Author Title Class mark Abraham, J. Johnston The surgeon's log: impressions of the Far East J7:1 Acton, Shane Shrimpy: a record round-the-world voyage in an 18 foot yacht J2 Acton, Shane Shrimpy sails again: from Cambridge to the Caribbean in an 18 foot yacht J5 Adkins, Roy Trafalgar G3 Admiralty Manual of seamanship 1937. Volume 2 E1 Admiralty Navigation manual, Vol. 1.B690 1938 F1 Admiralty Manual of seamanship 1937. Volume 1 E1 Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: France, west coast F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: the English and Bristol Channels F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admitalty tidal stream atlas: the Solent and adjacent waters F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: approaches to Portland F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: Irish Sea and Bristol Channel F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: Firth of Clyde and approaches F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: Orkney and Shetland Islands F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: eastern part F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: North Sea north-western part F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: North Sea southern portion F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: the and adjacent coasts of France including plan of F2:1 (CC) Alderney and the Casquets Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: Dover Strait F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: the English Channel F2:1 (CC) Admiralty Hydrographic Dept. Admiralty tidal stream atlas: Thames estuary F2:1 (CC) Allcard, Edward C. Voyage alone J2 Allcard, Edward C. Single-handed passage J5 Allcard, Edward C. Temptress returns J5 Allen, Philip The Atlantic crossing guide F2:3 Allen, Will We go cruising again J3 Alvarez, Gill and David We didn't mean to go to see: the log of the 2004 summer cruise of Shogun J1 (CC) Amadeo of Savoy, Luigi On the Polar Star in the Arctic Sea, vol. 1 H1 Amadeo of Savoy, Luigi On the Polar Star in the Arctic Sea, vol. 2 H1 Amateur Yacht Research Society Trimaran selection (AYRS Summer, 1971, No. 77) D2:2 Amateur Yacht Research Society Self steering E1 Author Title Class mark Andersen, Lis Lis sails the Atlantic J5 Anderson, R. C. 60 years in small boats L:AND Anderson, W. R.and Blair, Clay Nautilus 90 North G3 Arnold, Guy Down the Danube: from the Black Forest to the Black Sea J3 Arnott, W. G. Alde estuary: the story of a river G1 Arnott, W. G. Orwell estuary: the story of river (with and the Stour) G1 Ashbury, James Commodore Ashbury's reply to the Report of the New York Yacht Club in relation to the races K2 with 'The Levonia' for the Americas Cup in October, 1871 Ashcroft, Herbert J. Boat building simplified D1:1 Ashley, Clifford W. The Ashley book of knots D2:8 Ashton, Richard Edmund The Yachtsman's Directory Spain and Portugal cruising guide F2:2 (CC) Ashworth-Lund, Anthony By way of the Golden isles J3 Atkins, Jeremy Oxford University Yacht Club, centenary 1884-1984 B4 Barron, Mike and Jill North Biscay: Brest to Bordeaux F2:2 (CC) Barrow, John (ed.) Captain Cook's voyages of discovery G2:1 Barry, J. J. The life of Christopher Columbus L: COL Barter, F. (comp.) Reeds yacht buyer's guide: a comprehensive guide to yachts from 20-40 feet D2:1 Barter, Fred (comp.) Cruising for 100 years: the centenary of the Cruising Association 1908 - 2008 B4 Bartlett, James Racing yachts and dinghies D2:1 Barton, Humphrey Virtue XXXV G2:1 Barton, Humphrey Atlantic adventurers: voyages in small craft J5 Barton, N. J. The lost rivers of London G1 Beard, Henry and McKie, Roy Saling: a sailor's dictionary B1 Beaudout, Henri The lost one J5 Beebe, Robert P. Voyaging under power D2:3 Beken of Cowes A hundred years of sail N:2 Bell, David C. A Coastal passage: an artist's view of the English coastline N Bell, Graham Building your own boat D1:1 Bell, James I. Every man his own shipwright D2:10 Bell, Sir Hesketh Witches and fishes L:BEL Belloc, Hilaire The cruise of the Nona J3 Belloc, Hilaire On sailing the sea R:BEL Author Title Class mark Benham, Hervey Once upon a tide G1 Benham, Hervey Once upon a tide G1 Benham, Hervey The smugglers' century G1 Benstead, C. R. Shallow waters G Berckman, Evelyn Nelson's Dear Lord: a portrait of St Vincent L:JER Bernicot, Louis The voyage of Anahita: single-handed round the world J2 Bertrand, John Born to win: a lifelong struggle to capture the America's Cup K2 Bethwaite, Frank High performance sailing K1:2 Bevan, Martin and Elizabeth Log of Caduceus: ARC 2010 Gran Canaria to St Lucia, 21 November - 12 December J1 (CC) 2010 Biddle, Tyrrell E. The Corinthian yachtsman, or Hints on yachting E1 Biddle, Tyrrell E. Amateur sailing in open and half-decked boats E1 Bishop, Paul Tall ships and the Cutty Sark races G1 Bishop, Peter The history of Ipswich: 1500 years of triumph and disaster G1 Bisset, Sir James Sail ho! L:BIS Blake, John Sea charts of the British Isles F3:1 Blake, Sir Peter The last great adventure of Sir Peter Blake, edited by Alan Sefton H1 Blance, A. G. (ed.) Norie's nautical tables with explanations of their use F1 (CC) Blandford, Percy South Eastern England (Regional Sailing Guide 1) F2:1 Blandford, Percy Encyclopaedia of small craft maintenance D2:10 Blewitt, Mary Celestial navigation for yachtsmen F1:1 Blyth, Chay The impossible voyage J2 Bobrow, Jill and Jinkins, Dana Classic yacht interiors D1:1 Bond, Bob The handbook of sailing E1 Bonner, George Frederick The yachting season of 1845 (an illustrated facsimile of 'The Yachtsman's Annual and General K1 Register') Bottini, Margherita and others From Newport to Perth: the new challenge (The Louis Vuitton Cup - the America's Cup) K2 Bowskill, Derek The East coast: a pilot-guide from Ramsgate to the Wash F2:1 Brackenbury, Mark Frisian pilot: Den helder to Brunsbuttel and the Kiel Canal F2:2 (CC) Bradfield, S. E. Road to the sea J7:1 Bradford, Ernle The journeying moon J2 Bradford, Ernle The wind off the island J3 Author Title Class mark Bradford, Gershom A glossary of sea terms B1 Bradley, Cliff Building the small boat D1:1 Brady, Laurence The man who challenged America: the life and obsession of Sir Thomas Lipton K2 Brandon, Robin The good crewman E1 Brandon, Robin Isles of Scilly F2:1 (CC) Brandon, Robin South Biscay pilot: the Gironde estuary to La Corune F2:2 (CC) Brandon, Robin Islas Baleares F2:2 (CC) Brassey, Lady A voyage in the Sunbeam J2 Bray, Andrew (ed.) Yachting Monthly classic passages F2:2 Breed, Joseph B. Navigation without numbers F1:1 Bristow, Philip (comp.) Bristow's Book of Yachts 1968 D2 Bristow, Philip (comp.) Book of sailing cruisers, 1975 D2 Bristow, Philip (comp.) Through the German waterways F2:2 Brook, David Three boys in a boat J3 Brougham, Reginald A cruise on the Friesland Broads J3 Brown, Chris Lady Jan Claire: round Britain log, 12 June - 3 September 2004 J1 (CC) Brown, Chris Lady Jan Claire autumn cruise 10 - 19 October 2005; with a Cornishman's impressions of the east J1 (CC) coast Brown, Geoffrey The Deben Yacht Club and Deben Sailing Club, 1838 - 1988 B4 Bruce, Erroll Deep sea sailing E1 Bruce, Erroll This is rough weather cruising E2 Bruce, Erroll to port K3:1 Bruce, Peter Wight hazards F2:1 Bruce, Peter Solent tides F2:1 (CC) Bryer, Robin Jolie Brise: a tall ship's tale G2:1 Budd, Rhonda (ed.) Sailing boats of the world: a guide to classes D2 Budlong, John P. Shoreline and sextant: practical coastal