January 12, 2018 ACS2018-PIE-EDP-0001


Dear Sir/Madam:

Re: Official Plan and Zoning Amendments –Rochester Field

This is to advise you that the above-noted matter will be considered by the City of Planning Committee on Tuesday, January 23, 2018.

The Planning Committee meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Champlain Room, City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa. You are welcome to attend the meeting and present your views.

Attached is a copy of the report outlining the Departmental recommendations, including a copy of the proposed Official Plan Amendment.

The Planning Committee will consider any written submissions in respect to this matter if provided to the Committee Co-ordinator of the Planning Committee at 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, K1P 1J1 or by fax at 613-580-9609 or by e-mail at [email protected].

If you wish to speak to the Committee please call the Committee Coordinator, Melanie Duffenais at 613-580-2424, extension 20113 in advance of the meeting and preferably, by at least 4:30 p.m. on the day before the meeting.

If you wish to listen to this meeting via audiocast on Ottawa.ca, you may do so by accessing the URL below when the meeting is underway: http://app05.ottawa.ca/sirepub/agendaminutes/index_en.aspx

If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, or of the refusal of the request to amend the official plan, you must make a written request to the City of Ottawa to the attention of Bruce Finlay, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department, 110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th floor, Ottawa, K1P 1J1 by facsimile at 613-580-2576, or e-mail at [email protected].

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Ottawa before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted or the zoning by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the City of Ottawa to the Ontario Municipal Board.

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public meeting, or make written submissions to the City of Ottawa before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted or the zoning by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.

If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, or of the refusal of the request to amend the official plan, you must make a written request to the City of Ottawa to the attention of Bruce Finlay, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department, 110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1 by facsimile at 613-580-2576, or e-mail at [email protected].

For information on the item itself, please contact the undersigned at 613-580-2424, extension 21850 or e-mail at [email protected]

Yours truly,

Original signed by

Bruce Finlay Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department Attach.

Le 12 janvier 2018 ACS2018-PIE-EDP-0001


Objet Modifications au Plan officiel et au Règlement de zonage – pré-Rochester

Madame, Monsieur,

La présente vise à vous informer que le Comité de l'urbanisme et Comité de de la Ville d'Ottawa étudiera l'article cité sous rubrique le mardi 23 janvier 2018.

La réunion du Comité de l’urbanisme commencera à 9 h 30 dans la salle Champlain, hôtel de ville, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa. Nous vous invitons à assister à la réunion et à présenter votre point de vue.

Veuillez trouver ci-joint une copie du rapport comprenant la recommandation du Service et une copie de la modification proposée du Plan officiel.

La réunion du Comité de l’urbanisme étudiera les rapports écrits traitant de la question qui sont présentés à la coordinatrice du Comité de l’urbanisme, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa, par télécopieur au 613-580-9609 ou par courrier électronique à [email protected].

Si vous souhaitez prendre la parole devant le Comité, veuillez téléphoner à la coordinatrice du Comité, Melanie Duffenais au 613-580-2424, poste 20113, avant la réunion et préférablement avant 16 h 30 la journée précédant la réunion.

Si vous souhaitez écouter la réunion à l’aide de la diffusion audio sur ottawa.ca, vous n’avez qu’à accéder au lien URL ci-dessous lorsque la réunion aura commencé : http://app05.ottawa.ca/sirepub/agendaminutes/index_fr.aspx

Si vous désirez être avisé de l’adoption de la modification proposée au Plan officiel ou du rejet de la demande de modification, vous devez présenter une demande par écrit en ce sens à la Ville d’Ottawa, à l’attention de Bruce Finlay, Directions générale de la planification, de l’infrastructure et du développement économique, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest, 4e étage, Ottawa (Ontario) K1P 1J1, par télécopieur au 613-580-2576, ou par courrier électronique à [email protected].

