Muirhead North
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Ecological Assessment of Muirhead North and 2CRU Prepared for: Defence Housing Australia Prepared by: EcOz Environmental Services 2014 2014 This page has been intentionally left blank Client: Defence Housing Australia 2 Doc Title: Ecological Assessment of Muirhead North and 2CRU Document Control Record Document Code: EZ14053-C0301-EST-R-0001 Catalogue Number: 31590 Project Manager: Glen Ewers Author(s): Glen Ewers, Tom Reilly Approved by: Ray Hall Approval date: 4 July 2014 DOCUMENT HISTORY Version Issue Date Brief Description Distributed to 1.A-C 23 June 2014 Report preparation by authors Chris Brady on 4/7/2014 1.D 4 July 2014 Internal review by Chris Brady Glen Ewers 1.E 4 July 2014 Revisions incorporated by authors - 1.0 4 July 2014 First draft issued to client for review Brad Cunnington 1.1 14 Nov 2014 Final issued to client Brad Cunnington Recipients are responsible for eliminating all superseded documents in their possession. EcOz Pty Ltd. ABN: 81 143 989 039 Telephone: +61 8 8981 1100 Winlow House, 3rd Floor Facsimile: +61 8 8981 1102 75 Woods Street Email: [email protected] DARWIN NT 0800 Internet: GPO Box 381, Darwin NT 0800 RELIANCE, USES and LIMITATIONS This report is copyright and is to be used only for its intended purpose by the intended recipient, and is not to be copied or used in any other way. The report may be relied upon for its intended purpose within the limits of the following disclaimer. This study, report and analyses have been based on the information available to EcOz Environmental Services at the time of preparation. EcOz Environmental Services accepts responsibility for the report and its conclusions to the extent that the information was sufficient and accurate at the time of preparation. EcOz Environmental Services does not take responsibility for errors and omissions due to incorrect information or information not available to EcOz Environmental Services at the time of preparation of the study, report or analyses. Client: Defence Housing Australia 3 Doc Title: Ecological Assessment of Muirhead North and 2CRU This page has been intentionally left blank Client: Defence Housing Australia 4 Doc Title: Ecological Assessment of Muirhead North and 2CRU Executive Summary Introduction Defence Housing Australia is proposing to develop a planned community in the northern suburbs of Darwin. There are two parcels of land involved – a Crown Land parcel (Lot 9370) known as Muirhead North and a defence housing site known as 2CRU. Site 2CRU underwent a detailed environmental assessment by GHD in December 2010. The Muirhead North site was included within a flora and fauna survey of the entire Muirhead site undertaken by VDM-EcOz in December 2008. In 2014 EcOz Environmental Services (‘EcOz’) was contracted to review and supplement (where required) the ecological assessments of both sites in order to identify key ecological values. This report details the results and management implications of that review. Assessments of water quality, contamination, biting insects and heritage are not included within the scope of works. Ecological values Two key ecological values have been identified within the proposed development sites: Monsoon vine thicket / rainforest – HIGH ecological value There is both monsoon vine thicket and monsoon rainforest within the proposed development areas. These are considered to be of high ecological value because of their limited distribution in Greater Darwin. The Department of Land Resource Management considers the various types of monsoon rainforest to be ‘sensitive vegetation’ within the NT. The 2CRU site contains a large area of monsoon vine thicket on the western side. There is also a small (0.88 ha) isolated patch of dry monsoon rainforest present in Muirhead North. This is significant because its structure and the species present (especially the presence of native palms) resemble the spring-fed rainforests of Holmes Jungle and Howard Springs; however, no permanent freshwater is evident. It could be a groundwater dependent ecosystem. The presence of sensitive vegetation within a site invokes specific recommendations within the NT Land Clearing Guidelines. The monsoon rainforest patch within Muirhead North depends upon a drainage line that transects Muirhead North from the north-west to south-east. As such, management implications for this patch and its water source should be considered together. It is recommended setting aside the rainforest patch and its associated drainage line (with a buffer) as a reserve or parkland within the development. Threatened species – MODERATE ecological value Using a likelihood of occurrence assessment, two species listed as Vulnerable under the TPWC Act are either known or are likely to occur: a) Darwin Cycad (Cycas armstrongii) occurs in low densities throughout Eucalyptus sp. open forest and open woodland with Sarga intrans grassland. A higher density cycad patch occurs in the centre of the Muirhead North site. It is recommended that a relocation plan for this species be developed. b) Black-footed Tree-rat (Mesembriomys gouldii) is likely to occur throughout much of both sites. It is recommended that a fauna spotter-catcher be employed during land clearing to assist in salvaging and relocating this species (amongst others) to a suitable alternative site. These two species are considered of moderate ecological value because they are both still relatively abundant and widespread across Greater Darwin, and because of the abovementioned measures available to reduce the impact of this development on these species. The likelihood assessment concluded that there is a low chance that any EPBC-listed threatened species occur within the proposed development areas. It is unlikely that any other Matters of National Environmental Significance will be ‘significantly impacted’ upon by the proposed development. Therefore, it is not considered necessary for the developer to refer this development under the EPBC Act. Client: Defence Housing Australia 5 Doc Title: Ecological Assessment of Muirhead North and 2CRU Table of Contents 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................8 1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................8 1.2 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................8 1.3 Structure of report ................................................................................................................................8 2 Environmental Context ................................................................................................................................9 2.1 Location ................................................................................................................................................9 2.2 Climatic information ........................................................................................................................... 11 2.3 Bioregion summary ........................................................................................................................... 11 2.4 Land systems and land units ............................................................................................................. 11 2.5 Vegetation ......................................................................................................................................... 12 2.6 Flora and fauna records .................................................................................................................... 12 2.7 EPBC Protected Matters report ......................................................................................................... 14 2.8 Weeds ............................................................................................................................................... 14 3 2CRU ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 3.1 Background ....................................................................................................................................... 15 3.2 Supplementary Information ............................................................................................................... 15 3.3 Vegetation communities .................................................................................................................... 15 4 Muirhead North ......................................................................................................................................... 17 4.1 Background ....................................................................................................................................... 17 4.2 Supplementary Information ............................................................................................................... 17 4.3 Vegetation communities .................................................................................................................... 18 5 Threatened Species’ Likelihood of Occurrence ....................................................................................... 22 5.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................