
Review of the Year

Welcome to BAFTA’s Review of the Year 09/10 – a chance to go behind the scenes and see how we work. Review of the Year Executive Message

Like a BAFTA mask in the making, the Our members have been fundamental Academy has endured a fair degree of in helping us bring opportunities to young heat this year… and emerged in better people and career starters, in particular. shape at the end of it. And, although it may be less visible than the Awards ceremonies, it is perhaps this Prince William’s enthusiastic acceptance work which will inspire most to reach out of the BAFTA Presidency in February was for the BAFTA mask in future generations. a great endorsement of our charitable role. His Royal Highness became our fifth President, succeeding Lord Attenborough, who has been tireless in his support of the Academy since becoming a member in 1959 and to whom we owe a great deal of thanks.

The presentation of the Fellowship to David Parfitt Amanda Berry Kevin Price Shigero Miyamoto, signaling the arrival Chairman Chief Executive Chief of BAFTA’s Video Games Awards as the Operating premier global Video Games Awards Officer ceremony was another highlight in BAFTA: The leading independent charity, our year. supporting, promoting and developing the art forms of the moving image. Our theme for 2009/10 has been a year of Reviews. We’ve looked at our buildings, Image – The mould of the iconic BAFTA mask. Awards, our branch network and (BAFTA / Mark Hoberman) publishing: each throwing up strategies which will shape our future as a strong, vibrant Academy and UK charity.

Most importantly, however, we have delivered all our charitable promises and exceeded many, despite the tough economic climate. The number of BAFTA learning events around the UK has risen substantially, and the increase in traffic on bafta.org is proof that more people than ever are sharing what we have to offer. Review of the Year A Year of Reviews

Planning for the future BAFTA is a byword for excellence. This has not come about by accident but through years of dedication from Academy staff and members in making our Awards and Inside View — We want to continue events the very best of their kind. Amanda Berry, to develop and grow BAFTA Chief Executive as an Academy, improving our Nearly everything we do already meets international reach the high standards we set ourselves. But and bringing our as our activities and influence broaden charitable activities to and the BAFTA brand gains stature a larger audience. around the world, we constantly aim to improve what we do and how we do it.

Over the past 12 months we have conducted four fundamental reviews across our organisation. These follow the strategic review of five years ago, which yielded a fresh mission for the Academy and a renewed commitment to our charitable causes.

We have been focusing on three areas of great importance for BAFTA: our branches, representing BAFTA in , and the US; our Awards, through which we recognise and reward excellence; and our building, 195 Piccadilly, which has been our home and the centre of our activity for more than 30 years.

Image – (BAFTA/ Jamie Simonds) Review of the Year A Year of Reviews

The Branches Review Over the past 25 years, BAFTA Scotland, BAFTA Cymru, BAFTA East Coast and BAFTA/LA have advanced the Academy’s name and influence far Inside View — We have produced beyond what has been possible from a Christina Thomas, more events this single base in . Each franchise has Chief Executive BAFTA year, several in in New York association with other taken root and grown independently, organisations in our through its own blend of events, field. Applications are membership activities and Awards. up and the rewards of membership are truly What our latest review has revealed is a appreciated. need for clarity and consistency in the Academy’s relationship with its branches. Most importantly, in order for our charitable activities to have maximum impact, BAFTA should mean the same thing everywhere. If we convey the same values and standards wherever our name appears, we can strengthen our membership and standing, and take our charitable remit to a global audience.

Our programme to unify the Academy will help create a larger and more joined-up network of BAFTA members. We will have opportunities to stage more international events and learning initiatives, and to build stronger links between our three industries. The opportunities for global sponsorship and fundraising will increase, too, with extra benefits for our members.

Image – Actor Anthony Mackie joins the line for the New York screening of . (BAFTA East Coast / Katie Taylor) Review of the Year A Year of Reviews

The Awards Review: Defining, refining A natural outcome of identifying the The review also highlighted the need to need for consistency and clarity across establish unique qualifying criteria for the BAFTA has been to look at how we BAFTA Scotland and BAFTA Cymru Awards reward excellence. Our branches in LA, in order to clarify their role and place Scotland and Wales have each operated alongside the Film, Television and Video their own successful Awards for a number Games Awards. of years. A full-scale review offered the chance to assess best practice and refine The review process is ongoing so that where necessary. our Awards maintain the standards our industries deserve. Working with our review partners Deloitte, we examined every aspect of our Image – (BAFTA / Mark Hoberman) Awards systems, from the logistics of the entry and judging processes through category definitions and special awards to audiences and ceremonies, seeking out opportunities for improvements and flagging up issues we may need to be aware of in the long term.

As expected, no glaring deficiencies were uncovered. However, the review revealed a need to keep closer track of developments in communication technology and the consumption of media. In response, a new Technology Committee will monitor how these factors impact our Awards. We will also develop an Awards ‘bible’ that captures best practice in all our Awards processes. Review of the Year A Year of Reviews

The Buildings Review: A moving matter? 195 Piccadilly is our home. We have been Other issues include funding: how do we here for more than 30 years, a period meet the costs of a move, which could that has seen the Academy develop run into millions of pounds? Whatever the and grow beyond recognition. The outcome, we need to start raising a major building is an intrinsic part of what we do: capital sum to cover the costs, when our main London venue for members’, they come. Nothing can be allowed partners’ and corporate events, and a to interrupt the work we do throughout vital generator of income that we can the year in inspiring and rewarding plough back into our charitable Learning excellence – even a move from 195. & Events programme. Image – The busy members bar at 195 Piccadilly. But 195 isn’t ours, and in 13 years our lease (BAFTA/ Ed Miller) on the property expires. Ideally, 195 would remain our home. But that may not be an option, and now is a good time to begin thinking seriously about all likely scenarios, and how we prepare for a possible move.

The Buildings Review has been looking at issues such as the pressure to redevelop property in the Piccadilly area, and the possible consequences for our section of this famous thoroughfare. Finding a new home to meet our needs would be a challenge and take time; how should we proceed? Could we lease another space? Could we, should we share space with another, like-minded institution?

Inside View — 195 Piccadilly is at the Kevin Price, Chief heart of the Academy Operating Officer and its security as our long term home, or an alternative with comparable prestige and facilities, will be a priority. Review of the Year 195 Piccadilly

The place to be 195 Piccadilly continues to offer our We will carry on working hard to make members a convenient and stylish 195 a green as well as a pleasant place. meeting place in the capital. It is also In October 2009, we signed up to The our principal London venue for screenings Guardian’s 10:10 campaign, whose and other events. On most days, the signatories are aiming to reduce their bar and restaurant are buzzing with carbon emissions by 10% by the end of the conversation of members and 2010. Our efforts to minimise 195’s carbon their guests. footprint will build on the progress we have made across the organisation in But 195 is more than a home or a West recycling and waste reduction. End base. In a successful partnership with the Capital Group, we have developed Image – Entrance to BAFTA’s Head Quarters at 195 one of London’s most in-demand Piccadilly. (BAFTA / Jamie Simonds) corporate venues. Our facilities there generate the revenue we need to do our charitable work. And it all supports our core activity, of inspiring people to bring their talents to our industries for the future benefit of our audiences.

It is important to continue to improve those facilities to meet the demands of our customers. In the last 12 months, we have carried out a facelift of the entrance at 195. We have refurbished the staircase, and upgraded the world class projector in the Princess Anne Theatre to allow the screening of films in 3D – something we are frequently asked for.

