Report Created for: Reporters, Voters, and Activists

Created by: Andrew Londre (with a lot of anonymous support)

Version Date Released Comments

1.0 3/8/2021 None

1.1 3/8/2021 Improved Table of Contents

1.2 3/12/2021 New Info Added to Sections 1, 7, and 8

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1 1. Bad Policy Positions Yang is “Pro-Charter” and believes Teachers Unions are the problem Yang on 15/hr Minimum Wage: It is is Anti-Worker Yang on Harassment Investigations: Do as I say, not as I do. Yang Opposes Taxing The Rich (Behind Closed Doors with The Rich) ← New Yang Is “Not Opposed To” Taxing The Rich In Front of Cameras ← New So, which is it? Who’s not telling the truth? ← New

2. Money Problems Concerning Political Spending Buying the Bronx? Re: $1 Million “UBI” Pilot Program in the Bronx (buying influence for NYC Mayor’s race through his 501(c)3 Humanity Forward Foundation? After announcing his run for Mayor of NYC?): Questionable Lobbying Expenses Yang Speaks Podcast Humanity Forward’s Stunning Lack of Transparency

3. Incubating Toxicity, Harassment, Right-Wingers, & Fringe Ideologues In his organizations In his “movement”

4. Important Questions That Remain Unanswered Yang for NY Executive Staff Shuffle

5. Poor to (potentially) Corrupt Hiring Practices Yang2020 Humanity Forward Rolling the Dice with Unqualified Hires

6. (Unsuccessful) “Entrepreneur” Andrew Yang Prep Venture For America (VFA) Pre-Manhattan Prep Positions & Business Flops Yang Doesn’t Discuss

7. Revealing Gotham Gazette Interview ← New

Red Flag Moments ← New

8. Yang wanted a job with the Biden Administration but didn’t get one ← New

9. Further Reading:

2 Bad Policy Positions

*If you’re a Democrat, Liberal, Progressive, Friend to Organized Labor

3 Yang is “Pro-Charter” and believes Teachers Unions are the problem

There appears to be no record of Yang walking back these 2020 remarks. So for the time being, the record refects Yang’s position as:

“I am pro-charter.” “Principals’ hands are tied by union regs.” “Yes! Yes. [to “school choice”]” ‘Teachers unions are the problem.’

Yang on 15/hr Minimum Wage: It is is Anti-Worker

Andrew Yang talks with right wing pundit Dave Rubin about raising the minimum wage to $15/hr and it’s cringe

Yang on Harassment Investigations: Do as I say, not as I do.

Yang Opposes Taxing The Rich (Behind Closed Doors with The Rich)

4 Andrew Yang, who is leading the pack in his Democratic primary run for mayor, recently told a group of high-powered business leaders that he doesn’t support raising taxes on New Yorkers — including the most wealthy.

Yang staked out the position last Wednesday at a meeting he had with the Partnership for City, which represents large businesses that employ more than 1 million people in the city, two sources who attended the virtual confab revealed.

“He was clear that he didn’t favor new taxes on New Yorkers, period,” one source said. “The guy is really confident he’s going to be the mayor. He said, ‘I’ll probably be the next mayor, and I want to work for all of you.’”

The source recalled being struck by Yang’s use of the word “for,” rather than “with” when he made the remark about working “for all of you” to the dozens of business leaders on the call.

Another source described his remarks as “an impressive performance,” noting with an ironic chuckle that he wasn’t “calling for tax increases on the evil rich.”

“He tells people what they want to hear,” that source said. “He clearly knew telling people he’s going to raise taxes is not what this group wants to hear.”

Yang’s comments come at a time when several bills aimed at taxing the rich have gained traction in Albany and as many New Yorkers support such measures. A survey released last September found that 90% of those polled favor raising taxes on people making $5 million or more a year.

Rebecca Bailin, the campaign manager for Invest In Our New York, painted Yang as out of touch for his stance, saying that “millions of New Yorkers can’t make rent or afford to put food on the table because the governor refuses to end tax breaks on the wealthy.”

“Anyone who actually spent time here would know that,” she added in an apparent shot at Yang’s time spent in his second home in New Paltz during the pandemic.

