CURRICULUM VITAE Alfred J. Andrea 161 Austin Drive, #3 Burlington, VT 05401 Tel: 802-399-2810 mobile phone: 802-578-5896
[email protected] EDUCATION: Ph.D. Cornell University, 1969 A.B. magna cum laude Boston College, 1963 POST-DOCTORAL GRANTS: Alexander von Humboldt Grant to travel to Germany on research, July, 2013 University of Vermont Faculty Summer Research and Travel Grants, 1986 and 1987 Alexander von Humboldt travel grant for research in Germany, l985 NEH Summer Institute on Public History, Arizona State University, l984 University of Vermont Faculty Summer Research Grant, l98l NEH Research/Translation Grant, l June l980 to 3l May l98l Six university instructional grants, l974-l986 University of Vermont Faculty Summer Research Grant, l974 University of Vermont Institutional Grant, l970-l97l American Philosophical Society Grant to conduct research in the medieval archives of the Staatsbibliothek, Munich Germany, Summer,l970 University of Vermont Faculty Summer Research Grant, l970 University of Vermont Institutional Grant, l969-l970 AWARDS AND HONORS: “Pioneer of World History” Award by the World History Association, July 19, 2014 Phi Delta Kappa Honoree for Distinguished Teaching, 2009 Saint Michael’s College Centennial Medal for Distinguished Scholarship, 2004 Fourth Annual Donald B. Hoffman Faculty Advisor Award, Phi Alpha Theta International Honor Society in History, 1991 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, 1965- PH.D. THESIS TOPIC: Pope Innocent III as Crusader and Canonist: His Relations with the Greeks of Constantinople, 1198-1216,