navigation F1:2 Burch, David Emergency navigation F1 Burge, John and Burge, Claire Red boat in blue water: an account of Dame Hattie's cruise from St Florent, Corsica to Vliho, J1 (CC) Lefkas, August - September 1992 Burnell, R. D. Races for the America's Cup K2 Burton, Robin Sailing: the great races K1 Author Title Class mark Butler, T. Harrison Cruising yachts: design and performance D2 Butler, T. Harrison Cruising yachts: design and performance D2 Cagney, Hannah (photographer)+A728 Royal Harwich Yacht Club: a new club house in the making 2012 - 13 B4 Calahan, Harold Augustin The ship's husband D2:10 Calahan, Harold Augustin Rigging D2:7 Calahan, Harold Augustin Gadgets and wrinkles D6:5 Calahan, Harold Augustin Learning to sail E1 Calahan, Harold Augustin So you're going to buy a boat E1 Calahan, Harold Augustin Learning to cruise J8:1 Calder, Nigel Boatowner's mechanical and electrical manual D2:5 Caldwell, John Desperate voyage J6 Caldwell, John Family at sea J6 Callahan, Steven Adrift: seventy-six days lost at sea J5 Calvin, Michael Only wind and water (BT Global Challenge) K3:1 Calwell, Brian Sea lawyer: a guide for yachtsmen B5 Campbell, J. A history of The Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club B4 Cantacuzino, Marina On equal terms K3:1 Cappai, Andrea L'equipaggio invisibile (The invisible crew - Robert Clark and the birth of modern sailing) K1 Carlin, Ben Half-safe: across the Atlantic in an amphibious jeep J5 Carr, Frank G. G. A yachtsman's log J3 Carson, Rachel L. The sea around us C2 Carson, Rachel L. The edge of the sea C4 Caruana, Adrian B. The pocket artillerist, or: The art of coarse gunfiring G4:1 Cattell, Fay and Graham Harbours of the Baltic States: cruising guide to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia F2:2 Chapelle, Howard I. Yacht designing and planning for yachtsmen, students and amateurs M2 Chapman, Charles F. Piloting, seamanship and small boat handling E1 Charles, Glyn Keelboat and sportsboat racing K1:2 Chatterton, E. Keble On the high seas G Chatterton, E. Keble Through in Charmina: from Torbay to the Bay of Biscay in a 6-tonner J3 Chatterton, E. Keble Down channel in Vivette J3 Chatterton, E. Keble Through Holland in the Vivette J3 Author Title Class mark Chatterton, E. Keble The yachtsman's pilot to the harbours of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland;and the continent F2:1 of Europe from Ymuiden to Bordeaux Chatterton, E. Keble Old sea paintings: the story of maritime art as depicted by the Great Masters N Chatterton, E. Keble Fore and aft G2 Cherry, A. H. Yankee R.N.: being the story of a Wall Street Banker…. L:CHE Chichester, Francis Gipsy Moth circles the world J2 Chichester, Francis The lonely sea and the sky L: CHI Chichester, Francis The romantic challenge J5 Childers, Erskine The riddle of the sands P Childers, Erskine The riddle of the sands P Chivers, David Austin 'Clarence' Farrar: an eye for innovation 1913-2004 L:FAR Chown, John D. The 9-Pdr. Muzzle Loading Rifle G4:1 Christensen, E. (trans.) The Cannon Hall: Royal Danish Arsenal Museum G4:1 Clements, Rex A gipsy of the Horn L:CLE Clyde Cruising Club and anchorages, Part 2: Mull of Kintyre to Ardnamurchan F2:1 (CC) Clyde Cruising Club Sailing directions, Part 3: Ardnamurchan to Cape Wrath F2:1 (CC) Clyde Cruising Club Sailing directions, Part 1: Firth of Clye and adjancent lochs with Solway Firth and isle of Man F2:1 (CC) Cobbold, Richard The history of Margaret Catchpole: a Suffolk girl L:CAT Cochrane (Admiral Lord) Memoirs of a fighting captain L: COC Cockayne, N. C. A cruise through the Waddenzee to the River Ems, July 1980 J1 (CC) Cockayne, Norman Ptarmigan of Glenshee: a diary of a summer cruise 13 August - 5 September 1976 J1 (CC) Cole, Guy Sailing in irons J5 Cole, Guy Going foreign N1 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor The rime of the Ancient Mariner M1:2 Coles, K. Adlard Heavy weather sailing E1 Coles, K. Adlard Heavy weather sailing E1 Coles, K. Adlard In broken water J3 Coles, K. Adlard Sailing and cruising for the small boat owner J8:1 Coles, K. Adlard Sailing days J3 Coles, K. Adlard North Atlantic: boat against boat over 3,000 miles K3:1 Coles, K. Adlard and Black, A. N. North Biscay Pilot: Brest to La Gironde F2:2 (CC) Coles, K. Adlard and Stocken, T. The Yachtsman's Annual and who's who 1938-9 B2 Author Title Class mark Collinder, Per A history of marine navigation F1 Collins World atlas B1 Colwell, Keith RYA Sea survival handbook E2 Compton, Nic The America's Cup Jubilee 2001, celebrating 150 years of the world's most famous trophy. The K2 Official Book Conrad, Joseph The mirror of the sea L:CON Cook, Capt. James The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery, vol. 1: The voyage of the H1 Endeavour 1768 - 1771, edited by J. C. Beaglehole Cook, Capt. James The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery, vol. 2: the voyage of the H1 Resolution and Adventure, 1772 - 1775, edited by J. C. Beaglehole Cook, Capt. James The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery, vol. 3: the voyage of the H1 Resolution and Discovery, 1776 - 1780, part one, edited by J. C. Beaglehole Cook, Capt. James The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery, vol. 3: the voyage of the H1 Resolution and Discovery, 1776 - 1780, part two, edited by J. C. Beaglehole Cook, Capt. James A voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world performed in His Majesty's ships the H1 Resolution and Adventure in the years 1772, 1773, 1774 and 1775, in which is included Captain Furneaux's narrative of his proceedings in the Adventure during the separation of the ships, vol. 1

Cook, Capt. James The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery. Charts and views, drawn by Cook H1 and his officers, edited by R. A. Skelton Cooke, Francis B. Week-end yachting E Cooke, Francis B. The single-handed yachtsman E1 Cooke, Francis B. Practical yachting hints: letters to a novice E1 Cooke, Francis B. Seamanship for yachtsmen E1 Cooke, Francis B. Yachting yarns J Cooke, Francis B. Single-handed cruising J8:1 Cooke, Francis B. Cruising hints J8:1 Cooper, Bill and Laurel Sell up and sail: taking the Ulysses option J8 Cooper, F.S. Racing sailormen K1 Coote, Jack Classic one-designs G2:1 Coote, Jack H. East coast rivers from Southwold to the Swale F2:1 (CC) Coote, Jack H. (comp.) East Coast rivers from the air F2:1 Author Title Class mark Cornell, Gwenda Azores cruising guide F2:3 (CC) Cornell, Jimmy and Cornell, Ivan Cornell's ocean atlas: pilot charts for all oceans of the world B1 Corner, Terry Yacht Julie Marie cruises the east coast, August 2015 J1 (CC) Cort, Adam and Stearns, Richard Getting started in sail boat racing K1:2 Cottee, Kay First lady: a history-making solo voyage around the world J2 Courtney, Nicholas Gale force 10: the life and legacy of Admiral Beaufort 1774-1857 L:BEA Cowan, Gibson The voyage of the Evelyn Hope J3 Cowper, David Scott North-west passage solo J2 Cowper, Frank Sailing tours: the yachtsman's guide to the cruising waters of the English coast, part 1: the coasts F2:1 of and Suffolk Cowper, Frank Sailing tours: the yachtsman's guide to the cruising waters of the English coast, part 2: the coasts F2:1 of Kent, Sussex, Hants, the isle of Wight, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall and the Scilly Isles Cowper, Frank Sailing tours: the yachtsman's guide to the cruising waters of the English and adjacent coasts, part F2:1 3: the coast of Brittany, including the departments of Finisterre, Morbihan, and the lower Loire

