES Jarvis building. vena all vnol gahardine, alpata- Geoige Marlow, Main street lin'ed, montnn collar, 4 lo 6x, 7 lo 10. merehant .and eheirmnn of the Zoning Board of Appeal^, said he 'spoke, for other rriereha.'hlS::Mt* $ Q .O O $Q.oo the Chamber of Commerced slso referred to the loading zone, rtalming the zoning rode only Jleq , S23 and $25 / \ called for a 20 foot loading zone. Group Includes Sundials, La- ■ Reference was made to other cit­ METRO Dub-ZIP High or Cuban heels. Many Variety of styles and eolorw\ eonlas. Little ‘ Townera, ies and the disturbance of one­ styles to choose from In sizes Sizes 4-9 complete. A1sctor WaJtpr MahoneV^frank- 5IZE5 9 to 2OV2 Women, Growing Glrl.s IN FA m ’ , opened for busitteis i)uKe:W'Hayciu.Conne(tkut, BAaERINAS and NatlmraHy'Adv^ised ,being dumped i’tito the Tap's of the CASUALS . lyyears ago f i .,cight lines, twenty-one subscribers. Planning Commis.sloq'- hv the HELTER C h ild ren sh o es Board of- Directors, regardless of HAT the charter provision for such s-1 INCLUDED "Lingerie For Children and Women. SKELTERS : V 'Reg. values to $4.97. hearing. The meeting was use­ Chenille and Quilted Values to $2.98 A $3.98 value. less, he said, becaii.se the street T h e telephone ,ha(d been inventeiJ two years earlii;r, Telephone Company is tho; result of 75 years of was a hottleiieok, at both ends, Sizes 4 to 12 Special" and he favored a one-way atreet. Pnptins. rtv-on and n.vlon gahs. duo zip ski pioneering under the American system of free enter­ Earl Campbell and Wlilter Hib­ pants or downhill pants, timton collar, wool but it was Coy's development of a workable "switch­ quilted or alpaca-lined. Combed cotton gabartline. fimton collar. ALL OUR $9.00 bard also spoke in favor of mak­ wool quilted lined. Green, navy_. brown. $.1.00 ing it a one-way street. ROBES ing board” that made modern telephone service prise. Telephone research has constantly sought new Martin Explains Lines ! General Manager Richsrd Mar-^ V LINGERIE ways to provide,better service and keep the cost down. tin answered a question broached ’The |ierfe»-t flattie. Black, red Infants oxfords. Straps, pat­ possible. Today, from your home, you can be con­ ' hv Mayor Bowers as to" who set the Odds ’n ends of other shoes and blark, walnut and tan In ents. Booties, alus 1-9. Chllr distances being proposed, saying Group of SU.98 to 519.98 Group of 516.95 to $22.95 ' In group. sizes 4-9. dren’s alzea fi'/i-S. "^”“““ T h e company^ has grown iirUie'stfgngth o f " he and engineer Wilfred M.sxwell REDUCED nected with 855,000 telephones in Connec­ had made a study of the streets /BETTER CAVALRY TWILL and proposed the building lines to BOYS’ STORM COATS ticut, more than 48,000,000 in the United irst traditions of Service while it has grown conform with exi.sting lines on the LEATHER BALS streets. ' Martin also said the MEN'S estahll-shment of Die lines did not SURCOATS SLIPPERS States, and an additional, 35,000,000 in in size. Today, more than 9,200 Connecticut FLATS, CAMP mean all that land would he re­ For The Family quired If ,widening of the streets 25 OXFORDS men and women are working to provide you Were decided, but it would set uty | % MOCS— VAL. to 4.00 foreign countries. a njling in case of future exparp .90 VALUES to $10.95 Vnlues lo $;2.98 sion of busin'ese in these areas, re­ Values lo $ 10.95 The growth of The Southern New England with'the best telephpne service in the world. quiring,buildings to be back frpm the alrMt a distance. j - Buy Now and Save , . 'i - First National .'Stores opposeil Sizes 6 to 12 $9.04 ■ questions two and three, dealing Sizos A to 16 with lines on Maple atreet. / $J.OO Park street lines were o^osed Nylon ami lavon gahar'Iine hy Thomas Toomev - knd • Daniel , • Full notched timtnn.collar- BRIDAL and LINGERIE SHOP Fully iaipaca or wooU quilted lined, timlon * Fully alpaca lined THE SOUTHERN NEW ENG^LAND TELEPHONE COMPANY Quirk'of 24 Park street. H'hhard collar, 3-\j’

- -F -

■ v'-' }■-•■ .■/ : - . r ‘ ,•> • !. ■ / ' 1::: PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHE:STER, CONN., WEDNES'DAY, JANUARY 28, 1953


R is k y , b u s in e s s Bargains OF t r y in g 70PISTRACT THE STOREKEEP'S ATTENTION GO’ S TO^tfiET A PIECEO’ WOOP INTO THE STOVE D uring. ..a_,Shtin,(U'.!a.-.CQnvcnUoa:, wlfc'a,.tora.,wa9,.Aw.e.etu;„l'It. D r. one of liic downtown streets was Rouser'S ‘Plan to Ekt'.". Some lasted by roped off tor their parade.-^— Oniy- ppojllp really starve to' death, a'rtd official cars with' large signs wcit; allowed through the lines. All wonder why. they're short of other traffic was halted or re­ breath. But Dr. Plyhoard Roti- routed. ser shows, how food ran pUt you Hosnltal But one ingenious gept got by back on. your toes. He reeom- received a total of $311,365.94 from- the police ijnes and drove through. mend.s a ‘yogi cheese', for aches Hosiery That IjMita 'Valentine Chocolate* Eiichantinq Ladies Youthful Valentine .lewelry Connecticut Blue Cross during the Are you sick of having runs in So New A n d Smart If you have a wee lady to whom 1952 calendar year for the care of f A His placard read: “Past Partici­ and pains in bark and -knees: Far-sighted gift-givers are al­ ple!” ■'— Sea Hawk. 'claptrap molasse.s’ at each meal, your nylons? Then buy IKON- ready having their VALENTINE you'd like to make a delightful members of the non-profit hospital to fill you full of sip and seal: WEAR HOSIERY from the local B03CES vi(h MAJOR HOOPLK see the SMART NEW PINS just water cuts frosted cake success­ a supper grill. 1. - fully. Is in accordance with the Blue • / l-Jl-i8 received at MATHER’S AT-THE Cro.ss contract with Manchester ' GREAT CAGSAK / THAT IT MUST T. M. Rt(. u. I. Fat. etr. CENTER. Flower replicas in I-otlnn TTireetsime WHAT KINO OF Fine Fabrics, Low Priced '•Memorial Hospital and the plan's e v e r y t i m e p e o p l e EXCRUCIATIMS PAlM IN BE GOME ' tff*. tHI by NC* ••<1. Answer to Previous Puzzle gold or silver are not flat, but There’s a very pfactlcal charm other member-hospitals, which TWROW A BUNPLE BRAINS HAVE PEOPLE o t k e f : decoratively “ tiered.” An In­ Some of the nation's really fine Textile Store g r e a t tO E / AN UNMIGTAIstreet. They have plen­ ED TOMCZUK $.39.95. Matching box springs ty of r^fi.WTpade ^v-alantines for over ham you can dice or grind 20 Pc. STARTER SETS $6.98 to $12.98.'