Si une personne ou un organisme public ne présente pas d'exposé oral à la réunion publique ou ne présente pas d'exposé écrit à la Ville d'Ottawa avant l'adoption de la modification au Plan officiel ou du règlement de zonage, la personne ou l’organisme public ne pourra pas interjeter appel de la décision du Conseil de la Ville d’Ottawa devant la Commission des affaires municipales de l'Ontario.

Si une personne ou un organisme public ne présente pas d'exposé oral à la réunion publique ou ne présente pas d'exposé écrit à la Ville d'Ottawa avant l'adoption de la modification au Plan officiel ou du règlement de zonage, la personne ou l’organisme public ne pourra être joint en tant que partie à l’audition de l’appel devant la Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario à moins que, de l’avis de la Commission, il existe des motifs raisonnables de le faire.

Pour obtenir des renseignements sur l’article même, veuillez communiquer avec la personne soussignée, au 613-580-2424, poste 21850 ou par courriel à [email protected].

Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs.

Original signé par

Bruce Finlay, Urbaniste

Direction générale de la planification, de l’infrastructure et du développement économique p.j. ITEM NO NUMÉRO DE L’ARTICLE


Please complete the ‘Request to Speak’ form and give to the Committee Coordinator at the beginning of the meeting.

Veuillez remplir la fiche de « Demande d’intervention » et la remettre à la coordonnatrice / au coordonnateur du Comité au début de la réunion.

Committee and Meeting Date Comité et date de la réunion

Subject / Objet

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Personal Information contained on this form is collected pursuant to s. 83 (5) of By-Law No. 2016-377 and s. 14 (4) of By-Law No. 2007-104, and will be used as a record of, and possible follow up to, participation in this meeting. Questions about this collection should be directed to the City Clerk, 110 Laurier Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 1J1. Telephone (613) 580-2424, ext. 21215. Les renseignements personnels contenus dans le présent formulaire sont recueillis en vertu du p. 83 (5) du Règlement municipal no 377-2016 et du p. 14 (4) du Règlement municipal no 104-2007, et seront utilisés à des fins de référence et de suivi éventuel à la participation à cette réunion. Toute question concernant cette collecte de renseignements doit être adressée au greffier, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa (Ontario) K1P 1J1. Téléphone (613) 580-2424, poste 21215.


Report to Rapport au:

Planning Committee Comité de l'urbanisme 23 January 2018 / 23 janvier 2018

and Council et au Conseil 31 January 2018 / 31 janvier 2018

Submitted on 18 December 2017 Soumis le 18 décembre 2017

Submitted by Soumis par: John Smit, Director / Directeur Economic Development and Long Range Planning / Développement économique et Planification à long terme / Infrastructure and Economic Development Department / Direction générale de la planification, de l’infrastructure et du développement économique

Contact Person Personne ressource: Alain Miguelez, Program Manager / Gestionnaire de programme, Community Planning / Développement économique et Planification à long terme (613) 580-2424, 27617, [email protected]

Ward: KITCHISSIPPI (15) File Number: ACS2018-PIE-EDP-0001

SUBJECT: Official Plan and Zoning Amendments –Rochester Field

OBJET: Modifications au Plan officiel et au Règlement de zonage – pré-Rochester



1. That Planning Committee recommend Council:

a. adopt the Official Plan amendment to re-designate part of Rochester Field as General Urban Area as detailed in Document 1; and

b. pass the Zoning By-law amendment to rezone two sites in Rochester Field and fronting in a Traditional Mainstreet TM [xxx] – h zone and rezone the balance of Rochester Field to a Park and Open Space O1[xxx] as detailed in Document 2

2. That Planning Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the City Clerk and Solicitor’s Office and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to Bill 73 ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of 31 January 2018,” subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.