Cowper, Frank Sailing tours: the yachtsman's guide to the cruising waters of the English and adjacent coasts, part F2:1 4: the Irish Sea and the Bristol Channel, including the western coasts of England and Wales, the south coast of Scotland, the east coast of ireland and the Isle of Man Cowper, Frank Sailing tours: the yachtsman's guide to the cruising waters of the English and adjacent coasts, part F2:1 5: the west coasts of Scotland, the Orkneys, and the west coast of the North Sea Cox, Tom Motor boat and yachting manual D Crane, Robert Kent: the yachtman's guide to the Kentish tidal waters F2:1 (CC) Creagh-Osborne, Richard This is racing K1:2 Crealock, W. I. B. Vagabonding under sail J5 Crichton, Tom Sailboat tramp J3 Crichton, Tom Salt water vagabaond J3 Crichton, Tom Sail boat tramp J3 Cruising Association 75th Anniversary 1908 -1983 B4 Cruising Association The Cruising Almanac. Tide tables 2012 F2:1 (CC) Cruising Association The Cruising Almanac. Tide tables 2014 F2:1 (CC) Cruising Association The Cruising Almanac 2014 F2:1 (CC) Cruising Association The Cruising Almanc 2016 f2:1 (CC) Author Title Class mark Cruising Association The Cruising Almanac: Tide Tables 2016 F2:1 (CC) Cumberlidge, Peter North Sea Waypoint Directory F2:2 Cumberlidge, Peter Bristol Channel and Severn Pilot F2:1 (CC) Cumberlidge, Peter North Brittany and Channel islands cruising F2:2 (CC) Cumberlidge, Peter Secret anchorages of Brittany F2:2 (CC) Cunliffe, Tom Hand, reef and steer E1 Cunliffe, Tom The Shell Channel pilot: the south coast of England and the north coast of France F2:1 (CC) Cunliffe, Tom Heavy weather cruising E`1 Cunliffe, Tom Cunliffe on cruising J8:1 Cunliffe, Tom The complete yachtmaster E1 Cunliffe, Tom The complete yachtmaster E1 Curry, Manfred Racing tactics in questions and answers K1:2 Curry, Manfred Wind and water N2 Dana, Richard Henry Two years before the mast L:DAN Darwin, Charles The voyage of Charles Darwin: his autobiographical writings selected and arranged by Christopher G2:1 Ralling Darwin, Charles The voyage of The Beagle G2:1 Davies, C. N. New boat for old D1:1 Davies, George Christopher The man who found the Broads L:DAV Davies, John Sailing E1 Davison, Ann My ship is so small J5 Davison, Ann Last voyage: an autobiographical account of all that led up to an illicit voyage…. L:DAV Day, Cyrus L. Knots and splices (revised by Colin Jarman) D2:8 De Fontaine, W. H. The boatowner's handibook D De Fraga, Christopher One hundred years of yachting on Port Phillip Bay: a history of the Royal Brighton Yacht Club B4 De Selincourt, Aubrey (ed.) The book of the sea R Dear, Ian The Royal Yacht Squadron, 1815-1985 B4 Dear, Ian The Royal Ocean Racing Club: the first 75 years B4 Dear, Ian Fastnet: the story of a great ocean race K1 Dear, Ian Enterprise to Endeavour: the J Class yachts K2 Dear, Ian The America's Cup: an informal history K2 Dear, Ian The America's Cup: an illustrated history K2 Author Title Class mark Debenham, Clive and Stone, D. G. The log Shotley - St Katherine's - Brightingsea, Summer 1994: voyage of Halcyon J1 (CC) Debrett's Register of Yachts ` B2:1 Delmar-Morgan, E. L. Cruising yacht equpment and navigation E1 Delmar-Morgan, Edward Maintenance of inboard engines D2:6 Delmar-Morgan, Edward I bought a prawning boat J3 Delmar-Morgan, Miranda (ed.) Reeds maritime flag handbook B3:2 Denham, H. M. The Aegean: a sea-guide to its coasts and islands F2:2 Dennehy, Mike From warm British beer to cold Dutch lager via a wine region in France J1 (CC) Dewar, J. Cumming Voyage of the Nyanza, R.N.I.C.: being the record of a three years' cruise in a schooner yacht in the J2 Atlantic and Pacific, and her subsequent shipwreck Diaper, Tom Tom Diaper's log: memories of a racing skipper L:DIA Dickens, Ian Sea change J2 Dickinson, John (ed.) The first twenty-five years: a history of the Haven series, 1972-1997 K1 Dimmock, John Sailing on Fyrklover lV and V, 2002 - 2009 J1 (CC) Dixon, Douglas The King's Sailing Master… life of Sir Philip Hunloke… L:HUN Dodson, Kenneth Away all boats P Domizlaff, Hans Dirk lll: jottings from the log and camera of a cruising yachtsman J3 Doughty, H. M. Our wherry in Wendish lands: from Friesland through the Mecklenburg lakes to Bohemia J3 Drummond, Maldwin and Rodhouse, Paul The yachtsman's naturalist C4 Du Baty, Raymond Rallier Fifteen thousand miles in a ketch J2 du Plessis, Hugo Fibreglass boats: fitting out, maintenance and repair D2:10 Dumas, Vito Alone through the Roaring Forties: the voyage of Lehg ll around the world J2 Durham, Dick On and offshore: cruising the Thames and the East Coast J3 Durham, Dick The last sailorman L:ROB Dye, Frank and Dye, Margaret Ocean-crossing Wayfarer: to Iceland and Norway in an open boat J3 Dye, Margaret Dinghy cruising J8 Ellam, Patrick and Mudie, Colin Sopranino J5 Ellam, Patrick and Patrick Wind song: our ten years in the yacht delivery business J8 Ellis, Don Medway Yacht Club; the first hundred years 1880-1980 B4 Elvstrom, Paul Elvstrom speaks on yacht racing K1:2 Elwood, Rosalind Botter living: life on a Dutch sailing botter J3 Eunson, Keith The wreck of the General Grant G2 Author Title Class mark Everett, David Home boat - completion: a guide for amateurs to fitting out GRP, ferro-cement, and steel hulls D1:2

Fairchild, Tony The Americas Cup Challenge: there is no second K2 Fairchild, Tony The third time around: the BOC Challenge 1990-91 K3:1 Fairley, Gordon Minute by minute: the story of the Royal Yachting Association, 1975-1982 B4 Farrington, Karen and Constable, Nick Mayday! Mayday! The history of coastal rescue in Britain and Ireland G2:2 Featherstone, H. R. Signet of Mourne at the Swan World Rally, Porto Cervo, Sardinia, August 22, 1982 J1 (CC) Featherstone, Ralph The Swan world rally to Corsica: through the Mediterranean in 'Signet of Mourne', August 22 J1 (CC) 1982 Featherstone, Ralph Round Britain in Signet of Mourne, 1981 J1 (CC) Ferris, J. H. The long hard beat: the history of the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron B4 Filloux, Jean The crossing of the Copula J5 Finch, Roger A cross in the topsail: an account of the shipping interests of R.&W. Paul Ltd., Ipswich G1 Finch, Roger Sailing craft of the British Isles G2 Findlay, Alexander George Handbook for the navigation of the different channels of the Thames and Medway with the F2:1 navigation between Folkestone and Orfordness Findlay, G. F. The £1000 yacht H1 Firebrace, A. W. Spunyarn to the Baltic, or, A spinner round the Baltic J1 (CC) Fisher, Bob An absorbing interest. The America's Cup - a history, 1851 - 2003, vol. 1: 1851 - 1967 K2 Fisher, Bob An absorbing interest. The America's Cup - a history, 1851 - 2003, vol. 2: 1970 - 2003 K2 Fisher, Bob and Ross, Bob The America's Cup 1987. The official record K2 Fishwick, Mark West Country cruising: a yachtsman's pilot and guide to ports and harbours from the Exe to F2:1 (CC) Land's End and North Cornwall Fitzpatrick, Wendy and Mike Dinghy racing K4 Folkard, H. C. The sailing boat: a treatise on English and foreign boats G2 Ford, J. W. W. A seaman's guide to the rule of the road E2 Fordham, Helen Qualifying expedition diary: Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award: voyage of Crotchet 2 J1 (CC) Fox, Uffa Sailing boats G1 Fox, Uffa Sail and power G2:1 Fox, Uffa Uffa Fox's second book G2:1 Fox, Uffa Racing, cruising and design G2:1 Fox, Uffa Sailing, seamanship