AUCTION the Congressional Approval Ap Have Been Expelled from the Coun Take Over the Key Plants in Toe Na Committee— Called on Toe President Injured
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' y ■ 4^.-. :,tri r dm j WgDWBSDAY, I B i m w a |Ra«rI|»fA»r Emnins AYerage Dally Net Preaa Rom The Weather ... -"^ of o. 0. woetbo f e , :■■ Per the Blenih of Oeteher, 1963 V^ " ■ m Cub Back at B kwWn* * 2 T ffS lag, wtady aai wMm 6o Paper Lfnve Gives Recital Board^s Ruling 9,748 to Ito monthly N o H e ra ld Beterdey la b ead baMert ’^ ^ u iT o w n aptnig at T:80 In 8 t Mar/a p ^ To Be Appealed SPORT I^S5*-JSSr^S:"S£ T o m o rro w 6 Years Old Mfmehetter-—'A CUy of Village Charm on u A Sponsored hy fk« N adond €dmrd _* !•• waiN) _____iiffl# w « ' u i » |0*o* rS^llT-reeXM ot s w r con. Local Liquor G u e T o Be . II I- ‘* at th« ftrt hou«e •* nta* There will be no issue of Over $21,000 in Equip* Saturday Evsning, Nov. 26 aa rage I t ) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 85, 1949 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR teat Prlaea wlU ba awarded for VOL. LXIX., NO. 47 ' TlekM holdera w l » tave The Evening Herald to ment for Hospital Pur* Taken to G>urt; Its not inftte tketr nturna aM aakod toe beat poatar and toe ^ morrow, Thanksgiving to « T w IV t:W i As Ufftsl. tlM toa conteat Handicraft w lB ^ « chased by Sale Background STATE ARMORY tUaptay. Parapta are oord|a^ 1^ Pay. d r f v W pukUe. From 8 to 18 P. M. Birthday for Barkley Seize Offices ^ S d m obaarva the raaulta of Attorney John D. LaBsUa win their •ons’ endeavor. Organlasd Prtwr eoUsctlon origf- ‘ ICnttiisstsr IiMl(t No. 14T7, nate^^ during tbs war la alx yaara appeal the eaa« o f Francis P. Music By the M oonli|^ Serenaders French Economic Loysl ( M e t o f Moosa. bdd s Local School Boards old tola waak. A t a meeting of -I' kojrdrswliic last night at t^ Cards received from ' Oeorga B. Donahue, executor o f toe estate Of Argeniine Keith of Lewis street state tort he the directors'last night it wps re- Frta Cider and Do^hnsts Uthpanlan club, at which toe portod toat through toe collection o f toe late Francla Donahue for p rin winaora wara Catoertne bad a pleasant trip to P^nidiii Court Cases permisalon to move a liquor out and la at preatot at Delray Beach. of- waste paper over tola period ADMl$$tON BOe Setup Continues News Groups i m , Bast HartfWd; Wward O. of tlnM the reaolta have purchased let, to toe Court o f Common Pleat. HaaiwB, tiardan atraat; Floana He wrltea that, toa w ith e r la «»ol Bdward Wrobelskl, SS. of 34 enough to wear sweaters but that 331,078.47 worth of equipment for it Chapman Rockville; B. Bora, Kaat North street, was fined a total of toe Manchester Memorial hospi The appllcaUon waa denied Mon Appear to Be Right H ^otd; Harold H. W l^. toe water la warm. $34 on four motor vehicle chargea tal. In addition to to rt figure day night by too Zoning Board of Business Offices of Pa Hartford; K. Mlchaala. New Brl 3600 has been aet aside In a sepa Appeals by a voL of 8-3. A vote Despite Walkout when presented before Judge Wes tain; Oaiie Noumec, WlUlmantlc. Mss Jennifer Rowley, a^**' rate fund to furnish a room In the o f 4 to 1 la neceaaary to grant a pers and .^encies in dent atoW anesl^ ley C. Oryk In Town Court this new hoapltal addlUoa now under requeat by the board. Hands of Group The offlcaa o f the C. R. B iw joHe Rowley, who morning. Tbs accused was fined way. Thla morning LaBeUa said he 'Thanksgivings Gratings Co., wUl doaa at S p. m. t o ^ to tito Laboratory InaUtuta of the giaffor towing an unregistered mo A t toe meeting laaf night, 8u Two Biggest Unions in On Need for School felt toe board had over-stepped Ita New, York Merchandising School Of ProBing Deputies give their employees a longer tor vehicle, »3 for operating with perlntendent Slover of toe hospital regulaUona by taking legal tech Report Shows In Now York O ty, daughters of was authorised to buy the foUoW' Nation CaU 24-Hour ThankaglTlng holiday. defective equipment, S3 for fail nicalities into consideration at toe From the Home of Mr. and Mrs. MlUard Rowley of 3 Ing additional equipment, worth Mise SytvU KeMh Buenos Aires, Nov. 25— (J)— An ure to carry hla license and IS for hearing. C^eneral Strike; Mines Support Omies froi Oerard street, wUl be at home for failure to carry hla reglatratlwi. 