Inside View — 195 Piccadilly Helen Kirwan, continues to be a Head of Facilities uniquely exciting venue in the heart of the Capital, offering exceptional facilities, fantastic catering and first-class service. Review of the Year Key Performance Indicators 1 225 Above and beyond Number of events staged We didn’t just do what we said we would in 2009; we went way beyond it on many 200 measures of our performance, particularly 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 in our core, rapidly expanding Learning & target actual target 175 Events programme. 113 166 150 218 200 Our target number of events for 2009 was 150 150; we actually staged 218 events, 31% more than in 2008. There were big rises in Our objectives 125 the number of BAFTA events for career • To re-state our commitment to starters and in the area of video games. career starters We also achieved a large increase – more • To strengthen our events programme 100 than double our target – in the number 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 outside London target actual target of partner institutions that we worked with • To increase our number of Video on those events. And we beat, by a large Games events margin, our ambitious target for unique visitors to our website. What we achieved • We staged 95 events for career As the figures show, our commitment to starters the Academy’s mission is stronger than • Our number of events increased ever. We are reaching more people in by 31% % % more places, with a greater diversity of • Nearly half (44%) of our events took events and media. And we’re planning place outside London 44 31 more of the same for 2010. • We more than tripled the number of of our events took place outside increase in the number of events Video Games events, from 8 to 26 of London Review of the Year Key Performance Indicators 2 Number people reached through our events Number of screenings held Number of institutions

2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 target actual target target actual target target actual target

21,575 27,417 30,000 31,800 33,000 355 332 325 257 275 24 66 50 106 100

Our objectives What we achieved Our objectives Our objectives • To widen the reach of our • Our overall audience increased • To increase our attendance figures • To establish new partnerships with programme by 6% • To maintain the balance of genres venues both in and outside London • To continue to develop the audience • Our average attendance was up within our film screenings programme, • To work strategically with partners of career starters nearly 10% to 87% particularly foreign language films. to increase audiences, particularly • To increase the number of people • Between bafta.org and our YouTube of career starters accessing BAFTA’s events online channels, we reached a global What we achieved • To increase income through working audience of nearly 1.8million who • Average attendance increased from closely with strategic partners viewed our event webcasts. 33.4% to 50.4% due to better marketing and closer monitoring and What we achieved 34k evaluation. • We saw an increase in the number

32k • Some films were only screened once of partners, more than double the to improve attendance, reflected target 30k in an overall increase of 17%. Despite • We achieved 14,000 newsletter sign- 28k fewer screenings, there was only ups through targeting partners a small drop in the number of films 26k screened (from 183 to 165). 24k • We maintained the percentage of 22k foreign films screened at 25%

20k 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 target actual target Review of the Year Key Performance Indicators 3 Number of unique visitors to the BAFTA website


2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 1,400,000 target actual target 1,300,000 516,539 695,537 1,000,000 1,090,298 1,500,000 1,200,000

1,100,000 Our objectives What we achieved 1,000,000 • To raise further awareness of our • We raised awareness of BAFTA and activities its activities through a 35% increase in 900,000 • To target key audiences with specific unique visitors to bafta.org 800,000 content as part of our growing • We targeted career starters with the educational remit launch of the Access All Areas sub- 700,000 • To add value to the BAFTA brand 600,000 membership • We reached young audiences • To create new online revenue through the BAFTA Kids Vote – over 500,000 streams for the charity 425,000 votes were cast 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 target actual target • We offered greater value to the membership through the provision of new information and services to members online • Our webcast views totalled nearly 1.8million across our online platforms. • We brought greater value to our % k partners through online promotion and content sharing 35 425 increase in unique visitors to bafta.org votes cast for the BAFTA Kids Vote Review of the Year Key Performance Indicators 4 Number of young people reached Number of BAFTA publications Total viewers reached by all BAFTA Total income from the BAFTA Group through our competitions and initiatives television broadcasts

2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 target actual target target actual target target actual target target actual target

Unknown 179,670 Not set 426,320 500,000 21 18 18 16 10 12.69m 8.8m 8.5m 9.9m 9m £8314k £8651k £9000k £9237k £9000k

Our objectives Our objectives Our objectives • To improve the range and reach of • To oversee introduction of in-house • To deliver two Awards broadcasts, Total charitable expenditure activities for young people production on smaller publications taking greater creative control of • To enable more young people to • To support our Awards and L&E each access industry expertise through activity with original, well-written and 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 working with strategic partners insightful material What we achieved target actual target • To support other BAFTA activity (e.g. • We delivered two first-class Awards What we achieved Fundraising) as necessary broadcasts for our Film and Television £4214k £4503k £4500k £4571k £4500k • The young people audience Awards, and grew our audience to increased by 137% What we achieved 9.9million viewers in the UK • We continued partnerships with CBBC • Our first in-house productions of the and BBC Learning, and forged new Lecture brochure ones with , Film Education, and the Douglas Slocombe tribute DePict and BBC Blast. brochure for L&E • Our first in-house production of the Children’s Awards brochure • Introduction of five separate covers for the Film Awards brochure, creating a collectable ‘set’ Review of the Year Learning & Events 1

Moving on It has often been said that BAFTA In 2009, the number of events staged means different things to different rose by 31%, from 166 to 218, or four every people: golden masks and red carpet week, to which we drew a total audience ceremonies to the public, a base in of almost 32,000 people. We more than Piccadilly to London members, a great trebled our number of video games venue to corporate guests and so on. events and enjoyed a 17% increase in What’s often been missed is that all these attendance at members screenings, things are about one thing: advancing thanks to improved marketing, more the arts of the moving image. advanced booking and an increase in one-off screenings. Our Awards set standards for others to follow. Our facilities at 195 generate Even more pleasing was the fact that the revenue we need to work. And it all we almost doubled the number of supports our core charitable activity, of partner organisations that we worked inspiring people to bring their talents to with to deliver these events (from 66 to our industries, for the future benefit of 106), and established new, vital alliances our audiences. with venues up and down the UK. In fact, almost half of all our events took We deliver that inspiration through our place outside London. The good news for Learning & Events programme. Every year anyone who misses an event is that many that passes, the programme grows as we are available to watch as webcasts in deliver more events, more opportunities the Access All Areas section of bafta. to learn about our arts, in more places org, which over the last 12 months has across the UK. Much of its success so far become a treasure trove of material for we owe to BAFTA members who have students of film, television and come forward to share their experience, video games. insight and skill. Image – BAFTA event: ‘Make Your Own Show and Party’ in which young people learnt about the making of film, BAFTA is a charity, and its membership TV and video games before putting their skills to the test includes hundreds of practitioners at at a party hosted by BAFTA and EA. (BAFTA / Ed Miller) the top of their industries. To fulfill our charitable function, we need those members to play as full a part as they can in helping to deliver our services, and build on the great progress we are making. Review of the Year Learning & Events 2

Starting careers We continued to put enormous energy We took twice-BAFTA-nominated actor, into our programme for career starters, and now director, on supporting new and emerging talent tour for a series of Masterclasses around who wish to forge a career in our the country, with guests including fellow industries and help them take their first actors Adrian Dunbar, Helen Elizabeth steps. In 2009, we staged a total of 95 and Vicky McClure. Other Masterclasses career starter events, where newcomers have featured Bill Nighy, Shane Meadows, could meet, talk and connect with and Lost production team, Damon professionals, all across the UK. Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. And the BAFTA Rocliffe New Writing Forums have The Short Sighted! sessions, for example, branched out around the UK to provide which bring together figures in the short a platform for aspiring British screenwriters. film business to guide fellow filmmakers in getting their work distributed, are a great Image – Noel Fielding (as the Spirit of Jazz) and Jennifer example of how an event that was a Saunders (as Joan Collins) join BAFTA-winning make-up success in London can be just as powerful artist Christine Cant at her Life In Make-Up event. (BAFTA / Ed Miller) elsewhere. The series, run in partnership with Shooting People, has so far visited Newcastle, , Jersey and Edinburgh, and helped hundreds of budding independent filmmakers.