/ Fresh sliced peaches make a it and. add it, too, to the dish. are similarly Teduccd. delicious addition to tapioca cream. children nl.so. ffxf’ou can’t interest Df^ncheater MI-8-8268 $ | | - 2 5 youi>/*mall fry ^ creative busi- Cakes with butter or Serve with a topping of whipped REG. $22.40 ...... NOW Primer for Brides: A kettle Is a cream If desired. nwii. l''loora That Are Asaet* covered or uncovered cooking uten­ margarine iild usually be al­ Everyone knows that a hand- •r' sil n-lth a ban handle. Its capacity lowed to Cl ii in their .piuu for anme floor ia an asaet to any room, five minute before they are silver For Useful Doeor / Tomato-Soiin Spanl*lKRI(’e .Is usually stated In liquid mea.sure- Ingredients: Four slieeVshacon but one may aee Jiiat how rnuem 53 Pc. SETS turned 'mit / on a -wiire rack - and For one’s own use or f«^ a can bo contributed hv calling fd NOTICE ment: A Dutch oven is a deep, pleasure-giving gift there are manv 1 eup chopped onion, 'i cun rmneed $ 2 9 ; 0 0 heavy cooking utensil with a close- cooled thoi/oughly.' A cake should the 51ANt’Hr-STEB FLOOR fMIV- pieces of SILVER HOLUiWa RE green penper. 2 cans (2 '- dJlV}) REG. $58.00 ...... NOW fitting cover. It is sometimes never be posted while it is warm. KRING f'OMI'ANY, 721 Main Wc hffve combined all our with an especial purpow^pf com­ • conden.sed tomato soun. cu equipped with a trivet or rack, and water. 4. whole clo'ves, 1 buy leaf trect. There one can make a. very operations at our new sales- may have a bail or a side handle. When / you are melting semi- bining use with oriiamentation at c^veful HcIe<-tion without fear of LANK LEONARD MATHER’S AT THK CENTER. 'L> cun uncooked rice. nM)in. We are no longer do­ ALL OPEN S T O C K -V 2 OFF sweet cJiocoIate put it in a small Method;, Fry bacon In - a lai^ge futii>c diaappoin'lmcnt because Modem automatic, gas ranges round-bottomed bowl and set over Among many choices are tall, skillet until lightly browned and there >a auch a largo atock of ing any business at help food, budgeteers the.se' davs hot. not boiling Water. If you set heavy candlestldlai of Sterling crisp. Remove bacon, frrim skillet LINOI.EU5IS Inlaid, lelt biiac, or 481 Middle Turnpike East because they maintain consant low the chocolate over boiling water three-branchoii Sterling candela­ leaving about U eup of drinpingr rugs; A.SI^MALT TILE to be laid temneratures: It’s these low tem­ the. Steam ' rnay affect the cocoa bra, and ^4rling candle snuffers In the skillet. Slowly rook the in a pattern ofsone’a own choosing; peratures that reduce meat .shrink­ butter in the chocolate and make Beauty M d practicality combine In onion and green pcfiper in the PLASTIC or IMIBBEB COVER­ 'STANEK PRICE ON ALL age as much as 20 per cent. In it hard to get the melted choco­ their new Silent Butleiw with all- •drippings until tender; stir in the INGS, in n varifetjNif styles. Great V2 roasting beef, lamb, or veal, keep late smooth. over-dislgn. Many other pieces are tomato soup, ^’ater, cloves, bay care baa been takehsSO that the Electronic l-aboratories stock will include, noV only Ann wofthy of consideration. * leaf, uncooked rice, and bacon 277 BROAD ST. CRYSTAL T which has been broken into small quality in each type of covering, If you want smooth fluffy pieces. Cover and sinii-ner about 2('. hut designs which will be Siiitnble mashed potatoes cook the potatoes minutes, stirring occn.sionnlly. Re­ for all atylea of decoratloiiXAn GLASSWARE thoroughly and then shake the move cloves arid bay leaf-. Maker additional advantage is that all pan over heat to dry them 4vell four generous helpings. .stallaUbriS- have- - tlie persona: GOBLETS, COCKTAILS. before adding the hot milk and supervl.'rion of .Manager Geyer. beatiiig like mad. tVilors! Odor*! t'olorv! who.se long experience la inval­ 1950 SHERBETS. THE SEKW’IN - \VILLI.\MS uable. Value* In Slipper* C03IPANV announces that with FOOTED TUMBLERS. Condensed.cream of celery soup ONTIAC There are manv very worthwhile the new SI’ PEK KE.M-TONK and . W INES, Etc. value.* In the CLEAR.\NCE SALE KEM (iIJ> TO.NER ( ’()I.ORS they makes a good sauc<; for crab meat. .Klavpr with -lemon .. juice, onion. BY 1ESL1E TtniNER jjjj, FRIENDS OF SLIPPliRS for children and are in position to correlate all-the Palpitalins: PedaKORiie BY MERRILL C. BLOSSER ladles now gqing on at the Mf)NT- new dazzling eolora of Hou.'je and Juice.,, anil prepared muatard.' ; V jUTUL GDMERY WARD CO.MPANV. Not' Garden, ffannon Tovi-els. f'rane BEDFORD PATTERN^- all-siaes-are available in all styles plumbing fixtures. AMC Perspec­ Har Bings Add .riiW rtt- but there are manv ways here .to tive and -Colonial Colors, as well Tjiei-p is ” !(!oriicU)jng about'.' A el«-ai» ear Ihat you will be save money and get comfort and as ove^l.50 intermixes of both DEfORATIVE EAR RINGS, aiich prMid to own. See It at good looks. these iiiiracle finishes for moat apy aa lho.se shown at MATHER’S AT NOW.A^T.Ea. surface indoors. We offer a selec­ THE' CENTER, whirh enhances To make a pnine shake for two. tion o( hundreds and hundreds of the ctirirm of anS’ facial contour Manchester Motors mix a can of baby-/ood strained .sensational new colors. 1/011 may Inlere.sting designs in gold or sil­ prunes with a third cun of orange see samples of U’e*e heauliful col­ ver suit the tailored type; drop-earl 5I‘J West Center St., Juice and a cup of ihilk. Add a ors Bt Thf, A ih e r w in - w i i .- rings featuring pearls, rhinc.stones. .MItehell 3-4134 BIGLOW PATTERN dash of salt, a teaspoon of lemon LIAMS C'O.MI'A.NV, 719 .Main or colorful-gems add glamor, and Juice, a tablespoon of sugar and street. •'line", for a full face. Hl.ijck bny;.' W A S $ 1 .0 0 ...... ^NOW Ea. is impeccable iii taste. Drop in for a try-on of decoration. Bouillon (made from bouillon LONDONDERRYXATTERN KEMP'S RECORD DEPARTMENT SUGGESTS - cubes 1 enidches a tomato »aucc i for a tneai loaf or spaghetti. Add] FOR BETTER SERVICI W A S $1.35...... NOW Ea, the bouillon instead of the water] NEW RECORD RELEASES usually called for and adjust- the .amount of salt used for sea.