1. Que le Comité de l’urbanisme recommande ce qui suit au Conseil :

a. adopter la modification au Plan officiel permettant d’attribuer à une partie du pré Rochester la désignation de secteur urbain général, comme l’expose en détail le document 1;

b. adopter la modification au Règlement de zonage permettant d’attribuer à deux emplacements du pré Rochester donnant sur le chemin Richmond la désignation de zone de rue principale traditionnelle TM [xxx] – h et d’attribuer au reste du pré Rochester la désignation de zone de parc et d’espace vert O1[xxx], comme l’expose en détail le document 2;

2. Que le Comité de l’urbanisme donne son approbation à ce que la section du présent rapport consacrée aux détails de la consultation soit incluse en tant que « brève explication » dans le résumé des observations écrites et orales du public, qui sera rédigé par le Bureau du greffier municipal et de l’avocat général et soumis au Conseil dans le rapport intitulé « Résumé des observations orales et écrites du public sur les questions assujetties aux


‘exigences d'explication’ aux termes du projet de loi 73 », à la réunion du Conseil municipal prévue le 31 janvier 2018, à la condition que les observations aient été reçues entre le moment de la publication du présent rapport et le moment de la décision du Conseil.


This report recommends amendments to the City’s Official Plan, the Richmond Road/ Westboro Secondary Plan and the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law for part of the National Capital Commission’s (NCC) property known as Rochester Field.

Rochester Field is located at 529 Richmond Road and is part of a land holding that also contains the historical Maplelawn property, the Keg restaurant and part of the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway. Only the open space land in Rochester Field and south of the parkway is the subject of the proposed amendments. This large “L’ shaped property is approximately 3.8 hectares in area and has 114 metres of treed frontage on Richmond Road. The field connects Richmond Road with the Parkway along the Ottawa River and is one of the remaining pieces of undeveloped land along Richmond Road. The land has been used by the community informally as a park and as a short-cut to the Dominion station for many years.

The City’s Official Plan, adopted in 2003, designated Rochester Field as Major Open Space with a Mainstreet designation along the Richmond Road frontage. The Major Open Space designation recognized the role that the land plays as a greenspace and a connection to the Parkway. The NCC appealed the Major Open Space designation on the body of the Field but not the Mainstreet designation. The NCC appeal was not pursued to a hearing and has remained unresolved since 2003.

An agreement was achieved by the joint NCC and Ottawa Western Light Rail Working Group in 2015 to resolve the outstanding appeal of the 2003 Official Plan by the NCC. This working group’s role was to review options for the routing of the Western Light Rail Transit (LRT), which included either the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway or the Rochester Field and Richmond/Byron corridor. The working group recommended the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway route.

In exchange for the use of the route along the Parkway the City agreed to contribute to the development of the linear park and to re-designate two-thirds of Rochester Field for development. This development was originally to be located in the north-east corner of the field. The eastern part of the field would remain as greenspace.


As the NCC progressed with the design of the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway, the plans for Rochester Field and the scale and the location of the future development were revised. The revised concept increases the amount of land preserved for park and greenspace and concentrates development on two small parcels fronting Richmond Road.

This report recommends Amendments to the City’s Official Plan, the Richmond Road / Westboro Secondary Plan and the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law to permit future development along Richmond Road. This report also recommends the downzoning of the remainder of the Rochester Field to remove land uses that are permitted in the current zoning but inconsistent with the retention of the land as part of the Parkway and NCC’s greenspace system. The details of the proposed changes are set out in Documents1 and 2.


The agreement between the NCC and the City and the settlement of the outstanding Appeal of the City’s Official Plan requires the City to permit some development on Rochester Field. Recent iterations of the linear park design for the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway and Rochester Field have significantly reduced the amount of development land that the NCC is requesting the city acknowledge through amendment of the City’s Official Plan.

The NCC now proposes that over 80 per cent of Rochester Field remain as publicly accessible open space that incorporates park facilities and amenities. The most recent version of the concept plan for the park is included in Document 3. The concept plan also identifies two development parcels fronting Richmond Road that are to be designated General Urban and zoned Traditional Mainstreet to permit future development. The balance of Rochester Field, including the park access located between the two development areas, will retain its current Major Open Space designation be will be zoned as Park and Open Space.