and yacht construction G2:1 Author Title Class mark Fox, Uffa Sailing boats K3 Fox, Uffa More joys of living L: FOX Fox, Uffa Thoughts on yachts and yachting. Design, construction, handling G2:1 Fox, Uffa The crest of the wave J3 Fox,Uffa Book of sailing G2:1 Francis, Clare Come wind or weather: (ADC Accutrac races round the world) J3 Francis, Clare Come hell or high water J5 Freeman, Ira Henry (ed.) White sails shaking: an anthology of excerpts from accounts of cruises made in sailing yachts J8 Friendly, Alfred Beaufort of the Admiralty L:BEA Frost, Honor Where did the Carthaginians see clinker? G2 Gabe, Julius Yachting: historical sketches of the sport K1 Gallagher, Thomas Against all odds: midget submarines against the Tirpitz G3 Gann, Ernest K. Song of the sirens L:GAN Gardner, John Coastal sailing craft G2 Gardner, L.T. Fastnet '79: the story of Ailish lll K3 Garrett, Alasdair and Wilkinson, Trevor The Royal Cruising Club, 1880-1980 B4 Gelder, Paul Interspray's race around the world K3:1 Gerbault, Alain In quest of the sun J5 Gerbault, Alain The fight of the Fire-Crest J5 Gibbings, Robert Coming down the Seine J3 Giggal, Kenneth Sailing ships G2 Goldsmith-Carter, George Sailing ships and sailing craft G2 Goodwin, Richard Leontyne: by barge from London to Vienna J3 Goss, Pete Close to the wind K3:1 Gosset, Renee My men in a boat Gould, Cecily Gossip: the biography of a yacht G1:1 Gould, Rupert T. The marine chronometer: its history and development F1 Graham, G. E. M. Log of the voyage of Lavender's Blue from Woolverstone, Ipswich to Mahon, Minorca, 6 June - 31 J1 (CC) July 1988 Graham, Michael Morning Star round Britain 2013 J1 (CC) Graham, R. D. A manual for small yachts E Graham, R. D. Rough passage J2 Author Title Class mark Graham, Robin Lee Dove J2 Grainger, Stuart E. Creative ropecraft D2:8 Gree, Alain Anchoring and mooring techniques illustrated E1 Gregor, Hugh The SS Great Britain: official guide with coloured illustrations G2 Grenfell, Russell Nelson the sailor L:NEL Greville, N. R. The West Mersea Yacht Club: a centennial chronicle B4 Griffin, Gwyn Shipmaster P Griffith, Bob and Nancy Blue water: a guide to self-reliant sailboat cruising J8 Griffiths, Maurice Yachting on a small income E1 Griffiths, Maurice Swatchways and little ships J3 Griffiths, Maurice Ten small yachts - and others J3 Griffiths, Maurice The magic of the swatchways: cameos of cruising in small yachts J3 Griffiths, Maurice The first of the tide J3 Griffiths, Maurice Post-war yachting (an instroduction to the 'Man-in-the-City') J8:1 Griffiths, Maurice Sixty years a yacht designer L:GRI Grogono, James Icarus: the boat that flies G2:1 Groser, John Atlantic venture (The Observer singlehanded transatlantic race) K3 Guillain, France and Christian Call of the sea J2 Gulcher, Conrad Racing techniques K1:2 Hadman, Ballard As the sailor loves the sea L:HAD Hall, David and Joyce Sailing with Gusto to the Black Sea J1 (CC) Hall, David and Joyce Westward with Gusto from Istanbul to Rome, 1999 J1 (CC) Hambleton, F. C. Famous paddle steamers G2 Hampton, T. A. The sailor's world E1 Hansen, Hans J. (ed.) Art and the seafarer: a historical survey of the arts and crafts of sailors and shipwrights N Hansen, John and Hansen, Pat The voyage of the Thisbe through the waterways of the Netherlands 22 May - 18 July 1980 J1 (CC) Hanson, H. J. Ianthe cruises: Ushant - Gironde J3 Harding, John Sailing's strangest moments: extradordinary but true tales from over 900 years of sailing R1 Harvey, Derek Multihulls for cruising and racing D2:2 Harvey, Derek Sails: the way they work and how to make them D2:9 Harwich Haven Authority Tidal stream atlas: Harwich Harbour including rivers Stour, Orwell and Deben F2:1 (CC) Hay, David and Joan Cruising in strange waters J3 Author Title Class mark Hayter, Adrian Sheila in the wind: a story of a lone voyage J2 Heath, Edward Sailing: a course of my life L:HEA Heath, Nick (comp.) The Channel islands F2:1 (CC) Heaton, Peter Sailing E1 Heaton, Peter Cruising J8:1 Heckstall-Smith, Anthony Sacred Cowes K1 Heckstall-Smith, B. Yacht racing: a text book on the sport K1:2 Heckstall-Smith, B. All hands on the main-sheet G Hedley, Rachel and Nigus, Dick (eds.) Little Ship Club: the first 75 years B4 Heiney, Paul The last man across the Atlantic J5 Helm, Thomas The Sea Lark J5 Henderson, Richard Understanding rigs and rigging D2:7 Herbert, John London Corinthian Sailing Club: centenary history, 1894-1994 B4 Herreshoff, L. Francis Sensible cruising designs D2 Hesselberg, Erik Kon-Tiki and I H1 Hewitt, R. L. Flags and visual signals B3:2 Heyerdahl, Thor The Kon-Tiki expedition by raft across the South Seas H1 Heyes, John Winning races K1:1 Hill, Annie Voyaging on a small income J8:1 Hinton, T. Norman Dinghy and small class racing K4 Hiscock, Eric C. Two yachts, two voyages J2 Hiscock, Eric C. Around the world in Wanderer lll J2 Hiscock, Eric C. Wandering under sail J3 Hiscock, Eric C. Come aboard J5 Hiscock, Eric C. Cruising under sail J8:1 Hiscock, Eric C. Cruising under sail (incoporating Voyaging under sail) J8:1 Hiscock, Eric C. Cruising under sail E1 Holmes, George C. V. Ancient and modern ships: part 1 - Wooden sailing ships G2 Holmes, Noel ed. Century of sail: official history of the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron B4 Hooper, J. G. Round Britain 2006 (Moonshine of Orwell) J1 (CC) Horie, Kenichi Kodoku: sailing alone across the Pacific J6 Howard-Williams, Jeremy Crewing for offshore racing K1:2 Author Title Class mark Howard-Williams, Jeremy Practical pilotage for yachtsmen F1:2 Howarth, David The Shetland bus G Howarth, David and Howarth, Stephen Nelson: the immortal memory L:NEL Howarth, Patrick Lifeboat: in danger's hour G2:2 Howland, Waldo A life in boats: the years before the War L:HOW Hughes, John Scott Macpherson's voyages J2 Hughes, John Scott Come and sail R:HUG Hughes, John Scott Famous yachts G2:1 Hunter, W. A. Fisherman's knots and wrinkles D2:8 Hussey, Frank The Royal Harwich: a short history of the RHYC G1 Hussey, Frank Old Fitz: Edward Fitzgerald and East Coast Sailing G1 Hussey, Frank Royal yachts and yachting at Harwich G1 Hussey, Frank Suffolk invasion: the Dutch attack on Landguard Fort 1667 G1 Illingworth, E. J. H. Offshore E1 Illingworth, E. J. H. Offshore E1 Illingworth, John Further offshore E1 Imhoff, Fred and Pranger, Lex This is competitive sailing E1 Innes, Hammond Sea and islands P International Sailing Supply San Diego Harbor and approaches (waterproof Chart no. 80) K2 Ipswich Borough Council The story of the Orwell: an exhibition, arranged by the Museum Committee of IBC G1 Ipswich Borough Council The River Orwell G1 Ipswich Nautical Research Society The Naze to the Ness: East Coast maritime exhibition, Ipswich, 11-30 May, 1953 G1 Irish Cruising Club Sailing directon for the east and north coasts of Ireland F2:1 (CC) Irish Cruising Club Sailing directions for the south and west coasts of Ireland F2:1 (CC) Irving, John The King's Britannia: the story of a great ship G2:1 Irving, John and Service, Douglas The yachtsman's week-end book D Irving, Laurence Windmills and waterways: the log of a summer cruise through Holland J3 Irving, Washington A history of the life and voyages of Christopher Columbus (4 vols.) H1 Jackson, Robert The British code list for 1880 for the use of ships at sea and for signal stations B3 James, Naomi At one with the sea: alone around the world J2 Jarman, Colin and others East coast pilot: Lowestoft to