For the BAFTA members that take part, our events are a chance to glimpse the freshest talent, as it emerges. The touring Microbudget Roadshow focused on low- budget filmmaking, with directors and producers sharing their experience of making a shoestring go a long, long way. We also held a day of 15-minute surgeries for young visitors to the Eurogamer fairs in Inside View — BAFTA’s learning Tim Hunter, programme acts as a and London to learn from games Head of BAFTA gateway to industry industry professionals. Learning & Events expertise for different public audiences – helping them to learn from some of the best minds in Film, TV and Video Games. Review of the Year Learning & Events 3

Mentoring young people Creative projects involving Film, In September, a special showcase event Television and Video Games are proving at 195 Piccadilly celebrated the remarkable to be a powerful means of improving the achievements of the young people confidence and social skills of taking part by screening their short films disadvantaged young people. After a and hearing about their experiences. successful pilot year helping 13-25-year- olds in London, the BAFTA Youth Mentoring We’ve also helped young people access Programme, run in partnership with Media our members’ expertise through competitions Trust, has secured funding for a further 12 and other targetted initiatives, as well as months from the RBS group and the Paul through our partnership with Film Club, Hamlyn Foundation, allowing it to extend which brings filmmakers to schools around to other cities in the UK. the country.

The pilot involved around 30 BAFTA Image – BAFTA Storyboard Workshop with Jay Clarke at members from a range of disciplines, London Film Day. (BAFTA / Ed Miller) supporting young people on media projects that tap into the members’ own expertise and experience. Mentors are matched with existing youth projects and help participants develop transferable skills and gain confidence in their own abilities.

Participating organisations have included Equal People, which supports young people with learning difficulties, DNA Mix Young Fathers Project, Mediabox, a fund for youth-led media projects, Cricklewood Homeless Concern and LIVE Futures in Brixton, where producer Damian Jones was able to offer four participants work Inside View — It was really powerful Basi Akpabio, to meet young experience on his film,Sex & Drugs & BAFTA mentor people who live just Rock & Roll. Other mentors have included down the road but Revolutionary Road co-producer Pippa are living very different Harris, Marple writer Stewart Harcourt and lives from me…one award-winning documentary producer of the best things I’ve done all year! Caroline van den Brul. Review of the Year Learning & Events 4

Tributes, lectures and live appearances It has been another rich and varied year Director Atom Egoyan was invited to for BAFTA events at 195 Piccadilly and deliver the David Lean lecture in October, around the country. and gave a fascinating insight into the motivations, inspirations and penetrating ‘The Life In…’ strand of events, which characterisations behind such acclaimed invites the very best creative talents in films as Exotica, The Sweet Hereafter and Film, TV and Video Games to discuss Where The Truth Lies. their careers in front of a live audience, continues to attract big audiences. The The continued success of these events is line-up of ‘Life In Pictures’ guests at 195 thanks to the hard work, time and energy was impressive, including , of every participant, member and guest Viggo Mortensen, Vincent Cassel, Quentin involved. Tarantino, and Mira Nair. Outside London, our guests included Image – Visionary filmmaker and BAFTA Fellow Terry at Ely Cathedral and David Gilliam discusses his Life in Pictures. (BAFTA / Ed Attenborough at the Brighton Dome. Miller)

There were also our magical Stately Screenings at National Trust properties, the Monty Python reunion in New York and ‘An Evening With…’ events in which Kiefer Sutherland, film editor and comedy producer Caryn Mandabach offered absorbing insights into their respective careers and crafts.

Our Tributes celebrated the careers of pioneering animator Ray Harryhausen, master cinematographer Douglas Slocombe, television producer Betty Willingale and legendary , Inside View — BAFTA’s learning Krishnendu Majumdar, programme is about Lewis Gilbert. Learning and Events inspiration and Committee Chair excellence – through championing major creative talent, we inspire a new generation to strive for excellence. Review of the Year Membership

Give and take Being a member of BAFTA means Initiatives such as the BAFTA and Media being part of BAFTA. This Academy is a Trust Youth Mentoring Programme and community of industry experts, selected our workshops for career starters bring out for their achievements and talents, and the very best in our members and their they contribute in many ways. audiences. As we continue to develop and extend our L&E programme, we will Every time a BAFTA member casts a keep looking to members to play their vote in one of our Awards categories, for part in their Academy. example, they are making a contribution to our recognition of excellence. Their Today, our members have more to gain expertise and time is precious. as well as give; more ways to get involved with what we do and more ways to But we also aim to bring that expertise benefit from it. We hope they’ll keep to bear much more directly in our giving and keep gaining from being part development of excellence. The Learning of BAFTA. & Events programme at the heart of our charitable mission stands or falls by the Image – Animation Workshop with Paul Donellon quality of members input. There is enough at London Film Day in March 2010. (BAFTA / Jamie quality in our ranks to inspire a nation of Simonds) future performers, directors, designers and technicians, and it is our aim to put that talent to the very best use. Review of the Year Awards

From strength to strength It has been another record-breaking 12 All this reflects our commitment to months for the British maintaining the quality and integrity of ceremonies. And in an economic our Awards, as well as increasing access environment that has broken records to them. Each ceremony represents of the wrong kind, that really is saying the culmination of a year’s planning; something. each Award crowns years of work and dedication. And each year it gets harder The Kids’ Vote at the EA British Academy to win one. A BAFTA mask is an award Children’s Awards received twice as like no other, and every winner is an many votes as the previous year, and inspiration. there was a 60% rise in entries for the Me & My Movie Award. The interest in the Image – Red carpet arrivals at the Orange British Orange British Academy Film Awards took Academy Film Awards. (BAFTA / Dave Dettman) another giant leap, and we took over extra space at the Royal Opera House to allow the public to watch the Awards live and hear from the winners as they came off stage. Almost 10,000 people watched the GAME British Academy Video Games Awards live, online. At the Craft Awards we announced the winner of the very first BAFTA/BBC Blast Screen Skills competition and we welcomed Philips as title sponsor and You Tube as Audience Award sponsor to the Television Awards.

Inside View — Occasions such as HRH Prince William, tonight are wonderful BAFTA President showcases for British film but I am also extremely excited about the prospect of working with BAFTA on its charitable endeavours. Review of the Year BAFTA/LA 5 November 2009 BAFTA/LA, the Academy’s presence in Hollywood, continues to bring together the West Coast’s Film and Television Inside View — The Britannia Awards Donald Haber, BAFTA/ are a celebration and communities and carry out valuable LA Executive Director the evening’s success education and outreach works in the & Chief Operating provides additional community at large. Its showpiece event, Officer resources to help each November, is the BAFTA/LA Britannia improve the quality of Awards ceremony, at which emerging the creative industry in which we work. and established individuals are honoured for their contributions to advancing the entertainment arts.

A stellar audience gathered at the Hyatt Regency in Century Plaza to acclaim two Hollywood greats: Robert De Niro was presented with the Britannia Award for Excellence in Film, and Kirk Douglas received the Britannia Award for Worldwide Contribution to Filmed Entertainment.

Also honoured were Danny Boyle ( Britannia Award for Artistic Excellence in Directing), Colin Firth (BAFTA/LA Volvo Humanitarian Award) and Emily Blunt (Britannia Award for British Artist of the Year).