NY Working Families Party State Director Sochie Nnaemeka also criticized Yang for the remarks.

needs a leader who will fight to end tax breaks for the wealthy and raise real revenue to lift up struggling New Yorkers,” Nnamekea said.

When asked for clarity on Yang’s position on taxes, campaign spokesman Jacob Sporn said Yang intends to “address the unjust carve-outs that are baked into the city’s budget, including an antiquated property tax reform system that forces middle-class homeowners and renters to subsidize property tax bills for the wealthy.”

“He’ll also fight to close outrageous loopholes for big corporations like Madison Square Garden and will support a new tax on the thousands of luxury condos owned by non-New York residents,” he added.

5 Yang Is “Not Opposed To” Taxing The Rich In Front of Cameras

Click on either of the above images to watch the respective videos.

So, which is it?

Is Yang opposed to “new taxes on New Yorkers, period”?


Is Yang “not against higher taxes in New York City.”


Who’s not telling the truth?

Someone isn’t being honest here.


Yang is telling the truth that he “is not against higher taxes in New York City” which would mean the Daily News’ source was not telling the truth.


The powerful business leader is telling the truth that Yang was clear that he didn’t favor new taxes on New Yorkers, period,” which would mean Andrew Yang was not telling NY1, Ben Max, and voters the truth about his position on taxing the rich in NYC.


Unless... Yang doesn’t have a firm stance on taxing the rich and completely flip flopped on this issue and hoped no one would notice.

6 Money Problems

Follow the money (if you can)

7 Concerning Political Spending

Here’s the Math on Humanity Forward PAC Spending:

● 80+% Spent on Contributions ● 25% of all contributions went to Endorsed Non-Presidential Candidates ● 75% of all contributions went to the Democratic National Committee (DNC), DNC funds, and DNC State Parties

Spending on Endorsed Non-Presidential Candidates: $68,691.00

● Non-Presidential Win Rate = 4% (1 win out of 23 endorsements) ● Non-Presidential Loss Rate = 96% (22 losses out of 23 endorsements)

Total Contributions to the DNC & Co.: $283,314.00

● $ 200,000.00 to Biden Victory Fund (A DNC Fund) ● $ 35,500.00 to Democratic National Committee ● $ 45,014.00 to DNC State Parties ● $ 2,800.00 to Joe Biden

Curious Timing of Contributions

● Almost all of the $280,000+ funds from Humanity Forward PAC to the Democratic Party were dispersed on just two dates: 8/5/2020 and 10/6/2020 ● Approximately $158,000 on 8/5/2020 ● Approximately $120,000 on 10/6/2020 ● The Democratic National Convention took place August 8/17/2020 thru 8/20/2020 ● Yang tweeted “I’ve got to be honest I kind of expected to speak,” on 8/11/2020 after Yang was left of the initial DNC speaker lineup ● Yang was then, almost out of nowhere, miraculously added to the speaking lineup of a DNC which is reviled by most members of the “YangGang” and which has a history of “pay-to-play” schemes.

Return on Investment — DNC Spending: [ Fill in the blank ]

Return on Investment — Endorsed Candidate Spending: 5% win rate

Important Questions to Ask

1. Why did Humanity Forward PAC choose to suddenly donate such a large amount of funds to the DNC and its affiliates? 2. Were any agreements made with the DNC around the time of these donations? 3. Why were these donations dispersed in batches on the two dates mentioned above? 4. How were the amounts of donated funds chosen? 5. Who (specifically) decides who receives funding from Humanity Forward PAC?

NOTE: The YangGang largely despises the DNC.

8 Buying the Bronx?

Re: $1 Million “UBI” Pilot Program in the Bronx (buying influence for NYC Mayor’s race through his 501(c)3 Humanity Forward Foundation? After announcing his run for Mayor of NYC?):

● Of all the places Yang could have chosen, he chose the Bronx… while the Bronx may be perfectly deserving of this program, there are countless other communities that needed it just as much but there was no reason given as to why the Bronx was chosen. However, the political implications seem clear as day. ○ The circumstances around the announcement of Yang's candidacy and this program, give the appearance that it was an effort to buy the affection of a significant number of NYC Democratic voters ○ Note, the Bronx was chosen and announced after Yang entered the race for mayor! ■ There should be an investigation into the ethical questions of Yang’s nonprofit doing all of this after he “entered the race for mayor” ○ And are we really supposed to believe that it’s purely coincidental that Yang’s nonprofit chose the Bronx for their pilot UBI program and (as if choosing one of NYC’s boroughs for this pilot while running for mayor of NYC isn’t already obviously politically motivated) that, the Bronx also happens to be the home of one of NYC’s biggest political influencers, who hasn’t been kind in her characterization of Yang’s UBI efforts in the past, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez?