Ramsgate F2:1 (CC) Jarvis, Colin and Beavis, Bill Modern rope seasmanship D2:8 Author Title Class mark Jefferies, John Sacred to their memory: yachting and seafaring through the ages G Jefferies, John Sacred to their memory: America's Cup jubiliee 1851 -2001 K2 Jefferson, David Brittany and Channel Islands cruising guide F2:2 (CC) Jenkins, H. D. The pilot's guide for the English Channel F2:1 Jeune, Philip Cruising the Channel islands F2:2 (CC) John, Anthony The early challenges of the America's Cup 1851 - 1937 K2 Johnson, Peter The encyclopedia of yachting G2:1 Johnson, Peter The encyclopedia of yachting B1 Jones, Griff Rhys To the Baltic with Bob J3 Jones, Julia The Lion of Sole Bay P:JON Jones, Tristan Yarns L:JON Josselyn, G. H. Felicity's first cruise (or, The ship's boy's return): Zeeland and the Hollandse Plassen 20 years later J1 (CC) (Voyage of Affray) Josselyn, G. H. Merlin: a cruise from Woolverstone to Tower Bridge, July - August 1985 J1 (CC) Josselyn, H. E. The retirement cruise in 'Beachcomber 2', May 25th - July 22nd 1973 J1 (CC) Junger, Sebastian The perfect storm J5 Keatinge, Hilary Ijsselmeer Harbours F2:2 (CC) Kell, Anne and Dennis Planning for the tides J1 (CC) Kell, Anne and Dennis Down the river and turn right: Woolverstone to Bucklers Hard, via Calais. 22 July - 13 August, J1 ((CC) 2000 ('Emma', Wayfarer 247) Kell, Anne and Dennis Otters, whales and eagles: wayfaring amongst the Inner Hebrides ('Emma' Wayfarer 247); 10 J1 (CC) August - 2 September 2001 Kell, Anne and Dennis New ground: a Baltic cruise in the Kattegat and Skagerrak, August 2003 ('Emma', Wayfarer 247) J1 (CC)

Kemp, Dixon A manual of yacht and boat sailing E1 Kemp, Dixon A manual of yacht and boat sailing E1 Kemp, Dixon A manual of yacht and boat sailing E1 Kemp, Dixon Manual of yacht and boat sailing and yacht architecture E1 Kemp, John At The Wash of Oysters G1 Kemp, John A fair wind for London J3 Kemp, P. K. Racing for the America's Cup K2 Kemp, Peter The Oxford companion to ships and the sea B1 Author Title Class mark Kemp, Robert Irish sea cruising guide F2:1 (CC) King, Dean Every man will do his duty: and anthology of first-hand accounts from the age of Nelson G3 King, W. D. Capsize J5 Kinney, Francis S. You are first': the story of Olin and Road Stephens of Sparkman & Stephens, Inc. G2:1 Klestadt, A. The sea was kind J7:1 Knight, E. F. The cruise of The Falcon: a voyage to South America in a 30-ton yacht J3 Knight, E. F. Small boat sailing E1 Knight, E. F. Small boat sailing E1 Knight, E. F. The cruise of the Falcon: a voyage to South America in a 30 ton yacht J5 Knight, E. F. The Falcon on the Baltic: a coasting voyage from Hammersmith to Copenhagen in 3 ton yacht J3 Knox-Johnston, Robin The bunkside companion R:KNO Knox-Johnston, Robin A world of my own J2 Knox-Johnston, Robin A world of my own: the single-handed, non-stop circumnavigation of the world in Suhaili J2 Knox-Johnston, Robin History of yachting K1 Knox-Johnston, Robin Last but not least….1978 Whitbread Round the World race K3:1 Kretschmer, John Flirting with mermaids J Lambert, Andrew War at sea in the age of sail 160-1850 G3 Lamont, James Yachting in the Arctic Seas J4 Landery, Charles Whistling for a wind J3 Lane, Carl D. The new boatman's manual: a complete manual of boat handling, operation, maintenance, and E seamanship Langley-Price, Pat and Ouvry, Philip Ocean Yachtmaster: celestial navigation F1:1 Larkins, Walter F. The commercial code of signals for the use of all nations B3 Lassen, Richard Non-stop from Woolverstone to Copenhagen via Jutland; through the Southern Baltic to Kiel (or J1 (CC) 'Three Men in a Boat'), July - August 1996 Lassen, Richard Atlantic crossing from New York to Falmouth, 9 June - 3 July 2000 J1 (CC) Lawrence, A. W. (ed.) The wreck of the Medusa G3 Lawrence, Martin The Yachtsman's pilot: north and east Scotland: the Farne islands to Cape Wrath F2:1 (CC) Lawson, John North Brittany and the Channel island: Cherbourg to Ouessant F2:2 (CC) Le Bon, Simon and Cheston, Neil Drum: her race around the world K3:1 Le Toumelin, Jacques-Yves Kurum around the world J2 Learmont, James S. Master in sail L:LEA Author Title Class mark Leather, John Gaff rig D2:7 Leather, John The northseamen G1 Leather, John The sailor's coast N2 Lees, James The masting and rigging of English ships of war 1625-1860 G2 Lethbridge, T. C. Coastwise craft D Lewis, David Ice Bird: the first single-handed voyage to Antarctica J4 Lewis, David Voyage to the ice: the Antarctic expedition of Solo J4 Lewis, David Daughters of the wind J2 Lewis, David and George, Mimi Icebound in Antarctica J4 Lewis, Geoff The small-boat skipper's handbook D2:10 Lewis, J. M. Sailing and small boats for boys and girls K1:2 Lewis, John A taste for sailing J8 Lindsay, Nigel The America's Cup K2 Linklater, Elizabeth A child under sail L:LIN Linklater, Eric The voyage of The Challenger H1 Littlewood, James Paddington's revised cruising guide: Ostend to Willemstad J1 (CC) Littlewood, James Paddington IV, Denmark 2006 J1 (CC) Littlewood, James Paddington's Baltic cruise, 1 May - 29 August, 2008 J1 (CC) Littlewood, James Paddington's Baltic cruise, 2 May - 12 September, 2009 J1 (CC) Littlewood, Jeremy Paddington lll goes to Denmark, J1 (CC) Lloyd's Register of Yachts 1894 , 1909, 1924, 1932, 1939, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1963, 1965, 1966, B2:1 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1980 Lloyd's Register of Shipping: Sail numbers of racing yachts, 1968 B2:1 Lloyd's Register of classed yachts, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1988 B2:1 Lockhart, J. G. Strange adventures of the sea: a book of murders, maroonings, treasure-hunts…. G Lockhart, J. G. The Mary Celeste and other strange tales of the sea R:LOC London, Jack The cruise of the Snark J2 Long, Dwight Sailing all seas in the idle hour J2 Longridge, C. Nepean The anatomy of Nelson's ships G2 Lowe, David and Josselyn, George An Ajax across the North Sea: Merlin's voyage to the Low Countries, 1982 J1 (CC) Lubbock, A. Basil The colonial clippers G2 Lubbock, A. Basil The China clippers G2 Author Title Class mark Lubbock, A. Basil Round the Horn before the mast L:LUB Lubbock, A. Basil The log of the Cutty Sark G2 Lynam, C. C. The log of the Blue Dragon, 1892 - 1904 J3 Lynam, C. C. The log of the Blue Dragon 2 in Orkney and Shetland 1909-1910 J3 Lytle, John and Lytle, Christine (eds.) Royal Cruising Club Millennium Record B4 MacGregor, David R. The tea clippers G2 Macgregor, John The voyage alone in the yawl Rob Roy J3 Macgregor, John The Rob Roy on the Baltic: a canoe cruise J3 MacLean, Alastair H.M.S. Ulysses P MacLean, William P. Modern Marlinspike seasmanship D2:8 Madge, Tim Royal yachts of the world G2 Maillart, Ella K. Gypsy afloat J3 Main-Marie Wind aloft, wind alow J5 Malster, Bob and Jones, Bob A Victorian vision: the building of Ipswich Wet Dock G1 Marchaj, C.A. Aero-hydrodynamics of sailing E1 Marriner, John Afloat in Europe J3 Marryat, Capt. RN A code of signals for the use of vessels employed in the merchant service B3 Marshall, Roger Designed to win: ocean racing deck layout D2 Marston, John J. S. Log of Mizika, France to Turkey, April 1983 J1 (CC) Martin, Alex Making waves: a history of the Royal Yacht Squadron 1815 - 2015 B4 Martin, E. G. Cruising and ocean racing E1 Martin, E. G. Deep water cruising J8:1 Martin, E. G. Deep water cruising J8:1 Martin, E. G. Cruising and ocean racing E1 Martin, E. G. and Irvin, John Cruising and