(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,993,832 B2 Rosenberg Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,993,832 B2 Rosenberg Et Al US007993832B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,993,832 B2 Rosenberg et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 9, 2011 (54) METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR 5,215,882 A 6/1993 Bahl et al. DAGNOSING AND MONITORING THE 5,219,727 A 6/1993 Wang et al. 5,264,351 A 1 1/1993 Harley STATUS OF TRANSPLANT REUECTION AND 5,278,043 A 1/1994 Bannwarth et al. MMUNE DISORDERS 5,310,652 A 5/1994 Gelfand et al. 5,314,809 A 5/1994 Erlich et al. (75) Inventors: Steven Rosenberg, Oakland, CA (US); 5,322,770 A 6/1994 Gelfand 5,340,720 A 8, 1994 Stetler Kirk Fry, Palo Alto, CA (US); Bin Wu, 5,346,994 A 9/1994 Chomczynski San Jose, CA (US); Russell L. Dedrick, 5,352,600 A 10, 1994 Gelfand et al. Kensington, CA (US) 5,374,553 A 12/1994 Gelfand et al. 5,385,824 A 1/1995 Hoet et al. (73) Assignee: XDx, Inc., Brisbane, CA (US) 5,389,512 A 2/1995 Sninsky et al. 5,393,672 A 2f1995 Van Ness et al. 5,405,774 A 4, 1995 Abramson et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,407,800 A 4/1995 Gelfand et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,411,876 A 5/1995 Bloch et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 5,418,149 A 5/1995 Gelfand et al. 5,420,029 A 5/1995 Gelfand et al. (21) Appl. No.: 11/893,236 5.426,039 A 6/1995 Wallace et al. 5,445,940 A 8, 1995 Brenner et al. 5,455,170 A 10, 1995 Abramson et al. (22) Filed: Aug. 14, 2007 5,459,037 A 10, 1995 Sutcliffe et al. 5,466,591 A 11/1995 Abramson et al. (65) Prior Publication Data 5,468,613 A 11/1995 Erlich et al. 5,476,774 A 12/1995 Wang et al. US 2008/OO38746A1 Feb. 14, 2008 5.487,970 A 1/1996 Rowley et al. 5,487.972 A 1/1996 Gelfand et al. Related U.S. Application Data 5,491,063 A 2f1996 Fisher et al. (60) Provisional application No. 60/837,698, filed on Aug. (Continued) 14, 2006. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (51) Int. Cl. 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    Received Date : 30-May-2016 Revised Date : 16-Aug-2016 Accepted Date : 07-Oct-2016 Article type : Original Article Article Title: Novel G6B gene variant cause familial autosomal recessive thrombocytopenia and anemia Running title: Melhem et al. G6B NOVEL VARIANT CAUSE THROMBOCYTOPENIA AND ANEMIA Motasem Melhem1*, Mohamed Abu-Farha2*, Dinu Antony1*, Ashraf Al Madhoun1*, Chiara Bacchelli3, Fadi Alkayal4, Irina AlKhairi2, Sumi John5, Mohamad Alomari6, Phillip Article L Beales3, and Osama Alsmadi1 * Contributed equally 1Genetics and Genomics Department, Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait; 2Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait; 3Genetics and Genomic Medicine, UCL Institute of Child Health, London, UK; 4Pancreatic islet Biology & transplantation Unit, Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait; 5Integrative Informatics, Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait; 6Department of Pathology, Windsor Regional Hospital, Canada. Corresponding author: Dr. Osama Alsmadi, Genetics and Genomics Unit, Dasman, Diabetes Institute, P.O. Box 1180, Dasman15462, Kuwait. Tel: Phone: +965 2224 2999 Ext. 4343, Fax: + 965 2249 2406. Email: [email protected] MM, MAF, DA, and AM contributed equally to this study. This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: Accepted 10.1111/ejh.12819 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Abstract Objective: To characterize the underlying genetic and molecular defects in a consanguineous family with life-long blood disorder manifested with thrombocytopenia (low platelets count) and anemia. Methods: Genetic linkage analysis, exome sequencing and functional genomics were carried out to identify and characterize the defective gene.
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