Image – Screen legend Kirk Douglas accepts the BAFTA/ LA Britannia Award for Worldwide Contribution to Filmed Entertainment. (BAFTA / Berliner Studio) Review of the Year BAFTA/LA Britannia Awards BAFTA/LA Britannia Awards Winners—

Stanley Kubrick Britannia Award for Excellence in Film Robert De Niro

Britannia Award for British Artist of the Year Emily Blunt

John Schlesinger Britannia Award for Artistic Excellence in Directing Danny Boyle

BAFTA/LA Volvo Humanitarian Award Colin Firth

Britannia Award for Worldwide Contribution to Filmed Entertainment Kirk Douglas Review of the Year BAFTA Scotland Awards 8 November 2009 A full house turned out for the BAFTA BAFTA Scotland also recognises other Scotland Awards ceremony and dinner at debuts and the best work by newcomers a spectacular new venue: the with its New Talent Awards, which took Inside View — The Awards Ewan Angus, highlighted the Science Centre, located in the city’s place at the Mitchell Theatre, Glasgow BAFTA Scotland quality of creative media district on the banks of the Clyde. on 19 March. The NTAs attract a high Chairman achieve ment standard of work in film and video games across the industry The production at the centre of the from Scottish universities, and reward in Scotland and the evening was the political satire, In The the most promising Scots on television. vital contribution Scots make to UK and Loop: local boy Among the winners were up-and-coming international projects. picked up the main writing and directing actor Eric Robertson (Narrow Gauge), awards and Peter Capaldi won Best 17-year-old film director Michael Ferns Acting Performance in a Film. Robert (Kirk!), and the team of game designers Carlyle (The Unloved) and Daniela from University of Abertay, Dundee that Nardini (New Town) both beat off created SHRuNK! strong competition to pick up the two Acting Performance in TV awards. The Image – presents the award for Outstanding acclaimed “Edinburgh noir” debut from Contribution to Scottish Broadcasting to . director Justin Molotnikov, Crying With (BAFTA Scotland / Michele Dillon) Laughter, came away with the Feature Film award. Review of the Year BAFTA Scotland Awards BAFTA Scotland Awards Winners— Outstanding Contribution To Broadcasting BAFTA Scotland Award For Craft (In Sir Jeremy Isaacs Memory Of Robert Mccann) Entertainment Programme Patrick Doyle Rab C Nesbitt Christmas Special Writing In Film/Television Jesse Armstrong, Simon BlackwEll, Acting Performance In Film Childrens Programme Armando Iannucci, Tony Roche Peter Capaldi Kntv: The Act Of Sex Directing In Film/Television Feature Film Factual Programme Armando Iannucci Crying With Laughter Sighthill Stories Web Factual Series Blipfoto.Com Terry Pratchett: Living With Alzheimers Interactive News And Current Affairs Cybraphon Panorama: Britain’s Homecare Scandal Game Television Drama Flock! New Town Outstanding International Achievement Acting Perfrormance In David Jones Television(Female) Daniela Nardini Animation The Happy Duckling Acting Performance In Television(Male) Robert Carlyle Short Film Life Of A Pigeon Review of the Year EA British Academy Children’s Awards 29 November 2009 The threat to original children’s television out in force in the weeks leading up to production that has emerged in recent the ceremony to make their voice heard years seems to have engendered a in the BAFTA Kids’ Vote, which invited Inside View — When they called out Megan Salter, AWOL as the winner sense of community and purpose among children to choose the best programme, winner First Light Open we were speechless! programme-makers. The EA British film, game and website of the year. Access Award Winning this award Academy Children’s Awards continues has really inspired us to offer the best evidence of this, More than 425,000 votes were cast – to continue making gaining stature every year thanks to the double the number of 2008 – by almost films. combined efforts of BAFTA’s Children’s 160,000 unique voters. Producers and Committee and our partners. broadcasters made available a mass of downloadable content that visitors to the Among the winners on the night, hosted Kids’ Vote site could access by playing by dynamic duo Dick and Dom, were the brilliant, animated ‘Grab-a-Goody’ Nick Jr (Channel of the Year), Coraline game. Disney’s Hannah Montana picked (Feature Film), LittleBigPlanet (Video up the film and television awards, while Game), BBC2’s Off By Heart (Learning, Wii Sports Resort was the winner in the Primary) and Big and Small Online game category and Club Penguin won (Interactive). EA was a fantastic title best website. sponsor once again. One more important award was made The CBBC Me & My Movie Award in by BAFTA, at the First Light Awards in association with BAFTA drew 800 entries March. We were partners in the new First from 6-14-year-old short filmmakers – 300 Light Open Access Award, which invited more than in 2008. Workshops around the 13-19-year-olds to submit their short films country and an ongoing commitment for consideration by a BAFTA panel. First from previous years’ entrants swelled Light provides funding for young people the interest in the competition, which from all backgrounds to invest in media was won – following a stringent judging projects. The winner from a three-strong process culminating in a final decision shortlist was decided by a public vote: from a BAFTA ‘super jury’ – by Lauren AWOL by Megan Salter, a ‘captivating from the Isle of Man, with her ingenious film’, in the words of the jury. We look animation, Vern’s Vacation. forward to further collaborations with First Light in the future. The Awards offer graphic proof of the appetite among children for television, Image – 14-year-old Lauren accepts the ‘Me and My film and other media. Under-14s came Movie’ award for her animated film Vern’s Vacation. (BAFTA / Philip Tull) Review of the Year EA British Academy Children’s Awards EA British Academy Children’s Awards Feature Film Pre-School Animation BAFTA Kids Vote Winners— Coraline Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Children between the ages of 7 and 14 Bill Mechanic, Henry Selick, Claire Phil Davies, Neville Astley, Mark Baker voted for their favourite Film, TV Show, Animation Jennings, Mary Sandell Astley Baker Davies/E1 Kids/Nick Jr. UK Video Game and Website of the last year Lost and Found Laika Inc/ Universal at www.baftakidsvote.org Sue Goffe, Philip Hunt Pre-School Live Action Studio AKA/Contender Entertainment/E1 Independent Production Company Bookaboo Feature Film Entertainment Group/Channel 4 Astley Baker Davies Lucy Goodman, Ian Emes Hannah Montana The Movie Happy Films/CiTV (U) Disney Break-through Talent Award Interactive Adam Shaw - Blue Zoo Big and Small Online Presenter Television The Development Team Richard Hammond – Richard Hammond’s Hannah Montana Channel Of The Year Plug-in Media// Blast Lab Disney Channel Nick Jr CBeebies online DCD/September Films/Hamster’s Wheel Productions/CBBC Video Game Drama International Wii Sports Resort Rhestr Nadolig Wil (Wil’s Christmas List) The Penguins of Madagascar Short Form (PEGI 7+) Nintendo The Production Team Bob Schooley, Mark McCorkle, Bret See Something, Say Something Boomerang/S4C Haaland Jane Laffey, Greg Villalobos, Martin Orton Website Dreamworks/Nickelodeon/Nickelodeon Bold Creative/Nickelodeon UK Club Penguin Entertainment UK Election Video Game Carolyn Payne, Tina Gortmans Learning - primary LittleBigPlanet Diverse Production/CBBC Off By Heart The Development Team Antonia Bird, Rebecca Simor Media Molecule/SCEE XDev Studio Factual Silver River with BBC Learning/BBC2 Europe Serious Ocean Marshall Corwin Learning – Secondary Writer CBBC/CBBC Troubled Minds Helen Blakeman Andy Glynne Dustbin Baby Mosaic Films/Teachers TV Kindle Entertainment Ltd/CBBC Review of the Year Orange British Academy Film Awards 21 February 2010 The Royal Opera House once again Nearly 400 members of the public played host to movie industry royalty packed the Linbury Studio next door to and film’s freshest talent. This year, we enjoy a live broadcast and hear from were proud to welcome HRH Prince winners as soon as they had stepped off William of Wales. In his first official duty as the main stage. the Academy’s President, he won the warmest of receptions. Our video packages of red carpet and backstage interviews, and ceremony In the audience were a record number highlights on our website received more of award nominees, many jetting in than 200,000 views in the 24 hours after from around the world for the occasion, the event, drawing thousands of visitors and a few forced by flight delays into to bafta.org for the first time and driving a dash from Heathrow. They witnessed traffic to other parts of the site. On high drama – The Hurt Locker collecting television, an average audience of 3.6 six awards including Best Film, Director million watched the main highlights show and Original , Vanessa on BBC One. Redgrave’s acceptance from Prince William of the Academy Fellowship – and As digital platforms become a fixture in all a procession of star presenters, including our lives, the Film Awards took a first step Robert Pattinson, Mickey Rourke, Kate towards harnessing the new technology. Winslet, Matt Dillon, Dustin Hoffman, Uma A pilot scheme gave voting members the Thurman, Guy Pearce and Colin Firth, all opportunity to download films nominated ably marshalled by . in the category of Film Not in the English Language. The lure of the occasion remained strong for sponsors and partners, despite Image – Supporting Actor winner Christoph Waltz with the economic gloom. It was the 13th Anna Kendrick, backstage at the Orange British Academy ) year as title sponsor for Orange, and Film Awards. (BAFTA /Greg Williams British Airways launched a three-year partnership with us. Loyal backing from sponsors such as Audi, Cineworld, CBS Outdoor, Daily Telegraph, HSPG, Lancôme, M.A.C Cosmetics and Champagne Taittinger helped to make 2010 one of our most successful ever Film Awards. Review of the Year Orange British Academy Film Awards Orange British Academy Film Awards Film Not In The English Language Production Design Winners— A Prophet Avatar Pascal Caucheteux, Marco Cherqui, Alix Rick Carter, Robert Stromberg, Kim Sinclair Academy Fellowship Raynaud, Jacques Audiard Costume Design Animated Film The Young Victoria Outstanding British Contribution To Up Sandy Powell Cinema Pete Docter Joe Dunton Sound Leading Actor The Hurt Locker Best Film Colin Firth Ray Beckett, Paul N. J. Ottosson The Hurt Locker A Single Man , Mark Boal, Nicolas Special Visual Effects Chartier, Greg Shapiro Leading Actress Avatar Carey Mulligan Joe Letteri, Stephen Rosenbaum, Richard Outstanding British Film An Education Baneham, Andrew R. Jones Fish Tank Kees Kasander, Nick Laws, Andrea Arnold Supporting Actor Make Up & Hair Christoph Waltz The Young Victoria Outstanding Debut By A British Writer, Inglourious Basterds Jenny Shircore Director Or Producer Duncan Jones, Director Supporting Actress Short Animation Moon Mo’nique Mother Of Many Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sally Arthur, Emma Lazenby Director Sapphire The Hurt Locker Short Film Kathryn Bigelow Music I Do Air Up James Bolton, Martina Amati Original Screenplay Michael Giacchino The Hurt Locker Orange Rising Star Award Mark Boal Cinematography Kristen Stewart The Hurt Locker Adapted Screenplay Barry Ackroyd Up in the Air Jason Reitman, Sheldon Turner Editing The Hurt Locker , Review of the Year GAME British Academy Video Games Awards 19 March 2010 Guests and nominees received the full For the GAME Award of 2009, the public star treatment on arrival at the Video voted Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 into Games Awards: red carpet, flashing lights the winning position. And a five-strong Inside View — The combination Kelly Smith, of great presenters, from a cordoned-off press zone, filmed team from Scotland, the Butterflyers, Head of Television & a good turnout of interviews with guests as they arrived… It collected the BAFTA Ones to Watch Video Games nominees and a all served to reinforce our message that Award in association with Dare To Be real enthusiasm in excellence in game production is right up Digital for their innovative platform the room saw these there on a par with film and television. game, SHRuNK! The award, in its third Awards really come of age this year. year, was created to encourage and Underlining that fact was the presence reward innovation from emerging games of , one of the gaming designers. industry’s bona fide legends. He was there to receive the Academy Fellowship Image – Gaming legend Shigeru Miyamoto accepts the in recognition of his work as Nintendo’s Academy Fellowship at the GAME British Academy Video creator-in-chief, with design credits Games Awards. (BAFTA / Brian Ritchie) that read like a who’s who of gaming, including Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, Nintendogs and Wii Music.

