201504 Minutes April
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1000 FRAMPTON ON SEVERN PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL ON WEDNESDAY 1st APRIL 2015 POLICE REPORT There was no report submitted for the month but Cllr Howe had spoken with PCSO Mark Lifton who confirmed that monitoring speed on the Perryway was continuing. MINUTES OF THE MEETING PRESENT Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Arnold, Clifford, Griffiths, Heaton, Hillman and Howe were present plus District Cllr Haydn Jones and Sheila Murray (Clerk). PRIOR TO THE MEETING PARISHIONERS WERE INVITED TO RAISE MATTERS OF CONCERN WITH COUNCIL: 049/15 Mrs Joy Greenwood New Shop and Post Office Mrs Greenwood representing the Shop Group website and facebook advised council that she has received several enquiries about the progress of the new shop and requested an update on progress and timescale. Cllr Clifford and Cllr Hillman agreed that the shop was expected to be finished July/August dependant on the weather. It was agreed that Cllr Hillman and Mr. Peter Clifford would present the Stroud District Council shop plans at the Annual Parish meeting on 15th April 2015. Mrs Greenwood further requested information relating to the Post Office. Council confirmed a Post Office counter will be in the new shop and negotiations are ongoing with The Post Office and Frampton Court Estate. 050/15 FLOODING Council agreed to allow members of the public present to contribute to the discussion and to ask questions on this topic. Cllr Alexander confirmed that he has written to Frampton Court Estates following the previous meeting and invited Cllr Clifford, Mr Roger Godwin and Mr Peter Clifford to respond. Cllr Clifford gave an overview of the obligations facing Frampton Court Estates legally and contractually. He further added that this project was in three phases: 1) Townfield Lake to Denfurlong 2) Landowners Coole to Sumsion 3) Landowners Sumsion to Williams Frampton Court Estate is responsible for phase 1 which will ensure the water level of 10.7m AOD as required by Natural England. The subsequent phases are managed by the landowners to clear and maintain culverts and drainage pipes. To ensure the water levels are managed at the Townfield Lake Cllr Clifford tabled a 3D model to demonstrate how the flow and pipe system installed managed this water flow. 1001 Mr. Roger Godwin also gave a visual description of the pipe system to ensure council and residents were assured of their progress and determination to ensure flooding does not re-occur but to also ensure Frampton Court Estates meet their legal and contractual obligations. Parishioners’ questions, lake level graphs and debate followed. Cllr Alexander advised the meeting that the council has a responsibility to represent the habitants of Frampton and to ensure they will not go through a flooding experience again. Cllr Clifford and Mr. Roger Godwin advised there were no guarantees but, with all the work carried out by themselves and the other landowners to ensure the water kept flowing in the pipe system, it was reasonably possible to safeguard the area. A majority of parishioners left the meeting. 051/15 APOLOGIES Apologies were accepted from Cllrs Grist, Greenfield and County Cllr Tony Blackburn. 052/15 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None received. 053/15 PREVIOUS MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th March 2015 were unable to be signed. This was due to corrupted electronic files transferred to council members. The minutes will be circulated for the next meeting on 29th April 2015. 054/15 PLANNING (A) DECISIONS MADE BY THE DISTRICT COUNCIL S.15/0187/HHOLD Glendevon Two Storey Extension Permission Lake Lane (B) DECISIONS MADE BY THE PLANNING COMMITTEE none (C) PLANNING APPLICATIONS TAKEN AT THE MEETING S.15/0563/HHOLD Extension to existing garage (revised application) Support Old School House The Street Tanhouse Farm Change of Use (revised application) Support (D) OTHER PLANNING Planning Appeal S.14/1503/FUL – Land Adjoining Splatt Bridge Cllr Alexander has submitted a letter to the Appeal officer as council has previously opposed this retrospective application. 1002 Griffin Lascelles Associates have submitted their planning application to Stroud District Council for Lake Lane old tennis courts site. They have requested a copy of the Parish Plan. Cambridge Solar Power have submitted their contract which has been signed and returned. This includes a payment to council for each year for 25 years. We have been granted 9.35% of £1000 per MW of 1.4 RoC installed capacity of the Solar Farm. District Cllr Haydn Jones confirmed that the radius has been altered with some parishes gaining and others losing. Solar Panel Farm – Awre The proposal of 260 acres with 115,000 panels has been submitted by four farmers. Cllr Alexander attended a meeting and viewed the plans. He expressed the view that if it went ahead the local community would want to benefit from it. District Cllr Haydn Jones advised that feedback was against the proposal. It was also against government policy by taking up large tracts of arable land which is no longer allowed. Cllr Alexander confirmed that no application had been submitted to date. The next meeting is 8th April 2015 at 7pm to view the proposal. 