Sorting out the Most Confusing English Phrasal Verbs
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Sorting out the Most Confusing English Phrasal Verbs Yuancheng Tu Dan Roth Department of Linguistics Department of Computer Science University of Illinois University of Illinois [email protected] [email protected] Abstract not in anywhere either. (Kolln and Funk, 1998) uses the test of meaning to detect English phrasal verbs, In this paper, we investigate a full-fledged i.e., each phrasal verb could be replaced by a single supervised machine learning framework for verb with the same general meaning, for example, identifying English phrasal verbs in a given using yield to replace give in in the aforementioned context. We concentrate on those that we de- sentence. To confuse the issue even further, some fine as the most confusing phrasal verbs, in the sense that they are the most commonly used phrasal verbs, for example, give in in the follow- ones whose occurrence may correspond either ing two sentences, are used either as a true phrasal to a true phrasal verb or an alignment of a sim- verb (the first sentence) or not (the second sentence) ple verb with a preposition. though their surface forms look cosmetically similar. 1 We construct a benchmark dataset with 1,348 1. How many Englishmen gave in to their emo- sentences from BNC, annotated via an Inter- tions like that ? net crowdsourcing platform. This dataset is further split into two groups, more idiomatic 2. It is just this denial of anything beyond what is group which consists of those that tend to be directly given in experience that marks Berke- used as a true phrasal verb and more compo- ley out as an empiricist . sitional group which tends to be used either way. We build a discriminative classifier with This paper is targeting to build an automatic learner easily available lexical and syntactic features which can recognize a true phrasal verb from its and test it over the datasets. The classifier orthographically identical construction with a verb overall achieves 79.4% accuracy, 41.1% er- and a prepositional phrase. Similar to other types ror deduction compared to the corpus major- of MultiWord Expressions (MWEs) (Sag et al., ity baseline 65%. However, it is even more 2002), the syntactic complexity and semantic id- interesting to discover that the classifier learns iosyncrasies of phrasal verbs pose many particular more from the more compositional examples than those idiomatic ones. challenges in empirical Natural Language Process- ing (NLP). Even though a few of previous works have explored this identification problem empiri- 1 Introduction cally (Li et al., 2003; Kim and Baldwin, 2009) and theoretically (Jackendoff, 2002), we argue in this pa- Phrasal verbs in English, are syntactically defined per that this context sensitive identification problem as combinations of verbs and prepositions or parti- is not so easy as conceivably shown before, espe- cles, but semantically their meanings are generally cially when it is used to handle those more com- not the direct sum of their parts. For example, give positional phrasal verbs which are empirically used in means submit, yield in the sentence, Adam’s say- either way in the corpus as a true phrasal verb or ing it’s important to stand firm , not give in to ter- a simplex verb with a preposition combination. In rorists. Adam was not giving anything and he was addition, there is still a lack of adequate resources 1 Data or benchmark datasets to identify and treat phrasal 65 First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), pages 65–69, Montreal,´ Canada, June 7-8, 2012. c 2012 Association for Computational Linguistics verbs within a given context. This research is also verb semantics, such as the investigation of the most an attempt to bridge this gap by constructing a pub- common particle up by (Cook and Stevenson, 2006). licly available dataset which focuses on some of the Research on token identification of phrasal verbs most commonly used phrasal verbs within their most is much less compared to the extraction. (Li et confusing contexts. al., 2003) describes a regular expression based sim- Our study in this paper focuses on six of the most ple system. Regular expression based method re- frequently used verbs, take, make, have, get, do quires human constructed regular patterns and can- and give and their combination with nineteen com- not make predictions for Out-Of-Vocabulary phrasal mon prepositions or particles, such as on, in, up verbs. Thus, it is hard to be adapted to other NLP etc. We categorize these phrasal verbs according to applications directly. (Kim and Baldwin, 2009) pro- their continuum of compositionality, splitting them poses a memory-based system with post-processed into two groups based on the biggest gap within linguistic features such as selectional