There to see the man they call ‘the father of modern video games’ was an audience packed with nominees. Around 10,000 people watched the evening unfold on a live webcast on bafta.org. Among the other stars of the evening were Evan Welles and Christophe Balestra, who picked up four BAFTAs for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Story, Action, Original Score and Use of Audio), and the development team behind Batman: Arkham Asylum that won the coveted Best Game mask. Review of the Year GAME British Academy Video Games Awards GAME British Academy Video Games Gameplay Story GAME Award of 2009 Awards Winners— Batman: Arkham Asylum Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Development Team Development Team (Infinity Ward/Activision) Fellowship Eidos/Rocksteady Studios Computer Entertainment/Naughty Shigeru Miyamoto Dog and SCE Foster City Studio Handheld Action LittleBigPlanet (PSP) Strategy Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Team Empire: Total War Development Team Sony Computer Entertainment/SCE Development Team (Sony Computer Entertainment/Naughty Cambridge Studio & XDEV Studio Europe Sega/Creative Assembly Dog and SCE Foster City Studio) Multiplayer Use of Audio Artistic Achievement Left 4 Dead 2 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Flower , Chet Faliszek, Tom Leonard Amy Hennig, Bruce Swanson, Greg Development Team Valve/EA Edmonson Sony Computer Entertainment/ Sony Computer Entertainment/Naughty ThatGameCompany and SCE Santa Original Score Dog and SCE Foster City Studio Monica Studio Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Greg Edmonson, Clint Bajakian, Jonathan Use of Online Best Game Mayer FIFA 10 Batman: Arkham Asylum Sony Computer Entertainment/Naughty Andrew Wilson, David Rutter, Gary Development Team Dog and SCE Foster City Studio Paterson Eidos/Rocksteady Studios Electronic Arts/ EA Canada Sports Family & Social FIFA 10 BAFTA Ones To Watch Award in Wii Sports Resort Andrew Wilson, David Rutter, Gary association with Dare to Be Digital Katsuya Eguchi, Takayuki Shimamura, Paterson Shrunk! Yoshikazu Yamashita Electronic Arts/EA Canada Vykintas Kazdailis, Andrew Macdonald, Nintendo/Nintendo Michael Cummings, Jacek Wernikowski, Stuart Kemp (The Butterflyers) Review of the Year British Academy Television Craft Awards 23 May 2010 Our invitation to members in September Mo, Channel 4’s biopic of the late Mo to put their names forward for inclusion Mowlam, was one of the big winners on juries for the Television Craft (and of the evening, picking up the awards Children’s) Awards met with a fantastic for Director: Fiction, Editing: Fiction and response, and the combination of fresh Make-Up & Hair Design. The other multi- points of view on the judging panels and award winner was Red Riding, the series the availability of online viewing of entries of adaptations of David Peace’s novel at the voting stage gave an exciting trilogy, which won in Costume Design edge to the nominations of behind-the- (for the instalment set in 1974) and scenes talent. Photography & Lighting: Fiction (for the 1983 episode). There was no shortage of fresh points of view at the London Hilton, either. Four The Entertainment Production Team teenage creatives were nominated award, created this year to recognise for the inaugural BBC Blast and BAFTA the skill and innovation that goes into Screen-Skills Award, having been producing television’s most popular selected by a BAFTA jury from a group of shows, went to The X Factor, whose polish, eight bursary winners in four categories: glamour and own indefinable ingredient Harriet Beaney (scriptwriter), Jack Crocker saw off competition from The Apprentice, (editor), Joe Reed (composer) and Sam Top Gear and Britain’s Got Talent. Shetabi (director of photography). It was DOP Sam who finally won out, for Image – The Special Award was presented to the cast Cubicle, an energetic, edgy music video and team behind Britain’s longest running soap opera, shot around London at night. Coronation Street. (BAFTA / Richard Kendal)