055/15 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT County Cllr Blackburn was unable to be present and no report has been received. 056/15 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT District Cllr Haydn Jones reported that with the General Election on 7th May 2105 they were operating under purdah rules. The Development Control Committee will be meeting on 14th and 21st April where applications for up to 4 Supermarkets in Stroud and 188 houses on the outskirts of Berkeley will be discussed. District Cllr Haydn Jones left the meeting 057/15 FINANCE (A) INVOICES FOR PAYMENT Cllrs unanimously agreed that the following invoices be paid CHEQUE DATE PAYEE FOR VAT TOTAL POWER 629 01/04/2015 Mrs S. Murray Salary - 227.43 LGA 1972 s.112(2) 630 01/04/2015 HM Revenue & PAYE - Customs 170.40 LGA 1972 s.112(2) 631 01/04/2015 PM Mountjoy Accountancy Fee - 30.00 LGA 1972 s.111 632 01/04/2015 GAPTC Annual Subscription - 333.00 LGA 1972 s.143 633 01/04/2015 GAPTC Local Council Administration 60.00 LGA 1972 s.111 publication v9 by Arnold Baker 634 01/04/2015 David Jones Lych Gate tree maintenance 280.00 HA 1980 ss.43.50 INVOICES PAID OUT BETWEEN MEETINGS CHEQUE DATE PAYEE FOR VAT TOTAL POWER none FUNDS RECEIVED AND BANKED BETWEEN MEETINGS DATE PAID IN FROM FOR AMOUNT none (B) FINANCE UPDATE Cllrs noted the Finance Update for April 2015 as month end figures only. These were presented by the Clerk. 1003 (C) OTHER FINANCIAL MATTERS Frampton Utd. A.F.C. have written to thank council for the Litter Bin which is in full use on Bell Field. 058/15 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Cllr Alexander and Cllr Clifford extended their apologies as they will be unable to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on 15th April 2015. The Chairman’s report is available for Cllr Grist as she will chair the meeting with assistance from the Clerk and Cllr Howe. All council members were invited to attend. Cllr Hillman and Mr. P. Clifford will present the Post Office and Shop plans for public viewing and questions. 059/15 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Cllr Heaton reported that the Strategies Working Group had met on March 26th and would formally propose to Council’s meeting on 29th April 2015 that it establish a Working Group to propose a Community Design Statement. Cllrs Arnold and Hillman indicated willingness to join such a group if it were set up and Cllr Heaton was willing to take the chair. Pending the formal decision on April 29th he would begin to prepare documentation. Council noted that advice and contributions would be needed from many individuals and groups and that the working party would have power to co-op. 060/15 POST OFFICE AND SHOP Cllr Clifford and Cllr Hillman declared an interest in this item. Cllr Hillman confirmed the building programme was on target and Cllr Clifford confirmed Frampton Court Estate is negotiating with possible tenants. 061/15 SEVERN VOICE The next meeting is Monday 13th April 2015 commencing at 7.30pm at Hardwicke Village Hall. The agenda includes the proposed use of Remote Control Bridges on the Gloucester to Sharpness canal by use of smartphone apps operated from the boats. A consultative group includes Cllr John Jones and Cllr Alexander who will attend a conference. Nicky Leach will act as Clerk for this meeting but it is proposed that Sheila Murray take on the Clerk role for the future. 062/15 HIGHWAYS Laurence Wood will produce cost information on Street Trees for the next meeting on 29th April 2015. 063/15 CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Daniel Tiffney – the Local Highway Manager for Stroud North has confirmed they will deliver an improved drainage scheme for Bridge Road in the coming financial year. 064/15 CHAIRMAN’S ITEMS Western Canals Consultative Group is meeting on 15th April 2015 but our Annual Parish Meeting is on the same evening. Cllr Alexander will ask someone to represent council on this occasion. 1004 065/15 COUNCILLORS’ SUBMISSIONS Cllr Howe confirmed he submitted to the Community Newsletter a written account of council activities over the last three months. It has provoked some response so it was agreed unanimously that he should continue to update residents in this way. The next deadline for submission is 15th July 2015. Cllr Arnold advised council that Mike Williams had “pegged out” where the pipe blockages are and was starting to clear these. He was also liaising with the Coole’s on their progress.