City Official Plan and Secondary Plan

The City Official Plan and Richmond Road /Westboro Secondary Plan recognize the role of Rochester Field as part of the green open space corridor connecting Richmond Road with the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway. The Official Plan also recognizes the Mainstreet context for the Richmond Road frontage of the property. The NCC appealed the Major Open Space designation on Rochester Field in 2003, and this appeal has not yet been resolved. While that designation has not yet come into effect, the Traditional


Mainstreet designation along Richmond Road was not appealed by the NCC and the policies of this designation apply.

The Richmond Road/Westboro Secondary Plan was completed in 2008. That Plan included the following objective for the Maplelawn /495 Richmond Road Area:

“City Council shall:

 Encourage new mixed-use buildings along Richmond Road, generally in the four-to six-storey range, with higher residential buildings permitted to the rear of the lots where there is minimal impact on nearby low-rise residential neighbourhoods. This will provide a transition in building height from Richmond Road to the Ottawa River Parkway corridor;

 Confirm the entire Rochester Field parcel as open space to provide both a green presence on the street and a link to the recreational pathway network along the Ottawa River Parkway and the Ottawa River.”

While this Secondary Plan was not appealed by the NCC, it did not address the appeal of the parent Official Plan. The Secondary Plan also did not specify how the City would ensure that Rochester Field remained open space given the Federal ownership and the current zoning. The Secondary Plan did not recommend the removal of the Traditional Mainstreet designation nor did it include the changes to the existing Open Space Zoning to remove the currently permitted uses of Rochester Field.

The Official Plan amendment recommended by this report removes the Major Open Space designation from the frontage of Rochester Field. The agreement between the City and the NCC will allow the Major Open Space designation on the balance of the land to take effect. The concept for the park also retains the open space connectivity between Richmond Road and the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway, which staff are recommending be entrenched in the zoning and supported by design objectives for future development along Richmond Road. This will ensure that the NCC’s intention, to improve pedestrian and cyclist connectivity from Richmond Road through Rochester Field to the Ottawa River is achieved.


Rochester Field is zoned Parks and Open Space O1L [310]-h in the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law. This zoning is a carry-forward of the earlier Waterway Corridor EW [693]-h zone of the former City of Ottawa. While the zone is ostensibly for open space, the land uses permitted by the current exception provisions include a range

6 of uses that the City and the NCC agree are not appropriate for this site (see Document 4). The zoning amendment proposed for Rochester Field replaces this current zoning and the exception uses with two new zones as described below:

The two development sites on Richmond Road are to be zoned Traditional Mainstreet TM [xxx]–h. This zone permits a range and mix of uses. The recommended zoning has been modified from the circulated draft to reflect comments from residents. The changes were agreed to by the NCC and require greater setbacks so that existing trees on the western edge of the developable area can be retained. The holding provision, represented by the “h” symbol, details what the City will require in the site and building design so that trees will be preserved and an attractive and functional park entrance is created at Richmond Road. A singular vehicle access is to be provided to the development and the majority of parking (preferably all) is to be underground.

Building heights are limited to six storeys by the zoning and the buildings are to be designed with active frontages to both the street and the proposed park access at Richmond Road.

The balance of Rochester Field and the entrance corridor, between the development sites, will be zoned Park and Open Space, O1 [xxx] zone, that will only permit park and open space uses. This O1 [xxx] zone will extend to Richmond Road as a 15–metre-wide corridor between the two development sites. The exception recognizes that underground parking beneath the park entrance may be necessary.

The 15-metre corridor maintains pedestrian and cyclist connectivity from Richmond Road to the parkway, river and , which is part of the Line 1 LRT west extension with service scheduled to commence in 2022.