Questionable Lobbying Expenses

According to, Humanity Forward (Yang’s 501(c)4):

● Spent $225,000 on lobbying efforts in 2020 ● Of that $225,000... It appears $100,000 went to two Humanity Forward employees, Liam de Clive-Lowe and Shreyas Sinha (earning - it appears - $50,000 each) ○ How many hours of lobbying were done by Liam de Clive-Lowe and Shreyas Sinha? ○ Did the two above employees receive $50,000 each on top of a regular salary? If so, what are the salaries for their positions? ○ How much lobbying experience did Liam de Clive-Lowe and Shreyas Sinha have before lobbying on behalf of Humanity Forward? ○ Who was Humanity Forward's Executive Director and who were the members of Humanity Forward's Board of Directors at the time these lobbying expenses were approved of? ■ The likely answer is either Zach Graummann or Liam de Clive-Lowe. ■ If Graumann, it would be another example of Graumann rewarding straight-white-men Yang Campaign lackeys for loyalty over experience ■ If de Clive Lowe, it would mean that he used his position as Executive Director to give himself an extra $50,000 (not good!)

9 Yang Speaks Podcast

● Who owns the Yang Speaks podcast? An individual? Individuals? A corporate entity (nonprofit/LLC)? ○ Yang Speaks is a money making venture, but it is entirely unclear where the money goes from podcast sponsorship deals, merchandise sales, etc. ○ Humanity Forward’s website references “podcasts” as something they “do” which begs the question: is YangSpeaks a Humanity Forward property? ■ If so, this would raise a whole lot of ethical and legal questions ○ The only publicly listed point of contact for Yang Speaks is the email address of [email protected], however, when one tries to send an email to that address, it returns as unsendable.

Humanity Forward’s Stunning Lack of Transparency

Transparency is supposedly a guiding principle of Yang’s political philosophy. However, he has not set up his recent organizations to be transparent. To the contrary.

● Humanity Forward’s website says they have "worked to dispense over $10 million in direct cash initiatives to struggling Americans." This appears to be intentionally misleading word-choice. ○ Does that mean over $10 million has been dispensed? If not, they should clarify this. ● Has HFF [501(c)3] contributed any funds to Humanity Forward [501(c)4]? If so, how much and for what purpose(s)? ● When will Humanity Forward Foundation and Humanity Forward release their annual 990 forms?

Re: Humanity Forward Spring-Summer 2020 Micro-grants :

● How many (micro-grant) disbursements were made? ● Were all micro-grants $250? ● What is the total amount that has been disbursed to-date through these micro-grants? ● How were (micro-grant) disbursements screened and deemed worthy of funding? ● Will HFF disclose where these micro-grants went? If so, when and how?

Re: Partnership with $1K Project

According to $1K Project's website:

● 1K Project is not a nonprofit, but rather "are individual volunteers, not an organization." ● Donations go "through GoFundMe directly" ● 1K Project relies on non-public processes for handling everything from applications for funding and accounting to verifying an applicant's identity. ● Is this the process they used with their partnership with HFF or was a different process used that will allow for disclosure of information relating to HFF's contributions to $1K Project?

10 Incubating Toxicity, Harassment, Right-Wingers, & Fringe Ideologues

11 In his organizations

Yang2020 Business Insider and others, including Women for Yang, document the deep toxicity inside the Yang2020 campaign. Business Insider Women for Yang

Pre-Yang2020 There is a very concerning report in documenting the toxicity in the organizations Yang led prior to his 2020 run.

The problem is that the individual anecdotes about toxicity in workplaces that Yang has been responsible for over the years are not isolated anomalies. There is a clear, documented pattern of toxicity and discrimination in workplaces created by Yang along lines of race, gender, and gender identity.

