THE FOREST of DEAN GLOUCESTERSHIRE Archaeological Survey Stage 1: Desk-Based Data Collection Project Number 2727
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THE FOREST OF DEAN GLOUCESTERSHIRE Archaeological Survey Stage 1: Desk-based data collection Project Number 2727 Volume 2 Appendices Jon Hoyle Gloucestershire County Council Environment Department Archaeology Service November 2008 © Archaeology Service, Gloucestershire County Council, November 2008 1 Contents Appendix A Amalgamated solid geology types 11 Appendix B Forest Enterprise historic environment management categories 13 B.i Management Categories 13 B.ii Types of monument to be assigned to each category 16 B.iii Areas where more than one management category can apply 17 Appendix C Sources systematically consulted 19 C.i Journals and periodicals and gazetteers 19 C.ii Books, documents and articles 20 C.iii Map sources 22 C.iv Sources not consulted, or not systematically searched 25 Appendix D Specifications for data collection from selected source works 29 D.i 19th Century Parish maps: 29 D.ii SMR checking by Parish 29 D.iii New data gathering by Parish 29 D.iv Types of data to be taken from Parish maps 29 D.v 1608 map of the western part of the Forest of Dean: Source Works 1 & 2919 35 Other early maps sources 35 D.vii The Victoria History of the County of Gloucester: Source Works 3710 and 894 36 D.viii Listed buildings information: 40 D.ix NMR Long Listings: Source ;Work 4249 41 D.x Coleford – The History of a West Gloucestershire Town, Hart C, 1983, Source Work 824 41 D.xi Riverine Dean, Putley J, 1999: Source Work 5944 42 D.xii Other text-based sources 42 Appendix E Specifications for checking or adding certain types of site to the Sites and Monuments Record as part of Stage 1 43 E.i Existing SMR records known only from Aerial Photographic sources 43 E.ii Lime kilns 43 E.iii Mine shafts / Air shafts 44 E.iv Minerals extraction and processing waste 44 E.v Quarries 45 Criteria for adding wells and ponds to the SMR 46 Appendix F Scheduled Monuments within the survey area 48 Appendix G Main archaeological and historical periods 51 Appendix H SMR Data structure 53 H.i Database structure - 'Area - Site - Artefact' 53 H.ii Archaeological Area Records 53 H.iii Archaeological Site Records 53 H.iv Archaeological Artefacts 54 H.v Structure and numbering 54 Appendix I Archaeological Area records 55 Appendix J SMR search patterns 57 J.i Key to abbreviations 57 J.ii The earlier prehistoric periods 57 J.iii The later prehistoric periods 59 J.iv The Roman period 61 J.v The post Roman/early medieval period 61 Post conquest period 62 J.vii Early communications 65 Appendix K Prehistoric and Roman: Tables of Evidence 67 K.i The Palaeolithic period 67 K.ii The Mesolithic period 67 K.iii Neolithic artefacts 68 K.iv Bronze Age artefacts 71 3 K.v Neolithic and Bronze Age Burial Mounds 74 Standing stones 76 K.vii The iron Age 77 K.viii Undated features 78 K.ix Earthwork evidence for possible Neolithic and Bronze Age Burial Mounds 79 K.x Undated Prehistoric Sites and Artifacts 80 K.xi Placenames 85 K.xii Enclosures 94 K.xiii Field systems 95 K.xiv The Romano-British period 97 Appendix L The Medieval period: Tables of evidence 107 Appendix M Selected places within the survey area recorded by 1086 122 Appendix N Parochial centres not mentioned in Domesday survey of 1086 125 Appendix O The Post-medeival period: Tables of evidence 126 Appendix P Relationship between sites of different periods – Tables of evidence 225 Appendix Q Sites producing finds from a range of prehistoric and the Romano- British artefacts 233 Appendix R Displays produced during the Survey 235 R.i Forest of Dean Survey exhibition 235 R.ii National Archaeology Day 2003 – Temporary information boards erected on the Beechenhurst sculpture trail. 239 R.iii Carving History at the Wilderness exhibition 242 Tables Table 1: All Palaeolithic sites within the survey area.................................................. 67 Table 2: Faunal remains from cave, or possible cave sites ....................................... 67 Table 3: Mesolithic sites: Surface finds ..................................................................... 67 Table 4: Mesolithic sites: Finds from surface artefact collection ............................... 67 Table 5: Mesolithic sites: Finds of surface artefacts found by metal detectors......... 68 Table 6: Neolithic Flint finds revored as a result of field walking............................... 68 Table 7: Neolithic artefacts recovered during metal detecting survey........................ 70 Table 8: Neolithic artefacts recovered during excavation on later sites..................... 70 Table 9: Neolithic flint artefacts recovered as a result of watching briefs .................. 70 Table 10: Neolithic flints found as chance finds ......................................................... 