From first-timers to past masters of the small screen: Coronation Street’s production team was honoured with this year’s Special Award, in recognition of 50 years of outstanding creative teamwork and nurturing of talent. Michael Apted, Paul Abbott, Jack Rosenthal, Paula Milne, John Finch and Peter Eckersley are just some of the greats who have emerged from the Corrie ranks over the years. Review of the Year British Academy Television Craft Awards British Academy Television Craft Awards Editing Fiction Production Design BBC Blast & BAFTA Screen-Skills Award Winners— Kristina Hetherington Claire Kenny Sam Shetabi (19, London) Mo Gracie! Director Of Photography Special Award BBC Four/BBC Productions Coronation Street Production Team Entertainment Production Team sponsored by HotCam Sound Factual Break-through Talent sponsored by The X Factor George Foulgham, Lisa Marie McStay Farm ITV1/talkbackTHAMES Trawlermen Jessie Versluys (director) BBC One/BBC Productions, Birmingham The Hospital/Katie: My Beautiful Face Interactive Creative Contribution Channel 4/North One Productions/ Production Team Sound Fiction Mentorn Media Embarrassing Bodies/Embarrassing Bodies Paul Hamblin, André Schmidt, Catherine Live Hodgson, Bosse Persson Costume Design sponsored by Swarovski Channel 4/Maverick TV Wallander Natalie Ward BBC One/A Left Bank Pictures/Yellowbird/ Red Riding 1974 Make Up & Hair Design sponsored by TKBC Production with ARD Degeto/WGBH Channel 4/Revolution Films MAC Boston/TV4/Film i Skane Chrissie Baker Director Factual sponsored by Mo Titles ProductionBase Channel 4/ITV Studios Marc Craste, Damon Collins, Tim Patrick Forbes McNaughton, Freddy Mandy The Force Original Television Music BBC Winter Olympics Channel 4/An Film & Television Martin Phipps BBC/Studio AKA Production Small Island BBC One/Ruby Films & Television/AL Films Visual Effects Director Fiction sponsored by Tom Turnbull, Joel Collins, Rene Morel ProductionBase Photography Factual The Day Of The Triffids Philip Martin Camera Team BBC One/Power Mo Yellowstone (Winter) Channel 4/ITV Studios BBC Two/BBC Productions, Bristol Writer Guy Hibbert Editing Factual Photography & Lighting Fiction Five Minutes Of Heaven Gregor Lyon David Higgs BBC Two/Big Fish Films/Ruby Films The Secret Life Of The Berlin Wall Red Riding 1983 BBC Two/Diverse Productions Channel 4/Revolution Films Review of the Year BAFTA Cymru Awards 23 May 2010 While the Craft Awards were being bestowed in London, was enjoying its own night of the stars at the Inside View — The 19th annual Lisa Nesbitt, Awards Ceremony Wales Millennium Centre, with BAFTA BAFTA Cymru Director shaped up to Cymru’s 19th Annual Awards for Film, become our biggest Television and Interactive Media. and best yet - honouring the very Co-hosts Cerys Matthews and Aled Jones best Welsh talent. led the celebration of Welsh talent for the audience of guests, professionals and, for the third year, members of the public. One of the highlights was the presentation of the Siân Phillips Award to Rob Brydon: “I’ve not won an award in Wales since 1984 – Comprehensive Drama Student of The Year – so I’m both delighted and relieved this fallow spell has come to an end.”

The BAFTA Cymru Lifetime Achievement Award honoured Dr Geraint Stanley Jones CBE, Chairman of Sgrîn Cymru, the Welsh media agency. Among the category winners were Torchwood (Best Drama Series for Television), One Family In Wales (Best News & Current Affairs), A Bit Of Tom Jones (Best Film/Drama) and Ryan A Ronnie, winner of four categories; best actor, best director of a film/drama, screenwriter and photography direction.