In his “movement”

In the YangGang, there are two general categories of people who breed toxicity in the YangGang: 1. Overtly Toxic YangGang Influencers 2. YangGang Influencers who Normalize Overtly Toxic YangGang Influencers

Trumper for Yang (T4Y) — Overtly Toxic YangGang Influencer Andrew Yang has sat down with T4Y TWICE, including once after T4Y said on that “a good spanking” would “set [a young female staffer of Yang’s] straight.”

Yang has not denounced Trumper4Yang, nor has he apologized for granting two interviews with T4Y. In fact, he hasn’t even tried to offer the politically paltry walk-back of saying it was “an error in judgement”

More About Trumper4Yang: ● Recently tweeted that Trump is not racist or misogynistic ● Declared via Tweet that “Kyle [Rittenhouse] is innocent.” ● Is a “Boogaloo Bois” apologist. ● Believes Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the media are to blame for the capitol insurrection and has promoted the right-wing conspiracy theory that the capitol insurrection was instigated by Antifa. ● Described (via Tweet on January 6, 2020) capitol insurrectionists as non-violent patriotic protesters and Black Lives Matter protesters as pro-violence and anti-American. ● After Yang dropped out of the 2020 Presidential race, “T4Y” became a major mouthpiece for Bret Weinstein’s cockamamie “DarkHorseDuo” idea along with other prominent official Yang Campaign surrogates, including Paget Kagy (current), and “YangVets” (former). ● Continued to promote the “Dark Horse Duo” idea as it morphed into “Unity2020” which sought to convince some combination of the following people to form a third-party ticket as an alternative to voting for Biden or Trump: Dan Crenshaw, Tulsi Gabbard, Jesse Ventura, William McRaven, John “Jocko” Willink, Andrew Yang ● Vocally supported Donald Trump in 2020 after the harebrained “DarkHorseDuo” idea went nowhere (as expected)

12 Ironically and hypocritically, on March 5, 2021, Yang’s new campaign co-manager, Chris Coffey, recently went after mayoral candidate, Eric Adams, for being (gasp!) “a former Republican”

Coffey did so, despite the fact that Andrew Yang owes much of his sudden political relevance to current and former Republicans, including life-long Republicans like Trumper4Yang.

Yang is trying to use his surrogates to boost his Democratic / Progressive credibility, however, Yang still relies on a tremendous amount of support from current and former Republicans and returns the favor in one form or another (like a primetime debate shoutout for “Fred the Felon”).

These people are in the YangGang for one reason, and that reason is Andrew Yang.

Yang has invited these people into his following by actively and heavily courting them in 2019, 2020, relying on them for political success ever since, and purposefully making room for people like “Trumper4Yang” in Yang’s following since Yang believes it’s in his best political interest to keep people like that by his side.

In other words, the presence of people like T4Y in Yang’s orbit is not an accident, it’s by design.

13 Important Questions That Remain Unanswered

14 Yang for NY Executive Staff Shuffle

January 24, 2021 — A fundraising email is sent out for the Yang for NY Campaign by “Zach Graumann, Campaign Manager, Yang for New York”

January 30, 2021 — Business Insider released an exposé documenting the toxic bro culture in Yang’s 2020 operation; Yang’s 2020 Campaign Manager, Co-Host of Yang Speaks, Former Executive Director of Humanity Forward, and (now, former) Yang for NY Campaign Manager, Zach Graumann, was a central focus the Business Insider reporting.

In the story, Yang is quoted as saying that his [singular] Campaign Manager ‘is a woman of color’ (despite no public records at that time validating this claim… a claim, which — cannot be ignored — would be the perfect political statement to make to invalidate the central concern of the white bro culture storyline of the Business Insider piece — thus making the precise timing of these events incredibly important).

January 31, 2021 — The day following the Business Insider bro culture story‘s publication, Yang says something different during a candidates’ forum, this time saying, “One of my co-campaign managers is a woman of color”

Several days go by with no public comment from Yang about the future of his longtime right-hand-bro, Zach Graumann. For days, Graumann, Reilly, and top surrogates for Yang, took to social media and other outlets to viciously and baselessly malign the author of the Business Insider story and the author’s sources and rally around Graumann.