«on- • VIC FLINT Into The Woods BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY BLKJS BUNNY TRY THE NEW ROSE MARIE PATTERN "HOT TODDY" ...... |]alph Plannagan Ing. W H O W e f b ntiBt? t o w u tt- TWEV WONT (SeT CAR. 50" and 54" Wide in a Fine .50 Per Cent Off On Wallpaper | W A S 69c ...... ••••••• NOW ; ANVMOW? ) p w A WOMAN K W HetE'5 TWE TRAIN TEL­ »UT I'.W rttAININV r "D O G G IE IN THE W INDOW ' ...... Patti Pag* BARBERSHOP Kcnvi' EPHONE? I'LL NOTIFY m c«(N'(coAPwoRs; Assortment of Colors and Patterns - The far-sighted way to beat the 1 (All Items Subject To Prior Sale) t h e ffTATE' POUCE TO FCK /VW ^ WHAT "WHAT DOES IT MEAN?" . . Georgia Gibbs high cost of living is to lake ad- | PICK 'ES5 _____ -^,4 FlSMT WITH PIFFEItElVCE REMNANTS and IMPERFECTS vantage of such b.argains as the . HAIRCUT.^$1J)0 -SCRAMBLEP ) POeS IT MAKE "M'STER TAP TOE" ...... Doris Day HALF-PRICE SALE ON DIS­ N06E / WHCKS you CO N'TIM'ED W/VI.I.PAPERS nov. M«SLDS<3.^ / IftjN.A* LONS going on at the McfJH.L-CO.N-1 (BOYS'... 75») AS YOU m w T VERSE ■ COMPANY. .64.5 Main j Street..There's a variety of styles ' 60 Minutes and colors for every room in the 1 FREE PARKING REMNANT SALESROOM ' liousc in these really nice papers', j HARTFORD ROAD —! MANCHESTER Go in for a look -iyou'll receive j INCORPORATED _ friendly attention arid no ” pres- ^41 North Main Street u t L c t ^ stire.” 0pp. The Depot JEWELERS CLOSED WEDNESDAYS 763 Main St. Green Stamps Given Tel. MI-3-,j680 Thomas Zodda, Prop. O PEN 9 ta 5:30 — SATURDAY 9 to 4:45 FURNITURE and MUSIC HOME OF FRIGIDAIRE' The Inquirer 533 M A IN ST. ^ AT THE v;-, “ ...... - ..y. / / \ / \ . ,r; - V: f ■ \ ■ V f . ■' / '

, ' / j v ...... - - ...... ■r ':„ ■ : ' iPAGfi SIXTEEN^ ^ ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HEEALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 287l953 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28. 1953 PAGE SEVENTEEN LOCAL Sport Chatter Roll Over Newington ...... EARL W. YOST ' X ' 8porfa isartor ■ amiffs to Play Pec All Doubleheader NBA' Vets Pick Ail-Time Team Chicago Gives Dizzy Saw Runner JOHNNY BURKE, Wesleyan i day night were as follows: Ed Ko- Stars Sunday in Polio Tilt Boxiil^ Show Nevy York— (NEA) The National Basketball AaSoclatlon Up Robinson Hartford Owls Cage. Coache Agree Slud With Own Eyes All Eight Performers University freshman athletic I vis 372, Chet Nowickl 367, Cliff polled six players who have been la the league six full seasons coach, has Joined the Na.ssiff i Keeney 366, Red Gavello 358, Boip Teevee Viewers to See regarding an all/time team. Now that Dizzy De«ui la Arms’ , basketball team. Btirke I Lucas 358. Jasz Fuller, 357 and Wally Fortin and Mel Cushing Among some of the players that In Big Trade comforiaMy settled Into his Of the Rec staff with the approval will represent the Senior league Joe Fulks and George Senesky of Philadelphia, Connie Sim­ Play Here ^onight Take Part in Scoring played several games with Man­ 1 Pete Peterson 352. Two Six Round Bouts mons and Max Zaalbfsky of NSvy York, John Mahnken of Bos­ R u lin ncreases new niche In basebaira Hall of chester In the American t.eague of Rec Superintendent .John Hed- All Star team will be the league’s ChiBago, Jan. 28—(JP)--Landing Fame, we can imagine an eru­ lund will present a basketball pro­ two leading scorers. Bill Zable and ton and Fred Scolarl nf^ Baltimore, did the voting. last season. He's a graduate of AMERICAN BA.4k e TBALL From Chicago Tonight reliable Ferris Fain from the Coach Joe Kubachka’s Hartford dite fellow member a few busts STANDINGS gram Sunday afternoon for the Art O'Connell, of the Newington The group was asked to choose five players It would most running mate upvfront is Martin Springfield College. League has developed Into a three apt to pick for an Important series. Philadelphia Athletics has pumped High quintet, sporting a 6-2 re­ Setter. Nick K o b a ^ young catch­ New York, Jan. 28—(J*)—Coachesf against waiving free throws re­ dqwn chiding him. “ Now, Dir; W Pet,. team race between Manchester. polio benefit. If is planned to start fntry also jnlayer-coach Nino Pa­ Chicago, Jan. 28—i/F)—A new cord. moves out of ttie big city and Knicks Defeat I Nassiff Arms ., gan! of Ann’s Spot, Adam Twar- the Chicago White Sox full of 1953 er with the BA’a lir^he Twilight Maugrum After of the nation’s 10 best college bas­ tained.” ybu must remember in these 1.000 ADDITION OF BURKE to Nas- Elmira and Wilkes-Barre. The activities at 1:00 p.m. at the East television gimmick being tried 'out Jim Pollard was a unanimous choiqe, Ed Macauley and into the Armory here tonight in a | League last summer.'wm he m a hallowed halls It’s not *alud*.” ■ .750 Side Rec with s game between Wns and Boh Mackey from the pennant dreams. Ed Diddle, coagh ol nlnth-ranked. Siffa CBA team now gives the Silk Towners ril-5) lead Wilkes- on the International Boxing CJlub George MIkaa ranking close behind. Others Included Bob General Manager Frank Lane return engapment ivlth Manches-1 position with DoSw Lange- ketball teams agrsed today that And Dir, would retort, “ How .62.1 two All-Star teams from’ the West Collegians, Don Spading and Corny, Joe Fulks, Paul Arisin and . Western Kehtucky.i-''agreed with club two state freshmen college Barre (13-6) by four percentage tonight juggles the fight program today was in a' state of high ela­ ter HiRh. The Owls, lowers only to i nauer, the high scoring s^shooter Tucson (^own the new free throw rules have in­ Loeffler about foul ahooting, aaying would you say it — *alu>7’’ Rochester Five! : .556 points. Elmira (11-6) trails the Side Midget League.’ Following, [ilaycr-coach John Dobrutsky from available on the nation's TV the other two Hartford schools, ^^ose -letter to Bobby D avi^w as ______' Cypress Arms .. .500 cage mentors. Fred Booth handles a game between’ an All-Star team Heim's Camera. A few metre men tion over his successful year-long I creased scoring without decreas­ the nilea "place' a premium or That’s wrong. The feller shid. the Trinity' frosh athletic teams. BA's by one-half game. BA's play screens. attempt to reel In the 30-year-old ■Weaver and Bulkeley, enter the I seen him do It with m.v own ■ Herm’s Cameras .375 of boyil from the West Side Junior have yet to be heard from but are instrumental In getting Bfttoby Tucson, Arix.y/^Jan. 28—iJF) — ing ths number of personal fouli, mediocrity and have developed a Elmira here Saturday night. Two Instead of televising the 10- first basemSin w^o led American fray as solid choices to emerge eyes!" Final > Newington .... .111 League will play an All Star team expected to appear.,with the. All Knight a tryout with the Roenh?