Eight Keys to Weight Loss
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Eight Keys to Sustainable Weight Loss By Glyn Blackett YORK mind-body HEALTH www.weightlossyork.co.uk 01904 435 267 Introduction your metabolic rate, leaving you worse off in the long term. So my advice is to think in terms of The traditional formula for weight loss goes permanently changing your eating patterns. That something like this: demands commitment but it doesn’t have to be Wt loss = calories consumed – calories burned off very difficult. A programme that leaves you hun- Therefore you must either consume less calories gry or craving is not sustainable, so satisfying or burn more off by exercising more, or both. appetite is an integral part of the approach. My own view is that this is far too simplistic a picture, and it won’t be enough for a lot of peo- The Psychology of Eating ple. It leaves out two major factors: (i) appetite The eight keys mostly address the physiological and (ii) resting metabolic rate – the rate at which aspects of weight management. But your weight we burn calories – is not fixed but highly varia- ultimately comes down to your decisions about ble and highly changeable. The eight keys to what, how and when to eat. Of course a major weight loss described here are designed to col- factor is your individual psychology. Generally, lectively optimise both metabolic rate and appe- decisions to eat are conditioned by past habits, tite control. Furthermore, metabolic rate is often involving particular triggers. For example closely related to your general health and well- you might have chocolate whenever you watch a being. If your metabolic rate is not optimal, your film, or a biscuit every time you have a cup of health isn’t optimal. So you can expect to benefit tea, or maybe you binge eat whenever you are from implementing the eight keys in other ways upset emotionally. Since you will still encounter besides losing weight – for example better and these triggers, you’ll need ways to deal with in- more stable energy levels. appropriate impulses to eat. This is one reason why seeing a good therapist or coach can be very A Sustainable Programme helpful. My weight loss programme is about eating for health. It’s based on a presupposition: if you The Eight Keys meet all your body’s health needs, it will natural- It will be useful to list all the keys at the outset, ly regulate itself in terms of both weight and ap- before discussing each in detail. petite. So it doesn’t involve going hungry, or 1 Eat for your metabolic type. counting calories – if it did it wouldn’t be sus- 2 Boost the metabolic power of your mitochon- tainable in the long term. dria. The programme is not a diet in the conventional 3 Balance Insulin and Blood Sugar. sense of a time-limited period of eating a partic- 4 Optimise brain chemistry for appetite control. ular way before you “go back to normal” having lost the weight you wanted. Remember Albert 5 Control stress and stress hormones. Einstein’s definition of insanity: doing the same 6 Optimise hormonal control of metabolic rate. thing and expecting a different result. Science 7 Reduce inflammation. tells us that the weight simply goes back on 8 Optimise detoxification. again (1). In fact, crash diets can dysregulate 1 One way to think of these keys is as potential some sort of testing (2), or at least on your par- obstacles or physiological problems that, if ticular pattern of symptoms and health concerns. present, will make it difficult for you to lose In other words there is a need for an individual- weight. But of course they may not all apply to ised approach to weight loss. Genetic variation you. The first step is to find out which of the means that each of us is biochemically and meta- eight are relevant, or most relevant to you per- bolically individual, and no single diet will work sonally. That’s why I recommend you see a good for everyone. This idea is developed in Key 1. practitioner – the assessment is ideally based on Key 1: Eat for your Metabolic Type In 1956 a biochemist named Roger Williams In broad terms, the main metabolic types are: proposed that there are wide variations in human Protein type: people in this group do well on biochemical functioning, with the implication relatively high levels of protein and fat. Their that our nutritional requirements are similarly metabolism tends to run quite fast, but can be individual (3). In more recent times research into quite variable leading to energy swings, if genetic differences (known as polymorphisms) they don’t eat the right diet. has given weight to this idea. Other research has demonstrated that metabolic rate varies quite Carbohydrate type: people in this group do widely between individuals, and moreover is well on a high carbohydrate diet with relative- quite malleable. ly lower levels of protein and fat. Their me- tabolism is prone to run slow, especially if We derive our energy from three main dietary they