Once the zoning takes effect, the NCC has agreed to withdraw their objection to the Major Open Space designation in the 2003 Official Plan. Once that happens this designation will protect the park role of Rochester Field for the future.


There are no rural implications associated with this report.


Notice of the draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments was circulated to all property owners within 120 metres and a sign was posted on the property as required by the City’s Public Notification and Consultation Process and the Planning Act.


The Ward Councillor organized a community Open House on 4 October 2017. This meeting was well attended by the community.

Staff from the NCC and the City provided background information and answered questions about the proposed amendments.

Community and agency responses to the circulated amendments are summarized and included as Document 5. The responses from residents have been number coded and categorized based upon subject matter. Staff responses to the submissions are also provided. Matters for NCC consideration that related to the ongoing design and maintenance of the open space and park component of the field and the Parkway have been forwarded to the NCC for their attention.


Councillor Leiper provided the following comments:

“For over a century, Rochester Field has been a jewel in Westboro. If a plan being rushed forward through City zoning by the National Capital Commission (NCC) proceeds, we’ll lose the best parts of it forever. It’s time to take a second look.

Rochester Field is a large NCC parcel that straddles the land from the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway to Richmond Road. It is a barely maintained space. Through the years, cow paths have been worn along natural desire lines as dog-walkers and people walking to the Dominion transit station have used the field, while the rest of it has lain largely fallow as habitat for various flora and fauna. It is a network connection in our City’s greenspace between our Byron Linear park (soon to be revitalized) and the Sir John A. Macdonald park.

It is a large, natural park space in Kitchissippi ward where greenspace is at a premium. Intensification in this part of the city has been rapid. Small homes on large lots are now being replaced with large homes on small lots as infill continues. We are losing permeable, green surface and trees both to infill and the proliferation of towers. Targets for intensification are being met in our ward as nowhere else in the city, and the effect on greenspace is increasingly obvious.

The opportunity we have is to preserve a large piece of greenspace for the enjoyment of future generations of residents. When the City previously proposed not to allow development on the site, it was working in residents’ interest over NCC objections.


The development now being proposed as part of an agreement forged during the dispute over whether and under what conditions the City could run the through the NCC’s land in this corridor.”

In a memorandum of understanding that allows LRT to proceed the parties agreed to: “settle the outstanding Ontario Municipal Board appeal by the NCC as it relates to Rochester Field by designating two-thirds in the northeast section of Rochester Field as ‘General Urban’ land use designation. The NCC acknowledges in this settlement that the remaining one third of the land area of the site on the western side will be retained as parkland with a ‘Major Open Space’ land use designation.”

Council was told specifically that the deal would retain a green corridor from Richmond Road to the SJAM.

In 2015, the City and NCC began to implement that agreement, but that process was put on hold while the NCC consulted about its larger park plan for the corridor. In the intervening months, that has become a plan that would cluster development along Richmond Road – six-to-eight story buildings that would hide the park behind mixed-use developments that will cut off forever the green corridor we were promised. In the plan moving forward quickly through the approvals process, the greenspace won’t be in the northeast at all. Residents are wondering whether and how the City could allow this to happen.

It’s time to press pause on the process. There is some legitimacy to the NCC’s arguments that it needs certainty with respect to where it can build its proposed park. The LRT agreement includes $30 million in City contribution to that, and the works will be bundled in with rail work to the benefit of taxpayers. It is in everyone’s interest that the NCC receive the certainty is needs.

But the long-term impacts of approving this plan, which clusters development in diametrically opposite the space where it was to have gone in the original deal, are too consequential to bludgeon through the City’s processes.

There are alternatives that would mitigate the impact of development in this parcel, if development is to occur at all. Residents, the NCC and the City are all owed the time to explore those. Council is bound to honour its commitments in return for the city-building benefits of moving ahead with light rail. But its commitments were clearly spelled out in black and white: we are under neither legal nor moral obligation to approve zoning which meets neither the spirit nor letter of our pledge.