- Lloyd'Mangrutp’^an see no reason but they didn’t see eye-to:‘eye on sort of carelessness.” Boryla Hero in MANAGER GEORGE Mitchell of the five deMafs tacked on the round Chicago Stadium Feature League batters' with .334 in 1951 victorious in the contest scheduled ter Royals of the NBA. Leading '.Ann’s Spot...... 000 locals came at the hands of Elmira selected from the tslcnt st the Stars. John Welch of the Po- between lightweight contenders to foltow a 7:15 prelim by the jay- .w hy he. shouldn't win the 810,000'I the rules' effect on playing ityles. He suggMted a change, even Seconds; Cousy & Co. of Nasslffa’ reports that tonight's East SWe Rec. The Junior-League quonock Collfglans will be the and .327 last season., aervea include Negro Clarence. though -the rules have helped hir ln..Elmlca. In. one early' season Orlando Zulueta o f’ Chiba and Chi­ Durocher Plans to Convert TO GET CONSISTENT ^ Wt- vees. ■...... — . . . ^ en gdlf «5umey that starts tm AU. the coachea except Ken .jyictory .number nine in the Rec. .. scheduled game In the CBA with consists of hoys averaging between head coach for the All Star team. Thomas, a good rebounder and. In­ mb^owVnd'believes he Will tsike' team because ’’We don’t have a Winsted has been postponed. The meeting between the tvvo powers cago’s Luther Rawlings, two six- ting Fain, the tidiest bit of trsde THE INDIANS lost to HPHS side scorer, and 'Dom Pinto, Loeffler, coach of fourth-ranked Oil 18 c ore Milwaukee 13 and 15 years in age. Nassiff's on the other hgntf' will the^rjst prize nmney of $2,000. good free throw team and make Senior League was racked up by game originally slated for the Ver- at the Armory the locals gained round supporting Isouts will be of­ bait that has been dangling fpr 42-49 early' in December In the brother of the team captain a year La Salle, thought the rule award­ the upper hand. The feature game of the pro­ be out -In full strength and will fered instead. Dark into Second Baseman The’W nner of the Phoenix Open ™ more second ahdts than first.” the undefeated Nassiff Arms last planck School gym. However, the two years, the White Sox gave up first game for the Owls. ago. Dan Pinto. ing a bonus free throw if the flrit Ray Meyer of DePaul, No. 10, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS gram will start at 3:30 p.m. and depend on big AI Surowlec and ONE PITS OLY^IPIC middle­ The 'I’ho New York Knickerbockers night. Latest victims of the pace­ gym was previously assigned to aharpshooting Boh Tedford. Bing their only proven long-ball hitter, Hartford has a sound club built LINEUP for the locals appears ’ one is missed liad increased scor- also said he “ could do without” the FRANK HAI^ABUr d a came will be the Rec .Senior League weight champion Fjpyd Patterson 70 El R l ^Golf o l and Country Club ’ almost certainly will give Vince setters were the Newington Mill- another group for tonight. leaders, the Nasslff Arms, who Miller and Norm Burke to do the first-sacker Eddie Robinson. around two holdovers from last uncertain. Roy McGuire has been ing. Similarly,ajs lasi I ■sa i Honeyas. RuSsell, one-and-one rule. home with two ribbons from the of New York againsttester Mies- New York, Jan. 2 8 -.OPt- - Soowerful Double league baseball player who man- Spencer that Manager Leo ouro-1 Is solqewhat inconsequential. The holds down a forward post. His service. Jim Farrell Is a doubtful If was the only coach who thought free throw the first time,” he Rochester this season. in the oven dressed (10 pounds) standing players on the various A big crowd Is exfiected to help Omaha and Billy Noble, former i ^ ,, r He Maya be releaaed’ from aervice Mby of the Tariv-O-Shnnter Club Boryla’s 40-foot basket in the Strike Bowlera when the lattar five ,a g ^ Jamestown, N. Y., in the teams that make up ^Jie Rec ninke this a success for such a A's also donated Bob Wilson all the way, having come up with the rules .have cut down fouling. added. ______turkey competition. ..Long a. resi­ University of .Nebraska, football Cher of the New York_^iants _before 'the start of the campaign, rookte‘ sdcond“hBjreniHn"wh(j“b«tter! "T' in—^^Ghiengo-has-pepmlsed-him— a. Box last second—laet night gava-the- failed to appear. -Pony League the past two"seasons, League will be XHe.lr opponehts. IvTifthycsiise. plans to convert All-Star short- Bobby Thomson will be moved 'bone cKTps to an ankle. Jimmy ich McCracken, wnoae in- dent Of Manchester, Frank now star from Grand Island, Neb. ' .269 for Indianapolis in the Amei- Roach,. Marsh Aitkin and Bob Bi­ bonus If he wins the^ucson event, coaches how thE new rules had af­ knlckerbockera a Y4-72 victory Naaalffa now hold a comfortable will serve as business and field Zulueta, ranked sixth In light­ stop Alvin Dark into a second from centerfield to the hot corner diana team la rated second in the manager of Comlng

m v ‘: ■ WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 28, 1953 PAGE TWENTY Arerkge Dally Net Press Run . I:-- liim tlrjeHlfr, tw fuittfl Iffraliii ■ For the Week EiUlcd The Weather: Jan. 24, 195S Fereeast »f 17. S. Westhitt from Feb. A to 15. UNAM wll sponsor programs in schools and 10,882 Fair and colder tonight and Fri­ m About Town UNAM Installs churches at this, time, Apri!