70 Table 11: Neolithic stone axe finds............................................................................. 70 Table 12: Unspecified evidence of Neolithic occupation............................................ 71 Table 13: Possible burial site...................................................................................... 71 Table 14: Bronze Age flint finds found as chance finds ............................................. 71 Table 15: Bronze Age flint finds recovered during fieldwalking.................................. 72 Table 16: Bronze Age flint finds recovered during archaeological exploration .......... 72 4 Table 17:Bronze Age pottery finds ............................................................................. 72 Table 18: Bronze Age Axe heads............................................................................... 73 Table 19: Possible site of Bronze Age hoard ............................................................. 73 Table 20: Possible votive axe finds ............................................................................ 73 Table 21: Late Neolithic/Bronze Age burials .............................................................. 74 Table 22: Late Neolithic/Bronze Age artefacts in conjunction with human remains .. 74 Table 23: Possible Bronze Age cinerary Urn find....................................................... 74 Table 24: Reported Barrow sites................................................................................ 74 Table 25: Undated mounds ........................................................................................ 74 Table 26: Undated windmill mounds .......................................................................... 75 Table 27: All possible prehistoric standing stones ..................................................... 76 Table 28: Natural stones ............................................................................................ 76 Table 29: Other stones ............................................................................................... 76 Table 30: Hillforts........................................................................................................ 77 Table 31: Other in situ Iron Age features ................................................................... 77 Table 32: Other possible in situ iron Age sites ........................................................... 77 Table 33: Iron Age artefacts ....................................................................................... 78 Table 34: Undated Earthworks................................................................................... 78 Table 35: Undated mounds interpreed as Bronze Age burial mounds ...................... 79 Table 36: Undated Mounds which may be Bronze Age burial mounds ..................... 79 Table 37: Sites recorded as Pillow Mounds ............................................................... 80 Table 38: Small ring ditches ....................................................................................... 80 Table 39: Undated Prehistoric Sites........................................................................... 80 Table 40: Undated Prehistoric flint finds recovered during archaeological exploration ................................................................................................................... 81 Table 41: Undated Prehistoric Flint finds found as chance finds ............................... 81 Table 42: Undated Prehistoric flint finds recovered by fieldwalking........................... 82 Table 43: Undated Prehistoric finds recovered by unknown methods....................... 84 Table 44: 'Bury' Placenames ...................................................................................... 85 Table 45: Barrow Placenames ................................................................................... 85 5 Table 46: Berry placenames....................................................................................... 86 Table 47: Tump placenames ...................................................................................... 86 Table 48: 'Pillow' Placenames .................................................................................... 88 Table 49: Loe/Low placenames.................................................................................. 88 Table 50: Bank/ditch placenames .............................................................................. 89 Table 51: Bailey placenames ..................................................................................... 89 Table 52: Other placenames ...................................................................................... 89 Table 53: Castle placenames which do not refer to known medieval castles............ 90 Table 54: Castle