As the Official Plan amendment and Zoning By-law amendment recommended by this report are municipally initiated, under the proposed transitional regulation under Bill 139, should the amendments be adopted and appealed, appeals of the official plan amendment would be limited in scope to consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement and appeals of the zoning by-law amendment would be limited to consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement and conformity with the Official Plan. Such appeals are also proposed to be subject to the new process under Bill 139, wherein the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal would first determine consistency/conformity solely upon the record forwarded to the Tribunal by the City.

Should the amendments not be adopted by Council, then again as they are municipally initiated, there would be no ability to appeal them to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal. However, as noted above, the National Capital Commission’s appeal to the Board is still outstanding and the NCC could request that the appeal be set down for a hearing.


The majority of responses from the public were in opposition to any proposed development on Rochester Field and the City will likely have to defend its decision at the Ontario Municipal Board or its successor.


There are no asset management implications associated with the recommendations of this report.


Potential financial implications are within the above Legal implications. In the event that an external planner is retained the expense would be absorbed from within Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development’s operating budget.


There are no accessibility impacts associated with this report.



This project addresses the following Term of Council priorities:

TM1 – Build a world class environmentally sustainable light rail transit system by facilitating the agreement on the route of the Western LRT

TM3 – Integrate the rapid transit and transit priority network into the community


Document 1 Official Plan Amendment

Document 2 Details of the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment

Document 3 Concept Plan for Rochester Field

Document 4 Current Zoning Permissions on Rochester Field

Document 5 Submissions and Staff Responses


Legislative Services, Office of the City Clerk and Solicitor to notify the owner; applicant; Ottawa Scene Canada Signs, 1565 Chatelain Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1Z 8B5; Krista O’Brien, Tax Billing, Accounting and Policy Unit, Revenue Service, Corporate Services (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.

Zoning and Interpretations Unit, Policy Planning Branch, Economic Development and Long Range Planning Services to prepare the implementing by-law and forward to Legal Services.

Legal Services, Office of the City Clerk and Solicitor to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

Planning Operations Branch, Planning Services to undertake the statutory notification.


Document 1 – Official Plan Amendment

Official Plan Amendment XX

to the

Official Plan for the City of Ottawa

Rochester Field

529 Richmond Road





Purpose …………………………………………………………………………………..

Location …………………………………………………………………………………..

Basis ………………………………………………………………………………………



Details of the Amendment……………………………………………………………….

Implementation and Interpretation……………………………………………………...


Schedule A of Amendment XX – Official Plan for the City of Ottawa ………………




The purpose of this Official Plan amendment is to redesignate a portion of the lands commonly referred to as Rochester Field from Major Open Space to General Urban Area with the policies for a Traditional Mainstreet applying to the land. The re-designation implements, in part, the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Ottawa and National Capital Commission (NCC) for the Western Light Rail Transit (WLRT) route, and resolves the NCC’s outstanding appeal of the Major Open Space designation of the property in the 2003 City of Ottawa Official Plan. The balance of the land will remain as Major Open Space as part of the Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway corridor and will be developed for public recreational purposes. The amendment also updates the reference to the Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway in the Plan.

The amendment also changes the wording of The Richmond Road/Westboro Secondary Plan to recognise that in the future not all of the Rochester Field will be retained as parkland but to confirm that a green presence and a link to the larger park and the NCC recreational pathway will be retained on Richmond Road.

The companion Zoning By-law amendment is intended to re-zone a portion of lands, fronting Richmond Road, to a Traditional Mainstreet zone to bring the zoning into conformity with this Official Plan amendment. An additional rezoning amendment is proposed for the northern park portion of the site to remove the non- park uses currently permitted.