ocean racing (The Lonsdale Library Vol. XV) J8:1 Martyr, Weston The £200 millionaire J3 Masefield, John The Conway G3 Masefield, John A mainsail haul P:MAS Mathams, Nancy Sixty years on with the Brightingsea One design B4 Mattingly, Garrett The defeat of the Spanish Armada G3 Maxwell, Donald The log of the Griffin: the story of a cruise from the Alps to the Thames J3 McCarthy, John and Toksvig, Sandi Island race J3 Author Title Class mark McKee, Alexander Henry 8th's Mary Rose: its fate and future G2 M'Clintock, Capt. A narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions H1 McLoud, William A. Canvas work D2:9 McMullen, R. T. Down Channel J3 McMullen, R. T. Down Channel, with introduction by Dixon Kemp J3 Meisel, Tony Nautical emergencies: seamanship for the unexpected E1 Meiss-Teuffen, Hand de Winds of adventure J2 Mellor, John The sailing cruiser manual E1 Merrien, Jean Lonely voyagers J2 Middleton, Empson Edward The cruise of The Kate J3 Millar, George A white boat from England J3 Millar, George Isabel and the sea J3 Millar, George Oyster River: one summer on an inland sea J3 Miller, Bill Marika's around Britain 2005: preparations and log J1 (CC) Molloy, J. L. Our autumn holiday on French rivers J3 Monk, Edwin Modern boat building K2 Monsarrat, Nicholas The cruel sea p Montgomery-Smith, Tony and Ann Razzmatazz around Biscay: the log of our summer cruise 2003 J1 (CC) Montgomery-Smith, Tony and Ann Algarve at last! The coastal voyage in Razzmatazz from Woolverstone to El Rompico from June to J1 (CC) October 2009 Moore, D. A. International light, shape and sound signals B3 (CC) Morgan, Geoffrey East Anglia: its tideways and byways G1 Morton, Andrew The Royal Yacht Britannia G2 Moss, Bruce The Nixi's west country cruise J1 (CC) Muhlhauser, G. H. P. The cruise of the Amaryllis J2 Muhs, J. How to choose the right yacht D2 Muir, John R. Messing about in boats J3 Mulville, Dan Trade winds and turtles J5 Mulville, Frank Tershelling Sands J3 Mulville, Frank In Granma's wake: Girl Stella's voyage to Cuba J5 Muncaster, Martin The yachtsman's quiz book B1 Myatt, John Effective skippering: a comprehensive guide yacht mastery E1 Author Title Class mark Nares, G. S. Seamanship E Navin, Brian North Sea passage pilot: a cruising guide to the east coast of England from Great Yarmouth to F2:1 Dover, the continental coast from Calais to Den Helder and North Sea passages Navin, Brian Cruising guide to the Netherlands F2:2 Navin, Brian Cruising guide to Germany and Denmark F2:2 (CC) Navin, Brian Cruising guide to the Netherlands F2:2 (CC) Navin, Brian Cruising guide to Germany and Denmark F2:2 (CC) Navin, Brian North Sea passage pilot F2:2 (CC) Nelson, Horatio Nelson's letters to his wife and other documents, 1785-1831, edited by George P.B. Naish L:NEL Nelson, R.J. Gun carriages: an aide memoire to the military sciences, 1846 G4:1 Newby, Eric The last L:NEW Nichols, Peter A voyage for madmen K3:1 Nicolson, Ian Boat data book D2 Nicolson, Ian Designers notebook D2 Nicolson, Ian The Ian Nicolson omnibus, containing the Log of the Maken; Sea-Saint; building the St Mary J5 Nicolson, Ian Small steel craft: design, construction and maintenance D1:3 Nisbet, Jessie and Charles Channel challenge 2011, or A Cook's tour of the northern French coast J1 (CC) Norton, Peter The end of the voyage: an account of the last sailing craft of the British coasts G2 Norwood, Joseph High speed sailing: design factors G2:1 Nott-Bower, E. E. Ten ton travel J3 Oakeley, John D. A. Winning: the boat, the crew and the race K4 O'Brian, Patrick (ed.) A book of voyages G O'Brien, Conor Sea-boats, oars and sails D6:5 O'Brien, Conor Across three oceans J3 O'Brien, Conor From three yachts J5 O'Brien, Conor On going to sea in yachts J8:1 O'Brien, Conor The small ocean-going yacht E Orsborne, Skipper The voyage of the Girl Pat J3 Pack, Geoff Ocean cruising countdown: a practical guide to long-term cruising, turning the dream into reality J

Page, Frank Alone against the Atlantic: the story of the Observer Singlehanded Transatlantic Race 1960-80 K3:1 Pakenham, Stephen Separate horizons K3:1 Author Title Class mark Parday, Lin and Larry Seraffyn's Oriental adventure J7:1 Pardey, L. The care and feeding of the offshore crew D2:11 Pears. Chas Yachting on the sunshine coast F2:1 Pearson, Malcolm Reeds skipper's handbook for sail and power E1 Pelly, David Faster! Faster! The quest for sailing speed G2:1 Pelly, David The illustrated encyclopedia of world sailing K1 Pennant, Guy Sailing small cruisers D Pertwee, Jeremy The Stour and Orwell rivers and beyond G1 Pester, Ben Through the land of fire:fifty-six south J4 Peyton, M. Come sailing (again) with Peyton: 51 cartoons H1 Philbrick, Nathaniel In the heart of the sea: the epic true story that inspired Moby Dick G2 Phillips, C. E. Lucas Escape of the Amethyst H3 Phillips-Birt, D. Rigs and rigging of yachts D2:7 Phillips-Birt, D. The Cumberland fleet: 200 years of yachting 1775-1975 K1 Phillips-Birt, D. Reflections on yachts D2 Phillips-Birt, D. the love of sailing G2:1 Pidgeon, Harry Around the world single-handed: the cruise of the Islander J2 Pilkington Roger Small boat through France J3 Pin Mill Sailing Club Barge match August 3 1968 B4 Pirie, Marcia Travellers on a Trade Wind J6 Pope, Dudley The black ship G3 Powell, Alan Another planet: cruise from RHYC to the Isles of Scilly 2008 J1 (CC) Powell, Hazel (ed.) The Westerly story: a history of the company and the boats G2:1 Proctor, Ian Racing dinghy handling K1:2 Prosser, Jeremy (comp.) Pin Mill Sailing Club song book B4 Prout, Geoffrey Brown's pocket-book for yachtsmen B1 Prout, Geoffrey Simple boat-building (rowing flattie, V-bottom sailing dinghy, moulded pram, hull for outboard D1:1 Puleston, Dennis Blue water vagabond J5 Purdy, John The New Sailing Directory for the Strait of Gibralter and the western division of the F2:2 Mediterranean Sea Purves, Libbie One summer's grace J3 Purves, Libbie One summer's grace J3 Author Title Class mark Purves, Libby and Grove, Trevor (eds.) Single handed: the Observer/Europe Singlehanded Transatlantic Race K3:1 Pye, E. A. Red mains'l J5 Pye, Peter The sea is for sailing J2 Raban, Jonathan Coasting J3 Raban, Jonathan Passage to Juneau: a sea and its meanings J6 Ransome, Arthur Racundra's first cruise J3 Raper, Bill and June Sail to freedom J8:1 Raper, Rear Admiral A new system of signals B3:1 Ratsey, Ernest A. and de Fontaine, W. H. Yacht sails: their care and handling D2:9 Raynes, Rozelle North in a Nutshell J3 Read, E. E. The saving of Walcheren G4 Readman, Stuart Four ships: Essex Yacht Club Centenary 1890-1990 B4 Rebell, Fred Escape to the sea J2 Redwing Club The Redwings and their home, being a record of the Redwing Club since its foundation in 1896 B4 Reeve-Foukes, Michael The yachtsman's tidal atlas: southern North Sea and Eastern Channel F2:1 (CC) Reeve-Foukes, Michael The yachtsman's tidal atlas: western channel F2:1 (CC) Reeve-Foukes, Michael The yachtsman's manual of tides: Fastnet and Brest to the Wash and Denhelder F2:1 (CC) Richardson, Bill Dinghy racing K4 Ridgway, John and Blyth, Chay A fighting chance J5 Ridler, Donald Erik the Red: the Atlantic alone in a home-made boat J5 Robb, Frank Handling small boats in heavy weather E1 Roberts-Goodson, Bruce Choosing for cruising: how to select and equip the perfect cruising yacht D2:1 Robertson, Dougal Survive the savage sea J6 Robinson, Keith Islands ahead J3 Robinson, Keith Islands of blue water J5 Robinson, Oz and Sadler, Mike Atlantic Spain and Portugal: El Ferrol to the Strait of Gibralter F2:2 (CC) Robinson, William Albert Deep water and shoal J2 Robinson, William Albert To the great Southern Sea J6 Rogers, Andrew Lulworth: the restoration of the century G2:1 Rogers, Stanley Tales of the fore-an-aft G Rose, Alec (Sir) My favourite tales of the sea G Rose, Alec (Sir) My Lively Lady J2 Author Title Class mark Rousmaniere, John Fastnet Force 10 K3 Rousmaniere, John (ed.) Desirable and undesirable characteristics of offshore yachts, by the Technial Committee of the D2 Cruising Club of America Rowe, Nigel Around the big blue marble: the BOC Challenge 1994-1995 single-handed race around the world K3:1