_7 J World Health day and UNAM alsc Member of the Audit day. Minimum tonight about IS. . will-- plan“ progra-ms; for- th*t--*la»’ - Bureau of CltcnlaUeiis _ 1- - Nomaii GT. Hooey. srritt&n. WRC ■ New Officers - Mancheeler-^/i d i y of ViUage Charm e U « .o f .the 5,?tn Maintenance Among'the plans being organ- Niew"B)un- program and a full turnout of the day to the question of wheth­ members Is anticipated. ^ er the state can save any cil and other military and intelligence officers, but the White 1950 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN JANUARY jnoney by consolidating the House clamped on a tight lid of silence as to the nature of the At the meeting of St. Margaret’s ..a.i- 1.1 a v.e»t Berlin center irlter llriit .ram tae soviet sector, n (te.iiian grandmotbvr and ..ler talks. Neither the officials who at-^~*^------. ■ . Circle, Daughters of Isabella, lost 30 Denier Non-Run somewhat perturbed grandson prepares to start a new life In i the west seetor. The Increasing Sow functions of such state tended nor th# White House press _ _ night at the K. of C. Home. It was 1949 DeSOTO CARRY-ALi SPECIAL SALE Nylon, Pr...... $ 1 .2 5 of refugees from the eavt Is posing a growing problem for West Berlin authorities aa emergency living agencies as the Fish and secretary would diaciiaa the agenda. " announced that Mrs; F;-Leo-BaT- d o u b l e S & H qiihVlerii prhve “Inadequate tor the dally arrimls; -r -Game -Gommisaionr the P 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN SPRING SHADES least part of a total eclipse of W est Army ert H. Weir as to whether such a "I can’t tall you a thing about —Robert T. B. Stevens and 2 for" $1.1 Probe Plea the moon early tonight If reorganization would result In any the meeting. All I can aay la that weather conditions nre right. savings. the council agreed to meet every Harold Talbott agreed to ^ y ■In Memorbun .MANCNirnBI CMM- The moon rises here at 5:01 to sell disputed stock in­ 1947 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN Wa.shington, Jan. 29—(/P) Awaits Figures Wednesday at 10:30 a.m., with tha p. m. Rut the eclipse will start Moscow. Jan. 29—(/P)— The He himself, said Lodge, would Prasldant'^' terests to win Senate confir­ lo Invlnf memory of m>\ beloveil — Rep. Hoffman (R., Mich.) seven minutes earlier, entering Soviet government w’arned not inake up his mipd on the issue, mother. Mr*. nihm» Slmler, « lfh psised Sacratary of Dafanaa Charlea E. mation as Secretsries of t)ie ewsy one year seo tortey, \ today asked the House to de­ the umbra (the dark part) of the Danes again today that it a controversial one for years, iintil Wilaon brushed by reporters In 1947 DODGE BUSINESS COUPE ^ the earth’s shadovv. Army and Air Force. mand a full explanation from would regard the stationing he got some figures from 'Weir. silence and without pausing. Stevens, President Blsanhoweg's Down in my hear!, dear mother,\' Defense Secretary Wilson for The eclipne will become total "There are some very eminent Membars of tha council In addi­ Down In the deepest place. \ st 6:0.3 p. m., with the moon of western Allied troops in people who are ageinst the pro­ choice to be Secretary of tha Army, I kaap’ the treaeureij plrlure 1946 DODGE CONVERTIBLE COUPE an American combat raid Denmark as a threat to the tion to ‘Wilton and Stasaan art aaid ha woulijl dlspoaa. of his Stock Of your dear familiar face. staying darkened until 7:30 posal.” commented Lor'ige. Vice* President Nixon and Sacra- in a family texUla company if the staged in Korea last Monday p. m. “ security of the Soviet Union The governor said that he felt ta ^ of State Dulles. I remember yoiir aweel devotion, reorganization waa juatifled only William Davis, left, leaves Essex (^ n t y prosecutor'a nffice la Senate Armed Services committee Arc' the care 1 rould never repay. before invited guests. After the total eclipse Is i.nd other countries of the. Newark, N< J., ^nroute back, to Westport; Cona., where he la charged , For this meatlng, Elsenhower iiwlBtad that ha must. Thoush I am wishing you every bleea- The attack, known as “ Opera­ over, the* moon will not be if^ also caulled in, among othara, <3an. Ing. Baltic area.” with murder iiVstrangle-alaylng of Mrs. tieaada (Penay) Coats Bvaaa. Stavana made clear that ha fait tion Smack.” stalled under heavy completely free of the earth’s In s stern note handed to the 1. It can save money: 2. The Omar Bmdiay, chairman of the ha ahould not be required to sail Down In my heart today. present standard of service main­ He Is la the. cimtody of Capl. Edtyard Capasae of the Westport police. fire near the top of Spud^ill, north shadow uatll 9:55 p. m. Danish charge d'affaires here. For­ Joint CSiiefs of Staff, and Gan. hia stock in the J. B. Stavana Com­ With broken heart <1 watched you, of Seoul, n was witnessed by tained; 3. There is an increase in Police said Davis, 20-yeor-old haadymaa, admitted slaylag Mra. Walter Bedell Smith, rstiring chief And saw you gri away. West coast viewers will see eign Minister Andrei 'VishinskI Evans at her tVestport home. At right la Jeaale Allea who was with pany, Inc., a major supplier of tax- Army and Air Force generals and only the last stage of the efficiency. of the Central Intalllganca A]kgeiKy tiles for the Array. Although 1 loved you dearly LAST 3 DAYS of HALE'S war correspondents who were pro­ said, "The Soviet government can­ “ It should not be," he asserted, Davia when he wan captured in Newark. t eoula not make you stay. Roy Motors, Inc. eclipse. (CIA). He idaaded that ha not be ’>*- not overlook auch acUona of the vided with advance timetabled. "just a question of shifting furni­ There were indications in ad­ qulrad to do this but said: They say time heats sll'sorrow, DgiWTO and PIAMOIITH CARS Hoffman has prepared a resolu­ Danish government." The note was ture around." Ar.d helM you to forget. the second Ruseian communication vance that tha cold war in both “ If tha oemmittaa feels I should But so fsr time hse only proved tion asking Secretary of Defense to Among the specific proposals wastam Euro|ia and tha Far East dispoM of my stock I am prepared 241 NORTH MAIN ST. TEI,. MI-.1-5113 explain “ whether this raid was ac­ in an exchange on the subject with discussed with the leadera, Lodge How much I miss you yet. the Danea which began in October. would be diaouBsad. to do so." • tually for Justifiable military pur­ said, waa whether half of the coat Handyman Admits MTAET BUEOPB TOflB Dsughter Mary. JANUARY WHITE SALE poses or whether it was a show Flu Is Blamed The note said the presence of of warden aervice shoula be charg­ Talcott, nominated to be Secre­ ■ . - . ■ X'. foreign troopa in Denmark would Dullaa and Staasan leave tomor­ tary of Air, aald ha would aall or staged for some as yet unknown ed to the apecial fish and game row for a 10-day tour