Image – Rob Brydon, recipient of the Siân Phillips Award. (BAFTA Cymru / Huw John) Review of the Year BAFTA Cymru Awards BAFTA Cymru Awards Winners— Best Children’s Program Best Lighting Director - Not Camera Best Director Grandpa In My Pocket - Miss Smiley’s Cyngerdd Dathlu Karl Jenkins Carwyn Best Film/Drama Summer Show Martyn Rourke Dylan Richards A Bit Of Tom Jones? Mellie Buse / Jan Page Andrew “Shinko” Jenkins / Peter Watkins- Best Design Best Actor Hughes Best Youth Programme - The Waters Of Mars Ryan A Ronnie Zig Zag Love Edward Thomas Aled Pugh Best Drama Series / Serial For Television Jane Dauncey Torchwood - Children Of The Earth Day Best Titles Best Actress One Best Short Film Y Daith Cwcw Peter Bennett The List Roughcollie Eiry Thomas Rungano Nyoni Best News & Current Affairs Best Costume Best On-Screen Presenter One Family In Wales Best Interactive Ar Y Tracs The Prince And The Plotter Jayne Morgan / Karen Voisey The Sarah Jane Adventures Ffion Elinor Huw Edwards Richard Jenkins / Anwen Aspden Best Factual Programme Best Make-Up Frontline Afghanistan Best Director Of Photography: Drama Doctor Who Gareth Jones Ryan A Ronnie The End Of Time Part One Peter Thornton Barbara Southcott Best Documentary / Drama Documentary Carwyn Best Camera: Not Drama Best Coverage Of A Live Event Dylan Richards / John Geraint Top Dogs: Adventures In War, Sea & Ice Scrum V Live Polar Huw Tal Best Light Entertainment Wayne Derrick Dudley - Pryd O Ser Best Screenwriter Dudley Newbery / Garmon EMyr Best Sound Ryan A Ronnie Ar Y Tracs - Gareth Meirion Thomas / Meic Povey Best Music Programme Simon H Jones Bryn Terfel’s Snowdonia: Closer To Home - Best Original Music Soundtrack Iwan Russell Best Editor Cwcw Jones / Rhian Williams Torchwood John E. R. Hardy Children Of The Earth Day One - Will Oswald Best Director: Film/Drama Ryan A Ronnie Rhys Powys Review of the Year Philips British Academy Television Awards 6 June 2010 Perhaps, with the World Cup just days and Rebecca Front won the newly- away, the viewing public could identify a created Male and Female Performance little closer with the mixture of anticipation in a Comedy awards. and trepidation with which nominees approached this year’s Television After five previous nominations in the Awards. Assigning the ceremony to its Entertainment Performance category new calendar slot of early June allowed and no wins, Ant and Dec finally more breathing space within the Awards triumphed, and later presented the season, easing congestion with voting Special Award to their Britain’s Got and event organisation, and added a Talent boss, Simon Cowell, in recognition more summery air to proceedings on the of his outstanding contribution to the red carpet outside the London Palladium. entertainment industry and support of new talent. Arts champion and veteran As the Television Awards confirm year broadcaster was awarded after year, the UK is a world-beater in the the Academy Fellowship, closing the talent it brings to the small screen, from ceremony with an impassioned speech classically-trained actors to Saturday about the importance of supporting night TV frontmen to the best producers the arts. in the business. There were more entries than ever for this year’s Awards – a Among the other award-winners were remarkable fact in itself, given the state of The Armstrong and Miller Show (Comedy the economy – and three new categories Programme), Mad Men (International) recognising individual performers. and The Inbetweeners, which won the YouTube Audience Award after won her sixth competitive thousands of TV fans cast their vote BAFTA for her lead performance in Mo, through our YouTube channel. making her the second most rewarded actress in BAFTA’s history, after Judi Image – Ant and Dec wait for the Awards to begin in the Dench. picked up the auditorium at the London Palladium. (BAFTA / Charlie Inside View — BAFTA is a very good Leading Actor award, his first for acting, Gray) Melvyn Bragg, organisation. Just to for Wallander, while Matthew McFadyen Academy Fellow in know it’s there is a 2010 great thing. It’s what (Criminal Justice) and Rebecca Hall (Red our industry needs: a Riding 1974) won the new Supporting place of assembly, of Actor and Supporting Actress awards. The celebration, where one multiple award-winner was The Thick work can be shown. Of It, which topped the Situation Comedy category and whose stars Peter Capaldi Review of the Year Philips British Academy Television Awards Philips British Academy Television Awards Male Performance in a Comedy Role Specialist Factual Entertainment Programme Winners— Peter Capaldi Inside Nature’s Giants Britain’s Got Talent (BBC Two) David Dugan, Julian Thomas, Alex Tate, Production Team (ITV1/Syco/Talkback Fellowship Yvonne Bainton (Channel 4/Windfall Thames) Melvyn Bragg Single Drama Films) The Unloved Comedy Programme Special Award Samantha Morton, Tony Grisoni, Kate Single Documentary The Armstrong and Miller Show Simon Cowell Ogborn, Andrew Eaton (Channel 4/ Wounded Alexander Armstrong, , Caroline Revolution Films) Sara Hardy, Jane Aldous, Gwyn Norris, Dominic Brigstocke (BBC One/Toff Leading Actor Jones, Roger Courtiour (BBC One/BBC Media) Kenneth Branagh Drama Series Productions) Wallander Misfits Situation Comedy (BBC One) Production Team (E4/Clerkenwell Films) Features The Thick of It Masterchef: The Professionals Armando Iannucci, Adam Tandy (BBC Leading Actress Drama Serial Karen Ross, Carla-Maria Lawson, Antonia Two/BBC Productions) Julie Walters Occupation Lloyd, David Ambler (BBC Two/Shine Mo (Channel 4) , , Nick Murphy, Television) YouTube Audience Award Laurie Borg (BBC One/Kudos Film & TV) The Inbetweeners Supporting Actor Current Affairs (E4/Bwark Productions) Matthew MacFadyen Continuing Drama Terror in Mumbai (Dispatches) Criminal Justice (BBC One) EastEnders Dan Reed, Eamonn Matthews (Channel Production Team (BBC One/BBC 4/Quicksilver Media) Supporting Actress Productions) Rebecca Hall News Coverage Red Riding 1974 International ITV News at Ten – Haiti (Channel 4) Mad Men Mark Austin, Bill Neely, Dave Harman, Matthew Weiner, Scott Hornbacher (BC John Irvine (ITV1/ITN) Entertainment Performance Four/Lionsgate) Anthony McPartlin & Declan Donnelly Sport I’m A Celebrity….Get Me Out Of Here! Factual Series World Athletics Championships (ITV1) One Born Every Minute Production Team (BBC Two/BBC Sport) Production Team (Channel 4/ Dragonfly Female Performance in a Comedy Role Productions) New Media Rebecca Front Virtual Revolution The Thick Of It (BBC Two) Dan Gluckman, Julian Philips, Dominic Crossley-Holland, Dan Biddle (BBC Two/ BBC Productions) Review of the Year Archive

From paper to pixels The BAFTA Archive is an extraordinary We have also curated seven new resource, holding photography and exhibitions at 195 Piccadilly including audio dating back to the Academy’s the stunning portraiture taken by Ellis earliest days, video of Awards ceremonies Parrinder at our Film Awards in 2009, and from the 1960s onwards, plus publications taken forward our dialogue with national and committee records that offer exhibition partners who we hope will help fascinating insights into BAFTA’s growth BAFTA’s exhibitions and archive to reach and development. a wide public audience in future. We have also rekindled our Heritage Interview A visit to www.bafta.org/archive/ offers programme through which we capture a tantalising glimpse of what’s in our the memories of important Academy store. Our ambition is to digitally duplicate and industry craftsmen and women for everything we have so that much more the benefit of future generations. can be enjoyed by members and the public. Image – on the stage at 195 Piccadilly for the presentation of the 1982 Craft Awards on March 14 1983. (BAFTA Archive) Supported in 2009 by the David Lean BAFTA Foundation, we have now digitised 40% of our photographic and video archive and almost 60% of our audio material. Alongside the digitisation programme, we also bid for and won grants for two projects from the Technology Strategy Board. Both projects are feasibility studies addressing issues that face content owners like BAFTA in the UK’s push for growth in the communications industries, known as Digital Britain. Inside View — By collecting and Karena Smith, preserving BAFTA BAFTA Archive history and digitising Manager our Archive holdings, BAFTA actively protects and shares the heritage of British Film, Television and Video Games.

Review of the Year Fundraising & Corporate Development Alternative sources The renewal of our charitable mission Given the economic climate, our create one of the best audio visual Needless to say, each one of our 60 plus following the major strategic review of sponsors and partners have shown great experiences at the Princess Anne Theatre. partners is as important as the next and 2005-06 and our commitment to learning loyalty and commitment to continue their Philips are now in the their second year we hope that with time and the evolution and events mean we now have a association with the BAFTA brand. We are of supporting the TV Awards and our style of our current and future projects, our platform to seek new sources of funding. lucky to have so many respected and partners; Lancôme, Charles Worthington, portfolio will continue to grow. In the last 12 months, we have been illustrious brands on board. Escada, M.A.C, Aquascutum and the developing our fundraising capacity, British Fashion Council amongst others, Image – A make up artist from M.A.C, one of our category sponsors at the British Academy Televsion in order to attract new donors and Our long-standing loyal partners such as truly make our red carpets some of the Craft Awards, backstage with TV presenter Angelica Bell. supporters alongside our commercial Orange, Audi, Taittinger and HSPG are most glamorous stretches of runway in (BAFTA / Richard Kendal) partners and sponsors. continually complemented by our new the world. additions, including many of our strategic BAFTA now embodies a cause – the partners such as iTunes, YouTube, development of opportunities in our Brightcove and TCM. This incredible industries for new creative talent – that is balance of partners not only provides attractive to charitable donors such as financial stability but also enables us foundations, trusts and philanthropists. to touch audiences way beyond our We want to make a real difference to the natural reach. New partner British Airways lives of people who might not otherwise for example, provide a crucial allowance get the chance to learn, develop their of flights throughout the year, but also talent and launch a career. And there broadcast their association with us on- are others who want to make that board their flights. difference, too. Evian, Vedett & Villa Maria have also In 2009, we developed a fundraising joined us during the past year, each strategy that will open up these new providing us with vital stock to ensure streams of support for specific, discreet there’s never a dry mouth in the house projects. This year, we took the first step at any of our key events. In February in that plan and appointed our first 2010, Hotel Chocolat worked with Asprey Head of Fundraising. And we saw the providing the most exquisite chocolate strategy quickly bear fruit in the form of a shop for our Film Awards nominees at the grant from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation Official Nominees Party, whilst Taittinger to support the BAFTA and Media Trust and Grey Goose Vodka provided Mentoring Scheme, and two grants delicious cocktails. from the Technology Strategy Board for Archive projects. We will continue to step From hotels, to cars, to paper and up our fundraising activities with trusts and champagne, the list of technical partners foundations in the next 12 months. is lengthy. Barco and Dolby together Review of the Year Thanks