February 4, 2020 — POLITICO published the only public record that Graumann’s role would be changing; he would now be operating under the nebulous title of “Senior Advisor to Andrew Yang,” which appears to include the duty of being Yang’s stand-in host of his podcast.

15 Poor to (potentially) Corrupt Hiring Practices

Yang has a history of hiring woefully unqualified friends and loyalists to vital positions and continues to carry many of them forward, well past the time they should have been dismissed, either because he is unwilling or unable to let them go.

16 Yang2020

● The innermost circle and true power-center of Yang’s 2020 campaign and top staffers was dominated by people with zero political experience, including Yang. ● Yang2020 Campaign Manager, Zach Graumann (AKA: “Twinkle Toes”), is the most striking example. Graumann’s inexperience was self-evident, creating significant internal and external issues and consequences for the campaign. ● Even after the campaign had more than enough cash to get a more qualified campaign manager, Yang kept Graumann in his role until the very end and beyond.

The concern is that a Mayor Yang may, like many politicians before him, hire unqualified loyalists to key positions and drag his feet on removing people he likes personally from his administration even if the presence of such toxic personnel became detrimental to the overall operation and therefore harmful to the city at large.

Humanity Forward

Yang dropped out of the presidential race and quickly moved on to create his post-presidential advocacy group (Humanity Forward).

That period of transition was handled primarily by Graumann. As money allowed, based on publicly available information, Humanity Forward hired one Yang2020 alum after another (when there were almost certainly much more qualified candidates for those Humanity Forward jobs).

● How did Humanity Forward advertise job opportunities? ● Did they have an interviewing and vetting process? ● How did they determine who they would and would not hire?

When Yang decided to run for Mayor of New York City, he made sure Graumann was one of the first people to come with him, and again, one after another, many of the Yang2020-turned-Humanity Forward alum followed Yang and Graumann to New York City to join his mayoral campaign.

Yang replaced Graumann as Executive Director of Humanity Forward with Liam deClive-Lowe, Yang’s Iowa Caucus Operations Director (Yang got clobbered in the Iowa Caucuses) who had just come off a disastrous campaign with Mike Broihier as his Campaign Manager. Another Yang2020-turned-Humanity Forward employee, with a very questionable level of experience, was also given a job to lobby congress despite no apparent experience working as a lobbyist.

Rolling the Dice with Unqualified Hires

A roll of the dice hire occasionally works out and someone with little-to-no relevant experience ends up being a great employee. However, the question is whether or not that is the type of hiring process a city like New York wants to see in the mayor’s office, particularly at such a trying time. And typically, Yang’s roll of the dice loyalty-first hiring approach did not pan out well (as one would expect).

17 Example of poor results of Yang’s roll of the dice loyalty-first hiring approach — Trying to Win a Democratic Primary by Winning Over Non-Democrats

Iowa ● Yang and Graumann targeted unlikely voters and unlikely Democrats rather than frequent voters and likely Democrats. ● A strategy that didn’t just defy common political wisdom, it defied basic common sense. ● The strategy failed miserably and Yang, his staff, and the YangGang blamed everyone but themselves.

New Hampshire ● The exact same strategy, although having failed in Iowa, was implemented again by Yang and Graumann in New Hampshire. ● Same strategy — same results.

After New Hampshire, Yang suspended his campaign and let almost his entire staff go with a process that was only rivaled by how he hired them.

Team Yang 2020 repeatedly did things that made absolutely no political sense. Because he, his closest advisors, and his most unshakable followers did not have political sense, it was the [politically] blind (Yang), leading the blind (Yang staff), leading the blind (YangGang).

Most telling of all, the few who did possess political experience would sound the alarm over the senseless things we were watching, we were dismissed, mocked, and attacked online by Yang’s legion of wildest sycophants.

18 (Unsuccessful) “Entrepreneur” Andrew Yang

Andrew Yang is often referred to as “Entrepreneur, Andrew Yang” in stories about his mayoral campaign. So it is of the utmost importance to understand his record as an entrepreneur is not great.

19 Yang Business/Entrepreneurship History In Brief: In 2009, Yang got rich after he sold a business (Manhattan Prep) he didn’t start, but was handed to him, which benefted tremendously from the dotcom bubble burst. He sold the business for millions and used it to start several fashy new ventures that never lived up to their hype and their promises before he moved on to his next bright idea.