of wastam purpose.” make the counlrjr a "direct partlci- funda rather fisn charging It all five away aU of hla stock and fl- May can WllSon: pajtt in the War ..which, Jqf^l^lng. Europe. Their lUnarary. calls for ngnclaL holdings, axcapt a *H per For In^rexim to tKe-g«A«ral fund. malting*, in 1tM», Tmum, ‘ vent anursm the TslkoS (M ipm - The resolution probably will be praparad agidnst tha Sovlat Union The change, he said, woul<) save aying land, Wastai Mow- j S k f i t -f e d s h e e t s ^ referred to a House committee an(l Jlja^R ^lea Oemocraeln" by tha general fund nearly |260,00p Haleys Finespun Atlantic Treaty Organ- Holland TaidbHf aitscrlbed this as "a fam­ \v|itch may summon Wilson f^Mp^* biennially- In a talavii explanation. ’A T p). of which Den- Lodge atreased that no declalpn ily holding corporation’’ of about a member. Westport, Jan, 29— ( f p )—William Davis, 29-year-oId Ne^ro las aald the plan for Buropaap "38 stockholdara who are my moth- Pentagon officials said they have Waabi^^^lWa. 2»— waa reached on tha queatlon. fansaa, which Includaa a TYPE 128 requested a full report from the The B d h W IW tM Servti eccuaed the Danish govern-, , Meeta Leadera ex-convict handyman signed a confession today admitting the er’e children or grandchUdran." ■of falsely claiming full sup­ Lodge held two long conferences six-nation Buropaan army, "now Talbott alao aaid ha would aak a SH E E T S and field. T h e y said they had no in­ today the cu m n t li kniHng and strangling of attractive Senada (Penny) Choates stems to b* somswhat stallsd" and formation on “ Operation epidemic apparently Is causln port in Denmark for foreign gar- with leaders to discuss proposed the Talbott Conoratlon to dlspoaa Evans, jolice .smd. But Davis still denii|B raping the SO-year- BUieohowfc h*4 asked .him to oC.stock.K. holds In .Chryilar Cor­ Another Repubtican House ^ifSfhri legtalathiir implementing-Ro^bU' old ex'-actresa and srTlaUte w'hose v^^ ^ ' her. Bray of Indiana, said yester­ the danger such a policy holds for make a quick survey. poration. or me nation. ^ . Denmark;" The note contended can platform pledge* and recom­ nearly nude body wss found In her day he had demanded an explana­ It was the first time tfie mendations he made to the Gen­ Dullaa said that, ahould dafanaa Talbott had taken the stand that many Danl.sh leaders and sec­ home here Monday night, accord- earlier In tha controversy over his PILLOW CASES tion from the Defense department. Health Service had referred to eral Assembly at Its first session Slayer Kissed efforts fall in wastam Europe, "It Bray, an Army Reserve rolonel tions of the press there had openly Tomorrpw Is the deadline for In­ Ing to Det, Capt. Edward Capasae. would be necasaary to give a little nomination that ha should be per­ the widespread Incidence of 'Ou warned against such a step. Davis was questioned st West- with four years' service in the Pa­ across the country as an epi­ troducing bUls. re-thInkIng to America’s own for­ mitted to retain ahacM in aaver^ Pucific Contour cific. said he was “ mad aa hell” ■"rhe entire responsibility for I-odge reiterated that among the port town hall until early thla: eign policy In relation to waatara corporations doing dafansa bu*i- i2'49 demic. A spokesman said that the-possible consequences of such morning in complete secrecy order-.!, Kin of Victim nasa Thaa# Indudad Chryalar Oor- REG. $2.98—72x108 and “ never heard anything like when an outbreak of a disease admihlirtriition proposals would be Europe.’’ It.” • actions rests fully with the Danish meaauraa to reform county govemr ed by State Attorney Lorin W .' . Eiaenbowar la thoroughly famil­ poratlofi and Elaetrie Auto-Ute, .. Is snlHriently - general It has government," the noted declared. Willis. / reached epidemic proportions. Helped Search iar with the problem of creating a Andaraon Seen Claw (Continued on Page Sc%'enlern) It replied to an reminder note (Contlnunt on Page Two) The signed statements were sub- ; unified defense system in Europe. Harold B. Anderson, Ttaaa oU REG. $3.29—81x108 ...... $2.69 Total deaths reported . from from the Danish Foreign Minister- stantlally the same as those given ; Twin Size ...... $2-49 108 cities tor.ihe three weeks _ ' **15 At North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) and land msnsgar nominated aa last Oct. 25*. The Soviets started his captors orally In Newark yes­ lAibbock. Tex., Jan. 29 tJV - Wal­ commander, he laid the ground- Secretary of tha Navy," tastUied ended Jan. 34 have run about the exchange with a note Oct. 1 on terday. ter H. Whitaker kiaaed the mother II,.300 each week, the spokesman work for It before raaigning to run for only a few mtnutaa New Offensive the same question. They alleg/tdiy stated the slaying of his missing girl frieiid goodbye for tha pfasidency. Committee membara pravlbualy REG. 69c—42"x36" CASES . .... 59^ said. This Is about 10 percent 22 on Three took. . place -during, an argument i three dgya after Joyce Fern White,. Full Bed-Size ...... $2-69 abov^e' the three-year median 'Tha- question is closely tied -In had indicated that Andanon wouljt NOTE NOT RECEIVED over payment for some work Davis | 18, waa slain. Tiie fathlly aald. with Bproprimtiona for foreign have no trouble winning their ap­ Copenhagen, Denmark, Jan. 29 had done for Mrs. Evans and fol- 4 IVhItaker, 20-year-old pre-flight Hinted in War; In ' its weekly summary of Planes Missing student at Lackland Air Force Base aid, a subject on which aome Con­ proval whan ha said he owned no —(/Py—The Danlah Foreign Office lowed a drinking bout between the gressman believe Elaenhower may stoclu or Interests that would cotl- oommunlonble diseases for the said today it had not yet received two. - . ' In San Antonio, ii charged with wjcek ended Jan. 24, the service encounter aarloua obataclea in Oon- fllct with the official Job. the latest Soviet note on the sta­ Pi-lvate funeral servlcea were aet murder In the high school senior's Strategy Talks noted that an Increase of 18^ On Pacific Rim death. greM. Former Pfesident Truman’s With the testimony, the commit- tioning of foreign troops on Danish for today aa arranged by her es­ budget earmarked 37,600,000,000 \JMdy Pepperell LADY PEPPERELL