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55th Year No. 13 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Friday. December 6, 1974 Increased Costs Spur Board Hike by Ann LoLordo Director of Administrative Services William S. Catherwood has announced a proposed 5 per cent rate increase in board for the next fiscal year in order that the University board plan remain unchanged. At a meeting with the directors of the Macke Corporation, Vice-President for Administrative Services Daniel Altobello asked that cutbacks in the present program be investigated to eliminate the proposed increase. The suggested cutbacks were presented to Catherwood Wednesday morning. They include: • steak every other week • no ice cream at lunch • pies at dinner three times per week • no meat at breakfast • serve brunch with both breakfast and lunch foods on Saturday and Sunday in place of both breakfast and lunch. The 5 per cent increase is a result of a projected 10 per cent increase in labor and a 10-12 The University is currently seeking ways to avoid increasing student board rates by per cent increase in food costs. These projections are based on industry predictions. possibly cutting back on the food program. "The changes which are suggested and negotiable are changes sought to keep the program as close to the present board program as possible. Macke District Manager John Insurance Bill Goes to Senate Bengiovi, stressed that Macke is not suggesting the cutbacks on their own, but are suggesting them at the University's request," Cather wood said. Finneran and Madden Fight Plan "Administrative services can go either way depending on what the students want. We by Wayne Saitta we should have that right," he added. Vice President for Student Development. It could keep the present board plan with a 5 Student senators Ed Finneran (SBA'77) Madden co-sponsor of the bill expressing is Dr. Rueckel who will make the decision per cent increase or we can utilize the and Leo Madden (SFS'77) are introducing additional objections to the program said on the program. cutbacks and keep the board price as it stands. a bill to the student senate at this Sunday's "I don't like the idea of University being The insurance company which under I will meet with the Food Committee on meeting which would abolish the univer- our bargaining agent for the insurance, writes the University's policy complained Monday to get feedback on what their sity's mandatory insurance program. They simply because the students are paying for to the University that many students wert> constituents prefer to do. I also plan to meet will ask the senate to recommend the it." not being covered and that as a result they with the House Council presidents. Any university lift its four year old requirement The Student Health Service Committee paid out more in claims than they received feedback from the University community will and make health insurance optional. Under is circulating a questionaire on the subject in premiums. The company. to cover this, be appreciated because it will aid us in making the present system a student must present of mandatory insurance to ascertain the also raised the premium from $38 to its the best decision for all involved," Cather the University with evidence of other degree of opposition to the program. After $56. Both Finneran and Madden contend wood continued. coverage or buy the University's insurance. the senate bill is passed it will be sent that the matter is not economic but really Administrative services hopes to bring a "The policy is basically unfair," stated sub-committee of the Student Life Policy philosophic, centering on whether students proposal to the Board of Directors. Finnerran. "Students are intelligent enough Committee who will make a re- should be forced to buy insurance, reo (Continued on page 2) to decide whether they need insurance and commendation to Dr. Patricia Rueckel, gardless of how adventazeous it may be. Rich Departure Ineffective To GUPS Daily Operation by Karen Barsohn position of Operations Chief in quirements of the position." order to determine in exactly MiIler explained. The departure of Captain what capacity we need someone' Director of GUPS Charles Jayne T. Rich from the chief to replace Captain Rich." Lamb hac; taken over the respons operations post of the GU Pro ibilities of Rich's position until a Captain Rich left the Univer tective Services appears to have replacement for her can be found. sity on November 27 after reo had little effect on the day-to-day University policy requires that signing from her post as Opera business of the department. The Advertisement for till' Job begin tions Chief of GUPS. She charged resignation of Captain Rich had on campus only after a job as· the University had demoted her