Lofty goals are great… if you can achieve them. But Yang’s record is not one of achieving his lofty goals.

Yang’s “track record of success” at:

1. Venture for America is hardly one to brag about, which is why he doesn’t. 2. Humanity Forward is impossible to verify until Humanity Forward and Humanity Forward Foundation release their 990s. The verifiable information that is available at this point doesn’t paint the kind of picture Yang would seem excited to brag about, which is why he doesn’t. 3. Manhattan Prep experience is 12 years old, yet that’s what he talks about when pressed to give an example of a successful Yang-led endeavor. That should be a major red flag.

Unlike most candidates, it’s difficult to get a clear picture of Yang’s work history. Depending on what source you research, you will find various records. Yang, himself — who entered the workforce in 2000 — only refers to three of his many positions and ventures. He leads with the CEO position he started in 2006, the one he most often references, the one he considers his success story, and the one he left over a decade ago.

Manhattan Prep After connecting with CEO, Zeke Vanderhoek, the roommate of one of Yang’s high school classmate’s, Yang started at Manhattan Prep as a part-time instructor and writing curriculum materials in the mid-2000s. He joined the company full-time in 2005 and when Zeke left to start a charter school in 2006, he handed the reins to Yang.

Sidenote: Considering that Yang did not start Manhattan Prep, but was handed an already well established company, attaching Manhattan Prep to Yang’s resume as an entrepreneur is incredibly disingenuous. Afterall, as Investopida notes, “An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship.”

Just at the burst of the dotcom bubble, Yang, in his three years as CEO, expanded Manhattan Prep, made it very profitable, and sold it to Kaplan in the low tens of millions in 2009. “But Yang didn’t see his company’s success as evidence of visionary business prowess. “It’s not like we saw the financial crisis coming,” he said. ‘It’s not like one of these bullshit stories where we’re going to make something up—like [we were] building a business to benefit from a meltdown.’ He had more or less stumbled upon this booming countercyclical industry and profited immensely.”

Yang said on an episode of the Freakonomics podcast that he walked away with “some number in the millions.” Being that Yang only used $121,000 as seed funding for his next project, Venture For America, it’s unclear where those millions went.

20 Venture For America (VFA) “Our immediate goal as an organization is to help create 100,000 new U.S. jobs by 2025," Yang said in Oct. 2014, speaking to "Big Think."

According to VFA’s 2016 annual report — Yang’s last full year at Venture for America and the latest such report available on the nonprofit's website — "fellow-founded companies created 90 full-time jobs."

VFA was created in 2011. Yang stepped down in August 2017 to run for president. By 2019, VFA hadn’t even created 4,000 jobs total, a far cry from the 100,000 Yang promised and which earned him the special recognition from the Obama White House he loves to boast about.

Pre-Manhattan Prep Positions & Business Flops Yang Doesn’t Discuss ● Stargiving — (2000 - 2002) — Yang started Stargiving with an Attorney from his former firm, where he worked for five months after graduating Law School in 1999. Stargiving, designed to help celebrities raise money for their favorite charities, only survived two years. “Andrew actually was the first one to decide that this was not ultimately going to work out and decide to exit,” said Brian Yang (no relation), a former Stargiving employee. ● Mid 2000s — Limited records show Yang was involved in other failed and/or short lived startups. Various data includes two startups reporting him as the Co-Founder of an Internet company and a venture with a party-organizing business. ● MMF Systems — (2002 - 2005) — Yang was VP of this healthcare startup while working part-time for Manhattan Prep. He left the company to go full-time at Manhattan Prep.

Yang: ‘Let’s not talk about what I’ve done lately, let’s talk about what I did 11 years ago!’ When Yang was asked by NY1 to reflect on his record, Yang didn’t talk about his most recent record as a leader and executive at Humanity Forward or Venture for America, he instead “honed in on Manhattan GMAT” a business he left over a decade ago.

21 Revealing Gotham Gazette Interview

Andrew Yang recently sat down for a 30-minute interview with Gotham Gazette Editor-in-Chief, Ben Max - during the interview, Yang dodged several critical questions and (subtly) revealed a lot in the process.

Several big “Red Flag Moments” are highlighted on the following two pages.