per cept In deaths .from . Influ­ soil but the warning had been ex­ tranged husband. Mdntgornery Members of- her family told re­ .Tokyo. Jan. 25* (>Fi Three' of porters th« Hartford, Conn. / youth for assistance to America’s Allies. ((kintlaned on Page Two) enza and pneumonia In 58 cities pected. Seattle. Jan. 29 (/Pi- One plane Evans, II. Disposition of the body Some Republican legislatora sug­ ^ T Y P E 1 4 0 America's top generals rendeX. occurred In the week ended Observers pointed out that at waa known today to have i-rasherl spent with them much of the three voiised in Tokyo today for strategy was held secret by authorities. Her days following Joyce Fern's .disap­ gested It could be cut to five bil­ Jan. n.y^'T)ie 4(M deaths com­ present there sre no foreign troops and two others wei-e missing and foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. talks on the Korean war. pare with, a corrected figure of pearance. lion. & here apart from a few NATO staff presumed down In the latest series George W. Coates of Oklahoma Stasaen, as Mutual Serarity ad­ Sheets Pillowcases * Within an hour. Gen. J. Ljiwtoir 350 for the previous week, officers. Negotiations hsye been of aviation disasters along the Pointed to Grave Collln.s. U. S. Army Chief of Staff; City, Okla., were not scheduled to Whitaker led officers on a grisly ministrator, will be in charge of Superfine Muslin Snugfit “nie Influenza and pneumonia underwsv for some months to put North Pacific rim. be present. Bulletins and L,t. Gen. Maxwell D, Taylor, deaths Increased In all geo-' , , , , , , dawn trip onto the' prairie west of allocating a large portion of what­ 7 2 ^ ^ 1 0 8 ...... $ 2 .7 9 other Allied froona in Denmsrk, Tw'entyttwo persons aboard the Stnte Attorney . l» rln W. Willis j yesterday and pointed to the ever is appropriated. commander - designate of the graphical groups of cities ex- ss well Bs sbout 1.30 U. S. jet. three planes w’ei-e missing, includ­ from the AP Wires Kighlh Army, e^w in from oppo­ ing Capt. Julian D. Gre^r. com­ shallow grave where the attractive site dlrection.s for conferences with (Continued on Page Ten) girl's nude body was buried. (Continued on Page Two) 81 X te8 ...... $ 2 . 9 9 Twin Bed Size ...... $ 2 . 8 9 (Continued on Rage Ten) (Continued ofi Page Seventeen) mander of Fleet Air Wing 6, sta­ f Gen. Mark Clark, the U. S. Far Clothes she wnre when she disap­ Ea.«t commander. tioned at the Alameda Naval Air peared from her I.4ibbock home the COLUNS TO EXPLAIN - No Concrete Signs Station, Calif, ' , night of Jan. 8 were buried 100 Waaklngton, JMk 38 —- (/IV- 4 2 X 3 6 a«a^«.- Full Bed Size ...... S 3 . 0 9 A total of 298 persons had heVn Britain to P robe Repreaaatatlve Short (B-Mo) The meeting came amid continu- W eaih^rvane: yards away. Only her high school fng speculation that the war soon ' known .dead or were .miulnK- ln j.0 class-ring'wa» on her body.“»'' .•ald. .UMkijr. Oan.. Leartoe.-Cek- Will take new turn either in- a i previous military plane disasters News Tidbits The day i after the girl disap­ Slayery Charges Mna, Army Chief of Staff, win ba full ..scale Allied offensive or In , around the North Pacific rim from Culled from AP Wires peared., her family told officers yes­ asked to explain to Ooagreaa tke greater direct pte-ssure against Tokyo to Alaska to'Montana wWch terday, "Whit" visited her ..{lome, details of ike coniroveralal "O sh REG. $16,95 ^ \ the Chlnc.se (^ommuni.st mainland. Top Aides in .Treasury stared last Nov, 7. ate dinner, and helped with the United Nationa, N. Y.. Jah. 38— •ration Samck" In Korea. Manufacturers^ Closeout But ..the specillatlon remained Intruded in the 10 Is the crash I dishes. *rwo days after .the killing (iPI—Britain is looking Into charges -Vi o f a U. -H. Air-Force Globemasterj Highly ladigaaat ctiizea of Kala­ ;he spent the iiight ■adth Joyce that her African protactorataa ape - Just that there were no concrete mazoo, Mich., insists name be BCKEAU AUDIT SETw ” siens of an.\vin*pending action.' For Caution on near Moaes Lake, Wash., laat Dec.’ Fern's brother In Olton. And three ■hipping at least 5,000 Negroes Wnahington, Jna. 3%-rtAVW :MavODD^-BLANKEiS^- - Taylor'''-ATrtveff --from-- washings' 'rt'ayvTiTPSrTdH* -w*if't>ft8tgTTy‘~at3^:;|~■■andlr n»eiMk~*Pr^Aalfc:ja^Alinr*k»^ t t t V is it le . tori.. Collin.s., who. tame here front the worst crash in sviation history. sO'icides after mistaken Identity gled with a Venetian, blind cord, he markets o f Sstidi -Arsbia and Ye­ a ap«Blal audit of the miiUt-blk . the. United States several days ago, ' By FRANK O'BRIEN Biirgess came to the Treasury, The pilot of a Central British links httn with -rerovered■>body came.bv the family residence and men. lion . dollar eorteiatlons ■flew hack from a quick inspection W’ashington. Jan. 29^!/Pi On from the National City Bank of Coiiirritila Airwayii plane Which from river - ■ -, West Ger|nan . glared "Mrs. Una B. White, the The British don't think the lending agenclen in the AffNeniFt PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS trip to Korea. the basis Bf past performani-e the New York, where he was chair­ w e n t' down Tuesday was found Supren^e Coiirt Jipholds^jirquittM mother, goodbye as he was charges are true, but their govern­ ture department to eet fortN PLAYTEX Fob-Lin«cl Girdle It was the flr.st time in the Kor­ two chief policy making aides to alive on a windswept beach. 400 I of student duelist, ruling it ment has begun an investigation tkeir (Inancinl condition. man of the executive, committee. ! traditional sport, not punishsbie Slightly Irregular —- Reg. $1.10 ean war that the U. S. Chief of Secretary of the Treasury Hum-' He will be special assistant to miles north of Vancouver, B. C?., Whitaker.' member of a well-to- anyway. The inquiry ia complicated Staff, the Far Fast commander phrey—Marion Folsom and W. last night. Also found was ■ the ! crime. . , ' do family, led officers, incinding by the fact that slave markets- art SHIP FIRE PROBED Humphrey in charge of debt man­ One-third cut in |>ersonnel of 59 c each and an Eighth Army cOmmandpr Randolph Burgess-can be .expect­ agement, and in that, role will'ex­ drowned body of one of his six Texas Rsngers, to the grave OU legal in Saudi Arabia and Yemen Sonthninpton. Eng., Jna. 3 ^ i Connecticut District OPS goes Into ■ had been together in Tokyo. ed to plug for caution, in, cutting ert a atrong influence over the pa.ssengei's. miles west of here after a day|/and and neither country so far has re­ Sootiniid Yard alentke raked with fabric next to your skin ^ 9 5 WAMSUTtA TURKISH . ' Taylor leaves Tokyo in a day or ■ * balanced budget and antl- Captain Greer i 'a» aboird a U. I effect tomorrow with 1.3 from night of questioning. vealed its sources of supply. tkrongk tke charred, wreckagai nation's pocketbook. His influ­ Hartford area due for layoffs , . . tv.