Hewitt; Third Master, J. T. Grey; Fourth Master, H. S. Kitts. Manor School, Manor Yard, St. Leonard's Place Head master, Geo. K. Hitchcock; Second master, A. P. Lupton; Third master, 'V. A. Woi-snop. Friends Boys' School, 20, Master, John Firth Fryer. Elmfield College (Primitive Methodist), Malton Road­ Governor, Rev. R. Smith; Head master, Thos. Gough, B.Sc.; Resident masters, Wm. Johnson, B.A., H. Haddow, H. A. Knowles, L. H. Leadley, Wm. Freear and J. Tongue. Visit­ ing masters: W. S. Child (music), C. H. Wakefield (drawing). Yvrkshire School for the Blind (Instituted at , 1833) in memory of William 'Vilberforce, M.P. for the County of York, 1802 to 1833. Treas., A. H. Russell, Esq.; Supt., Anthony Buckle, B.A.; Hon. Sec., Fredk. James Munby. Admission to the schools and workshops, free at any time. Concerts every Thursday afternoon, at 2.30; admission, Sixpence each. York Certified Industrial Boys' School, President, The Lord Archbishop of York; superintendent, Wm. Smith; matron, Mrs. Smith; schoolmaster, Thos. Archey; shoe­ maker, Mr. Croft; tailor, Mr. Wilkinson; bandmaster, C. Birkill; turner, Jas. C. Rudd; cook, Miss Clay; labour­ master, Mr. Spence; labour-mistress, Miss Boyes. The Girls' School, Lowther Street Hon. sec., A. H. Russell, Esq.; hone treas., R. H. Feltoe, Esq.; matron, Miss Neale; school-mistress, Miss Smith; labour-mistress, Mrs. Wright.

Blue Coat School, St. Anthony's Hall, Peasholme Green I Master, Edward Robinson. Grey Coat Girls' School, Mistress,Miss J. Greig.

NATIONAL SCHOOLS. Clerk to the School Attendance Committee Meek Dyson, solicitor, . School Attendance Officers Messrs. Nathan Stockdale, Thos. Thornton and Wm. Thorpe. All Saints', mixed, Miss Flint. Bishophill, mixed, Miss Gray. St. Dennis, boys, H. R. :Morrill; girls, Miss Macintosh; infants, Miss Moyes.