Technology Promotion and PR Allied Fields
firm, Stein Communications Inc. Brian J. Bu- Fellowship. chanan, serves as Technology director, media relations, Appointments at newly expanded Washing- acting director, communications. ton office, Bryan, Cave, McPheeters & Mary Kichefski, account executive, Julie Si- McRoberts, St. Louis -based communications mon Communications, Miami -based public law firm: Carl W. Northrop, managing partner, relations and marketing firm, named VP. Kadison, Pfaelzer, Woodard, Quinn & Rossi, Washington, and John Griffith Johnson Jr. Julie Osier, former VP, public relations, The and Jack R. Smith, partners, Kadison, Entertainment Channel, New York, and for- Pfaelzer, to partners. mer head, public relations, Showtime there, joins Cablevision Systems Corp., Woodbury, N.Y., as director, public affairs. Deaths Lisa DeLucia, merchandising -public relations manager, Pentel of America, Los Angeles - Quinn Martin, 65, pro- based public relations firm, joins KCOP(TV) ducer of more than 16 Strange Mason there as media supervisor, creative services hour-long network Appointments at Acrian Inc., San Jose, Ca- department. television series and 20 movies the lif. -based equipment manufacturer: David A. Tom Hayes, senior promotion producer and of week, died Sept. 5 of a Strange, director, program management, assistant to director, creative services, KCST- heart attack at his Ran- Loral Corp.'s Narda Western Operations, mi- TV San Diego, joins KOVR(TV) Stockton, Ca- cho Santa Fe, Calif., crowave equipment manufacturer, Manhattan lif., as promotion manager. Beach, Calif., to director, marketing, ampli- home. Most recently fier division; Stan Mason, director, engineer- president and CEO of ing, Narda, to same capacity, amplifier divi- Quinn Martin Com- Allied Fields munications film pro- sion; John P. Quinn, private consultant and Martin, 1968 company, former group manager, semiconductor mar- duction founded after the 1979 sale of Quinn Martin keting applications, Avantek, Milpitas, Ca- Robert E.
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