preferences. this scale, and build a discriminative learner which Their system assumes the perfect outputs of a parser uses easily available syntactic and lexical features to and requires laborious human corrections to them. analyze them comparatively. This learner achieves The research presented in this paper differs from 79.4% overall accuracy for the whole dataset and these previous identification works mainly in two learns the most from the more compositional data aspects. First of all, our learning system is fully with 51.2% error reduction over its 46.6% baseline. automatic in the sense that no human intervention is needed, no need to construct regular patterns or 2 Related Work to correct parser mistakes. Secondly, we focus our attention on the comparison of the two groups of Phrasal verbs in English were observed as one kind phrasal verbs, the more idiomatic group and the of composition that is used frequently and consti- more compositional group. We argue that while tutes the greatest difficulty for language learners more idiomatic phrasal verbs may be easier to iden- more than two hundred and fifty years ago in Samuel tify and can have above 90% accuracy, there is still Johnson’s Dictionary of English Language2. They much room to learn for those more compostional have also been well-studied in modern linguistics phrasal verbs which tend to be used either positively since early days (Bolinger, 1971; Kolln and Funk, or negatively depending on the given context. 1998; Jackendoff, 2002). Careful linguistic descrip- tions and investigations reveal a wide range of En- 3 Identification of English Phrasal Verbs glish phrasal verbs that are syntactically uniform, but diverge largely in semantics, argument struc- We formulate the context sensitive English phrasal ture and lexical status. The complexity and idiosyn- verb identification task as a supervised binary clas- crasies of English phrasal verbs also pose a spe- sification problem. For each target candidate within cial challenge to computational linguistics and at- a sentence, the classifier decides if it is a true phrasal tract considerable amount of interest and investi- verb or a simplex verb with a preposition. Formally, n gation for their extraction, disambiguation as well given a set of n labeled examples {xi, yi}i=1, we as identification. Recent computational research on learn a function f : X → Y where Y ∈ {−1, 1}. English phrasal verbs have been focused on increas- The learning algorithm we use is the soft-margin ing the coverage and scalability of phrasal verbs by SVM with L2-loss. The learning package we use either extracting unlisted phrasal verbs from large is LIBLINEAR (Chang and Lin, 2001)3. corpora (Villavicencio, 2003; Villavicencio, 2006), Three types of features are used in this discrimi- or constructing productive lexical rules to gener- native model. (1)Words: given the window size from ate new cases (Villanvicencio and Copestake, 2003). the one before to the one after the target phrase, Some other researchers follow the semantic regular- Words feature consists of every surface string of ities of the particles associated with these phrasal all shallow chunks within that window. It can be verbs and concentrate on disambiguation of phrasal an n-word chunk or a single word depending on 2It is written in the Preface of that dictionary. 3 cjlin/liblinear/ ∼ 66 the the chunk’s bracketing. (2)ChunkLabel: the 3.2 Dataset Splitting chunk name with the given window size, such as VP, Table 1 lists all verbs in the dataset. Total is the to- PP, etc. (3)ParserBigram: the bi-gram of the non- tal number of sentences annotated for that phrasal terminal label of the parents of both the verb and verb and Positive indicated the number of examples the particle. For example, from this partial tree (VP which are annotated as containing the true phrasal (VB get)(PP (IN through)(NP (DT the)(NN day))), verb usage. In this table, the decreasing percent- the parent label for the verb get is VP and the par- age of the true phrasal verb usage within the dataset ent node label for the particle through is PP. Thus, indicates the increasing compositionality of these this feature value is VP-PP. Our feature extractor phrasal verbs. The natural division line with this is implemented in Java through a publicly available scale is the biggest percentage gap (about 10%) be- 4 NLP library via the tool called Curator (Clarke et tween make out and get at. Hence, two groups are al., 2012). The shallow parser is publicly avail- split over that gap. The more idiomatic group con- 5 able (Punyakanok and Roth, 2001) and the parser sists of the first 11 verbs with 554 sentences and 91% we use is from (Charniak and Johnson, 2005). of these sentences include true phrasal verb usage. This data group is more biased toward the positive 3.1 Data Preparation and Annotation examples.