With thanks to the following partners for their generous support throughout the year:

Sponsors and Donors Mark Hill Corporate Partners BAFTA Scotland Alfred Dunhill Orange Autodesk BBC Scotland All Saints Panavision Royal Bank of Scotland Cardonald College Aquascutum Pelham Hotel Famous Grouse American Airlines Production Base Academy Supporters GF Smith Asprey Philips British Sky Broadcasting Ltd. Highland Spring Audi Soho House Buena Vista Heineken Barco Swarovski Carlton Screen Advertising Inverarity Vaults British Airways TCM Channel Four Make CBS Outdoor Cineworld Material Charles Worthington The Dorchester Entertainment Film Distributors Metro Ecosse Champagne Taittinger The Farm Icon Film Distribution Scottish Enterprise Chivas Regal Metrodome Scottish Screen Cobra Vedett Paramount Skillset CTV Villa Maria Pathé Entertainment stv.tv Deloitte You Tube Sony Pictures The Herald Dolby Sargent Disc Twentieth Century Fox The Townhouse Group Electronic Arts Universal Pictures Escada Gift Partners Warner Bros BAFTA Cymru Evian and Badoit Bed of Nails Barcud Derwen Ltd. GAME Brissi BBC Cymru Wales Grey Goose Browns ITV Wales Highland Spring CocoRose S4C Hotcam knomo Hotel Chocolat Nature & Kind Hot Diamonds Sandstorm Kenya Howard Smith Paper Group Skull Candy QVC Six Senses Lancôme Thomas Lyte M.A.C Cosmetics Timothy Han Review of the Year BAFTA Staff 1

Officers of the Academy: HRH Prince William of Wales Committees: Elected Members of the Video Academy President Games Committee David Parfitt Elected Members of the Film Chairman — Ray Maguire Chairman of the Academy Michael Grade CBE Committee Harvey Elliott Academy Vice President Finola Dwyer — Chairman Ian Livingstone Tim Corrie Nik Powell — Deputy Chairman Sanjay Mistry Deputy Chairman of the Academy Duncan Kenworthy OBE Angela Allen MBE Andy Nuttall Academy Vice President David Arnold Ted Childs OBE Jeremy Brock Council of Management Lisa Bryer The Council comprises all the elected Finola Dwyer Amanda Berry OBE Dominique Green members of the sector committees in Chairman, Film Committee Chief Executive Pippa Harris addition to: Dawn Airey, Ewan Angus, Justin Johnson Lord Attenborough, Michael Attwell, Michael Harris Kevin Price Kate Lee Hilary Bevan Jones, Ted Childs, Larry Chief Operating Officer Chrisfield, Tim Corrie, Andrew Curtis, Medwyn Jones Elected Members of the , Mike Downey, Stephen Television Committee Garrett, Michael Grade, Michael Harris, Ray Maguire Michael Harris John Willis — Chairman Gillian Hawser, Stephen Heppell, Paul Chairman, Video Games Committee Chairman, Finance and Audit Committee Andrew Newman — Deputy Chairman Islwyn Thomas, Linda James, Duncan Roy Ackerman Kenworthy OBE, Kevin Lygo, Eddie Krishnendu Majumdar Medwyn Jones Foz Allan Mirzoeff CVO CBE, Dianne Nelmes, Estelle Chairman, Learning and Events Chairman, Commercial Committee Kenton Allen Overs, David Parfitt, Alvin Rakoff, Simon Committee Lynn Horsford Relph CBE, Tim Richards, Peter Rudge, Sir CBE and Dewi Andrew Newman Krishnendu Majumdar Vaughan Owen. Deputy Chairman, Television Committee Anne Morrison Julian Scott Nik Powell Deputy Chairman, Film Committee

Sophie Turner Laing

John Willis Chairman, Television Committee Review of the Year BAFTA Staff 2

Academy Staff 2009/10 Andrew Overin 195 Piccadilly Staff Yemi Adenle Kevin Price Madani Begacimi Niyi Akeju Lisa Prime Jenny Bones Stuart Allison Helen Raddon Driss Djillali David Alpin Gina Richmond Rick Gustaffson Helen Anderson Christine Robertson Sophie Klein Sue Atkinson Louise Robertson Monica Kuszneruk Giles Barnett Sunita Shroff Kamel Lakari Amanda Berry Kelly Smith Sean Lawson Jim Bradshaw Eileen Soutter Joe Levin Clare Brown Andy Stephens Kate Levin Terry Buegg Adam Tuck Graham Lloyd-Bennett Robert Cawston Tricia Tuttle Anton Manganaro Alex Cook Deena Wallace Katie Nelson Dan Cook Helen Wadsworth Siôn Parry Matt Cook Nick Williams Bogdan Starzec Agnes Dabrowska Jan Starzec Doreen Dean MBE Masik Wasik Samantha Ferguson Sheron Ferguson Anne Freeman Chloe Graham Dave Green Faye Hannah Tim Hunter Pippa Irvine Lesley Jones Mariayah Kaderbhai Lisa Kay Jenny Keys Helen Kirwan Amanda Linton Brooks Livermore Angus Martin Natalie Moss Hope Mutongwizo Lisa Nesbitt Rob Nossiter Review of the Year The BAFTA Group

British Academy of Film and Television The UK Nations and Regions Company Details Review of the Year team Arts BAFTA Cymru and BAFTA Scotland are BAFTA is a charity whose vision is to BAFTA’s non-autonomous UK branches. Registered Office and Principal Address Copywriter support, develop and promote the In , BAFTA is developing a British Academy of Film and Television Arts Michael Evamy art forms of the moving image by collaboration with all eight Regional 195 Piccadilly identifying and rewarding excellence, Screen Agencies outside London London Copy Editor inspiring practitioners and benefiting which will take its screening and events W1J 9LN Christine Robertson the public. Its principal activities are the programme to every corner of England. Tel: 020 7734 0022 staging of UK and International Awards The Nations and Regions allow BAFTA to Fax: 020 7292 5868 Project Manager ceremonies and an ever expanding operate on a truly national basis whilst www.bafta.org Pippa Irvine Learning and Events programme. BAFTA providing a focal point for promoting has approximately 6,500 members regional issues for a regional membership. Company Secretary Design worldwide. Kevin Price Magpie Studio The US Branches BAFTA Management Limited BAFTA LA and BAFTA East Coast are Bankers BML is BAFTA’s trading company whose BAFTA’s autonomous overseas affiliates National Westminster Bank plc purpose is to exploit the commercial that cater for British and non-British 1 Princes Street opportunities arising from the charity’s members who have made significant London brand and status. Its main activities are contributions to the British film or television EC2R 8PA individual and corporate membership industries. services, hire and running of 195 Piccadilly, Solicitors publishing and management of Berwin Leighton Paisner corporate relations. Adelaide House London Bridge London EC4R 9HA

Farrer & Co 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3LH Auditors Horwath Clark Whitehill LLP St Bride’s House 10 Salisbury Square London EC4Y 8EH