don’t eat the right diet. components: carbohydrate, fat and protein. Bio- chemical individuality means that we utilise Mixed type: these people come somewhere these components with variable efficiency. Just between the above two poles. as some cars run on diesel and others on petrol, Vitamins and Minerals so some people will function better on a particu- lar mix of these food components. This idea has According to some researchers, metabolic type developed into the concept of metabolic types. even influences the effects of vitamins and nutri- Determining your metabolic type enables you to ents. One of the leading figures in the history of predict what kind of diet will optimise your metabolic typing is George Watson, who investi- physiological and metabolic functioning. gated the role of nutrition in mental illness. Through meticulous research he discerned a set The idea helps explain why such widely diver- of vitamins and minerals which in supplement gent opinions abound in the world of nutrition. form could benefit each of the main metabolic Different weight loss diets are almost completely types. He found that the opposite supplements contradictory - and yet they seem to work for at could make his patients feel even worse. least some people. The Atkins diet for example, advocates a high fat, high protein, low carbohy- Determining Your Metabolic Type drate diet, while the Dean Ornish diet advocates Several authors have developed questionnaires the opposite. At least part of the answer seems to designed to determine your type. They ask about be that these diets are suited to different meta- your physical characteristics (including your ten- bolic types. dency to experience particular symptoms), and The Innuit (Eskimo) people traditionally eat a also about psychological and personality traits. diet very high in fat and protein, with very little Perhaps most importantly they ask how you typ- carbohydrate, which according to conventional ically would feel after eating certain foods - a wisdom should be a recipe for high cholesterol protein heavy meal, for instance. and cardiovascular disease. Yet heart disease Questionnaires can be quick and inexpensive. was almost unknown in these traditional com- You can find them in books on the topic of met- munities. We can surmise that genetically, these abolic typing - examples are ‘The True You Di- people evolved to cope well on their traditional et’ by John Briffa, and ‘The Metabolic Typing diet. 2 Diet’ by William Wolcott. More advanced ver- Metabolic typing is a complex science since so sions are available online. Their disadvantage is many factors can influence metabolism. Proba- that they require a degree of awareness of the bly no one test is perfect. The ultimate arbiter effects foods have on you. must be your own experience. The diet that is Some researchers have developed procedures right for you is the one that works: it gives you a based on measuring the pH or acidity of venous better sense of energy, satisfies your appetite and blood (as opposed to arterial blood). For exam- ultimately helps you to lose weight. Moreover ple Harold Krystal tracks pH following con- your metabolic type is not cast in stone, so a sumption of a sugar drink (4). The pH of venous clear awareness of the effects your meals have blood reflects metabolism because it contains on you is vital. metabolic by-products. It be either too acidic or In summary, metabolic typing says that: too alkaline, depending on how metabolism is working. There is no one diet suitable for everyone. Another researcher, Dr David Watts, considered A diet that works well for one person can ac- how metabolic type affects relative levels of tually be harmful for another. Individual nu- minerals in tissue, more specifically in hair. His trients can have opposite effects in different research showed that ratios between minerals people. (e.g. calcium and magnesium) correlated with Accurately determining your metabolic type metabolic type. Hair mineral analysis is a useful enables you to predict what kind of diet will and widely used tool for nutritionally oriented optimise your metabolism, help you lose health practitioners. Dr Watts’ laboratory (Trace weight and give you more energy. Elements Inc.) offers this test which provides Practically speaking, the main import of met- valuable information including metabolic type abolic typing is the relative proportions of (5). protein, fat and carbohydrate you should eat. Key 2: Boost the Metabolic Power of Your Mitochondria Mitochondria are the powerhouses of your cells. of your cells, and especially of mitochondria. A single cell may have from 200 to 2,000 or Free radicals are dangerous because they can more of these structures, whose job is to turn cause damage to the cells’ functional molecules energy stored in sugars and other fuels from the by chemically reacting with them, leaving them diet, into a form that’s useable for the numerous unfit for purpose.