The lands affected by these amendments are those known as “Rochester Field” and are located at 529 Richmond Road. The land is bounded by the Sir John A Macdonald Parkway to the north; Richmond Road to the South; The Keg Restaurant and multi-storey office and residential buildings to the east; and low- rise residential uses to the west.

Only the land to a depth of approximately 90m of Richmond Road is re-designated by this amendment. An open space corridor will be retained through this land to provide pedestrian access to the larger green, open space area of Rochester Field from Richmond Road. The remaining part of Rochester


Field, will remain in the Major Open Space designation and a new Open Space zoning.

The NCC plans to incorporate the northern part of Rochester Field as a part of the Ottawa River Linear Corridor and to maintain a link for the community to the Ottawa River waterfront.



The subject lands were designated Major Open Space in the 2003 City of Ottawa Official Plan with opposition from the federal landowner, the NCC. The lands had been designated Waterway Corridor in the former City of Ottawa Official Plan and General Urban Area in the former Regional Official Plan.

The Major Open Space designation introduced in 2003 was appealed to the OMB by the NCC, which sought a General Urban Area designation. The NCC also appealed the Major Open Space designations of lands known as the “Nepean Corridor” and lands adjacent to McCarthy Woods (also referred to at the federal level as the “Southern Corridor” parcels).

In 2005, upon agreement between the City and the NCC, the OMB appeal was adjourned sine die, leaving the future of these lands undecided.

In 2014 the 100-Day Working Group collaboration between the City of Ottawa and the National Capital Commission considered options for the Confederation Line West extension of the City’s Stage 2 Light Rail Transit (WLRT) project and concluded a joint agreement dealing with the outstanding appeal. The memorandum of understanding that formalises that agreement provides for retention of part of the site within the waterfront parkway corridor and permits part of the site to be reserved for future development.

Expanding on the recommendations of the 100-Day Working Group, the NCC has moved forward with plans for the redevelopment of the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway Waterfront Linear Park that incorporates the northern part of Rochester Field. The concept for this park was adopted by the NCC in December 2016. The design retains the bulk of Rochester Field immediately abutting the Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway as part of that linear park.



Approximately two thirds of the lands at Rochester Field is retained as an open space and green corridor. The remaining area, fronting Richmond Road, is set aside for future redevelopment.

The design of the northern part of the field is to provide active and passive public open space and access to and support for the animation of the Ottawa River shoreline as part of the long-term capital planning initiative for the Sir John A Macdonald Linear Park. The land fronting Richmond Road is to be developed in the future, to promote public access and use of the park, and to attract a mix of uses that promote an active street frontage as envisaged by the Traditional Mainstreet designation in the City’s Official Plan. Both the City and the NCC agree that a visually open park access corridor is to be preserved between the development parcels that front Richmond Road, in order to maintain pedestrian connectivity and visibility for the park.




All of this part of this document entitled Part B – The Amendment consisting of the following text and the attached Schedule A, constitutes Amendment No. XX to the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa.


a) The following changes are hereby made to the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa

i) The preamble to Section 4.6.4 –Scenic Entry Routes is hereby amended, by replacing the words “Ottawa River Parkway” in the fifth sentence with the words “Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway“.

ii) Schedule B – Urban Policy Plan, is hereby amended by changing the land, shown by heavy outline and hatching on the attached “Schedule A”, from Major Open Space to General Urban Area. The existing “Traditional Main Street” designation across the Richmond Road frontage of this property will continue to apply.

b) Section 1.3.4 Land Use Strategy and Maximum Building Height Ranges (Sector 4 – Maplelawn/495 Richmond Road Area) in the Richmond Road/Westboro Secondary Plan is hereby amended by replacing the word ‘entire’ in the second bulleted sentence with the words ‘majority of ‘

Implementation and Interpretation

Implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the policies of the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa.