-o to replace retiring Gcn.'j inriatlonar'y' money policies. ence may already have made It­ 55. Ns^vy P4V patrol plane which j "Whit! Hou could you . . . How Both countries, the UN’s anti- of main deck stateroom 83 to^ Jame.s A. Van Fleet, who bade Additionally, they may he ex­ vanished yesterday over the Puget I Gerald W. R'dWn.son. engineer for day aeeklag to determine If aa self felt In the announcement I New Haven Railroad, dies, of heart mattress pected to favor a longer-term Tjiesdav that In its first debt re­ - ((Continued on Page Two) (Continued on Page Two) amonlet tried te destroy the K (Cont\niied on Page .Seventeen) funding of the national debt, ac­ attack in Grand Central Station. HAND TOWELS funding operation the new admln- (Continuril'on Page Seventeen)' glnat Uaer Queen EHiabeth«, cepting the consequent rise in‘ ln- l.stration will give holders of a N. Y.. just before taking over Naifc They aped k a ^ la Laadea taL a hleiiiDg. in this fall of figure-featuring clothes, ■ tei;eaI.-xatss.aod 4tuc. tnanUold~itn-- raganaett Shore Xtne expreas r u ^ short "teVm government security bHMo V tSPVlwNffy MUH^WS m . to discover the girdle that gives you the softer, pact on the national economy- of ning to Boaton: 5 Norllicasterii Ask^ increased interests. an opportunity to exchange for a Bus StPike Eiicls Damag^Canddian Wheat dehrte apedmena. medium-term obligation, with a Early morning (Ire at Farming- sleekly feminine silhouette.' 59 c . However, the winds of political. -i— _ m .- « . I ton asveepa Jrom annex' to hiatoric Regular $4.29 .with rub­ and economic necessity blow hard- j Elm Tree Inn, all but destroying PROPOSES DrCRBASK And how Playtex does it / Smooth latex with a 4-color* only. Aqua, whi*e, blue, yellow. ber buttons. Hike ill Gas Rate$ In (vothani Area Wasfilagtan, Jaa. . er at the summit of high office ! terest. I It. . . . Col. Ra.vmond F. U'att, ex­ In U. S. Flour, Probe Told father-light fabric lining hugs you, moulds you, e a t e s than in the confines of privatellfe. ecutive secretary to Governor. 18 par caat Inereaae in Regular $4,98 with zip­ , . Crltip of Demorrats meat pay af armed narvlee.j you into new slimness. From whittled waist to thigh, Wa.ihington, Jari. 29--iJVnAn and they may veer Fol.'om and New York. Jan.. 29- (/Pi The Lodge, mentioned as possible man pers. increa.ae.. in Northea.atern Gas' Burges's off-their well known eco­ BurgesJ? Uke Folsom, h*a long biggest bus strike in New York to fill post of Rocky Hill Veterans' Washington, Jan. 29—(/P)—The- of "a loophole’’ In an executive or- •oaael retired ter pkyateal •he Playtex Fab-Lined Girdle gives you boundless freedom Transmission Co.'s wholesale nat-' nomic courses. been'* connected with Federal Re­ City's history ended early today I Home commandant. Senate Agriculture Committee 1 der by former President Truman hliity waa prbpo^ —without a Mam, stitch or bone/ As easy to care Real quality heavy weight covers that w ill, ural gas. rates, alrebdy in effect Views Well Known serve banks. . ^urge.ss is the au­ 'and some buses started' rolling. ; Last of striking construction heard teatimony today that huge | impoatng a limit of 800,000 buahels Kapfeaaatattva Pattamaa give years of wear. Seams ail bounds for nine months, was scheduled Fol.som, long treasurer of the thor of seveiw Gen- The testimony came from Frank Aiken told tha committee every ALL DAY THURSDAY vi-ent into effect April 1, 19.32 with Folsom has been chairman of CED of their boss. Humphrey, who has ed sh arbitration formula at 3 : eral Eisenhower's visit to Korea.” H- Weitsel, assistant to the Compr bushel of. - low-grade Canadian cattsaa for aa' V REG. $8:95 EXTRA PLUMP dn-agreement that if the commis­ the past two years, and ^ many of been a Cleveland Iridustrialist with a m . , 1 Twenty-three ■ new cases of al­ troller General, who was called to wheat "forces- one bushel of high T $6-95 sion found it to be unjust, the hia views have,. recelveS promi­ a pa.ssinn for staying out of the ...The' strikes were ordered l^ack leged persecution df Pr'otestanta is the hearing of accusations that the grade American wheat to be taken Doubit H rk" HEIGHT, WITH9 UT ZIPPER ... compsny would-make refunds to its nence through the reports of this limelight. However. ^ Humphrey to work by union chiefs. , listed by evangelical group in pre­ Influx of Canadian wheat has de­ over by the U. S. government'' at Coaaactteat distrib-iting custom?rs. organization of businessmen and is known to share their strong in­ A three-man arbitration board- dominantly' Catholic country of, pressed U. S. prices. Chairman tha farm price support level of toOtrSlaia Th«J.WHALCeo• Grt«n Stamps GIv m REG. $11.95 KING SIZE HEIGHT "At a hearing *>efore thc-com - educators formed for the purpose clination'toward a balanced. bud­ will handle the wage-hour diapute Colombia. . . . Quiet-spoken, 50- Aiken (R-Vt.) siUd the practice is E3.30 a buaheL for •MANCNtmt COIM- WITHOUT ZIPPER ...... $Q95 ifiission yeaterday. Noi-theaatern of studying and commenting' on get as a key to ■ aound national between the companies and the year-o^d Negro physician, J. I*,. "Imidinf the U. 8. taxpayer up.” Weitsel handed tha committee aaOata. W ith Cash Saks Thursday ihsJWHALCed I (he national economy and govern- Dickey, chosen as Taylor, Texaa' Weitsel said low grade Canadian (Continued on F ^ o Seventeen) mefit ppliciea , ((^Btlnuetl on Page Seventeen) -(Continued on Pnge Seventeen) -outatandlng-cltizan for 1853. wheat was imported u Um raault ' «* — Pkga **■> 3d. aad w l T t - 1 , ' ' ( i / ) - , ^ ■■Jf / ' \ i / - ( ._ i, .r:“