Rowland, Henry C. Across Europe in a motor boat J3 Royal Corinthian Yacht Club One hundred years of amateur yachting, 1872 - 1972 B4 Royal Corinthian Yacht Club A book of designs of deep sea racing craft G2:1 Royal Cruising Club Journal Roving Commissions: Annuals: 5 - 44 #VALUE! Royal Harwich Yacht Club Anniversary Year 1993 B4 Royal Harwich Yacht Club The Royal Harwich One design, golden jubilee B4 Royal Harwich Yacht Club Harbour and navigation notes, Vol. 1: Holland F2:2 (CC) Royal Irish Yacht Club Signals of the Royal Irish Yacht Club 1846 B3:1 Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club The first 125 years, 1859-1984 B4 Royal Northumberland Yacht Club Sailing directions: Humber to Ratray Head F2:1 (CC) Royal Yacht Club de Belgique Annual 1951 B4 Royal Yachting Accociation 1979 Race Enquiry K3 Royal Yachting Association Flags and signals B3:1 Royal Yorkshire Yacht Club The Royal Yorkshire Yacht Club 1847 - 1947 B4 Rule, Margaret The Mary Rose: the excavation and raising of Henry 8th's flagship G2 Russell, D. Stobart Spindrift J3 Russell, John Yachtmaster offshore: the art of seamanship E1 Rutherford, Iain W. At the tiller J3 Salter, John H. A guide to the river Thames from its source to Putney J8:1 Samms, John Another summer cruise: Harwich to the Isles of Scilly, 8 July - 16 August 1994: Peace of Lawrenny J1 (CC)

Sandison, A. C. To sea in carpet slippers: the autobiography of an ocean racing cook L:SAN Saunders, Mike The walkabouts J6 Schenk, Bobby The complete yachtsman: a cruising manual E1 Schildt, Goran In the wake of a wish J3 Schildt, Goran In the wake of Odysseus J3 Schoettle, Edwin J. (ed.) Sailing craft: mostly descriptive of smaller pleasure sail boats of the day D2 Author Title Class mark Schult, Joachim Tactics and strategy in yacht racing K1:2 Science Museum British fishing boats and coastal craft. Part 1: Historical survey G2 Scott, R. F. Scott's last expedition, vol. 1: The journals of Captain Scott J2 Scott, R. F. Scott's last expedition, vol. 2: Report of the journeys and the scientific work undertaken by D. E. J1 A. Wilson and the surviving members of the expedition Scott, R. F. The voyage of the DIscovery, vol. 1 H1 Scott, R. F. The voyage of the Discovery, vol. 2 H1 Scott, R. F. The voyage of the Discovery, vol. 2 H1 Searle, Crab Plain sailing: cruising J8:1 Selby, J. R. Ptarmigan's tour 1974 J1 (CC) Seligman, Adrian The voyage of the Cap Pilar J2 Seligman, Adrian No stars to guide J3 Seligman, Adrian The voyage of the Cap Pilar L:SEL Selman, G. S. Carefree cruising J3 Setterfield, Peter and Iris Tugradog: log of a cruise to Denmark and Sweden via the Dutch canals, 21 May - 29 August 1983 J1 (CC)

Severin, Tim The China voyage J6 Shackleton, Keith Wake N Shalimar (F.C. Hendry) From the log-book of memory L:HEN Shalimar (F.C. Hendry) Ships and men P Shalimar (F.C. Hendry) Down to the sea p Shapiro, Deborah and Bielke, Rolf Time on ice: a winter voyage to Antarctica J4 Shaw, Frank H. Atlantic nights, and other tales P Sherwood, Martyn The voyage of the Tai-Mo-Shan J6 Simper, Robert Sail on the Orwell: a guide to sail past and present G1 Simper, Robert North East sail: Berwick to King's Lynn G2 Simpkin, Richard The cruising yachtsman's navigator F1 Skene, Norman L. Elements of yacht design D2 Skene, Norman L. Elements of yacht design D2 Skidmore, Ian Lifeboat VC: the story of Coxswain Dick Evans BEM and his many rescues G2:2 Sleightholme, J. D. Cruising: a manual for the small sailing boat owner E1 Sleightholme, J. D. (Des) This is cruising E1 Author Title Class mark Sleightholme, J.D. This is sail boat cruising E2 Sleightholme, Joyce The sea wife's handbook J8:1 Slocum, Joshua Sailing alone around the world, and Voyage of the Liberdade J2 Slocum, Joshua Sailing alone around the world, and Voyage of the Liberdade J2 Smith, E. Newbold Down Denmark Strait J4 Smith, Peter Rebecca: the restoration of an old yacht J Smith, Stanley and Violet, Charles The wind calls the tune: the eventful voyage of the Nova Espero J5 Sobel, Dava Longitude Sobel, David and Andrewes, William The illustrated Longitude F1 Somerville, Hugh Sceptre: the 17th challenger K2 Southby-Tailyour, Ewen Falkland Islands shores F2:3 Southern, L. W. Five Shamrocks and the America's Cup, 1851 - 1951 K2 Speed, H. Fiennes Cruises in small yachts and big canoes J3 Spencer, Chas. L. Knots, splices and fancy work D2:8 Standbrooke-Sturgess, Gerald The rules in action K1:1 Stanley (Lord) Sea peace J3 Stannard, Bruce Ben Lexcen K2 Steavenson, Robin When dinghies delight K4 Steavenson, Robin The story of the National Twelves D2:1 Steel, David Steel's elements of mastmaking, sailmaking and rigging D2:7 Stephenson, Ralph (ed.) Small boats and big seas: a hundred years of yachting G2 Stevenson, Robert Louis The English Admirals; together with England's forgotten worthies, by James Anthony Froude G3 Steward, Robert M. Small boat construction H1 Stewart, Chris Three ways to capsize a boat J3 Stewart, Graham Time and tide: the history of the Harwich Haven Authority 1863-2013 G1 Stewart, W. K. and Stephen, J. W. Modern chartwork F1 Stock, Ralph The cruise of the Dream Ship J2 Storebro Bruk Storebro: founded in 1728 G2:1 Street, Donald M. The ocean sailing yacht E1 Street, Donald M. The ocean sailing yacht, Vol. 2 E1 Sugden, John Nelson: a dream of glory L:NEL Sugden, John Nelson: the sword of Albion L:NEL Author Title Class mark Swale, Rosie Children of Cape Horn J2 Swale, Rosie Rosie Darling J2 Swanson, Graham Cruising Cork and Kerry F2:1 (CC) Tambs, Erling The cruise of The Teddy J2 Tambs, Erling The cruise of The Teddy J2 Taylor, David Lundy and Irish sea pilot F2:1 (CC) Taylor, E. G. R. The haven-finding art: a history of navigation from Adysseus to Captain Cook F1 Teller, Walter Magnes (comp.) The voyages of Joshua Slocum J2 Tey, Jose Maria Hong Kong to Barcelona in the junk Rubia J2 Thomas, A. V. Timbers used in the boat building industry D1:1 Thomas, S. F. A history of the Teign Corinthian Yacht Club B4 Thompson, Winfield M. and Lawson, ThomasThe W. Lawson history of the America's Cup, a record of 50 years K2 Thornton, Tim The offshore yacht D2 Tiernan, Damien Souls of the sea J3 Tomalin, Nicholas and Hall, Ron The strange voyage of Donald Crowhurst J5 Toss, Brian The complete rigger: wire and rope D2:7 Trinity House Trinity House B4 Tripp, H. Alker Suffolk sea-borders G3 Tripp, H. Alker Shoalwater and fairway: the casual explorations of a sailing man in the shoal seas and tidal water j3 of Essex and Kent Turner, Frank R. The Maunsell sea forts G4 Twigt, Aad Salty dream J5 Twiname, Eric Start to win K4 Underhill, Harold A. Sailing ship rigs and rigging D2:7 Underhill, Harold A. Deep-water sail G2 Val Baker, Denys To sea with Sanu J3 Van de Wiele, Annie The West in my eyes: a domestic