Document 2 – Details of the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment

The proposed amendment to the City of Ottawa Zoning By-law 2008-250 for the development of Rochester Field are as follows:

1. Rezone Area A from O1L [310]-h to O1[XXX1], as shown in Document 1;

2. Rezone Area B from O1L [310]-h to TM [XXX2]-h, as shown in Document 1;

3. Rezone Area C from O1L [310]-h to TM [157] F(2.3) S149, as shown in Document 1

4. Amend Section 239 – Urban Exceptions by adding a new exception [XXX1], with provisions similar to the intent of the following in Column V – Provisions,

“- Despite subsection 100(1), underground parking may be located anywhere in the TM [XXX2] and O1[XXX1];

- No access to underground parking may be located in the O1[XXX1] zone;

- No driveway or aisle providing access to the uses in the TM[XXX2] zone may be located in the O1[XXX1] zone except where located under ground”

5. Further amend Section 239 – Urban Exceptions by adding a new exception [XXX2], with provisions similar to the intent of the following:

a. In Column IV - Land Uses Prohibited add the text, “-All uses are prohibited, except a park and the existing uses, until the holding symbol is removed”; and,

b. In Column V - Provisions add the following:

“- Despite Table 197 (c) the maximum front yard setback is 12 m

- Maximum interior side yard setback adjacent to a residential zone: 12 m

- Despite Subsection 100(1), underground parking may be located anywhere in the TM [XXX2] and O1[XXX1] within 90m of Richmond Road.

- The holding symbol may only be removed when Site Plan Control approval has been obtained, demonstrating the following to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development:

19 i. The buildings located in the TM [XXX2] zone are designed and oriented to provide a public space and enhance park entrance at Richmond Road. ii. A minimum of 50% of the ground floor of a building facing Richmond Road or any land zoned O1[XXX1], measured from the average grade to a height of 4.5 metres, must comprise transparent windows and active entrances; iii. A detailed landscape and tree preservation plan that demonstrates that every effort has been made to preserve as many of the existing mature trees located across the frontage and along the western boundary as possible; iv. Notwithstanding the provisions of Table 197(7) the traffic and parking plan is to provide for a single vehicular access location for both sites zoned TM [XXX2] and is to ensure minimal or no surface parking. The access location is to be coordinated with the City’s planned improvements to Richmond Road.”


Zoning / Location Map


Document 3 – Concept Plan for Rochester Field


Document 4 – Current Zoning Permissions on Rochester Field

Rochester Field O1L [310] – h Zone provisions

O1 – Parks and Open Space Zone (Sec. 179-180)


(12) In the O1L Subzone, the following use is also permitted:

- Marine Facility

Exception Provisions I. II. III IV V Exception Applicable Additional Land Uses Land Provisions Number Zone Permitted Uses Prohibited - cemetery - holding symbol which - community centre applies only to the additional permitted uses may only be - community health and removed upon completion of resource centre the secondary planning - court house process - retirement home - in case of municipal service - place of worship and centre, no parking is dwelling unit required but if parking is - emergency service provided parking must be located in garage, carport or - residential care facility any open space on the lot -hospital and ancillary - in case of a storage yard dwelling units 310 limited to a municipal yard: - correctional facility (By-law multiple a) yard must be wholly or - municipal service 2009-302) partly within completely centre enclosed building, and - storage yard limited to a use must not become municipal yard obnoxious, offensive or - recreational and athletic dangerous by reason of facility presence or emission of - school odour, dust, smoke, - post secondary noise, gas fumes, educational institution vibrations, radiation, and ancillary dwelling refuse matter or water units carried waste - utility installation b) any operation, except employee parking, carried school on outside building must


- post secondary be completely enclosed educational institution by opaque or translucent and ancillary dwelling screen having height of units not less than 1.8 m, and - utility installation such exterior operations must not be carried on in that part of front yard situated between main wall of building and front lot line - in case of a utility installation, no goods, materials or equipment may be stored in open, and no operations may be carried on which cause dust, smoke, noise or odour likely to be offensive to persons