Jean Cowan <
[email protected]> Ecosystem Modeling and Chandeleur Islands Restoration 1 message Blanchard, Mary Josie <
[email protected]> Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 1:37 PM To: Ben Scaggs <
[email protected]> Cc: Buck Sutter <
[email protected]>, Jean Cowan <
[email protected]>, Helen Chabot - NOAA Federal <
[email protected]> Through the collaboration process, DOI and the States have determined that for the outstanding proposal on Ecosystem Modeling and Chandeleur Islands Restoration E&D, alternative funding sources might be available. Therefore, DOI is withdrawing our request for funding the Chandeleur Islands E&D under the RESTORE 3b. Mary Josie Blanchard Director, Gulf of Mexico Restoration Office of the Assistant Secretary, Policy, Management and Budget 1849 C Street NW, Room 5147 Washington DC 20240 (202) 208-3406 (202) 997-1338 (cp) Notice of FPL 3b proposal withdrawal RESTORE Council FPL 3 Proposal Document General Information Proposal Sponsor: U.S. Department of the Interior – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Title: Ecosystem Modeling and Chandeleur Island Restoration Engineering & Design (DOI/FWS) Project Abstract: “Ecosystem Modeling and Chandeleur Island Restoration Engineering and Design” is a planning project to preserve the Chandeleur Islands as part of a holistic restoration strategy for the ecologically interconnected Pontchartrain Basin, Chandeleur Sound, Mississippi Sound, and Mobile Bay system. This system includes portions of three states, which has hampered the ability to pursue restoration comprehensively. To address this challenge, we are proposing two project components. First, is an integrated modeling effort to unify the diverse models that have been developed for this region.