Upcoming Schedule

Date OLPH Boniface April 17 / 18 8:30 am ~ Confession 5:00 pm ~ Third Sunday of Easter 9:00 am ~ Mass Tuesday 5:30pm ~ Mass Thursday 5:30pm ~ Mass April 24 / 25 8:30 am ~ Confession Fourth Sunday of 5:00 pm ~ Mass 9:00 am ~ Mass Easter


Mass 9:00 am Mass 5:00 pm Date April 18 April 25 April 17 April 24 Mandy Joe Lynn Jerry Lector Hall McNaughton Begluitti Nowak

Mass Intentions OLPH St. Boniface April 17 / 18 Poor Souls in Poor Souls in Purgatory Purgatory April 24 / 25 Dave Bunce Libby Balenovich

Our Gifts OLPH St. Boniface April 10 / 11 $235.00 $190.00

Next weekend there will be a second Collection for Home Missions. Please give generously. May Crowning will be on May 2, 2021 at OLPH


Happy Birthday Chaz Bowling April 21 Linda Vore April 22

Third Sunday of Easter Reading I Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 Peter said to the people: “The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant , whom you handed over and denied in Pilate’s presence when he had decided to release him. You denied the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you. The author of life you put to death, but God raised him from the dead; of this we are witnesses. Now I know, brothers, that you acted out of ignorance, just as your leaders did; but God has thus brought to fulfillment what he had announced beforehand through the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer. Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away.”


Responsorial Psalm 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9 Lord, let your face shine on us.

When I call, answer me, O my just God, you who relieve me when I am in distress; have pity on me, and hear my prayer!

Lord, let your face shine on us.

Know that the LORD does wonders for his faithful one; the LORD will hear me when I call upon him.

Lord, let your face shine on us.

O LORD, let the light of your countenance shine upon us! You put gladness into my heart.

Lord, let your face shine on us.

As soon as I lie down, I fall peacefully asleep, for you alone, O LORD, bring security to my dwelling.

Lord, let your face shine on us.

Reading II 1 Jn 2:1-5a My children, I am writing this to you so that you may not commit sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, 3

Jesus Christ the righteous one. He is expiation for our sins, and not for our sins only but for those of the whole world. The way we may be sure that we know him is to keep his commandments. Those who say, “I know him,” but do not keep his commandments are liars, and the truth is not in them. But whoever keeps his word, the love of God is truly perfected in him. Alleluia Cf. Lk 24:32 Alleluia, alleluia.

Lord Jesus, open the Scriptures to us; make our hearts burn while you speak to us.

Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel Lk 24:35-48 The two disciples recounted what had taken place on the way, and how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread. While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” But they were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost. Then he said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones 4

as you can see I have.” And as he said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. While they were still incredulous for joy and were amazed, he asked them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of baked fish; he took it and ate it in front of them. He said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. And he said to them, “Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.”

Gospel Reflection

Jesus in today’s Gospel teaches His apostles how to interpret the Scriptures. He tells them that all the Scriptures of what we now call the Old Testament refer to Him. He says that all the promises found in the Old Testament have been fulfilled in His Passion, death, and Resurrection. And He tells them that these Scriptures foretell the mission of the Church—to preach forgiveness of sins to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem. In today’s First Reading and Epistle, we see the beginnings of that mission. And we see the apostles interpreting the Scriptures as Jesus taught them to.


God has brought to fulfillment what He announced beforehand in all the prophets, Peter preaches. His is shot through with Old Testament images. He evokes Moses and the Exodus, in which God revealed himself as the ancestral God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He identifies Jesus as Isaiah’s suffering servant who has been glorified. John, too, describes Jesus in Old Testament terms. Alluding to how Israel’s priests offered blood sacrifices to atone for the people’s sins, he says that Jesus intercedes for us before God, and that His blood is a sacrificial expiation for the sins of the world. Notice that in all three readings, the Scriptures are interpreted to serve and advance the Church’s mission—to reveal the truth about Jesus, to bring people to repentance, the wiping away of sins, and the perfection of their love for God. This is how we, too, should hear the Scriptures. Not to know more “about” Jesus, but to truly know Him personally, and to know His plan for our lives. In the Scriptures, the light of His face shines upon us, as we sing in today’s Psalm. We know the wonders He has done throughout history. And we have the confidence to call to Him, and to know that He hears and answers.

PRAYER REQUESTS Pray to end Abortion, Russell Brooks, Cassie & Clifton Centers, Maere Tekanene, Bill Moses, Jerry Roberts, Donna Blevins, Norma Wilson, Dennis Parks & Family, Erica Davis, Chris & Amanda Decker, Marian Colette, Debbie Moses Haggins, Rose Grant, Sandy Hurts, Dominic Cureton, Todd Morris, Alex Woods, Christopher Braden, Bonnie (Warfield) Bishop, Sister Alice, Curt and LeeAnn Hall, Jay Baird, Gary Hackler, Gail Willis, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bisceglia, loved ones who are ill, Brody Beavers and family, Shawn Lee Day, all those of our families who are affected by Covid-19, Jessica Davis, and the Donner family.


EASTER FLOWER DONATIONS Donated by: In Memory Of In Honor Of Randy & Verna Mary Kline Kline Charles Thaler Ken & Barbara Charlotte Fichter Reed Andrew Laschon Rose Lewis Jim York All those with cancer and dementia Hazel York Parents of Barbara Miller Reed Parents of Ken Reed Marian Collette Individuals who choose to remain anonymous

UPCOMING AND FEASTS Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church April 21 Saint George, ; Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr April 23 Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr April 24 7

Franciscan Capuchin martyr. He was born Mark Rey is Sigmaringen, , in 1577. A practicing lawyer, he traveled across Europe as a tutor to aristocrats but then started defending the poor. In 1612, he became a Franciscan Capuchin monk, taking the name of Fidelis. A missionary to , , Fidelis was so successful that local Protestants claimed that he was a spy for the Austrian Emperor. Fidelis was stabbed to death in a church id Seewis. He was canonized by Pope Benedict XIV. Fidelis served also as the head of the Congregation for the Spreading of the Faith.

Fidelis of Sigmaringen, O.F.M. Cap. (1577 - 1622) was a Capuchin who was involved in the catholic Counter-Reformation, and was martyred by his opponents at Seewis im Prättigau, now part of Switzerland. Fidelis was canonized in 1746.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help & Saint Boniface 76 W. Sycamore Street, P. O. Box 330 Williamsburg, KY 40769 (606) 549-2156 / [email protected]