circumnavigation J2 Van der Klugt, Diana Dinghy and day boat directory G2:1 Van Hoogstraten, Dorine Vuurtorens K3:1 Van Loon, Hendrik Willem The story of the Pacific G Vanderbilt, Harold S. Enterprise: the story of the defense of the America's Cup in 1930 K2 Veedam, Voldemar and Wall, Carl B. Sailing to freedom J5 Author Title Class mark Verney, Michael Building chine boats D1:1 Verney, Michael Complete amateur boat building in wood, glass fibre and metal G2:2 Verney, Michael The compleat book of yacht care D2:10 Verney, Michael The compleat book of yacht care D2:10 Villarosa, Fabio Ratti-Ricardo Yacht club B4 Villiers, Alan Pioneers of the seven seas G Villiers, Alan The Western ocean: the story of the North Atlantic G Villiers, Alan The last of the wind ships G Villiers, Alan The Cutty Sark: last of a glorious era G2 Villiers, Alan Cruise of the Conrad J2 Villiers, Alan Falmouth for orders J2 Villiers, Alan Captain Cook, the seamen's seaman L:COO Villiers, Alan The quest of the schooner Argus J5 Villiers, Alan The set of the sails L;VIL Violet, Charles Solitary journey: the third voyage of the Nova Espero J3 Vislak, E.H. The mirror of Conrad L:CON Von Alvensleben, Marie-Claire (Baroness) Absolutely everything about Cowes K1 Voss (Captain) The venturesome voyages of Captain Voss J2 Wainwright, John Only so many tides L:WAI Waite, Renee M. Pin Mill Sailing Club. Sixty years B4 Waite, Renee M. Sailing past R:WAI Walker, Nicolette Milnes When I put out to sea J5 Warner, Oliver The Life-boat service: a history of the RNLI 1924-1974 G2:2 Watney, John Cruising in British and Irish waters J3 Watson's Telegraph Association Code of signals B3 Watt, Gladys E. Brigantia in the Aegian J1 (CC) Watts, Alan Cruising weather C1 Watts, Alan Reading the weather C1 Watts, Alan Wind and sailing boats C1 Weaver, Leonard T. The Harwich story G1 Webb, Barbara and Manton, Michael Yachting Monthly 4 language dictionary (English, French, German and Dutch) B1 Webb, Barbara and Manton, Michael Yachtsman's ten language dictionary B1 Author Title Class mark Wells, Captain William A sailor's tales L:WEL Wells, Frank The horizon is too narrow: a note-book made on a long journy in the yacht Fuego J5 West, Laurence and Forshaw, Grahame RYA Safety Boat handbook E1 Weyda, Ron with Horlock, Bob The racing Horlocks 1868-1971 G1 Wharram, James Two girls, two catamarans J5 Wharton, Ric The salvage of the century G2 Wheeler, Harold (ed.) The wonderful story of the sea G Whelan, Edmund Around the red tape: law and administration for clubs and schools B4 Whitaker, Ray Two and a half ton dream J3 White, Archie Tideways and byways in Essex and Suffolk G1 White, Archie Tideways and byways in Essex and Suffolk G1 White, Colin ed. The Nelson companion L:NEL White, Reg and Fisher, Bob Catamaran racing K4 Whitfield, Peter New found lands: maps in the history of exploration F3 Whitfield, Peter The charting of the oceans: ten centuries of maritime maps F3 Wightman, Frank A. The wind is free J6 Wightman, Frank A. Wylo sails again J6 Wikstrom, Jeppe Harmony of the Stockholm skerries F2:2 (CC) Wilkes, Kenneth Ocean yacht navigator F1 Wilkes, Kenneth Practical yacht navigator F1 Willis, William The epic voyage of the Seven Little Sisters: a 6,700 mile voyage alone across the Pacific J6 Willyam, H. V. Down West: extracts from the log-book of a single-hander J3 Winter, C. W. R. The run of the tide J5 Wise, Jan A century of sailing: the Crouch Yacht Club 1907 - 2007 B4 Wise, Jan Fifty years of East Anglian offshore racing K1 Wishart, Ruth (ed.) Loch Longs, the first fifty years G2:1 Woodcock, Percy Looking astern: a ditty-bag of memories J3 Woodrooffe, Thomas (ed.) Best stories of the sea P Woods, Brian The new Harwich story: the history and development of an Essex sea-port 1170-2004 G1 Woolass, Peter Stelda, George and I J5 Worcester, G.R.G. The Junkman smiles J7:1 Worth, Claud Yacht navigation and voyaging F1 Author Title Class mark Worth, Claud Yacht cruising E1 Wright, John Dead reckoning navigation F1 Yachting Monthly Classic passage: popular crossings and coastal passages in the English Channel F2:1 (CC) B3 Svensk Kusthandbok del 3: Krakelund - Eggegrund F2:2 (CC) Yachting World annual 1964 B2 The Yachtsman, Vol. 21, February - July 1901 B2 Royal Yacht Squadron (brief history) B4 The SS Great Britain: official guide D1:1 Challenge: the magazine of Blue Arrow America's Cup Challenge D1:1 Your new boat, edited by the staff of Yachting Magazine E1 Safety on the sea: Man overboard - procedures for pleasure craft E2 Wateralmanak Nederland - Belgie (1): Regelgeving en tips 2011-12 F2:2 (CC) Wateralmanak Nederland - Belgie (2) Vaargegevens 2011 F2:2 (CC) From serf to citizen: a thousand years of local government in Harwich G1 Seaway code: a guide for small boat users J1:2 Far horizons: extracts from the Royal Cruising Club Journal J2 The Mariner's Handbook E1 (CC) West Coast of Scotland Pilot: West coast of Scotland from Mull of galloway to Cape Wrath E1 (CC) including the Inner and Outer hebrides and off-lying islands North Sea (West) Pilot: East coasts of Scotland and England from Rattry Head to Orford Ness E1(CC) West Coasts of England and Wales Pilot: West coasts of England and Wales, and South coast of E1 (CC) Scotland, from Cape Cornwall to Mull of Galloway including Isle of Man Maritime communications NP 289: UK and the Mediterranean including the Azores F1 (CC) Irish coast pilot: off-shore and coastal waters round Ireland and including routes to the Irish Sea F2:1 (CC) from Atlantic Ocean landfalls Channel Pilot: Isles of Scilly and south coast of England, from Cape Cornwall to Bognor Regis, and F2:1 (CC) north-west and north coasts of France, from Points de Penmarc'h to Cap d'Antifer Dover Strait Pilot: South-east coast of England Bognor Regis to Southwold and North-west coast F2:1 (CC) of Europe Cap d'Antifer to Schevengingen Reed's nautical companion: the handbook to complement Reed's Almanacs F1 (CC) Rhoon 800 and Poortugaals 35th Jubilee, 11 July 1999. Presentation book J1 (CC) Author Title Class mark Normandy 2004, or D-Day plus 60 years J1 (CC) Operation Dynamo plus 65 years: the Association of Dunkirk Little Ships 2005 commemorative J1 (CC) return to Dunkirk Cruising log trophy: rules and notes J1 (CC) Yachting, vol. 1, with contributions by Sir Edward Sullivan, Lord Brassey, and others (Badminton K1 Library) Yachting, vol. 2 , with contributions by R. T. Pritchett, the Marquis of Dufferin, and others K1 (Badminton Library) Hunt's universal yacht list 1879 B2:1 The Yachting Monthly Magazine Illustrated, vol. 2, July - December 1898 B2 Hunt's Yachting Magazine, vols. 1, 2, 4, 6 - 22, 24 - 29 (1853 - 1880) B2 The paintings of the America's Cup, 1851 - 1987, text by Ranulf Rayner, paintings by Tim K2 Thompson The Lipton story K2 British Yachts and Yachting: a complete history of British yachting from the middle of the 16th G century to the present day, Vol. 1 British Yachts and Yachting: a complete history of British yachting from the middle of the 16th G century to the present day, Vol. 2 - Biographical Brown's signal reminder: international code semaphor and morse B3:1 The international (commercial) code of signals for the use of all nations B3 The Arctic world: its plants, animals and natural phenomena. With a historical sketch of Arctic H1 discovery down to the British Polar Expedition 1875-76 Collection of the principal flags of all nations in the world; from the best authorities B3:2 The best of sail trim D2:9