Third Master, JT Grey
LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. 47 Hewitt; Third Master, J. T. Grey; Fourth Master, H. S. Kitts. Manor School, Manor Yard, St. Leonard's Place Head master, Geo. K. Hitchcock; Second master, A. P. Lupton; Third master, 'V. A. Woi-snop. Friends Boys' School, 20, Bootham Master, John Firth Fryer. Elmfield College (Primitive Methodist), Malton Road Governor, Rev. R. Smith; Head master, Thos. Gough, B.Sc.; Resident masters, Wm. Johnson, B.A., H. Haddow, H. A. Knowles, L. H. Leadley, Wm. Freear and J. Tongue. Visit ing masters: W. S. Child (music), C. H. Wakefield (drawing). Yvrkshire School for the Blind (Instituted at York, 1833) in memory of William 'Vilberforce, M.P. for the County of York, 1802 to 1833. Treas., A. H. Russell, Esq.; Supt., Anthony Buckle, B.A.; Hon. Sec., Fredk. James Munby. Admission to the schools and workshops, free at any time. Concerts every Thursday afternoon, at 2.30; admission, Sixpence each. York Certified Industrial Boys' School, Marygate President, The Lord Archbishop of York; superintendent, Wm. Smith; matron, Mrs. Smith; schoolmaster, Thos. Archey; shoe maker, Mr. Croft; tailor, Mr. Wilkinson; bandmaster, C. Birkill; turner, Jas. C. Rudd; cook, Miss Clay; labour master, Mr. Spence; labour-mistress, Miss Boyes. The Girls' School, Lowther Street Hon. sec., A. H. Russell, Esq.; hone treas., R. H. Feltoe, Esq.; matron, Miss Neale; school-mistress, Miss Smith; labour-mistress, Mrs. Wright. Blue Coat School, St. Anthony's Hall, Peasholme Green I Master, Edward Robinson. Grey Coat Girls' School, Monkgate Mistress,Miss J. Greig. NATIONAL SCHOOLS. Clerk to the School Attendance Committee Meek Dyson, solicitor, Coney Street.
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