3L375.01: 13 aluminum straight Incomes Rise opposition member of toe congres' Holiday Costs Miss S-O-S Legal Noticas toe Thanksgiving b^days. Ita. "Tile Board baa aet a precedent Wrobelskl pleaded guilty to all baek chairs, six oaw chalra, alx Mlaa Sylvia Ellen Keith, o f Man Fine Pies, Cakes and Pastry And Most Big Indus- slonal Committee on Anti-Argen Connecticut PnbUc Ex» Rowley's parents, Mr. and Mia. electric instrument sterlllBsrs, 13 in toa part by allowing outleta to uapoB nouenr chargea except toe one Involving chester, a student at Stephens Col tine Actlvltlea condemned today as penditure Council ai^. u jronca or ArrucATiow William Justice of Pittsburgh, aluminum trays with adjustable lage In Columbia, Mo., was pi move within the regulatlona of tries Qosed; Thou- Average American Tak< Lives of 161 defective equipment. ,legs, one table model Blood Pres sonlng. Our application waa no dif "unauthorised'' the seisure of busi Pa., are also expected. tented in a recital at the college Result of Study By ThJ» li to fWe notice thtt I, JOHN Btote PoUceman Edward Hlgney sure apparatus, one Otoscope and ferent Hie legal entanglements sands Try to W ork ing Almost Three ness offices of newspapers and told toe court that he Mopped toe this past week by Sigma Gamma I KRAMER, ol 4*6 HnrUord Bo«d. Mw- Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Mc one Ophthalmoscope. Gamma, honorary music SOrorlty, are toe property of the courta, not KAY’S PASTRY SHOP news agencies in Buenos Aires. Means of Qucstioiii cbMted. hnve Hied »n nppllcntlon accused Sunday at 3;10 p. m. on Violent Accidents Toll Carthy, of 107 Delnlont street, an The original paper collection of which she is a member. toe Zoning B oi^ of Appeala. 'We Times Cash of 1939 dated Not. IT. 1* «. with the Lljuor toe Wilbur Croas Highway, when Paris, Nov. 26.—(/P)— Acting in the name o f toe full nounce toe birth of a daughter, group Included Clarence Goodrich, Mias Keith, a talented voice are fully prepared to ihfbt o u t naire to Budgct-MaVinii j Control CoimnlMlon for a he noted that a truck waa towing 183 NORTH MAIN STREjBT France’s two biggest labor committee, a two-man subcommit Is One of Highest li- Store Permit for toe arie November 17th, at Hartford hos Rrtim Nourse, Jack Dwyer, Melvin student, sang two selections She case, and will do eo. I have com' Washington, Nov. 36—(J>—The tee of Peronist deputies. Joss liquor on toe premleei, 31* North Main a alngle-axel trailer, which had no Hathaway, Robert Hawley, Leon la toe daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. pleted toe writ and forwarded It unions called a 24-hour gen avsraga American la taking In al In Several Years AutBoritiM in 169'Mu- pital. marker plates. Further Invesitga- Emilio Vlaca and Rodolfo P. Deck itreet. Mancheater. .-tinuAU Thorp and Raymond Cooper, Everett T. Keith of 119 Pitkin to proper authoritlea,’’ he aaid. eral strike today but the most three times as much money er, took over the account books nicipalties of Stat4 The bualneaa la owned by THOMAS Uon disclosed that toe hemdlighU The present group Includes Ray aa ha did in prewar 1939 and he’s J. DONAHDE. of 1* Proctor Ro^. William Heusser and hla son street L«gal entanglements Involve a CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY AND demonstration for higher of The Associated Prem, The By The Associated Press Mancheater. and will be conducted by Emmet Heusser, of Bly, N eva^, and tallllght weren’t emfl'lnS- mond Cooper, Harota Norton, Rob dispute over omierehip o f toe spending It ,a little more freely United Press and seven Buenos there were no reflectora or rtop- wages failed to shut down T ^ M A M B R . of 4*6 Hartford have arrived for an extended vlrtt ert Hawley, WlUlam Slover and liquor outlet at 319 North Mala than he did even three months ago. Aires newspapers. The nation’s death toU In vio Hartford, Nov. 25.— •• Road. Mancheater. aa permittee. Ughta OB toe rear o f toe dump Leon Thorp. chowder w ill be served during the FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24 AND 25 French economic life. Trans at the home of hla brotoef, Crain afternoon beginning at one o’clock atreet The owner of toa building The Federal Reserve board The subcommittee announced Its lent accidents over toe Hianks- Today was juatifleation day. JOHN KRAMER O. Heusser of Lake street. truck and that toe horn wasn’t Leverett Oates has handled the Is John Kacmsrcxyk who started portation waa disrupted. ported last night that consumer In purpose wss to ascertain the Dated Norembar IT. 1*4*. Dinner, consisting o f chicken, giving day holiday W as one of the for local school boer^.^ worldng.