been expected to raise some con sessment has been completed. and racially discriminated against troversy. "We hope to retain someone her. "The Protective Services has for the position who is well been operating very well since "Captain Rich felt restricted qualified in security and who has Captain Rich left," Vice-President by her job. We want to be sure an understanding of the dif Vice President for Planning and Physical Plant William A. Miller for Physical Plant and Planning that the person coming in will feel ferences between pollee work and contends that GUPS has been operating "very well" si'nce the departure William A. Miller. stated. "Wl' are no restrictions and will have a full university security work." Miller of Captain Jayne T. Rich. in the process of re-analysing the understanding of the exact reo concluded. This week's magazine in inside. cludes interviews with the • • Students and Israeli and Egyptian ambas -News Review page 2 sadors to the United States, -The Dubliners Pub page 9 and an analysis of the -Basketball Preview pages 10, 11 Foreign Affairs growing political influence -Music, Music, Music pages 6, 7 of the Palestinian libera tion Organization. "2 TheHOYA Friday, December 6,1974 Gandhi Student Advocates Force of Spirit Over Sword by Mike Weisberger more than 25 books, presentea OIS began with fasts and culminated Non-violence for humanity and plan for bringing peace to the longterm demonstrations ranging love for one's neighbors were the world by following good will and from month long jail stays to the main points discussed by Lanza Gandhian philosophy. formation of conscientious ob del Vasto, a disciple of Mohandas His initial statement was that jector work camps all proved Gandhi and founder of the Com man must combat evil, but people fruitful. munity of the Ark, in a speech must not attempt to fight evil Del Vasto placed the blame for before a full house in the Healy with more evil. Injustice is the the world's problems on the heart Conference Room Tuesday night. reason for the conflict between of man. "The solution is to love In his talk, del Vasto, author of evil and those who wish to one's enemies, which is possible overcome it, according to del only with one's true desire to Cutbacks in Vasto. relieve these enemies of their evil "There are two forces in the and hatred," the pacifist ex Board Menu world, the force of the sword and plained. the force of the spirit, and the The Second Commandment Investigated force of the spirit will always win was emphasized by del Vasto, out over the force of the sword," who feels that war and violence (Continued from page 1) he said. are "childish" because each side Lanza del Vasto, a disciple of Gahdhi, suggested that students use the Director of Food Services John Del Vasto's battles against evil thinks it is defending the right force of the spirit to combat evil. He spoke to a capacity audience in Wolfle was reluctant to comment include a fight to end the against evil. Healy Conference Room last week (Photo by Marcia Van Dyck). and insisted that any information "concentration camps" which would have to come from the existed during the Algerian War, a administration. • recognition of the conscientious Ed Finneran (SBA'77), a mem objector in France, suggestions to Alumnus and Dent Student ber of the Food Committee, the Vatican Council to concern voiced his opinion on the situa themselves with the topics of the tion. "I don't believe the cutbacks atomic bomb, civil disobedience, will have any effect on the nutri nonviolence and peace, and the Killed in Va. Plane Crash tional value of the menu. Con rights of peasant landowners in sidering the economic situation of the province of LaSac, France. A fourth-year GU dental stu port, and crashed in the Blue Dental School, was one of the top the country and high inflation Each of del Vasto's battles dent and an alumnus of George Ridge mountains in nearby students in the Class of 1975, costs, a 5 per cent increase is have been won through non town Undergraduate and Dental Lodoun County, Va. according to a close friend. He pretty reasonable. I think Foe. violent measures, an essential Schools were among the 92 Dr. and Mrs. Albert Goldblatt, had been planning to specialize in Services should put out a poll" nd concept of the Gandhi philo persons who died in last Sunday's 60, of Chevy Chase also died in orthodontics and had applied to get th~ students opinions. I sophy. These measures which tragic crash of a TWA jetliner. the crash. Dr. Goldblatt is an graduate programs at a few William Garwood, 28, a alumnus of both GU Under schools, including Georgetown. fourth-year student at GU's graduate and Dental School and The Garwoods had been visit School of Dentistry, and his wife, has been a practicing dentist in ing Mrs.