22 Red Flag Moments  Yang says that NYC government should be ‘run like a business’ WATCH: 1. It is exceedingly rare to hear a Democrat (certainly a progressive) use this phrase. It is quite common, however, to hear Republicans use this phrase.

In fact, Donald Trump’s pitch to America was that he would be able to effectively run the US Government because, despite his lack of governmental experience, he was a businessman and would be able to run the US Government like a business.

2. “Running government like a business” is a fantastical, naive, and simply bad idea. Anyone with any government experience knows this.

 Yang refers to “Manhattan Prep” by name (as he often does) but intentionally doesn’t refer to Venture for America by name... Why? For good reason.

 Yang suggests that because he has been “trying to solve” big problems, he’s qualifed to be the mayor of NYC. But is trying enough?

 Yang was asked: “You’re asking [voters] to take a pretty big leap of faith on you, right, as sort of an unknown quantity locally… This is a pretty big leap of faith you're asking people to take in you to just turn over the keys of city government at such a perilous time with so much on the line for them, don't you think?

Yang’s response was very Trumpian. His answer was, essentially, ‘if you think the government hasn’t been working for you, you shouldn’t look to people who have government experience to make it work.

If this logic is actually rational, then electing lifelong public servants Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our nation’s President and Vice President to lead the US government out of unprecedented challenges would have been a terrible idea. However, Yang knows what he is saying is ludicrous, which is why he campaigned so hard for “Joe and Kamala” (as he calls them) and was delighted when they were elected, just as he was thrilled when “Pete” (Buttigege), another longtime public servant, became Transportation Secretary.

 Yang was asked: “Can you pitch yourself to NYC voters as a successful entrepreneur? Do you consider yourself to have been very successful as one?”

The truthful answer is: No - as previously explained in this report.

Yang’s answer was: ‘A good entrepreneur starts something and is able to walk away from it and the thing they started continues even after they leave.’ Yang then cites his decade-old experience at Manhattan Prep as an example of this (problem is, he didn’t start that company), as well as Venture for America (which has woefully underperformed), and his newest nonproft Humanity Forward (which has many issues to address).

23  Yang was asked: “You’re asking people to also let you manage city government, and so talk about your growth as a manager, as a leader. There have been a number of stories, especially during your presidential campaign, both in your prior entrepreneurial activities and in the campaign about misogynistic culture in these organizations, about challenges with sort of managing as things scale up; are those things you want to assuage people are no longer issues?

Are you taking some kind of different approach in your mayoral campaign to make sure those things don’t happen?

How have you sort of grown and changed on that front and ensuring that past issues don’t come up again?”

Yang completely refused to answer the questions. He instead sidestepped them completely (because the answer appears to be “no” and “I don’t want to talk about that” and instead started off by saying how proud he is of all his past work and pulled a 2012 Mitt Romney by praising the women who work for him who seem to like him. From there he delivered another very Trumpian line, saying his version of, ‘I’ll hire the best people. Trust me.’

24 Yang wanted a job with the Biden Administration but didn’t get one

1. Some voters have already gotten the sense that Yang’s candidacy for Mayor was his fall-back.

However, no one - to this point - has observed that Yang’s first choice was to be President of the United States, then his second choice was to be in the Biden Administration, but when he was not given a job with the Biden Administration, his third option was to run for Mayor of NYC.

2. Why didn’t Yang get a role in the Biden Administration? 3. Was Yang offered any roles or passed over entirely? 4. If he was offered any roles, what were they and why didn’t he accept? 5. If he was offered no roles and clearly wanted one, why was he not given one?

25 Further Reading:

5 Concerning Patterns About Andrew Yang I’ve Seen Up Close First-hand observations of a former prominent Yang-supporter and political professional

‘Bro culture’ bullying drove women on Andrew Yang’s 2020 campaign to therapy: report

The telling way Yang frames things about women...

Andrew Yang accused of discriminating against female employee at education company oyee-at-education

Woman Says Andrew Yang Fired Her For Being Married

Alyssa Milano withdraws from Andrew Yang fundraiser over staff sexual misconduct allegations sexual-misconduct-allegations

How a big bet during the Great Recession made the insurgent candidate a millionaire—and came to define his presidential ambitions.